Q. Compare:Indoor (Controlled) Vs. Outdoor (Uncontrolled) Tanning
Indoor tanning technology provides the most efficient choice for individuals to obtain a cosmetic
tan in a controlled exposure environment as opposed to the uncontrollable outside environment.
Indoor tanning technology includes an exposure schedule that factors in individual skin
type and appropriate time exposure.
With indoor tanning you can tan at any time and aren't limited to daylight hours and
weather conditions.
With indoor tanning you can help ensure that you won't get a sunburn when following an
appropriate time exposure.
Outdoor sun exposure is an uncontrollable environment as no one can control the sun.
Outdoor exposure varies in intensity depending on such factors as altitude, cloud cover,
air pollutants, reflective surfaces, times of day and proximity to the equator.
FAQ About Tanning
Do I really need to use lotion?
Yes, the use of indoor tanning lotions will provide the three essentials of effective tanning: hydration, nutrition,
and oxygenation. Skin must be hydrated to reach and maintain the desired tan. Dry, neglected skin reflects UV
light and exfoliates much faster. The natural, vitamin rich products sold at Image Sun are fundamental to the
skin's appearance and ability to tan. Vitamins replenish necessary nutrition to skin cells, promoting cell
regeneration and oxygenation. Oxygen fuels skin cell functions, thereby accelerating the tanning process. Our
trained personnel will recommend the appropriate product for you.
Why do I need to wear eye protection?
Eye protection is required by law.The eyelid does not effectively block ultraviolet light while tanning. Therefore
the use of approved eye protection is required in Image Sun to insure that our customers do not suffer ill effects
such as cataracts or night blindness.
What should I wear when I tan?
Tanning attire is entirely up to the client. The potential danger of tanning nude is ultraviolet overexposure-such
as sunburn-of sensitive body parts that are not normally exposed to ultraviolet light. It is recommended that
sensitive body parts be gradually exposed to prevent overexposure.
Why should I tan?
Four and a half billion years of ongoing research have proven one thing very conclusively: Sunhine is the source
of all life and energy on our planet. The risks involved with tanning are easily minimized by following the Golden
Rule of Smart Tanning: Don't Ever Sunburn. The health benefits include but are not limited to: production of
Vitamin D, decreased risks of breast and colon cancer, and reduced risk of sunburn. The psychological benefits of
tanning are also well researched. Sunlight deprivation has been linked to some mental disorders. There are
numerous reasons, physical and psychological, why exposure to ultraviolet light is desirable.
What are the potential health benefits of tanning?
UV light is the main source of Vitamin D for humans. UV light causes the skin to create pre-vitamin D, which, in
turn, make Vitamin D that is necessary for good health, bone formation and repair, and the absorption of calcium
and phosphorous in the body. The presence of Vitamin D in the body can decrease the risks of developing breast
and colon cancers. Tanning also provides natural protection from sunburn. Melanin (tanning pigment) helps the
skin absorb ultraviolet rays without causing damage to surrounding cells, thereby offering protection from
Why does a tan disappear?
The tan, or pigmentation process, occurs in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. Everyone's skin naturally
exfoliates every 28-30 days.
How often is a person allowed to tan?
The Food and Drug Administration suggests that a 48 hour time period should pass between tanning sessions.
Pigmentation and/or sunburn may not be fully visible for between 12-24 hours. Thus, two tanning sessions within
a 24 hour period could cause an unintentional burn. In general, following the recommended exposure schedule
and the recommendation of your tanning consultant will provide the best results.
Can the UV rays emitted by indoor tanning lamps pass through the skin and
affect internal organs?
Although this is a popular myth, ultraviolet light waves cannot penetrate so deeply to affect the body's tissues
and organs. Ultraviolet rays are not the same as X-rays or heat rays and, therefore, have different effects on the
body. Overexposure will result in sunburn, but will not effect internal organs.
Is it harmful to wear contact lenses when tanning indoors?
It is not advised to wear contact lenses while tanning. Although wearing the provided protective eyewear will
protect your eyes from ultraviolet light, the heat generated could cause drying and discomfort. Image Sun
provides contact cases and solution at our vanity area for your convenience.
