1 CODING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT FORM Sponsoring Institution: Alexandria Technical College Program Name: Medical Coding Specialist Program . narrative only, evidence needed criteria met Status Criteria A. The organization offering coding instruction (academic institution, healthcare organizations, private companies, etc.) must ensure that: 1) The program has been in existence a minimum of six months; 2) Instruction follows established coding guidelines and practices; 3) Financial resources are adequate to fulfill obligations to currently enrolled students; 4) Non-discriminatory practices with respect to race, color, creed, sex, age, disabling conditions (handicaps), and national origin are practiced; and 5) Evidence of annual program assessment and incorporation of community of interest needs. X Met Concern Identified X Met Concern Identified X Met Concern Identified X Met Concern Identified X Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified B. The organization must provide evidence that appropriate systems/policies are in place and, Comments A1 – Program opened 2000 A2 – Program has hard copies of Coding Clinic and CPT Assistance. Require CPT/ICD-9-CM coding books as well as texts. A3 - Financial information submitted reflects budgets and expenses, however no information of resources was provided other than the statement that they are part of their state college and university system and a statement that they have “always been able to manage available funds” in times of financial stress. Budget and expense data supplied does not cover teachers’ salaries. A4 – A5 - Minutes of the advisory committee reflect discussions concerning the school’s issues but not issues about the needs of the community. B1 – 1 Status Criteria when appropriate, published for determining how: 1) Students are admitted to program; 2) Records are maintained for student enrollment and evaluation in sufficient detail to document learning progress and achievement; 3) Student/faculty/instructor grievances are handled by a clearly written and consistent process according to an established protocol, communicated to affected parties; 4) There is a defined process for student withdrawal and refunds of tuition/fees. C. Announcements and promotions must accurately reflect the program being offered. The organization must clearly indicate the intended competencies and outcome of the coding program: (I.) comprehensive coding certificate program, or (II.) coding program for physician practices. Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met X Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Comments B2 – B3 – B4 – Program report states 50 credit Diploma program; however, one of the two colored flyers in the report states a 34credit Diploma Program. The other colored flyer, updated August 2004, states 50 credit Diploma Program. The August 2004 colored flyer, under career outlook, does not specify hospital employment as an option. The report notes that this Coding Diploma program is for physician practices; however, it is unclear from the narrative whether they are equally geared towards hospital coding. The August 2004 flyer also notes “clinical coders” referring to physician basedcoding. D. The instructors/faculty and content developers must demonstrate current knowledge in course Met Concern Identified 2 Status Criteria Comments content through appropriate professional development activities. Coding course instructors and content developers for the professional course content must possess an AHIMA recognized credential: RHIA, RHIT, CCS, or CCS-P. E. Sufficient instructional staff must be provided to assure that students receive adequate attention, instruction and feedback to acquire the knowledge and competence needed for entry level coding practice. F. Curriculum Plan must include 1. The curriculum must include the AHIMA coding curriculum knowledge clusters and show how the appropriate knowledge base is obtained. Met Met Concern Identified Currently there are 20 students enrolled with faculty being 2.Class size is aprox 20, faculty count is 6 XConcern Identified F1 – Current course syllabi do not mention AHIMA coding knowledge clusters. F1 F2 – 2. Appropriate course content must be reinforced by structured practice experiences to apply learned principles. a) Biomedical Sciences 1) Anatomy and Physiology 2) Medical Terminology 3) Pathophysiology 4) Pharmacotherapy F2a,1 – Met X Concern Identified F2a,2 – There is significant redundancy in the Medical Terminology course and the Applied Medical Terminology course. F2a,3 – Pathology is taught after Intro to ICD and CPT, this is not a logical sequence. b) Information Technology 3 Status Criteria 1) Introduction to Computers 2) Computer Applications in Healthcare c) Health Care Data Content and Structure 1) Health Care Data/Content 2) Legal/Ethical Issues d) Health Care Delivery Systems 1) Healthcare Delivery Systems: Organization of healthcare delivery, Healthcare organization, Accreditation Standards, Licensure/regulatory agencies, And Payment & reimbursement systems e) Clinical Coding & Classification Systems 1) Basic Diagnosis Coding Systems: ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, Other diagnosis coding systems, and coding guidelines & reporting requirements 2) Basic Procedural Coding Systems: ICD-9-CM Volume III, CPT-4, HCPCS Level II codes, and other procedural coding systems X Met Concern Identified Comments F2a,4 – Pharmacotherapy is taught after Intro to ICD and CPT which includes HCPCS coding for medications, this is not a logical sequence. F2b,1 – X Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Met Concern Identified F2b,2 – Other than the 3M encoder the computer applications are physician office focused. Would like to see abstracting software and exercises. F2, c1 – There is significant redundancy in the Introduction to Health Information and Health Care Systems and Practice courses. F2, c2 F2, d1- There is significant redundancy in the Introduction to Health Information