YOUR LETTER HEAD SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that: I am a professional surveyor and mapper registered in the State of Florida, holding certificate no. LS______________, and that I am acting on behalf of _______________________, a corporation authorized to offer services of registered surveyors and mappers in the State of Florida, holding L. B. No.________________. That this record of survey was prepared to show a direct comparison between the design plan elevations from the construction plans with the as-builts elevations of the improvements as constructed by the contractor(s). That all elevations shown hereon refer to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, (N.G.V.D. 1929), and that the elevations shown hereon designated with a line drawn through the elevation represents the designed construction plan elevations. That only the elevations shown within brackets on sheets ___ through ___ inclusive, were determined by survey and that the only the elevations shown thereon contained within brackets represent the as-built elevations of the constructed improvements as surveyed; information provided within parentheses provided by others; That the surveyed elevations were gathered by conventional leveling methods based on bench marks established from a closed three wire level loop from project vertical control as previously established. NAME OF COMPANY, ADDRESS, LIC. NO. SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF LICENCED SURVEYOR.