Why do some dermatologists warn people against sun exposure?
While some dermatologists may advocate total avoidance of UV exposure, the media seems to quote only those
who do. Many dermatologists and others from the medical community have acknowledged the need for moderate
sun exposure, while advocating the use of suncreens.
Why do some people itch after tanning?
Itching and/or rashes may be linked to several unrelated causes, so it is important to obtain a tanning history on
each customer. Some people are naturally photosensitive upon exposure to ultraviolet light. Others are
susceptible to heat rashes, a cause totally unrelated to the UV exposure. Certain chemicals or ingredients found
in cosmetics, lotions, shampoo, and even disinfecting agents may cause itching as well. Rashes caused by these
products generally occur in localized areas on which the products were applied. It is advised to tan with the skin
as clean as possible and to only use products approved or suggested by your tanning consultant. If discontinued
use of a suspected product does not inhibit the problem, a person should discontinue any exposure to UV light
until the condition subsides or visit a physician.
What causes white spots?
Tinea Versicolor, a skin condition that affects tanners, is caused by a microscopic fungus from the scalp. This
fungus falls onto arms, shoulders, and other body parts and leaves bleached areas on the skin, which can spread.
It is treatable and must be protected from further ultraviolet light exposure until those bleached areas have
begun developing melanin again.
Can indoor tanning cure acne?
Phototherapy (use of UV light) has been effective in easing the skin problems common to this condition. There
are also many drugs, including tetracycline and Retin-A, which are also widely used for the treatment of acne.
Because these drugs can render the skin photosensitive, one must avoid UV exposure when medicated.
Furthermore, the use of UV light for acne treatment should only be administered by a qualified physician. The
Food and Drug Administration prohibits indoor tanning equipment operators from asserting that equipment use is
beneficial for any purpose other than obtaining cosmetic coloring.
Does tanning cause melanoma?
There is no conclusive evidence which substantiates that malignant melanoma is caused by gradual, moderate UV
exposure. However, those who are predisposed to develop melanoma due to hereditary factors may intensify this
condition with exposure to indoor or outdoor UV light. While some studies have suggested a link between severe
sunburn and malignant melanoma, there are other studies available that prove an inverse relationship. In a study
published in the International Journal of Cancer in 1989 (known as the Western Canada Melanoma Study),
Canadian researchers found a significant inverse association between melanoma and chronic or long-term
occupational sun exposure in men, with the lowest risk in those with maximum occupational exposure. This may
suggest that repeated exposure can be protective. Gradual, moderate exposure is not believed to be a strong
influential factor as melanoma generally develops on those areas not normally exposed to UV light.
Is it possible to contract AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases from
indoor tanning equipment?
People cannot contract diseases from properly sanitized, well maintained tanning beds. Disease specialists have
said that no evidence exists to prove that sanitized tanning units have spread diseases.
Does tanning help treat depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder?
There exists a growing body of scientific evidence which indicates that some people actually require more light
exposure in order to function properly. Exposure to bright light, such as that emitted by the mid-day summer
sun, causes the brain to suppress the release of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin acts as a depressant in the
body if generated during the daytime. Thus, when affected people are exposed to longer hours of bright light,
they feel happier, euphoric and more able to enjoy life. Bright light sources emitting only visible light, are now
frequently used to successfully treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Sub-syndromal Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SSAD).
Can indoor tanning equipment be used to treat skin disorders such as psoriasis?
The F.D.A. and Federal Trade Commission forbid making representations regarding the benefits of indoor tanning
other than it's cosmetic effect. Therefore, one may not make medical claims about indoor tanning equipment.
However, phototherapy (U.V. light treatment) can be used to ease the symptoms of psoriasis. The treatment is
rendered by a trained physician with equipment specifically designed for such a purpose.
Can tanning cause wrinkles?
Excessive exposure can destroy the resilient fibers of the lower skin layer, thereby causing the top layer of skin to
sag. Thus, elastosis or wrinkling appears. If UV light is not blocked by pigmentation in the outer skin layer, it can
penetrate to the dermis and destroy skin elasticity. Thus, it is advised to avoid overexposure to ultraviolet light.
