Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Short Title: Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes Full Title: Date of production/Last revision: Guideline for the management and monitoring of intravenous fluid and electrolyte therapy in children and young people June 2008 Explicit definition of patient group to which it applies: This guideline applies to all children and young people under the age of 19 years. Name of contact author Dr Lucy Cliffe, Paediatric SpR Dr Damian Wood, Consultant Paediatrician Ext: 67127 June 2010 Revision Date This guideline has been registered with the Trust. However, clinical guidelines are 'guidelines' only. The interpretation and application of clinical guidelines will remain the responsibility of the individual clinician. If in doubt contact a senior colleague or expert. Caution is advised when using guidelines after the review date. Paediatric Fluid and Electrolyte Management Important Whenever possible the enteral route should be used for giving fluids and well children feeding orally do not require any specific fluid management. The use of intravenous fluids requires careful prescribing and close monitoring. This guideline is intended to be a general guideline for paediatric fluid management and correction of salt and water imbalance for infants and children aged 1 month post term to 18 years, looked after on a paediatric ward, who do not have evidence of acute or chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus or hypoglycaemia. Oncology patients receiving specific fluids pre-prescribed alongside chemotherapy should be discussed with the Oncology team if fluid or electrolyte issues arise. This guideline does not replace any existing guidelines in paediatric and neonatal intensive care units or specialist areas such as the renal unit where there may be specific indications for fluid selection. Please see specific fluid guidelines for: Renal patients Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Insipidus Hypoglycaemia Burns. Lucy Cliffe Page 1 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Contents Page Assessment of Hydration and Fluid Requirements 2-5 Hyponatraemia 6-9 Hypernatraemia 10 Hyperkalaemia 11 -13 Hypokalaemia 15 – 16 References 17 Appendix 18 Lucy Cliffe Page 2 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Background Assessment of Hydration and Fluid Requirements The clinical assessment of hydration is difficult and often inaccurate. In children who are dehydrated the accepted gold standard of assessment is acute weight loss but this is often not possible due to lack of accurate pre-illness weight. A weight should be recorded at presentation and compared to any recent weight measurements The following table can be used to help make an assessment of hydration status:- Clinical Sign No dehydration Mild - Moderate (<3% weight loss) 3-10% Severe >10% Reduced urine output No Yes Yes Dry mouth No Yes Yes Sunken eyes No Yes Yes Reduced skin turgor No (Recoils instantly) Yes (1-2 seconds) Yes (> 2 seconds) Prolonged capillary refill time No May be slightly prolonged Drowsiness/ Irritability No Yes Notes Take care to differentiate urine from watery stool Mouth breathers may always have dry mouth May be less apparent in hypernatraemic dehydration (doughy skin) Yes CRT < 2 seconds taken as cool / mottled / normal pale peripheries Severe Prolonged capillary refill time, abnormal skin turgor and absent tears have been shown to be the best individual examination measures. Dry mucous membranes can also be useful. If two out of four of these parameters are present the child has a high chance of being >5% dehydrated. Resuscitation If signs of circulatory collapse are present i.e. prolonged capillary refill time, tachycardia and/or hypotension then immediate resuscitation of intravascular volume must occur. This should be via intravenous or intraosseous access. Boluses of 20 ml/kg 0.9% sodium chloride (isotonic solution) should be used. Reassessment and repeat boluses given as necessary with consideration of the cause of circulatory collapse i.e. blood loss, sepsis so that alternative resuscitation fluids can be considered if appropriate. Lucy Cliffe Page 3 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Fluid Requirements Well children with normal hydration Very few well children require intravenous fluids. However an amount calculated as "maintenance" is used as a starting point for the estimation of fluid requirements. Maintenance fluid is that volume of daily fluid intake, which replaces the insensible losses (from