February 8, 2013 / 28 Shevat, 5773 Please note that there will not be a Shabbat Bulletin on February 15, 2013. The next Shabbat Bulletin will be on February, 22, 2013. Table of Contents Shabbat Table Talk Please Help Us Spread the Word About our Fun Programs for Prospective Families New This Year: A Schechter MathCounts Team Here's What Some of Our Schechter Mathletes Think of MathCounts Up Close and Personal: MathCounts Coach Herbert Lichtman Eighth Graders Build Community at Shabbaton Sixth Graders Meet a Famous Author Through Skype Shabbat Shalom! Don't Miss Our Featured Article on Solomon Schechter's New MathCounts Team! Third Graders Connect to the Land of Israel Mazal Tov to the Solomon Schechter Chess Team for winning the first place trophy in the Renaissance Knights of Greater Chicago Championship on Sunday, February 3. Pictured holding the trophy are fifth graders Aaron Brown and Sam Mitchell. Not pictured is sixth grader Matan Auerbach. A Week Full of Love, Snow, Play, and Joy at the Early Childhood Center Schechter Moms Enjoy an Evening of Zumba, Yoga and Yogurt Alumni News: Noa Ohcana (SSDS '10) Scenes from the 100th Day of School Important Information to Parents About Registration for 2013-2014 Shabbat Table Talk with Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg Online Registration for 20132014 is going to begin on Monday February 11th An instructional letter will be sent in the coming weeks via constant contact. Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago Locations, Phone Numbers, and Website Sager Solomon Schechter Day School (K-8) 3210 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 Parshat Mishpatim One aspect of kashrut is taught in this week's parsha: the commandment not to eat basar terefah, flesh from an animal that Jews can eat that had been injured in the field. One of the responsibilities that Jews have in keeping kosher is to make carefully sure that the animal was physically whole and healthy before it is slaughtered. The Torah connects this care with being close to God: acting in ways that show we value life reinforces our connection with God, because God values life. Still - the meat from such an injured animal, the Torah tells us, should be given to dogs. A midrash teaches that this is a way that Jews say "thanks" to the species of dogs, since the Torah also tells us that the dogs didn't bark at the Jews when we were leaving Egypt. 847.498.2100 Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center with the Marvell D. and Stanley J. z"l Ginsburg PreK Program 4500 Dempster Road Skokie, IL 60076 847.674.3206 Note: new number for ECC www.schechter.org Candle Lighting Time Click here to read more of Shabbat Table Talk. Please Help Us Spread the Word About our Fun Programs for Prospective Families Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Taste of Schechter Family Afternoon Yoga and Arts & Crafts with Schechter teacher Irit Alkalay Home of Melinda and Ben Resnick in Northbrook. Co-sponsored by Helene and Mark Gussin. Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:15 am - 10:15 am Morning of Kindergarten for prospective families at Sager Solomon Schechter Day School. Parents will have an opportunity to meet with Dr. Lena Kushnir, Sager principal. To RSVP or for more information, contact Lynn Weiss at lynn.weiss@schechter.org. Friday, Feb. 8 Mishpatim (Shabbat Shekalim) 4:56 Click here for candle lighting times for 5773. Thank You for Donating to Solomon Schechter Day School We appreciate the financial support of our community. Through your generosity, Solomon Schechter Day School is able to deliver New This Year: A Schechter MathCounts Team the highest quality General and Judaic Studies Education. Schechter News Torah Readers 4th Grade Mishpatim 2/4 & 2/7 1.) Gabriel Wein 2.) Jesse Levitas 3.) Max Dunn 5th Grade Mishpatim 2/4 & 2/7 1.) Stone Harris 2.) Evan Dayan 3.) Coby Maier 6th Grade Mishpatim 2/4 & 2/7 1.) Ruby Grant 2.) Andrew Kane 3.) Michael Frim 7th Grade Mishpatim 2/4 & 2/7 Last Tuesday morning, 12 Solomon Schechter students met in a conference room at the Sager School to participate in a threehour MathCounts competition. The following Saturday, students from 30 public and private schools in the North and Northwest Suburbs participated in the same competition at Oaktown Community College. Since Schechter students could not participate on Shabbat, the special competition was arranged just for our students. Schechter parent Herbert Lichtman, who coaches the Schechter MathCounts team, took time off from work to monitor the competition, along with Lee Pallasch, a member of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, which sponsors the chapters from the North and Northwest suburbs. MathCounts is the leading competitive math program in the nation. The competition is sponsored by companies that value math and problem-solving skills -- including Raytheon, CNA Insurance, Texas Instruments, 3M, and the National Society of Professional Engineers. This year the program is celebrating its 30th anniversary. 