May pregnant women tan indoors?
Ultraviolet radiation from tanning equipment does not affect tissues below the surface of the skin, including a
developing, unborn baby. It is not advised nor is it allowed at Image Sun . Medical professionals do not know how
pregnancy is affected by the heat generated by tanning equipment. Also, a woman in advanced pregnancy could
experience difficulty and discomfort using tanning equipment as most units would be too small and cramped.
Although we will not allow pregnant women to tan, we are always more than happy to extend packages to be
used after the child is born.
Will I burn?
Burning is the enemy. Tanning is your skin's natural defense mechanism and protection against burning. Burning
leads to photodamage, premature aging, sun-spots, drying, flaking and peeling of the skin, and should be
avoided at all costs. At Image Sun you can tan without burning. Moderation is the key and is enforced.
YES! We are so sure that you cannot find a better tanning value or higher quality of service that all sales come
with a
Q. Is it harmful to where contact lenses when tanning indoors?
Even though there exists no known reason why contact lenses may not be worn
while tanning indoors, we highly recommend removing contact lenses prior to
tanning. When the eyes are kept closed and proper protective eyewear is worn, it is
impossible for UV light to penetrate to the eye or lens. However, the heat generated
by indoor tanning equipment could cause the eye to dry a bit, thereby making the
lens uncomfortable. Just as one should moisturize the skin after tanning, contact lens
wearers should also use the eyedroppers recommended by his/her optometrist.
There is no evidence which indicates the heat buildup in indoor tanning equipment
will cause contact lenses to melt.
Q. What causes white spots?
Tinea Versicolor, a skin condition , caused by a microscopic fungus from the scalp, falls onto arms, shoulders, and
other body parts and leaves bleached-looking areas on the skin, which can spread. It is treatable with topical aids
such as leaving the active ingredient in Selsun Blue dandruff shampoo on for 10 minutes for mild cases and for
more resistant conditions, your doctor may prescribe pills for treatment. Since tinea versicolor covers skin cells and
acts as a sun screen with high SPF factor, the effected areas must be protected from further ultraviolet light
exposure until those bleached areas have begun developing melanin again.
Vitamin D, UV-B and Tanning
Up until the introduction of supplements and food fortification, such as that in milk, exposing our
skin to UV-B light was the only way our bodies were able to produce Vitamin D. It is accepted by
organizations such as the U.S. National Institute of Health that;
Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet
(U.S. National Institute of Health)
"Sun exposure is perhaps the most important source of Vitamin D because exposure to sunlight
provides most humans with their Vitamin D requirement"
Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users
(Health Canada).
Health Canada acknowledges that an effect of tanning equipment (sunbeds) is the production of
Vitamin D3.
“Use of tanning bed has been associated with optimal Vitamin D status.”
(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004;80:1645-9 Tangpricha V, Turner A, Spina C, Decastro S, Chen TC, Holick MF)
“…moderate use of a tanning beds may also provide some medical benefit”
This study found Vitamin D in the blood, after exposure, to be 90% higher in those who used a
tanning bed compared to those who did not.
Are we becoming Vitamin D deficient?
“Wintertime vitamin D insufficiency is common in young Canadian women, and their
vitamin D intake does not prevent it.”
(European Clinical Journal of Nutrition (2001) 55, 1091 – 1097) Vieth R, Cole DE, Hawker GA, Trang HM, Rubin LA.)
“…vitamin D intake from milk and/or multivitamins does not relate to prevention of low vitamin D
nutritional status of young women in winter.”
Nor does the winter sun help. Sun intensity is not strong enough in the winter months to provide
adequate amounts of Vitamin D.
“Vitamin D insufficiency in a population of healthy Western Canadians”
(Canadian Medical Association Journal – 2002, 166 (12) Rucker D, Allan JA, Fick GH, Hanley DA.)
