DIP Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services FP6 - 507483 Deliverable D6.3 DIP component APIs Vesselin Kirov Atanas Kiryakov 08 March 2016 DIP component APIs 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable provides an overview of the application programming interfaces (API) of the components provided in the DIP architecture document (D6.2). The level of granularity and maturity of the specification of the different interfaces varies across the components. For some of them, there are fully-operational APIs defined in the corresponding programming language (Java) or web service specification language (WSDL). Other components are still not specified in such detail due to the need of further developments of the conceptual framework or the architecture. Whenever possible, this deliverable provides examples of how to use these components to integrate the whole DIP execution environment. This deliverable takes input from number of places: (i) the DIP Architecture, D6.2; (ii) the different component specifications developed within workpackages WP1, WP2, WP4, and WP5 and (iii) WSMX execution environment, which provides interface specifications, not available elsewhere. The interfaces, defined here should be of interest to the use-case partners and to technology providers which develop components implementations. Document Information IST Project Number FP6 – 507483 Full title DIP component APIs Project URL http://dip.semanticweb.org Acronym DIP Document URL EU Project officer Brian Macklin Deliverable Number Work package Number 6 Title Date of delivery Contractual M 12 Status 6.3 Title DIP component APIs Interoperability and Architecture Actual Version. 0.1 Nature Prototype Report Dissemination Dissemination Level Public Consortium Authors (Partner) Vesselin Kirov (Sirma) Responsible Author Vesselin Kirov Email Partner SIRMA Phone +359 2 9768310 Deliverable 6.3 veskok@sirma.bg 1 DIP component APIs Abstract This deliverable provides an overview (for of the application programming dissemination) interfaces of the DIP components developed in WP1-5. Keywords SWS architectures, SWS interoperability, SWS API Project Consortium Information Partner Acronym NUIG National University of Ireland Galway Monica Martinez Montes Fundacion de la Innovation. BankInter Paseo Castellana, 29 28046 Madrid, Spain Email: mmtnez@bankinter.es Tel: 916234238 Berlecon Dr. Thorsten Wichmann Berlecon Research GmbH Oranienburger Str. 32 10117 Berlin, Germany Email: tw@berlecon.de Tel: +49 30 2852960 Berlecon Research GmbH BT British Telecommunications Plc. EPFL Dr John Davies BT Exact (Orion Floor 5 pp12) Adastral Park Martlesham Ipswich IP5 3RE, United Kingdom Email: john.nj.davies@bt.com Tel: +44 1473 609583 Prof. Karl Aberer Distributed Information Systems Laboratory École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne Bât. PSE-A 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Email : Karl.Aberer@epfl.ch Tel: +41 21 693 4679 Essex Essex County Council Deliverable 6.3 Prof. Dr. Christoph Bussler Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) National University of Ireland, Galway Galway Ireland Email: chris.bussler@deri.org Tel: +353 91 512460 Bankinter Fundacion De La Innovacion.Bankinter Forschungszentrum Informatik Contact FZI Mary Rowlatt, Essex County Council PO Box 11, County Hall, Duke Street Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1LX United Kingdom. Email: maryr@essexcc.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0)1245 436524 Andreas Abecker Forschungszentrum Informatik 2 DIP component APIs Haid-und-Neu Strasse 10-14 76131 Karlsruhe Germany Email: abecker@fzi.de Tel: +49 721 9654 0 UIBK Prof. Dieter Fensel Institute of computer science University of Innsbruck Technikerstr. 25 A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Email: dieter.fensel@deri.org Tel: +43 512 5076485 ILOG Christian de Sainte Marie 9 Rue de Verdun, 94253 Gentilly, France Email: csma@ilog.fr Tel: +33 1 49082981 Inubit Torsten Schmale inubit AG Lützowstraße 105-106 D-10785 Berlin Germany Email: ts@inubit.com Tel: +49 30726112 0 Institut für Informatik, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck ILOG SA inubit AG iSOCO Intelligent Software Components, S.A. OU Dr. John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute The Open University, Walton Hall Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA United Kingdom Email: j.b.domingue@open.ac.uk Tel.: +44 1908 655014 SAP Dr. Elmar Dorner SAP Research, CEC Karlsruhe SAP AG Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Email: elmar.dorner@sap.com Tel: +49 721 6902 31 The Open University SAP AG Sirma Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext Lab, - Sirma AI EAD Office Express IT Centre, 3rd Floor 135 Tzarigradsko Chausse Sofia 1784, Bulgaria Email: atanas.kiryakov@sirma.bg Tel.: +359 2 9768 303 Tiscali Dieter Haacker Tiscali Österreich GmbH. Sirma AI Ltd. Tiscali Österreich Gmbh Deliverable 6.3 Dr. V. Richard Benjamins, Director R&D Intelligent Software Components, S.A. Pedro de Valdivia 10 28006 Madrid, Spain Email: rbenjamins@isoco.com Tel. +34 913 349 797 3 DIP component APIs Diefenbachgasse 35 A-1150 Vienna Austria Email: Dieter.Haacker@at.tiscali.com Tel: +43 1 899 33 160 Unicorn Unicorn Solution Ltd. VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel Jeff Eisenberg Unicorn Solutions Ltd, Malcha Technology Park 1 Jerusalem 96951 Israel Email: Jeff.Eisenberg@unicorn.com Tel.: +972 2 6491111 Carlo Wouters Starlab- VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, G-10 1050 Brussel ,Belgium Email: carlo.wouters@vub.ac.be Tel.: +32 (0) 2 629 3719 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................. I 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. IV 3 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 4 EXPOSED FUNCTIONALITIES OF THE DIP COMPONENTS ........................................ 1 4.1 Communication Manager ................................................................................. 1 4.2 Execution Manager ........................................................................................... 1 4.3 Event Listeners ................................................................................................. 1 4.4 Event Manager .................................................................................................. 2 4.5 Resource Manager ............................................................................................ 2 4.6 Discovery .......................................................................................................... 2 4.7 Invocation ......................................................................................................... 2 4.8 Mediation (Data)............................................................................................... 