East Hamilton Battlefield Babe Ruth League 73 Cameron Avenue North, Hamilton, ON. L8H 4Z1 battlefield.baseball@yahoo.ca http://battlefieldbaseball.baberuthonline.com POLICE CHECKS FOR COACH AND ASSISTANT COACH POSITIONS Thank you for volunteering to be a coach or assistant coach for East Hamilton Battlefield Baseball. East Hamilton Battlefield Baseball (“the League”) follows procedures as required by our charter with Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball. As of 2014, all coaches and assistant coaches for all divisions are required to provide the League with a Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) before they are permitted to coach for the League. http://www.hamiltonpolice.on.ca/HPS/Services/Records/CriminalRecordsSearch.htm To minimize inconvenience, a police records check is only required once for as long as the volunteer is active with the League. And if you already have a Police Vulnerable Sector Check that is less than 1 year old, it will be acceptable for our purposes as well. There is a fee payable to the Hamilton Police Service of $25.00 cash, debit, Visa or Mastercard. The police check record will be mailed back to you within 30 days. Please be assured that all information will be held in strict confidence. Division Convenors will collect the information on behalf of the league and provide it to the President for review. Convenors have been directed not to review the contents. Further, the contents will not be discussed with any other member of the League or the League Executive. Please contact the League at any time if you have questions or concerns. Yours sincerely, Mark Welch and Tove Belyea Co-Presidents East Hamilton Battlefield Baseball