“People living in countries at higher latitudes are more prone to seasonal vitamin D insufficiency
because wintertime sunlight does not promote conversion of the vitamin D precursor in the skin”
“Vitamin D deficiency has long been recognized as a cause of rickets in children and
osteomalacia [softening of the bones] in adults.”
Vitamin D and potential related health benefits
The majority of indoor tanners primarily tan for cosmetic purposes. While tanning you will, as an
additional benefit, increase your body’s level of Vitamin D. Studies show that maintaining healthy
Vitamin D levels has many potential health benefits.
“Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers,
and cardiovascular diseases”
(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004;80:1678S-88S) Holick MF.)
“Vitamin D deficiency and decreased exposure to solar UVB radiation have been demonstrated to
increase the risks of many common cancers, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple
“Studies reported that exposure – of 20% of the body ‘s surface to either direct sunlight or tanning
bed radiation was effective in increasing blood concentrations of Vitamin D3 and 25 hydroxyvitamin
“Vitamin D: importance in the prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart disease and
(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004; 79:362-71) Holick MF.)
“The simplest way to obtain Vitamin D is from moderate exposure to sunlight.”
This study used a tanning bed to measure Vitamin D levels derived from supplementation compared
to sunlight.
“Vitamin D vs broad spectrum phototherapy in the treatment of seasonal affective
(Journal of Nutrional Health Aging. 1999;3(1):5-7) Gloth FM 3rd, Alam W, Hollis B.)
“Improvement in 25-OH D was significantly associated with improvement in depression scale
“Vitamin D may be an important treatment for SAD”
“Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter”
(Psychopharmacology (1998) 135: 319-323) Lansdowne AT, Provost SC.)
“Vitamin D3 deficiency provides a compelling and parsimonious explanation for seasonal variations
in mood.”
“In contemporary Western society, people generally obtain little exposure to sunlight.”
Does an indoor tan aid in protection from sun burning outdoors?
“Effects of repeated sunbed exposures on the human skin. In vivo measurements with
confocal microscopy.”
(Source Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2004; 20; 27-32 Gambichler T, Sauermann K, Altintas MA, Paech V,
Kreuter A, Altmeyer P, Hoffmann K.)
“Sunbed exposures seem to induce photo adaptation not only by skin pigmentation but also by
epidermal thickening that is predominantly due to an increase in thickness of the horny [outer]
Choosing A Sunscreen
Choosing a Sunscreen can be a very important weapon against over exposure which can
cause burning, peeling, flaking and pain. Below is information to help you understand SPF
ratings, the factors that influence tanning and how to choose the right level of protection for
How do they work?
Sun blocking chemicals absorb the sun's energy before it can penetrate your skin. The
chemical then transforms the energy (UVA and UVB) into something harmless usually heat.
This process is repeated over and over, many times per second. Some sunscreens block only
UVB rays, others block both UVA and UVB rays. The sunscreens that block both UVA and
UVB are much safer.
Understanding SPF levels
SPF levels are designed to inform you about the level of sunscreen protection a lotion will offer
you. Lotions range in SPF from 2 to 30 and higher. Basically a SPF of 2 will give you 2 times
your natural protection. If you start to burn after 30 minutes of sun exposure a SPF 2 lotion will
give you protection from burning for 60 minutes.
Factors that determine the effectiveness of SPFs
Formula - oils are generally less effective than creams
Amount applied - It is important to apply a thick, even film and to re-apply it after swimming
or exercise. Use about 1 oz. per application, this may sound like a lot but try it.
Skin type - This determines your amount of natural protection. To find out your type see the
What's your Skin Type guide.
Location - This determines how much UV gets through the atmosphere. There is more UV
exposure at high altitudes and near the Equator. So when you go on that Tropical Vacation
boost your SPF Level!
Time of Day & Season - The sun is most intense during 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and is more
intense in summer than winter. A sunscreen you use in March may not be strong enough in
June and July.
Reflection - Sand, water, cement and so on reflect sun light so it may bounce back to you for
added exposure.
