Ludlow Corporation Minutes, 1590

(Margin – an order made against fforeyne Bakers)
Mr Bailiffs of this town of Ludlow doe credibly understand that certeyne Burgesses and
Inhabitants of this town being by their trade and mistery Bakers, are of late daies
growen into poorer Estate then heretofore they have bene. And soe they therby not
soe well able to beare Scott and Lott for the common wealth of the saied towne as
heretofore they have done. And as they alleadge the same hath growne by a
tolleration and sufferance that hath bene geaven and graunted to fforeyne straingers to
enter into the saied towne upon the market daies to make sale of all kindes of Bread.
Wherupon the trade and benefytt of the saied Bakers Inhabitants and ffreemen in the
saied towne hath bene taken from them to the great grief and hinderance of
themselves, their wyves and children (Albeit they have kept the Assise limitted by the
lawes of this Realme provided in that case.) Therefore the saied Mr Bailieffs with the
advise and consent of their brethren for the considerations aforesaid and for other
causes, them specially moveing, Doe ffrom hensforth chardge and require that noe
personnes (being not Burgence or ffreemen within this towne) Doe after this day being
the sixtenth day of this July, sell or bring to be solde any kynde of breade to the market
place of this towne, or into any house of the same towne, to the intent and purpose to
sell any kyne of bread to the hurt and hinderance of the saied Bakers as they will
avoied punishment and forfeiture of the same bread soe brought in by them or any of
the letting them further to witt that the same Bailieffs will duelie luke to thexecution of
this their proclamation according to the declaration above specified. And soe God save
the Queene.
Grant of lease of tenement in Lokyer Row to Richard Coxe (in consideracon of the
good service that the Anncesters of the said R.C. and also in regarde of the good s’vice
that is looked for at the hands of the said Richard towards the said Towne)
At this day Richard Season (who is well knowen to be a man excommunicated for his
lewde life in hauntinge the Company of a lewde woman which is to the greate dislike of
such godly members as have any causinge in the parishe Churche) is ordered to be
displaced and noe more to serve in the said churche without the admittance of the
whole company.
Geo. Sponsley elected to serve in the choir (wages iiiili & use daily morninge prayer
between sixe & seven of the clocke.
And that there shalbe a Comission sued further from her maj. Counsell, that suche of
the inhabitannts of the said Towne as have not paied theire Lewue for setting furth of
sowldiers & for provision of Armor for the late Invasion may be forced to pay their said
Lewues or to fynde them with sureties for theire apparrannce before the Leiuetenannts.
Granted at this daye to the persons undernamed the somes of money at theire names
appeeringe for the space of two yeares upon sufficient sureties to pay the same
agayne beinge money bequeathed & geaven unto younge occupiers to use in this
Towne. 14 named, £5 each 1 Smith, 1 servant, 1 sadler, 1 c(l)othier.
Forty shillings allowed for a stable for my Lo. Presidente to be collected from the
inhabitants by Mr Bailiffs.
Writt out of the Exchequer at the suit of Edwd Lewes re. Towne mills. Subscriptions
(£11) by members to pay their expenses (4 delegates) to London.
Preachers salary raised from £24 to £26.8.0. Schoolmasters from £16 to £18.
It is accordinge to an ancient order that everie Alderman that absenteth themselves
from this company upon lawful Sommons to them geven should fforifact for every tyme
so absenting themselves xiid. And that every of the xxve that absent themselves from
the Company upon the like Sommons should fforifact viiid Therefore it is ordered by this
assembly that Edwarde Powes & William Clibery being Sommoned & did not appeere
at this Assembly shall pay viiid apiece.
Inhabitants of the Towne taxed for beds sent to the Castle for the Council there.
Ord that the persons named (10) shall take a vewe of the Armor & take Mr Bailiffs
accompte for the same.
Legal advise taken re. Town Mills action.
It is ordered that there shalbe a Collection in the Churche ev’y seconde sonday for the
Charitable devotion of the parisheners for the relief of the poore prisoners until the next
Gaole deliv’y.
Ord.rd that the newe yeares giftes to be given to Mr. Cornewalle & Mr Phillipps shall not
exeede the some of fortie shillings vz xxs apiece 7 that no other Bailiffes hereafter shall
exeede the same.
Bailiff & two others to go to London re. Town mills action.
Grant of ‘one Pigion house….in Ludford’
Lease to ‘Mr Robert Berry the newe house wth thappurtenances lyinge in Castle Street
which was newly buylte by Mr Sackford at fortie shillings ffyne.
Fines for being absent. One vis viiid, two iiis iiiid
Lease to Wm. Tanner, lands & at Ashford. ‘a cupple of Capons at Christmas’
Persons named to view a parcell of ground behind the newe house in the Castle striate
nowe in the tenure of Mr Berrye.
Lease to John Jivanes of a tenement adjoining the Angel, Broad St.
It is at this assembly ordered that Mr. Phillipp Bradford hath refused to take an oathe as
the reste of this Company that done touchinge the disclosinge of the Councill of this
House. Therefore it is ordered that he shalbe sequestred from this Company until he
hath either taken the oathe or satisfied the Company why he will not soe doe. And
hereafter if any of this Company shall disclose the Counsell of the same otherwise then
to one of this said Company, no stranger being within hearinge, and refuse to take the
like oathe when occasion shall fall out. Then suche person so refusinge to be
sequestred in like sorte as the said Phillipp is nowe.
Ord. that ev’ry Burger shall provide him a gowne againste the nexte Sessions kepte in
this Towne after he is sworne.
At this day Mr Thomas Blashefield is elected to supply the office of the Coroner in the
place of Mr Hooke whom it has pleased god to calle to his majestye to execute the
same this yere out. Mr Berry & Mr Langford to travel to London re.Town mills action.
Allocation of Lambs money xli to 6 clothiers vli to two shoemakers, vli to two glovers, vli
to two Bakers, vli to two Butchers.
At this assembly it is thoughte neccessarie for that the Righte honourable Henry Earle
of Pembrooke Lorde president of her majesties Counsell in the Marches of Wales is
nowe at the Towne of Bewdley executing the office of her maj’s presidentshipp there,
that Mr Bailiff Wogan, Mr Richard Bailey & Mr Canlande shall travel to the said Towne
of Bewdley & there accordinge to dutie shewe themselves in the name of the
Corporation & presente his Lord With twentie angels in token of a dutifull presente to
welcome his honour into the Marches. And for that money is nowe skante Mr Bailiff
Wogan upon requeste, is contented to disburse the same to be to him repaied to him
upon demannde.
Persons appointed to vewe & make serche for all Inmates in theire severall wards & to
make relation therof from tyme to tyme to Mr Bailiffs (2 for each of four wards)
That the persons undernamed shall assiste Mr Bailiffs weekely upon the wensday for
the reformation of Ale houses Inmates & hedgetearers (6 names follow)
It is at this day ordered that a letter be directed unto the lyuetennts of the Countie of
Salop for to have theire warrante for collecting of the money imposed upon the
Inhabitants of this Towne for the furnishinge of Souldiers at the last Invasion &
sethence orells to order them to appeere before them at a day certain.
Ord that there shalbe a Survey of all the Townes houses & lands of the Corporation
about the Towne & fields there immediately after harveste.
Persons undernamed are appointed with Mr Bailiffs to survey the Armor. (7 names
Mr R Berry & others to travel to London to defend the Quo Warrants presented in the
Queenes benche againste the Corporation (Town Mills?)
Encroachments on the town lands made by Mrs Hughes to be viewed by (8 names
Memo that the order at this day touchinge the grannte of the demeasne lands
belonging to this Towne granted unto the Bailiffs of this Towne& theire Successors for
the tyme beinge in the tyme of Mr Waties & Mr Langforde then 1587 beinge Bailiffs is
nowe confirmed to the Bailiffs & theire Successors for the tyme beinge accordinge to
the said grannte& the meaninge therof.
It is this day agreed upon that when any of the xiie or xxve councellors of this Towne of
Ludlow that have borne the office of the Baileywike within the same towne shall
happen hereafter to dye having in his possession lands or tenements of the ould
Corporation (i.e.demesne lands) & granted unto him for service only, his widowe shall
enjoy the same land or tenements duringe her widowehoode,if she were his wife att
any tyme when he was chardged & did beare the office of Bailywike of the same
Towne orells not. And all other orders before this tyme made concerninge the
disposinge of the lands of the olde Corporation concerninge widows excepte such
lands as are already granted by lease and under seale shalbe utterly void and of none
Mr Berry to see Sir Francis Knowlls, Treasurer of her Majesty’s householde and the
rest of the Green Cloth to answer a precept to the Bailiffs touching the Purveyor for the
countie of Salop and payment of a sum of money imposed on Ludlow by the Justice of
Peace of the said county.
Att this day it is agreed that the personnes undernamed shall conferre with the
Burgesses further touchinge their grieffes and complaints against this Company (6
names follow)
Bailiff to defend suits of Richard Thomas and Richard Nightingall in the Court of the
Lease of Town ditch between Broadgate and Mill Gate, clause allowing passage for
use of lime pits there.
Agreed that Mr Bailiffs with some other of this Companie shall conferre touching the
abuses offered to the Burgesses by the towne of Lemster.
Agreed that where the Lord Bishopp of Hereff hath amongst his charitable accons
offered to bestowe upon this towne for the Repairing of the highe waies aboute this
towne. It is thought good that the personnes undernamed shall not onelie conferre with
Mr Bailiffs to write unto his Lo & to give him thanks for the same. But alsoe upon
receipt of the saied money the saied persons undernamed shall have the bestoweing
of the saied money according to the trust reposed in them & to make ann accompte
therof. (4 names follow)
Itt is at this day ordered that from hensforth there shalbe but one Chambleyne to serve
for one yere according to thanncient order.
It is ordered that the persons undernamed shall vewe the demeane lands. (6 names
Persons named (5) to confer with Mrs Hughes touching her new buildings (see
Mrs Hughes to appear re. her encroachment & buildings in the beast market & prove
her title to other tenements.
Robt. Berry & Thos Canland elected Burgesses of the Parliament ‘who have
undertaken to save the towne harmlesse’
Or. that the personnes whoe have the vli shall bring either money or pawnes for the
satisfieing of the same.
The surveyors to consider of Mrs Hughes encrochment.
Lease of a close with covenant ‘the maynteyning of a poore lame Boy’
Allowance to the chamberlain of ‘such money out of his accompte as he shall disburse
toucheing the repaireing & making cleane of the Armor in the Armmery remaining.
fforasmuch as it is alleaged by the Baylieffs & others of the company now assembled
that div’s of the same company at the like assemblie had in the accostomed place for
having conference toucheing matters concerning this towne & the good government of
the same have soe behaved themselves at such time that yf the Bailieffs did propose
any matter to passe by election that either div’s of the said companie are talking or
walking By means wherof they do not onelie much disturb us but are soe ignorant of
the matter proposed as thoughe they had not bene present at all. ffor reformation
whereof Itt is at the day ordered that if any of this company herafter at such time as Mr
Bailiffs for the time being or either of them doe postpone or move anie matter to the
said company assembled doe either walk or talk in disturbance or hinderance of the
matter soe moved that he & ev’re one soe offending to pay to the use of the Chamber
to the handes of the Chambleyne for the time being for every offence the some of xiid
the same to be presentlie leveyed & ev’ry offender to pay the same without anie denial
or condition.
fforasmuch as it appeareth by sufficient Testimoney to the Baylieffs twelve & five &
twenty now assembled & for that they of their owne knowleges doe know that John
Bradford & John Sutton two of the Burgences of the said towne are mutinous &
contentious personnes & such as doe spurne against thanncient government of the
said towne which hath continued tyme out of mans memory to the great good &
quietness of this towne until now of late that the sinister devises of the said Bradford &
Sutton combyning themselves with some few more of like disposed mindes have
breden great disobedience within this same towne & greatly disquieted the good
government aforesaid Aswell by makeing the meaner & simpler sort of the said towne
beleve that they the said Bradford & Sutton would overthrowe the said ancient
government & bring all in common. ffor wich causes & other the bad demeanure of the
said Bradford he standeth presented as a Barrettor at the leete or lawday latelie holden
for this towne as of record appeareth ffor which causes & the causes undermentioned.
It is at this day agreed & ordered by the assembly aforesaid That the said John
Bradford & John Sutton be diffrannchized of the roomes of Burgence within the said
towne & that they shalnot here after have use ore enjoy anie comoditie priveledge or
ffreedome as Burgencs of this towne.
Insomuch the same John Bradford being lately a freeman & a Burges sworn in this
towne to the obedience of the Bailieffs there for the time being, And being Somoned
by the Comon Sarjent at Mace of the same to ppere at the Gaole delivery holden for
the same towne before the Bailieffs & Recorder ther to further her Majesties Service
thenthere to be done where divers ffelons were to receave tryall as tyme out of mynde
hath bene accostomed the said Bradford very contemptuously & in mere derogation of
thauthority of the Bailieffs & Recorder did there publiquely speake & delyver That they
then Bailieffs of this towne of Ludlowe were not his lawfull Bailieffs & that he did owe
noe duetie to appear before them And persuaded many others of the Burgencs to the
like disobedience which matter was exaied by the late lord chief Baron being then one
of her Majesties Justices of Assise of the countie of Salop whoe fynding this matter to
be true committed the said Bradford to ward & bound him for his good behaviour.
Item the said John Bradford hath counterfeited & forged a number of handes & seales
of the names of Burgences of this towne to a tre of Atturney pretendinge therby that
they wolde give him power to sue & impleade the twelve & xxxvly and that they did join
with him in his frivolous suite against the said Bailieffs xii & xxvly who did pubblishe the
same tre Atturney to the Lords of her Majesties most honourable Councell and to her
Majesties Councell in the Marches of Wales to the great discreditt of the laudable
government of this towne. They not being previe or assenting therunto.
Item the same Bradford & Sutton have procured and presented div’s frivolous suites
against the Bailieffs of this towne & others aswell in London as ells where And which
hath & doth put the saied towne to great expences & chardges.
And that at this day all orders heretofore made touching the setting of the vth be made
£5 granted to 14 persons named.
The assessments laied downe as followeth by the company the xxixth of May.
Gentlemen Inholders Vintners & Victualers at xls
Taylors & Mercers at xls
at xls
at x
at xxs
Milners & Bakers at xx
at xxs
at xx
Barbers & Dryers at xs
at xiii iiii
It is at this day agreed by the assemblie That where (as) the Right Honourable the Earl
of Pembrok Lord President of her Majestie’s Councell in the Marches of Wales
repaireth to Bewdley this next tearme. Therfore it is thought good that Mr Bailieffs with
some of theire brethren shall travaile to see his Lord & welcome him into the countrey.
And present him with a fatt oxe: orells xli in money.
Broad Gate with tolls to let to Jane Phipson, widow for 21 years, yearly rent £4.0.0.
Fine £16.13.4 which is to be paied in short tyme.
Mr Berry, Mr Canland, Mr Wogan & Mr Jenks to travel to Bewdley to answere John
Bradford & John Sutton.
Att this day also this Company have requeasted Mr Baylie Berry to provide for the
Corporation a Tune of Lead And the Corporation to pay for the same.
Salary of Assistant to the Parson (Reader) increased from £10 to £14 for that the said
assistant now supplieth the Roome of a Counter tenor in the Quyer. Other grants for
wages heretofore made to Ceassors for the Reparation of the Church be void.
It is at this Assembly agreed that such Victuallers within this towne as are not willing
tobe contributory for such Assessments as are laved upon them for the good of this
towne be suppressed soe farr as lawe will warrant. And that Mr Bailieffs be sued for the
same then the charges be borne by the corporation.
In lease of tenement in Lokers Row (Castle Street) clause that ‘within three yeres next
ensueing newe build the same in such sorte as the next building is now built’ Twenty
one years.
Lease of a croft adjoining to St Mary’s Lane.
Mr Pope, Preacher, to be warned to leave his post before St Mary day next.
Att this day by the wholl Company it is agreed That whearas Phillipp Bradford
yesterday being the feast day of Symon & Jude did greatly abuse himself before Mr
Bailieffs & the rest of the Company assembled, forgetting his calling and alsoe his
dutie to the said Bailieffs by using towards them most undecent & unreverent speeches
in the councell house (being then one of the company) not fytt to be suffred; And after
that the Bailieffs departed from thence, did not onlie take & carry away with him from
thence, certeyne of the late Bailieffs accompts with Indentures & Burgences copies:
But alsoe said he wold worke all the villany he could to the said towne, the Bailieffs &
theire brethren; Therefore it is thought convenient by the said wholl company that the
said Bradford be dischardged of the Roome or calling of on of the xxvty of the said
Beds for the Council at the Castle to be hired.
Charges for defence to suits re the Town Mills in the Exchequer of a Quo Warranto in
the Queens Bench & one in the Court of the Marches by Bradford Sutton & others be
Demesne lands to be viewed, reported upon that the same may be left. (6 names
Persons appointed ‘who shall conferre with John Bradford & a fewe other discontented
Burgesses touching their supposed grieffs & explaining of Articles alredy agreed upon
(6 names given)
To take a survey of the people in the Almeshouse & Examyne how & by whom they
were admitted thereunto (The Bailiffs & 5 others).
Thomas Shrawley to take a corporal oath as deputy alneger.
Wherease Mr Bailieffs of this towne have received a writt out of the Queens Bench for
Removeing of the Body of Mr Thomas Rea before the Justice of Assises at this next
Assise. It is thought good by this assembly that Mr Bailieffs with some of this brethren
shall take councell whether he may be deteyned without hurt of the Corporation or not.
It is at this assembly agreed that Dolbyns sonne and another boy called William of
Lynney who were heretofore infected with the plague and now sounde and wholle
therof for that they are determyned to departe towards London that Mr Bailieffs shall
geve unto them some reasonable allowance to defray theire charge thether.
Itt is at this day by the said company ordered that the personnes undernamed shall
travel Gloucester to defend a cause in question between John Bradford & others
plaintiffs and Thomas Canland & Robert Saunders & others defendants. But the said
personnes shall have noe warrant or power to agree but to such Articles & explanation
of Articles which are alredy agreed upon by this company & the Burgesses, and
allowed and penned by Mr Towneshende according to the true meaning of Mr Justice.
And three last articles sent from Gloucester to this companie. The saied companie
utterly dislike with. (Edward Crowther & F Jenks).
It is ordered at this assemblie yf wheras Mr John Devawe of the Bailieffs of this town
with Mr Bailieffe Berry auctorized by this company to confer with the worshipfull
Ffrancis Newport Esquir for thapparance of Mr Thomas Evans & the said Mr Devawe
Bailieffe of the same towne before the Llords of her Majestie’s Privie councell touching
the provision money of the countie of Salop for her Majestie’s purveyors and thereupon
the said Dr Devawe & Mr Berry repaired unto him & upon conference had with him he
affirmed that yf the said Mr Devawe & Mr Berry wold in the townes behalf pay to him
the some of iiili iiiis is to the said Mr Devawe to be allowed upon his accompt. And yf
anie provision money be herafter called for by anie of ye Justices of the said countie,
The said Mr Devawe hath promised to this company then forthwith to repay the said
some of iiili iiiis unto the Bailieffs Burgesses & commonality of the said towne & their
Successors for that towne as not willing to pay anie such money in respect of anie
composition in the shere taken by the Justice: but are well contented in duty that her
Majestie’s purveyors shall enter & execute their office within the liberties of this towne
not withstanding their charter.
Demesne lands to be surveyed & shall conferre with husbandmen for the manureing of
the same lands (6 names given)
New Preacher to be appointed (8 names given)
Those not repaying Lambs money (charity) to be prosecuted.
At this assembly it is agreed that Mr Robert Horne Mr of Art shall continue to supplie
the Roome of the Preacher in this Towne upon likeing & tryall until the nativity of our
Lord god next, takeing for his wages for his service from Michaelmas last past for that
quarter vili viiis iiiid being after the rate of xlty marks by the yere.
At the saied day by the saied company the Tollshoppe is appointed for the selling of
lynnen cloth at faieres.
[Note on back fly-leaf 21.10.1594]
R’d by me Thomas Burnell the daie and yeare above said of the towne of Ludlowe for
and towards the relief of the towne of Stretford upon Avon decayed by fire.
I saie by me Thomas Burnell
Whereas heretofore in the xxiiith yere of her majesties Raiyne (1582) it was ordered that
everie personne that theareafter should be elected into the comon councell of the saied
towne shold provide on lether Buckett for the suppressing of ffier yf it shold happen to
endanger this towne (which we praye god of his mercy to defende) Itt is now likewise
ordered that the said former order be confirmed under the penaltie in the said former
order recited. And the Chambleyne nowe being shall provide iii severall hooks of Iron
with Tymber to the same fixed for the suppressing of fier yf anie such happen. To be
provided by the said Chamberlen at the townes charges.
Whearas Mr Thomas Evans & Mr John Devawe late Bailieffs of this towne received
letters from the Right Honorable the Lord Buishoppe of Canterbery his grace touching
& concerning the displaceing of Mr Jozias Pope Preacher in this towne of Ludlowe. Itt
is thought meete by the company & especially by the maoir number that an answere
to the saide honourable letters shalbe directed to his grace in such sort as by a copie
of a letter to his grace directed may appere.
Plate geaven to the corporation.
Imprimis one standing cuppe with a cover gilt geaven by Mr John Roberts then maior of
Item one sylver bowle gilt geven by Mr Richard Swanson in his life tyme one of the
Councell of this towne.
Item one standing cupp parcell gilt geaven by Mr Laurence Beck an Alderman of this
Item three tunnes of sylver with a cover weighing xxxiiiity ounces & iiie quarters.
Mr Berry to go to London & take with him the charter re:
to deliver a letter to the Lord Arch Buishopps grace of Canterbury touching a
matter in controversie between Mr Bust & Mr Pope (Mr John Buste Rector
Consult the Lord Ch. Justice touching the liberties of the town
To see Mr Butler the town’s Attorney in the Exchequer re the discharge of the
A woman removed out of thalmeshouse for that she hath lived incontinently.
Att this assemblie it is ordered that xis shalbe geaven unto Richard Heyton in respect of
the maime he had in the watch being a watchman in this towne that tyme vizl xxs therof
shortlie after Mr Horne admitted the Preacher of this towne receaving yerly for his
wages xxvili xiiis iiiid and to continue in the said towne soelong as his behaviour shalbe
Bailiff & Mr Berry to London re suits in Queens Bench touching the Corporation & their
Tenants, one in the Exchequer concerning the town mills & one in the Crown Office, A
Quo Warranto against the towne.
Demesne lands to be surveyed & sett accordinge to the course of husbandry to be
used for xxitie yeres (yf the tenants soelong live) to be manured by them according to
the course of husbandry & the tenants paieing yerelie to the Bailieffs for the time being
the thirde sheeffe of all manner of corne & grayne.
Recovery of the vis lent to young occupiers of the town.
Thomas Broome is elected to supplie the Roome of an Usher in the free Grammer
Schole & shall have for his wages yerely viiili.
Itt is at this day ordered that the personnes undernamed shall attend upon Mr Justice
to satisfie his worshippe touching Mr Pope’s complainte. (Two names follow)
Grannted this day to Mr Josias Pope this townes late Preacher (at the requeast of the
Right Honorable the Reverend father in god Lord Archbuishopp of Canterbury) The
Lord Buishopp of Hereford the Right worshipfull Sir Richard Shuttleworth Knight Justice
of Chester and of others her majestie’s Councell in the Marches of Wales the some of
xxli to be paid in forme following vizt vili xiiis iiiid in the feast of St Michaell March next vili
xiiis iiiid in the feast of thannunciation of our blessed lady next and vili xiiis iiiid in the
feast of St Michaell tharch anno domini 1596.
1/3 produce of certain arable lands leased for 21 years be deliver to Bailiffs of the town
at the Town Barn.
Ordered that the personnnes undernamed shall conferre with Mr Phillipp Bradford
concerning the quieting of the troubles and suits of the town. And that they shall lay
downe and take such order therein as may tende to the good of the said town.
That by the maior voice of the said company that Mr Phillipp Bradford shalbe receaved
Into the company again and to the place of his Atturneyshippe in the town courte of
Itt is ordered at this day that there shalbe a key presentlie provided for the Burgesse
Tower and the same to be delivered to the Chamblen and none to be there imprisoned
by Burgesses and such as the Bailieffs for the tyme beinge shalbe thought convenient.
Enquiry to be made regarding Lambs £100 and the £5s
Lease of a water corn mill, Mill Street to James Walter.
Persons named ‘shall viewe of the Armor in the Armory northern service’. Any pieces
wanting, to be provided.
It is agreed …. That the now ffarmers of the demeane lands shall have and enjoy the
pastures and meadowes in the possession of Mr Bailieffs (yf the Bailiffs for the time
being doe not use the same themselves) at such reasonable rent as anie other will
geve for the same and before any other
Itt is agreed this day that Mr Bailieffs shall disburse for the Relieff of the poore in this
towne befor Easter next the some of iiili granted this day to Alice Brasier widowe in
respect of her povertie xiiis iiiid to be paid twice in the yere.
Persons named ‘shall peruse all thorders within the booke of orders conteyned and
such as concerne the government of this towne the same to continue: Thereof to be
upon paine.
Petition sent by two members to Earl of Essex against ‘the iron milles now intended to
be made and other work therto belonging in Brindgwoodd and Mocktree’ (by the Earl
Penne of the towne to have money of the town to be clothed and bounde prentize
Lord President (Earl of Pembroke) and lady to receive presents from the Bailiffs at their
coming to the town.
Gatership of Corve Gate for 21 years (in consideration of the service he heath done
and is to doe to and for the town hereafter.
Granted at the day to Mr Thomas Langford (Bailiff) for considerations this company
moveing twoe timber trees or oakes in the Easthams woode to be taken of the townes
…the persons undernamed shall viewe therrable demeane landes and into ii partes
divide them betwen Mr Bailieffe Langford and Mr Edward Powis & Mr William Beck
presently. (4 names)
It is at this day ordered that there shalbe of the occupations gentlemen and all suche
as are not free of the company
Gentlemen, Inholders and Victuallers
Mercers and Tailors
Bakers and Milners
Diers and Barbors
Ceassors for gentlemen, inholders & victuallers
Castle Ward
Old Str & Galf.
Corve St
Mr Robert Berry Mr Edmond Lloyd Mr Clebury
Mr William Beck
Fforasmuch as there are divers straingers and persons inhabiting in this towne that
cannot make anie good accompt of howe they get theire livinge: ffor reformation
wherof it is ordered that the persons undernamed shall weekelie in the meantime of the
feast of the nativity of our Lord god next ensueing repaire to all houses within their
several wards and viewe and try out what ill members are dwelling within everie ward
And such as they shall finde to be unnecessary members to bring them furthwith
before the Bailieffs for the tyme being to thende further order may be taken with them
As by the lawes of this Realme they are to doe And everie one of the persons that
make defalt of their duetie herin to forfett for everie defalt iis the same to be levied by
the Chamberleyne by money or distress…(names of 4 persons in each ward given)
Members who did not appear of election day to be fined.
Persons named ‘shall take viewe of thencrochments of the buildings in the beast
market in the tenure of ……….
Granted this day to William Beck the moitie of the demeane lands sometime in the
tenure of Mr Ffoxe for xxi yeres yelding the thirde sheffe to the Bailieffs for the time
Where Mr John Benson citizen of goldsmith of London at the speciall request of this
corporation hath disbursed the somme of xl or l pounds for thestablishing of thanncient
government of this towne which chardg hath purchased a newe charter wherby our
former charter is amplified to the good of this corporation. Itt is now ordred that the
whole chardge in procuringe the said charter shalbe allowed and paied out of the
Revenues of this towne to the nowe Bailieffs towards the saving of them and others
harmeless that gave theire words bonde or credit for the said chardge in anie wyse
And this order of consent to be a sufficient warrant to the Bailieffs succeeding to
disburse and paie the same accordinglie without gainesaieing of anie. Payment to be
made to Benson ‘with convenient speed’
Provision of beds and fine sheets for the council at the Castle.
Persons undernamed shall joyne with the Bailieffs to take survey of the furnitures of
this towne and the defects be amended and fitt men for armor to be in rediness for her
majesties service upon Tuesday next.
It is this day ordered yf Mr Bailieffs and Surveiors and such others as they shall call to
them shall survey the Brick close and set downe the meares between the lands
belonging to the towne and the landes belonginge to Mr Parson of this towne.
It is this day ordred that Mr Broome the usher of the Grammer Scholl be allowed fyve
marks yerelie to augement his wages in respect of the hardnes of the yere.
…that the chardg of the muster masters and trained and northern soldiors shalbe
leveyed of thinhabitants to the some of iiili xs vizt by thes. (3 names for each ward)
Another petition sent to the Earl of Essex to stay the destruction of trees in Bringwoodd
and forest of Mocktree.
