HARDEE COUNTY YOUTH SPORTS, INC. DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL LEAGUE DIXIE BOYS LEAGUE DIXIE SOFTBALL LEAGUE BY-LAWS 1 HARDEE COUNTY YOUTH SPORTS, INC. BY-LAWS OUR MISSION STATEMENT: “To establish an organization to promote the development of strong character, a right attitude and a sense of responsibility and citizenship in youngsters, using the game of baseball/softball as a vehicle. It is the purpose of Hardee County Youth Sports, Inc. to achieve this goal through fair play, good sportsmanship and congenial fellowship, with adult leaders providing the example. It is strictly against the policy of Hardee County Youth Sports, Inc. for any person, either as a participant or a spectator, to engage in arguments, to use abusive language, to harass umpires, or to exhibit any behavior not in concert with the general intention of this mission/policy statement. Team coaches are required to abide by this policy statement, and all parents, volunteers and other adults are strongly encouraged to do so.” ARTICLE I – PURPOSE OF THE CORPORATION A. The organization shall be called and operate under the name Hardee County Youth Sports, Inc. HARDEE COUNTY YOUTH SPORTS, INC. sets forth these Bylaws in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida as an act of incorporating a not-for-profit organization, whose purpose will be: a. To provide a low cost youth baseball/softball alternative to families in a setting based on sportsmanship and teamwork. b. To encourage children to get involved in youth athletics and specifically learn the skill and basic rules of the game of baseball/softball c. To promote active parent participation as a volunteer of Hardee County Youth Sports, Inc. d. To provide a safe, entertaining environment for the whole family to enjoy. e. To foster goodwill and friendships between all HCYS member B. For the remainder of this document HARDEE COUNTY YOUTH SPORTS, INC. will be known as “HCYS” or “the League”. HCYS is affiliated with Dixie Youth Baseball, Dixie Boys Baseball, as well as Dixie Softball, non-profit corporations organized for the promotion of youth baseball and softball programs. Whether to remain affiliated with 2 the Dixie Programs is a matter left to the sole discretion of the HCYS Executive Board of Directors. All participants of HCYS are required to abide by guidelines and rules established by the HCYS Executive Board. C. In matters of local league play, final authority in regard to interpretation of these by-laws shall rest with the Executive Board. The Board is encouraged to seek advisory opinion corresponding district commissioner. Except as otherwise provided herein, the affiliated league Rule Guide will govern the league. ARTICLE II – MEMBERSHIP A member shall be defined as each team manager, coach, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) as representative of each player. A player becomes a member upon receipt by the League of a fully executed player agreement and payment of registration fee in full. Membership ends August 31 of the year in which the player has completed League play or is no longer eligible because of age limitation rule as defined by Dixie or current governing league. Membership is represented by the election of Advisory Board members. This Advisory Board shall not be less than (6) nor more than (20) representatives to be determined by the current Executive Board in place and identified by the current incorporators and advise the business affairs of the corporation. ARTICLE III – ELIGIBLE VOTERS Only members of the combined Executive and Advisory boards shall be eligible to vote on matters coming before the corporate meetings, whether stated or special. Voting by proxy and cumulative voting are not allowed. ARTICLE IV – MEETINGS OF THE CORPORATION All meetings will be at the call of the President or at the request of any three corporate officers. Meetings will be held at least once a month, not including the month of July, unless otherwise determined by the Executive Board. The Scheduled Annual Meeting will be held in August each year (date to be determined by the President), for the purpose of electing executive officers, electing new advisory members, and serve to address any business properly coming before the Board. These will be performed in the stated order. 3 ARTICLE V – QUOROM A quorum for transaction of business shall consist of 60 percent of the Executive Board. There is no set quorum for the Advisory Board. Exception: A quorum of 75% of total Executive and Advisory Boards must vote in order to make any change in the Bylaws. ARTICLE VI – EXECUTIVE BOARD and ADVISORY BOARD A. The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President (BASEBALL), Vice President (SOFTBALL), Secretary, and Treasurer. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Board and confirmed by the combined Executive and Advisory Boards. The new appointees will remain in office until seasons end or until the current term expires, whichever is later. B. All league powers shall be exercised under authority of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have authority to counsel, reprimand, suspend, and/or dismiss by majority vote any member of the Executive Board, Advisory Board, manager/coach, or any other person affiliated in any way with HCYS, whose actions are considered to be detrimental to the best interest of the league. ARTICLE VII – OFFICERS A. The League President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the league. The President shall have authority to perform, supervise and direct all business and affairs of the league. The President shall chair all meetings of the Executive Board and public meetings. The President shall make reports to the general membership and perform all duties pertaining to the office of President, as designated in any affiliated league operational manual. The President is ineligible to be on any team roster as a manager or coach. B. In absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability to act, the Vice-President (baseball on even numbered months, softball on odd numbered months) shall perform duties of President. When so acting, shall act with all of the powers of and be subject to all restrictions as President. 4 C. The Secretary shall have those powers and duties normally associated with the officers. The Secretary will be responsible for registration of players and any other duties as designated in any affiliated league operational manual. D. The Treasurer shall have those powers and duties normally associated with the officers as designated in any affiliated league operational manual. President – The President will chair all meetings of HCYS and shall perform, supervise and control all business and affairs of the league. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the President: o o o o Conduct and oversee the business of HCYS Delegate job responsibilities to Board members HCYS representative at all district and/or state meeting(s) Maintain and update HCYS’s By-Laws and local league rules o Responsible for taking care of background checks on all volunteers o Supervise registration o Work with Treasurer on collection and recording of registration fees Vice-President, Baseball – In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duty of the President on even numbered months. He/She is also a member of the Executive Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Vice President, Baseball: o Assist the President with any duties deemed necessary o Attend city, district, and state meetings with or in absence of the President o Prepares practice and game schedules for Baseball o Acts as director over all coaches meetings for Baseball o Supervises the Baseball draft and ALL-STAR selection o Assist President with required background checks on all coaches o Assist in the registration process Vice-President, Softball – In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President, Softball shall perform the duty of the 5 President on odd numbered months. He/She is also a member of the Executive Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Vice President, Softball: o Assist the President with any duties deemed necessary o Attend city, district, and state meetings with or in absence of the President o Assists the President with the back-ground checks on all volunteers o Acts as director over all Softball coaches meetings o Prepares practice and game schedules for Softball o Supervises the Softball draft and ALL-STAR selection o Assist in the registration process Secretary – The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board meetings. Ensure all notices/communications are distributed to Board members. He/She is also a member of the Executive Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Secretary: o Responsible for registration o Responsible for preparing rosters and credentials to certify HCYS is eligible for all-star participation o Assist President in maintaining historical records for the league o Maintain all participants’ records o Provide and maintain a league calendar with key dates o Work with Team Parent for Picture Day o Assist in the selection/purchase of trophies o Maintain sign-in roster at all HCYS meetings o Maintain all completed rosters and copies of birth certificates Treasurer – Shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the league. Shall deposit all funds received in the name of the league in such banks and/or depositories as selected by the Board within 2 business days. Issue at monthly league meetings, a financial statement reflecting receipts, expenditures, and balance at the end of the previous calendar month. He/She is also a member of the Executive Board. 6 Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Treasurer: o Working with the President, prepare yearly overall master operating budget for Board review o Insure that all invoices are verified and paid on a timely basis by working with the Auditing Committee o Presence is required at registration day to receive and account for funds o Pay all league fees and other associated costs incurred by the league o Provide a financial report for the league at each HCYS board meeting Signatories Policy The Executive Board shall annually designate at least 2 members, who shall not hold the office of Treasurer, who shall be authorized to serve with the President as signatories on any league checking account, with the exception of the concession account which will also have the concession managers as signatories, if needed. Transactions on such account shall require one signature. ARTICLE VIII – ADDITIONAL STANDING BOARD MEMBERS Equipment Manager – Responsible for all baseball equipment and accessories needed to properly conduct HCYS games and practices. He/She is also a member of the Advisory Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Equipment Manager: o Prepare and present the annual equipment budget to the Board o Assist both Vice Presidents’ with counting of the Manager’s All-Star votes o Organize and inventory HCYS equipment o Organize the distribution and return of equipment to and from coaches 7 o Evaluate equipment condition and determine replacement schedule o Provide access to replacement and repair parts for all teams o Obtain competitive bids from prospective suppliers when needed o Present any special requests to the HCYS Executive Board Player Agent Baseball/Softball – Responsible for coordinating registration and to assist the Secretary and the Vice Presidents, in various duties, as deemed necessary. He/She is also a member of the Advisory Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Player Agent: o Preparing the team rosters for the coming season o Scheduling games in coordination with the governing vice Presidents o Assisting the Secretary with rosters and credentials requirements for All Star commitments o To provide electronic and printed data relating to player records at completion o Compile an email list of all Team Managers and distribute to the President and Vice Presidents o Inform coaches of league meetings Parent Agent Baseball/Softball – Responsible for coordinating between Executive Board and league members. He/She is also a member of the Advisory Board. Some examples of specific jobs delegated to the Parent Coordinator: o o o o o o o o Act as a liaison between parents and the Executive Board Team Parent Coordinator Receive and address all complaints from parents Keep accurate records of complaints in order to better formulate future policy Keep team parents informed of all pertinent league information Work with Executive Board on planning and organizing Opening Day Work with Executive Board planning and organizing end of year ceremonies Address issues and concerns to the Vice President of that division 8 o Present any parent special requests to the HCYS Executive Board Chief of Umpires – Responsible for enforcing the rules of baseball or softball through the coordination of Umpires for all league games. There will be one Chief of Umpires each for baseball and softball. These are also members of the Advisory Board. Some examples of specific jobs designated to the Chief of Umpires: o Coordinating certification of all umpires annually if needed o Schedule umpires based on the league game schedules presented o Facilitate the needs of the umpires within the Leagues area of responsibility (i.e. conflict resolution, equipment, emergencies) o Responsible for providing substitutes in the event of injury, noshow or conflict o Communicate with the Treasurer financial costs associated o Work closely with his/her division Vice President ARTICLE IX – ELECTIONS and TERMS Election and Term of Office – Biennially the league members at a scheduled Board Meeting shall elect the Leagues Officers. Officers shall hold office until the annual meeting after completing their two-year term. Nominations – Secretary shall accept nominations between the month of April and June by write in up until 14 days prior to the Scheduled Annual Meeting. After verification with the nominee their name will be placed on the ballot. The Executive Board reserves the right to extend the date due to scheduling conflicts with proper notice. Nominations must only be for those who attended a minimum of 8 regular scheduled meetings during the year and only those who have served on either the Executive or Advisory Board during the prior year. Elections – The election shall be held at the beginning of the Scheduled Annual Meeting to allow announcement of new Board members upon completion. The election will be conducted by secret ballot. Each ballot will be accompanied with an inner and outer envelope, with the member’s name on the outer envelope. 9 The President will announce conclusion of elections approximately 30-minutes after the start of the voting process, at which time ballots will no longer be accepted and counting of ballots will commence at that time. Completed ballots will be tallied by at least 3 people appointed by the President. Results of the election will be announced at unanimous conclusion of the ballot count. Candidates for each office receiving the majority of votes cast shall be declared elected and the newly elected President will continue conducting the business of the league. Vacancies – A vacancy in any office, because of death, resignation, or otherwise, may be filled by the Executive Board for the remaining portion of the term. ARTICLE X – SPECIAL MEETINGS Special Meetings – Written notice of special meeting stating location, day, time, and reason of meeting shall be sent to each Board member at least 48 hours prior. Meetings may be declared a closed session at discretion of the President or majority of the Board. Ability to address HCYS Board at each meeting – Members must request specific time and report topics to be discussed 72 hours prior to each meeting by contacting the Secretary. Failure to do so will result in not making presentation at that meeting. Attendance at HCYS Board Meetings – Any member missing two consecutive meetings of the Board, either regular or special, shall be deemed to have resigned, subject to acceptance by the Board. Executive Board member is expected to attend all scheduled meetings. Excused absences will be granted with proper reasons and procedures being followed. All absences (with reason for absence) must be reported to the President prior to a scheduled meeting date. Attendance records are delegated upon the Secretary. 