3 4.9 Semantic Repository ......................................................................................... 3 4.10 Service Registry................................................................................................ 4 4.10.1 Publishing ................................................................................................. 4 4.10.2 Retrieval ................................................................................................... 5 4.11 Choreography and Orchestration (ORCA) ....................................................... 5 5 DIP COMPONENT APIS ........................................................................................... 5 5.1 Communication Manager ................................................................................. 5 5.2 Execution Manager ........................................................................................... 5 Deliverable 6.3 4 DIP component APIs 5.3 Event Listeners ................................................................................................. 5 5.3.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................. 6 5.4 Event Manager .................................................................................................. 6 5.5 Resource Manager ............................................................................................ 6 5.5.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................. 6 5.5.2 Examples .................................................................................................. 7 5.6 Discovery .......................................................................................................... 8 5.6.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................. 8 5.7 Invocation ....................................................................................................... 11 5.8 Mediation (Data)............................................................................................. 11 5.8.1 Interfaces ................................................................................................ 11 5.8.2 Usage examples ...................................................................................... 11 5.9 Semantic Repository ....................................................................................... 12 5.10 Web Service Registry ..................................................................................... 13 5.10.1 Interfaces ................................................................................................ 13 5.10.2 Usage examples ...................................................................................... 14 5.11 Choreography and Orchestration .................................................................... 17 6 5.11.1 Interfaces ................................................................................................ 17 ADDITIONAL COMMON APIS ................................................................................. 18 6.1 WSMO API and Reference Implementation .................................................. 18 6.2 Ontology Management Tools ......................................................................... 19 7 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 20 8 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 20 Deliverable 6.3 5 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 3 INTRODUCTION This deliverable provides an overview of the application programming interfaces (API) of the components provided in the DIP architecture document (D6.2). The level of granularity and maturity of the specification of the different interfaces varies across the components. For some of them, there are fully-operational APIs defined in the corresponding programming language (Java) or web service specification language (WSDL). Other components are still not specified in such detail due to the need of further developments of the conceptual framework or the architecture. Whenever possible, this deliverable provides examples of how to use these components to integrate the whole DIP execution environment. This document is structured as follows: Section 4 contains the descriptions of the functionalities exposed in each of the components in the DIP architecture; Section 5 presents the APIs of the components plus usage examples; Section 6 describes interfaces of components which are not part of the execution environment architecture, but still appear to be relevant to integration of the different software developed within DIP. This document contains a considerable volume of source-code listings integrated within the corresponding sections of its main body. Although the good-looking layout requires the listings to be provided as annexes, this is not appropriate in this case, as long, as those represent an essential part of its content. This deliverable takes input from number of places: (i) the DIP Architecture, D6.2; (ii) the different component specifications developed within workpackages WP1, WP2, WP4, and WP5 and (iii) WSMX execution environment, which provides interface specifications, not available elsewhere. The interfaces, defined here should be of interest to the use-case partners and to technology providers which develop components implementations. 4 Exposed functionalities of the DIP Components 4.1 Communication Manager The communication manager’s API is the external API for the DIP runtime environment. It handles the incoming SOAP messages to and from web service providers or requesters, validates them and in case they are not WSML descriptions it invokes a message adapter to convert them to WSML. 4.2 Execution Manager This is the central component in DIP. It holds the entire workflow of the execution environment. The workflow could be static (hard-coded) or based on a declarative description of the execution semantics of the system. In [6] the WSMO working group will maintain a description of the execution semantics of WMSO/DIP. 4.3 Event Listeners Each ‘first class’ component in the DIP architecture (for instance, discovery, matchmaker, mediator, etc.) will have a corresponding event listener interface in the execution manager (like the Event Listener components that reside in the WSMX manager [5]). These listeners will be responsible to process the corresponding events coming from the event manager. It will be the responsibility of the Execution Manager 1 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 to register each of the listeners in the Event Manager. That might happen, for instance, when a new component becomes available to the execution manager or when the workflow rules change and new types of messages should be processed. 