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Owl Success Track: Transcript
Video 1: Adapting to College
Video 2: Time Management
Video 7: Understanding FERPA
Video 8: Financial Aid
Video 9: Degree Programs at PGCC
Video 10: Assembling Your Schedule
Video 12-19: SWOT analysis Text
Video 20: Mentoring
Video 1: Adapting to College
VOICE OVER: Juanita Artis
As you transition from high school to college, you need to be aware that college is different in
significant ways. If you apply the skills you learned to flourish in – or to survive—high school, you
may experience some culture shock. Indeed, the college environment presents some unique
You will no doubt find college liberating—your professors may not check your name off the class
roster at roll call and may not monitor your performance as closely as at your high school. Your
professors will assume that you are responsible for your performance, and they may resent the
notion of baby-sitting college students. In their mind, students are there to learn—an assumption
that you can’t always make in a high school classroom. But professors will also not put up with
nonsense to the same degree.
So your college professor may not:
Pester you about getting your assignments in on time.
Be available for support according to your schedule.
Review material that you should have already learned or that you missed.
Slowly go over the textbook instead of assuming that you have done your
homework and lecturing.
Offer extra-credit to help you resuscitate your dying grades.
Allow you to make up exams that you missed.
Your freedom comes with a price. Success and failure really rest on your shoulders.
In high school, students who don’t perform very well on tests and papers can survive by turning in
all their graded homework assignments. But in college, your grade may depend only on exams
and a single final paper. You may experience more pressure to do well on a handful of
assignments, so there may not be many opportunities to make up for a poor performance. The
standards for grading may also come as a surprise. Professors are experts in their field and
demand high standards—they won’t overlook sloppy proofreading or missing citations or
passages plagiarized from Wikipedia.
The workload can also be much heavier than in high school. The pace is accelerated. You will find
professors whose assignments are dizzying, in line with what you can expect as a professional in
a given field. In general, they don’t negotiate with students about their workload. You simply
have to buckle down and do the work.
In essence, instructors expect you to:
Have a positive attitude
Attend every class
Arrive on time prepared to learn.
Participate in class discussions
Ask questions, and
Seek outside resources if you find yourself in need of assistance.
VOICE OVER: Korey Dean
What Else Do instructors Expect?
First, they expect you to actively organize your own learning. You need to take advantage of all
labs, tutors, and study sessions.
Secondly, if you are struggling, they expect you to set up meetings with them during their office
hours to discuss your progress. That requires a degree of self-evaluation, forcing you to be an
inner-directed learner, not waiting for a grade to determine your level of understanding.
Instructors also expect you to go the extra mile with all your papers and homework assignments.
Their aim is to cultivate excellence, not mediocrity, and they expect you to use your critical
thinking, writing and reading skills.
When you MUST be absent, instructors demand that you take responsibility for getting the work
and communicating the reason for your absence.
VOICE OVER: Cathy Camp
The first day is the most important day of class. To make a good impression and set the tone for
the rest of the semester, you should:
Set your alarm. Be on time. Strolling in ten minutes late gives your professor the impression
that you’re not a serious learner.
Sit in the front of the class. Sitting at the back of the class, with a hat pulled over your
eyes and your body sprawled over your desk as if you’re eating pizza on the couch,
doesn’t really make a good impression either.
Review your syllabus and bring your textbook. Don’t assume that the professor won’t start
teaching the first day. Come prepared to learn.
Ask questions if you don’t understand. Professors actually appreciate knowing how much
you grasp and how much you fail to understand fully.
Take good notes. Make it easy on yourself to review difficult material and study for
Finally, network with other students/study buddies
College Survival Tips
Finally, let’s focus on some ways for you to succeed at Prince George’s Community College.
Keep a planner. Organizing your busy life can be tough, so use your resources.
Establish a routine time and place to study. Finding a quiet place to study can
be tricky, but not impossible. Seek out spots on campus where you can shut out
the noise and really concentrate.
Schedule breaks. Pace yourself. You can concentrate on difficult material for
just so long before you need to clear your head. Small breaks help you to
Get involved in extra-curricular activities. Find/create a study group. Feeling
like you belong is very important.