1.) Josh Genender 2.) Liam Lynch 3.) Sarah Fishbein 8th Grade Mishpatim 2/4 & 2/7 1.) Gabe Chasin 2.) Gabe Chasin 3.) Gabe Chasin Return to Top SSDS Quick Business Connections Join the SSDS Quick Business Connections at the next J2J Networking Group meeting at: Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah 3220 Big Tree Lane Wilmette on Wednesday, Feb 20 starting at 7:45 The following panel will be speaking on "Staying Afloat While Unemployed" * David Fain, Fain Financial Services * Ira Piltz, Attorney, Law Offices of Ira Piltz in Skokie, IL The MathCounts competition covers a wide range of math topics including algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, number theory, permutations and combinations. The competition is designed for 6th - 8th graders and is challenging even for very advanced eighth graders. Three teams from the North and Northwest Suburbs competition will advance to the State competition in March. The top four individual competitors in the State competition will form a team and will represent Illinois in the National Competition. This is Schechter's first year participating in MathCounts, thanks to the volunteer efforts of Lichtman, who runs his own money management firm in Highland Park. The students meet on Wednesdays after school from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm with Lichtman. In their sessions, they select a specific type of math problem, and Lichtman said he strives to make it interesting and exciting for the students. Why MathCounts? "We want to make sure that the students understand how important math is in the world around them, and how engaging math can be as they move into algebra and geometry," he said. * Fred H. Rothschild, CLU RHU, Rothschild Insurance Group Find out more about Schechter's J2J Networking Group! MathCounts is structured to develop problem-solving skills, which is one of the most important skills needed to succeed in the 21st century. The program is open to all 6-8th grade students nationally. Schechter also includes 5th graders to provide them with exposure to competitive mathematics, and the 5th graders will be competing in a Schechter-only "junior" MathCounts competition next week, said Lichtman. Click here to see information and links to subscribe to the SSDS QBC group, join the LinkedIn Group, join J2J or contact members for more information. Return to Top Reduce. Recycle. ReSimcha! Schechter Fashion Boutique Scheduled for April Lichtman added that he has been working closely with Schechter math faculty. "The teachers sat down with me and we talked about the topics that we would be covering in MathCounts," he said. "The teachers are also utilizing the materials that are available through MathCounts." Schechter Re Fashion Boutique will be held April 21-22 We are looking for wardrobe moving boxes and portable coat racks by March 1st, mannequins (even life-size "I am thrilled that we can provide this extraordinary opportunity for students to hone their math skills and have a chance to compete and shine," said Daniel Weinberg, Director of the 5-8 She'arim at Sager Solomon Schechter. "We are so fortunate to have Herbert Lichtman volunteer his time and energy with our students -- it has been a wonderful partnership." For more on what our Schechter Mathletes think about MathCounts, see the article below! Barbies), stand up mirrors, and, of course, volunteers! For questions or to volunteer, contact Here's What Some of Our Schechter Mathletes Think of MathCounts randierainbow@gmail.com YOUR CLOSET IS A GOLDMINE! Start saving your boys' and girls' dress clothes and accessories for our upcoming resale event. Earn money towards future SSDS trips, such as to Washington, DC and Israel. Fifty percent of the price your item sells for will go towards your family trip earning fund and fifty percent will go towards scholarships for trips. The more you bring, the more you can earn! Drop off will be at conferences, March 13-15. Clothes should be new or like new. Remember, the better your item looks, the more likely it will sell. Reduce. Recycle. ReSimcha! Return to Top Community News 2013 Skokie Youth Baseball MathCounts team members (from left) bottom row: Micah Brody, Owen Janssen, Michael Frim, Gaby Ecanow, Bridget Harris. Top row: Herbert Lichtman, Dylan Goldberg, Adam Kalman, Amia Ross, Gavi Welbel, Hadar Halivni, Arielle Weiss, and Sadie