4.4 Event Manager The event manager handles the event processing in the DIP execution environment. The current implementation uses a fixed set of events and fixed rules for subscribing to those events by a fixed set of worker components. A complete description of the internals of the component, please look in [5]. 4.5 Resource Manager The resource manager is a component that abstracts the actual datastores/repositories used in DIP. The idea is that each component needing to store or retrieve data needs only to be concerned about calling this component’s operations in order to store/retrieve DIP objects – all the implementation details about where and how to store the object is up to the implementer of the resource manager. The objects accessed/retrieved through the manager will be identified by a unique URI. It is up to the resource manager implementation to map a logical unique URI to a physical location (whether local or remote). One possible solution to that problem is to expose an additional API to allow mapping of parts of the logical URI (f.e. the domain) to a physical datastore. In the examples to the resource manager (section 5.5.2) we will provide such an example. 4.6 Discovery In DIP when we talk about semantic discovery of web services we mean the discovery of abstract services [3] represented by formal service capabilities [1] which are part of the semantic description of the web service published in the DIP registry by the provider. The requesters on their part use a goal description to describe their service requirements. So in general the discovery process is defined as semantically matching the goal of the requester to all known to the registry services capabilities and returning all abstract services that match the goal ranked by a matching score similar to the one described in [4] 4.7 Invocation The DIP execution environment will implement two distinct types of Web Service invocations. Whenever the choreography/orchestration component needs to invoke a web service that is known to be implemented through DIP/WSMX then the invocation can be translated into a simple call to the remote DIP execution environment that would pass a WSML document. In cases when the service that has to be called is a traditional web service the invoker needs to find a registered message adapter that can convert the WSML call into a call to the traditional web service. 2 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 The current implementation expects the WSDL description of the web service to be available with the semantic web service description. In the future versions WSMO will provide grounding directly from the web service description. 4.8 Mediation (Data) There are two sorts of mediation needed when two components cannot communicate directly but need to interact. On one hand, data mediation is required in the case when one component is not capable to (correctly and fully) interpret the content of a message sent by another component. On the other, process mediation is necessary in case the two components cannot negotiate on a single interaction protocol. Here we address the datamediation component, because it is composition and function are still not clarified to the end (see section 2.4 of D6.2, [8]). The basic functionality of a data mediation module is to transform messages from source format to a target one, which could require both syntactic and semantic transformation. 4.9 Semantic Repository The semantic repository (SEMR) is an ontology server which allows for storage, retrieval, and querying of ontologies and other data: semantic web service descriptions, instance data, etc. Within the architecture of DIP, there is no clear separation between the functions of an ontology reasoner and a repository. As outlined in D2.2, [7], a key role of the semantic repository is to provide an integrated and semantically uniform access to data which originally comes from diverse data-sources. It is the case that with most of the reasoning paradigms there are number inferencespecific tasks, e.g. satisfiability checking and realization (instance classification). However, in the context of a semantic web services infrastructure, the components, not directly involved in ontology management, are not expected to directly request these tasks. The requests to the semantic repository will be for storage, retrieval, or querying. The existence of a reasoner will only have an effect on the “quality” of the results of these operations, but not to the interfaces required. For instance, suppose there are facts asserted saying that <partOf, type, TransitiveProperty> <Sofia, partOf, Bulgaria> <Bulgaria, partOf, Europe> Than suppose a query is sent to the system asking for all parts of Europe. A repository, which is equipped with a reasoner which “understands” the semantic of the transitive properties, will return Sofia as an answer, while a “dumb” repository will not, because this fact is not explicitly asserted. Similar considerations can be applied to the different sorts of ontology management tools. There is no doubt, that those are important part of an integrated solution, because they allow for basic tasks such as ontology editing and mediation. However, this functionality is not directly accessed in the context of a web-service execution environment. The ontology tools help managing the ontologies and the data stored in the repository, which is the access point for all the remaining ontology-aware applications and tools. This is interaction schema is demonstrated at Figure 1. 3 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 Clients (Ontology-Aware Systems) Ontology Management Tools Semantic Repository (Repository and/or Reasoner) Structured Data-Source (Database, Ontology Server) Figure 1. Interaction with Semantic Repository The semantic repository component in DIP is required to serve at least the following groups of tools: Ontology management tools, those developed in WP1 and WP2; Semantic Web Service development tools (WSMO Studio and others, WP4); Semantic Web Service execution environment (WSMX and WP4). SEMR should also provide a proper framework for execution of ontology-mappingbased semantic transformation in the course of data mediation, see [9]. 4.10 Service Registry This component is specified in D4.2 and provides to the other DIP components an API that facilitates the publishing and non-semantic (syntactic and structural) retrieval of DIP elements (ontologies, mediators, goals, DIP web services etc.). D4.2 states that the registry will contain links to the semantic information about the published DIP elements and that the retrieval process will be able to return these links based on search using UDDI v2 query language. Two main use cases for the API have been identified in D4.2 – the discovery process and the (semi)automatic service composition. 