10 ARTICLE XI – Standing Committees A. Fund-Raising Committee a. Appointed by Fund-Raising Coordinator with approval of the Board b. Propose a plan for activities and submit to Board for review and approval B. Annual Award Ceremony Committee a. Appointed by Parent Coordinator with approval of the Board b. Propose a plan for activities and submit to Board for review and approval C. Opening Day Committee a. Appointed by Parent Coordinator with approval of the Board b. Propose a plan for activities and submit to Board for review and approval D. Auditing Committee a. A committee of (2) appointed by the President b. Meet and work with the Treasurer, on a monthly basis, to audit the prior month bank statements and prepare a Treasurers Report. Meetings will be held prior to the scheduled board meeting to keep the board fully informed and updated on the financial health of the League. ARTICLE XII – DRAFT FOR HARDEE COUNTY YOUTH SPORTS, INC. LEAGUES: YOUTH BASEBALL, BOYS BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL TEAMS A. The draft system will be used in ALL divisions. The Executive Board of Directors will oversee the draft. B. Players on a roster the previous year, having played at least one scheduled game, will remain on the same team. 11 C. No team manager or coach is to let any child practice or play with his team until they have gone through the draft procedure. D. The draft order is determined by the previous year’s official league standings. Example: 5th place team picks first, 4th place team picks second etc. Note: In the case of an expansion team, the new team gets first 4 picks. The new team also starts second round (If roster of 13 exists, then the expansion team gets the first five picks). Exception: If there are no returning coaches in the division, each new coach will draw to determine the order of the draft procedure. E. A team roster shall be composed of no more than 8 players the same age, unless under direction by the Executive Board. F. Siblings of current roster players and children of managers will be protected. Before tryouts the manager will announce all players eligible for reservation. G. If a manager drafts a player that has an eligible sibling, the two draftees shall be considered that team’s next two draft picks. H. There are NO TRADES allowed after the draft is completed. Late registrants who did not participate in tryouts will be added to team roster alphabetically according to the draft rotation. I. Any current division manager whose child did not play in the league the previous year must pick his/her protected child by the 5th round. Coach’s child is eligible to be drafted in the sixth round if not picked. All new division managers must pick their child/children in the first round(s). J. Coaches of each division will meet one week before the regular season ends to pick an All Star team. Coaches will be required to submit names from both their team, as well as others, for consideration. Umpires in the same division will give input during the process. The President, or his/her designee, will preside over the All Star meetings in each division. Vice Presidents are required to attend to give counsel to the President. K. Head Coach selecting assistants whose child did not play in the league division has one of the following options: a. Assistant coach plus child, team loses their 1st round pick. 12 b. 2 assistant coaches plus 2 children, team loses 1st & 2nd round pick. L. Any coach position vacated, given the exiting coach still has a child on the team, will NOT be selected until after completion of the draft and the final roster is issued. No child from the coach assigned to the vacated position is to be placed on the team, unless drafted prior to acquiring position. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: a. Players wishing to play up one division (subject to age restrictions) must state so on registration form and attend tryouts for that division to be considered for draft. Managers will present their recommendation to Executive Board for consideration. b. When siblings register in the same division, parents will be asked if they want both players on the same team. If such is the case, managers will be notified prior to draft and when one is drafted, the other must be drafted the next round. c. Names of players unavailable for draft will be placed alphabetically in sequence. d. Teams with an established player, with a sibling being drafted in that division, must pick the sibling by the 4th round (Unless parent elects to place sibling on a different team). ARTICLE XIII – DROPPING/ADDING PLAYERS AND RE-ENTERING DRAFT A. Before any player can be dropped or suspended from a team’s roster, the Executive Board must receive written notice from the team manager. The Board will notify the manager verbally and/or in writing of its decision. B. No player will be added once season starts unless approved by the President. 