January 5, 2015 - Johnson Township

Johnson Township Board of Trustees met on Monday, January 5, 2015, at the Township
building. Present were Trustees Gary Dowty, Dennis Kauffman, Jack Purk; Fiscal Officer Suellen
Slayton, Gary Pendergrass, Jason Hoelscher-Zoning Commission member and guest Emilio
Valdez, Fire Chief Scott Massie and JSP Fire District Board Member Dan Bey. The meeting
opened at 7:30PM. Chief Massie and Mr. Bey were present to speak with the Township Board
concerning a Joint Resolution for the Creation and Operation of the JSP JOINT FIRE DISTRICT.
The Village of St. Paris, Johnson Township and the JSP Fire District need to approve the
Resolution and sign the papers.
RESOLUTION# 01052015-1-Jack Purk made a motion to approve the Resolution. Gary Dowty
seconded the motion and on the roll call the vote was: Dowty, Yes; Purk, Yes; Kauffman, Yes.
Motion carried.
MINUTES – Jack Purk made a motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. Gary
Dowty seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.
WARRANTS – the following were presented for the Board’s review, approval and signatures:
21190- 12/16/2014- OPERS $1,496.40
21191- 12/16/2014- OHIO TAXES- $87.73
These Warrants were missed being signed at the last meeting of December.
CORRECTION-time of the Board meeting is set at 7:30 each month.
2015 APPROPRIATIONS Resolution #01052015-2- The Fiscal Officer presented the 2015
Appropriations to the Board for their approval. Gary Dowty made a motion to accept the 2015
Appropriations. Jack Purk seconded the motion and on the roll being called the vote was:
Kauffman, Yes; Dowty, Yes; Purk, Yes. Motion carried.
ZONING BOARD- Mr. Earl Newell submitted his letter of resignation from the Zoning Board.
He stated he will be moving out of Johnson Township in 2015. Mr. Valdez indicated that he
would be interested in filling Mr. Newell’s vacancy on the Zoning Board. The Board talked with
Mr. Valdez and gave him some idea what the Zoning Board position would entail. Mr. Valdez
stated he would like to fill the vacancy. Gary Dowty made a motion to appoint Emilio Valdez as
a member of the Zoning Board. Jack Purk seconded the motion and on the roll being called the
vote was: Purk, Yes; Dowty, Yes; Kauffman, Yes. Motion carried.
DOWTY- reported that Jeff Anway had purchased a house on Woodville Pike. The area there
has the Bodey cemetery lot- dating back many years. Dowty stated the small cemetery lot
could possibly be on Mr. Anway’s property. It will be checked out. Dowty reported he had
driven the new truck and experienced difficulty with the new spreader.
PENDERGRASS- reported information about Minimum Traffic Sign Retrorefectivity Replacement
Plan that is being required by Federal Highway Administration. Pendergrass suggested the
Board vote it in for the Township. Jack Purk made a motion to sign the Replacement Plan.
Gary Dowty seconded. All in favor, motion carried. The new sander on the truck cannot be
lifted and set on the floor. There needs to be a coaster to move it.
JANUARY CHAMPAIGN CO ASSN: The meeting will be held, at the County Community Center, at
1/14/2015, 6PM and dinner will be served.
ADJOURNMENT-Jack Purk made a motion to adjourn. Gary Dowty seconded the motion. The
meeting adjourned at 8:19PM.
Fiscal Officer