Letter from the Lieutenant of the County ‘that there shalbe a viewe of musters had
before the muster master ….to thende that the wants either of money of Armor may be
supplied’ Corporation owing 34/- to muster master. Assessment to be made
It is ordred alsoe that iie men of every ward appointed by Mr Bailieffs shall travel in
everie warde and provide horses for carriage for wood for the councell.
Demand for alleged debts to the late Mr Pope (Preacher) made on persons in the town
by his exors.
£20 to be paid in 3 installments by the Bailieffs.
Ordred that Mr Bailieffs with such others of the company as they shall call to them
shall confer together howe they shall present the Right Honorable Earle of Essex yf it
fortune his Lord come to this towne (re iron works at Bringewood)
Itt is alsoe ordred that there shalbe appointed iiiier warders on for everie warde to kepe
beggers out of this towne and they to be hired by Mr Bailieffs and their hier to be
ceassed of thenhitents And the same to be ceassed by the persons undernamed and
the warders to continue so long as Mr Bailieffs and others of this company shall think
Mr Richard Hareley, high schoolmaster to be given notice by the Bailieffs to depart at
mid-summer next.
Granted at this day unto the Right Honorable the Earl of Pembroke Lord President of
the Marches of Wales thie thirde pte of all sea coales and coalmyeners as are to be
perceived and had in the warde wast ground of the mannor of wavers hopton to have
and perceive to his Lords use so long as he is Lord President with covenants as in
other leases.
Att this day Charles Clungunas comon Sarjent by his own consent is displaced. And it
is this day ordred that the company of xxvlie to whom the choice belongeth shall elect
another sufficent and fitt man to supply the same office.
Order regarding fine for non attendance at Election day vis viiid & xii & viiii for other
meeting reentered in minutes.
Persons to go to London to settle doubts as to validity & improvements or otherwise of
the new charter on the old.
Minute refers to repayments of loans to the Corporation from members of the Council.
Range from £5 to 40/Itt is also ordred this daie yf ye two Searjents John Wells & John Edwards yf staie in
Ludlow until Mr Bailieffs returne from London shall each of them be allowed xiid a daie
soe that they wilbe always within the towne & diligentlie looke to the Gaole and kepe
the prisons and to the uttermost of their powers preserve the peace.
Itt is at this assemblie agreed that Mr Bailieffs shall write unto Mr Doctor Holland to
request him or some other to provide a sufficient Scholl master to supplie the Roome
of the highe Scholmaster in Ludlowe & that wee may have comendation of is
sufficiency from him. And upon triall place him And if he be disliked the chardge of him
and the messengers to be the townes.
Mr John Bradley Master of Arts to be admitted into the Roome of Preachershippe in
this towne of Ludlowe and upon good likeing to continue and shall receave for and
have for his Sallary yerely xxvis iiiid and that he enter and begin is yeare at the nativity
of our lord next cominge.
It is the said daie ordered that George Pingle be admitted to supplie the organist and
singinge in the Quier and to have vli for his salary and stipend so long as he behaveth
himself well.
Thomas Canland and Robert Berry elected Burgesses in Parliament.
Inhabitants to be assessed 24/- for muster master’s fee. Presents to the Lord President
and his Lady also officers at Castle.
Proceedings to be taken against those holding Lambs money.
Persons appointed for each ward to search for poor inmates.
At this day John Crowther and Richard Benson late Bailieffs delivered unto the nowe
Bailieffs the towne plate viz twooe Gobblets, one cupp with a cover gilt, three white
tunnes with a cover which the nowe Bailieffs have and alsoe the seale of office with a
Assessment on inhabitants for weekly payment for the provision of beds to the Castle.
Att this assemblie it is agreed that where the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrok
Lord President of the councell in the marches of Wales doth meane to bestowe the
wast water that cometh out of the castle to be conveied to the Castle Streete in this
towne which will cost xxli. Therefore it is thought good that the persons undernamed
shall conferre with thenhitants of the severall wards and to ceasse them to the value of
xvli (names follow)
Lease of tailors shop under the new house.
Granted this daie unto Richard Baily one pasture and orchard called the Lordes
orchard 21 yrs.
Lease of a barn in over galford ‘and a tenement called Crabbe mille adjoining the
colledge’ rent of Crabmill 10/- p.a.
Lease of town ditch & Suttons close.
Att this daie it is ordered that where there is a citation to the Churchwardens to levy the
Tenths of the parishioners of the Chauntery of Ludlowe vis viiid for the tenth of the
Stipend. And where alsoe there are certain fees to be paied in the exchequer about the
fifteenes. Itt is thought good that the same be answered and decyded by due course of
Grannted this daie to Thomas Langford in consideration of great chardg in building of
the edifice herafter named one close adjoining to fishpoole lane, one close called
criscrofte and a barne stable and Backroomes adjoining to the Guildhall of Ludlowe…
Lease of ‘twooe closes lieing in lynney one called one called the Pigeon close thother
the Weare close’……
Lease to Thomas Canland in consideration viiili vs fine and that he doth remyt release
and forgeve to this corporation his fee of and for being on Burgess of her majesties
Parliament last past one close called the Brick close……
Mr Berry to defend suit in London touching the return of the Burgers for her majesties
last parliament against the Bailieffs by Thomas Butler and John Crowther.
That wheare Richard Nightingall refused to beare thoffice of Chamberleynshippe the
last yere and contemptuously wold not take upon him the same office to the great evill
example of others. Therefore it is thought good by this companie that the said
Nightingall shall paie to the Chamberleine forthwith to the use of the corporation the
some of xls or ells to be removed out of the company yf he wilnot paie the said some
And shall alsoe make his submission for the said contempt to this company.
Lease of Pigeonhouse close to Mary Sherman.
At this daie Richard Harley gent Master of Arts is elected to supplie the Roome of the
Schollmaster in this towne and to receave the salary incident to the same. And where
he hath receaved xviiili upon his departure he is to paie xxli marks.
Att this daie it is agreed & ordered by the company that whearas John Crowther of the
aldermen of this towne hath by himself and by his perverse councell procured and
committed sundry abuses against this towne by pickinge the doore of our councell
chamber and cheste wherin the common Seale of the said towne was: And by
grannting of leases contrare to our anncient use and custome and without the consent
of his felowe Bailieff after he had gotten the same Seale into his custodie: By reason
wherof he hath caused great troubles and suits in lawe now depending in sundrie her
majestie’s courts betwen div’s of this company and other Burgers of the said towne
whereupon great expence in lawe have growen and are likely to growe to the greate
hurte and hinderance of this corporation: In which troubles and suits the said Crowther
doth yeat persiste and myndeth soe to doe: Wherupon this company have thought it
good considering the said Abuses and badd mynde he continueth in towards the said
towne to sequester him from this company until the said suits be ended: And until he
submit himself by submission in such manner and forme as the Bailieffs and theire
brethren shall like well of his readmittance to this companie againe. And yf he doe not
submit himself by the first daie of Marche next then this companie to consider further of
his disobediences, abuses and disorders for further therin to be done as they shall
think good.
This daie by the companie it is agreed that yf Mr Kerry Bacheller of Divinitie wilbe
pleased to supplie the Roome of the Preacher of this towne: Then this company doe
think it good that the same Mr Kerry shall receave xli yereli for his stipend.
Itt is this daie ordered that Richard Hareley, gent, the Schollmaster here shall have
paied to him iiili at St Mary daie next towards his salary and he hereafter not to demand
anie other former debts or seeke anie allowance for the house.
At this assemblie in respect of the small apparance of the company who ought upon
reasonable summons to appere, serjeant to levy fines as per former orders.
It is ordered at this assemblie that yf anie thaldermen and comon councell at any time
upon summons to the geven either to appear at the tower, newehouse, or Guildhall or
other open assemblie doe appere in cloake and not in decent manner in gownes shall
paie for every defalt xiid …….And that noe Burges be sworne before he have a gowne
of his owne to thende he may appere upon that assemblie.
Lease to Thomas Saunders the Roomes over the Brodgate …for and in consideration
of the keepinge the same in reparation……. Ordered that Mr Richard Benson and Mr
John Benson his brother of the citie of London shall have to them paied by this
corporation the full some of xili iis xd which they have disbursed and laied out for this
corporation at her majesties corts in Westminster as by theire bill……appearethe.
At this day cessors for Souldiers apoynted to Levy xxvili for vie souldiers to be sent to
Ireland wherof xxiili must be delivered to the Liuetennts and the residue to beare
chardges being presse money and for their wages for viie daies after iiis per diem: And
for their cundiff money (4 names to ceasse each ward)
At this daie Mr Richard Benson deposited in the towre a long boxe wherin is the
charter of Richard Duke of York and iii charters more which are putt into the cheste
And the key of the boxe is deposited to Mr Bailieffs And a lether Bagge wherin are
diverse writings concerning the towne mills.
…..that Mr Kerry shall have a quarters warnynge from the day for his departure from
the preachershippe. And the same daie Mr James Crowther Master of Arts is elected
to supplie the said Roome upon the departure of the said Mr Kerry And upon his good
usage, behaviour and our good likeing to continue.
By law or otherwise Mr Lambs money to be got in.
Lease of tenement and shop now in his possession to Andrew Sonibanck for xxi years
viiili fine, xvis rent p.a.
Lease to John Peerce, Smith ‘of the common pound in Ludlowe’
Lease to Andrew Sonibanck of a close in broad Linney.
Mr Bennett Batchelor of Arte doe procure a certifical of his sufficiancie both for his
learninge and religion and he is able and fitt to exercise the Roome of the highe
Scholmaster of thys Towne from Doctor Holland and the principle of Madelen Haule in
the universitie of Oxforde the said Mr Bennett to be received and admitted …….
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Chamberleyne shall confer with John Blashfield and
Richard Seare that yf they will not paye shott and lotte as others of this company doe
that they to be sequestered from the same and others to be placed in their place.
It is ordered that Mr Chamberleyne….shall repaire the gates of the towne aswell with
tymber as Iron worcks with asmuch convenient speede as may be.
Letter of attorney to Francis Jenks for the collection of arrears of rent due to the
Persons to attend assizes at Bridgnorth to defend the suit between the Queens
Majestie and William Gregory touching the Town Mills.
It is ordered that hereafter non shalbe ellected to supply the Rowme of five and twentie
but before they shale sworne they shall give and deliver to the corporation one spoone
of silver weyeinge twoe ounces which spoone shalbe and remayne to the use of the
corporation for ever.
It is ordered that Mrs Baldwinge (Baldwin) may remove her little house that we buylded
upon the bylet belonginge to the towne mills called the Castle Mylls now in her tenure
and the same to be sett upp in Corve Street upon the tenement in the tenure of the
said Mrs Baldwin beinge the Townes ground.
Letter from Clerk of the Green Cloth enquiring what meadows, seedinge grounds,
pastures are within the towne of Ludlowe whereby the towne may satisfye her Majestie
for her provision money.
4 cessors for each ward for soldiers.
Robert Berry and Thomas Candland elected Burgesses in Parliament. John Crowther
displaced from his aldermanship, another to be appointed (see 13.1.1599)
Lease of shop under the New House to William Smith.
Provision that the Corporation may take a yard out of the shop as will serve to make a
landing and stairs ‘that goeth upp to the newe house. The fine of 46/8 to be used the
next chamberlaine ‘for the furnishinge of sufficient stayers’
?. 2.1602
At this daie grannted to Mr Crowther our preacher one tenement with the appurtances
in the Old Streete in the tenure of Richard Wadeley the tearme to beginner after
thexpiration of the lease whereby Wadeley holdeth the same at the fyne of xxs at the
old rent and covenants as in other leases.
At this assembly the Statute made for the reliefe of the poore was redd and considered
of and to thend the same may be putt in execution and the poore of the parish knowen.
It is ordered that the persons undernamed in their several wards shall vewe every
house where any poore are and bringe their names to Mr bailieffs whereby Mr bailieffs
may examyne them and take further orders as law requireth. (Four names for each of
the four wards.) And the constable in everie warde to goe with the foresaid persons in
their several wards.
A watch, 4 inhabitants of each ward to take ‘hedgeterrers and stealers of wood.’
Lambs money and £70 by benefactors.
List of those in whose hands it remained. Some apparently missing. Ordered that Mr
Bailieffs shall bestowe one poore people which are visited with sickness and one
Soldiers such benevolence as they shall think fitt.
Lease to William Ashton ‘one parcell of the towne ditch adjoininge to Galford tower’. 21
years ‘upon condition that he shall build a convenient house upon the same next to the
striate within the tearme of three yeres next ensuinge the same house to be couvered
with single or like.
At this daie Samuel Parker is sworne into the number of the xxvte Counsellors of this
towne and he taketh to deliver in a silver sponne of twooe ounces according to the
order in the leedger booke.
It is agreed that Mr Berry and Mr Crowther nowe this easter tearme shall doe their
indevor at London to get the towne dischardged provision money and to get the
bailieffs joined in commission with the Justices of the Shere for musters and subsidies
and to have theire reasonable chardges allowed them that they shall disburse about
the same.
At this daie it is agreed that the persons subscribed shalbe overseers for the settinge
of the poore one worke and all other things accordinge to the statute made at the laste
The Churchwarden for the tyme being and 2 representatives from each ward.
Lease to John Willowe, Baker. Tenement and garden, Broadstreet wherein his father
and he nowe dwelleth with covenant ‘to maynteigne his father as he nowe doth with
meate drincke and apparel and vid weikley in money duringe his lief’
Lease to Margery Baldwinge widowe the Colledge house with the appurtenances and
garden without the parsonage Gate’ 21 yrs. xxli fine and old rent.
…that some of the xvis due for the hire of viiite beddes delivered at this tyme to the
Castell and there to be used for a fortnight shalbe paid out of the Treasury.
At this daie it is agreed that the some of xvis one for the hire of viite bedds delivered at
this tyme to the castell and there to be used for a fortnight shalbe paid out of the
Persons named to meet at 7 a.m. in the New House to examine some former Bailieffs
accounts ‘and to vewe the armor for the northern service. And to vewe what Bailieffs
have taken the same out of the armory house. And to examine who ought to make a
supply of the said armore so taken awaie.
Thomas Turner appointed Town Clerk in place of Mr Jenks. Thomas Turner made a
free burgess, fine remitted ‘in consideration of his faithfull and true service hereafter to
be done in the office of towne clerk to the corporation’
Lease to Charles Nickson the tenants ground adjoining to broad streete gate and
extending ytself to a garden of John Gregory there. 31 yrs. Rent xs and ii fatt capons
at Christmas yearly in consideration that the said Nickson shall within the space of
three yeares then next insuing buylde and sett up att his owne costs and charges thre
other houses there, stronge and substanciall in all things thereunto apperteyninge….
And to enter into a bond of xxli for performance of all the said convenants’
It is this daie ordered that Mr Chamberlaine shall forthwith amend the waie along the
shambles in mill streete.
…that Mr Turner towne clerk of this towne in consideration of his good service don and
hereafter to be done in the same office unto this corporation shall have his fees in court
increased as hereafter followeth vizt
Imprimis for every continuance
For every old serch
For every ? ? ?
For every acknowledgment of satisfaction iiiid
For every peremtorie rule entred
For every wager of lawe
For essoninge of the arraye
For every declaration answere replication
and rejoinder in any action under xls
for every warrant of attorney
Bailiffs and others to go to London regarding certain wants and imperfections in the
new Charter.
3 members fined 6/8d each for non attendance.
At this daie Mr Berry delivered into the house these parcells of plate following viz: one
gylt standinge cuppe with a cover, thre silver tunnes with a cover and ii wyne gobblets
And received by Mr Rich Baily and Mr Candland bailiffs elected
That Mr Berry and 3 others shall ceasse the Ablest men in this towne for the payment
of xxvis viiid for the relief of William Jones a maymed soldier.
It is at this daie agreed that the Guildhaule within this towne shalbe appointed to be the
usuall place for the poore people of this towne to worke in for the imployment of the
stock provided for the poore accordinge to the late statute in that case provided and
set forth. And that the said stocke already gathered shalbe imploide with all
convenient speede in the place afforsaid untill some other place shalbe appointed for
the said poore to labor in, as afforsaid.
It is at this daie agreed that George Pingle organist of this towne shall welle and
diligentlie instruct the queresters or singinge boies of ye queere in singinge within our
church accordinge to the service of musick and that the vestrie house within the
chancell of the said church be allowed him for to instruct them in accordinglie. In
consideration whereof the wage of the said Pingle is agreed to be nowe increased and
inlarged over and besides the wages he alreadie hath to xxs per annum. And that
Griffith Rainolds singinge man shall likewise from henceforth have his wages increased
vis iiid per annum
Granted at this daie to Margaret Evans widowe a tenement and garden with a litle
house upon the towne walle…..
It is agreed at this daie that Mr Thomas Candland, Mr Edward Crowther, Mr Berrie, Mr
Thomas Langford, Mr Benson, Mr Edward Powes, Mr Richard Fisher and Mr Edwards
shall serch for the Evidence of Whitclif within the space of six daies next and that Mr
Turner (T.C.) shall carrie them to the Councell (of the Marches?) to plead in
maintenannce of our title of common in Whitclif and for the right of the corporation in
and to the same.
It is ordered at this daie that Mr Bailiffs shalbe on Sainct James daie next in honor of
the Kings majesty’s corporation and for the solempnotie therof defraie to the some of vli
in wyne beare at their discretion as welle upon the poore people of this towne as upon
a dinner after the metinge of the company for the solempnizinge of the said daie.
Grannted at this daie to Mr Richard Cam licence to have and take a smale passage for
water out of his house through the towne wall at the north side of over Corve gate so
that he lay a spout of lead in the wall from his house to ye ground for carriage of the
said water, and soe under the ground to the said gate into the channell their and to
inclose the same at the discretion of the survighours. With a further grant to him to
erect a pale at thend of the schole house towards the churchyard payinge for both the
permisses beinge newly inchroched xiid.
It is ordered that the common Serjaint shall give notice unto such of the towne
tenements as sould either lands or houses without lease to come before Mr Bailiffs.
And that such of them as either refuse or neglect to petition for to take newe leases the
houses and lands shall forthwith be set to such others as will take them.
It is ordered at this daie that viii warders shalbe appointed viz. ii in everie of the fower
wards within this towne at the chardge… (line not completed) to ward this towne by the
space of six weeks next insuinge beinge sufficiente men and to ward and kepe out of
the said towne and suburbs therof all persons suspected to travale from the citie of
London or other infectious place with the plague. And that noe carrier of this towne
shall by the said space travaile to the said cyty of London out of this towne, or to any
other place or places to fech or carrie to this towne any wares or carriage from London
from any other place suspected to be infected. And it is further ordered that no mercer
or other men of any trade within this coporation shall duringe the said space of six
weeks send for or receive any wares goods or merchandize to or from the cyty of
London without the consent of Mr Bailiffs of this towne. And that serch shalbe made
from tyme to tyme in every of the said wards by the constables therof and such other
sufficient person of this company as by Mr Bailiffs shalbe appointed for the fynding out
of straingers and travilors from London, cominge into this place, and thereof a true
report to make to the said Mr Bailiffs. And that the persons following shalbe assistant
to Mr Bailiffs in the said serch as shalbe apperteine (7 names follow).
Lease to Mr Richard Benson one tenement lying in Cockayne Rowe.
Granted at this daie to Mr Edmund Lloid a tenement and garden in Dinham and the
rome over the Castle mille gate. With provision to buld the said tenement and
premises sufficientlie within thre yeares next cominge. And to enter bond for the
buildinge of the premisses.
Another grant of land at Dinham under similar covenants – houses to be built within ii
years. Lease for 21 yrs.
It is ordered at this daie that the suveiors upon wensdaie next shall survey the ruined
houses of this towne and thereof to make report to this company and afterwards the
tenements there to be warned to repair the same and to take leases of such as are
untaken and upon refusall therof to set them to such others of this company as shalbe
thought convenient by demise only of trust for the recovery of the possession to the
use of this corporation.
It is at this daie ordered that accordinge to an order laid downe by the grannd Jurie at
the last leet, upon the petition of the fowre wards that ii Swynheards shalbe appointed
for kepinge of the swine within this towne upon the commons. And that thre men in
everie ward shalbe ceassed thinhabitants viz. one of this company and ii burgesses in
ech ward for payment of the swineheards wages yearlie viz. in Castleward (3 names)
Broad Street Ward (3) Galford Ward (3) Corve Street Ward (3)
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Bailiffs of this towne for the tyme beinge shalbe
disburst yearelie to the foure wards within the said towne to such of the burgences in
the said wards as to them shalbe thought convenient upon Symon and Judes daie at
the bringinge home of the bailiffs then sworne and elected for the yeare next insuinge,
the some of xls viz to Castle ward and Broadstreet ward xxs, and Old Street and Corve
Street wards xxs for and towards a bancket or repast amongst the wholl burgences of
the said wards in regard of their service and attendance the same daie.
It is at this daie ordred that the Serjeants at the Mace of this towne shall have yearly
geaven gounds vzt seaven nobles each of them to be paid unto them by Mr Bailiffs for
the tyme beinge owt of the treasury towards the makinge of theire livery gownes in full
dyschardge aswell of theire form ffee of xxs as of theire accustomed collection of the
towne and countrey which said custome is holden of this Company to be very
inconvenyente and forever after the same to be abolished. And that the said gownes
shalbe of one peece of cloth and of like color. And that the said collection and
unlawfull custome shall not from henceforth be used by the Serjeants of the said towne
for the tyme Beinge upon payne of fforfecture of theire said allowance as afforsaid and
as they will avoide the further displeasure of Mr Bailiffs and this Company.
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Richard Langford, Mr Edwards and Mr Gregory shall
travaile to vewe and finde out a competent place for a cabyn to be erected for the
cariers of this towne to stay in (beinge nowe gone to London) for the crying of theire
wares, at the costs of this corporation. And that the said caryers shall not from
henceforth travayle to London nor come or Bringe any wares from London or other
place Suspected to be infected into this towne for the space of Syxe weeks nowe next
ensuinge without the consent and Lycence of the Bailiffs of this towne.
It yes at this daie ordered that Charles Nixon shall have allowance of xxixs viiid upon his
Byll disbursed in the suite for the Common of Whittleieffe to be paide by Mr Bailiffs and
they to have allowance uppon theire accompte for the same. And further that the said
Bailiffs shall disburse all ffees in Lawe in the said Suyte in the Behalf of the said
Corporation. And to have allowance as afforsaid.
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Bailiff Benson, Mr Richard Bailiey, Mr Robert Berry and
Mr Edward Crowther shall travayle to prefer a petition to the Kinge in the Behalf of this
Corporation for the Renewing of the Charter upon the costs and chardge of this
……ordered that Mr Bailiffs shall defray such money as in theire discretion they shall
thinke fitt to be allowed towards the healing of the children of Anne Free and the said
Mr Bailiffs to be allowed for the same upon theire accompts.
It is at this day ordered that the Church wardens shall weekely upon the Saboth day
collecte the devotion of well disposed persons within this parishe for the relieffe of the
poore people within this towne betweene this and Easter.
Bailiff and others to travel to London re. new Charter (James I)
Mr Berry and Mr Bailiff Benson elected Burgesses of the Parliament to be holden at
Westminster the 19th March next.
Two persons from each ward to cess for payment of the muster masters wages
charged upon this towne.
Charters of Richard Duke of York, Two of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary to be sent
to London re new Charter.
At this daie delivered out of the tower to be sent to London the above charters.
Grannted at this daie that Mr Samuel Parker chamberlaine shall have xxs paide to him
in consideration and parte of maynetenance of of one ….Derby a fatherles childe
whome he accepteth as his apprentice to serve with him soe longe tyme as by the
statute in the Act for puttinge forth of prentice made in the xxxix yeare of her late
majesties raigne is enacted.
Agreed that the faire newlie to be graunted by the Kings majesty to this towne shalbe
appointed by Charter to be houlden and kept upon the xxvithe, xxviithe and xxviiithe daies
of September yearlie from the granting of the said faire.
Arrangements for amending enlardgment and confirmation of Charter.
It is at this daie ordered that a Record shalbe entred of the memorable gifte of five
nobles given by Mr Hughe Atwill parson of the parish of St - in the county of
Clarke to this Corporation to Remayne forever towards a stocke to sett the poore on
worke as by his gifte in writing more at lardge appereth.
Granted at this daie to William Rascoll clothier the some of xxxiiis iiiid by waie of Loane
for two yeares from the xxxth of Maie 1604 puttinge in two sufficient Sureties to be
allowed by maister Bailleffs being the gifte of the Above named Mr Hughe Atwill.
It is at this daie ordered that xiid a weeke shalbe allowed by thys corporation for the
space of one month next insuinge and till further order taken towards the relief of Alyce
Goughe, her daughter and the childe with her in house in Ould Streete for that the
mother of the sayde childe beinge one other of the daughters of the sayd Alyce
Goughe is kept out of towne having byn at Salop with her sayd mother at her death
who was suspected to die of the plague.
the12 & 25 each to provide a warder upon lawful summons, at their own charges, for
such service as Mr Bailiffs may appoint.
……..that a standinge ward be dayly kept from henceforth within this towne at the
discretion of Mr Bailieffs. And the warders wage to be payd by the Inhabitants of this
towne or els they themselves to ward in their proper persons or by deputy as shalbe
thought convenient by Mr Bailieffs.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Richard Langford, Mr Fysher, Mr Deys, Mr Gregory and
Mr Whitcott shall forthwith provide at the chardge of this corporation a convenient cabin
or pesthouse for such persons as hereafter may happen to be enfected with the plague
in some convenient place at the discretion of Mr Bailiffe and the persons afforsayd.
It is at this day ordered that the two women in the cabin shall remayne there till
Wensday next and that the wholl chardge synce their cominge thither shall be borne by
Cessment of the inhabitants of this towne and the cessment to be made the day of the
date of this order.
Cessors elected for that purpose are theis followinge vzt. Castleward, Mr Robert Berry,
Broadstreet ward Mr Bowdler, Galfords ward Mr Langford, Corve Streete Mr Edward
Mr Bailiff Benson to be paid £46.9.1. disbursed by him in getting the New Charter.
Also as Burgesses to Parliament Mr Benson and Mr Berry to have their wages of the
last Parliament – 162 days at 2/- per day each, amounting to £26.4.0.
Lease to Robert Berry the house or tenement he now dwelleth in called the Newhouse
……. (now called Castle Lodge)
Overseers of the poor appointed ‘accordinge to the statute (2 for each ward and the
two Churchwardens.)
Thomas Candland to make up a door in the town wall made by him near his dwelling in
Galford. Penalty of £20 against such breaches agreed to.
…….that the Ancient orders made for the cessinge of the fine of xiid upon everie one of
this company in defalt of appearance at the appoyntment of Mr Bailieffs for the tyme
and for wearinge of gownes at theire assemblies be revived and confirmed.
Subscribers and accessment towards the relief of Salop. (Shrewsbury Borough
Records p 37 ‘1604-5 money received for poor suffering from the Plague, various
parishes (2 bundles)
Lease to Town Clerk and 2 of company of certain tenements for the terme of three
years of trust and confidence …….. onlie to try the title of the same to the use of this
corporation (Preachers House, Old Street)
Persons appointed to enquire for concealed lands of right belonging to this corporation.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Bailieffs shall have allowance upon their accompts of
xiiiis vid to make up ten pounds towards the relief of the towne of Salop.
Corporation to indemnify certain litigants “if it shall fall out by pledings that the title of
the toll corne and grayne belong to this corporation shall come in question.”
Suit to be commenced against Joane Wadeley for recovery of lands.
At this daie Mr James Crowther Bachelor of Dyvynitie hath surrendred a lease to hym
formerly granted by this Company of a tenement and garden in ould streete to thend
the said Company may take such course as the Lawe requireth for the Recovery
At this daie Mr Edward Powes and Mr William Cooke are elected Serchers and
Seallers of lether alias Greene ware tasters accordinge to the late Statut in that case
made and provided.
It is at this daie ordered that the next faire called St Katherines faire shalbe put of for
this yeare by reason of the generall Infection of the plague and that proclamation be
made forthwith to that purpose.
It at this daie ordered that two warders more shalbe appointed by Mr Bailieffes for
every market daie to ward at Galfords gate and Corve Bridge beside the weekly ward
at Corve Bridge. And this ward to be kept by the Inhabitants.
Persons appointed “to make serch in whose handes the Stocke of lxxli doth remayne.”
Two warders more shalbe appointed by Mr Bailieffs for every market daie to ward at
Galfords gate and Corve Bridge besides the weekly ward at Corve Bridge. And this
ward to be kept by the Inhabitants.
….that Mr Bailiffs shall take advice by councell learned in the lawe concerning divers
amerciments of one Powelle of Ludford and others for their cattles trespassinge upon
Whitcliffe Common beinge the common of this towne and presented in or leete for the
same and that fourth they proceed in that behest.
