Mrs. Gilmartin's English Wiki

Mrs. Gilmartin
English 10C
“Courage” by Anne Sexton (512-13)
5. In the 3rd stanza, what phase of life is the speaker
What acts does she explain require courage?
Analysis Questions
1. In the first stanza, what phase of life is the speaker
What acts does she explain require courage?
6. What figures of speech can you find in Stanza Three?
List them below in quotes and state which kind they are.
2. What figures of speech can you find in Stanza One?
List them below in quotes and state which kind they are.
3. In the 2nd stanza, what phase of life is the speaker
7. In the 4th stanza, what phase of life is the speaker
What acts does she explain require courage?
What acts does she explain require courage?
4. What figures of speech can you find in Stanza Two?
List them below in quotes and state which kind they are.
8. What figures of speech can you find in StanzaFour?
List them below in quotes and state which kind they are.
9. Which figure(s) of speech stands out to you the most?
List it below in quotes and explain why.
10. The last three stanzas begin with the word later. How did
this help the poem achieve its meaning?
1. Discuss a time in your life which required
you to have courage. Be sure to discuss if it
was a “small” or “large” act of couage.
Write at least one paragraph.
11. How does the speaker personify sorrow in lines 32-37?
How does the speaker make sorrow seem different?
2. Write a 6-7 line poem about a time in
your life which required you or someone you
know to have courage.
12. What do you think the meaning/message of this poem is?
Explain in your own words.
3. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the
poem discussing how the poem successfully
achieved its meaning.