The SPF for You
Now that you understand many factors effect a Sunscreens effectiveness, below is a basic
guide for SPFs. Be sure to go up or down according to the above factors. We believe if you
make an error, do it on the safe side. Always go UP! If you don't know your skin type find out
Type I - SPF 15 or Higher
Type II - SPF 8
Type III - SPF 6
Type IV - SPF 2-4
Type V - SPF 2
Type VI - None - SPF 2
This SAE information, compiled by SAE National Board of Directors under the
direction of Carol Goodall, SAE National Board Leader for Image Management
and Joe Schuster, SAE National Board Leader for Media Relations, presents the
facts of indoor tanning and answers the most common questions people have
about the indoor tanning option. It is the intention of SAE and its salon operator
members that once you know the facts, you will then be able to make an
informed decision on whether or not to tan indoors, and if you do choose to tan
indoors, that you will do so responsibly and in moderation.
Contributors to the information are: California Suncare Inc., Cosmedico
Light Inc., Eye Pro Inc., Kelsun Distributors Inc., Light Sources, Inc., MOST
Products, Sun Ergoline, (formerly Sun Industries Inc.) Ultrabronz USA,
Ultraviolet Resources International and Wolff System Technology
Light is essential to all life on earth. There are various reasons, physiological and
psychological, why exposure to light is desirable. There exists a growing body of
scientific evidence indicating that some people actually require more light
exposure in order to function effectively. Exposure to bright light, such as
generated by the mid-day summer sun, causes the brain to suppress the release
of the hormone melatonin that acts as a depressant in the body if generated
during the daytime. When affected individuals are exposed to longer hours of
bright light, they feel happier and are able to enjoy life.
You may know that there are various health benefits associated with the
exposure to sunlight, such as the production of Vitamin D3 in the prevention of
bone diseases (such as osteoporosis) and in the improvement of symptoms of
Due to FDA regulations, those in the indoor tanning industry may not make any
medical representations or claims related to indoor tanning exposure. They can
only refer to its cosmetic effect: the tan.
On the unscientific "lifestyle" side of "why tan?", there is the belief that a great tan
looks good, conveying a "feeling great" attitude, adding to personal confidence
and attractiveness.
OUTDOOR (Uncontrolled) TANNING
tanning technology provides the most efficient choice for individuals to
obtain a cosmetic tan in a controlled exposure environment as opposed to the
uncontrolled exposure of the outside environment. Indoor tanning technology
must include an exposure schedule (prominently displayed on each tanning unit)
that factors in individual skin type and appropriate time exposure. Individuals
choosing the indoor tanning option can do so at any time and are not limited to
daylight hours and weather conditions. Outdoor sun exposure (uncontrolled
environment-no one can control the sun) can vary in intensity depending on such
factors as: altitude, cloud cover, air pollutants, reflective surfaces, times of day
and proximity to the equator.
The degree that individuals are able to tan is determined by their body's ability to
produce and process melanin. Melanin is formed in melanocytes in the basal
layer of the epidermis. When the melanocytes are stimulated by UVB, the
forming pigment granules are then oxidized (browned) by UVA causing the skin
to tan as well as to produce new pigment granules and the tanning process
cycle. Within the controlled environment of indoor tanning the precise
combination of UVA and UVB administered in measured doses by indoor tanning
technology promotes the tanning process. The tanning process consists of two
phases. The first phase (IPD) is the Immediate Pigment Darkening, coloring
which begins immediately and fades within minutes. This is simply the oxidation
of existing melanin which was present in a chemically reduced form and heat
reaction. The second phase, Delayed Tanning, may be visible after 24 hours and
becomes obvious in 3-5 days. Delayed Tanning is the reason that visible results
might take from 2-4 sessions. As your indoor tanning sessions continue
according to the exposure schedule of the tanning unit used, a continuous cycle
of IPD and Delayed Tanning generates a steady migration to the skin surface of
newly formed pigment granules and together with the continued oxidation
(browning) of existing melanin allows one to maintain a tan with just two sessions
per week (dependent on skin type and indoor tanning unit used).