Lease of a garden and? “ in Dinham by the Chappell …… that all peticions which are
to be preferred to Mr Bailiefs for the tyme beinge and the company at their meetings
shalbe drawen by the towne clark for the tyme beinge and his name there unto
subscribed for the better warrant therof and he to take thaccustomed fee of iiiid for
every such petition or lesse at his discretion.
It is at this daie ordered that ii warders be appointed for Galfords gate and Old Street
gate at Mr Bailiffs discretion for examination and staie of such persons as travaile from
infectious places.
Persons appointed to ascertain in whose hands the lxxli stock remains. Proceedings to
be taken for recovery. “ And money to be made by letting of lands to make up the said
stock of lxxli fourth with.
Lease to Mr Robert Berry of the greate house in Castle Street and the garden stable
and backside, with a tenement called ffrends tenement decayed
…….that Richard Crumpe querrester shall have xxs per annum for playinge upon the
orgaines and xxs more for singing the quire from Christmas last past in full recompense
of his whole wages per annum.
It is at this daie ordered that Mr James Crowther shall continewe in the common
preacheres place in this towne till midsummer daie nowe nexte cominge and to
receave his wages or stipend then due and soe then to departe. Which was soe
granted at the request of Sir Richard Lewkiner Knight and in the meane tyme Mr
Bailieffs with the consent of theire bretheren to provide a preacher to enter at
midsummer nexte being the feast of the nativity of St John the Baptist.
Ordered…. That a suite shall be commenced by Mr Powes and Mr R. Langford in the
behalf of this corporation against Mr Ffoxe of Greete by thadvice of Mr Turner and
some other lerned in the lawe for the recovery of a legacy given to the poore artificers
and almesfoulkes of this towne by Mr George Ffoxe gent deceased as by his last will
and testament appearethe at the charge of this corporation.
It is at this daie ordered that the weighte or stone to weye woole withall shall conteyne
xli weighte and eighte ounces.
New deacon for church appointed. William Crumpe and his son displaced (probably
due to Religion of James I)
…..that Mr Bailieffs shall provide a house or roome for Thomas Knight and his wife
within this towne at the chardges of this corporation and to remove them out of
thalmshouse with conveniente speede.
…… that Mr Bailieffs shall houlde a courte barrow at wafers Hopton for this corporation
and the persons subscribed to assiste them (16 names follow)
……that a search shalbe made for the foundation of St Jones in Ludlowe and the tyme
of the dissolution and that the last verdict for the townemill in the tenure of Mr Gregory
be exemplified under Seale this nexte tearme at the chardges of this corporation. (in
margin “ to serch at London”)
Bailiffs to pay the fifteenths due.
…… that Mr Bailieffes shall provide a fit Reader to saie morninge praier at sixe of the
clocke for the space of one moneth till some convenient person may be had and
licensed by the Ordynary to that purpose at the chardge of the corporation.
It is this daie ordered that Mr Bailieffe Crowther and Mr Benson shall travaile to Oxford
to provide a Preacher for the towne with convenient speede by thadvise of Mr Doctor
Holland. And that such person as they shall soe provide shalbe Browght to this towne
of Ludlowe and stay there a convenient tyme for his Better triall. And that none be
placed in that Roome before he shalbe soe tried and lawfully elected by the company
of this corporation. And that the said Mr B Crowther and Mr Benson to have allowance
of theire chardges. And the said Precher soe to be Browght to have his allowance
(duringe the tyme of his tryall) by the said corporation and so from Oxford to Ludlow
and backe agayne.
……that Richard Crompe shalbe Received into the service of a Singing man and
Organist till a better can be provided and duringe the pleasure of this company. And to
have for his wages after the rate of iiili per annum.
At this daie Thomas Turnour esquior townclerke of Ludlow is elected into the companie
of the xxvte common counsailors of this towne of Ludlowe And to paie one silver
spoone forthwith of iioz or xis in money.
……that Mr Bailiffs (and others) …..shall consult upon the charter touchinge the toll
taken by the yate wards and for a toll booke for beasts (to be kept) sould within this
towne. Town Clerks table of fees fiexed by a committee.
……that Mr Benson Coronor of this towne with the Townclerk coronors Inquest and
other officers of the towne in that service repaire to the viwe of the bodie of William
Hecockes lyinge slayne within the liberties of this towne on this side Nestie Brooke and
yf any sute in lawe shalbe commenced by any person whatsoever concerninge the
permisses or for anie thinge therin done by virtue of this office against the said coronor
shall have full allowance of all theire chardges and expenses in the same sutes and
travall therein whatsoever to be to them delivered and defrayed by this Corporation.
……that Mr Roberts Saunders shall forthwith cause a stone wall to be made at
Lynneies Michson to the chardges of xiiis iiiid.
……that Mr Champion Gittens Bachelor of Divinitie be from henceforth and ys this daie
elected common Preacher of this towne and he to have the wages of fortie markes per
annum to be paid to him quarterlie by the Rentor of this corporation and the first
payment thereof to begin at Chryste tyde.
……to appear at quarter sessions Hereford re: Coronors right to hold inquest on body
of William Heycocke, slayne in the Ludlowe liberties of Nestie Brooke.
……that the Surveyors of this towne shall forthwith finde out some convenient place
upon the landes of the Corporation for digginge of sande and clea and to cesse the
price of every loade.
Grannted this daie to Mr James Crowther five marks for this paynes in preaching
sence mydsomer last past.
……that Mr Bailieffes shall be allowed all such chardges and expences as they shall
defray in travaile or otherwise touchinge the payment of the provision money nowe
demanded of this corporation.
......that noe manner of person shall come within this towne with anie Iron bound
waynes or cart for the carriage of any mucke or composte but that they and everie of
them do carrie the same with bare or woollen wheeles accordinge to a form order sett
downe by the grande jury and that the chamberlen shall shut the gates against such
carriages and stay the same from entringe into this towne.
……the Mr Richard Bailie shall have allowance of xls to be deducted out of his rent for
the toll of Corne for this yeare onlie towards his expences in the sutes with her
majesties tenants of Leompsters concerning the payment of toll corne.
Provision money to be paid.
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Bailieffs that now are and the Bailieffs to be elected
shall have full power and authoritie to compounde with John Smith concerninge all the
goods cattles debts and deadlands of William Smith mercer latelie felo de se yf they
soe can compounde and to make reporte thereof to this company. And yf they cannot
compounde then a sute to be commenced for the recovery thereof by the new Bailieffs
and Mr Parker in the behalf and at the chardges of this coporation.
It is at this daie ordered that Mr Sharmounde and Mr Hooke nowe churchwardens shall
pay to Cornelius Bowld xxs remaining due for the makinge of my Lord Presidente
At this daie Mr Edmonds Lloyd is dischardged of his buydinge over Dinham Gate
payinge the yearlie rent of xiid and he to buyld over the said gate at his pleasure.
……that Edward Lloyd and David Crofte prisoners in the gawule of Ludlow for
suspicion of the willfull murderinge of one William Heicox be forthwith conveied to a
justice of peace in the countie of Hereford there to be proceeded against in such case
accordinge to the course of Lawe..
Collection to be made xxxs for muster masters wages.
……that Mr Bailieffes shall provide half an hundred weight of gunpowder to be laid
upon the treasury for the defence of this towne if neede shall require and likewise tow
pounds of match and they to have allowance thereof.
Suits to be commenced against Mr Ffoxe of Greet re legacy of George Ffoxe to poor
tradesman of the town and against such as enter the liberties of the town.
……that Mr Edward Crowther (and others) shall conferr with Sr Charles Ffox touchinge
the digginge of stone upon Whitclieff and the supposes actions of trespas brought
against diverse persons for digginge upon the same and concerning other matters of
title of certayne lands belonginge to this corporation. And also to demand of the said
Sr Charles a deede of Whitclieff.
Lease to Mr Thomas Langford, Mr William Becke and Mr Edward Powes a peece of
ground parcel of the lands of this corporation called the hills lyinge on this side
Rocksgreene in manner followinge payinge to the Bailieffs of this corporation for the
tyme beinge for everie yeare it shalbe sowed with corne iiili per annum and for everie
yeare it shalbe sowen with oats or other lent corne ls per annum and for everie yeare it
shall lye fallow xls per annum the same to be ymploied to such uses as shalbe agreed
upon by this company. And they to have a lease thereof for a terme of xxi te yeares.
……that Mr Bailieffs shall cause a letter to be written to the justices at the next quarter
sessions concerninge the provision money and that Mr Bailieffs shall have their
chardges allowed them in case they be called before the Lord of the Greenecloth for
the denying of their payment of the sayd provision money or other waies. And Mr
Berry and Mr Benson shall have allowance of all such chardges as they shall defray in
that service for the dischardginge of the said provision money by this corporation.
Granting of Lambs money to clothiers etc. Full list of persons elected followed by a
vote that on the motion of Sir Henry Townsend this election is voided and another set
of names follow to whom the £100 was granted (Sir H.T. was the Recorder)
……that Mr Bailieffes that nowe are shall take order at their pleasure concerninge the
goods of Griffith Evans latelie forfeited to this corporation upon his conviction as they
shall thinke best.
Common sergeant to collect from the inhabitants the fees of the Burgesses in
Parliament by the warrant directed from the Shirrieff of this Countie.
Lease of ‘tenenment at the church yate’.
Mr Benson to pay the fee ferme rent to her majesty’s auditors at Wolverhampton.
Lease of a part of the town ditch to Thomas Hill, whose lime pits were there – beneath
the Old Street gate.
Mr Saunders Williams and Mr Whitcott have made request unto this company to be
dischardged of their attendance with the xii and xxv counsailors of this towne which is
granted unto them and hereafter they not to be of the said numbre of xxv counsailors
of this corporation.
Spoon ii oz weight delivered by Richard Sharmond and Mr Turner paid xis to Mr Bailiff
to buy a spoon.
……that the table of the towne clark and fees at diverse tymes heretofore latelie
perused and this daie openly before this Company seene and allowed shalbe hanged
up in the Court house of this towne called Tolsey and there to remaine as hath bin
heretofore accustomed.
A newyears gift at Christmas next to the value of xi nobles or there abouts from Mr
Bailiffs to Lady Lewknor.
At this daie Thomas Tourneur towne Clarke of this corporation delivered up out of his
office into the towre the writings and munerints followinge. vz. xiiiie bonnds for Lambs
money taken by Mr Cooke and Mr Parker late bailiffs. Item eight bonds not delivered
up to the obligees taken in the tyme of Mr Richard Bailie and Mr John Candland late
bailiffs for the said money. Item xii old bondes taken before I was towne Clarke. Item
viii paper books of accompts payments and rents. Item ii parchment rowles vz. the
particulars and a rent rowle. Item a deed of Mortmier with a seale of armes and a
sylke tassel. Item another deed with a seale of armes indorsed a record before the
corporation. Item an adward between the corporation and Nicholas depden gent. Item
a deead of the graunt of the toll at the request (blank space) Item Jordens deed in the
wooden box and iiire copies in parchment without seale concerninge Whitcliffe. Item a
special pardon to Anne Rogers a special pardon to John Powell. Item the depositions
concerning Whitcliffe. Item the administration of Mr Barker of Bristoll. Item
thexemplification of witnesses concerninge Eastham. Item an order in parchment for
discharge of Mr Bailiffs etc from Intertaint of the Lord President and councell on horse
back etc. Item a bond by John ap hoell to Mr Andrewe barker of ccccli . All the foresaid
writings were delivered up as aforesaid in the presence of Mr Bailiff Canland and Mr
Bailiff Edwards and the surveiours or auditors at the rentors accompt houlden at the
towre the daie and yeare above written.
Particulars of documents delivered by the Town Clerk (Thomas Turner) from his office
to the Tower on this day.
……that Mr Bailiffs shalbe saved harmeles by this corporation concerninge the
notreturninge of the names of the freeholders within this towne to Mr High Shiref
accordinge to his late letters directed to the said Mr Bailiefs in that behalf.
……that the some of xxs shalbe paid by this corporation to Mr Roger Bennet late head
scholemaster of this towne for recompense of such things as he demanndeth within
the scholemasters house of the same towne.
……that Mr Shrawley shall have redelivery of certaine armour demanded and praied
by his petition, to be delivered to him after vewe and certaine notice thereof taken.
Lease to Thomas Jackson, a shopp in the Shambles for the terme of his naturall lief
In consideration of xls fine and vs rent per annum provided that he use his trade and
utter flesh and victuals therein upon the market day…
Lease to James Crowther bachelor of divinity, a tenement and garden etc in Corve
Street in the occupation of Anne Lloyd widowe. In consideration of the surrender of a
lease to him formerly granted and made by this company of a tenement with the
appurtenences in Old Street in thoccupation of one Richard Wadeley. And for xxs fine
then paid for the same grant for the tearme of xxite yeares next insuinge the death of
the said Anne Lloyd. At the rent of xs per annum.
Lease of the Pigin House Close lyinge in Lynney.
Names of members who are to bring in their spoons.
……Mr Charles Wigley and Mr John Candland are discharged of their attendance with
this company and not to be taken any of the company of the xxvtie comon councillors of
this towne for that they are dischardged and not thought fit in regard of their abilitie,
being now in prison for debt. Provided always that they or either of them shall
heareafter be set at libertie, and be thought fit to enjoy their former place, that then
they shall have their places as in their former estate and calling, this present order
At this daie Mr William Wall (upon his earnest request) I discharged of his attendance
with this company in regard of his old age and weakness and not to be sommoned or
called with the xii and xxv counsellors of this corporation hereafter.
Lease of tenement in Corve Street with covenant ‘and to deliver his mucke to the
fermors of the demesne lands accordinge to an anncient order’ (same proviso in other
Lease of chamber or loft over the Shambles……soe that he surrender the said lease
upon request of this Corporation havinge occasion to use the said chamber for the
layinge uppe of corne or graine for the soeinge and better provision of this towne.
……that the guild hall waightes for wolle shall conteyned a xi pound in weight, sealed
and not to use any other waight.
Wages of Richard Crumpe, organist increased to xxs per annum.
16 members of Council ordered to deliver their spoons before the 20th day of this
Proceedings to be taken for the recovery of certain lands ‘of right belonginge to this
……a former order (13.1.1603) made void concerninge xls to be paid to the Burgences
at the bringinge home of Mr Bailiffs upon Simon and Judes daie. And it is ordered that
Mr Bailiffs for the tyme beinge shall have xxs per annum allowed unto them, to bestowe
upon the said Burgences at their said bringinge home. And that the said Burgences
shall attend upon the said Mr Bailiffs to and from the guild hall the said daie in duetyfull
Order of 4.11.1603 regarding Sergeants at Mace gowns made void. They to have xxs
each towards the buying of their gowns and not to collect from any person whatsoever.
Bailiffs to have the benefit of the Castle and two other water corn mills at the bottom of
Mill Street at a rental.
……that the company of the xii aldermen of this towne shall elect twoe chamberlaines
out of the company of the xxvtie of the common counsell of the said towne to beare the
office of chamberlaines for this year next insuinge the day of their election and other ii
chamberlaines for the yeare then next cominge to beare the said office as aforesaid.
And this order to contynue for ii yeares next insuinge. And that each of the said
chamberlaines for the tyne beinge and every of them so elected shall paie foure
pounds of lawfull english money to the Bailiffs for the tyme beinge upon the said
election, in regard of the great easment of their charges beinge heretofore layed upon
one chamberlaine which some of viiili, vizt iiiili apiece yearly is to be bestowed and
imployed upon some plate to the benifict of this corporation.
Mr Nightingall and Mr William Powes fined 6/8 each for not attending the tower ‘at the
daie of election of all officers, beinge the xiiith daie of October last past afforesaid’
An assessment for xxxs provision money.
Plate delivered to new Bailiff.
Item ii guilt boles at xxiiii ounces and a half of the guift of Mr Robbs.
Item ii great whit boles of xx ounces and a quarter of the guift of Mr Laurence Becke.
Item ii smale whit boales of xii ounces and a half of the guift of Mr Swanson.
Item iii silver tinnes with their covers at xxxiiii ounces and the silver salt and iiiili from
the Chamberlain Mr Powle and Mr Cotton.
X silver spoons weighing 2oz each.
……that the church wardens for this present yeare shall pay unto William Hill of this
towne mercer such some of money as ys due to him for certaine greene baies bought
of him to furnish my Lady Lewknors pewe in the church of this town of Ludlowe.
At this daie Mr Thomas Powle and Mr Roger Cotton chamberlains elect have paid and
delivered to this company from Mr Powle iiiili in gould. And the said Mr Cotton a double
bell silver salt in full discharge of iiiili a peece upon them due by a late former order of
this company dated xo October 1607. And that the said iiiili paid by Mr Powle shall be
converted into an other silver salt to the use and behoof of this corporation.
Organ blower appointed. Wage 2s 8d per annum.
Sim. Order to 13.10.1607 made on Thomas Powle, Mr Nightingall, Mr Barnes and Mr
Harris. Chamberlain to demand fine and report.
A cessment ‘for the settinge out of the souldiers into Ireland to the some of ixli.
It is at this daie ordered that the tenement with thappurtenences in Old Street
(Preachers House) wherein Mrs Anne Brasier now dwelleth shall not hereafter be
granted to any person or persons but shall remaine after the death of the said Mrs
Brasier in the hands of this corporation to and for the use of the publick or common
preacher of this towne for the tyme beinge resident and …….within the said towne for
his dwelling house, he kepinge the same in good reparations and payinge thold rent
thereof to the said corporation yearely at the accustomed rent dayes. And that the said
common preacher shall not set let or incumber the power(?) of the said tenement but yf
the same shall be and remaine without any incumbrance by him to the successor
common preacher accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of this present order and
of this company.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall repaire to Sir Henry Townshend Knight Recorder of this
towne. And to take his advice concerning the justices of peace late letter of this
countye sent to the said Mr bailiffs for contribution in an action brought upon the statute
of hue and crie. And the corporation to pay contribution of such reasonable some of
money as this company shall thinck fict yf the said Sir Henry shall advise to pay any.
……that serverall letters be written to the Bailiffs of Shrewsbury and Bushops Castle
concerninge the takinge of toll of the Burgences of this towne purportinge that the
Charters on all parts may be perused by learned Councell to then that some good
order may be taken that hereafter our Burgences be not abused in that behalf.
……that Mrs Margaret Pascoll widdowe, in regard of the good service of Mr Richard
Pascoll her late husband and deceased done to this corporation shall have xlie shillings
per annum paid unto her by the Rentor of this towne for the time beinge out of the
chamber of the same towne duringe her natural life to be paid unto her quarterly.
Lease of water corn mill in Ludford xli fine xxs rent xxi yrs.
At this daie Richard Bowdler and Thomas Davies Clothiers were sworen in open Court
at Tolsey before Mr Bailiffs, searchers and sealers of Cloth within the towne of Ludlowe
accordinge to the forme of the statute in that wise made and provided.
It is at this daie ordered that the Churchwardens of this towne with convenient speede
repaire and amend the schoolhouse in the Church yard wherin Richard Hooke now
teacheth his schollers and they to have allowance of the parishioners of this towne for
the same.
……that Mr Edward Crowther etc shall meete this day at the newe house to consither
of some good order to be set downe concerninge the Alnegers seale and for
subsidies(?) of Clothes within this towne.
Lease of tenement ‘within Galfordsgate with a covenant to have liberty to make a paire
of staiars on the Backside into the tower with ingresse, egresse and regresse.
……that William Rascoll shall have the lone of xxxiiis iiiid nowe in his hands being the
guift of Mr Hugh Atwell, Clerke, upon the former bonds and security until Whitsontide
nowe next cominge.
……that Mr Edward Crowther… shall travaile to London…to take advice of learned
Councill in the lawe for some good order to be sett downe concerninge the Alneger
and (blank) for clothes.
…….that Mr Bailiffs shalbe saved harmeles by the corporation touching the payment of
xxs estreated out of the exchequer for want of bushells not kept hanged upp in the
market house of this towne accordinge to the Kings proclamation sett furth for standard
measures. And that Mr Chamberlaines shall provide forthwith two bushells of standard
measures to be fixed and tyed in Chaines within the market howse of this towne and
they to have allowance for the same.
Lease of a shop under the Tolsey to Sampson Jewks, butcher, he ‘to grind his grist at
one of thanncient corne mills within this towne and for compost or mucke as in other
towne leases ‘
Att this day the evidences deedes and writings undernamed were delivered to the
Towne Clarke of this towne vizt
Imprimis. A rent Rolle of Richard Downes Warden of the Guylde dated Anno Rg. Henry
Octavi Nono
Item. A rent Rolle of John Dodmore warden of the guild dated septimo Edw. quarto
Item five deedes of the tenements in Drapers Row
Item a particular of the guilde lands.
Item a note of Debts due to the guilde.
Item three books of the Bailiffs accompt of thould corporation lands taken in regno.
Edward quarti.
Item fawer books more of payments made to the towne by Thomas Wheeler and
Item an inquisition taken Anno decimo octoavo Richard secundi.
At this day William Loid is licensed by Mr Bailiffs and this company to inhabite within
corporation accordinge to a former order for receavinge of strangers into this towne.
Richard Crump organist to have 10/- in lieu of a Coat. This year only. John Jobb
singing man to have 20/- towards the making of his gowne for this year only in lieu of
Coat and Breeches.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall procure out of the Arches…..a copy of the last will and
testament of Charles Langford doctor of divinity late Deane of Hereford deceased….
……that Mr Bailiff Cupper and Mr Benson shall have allowance of xxvis viiid fines
imposed upon them for default of appearance at Thassises howlden for this county of
Salopp in the time of their late Bailywicke.
It is at this day ordered that Thomas Williams of Dynham Phillips and the rest in that
house and James Webb his house hodskies and widdow Bromley be kept shutt up in
their houses and watched and warded night and day for the space of a moneth now
next ensuinge and that John Clee be commanded to keepe his house with Richard
Clench and that a cessment be made of the Inhabitants of this towne to the value of
seaven pounds or above to be collected and disbursed upon such houses and persons
as Mr Bailiffs shall thinck fitt in their discretions. (Two assessors for each of four
It is at this day ordered that James Webb and his wief, Richard Dedicote and Margaret
…… now beinge in the pest house within the lords orchard shalbe dischardged thence
after the next change of the moone (yf it seeme good to this company).
It is at this day ordered that Mr Bailiffs shalbe allowed by this corporation such money
as they cannot collect beinge sessed upon thinhabitants of this towne which they shall
disburse over and above that which ought and may be gathered for the relief of the
sick people in the Cabbernes (cabins) pesthouses or other houses of this towne.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Bailiffs shall furthwith upon the said inquiry and report
of the said Inmates discharge and remove so many of them as they by lawe may out of
this towne to the place of their birth or last habitation accordinge to the statute in that
case provided.
It is at this day ordered that the next leete and sessions to be houlden for this towne
and liberties therof upon the xxvth day of Aprile now next cominge be proclaimed and
called and then presently to be dissolved and not to be kept for avoidinge of the
dangers of infection of the plague by the concourse of the Inhabitants. And that Mr
Bailiffe Cupper and Mr Walter Langford one of the Chamberlaines of this towne be
discharged thone of his leete dynner and thother of this chamberlaines feast at this
lawe day and that they pay xxs apeece to the chamber of this towne towards the relief
of the poore people infected within the said towne and each of them to pay the same
upon demand.
It is at this day ordered that the persons undernamed shall daily make serch and
inquiry within their wards for one moneth next insuinge what inmates dwell therin and
what houses are or shalbe infected there and what persons therin. And furthwith to
make report therof to Mr Bailiffs and they to be assistant with theire councill to the said
Mr Bailiffs for all busines concerninge houses and people infected as afforsaid. (4
names for each of four wards)
Town Clerk suspended for, in anger, abusing certain of the Council. Reinstated on the
6.5.1609 on apology. A quaint entry.
At this day Mr Richard Grove one of this company ys discharged of his attendance in
this company for that his is very olde ympotente and not able to paye such scott and
lott as ys ymposed upon him. Therefore yt is thought fytt by the said company that the
said Mr Grove be henceforth dischardged and freed of his said attendance. And
hereafter not to be sommoned for his apparannce in this behalf. And another to be
chosen into his roome.
It is at this day ordered that whereas Mr Samuell Parker, one of this company, is lately
departed out of towne and sett up shop in Leintwardine and occupyeth and tradeth
keepinge shop and utteringe his wares in Leintwardine afforsaid to the greate hurt and
scandal of this towne, it is therefore ordered that he be forthwith warned by Mr Bailiffs
to returne home againe to his house in Ludlow with his wares before the sixth day of
June next comynge upon paine to forfeit xls to the use of the poore of this towne and
that John Jones mercer beinge departed as aforesaid and havinge sett up shop in
Onibury and utteringe his wares there to have like notice and for not returninge at the
day afforsaid to forfeit xxs. And that persons undernamed shall pay such severall fine
as is at theire names appearinge. (No names follow this minute)
(A minute of 17.6.1609 repeats the offence and order re: S.Parker and states that he
left Ludlow because of plague infection in that town. On 8.10.1609 S.P. was
readmitted to the company [the 12]. The minute states that when he left Ludlow the
house of Mr Bowers, adjoining his own, was infected with the plague.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall bestow for this yeare only upon Henry Cleobury reader in the
Church the some of xxs in Charitable maner towards his relief in regard of his poore
Distribution of Lambs charity to tradesmen (£100)
……that Mr Bailifffs shall give Richard Cos the some of vs. And that he depart hence
and not to chardge this corporation hereafter as by petition he has promised.
At this day it is ordered that John Lyngen shall have the some of xli unto him paid by Mr
Bailiffs in recompense of his hurts and losses by him sustained by therectinge of the
pest house and by destroying of his grasse in the lords orcharde by meanes therof and
they to be allowed the same upon their accompts.
Graunted at this day to Mr Richard Bailey a lease for the terme of xxi yeares of the tolle
of all maner of corne and graine sould or brought to be soulde within the Corne Markett
and other places of this towne……in consideration of his service done and hereafter be
done for this corporation at the yearly rent of xiile xs.
Lease of ‘an oxhouse beinge parcel of the towne barne in Upper Galford’
It is this day ordered upon due consideration had upon the encreesinge of the sickness
if Plague within this towne and for the avoidinge of further danger of infection (yf so it
may please Almighty God) that the next leete to be houlden for this towne and liberties
be then adjorned.
It is at this day ordered that the free Grammer schoole of this towne by presently
dissolved to avoide the danger of infection of the plague and the schoolemaster and
usher are nowe by this company licenced to depart from their attendance until they
shall have notice for theire further imployment in theire places.
……that this company shall by two of the clocke in thafternoon of the same day (St
Simon and St Jude) attend Mr Bailiffs and Bailiffs elect in comly and decent maner
from the said tower (Galford’s) to the guildhall within this towne for the swearinge of the
said Bailiffs elect and other officers within the said towne. And from the said Guildhall
with like attendance to returne to the church within the said towne and there to heare
the sermon as hath beene accustomed and presently after the sermon ended that the
said company shall dutifully attend and accompany the said Bailiffs for the time beinge
from the church to the house called the new house within this towne. And that then
and there the said Mr Bailiffs to bestowe upon their said company and brethren such a
competent quantity of Wine and cakes as to them shalbe thought convenient.
Whereupon the said company are ordered to be dissolved for that attendance. And it
is lastly ordered that the said Mr Bailiffs for the time beinge shall not from henceforth
keepe any supper for the said company or any of them as hath beene formerly used at
the bringinge home of the said Mr Bailiffs.
Bailiffs accounts of payments to persons infected with plague to be examined by the
auditors. The persons who had been relieved and the sergeants at mace to attend.
Lease of the ‘Crabb Mill neere to the Colledge’
Lease to Mr Roger Cotton a corner shop with thappurtances at the upper end of
Brodstreet in a place there called Drapers rowe in his possession or his assignes in
consideration of the some of xli fine for the terme of xxi yeares at the rent of xxxs.
Lease to Walter Langford of a shop under the east end of the new house xxxs fine, rent
xlvis viiid, term xxi years.
……that the persons undernamed (9) shall….sett downe the fees and rates for
wayinge of wooll and other fees receaved in the guildhall of this towne by the wayer or
keeper of the said hall. And that the said persons shall procure a table to be written
conteyninge the said fees and rates and the same to be sett upp within the said
guildhall. And that the said wayer shall not exact above the said fees and rates.
Mr Richard Ffisher appointed Burgess in Parliament in place of Mr Benson deceased.
Town clerk and his clerk to take oath of office.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Bailiffs nowe beinge shall have allowance at the time of
their accompts of such money as they shall necessarily disburse for and concerninge
the poore people infected within this towne and that the persons subscribed shall
assist Mr Bailiffs for the better managinge of all services this yeare to be done
touchinge the said infected people. (2 names for each of four wards)
Levy for xl viiis muster masters wages for two years.