4.10.1 Publishing The publishing functionality of the DIP registry will be available as a web service that has operations to publish a DIP Web Service, a Mediator Service, Ontology and a Goal. In order to facilitate the retrieval of these elements through the standard UDDI find functionality, some of the WSMO non-functional properties [1] will be stored directly in the underlying UDDI registry (e.g. title, identifier, etc.). Then it would be possible to find the DIP object based on these properties. The complete list can be found in D4.2, chapter 4. 4 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 4.10.2 Retrieval The retrieval of DIP elements from the registry will be available as a web service that provides operations to retrieve DIP Web Services, Mediator Services, Ontologies or Goals according to certain search criteria. The search criteria is based on the WSMO non-functional properties that are mapped into the underlying UDDI registry; the AND, OR or LIKE find qualifiers and wildcards (limited to the title property). 4.11 Choreography and Orchestration (ORCA) This component implements the choreography and orchestration in the DIP execution environment as defined in WSMO. As such, each message coming in to the DIP execution environment passes through ORCA and each message going out is initiated by ORCA and passed through the invoker. Also, this component takes the responsibility to maintain the state of each conversation with an external entity – through a choreography instance when the invocation is incoming to the DIP environment or through the orchestration when the invocation is outgoing from the DIP environment. 5 DIP Component APIs 5.1 Communication Manager The APIs of the communication manager will be described in a separate deliverable D6.4, [12], and they’ll be seen as the main entry point of the DIP execution environment. 5.2 Execution Manager The execution manager will manage the internal workflow of the DIP environment. In the current WSMX implementation the execution semantics is hard-coded and as such there is no need for APIs to this component. In the future the internal workflow will be described declaratively and at that stage we envision adding external APIs to the component. The first interface we expect to have will be called Registrar and it will enable the components doing the actual work in the execution environment to register/unregister dynamically from the manager. Another interface called Configuration will enable other components (f.e. an administrative front-end) to change the workflow rules or the components to be used for specific tasks. Based on the current configuration and workflow rules the execution manager will register the appropriate event types in the event manager and will also create and register all the event listeners it will need to do its work. 5.3 Event Listeners Event listener is common name for the set of interfaces a component should expose in order to subscribe to events in the Event Manager of DIP. At the moment two main components are identified that will expose such interfaces and respectively will receive 5 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 events from the event manager – the Execution Manager and the Communication Manager. The Execution Manager will register the event listeners for all the tasks performed during the processing of a request to the DIP runtime (f.e. matchmaking, discovery, mediation). The Communication Manager will register a listener for an end of processing event so it will know when to return the results back to the original requester. 5.3.1 Interfaces The event listeners expose a single interface called EventListener with a single operation called handleNewEvent(Event) that returns a status indicating whether the event was consumed by the listener or not. 5.4 Event Manager The current implementation of the event manager does not need any external APIs since all the subscriptions and all the subscribed components are hard-coded. In the next revisions of this document we may add an API that will enable dynamic change of the subscription policies and the types of events. In that case the API will expose two interfaces: the EventFactory interface that would enable components to register/unregister types of events or to create events and EventListenerFactory that will be the one the components would use to subscribe/unsubscribe to events. 5.5 Resource Manager The resource manager will be provided as a java component (possibly an EJB). 5.5.1 Interfaces The manager will expose one interface called ResourceManager with two operations: void store(DIPObject objectToStore,URI logicalURI) DIPObject get(URI logicalURI) One possible implementation of the mapping of a logical URI to a physical location is to implement an additional interface called ResourceMapper with a single operation void map(URI partialLogicalURI,URI physicalURI). An example of such a solution will be provided in the next sub-section. Similar mapping problem is also addressed with the Locator interface of the WSMO API (section 6.1), which maps logical IDs to physical addresses for WSMO elements. 6 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 5.5.2 Examples The first example shows how to use the ResourceManager interface. package org.semanticweb.dip.examples.ResourceManager; import java.net.URI; public class Manager { public static void main(String[] args) { try { URI logicalCityURI = new URI( "http://test.dip.org/ontologies/locations/city.wsml"); ResourceManagerInterface resourceManager =resourceManagerHome.getManager(); resourceManager.store(cityOntology,logicalCityURI); DIPObject cityOntologyCopy=resourceManager.get(logicalCityURI); if(!cityOntologyCopy.equals(cityOntology)) { System.out.println("Error storing the ontology"); } } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } } The second example shows a possible implementation of the mapping of logical URIs to physical locations. This is the interface declaration. package org.semanticweb.dip.ResourceManager; import java.net.URI; public interface Mapper { public void mapPhysicalURI(URI partialLogicalURI,URI physicalLocation) throws Exception; public URI getPhysicalURI(URI fullLogicalURI) throws Exception; } 7 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 And this is a possible implementation: package org.semanticweb.dip.ResourceManager; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.net.URISyntaxException; public class MapperImpl implements Mapper { /** * This class keeps mappings of logical domains to physical URIs */ Hashtable mappings=new Hashtable(); /** * Maps the domain part of a logical URI to a physical store. * @param logicalDomainURI - the logical URI (only the domain part is used). * @param physicalLocation - a physical URI location * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void mapPhysicalURI(URI logicalDomainURI,URI physicalURI) throws Exception { if(logicalDomainURI.isOpaque()) { // We do not support opaque logical URIs since they don't have a domain. throw new URISyntaxException("We support only hierarchical logical URIs","opaque"); } assert logicalDomainURI.getHost()!