Treat yourself when you have successes.
Don’t give up. While you may run into some problems as you transition to the
college environment, don’t get discouraged. Take a deep breath, relax, and
carefully consider what you need to do next. Remember, you’re not in this
alone. The college provides numerous resources to help you succeed.
Video 2: Time Management
VOICE OVER: Michael Walker
"Until we can manage time we can manage nothing else."
Peter F. Drucker
Because of an increased workload, time management is an important skill for college students
because you typically need to juggle many different activities in a rather unstructured
environment. In college, as with life in general, there never seems to be enough time. One of the
most difficult challenges you will face as you make the transition from high school to college is
recognizing and dealing constructively with the fact that you, and you alone, are now in charge of
determining how your time is spent. One of the reasons that high school seems so easy in
comparison to college is that others manage time for you.
You may be working during the semester, so here are some guidelines to help you balance work
and school:
You should be careful not to register for more courses than you can handle. Remember,
class time is only part of the commitment required. You should also consider your work
schedule, commuting time to and from school, homework, personal commitments, and so on.
As a rule, you should plan to spend an additional two hours of study for each hour spent in
class. Do the math, and you’ll see that the time commitment is very significant for a fulltime student.
VOICE OVER: Angel Morrison
Time Management Strategies
Your life is probably pretty complicated—you may be juggling work and school and
family, and it may be difficult to keep things straight. So essential to managing your time
is building a schedule.
Step 1: You need a calendar. You have a number of options—your cell phone, desktop
computer, or a calendar stuck to your fridge with magnets. You want a calendar that you
can consult at a glance, over weeks and perhaps even months. Without that quality, your
scheduling efforts will be hampered.
Step 2: Gather up your course schedules and mark down all the times you will be in class.
You have to make fundamental decisions about your potential schedule:
Should I enroll as a full-time or part-time student? What does my work schedule
Given my other commitments (e.g., work), should I take morning, afternoon, or
evening classes? Do I need to attend class mainly on the weekend?
Finally, what campus is the most convenient? How long would my commute be?
What classes can I take at each of the college’s locations? You have to be aware
of what each location offers with regard to your area of concentration.
Note down when all your projects are due, and try not to panic when they all
seem to fall in the same weeks. You may want to give yourself a little reminder
about major projects a couple weeks before the actual due date. Then note the
date of your exams.
Step 3: Write down all your other commitments—your doctor’s appointments, sports
practices, work hours, church activities, volunteer work, laundry days, and so on. Don’t
forget to include how many hours of sleep you anticipate a night, as sleep deprivation
impairs your ability to learn.
Step 4: Pencil in the amount of time required for you to do your schoolwork (remember the
rule of thumb—for each hour of class, two hours of homework). You might consider
leaving time before and after class to review the textbook or solidify your notes.
Now examine your schedule—do you have any free time left? If not, you may consider
simplifying your schedule. Maybe you simply don’t have enough time to devote to a fulltime academic schedule. This is the time to adjust your expectations.
Naturally, you must develop the discipline to follow through. A schedule is not fixed in
stone, and you will have to constantly respond, prioritizing and reprioritizing as
circumstances change. Most importantly, you need to plan ahead and not procrastinate.
Note: Videos 3-6 are the SOAR Technology Overview, whose transcripts are not included in
this document.
Video 7: Understanding FERPA
VOICE OVER: Alicia Jackson-Warren (ADD FERPA Missing Piece)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects student educational records and
describes when it is appropriate to release student information. It is also known as FERPA.
FERPA is the law that protects students’ educational records and gives students rights to those
records. Those rights include, among other things, the ability to limit the release of information and
to review education records.
Once a recent high school student is enrolled in college, the right to the student’s educational
record is transferred from the parent to the student. Parents are no longer automatically entitled
to access records without a student’s consent.
Under FERPA, students have: The right to limit the release of information, except as permitted by
the law; the right to inspect and review education records; the right to request an amendment to
education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading; and the right to file a complaint with
the U.S. Department of Education.