Gaters fees to be fixed and a table set up in the town.
……persons named ‘shall peruse such booke as Mr Edwardes shall sett downe
concerninge the certainty of Burgage rents and all other rents of this corporation and
the same to be entred in a booke of survey commonly called the booke of survey of
this Corporation.
[From a minute of 4.2.1610 it would appear that the plague was past. ‘persons lately
infected with the Plague….???
……that the persons subscribed (6) shall survey the demeane lands and to see howe it
is tilled and what course of husbandry is kept by the farmers thereof.
……that fower markes shalbe given to him (a stranger) that had his horses stolen by
Harrison and Wallis als Smith, lately executed for the same.
……Lease of tenement and garden in Mill Street, next below Guildhall.
…..that the house standinge in the north west end of the Churchyard wherin Richard
Hooke deceased lately kept schoole shalbe kept to the use of this parrish and to be
emploied at the discreation of the Bailiffs and this company for the time beinge And as
they shall from time to time appoint and to non other purpose.
Roger Powell, Clarke (minister of the word of god) elected assistant ‘and is enjoyned to
serve there in divine service twice a day and upon sabboth daies and other festivall
daies weekely as hath bene accustomed. And he is to have fower pounds wages for
the said half yeare.
Humphrey Madoxe clerke is allowed to have xxvis viiid wages for the time he hath
served in our church in the place of the assistant.
Lease to Edward Crowther of all that part of the loft over the south end of the
Shambles in Mill Street.
Committee to consider action for recovery of burgage rents.
Lease of a garden and orchard lying on the East side below the nether Corve Gate.
……that wheras the sheriffs bailiffs of the county lately distrained the goods of Mr
Richard Baily for the some of xs fees as appereth by the quittance of the said Bailif
which was due as he reported upon his estreate, that the said Mr Richard Baily shall
have allowance of the said xs having paid the same and to be repaied it by the six men.
……that the mace shalbe sent up to Mr Ffisher to be amended yf George Davies canot
mend the same sufficiently at the townes charges.
Arrangements for collection of fines etc at Gaol delivery leetes and lawe days.
At this day John Clee is admitted to reade praiers in the Almes house of this towne to
the poore people there remayninge and hee to have the accustomed yearly wages of
xxvis viiid for his paines.
……that wheras the right honorable the lord president hath made request to this
Company to admit and receave one Mr Thomas Keyes.
Master of Arts and minister of the words of god to be assistant preacher of this towne.
It is agreed by this company and fully ordered that Mr Bailiffs and such of their
bretheren as thye shall call unto them shall forthwith resort to his lord President to give
him answere.
……that Mr Herbert shalbe admitted to the place of High Scholemaster for half a year
on trial.
…that the persons subscribed shall reviewe all such orders as are made for the
government of this towne and to make report to this Company what orders shalbe
thought fitt to Continue or to be made void.
……that xxxli shalbe borrowed to pay stipendaries at Christmas next and the
Coporation to be bound by the obligation with condition for the payment therof to him
hat shall so lend it under the common seale of this corporation unless Mr Renton doe
holde his office of Rentorshipp or that other meanes canot be made for the procuringe
of the said som of xxxli.
1. 2.1612
……that every one of this Company shall com in decent maner in his or their gownes
aswell upon appearance at the newe house as at the tower.
Thomas Key elected common preacher of the town, 40 marks per annum.
Mr Bailiff Langford to have allowance for two journeys to Shrewsbury for obtaining his
lordship’s removing the Ludlow.
at this day Mr Richard Sharmond hath delivered to this company a deed of foefement
indented Dated quinto die Januarii regni Kg Henry septimi post conqueste xxixo of vs
viiid given to the gilde by John Heyton of Ludlow mercer.
At this daie Roger Powell gent. appeared before this Company and confessed that he
hath received the som of xxxli with the Corporation borrowed of him about five yeares
past and stood bounden to him for the payment thereof under their common seale and
confessed further that he delivered the said bonds to this company in liewe of an
……that wheras divers complaints are made of divers intruders upon the tradesmen
within this towne that Mr Bailiffs of this towne for the time beinge shall from henceforth
from time to time suppresse all maner of tradesmen beinge strangers and forriners
which intrude upon our liberties and which are not licenced nor qualified to worke
within this towne accordinge to our Charter and the lawes of this realme.
Action to recover Burgage rent, 9/- issueing from Austin Friars.
John London elected reader xili vis viiid per annum. (26/8d for reading morning prayer.
To instruct the young people in religion for one hour each Sunday afternoon before the
sermon and to read the singing psalm to the people as John Jobb had done at six
o’clock (a.m.)
3¼ yards of Broadcloth delivered to Mr Powell, late reader, at 11/6 the yard.
It is this day ordered that the persons subscribed within the fower wards shall take a
diligent viewe what faggotts strawe ferne or other fewell lieth within any house or
without subject to danger of fire……and they forthwith to proceede in this service. (Two
names for each ward.)
……that a lease shalbe grannted to Mr bailiff Langford of a close neere fishpoole lane
Christs Croft and of divers stables and roomes neere the geeldehall with their
appurtances, 5 marks fine.
It is at this day ordered that fower longe powles with hookes at the upper end and
chaines of iron shall be provided (as is used in other cities and good townes) for the
pullinge downe of houses beinge on fire by the severall companies of this towne
hereafter followinge viz the company of the Mercers Tailors and glovers one powle with
a hooke and chaine as aforesaid, the company of Chambermen an other like powle,
the companies of bakers, millers and butchers an other like powle, the companies of
Clothiers on other like powele and the companies of Shoomakers diers barbours and
Tinkers to provide six leather buckets to be kept in the Church or som other convenient
place. And that the gentlemen Inholders Alesellers and husbandmen shall contribute
for the providing of six other bucketts beinge of non of the companies of this towne.
……that whereas Sir John Towneshend Knight is nowe lately come to inhabit amonge
us and hath bene a good friend to this Corporation and out of the hope wee have that
he will allwaies so continue, Mr Bailiffs shall present my lady his wife with xli towards
the settinge of their household and family in the name of the Corporation.
……that the persons undernamed (1 for each ward) shall furthwith present unto Mr
Bailiffs in writinge the names of all freeholders within this towne and liberties with the
yearely value of their lands and the places where every of the said lands and freeholds
doe ly within this said towne.
……that the persons subscribed shall travel to Shrewsbury with particulars of the
Ludlow Freeholders. Also re. a present to Princess Elizabeth on her marriage.
Lease to James Baily Doctor or the Lawe, a close and orchard with thappurtances
called the lords orchard lyinge under the towne wall upon the southside therof.
……that two of this company out of every ward shall attend and assist Mr Bailiffs for
the settinge and collectinge of such money as is to be paid by the inhabitants of this
towne towards the obteyninge of his majestys Councell to come to the said towne and
to reside there. (2 each ward)
……that the sergeants at mace of this towne shall and may receave the toll of
oatmeale in the market of the same towne accordinge to the anncient usage without
interuption of Mr Richard Baily his assignes or servants.
……that Mr Bailiffs Mr Parker and Mr Turner shall with convenient speed serch the
Records of this towne concerninge that lxxli due to this corporation by certaine
inhabitants of the same and proceed against them in course of lawe for the recovery
therof to the use of this corporation.
Lease of two tenements in the Town Ditch for 21 years, £3 fine, rent 2/-, covenant that
he repair or rebuild one of the tenements nearer the Broad Gate.
……that xls shalbe given by this corporation to three poore boies to be sett apprentices
at Mr Bailiffs discreation – names 2 bastards.
At this day Mr Bailiffs and either of them are allowed all such somes of money charges
and expenses as they or either of them hath or have defrayed or paied for us
concerninge our liberties within the Castle of this towne upon the viewe of the body of
Ellis Morris lately murdered within the scullery of the Castle by William Clench and for
concerninge any busines matter or thinge concerninge the same whatsoever aswell at
the last Assizes holden for the Counties of Worcester and Salop as elsewhere.
It is at this day ordered by this company that xxli shalbe paid out of the treasury and
revenue of this towne by Mr Bailif Edwards Renter towards the discharge of the some
of fifty pownds promised to be paid to my Lord President at his lordships last remove
from Shrewsbury to Ludlow and the residue of the said some of lli is to be collected of
the inhabitants of this towne which said fifty pounds is by his lordship appointed to be
paid to Mr Roger Powell in payment of the hundred pounds which his honor borrowed
and for which the Corporation gave the towne seale and bond to the said Mr Powell,
the other fifty pounds my lord himself must discharge and free the Corporation from
that bond.
That henceforth the two Burgesses of Parliament shall be elected from the number of
the xii and xxv councellors and capitall burgesses of this towne and none other.
Wheras Mr Kay our common preacher is contented and hath agreed to accept of the
some of xx markes in full payment of the arrerages of such money as is unpaid of the
xx markes per annum of the voluntary contribution and gratuity heertofore allowed to
him by divers of this company and divers others by a note of their names appearinge.
Itt is nowe ordered by this company that Mr Edwards our rentor shall give his word or
note under his hand to the said Mr Kay for the payment of the said some of xx markes
upon the first day of May nowe next cominge and that a comission shalbe sued out
furthwith from his Majestys Councell in the Marches of Wales to call all such personnes
before them to answere which refuse to pay and the said Mr Edwards is ordered to
presente the same at the charges of this Corporation and to receave the costs
adwarded by the Court upon the debts and that the said Mr Edwards is to be saved
harmeless by this corporation in the premises.
Cessment for payment for the setting out of soldiers to Ireland.
……that Mr ffisher, Mr Richard Edwards, Mr Gregory and Mr Cotton shall peruse and
diligently examine the notes concerninge the voluntary contribution grannted to Mr Kay
of twenty markes by this company and others upon wensday next and to putt the said
notes into some certainety that a collection may be made of the arrerages yet unpaid
for such time as they shall finde to be behinde and due and to make payment thereof
to the said Mr Kay with all convenient speed and that no further payment of the said
contribution of xx markes shall continue.
Henry Townshend, Knight and Robert Berry elected burgesses of the town in
……that Mr Bailiffs (and others) shall call before them with all speed the towne and
Country butchers which bringe any flesh to the shambles of this towne to be soulde
and to examine them of what estates they have in their shops and to sett downe som
good orders therin to the end that forren butchers the better resort with their flesh to
the said shambles. [The shambles from this and other minutes were for outside
Lease to Mr Walter Langford tenement and shop lying in the upper end of Broad Street
over against the Cross.
Memorandum that this day Richard Blashfielde sonne of Mr Thomas Blashfielde,
Chamberlaine of this towne beinge a sworn burgesse of this towne of Ludlowe is
licenced by Robert Berry Esq. and Richard Shermond senior bailiffs of this towne to be
retained and were the livery of Richard Blount Esquier.
……that the persons subscribed (2 for each ward) shalbe imploied within the fower
wards of this towne for the gatheringe and collectinge of the kings gratuity.
……that a tolle booke for beasts and cattells soulde and contracated for within this
market and faires of this towne shalbe kept accordinge to lawe.
At this day Mr Richard Langford is ordered to joine with Mr Gregory for the finishinge of
the Collection of the Kings gratuity and that they collect it furthwith that it may be sent
away to be delivered into the Kings Majestys jewell house accordinge to the honorable
letters of his Majestys privy Councell heertofore directed to the late bailiffs in that
It is at this day ordered that Richard Bedowe student in the university of Oxford shall
have xli furthwith paid him by the Rentor of this towne as a benevolence from this
corporation for the better proceedinge and exhibition of the said Richard Bedowe in the
said university. xxs more to be paid him 1.6.1616.
Lease to Thomas Kay, Town preacher, a tenement garden and stable late in the
possession and tenure of Alice Jenkes, widow, 41 years, £4 fine, 33/4d rent.
Wheras one Morris Browne beinge a prisoner in the Porters Lodge within the Castle of
the towne, yf it is suspected that he murdered himself, And whereas question hath
heertofore bene made whether the Coroner of this Countie of the liberties of Ludlow is
to view the body within the said Castle of any person so dyinge. It is therefore ordered
that Mr Berry nowe Coroner of this towne, the towne clerke and jury and all other
persons which are to be imploied in that service for the viewe of the body of the said
Morris Browne shalbe saved harmeless by this Corporation for theire enteringe into the
said Castle for that purpose and for all things else they shall do or attempt concerninge
the inquisition thereof late bailiffs to report what soms and from which of the
Inhabitants they received to induce the Lord President and Council to reside in Ludlow.
Lease of a barn and 2 closes and a garden in Mill Street adjoining the town wall to
Katherine Woogan. 21 years, 5 marks fine, at old rent.
Lease of common and Colemynes and free liberte to dig for coles and to make
colemynes within the Comon in the lordship of Wavers Hopton called the Clee hills. (21
years) 10/- rent with a covenant that they shall maintaine the said worke at their owne
Lease of the toll of the Nether Corvegate (‘the tolle of the beast market for entringe of
Contracts excepted. 20 marks fine. £6.2.0. rent 21 yrs. to fine security ‘for the house
over the gate’.
Lambs charity allocated, defaulters to be proceeded against. Mr Geo. Holland paid
£3.1.8. fees paid for suits in London for the recovery of Lambs money.
Innkeepers to report to Bailiffs any inmates they have.
It is at this day ordered that William Gilly shall truly copy out the two bookes of the
Churchwardens accompt to the intent a true record may be safely kept by the
parishioners of such grants and other doings as the Churchwardens from yeare to
yeare shall justly make and the originall to be safe locked in a sufficient chest in the
Church with two kaies the one to be kept by Mr Bailiffs for the time beinge the other by
the Churchwardens for the time beinge and the charge of those copies to be levied of
the parishioners and to be collected by the Churchwardens.
Lease of house on North side of Castle Street to Sir Richard Lewknor.
Fine on a lease to Thomas Turford (Corve Street) remitted at request of Lady Eure.
……that Mr Thomas Kay our towne preacher shall have the possession of the house in
Ould Street wherin Mrs Anne Brasier widowe did lately dwell delivered him by Mr
Bailiffs for his habitation duringe the time he is the towne preacher heere and resident
and Commorant (?) in this towne according to a former order of this Company dated at
the newe house quarto die November 1607 and hee to performe the contents of the
said former order and that the said house shall for ever heerafter remaine to the use of
the towne preacher accordinge to the said former order without any alteration.
Lease to John Crowther son of James Crowther rector of the parsonage of this
Allowance of 40/- to the Bailiffs for poor people and lame soldiers.
Warrant to Seargents at Mace to distrain for fines and cessments.
It is at this day ordered by this company that the persons whose names are subscribed
shall monthly inquire and present unto Mr Bailiffs of this towne for the time beinge the
names of all such persons as shall com to inhabit within this towne and that Mr Bailiffs
shall call the said persons before them and six of their brethren aldermen of this towne
to examine whether they be fitt inhabitants or not and thereupon to admitt or reject
them. (Two names for each ward)
……that a letter be fourthwith written and sent to Mr George Holland to certifie him that
the Seete and Steventon are within the precinct of the liberties of Ludlowe.
Lease to Robert Berry Esq. a hovell and smiths trevers adjoininge to his freehold in
Broad Street xxi yrs. vid p.a. rent
Lease to Urias ffletcher of a vacant place at the west end of the market house on which
he is to erect a shop. The bailiffs to have the use of this or a convenient room therein
every fair day ‘to receave tole for the horse fayre during the sayd terme’ 21 yrs. 2/- p.a.
……that five pounds shalbe payd assoone as money cometh to the treasurie, to Mr
Thomas Edwards (and 3 others) towards there chardges in a sute betweene them and
Nicholas Millichopp in performing of theire service for the king, being watchmen within
the sayd towne.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Chamberlaine shall putt the Schoolehouse of this towne
in good and lawfull reparation in all places before the feast of St Bartholemewe the
apostle now next ensuing.
Mr Thomas Broome Usher hath given warning that hee will leave the School.
Mr Richard Wright appointed Usher £10 p.a.
Richard Mitton appointed Town Clerk on resignation of Thomas Turner. R.M. elected
Burgess, fine remitted.
It is further at this day ordered that Mr Bailiffs shalbe allowed for such charges as they
disbursed upon the solempnizinge of the creation of prince Charles heere at Ludlowe
and to be also allowed the charge for entertaining of the Lord President and likewise
for xls by them to be bestowed upon Mr Daniel Powell towards his greate paines and
……that all and every of the xii and xxv of this Corporation shall at the next meetinge
bring furth and deliver all such deedes or writinges which they have and which belong
and appurtaine to the good and benefit of this Corporation to the end they may be
safely kept and to that purpose a comission to be sued furth at the costes of this
Corporation directed to the bailiffs and towne clerke for swearinge of the said Company
and all others for the true delivery of all the deedes and writings.
Sergeants at Mace to distrain for a herriot – under common seal Lease of the Crab
Assignment of lease of Corve Street Gate. New lessee to be taken down the tenement
over the gate and rebuild it within one year.
Redelivery of Charters which had been used at Hereford Assizes in a suit re
Corporation lands at Hereford. Charters and deeds specified in detail.
……that Richard Wright shall continue in his place of Usher within the Grammer
Schole of this towne with the good likinge of all in respect of his diligence therin and to
have for his paines from Michaelmas next the somme of xili vis viiid yearely for his
……that John Adams Chirurgion shall have for his industry care and charges in
curinge and healinge of Richard Owens of his wounds and hurts receaved by
apprehending of offendors at Mr Bailiffs appointment and Commandment paid unto
him vis viiid.
It is at this day ordered that an order concerninge provision of hookes and bucketts
made for the defence and safeguard from fire by vertue of an order taken the third day
of October 1612 shalbe revived with this addition further that:
Thomas Fowler esquire shall finde three sufficient powles to make ladders.
Christopher Whichroff gent. two sufficient powles to make ladders
Thomas Tourner & Robert Berry, Esquires – one buckett
Robert Vaughan & Richard Baddam, Gents. – one other buckett
William Bevan & Hugh Hanley, Gents. – one other buckett
15 other buckets provided by 30 other people, including two women.
And these are to be provided by the feast of St Andrew thapostle next ensuing and
upon paine of 5s
James Rawlins gent. is elected and chosen head scholemaster of the free grammer
schole within this towne of Ludlowe and shall have yearly the accustomed stipend for
his paine takinge therin and shall continue his said place.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Thomas Heath Rentgatherers of this towne shall pay for
the glasse in the guildhall and he to have the same when it is taken downe to his owne
use and the towne to allow him vis viiid for the same.
It is at this day ordered by and with thassent of the two newe elected chamberlains or
high constables of this towne for this yeare next ensuinge that they shall before the
feast of Christide next pay into the newe elected bailiffs the som of fower pounds
apiece for the providinge of a silver guilt Cupp to remaine to the use of this corporation
for ever in consideration that either of the are spared of the charge they ought tobe at
in keepinge onely either of them butt one feast.
21 spoons which are delivered – others not delivered.
Town Clerk to travel to London re £100 fee farm rents and other great soms of money
demanded of the Corporation. Also the Alnegers place for sealing of cloth and
uncertified alehouses.
……that yf any speciall burgesse of this corporation shall heerafter happen to be
arrested molested or troubled by the Kings Majestie concerninge the sommes of
money nowe demanded of the Corporation they shalbe saved harmeles by this
Richard Heynes to have the accustomed wage 26/8d p.a. for reading morning prayers
in St. Lawrence’s Church.
Copies of charters referring to sealing of cloth to be sent to Mr Hook at London. He to
see the Duke of Lennox and the controversy to be referred to the King’s attorney Sir
Henry Yelverton.
……that whereas the Bailiffs and Burgesses of this towne have heretofore granted to
Thomas Kay Batchelor of Divinity our publique preacher one tenement in the ould
street duringe his continuance with us. And whereas also the said tenement is in great
decay towards the reedifyinge whereof that virtuous matron Margaret Greene Widowe
hath given the som of twenty pounds and the said Mr Kaie hath disbursed great
sommes of money: that Mr Parson Crowther with the assistance of our towne clerke
and Mr Gregory shall see what our townsmen will voluntarily bestowe towards this
Charitable worke besides what the xii and xxv have alreddy bestowen.
……that concerninge the charges defraid by Edward Powis the youger in bringinge
water to the conduyt in the lower end of Corve Street that the sixmen shall viewe the
same and what benefit the Corporation receaveth thereby and to certifie the company
at their next meeting.
Representatives of each ward to report on the poor and how best they may be relieved
and on any poor lately come into the towne.
Representatives from each ward to assist Mr Bailiffs as to ‘who are fitt in their severall
wards to sell ale as also the names of all such as nowe doe sell in respect there have
bene great complaint made of the multitude of Alehouses daily encreasing and this
maner of allowance of Alehouses to continue for ever
……that Mr Bailiffs and those appointed for orderinge of the Conduit shall call Edward
Powis the youger before them and in respect he hath disbursed divers sommes of
money for the bringinge of water to the well in Corve streete where for the space of
three yeares last there hath been noe water at all that Mr Bailiffs and the rest of the
gent. shall give him so much as they shall thinke fittinge and Mr bailiffs to take the oath
of the said Edward Powis what was truly disbursed and what lead or other things are
reserved in respect the said Edward Powis was noe officer for the towne appointed for
that purpose.
……that yf Mr Bailiffs shalbe invited by the Lord President these holidaies to goe to the
Castle that Mr bailiffs shall give such gratuity to the officers there as they in their
discretion shallthinke expedient.
……that Mr bailiffs…shall viewe all suspected places within this towne where any
strawe faggots hay or any other thinge wich ma be preiediciall or tend to be dangerous
for fier shalbe by them presently reformed.
……that a warrant under the towne seale shalbe made to Mr Bailiff Bedoe for
impleadinge of such (as) hold Mr Lambes money and have not paied the same
accordinge to their bonds.
that (2 representatives of each ward) doe betwixt this and the towne Sessions deliver
to Mr Bailiffe a perfect note of the names of the householders within their severall
wards with their severall families ages and meanes of livinge and what Inmates there
bee and to give Warninge to all strangers to depart the towne to the places where they
were borne.
Survey of town lands ‘to viewe and tread the same and make a true and perfect survey
Lease to Thomas ffisher gent. a peece of grownd parcel of the lands of the Corporation
called the Hills at or neere adioyninge to a certaine place called the Rocks greene
contayninge about forty acres be it more or lesse situate in Dodmore in the Countie of
Salop heretofore demised to Thomas Langford, William Becke and Edward
Powis….yeldinge therefore unto the bailiffs of Ludlowe….for the twp yeares the same
is sowed or ought to be sowed with Corne or graine the somme of iiiili a yeare and
yelding for every third yeare as the same of course ought to be fallowe to the Rentor of
the said towne the somme of xls. Corporation to be allowed to raise stone from the
land. Lessee to defend the enclosinge thereof at his own costs and charges.
Shop under the Tolsey leased to Richard Jewkes, butcher.
A note of the towne plate
Imprimis one standinge Cupp with a Cover guilt given by Mr John Roberts then Maior
of Bristoll which afterwards was altered and converted into two guilt bowles at 14
ounces and a half.
Item one silver guilt bowle given by Mr Richard Swanson one of the Councell of this
towne of Ludlow afterwards converted into three great white bowles wayinge xii ounces
and a half.
Item one standinge Cupp parcell guilt given by Mr Laurence Becke an Alderman of this
towne which was afterwards converted into two great white bowles wayinge xix ounces
and a quarter.
Item three tuns of Silver with a Cover wayinge 34 ounces and 3 quarters.
Item one duble bell silver salt 14 ounces and half a quarter delivered in by Mr Cotton
for the fine of his Chamberlaineshipp.
Item one duble bell silver guilt salt delivered in by Mr Thomas Powle for the like fine of
his Chamberlaineshipp waying --- ounces.
Item a silver bowle delivered in by Mr Walter Langford at iiiili price for the like fine of
Item a silver bowle delivered in by Mr Nightingall price iiiili iis for his fine of
Item delivered to Mr Bailiff ffisher at his entrance into his office xxvii en spoones silver
and silver guilt wherof hee tooke upon him to receave of his fellowe bailiff one spoone,
of Mr Thomas Hooke one spoone and of Mr Adam Acton one spoone
That to Mr bailiff Cotton and his fellowe are delivered but 24 spoones. Mr Beddoes, Mr
Hooks, Mr Actons not delivered and Mr Edward Powis the youger is to deliver one and
Mr William Reynolds one other so all ought to be xxix spoones.
It is this day ordered that upon all faires to be hereafter holden within this towne that
the xii and xxv shalbe at the newhouse by nyne of the clocke in the afforenoone in their
livery gownes and from there goe to breakfast so that by eleven of the clocke they may
all goe lovingly together to make their proclamations in their faires every one not
licenced or having no just cause to the contrary to forfect xiid for every time he so
offendeth and the same to be collected by the Chamberlaine of this towne for the time
……that where the great paire of organs within the parish Church of this towne are
nowe much decaied that the Churchwardens and sidemen doe send for an
experienced and skilfull man for that purpose and to cause the same organs to be well
amended at the charge of this towne and upon knowledge of the charge that shall arise
for the doinge therof a sessment to be made accordingly.
…..that whereas Mr Edward Powis the younger hath about two yeares past disbursed
about the somme of viiili for repairinge of an anncient Cunduit in Corve street the said
Edward Powis having received of Mr ffowler the somme of xxiix and of William Gilly
thelder the somme of iiis iiiid as a gratuity towards the doinge thereof that the rentor of
this towne doe with all convenient speede pay unto the said Mr Powis the somme of iiiili
in full discharge of his disbursement.
……that Mr bailiffs shall prescente for the xxxiiis iiiid given by Mr Atwill beinge in the
hands of Ellis Martley for the recovery of the same out of his hands.
……that the rentor of this towne of the time beinge shall pay weekely unto Mrs
Cleobury in respect of her old age and in respect also her late husband bare thoffice of
bailiwick within this towne to have the some of six pence a weeke yearly paid unto her
during her lief.
……that Mr Rentor shall upon the costs of the Corporation question by course of lawe
those that houlde the nowe shambles either such as houlde without warrant or such as
doe not use their shoppes accordinge to their grants and this to be done forthwith.
Lease of part of demesne lands, 1/3 of the graine raised to be to go to the Bailiffs.
……that whereas there is directions sent for the lone of money for Bohemia Warrs that
there be an extract made of all the sufficient persons inhabiting within this towne upon
Saturday next beinge the xvith of this present September 1620 be eight of the clocke in
the afternoone and there to performe the contents of the said directions.
……that wheras heretofore divers acquittances of the fee farme rent by the death of
Rentors and otherwise have been casually lost therefore there shalbe at the cost of
this Corporation a booke and the acquittances yeerely heerafter entered into the same
booke by the towne clerke and the acquittances to be safely kept in the tower.
……that the shoppes in the shambles shall not be granted to any be lease but that
cuntrey butchers shall have the same at a yearly rent with conditions that they use the
same every fortnight or not to enioy the same, and yf there shall not be a competent
number of cuntry butchers to use the same shopps then townsmen to hold them at a
yearly rent without lease the rent to be considered of by the company.
Seven silver spoons delivered to Mr Bailiffs.
It is at this day agreed that the sixe men nowe elected shall provide a stampe to marke
the Towne plate and they to be allowed for the same.
Orders re Burgesses in Parliament made void for this time only.
Spencer Lord Compton one of his majesties Councell in the Marches of Wales is
elected and chosen a free Burgesse of this Towne payeinge the accustomed fees for
the same.
……the foresayd Spencer Lord Compton and Richard Tomplyns Esq. elected and
chosen Burgesses in Parliament.
……that wheras Simon Cupper gent. Coroner to our soveraigne lord the kinge for the
towne and liberties of Ludlowe was interrupted by William ffoxe esquire and divers
others by his procurement in thexecutinge of his office at Ludford within the liberties of
this towne in not permittinge the said Coroner to execute his said office upon the viewe
of the body of one Henry Randle who was there drowned, therefore Richard Mitton and
Richard Edwards gent shall upon the towne costs take advise of Councell and question
those that interrupted the foresaid Coroner by due course of lawe.
Benjamin Cosyns appointed organist in place of Richard Crump deceased. Wages £5
also £2 as choirmaster and £2 as chorister.
Payment of Lambs charity to tradesmen (£100)
Repair of New Bridge (Dinham)
Enquiry to be made as to the validity of certain leases and whether town tenants have
sold woods by waste or otherwise.
Lease to William Bowdler of a tenement, garden and one chapel lyinge in Dinham, with
a room over the Millgate and also one little close in several lyinge neere Fishpool Lane.
Representatives from each ward ‘shall view within their severall wardes what strangers
are come to this towne to inhabit within this three yeres what behaviour they are of and
what chardge they have and the same to certifie Mr Bailiffes.’
