THE LINE MOUNTAIN CHARGE Rev. Mark I. Rothermel, Pastor Organists Salem: Kristin Frederick & Diana Klinger Christ: Jeff Masser & Jaci Harner Acolyte Logan Shaffer SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST October 9, 2011 ORGAN PRELUDE *PROCESSIONAL HYMN # 1, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 10, Christ Church, red hymnal WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST *OPENING HYMN # 271, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 7, Christ Church, red hymnal CHILDREN’S MESSAGE DISMISSAL TO GO TO CHILDREN’S CHURCH *SOLEMN DECLARATION, page 3 *CHORAL AMEN, page 557 *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) One: O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you, I will praise your name. All: You have been a refuge to the poor, a refuge to the needy in their distress. One: This is our God for whom we have waited so that we might be saved. All: This is God for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation. – adapted from Isaiah 25:1-9 *CALL TO CONFESSION, page 4 *CONFESSION OF SIN (Responsively) (Time of Silent Confession) One: Remember me, O God, when you show favor to your people; All: We have sinned. One: Our ancestors made a calf at Horeb; All: We worship money, good looks, and possessions. One: Our ancestors exchanged your glory for the image of an ox that eats grass. All: We exchange your glory for cars, perfect children, and younger skin. One: Our ancestors forgot the great things you had done in Egypt, and awesome deeds by the Red Sea. All: We forget you, too, O God, even though you continue to move in and through our lives. One: Moses stood his ground with you and asked for a second chance. All: Jesus Christ is our ground and our second chance. One: Let us accept your love, O God, and live as if it matters. All: May it be so. Amen. *KYRIE, page 518 *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *PRAISE P: Praise the Lord. C. THE LORD’S NAME BE PRAISED! *GLORIA PATRI, page 490 SPECIAL MUSIC: Salem Choir MISSION MOMENTS JOYS & CONCERNS GENERAL & SILENT PRAYERS *THE APOSTLES CREED, page 6 *SERMON HYMN # 240, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 51, Christ Church, red hymnal SCRIPTURE: Phil. 4:1-9; Matt. 22:1-14; Salem Church--pages 190 & 23 NT; Christ Church--pages 186 & 22 NT. SERMON: ROYAL WEDDING BLUES OFFERING *OFFERATORY RESPONSE, page 506, and Prayer of Dedication *LORD’S PRAYER *DOXOLOGY, page 551 *BENEDICTION *CLOSING HYMN # 2, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 62, Christ Church, red hymnal SILENT MEDITATION *ORGAN POSTLUDE *Congregation, please stand, if you are able. ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: Welcome to EVERYONE! The altar flowers at Salem Church are in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Dean and Elaine Dietrich. Beginning today, Christ Church is receiving a love offering to help victims of the recent flood. Please be generous. Tonite: No Confirmation Class. Monday: Bus Trip to Finger Lakes in New York. The cost is $85. Please call Mallory Wiest, 648-6526, if you are interested. Please be at Christ Church by 7:00 a.m. to catch the bus for the trip. Christ Church cleaning committee is Jaci Harner and Gayle Rebuck. Wednesday: Choir Practice, Salem Church, 7:00 p.m. Thursday: PA Dutch Class, Salem Church, 7:00 p.m. Saturday: Deadline for November LIFELINE; Tyler Stiely Fun Day, Hegins Park, noon to 5:00 p.m. Next Sunday: Confirmation Class, Salem Church, 6:00 p.m. Oct. 17: Joint Consistory, Salem Church, 8:00 p.m. Oct. 18: Pastor Mark preaches at Hepler Church of God Revival, 7:00 p.m. Oct. 20: Final