Additional information about FERPA can be found in the College Catalog and in the Schedule of
So what does FERPA consider to be part of your private educational record? When may this information
be shared with a third party? Information that may NOT be shared without your written consent
includes the following:
Social Security Number or any other identifier that would allow you to be personally identified
Your grades and transcripts
You test scores
Your academic standing (a warning, probation, or dismissal, for example)
Your current class schedule, including day, time, and location of classes
Your financial information (the amount of your bill, who paid it, how it was paid, for example)
And finally, your attendance records.
Students may access their own records, but who else has that right? School officials, employees,
and agents may access records to perform the duties of their jobs.
A person with permission from the student. An individual with a judicial order or lawfully issued
subpoena. Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies.
Directory information is information which may be released to a third party without written
consent. Directory Information includes, but is not limited to, name, address, telephone number, email address, dates of attendance, … degrees earned and previous colleges attended.
While the college does not routinely release such information to everyone who inquires, it may
legally do so if the third party demonstrates a legitimate need to know such information. Students
may refuse to permit such disclosure without written consent by notifying the Director of
Admissions and Records in writing of your wish to be excluded from such a release of information.
College offices and employees ask for identification before information is provided to a student
from his/her record, in order to protect the record and to ensure that information is
not released improperly.
Your educational records include information available on the computer through Owl Link and
MyPGCC. It is important that students take steps to protect that information. Always log off
after you have accessed your records through Owl Link and MyPGCC.
Video 8: Financial Aid
VOICE OVER: Angel Morrison (RE-DO)
Many families struggle just to get by. In those circumstances, college may seem expensive, a
luxury that many simply can’t afford. But a college education is necessary to a career—gone are
the days when one could easily follow a parent’s footsteps into the factory or become an
apprentice in a skilled trade. In the current tight job environment, most available jobs require a
college education. Even though the cost of college is increasing, it is still the best investment that
you can make. Even when money is tight, you can still afford college with the help of financial aid.
The fact is that the primary responsibility for funding one’s education belongs to the family and
the student. However, the educational system recognizes that families often need help to pay for
college. The purpose of financial aid is to bridge the gap between the cost of education and
what the family can pay. The financial aid system is based on a coherent premise: the less money
you have, the more aid you can obtain. In this section, we will explore your financial aid options.
So how do most families pay for college? First, they rely on current income and savings for
college. Your eligibility for need-based financial aid is premised on your prior year income.
Secondly, families utilize financial aid. There are two kinds of Financial Aid. The first is composed
of Grants and Scholarships, which do not require repayment as long as the student does not
withdraw from classes. The following grants may be available for applicants who complete the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and meet all other eligibility criteria:
Federal Pell Grant: Pell Grants are the foundation of federal financial aid, to which you
can add other forms of aid. You can obtain up to $5,550 depending on your financial aid
Federal Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG is designed for
undergraduates with exceptional financial need. Families eligible for Federal Pell Grants
will be considered first for a FSEOG.
The second type of financial aid is composed of direct loans and work study programs. There are
subsidized and unsubsidized direct Stafford loans. The great thing about subsidized direct
Stafford loans is that no interest accrues while you are enrolled in college. Unsubsidized Direct
Stafford loans are still a good deal; though interest does accrue on these loans while the student
is enrolled. Direct PLUS loans are also unsubsidized loans designed for the parents of dependent
students. PLUS loans help pay for education expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other
financial assistance. Interest is charged during all periods.
You must keep in mind that all direct loans must be repaid. However, students can also enroll in
work study programs, essentially part-time campus or approved off campus jobs. The money that
students earn does not have to be repaid.
VOICE OVER: Phyllis Collins (RE-DO)
Now let’s explore what college costs. Tuition costs are pretty straightforward. For the Fall 2013
Semester, a Prince George’s county resident will pay $100 per credit hour for tuition. So let’s do
the math. If you are registered as a full-time student (12 credits), then your tuition would be:
You also have fees to pay: a $25 fall registration fee, and an instructional service fee of $45 per
credit, which comes out to $540. So your total cost of enrollment for the Fall semester would be:
$1, 765.00.