breathing, perspiration, and in the stool), and at the same time allows excretion of the daily production of excess solute load (urea, creatinine, electrolytes etc) in a volume of urine that is of an osmolarity similar to plasma. The following calculations approximate the maintenance fluid requirement of well children according to weight in kg. Calculation of maintenance fluid requirements The daily fluid requirement may be estimated from the child's weight using the following formula: 1st 10kg of weight 2nd 10kg of weight All additional kg of weight 100mls/kg 50mls/kg 20mls/kg 4mls/kg/hr 2mls/kg/hr 1ml/kg/hr Example: A 23 kg child will require 100mls/kg for the first 10kg = 1000mls 50mls/kg for the second 10kg = 500mls 20mls/kg for all additional Kg = 60 mls Total= 1560mls Rate= 1560/24 = 65mls/hr While most children will tolerate standard fluid requirements, some acutely ill children with inappropriately increased anti-diuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) may benefit from their maintenance fluid requirement being restricted to two-thirds of the normal recommended volume (see list below for at risk children). Lucy Cliffe Page 4 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Dehydration In some situations a fluid deficit (allowance) for dehydration needs to be taken into account and calculated. Fluid deficit in ml = % dehydration x weight (Kg) x 10 This estimate is calculated from the child's weight and the degree of dehydration, which is estimated clinically. Example: A 23kg child who has been assessed as being moderately dehydrated can be estimated to be 5% dehydrated. 23kg is equivalent to 23 litres. If he is 5% dehydrated his deficit is 5% of 23 litres: 5/100 X 23 x 1000 = 1150mls The deficit is usually replaced over 24 hours and so can be added to the total daily maintenance volume before dividing by 24 to determine the hourly rate. In our example Maintenance 1560ml + 5% Deficit 1150ml = 2710ml over 24hrs = 112mls/hr If you wish to replace the fluid deficit over a longer period (e.g. in hypernatraemic dehydration) then add the deficit to twice the daily maintenance and divide by 48hrs. Which Fluid? If intravenous fluids are necessary isotonic solutions (appendix 1) should be used in almost all circumstances to avoid iatrogenic hyponatraemia. There is currently little evidence to recommend a particular strength of glucose. Our standard solution for maintenance fluids is 0.9% saline with 5% dextrose, with or without 10 mmol KCL or 20 mmol KCL per 500ml depending on the serum potassium. The use of 0.9% saline solutions will provide more than the required sodium maintenance for some children. In well children with normal renal function this additional sodium will be excreted. DO NOT USE THIS GUIDELINE IN CHILDREN WITH RENAL CONDITIONS. Do not use 0.18% saline with 4% glucose in any situation outside of specialist units. The low sodium content increases the risk of the patient developing hyponatraemia. Lucy Cliffe Page 5 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Some children are at high risk of hyponatraemia and the use of isotonic solutions (i.e. 0.9% saline) along with careful monitoring is required to avoid iatrogenic hyponatraemia in hospital These include children who have or are: peri- or post-operative; require replacement of ongoing losses; a plasma sodium at the lower normal reference range and definitely if less than 135mmol/L; intravascular volume depletion; hypotension; central nervous system (CNS) infection; head injury; bronchiolitis; sepsis; excessive gastric or diarrhoeal losses; salt-wasting syndromes; chronic conditions such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pituitary deficits. Replace any deficit as sodium chloride 0.9% with glucose 5% (isotonic solution) or sodium chloride 0.9% over a minimum of 24 hours. Use solutions containing potassium once patient has passed urine and U&E results known. Maximum 40mmol/litre concentration via peripheral iv access – see Hypokalaemia section. If there is not a suitable solution discuss with ward pharmacist or on-call pharmacist if outside normal working hours. Ongoing Losses Ongoing losses should be assessed every four hours. Fluids used to replace ongoing losses should reflect the electrolyte composition of the fluid being lost. In most circumstances this will be sodium chloride 0.9% with or without the addition of potassium. Monitoring Hyponatraemia can develop within a short timescale and a robust monitoring regime is essential. Weight should be measured, if possible, prior to commencing