Hulkower Arielle Weiss, sixth grade, said, "I love doing math and competing. It's fun to win but even if you don't win you can still have fun, and I am learning more about math." Michael Frim, grade six, agreed. "I like how it is both fun and educational. We are learning great math tricks and you can compete against people from all over the world." Hadar Halivni, grade seven, added, "The math tricks that we have learned have made Algebra 1 easier - you can do the problems quicker - there were also some things that we have learned in class that we can apply in other competitions." Registration Going on Now Seventh grader Gaby Ecanow said that she likes how flexible and easy it is to get into the program. "You don't have to be a math genius - you just have to like math!" All the students said they love learning with Lichtman. Registration for 2013 Skokie Youth Baseball is for children K thru 8th grade (9th graders who do not play on their school baseball team are eligible to play). Register at any of the SPD locations (Weber Center, or Oakton Community Center.) *Make checks Payable to Skokie Park District. Credit Cards Accepted. Any questions can be directed to Steven Greenberg steven@chicagotailgators.com The Season begins early April and goes through Mid June. Baseball games can be scheduled for any day of the week EXCEPT Friday nights and Saturday. Click here to print a copy of the registration form and for more information. __________ Come Celebrate Summer in February With Ramah Day Camp "He makes things very logical, fun, interesting, and easy to understand, and he relates what we are learning to the real world," said seventh grader Amia Ross. Seventh grader Gavi Welbel added, "It is really cool because the problems are all logical and make you think in a specific way. And you can apply the logic that you learn to other situations. As you are doing the problem you can actually see how what you have learned in the past can be applied to new problems." "This is a great group of highly-motivated students who are very good at math and problem-solving, and we are trying to feed that enthusiasm," said Lichtman. That's why I do it!" Up Close and Personal: MathCounts Coach Herbert Lichtman Enjoy a fun filled afternoon with Ramah Day Camp Art projects, games, sports activities, singing, inflatables, and more including our favorite magician Dennis Debondt. Sunday, February 10 2:00-3:30 1095 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL This even is free! RSVP to info@ramahday.com Click here for more information __________ JCC Maccabi Games An experience that lasts a lifetime! Olympic-style athletic competition for teens 13-16 Tryouts: Feb 10-Mar 10, 2013 JCC Maccabi Chicago is gearing up for the summer 2013 JCC Maccabi Games & Artsfest with the announcement of information nights and official tryouts. JCC Maccabi Chicago is a JCC Chicago program that provides athletic, social and cultural experiences to Herbert Lichtman, who coaches the MathCounts Team, said that he and his wife, Bari (pictured right with their family from left: Zach, grade 1; Becca, coming soon; Sam, grade 5; and Aaron, a freshman at HPHS), discovered Schechter last year when they were looking for a kindergarten for their son, Zach. "We were exploring different options for kindergarten and we heard about Schechter from our friends," he said. "They let us know that Schechter offered a fullday kindergarten program, that the school had amazing teachers, smaller classes, and provided a rich Jewish and general studies education. After we visited Schechter, we felt it was the right choice for our children and our family. This year, the Lichtmans also enrolled their son, Sam, at Schechter. Sam is now in fifth grade. The Lichtmans said they wondered what the transition would be like for Sam. However, it turned out to be very easy since Sam already knew many Schechter students from competitive chess and baseball. "Sam was comfortable from the very first day, and it has been great," said Lichtman. "We look forward to enrolling our daughter Rebecca, now 3, in a few years." Lichtman added that he has always been interested in competitive math and participated in competitions when he was a student; his children have always been interested as well. When Sam transferred to Schechter, Lichtman said he heard about the math competition that some Schechter students participated in and won last year, and he offered to start a MathCounts team. Jewish teens, ages 13-16 years. The 2013 JCC Maccabi Games will take place in: Austin, Texas, July 28-August 2 "Bari and I are so excited to be part of the Schechter community, and to be giving our children such a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow," said