Chemistry puns - Vincent Sapone.Com

Chemistry puns
With a wild imagination and a flair for puns, you will be able to use the names of many of the elements to
take the place of other words or phrases. Some are very straightforward, but many of homonyms require a
stretch of the imagination. Be creative and have pun!
1. Police officer.
2. Lone Ranger's horse.
3. If they are not here, they ___________.
4. To press a blouse.
5. Motto for an oil well?drilling company.
6. What should you do with dead people's bodies?
7. A fixture in your house with a faucet and a drain.
8. Wholenium x 0.5.
9. A ridiculous prisoner.
10. A burial chamber that weighs 2 000 pounds.
11. Guided or directed.
12. Grab that guy!
13. What do you do before you brand a steer.
14. A popular red or pink flower found in pots.
15. A Latin Mickey Mouse's dog.
16. Someone who helps people in distress is a good
17. After successfully riding a bronco, a rancher shouts, "I ___________ ."
18. What do you do if you are a big, dark cloud?
19. Speaking of beautiful mountains, you might say, "They ___________ ."
20. Funds from your mother's sister.
21. Opposite of hot.
22. A person from Norway, Sweden, or Finland.
23. A native American.
24. If people are sick, the doctor will ___________.
25. A wrestler holding down an opponent may have a _____________ him.
26. The kitchen on a Roman ship.
27. The police may stage a bookie joint.
28. A roll shaped like an automobile.
29. A person from Troy who only goes out after dark.
30. What a fatally wounded person says.
31. Boards that have nailed down to walk upon.
32. The ruler of Davy Jones' Locker.
33. What kings, queens, princes, and princesses do.
34. A name for a person who talks too much.
35. How to order beer in a German restaurant.
Pun Answers: There may be better ones out there…
1. copper
2. silver
3. argon
4. iron
5. bromine
6. barium
7. zinc
8. hafnium
9. selenium
10. krypton
11. lead
12. cesium
13. europium
14. gadolinium
15. plutonium
16. samarium
17. rhodium
18. uranium
19. arsenic
20. antimony
21. gold
22. scandium
23. indium
24. helium, curium
25. neon
26. gallium
27. actinium
28. carbon
29. nitrogen
30. iodine
31. boron
32. neptunium
33. phosphorus
34. bismuth
35. germanium
36. protactinium
37. hydrogen
38. iridium
Periodic Table Puns Answer Key
Periodic Table Puns 1
1. What you do in a play - Actinium - Ac
2. What you do to a wrinkled shirt - Iron - Fe
3. “Tasty” part of your mouth - Tungsten - W
4. Someone who likes to start fires - Arsenic - As
5. Superman’s weakness - Krypton - Kr
6. Your brother or mine - Bromine - Br
7. Extinct - Argon - Ar
8. Imitation diamond - Zirconium - Zr
9. A type of flower - Germanium - Gr, Rhodium - Rh, or Gadolinium - Gd
10. Las Vegas lights - Neon - Ne
11. Police - Copper - Cu
12. Golden State - Californium - Cf
13. Name of a goofy convict - Silicon - Si
14. Mr. Mony's enemy - Antimony - Sb
15. What you do to flowers - Platinum - Pt
16. What you did to ripped jeans - Sodium - Na
17. A “prize” element - Nobelium - No
18. A very smart person - Einsteinium - Es
19. Person from the big blue planet - Neptunium - Np
20. A fur seller - Sulfur - S
Periodic Table Puns 2
1. Not an exciting person - Boron - B
2. Thanksgiving guests - Indium - In
3. Get clean with this - Chlorine - Cl
4. Drive away in style in a ____ - Neon - Ne or Mercury - Hg
5. Does a body good - Calcium - Ca or Iron - Fe
6. Proud to be an _____ - Americium - Am
7. Mickey’s pal - Plutonium - Pu
8. Warrior Princess - Xenon - Xe
9. A nice guy - Palladium, Pd or Samarium - Sm
10. Someone who loves computers - Technetium - Tc
11. The first person in a race has the ___ - Lead - Pb or Gold - Au
12. E = mc2 - Einsteinium - Es
13. This man followed the yellow brick road - Tin - Sn
14. How to tell a secret - Tellurium - Te
15. Monday night TV show - Nitrogen - N
16. A phrase from Dr. Suess- Samarium - Sm
17. What a doctor does to his patients - Curium - Cm, Helium - He, or Barium - Ba
18. Part of a whole - Hafnium - Hf
19. Place for washing dishes - Zinc - Zn
20. Drink in an Al can - Sodium - Na
21. Happens when you lasso a horse - Europium - Eu
22. What a dog does with a bone - Barium - Ba
23. A sinking ship - Titanium - Ti
24. What a cloud does - Uranium - U