13 ARTICLE XIV – SELECTION OF MANAGERS AND COACHES Managing and Coaching is a privilege – NOT A RIGHT! A. Any person interested in managing or coaching a team must complete a Volunteer form, pass a background check and be in good standing with the Hardee County Youth Sports, Inc. Background checks are performed by local law enforcement and help to ensure the safety of our children and are not intended to be an invasion of privacy. Any information will be kept completely confidential. Coaches and Managers must be at least 18 years of age. Prior to the commencement of any season (try-outs), the Divisional Vice Presidents will provide the HCYS Board with a list of all Managers who are interested and eligible to return as a team Manager. The Board shall approve all appointments of Managers. In cases where unusual circumstances prevail, the Board will ensure that the best interest of the children and the League are served. Names of assistant coaches will be submitted no later than the official start time of your divisional try-outs in writing to the Executive Board. Coaches may be added after the try-outs from your respective team. B. Managers will be selected based on the following priority: 1. Returning League Manager – same age division 2. Returning League Coach – same age division 3. Returning League Manager – moving up or down a division 4. Returning League Coach – moving up or down a division 5. New League Manager/Coach C. “Returning Manager” is defined as any Manager who has managed any team within the League during the previous spring season. If a Manager leaves our League solely to participate in another League he/she will not be eligible to manage or coach a team for two (2) years from the season he/she left. Each Manager shall appoint two (2) Coaches to assist him/her. Managers shall have the authority to select their Coaches with the understanding that all Coaches selected must be in good standing with the League. The Board shall approve all appointments of Coaches. In cases where unusual circumstances prevail, the Board will ensure that the best interest of the children and the League are served. 14 D. Manager of ALL-STAR team shall be manager of the first place team. The manager of the first place team shall have two coaches of his/her choice. All coaches must be on the official HCYS roster for that season. The Executive Board must approve any changes to the roster. ARTICLE XV – LOCAL LEAGUE PLAY A. When a team is on the field, only its manager and coaches are outside the dugout. B. Rain outs will be played as scheduled by the Executive Board. C. If, after at least 4 complete innings of play, either team falls 10 runs behind at the conclusion of any of its subsequent times at bat, play shall be terminated, and the score at the time of such termination shall be deemed final. ARTICLE XVI – CONDUCT AND SPORTSMANSHIP A. Negative criticism towards anyone is prohibited. Members of one team will not ride, kid, heckle, poke fun at or do anything that in the opinion of the umpire distracts the opposing team. Violation of this rule will be removal of guilty player(s) and/or manager from the game and dugout. B. Each umpire has the authority to eject anyone for displaying unsportsmanlike conduct or language in conjunction with local league guidelines and to eject such disqualified person from the HCYS administered Complex. C. Team Manager or Coach Ejection: An ejection of a Team Manager or coach shall result in an automatic two game suspensions, which means the game you were ejected from plus two games. The suspended Team Manager or coach will not be allowed at the HCYS administered Complex for his/her suspended games. Any suspended Team Manager or coach is entitled to appear before the Appeals Committee (appointed by the President). Team Manager or coach must submit 15 his/her appeal in writing within 24 hours following his/her ejection. A response shall be rendered within 48 hours. A fee of $50.00 will be rendered with written appeal. The fee will be refunded if the suspension is overturned. D. All Board members and volunteers are required to have background checks annually. Anyone who is convicted and/or is registered as a sex offender or sexual predator is banned from any and all league activity. Anyone applying to volunteer, who has been convicted of a felony within 7 years of application or a misdemeanor within 3 years of application, is ineligible to volunteer for the league in any capacity. E. Only Managers from the current Season are eligible for selection by the Board for the position of All-Star Manager, with the Managers whose team finished first place in each Division having the highest priority. If a first place Manager declines the invitation to be the All-Star Manager the Board will select from interested Managers within that Division. Selection of All-Star Managers will be addressed immediately preceding the election of All-Stars. All-Star Roster(s) is to be kept strictly confidential until the League announces publicly during “Annual Awards Ceremony.” Parents must sign a letter of intent to allow All-Star participation. The League does not provide transportation to All-Star events. All-Star teams advancing past the district level in league sanctioned play: Players and Parents of All-Star teams will be required to fundraise, through Board approved fundraisers, to assist with travel expenses. The League, depending on funds available, may elect to make a matching donation. This donation would not exceed Five-Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per team. 16 Revised: December 10, 2009 APPROVED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD AT A DULY CALLED MEETING, THIS 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2009. __________ Kevin D. Moore President, HCYS __________ ____________________ Andrew McGuckin Vice President of Baseball, HCYS ____________________ Doug Knight Vice President of Softball, HCYS ____________________ Kim Davis Secretary, HCYS ____________________ Amy Gough Treasurer, HCYS 17 18