Unfortunately, your costs do not end with tuition and fees. You also need to buy books for your
classes and pay for transportation to the college, both of which can be significant expenses. You
will also have personal expenses that must be calculated into the total costs. Once you do the
math, you may feel that you need financial aid.
VOICE OVER: Frances Notley
Applying for Financial Aid
To apply for financial aid, you must fill out a free online application, FAFSA, for student financial
aid at As mentioned earlier, the size of your financial aid depends largely upon
your expected family contribution (or EFC). EFC is based mainly on: Student and parent income,
which includes taxed and untaxed income/benefits;
Size of the family; Number of family members in college; Student and parent assets; Enrollment
Status: Obviously whether you are full time or part time will affect your financial aid status.
The code for PGCC is 002089. The application is due March 1 for the state of Maryland, while
March 1 is also the recommended deadline for the college.
The formula for financial aid is pretty straightforward: the amount calculated for a student to pay
tuition, room and board, books, fees, supplies and related expenses, minus the expected family
contribution, which again is the amount, as determined by federal methodology, that represents
your family’s ability to pay for one year of college.
An example might be: Cost of Attendance: $2,500; Expected Family Contribution: $700;
Eligibility: $1,800. All aid is awarded by semester or enrollment period.
SAP stands for Satisfactory Academic Progress, and it is a necessary condition for financial aid.
Federal regulations require that students meet basic academic progress standards before they
can receive federal financial aid. At PGCC students are required to complete 67% of credits
attempted, graduate on time, and maintain a passing GPA. The complete policy can be found
Consequences of Failing SAP
Failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Performance standards will lead to a loss of financial aid
eligibility, and the completion of an appeal to have eligibility reinstated. This will require you to
write a detailed letter explaining your situation and provide appropriate documentation. You will
also be required to meet with an academic advisor and complete an academic plan.
VOICE OVER: Korey Dean
Prince George’s Community College also offers institutional aid in the form of scholarships. These
scholarships are currently outlined in the PGCC Scholarship Application Booklet. This is available
online at the PGCC website and is located on the Prospective Students tab under scholarships and
grants. The packet contains over 30 institutional scholarships available to returning students.
Students may apply for up to three scholarships for which they meet the eligibility however they
can receive only one institutional award.
In Spring 2012 the paper process was replaced with a new online application process via
Scholarship America. To apply for scholarships, students must complete the FAFSA application and
complete the online scholarship application. This application requires you to demonstrate your
academic standing … and to write a short essay about the reasons you should receive a
particular scholarship.
Let’s look at a few of the outstanding scholarships available to PGCC students: The Board of
Trustees' Legacy scholarship provides full tuition and fees. The scholarship is based on Academic
merit and requires a 3.0 grade average, plus one of the following:
An SAT score of at least 1150 (Critical Thinking and Math and essay scores combined). An ACT
Composite score of at least 21. An Accuplacer score of 203 Sentences and Reading (scores
combined), 42 College Math
The Honors Academy scholarship also provides full tuition and fees. Based on Academic merit,
the award requires … a 3.5 grade average, plus one of the following:
An SAT score of 1650 (Critical Thinking, Essay, and Math scores combined)
An ACT Composite score of 23 and comparable Accuplacer scores
AOBA Scholarship - Sponsored by the Apartment and Office Building Association of
Metropolitan Washington (AOBA), the Scholarship Program offers graduates of high schools
in Prince George's County … paid tuition to Prince George's Community College, worth
$6,000, over a two-year period.
Kathy and Jerry Wood Scholarship -This scholarship provides full tuition and fees for four
consecutive semesters provided to students who maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or
The Hillman Entrepreneurs Program Scholarship- This four-year scholarship program is open
to all majors starting at PGCC and completing their study at the University of Maryland,
College Park. This scholarship is ideal for students with entrepreneurial ambitions, those who
want to run their own business or community programs, have creative ideas for income
generation, and see challenges as obstacles to be overcome.