Lichtman. Eighth Graders Build Community at Shabbaton and the Combined JCC Maccabi Games & Artsfest will take place in: Orange County, California August 4-9, 2013 JCC Maccabi Chicago will be represented in each host city by athletes, performers and coaches from across the Chicagoland area. Teams will compete in baseball, basketball, bowling, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track & field, and the Artsfest. Tryouts for the 2013 JCC Maccabi Chicago teams will begin in February and run through March 2013. For more information, call Rachel Thompson at 847.763.3571 or visit www.gomaccabi.org. Click here for a flyer on the event. __________ Auditions for Once Upon A Mattress At Mayer Kaplan JCC On January 25-26, 60 eighth graders celebrated Shabbat at school with their teachers, administrators, and Rebecca Sykes, a guest educator who brought a sense of joy and awareness to the experience. Students had the opportunity to lead Tefillah, read from the Torah, and be active participants in the Shabbat service. There was a sense of community as students ate, played, and sang together over the weekend. Rebecca Sykes led students in various improv and storytelling games. In this hilarious tweaking of the fairy tale, "The Princess and the Pea", Queen Aggravain has ruled that no one may marry until her son, Prince Dauntless does. However, she has managed to sabotage every princess that comes along. A member of the court, Prince Harry, wants to marry his love, Lady Larken, so he finds Princess Winnifred ("Fred" to her friends) to wed the Queen's son. The queen is horrified and immediately begins to scheme, but Winnifred, with some help from Sir Harry, the King, and the Jester, isn't going to be quite so easy to get rid of. Audition Dates & Times: Feb 11, 12 4:30-7:00pm at Mayer Kaplan JCC 5050 Church St Skokie To reserve your audition time, please email rbouwman@gojcc.org or call 847.763.3514. For more details, visit www.gojcc.org/theater __________ 2013 Limmud Chicago Conference "There was so much laughter as students shared life experiences and connected with their classmates and teachers," said Pnina Mazor and Anat Barlevy, organizers of the Shabbaton. Rollerskating, bingo, basketball, and board games were just some of the highlights during the weekend. As Shabbat came to a close, parents joined their children at Schechter for a very special havdalah service (see video clip below). Join Limmud Chicago on Saturday evening, February 16 at 6:45pm for laughter, beats, and dancing at the UIC Student Center East to celebrate the opening of Limmud Chicago 2013. Joel Chasnoff will perform his new piece: G.I. Joel: A 24year-old Stand-up Comic from Chicago Gets Drafted into the Israeli Army. Watch "A Life in Stills" sponsored by the Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema. And afterwards, dance the night away with Biblegum pop stars, Stereo Sinai. Starting at 9:00am on Sunday, February 17 you'll be able to choose from over 80 sessions throughout the day. Limmud Chicago 2013 is centered around two themes: Jewish Love and Jews who made Chicago; The sense of belonging and community students felt during the Shabbaton continues to carry on in the classrooms as students look forward to many more meaningful experiences as the year continues," added the teachers. Sixth Graders Meet a Famous Author Through the Power of Skype there are plenty of sessions beyond these themes, too. Click here to see the lineup. Lunch is included, along with snacks, and dietary laws observed. Check out www.limmudchicago.org to register and remember to use your Schechter Family Member discount of 5%. __________ The Young Women's Board of the Jewish United Fund presents: Day School Perspectives: Reinventing your Passover Presentation With the help of technology, 60 Schechter sixth graders had the chance to Skype with author Laura E. Williams in her home in Maui on Monday. Laura is the author of Behind the Bedroom Wall. Set in Germany in 1942, the book is written from the viewpoint of a 13-year-old German girl who is conflicted because the message she hears everywhere contradicts what her parents, who are part of the Resistance, are doing. Come mingle with fellow Chicago area Jewish day school moms and enjoy an engaging presentation on Reinventing your Passover Presentation. Style Shack's co-owners Sherry Levin and Dawn Pye will present easy-toassemble, seasonal tablescape designs as well as home hospitality ideas to liven up the holiday. Linda Neiman, founder of Zelda's Sweet Shoppe, will "I don't know how many people try to visualize the author as they read books," said Schechter Language Arts Teacher Carol Miller. "Turns out Laura Williams does not look