Unit 4 Review

Unit 4 Review
Chapters 8&9: Ancient Greece and the Classical World
Define and review the concept of the following:
 Democracy
o Representative
Democracy (Modern)
o Direct Democracy
 Olympic Games
 Citizens
 Acropolis
 Agora
 Aristocrats
 Polis
 Hellenistic
 Oligarchy
o Tyrant
Classical Age
Dark Age
Persian Wars
Peloponnesian War
Identify the importance of the following people or places:
 Zeus
 Xerxes I
 Pericles
 Phillip II
 Cleisthenes
 Alexander the Great
 Peisistratus
 Socrates
 Hercules
 Plato
 Homer
 Aristotle
 Sappho
 Hippocrates
 Aesop
 Euclid
 Cyrus the Great
o Darius I
Correctly evaluate the following questions/statements:
1. Why were early Greek philosophers important?
2. Spartan soldiers served in the army from age ___ to ___.
3. Peloponnesian War: Who, When, Where, Why, What?
4. Persian Wars: Who, When, Where, Why, What?
a. What caused Darius to first become angry with the Greeks? This was the
cause of the Persian Wars?
5. Give the order in which Greek city-states were ruled: kings, ______, tyrants, and
then citizens.
6. Summarize the lives of Spartan women.
7. Who believed in Democracy and was called the Father of Democracy?
Peisistratus or Cleisthenes
8. What is considered the most famous Greek building?
9. What was the most important aspect of life in Sparta? From an early age, boys
were trained to be ________.
10. What was Alexander the Great’s attitude/personality? What was his #1 priority?
11. Alexander the Great took the throne at the age of ____ and died at age _____
from _______ after he got sick in Babylon.
12. Alexander conquered ________ without bloodshed.
13. Who wrote a book describing an “ideal” society with justice and fairness? What
was this book called?
14. Athens flourished under ________. He was well liked and supported
15. Which two battles of the Persian Wars show the Greeks’ power and cleverness
in defeating Xerxes (Persians)?
16. What happened to Alexander the Great’s empire after he died?
17. Who was Alexander the Great’s dad?
18. Describe the lives of boys in Athens versus Sparta.
19. Who was the greatest Greek doctor?
20. What places did Alexander the Great conquer?
21. What Greek philosopher taught by asking questions?
22. What did Greek philosophers feel was most important?
23. This early Greek group lived on Greek mainland: ___________
24. The most famous Greek epic poems, written by Homer:
25. Which advanced society lived on the island of Crete?
26. Why was traveling difficult for the Greeks?
27. True or False: Greeks became great shipbuilders.
28. Why did Alexander spread Greek culture?
29. True or False. After the Peloponnesian War, Athens became the most powerful
city-state in Greece.
30. Which Greek spent his life studying mathematics and wrote about Geometry?
31. Describe the Persian army.
32. Describe the geography of Greece.
33. How did Greeks strongly influence our language?
34. Why were Greek achievements important?
35. What did Greek myths (mythology) explain?
36. What landform was Greece?