St Boniface Parish

St. Boniface, St. Joseph, & St. John the Baptist Parishes
November 11, 2012
We are all one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. We are Christ’s body,
His hands and feet. We will speak His word of life to everyone we meet.
Pastor: Fr. David Fulton, PO Box 170, Fordyce-NE 402-357-3506
Emali: website:
Marcus Potts (F)
Brian Heine (F)
Clarence Jansen (M)
Rod Wiebelhaus (F)
Phones: St. John Rectory 357-3506
St. John Hall
East Catholic
St. John Fax
West Cath.
St. Joseph Hall
St. Boniface Prayer Line: Betty Peitz 402-357-3577
St. John Prayer Line:
Amy Dickes 357-3301 or
Donna Potts 357-3728
Marriage Arrangements: at least 6 months in advance
Mass Intentions:
They all gave out of their
wealth; but she, out of her
poverty, put in everything—all
she had to live on.
Mark “Mass Intention” and put in Sunday collection or
mail to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE
68736. Indicate who, desired date and parish.
St. Joseph:
7:00 – 7:25 p.m. (before Mass)
St. John:
Sunday 10:10-10:25 & Frist Fridays
7:15–7:30 am and by app’t.
St. Boniface: Sunday 8:00-8:25 am and
Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:00 pm
during schoolyear.
St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 5:30 –6:30 pm; Thurs 6:50 –
7:50 am
First Friday Adoration: after 8:00 am Mass till 7pm at St. John the Baptist
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion:
Tues 6:45 am-7:45 am at St. John
Secretary Hours: School Year: M-F: 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.
The Parish Office will now be located in the school. Please feel free to stop
by the school anytime for parish business.
Sunday Giving
St. Joseph Nov 4):
Envelopes - $1195; Plate - $106.75; Holy Day-$15.10;
Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $20
St. John (Nov 4):
Envelopes - $1575; Plate - $112; Riverboat Days - $50;
Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $0; Loan @
CSB – $2600
St. Boniface (Nov 4): Envelopes - $1531; Plate - $88; Dollar Collection - $60; Children
- $3; Holy Day - $207; Endowment Contributions this fiscal
year-to-date - $20; Loan @ CSB – $7,270; Roof Fund to
date - $5,315.
Scripture Readings
Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
St. John the Baptist
First Friday Adoration: 8:30 am – 7:00 pm followed by
and Closing
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays 6:45 am-7:45 am
St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
6:50 am – 7:50 am
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
by Fr. John Speekman
Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 12:28-34
The scribe in today's Gospel is quite straightforward and sincere in his question to Jesus. He does not seem
to be out to deceive the Lord or to trap him into an error. And so he asks: Which is the first of all the
Perhaps touched be the scribe's sincerity Jesus answers in an equally forthright manner, quoting
Deuteronomy: This is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one Lord, and you must love the Lord
your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
This is the first. Jesus is not giving any options here. This is not the first commandment under certain
circumstances; this is not the first commandment unless you think you might prefer to substitute another;
this is not the first commandment for some but not for others. This is why Jesus says: Listen, Israel.... In
other words, listen all of you - priest and layman, teacher and pupil, rich and poor, married and singleevery single one of you.
The Lord our God is the one Lord.... There is only one God and one God alone.
With these words Jesus captures our attention and has us all looking in the same direction; all faces turned
to the one Lord, the one God, our one and only heavenly Father. And Jesus' face, too, is turned to him,
indeed, it never ever looks away. Jesus' eyes are always on the Father.
Quite spontaneously, quite naturally, even before Jesus says anything more (if our eyes are truly on the
Father), we find the first movements of love already being drawn from our hearts. We find ourselves making
a deep sigh, taking a deep breath, as we gaze with our wounded, longing hearts at the one who created us;
the one who breathed life into our souls, the one who loves us with all his divine being.
You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your
We are not accustomed to being commanded to love. We tend to think of love as a kind of volatile sentiment
over which we have little or no control. It can overflow like lava from a volcano or evaporate like the
morning dew. But we are wrong. Sentiment is not the heart of love.
Love is essentially a decision, a free and noble exercise of the will, and for this reason the Evangelist John is
able to equate it definitively with keeping God's commandments. He who has My commandments and keeps
them is the one who loves Me. (Jn 14:21)
An added dimension of all this, whose wisdom and power I have come to appreciate more and more over
the years, is that the love of God we show as Catholic Christians must necessarily be expressed in the
Church through faithfulness to Sunday liturgy and the other sacraments.