like most of our students imagined the author of a Holocaust novel would look." After discussing via Skype the weather in Hawaii versus the weather in Chicago, Laura shared with students what being an author entails. "She shared the number of rejections as well as the number of times she had to rewrite before finally being published," said Mrs. Miller. share some of her most decadent and coveted kosher Passover dessert recipes. Wednesday, February 20 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm The Double Tree Hotel 9599 Skokie Blvd. Skokie Couvert $18 * Dietary laws observed. Click here to register online. __________ LIVE IN CONCERT - RICK RECHT When asked by Coby Resnick, "What would you say is the theme of your book?", Laura replied, "Life is full of choices. Think hard about the choices you make." Sunday, March 3 Concert is at 4:00 pm Dinner is at 6:00 pm Congregation Beth Judea Route 83 & Hilltop Road Long Grove, IL 60047 For more information contact info@bethjudea.org Click here to download flyer. __________ Special thanks to Schechter Technology Coordinator Debbie Harris for creating this wonderful virtual visit with the author. Third Graders Are Connecting to the Land of Israel as They Learn About Agriculture, Meteorology, Tefillah, and Hebrew Our third graders are extending their learning from Tu B'shvat to connect with the Land of Israel. On Tu B'shvat they learned how important rainfall is to our homeland. With that in mind, students are researching the daily weather conditions in major Israeli cities and making a news report each morning in Hebrew to share with the school. Moriah Congregation Welcomes Rabbi Harold Kushner Author of more than a dozen books including the bestseller When Bad Things Happen to Good People Sunday March 10 at 5 pm Moriah Congregation 200 Taub Drive Deerfield Co-chaired by SSDS Parents of Alumni Jennifer and Stewart Flink and Sheri and Neil Cooper for tickets, bio of Rabbi Harold Kushner, and additional information visit www.moriahcong.org or call 847.948.5340 __________ Have you heard about Ramah Sameach? Click on the image above to view a Weather Report Each student is responsible for one city's temperature and weather, and reports to the weather anchor in front of a weather map prepared by our art teacher Hallie Redman. They are also tracking the weather trends over the two weeks that they are observing the weather. "This helps them understand how the planting season in Israel follows the weather, and why we pray for geshem (rain) in the Amidah during the winter," said Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg. "While they can tell the weather in Chicago by looking out the window, they are learning how to stay connected to Israel and learn agriculture, meteorology, Tefillah and Hebrew -- all at the same time!" Ramah Day Camp is calling all 3 to 5 year old preschoolers. We don't want you to miss out on these funfilled mornings. Our upcoming events are on Sunday, March 17 (Pesach) at Ramah Day Camp 98 West Hintz Road Wheeling The morning will be filled with singing, playing, cooking and an art activity. All walk-ins are welcome. If possible rsvp to info@ramahday.com Hope to see you there! __________ United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Will hold its Annual Evening of Musical Entertainment Sunday, March 17 which will honor Chuck Kahalnik and the Regional Youth Commission Leaders of CHUSY. Click on the image above to view another Weather Report A Week Full of Play, Snow, and Joy at the Early Childhood Center This year, the concert will feature the talented Sheldon Low. This year's co-chairs are Schechter's own Tami Warshawsky, Director of Marketing and Communications and Parent of Alumni, Schechter Parent Audra Kaplan Spellberg and Schechter friend, Susan Sacks. Click here for more information. Call 847.714.9130 or www.chusy.org If you were walking in the halls of the ECC this week you might have heard or observed the following: One morning, the Alonim PreK children entered their classroom and found that it was rearranged to provide them with an exciting new and special place. One very grateful child exclaimed, "What did we do to deserve this?" "Ms.Kahn, I love you" said one Kindergarten child. Ms. Kahn replied, "I love you too!". In the Hadasim class one child was observed comforting another child who was crying after saying good-bye to his mother. The child who was the comforter, placed his hands on his friends shoulders and looked him in the eyes as if to say, "I know you will be okay!" __________ Save the Date! Tuesday, April 9, 2013 for JUF's Annual Day School Night dessert reception at The Holiday Inn at 7:15 pm Michael Brandwein, writer and presenter of the Emmy