arm.0673.supp.Appendix A

GLBT Family and Anti-GLBT Movements
Appendix A
Supplemental Materials for Online Access
Interview Questions
Main Question
This study will focus upon the experience of being a family member of a GLBT person during
this time in which there are anti-GLBT movements and policies. I am interested in anything you
have to share that relates to this experience.
To begin, how would you describe your current relationship with your GLBT family member?
Personal Experience
 What is it like having a family member who is GLBT during this time of anti-GLBT
movements and policies?
 Has anti-gay movements and policies legislation affected you in any way? If so, how.
 Do anti-GBLT movements and policies affect the way you feel about yourself? If so,
 Do anti-GBLT movements and policies affect the way you feel about your environment,
city or state? If so how?
Family Relationships
 Have anti-GLBT movements and policies impacted your GLBT family member (or do
you imagine it has)? If so, how?
 Have anti-GBLT movements and policies impacted your other family members (or do
you imagine it has)? If so, how?
 Do anti-GBLT movements and policies affect the way you feel about your GLBT family
member? If so, how?
 Does anti-GBLT movements and policies come up in your relationships with family and
friends? If so, how? If not, why do you think?
External Relationships
 Has anti-GBLT movements and policies or having a GLBT family member impacted
your relationships with others at work? If so, how?
 Has anti-GBLT movements and policies or having a GLBT family member impacted
your relationships with others in your social life? If so, how?
 Has anti-GBLT movements and policies or having a GLBT family member impacted
your relationships in your romantic or personal relationships? If so, how?
 Has anti-GBLT movements and policies or having a GLBT family member impacted the
way you feel when you are among strangers or casual acquaintances? If so, how?
Credibility Questions/Wrap up
- Is there anything else that you would like to add that feels relevant to the process of being
someone with a GLBT family member during this time of anti-gay movements and policies?
GLBT Family and Anti-GLBT Movements
- Do you have any feedback for me regarding this interview process? Is there anything that you
might like to have been done differently or that you think might be helpful with future
- Is there anything new that came up for you while we were conducting this interview?
-Would it have made a difference in anything you think you might have shared if you had known
if I was a GLBT person or not? What?
- At the end of this interview do you feel that there are any messages you’d want to send to
legislators or the general public?
- At the end of this interview, if you were going to summarize what it is like to be a person with
a GLBT family member while these anti-GBLT movements and policies are being put forward,
what would you say?