We all learn in different ways. The most effective way for me to learn

We all learn in different ways. The most effective way for me to learn is for me to use all three approaches
and strategies. I need to learn to use my sight and visual memory as well as my aural and hearing memory
and I need to learn by doing and using my physical memory .Please give me the opportunity to approach
mathematics in lots of different ways, not just in the way that may suit me best. Please help me develop my
lesser preferred styles as well.
I respond to visual prompts
Do you have arrange of 2D and 3D shapes that I can
see indoors and outdoors
I learn best through observing and watching
Have you got a range of number lines that are
relevant and accessible to me and my peers
I may watch my siblings, peers or adults. I also learn
Can you remember to let me see you and my peers
through observing and watching the television,
pictures or photographs
I pay attention to details in picture books, i.e the
Have you got a range of resources, such as picture
colour of the dress
books, puppets and props that will help me with my
I remember visual detail i.e the pattern of the snack
Can you show me how to count with my fingers ,
on the tray
show me different ways to count with my fingers
I may need paper and pens to help ,e visualise my
Have you got a range of resources i.e Numicon that
will allow me to see the pattern of numbers
I like to see and watch what you are doing i.e mixing Have you got a range of resources that will help me
the paints for us to use
with adding and subtracting i.e beads on a rope
I like to see visual representations i.e timetables in
Do you have a range or IT programmes that will
show me shape, space and measures
I can easily memorise labels and I often van find
Do you have a range or IT programmes that will
other people’s as well as my own
show me numbers, number orders, rhymes, addition
and subtraction
I respond to photographs and pictures more readily Do you have photographs and pictures that show
than to discussions
me measure language i.e full/empty, long/short,
big/small, hour, day, week
I often repeat a previous experience by visualising it
Remember to let me see a range of strategies for
i.e I arrange the toys in the role play in the same way counting; be a good role model for me to learn by
that they were arranged yesterday
watching you
We all learn in different ways. The most effective way for me to learn is for me to use all three approaches
and strategies. I need to learn to use my sight and visual memory as well as my aural and hearing memory
and I need to learn by doing and using my physical memory .Please give me the opportunity to approach
mathematics in lots of different ways, not just in the way that may suit me best. Please help me develop my
lesser preferred styles as well.
learn best by listening
Can you remember to count aloud with me so that
I can hear the right number order
I will often seek out an adult to talk to
Do you give me the opportunity to relate number to
music? Can I listen and help you count the beats,
claps, stamps that relate to the specific number?
it helps my understanding if I can talk through my
Can you increase the mathematical language that you
experience or activity or if I listen to you talking
use? Talk about more/less, lots/few. I like to hear
about what I am doing i.e you’ve placed a block on
about “big” numbers as well like thousands and
the building to make it taller
Sometimes I may repeat what you have said to help
Can you use mathematical language when you
me understand you i.e “would you like a piece of
sharing groups, ”how many will each child have?”
“Can I have a piece of fruit please?”
I often like to talk to myself when I playing or
Can you help me learn by reinforcing my learning
learning something new
through discussion?
I am often engaged in an internal dialogue as I
Please use mathematical language both indoors and
process my understanding. I may look as if I’m not
outdoors. The more I hear, the more I will
listening when I’m doing this.
remember and start to use the language myself
I often like to listen to chants or rhymes to help me Do you use different rhymes with different themes
to remember to do something rather than a visual
and numbers? Do the rhymes involve counting
reminder i.e tidying up rhyme
forwards and backwards?
I may learn by listening listen to you, my peers or my Let me listen to stories that relate to shape, space
siblings. I also learn through listening to the radio ,
and measure? Can you record them so that I can
television or music
listen to them as I use the props please?
I listen to answers and respond well to verbal
Can you talk to me as am doing things with youfeedback about what I am doing. The right types of
“how can we measure this?, what do you think we
questions will help me maximise the learning
can use?
experience for me
I may look as if I’m not listening when you’re talking
Do you let me learn about shape and size through
BUT my listening skills are more developed than my music and dance? – Music that helps me dance in a
visual skills. I will be listening to you rather than
big shape, crouch down as small as possible. The
looking at you
volume of music may help me fast music= dance fast,
slow music=walk or dance slow
We all learn in different ways. The most effective way for me to learn is for me to use all three approaches
and strategies. I need to learn to use my sight and visual memory as well as my aural and hearing memory
and I need to learn by doing and using my physical memory .Please give me the opportunity to approach
mathematics in lots of different ways, not just in the way that may suit me best. Please help me develop my
lesser preferred styles as well.
I like to learn by doing hands on activities and I
Do you have a range of numbers that I can pick up
often choose top play outside in any weather
and feel- sponge, wooden, plastic and magnetic
Please let me use them when I am counting
I can be competitive in wanting to display my
Do you have a range of resources that relate to
physical performance, i.e ride my bike the fastest,
numbers i.e “lots”. This will help cement my
climb highest on the climbing frame
I need more help to develop my listening and
I will understand directional language in a range of
observing skills. I often need frequent breaks for
activities that involve me actually “doing” the
movement or to shift my position. This will help me
movements you are describing i.e obstacle course,
to maintain my focus and develop my visual and
small world play that will involve me.
auditory skills without becoming frustrated
Please use the correct language while I am “doing”
to help cement my understanding
Please don’t ask me to do too many activities that
Do you have a range of tools that I can use and
require me to sit still and listen for long periods of
explore to help me with my understanding of
time. I find this really hard to do if you need me to
number i.e “Numicon
I sometimes look like I’m fidgeting or I may look like Do you have a range of number lines that can be
I’m not paying attention
manipulated and moved around- numbers on a
string, beads on a rope
You may often think I need to be on the move all
Can you relate numbers to physical activities –
the time
clapping hands, jumping , stamping feet to represent
I like to touch things and explore them to help me
Can you encourage me to mark make shapes and
learn about them
discuss these in relation to the properties and
position of the shape? I need to hear you use the
language as I am mark making
I am usually well co-ordinated in my movements
Do you have a range of 2D and 3 D shapes that I can
touch and pick up? Are these in a range of textures?
I will find learning easier if I can do movements and
Can you relate shape space and measure to
actions to accompany focussed activities i.e actions
movement? Can I act out big/small, directional
to go with the story, play instruments to clap or
language in dance and music to help bring the words
beat out the rhythm
to life for me?
I often jump ahead of visual and auditory instructions It will help my understanding if you encourage me to
and I often want to “get on with it”
make my own marks to show how I have counted (I
don’t need to write the numerals )
I often like to move around while I am listening or
I may like to use my fingers to count, placing them
looking at something,. I may like to “talk” with my
up/down as I count or watch you count. Can you
show me how to do this?