award-winning television programs If you were at the ECC on Wednesday -- when the sun was shining and the playground was full of snow -- you would have been treated to the sounds of young children laughing and sometimes screaming with joy and delight as they played in the snow. You might have been amazed to see blue snow, yellow snow, and red snow in the playground. The children know the white snow comes down from the clouds and travels through the sky to land in the playground. The colored snow, they know, was provided by their very loving teachers! Parenting Puzzle, will be the featured speaker. Click here for more information. Building Community: Schechter Moms Enjoy an Evening of Zumba, Yoga and Yogurt __________ Please send all Community News to Millie Cave at millie.cave@schechter.org Return to Top On Wednesday evening, Schechter moms gathered for a great evening of Zumba and Yoga, followed by food of course, featuring frozen yogurt and fruit. The event was sponsored by the Schechter Parent Organization. "It was a great event," said PO President Jodi Morady, "and a chance for Schechter moms to take some time for themselves and get to know each other!" Special thanks to Pnina Mazor for leading Zumba, and to Zoe Nitsun for leading Yoga! Don't miss the next PO event -- a joint movie night with CJHS on April 17th at 7:00 pm. We will be watching the film A Race to Nowhere, and there will be a discussion after lead by Schechter and CJ faculty. More info. to come! Alumni News Noa Ohcana (SSDS '10) On January 28, 2013, Noa Ohcana (SSDS '10), daughter of Schechter math teacher Noreen Ohcana (SSDS '77), was appointed as a Student Commissioner by the Highland Park City Council. Noa is a one of a select group of high school students to serve on various City Boards, task forces, and commissions as special Student Commissioners. These commissioners are Highland Park residents and current high school juniors that were selected in an application process that began in November 2012, and they will serve until their high school graduation. From left to right, Elan Sykes, CHUSY Regional President; Josh "Gingi" Aaronson (SSDS '10), CHUSY Israel Affairs VP; Arin Kerstein (SSDS '10), CHUSY Communications VP; Noa Ohcana (SSDS '10) CHUSY Mem/Kad VP; Nadav Sprague, CHUSY Social Action and CHUSY Tikun Olam VP: and Steven Sacks, CHUSY Executive VP. "My high school sent out an announcement for applications and I applied to be a part of the committee," said Noa. "I was on the Mayor's Youth Council as a freshman with Mayor Belsky, but with the election of current Mayor Rotering, the youth council was put on hold. When I heard about this, I was very excited to have the opportunity to serve my community again." Noa was placed on the Human Services Task Force, where she said she hopes to learn more about what she can do to help others in her community and to brainstorm solutions to problems and issues in Highland Park. Noa is involved in several leadership positions at HPHS, including Educators of Tomorrow, Israel Interest Group, Junior Class Council, and Science Olympiad. She also is a member of the HPHS tennis team and serves on the CHUSY Regional Board as Membership/Kadima Vice-President. "I feel more confident in my abilities to problem solve because of my experience as Membership/Kadima Vice-President on the CHUSY Board. I have spent much time catering programs to fit the needs of the members, and I am always thinking about what the members of USY want and what could benefit them. I think this experience will really help me on the Human Services Task Force." Noa and Rebbe At the International Convention this year in Boston with cousin Rebecca Groner, Noa, and Allison Flack. Noa attended Schechter for three years -- from kindergarten to second grade -- but said she vividly remembers her Siddur Ceremony. "I loved singing the songs and I felt so special to be presented with my siddur in front of my parents. I could not wait to use it! Schechter was the beginning of my involvement and commitment to Judaism." Scenes from the 100th Day of School What could be more fun than celebrating 100 days of school with special festivities including treats, activities, parades, storytelling, and more! Below are scenes from the celebration! Note: Students in our Kindergarten at our Early Childhood Center in Skokie will be celebrating 100 Days of School on Monday! Pass it On! We hope you have enjoyed reading about the exciting programs and activities at Solomon Schechter Day School. If you know someone who would enjoy reading about our Schechter community, please forward this to them! Send all comments to tami.warshawsky@schechter.org. A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation.