03/08/16 Aquinas College ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN MG 540 SYLLABUS 06 SP Instructor: Gary Kieff Office: JC 131B 616-632-2929 6:00 Wed. – AB 303 Home: 784 1289 gary@kieff.com Course Homepage: http://www.kieff.com/gary/MG540 Discussion Forums for postings http://courses.aquinas.edu (you will need your ELM password to login and the Course Key to enter the course) Text: ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY and DESIGN Richard L. Daft, Southwestern, 2004 (Eight Edition) Course Description: This course treats the organization as an entity for study focusing on the historical growth of organizations, organizations as reflections of society, and organizational structure, mission and goals, culture, and politics. Emphasis is given to examining open systems' characteristics, studying models of organizations for their effectiveness, and developing strategies for innovation and change within organizations. Course Objectives: That each student will... * Develop an understanding of the major theoretical constructs of organizational design, behavior, and development. * Increase their ability to apply organizational concepts through the analysis of an actual organization. * Demonstrate their ability to apply the above concepts to organization case studies. * Demonstrate knowledge of other cultures approaches to management and organization. Instruction: Readings, case analysis, discussion, and small group work. Grading: Take Home Exams (2 @ 50 pt.) Team Members Evaluation (3 @ 10 pt.) Group Cases (4 @ 20 pt.) Organizational Analysis (9 @ 20 pt.) Country Presentation Class Evaluation of Presentation Instructor Evaluation 21% 100 pt. 6% 30 pt. 16% 80 pt. 37% 180 pt. 10% 10% Grading Scale 96% = A 92% = A88% = B 84% = B+ 80% = B- 76% = C+ 74% = C 70% = C- 50 pt. 50 pt. 490 pt. Participation: Since exchange is a necessary component of learning, students are expected to attend all class periods, take an active part in work groups, class discussions, and come to class prepared for the discussions. I will do everything I can to make each session productive, but hope it will be a little fun as well. MG 540 03/08/16 Course Calendar ========================================================================= 1 Sessions Mar. 15 Chapters Introduction and Overview System Theory 2 22 System Theory - The Design Process Team Profile due e-mail 1, 2, System HO 3 29 Organizational Structure External Environment – Culture Org. Analysis 1 due (post and read 2 others) Case Prep. 1: the Paradoxical Twins p. 163 3, 4, 10 Design Elements Case Prep. 2: Hugh Russel, Inc. p. 196 Exam 1 Due (ch. 1-6 & 10) Team Member Contribution Evaluation 5, 6 4 Apr. 5 5 12 Organizational Determinates Technology, Differentiation, and Integration Org. Analysis 2 due (post and read 2 others) Case Prep. 3: Acetate Department p. 275 7 6 19 Organizational Determinates Control, Size, Life Cycle Case Prep. 4: Sunflower Inc. p 350 Country 1 Presentation Team Member Contribution Evaluation 8, 9 7 26 Organizational Processes Teams, Conflict3&due Politics, Decision Making Org. Analysis (topics 6,7) (post and read 2 others) Org. Analysis 3 due (post and read 2 others) Country 2 Presentation 11, 12, 13 8 May 3 The Future - Organizational Innovation and Learning Exam 2 due (ch. 7-, 11-13) Country 3 Presentation Team Member Contribution Evaluation Academic Honesty: Written or other work that a student submits must be the product of her/his own efforts or group if assigned. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer technology, are prohibited. Further information on Academic Dishonesty can be found in the current college catalog. 2 MG 540 03/08/16 DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS TAKE HOME EXAMS There will be two take homes exams consisting of 50 multiple choice and true and false questions covering text and material presented in class. COURSE TEAMS - TEAM MEMBER EVALUATIONS The first night of class teams of 5 – 7 will be formed. Theses teams will used to complete the Group Cases, the Country Presentations and for collaboration and support for members. Three times during the course, see Course Outline, team members will fill out an evaluation form on each team member’s contribution. Down load form from class web page (TeamMemberEvaluation.rtf ), fill out and email to gary@kieff.com GROUP CASE STUDIES Each team will prepare a case analysis, in class, for each of four cases, listed on calendar, scheduled throughout the semester. The analysis should identify the nature of the case problem(s), exploring causal factors and develop potential solutions. Each student will prepare for the group work by reading and becoming versed in the case prior to the class meeting. ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS Each student will select an organization (preferably an organization in which the student is/has been employed) and will analyze the organization using topics listed below which are drawn from the course text and class lectures. The analysis topics are: Organizational Analysis 1 Overview of selected organization: history, mission, goals, and products/services Open System Characteristics Generic Subsystems of Organizations Organizational Analysis 2 Culture Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures Technology, Differentiation, and Integration Organizational Analysis 3 Life Cycle, Size Control Systems Conclusions – this one may be a bit longer. Postings: Each topic will be approximately 1-2 page(s), 3-6 for each of the 3 analysis. Each analysis will be posted by Thursday, the date listed on the Course Outline. Be sure to use the material presented in class and the text, where appropriate, as a basis for your analysis. Critiquing: By the Sunday following the postings on Thursday, each student will read and comment on 2 other students postings. When critiquing others, remember the goal is to help them improve and discuss your agreement or differences with their conclusions Maximum points available: Posted by Thursday due date -20 pt., Posted by following Sunday – 19 pt., latter – 17pt. Critiquing is considered to be the responsibility of each student and will not be graded. But failure to post critiques will result in loss of points on analysis posting. I will generally post feedback and grades 1 week after due date. 3 MG 540 03/08/16 GUIDELINES – ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS Your analysis should include examples of the concepts in the organization; how they apply; and the consequences in terms of organizational effectiveness, productivity, satisfaction, and growth and development. Your assertions must be argued using a combination of facts, expert opinion, theory, and logic. The opinion from an expert can be used as evidence in making your argument. However, you should give your readers enough information for them to determine whether this source is reliable. To make an effective argument, do not oversimplify complex issues. If contradictory evidence exists, you must present and deal with it. All sections of your paper should tie together. Quality, not quantity, is the key. I will be looking for the organization of the material presented, the conciseness and clarity of presentation, spelling and grammar, and the logic and depth of your analysis and presentation. CASE STUDIES and ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS ASSESSMENTS: Your grade will be based upon how well you can demonstrate your understanding of critical organizational Design concepts and can apply them by making a strong argument to support your conclusions. Take a stand and defend it! The analysis should address the theoretical concepts with examples and explanations. It should also reflect both an understanding of the basic theory and a critical application of the concepts. Grade of A Grade of B Grade of C a truly integrated, insightful and critical analysis showing originality and evidence of understanding the concepts and their complexities and ramification for you organization. some substantial evidence of insightful topical integration. a factual presentation of the concepts but lacking originality and critical thinking. COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS Each team will select a "country cluster" from which the team is to select one country representing the cluster. The team will lead a 60 minute class presentation discussing the country's cultural, organizational and managerial practices. The presentations are to be accompanied by a "packet" for the rest of the organization (class). The packet is something more than just copies of the slides, but less than a formal academic report. The job here is to introduce the class to doing business in this country. The county clusters are: Scandinavian Arab Europe Far East Near East Latin Europe Latin America Independent (Brazil, Japan, India, Israel) How the team organizes its research, writing and presentations is its decision. RESOURSES TEXT: http://www.swcollege.com/management/daft/daft.html AQUINAS WOODHOUSE LIBRARY To access these indexes and databases, you must be an Aquinas College student, faculty or staff member. Off-Campus users must follow the off campus access instructions before using these databases. Access requires the last 6 digits of you student number. http://www.aquinas.edu/library/data.html#bus : The Aquinas Library online databases. http://www.sc.edu/beaufort/library/bones.html : A bare bones tutorial for conducting web searches. (for some strange reason you will need to cut and past the url, it is not loading with a mouse click The Spider's Apprentice: A Helpful Guide to Search Engines 4 MG 540 03/08/16 ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Organizational Structure and Design Wharton School of Business Voice of the Shuttle. A web site offering a variety of