We have a terrible tendency today to reduce love of God to the second great commandment: love of
neighbor. 'Oh, Father, I don't go to Church, I just help out in St Vincent de Paul or the Rotary Club. So long
as we are good to one another I think God will be happy with us.' Like all heresies, this tendency takes a
portion of the truth and inflates it into the whole truth.
There is no greater act of love of God than to celebrate the Eucharist, and to celebrate it faithfully, every
Sunday, indeed, it is a solemn obligation. And yet, it is nothing short of a glorious tribute to God's humility
and love for us that he wishes that even the Eucharist should occasionally yield to the needs of a sick child
or husband.
To hold the two commandments separately AND together is extremely difficult. Jesus states them separately
but cannot mention the first without at once affirming the second. As one commentator said, 'They are two
horses pulling the one carriage.'
The real problem, I suspect, with love of God and neighbor is the one which Adam and Eve's transgression
brought into the world - a divided heart.
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength
seems more a statement of ideal than a reachable goal. And yet the saints prove otherwise. It can be done
with two ingredients working together - our desire and God's grace.
Knights of Columbus
Candlelight Christmas
Soup Supper
Fri. Nov. 16th
Serving from 4:30 - ???
Chili - Chicken Soup - Hot Dogs - Fresh Baked Cookies
Watch the parade on our Big Screen TV
broadcast live in our Hall
Holy Family Play and Dinner Theater, "THE REDNECKS BITE BACK."
Location: Bow Valley Hall. Dates: play only performances Saturday, November 17, 7:00 pm, and
matinee Sunday,November 18, 2:00 pm. Dinner Theatre (meal and play) Sunday evening, November
18, social hour 5:30 pm, dinner 6:00, play 7:00. Tickets must be purchased in advance for the Sunday
evening performance and will be available until Nov. 11 at the following locations: Bank of Hartington,
Sudbeck Service, St Helena Store, Cedar Security Bank in Wynot.
November 18, Sunday – St. Benedict Parish Soup Kitchen – 1500 St. Benedict Drive, Yankton, SD.
Serving from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Menu: chicken noodle, vegetable beef, potato dumpling and chili
soups, taverns, hot dogs, pies and desserts. Bake sale featuring: breads, kolaches, jam and jellies,
cookies, pastries, pies, cakes and more!
November 30-December 2, 2012 - BEGINNING EXPERIENCE Weekend for widowed, divorced &
separated is designed to allow people to work through the emotions of losing a spouse. Through this
weekend many are healed, transformed, and freed to love themselves, others & God. The next weekend
is planned for Nov. 30-Dec 2, 2012 at Broomtree Retreat Center, Irene, SD. For more info or an
application, please call: Sue 605-941-5867 or Lois 605-332-1138
December 1, Saturday – Women’s Mini-Retreat: “Lord, Teach Me How to Pray!” with Fr. Dan
Andrews and Fr. Jeff Lorig, Sacred Heart Parish Center, 2301 W. Madison Avenue, Norfolk, NE. No
Cost, RSVP to the Parish Office before November 29th! 402-371-2621
7:00 a.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
8:00 a.m. – Mass in the Blessed Chiara Oratory
8:30 a.m. – Coffee, rolls, and fruit
9:00 a.m. – Noon: teachings and practice on prayer
St. Boniface Parish Council and Fun Night Committee would like to thank everyone for the
support given to our Parish Fun Night Event. Thank you to those who purchased tickets and
attended the event; and to those who so generously donated for the auctions & raffles. We have
had another very successful year thanks to all of you.
Parish Council & Fun Night Committee
A reminder to St. John’s Ladies Guild : Division 2: please bring your pies for the
Co-op Supper to the parish center by 4:00 p.m. THANKS!
Division 1: Salads Division 3: Serve
A BIG Thank You to everyone who helped clean up/fix up
St. John’s parish grounds last Saturday. All the hard work is
very much appreciated and the grounds look great!
Thank you to all the ladies that attended the St. John’s
Ladies Guild meeting on Wednesday evening. Election of
officers: Welcome to Vice President Julie Hoesing &
Treasurer Amanda Potts. Thank you to Janel Heine for all
your work as guild President for this past year, and Vice
President last year. Thanks also to Marie Haahr for
serving as guild Treasurer for the past two years.
Ladies, please let Jennifer Eickhoff know of any additions or corrections to the Ladies
Guild Booklet by Jan 1st. Next Ladies Guild meeting is Wednesday, January 9th 7pm @
the Parish Center. All ladies are welcome!