Basically, there are two types of indoor tanning equipment: low pressure and
high pressure. Low pressure equipment is the type found in most salons in the
U.S. Low pressure units are typically beds, on which you recline, or booths, in
which you stand while tanning. The lamps used in low pressure emit both UVA
and UVB at a low energy level. These units may have anywhere from 24 to 50+
lamps with the maximum time for a single session from 10 to 30 minutes. The
maximum per session time is determined by the manufacturer based on the FDA
specifications for number of tanning lamps, type of lamps and reflector system,
electrical configuration and acrylic protective shielding.
High pressure equipment utilizes metal halide lamps that generate UVC, UVB
and UVA rays, but by means of a sophisticated filtering system, only UVA is
emitted during a tanning session. Low and high pressure combination equipment
incorporates one or more high pressure facial units, along with low pressure
lamps. The user has the option of activating the facial units or not. High pressure
differs from low pressure in that you tan one side at a time and it takes fewer high
pressure sessions to produce a base tan and to maintain one. MPORTANT TO
The exposure schedule on the specific indoor tanning unit represents the
appropriate length of exposure for each individual skin type as determined in
accordance with the FDA regulations for gradual and appropriate exposure in
developing and maintaining a tan.
Your first exposure may be as brief as 2-3 minutes. As your skin slowly becomes
conditioned to ultraviolet light, the length of your tanning sessions are gradually
increased to the maximum exposure time for the specific tanning technology and
your skin type. Abusing the exposure schedule, that is, tanning for periods longer
than recommended for your skin type, may result in damage to your skin such as
blistering, peeling, dry skin and other adverse long term effects. By following the
exposure schedule times for your skin type, your tan will develop gradually and
without the adverse effects of overexposure.
SAE teaches and advocates tanning responsibly and in moderation and
Photosensitivity comes from the Latin words "photo," which means "light" and
"sensitivus," which means "feeling". It is a condition in which skin reacts
abnormally to light, especially UV rays or sunlight, due to the pre-sence of
medications, hormones, or heavy metals in the human body. Thus, when we
identify a substance or a "photosensitizer" that, in combination with light, will
cause a sensitivity reaction, we can take appropriate steps to ensure responsible
tanning. Medications such as psoralen, diuretics, birth control pills, high blood
pressure medicine, and antibiotics may also affect photosensitivity. Certain
foods such as citrus fruits and celery and cosmetics and soaps can also increase
one's level of photosensitivity. Please review the list of photosensitizers
prominently displayed by your indoor tanning operator. Photoallergy is an
immunilogical reaction produced by the interaction of light rays and certain
chemicals. It is a form of contact allergic reaction where light is necessary to
cause the sensitivity reaction. Some examples of photocontact allergens are:
hexochlorophene, sunscreen agents, topical antihistamines and certain cleaning
agents. A phototoxic reaction is a harmful reaction produced by light energy
(sunburn is a phototoxic response). In case of doubt please consult your
physician and or pharmacist for the photosensitivity of the drugs you are
Normally, a person tans indoors only as well as he/she is able to tan outdoors.
Yet, it is possible for fair skinned people, who generally cannot tolerate the direct
uncontrolled rays of the sun, to achieve some color when tanning indoors,
according to the exposure schedule and their skin type. The reason for this is the
specific spectral output of indoor tanning technology as well as the carefully
timed exposure sessions in a controlled tanning environment. Skin type and
individual photosensitivities determine who will have relative tanning success
tanning indoors.
Of the total solar radiation (the sun's energy given off as light, heat, radio waves,
x rays) that reaches the earth, invisible UV light makes up only 3%, while visible
and infrared make up the rest. UV light is further divided into three parts: UVC,
UVB and UVA and is measured in units of nanometers nm.
UVC (200-280nm) - is considered to be potentially more capable of burning
the skin and is almost completely absorbed by the atmospheric ozone layer
UVB (280-320nm) - stimulates melanin (pigment) production; overexposure
causes sunburn; is emitted in small amounts in low pressure tanning equipment
UVA (320-400nm) - is more intense than UVB; can penetrate deeply into the
skin to potentially cause damage to underlying tissue; its longer wavelengh
reduces UVA's ability to cause sunburn by a factor of up to 1000. UVA is emitted
by all indoor tanning equipment and is considered to be the primary cause of
long-term skin damage from the sun (photoaging).