=null; mappings.put(logicalDomainURI.getHost(),physicalURI); } /** * * @param fullLogicalURI - the logical URI (only the domain part is used). * @return the physical URI * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public URI getPhysicalURI(URI fullLogicalURI) throws Exception { assert fullLogicalURI.getHost()!=null; return (URI)mappings.get(fullLogicalURI.getHost()); } protected MapperImpl() { } } 5.6 Discovery The discovery component will be available as a web service that exposes a single interface – Discovery. 5.6.1 Interfaces The discovery web service exposes two operations – DiscoverRankedServices and DiscoverRankedServiceUrls. The first takes a WSMO goal and returns a ranked list of web services represented by their semantic service descriptions. The second takes again a WSMO goal and returns a ranked list of URLs to the semantic descriptions of the services. The schema types of the goal, ranking and service descriptions are still work in progress. Listing 1: Discovery web service WSDL description <definitions name="DiscoveryService" 8 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 targetNamespace="http://www.dip.semanticweb.org/discovery/DiscoveryService.wsdl" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:tns="http://www.dip.semanticweb.org/discovery//DiscoveryService.wsdl" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsd2="http://www.dip.semanticweb.org/discovery//DiscoveryService.xsd2"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Describes a WSDL interface for DIP semantic discovery service</documentation> <types> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.dip.semanticweb.org/discovery//DiscoveryService.xsd2" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsd2="http://www.dip.semanticweb.org/discovery//DiscoveryService.xsd2"> <xsd:complexType name="RankedUrl"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>URL to a Web Service Description ranked by the discovery service</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="url" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="ranking" type="xsd2:ToBeSpecified"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="RankedService"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>A Web Service Description ranked by the discovery service</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="serviceDescription" type="xsd2:ToBeSpecified"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="ranking" type="xsd2:ToBeSpecified"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="Query"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>Query containing a goal to be send to the discovery service.</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="goal" type="xsd2:ToBeSpecified"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="RankedServiceList"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>A list of ranked services discovered by the discovery service</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="rankedService" 9 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 type="xsd2:RankedService"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="ToBeSpecified"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>IMPORTANT: This type is used whenever further specification is required.</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="RankedUrlList"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>List of ranked Urls discovered by the discovery service.</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="rankedUrl" type="xsd2:RankedUrl"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> </types> <message name="DiscoverRankedUrlsRequest"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">InMessage for the DiscoverRankedServiceUrls operation</documentation> <part element="xsd2:Query" name="query"/> </message> <message name="DiscoverRankedServicesRequest"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">InMessage for the DiscoverRankedServices operation</documentation> <part element="xsd2:Query" name="query"/> </message> <message name="DiscoverRankedUrlsResponse"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">OutMessage for the DiscoverRankedServiceUrls operation</documentation> <part element="xsd2:RankedUrlList" name="result"/> </message> <message name="DiscoverRankedServicesResponse"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">OutMessage for the DiscoverRankedServices operation</documentation> <part element="xsd2:RankedServiceList" name="result"/> </message> <portType name="DiscoveryServicePortType"> <operation name="DiscoverRankedServices"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Takes a query containing a goal and returns a ranked list of discovered Web Service Descriptions </documentation> <input message="tns:DiscoverRankedServicesRequest"/> <output message="tns:DiscoverRankedServicesResponse"/> </operation> <operation name="DiscoverRankedServiceUrls"> <documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">Takes a query containing a goal and returns a ranked list of URLs to the discovered Web Service Descriptions </documentation> <input message="tns:DiscoverRankedUrlsRequest"/> <output message="tns:DiscoverRankedUrlsResponse"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="DiscoveryServiceBinding" type="tns:DiscoveryServicePortType"> <binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <operation name="DiscoverRankedServices"> <operation soapAction="capeconnect:DiscoveryService:DiscoveryServicePortType#DiscoverRankedServices" style="document"/> <input> 10 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 <body use="literal"/> </input> <output> <body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> <operation name="DiscoverRankedServiceUrls"> <operation soapAction="capeconnect:DiscoveryService:DiscoveryServicePortType#DiscoverRankedServiceUrls" style="document"/> <input> <body use="literal"/> </input> <output> <body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> </binding> <service name="DiscoveryService"> <port binding="tns:DiscoveryServiceBinding" name="DiscoveryServicePort"> <address location="http://localhost:8000/ccx/DiscoveryService"/> </port> </service> </definitions> 5.7 Invocation The invocation component is implemented as a java interface called exposes a single method called invoke: Invoker that invoke(WebService webService, WSMLDocument document): InvokerResult 5.8 Mediation (Data) TODO: to summarize the interfaces specified in D5.2 and WSMX 5.8.1 Interfaces 5.8.2 Usage examples 11 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 5.9 Semantic