VOICE OVER: Cathy Camp
You may find that you have actually overpaid your bill to the college and require a refund.
Refunds can be from financial aid, scholarships, or other credits to your student account after your
tuition, fees, and other expenses are paid. The College generates a refund for credit balances
only through Higher One, Inc. All new students will receive a Higher One card in the mail at the
address of record. This will carry your balance. Not all students will have immediate use or
refunds loaded on their card. But you may have need of a refund in the future, so when you
receive your Higher One Card in the mail, do not throw it away. Follow the instruction to
activate the card and keep it in a safe place. If you lose your card, you will have to pay a
$20.00 fee for a replacement card.
Please check your address and other information on the card; if there are any discrepancies,
please contact the Student Accounting Office 301-322-0688 for assistance. Several Higher One
ATMs are located on the Largo campus (Bladen Hall – near Police substation, Student Union –
near bookstore, etc.).
Students should come to PGCC prepared to purchase books. Fortunately, if a student has excess
funds after all charges are paid, he or she might be able to purchase up to $700 in books and
supplies at the bookstore using that excess. Any refund processed will be reduced by the amount
spent on books and allowable supplies. Note: Refunds are processed in Student Accounts twice a
week on Wednesdays and Fridays.
In addition to the financial aid options already discussed, you have other options for
managing cost. You can employ a tuition payment plan, for example, or you can borrow
from retirement plans or obtain home equity loans or private student loans.
If you have any questions regarding financial aid, you can email the office at or contact Sharon Hassan, the Director of Student Financial Aid at Prince
Georges Community College, at 301-322-0749.
Video 9: Degree Programs at PGCC
VOICE OVER: Shelly Caldwell-Bennett
One thing is for certain as you begin your college career—you need a plan. This involves not only
thinking through such big questions as your career goals and your interests, but also how to put
together your class schedule for the semester. We’ll examine choosing your major a little later.
First, let’s review the process of putting together your course schedule.
Many students wonder how many credits they should take. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to
that question. It all depends on your own circumstances. However, you do need to know the
college’s definition of course load.
6 - 8 credits = 1/2 time status
9 - 11 credits = ¾ time status
12 or more = full time status
You certainly don’t want to bite off more than you can chew—but you also don’t want to spend
any more time than is necessary getting your degree. So you may need to balance work and
school. In general, this formula holds true:
Full time school + part time work = success
Full time work + part time school = success
Your course of study depends on your educational goals. Not everyone has the same educational
needs, so you should clearly understand what the college has to offer.
Prince George’s Community College has over 100 approved associate degrees, certificates and
letters of recognition
Your ambition may be to get a Bachelor’s degree from a four-year institution. At PGCC, transfer
programs are designed specifically to parallel the first two years of bachelor’s degree study and
to ease transfer to a four-year college or university.
Associate Of Arts (AA)
Associate Of Science (AS)
Associate Of Arts In Teaching (AAT)
Associate Of Science In Engineering (ASE)
These degrees are transfer programs designed to:
Prepare for transfer to a Bachelor degree program
Parallel the first two years of a four year degree program
Allow a student to enter the upper division school as a junior
Finally, you may be interested in career programs, which provide the technical skills necessary for
employment and career advancement within a particular area of study. Often, credits earned in
a career program may be transferable into a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year college
or university. However, these programs are not designed specifically to parallel the first two
years of university study and should not be assumed to do so.
Each A.A.S. degree (Associate of Applied Science) at Prince George’s Community College
includes a required culminating experience (capstone and/or work-based learning course). The
culminating experience is a learning opportunity designed for students to synthesize skills and
knowledge acquired in previous courses and to gain experience in their career or technical area
of study.
Video 10: Assembling Your Schedule
VOICE OVER: Frances Notley
Obtaining a degree in a particular subject area is a sequential process. You start with the
fundamentals and build upon knowledge acquired each step of the way.
First, you will determine your Program of Study. A Program of Study is a set of courses leading to
a degree, certificate or letter of recognition. For example, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Nursing,
Economics. Each Program of Study has its own degree requirements, so you will eventually have to
assemble your course schedule from courses within your area of concentration.