……that Adam Acton, Chamberlayne of this towne shall goe to Whitcliffe Hill and there
in the name of the Corporation warne such as shall digge any stone there to geave
over their said digginge and the said Mr Acton to take from thence such stones as
shalbe needefull to the use of the Corporation.
At this day one deede with a seale was taken fourth of the Tower made by one Jorden
of Ludford to the Inhabitants of this Towne concerninge Whitcliffe and the same and
two other coppyes of deedes are delivered to Mr Mitton, Towneclerke to be kept and to
take advice thereof.
……that Edward Tirrye Master of Artes shalbe the publique Precher for this Towne and
have the accustomed stipend and wages and fortye markes per annum for his
paynes….. And Mr Bailiffes nowe to geave him xxxs towards is chardges in cominge to
this Towne and to defray his nowe chardges in this Towne.
Complaints of excessive tolls taken at the town gates. A scale of charges to be set
Lease of a small parcel of ground called Criscroft.
Lease of a void place over the Oldgate, 41 years. 40/- fine, 13/- rent to be built upon
within five years.
Lease of one shop and a tavern underneath the New House.
It is at this day ordered by reason of a murther within this towne lately committed in the
absence of Walter Langford gent. our Coroner and the towne therby like to receave
great prejudice that the said Walter Langford be of his office of Coronorshipp
absolutely discharged. (On 8.12.1621 a minute states these [see 4.8.1621] were
returned to the Tower)
It is …….that Mr Richardson which hath intruded himself to the place of the second
Scholemaister without order to be at this day therof discharged and noe wages to be
paied him.
……that all the Charters and old deedes remaining in the towne clerks office shalbe for
the safe keepinge therof brought to the tower and ther to remaine, all which are
delivered accordingly in the presence of Mr Bailiffs, Mr Simon Cupper and Richard
Baker Chamberlaine.
Sir James Whitelock Chief Justice of Chester and the Marches elected Recorder in
place of Sir Henry Townshend, deceased.
……agreed that where the Preachers howse within this towne is unbuilded that Mr
bailif Heath shall take up xxli for the finishinge therof and Mr Richard Edwards to give
security for payment therof at Michaelmass coming twelve months and Mr Tirry is
contented to give the use of the same.
……that Canon Richardson shall have and enjoy the place of Usher within the free
schoole of this towne and to have the accustomed wages for the same sithens as his
first cominge to the place.
……that wheras Samuell Parker esquire deceased gave to the publique preacher of
this towne the some of five markes yearely which money is now denied to the paied by
the executors of the said Mr Parker unto Edward Tirry Minister of Arts now publique
Preacher of this towne lawfully elected. That Richard Mitton and Richard Edwards
gent. shall first confer with the said executors for the payment therof and in default of a
contented answere then the said Mr Mitton and Mr Edwards to impleade the said
executors upon the towne charges.
Lease of tenement and pasture at Priors Halton. Best beast as a herriot ‘and a wain
loade of Coles every yeare to the bailiffe of this towne for the time beinge’.
……that from henceforth when it shall please god to call for any of the xii or xxv
Councellors of this towne out of this world that at the next meetinge of this Company
followinge the number of the Company to be fully supplied before any other thinge be
either done or passed.
Benjamin Cosyn Organist having left his place is discharged.
Lease to Walter Langford tenement barns and edifices and backside adjoining to the
……Bailiffs to have allowance of xl is xd bestowed by the gentlewomen to go visit the
Countess (
at the Castle)
Certain moneys collected from inhabitants for a benevolence by the Corporation to his
Majesties Privy Council and another tobe given to the Palsgrave to be repaid to the
……that Mr Bailif Blashfield shall implead in the name of the Corporation Thomas
Mascoll of Overton for a herriot due to this corporation or xls in lieu therof.
It is at this day ordered and agreed that the persons heerafter named shall examine
such differences as are betwixt the Scholemasters of the free grammer schoole of this
towne and to settle the same furthwith. (The Bailiffs, Town Clerk and 15 others)
Particulars of strangers and inmates in each ward to be taken by representatives and
given to Bailiffs.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall have allowance for the bringinge back of certaine felons which
Escaped out of gaole.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall take furth of the Tower one of the Charters granted to
this Corporation to the end they may by advise of councell sett downe a table at every
gate what toll shalbe taken by the toll takers that there be not any contention hereafter.
……that whereas Richard Lloid of this towne tanner was suppressed fined and
committed for sellinge of Ale and beere within this towne without licence, that Mr
Bailiffs shall deale with the said Richard Lloid for his said fine as they in their discretion
shall thinge good.
…..that the gentlemen hereafter names shall confer with their neighbours concerninge
the councells residinge here at Ludlow this next sommer season for some gratuity to
be given….and this service to be performed presently this afternoone (Representatives
from each ward)
Lambs money. Bailiffs to recover by course of law.
Bailiffs and Surveyors to survey the Corporation lands in and about the town and ‘and
to sett straight the meares and bonderies therof’.
Bailiffs to proceed against persons who, in the night, riotously or otherwise threw down
part of the bridge between Ludford and Ludlow.
……that Richard Pearle, gentleman, shall betwixt this and the feast of St. Michael use
and exercise the place of head shcoolemaister within this towne and to receave for that
time such stipend as hath bene accustomed and yf by that time that said Mr Pearle be
found sufficient then hee to be absolutely by a newe order stalled in the said place.
Marmaduke Pardo appointed organist in place of B. Cosyns.
Lease of the college, a cowhouse, garden etc in Linney.
Lease of Broadgate with all profits, xxi yrs. old rent of vili.
Lease to Samuel Lloid of a water corn mill in Millstreet. 31 yrs ‘in consideration the
said Samuel shall deliver forthwith one sufficient carpet of greate cloth for the table at
the East end of the newhouse at the oversight of Mr bailiffs.
Lease to Henry Child of one tenement called Kingstons place with the shopps stable
and edifices thereunto belonginge nowe in his possession.
……that Mr Bailiffs and the grand Jury shall appoint howe neere the East end of the
shoppe belonginge to the corporation nowe in the possession of John Lithall the
bakers upon the Mundaies and fridaies shall sell their bread.
……lease for xxi years of three acres of land paying yearly to the bailiffs for the time
beinge one bushell of good wheate at the feast of Chrismas.
……that the Gaolers of this towne shall pay and allowe unto John Gibson beinge
committed for felony and burglary the somm of six pence a day out of his owne goods
and when his goods are spent then to pay unto him the kings allowance and noe more.
……that Mr bailiffs shall elect and choose two able men daily to walke up and downe
the streetes of this towne and suffer no strange beggers or wanderers to be or remaine
within this towne and to apprehend all hedge tearers and carriers of wood and to
bringe them before Mr Bailiffs to be examined and punished yf neede require and Mr
Bailiffs to make a Sessment upon the corporation for doinge therof.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall consider of the petition preferred by the burgesses of this
towne for reformation of Inmates and strangers coming to this towne as they in their
discreation shall thinke good to be done accordinge to the lawe.
……that a letter from Mr Bailiffs be sent unto Doctor Terry to desire payment of the
guift of Deane Langfords benevolence to schollers of this towne. Gift not exceeding
30/- from the Bailiffs to the Countess of Northampton.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall bestowe upon Mr London our Assistant Reader the somm of
iiili vis viiid as a gratuity from the corporation.
Order whereby MPs were to be chosen from the xii and xxv again made void.
Richard Tomlyns and Ralph Goodwyn elected Burgesses in Parliament.
…….that Mr Bailiffs upon a petition sent from the Recorder of this towne that one
Robert ap Edward bailiff of Bromfield shall have for his paines in apprehending one
William Davies a notable malefactor the somm of vs and Mr Bailiffs to be allowed for
the same.
Lambs money allocated to young tradesmen (£100)
Granted at this day to Thomas Kay Clerke all those 2 messuages with
thappertanences in Old Street and galfords ward within this towne wherin Alice Jenkes
widowe and John Lithall mercer now dwell from the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin
Mary last past for fifty one yeares in consideration of xili by him heretofore disbursed for
the Preachers house within this towne and in consideration of the surrender of a former
lease therof for about xxxii yeares yet to comm and unexpired xls fine, the ould rent.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall provide a session dinner at Corporation cost.
John Lithall elected a free burgess ‘in regard of the good hopes which are expected
from him and in respect also his wiefs grandfather was a free Burgess of this towne,
that his fine beinge iiili vis viiid shalbe remitted unto xxvis viiid and hee to performe all
other duties as to a free burgess appurtaineth.
……(8 members) shall furthwith repaire to the freeschole of this towne and to examine
the carriage of the scholemaisters there in respect there is greate complaint of the bad
usages there. And also the said gent are required to viewe the Church and Almshouse
and to enforme the Company at the next meeting concerninge the same to the end
such abuse may be reformed as are complained of.
Ordered that the Gaters of this towne towards the later end of the next weeke shall
appeare before Mr Bailieffes doe call unto them certayne of th’aldermen to take orders
that one Gater doe not intrude upon anothers right and to order that William Evans if
he please may impleade those that withhould the Toll of the gate upon his owne
charge but he is required to forbeare Mr Ffoxe of Steventon onely until the company be
better advise.
Fine of vis iiid to be imposed on every of the xii and xxv who do not attend on the
election day.
……Lambs money. Baliffs to call before them nonpayers.
It is at this day ordered and agreed by the full assent of the xii and xxv that in respect
of the greate decaies of the streets wall and bridges of this towne that there shalbe for
this next yeare ensuinge two Chamberlaines or high constables elected noiated and
appointed and they to disburse for the decaies aforesaid vli apiece and the same in
such sort to be imployed as hereafter shalbe ordered and they to seeke noe allowance
for the same.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall call before them those that enioye the Shoppe in the
Shambles and see by what title they possesse the same and such as they finde to be
voyde to be by them sett and lett to country Butchers for the best advantage of this
Mr Bailiffs in their discretion shall appoint two sufficient wardens within this towne for
the keepinge out of sturdy rogues and beggers out of this towne and also to look to
hedgetearers and an extract to be made under Mr bailiffs hand upon the inhabitants of
this towne and they are ordered to pay the same.
Richard ffletcher Minister of Artes elected head Scholemaster of the free gramer
schole within this towne and to have the usual wages and allowances due to the sayd
Appointment of a new sexton mentions a house at the ‘Church Stile’ to be occupied by
Richard Tomlyns and Ralph Goodwyn elected Burgesses in Parliament.
……that Mr Bailiffs takinge unto them two of the company out of every ward doe
consider of such charges as the Chamberlaines and petit constables have disbursed
for conductinge of souldiers to Shrewsbury and to make a reasonable sessment.
(pressed men)
Edward Waties esquire ‘learned in the lawes’ elected Recorder at the accustomed
……that Mr Bailiffs shalbe allowed such charges as was bestowed for the welcoming
of the Countesse of Northampton to Ludlow.
Richard Tomlyns and Ralph Goodwyn elected Burgesses of the Parliament.
……that (6 names) consult together about the Charters and to consider whether it be
necessary that they should be renewed and what new Additions are requisite to be had
in them.
Any of the xii and xxv having been summoned to and not attending any meeting shall
instead of the former fine of xiid, forfeit iiis iiid to the use of the poor of this towne.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall have the benefit of the order taken in the former Bailieffes
tyme for the setting of Shops in the Shambles.
……that …….shall take 2 or 3 of the Charters heretofore grannted to this corporation
and travell with them to the right worshipful Sir John Bridgman, chief justice of Chester
to crave his advise for reforming o such defects as are or shalbe found in the same.
(To be allowed their charges.)
Election of Mr Justice Edward Waties as Recorder made void as he had not held a
gaol delivery.
Sir John Bridgman, chief Justice of Chester is elected Recorder of this towne of
John Ruth plumber appointed to keep the conduits…..the Bailiffs ‘are desired to send
for the church wardens to thend the sayd Ruth may have the glazing of the Church
where the kinges service of the watch hath bin much neglected by the xii and xxv. It is
at this day ordered that every one of the xii and xxv upon lawfull summons given shall
appear in person and in person serve unlesse he be such as by lawe ought to be
discharged and every one making default shall forfect xii to the use of the poore of this
Shops in Shambles to be let to Country butchers. If all shops not so let these be let to
strangers. Otherwise to towne butchers. If Country butchers refuse to take leases
then Mr Bailieffs to hang lockes upon the dores.
Ordered that Mr Baylieffs shall call before them the Surveyors of the high wayes and
all that keepe carts within this Towne and to take such order with them for the
amending of the streets within this towne as they in their discretions shall thinke good
and to bind such as refuse to the next Quarter sessions.
……that Mr Baylieffs (calling unto them the Church Wardens and Sidemen of the
parish) shall cause a sufficient grannt to be entred for the repayring of the chamber
over the Church porch on the South side to be made a sufficient place for a librarie,
according to the Lord Bishoppes (Hereford?) grannt and desire.
……that the Bucke given by Sir John Bridgman Knight shall be eaten on the coste of
the corporation so that the charges exceede not five markes.
…….that Conor Richardson the Usher of the schole for many abuses done by him in
his place shall be removed and another provided.
……that Marmaduke Pardo Clarke, for his too often company keeping in drinckinge
and for other misdemeanors shalbe forthwith removed from his place (as organist as
indicated by marginal note)
……that Mr Baylieffs and ……..shall treate with Mr Adam Acton and any others whom
it may concerne for the close within the ffryers wall and some roomes in that house for
the keepinge of Armorie and Trayning place according to the Lord Presidents desire.
(The Corporation to pay the rent.)
Security under the town seal for taking up of £30 towards the renewing of the Charter
and Claim.
Town Clerk to go to London for effecting the above, with £50.
……that – Browne shall be elected for Usher in the free schoole and have the usual
Mr Tomlins (MP) to be repaid by the Corporation all charges disbursed by him in the
renewing and reforming of the Charter.
Two chamberlains appointed to pay £5 each towards the cost of repairs to streets and
Mention of ‘pitchinge roomes’ and ‘fruite markett’ at the Cross.
Also that ‘the Walles and Streetes of this towne are verie Ruinous and Decayed’.
John Richards appointed the town’s attorney in London in the place of Mr George
Holland, discharged.
Lease of one shop and parcell of Towne ditch from Broadgate and reaching along the
town wall towards Mill Street.
William Rawlins, former sergeant at Mace to be paid 5/- quarterly for life ‘and the
Sergeants to be eased for the payment of soe much’.
Lambs money, allocation to tradesmen (£100)
Grant in fee farm of lands etc at Marlborough, Wilts, to Thomas Clark. Fine £20.
Yearly rent 33/4 payable at feast of St James the apostle.
……Chamberlain to repair and amend the Market House.
Lease of tenement ‘called the Signe of the George’.
……that Mr Bayliffe Edwards shall pay unto John Symons towards the Charter xxxiiili vs
for a box and for carriage of the Charter vis viiid
Adam Littleton Esq. elected Steward of this Corporation for the keepinge of this next
leete (yf he will accept of the same) and to have his warrant made and he to be sworne
accordinge to the Charter.
Seven members fined 3/4d each for non-attendance.
……Edward Smith appointed organist – usual conditions.
……that open proclamation shall be made within this towne that noe butcher doe upon
the Saboth day hereafter sett open their shopps or kill openly in the streetes of this
towne any kind of rictualls upon payne that such as shalbe found hereafter to offend in
this kind to forfect iiis iiid and the same to be collected by the petit constables of this
Towne to the use of the poore.
Richard Tomlins and Ralph Goodwin again elected MPs/
……that the somme of xis shalbe collected within this towne for the muster masters fee
and to be paid……yf the body of the countie doe pay the same.
…..that Mr Bailiffs shall take advice what is best to be don conceringe the payment of
the gunpowder money.
……that publique proclamation shalbe made in open Church that non of the
inhabitants in this towne doe sett open any of their Shopps upon Monday next but with
all decency and unformilie doe come every one to Church accordinge to the Kings
majestys proclamation to celebrate the fast.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall cause a lewne to be assessed upon the corporation of the
somme of xli to be paid to Mr Adam Acton for the rent of the ffriers and backside for the
Lord Presidents use for one yeare endinge at the Purification next and for some
roomes which the Lord President had the last yeare in the said ffriers (see resolution
under date 26.9.1626)
……that whereas Mr Bailiffe ffisher was arrested by a messenger from the Lord
Treasurer for a supposed rent due by the Bailiffs and Burgesses of Ludlowe for parcell
of the late dissolved Monastory of Breewood that Mr Bailiffe ffisher shall answere to the
said warrant and that he shalbe allowed of the Corporation as he shall disburse for
answering thereof.
……that the cubbart in the Council chamber shall be furthwith altered to (a) presse at
the coste of the corporation and the carpet and cushions belonginge to the towne to be
there from tyme to tyme under locke and key kept and not be used to the use of the
……that whereas the plate belonginge to this corporation hath byn much wronged and
abused by such Bayliffs as heretofore had the use of the same by often usage thereof,
therefore Mr Bayliffs that now are with the assent of the two capitall and chief
Aldermen shall take a viewe of the said Towne plate and the defects thereof to be
reformed and amended at the cost of the coporation and the same severally to be
wayed and marked and the Bayliffs that nowe are to enter into bond in doble the value
of the plate for redelivery therof at thend of their Bayliewicke in as good sorte as they
shall receave the same and this order to be performed by all Bayliffs within this towne
forever before they receave the same.
Lease of tenement, garden etc being part of the Town ditch in Upper Galford.
……ordered that Mr Bayliffs shall authorize under their hands and seales some
sufficient person to impound all such swyne that shalbe found wanderinge up and
downe the streetes of this towne or find any unyocked and unringed and such person
to detayne the same until they pay the some of iiiid for every swyne soe found as
aforesaid. And also to take all rogues and wanderinge persons that shall wander
within this towne ad Mr Bayliffs to give some allowance to him for the same.
Dispute re tolls between Mr Evans (one of the gaters) and the inhabitants of the
Lordship of Lyndrich in he countie of Wigmore to be settled by an umpire.
……that the common sergeant hereafter to be elected shall amongst other things enter
into bond to doe or cause execution to be made and don upon all convicted persons
within this Towne during the time of his office and to have the some of xiiis iiiid yearly
paid him by the rentor for his paynes in doeinge thereof.
Long minute on lease of lands between Ludlow and Ledwich. Parcells in ‘Ridges’.
It is at this day ordered that Mr Bayliffs wives with some of the gentlewomen shall goe
and visit the Countie of Northampton and to bestowe such chardges as was the last
yeare and Mr Bayliffs to be allowed for the same.
……that such waights as are used within this towne shalbe provided by Mr Bayliffs of
brasse and lead sealed and Mr Bayliffs to be allowed for the same.
Suit in the C of W.M. against Richard Hide and others for erecting a cottage on the
common belonging to Wavers Hopton called the Clee Hills.
……that Mr Bailiffs and the justices of peace for this towne shall qualifie the fyne for
sellinge of Ale without licence accordinge to the abilitie of the parties as they in their
discretion shall thinke fitt.
……Richard Nash a lease in trust for the terme of three [years] from the day of the
date hereof of the tolle of the Apple Markett within this towne for all manner fruites
whatsoever thither brought to be sold taken and received at the yearly rent of xiili
payable yerely at the Annunciation and St Michaell tharchangell by even portions.
……that Thomas Heath, Ellis Bedoe, Valentyne Dawes and Adam Acton shall wyne
with the Churchwardens and sidemen to confer and agree with a workman for
amendinge of the steeple and pinnacles therof.
……lease of the Tolle of the Nether Corve Gate, with the house over the said gate, a
person to be provided to enter the contracts of Cattell according to the law. (Neather
has been inserted)
Lease to John Hall ffeltmaker one tenement garden and orchard thereunto adjoyninge
with their appurtenances situate lieinge and beinge in the lower end of Corve streete
on the east side of the same streete adioyning to a gate there called the lower Corve
gate on the North part nowe in the tenure of the said John Hall for the term of xxxi
……Lease to Richard Williams, one encroachment being a porch to his new house in
Broad Street, for one hundred years. xs fine and vid p.a. rent. (possibly G. Hides’
……that the money remayning in the custody of Valentyne Dawes beinge collected for
provision of Powder shalbe delivered into the treasure chest in the Towre.
…..that (5 of the Company) shall treate with the towne tenants for granntinge of a ffee
ffarme to dischardge the towne Debt.
……that whereas the most worthy late Docter Deane Langford heretofore left to this
corporation forever a yearely gratuitie for the breedinge up of Schollers within this
towne as by his last will appereth which guifte hath not byn soe carefully loked unto as
yt ought to have byn for the breedinge of Schollers. Therefore the Bayliffs from
hensfurth shall not appoint or nominate any of the Schollers for the said Deane
Langford but with the consent of the residue of the Aldermen of this towne or the
greatest number of them and a Register thereof to be made in the Towne Clarkes
office and the ffather of every such child soe presented to pay to the Towne Clarke of
this towne xiid for his paynes therein.
Lease to Edward Bawdewyn Esq. Tenement and lands in Didlebury ‘nowe in the
tenure of Thomas Normecott in fee farme for ever from and after the expiration of a
former lease thereof made to the said Thomas Normecott at cxli fyne ixs rent and a
couple of capons at Christmas or iis in money. And Mr Bayliffs to take up the Towne
seales for payment of money with the money received for the said fee farme.
……that Mr Thomas Edwards shalbe sequestered from the company of the xxv for
accusinge Mr Bayliffe Colricke that he was led home drunke upon Monday last by
William Cupper where the contrary hath byn proved by divers and for givinge Colricke
divers other approbrious speeches until Mr Edwards make a submission for his
It is at this day ordered that where an infant child was lost within this towne beinge not
knowne whoe was eyther father or mother of the said infant that Mr Bailiffs shalbe
allowed for what chardge they shalbe at for the nursinge of the said child by the
Richard Shermond, one of the Aldermen of this towne in respect of his greate yeares
and disabilitie of body hath voluntarilie resigned up his place of Aldermanship.
……that Edward Becke and William Whitcott shall have the manuringe of the Towne
lands which Mr Becke deceased lately had the usinge of, they husbandinge the same
to the best profitt of the Towne and they to enjoy the same duringe the Townes
pleasure and they to have the same for the benefit of the said William Becks chilldren.
……that Mr Bayliffe Heath with one to attend him shall travel to Shrewsbury on the
Towne chardge accordinge to a warrant from his Majestys Comissioners concerninge
compoundinge for Knighthood which is there to be performed.
Three members (named) having contemptuously departed from a meeting summoned
by the Bailiffs are fined 13/4 each and those summoned and not attending finded 6/8.
Lease of the toll of the Corn Market to Richard Hall, 21 years. £20 p.a. to be used for
repairs to the bridges gates Townes walls streets etc.
……that the ancient election of officers by the xii shalbe in such sorte as hath byn
anciently used and the xxv to have such election of officers as they have anciently
used and soe to continew for ever.
……William ffletcher, clearke elected assistant minister and reader.
……Thomas ffisher Minister of Arts is elected and chosen publique Preacher of this
towne and to have the usual stipend of ffortie markes yearely for his paynes and the
preachers house not setting the same to any other without the consent of the
corporation upon Mr ffranncis Presse for his leavinge the place.
……that Mr Bayliffs shall sett downe a sessment upon the Inhabitants for
maynteyninge of two biddles to keepe rogues and sturdy beggers out of towne.
Grannted to John Ambler gent. the custome and keepinge of the Guildhall within this
towne with all profits commodities and advantages thereunto belonginge and
heretofore accustomed used and taken….with a proviso in the said lease that yf the
same be not from tyme to tyme sufficiently repaired the lease to be void. 6 yrs. no rent
…..Mr Bailiffs to make a present at Christmas to Mr Justice ‘because there is nowe noe
Lord President. (Lord Northampton died 1630)
……tenement in the Church scallons leased to John Crump a former order was that
this should be reserved for the Sexton.
……Simon Cupper elected Justice of Peace in place of Edward Powis deceased.
……Richard ffisher elected deputy Bailiffe for Mr B. Acton until his retorne from
…..that unles Mr Thomas Jones at or before the last day of ffebruary next doe make yt
appearance before Mr Bailiffs that the inheritance of a buildinge over the gate in upper
Galford leadinge into the Towne fould which standeth upon vi posts betwixt lands of Mr
William Bowdler on thone side and the said Thomas Jones on the other side, is his the
said Thomas Jones, otherwise Mr William Evans shall have a grannte thereof.
Granted to Richard Dewce baker in fee farme for ever an encroachment before his
house in Galford with a porch and pale at xs fyne and iiiid a yeare rent.
Lease to William Evans gent. one garden, one parcel of building called an Oxhouse,
one other parcel of buildinge called a Speere and a fould thereunto adioyninge
extending from the Towne barne unto a certten streete called Upper
Galford…..payinge yearely for the garden and oxhouse one peppercorne. Right of
ingress and regress to the Town barn reserved.
John Richards appointed Towne Clerk in place of Richard Mitton deceased.
……that 6 (named) members have liberty to search the town records in the Tower for a
……that Mr B. Acton have allowance of xxxs by him agreed for the keepinge of a poore
child belonginge to this corporation.
……John Richards elected into the number of the xxv councellors.
……William Gregory to pay to the T.C. 50/-, part of a bond for the £5 Lambs money.
……Lease to Richard Acton one tenement on Teame Bridge on the west side of the
same, now in his possession. 21 yrs. 10/- fine, old rent.
…..that William Evans, gent. shall have allowance of xxs to buy tyle to repayre and tyle
this Towne barne in that pte as is wantinge.
….that the nowe rentor shall pay unto Richard ffletcher Cle head scholemaster William
ffletcher Cle Assistant minister and Edward Browne under Scholemaster the arrerages
of their wages due at midsummer was Twelve monethes for that quarter.
… to Richard Edwards of Corne Mill and garden in the Mill Street.
Memo. It is at this day ordered for explanation of an order made at a meetinge xiii
October 1630 the xii shall have thellection of the underbayliffe and Chamberlayne and
one of the Church wardens accordinge to the ancient Custome.
…..that Mr Adam Acton shall have his allowance for rent for the ffriers by order of the
……all persons indebted to the Corporation to be sued for debt.
……that Richard Oldfield shall have and enjoy the use of the house in the Churchyard
duringe the residue of the yeare accordinge as the Church wardens promised him.
……an assessment for the payment of arrears due to the trained soldiers in this town.
Lease to Edward ffox Esq. a parcel of meadow ground near frogge lane adjoining
freehold lands of E. Fox.
By request of Justice Jones, Mr B.Jones and the Town Clerk to attend Hereford Assize
re a difference betwixt the County of Hereford and this Corporation.
……the surveyors to meet and survey the Town Wall adjoining to Mr Edward Edwyn
Walls and streets decayed and ruinous. Two Chamberlaines appointed. To pay £5
each of their own money towards reparations ‘without askinge any allowance backe for
the same in their accompts or otherwise.
……that there shalbe an Inventorie of all the Towne plate entered in the ledger booke.
note of the Town Plate the xxviii of October 1632. Imprimis one greate standinge Cupp
given by Mr John Roberts then Mayor of Bristall which afterward was altered and
converted into two guilt Bowles at 24ozs and a half.
Item one silver bowle guilt given by Mr Swanson afterward converted into two greate
white bowles wayinge 12ozs and a half.
Item one standinge Cupp parcell guilt given by Mr Lawrence Becke alderman which
was afterwards converted into tow white bowles wayinge 19ozs and a quarter.
Item one double bell silver salt at 14 ozs and half quarter delivered by Mr Cotton for the
fine of his Chamberlainshipp.
Item one double bell silver salt parcel quilt at 14ozs half a quarter delivered by Mr
Powle for the like fine of his Chamberlainshipp. (these two salts want their covers and
the basses at the lower end which were imployed on the Town Maces.)
Item one silver bowle delivered by Mr Walter Langford at 4li price for the like fine of his
Item one silver bowle delivered by Mr Nightingall price iiiili iis for the like fine of this
Item one nest of silver Tinns beinge three with a cover wayinge 34ozs and 3 quarters.
Item one standinge cupp with a cover of silver double guilt wayinge - ozs of the guifte
off Richard Tomyns Esq.
Item silver spoones in the whole delivered xliii.
Item viien spoones undelivered (vizt) Mr Steade, Mr Wilkes, Mr Lythall, Mr Thomas
Jones, Mr Berry, Mr Aston and Mr William Colbach.
x One altered in the tyme of Mr Edward Colbach.
xx One of these lost in the tyme of Mr Blashfield and Mr Baker and afterwards paid for
by them.
……Town Clerk at liberty to take Charter of Edward IV and present charter to London
to defend action against the Corporation (probably the Mills)
Lease of arrable land ‘neere to a place there called the tentors yards’
Town Clerk and others to attend the Assize at Worcester re the trial Rex v. Edward
Powell of Ludford and the liberties of Ludlow and to the Assize at Shrewsbury re the
suit between Richard Hide and Andrew Walker for alleged trespass on Titterstone,
Clee Hill.
