mormonism - Faithful Baptist Church

Pastor David Warner
Faithful Baptist Church
Theocracy - The original aim was to form this and control the entire
U.S.. Now it is their underlying motive in their outreach.
Mormons teach that their church is the established Kingdom of God on
Earth. They swear to “avenge the blood of Joseph Smith on the United
States”. They follow a clear dictatorial, hierarchial, theocracy. The only
source for truth is what the current living Prophet states; whether or not
it is Biblically sound or even Mormonally sound. Twice a year they state
new revelations at the Tabernacle (Utah). All Mormons want to rule the
world as gods. Shockingly, as we will find out, their true devotion is not
to the God of the Bible, but to the god of Mormonism, Lucifer!!!
Misrepresentation - Missionaries deny any differences in Jesus, God,
and the gospel with Christianity vs. Mormonism. Inner secrets aren’t
revealed until one is already sworn to secrecy by blood oaths.
Mormonism was a deliberate scam for money, women, and power, but
now has mushroomed into something terrible.
Bad Habits - They may not smoke or drink but: they have four times
the average rate in America for obesity; they take more drugs than nonMormons; they have a higher than average divorce rate; their child
murder rate is five time higher; their female homicide rate is 21% higher;
their rape rate is higher and has increased by 93% recently; 35% of their
babies are born out of wedlock; and Salt Lake City is the number one
city for Mortgage loan defaults.
Non-Christian - They are a modified form of paganism that is hidden in
Christian terminology. Paganism usually involves communication with
spirits, a hierarchy of many gods, and the appeasement of those gods
through occultic rituals. They are truly against Biblical Christianity.
Suppression of their Early History - The leaders have reworked all
their books to hide the confusion and man-made nature of their
teachings. Every year changes are made…a “tune-up” of their current
Racial Godhead - Whites qualify for Mormon priesthood and then
godhood; Blacks do not (based on a curse from Cain they say).
Women - A woman can never become a god, only an eternal
childbearer as one of the many wives of a “god-husband”. She has to
rely on her husband to call her out of the grave at the resurrection…this
he does only by choice. She must swear an oath of total obedience to her
husband. They must bear as many children as possible. Fifty percent of
the women must work also. All this leads to a high depression rate.
Personal Inner Turmoil - Frustration in becoming perfect is a major
implication in Mormonism. Many want to get out of Mormonism, but
can’t because of the consequences (damnation, possible loss of job,
divorce, loss of children…). There usually is noone to confide in. All
are warned to not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus was conceived by Elohim (Kolub) and Mary, and was the brother
to Lucifer. Jesus was a man and had to become a god Himself through
Temple rituals and keeping the Law. The Trinity are each separate
gods. The Holy Ghost (originally rejected by Smith) is now said to be a
“wonderful all present fluid”.
Adam and Eve Statue
This “Masonic” statue shows Adam and Eve putting what Cain put on
the altar (salvation by works), and the Lamb is standing by the altar (but
Christ is Despised
They deny Christ’s death as able to give eternal life to them that believe.
They require their own blood for certain more grevious sins. Mormons
take bread and “water” at communion, because wine = blood. They
display no cross inside or outside their chapels. But they do display
many Masonic and other occult symbols throughout their buildings.
Faith and Grace
Their faith is faith that blessings will follow obedience to their over
1000 laws. Grace is to those who keep all the commandments and prove
themselves worthy. Everyone will be saved, however, but only the most
pious will become gods. They do not believe in a literal Hell.
Rituals - Mormon “godhood” is only reached through secret Mormon
Temple rituals. There is a constant battle to gain entrance into the
Temple for these secret rituals. Entrance is based on how close to their
teachings you believe and follow. Only 30% of Mormons qualify.
There are over 1000 Mormon commandments to be followed.
Worthiness is declared by the local Bishop and stake President. They
decide if you are worthy to be in the Father’s presence or not. Once in
the Temple one is at the point of no return and must take a “death” oath
concerning divulging secrets. The underwear is put on (which protects
you from “evil” Jehovah) and you are given a secret name. Then white
robes and a hat are put on (almost identical with the dress of the satanic
“Macumba Cult” in Brazil). There are also secret passwords and
handshakes to be learned. At last they enter through the magic masonic
veil. This secrecy and initiation is classic occultism and paganism.
These unitiated will swear up and down that their religion is
“Christian”...the initiated know the shocking truth, though! Ultimately,
a Mormon must sacrifice their life and be resurrected in order to obtain
‘godhood’; this, however, is not widely publicized…
Eternal Marriage - To reach godhood one must be married to a
Mormon female. It is referred to as a Celestial marriage, and continues
forever and ever. They practice polygamy in order to be more fruitful in
their eternal child bearing task. The Church promotes family but not if
one is a “Christian”. Mormon bishops will advise divorce in this case.