fluid therapy and daily thereafter. Fluid balance including oral intake should be recorded using a fluid balance chart. Plasma sodium, potassium, urea and creatinine should be measured at baseline and at least once a day in any child receiving 50% or more of their maintenance fluids intravenously. Consider measuring U&Es every four to six hours if an abnormal reading is found. This should definitely be done if the plasma sodium is below 130 mmol/L. Check plasma electrolytes immediately if clinical features suggest hyponatraemia is developing. Symptoms include increased headaches, vomiting, nausea, irritability, altered levels of consciousness, seizures and apnoea. Ideally, use the same sampling technique, either capillary or venous blood sampling, on each occasion. This can avoid potentially misleading changes in serial sodium measurements. Urine chemistry may be useful in a small number of high-risk cases or when the cause behind an abnormal sodium result is unclear. Lucy Cliffe Page 6 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Hyponatraemia Hyponatraemia is a common electrolyte abnormality in hospitalized children. It exists when the ratio of water to sodium is increased. This can occur with low, normal or high levels of body water and similarly low or normal levels of body sodium. Most commonly hyponatraemia indicates an expanded extracellular fluid volume and is less often caused by sodium (or salt) depletion. Assessment of the child’s volume status is essential in order to understand the cause of hyponatraemia and will affect the management required. Hyponatraemia is defined as a plasma sodium of less than 135mmol/L. Severe hyponatraemia is defined as a plasma sodium of less than 130mmol/L. The serum osmolality (paired with urinary osmolality) is diagnostically helpful Causes of Hyponatraemia - Intravenous fluid administration (hypotonic solutions) Diuretics Diluted formula feeds (including Factitious illness) Desmopressin use Psychogenic polydipsia SIADH - CNS infections Head injury Bronchiolitis, pneumonia Surgery Extra-renal losses - Gastroenteritis Skin (sweating, burns) Third space losses Renal Losses - Polyuric phase ATN Tubulointerstitial nephritis Obstructive uropathy Cerebral salt wasting Absence of aldosterone or lack of effect (e.g 21hydroxylase deficiency) Other - Glucocorticoid deficiency Hypothyroidism Congestive heart failure Cirrhosis Nephrotic Syndrome Diabetic ketoacidosis (Hyperosmolality hyperglycaemia) Iatrogenic - 2 The development of fluid-induced hyponatraemia in the previously well child may not be well recognised by clinicians. Since 2000, there have been four child deaths (and one near miss) following neurological injury from hospital-acquired hyponatraemia reported in the UK.1-3 International literature cites more than 50 cases of serious injury or child death from the same cause, and associated with the administration of hypotonic infusions. 4 The infusion of hypotonic fluids together with the non-osmotic secretion of ADH may result in hyponatraemia. Lucy Cliffe Page 7 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids A major consequence of hyponatraemia is an influx of water into the intracellular space resulting in cellular swelling, which can cause cerebral oedema, seizures and brain stem herniation. The clinical manifestations of hyponatraemia are due to the low plasma osmolality. Hyponatraemic encephalopathy is a serious complication and children are a group of patients particularly susceptible to developing neurological complications. This is due to the reduced space for brain swelling in the skull and impaired ability of the paediatric brain to adapt to hyponatraemia compared to adults. Acute symptomatic hyponatraemic encephalopathy is considered a medical emergency. Prevent hyponatraemia by using isotonic intravenous solutions, identifying those patients at risk and monitoring patients as above. Most children with mild to moderate hyponatraemia are asymptomatic The symptoms and signs of severe hyponatraemia are predominately neurological: o Headache o Nausea, vomiting o Lethargy or irritability o Hyporeflexia o Decreased conscious state o Seizures Should clinical symptoms of hyponatraemia develop, check U & Es, glucose and serum osmolality immediately. Acute hyponatraemic encephalopathy is a medical emergency The ideal rate of serum sodium correction depends on the presence and severity of symptoms. Correction that is too rapid (>8 mmol/L Na+/24h) can result in cerebral demyelination, especially of the pons, with risk of severe and lasting brain injury. This is especially a risk if hyponatraemia has been present for more than 5 days and is rapidly corrected. The hyponatraemic child with seizures or CNS depression Notify senior help urgently and refer to PICU. Resuscitation (ABC) and intravenous anticonvulsants as clinically indicated. Hyponatraemic seizures often respond poorly to conventional anticonvulsants, and sodium correction should not be delayed. The sodium should be raised until it reaches 125mmol/L or until seizures stop, whichever occurs first. Use intravenous 2.7% NaCl solution – 4ml/kg over 15-30 minutes. It is stored on PICU. This will raise the serum sodium by 3 mmol/L and will usually stop the seizures. 