PA Dutch Class, Salem Church, 7:00 p.m. Oct. 23: Christ Church Social immediately after church. We will have Fall Festival events such as carving the pumpkin contest. Haunted Hayride and Halloween Party, Salem Church & vicinity. The Youth Group party begins at 4:30 p.m. with the Hayride for all ages following at 6:30 p.m. Come yourself and bring a friend! Oct. 24: Bazaar Committee Meeting, Salem Church, 7:00 p.m. Christ Church cleaning committee is Joanne and Lydia Snyder. Oct. 25: Dinner Committee Meeting, Christ Church, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29: Ham Dinner at Christ Church, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. The cost is $10.00 a ticket. Tickets are now on sale. Pastor Mark has tickets. Nov. 5: Salem Church Bazaar, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. SALEM COOK BOOKS ARE HERE! They are $15 each. CHRIST CHURCH COOK BOOK will be here approximately Oct. 17th. Please place order to reserve yours today. The cookbook is $15 each. Please contact Mallory Wiest at 648-6526 to place your order. PARSONAGE EMAIL: Just a reminder, you can reach the parsonage by email. The address is The Janitor at Salem Church for October is Carl Krissinger. The Janitor at Christ Church for October is Steve Troutman. Christ Church Lawn Mowing committee for October is Douglas Masser, Mike Masser, Alex Masser and Tim Masser. HALF PRICE SALE at Salem Church. The afghans, wooden churches, and church record books are now 50% off. There is no discount on the dish clothes. CHURCH WEBSITES: Check it out at The Line Mountain Charge’s email address is The Christ Church website is ~Facebook groups have been created for the Line Mountain churches. If you have a Facebook account, log in and search under "Salem Church of Rough & Ready" or "Christ E&R Church," and request to join the group.~ SERMON NOTES PRAYER REQUESTS Sunshine, Victims of floods caused by Lee, Family of Mike "Truck," Lawrence Maurer, Lorraine Lahr, Nancy A. Rothermel, Dan Poletti, Earl Kahler, Logan Williams, Carol Schaeffer, Ray Kehler, Margie Smith, Katie Hurtlove, Don Hooper, Julia Najere, baby Carvell, Helena Snyder, Dolores Reinoehl, Tom Oxenrider, John Scheib, Esther Strohecker, Linda Reed, Hope Rothermel, Leda Wolfgang, Mary Wolfe, Dennis Clark, Lila Rebuck, Steve Mattern, Fayne Morgan, Galen Snyder, Sally Strohecker, Lorraine Fetterolf, Jim Boner, Ben Novinger, Geraldine Dengler, Sammy Hess, Beth Hoover, Travis Martin, Jed Parker, Brandy Witmer, Karen Vandervort Shock & twins, Dennis Fetterolf, Tom Bray, Mary Lou Reiner, Clement Palmer, Fawn Wehry, Myra Rose, Darryl Bomgardener, Marlin Wiest, Nevin Maurer, Dawn Inch, Trace Adams, Jamey Wolf, Margarette Morgan, Margarette Haas & husband, Lorissa Ash, Susan Whitesell, Beth Troutman Nessler, Daniel Stolfus, Henry Schwalm, Amy Smith, Mike Reed, Peggy Miller, John Wehry, Sr., Meg Powers, Daniel Shock, Gertrude Stehr, Howard Taylor, Joyce Paul, Betty Paul, Kimmarie DiPasquale, Hope Rebuck, Payton Hertzler, William Osman, Lena Shadle, Glenn Heim, Stacey Hoover, Teegan Stehr, June Masser, Dick Rothermel, Maynard Geist, Abby Kieffer Nursing Home: Joan Rothermel – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 2 Betty Dietrich – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 9 Emma Oxenrider – Tremont Nursing Home Marie Hepler – School House Square, 11 High Street, Pine Grove, PA 17963, Rm. B-3 John Tobias – Mountain View Manor, Trevorton Military Personnel: Jessica Myers Kurt Sims Brian Henninger James Frederickson Bryson DeWalt Bryan Wynn Jason Knorr D.J. Lucas Rebecca Masser Davies Monte Harner Anthony Blain Dustin Klinger