UVB and UVA rays can affect the skin in a positive or negative way, depending
on the dosage and scheduling of exposure.
From tanningtruth.com:
The Fundamental Truth About Tanning
Moderate tanning, for individuals who can develop a tan, is the smartest way to maximize the
potential benefits of sun exposure while minimizing the potential risks associated with either too
much or too little sunlight.
This position is founded on the following tenets:
The professional indoor tanning industry promotes and teaches what we refer to as The
Golden Rule of Smart Tanning: Don't ever sunburn.
The indoor tanning industry has been more effective at teaching sunburn prevention
than those who promote complete sun avoidance. Non-tanners sunburn more often than
people who tan indoors.
An estimated 30 million North Americans patronize indoor tanning facilities at some
point during the year. Every year, millions of indoor tanners successfully develop "base
tans" before embarking on sunny vacations - tans that, combined with the proper use of
sunscreen outdoors, help them prevent sunburn.
Public debate on this issue has completely lost the perspective that there are known
physiological and psychological benefits associated with sunlight, that there are many
other potential benefits that need further research, that the risks are manageable for
anyone who has the ability to develop a tan and that, for many people, the benefits of
sun exposure outweigh the risks associated with overexposure.
A tan is the body's natural protection against sunburn. Your skin is designed to tan as a
natural body function, and the body is designed to repair sun damage as a natural
The professional indoor tanning salon industry is part of the solution in the ongoing
battle against sunburn and in teaching people how to identify a proper and practical lifelong skin care regimen.
The Ambition 250's VIT technology demonstrates Ergoline’s superior
competence in photometric engineering. These exclusive, patented high-pressure units deliver
enhanced UV transmission for a deep, even facial tan. Customers demanding the ultimate in
performance will appreciate the on-demand benefits of VIT facials. Its powerful UV lamps and
uniquely oval tanning surface provide fantastic results via Surround Tan. This concept places the
body in perfect alignment to the tanning lamps and helps eliminate UV "gaps and peaks" for an all
over, even tan.
Skin-pleasing materials and ergonomic shapes define the Ergoline experience. The Ambition 250 is
able to keep tanners cool and comfortable during the session with its powerful, yet quiet fan. Its
high-flow capacity ensures the right amount of ventilation intensity for ample cooling and
unparalleled refreshment.
40 140-watt UV lamps in the body zone and three 400-watt facial tanners: the Turbo-Power,
Surround Tan technology provides an even UV intensity in Ergoline's new
The new freedom in tanning. The
Open Sun
550 features an open facial zone tanning experience, air
conditioning and the new Multi Relax acrylic shape. The
integrated headrest, comfortable armrests and variable
footrests ensure a tanning experience without comparison!
UV power takes a different route to the customer. The Ergoline Open Sun
550 keeps your body covered while tanning, but your head remains in the
open air. A.R.T. technology (Advanced Reflective Tanning) makes this
possible. The high-pressure UV units arranged along the sides of the base,
project the UV rays right onto the glass reflector surface on the upper part
of the sunbed. The Ultra coating only reflects those UV components useful
for tanning. Additionally, the computer-modeled positioning of the UV
components ensures a very even distribution of the UV light, for the most
even and long lasting tan.
The A.R.T. Advanced Reflective Tanning System achieves the highest
tanning results with two 800-watt high pressure units for the facial area.
Combined with 45 Turbo Power lamps for the body area and a reflector in
the shoulder area, the Open Sun 550 will impress any tanning enthusiast.
Air Condition Plus, featured on the Open Sun 550, cools not only the base
acrylic, but also the air flowing through the tanning tunnel. AC Plus
provides maximum cooling and enhances tanning enjoyment.
The Open Sun 550’s unique open air design for the head area provides a
completely new and unparalleled tanning experience. It's perfect for
clients who dislike the "closed in" feeling of traditional beds or those who
turn off facial tanners. The Multi Relax base acrylic is a totally new wide
shape and includes an integrated headrest, relaxing armrests and variable
footrests for a seamless all-over tan that promises a tanning experience
without comparison!