……that John Ambler for his miscarriage in revealinge the secretts and proceedings of
this house as is alleadged shalbe sequestered out of the Company of the xii and xxv
unless a the next meetinge he shall shew sufficient cause to cleere himself.
Lease of tenement at or neerethe towne ditch on the East side Broad Streete belowe
and neere or adioyninge to the Broadgate.
Lease granted for mesuage ‘lieinge and beinge in Corve Street beneath the nether
Corve gate.’
Lease to William Evans parte of a lane extendinge from the Towne barne and a garden
on the East and South parte unto the lower cornell of a garden
……on the west parte and adioyneth to a close or little meadow belonginge to
theTowne barne and parte of a close on the said East parte. Rent vid p.a.
……that whereas Sir Phillip Eyton, Knight, and his speciall Bayliffe by vertue of an
order made at the generall quarter Sessions of the peace holden at Salop in and for
the Countie of Salop the 30th day of Aprill nono Caroli Rex have at this towne of
Ludlowe distreyned and taken divers cattell of Ralph Hackluit, one of the Burgesses of
the said Corporation for payment and satisfaction to be made of the some of xxxiiili vis
viiid taxes and assessed at the said Sessions by theJustices of peace of the said
Countie upon the Inhabitants of this corporation towards the maynteyninge and
repayringe of a house of correction in the Towne of Salop for the body of the said
Countie and the keepers fee there for a certen tyme past. And whereas upon replevyn
made of the said cattell by the right Honourable the Kings majesty’s Councell in the
Marches of Wales the inhabitants of the said corporation conceavinge themselves
uniustly taxed and assessed by the said Order have given way and appoynted the said
Mr Ralph Hackluit to comence suite against the said high Sherif and his said Bayliffes
for the wrongfull takingeof the said cattell and herein have appoynted him to proceed.
It is this day therefore ordered that what money the said Mr Hackluit hath or shall
disburse in and about prosecution of the said suite or for and concerninge the takinge
and deteyninge of his said cattell that the same upon a note to him delivered to the
sixmen to be cast up, defaulting what costs the Debts shalbe ordered to pay him,
shalbe forthwith repaid unto him by the Inhabitants of this corporation in regard they
stand all ioyntly chardged and were as well liable to the said order and taxation as the
said Mr Hackluit and in default of such payment to be made then the rentor for the
tyme beinge is ordered to pay the same to the said Mr Hackluit.
Town Clerk to present the difference between the Kings Majestie and Edward Powell
of Ludford concerning an indictment against him and the extent of the liberties of
Ludlow, at London.
Grant of mesuage etc. ‘called the Cross Keys’ in Lynney.
Arrangements to be made for a ‘house of Correction’ adjoining Galford Tower.
80ozs of the Town Plate used as security for a loan of £20 from two burgesses.
John Compton elected burgess paying Seaven Nobles.
……that Mr Bailiffs shall bestowe to the value of vli in Suger or other comoditie to the
Countesse of Bridgwater. (wife of the new President.)
Lease of a tenement, garden, Orchard and close on the East side of Corve Street
below the Nether Corve gate.
Lease to Johane, wife of Charles Sonibank, Doctor in Divinity and one of the prebends
of Winsor, one tenement, garden, orchard etc on the West side of Corve Street late in
the tenure of Margaret Crowther now wife of William Bedford, Clerke. This lease is
procured by Dr. Sonibank and intended for the good and use of Margaret Turburville
and her children.
John Ambler againe sequestered ‘for his uncivell and undecent speeches publiquely
used to Edward Jones one of the Aldermen.’
John Ambler acknowledges his fault ad is readmitted to the xxv.
Mr Chamberlain to travel to Shrewsbury with the trained Soldiers.
……that a commission be sued furth to Mr ffisher, Mr Cupper, Mr Heath and Mr
Edward Jones to examyn certen persons concerninge stone of the Towne Walls
Tymber, lead and Iron which was taken of the Towers at the Broadgate or any other
place about the Towne.
Licence to alienate lease on messuage in Corve Street ‘next unto the Upper Corve
Gate under the Towne wall there’
Town Clerk and Bailiff to travel to London re the suit concerning the Town mills. (This
action had been in being some years.)
Lease of two tenements in Maryvale (Merrivale) near the Broad gate to Francis Harley
for xxxi years … find and maintain the full number of twelve pounds of good tallow
candles to be spent and imployed in the winter (viz) from the feast of All Saints until the
Purification of the Virgin Mary yearly in the lanterns which the said Charles Nixon (who
had the tenements) caused to be made and placed in the Church and also at the
Broadgate every morning and evening during thes aid term as heretofore hath been
done or caused to be done according to the will of the said Charles Nixon and in
performance thereof.
……Deputation to see the Recorder, Sir John Bridgman, ‘for this opinion concerninge
the yeldinge possession of the moitie of the three Mills to the Kings Majestie and the
Rentor to disburse xxs for his fee.
Lease of shop under the ‘Tolsey or Cortehouse’
Lease to Ralph Hackluit of a shop under the Tolsey or Courthouse.
……Lease to Edward Colbach of tenement at the uppere end of Broad Street on the
West side ‘beinge the corner messuage
It is at this day ordered that upon all grants hereafter to be made of the towle of the
gates or of other messuages tenements and lands belonginge to this corporation there
shall be a provisoe or covenannte that the leasees their Executors administrators and
assignees shall free and save the corporation harmless from all quo-warrant and other
suits that shalbe brought touchinge the takinge of towle uniustly or any other Acts
uniustly by them or any of them don.
Town Clerk and others to travel to London ‘and procure Mr Attorneys confession to the
quo warrant nowe depending against this corporation.
……that the nowe Churchwardens shall pay unto Samuel Weaver petit constable
within this Towne the some of viiis which he disbursed for his necessary chardge in his
iorney to Shrewsbury to certifie the names of the recusants liveinge within this Towne.
……that Mr Townclerke shall travel to London to retorne the answere for the
Corporation at the suite of the Kings attorney concerninge the newe erected mills in
Ludlowe and Ludford and to have his fees etc etc
……that the rentor pay to the Town Councell such money as he shall disburse as well
to Councell as otherwise to discharge the corporation from further payment unto his
Majestie of iiiili vis viiid for the rent of the Mills in Ludlowe in regard the Kings Majestie
hath entered upon the moitie of the said mills.
Tower to be viewed and defects repaired with all speed.
Lease of a close or croft of meadowe or pasture with a little tenement thereupon
newely erected ….called Christcrofte beinge in Castle Ward (lease to Richard Phillips.)
Barkley Wrench appointed organist to keep and leave the organs in good repair –
accustomed wages.
……that Mr Bayliffe Edwyn shalbe allowed upon his accompt such money as he hath
disbursed in raylinge the sand pitts near this towne.
In lease to Richard Hall are ‘Warritree field, Wallhead field, Hucklemarsh field and
Marriners ditch field’ in Nether Galford.
Lease of the Lords Orchard adjoining the river Teame.
[About these years the Corn Mills were let or relet frequently, litigation going on in
Lease of College house in his possession with all buildings orchards and gardens
thereunto belonginge.
….that this day ordered and agreed that in regard the moieties of three of the water
Corne Mills in Ludlow vizt one in the tenure and occupation of Samuel lloyd, one other
late in the possession of Richard Edwards gent. deceased and nowe in the possession
of John Ricards, gent. and the other nowe in the possession of Edmond Gregorie were
lately by the Kings Majestie recovered against this Corporation and thereby the tenants
evicted of their possessions, that the one half of the rents formerly reserved upon the
severall leases thereof made shalbe to them and every of them hereafter abated the
rather in regard that the rentor is freed from the payment of the some of iiiili vis viiid rent
that did yssue to his Majestie out the the moitie of the said Mills and the leases to be
made and indorsed accordingly.
Upon deliberate consultation this day had that if thought fitt for some speciall causes
that there shalbe but three generall ffeasts in the yeare to be kept by Mr Bayliffs and
the Chamberlayne (viz!) Mr High Bayliff one ffeast at Christmas. Mr Low Bayliff one
feast at Easter and the Chamberlayne one ffeast att Michellmas.
Richard Protherch and John Rawlins appointed Bedles and to keepe the swyne out of
the streete and to have iiiili yearly wages besides what is allowed to the by the former
order and to have two Coates upon the chardge of the Corporation with tow bages
upon them and two staves and to be paid the first parte of their wages at Our Lady Day
Two Bedles to be appointed to regulate beggars etc.
Two Swynards to impound swine in the streets.
Inhabitants to keep clean the streets before their houses.
(These were old arrangements. Possibly they had fallen into disuse)
A table to be set up giving the Tolls belonging to the several gates of this Corporation.
Town Council and Mr Watkies to travel to London to defend the suit touching the Mills
in Ludlow.
Thomas Heardson appointed organist – the ancient fee.
Lease of tenement gardens and orchard in Corve Street to Thomas Davies, Tanner.
……that there shall be two Chamberlaynes elected for the yeare to come.
……that Thomas and Richard Bond shall supplie the place of Season for keeping the
conduits and have the same wages as Season had as longe as they sufficiently
behave themselves.
……that Mr Bayliffs and Chamberlaynes newly elected and Mr Towne Clarke shall
viewe the nusance in Mrs Dawes backside and wyne with Mr William Dawes her sonne
for setting furth a convenient passage for leadinge the annoyance, water and filth from
the Almshouse privy so that the same be hurtfull to non and what they shall agree
upon and certifie yt is ordered so shall it be.
Mr Watkies to travel to London and act with the Town Council in effecting a compostion
between the Corporation ad his Majesties attorney general re. the arrears on the Mills
due to the Crown. Persons named (9) having lent the Corporation £1 each to cover Mr
Watkies expenses are to be repaid from the first fines on leases received by the
Corporation. Mr Acton to provide Mr Watkies with a horse for his journey.
Assessors appointed to collect ‘the ship money’.
As a result of a prolonged law suit, the Corporation had to find about £936 ‘for the
meane rates of certen water corne mills in Ludlow’. Any person whose estate or
person was touched was to recover the amount from the rents of the demesne lands. –
A long minute.
Thomas Holland appointed Schoolmaster.
Sir Thomas Millward, Chief Justice of Chester elected Recorder of Ludlow.
Lease to Thomas Kay, Clre of one little garden in Merrivale near a garden belonging to
the freeschoole in Ludlowe, 31 years, 26/8d fine, old rent.
Lease to Thomas Kay Clre of two tenements garden backside and stable and also that
shop and little room in Old Street between a tenement in the possession of Adam
Acton on the North and the street on the East and the Churchyard on the West now in
his possession. 51 years, £12 fine, the old rent.
…..that upon the humble petition of William Gregorie gent. an ancient alderman of this
Towne beinge somewhat fallen into want, that Mr Bailiffs shall out of the fynes by them
to be received, toward his better relief and mayntenance, pay and deliver unto the said
William Gregorie the somme of five marks.
……that Mr Chamberlaynes in lewe of the Sessions Dynner which by custome they are
to keep after michellmas shall bestowe in convenient tyme five markes a peece in
repayringe the streetes in such places as Mr Bayliffs now in present and surveyors of
the highways for this present yeare or any two of them shall appoint.
All moneys received by officers towards repairing the House of Correction to account
for the same.
Presents at Christmas to Sir Marmaduke Lloyd, to Mr Justice Littleton and Sir Gilbert
The demesne lands to be security for money borrowed to satisfy the decree in the
Court of Exchequer betwixt the Corporation and the King or Mr Alexander Gretton re
the Town Mills.
Bailiff, Town Clerk and others to London to compound with the King and Alexander
Gretton for the money decreed to his Majesty touching the mean profits or rates of
certain Mills in Ludlow.
13 members paid 20/- each towards expense of journey.
In a lease to Thomas Edwards is ‘thone called the Rose lieinge in Drapery Row in a
place called Taylors yard’.
All fines for leases etc to be kept ‘in the greate iron chest in the towre where the comon
seale is kept…..under three locks and keys’.
That the demesne lands shall be security for all sums borrowed by the coporation to
satisfy claims by the Exchequer or Alex Gretton re the Town Mills award.
……that the surveyors shall upon Monday next survey the house and lands of Ayntree
and make report on the yearely value thereof.
Whereas upon Information exhibited by the Kings Majesties attorney generall petition
on his Majesties behalf by the prosecution of one Alexander Gretton, gent. against the
Bayliffs Burgesses and Committee of this said Towne of Ludlowe defendants for and
concerninge the meane rates of the moieties of certeyne water corn mills in Ludlowe
hereafter mentioned yt was by his Majesties (Charles I) high Corte of Exchequer and
Westminster the xth day of November in the xiiith year [1638] of his Majesties rayne of
England ordered and decreed that the said Bayliffs etc should forthwith upon sight of
the said decree pay or cause to be paid into the kings majestie or his assignes the
some of 936li 10s for and in lewe of the meane rates of the moities of two newe mills
situate in Mill streete……lately erected by Samuel Lloyd gent. one of the defendants
and one other mill alsoe in Mill streete late in the possession of the defendants or
some of them…. And alsoe in lewe of the meane rates of the moitie of one old mill and
newe mill in Old Streete then or late in the possession of Edmond Gregorie…..from the
expiration of a lease made by the late queene Elizabeth in the xxxith yeare of her raigne
A.D.1611 to the xxiiiith day of March 1634 that the possession was delivered to the
Kings tenants beinge xxiiity yeares and a half as by the said decree (inter al) appeareth
and for as much as the Kings Majestie that nowe is by his highness letters patent
undere his greate seale of England bearinge date as Westminster the ix day of Aprill in
the xiith yeare of his Majesties raygne for the consideration therein expressed (inter
alia) did give and granted unto the said Alexander Gretton and Sara his wief all and
singular the profits yssues and revenues whatsoever of the Moities of the foresaid five
mills and other the premises of our said soveraigne Lord the King at or before the daite
of the said letters patents to the tyme of the said date cominge growinge happeninge
incuringe or payable together with all damages against any person or persons by
reason of the erecting of any other mills or by reason of the substractinge any suite or
service from the moitie of the foresaid Mills in their losse prejudice or damage as by
the said letters patents appeareth. And also upon the service made of the said decree
and treaty had with the said patentee the said Alexander Gretton the patentee hath
condiscended and agreed to accept take and receave of the foresaid Bayliff etc the
some of 500li of Currant English money and their moieties and interrest of the foresaid
five Mills reservinge the ancient rent to be assured to them the said Alexander Gretton
and Sara their heires and assignes infull satisfaction and lewe of the said some of 936li
10s so decreed as afforesaid. And for that the said Bayliffs of the said Towne of
Ludlowe in regard of their greate expenses in lawe in defence of the said suite for
many yeares and other occasions lately happened are altogether destitute and
unprovided of soe greate a some of money for the present to make payment of the
said 500li to avoyd future danger that may ensue by reason of the said decree have
upon mature deliberation had condescended and agreed and for the speedy raysinge
thereof, have for and in consideration of the some of 500li Current English money
grannted enfeoffed and confirmed unto Anthony Hawkes of Church Stretton in the
County of Salop Clre his heires and assignes for ever in fee farme, All that messuage
or tenement called Ayntry farme lieinge and beinge in the parish of Stanton Lacey in
the County of Salop with all lands and Commodities thereunto belonginge yeldinge and
payinge therefore yearely for ever to the said Bayliffs etc and their Successors the
ancient rent and other services thereof nowe and heretofore reserved due and
accustomed for the same. And in regard that the said Tenement is nowe in lease to
one William Whittall, Johane his wief and Thomas their sonne for about the terme of xv
yeares yett to come yf they or any of them soe longe live whereby the said Anthony
Hawkes cannot have the present possession thereof, yt is therefore this present day
ordered that the said Bayliffs etc, etc, of the said Towne of Ludlowe shall by the
demesne lands of this corporation (such and soe much thereof as William Littleton Esq
shall thinke fitt) secure the said Anthony Hawkes and his assignes for the true payment
of the somme of xxxli yearely of current English money at such tymes and by such
payments as Mr Hawkes will have it made payable, for and until thend expiration or
other determination of the said lease so granted unto the said Whittall his wief and
sonne as aforesaid being the interest of the said 500li and for the said Anthony Hawkes
his quiet and peacefull enjoyment of the said mesuage and premisses for the space of
fower score yeares next ensuing without lawful eviction interruption or incumbrance.
And furthermore whereas Samuel lloyd and Richard Wilkes gent now Bailiffs of the
said Towne, John Ricards Towne clarke and John Aston gent and some others of the
Bugesses of the said Towne for the speedy dispatch and payment of the said 500li to
the said patentee in the said precedent order named have and with the assent and
approbation of the rest of this corporation taken up at interest of one Mr Reade the
somme of 400li in money enterred into bond of the penal somme of 800li to the said Mr
Reade for the repayment thereof at a day nowe to come and nowe neare at hand, yt it
nowe therefore ordered that upon payment of the said 500li by the said Mr Anthony
Hawkes to the use of this Corporation that 400li thereof by him or them that shall
receave the same shalbe furthwith paid to the said Mr Reade togeather with such
interrest money for the forbearance thereof as shalbe then due to him for the same in
full discharge of the said bond of 800li so enterred into as aforesaid and the said bond
to be taken up and to be concelled in dischardge and saveinge harmeles of those that
stand thereby bound and as touchinge the rest and residue of the said 500li soe to be
paid by the said Mr Hawkes the same to be disposed of towards payment and
satisfaction of such person and persons of such money they or any of them have laid
out and disbursed touching the payment of the said Mr Gretton and that noe person to
receave or dispose of the said 500li so to be paid Mr Hawkes to any other or other
The Bailiffs to pay £39.18.8 to Mr Walter Stead for expenses incurred by him London
finishing the business re. the Mills.
At this day John Rawlins a burgess lately made and elected within this corporation for
his ill carriage and disobedience to the Bayliffs of this corporation in their presence
contrary to his dutie and oath of a burgess and for divers other misdemeanours by him
perpetrated, is absolutely disfranchised of this burgeship.
Full account of the damage against the Corporation re the Mills £936.10 and the
arrangements made for the payment.
Full list of the town plate, weights and history of alterations etc. 46 spoons 89¼oz and
11 not delivered.
……that the Towneclarke and Mr Wilkes shall travel to Shrewsbury the next Sessions
to treate with the Justices of Peace touchinge the kings provision money demanded,
the Corporation conceavinge themselves much overchardged.
fforasmuch as John Clee of the xxvty in regard of his age and remoteness of dwellinge
is pleased and desirous to be dischardged of his attendance out of the Company, yt is
therefore now ordered that yt shalbe soe.
At this day Charles Baldwyn Esq is elected into the number of the xxvty of Comon
Councell of this towne and is to deliver in his spoone accordinge to the ancient
custome before he be sworne.
The fine of 3/4d on default of attendance when summoned to continue in force on the
xii and xxv – to go to the poor.
For appearing in cloaks instead of gowns to forfeit xiid
……that the Towne Clarke travel to London and petition the officers of his Majesty’s
greencloth touching the chardge ymposed by the Justices of peace concerninge the
provision of his Majesty’s house. To be allowed 40/- for expenses.
Assessor for the Ship money. Two from each ward.
……that Mr Towne Clarke shall sue furth a suppena against William Bowdler, Richard
Hall and others to answere a bill of concealed lands of this towne.
……that Mr Wilkes shall cause his servants weekely upon Tuesday and Saterday from
henceforth to carry all such muck and dirt out of the streetes within this town and
subburbs thereof into some convenient place out of the said Towne and in
consideration thereof the corporation is to pay unto him yearely the some of xxxs at
Midsommer and Christmas by equall portions.
Ralph Goodwyn and Charles Baldwyn elected Burgesses of the Parliament.
……that Mr Bailiff Powis and Mr Bailiff Aston shall examyn and fynd out in whose
hands the money given by Mr Lambe remayneth…and all other money and to make
report to this house, whereupon such further order shalbe taken as shalbe fitt.
Whereas the Justices of peace of this county have sent their warrant to the nowe
Bayliffs of this Towne to collect and gather within the same and the liberties thereof in
great some of money more than hath byn usuall or thought fitt to be paid towards the
provision money for the kings majesty’s house they havinge no feedinge grounds
within the same but such as are cessed to contribute with the County and other
parishes where they lie. It is therefore thought fitt and soe ordered that Mr Bailiffs shall
forbeare to make collection of such a great some as is required by the said warrant
and the Town will answere the same before the officers of his Majesty’s Greencloth or
elsewhere as occasion shalbe offered and they are tobe saved harmles by the said
corporation for soe doinge.
It is this day assented unto that Mr Bayliffe Aston shall have libertie to travel furth of
this towne upon his necessary occasions where he please.
Lease of tenement in Cokayne Row, another in Burnt Lane. Granted licence to
Edmond Wogans, gent, to alien….over to Henry Hould one barn two closes and one
garden… Ludlowe on the westside of a street there called the Mill Streete and
adioyninge to the Towne Wall.
Ralph Goodwyn and Charles Baldwyn elected Burgesses of the Parliament.
It is at this day ordered upon readinge of the Conveyance made to William Littleton and
Edward Baldwyn Esqs concerninge the house of Correction that the same shall be
furthwith sealed.
……that Jeremy Powis, in possession of some parte of the demesne lands hath not
ymployed the same land in fittinge manner and accordinge to the Course of Husbandry
but suffered the same by reason of his negligence to be noe wayes profittable. That
Mr Bailiffs shall upon advise take some course for the questioninge of the said Jeremy
Powis for such damage as shall appree the corporation hath susteyned for the tyme
past and for the possession of the said land in case of his refusall.
Lease to Thomas Watkies with covenant that he take in an apprentice for 7 years and
free the corporation of his maintenance.
It is approved by all the Company present that Mr John Aston in the tyme of his
Baileywicke did promise to pay Mr Hawkes the rent to him due for this Corporation for
that yeare .
The rentor to pay to Anthony Hawkes the xvli due to him at our Lady Day by this
Lease of part of the Town ditch near the Old Gate.
Charles Browne appointed Reader, usual stipend (no mention of any house*)
Lease of a plot of garden ground in Dinham ‘neere unto a late decayed Chappell there’
……upon reading the petition of Anne Rogers widowe touchinge the erecting of a little
hovell to be made with board neere the nowe dwellinge of Somerset ffox Esqr that the
said petition shall attend Mr Bayliffs.
Upon the humble petition of Charles Browne Clre yt is ordered that the ymediate
possession of all the house* belonginge to the Assistant minister (Reader) shalbe
delivered to him and that the Chamberlayne shall sufficiently repaire the same with
convenient speed.
upon the humble petition of John Comber keeper of the Tole booke for all manner of
Catttell except horses, it is ordered that Mr William Powis whoe hath the benefit of
none of the gates within this Towne shall pay unto the said petition his proportionable
rate as hath been accustomed.
Renter to pay arrears of wages to Organist, Thomas Heardson, ¾ of a year.
…..that the Chamberlayne shall furthwith repayre the gates belonging to this towne
and other businesses of reparations to be sett apart untill that be done.
Barkeley Wrench appointed Organist already served one quarter. To be paid for this
and have the accustomed stipend.
John Rawlins, for his illcarriage and disobedience to the Bayliffs is defranchised of his
A short list of the town plate. A memo of sundry pieces of plate which with money was
as a note state ‘presented to Kinge Charles the ffirst when he was at Shrewsburie by
Mr William Coulbatch (Bailiff 1642) by the corporations appointed when he was Lowe
Bayliffe and in theire name.’
Samuel Thropp petie chapman elected a free burgess.
Whereas the castle and Towne of Ludlowe is in eminent danger to be invaded and
surprized by reason the suburbs thereof lie very open to the enemy in this outrageous
tyme of war (there inhabittinge many good and able men whoe likewyse are in greate
danger and like to suffer yf speedy course by not herein taken for the ffortifieing thereof
the same tendinge to the publique good of the comon Wealth. It is therefore thought
fitt and soe ordered that evry owner and Inhabitant within the said towne and liberties
thereof beinge owners or tenants of any of the said houses or tenements within the
suburbs or out parts of the said walled Towne as namely Corve Street, Upper Galford
and lower Galford and all other suburbs shall before the ffeast of Whit Sunday next
sufficiently make at thend of his garden or home closse or the backside of his
tenement or house one greate fence or ditch of one yard and a quarter high and one
yard in thickness in nature and manner of one Bulwarke for defence and the same soe
made shall from tyme to tyme sufficiently keepe Repayred upon payment of everyone
makinge default for evry defalt to forfeit xs to be levied by the Chamberlaynes of the
said Towne by distress and sale of the offenders goods within three days in default of
payment Renderinge to the party the overplus the same to be imployed for the use
……that the towne meadowe adioyning to Corve Bridge and the little Bylett of
meadowe adioyning to the tenement of David Jones and nowe in the possession of
Edward Steple shalbe conveyed unto Anthony Hawkes Clre for this further and better
security for the true payment of the some of xxxli per annum unto the said Anthony
Hawkes duringe the continuance of one lease heretofore made by the said corporation
of one mesuage and lands called Ayntrie farme in Stanton Lacy to one William Whittall,
Johane his wief and Thomas their sonne for a term in beinge and noe longer.
In lease of tenement in Old Street ‘part of a Coploft’
List of Towne Plate.
List of Towne Plate.
Lease of the Tolls of the Corn Market to John Reynolds till Lady day next at a rent of
List of the Towne Plate.
It is ordered that the chest of deedes bee put into the Inner vestrie and the one key
thereof to bee kept by Mr Bayliffs and the other by the Churchwardens.
……that Mr Bailiffs and 3 others ‘shall perfect the rent rowle touching the demolished
houses and make theire report upon Tuesday next.’
Richard Dewce disfranchised his burgesship and put out of this Company for his ‘evil
carriage towards this corporation
At this day Edward Saunders Clre is elected publique preacher of this towne upon the
death of Thomas Fisher and is to have the usual stipend of fortie marks yeerlie for his
paines and the preachers house not setting the same out without licence of the
William Daniell elected Sexton of the Church upon the death of Hugh, his father –
usual stipend.
Thomas Mackworth and Thomas Moore elected Burgesses in Parliament.
……that the 5 persons named ‘shall enquire of and report at the next meetinge in
whose hands the monies heretofore given by Lamb and Bawdy doth remaine and all
other guifts given to pious uses or otherwise to the use of this corporation that such
order may bee taken as shalbe thought fitt.
Enquiries to be made as to who had moneys granted by Lamb, Bawdy and others in
their hands.
……that Mr Bailiffs and …..and the Chamberlaines shall see the trunks in the office
(vestrie?) removed into the towre where they were usually kept and Mr
Chamberlaynes to see them fast lokte there for safetie, this to be done spedily and
that they shall agree whoe shalbee sued for rents.
List of Town Plate, long list (19 of undelivered spoons)
13.11.1646 Order for payment to John Ricard, Town Councillor, of £82.16.0 fees and which was
submitted 13.9.1634
William Brayne was by this corporation elected and sworn Towne Clarke of this Town
and liberties.
17.12.1646 Lease for xxxi years of a shop in the shambles at the upper end of Mill Street on the
west side of the said Shambles.
Agreed that a lewne be layed upon the inhabitants of this Towne for raysinge on money
convenient to make a sufficient pound and stocks within their libertie in convenient
places and this to be done speedily by Mr Chamberlayne and he to gather the lewne
and make a just accompt of the same.
……that in all graunts of leases hereafter to be graunted of houses that have been
burnt that only a graunt passé but noe lease to be sealed until the building be erected.
……that if Mr Alexander Nelme doe come to sett up clotheing in this Towne, they (the
Corporation) will free him from all extraordinary taxes and chardges occasioned by the
distractions of these times and that Mr Bailiffs and the rest of the corporation wilbe Mr
Nelmes warrant for his indempnitie in case any mean shold question him upon any
Composition. [ In margin ‘Order for Mr Nelme to Cloath here’]
Graunted this day to ffrancis Phillips a lease for one and thirty years of one mesuage to
tenement garden and orchyard with their appertenances situate in Nether Gaulford
betwixt the lands of Henry Baldwin gent and Cooxe Close (which house was burnt
down to the ground by the wicked commands of Sir Michaell Woodhouse)… be
rebuilt and first rent paid at next Lady Day.
Lease to Robert Berry tenement over Corve Gate ruined in these unnatural times, the
first rent to be paid at Lady Day next.
……that the new Charter be delivered to the Towne Clarke this present day to the end
he may prepare himself to reade it English at the next meeting of the Company.
….that the Lecturers howse in the Old Streete bee for a house for the Capper rent free
for one year; or for more accordinge as Mr Bayliffs think fitt (it beinge in case of
necessitie till an other bee provided and as they can agree with him for the Carradge of
this goods hither and to lay a lewne for the money and reparation of the howse.