Repository To meet the diverse requirements towards it, the Semantic Repository component of DIP is specified as a part of the Ontology Management System (OMS), which is developed in the scope of the Ontology Management Working Group (http://www.omwg.org). OMS is build around an implementation of the Ontology Representation and Data Integration (ORDI) conceptual framework, presented in D2.2, [7]. The ORDI implementation, on itself, is based on the ontology representation package of the WSMO API, presented in section 6.1. This comprehensive dependency schema was implemented in order to make sure that, “by design”, the web-service related tools (WSMO Studio) and the OMS are interoperable. Further, it assures that all the tools based on these interfaces will be able to use various reasoning and repository implementations, which implement them. WSMO4J Reference Implementation WSMO Studio Ontology Management Suite SWS Integrated Development Environment WSMO API Interface Definitions ORDI Ontology Ontology Representation & Data Integration Repository Reasoner (Sesame, YARS) (KAON2) Other Datasources Figure 2. Semantic Repository-related Interfaces The interfaces for the Semantic Repository will be specified within an ORDI implementation. Its main features can be specified as follows: To extend the org.wsmo.IO sub-packages of the WSMO API with further interfaces, supporting behaviors and use cases necessary in ontology management and data integration. Whenever, necessary, the interfaces specified in the www.omwg.Ontology and org.wsmo.Common packages will also be extended. Implementations of the IO.Parser interface for (parsing of and serialization to) different syntaxes and languages will be provided. The first candidates in this direction are the RDF/XML syntax for RDFS and OWL and the XML WSML Syntax. 12 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 Wrappers of the different semantic repositories will be developed as implementations of the IO.Datastore interface (and its extensions in ORDI). The first candidates in this direction are Sesame and KAON 2. The later is the reasoner developed within WP1. Sesame is one of the most popular, and probably the most efficient, RDF repository, which got extended recently with a partial OWL Lite support. YARS is a high-performance, distributed, semantic repository which will be further extended and delivered as D2.5 of DIP. YARS fits in the Sesame architecture as a specific storage and inference layer; thus, the Sesame wrapper will meet number of goals: o integration of YARS; o access to a number of other storage and inference implementations, ranging from point-and-click in-memory packages to MySQL and ORACLE-based ones; o access to a mature RDFS infrastructure with support for number of syntaxes (XML, N-Triples, N3) and query languages (SeRQL, RDQL, RQL). Up until this phase of the project, the efforts were concentrated into development of the WSMO API, which has a very central role in DIP and number of other WSMO-related projects. This delayed a bit the implementation of ORDI, which is dependent on it. As a result, ORDI implementation is still not available. The only semantic repository interface, currently defined, is org.wsmo.IO.Datastore one within the WSMO API: public interface DataStore { void save (Identifiable object); Identifiable load (URIRef objectID); boolean contains (URIRef objectID); } This interface, allows for storage and retrieval of WSMO elements of arbitrary granularity, including top-level ones (such as web services descriptions and ontologies), but also elementary ones (such as concepts and attributes). 5.10 Web Service Registry 5.10.1 Interfaces The interfaces of the two web services that offer the public API of the DIP registry are documented respectively in chapters 4.2 and 4.3 of D4.2. We’ll provide here a brief overview of them. Publishing Interface The operations dipPublishService, dipPublishMediatorService, dipPublishOntology, and dipPublishGoal take as parameters the business entity that owns the element (string), the set of non-functional properties that will be mapped to UDDI (set of strings), the URI of the WSML document that represents the element and an authentication token. In addition the dipPublishService and dipPublishMediatorService operations take the WSDL of the corresponding web service that is being stored (It seems this is not needed – at the moment the WSML description for web services includes the grounding of the service, have to make a 13 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 comment to D4.2). All of the four operations return the registry generated key of the element. All the four operations may compile/store the WSML description locally or just verify it and store a link to it. There are four corresponding operations for deleting DIP elements stored in the registry: dipDeleteService, dipDeleteMediatorService, dipDeleteOntology and dipDeleteGoal. These take as a parameter the key returned from the corrseponding publish operation and again an authentication token. Retrieval Interface There are four operations in this interface: dipRetrieveService, and dipRetrieveGoal. All of those need two parameters – a find query type (AND, OR, LIKE) and the text of the query. The text should obey the UDDI query syntax and roughly speaking consists of key value pairs. The keys are the DIP element properties and the publisher information listed in the Publishing Interface in chapter of D4.2. The find query type might be missing, AND is assumed in that case. dipRetrieveMediatorService, dipRetrieveOntology All the functions return a list of the corresponding type (retrieveServiceResultType for service and mediator service, retrieveOntologyResultType for ontologies, and retrieveGoalResultType for goals). Each of the elements of the list contains the set of non-functional properties and the URI of the WSML description. The retrieveServiceResultType type contains also the WSDL of the corresponding service. 5.10.2 Usage examples The java code fragments below provide examples of using the DIP registry API through Apache WSIF. The first example is publishing an ontology to the registry, the ontology is the date/time example ontology bundled with the WSMX environment. package org.semanticweb.dip.examples.Registry; import org.apache.wsif.util.*; import javax.wsdl.*; import org.apache.wsif.