2.7% saline is hypertonic but can be given peripherally and then switched to a central venous line if there is an ongoing requirement. Measure the serum sodium after the first bolus. Ongoing seizures and persistent hyponatraemia will require more 2.7% NaCl. Many children with hyponatraemia and seizures will have other reasons for seizures (fever, meningitis, hypoglycaemia), and these should also be addressed. After the seizures have resolved the total sodium correction (including the bolus) should not exceed 8 mmol/L per day (e.g. from 122-130mmol/L). Measure electrolytes every hourly until stable, then every 4-6 hours until the serum sodium is normal and the child is off intravenous fluids. Lucy Cliffe Page 8 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Management of Hyponatraemia Serum Na < 135 AND Seizures or CNS Depression (Child in DKA – see DKA guideline) No Yes Notify senior help and refer to PICU What is the child’s volume status? Resuscitate ABC as necessary Moderate dehydration and Na 130 135 Normal or increased Restrict to 50% maintenance Give 0.9% saline with dextrose if oral route not possible Oral/NG rehydration – calculate maintenance and deficit fluid requirements Severe dehydration or dehydration with Na <130 Maintenance and deficit fluid requirements replaced with 0.9% saline with dextrose Give anticonvulsants if required Lorazepam IV (max 4mgs) Or Diazepam PR or Midazolam Buccal 5mg/kg / (max 10mgs) Give 4ml/kg of 2.7% saline (1.8 mmol Na/kg) IV over 15-30 mins (peripheral ok) Monitor - Fluid balance, including daily weights - Repeat U&Es 4 – 6 hourly if Na <130 and at least daily if Na 130 – 135 - Assess for signs of symptomatic hyponatraemia and recheck U&Es urgently if suspected - Neuro obs 2 hourly until Na in normal range Measure Na after bolus and repeat bolus until seizures stop or NA>125 Transfer to PICU Lucy Cliffe Page 9 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids The child with no symptoms of hyponatraemia Management of children without specific symptoms of hyponatraemia depends on volume status. Active correction of hyponatraemia (e.g. with 2.7% NaCl) is not necessary. Allow the plasma sodium concentration to rise at no more than 8 mmol/L per day using the guidelines below, based on hydration state. Continue correction to 135 mmol/L. 1. The child with normal or increased volume status Restrict maintenance fluids to 50% of requirements to slowly remove the increased body water Do not use hypotonic solutions (see above) – give 0.9% saline with added dextrose if iv fluids necessary 2. The child with moderate dehydration and serum sodium 130-135mmol/L Try oral or nasogastric rehydration – calculate maintenance and deficit requirements as above. If NG rehydration is not possible or results in a too rapid fall in sodium give intravenous 0.9% NaCl with 5% dextrose. 3. The child with severe dehydration or dehydration with serum sodium <130mmol/L Give intravenous 0.9% NaCl with 5% dextrose until the child can take enteral feeds calculating maintenance and deficit as above. Measure electrolytes every 4 hours until stable. 4. Hyponatraemia in patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis – follow separate guideline All children should have neuro obs 2 hourly until sodium normal Lucy Cliffe Page 10 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Hypernatraemia Hypernatraemia is defined as a serum sodium > 145 mmol/l however is it usually acted on once sodium > 150 mmol/l. There are a number of causes of hypernatraemia as listed :- Water and sodium loss - Gastroenteritis Burns Diabetes mellitus Water deficit - Diabetes insipidus (nephrogenic or central) Increased insensible losses e.g. preterm, phototherapy Inadequate intake e.g. failure to establish breastfeeding - Excessive sodium intake - Inappropriately prepared infant formula Salt poisoning Hypertonic intravenous fluids