Chemistry PERIODIC TABLE WEBQUEST Directions: 1. Log onto the server and double click the Internet Explorer icon 2. Type in the web address: .htm 3. The WebQuest that you are participating in is not directly involved with Rich Central and doesn’t directly correspond with your textbook. The information is still important and accurate. You will use the website to answer all of the questions. 4. Read the Introduction and then proceed down to the Task 5. After you read the Task, click on the “what is the periodic table?” link. 6. Minimize this screen, but DON’T close it. 7. Open Microsoft Word. (SAVE AS: Periodic Table Questions) 8. You can type the answers to these questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES on the word document. 9. Use the three links below (Picture Icons) to answer the questions. 10. Continue on with Step 2. 11. Click on the link: Ingredients Organization. 12. Use the links below to answer the questions that follow. 13. Again, use Microsoft Word to type the answers in COMPLETE SENTENCES. 14. Save document as: Ingredient Organization. 15. Continue reading the website. 16. Click on the link: Pun with elements. 17. Each of these that you answer correctly will be 1 point each EXTRA CREDIT. 18. Put your answers on Microsoft Word. You don’t need complete sentences, just type the number and the answer. MAKE SURE THE ANSWER MATCHES THE NUMBER OR IT WILL BE WRONG. 19. After you answer the extra credit, click on the Model link. Print a copy of this periodic table and follow the directions to create a model of the periodic table. 20. DO NOT continue to step four or beyond. 21. Once you have completed, print off all of your copies. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THEM and turn them into your instructor.