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class Publishing { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Definition def = WSIFUtils.getDefinitionFromLocation("file:///C:/publish/","publish.wsdl"); // Create WSIFService object using WSIFServiceFactory with WSDL definition as parameter. WSIFServiceFactory factory=WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance(); WSIFService serv = factory.getService(def); // Map the complex dipElementPropertiesAbstractType xsd type to a java class // implementation serv.mapType( new QName("urn:dip-org:publish_v1", "dipElementPropertiesAbstractType"), Class.forName( "org.dip.ws.dipElementPropertiesAbstractType")); // Create WSIFPort using WSIFService object with port name as parameter. WSIFPort port = serv.getPort("PublishPort"); // Create WSIFOperation using WSIFPort with operation, input and output names as parameters. WSIFOperation op = port.createOperation("dipPublishOntology", "publishOntologyDescription", "publishOntologyKey"); 14 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 // Create container for the input message WSIFMessage input = op.createInputMessage(); // Create container for the output message WSIFMessage output = op.createOutputMessage(); // Create container for the fault message WSIFMessage fault = op.createFaultMessage(); // Set parameter values for the input message, e.g., Hashtable inputParts=new Hashtable(); inputParts.put("authToken","{2C3E7212-D130-45C0-B250-57EC7AB3AF84}"); inputParts.put("serviceKey","{FFCD4A9A-89E5-48AE-AD00-895279CE906F}"); inputParts.put("businessEntity","DERI International"); org.dip.ws.dipElementPropertiesAbstractType descr=new org.dip.ws.dipElementPropertiesAbstractType(); descr.setPublisher("DERI International"); descr.setCreator("DERI International"); descr.setDescription("generic representation of data and time including basic algebra"); descr.setTitle("Date and Time Ontology ontology"); descr.setDate("2004-07-06"); descr.setFormat("text/plain"); descr.setCoverage("World"); descr.setLanguage("en-US"); descr.setRelation("http://www.isi.edu/~pan/damltime/time-entry.owl, http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/"); descr.setSubject("Date, Time, Date and Time Algebra"); inputParts.put("descr",descr); inputParts.put("wnfp","http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d3/d3.2/v0.1/20040607/resources/dt.wsml"); input.setParts(inputParts); // Execute operation boolean success = op.executeRequestResponseOperation(input, output, fault); WSIFMessage toUse=fault; if(success) { toUse=output; } Iterator parts=toUse.getParts(); while(parts.hasNext()) { System.out.println(parts.next()); } } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } } The second example retrieves from the registry all ontologies published by DERI. package org.semanticweb.dip.examples.Registry; import org.apache.wsif.util.*; import javax.wsdl.*; import org.apache.wsif.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class Retrieval { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Definition def = WSIFUtils.getDefinitionFromLocation("file:///C:/publish/","retrieve.wsdl"); // Create WSIFService object using WSIFServiceFactory with WSDL definition as parameter. WSIFServiceFactory factory=WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance(); WSIFService serv = factory.getService(def); // Map the complex retrieveOntologyResultType xsd type to a java class // implementation serv.mapType( new QName("urn:dip-org:retrieve_v1", "retrieveOntologyResultListType"), Class.forName( "org.dip.ws.retrieveOntologyResultListType")); 15 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 serv.mapType( new QName("urn:dip-org:retrieve_v1", "RetrieveOntologyResultType"), Class.forName( "org.dip.ws.RetrieveOntologyResultType")); // Map the complex dipElementPropertiesAbstractType xsd type to a java class // implementation serv.mapType( new QName("urn:dip-org:retrieve_v1", "dipElementPropertiesAbstractType"), Class.forName( "org.dip.ws.dipElementPropertiesAbstractType")); // Create WSIFPort using WSIFService object with port name as parameter. WSIFPort port = serv.getPort("RetrievePort"); // Create WSIFOperation using WSIFPort with operation, input and output names as parameters. WSIFOperation op = port.createOperation("dipRetrieveOntology", "QueryDipElements", "retrieveOntologyResultList"); // Create container for the input message WSIFMessage input = op.createInputMessage(); // Create container for the output message WSIFMessage output = op.createOutputMessage(); // Create container for the fault message WSIFMessage fault = op.createFaultMessage(); // Set parameter values for the input message, e.g., Hashtable inputParts=new Hashtable(); inputParts.put("authToken","{2C3E7212-D130-45C0-B250-57EC7AB3AF84}"); inputParts.put("dipFindOrLikeQualifier","AND"); inputParts.put("retrieveQuery","{creator=DERI International}"); input.setParts(inputParts); // Execute operation boolean success = op.executeRequestResponseOperation(input, output, fault); if(!success) { Iterator parts=fault.getParts(); while(parts.hasNext()) { System.out.println(parts.next()); } } else { org.dip.ws.retrieveOntologyResultListType ontologies = (org.dip.ws.retrieveOntologyResultListType)output.getObjectPart("tns:retrieveOntologyResultListBody "); org.dip.ws.RetrieveOntologyResultType[] ontologyArr= ontologies.getRetrieveOntologyResultList(); for(int i=0;ontologyArr!=null && i<ontologyArr.length;i++) { org.dip.ws.RetrieveOntologyResultType ontology=ontologyArr[i]; System.out.println(ontology.getWnfp()+", creator: "+ontology.getDipElementPropertiesAbstract().getCreator()); } } } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } } 16 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 5.11 Choreography and Orchestration The ORCA component is under development at the moment in WSMX [5]. It will be implemented as a java component; below we present the preliminary version of the API of the component. 5.11.1 Interfaces The interface of the choreography engine is defined as follows: public interface ChoreographyEngine { private Choreography loadChoreography(ID id); private ID getID(ID id); public void send(Message message, ID id); public void receive(Message message, ID id); } 17 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 6 Additional common APIs In addition to the component APIs there are also number of other, in a sense lowerlevel, interfaces which are important for the interoperability across the tools and components in DIP. 6.1 WSMO API and Reference Implementation The WSMO API is a set of programming interfaces, which main function is to provide a Java binding for the WSMO semantic web services framework. The current version of the WSMO API (RC2) is compliant with WSMO version 1.0, [2]. The strucutre of the API is depicted on Figure 3, where the dependency between the modules (Java packages) goes from the bottom to the top. WSMO Studio WSMO4J SWS Integrated Development Environment Reference Implementation Ontology Management Suite WSML Parser Editing and Browsing File Datastore Mediation In-memory Structures WSMO API Versioning ORDI Interface Definitions Ontology Representation & Data Integration Mediator Import/Export Parsers Goal Data Integration Service Ontology Reasoner Wrappers Common & IO Repository Wrappers Figure 3. WSMO API and WSMO4J Here follows brief enumeration and short description of the packages: Common: the most general primitives, e.g.: identifiers, literals, variables, and non-functional properties. IO: input and output related interfaces, namely: Parser: taking care for parsing from or serialization to a particular syntax; Datastore: defining the basic store and load interfaces, see section 5.9. Locator: interfaces that allow physical locators to be mapped to logical identifiers in a flexible manner. 