Hyperaldosteronism Most children with hypernatraemia are clinically dehydrated. However, as there is a shift of water from the intracellular to extracellular space, initially infants and children can be less symptomatic. Clinical features of hypernatraemia include: A ‘doughy’ feel to the skin. Irritability Weakness, lethargy Alongside these there are likely to be the clinical features of dehydration. The degree of dehydration should be assessed and a fluid deficit calculated. If there is no sign of dehydration in the setting of hypernatraemia consider causes related to excessive salt intake. Management This will depend on the cause of hypernatraemia. For hypernatraemic dehydration with Na > 150 mmol/l: Avoid rapid correction as this may cause cerebral oedema, convulsion and death. Aim for correction of deficit over 48 hours and a fall of serum Na concentration < 0.5 mmol/L per hour NG fluid replacement or IV fluids can be used If IV fluids used give 0.9% saline to ensure the drop in sodium is not too rapid. Remember to also give maintenance and replace ongoing losses following recommendations above Repeat U&E every 4 hours until stable. Lucy Cliffe Page 11 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Hyperkalaemia Normal values of Potassium are: birth - 2 weeks: 3.7 - 6.0 mmols/L 2 weeks - 3 months: 3.7 - 5.7 mmols/L 3 months and above: 3.5 - 5.0 mmols/L Causes - Dehydration Diabetic ketoacidosis Acute renal failure Acute cell destruction (trauma, tumour cell lysis or haemolysis) Adrenal failure Rare causes include mineralocorticoid deficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Addison’s disease. Do not forget drugs (oral or IV potassium supplements, potassium sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors and trimethoprim in the presence of mild renal failure). Beware false positive hyperkalaemia e.g. traumatic haemolysed samples, delay in analysis, contamination with EDTA and tumour lysis with cell breakdown in the sample tube. Generally speaking, a potassium level between 5.0 and 6.0 mmols/L need not be treated acutely but rather monitored. ECG Changes of Hyperkalaemia 1. Tall “tented” T waves in V5: <1 year - T wave amplitude >11mm >1 year - T wave amplitude >14mm 3. Prolongation of PR interval < 3 years 0.08 secs > 3 years 0.10 secs 2. Prolongation of QRS duration premature infants full term infants 1-3 years > 3 years 4. Disappearance of the P wave. Lucy Cliffe 0.04 secs 0.05 secs 0.06 secs 0.07 secs 5. Wide, bizarre, diphasic QRS Page 12 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Potassium > 6mmol/L BUT < 7mmol/L If also acidotic or has congenital heart disease consider treating as though K + > 7 Refer early to renal team if likely to need dialysis eg H.U.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify and treat underlying condition Repeat blood specimen ensuring specimen not haemolysed. Discontinue potassium enhancing medication, i.e. K+ supplements: K+ sparing diuretics NSAIDs: ACE Inhibitors Perform an ECG If ECG changes are present treat according to K+ >7 protocol as below. If no ECG changes present proceed to next step Consider correction of metabolic acidosis, dietary restriction and urinary excretion with furosemide (1 mg/kg) Check K+ after 1-2 hours. Consider Calcium Resonium (Calcium Polystyrene Sulphonate) Dose: 1gram/kg, oral or rectal This tends to be difficult to give in children and may be impractical. Calcium Resonium can be continued at 6 hourly intervals (250 milligrams/kg/dose) until K+ < 5.5. Potassium > 7 mmol/L Refer early to renal team if likely to need dialysis eg H.U.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Institute treatment immediately. DO NOT allow the logistics of organising an ECG to delay treatment. Consider PICU Admission. Give intravenous 10% CALCIUM GLUCONATE (Cardioprotective) 0.5 ml/ kg (Maximum of 20 mls) Dilute with equal amount of 5% dextrose and infuse over 2 minutes While Calcium Gluconate is being drawn up, administer: nebulised SALBUTAMOL o child < 25 kgs: 2.5mg o child > 25 kgs : 5.0mg or intravenous SALBUTAMOL if ventilated o 5 micrograms/Kg in 10mls WFI Infuse over 15 minutes Perform an ECG. If abnormalities present, repeat the above Calcium Gluconate dose and consider a Calcium Gluconate infusion. Check K+ after 1 – 2 hours; if K+ remains > 7.0 repeat nebulised salbutamol and consult the renal team for further management advice. if K+ < 7.0 give a dose of Calcium Resonium Lucy Cliffe Page 13 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids NOTE: 1. Calcium Gluconate does not lower the K+ but has a membrane stabilising effect, thereby preventing life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. The exact mechanism of action is unknown. 