Are you open to the concept of modern and exceptional design? The new
open style of tanning is as amazing as the appearance of the Ergoline
Open Sun 550. The futuristic look of the Open Sun with its captivating
Magenta Silver color is guaranteed to attract attention. The Ergoline Open
Sun 550 comes with a backlit Ergoline logo and high-quality paint finish.
The striking lines and color-matching effect lighting accentuate its
remarkable look.
46 160-watt UV lamps in the body zone and three 500-watt
facial tanners: the Turbo-Power, Double Wildberry model from
Ergoline's Evolution series.
Featuring dominant UV power and plenty of standard equipment, the
Evolution 600 model offers a dominant combination in any salon. It's also
causing a commotion on the color front, too: The dominant full-flavored
color of Double Wildberry whets the appetite for tanning.
Technology and design equal success: Ergoline's technological
advancements are visually expressed via our trademarked designs and
entrancing effect lighting system. The trendsetting Evolution series
captivates the imagination and stimulates the visual senses.
UV Lamps
The successful principle of Balanced Tan technology in the body zone: a
more homogeneous distribution of the UV lamps in the tanning tunnel for
consistent UV intensity.
Ultra VIT Facial Tanner
Advanced photometric engineering: optimized positioning of the facial
tanners, enhanced glass reflector and VIT filter glass produce a noticeable
step forward for an even facial tan.
Shoulder & Neck Tanner
Additional UV power is focused on tanning the shoulder and neck region
for outstanding tanning results.
Another Ergoline innovation: the Evolution series features Comfort Cooling
technology. Through ventilation outlets in the head, body and foot zones,
the Comfort Cooling system bathes the sunbed user in a pleasant flow of
cool air.
Air Condition Plus, featured on the Evolution 600 Double Wildberry, cools
not only the base acrylic, but also the air flowing through the tanning
tunnel. AC Plus provides maximum cooling and enhances tanning
The ergonomically styled Body Soft base acrylic, which is typical of
Ergoline, the clear layout of the control panel, to the Voice Guide system:
maximum relaxation and user friendliness accompany the Comfort
concept of the Evolution series.
Is A Tan Protective?
Barbara A. Gilchrest, M.D. and Mark S. Eller, M.D., of the Department of Dermatology at the
Boston University School of Medicine published an article in the September 1999 issue of
Journal of Investigative Dermatology that answers this question. The authors found that:
Both natural skin color and an adaptive tan provide protection against UVinduced damage to the skin.
UV photons directly are absorbed by melanin polymers which helps the body get
rid of the otherwise injurious energy as heat and the melanin polymers also can
absorb potentially damaging free radicals.
The thickening of the stratum corneum during the tanning process also provides
photoprotection especially in individuals with lower skin types.
Tanned skin becomes far more resistant (by a factor of three to five times) to
subsequent UVR injury. (That means that a tan acts like an SPF 3-5 sunscreen.)
The darkening of the skin during the tanning process and the enhanced DNA
repair capacity that results (and possibly other unknown factors) can be presumed
important in protecting the skin from both sunburn and chronic (including the
development of skin cancer) UV damage.
The bottom line is that it does not matter whether an individual is born with darker natural
skin colors or acquires and maintains a tan year-round, the photoprotective benefits are the
same. According to Gilchrest and Eller, these benefits are not limited to the prevention of
sunburn, but specifically include preventing the development of skin cancer.
That is why it is important to take the time to explain to your clients the concept of hormesis
and that it substantiates the premise that the benefits of sensible, moderate and responsible
exposure to UVR outweigh the minimal and manageable risks involved. Explain that indoor
tanning salons provide a source of controlled UVR as compared to the sunlight.
Take the time to explain that the tanning process is contravolitional which means that it
occurs without conscious thought. Tanning should be embraced by the American public if for
no other reason than because it is the natural, normal way for an individual to protect
themselves from UVR damage.