It alsoe this day is ordered (that in regard that Mr Saunders formerlie elected publique
preacher hath longe since deserted the imployment) that Mr Jonathon Dreyden in
respect of his former paynes bee publique preacher and assistant for a yeare and to
have xxli 10sh yeare was to beginne att Michaelmas last, and hee to receive xli att Lady
day next.
……that Mr Dreyden bee allowed full pay as preacher and assistant. As preacher
fortie markes and as assistant xli to beginne from Michaelmas last, hee consentinge to
allowe the house for the Capper.
The Town rentor shall have one shilling in the pound for all money which he shall
receive of the Towne rents and for all arrears and money sued for. This is lieu of his
……that Roger Harris late ellected into the number of the xxv is a man of very ille and
vile behaviour not only towards others but cheefely towards his owne wife and also
that he hath beene very negligent in his appearance uppon somons, that hee the said
Roger Harris bee excluded the number of the 25tie.
……that (6 members) doe meete to consider of meanes to get in all moneys which was
given for Charitable uses to sett the poore att worke.
Town Clerk and John Ashton to go to Salop ‘to endeavour to ease the towne of their
greate assessment’.
……that Mr Whittall be assistant to Mr Dreyden and usher of the freescole and that he
receive the severall stipends for the same for the yeare ensueinge and that the
assistant bee taken off from Mr Dreyden.
Chamberlain to put the Freeschole in repair under the direction of the Bailiffs and
Old and new timber from repairs to the New Bridge to be viewed and valued by 5
members (in 1649 used in repairs to Market House).
Ordered that the late Chamberleyne shall make accompt of and deliver unto the newe
Chamberleyne all Holeberts, delivered to him last yeare and all lockes by him bought
last year and accompted for.
Ordered that the pewes in the parish Church where Mr Bayliffs the Lord President and
Justice sitt shalbe made fitt for Mr Bailiffs Alldermen and xxv. And that all and everie of
the xxiie and xxv doe upon everie Lords day appeare before the last tole of the greate
Belle in the new howse in their Gownes and thence doe attend Mr Bailiffs to the said
pewe upon payne of the forfeiture of 4d upon everie default unlesse lawfull cause to the
Contrary. And that those who have not Gownes doe everie man provide them Gownes
before the first day of January next upon payne of xs for everie month they shallbe
unprovided of Gownes after the said day.
……that Mr Holland now Chiefe scholemaster have warneinge to provide himselfe and
then to avoyde….
Lease to Jane Wilkes of a close etc. ‘att or neare a certayne place commonly called the
Fishpool brooke on the North parte of the Towne.
[Note on the back fly-leaf under date 15.11.1648]
Paragraph re. transfer of Palmers property at fee farm rent of 8.13.9.
It appeareth by letters patents of our late Soveraigne Lord King James bearing date
the third day of August in the xixth yeere of his raigne that the said Anuall Rente of viiili
xiiis iiiid (amonge other things) was grannted to Lawrence Whitaker Esq. and Henry
Price who by indenture bearing date fourth of August in the said yeare did sell the said
Annual Rente to Richard Tomlyns Esq. his heirs etc for ever by virtue wherof as well
the said Bailiffs as the said Richard Tomlyns are of the said yearly rent discharged and
Election of officers
High and Low Bailiff, Recorder, Justices of Peace (2) Town Clerk, Coroner, Com’ur
and Capital Constable, Alneger, Common Sergeant, Sergeant to High Bailiff, Auditors,
Surveyors, Church Wardens (2).
Ordered that all those whoe have not brought in their spoones doe bringe them in
before Easter next uppon payne of forfeitinge xiiis iiiid a peece for everie man that
makes default.
Ordered that all forfeitures that shall accrewe to bee due uppon penall orders if the
Chamber by any of the xiie or xxve that the same shalbee leavied by the Chamberlayne
for the tyme beinge to the use of the Corporation by distresse or otherwise.
It is this day Ordered that the Towne Clerke shall keepe his office in the out most
Roome where formerlie it hath bynne kepte. And that the Offices wherein the Records
of this Towne are kepte bee kept locked. And that there bee nothinge thence delivered
without the Consent of Mr Bailiffs for the tyme present unlesse it bee to bee made use
of for the present and that any of the Company desire the sight of any thinge to peruse
within the Newhouse and noe further and then presently to retorne into the said office
and that none whoe are not of the Company of this Towne shalbee permitted to have
sight of anythinge that it Committed in trust there to be kepte without speciall Order.
Ordered that all warrant, letters or matter of concernement of this towne whatsoever
which shall happen to be directed to Mr Bailiffs of this towne for the tyme beinge or any
of the Company that the same bee kepte in the office where the records of this towne
are kepte. And that all whoe have any such warrants letters accompts or any other
matter or thinge which doth Concerne this Corporation that they will all speede replace
the same into the said office there to remayne.
Ordered that two of the Company doe Travell to Shrewsbury uppon Wednesday nexte
to seek ease of the Committee (for safety of this County) concerninge the Brittish
money demanded of this towne And that the renter Disburse for the defrayinge of their
charges whoe goe, the some of Twentie Shillings.
Toll of Market granted to Mr Rowland Earsley (of the xxv) fine, 20 marks rent for 20
years ‘The said ffyne to goe towards the payment of Mr Tomlyns’.
Ordered that Mr Towne Clarke doe with what expedition may bee take his jorney to
London to deale with Mr Tomlyns both of the ffee farm rent and to buie it out if hee
canne agree for ye arreares with Mr Tomlyns and that what hee shall doe therein
shalbe confirmed by this Corporation and that his Chardges both in the bargaine and
his jorney shalbe defrayed by the said Corporation.
Bayliff to give £3 to Sergeants at Mace and a suite to Jobbe.
This day Mr William Whittell is elected Chiefe Scholemaster for the free grammer
schole and it is referred to Mr Bailiffes howe longe Mrs Holland shall enjoye the house
thereunto belongeinge (provided that hee the said Mr Whittell accepte of noe pastoral
and Chardge and that hee ye said Mr Whittell shall have ye usuall wages and
allowances belongeinge to the said place. And his tyme to beeginne this day.
A town tenant at Eastham to have benefit of 3 years time for falling and taking to her
own use 50 trees marked by the Corporation and already paid for by the tenant.
* These minutes, from Oct.28th 1648 to Febr.2nd 1649 are from entries in the minute
book for 1680 -1690. There is nothing to indicate why this was done.
Corporation Act of May 8th 1661 first applied on election of Council Aug.26th 1662.
That the Charter of E.4 be read publiquely within three months and soe from
thenceforth once in three years at least. Apr. 7th 1663
‘At which day the plate underwritten was delivered by the late Bailifs to the new Bailifs.
Impr. Thirty ffower silver spones weighing……….
Item. One larg guilt Bole without a cover of the guift of Richard Tomlyns Esqr.
haveing the Townes Armes on it.
Item. One silver Boule haveing the Towne Arms on yt weighing …..
Item. One silver Boule weighing…….
Item. One silver Boule haveing one it the Towne Armes and the armes of Walter
Langford gent.
Item One Boule and Cover guilt of the gift of Mr Roberts of Bristol.
Item. Another boule and cover guilt of the gift of the said Mr Roberts in led.
Item. One playne silver salt.
Item. One other silver salt
Item. One silver Tankard with two ears of the guift of Charles Baldwyn Esq. with his
and the Towne Armes on yt.
October 28th 1663
Record of Corporation Nov 1648 to Dec 1680
Vellum covered book 15” x 10” with leather band stitched through vellum. From1-200
each page numbered from 201-348 (the last entry) each sheet the number being on
the right hand page. The meetings were held at the New House, the heading generally
‘Att the Newe House the ……of……year’.
Then follows the list of Bailiffs (2) the two Corporation magistrates and 33 others; the
12 & 25.
Ordered that the Towne Clearke shall have his office in the outer room, the records of
the town to be kept there, locked, and nothing taken out of the office without the
consent of the Bailiff.
That Mr Bailiffe Botterell, Mr John Aston, Major William Brayne and Mr William Griffiths
or any two of them too upon Tuesday next goe to Salop at the Chardges of the Towne
to endeavoure the gettinge off of that moytie of ix months contribution taken of this
towne by the Comissioners for raysinge the 60000£ per mensen upon some other
place in the Countie. That so the Governor of this Castle (whoe hath the wholle
summe first chardged upon us in assignation) may knowe wheare to demande what is
taken of us and not require it heare to his disappointment and yf the said sollicitors give
an accompt to this house of theire agitation therein.
A lewne to be layde equally upon the inhabitants to defray the Charges and
disbursements for quarteringe soldiers that cam with the judge and for other money
disbursed by the governor for the like occasion (of) about xliiis and Mr Edward Powys,
Mr Israel Lloyd, Mr Richarde and Mr John Ricas to lay the asseasment this daie.
Two records of application to Salop for help in supporting and finding work for the poor.
Ordered that aboute the 4 or 5th of September next there be a generall survey of all the
Coporations lande and that an artist be agreed withal for that purpose by Mr Bayliffe at
the Corporations chardge and severall of the Corporation be ordered to attend and see
the Artist doe his worke.
This day Mr William Botterell was chose into the number of the five and Twentie and is
to bringe in his spoone accordinge to order. That lesse then Three hundred pounds
may not be excepted to undertake to ffree the Country from our poore and to gaine
tyme after the money payd to us.
Howgates ffee proved to be in the liberties of Ludlow. Sergeant to take distress in
Howgate ffee for non appearance at the Lleete.
That the charter of this Towne be taken by Mr Bayliffe Botterell and the Towne Clearke
to Mr Recorder to advise with him aboute the Corporation business.
Memo this day William Brayne brought in his spoone accordinge to order.
The Churchwardens ordered the tythe of this parish and the corne growinge upon the
gleebe in the parsnadge house to be disposed of accordinge to the Committee of
Salops order.
Ordered that Mr Thomas Olibury be sequestered the Companie unless he can cleere
himself of the evill fame betweext him and his searvaunt woman or give the Companie
sattisfaction. [T. Olibury was one of the twenty five]
Bailiff to be paid five marks a year ‘the ancient ffee’.
That there bee noe more allowance for any renters dynners.
Ordered that Mr Thomas Olibury, be submission and petition and promise of ‘future
careful behaviour’ be restored into the Company . [See above 4.9.49]
Election of Officers:
High Bailiff
Low Bailiff
Town Clerk
*Common Sergeant
*Sergeant to High Bailiff
*Sergeant to Low Bailiff
*Constable of Castle Ward
*Constable of Broad Street Ward
*Constable of Old Street Ward
*Constable of Corve Street Ward
‘Six Men’ – members of Common Council
‘Auditors and Supervisors (12)
*Searchers and Sealers of Leather (2)
*Flesh and Fish tasters (2)
Aletasters (2)
* Not members of the Council
This day Mr William Griffith brought in his spoone accordinge to order.
Ordered that the Bailiff arrange with one of ‘ministeriall function’ to perform the dutie of
morning prayer each week day.
Bailiff to have the Tower covered for ye present ‘to keepe it from fallinge this winter’.
That the Shambles be repaired and the shops lete.
Referred to Mr Bailiff to appoint a ‘Bedle for the Church’.
Bailiff to proceed against ‘encroachment before the Bull.
A writ to be sent for against Rowland Robinson and Francis W- for executing a writ
within the liberties.
Bailiff to send to ‘all such as have committed waste upon the Town lands and houses
‘if answers not satisfactory to send for writs against them.
William Coulbatch elected Allderman.
Broad Gate leased for Ten years. £5 per year.
The Towne seal be given in security to Mr Richard Hall or one of his children for one
hundred pounds to get the poor at work.
Bailiffs and others to prepare new ‘Burgadge Rent booke’ to take information of
Ancient inhabitiants for the better effecting thereof.
Bailiffs on behalf of Corporation to visit the recorder, Mr William Littleton and present
him with a sugar loaf or what else he thinks fit.
Order from Quarter Sessions for the relief of Shrewsbury ‘now visited with the plague’
for levie on Ludlow.
Letter of Attorney to ----- under seal to enter lands belonging to the Corporation at
Marlborough, Wilts.
This day Rowland W--, Mr John Olibury, Mr Rowland Earsley and Mr. Edward Jenks
have put in their Spoones.
Charter required for perusal by Recorder to be taken from the Tower by the Bailiff and
4 others of Council, whoare to wait and return it sameday if at all possible.
Bailiffs to take advice of Recorder re. sending the last Charter or others to Mr John
Haughton, Corporation Solicitor to be enrolled in the Exchequer, to justify claim to
Charter now in question in the Exchequer.
Richard Sadler elected Lecturer to the Rector and assistant to officiate in Preaching.
Salary three score pounds, to have the Lecturers house for his abode and to be free
from all taxes.
Lease granted of land in Portman meadow and a barne place in upper ‘gaulford’.
Election of officers.
John Richards (Town Clerk) entered as Steward
Richard Cole Alneger.
2 Churchwardens.
Bailiffs to buy the Crier and two beedles ordinary suits and that they shall have three
coats of a finer cloth coloured blue with silver badges with the towne arms bought for
them, to be kept by Chamberlain when not being worn.
Bailiffs to pay xxs each to the three sergeants for new gowns.
Two halberds to be bought by Bailiffs to be carried before them by the warders.
Ordered that the next Leete dinner be provided and each member pay 12d therefore.
Ordered that the 3 maces belonging to the corporation be made new at discretion of
Bailiff and that he take with him to London one of them for direction therein.
Theophilus Jackson appointed Chief Schoolmaster of the free School of this
Corporation, the ancient salary of pay and all other profits belonging thereto.
Meeting held at the Tower.
(A meeting at the new House had been held 27.10.52)
Ordered that counterparts of all leases etc be placed and kept under two locks and
keys. One key to be kept by Bayliff the other by Town Clerk or in his office.
Mr Bailiffs to bestow a sugar loaf on Mr Littleton, Recorder.
Ordered that all the writings in Glaford tower with the two Iron Bound Chests wherein
they are, be with all else therein, be with all convenient speed brought to ye new house
and that Mr Bailiffs with the persons hereafter named (12 members of 12 & 25) or any
five of them do peruse the said writings and that all Mr Bailiffs with Mr Bottrell and Mr
Davies be desired to go to Mr Recorder for to entreat his advice touching a letter from
ye Committee for Corporations and that Mr Bailiffs take care to frame and send
speedily a letter to Mr Mackworth our Burger now sitting in Parliament to desire his
advice touching ye said letter.
(Note: This is the letter under date Jan. 20th 1652(3) requiring the charters of the town
to be submitted to the Corporation Com. on March 22nd next.
Memo.had received this day 23.2.53 by the will of Thomas Candland 15 shillings & 2d,
to be paid to inmates of the Almshouse. 4d to each chamber, the residue 4/10 to be
used at discretion of the bailiffs for time being.
Decided to pay 4/10 to the poor.
Bailiffs to provide carpets for use of the Corporation according as they shall think fit.
Timothy Littleton sworn a free Burgess, Justice of the peace and Recorder (in place of
his father? William Littleton.)
This day Mr Bailiff John Reighnolds brought in his spoon.
Sam Baldwin of Elsiege in ye County of Salop is elected a free Burgess paying £3.6.8
fine as a foreigner, his father having been admitted a burgess after his birth, the fine
was, for some special reasons, remitted.
Chamberlain to keep the present pavior in work
Mr Grettons bond of £600 to be questioned. (Probably Alex G. and the town’s Mills.)
Writ of his Highness the Lord Protector of England and warrant of the High Sheriff of
Salop, John Aston, an alderman of the town elected to be Burgess of the Parliament to
be held on the 3rd day of September next. To have an allowance of two shillings
3 of the Council to visit Wafers Hopton and inspect buildings there belonging to the
Ordered that the works for bringing the water into the town be ‘put in fowardness’ and
money required to be provided by the Rentor.
Ordered that the Bailiffs enter into Barnaby House and out the occupants thereof
unless they will compound for a lease thereof and undertake to keep the reparations
thereof sufficiently and so leave the same.
It is this day ordered that Mr Bailiffs be desired to write to Mr Aston (one of the
Justices) to acquaint him that the Corporation doth approve of his motion for treatinge
with ye yonge man he mentions for settinge the poore on worke and thinke fitt to joyne
John Colbach ye younger, clothier with him, and desire that he will further treat with
him to raise ye sum of fifty pounds as a stock and they will treat with ye said Mr
Colbach to procure ye like sum over and above theyr owne stocks. For both which
sums ye Corporation will be content to pay ye Interrest, for such a tyme as shall be
agreed on and if they cannot procure the said sums then ye Corporation will procure by
givinge good security for ye stock. And ye Corporation will be content to lett them have
a house rent free and free them from taxes, as is desired, they giveing security to keep
such a number of the poore at worke make it theyr whole imployment not buy and sell
again by retaile and performe such other Covenants as shall be agreed upon. And
further if they see them effectually to follow ye employment, ye Corporation doubts not
of addinge a further stock in a short tyme, if it be desired.
Ordered that seven members (names given) for not appearing this day shall pay six
shillings and eight pence by default to be levied by distress by the Chamberlain to the
use of the said Corporation.
Order for attending Mr Bailiffs to Church on the Sabbath (made in1648) made voyd.
Robert Cole, now Chamberlain, ex low Bailiff, ordered to refund to Corporation
£7.11.0. error in his accounts as low Bailiff.
William Brayne Town Clerk ‘displeased’.
James Ricards ‘re-elected and C. Sworn 21.12.54
£60 paid to William Brayne or his heirs in annual payments of £15.
Mr Richard White elected SchoolMaster on trial for one quarter to begin 25 March ‘and
to have after the rate of 20£ by yeare for that quarter for his paynes.’
The Bailiffs accounts for repairing the house of Correction agreed to and the amount
£5.2.2. allowed him.
Ordered that a present on behalf of Corporation of two sugar loaves of 20lbs weight or
thereabouts to Thomas Powis Esq. (of the Common Council and one of the six men,
Ordered that Col. Harley be desired by this Corporation to write to Oxford to the gent
which he hath proposed to be scholemaster of this towne to come and make triall of
the place: then the chardges of this journey to be payd him’.
‘A suite of clothes be given to William Jones for the service he is to performe at Mr
Bailiffs Comands.
Ordered that Mr Bailiff for the time being shall receive the three pounds yearly rent
reserved upon the grant of Town lands made to James Littleton Esq and so to continue
Mr Sadler, Assistant Preacher, to be paid his salary from May 20 1651, and
arrangements made with him by the Renter as to what sum be allowed ‘for his paynes
Ordered that the Broadgate remayne and be used for a house of Correction in this
town and be repaired for the purpose.
Ordered Bailiffs to have the moiety of all fines at the goal delivery leet and quarter
sessions here and the other moiety of what they shall collect to be accounted by them
to the Corporation
The Renter to pay their attorney Mr Griffiths £20 to persecute ‘the suite against
A.Gretton re. the Town Mills in the Court of Exchequer – another, in court of Chancery
on 13.10.1656
Election of Officers.
Bailiffs, Recorder, Chief Magistrates (2), Steward (Town Clerk), Coroner, Alnegar,
Chamberlain, Common Sargeant at Mace, Sargeant at Mace to High Bailiff, Sargeant
at Mace to Low Bailiff, Six men and Auditors (6), Supervisors of Lands and
Tenements(12), Churchwardens (2)
Ordered that every Burger’s widow so long as she keepeth herself sole shall enjoy the
privilege of a burgess and no longer.
Jeremy Jones and Thomas Sanders shall be suited against Christmas next according
as hath been accustomed for their service and attendance at Mr Bailiffs demands.
Ordered that Mr Joshua Wright stand confirmed high Scolemaster of the free Scole in
this town and to have the pay until an usher be chosen there for his assistant and then
to have an abatement for the usher as hath been formerly allowed.
New suits of clothes for Job Jones and Thomas Sanders.
Griffith Reynolds elected Usher at the Towns scole, to have the accustomed pay at
‘It is this day ordered that Mr Samuel Bowdler sone of the Burgesse be qualified to six
shillings eight pence’. (6/8 usual fee for son of a burgess)
Ordered that henceforth the goal delivery quarter sessions and great? Leet dinners
shall be discharged and payed for by the Bailiffs for the time being upon the
Corporations account.
In list of officers is Richard Davies, Chief Alderman and Justice of the peace.
Ordered that the three sergeants present themselves suitably gowned and to wear the
same to Church to the Court and upon Market Day and to have 20s apeece towards
making thereof.
Lease of land at Priors Halton. Lease of Corve Gate Tolls for 31 years, £6.2.0 per
Ordered that theare shalbe speedily bought six? Muskets and eight haulberds with
Ammunition for the present occasion for the use of this Corporation and Mr Bailiffs are
desired to by this ammunition and Armes and to disburse the money and it shalbe
allowed them upon theire accoumpte.
ffor asmuch as Joshua Wright the scholemaster hath departed his place it is therefore
ordered that Mr Bailiffs take course for some sufficient man to supply the place until
Michaelmas next and in the interim a sufficient grave man to be inquired after to be
scole master here in place of Mr Wright.
Ordered that Mr Bailiffs deliver to Mr Chamberlain the sum of £13.6.8 out of the fines of
grants and he therewith sufficiently repair the Shambles and amend the new Bridge
with all convenient speed. (Dinham Bridge)
Richard Wright. Clerk, elected scholemaster for the ensuing year having the
accustomed pay.
‘The Towne plate at the request of Mr Bailifs for some speciall causes to them best
knowen to be delivered into the hands of Mr Richard Davies to be safely kept.’
(Richard Davies was one of the two justices.)
Mr John Stead who is likewise requested in lew of the states Arms now upon them to
procure or cause the Kings Arms and the Towns Arms in lew thereof tobe made and in
formal sort to be sent and returned back to Mr Bailiffs and what money shalbe
disbursed touching the same to be paid to Mr Griffiths by Mr Renter.
That Mr Richard Davies and Mr Griffiths by their own consent travel to London upon
the town charge to prefer a petition to his Majesty for gaining of the Council in the
Marches to be held at Ludlow and to solicit the same.
Order that Mr Richard Davies and Mr William Griffiths be desired to travel to London to
present a congratulatory petition to his Majesty from this Corporation with such further
additions as by the Burgesses in Parliament for the said town shall be thought meet.
And that they be left at liberty to present his Majesty with plate to the value of one
hundred pounds or thereabouts if advised thereto. And they are hereby desired to
raise money for doing thereof till their return. And then the Corporation do hereby
engage and promise to reimburse what they shall so raise and lay out. As also what
charges they shall be at in their journey. They are also desired to endeavour to get the
augmentation of our minister confirmed. And it is ordered that the writing that concern
it be delivered to them to take up to advise thereupon and the Corporation do hereby
authorise the said Mr Davies and Mr Griffiths to subscribe the names of all the
members of this Corporation to such a petition and address as out Burgesses for the
Parliament shall advise unto the names of those present being written below. (24
names given.)
(A note on p177 of the writings delivered to Mr D and Mr G mentioned above. Not
clear as to their reference.)
Ordered that five pounds be paid to Mr Richard Davies and Mr William Griffiths
towards what they shall expend in their journey to London on the Corporation
occasions according to the order made the7th July present and that four pounds of this
be paid by Mr Robert Cole (one of the justices) out of money resting in his hands upon
his account and so the Renter pay the other xxs.
For as much as it plainly appeareth to the xii and xxv common council of this Town that
there are many able persons called Chencers within this town fitt to take the place of a
burgesse within the same and as occasion shall happen fit likewise to be called into
the number of the 35 councillors of this town to bear office according to the customs of
the same town and good government thereof it is therefore thought fit and so ordered
that Mr Bailiffs of this town shall yearly as occasion shall happen and as they in their
discretion shall think fit impose upon ever Chencer within this town fit to be made a
burgess xiid yearly for him to pay for a Chence Rent and so yearly to double the same
until such person shall procure himself to be elected and sworn a burgess of the town
paying the accustomed fee for the same.
‘This day Mr Bayliff Acton delivered his spone.’
Mr Elmes to com upon liking for a yeare to Barnaby house rent free upon Mr Bords
departure he keeping reparations during that tyme.
This day Timothy Littleton and Job Charlton Esqs. and Sergiants at Lawe are certified
elected Burgesses of this towne to attend the next Parliament to be held att
Westminster the viiith day of May next.
Mr Griffithes to sell the small maces at London at the best rate and to accompt for the
money to the towne.
Ralph Fenton elected ‘preacher or lecturer’. Stipend £40 per annum paid quarterly.
£20 to be paid by the Renter, £15 by subscription amongst the townspeople, £5 from
‘Mr Walters gift’.
Edward Shaw elected reader. Stipend £20. ‘for his paynes therein and he ys likewise
to have the use of the late lecturers house in the ould street during the Corporations
pleasure he paying the usual rent for the same.
[Did R Fenton live at Readers House?]
Copy of letter ‘At the Committee for Privilidges and elections May 21 1661:
‘Upon the readinge of the petition of Samuel Baldwyn Esq. This Committee doth
appoint to heare the merits of his cause as to his clayme of beinge elected one of the
Burgesses to serve in this parliament for the Burrough of Ludlow in the County of
Salop one Tuesday the 25th day June next. And yt is ordered that Mr John Ricards
Towne Clark of the said borough doo bringe or send sealed up to me by the bearer
hearof the Charter of Richard Duke of Yorke made in the xxviith yeare of King Henry
the sixth, the Charter of the first yeare of King Edward the ffouerth, the Charter of the
xxxviii yeare of queene Elizabeth and the order or decree of the xxiiith of February in
the first yeare of queene Mary to thend they may be brought into this Committee tobe
made use of as occasion shall require. Job Charlton.
Upon sight of the forementioned order yt is this day ordered that the foresayd Charters
togeather with a copy* out of a liger booke remaining amongst the records of this
towne mentioninge such an order in tyme of queene Mary as by the above said ys
expressed be written out and sente under the common seale of the town togeather
with the sayd Charters as ys required the originall order not beinge founde which ys
done accordingly. J. RIcards
[*May mean that the original ‘liger’ or minute book was not then amongst the
Corporation records.]
This day Mr William Griffithes hath delivered the three pockett maces to Mr Bailifs tobe
disposed of to sale according to a former order. [Probably staffs with arms on top used
by sergeants when making arrests or other duties – ‘tip staffs’.]
Bailiffs and others to see what repairs are needed to the Guildhall to make it fit for the
sitting of the Kinge Majesty’s Council in the Marches of Wales.
Lease of Malt and Water Corn Mills bottom of Old Street to Mary Gregory, Widow.
Bargain and Sale for three months to Alexander Gretton of moieties in certain mills in
William Collins elected Town Crier, to have a gown and suit against Christmas and
such fees and salary as is accustomed.
Two bedles each to have suits against Christmas.
High Bailiff Rowland Williams to travel to London. [No note of reason.]
John ….Pensow is placed high Scole master during pleasure and is to have xxv£ per
annum and soe much of the garden as hath byn accustomed.
Books and charters returned from London.
Those in arrears with rent to be sued.
This day Robert Coxall is admited under scole master of the town and to have the
accustomed pay of xil vis viiid and to continue during pleasure.
Ordered that Mr William Griffiths shalbe allowed all such money (out of the arrers of
rent which he and Mr Davys are to recon and receave ) as he shall disburse in finishing
the buisness in the Exchequer and Chancery touching the suits with Mr Gretton
concerneinge the Mills.
The first entry of the Oaths of the Corporation Act of May 8th 1662
Upon the petition of John Sandes pavior of his late hard bargain in paveinge the ould
Street yt is ordered that Mr Chamberlyn shall pay unto him ffifty shillings more when he
setts upon and goes one with the other paveing or work in the Castle Street and upon
consideration had yt is ordered that Mr Bailif Griffiths and Mr Davys pay this money out
of the arrers by the to be receaved.
Bailiffs to make list and report on all moneys owing to and by the Corporation.
It is ordered that the discharge of the late controvarsy with Mr Alexander Gretton which
ys fully finished and bond taken up be saffly put up in the iron bound chest.
Ordered that Mr Fenton’s Kitchin be seled and flored att the Corporations charge.
[Fenton – Town Preacher – Old Street house?]
Partition of ‘waynscott’ to be taken down to enlarge the Council Chamber [see copy of
plate. Oct 28 ’63 ante]
What gratuitys that are fitt to be bestowed upon any ffrends of this Corporation is
refered to the discretion of Mr Bailifs and the six men.
It is (this) day that the rentgather shall bestow upon the auditors at the taking of his
accompt the some of xiis iiiid in wyn ale and such other things as they shall think fit and
to be allowed it upon his accompts.
Ordered that the charter of Edward the foureth and terte Caroli Mary Reg shall be sent
to Mr Somerset Hall to attend Mr (Sir?) Job Charlton so to gayne a confirmation for the
towne and to deliver them to Sir Job to peruse for that purpose and Mr Hall to have a
care for the saffe keeping therof.