All majors have required general education courses. These are foundation courses in certain
subject areas. Their purpose is to provide a broad base of knowledge no matter what your
If you are not sure which course to select for these categories, pick from the list of General
Education courses in the catalog. But let’s not jump the gun. There are other requirements that you
need to fulfill before you can devote all your attention to your major.
Your first task is to take your placement test. You have already taken either the Accuplacer or the
Michigan test, depending on your needs.
The Accuplacer Test is a nationally recognized test used to determine placement in college level
courses. It tests reading, writing and mathematics skill levels for success in college courses.
The Michigan Test is a nationally recognized test used to determine a student’s reading, grammar
and vocabulary skills. The test places non-native English speakers into the correct level of
American Standard English.
You should be aware of the retest policy. You may retake either the Accuplacer or Michigan Test.
A placement test may not be taken more than two times.
Once you have started your Developmental or ESL course sequence, the test cannot be
taken again.
If you do retest, the higher score will be used for course placement.
Your scores on these test will be the first determining factor in setting up your course schedule.
VOICE OVER: Michael Walker
PGCC’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program is designed to prepare our students to
experience success at college-level. Its goal is to prepare you for your main Program of Study.
There are a few things you need to know about ESL courses:
ESL courses do not normally transfer
ESL courses do count toward Financial Aid
ESL courses may be used as elective courses in a General Studies program
For all ESL courses, you must receive a grade of “C” or better
Prerequisites As we mentioned before, progress toward your degree proceeds step by step. To
ensure that you acquire fundamental skills before moving on, the college uses a system of
prerequisites. A prerequisite is a course that must be completed before enrolling in a more
advanced course. For example, English 1010 must be taken before English 1020. (This should not
be confused with a co-requisite, which is a course to be taken at the same time as another
specified course or courses. For example, PAS 1010 can be taken with DVR 0060.
As you progress through your college career, you will increasingly depend on the Educational
Evaluation, which is sometimes called a degree audit. This is a report created by a student in the
Owl Link system that matches all courses taken against the academic requirements of the student's
Program of Study in order to assist with course planning and to determine progress toward
This may seem to be a lot to take in at once. You may find yourself intimidated by the registration
process and unsure of your educational plans. Thankfully, you don’t have to struggle with this on
your own. Academic Advising at Prince George’s Community College can assist you in considering
your life goals by relating your interests, skills, abilities, and values to potential educational
options. They can help you to develop an educational plan consistent with your life goals and
objectives, as well as help you to develop decision-making skills. As you progress in your college
career, advisors can help you to reevaluate your progress toward your educational goals.
Advisors are also a great source of information about institutional policies, procedures, resources,
and programs.
Video 11: Registering for Classes
To register online (or in person), you must first know how to read the course schedule. The first line
for each course listed in the schedule contains the subject and the 4-digit course number, the
course title and the number of credits/CEUs the course carries.
The next line, indicates what, if any, prerequisites the course may have. In other words, this is what
you need to have completed before you enroll in this course. Individual course offerings are
arranged according to various offering times and locations.
You are actually going to register for one specific section of a particular course, so this is the
information that is most important to you! The section indicator (LD-01) indicates this is the first
day the section is scheduled to meet on the Largo campus. Other courses are listed sequentially in
the schedule. Note: You can register for any section of any course (provided space is available) if
you know the course subject (ACC), number (1020) and section (LE01) identifier of the
time/location you want.
You can also register for any section by indicating the 5-digit synonym (42967 in this case). You
don’t need any other information if you use the synonym (you must choose the Search by Course
Synonym in Owl Link).
It is important to understand the abbreviations contained in the course schedule.
DL: Distance Learning Section
HY Hybrid Section (including both classroom and online teaching
IN: Independent Study
LD: Largo Campus Day
LE: Largo Campus Evening
LS: Largo Campus Saturday
LU: Largo Campus Sunday
TV: Television or Telecredit
XD: Extension Center
XE: Extension Center Evening
XS: Extension Center Saturday
SU: Extension Center Sunday
XW: Extension Center Weekend
Credit Registration in Owl Link
As we’ve seen, students at Prince George’s Community College are encouraged to self-register
for credit classes using Owl Link. Owl Link is accessible in two ways—through the College web site
or through My PGCC, a home page just for students. To access Owl Link, you must have a current
e-mail address on record with the college.