This gives way to a high divorce rate.
Church Greater than Jesus - They say that in 1830 the Almighty God
restored His church to earth again, which is the Mormon people. Joseph
Smith holds the key to eternal destiny; not Jesus. Smith dictates who
goes to heaven. Praise is given to Smith, not Jesus. The Brethren (top
church hierarchy) demand total submission and blind obedience from
their followers, and offer godhood in exchange. The Brethren are
accountable to noone, and everyone is accountable to them. They are the
Obvious Errors - Smith said it was the ‘most’ correct book on earth
(more than the Bible). 4000 changes had to be made since it was first
published (changes from Smith’s “perfect” translation…not from
printing errors). There were hundreds of obvious contradictions,
absurdities, and childish grammatical errors. The book taught that the
Trinity was foolish…but elsewhere in it it states there is a Trinity. There
were countless verbal plurality disagreements, slang, and spelling errors.
There were clear passages plagarized out of several books of that day,
including several chapters of the Bible. Smith said that the translation
was made so carefully that there was no room for error (??). The
characters in it were purely ficticious. Smith said that the plates were
“written down in his mind” to preserve them. Smith had access to the
Bible also, of course. The Book of Mormon contains very little
concerning Mormon theology and practice. The language of the book of
Mormon is that of the King James era and it even contains chapter and
verse divisions (circa 1300’s); but the Book of Mormon was said to
have been written originally in 500-600 B.C..
Lying Fake Witness - Out of the eleven witnesses who allegedly saw
the plates, only three (all Smiths) remained in Mormonism. Smith called
the eight “defective liars and cheats”. These seem to be strange choices
to view the plates being that each one is so evil. The other type of lying
fake witness is the “burning in the bosom” that is said to be the secret at
determining if something is true or not. This probably is a demonic
Other Fake Plates - The “Kinder Book” plates were found and
resembled the original gold plates, Smith said. Later, the scientific world
analyzed them and found them to be clearly forgeries. Smith said they
were translated partially by him and were indeed true. Smith tried to
decieve people with these and the gold plates. Similar Cults - At
Mormonism’s beginnings there were other strangely similar religious
groups that began. J.S. Strang, a Smith follower, found some “plates”
and started his own sect differing much from Smith’s. The “Shakers”
started at this time also and had 60 witnesses to a sacred “Roll and
Dangerous Myths - They state that Mormons are the Jews; the actual
Jews and the non-Mormons are Gentiles. They say that in 1830 the
Almighty God restored His church to earth again, which is the Mormon
people. Smith says the Moon is inhabited by people; he was visited by
god-men from a star called Kolob; the Gold Plates are seen with faith
not eyes; the Garden of Eden is located in Missouri and that Jesus will
return to Missouri vs. outside of Jerusalem. Brigham Young is part of
Smith’s lineage, which is necessary in order for him to be a true Prophet
(however, it is proven that he is not of this lineage). Brigham Young
declared “If you will believe in your heart that Jesus is the Christ, that
Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and that Brigham Young is his successor,
you shall be saved”. And he said that “every spirit that confesses that
Joseph is a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true, is of God and
every other is of anti-Christ.
Archeology Myths - archeologists agree that not one shred of evidence
has been found to support the Book of Mormon. Noone can find the
location of even one Book of Mormon city or geographical site,
including the famous Hill of Cumorah where the Gold Plates are suppose
to be.
Godhood in Embryo - We are here to prove ourselves worthy of
godhood. We were spirits (gods) waiting for our human bodies. We
pre-existed as these spirits…and full godhood is when we are united with
our bodies. However, we don’t remember our pre-existance…why?
They even agree to being pagan rivals of Christianity.
Hinduistic Ties - They teach godhood potential, pre-existance, selfrealization techniques, and that nature is alive and intelligent.
Redeeming the Dead - Temples are the link between man and godhood.
The Temples are used mainly for the redeeming of the dead. The dead
can still communicate with the living and will eventually go to heaven
(Satan told Eve she wouldn’t really die). They say that God’s number
one commandment is to seek after those that are already dead. These
spirits often declare that “the Mormon church is the only true church”.
These dead are represented in their teachings as Light; Moroni is the
“Angel of Light”! They use these encounters as proof that Mormonism
is the only true religion. Many Mormon presidents have been in contact
with many of these spirits, and are very proud of it. They practice
genealogy keeping (this is warned against in the Bible). They practice
“Baptism for the dead” (warned of by Paul in 1Co 15). The wicked dead
go to hell for a time of purification, not punishment, and then go to
Heaven. This is the “spirit prison” (if it is a prison, how can they
communicate with the living and be present in the Mormon Temple as
Mormonism teaches?).
Occultic Practicing - Ouija Board, crystal ball, pendelum, and the
dowsing rod were used by early Mormon apostles. The “Phillip Group”
held a séance and experienced a “poltergiest” in the early Mormon
church. Smith used a “seer” stone to divine, a jupiter talisman for ritual
magic, and later introduced magic underwear with occultic inscriptions
(these are commonly worn all day by devout Mormons). There have
been countless strange visions, spirits heard, tongue speaking, unnatural
voice utterings, distorting of bodies, UFO siteings, and many other evil
manifestations in the early Mormon church.
Smith’s Occultism - He used his “seer stone” as a divination device.
He was very heavily involved in the occult. His talisman that he always
wore and seered through was covered with inscriptions of deities and
astrologies. From early childhood he and his family dabbled in
divination, necromancy, and various forms of ritual magic.
Satanic Signs - They believe that the lie to Eve was the truth...we can
indeed become gods. The power to priests thru their apron comes from
Lucifer. The “Quetzalcoatl” as a serpant deity = Jesus. The Serpant is
regarded as the “Holy Wisdom”. The Snake of Shira (Satan) is used in
their Temples.
Lucifers Religion - “Mormo” in the Satanic Bible is listed as meaning
“god of the ghouls” (those obsessed with the dead). In Chinese,
“Mormon” means “gates of hell”. Mormons say they worship the “god
of this world” because of their belief in there being gods of other worlds.
Lucifer is taught to be a son of God and brother of Jesus. In a main
temple ritual of “Garden of Eden”, they place an apron on denoting
“Satan’s power and priesthoods”. They wear this often and wear it at
marriage and at burial. Smith teaches that hell is agreeable while heaven
is a place of everlasting burnings. Mormonism is neither based on the
Bible nor the Book of Mormon . This is because the heart of their
doctrine is that there is no real Hell; death is not final; and the dead can
repent and be baptised into the Mormon spiritual church. The Mormon
God is Lucifer and the heaven they talk about is Hell!
Uses Masonic Terminology
In a 1974 speech, Dr. Reed Durham (the outgoing president) first
announced Mormonism’s close ties with Masonry. The Mormon Temple
ceremonies resemble Masonry with their secret names, penalties, blood
oaths, grips, tokens, square, compass, beehive, astrological symbols, allseeing eye of occultism, and the upside-down 5 point star of Satanism.
The resemblance continues in their conferences, councils, priesthood,
temples, annointing with oil, the issuance of liscences, certificates of
recognition, elders, high priests, Book of the Law, Egyptian items, new
revelations of the suns and moons, the political kingdom of God, the
council of the 50, the living constitution, and the coronation of the king.
It is obvious that there was an intentional intent by Smith to utilize
Masonry in forming Mormonism.
The Masonic Legend of Enoch = J. Smith
Smith’s Jupiter talisman that he wore was referred to as his “masonic
jewel”. The Legend of Enoch in Masonry is extemely similar to
Mormonism: Enoch and Smith were both 25 years old when they got
visions; both had plates that were buried in a vault in a hill, and were of
gold and brass with Egyptian hyroglyphics about God on them; both
uncovered a metal ball, priestly breastplate, and Urim and Thummim;
both called out a “masonic” distress call just prior to death (Smith in his
jail cell). The legend of Enoch was in print by the Masons in 1802, 30
years before Smith’s great disclosure on Mormonism. Smith apparently
wanted to be the legend’s Enoch, who was suppose to be the final
recipient of the “secret doctrine” and the “secret name of God”.
Offshoot of Masonry
In 1832 Smith opened up to receive new brethren who were all deeply
involved with masonry; Phelps, B.Young, Kimball, and Whitney. Smith
was awarded the “master mason” degree in 1842. Smith met in a
Masonic Lodge in Navoo, Ill.
Smith wanted to restore “true
Christianity” to the world. Masonry claims to be the “true” religion. The
first Masonic legislator was “Bhudda”, then “Confucius”, Jesus,
Mohammed, etc.. Smith tried to take over Masonry but was kicked out
of the brotherhood.
Masonry is Satanic!
Albert Pike (Grand-Mason) states that the “Masonic Religion should be
maintained to the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine.” “Yes, Lucifer is
God, and, unfortunately, Jehovah is also god...for the absolute can only
exist as two gods....the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief
in Lucifer, the equal of Jehovah, God of Light and Good; he is
struggling for humanity against Jehovah, the God of Darkness and Evil.”
Mormonism began as an offshoot of Masonry, holding to almost every
major doctrine and practice of it. Masonry holds tightly, as its greatest
“grand commander” previously stated, to the Luciferian doctrine.
Mormonism is only a “Christianized” version of ancient Masonic
teachings of Luciferian doctrine...that is, that Satan is the God of Good,
and Jehovah the God of Evil.