18 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 Ontology: contains ontology-specific interfaces (ontologies, concepts, instances, relations, axioms, logical expressions, etc.) This package represents the bridge to ORDI and the ontology management tools developed within the Ontology Management Working Group (http://www.omwg.org). For this reason, the package namespace is org.omwg.ontology.*, in contrast to the other packages of the WSMO API, which names start with org.wsmo.*. Goal, Service, Mediator: interfaces modelling the corresponding primitives in WSMO. These are all dependent on Common, IO, and Ontology packages. WSMO API is a purely abstract set of interfaces. It means, that other programs may not use it directly – they could only use a particular implementation of this interfaces. WSMO4J is a reference implementation of the WSMO API, which allows its usage without any further development. WSMO4J includes: Implementations of the primitive-modelling interfaces from the Ontology, Goal, Service, and Mediator packages (e.g. concept, instance, goal, service). Implementation of the Parser interface (parsing and serialization) with respect to the WSML user-friendly syntax, [10]. Implementation of the Datastore interface, providing persistency on top of proprietary binary file storage. Implementation of the Locator interface. The WSMO API and WSMO4J are open-source, available together at the wsmo4j SourceForge project, having its home page at http://wsmo4j.sourceforge.net/. Documentation of the API is available there as a JavaDoc reference, as well as a programmers guide, [10]. 6.2 Ontology Management Tools The different ontology management tools (apart from the semantic repository) are not first-class citizens of the DIP architecture, as long as those are not directly involved in web service execution. Still, it is the case that some of them could fit as components in customized web-service development environments. Those are discussed in a bit more detail in D6.4, [12] – here we only mention their existence. The ontology management tools of DIP (WP2) are developed as part of the work of OMWG. The roadmap of the group determines that an integrated extensible Ontology Management System will be implemented on the basis of the Eclipse1 framework, version 3.0. The particular tools are developed as separate plug-ins, which interoperate through shared data models. The same approach (Eclipse-based architecture) is agreed for the design of a semantic web services development environment, named WSMO Studio. It will include number of plug-ins, amongst which WSMO browser and editor. As presented at Figure 3, WSMO Studio and the OMS will both use the WSMO API (section 6.1). The later together with Eclipse, provides sufficient ground for interoperability, even though, the two environments will be developed independently. 1 http://www.eclipse.org/ 19 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 7 CONCLUSION This deliverable provided a roadmap towards the programming interfaces of the various components of the DIP architecture. For many components, the interfaces are still not specified in detail due to the fact that the corresponding aspects of the conceptual framework are not finalized yet. Further, the level of granularity of the presented interfaces is still quite different, which could be accounted to the early stage of the development of the architecture. 8 WHILE THIS WAS AN EXPECTED SITUATION, THE PROJECT PLAN ENVISIONS, A UPDATE OF THE APIS TO BE PRESENTED IN DELIVERABLE D6.9 “REVISION OF THE COMPONENTS APIS”. IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE AUTHORS, THAT THE CURRENTLY EXISTING APIS PROVIDE SUFFICIENT LEVEL OF DETERMINISM TO ALLOW REASONABLY SMOOTH SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIDDLE PHASE OF THE PROJECT.REFERENCES TODO: there reference formatting has to be unified [1] D. Roman, U. Keller, H. Lausen (eds.): Web Service Modeling Ontology - Standard (WSMO - Standard), 2004, version 0.2. http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d2/v02/ [2] D. Roman, U. Keller, H. Lausen (eds.): Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), 2004, version 1.0. http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d2/v1.0/ [3] Chris Preist and Dumitru Roman (eds.). D12v0.1. Web Service Modeling Ontology Full (WSMO - Full), WSMO Working Draft 24 June 2004. http://www.wsmo. org/2004/d2/v03/. [4] Massimo Paolucci, Takahiro Kawamura, Terry R. Payne, and Katia Sycara. Semantic Matching of Web Services Capabilities. In Proceedings of the 1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002), 2002. [5] Michal Zaremba, Matthew Moran, Emilia Cimpian, Adrian Mocan, Eyal Oren, Matthew Moran (eds.): WSMX Implementation (WSMO Working Draft), 2004, version 0.1; http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d13/d13.5/v0.1/ [6] E. Oren: WSMX Execution Semantics (WSMO Working Draft), 2004, version 0.1; http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d13/d13.2/v0.1/ [7] Atanas Kiryakov, Damyan Ognyanoff, Vesselin Kirov. (2004) An Ontology Representation and Data Integration (ORDI) Framework. Deliverable D2.2 of the DIP project. [8] Manfred Hauswirth, Roman Schmidt, Michael Altenhofen, Christian Drumm, Chris Bussler, Matthew Moran, Michal Zaremba, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Joachim Quantz, Laurent Henocque, Armin Haller, Brahmananda Sakpota, Edward Kilgariff, Simeon Petkov, David Aiken, Eyal Oren, Manuel Ohlendorf, Adrian Mocan. DIP Architecture. Deliverable D6.2 of the DIP project. [9] Atanas Kiryakov, Christian Drumm, Lina Al-Jadir, and et.al. D5.2: Mediation Module Specification: Business Data-Level Mediation. DIP deliverable. Dec. 2004 [10] Marin Dimitrov, Damyan Ognyanov. (2004). wsmo4j Programmer’s Guide. http://wsmo4j.sourceforge.net/doc/wsmo4j-prog-guide.pdf [11] J. de Bruijn, H. Lausen, and D. Fensel. The WSML Family of Representation Languages, v0.2. DERI, Nov 2004. http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d16/d16.1/v0.2/20041126/. 20 FP6 – 504083 Deliverable 6.3 [12] Vesselin Kirov, Atanas Kiryakov. D6.4: Description of the external DIP APIs to be used by the case studies. (Original name: Description of the mediation function interface to be used by the case studies) DIP deliverable. Dec. 2004 21