Literary Device: Foreshadowing

Prologue: An Important Warning
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. summoned – “While working in England, my father received an advancement
and was summoned home to America”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. transpired – My journal enabled me to relate everything that transpired
during that fateful voyage”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. Who is the narrator of the story? What point of view is this being written in?
2. Charlotte gives four reasons explaining how reasonable her parent’s decision is
to let her travel alone. What are they?
Figurative Language:
1. Foreshadowing: What is the foreshadowing at the end of the prologue? What
does it hint at? (Inferred or Prediction)
Chapter One
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. quell – “I, however, unable to quell my excited curiosity, managed to slip in
one more question”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. din – “Mr. Grummage, Sir, I called over the din”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. reticule –“Hastily, I began to extract a coin from my reticule”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. Who is the narrator of the story? What point of view is this being written in?
2. What two ominous incidents occur as Charlotte Doyle and Mr. Grummage make
their way down the pier to the Seahawk?
3. What might the above events foreshadow?
4. What unusual thing does Charlotte think she sees as she waits for Mr.
Grummage to return?
5. If you were Charlotte, how would you feel about sailing on the Seahawk? Give a
specific example to support your answer.
Figurative Language: Define and find an example of the following:
1. Metaphor – definition: _______________________________________________
Example from the Chapter One: __________________________________________
2. Simile – definition: _________________________________________________
Example from the text: _________________________________________________
Literary Device:
Foreshadowing refers to the clues an author provides to suggest what may happen
later in the novel. What might the following paragraph foreshadow?
“Indeed, the one unique aspect of this ship was a carved figurehead of a pale white
seahawk beneath the bowsprit. Its wings were thrust back against the bow; its
head extended forward, beak wide open, red tongue protruding as if screaming. In
the shadowy light that twisted and distorted its features I was struck by the notion
that this figure looked more like an angry, avenging angel than a docile bird.
Chapter Two
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. decrepit – “Standing there was a shockingly decrepit old sailor…”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. vexation – “..that I burst into tears of vexation.., crying with fear, rage, and
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. trepidation – “I followed with trepidation, stopping at the threshold to look
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. Describe Charlotte’s cabin. Use exact phrases from the text.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
2. What is Barlow’s warning?
3. What might his warning be foreshadowing?
4. Describe Zachariah.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
5. What does Zachariah tell Charlotte?
6. What is a final friend?
7. Describe the overheard conversation at the end of the chapter.
Figurative Language: Find the following:
Four (4) Similies:
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________
Chapter Three
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. Chastened – “…I sat up with some energy only to strike my head upon the low
ceiling. Chastened, I got myself to the cabin floor.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. doffed – “One by one the sailors shuffled forward a step, lifted their heads, doffed
their caps, and spoke their names.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What is the “shock of my life” that Charlotte receives?
2. Describe the sailors.
1. ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
3. Describe Captain Jaggery. Use exact words from the text.
4. What does “no ship sails the same sea twice” mean?
5. What is Charlotte’s “new hope”?
6. Fill in the following names:
Captain ___________1st Mate ______________ 2nd Mate _______________
Crew Names: ____________, ______________, ________________,
_______________, _____________, _______________, ________________,
______________, __________
7. What is wrong with Charlotte and who takes care of her?
Chapter Four
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. sealegs – “And most pleased too that you’ve found your – what sailors call –
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. jack – “That poor jack went by the name of Mr. Crannick.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. ire – “ poor sailor come under the captain’s ire, the captain’s judgment, the
captain’s rage.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. appalled – “Appalled, I jumped off the stool. “I don’t believe you!” I shouted.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What does Zachariah mean, “A ship is a nation of its own.”
2. Describe what happened one year ago on the ship?
3. What does Zachariah mean by, “I was first surgeon, then carpenter to Mr. Crannick.”
4. Why is the crew back on the Seahawk?
What is the tone of this chapter?
Provide a passage/quote to support your answer:
Chapter Five
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. presumptuous – “The duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. punctilious – “I am a punctilious man, Miss Doyle. Without order there is chaos.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. flourish – “At the open door he paused, and with flourish, extended his arm.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. Why doesn’t Charlotte believe Zachariah?
2. Describe the captain’s cabin. Use exact words from the text.
3. What does “awash with tea” mean?
4. What do you find out about the captain’s family?
5. How does the captain think Charlotte can help the crew?
6. Draw a round robin. What is it?__________________________________________
7. What does Charlotte tell the captain about the dirk?
8. Why do you think she does not tell the captain the truth about the dirk?
Chapter Six
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. brig – “That’s where the brig is. Brig? The ship’s jail.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What does Barlow mean, “Just now, miss, the captain put us on display” ?
2. Describe the hold. Use sensory details:
Sight (3)
3. What scares Charlotte in the hold?
Chapter Seven
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. eddy (eddied) – “…crouching in pitch blackness while the wash of ship sounds
eddied about me”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. hideous – “This time it rolled to one side, as though twisting down upon a
shoulder yet all the while glaring hideously at me.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. malicious – “Besides, though I hardly knew the man, he seemed too submissive,
too beaten about, to be capable of such a malicious trick.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
4. sheath – “I took up the dirk and - since it had no sheath- wrapped it in one of my
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What actually scared Charlotte?
2. What is Charlotte convinced of?
3. Then, what is her conclusion?
4. What does this line, “Alas, such would not be the case,” foreshadow?
Chapter Eight
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. yarns – “Then there were their yarns. Tales of castaways on Pacific atolls…”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. holystones – “Decks had to be holystoned, caulked, and scrubbed anew….”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. duff – “Twice a week we might have duff, the seaman’s delight: boiled flour and
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What does Charlotte mean by “unstinting was he in his praise”?
2. What does the Captain mean by “Sweet are the uses of adversity”?
3. Evaluate how the Captain treats the crew.
4. What does the line at the end of the chapter, “But the storm was – at first- man
made,” foreshadow?
Chapter Nine
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. scandalous – “Scraps of pictures – some of a scandalous nature – were nailed
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. stilettolike – “He lifted a hand, extended a stilettolike forefinger, and drew it
across his own neck….”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What two frightening things does Charlotte discover during her visit to the
2. How does Mr. Morgan threaten Charlotte?
3. Why does Mr. Morgan threaten Charlotte?
4. What does the Captain mean by, “I intend to crush this mutiny before it starts”?
Chapter Ten
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. contorted – “…their expressions contorted with fear and fury”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. irrelevance – “… the rigging rattles with eerie irrelevance”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. Who is the “tenth” person on board? ___________________ What does he want?
2. Who says, “As a man he claims our mercy”? ______________ What does this mean?
3. Why does the Captain tell Charlotte to choose one of the crew to take the
Chapter Eleven
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. palpable – “Though the glitter of hatred in his eyes was palpable enough, no one
dared give voice to it”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. gumption – “… stand aside for someone who has the gumption.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. contemptuously – “The man looked contemptuously at the man who had just
beaten his dog”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What three points does Zachariah make in his speech at the beginning of the
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
2. What is Zachariah sentenced to?
3. What does the Captain mean by, “Proper order will be maintained”?
4. Charlotte shows her bravery in this chapter. Give a specific example from the text to
show her bravery.
Chapter Twelve
Identify vocabulary using context clues:
1. loathing – “…the crew would have nothing but loathing for me who had betrayed
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
2. restitution – “If only I could make restitution, if only I could convince the men
that I accepted my responsibility”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
3. remorse – “Once again I gave myself up to grief and remorse”.
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
4. wrath – “I who had fired his terrible wrath by reporting to him Ewing’s pistol.”
Your guess: _____________________________________
Actual definition:
Analyze and interpret literature:
1. What reasons does Charlotte give for the Captain choosing Zachariah to beat?
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
2. What does a hammock on the deck mean?
3. Charlotte blames herself for two deaths. Whose and why?
Name ___________________Why _____________________________________
Name ___________________Why _____________________________________
4. What is Charlotte’s decision at the end of the chapter? ________________________
Use text evidence to support Charlotte’s decision.
End of Part One:
Make a plot chart for part one (chapters 1 – 12). Remember to include the exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
Character Development
Charlotte and Captain Jaggery undergo drastic changes in their characters. Fill in the
chart below, write at least 5 sentences for each section.
Describe her as she was in chapters 1 – 3.
Captain Jaggery
Describe him when Charlotte first meets
Describe Charlotte as she is in chapters 11
Describe how Captain Jaggery changes in
and 12.
chapters 10 – 12.
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Journals
Prompt: ___________________________________________Date ________________
Prompt: ___________________________________________Date ________________
Prompt: ___________________________________________Date ________________
Prompt: ___________________________________________Date ________________