2. A glucose and insulin infusion should be used if the hyperkalaemia is refractory to salbutamol (this is to be anticipated when the patient is on B-Blockers, where the effect of salbutamol will be decreased ) OR IN THE CASE OF CONCOMITANT HYPERTENSION OR CARDIAC DISEASE. - 12 units short acting insulin in 100 mls of 20% dextrose - run this solution at a rate of 5mls/kg over 30 minutes. 3. The efficacy of Sodium Bicarbonate in lowering K+ is in question. It may have a use in severe hyperkalaemia associated with an acidosis. - Dose: 1 mmol/kg intravenously 4. Dialysis may be necessary in severe or refractory hyperkalaemia 5. A combination of treatment regimens has a greater potassium lowering effect 6. Do NOT give a blood transfusion Lucy Cliffe Page 14 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Is the Potassium greater than 7 or > than 6 with acidosis, congenital heart disease or ECG changes present? Remove the Cause Yes No Yes Give iv 10% Calcium Gluconate Repeat the sample Is the K+ still greater than 6 and < 7 Give nebulised Salbutamol (or intravenous if ventilated) CAUTION IN CARDIAC DISEASE OR HYPERTENSION Yes Calcium Resonium K+ Refractory or Salbutamol contraindicated => Insulin and Dextrose infusion Repeat cycle, consider Ca Gluconate infusion and contact the renal team Lucy Cliffe Haemolysed Sample Prompt treatment saves lives. Do not wait for an ECG. If one treatment is not available or is difficult to arrange then use a quicker alternative Is the K+ still greater than 7? (Lab Sample) Yes No No Calcium Resonium and identify underlying cause of hyperkalaemia Page 15 of 21 June 2008 Repeat the potassium after 1-2 hours Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Hypokalaemia Definition Potassium level < 3.4 mmol/L (Treat if < 3.0 mmol/L or symptomatic < 3.4 mmol/L) Causes The common causes of hypokalaemia are: - Sepsis - GIT losses - diarrhoea, vomiting - Iatrogenic - diuretic therapy, salbutamol, amphoterecin, catecholamines eg dopamine - Diabetic ketoacidosis and the treatment thereof - Renal tubular defects The rare causes include Cushing’s syndrome, primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism and Bartter syndrome. Hypokalaemia is frequently associated with chloride depletion and with metabolic alkalosis. Refractory hypokalaemia may occur with hypomagnasaemia. ECG Changes Of Hypokalaemia Hypokalaemia produces one of the least specific ECG changes. These normally occur when K+ < 2.5mmol/l : 1. Prominent U wave 2. ST segment depression.. 3. Flat, low or diphasic T waves. Normal T wave amplitude in V5: <1year 11mm >1year 14mm V6: <1year 7mm >1year 9mm 4. With further lowering of K+ the PR interval may become prolonged and sinoatrial block may occur. Treatment Identify and treat the underlying condition. Unless symptomatic a potassium level between 3.0 and 3.4 mmols is generally not supplemented but rather monitored in the first instance. The treatment of hypokalaemia does not lend itself to be incorporated into a protocol and as a result each patient will need to be treated individually. 1) Oral Supplementation Supplementation, in the form of Potassium Chloride (KCL), to a maximum of 2 mmol/kg/day in divided doses is common but more may be required in practice. Available preparations: Kay-Cee-L: Syrup 1mmol/ml each of K+ and Cl Sando K: Lucy Cliffe Effervescent tablets 12 mmol of K+ and 8 mmol of Cl- per tablet Page 17 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Slow-K: ( To be avoided if possible because of increased nausea and vomiting compared to above preparations) Slow release tablet (8 mmol each of K+ and Cl- per tablet) 2) Intravenous Supplementation (NB. 1gram KCL = 13.3 mmol KCL) KCL can ONLY be added to intravenous fluid bags on PICU, NICU and E38 (Oncology) Wards. (Pharmacy can add KCl to bags for other wards but this must be a registrar or consultant prescription) Potassium chloride is always given by IV infusion, NEVER by bolus injection. Maximum concentration via a peripheral vein is usually 40mmol per litre (concentrations of up to 60mmol/litre can be used after discussion with senior medical staff). Maximum rate is 0.2mmol/kg/hour. Higher rates may be justified in the intensive care setting. Higher concentrations but NOT HIGHER RATES may be administered centrally. 3) Intravenous Correction (NB 1gram KCL = 13.3 mmol KCL) K+ < 2.5 mmol/L may be associated with significant cardiovascular compromise. In the emergency situation, KCL can be administered in the form of an infusion. Dose : initially 0.4 mmol/kg/hour into a central vein, until K + level restored. Ideally this should occur in an intensive care setting with cardiac monitoring. Recommendations All clinical incidents involving the use of intravenous fluids should be reported via our local clinical incident reporting policy. Clinical audit should be used to monitor local practice and staff education regarding the use of intravenous fluids in children. Summary Whenever possible the enteral route should be used for fluids. The use of intravenous fluids requires careful prescribing and close monitoring. Iatrogenic hyponatraemia is a serious potential complication with the use of iv fluids. Use 0.9% saline with dextrose unless special circumstances on PICU, NICU or specialist unit (renal, oncology). Lucy Cliffe Page 18 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids References for hydration, fluid requirements, hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia National Patient Safety Agency – Reducing the risk of hyponatraemia when administering intravenous infusions to children. March 2007. Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. Hyponatraemia Guideline. Nottingham Paediatric Guidelines – 11.5 Gastroenteritis (Jan 2007) 1 Playfor SD. Hypotonic intravenous solutions in children. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 2004; 3: 67-73 2 Jenkins J and Taylor B. Prevention of hyponatraemia. Arch Dis Child. 2004; 89-93 3 Cosgrove M and Wardhaugh A. Iatrogenic hyponatraemia. Arch Dis Child. Online [e-letter] (27 June 2003) 4 Moritz ML and Ayus JC. Review. Preventing neurological complications from dysnatraemias in children. Paediatr Nephrol.2005; 147: 273-274 References for Hyperkalaemia/Hypokalaemia: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lucy Cliffe McClure RJ et al. Treatment of hyperkalaemia using intravenous and nebulised salbutamol. Arch Dis Child 1994;70:126-128. Murdoch IA et al. Treatment of hyperkalaemia with intravenous salbutamol. Arch Dis Child 1991;66:527-528. Kemper MJ et al. Effective treatment of acute hyperkalaemia in childhood by short term infusion of salbutamol. European J Ped 1996;155(6):495-497. Allon M et al. Effect of bicarbonate administration on plasma potassium in dialysis patients: interactions with insulin and albuterol. Am J Kidney Dis 1996; 28(4):508514. Howes LG. Which drugs affect potassium? [Review]. Drug Safety 1995 12(4):240-244. Liou HH et al. Intravenous hypokalaemiac effects of intravenous infusion or nebulization of salbutamol in patients with chronic renal failure; a comparative study. Am J Kidney Dis 1994;23(2):266-271. Anonymous. Hyperkalaemia - silent and deadly [Editorial] 1989 1(8649):1240. Helfrich E et al. Salbutamol for hyperkalaemia in children. [Review] Acta Paediatrica. 2001;90(11):1213-6 Halperin ML et al. Potassium. The Lancet. 1998; 352(7):135-140. Page 19 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Appendix 1 Table 1: Features of Commonly used Intravenous Fluids in the UK 1 Solution Osmolarity (mOsmol/L) Sodium content mequiv/L) Osmolality (compared to plasma) Tonicity (with reference to cell membrane) Isotonic Sodium chloride 0.9% with glucose 5% Sodium chloride 0.9% Sodium chloride 0.45% with glucose 5% Glucose 5% Glucose 10% Hartmann’s * Sodium chloride 0.18% with glucose 4% Sodium chloride 0.45% with glucose 2.5% 4.5% human albumin solution 586 150 Hyperosmolar 308 154 Isomolar Isotonic 432 75 Hyperosmolar Hypotonic 278 555 278 284 131 31 Isomolar Hyperosmolar Isomolar Isomolar Hypotonic Hypotonic Isotonic Hypotonic 293 75 Isomolar Hypotonic 275 100-160 Isomolar Isotonic *Compound Sodium Lactate Intravenous Infusion BP (Hartmann’s Solution) Composition Each 1000ml contains: Sodium Chloride 6.00g Sodium Lactate 3.12g Potassium Chloride 0.40g Calcium Chloride 2 H2O 0.27g Electrolytes: mmol/l Sodium 131 Potassium 5 Calcium 2 Chloride 111 Bicarbonate (as lactate) 29 Lucy Cliffe Page 20 of 21 June 2008 Paediatric Clinical Guideline Emergency 1.17 Intravenous Fluids Title Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes Guideline Number Version 1.17 Draft Distribution All wards QMC and CHN Authors Dr Lucy Cliffe Paediatric Specialist Registrar Document Derivation Dr Simon Robinson (Hyperkalaemia & Hypokalaemia) Paediatric Specialist Registrar First Issued June 2007 Latest Version Date June 2008 Ratified By Audit Lucy Cliffe Review Date June 2011 Date Induction Programme Page 21 of 21 Amendments June 2008