The SiouxLand Community Bloodmobile will be at the
Fordyce Village Hall on Monday, November 12th from
3:30 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. Please help out if you can!
St. Boniface Parish Council and parishioners are to be commended for the great fundraiser
Oct. 27th. So much work behind the scenes to sell tickets, to serve the delicious meal and get
the many oral and silent auction items. It was certainly well organized. You wouldn’t think
that the area experienced a drought with the m any enthusiastic bidders! One word describes
the success of the fundraiser and that is GENEROSITY. Giving of time and effort in planning
and organizing along with the generous bidders. All this giving is bound to build a stronger
faith in this year of rene wal on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. Generous giving of oneself
and faith go hand in hand. Keep up the good work!
Fr. Tim Lange
Thank you to St. Boniface Parish for the $500 prize I won at your Fun
Night Event.
Edward Lange
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Donations to Date
St. John the Baptist Parish
$2521.00 45.29%
St. Boniface Parish
$2145.00 38.10%
St. Joseph Parish
$1120.32 79.69%
Please return your pledge cards, even if you are not making a monetary donation.
There are extra envelopes in the back of church if you need one.
Watch more online! Learn more about how your support of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal makes
a difference in the lives of so many in our community. Visit to hear their stories.
The first St. Boniface Centennial Cookbooks that were published in 1982 are
available for sale for $15.00. Please contact Julie Arens if you would like one.
There are boxes in the back of both St. Boniface and
St. Joseph Churches for donations to the Haven House in
Hartington. If each family would donate one item that would be
great! Items needed: Diapers (any size), underwear (women’s size 6), paper towels, shampoo,
conditioner, dish soap, deodorant, body wash, cleaning supplies (Windex, 409), garbage bags (tall
kitchen), laundry soap, hand soap, gift cards for groceries, gas at local stores. Thank You!
West Catholic School would like to say “Thank You” again!
We have recently had several bus fuel bills paid off at
Wiebelhaus Service. This adds up to a substantial amount,
so we can’t say “thanks” enough to the generous
person/people who are helping out. It really makes a
St. Boniface Youth Choir
Choir Sings: Nov 11, Nov 18, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 16, Dec 23,
Dec 24 (Christmas Eve Mass)
Important to be at practice as we will begin planning our
Christmas Mass music!
Choir Practice: after each Sunday we sing in Sep-0ct-Nov-Dec.
TEMPORARY HELP WANTED: Flexible Hours. Maximum 20 hours per week. Custodian – duties: Snow
Removal, General Maintenance. If interested: Contact Mr. Bosch, (402)388-4393.
First Friday Adoration
St. John the Baptist is in need of additional adorers for First Friday Adoration. Please
contact Donna Potts at 357-3728 or call the parish office at 357-3506 if you’d like to
St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers A new St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers group is forming at St.
Boniface Church in Menominee. They will meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. For
more information, please visit or call Ryan Tramp at 388-2426.
St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers (i.e. SJCK) is an informal international network of Christian men, under
the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening the family. The primary thrust of St. Joseph’s
Covenant Keepers is to men who are fathers of children still living at home. However, we warmly
welcome Christian men of all ages, callings, and states in life: grandfathers wanting to strengthen their
children and grandchildren; single men preparing for the vocation of marriage; and especially pastors
serving as indispensable spiritual fathers in the family of God. Participation is open to all men who agree
with, and who are willing to promote, the eight commitments of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers.
A New Women’s Group will begin at St. Boniface Church in Menominee and will meet the first Monday
of each month at 7:00 p.m.. For more information, call Kim Tramp at 388-2426.
The HyVee SmartPoints Program
West Catholic School has a commanding lead at present. Keep up the great
work! We have until the end of November to collect points. You can get
bonus points by purchasing $5.00 worth of Sara Lee bakery fresh products in
conjunction with your purchase of the following products:
Head & Shoulders
Herbal Essences
Mr. Clean
Natural Instincts
Nice ‘n Easy
Old Spice
Oral B
Burnell’s Foodtown Cash Register Tapes for Education
Program begins September 1st and runs through March 2013. This is a
wonderful fundraiser for our school, please take advantage of it! Just
drop your cash register receipts from Foodtown in the West Catholic
box at the store, or you can drop them off at school. Thanks for your
participation in this program!
HyVee Cards – Imagine if 5% of your monthly grocery purchases
went to the school. If you’ve never purchased HyVee Cards, now’s the
time to start! You can get them at Cedar Security Bank, The Carpenter Shop (just
south of HyVee)
and also from Mary Schaefer, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Lora Wiebelhaus, or at the school. Let’s take full advantage
of this program!
There are LOTS of ways to help out West Catholic Elementary. Check out this list!
Box Tops for Education
Clip those box tops and bring them to school
Land O’ Lakes Milk Jug Lids-Each one is worth 5 cents – drink lots of milk!
Use your Target card and at checkout just mention that you want your
donation to go to West Catholic Elementary
People’s Grocery
Crofton, NE will donate 3 cents for every Shur-Fresh label you clip.
Ink Cartridges
Send your used ink cartridges to the school-we’ll turn them into $$$
Old Cell Phones
Send them to school instead of throwing them away.
Coca-Cola Lids
Send them to the school and we’ll put them to good use! – LOTS of retailers will donate a % of your purchase to the school. You just need to log
into their website when you want to make on on-line purchase and from there you navigate to your favorite
stores. You can use this in combination with scrip cards and turn your 15% contribution into a 20%
So Much More than
Gas and Grocery
West Catholic Scrip Card Program
In order for Scrip to work, a participating retailer agrees to give a discount to Great Lake Scrip Center.
This discount is passed along to the school, and when the certificate is sold by the school for FULL Face
Value, this discount becomes revenue for the school.
So.. the certificates come as either a gift card or a paper certificate. They are honored at all stores that
have their name on that card. If you order a Kohl’s for $100, you have $100 to spend but the school
profits $4 because Kohl’s gives back 4%. A list of participating vendors and their percentage of discount
is available on the GLSC web site.
We order cards on Monday mornings, and have them by Friday of that week, so some planning ahead is
necessary. There are some “Scrip Now” certificates that are available to you within the hour if you have
a PRESTO PAY account.
The school has profited over $3000 in the little over 2 years that we have been participating. We have a
loyal following but would welcome newcomers. Our potential for profit would be increased if more
families would participate. Cards can be used for anytime you go shopping. They are also great for
Christmas, weddings, showers, teachers, etc.
If you would like to meet with any one of the three coordinators, just give us a call. Or just call in an
order to any one of us!
Please consider the Scrip program for your Holiday Shopping and MORE!
Beth Stevens
Lori Hoebelheinrich
Hundreds of retailers participate. Visit
Ruth Wiebelhaus
357-3570 or 841-5624
Nov 11
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 13
Nov 14
Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 17
Nov 18
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(M )
(C )
+Aelred Tramp
+Roman Potts
Darrel Black
+Wylie Kusel
+Jesse Favella
+Chad Lammers
+Bernella Simmons
L & D of Hilda (Schaefer) Weber Family
For the People
+Ed & Regina Mauch
L & D of Leo & Katherine Sudbeck Family
Nov 12
LifeServe Bloodcenter -Fordyce Village Hall 3:30-6:00 p.m.
Nov 12
Fordyce Co-op Annual Meeting
Dec 3
St. Joseph Parish Council Mtg.
7:30 p.m.
Dec 9
East / West Catholic Christmas Concert (St. H)
2:00 p.m.
Jan 9
St. John’s Ladies Guild Meeting
7:00 p.m.
November Church Cleaners
St. Joseph
St. John
St. Boniface
Chair-Pat Steffen, Nancy DeBlauw, Leonarda Arens, Sheila Schieffer
Chair- JoAnn Wiebelhaus, Lora Wiebelhaus, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Jill Wubben,
Linda Wuebben, Dion Wubben
November 10 (EDGES)– Chair-Mary Mueller, Lois Mueller, Jean Pinkelman,
Betty Peitz, Joanna Mueller, Rita Mueller, Tracy Mueller
Nov 3-Nov 9:
Nov 10-16:
Nov 17-23:
Dick & Barb Wiebelhaus
Don Wiebelhaus
Gene & Marilyn Wiebelhaus
St. Joseph Parish
November 17 – Saturday – 7:30 p.m.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mike Stevens
Steve & Bette Keiser
Charice Stevens
Vernon Arens & George Steffen
St. Boniface Parish
November 18 – Sunday – 8:30 a.m.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Doris Goeden
Josh Goeden Henry Goeden
Duane & LuAnn Jones
Russell Schmidt (E ), Allen Schroeder (E ), Chuck Sudbeck, Mike Suing
St. John the Baptist
November 18 - Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Chuck Kramer
Mark & Cindy Neuhalfen Family
Anthony & Adam Wubben
Mark Neuhalfen (E ), Dave Wubben (E ), Dan Thoene, Bryan Thoene