1. How to Express Register by Course Synonym
2. How to Register by Subject and Course Number
VOICE OVER: Cynthia Duckett
Registering 3
Here are a couple tips to make registration easier. First, when initially searching for courses,
make sure the appropriate term is reflected, then make sure that you check the box “Show open
sections only.” This will give you an indication of what courses are available.
Secondly click on the high-lighted sections of the course review in the “Section Name and Title”:
This will provide important information regarding course prerequisites that must be met prior to
registration. It will also inform you of supplies required for the course and other important notes
related to the course.
If the course is a 4 credit course make sure that you verify the time for any labs associated with
the course. The lab times are not clearly visible on the search results- again you can click on the
high-lighted meeting information section to get the complete schedule.
Imagine that you want to enroll in Chemistry 1010. A brief look at the schedule may suggest to
you that you only have to attend the class on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:15 and
you can build your schedule around those times. However, on closer examination of the meeting
information, the schedule reveals itself to be much more complex. If you don’t do this, you may
very well have schedule conflicts and be unable to register until you resolve them. You may think
you’ve crafted the perfect schedule, with everything fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle, but then
you realize that you’ve neglected the lab times. So always remember to look at the full schedule
of information by clicking and reviewing all high-lighted sections of the course information.
VOICE OVER: Alicia Jackson-Warren
Registering 5
A student who registers for classes is responsible for either paying for the course or ensuring that
either financial aid or other arrangements are made for payment. If a student decides not to
take a course after registering, the student must officially drop the course. Otherwise, the student
will still owe the college for the costs of the course.
Don't Forget. Either pay for your course or drop it officially. It won't just "go away" if you ignore
Video 12-19: SWOT analysis Text (omitted)
Video 20: Mentoring
VOICE OVER: Tyjaun Lee
Mentoring is a brain to pick,
an ear to listen,
and a push
in the right direction.
~John Crosby
You should consider joining a mentoring program at Prince George’s Community College.
Mentoring can have many benefits—it can improve your attitude towards life, education, career,
your future and relationships with parents, peers and professors. Mentors can encourage you to
stay motivated and focused on your education as well as provide a positive way for you to spend
free time. They will help you develop coping skills to face daily challenges, and offer you
opportunities to consider new career paths … and get much-needed personal and professional
development skills and knowledge.
Mentoring is:
Meaningful interactions
Encouragement towards reaching goals
Transferring knowledge
Rapport and mutual trust
Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings students together with a caring
individual who offers guidance, support and encouragement and helps develop the competence
and character of the mentee.
Mentoring can be either formal or informal. Formal Mentoring is established through a particular
program which one elects to participate in, such as: Boys & Girls Club, Mentoring to Manhood,
Diverse Male Student Academy, ALANA Experience, Faculty Mentoring Program or International
Education Center.
Informal Mentoring is established by yourself, on your own, formally letting someone you admire
or respect know that you would like to be helped to realize your goals. Example of mentors could
be your supervisor, your professor, your advisor, or someone you met while networking.
A mentor is a mature individual outside of your parents who provides you with support, counsel,
friendship, reinforcement and constructive examples.
All sorts of folks have mentors across the campus, and a mentor can be an administrator,
experienced faculty, or a staff member.
You would likely be paired with a 2nd year student who would serve as your peer mentor. Peer
mentors generally serve as role models and help guide you through your college experience.
They will listen closely to you and work to bring out the strengths that you already possess. They
really serve as a guide who can share their own experience.
But a mentor’s role is limited. The mentoring programs are not designed to provide you with a
foster parent or a therapist. Your mentor won’t be checking up on you like a parole officer or
hanging out with you daily to be cool. They have a job and other responsibilities to tend to. They
also won’t provide you with individual tutoring. Remember, mentors are volunteers who want to
help out, not paid employees whose primary job is to cater to your every need.