articles on the Post Industrial Organization Marvin Weisbord: Building Communities at work. Thomas Stewart: The Wealth of Organizations Warren Bennis Corporate Governance Wharton School of Business Learning-Org Dialog on Learning Organizations Knowledge Management MANAGEMENT Intro. to Theory of Management An excellent source for information about seminal contributors American Management Association A membership organization for managers. Has search and articles Peter Drucker Speaks by Newt Gingrich Forecasts 2002 : World Future Society Knowledge Management Research company financial information online Fortune 500 list Robert Greenleaf: Servant Leadership http://www.lib.washington.edu/business/bizweb/ University of Washington Library, many items open to all SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: Business for Social Responsibility Economic Policy Institute: Sustainable policy World Business Council for Sustainable Development Center for Environmental Leadership SEARCH ENGINES Google Yahoo! HotBot LookSmart Lycos Ask.com Books and Articles Jay R. Galbraith, Designing Organizations: An Executive Briefing on Strategy, Structure and Process, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995. Elliott Jacques, Requisite Organization: A Total System for Effective Managerial Organization and Managerial Leadership for the 21st Century, Falls Church, VA: Cason Hall & Co. Pub., 1998. David Nadler and Michael Tushman, Competing by Design: The Power of Organizational Architecture, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Nohria, Nitin, “Note on Organization Structure,” Harvard Business Review, May - June 1995. 5 MG 540 03/08/16 Team Member Evaluation Rater: Date: To what extent are the following statements true about the teams member' group involvement for this rating period. A Little True 1 Somewhat True 2 Moderately True 3 Mostly True 4 Very True 5 Team Member Task Functions 1. Keeps the team focused on tasks 2. Helps the team come to decisions 3. Present relevant facts or information 4. Completes group assignments at a high quality level 5. Suggests new ideas/way of approaching problems 6. Ask for relevant facts or information 7. Clarifies the relationships among the various ideas 8. Checks with the team to determine if the group is ready to make a decision or take some action Takes assignments seriously 9. 10. Produces evidence of spending adequate time on team project outside of class Group Building Functions 11. Recognizes group member contributions 12. Facilitates team discussions 13. 14. Helps team members to make contributions by bringing them into team discussions Is a good listener 15. Has ability to work in a team setting 16. Offers objections to view points constructively 17. Challenges the team to do excellent work 18. Contributes to the " fun" atmosphere of the team 19. Shares leadership and does not dominate the team 20. Overall team contribution rating Comments: (use back if needed) 6 MG 540 03/08/16 Country Presentation Class Evaluation Team ________________________ Please indicate the extent to which each statement was true by marking the appropriate number using the following scale Little True 1 Somewhat True 2 Moderately True 3 Mostly True 4 Very True 5 Content: 1. As a result of the presentation, I have a better understanding of the country’s cultural background. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Cultural norms and their relationship to organizational practices were made clear. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Cultural norms and their relationship to management practices were made clear. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Specific management practices were presented. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Specific organizational approaches were presented. 1 2 3 4 5 6. The information about the country makes me interested in knowing more about the country. 1 2 3 4 5 Presentation: 7. The presentation was organized in an understandable manner. 1 2 3 4 5 8. The presentation was clear. 1 2 3 4 5 9. The method’s (e.g. lecture, Q & A, slides, video, etc.) used to present the country complimented the content. 1 2 3 4 5 10. Helpful materials (handouts, slides, artifacts, etc.) were used and helpful to understand the country’s practices. 1 2 3 4 5 Class Involvement: 11. The team’s presentation helped class members become involved in learning about the country. 1 2 3 4 5 12. The team encouraged class member discussion. 1 2 3 4 5 13. Overall, I would grade the teams presentation as: C or lower ____ B-____ B____ B+____ A-____ A____ Comments 7 MG 540 03/08/16 (Please have one member fill out a copy and email to gary@kieff.com) (the form can be downloaded at the course homepage (www.kieff.com/gary/MG540/Downloads/) Group: First Name Gary Last Name Kieff Work # Home # E-mail 616-632-2929 616.784.1289 gary@kieff.com Employer Aquinas Position Assistant Professor 9