Teaching notes This numeracy wrap addresses the following syllabus outcomes from NSW K-6 Mathematics Syllabus 2002, © Board of Studies, NSW: Data DS1.1 Gathers and organises data, displays data using column and picture graphs and interprets the results The wrap relates to the Using Maths Tracks Stage 1B Unit 26 and Stage 1B Unit 38 available on www.tale.edu.au Australian Curriculum Mathematics: Statistics and probability Year 1: Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263) Year 2: Identify a question of interest based on one categorical variable. Gather data relevant to the question (ACMSP048) Collect, check and classify data (ACMSP049) Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them (ACMSP050 Students will: • gather data using tally marks to keep track of what has been counted • conduct a survey and record data using tally marks • display data in picture graphs and jointly construct a column graph Use SMART Notebooks on an interactive whiteboard or on a computer. If you don’t have the software, here is the link to SMART express for viewing notebooks: http://smarttech.com/notebookExpress Click the question mark icon on SMART Notebook pages for instructions or extra information. The word ‘tally’ links to A Maths Dictionary for Kids. Select ‘Tt’ then ‘tally, tally table’ for a demonstration of using tally marks to record counting vehicles in a traffic survey. The links ‘Type a number’ and ‘Make tally marks’ open Flash activities which allow students to show and practise tally marks and counting by 5s. These activities are also on pages 2 and 3 in the SMART Notebook if you are using an IWB. 1 © NSW DET 2009 Collect toy vehicles for students to sort into categories and tally before using the SMART Notebook. The interactive tally table links to an example from Learning Clip UK. There is a brief introductory video. Select ‘blank’ table to customise a survey and record the results with tally marks. 1. The SMART Notebook provides graphics you can use to record and display data about favourite toys and activities. The Flash tally marker on page 2 can be used as you count the number in each category. 2. On page 3, place graphics in cells on the left side of the table and the numbers in the cells on the right. Graphics will resize to fit as they are placed in the table cells. Make a picture graph on page 4. The graphics can be resized and the infinite cloner function applied, to allow students to place pictures on the graph. 3. On page 5, the interactive column graph opens in a new window. You can complete the graph online and print a copy. 4. This online picture graph has the toy categories have already been selected for the student survey. 5. Another online graphing tool is available here. 6. A worksheet in Word has tables to record the data gathered and to display as a picture graph. Students may copy and paste the graphics into a graph. Adapt the worksheet for use on screen or in print form. 2 © NSW DET 2009