and Health Care Systems and Practice courses. Met Met Concern Identified XConcern Identified F2,e1- The amount of time spent in the instruction of fundamental coding guidelines is out of proportion with time spent on administrative aspects. Would like to see the redundancies mentioned earlier removed to make more time spent with coding guidelines for both ICD and CPT. 4 Status Criteria 3) Intermediate Procedure Coding: RBRVS, APCs, ASC, E&M services, surgical services, Procedural coding for inpatients, comparison of ICD-9-CM Volume III to ICD-10-PCS Met Met Met Concern Identified XConcern Identified Concern Identified *These courses must include handson exposure to computerized encoding systems: Logic based encoding software, Automated code book software systems, and Natural Language processing coding systems Met X Concern Identified Met Concern Identified Comments F2,e2- Introduction to CPT includes Vol 3 of ICD and uses a physician specific CPT text book. The guidelines for Vol 3 are not in the text. F2,e1- ICD-10-CM is noted under Intermediate ICD-9-CM F2,e3-RBRVS, APCs, and ASC are located under Medicolegal and Reimbursement Issues. F2,e3Syllabus does not mention if 3M encoder is used for CPT coding, APC grouping, or establishing NCCI edits. However, during medical practicum, encoder is used for both ICD-9-CM and CPT coding. Encoder-3M Encoder as well indication of implementing AHIMA Virtual Lab Encoder- 3M f) Reimbursement Methodology 1) Reimbursement Methodology: PPS, DRGs, APCs, ASC Groups, RBRVS, Third party payers, Billing and Insurance Procedures, EOBs, Quality Improvement Organizations and their role in the payment process, Charge master descriptions, Managed care Met Concern Identified F2,f1-No mention of NCCI edits on outpatient billing/coding. F2,f1- 5 Status Criteria Comments capitation, Compliance issues, Claims processing, and Auditing the coding process for regulatory compliance g) Professional Practice 1. Experience/Practicum/Internship: At a minimum, students should have practice with clinical code assignment and billing methodologies. Programs should include projects and cases that replicate typical coding tasks in a physician’s office, hospital outpatient clinic, ambulatory surgery, and hospital acute care settings that employ coding professionals. 3. Course content and curriculum sequencing must be established in accordance with recognized educational principles, to develop the competencies necessary for entry-level coding practice. Met Met X Concern Identifie Concern Identified F2,g1- It would be helpful to know how many and the types of hands-on medical coding students perform. F2,g1- Met X Concern Identifie Met Concern Identified F3- Concerns regarding sequencing as Pathophysiology and Pharmacology are located in the final semester. F3- Pathology and Pharmacology should precede coding courses. 6 Status Criteria G. Clearly written course material (syllabi) shall be provided to the student, which clearly describes course learning objectives and supervised professional practice assignments to be achieved, the frequency of testing and other documented student evaluation and the competencies required for completion. H. Testing methods (evaluation systems) must include content related to the objectives and competencies described in the curriculum for both didactic and supervised professional practice education components. They must be employed frequently enough to provide timely feedback of the students’ progress and to serve as a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of course design and instruction. I. Programs must periodically evaluate their effectiveness in achieving the instructional goals and AHIMA’s coding competencies. Such evaluation of outcomes should include job placement rates, and student and employer satisfaction with the program. The results of this process must be reflected in the curriculum Met Met Met XConcern Identified Concern Identified Concern Identified Met XConcern Identified Met Concern Identified Comments F3,g- MEDS1623 Medical Reception’s syllabus notes the credentials to be ART/RRA.F3,g- F3,h- F3,iInternal Assessment– Met – student evaluations and job placement rates/statistics. External Assessments – Unable to locate copies of external reviews. 7 Status Criteria and other dimensions of the program. Comments F3,iInternal Assessment– External Assessments – Need employer/community satisfaction RECOMMENDATION: Approve X Approve with conditions Withhold* Deny *Approval Withheld requires a progress report within a set time period stipulated by the ACCP. Rationale for Recommendation: The content of this program is overall strong. The weaknesses lie in sequencing and distribution of objectives and time spent in actual coding classes. It is understood that this sequencing was done to aid in their class scheduling needs to coordinate with their other programs, which is efficient so long as it does not compromise the logical progression of the material. The textbook for CPT needs to be reconsidered since otherwise they are a comprehensive program. 1. Create consistent advertising material, i.e. brochures, flyers, etc. to reflect the correct number of credits for this Diploma program. 2. Be consistent in addressing employment opportunities, such as hospitals, in all advertising material. 3. Stress that both physician-based and inpatient based, i.e. hospital, LTC, Rehabilitation coding will be addressed (see above). 4. Update syllabi to reflect current AHIMA credentials, i.e. RHIA, RHIT, etc. 5. Update syllabi to state/refer to AHIMA coding curriculum knowledge clusters. 6. Address concerns for Intermediate CPT coding use of 3M encoder for APC grouping and NCCI edits in Intermediate CPT coding. 7. Provide external assessment processes. 8. Address concerns for sequencing Pharmacology and Pathophysiology courses in the final semester. 9. Clarify the amount of hands-on coding students perform. Date of Peer Review: 2/16/07 Date of Consultative Review: Date of Peer Review: 03-22-06 8 Criteria Status Comments 9