There are three types of mentoring programs available at Prince George's Community College:
Diverse Male Student Initiatives
International Education Center
Women of Wisdom
VOICE OVER: Michael Walker
Mentoring 5
DMSI, located in Bladen 122, is a student program targeted to improve the academic success and
overall development of the diverse male students who enroll in PGCC.
In order to be accepted into DMSI, you need to commit to completing the entire academy
program and reaching its educational goals. This requires attendance at weekly DMSI-sponsored
events and work with a fellow male peer. This program is looking for students who possess
leadership potential and have an interest in their communities, with some experience doing
volunteer work. You must be currently enrolled at the college and have completed an enrollment
VOICE OVER: Angel Morrison
The International Education Center, located in Lanham Hall 221, is designed to support all
students and facilitate dialogue and understanding among cultures and backgrounds.
To become involved with the International Education Center, you need to have recently moved to
the United States. You will be paired with a peer mentor who is EITHER someone from your
country OR, if you prefer, an American AND someone who has the same major as you. You must
also attend at least one event with mentor per semester, and complete an end-of-year/semester
VOICE OVER: Phyllis Collins
The Women of Wisdom Program
WOW, located in MH 2102, is a highly specialized and holistic program designed to provide
unique opportunities for female students at Prince George’s Community College to enhance
academic, personal and professional development.
To be considered for the program, you must be currently enrolled at the College, either full or
part time, attend an orientation and application for enrollment and commit to completing both the
program and your educational goals. You must then complete an intake interview. You’ll be
expected to participate in WOW sponsored meetings, regularly follow up with your mentor and
advisor regarding career and academic progression and complete an end-of-the-year
VOICE OVER: Tyjaun LeeWhat's Next?
If the idea of mentoring programs appeals to you, then you should decide which program you
most closely identify with (the Diverse Male Student Academy, International Education Center, or
The Women of Wisdom Program).
Then, you are suggested to complete the Mentoring Brochure Card, and submit the Card to the
Owl Success Track Coordinator in Marlboro Hall 2102 .Your program of choice will contact you
via e-mail/mail regarding next steps to enroll.
You should sign up for your program by September or January (depending on your enrollment)
and get involved immediately.
Part I: Introduction
Owl Link is an online service to help students access their academic records, manage personal
information and accomplish educational and career goals. Advisors will reference Owl Link frequently to
students throughout their academic career at Prince George's Community College. Most importantly,
advisors will instruct students in the use of the academic planning tool, My Educational Plan.
My Educational Plan is a functional tool within Owl Link that allows students to plan all necessary
coursework for their active plan of study in advance, keeping them on track to successfully complete
their program of study. Through My Educational Plan, also known as your EduPlan, students
electronically plan coursework in advance for their entire program of study and then register for those
future semesters when registration opens to them. My Educational Plan combines access to several
tools with the powerful “Academic Program Evaluation” to check the student’s progress by looking at
four areas: 1) Program Requirements, 2) Completed Coursework, 3) In-Progress Coursework, and 4)
Planned Coursework.
Part II: Tutorials
Course Planning Wizard
Part III:
Today, in preparation for registering, you will need to access your Owl Link account and begin, on your
own, to create your EduPlan. It’s as easy as shopping online. Just follow the foul proof steps. Remember
to re-access the tutorials if you need a re-fresher on how to maneuver through EduPlan.
First, determine how many courses are feasible for you to enroll in each semester.
Second, determine all the courses you need for your program and add them one-by-one to your
Third, start simple by planning only your first two semesters at the college.
Your first courses sequences will be listed on your Placement Test summary. Before meeting with an
Advisor, it is highly recommended that you become familiar with the EduPlan tool and pre-plan some
courses on your own. Ideally, you are asked to identify your first two semesters of coursework at Prince
George's Community College. An advisor will need to review these courses before you Register.
Registration is a separate process that allows you to select particular sections, professors, dates, times
and locations of your planned courses. Please let an Advisor know if you need assistance with this