Yt is ordered that the ffyftie pounds payd by Mr Rowland Earsley to Mr Bayliffs for the
lease above mentioned [tolls from market] shalbe by Mr Bayliffs sent to London to Mr
Somerset Hall to defray the chardges of the reneweinge of the Charter for this
corporation. [The lease mentioned was for the Market Tolls for 31 years.]
Mr Bailifs to call to them whom they please to vew Barnaby house and to take order for
puting yt in repayre as shalbe fitt and what it shall cost Mr Renter to pay and to be
allowed upon his accompt.
This day Mr Samuel Bowdler brought his spone and delivered it to Mr Bailifs.
Ordered that the Renter pay to Mr Hare in lewe of reparations of Barnaby house att
Michaelmas next Twenty marks.
Lease granted to son of a glover (James Twiford) of messuage and appertanances on
the East side of Corve Street. Special consideration because of great cost of ‘building
of the premises being burnt in tyme of wars’.
28.10.1664 List of plate
38 spoons.
A schedule of goodes remaining in the Inner Chamber in the New House October
xxviiith l664
Impris. 2 Carpetts of Greene broadcloth 6 yards apeece
Item one carpet of Kiddiminster stuffe 5 yards in length.
Item one Pewter standish
Item fine Turky workt cushions
Item foure joyned formes
Item one joined stoole covered with leather
Item two halberds
Item one javeline
Item one pile of weights Averdupoys 4li and more
Item two Troy weights 96 ounces
Item one lead weight 64 ounces
Item one lead weight 16 ounces
Item one Iron grate fire shovell and Tonges
Item one paire of Bellowes
Item one cole Hammer
Item two candlesticks of Tynn
Item one wine quart pott of Pewter
Item one wine pint pott of Pewter
Item one paire of Tables with men
Item one paire of Brasse Scales
Item one paire of butter weights
Item one Cocke, new made
Two bardge plate Lockes for dores
One paire of snuffers
Burgers disfranchised (William Bedoe) for offences against the Corporation.
Leases to butchers of three shops in the Shambles 31 years each. The one to Edward
Colburne ‘the second shop’ is next to the pillory on the east side of the said shambles.
Two licences to sell and retail wine in Ludlow ‘according to the form of the statute in
that case provided’. Cost of licence £5 ‘for the public use of the said Corporation’.
Mr Fenton’s kitchen to be repaired by himself, the Corporation making a grant of £5
towards cost ‘and noe more’. [Apparently Mr Fenton didn’t agree with this
arrangement for in another hand and ink is a note that the £5 shall be allowed towards
the cost of repairing of the Chancel, the former order to be void.
It is also ordered that William Daniell shall before the xxvth day of March next pay unto
the now Mr Bailifs the ffive pounds of Lambes money remayning in his hands to be
disposed of according to Mr Lambs gift or otherwise is bonds to be put if suite.
This day Mr Bailif Pearce delivered in his spoones which make up the number to 37
Renter to pay William Jones for his attendance on Mr Bailifs at the New House Ten
shillings per year to be paid quarterly ‘during his life’.
Renter to pay to John Edwyn the sum of eighteen shillings by him disbursed or to him
owing for ffrancis Gill, Edward Fox and Margaret Andrewes whilst the remained in
Mr John Penson to have notice to provide himself of anew place for his settlement from
the free scole before the ffirst of November next.
John Doughty the new elected chief Scholemaster shalbe yearly payed as formerly
hath byn accustomed the some of Thirty pounds for his salary and upon a quarters
warninge by eyther party of dislike or other reasonable cause of parture this election
and agreement to be voyd and to cease and determine further it is ordered that the
scolehouse be sufficiently repaired before May next at the charg of the Corporation.
This day John Doughty is elected Chief Scolmaster of the ffree scole of this towne
dureinge pleasure and to have for his Salary Thirty pounds per annum. The schole
house tobe repaired before May next.
50/- paid by five members of the 25 in lieu of spoons. ‘Att the same tyme Mr Richard
Cole Sen., Richard Cole Jun., and Mr Walter Lea payed 10/- apiece to Mr Vernall in
lew of the spones there in ffive cups of silver delivered to Mr Bailifs which is in lew of
spones and the partys named upon them.’
It is this day ordered that the inhabitants in the Rent lands and all others be summoned
to appear here before Mr Bailifs to show by what title they severally hould there
tenements and in defalt of appearance tobe indited at our next sessions of the peace
for dettrers.
Bailiffs and others to peruse the bonds for Lambs money and Badys money and report
in whose hands these sums are so that further order may be taken.
It is this day ordered that what Mr Bailifs and justices of peace of this towne or any 3 of
them shall think fit to give the drummers wife upon her departure out of this towne that
Mr Rentor doe pay her the same and to be allowed upon his accompt.
Thomas Evyns allowed ‘to fix two or three posts for the making of a smith’s trevis on
the street without Galfords gate paying 8d yearly to the Corporation at Lady Day only.
Rentor to give the widow Job for her better relief in her sickness ffive shillings.
Granted to Nicholas Payn the yonger a lease for xxxi years of a voyd peece of ground
lying at the Broad gate without the wales one the East side thereof and the lower most
roome of the town gate thereto adjoining for the yearly rent of iiis 4d for the room and
building thereupon.
And the roome at usull feast by equale portions with a Covenant to repaire amend and
keep the walles
And secure and make good the dors and passages in the said roome betwixt the
towne and outmost side and part of the said lane leading towards Teme Bridge.
Table of tolls of the gates to be drawn up by Mr Bailiffs and set up in the New House
and at the gates.
John Scandret [Shepherds list], clerk, ellected Reader at 20£ p.a. To pay 10/- rent for
house in Old Street.
Rentgatherer to pay Mr Shaw (reader) his last 1/4s salary.
List of plate [No weights given]
Mr Bailiffs shall present the Lord President for and one behalfe of the Corporation with
what they shall thinke fitt and to be allowed upon theire accompt.
A table of fees to all proceedings in the Town Court to be prepared and approved by
Mr Bailifs to be done before February 2nd next by the Town Clerk.
Samuel Weaver elected for the collecting and levying gathering and receiving of the
Burgage Rents within this town……….and to have for his pain therein on half of his
Chamberlain to sufficiently repair Galford Tower with speed.
No person to be admitted henceforth to the Almshouse but by vote of the Company
Mr Bailifs to present the lord President and Countess as was formerly done the last
Yt is ordered that the newe Brazen Winchester measure Bushell which is bought for
this Corporation shalbe paide for by the Renter being nyne poundes.
Mr Thomas Jones elected Town Clerk on decease of Mr John Richarde.
Noe person whatsoever shall have any lease of this Towns land for the future to build
upon except he first give security to build within such time as shalbe agreed upon by
the Company of this Towne in a chamber meetinge.
No lands of this Corporation be for the future sett of lett to any person whatsoever for
above 21 years although they have been formerly sett for lives [rescinded 6.12.1673]
Ordered that liberty be given for the erection of an organ in this Parish Church of
The town pound to be repaired.
Arrears of rent allowed for a ‘voyd place now made use of burnt in Corve Street in the
late warres’.
Mr Benjamin Moons admitted organist, allowed ten pounds salary.
Ambrose Yorke elected Reader, to have 20£ p.a. use of house in Old Street for 10s
yearly. To keep house in repair.
John Pearce have liberty to repair the street at bullring near the conduit and to be paid
by the renter on completion.
Ordered that Mr Town Clerk have twenty pounds of gunpowder delivered him to
receive the Right Hon the Lord President Marquesse of Worcester in Armes at his first
coming to this Towne and the renter to pay for the same.
A lease granted to Major Humphry Cornwall for one and twenty yeares (if he soe long
live) of a passuage through the town wall at the south end of his garden neare the
Brand Lane, yearly rent five pence provided that the sayd Humphry shall neverthelesse
cause the sayd passuage or doare tobe sufficiently made up upon due notice given
him by the Bayliffes of this towne in time of danger.
Ordered that the person that bloweth the organ by payd five shillings yearly for the
Referred to Mr Bayliffes and ye six men to present Sr. Jobe Charlton with such present
as they shallthinke meete and likewise that they bere the charges of ye Clerke of the
peace and present him for his labour in coming to this towne with the county quarter
sessions for the swearing the Bayliffes and others according to an act of Parliament
against property.
Ordered that the organs be put in tune and in case the present organist shall doe it that
he be payd xxs by the towne renter for his paynes but he then to keep them soe for
seven yeares.
Mention of the George ‘lying at the head of the Shoemakers rowe’ and a house lately
erected over against the George.
Alienation grant to Thomas Powys of a house and garden over upper Corve Gate to
Richards King of this town barber gratis.
Ordered that the five pounds given to this chamber in liew of the Low Bailiffe lands
diner be imployd in the reparation of the new house gallery.
Ordered that Mr Moone the organists salarey be augmended to twenty marks a yeare
be keeping the organ in tune.
Ordered that John Dowlman be payd the sum of xxxvs, hee having disbursed the same
upon prisoners in goale for felony in the prison belonging to this corporation.
Clothes for crier and two beedles tobe provided ‘according to custome’.
That what moneys are wanting to the making up of Mr Lambs hundred pounds be
raysed with all convenient speed out of the revenews of this corporation and imployed
according to the will of the donor.
Thomas Crumpe Esq is elected Town Clarke [also Steward of Court Leet] in ye place
of Thomas Jones deceased.
Mr Matthias Whittle elected Reader. To pay 10/- p.a. for house in Old Street.
Two men appointed to impound all swine that shall walk the streets of this town within
the walls or commons of this town unringed.
Renter to pay Edward Robinson for books had for the use of the Corporation.
Sir Tymothy Baldwyn Knt elected a free burgess without fine.
Surveyors of the town to view the well in Galford, consider the repairing thereof and the
making of a pump ‘for the better furnishing the neighbours there with water and the
preservation thereof.’ Cost not to exceed 40s.
It is ordered that upon severall complaints made unto the Bayliffes Aldermen and
Councill now assembled off the great neglect of Mr John Doughty the present head
Schoole master off this Towne in the due discharge off his office whereby many of the
Inhabitants off this Towne have beene forced to send theyr sonns into the country to
other schooles to the great disaparagent off the ffree schoole here. Itt is therefore
ordered by the generall consent off all the said Company now assembled that the said
Mr Doughty by ordered to avoid the said schoole between this and the feast off the
nativity off our Saviour Jesus Christ next ensuinge and that the said Mr Doughty doe
continue Head Schoole master there onely in the meane tyme and noe longer and that
notice of this order be given unto the said Mr Doughty by the Chamberlayne off this
Towne with all convenient speed.’
Mr William Bowdler, Mr Edward Davies, Mr Scott, Mr Stedman, Mr Archer, Mr Richard
Davies, Mr George Long, Mr Crumpe, Mr Carver, Mr Colbach, Mr Agborough have
paid 10s a piece in lieu off theyr spoones unto Mr William Archer.
Mr Philip Cole, Mr Roger Powys, Mr Porter, Mr Robert Earsley, Mr Richard Cole
Junior, Mr Richard Griffiths have paid 10s a piece unto Mr Richard Cam in lieu off theyr
spoones. Paid 10s by dr lar?
Itt is ordered that Mr Doughty upon his petition and promise that whatsoever hath been
amisse in the discharge off his duty as Schoolemaster shall for the future be regulated
and amended to be continued Head Schoolemaster upon the termes he was first
admitted into the said office, any order lately made to the contrary notwithstandinge.
Granted unto Will Collinges the messuage lyinge on Ludfords Bridge late in the
possession of Widow Hacklint for 31 years at 6s 8d rent with usuall covenants onely
the said William Collinges is to putt the same in good and sufficient repayre.
Itt is ordered that Henry Berrington shall have five pounds of Mr Lambs money
delivered to him to be repayed att 3 yeares end without interest upon good security
given to this corporation.
Itt is ordered that the 9li above mentioned to be received in lieu of silver spoones be
payd and to be layed out by Mr John Bowdler in a Sylver Tankard off about that value
with the Towne Armes engraven thereupon.
20s to be payed yearly to the Swyneyards for the time being.
Lease granted unto Mathew Price Butcher of a shop in the Shambles beinge the
second shop form the Pillory.
Licence granted to John Bright to erect a Pale or Rayle before his house in the Castle
Street provided the said pale or rayle do not extend above 2ft 6ins from the cellar door
of the said premises and that he keep and maintain the passage between the said
mess and gutter in good repair. 2/- p.a. rent.
Lease of premises in Drapers Row, Taylors Yard and of the Crab Mill [Cider press] and
garden between the Almshouse and College.
Renter to pay £6 towards the setting forth of two apprentices of the poor children of this
town to be appointed by the company.
Renter to pay for repairs to 13 muskets £4-17-6 and 7s 6d to Thomas Davies ‘for
Granted to Thomas Watson liberty to take clay out of the warrant field for ye making
Bricke he paying the halfe of the profit to ye Bailiffes for ye time being.
It is this day ordered that Mr Doughty have warning to quitt his employment of head
Schoolemaster at midsummer next and the ould salary tobe continued until that time.
It is this day agreed upon that the charter shall not be removed or sent out of the office
without a special warrant.
At which time Sir Geoge Jefferys Knt one of his majesties Sergeants at Law Recorder
of London and Chiefe Justice of Chester was elected a burgess without fine and alsoe
This day Mr Phillip Cole, Mr Richard Porter, Mr Edward Smalman and Mr Thomas
Haughton were put out of 25 Common Councell in pursuance of an Act of Parliament
intituled an Act for ye well governing and regulating Corporations made in the 13th
yeare of King Charles ye 2d and alsoe by an order of ye Councell Board and ye same
day Mr Phillip Cole, Mr Edward Smalman, Mr Samuell Jorden and Mr John Benex
were elected into ye sayd 25 Common Councill they having taken all the Oathes
required in ye sayd Act of Parliament and also ye oath of office.
The same day William Charlton Esq was put out of the office of Towne Clearke of this
towne by virtue of ye foresaid Act of Parliament and order of Councell Board and
Edward Smalman Gent was elected to succeed in ye sayd office.
This day Mr John Doughty hath given warning to the Corporation that he will quitt his
imployment of Head schoolemaster at Michaelmasse next.
It is this day ordered that Mr Thomas Colbatch shall succeed Head Schoolemaster in
the place of Mr Doughty at Michaelmasse, provided he be found fitt for that imployment
upon his examination. [John Colbatch was a Bailiff at this time]
Lease of house ‘adjoyning to the Church Scallions’
Mr Ralph Fenton shall not have more than forty marks salary as Towne Preacher
Thomas Colbatch shall have forty marks salary as head Schoolemaster.
Mary Bell to have the making of the graves within the Church and the sweeping of the
Church and galleries belonging to the same.
This day ordered that the Almshouse vault be speedily emptied and repaired at ye
Corporation charges.
This day the silver seale given by Sir George Jeffries Kt to the Corporation was
received and ordered to be put in the purse to the other seales.
Mr Samuel Reynolds is displaced from being Attorney in the Towne Court for abusing
the Grand Jury in the face of the Court.
Mr Joshua Elmehurst is elected usher of the ffree schoole his sallery to be eleaven
pound six shillings eight pence by the yeare and upon Mr Griffith Reynolds surrender
for the lease of his house the Corporation to give the rent of the sayd house as an
augmentation of the ushers sallery for ever.
List of names of xii and xxv only – no business.
This day an order being read from George Tirby Esq Chayrman of the Committee of --and elections directed to the present Bayliffs for sending up the Charter. It is ordered
that the charter be delivered to Mr John Pearce to be brought up to the Committee
according to the said order Dated ye 26the of November last and remaines on ye file.
(Note: the charter above written beinge the Charter of the Kings Majestie that now is
redelivered from John Pearce.)
This day Samuel Reynold was re-admitted to his place of an Attorney in ye Townes
Court upon his petition and ye suspention is taken of.
Ordered that the present Chamberlain shall pay ye sume of Tenn Shillings to Daniell
Leight for drawing the Town Armes.
This day Somersett ffox Esq is elected Towne clerke of this Corporation.
This day a silver Tankerd was given to the Corporation by Somersett ffox Esq with the
Townes Armes upon it weighing thirty five ounces.
His majestie by two severall orders the one of the 26th of November and the other of
the xiith of January last haveinge disaprooved of the former elections of Edward
Smalman and Collonell Somersett ffox to the office of Towne clerke of this Corporation
and being gratiously please to order this Burrough to proceed a new election they
proceeded accordingly. And this day have unanimously Reelected William Charlton
esq into the office and that a returne to his majestie under the Common seale of this
towne be drawne up accordingly.
This day ffrancis Charlton and Charles Baldwin esqs were duely elected to serve as
Burgesses for this Corporation in the next ensueinge parliament.
By virtue of his Majesties Letters of privy seale directed and declaring his Majesties
approbation of the election of William Charlton Esq to be Towne clerke of this Towne
he the sayd William Charlton Esq was accordingly sworne and admitted this day to the
execution of the sayd place of office and at the same time did take the oaths of
Allegiance and supremacy and the Oath appointed by the late Act of Parliament
regulating and well governing of Corporations and did alsoe subscribe the declaration
following according to the sayd Act:
I do declare that I hold that there lies noe obligation upon me
or any other person from the oath commonly called the Solemne
Leage and Covenant and that the same was in it selfe an unlawful
oath and imposed upon the subjects of this Realme against the
knowne Lawe and Liberties of the Kingdome. Will Charlton.
It is this day ordered that his Majesties Letter of Approbation of the Town clerke be
That an Addresse by the desire of the whole company under the Towne Seale be sent
to Sr George Jeoffries Lord Cheife Justice of Chester with out thanks unto his majestie
for his late Declaration for the dissolving of the two last parliaments.
……that Mr John Bright and Mr Edward Smalman have leave to erect Rayles before
their severall houses in the Castle Street.
Encroachent by William Price,Mercer, in Shoemaker Row, 3/4d p.a.
Ordered that Mr Thomas Colbatch be continued for six months longer in the place of
Schoolemaster, being the time allowed for his further triall.
Ordered that Mr David Lochard be admitted under Schoolemaster of the Free Schoole
of this Corporation with the like Salary as formerly together with the house. Quarters
warning either side.
Earl of Worcester and Lord Herbert of Raglan admitted Honorary Burgesses.
Thomas Colbatch the Head Scholemaster of this Corporation be continued.
Ordered that the election of Bailiffes upon the 19th of October shall never be altered
upon the 28th October. (i.e. the nomination at the first meeting shall not be subject to
Usual allowances to Beadle and Sergeants. Charter to be inspected for the putting up
of a table concerning the Toll.
Ordered that the Renter stop the summe of four shillings for a shroud of every one that
comes into the Almshouse for the future.
Recovery of £5 of Lambs money.
Ordered that the Charters of Edward ye 4th, Henry ye 8th, Edward the 6th and Queene
Elizabeth with the Three Leger Bookes and the presentment of the Grand Jury in
January 1681 or thereabouts to be delivered to Mr John Sharrott ye present
Chamberlaine to be by him carried up to the Councell board in the Castle this
afternoon and tobe by him Brought back and delivered to Mr Bailiffes. Further ordered
that the last Charter be also taken along by Mr Sharrett and that Mr Bayliffe shall
deliver what other books or wrightings as shall be required by my Lord President or the
Court. [All returned on September 1st 1682]
Alienation of lease on shop under the Tolsey.
Lease to Mary Chyrme for 21 years of the Custody or office of the keeping of the Guild
Hall with with Appurtenances, and the weights and Ballances thereunto belonging.
The old rent of £4 p.a. ‘and that she put neither fagots nor hay nor any combustable
stuff therein during her terme.’
Ordered that Mr Renter pay unto Mr David Lockard under Scholemaster fiftie shillings
towards his disbursments which he has disbursed upon the house he now lives in.
And that Mr Lockard repayre the Stable according to his petition and ye not thereunto
annexed and upon his owne charge.
Ordered that Mr Thomas Marston to suceede as High ScholeMaster in the room of Mr
Thomas Colbatch.
Apprentices to be put out by Bailiffs, (4) to have £3 each. £5 from Lambs Interest and
£7 from Town Renter.
Ordered that Littleton Powis Esq and Thomas Powis Esq be retained for the Inspecting
the Charters and other writings that they may give their opinions concerninge the Toll.
Upon triall till Christmas next but Mr Marston to be examined first by Dr Car and Mr
It is this day ordered that Mr Thomas Colbatch the late Schoolemaster be paid the
summe of Twenty pounds by the Renter being three quarters of a yeare salary.
It is this day ordered that Mr Renter pay unto Littleton Powis esq the summe of five
pounds for the paines he has taken in perusal of the severall Charters and other
writings as a Fee and to give an Abridgement thereof with his opinion under his hand.
Att this day it is ordered that every Bailiffe of this Corporation for the future that shall
not keepe his dynner accordinge to the usual Custome shall forfeit for his neglect in
soe doeinge the Summe of Tenn pounds And it is alsoe further Ordered that every
Chamberlyne Refuseing to execute the said office of Chamberlyne beinge duly elected
shall for soe doeing forfeite to this Corporation the summe of Six pounds thirteen
shillings and four pence.
It is this day ordered that the Serjeants, the Cryer and Beadles have the same
allowances for buyinge of cloathes as formerly.
Att this day Mr Thomas Mars(t)on is elected Cheife Schoolmaster his Salary to be
Twenty six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence And upon a quarters
warninge by either partie of dislike or other reasonable cause the election and
agreement to be voyd.
Att this day it is ordered that Mr Richard Cole, Chamberlain doe enter upon the house
in the Lower end of the Old Streete late in the possession of Mr Richard Wheigham
and sett about the Repairation thereof towards which charge of Repaires the
Corporation is Content at present to allow the summe of tenn or twelve pounds. And it
is likewise ordered that the said house and garden be settled for ever to Sir Job
Charlton and Sir Thomas Walcott and to their heyres for the charitable use.
Two apprentices put out £3 each from Lambs interest and Renter.
Mr Thomas Jones of the Sheete elected into the xxv.
Lease of tenement called Kingstons place and the shoppe thereunto bellongeinge.
Sexton discharged. Bailiffs to make fresh appointment.
Att this day an addresse to his sacred Majestie King Charles the second over England
pr was Read and Ordered to bee speedily sent to London under the Seale of this
One Charter of Richard Duke of York/ One lease of Kinge Edward for five years of ye
Toll/ One Charter of King Charles the first. All these Charters ordered to be delivered
to Mr Edward Smallman this present day and which are delivered to him accordingly in
Order to a tryall at Law this Assises touchinge the Tolls of this Corporation and to be
by him Restored back to the present Bailiffs. [Note added: and accordingly they have
been delivered backe.]
Lease of Castle Mill wear and bylett to William Charlton, Town Clerk, 20 marks fine, old
rent etc.
Bailiff to go with a letter to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort.
John Wharston appointed Sexton ‘upon his good behaviour.’
This day ordered that the Renter doe in the name and for the use of this Corporation
fforthwith enter upon the parcell of errable ground Called the Gallowe Tree pitt and with
the Appurtenances. And the same deteyne till ffurther order. And that the Renter
likewise give notice to Mr John Wattson that he doe not permit or suffer any more of
the claye or soyle of the six Acres of ground in the ffield called the Wary Tree ffeild by
him self by lease under this Corporation to be taken away or Converted in to Bricke till
ffurther order as afforesaid.
Ordered that a Copy of the surrender and petition this daye Reade be by the next post
sent by Mr Bayliffe to the Recorder to be advised thereon And that Mr Lea doe not
send his opinion touchinge the same before the 23rd instant. That then the same passe
the seale of this Corporation and be together with the Charter of this Kinge dellivered
to Mr Thomas Jones to be by him Dellivered to his Grace the Duke of Beaufford in
order to the surrendring of the same to his Majestie.
Wheras by an Order made the Seaventh day of March 1682 Mr Richard Cole
Chamberlain was Impowered to enter upon and Repayre the house late in the
possession of Mr Richard Wheigham adjoining to the Old gate Beinge to be imployed
for setting the Poore at worke And whereas there were severall deeds of Lease and
Release read this day bearinge date in severall dayes in this moneth made to Sir Job
Charlton and Sir Thomas Walcott, Knights, of the said house and garden with the
appurtenances. It is this day ordered that the same deeds be sealed to the uses
This daye ordered that the fformer order for surrendringe the Charter be suspended till
the Recorders opinion be knowne to this Corporation And that a Letter with a Coppy of
the Draught of the surrender and petition for a new charter now reade be sent up by Mr
Thomas Jones one of the Common Councell of this towne directed to the towne clerke
ffor him to Advise with the Reccorder thereon And that it be refferred to Mr Bayliffes the
two Justices and such other ffoure as Mr Bayliffes shall thinke ffitt to write the same
Letter and see the Draught of surrender and petition ffayrely transcribed.
20/- and clothes formerely ordered for Thomas Davies the Beadle be not given. The
clothes to be given to Bayly the Scavenger instead. Bailiffs to provide clothes for other
beadle and Crier and the serjeants allowances.
Att this day it is ordered that the Surrender sent downe from London by Mr William
Charlton to Mr Richard Cole High Bailiffe of this Corporation be with all Convenient
speed ingrosed into Parchment to be sent up to London under the Common Seale of
the Corporation with a coppy of the last Charter granted to this Corporation and which
Charter is delivered at this time to Mr John Beeston in order for the makinge a coppy
thereof. (Charter returned and put into the Iron Chest 20th Feb. 1684.)
Lease of tenement called the Beare, the building and garden in Taylors Yard.
Ordered that the steward of this Corporation ffor the tyme beinge be for the ffuture if he
be one of this chamber, placed and called in all meetinges of this Corporation next to
the Aldermen.
Upon this petition of Richard Hosier, gent. it is ordered that his surrender of his lease of
the house, garden and chappell in Dynham and the Roome over Dynham gate and his
close at ffishpoole brooke, 20 nobles fine. 31 years. 25/- rent.
Mr John Stead to have licence to erect pales before his new erected messuage in
Brand Lane.
Town renter to pay Mr Marston, Schoolmaster £10. Apparently for repairs.
It is ordered by the unanimous Assent of the whole Company that the markett daye ion
the new charter be Wednesday instead of Monday and that the ffayer granted the 1st,
2nd and 3rd of Maye by fformer charters be channged to the Mondaye Tuesdaye and
wednesdaye before Easter but Tuesdaye be the principle ffayre daye.
Lease granted to Mr. Edward Smalman of the Shambles in the Mill Streete for (31)
years at halfe the old rent and usual Covenants. He at his owne chardges Repayringe
the same and the shopps not to be Imployed to any other use but what they were
Intended at first. And towards the Repayringe thereof Mr Smalman is to have what
arrears of Rent he can recover.
Lease of parcel of ground next adjoininge to Galfords Tower ‘beinge parte of the towne
Upon the petition of Richard Bond, plumber, it is ordered that he be restored to his
office of looking to the pipes leadinge to the severall Conduitts in this towne duringe
the pleasure of this Chamber and that the Arrears of his Sallary be to him paid by the
Renter and his disbursements in bringing the water to the Castle Conduitt by the
Chamberleyne and that for the future Edward Bond be joined with him in that
Imployment and have halfe the Sallary and that the Castle Conduitt be within theire
Two apprentices set by Bailiffs £3 each from the Renter.
Four men have £25 each of Sir T. Tournours money.
Ordered that Mr Renter pay unto Mr Thomas Marston Head Schoolemaster ten pounds
more towards the repairing of the Schoole house.
It is this day ordered that Mr Archer and Mr Smalman doe draw a deed for the
conveying of the lands for charitable uses belonging to this Corporation in Trust for the
said Corporation unto Mr Justice Charlton and Mr Justice Walcot.
Ordered that Mr Bailiffe Cole and Mr Bailiffe Earsley doe pay foure pounds apeice in
respect of not keeping of their dinners to such use as this chamber shall appoint.
Ordered Mr Renter to pay unto the three serjeants their severall Bills amounting in the
whole to two pounds five shillings and three pence.
Ordered that the two keyes of the Iron bound chest in the chamber be hereafter kept
ye one by the mayor of the Towne for the time being and ye other by the principal
justice of the same for the time being and that the Comon Seales of the said Towne be
kept in the said chest and that the chest be not unlocked or opened but in the presence
of six of the chamber for the time being at least.
Att the new howse the 4th day of May 1685 then the particular peeces of Plate here
under written were weighed as well that as Remained lately in the hands of John
Bowdler as in the hands of Mr George Haughton.
Imprimis 3 small cupps with eares. Town armes.
One plaine Silver Salt weighing 15 ounces and a half.
One large cupp Mr Baldwins guift 17 ounces 4pennyweight
Mr Langfords Bowle weighing 14 ounces.
Nineteen spoones weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces and half.
Mr Tomlins Guilt boule and cover 19 ounces 17 pennyweight and halfe.
Col ffox Large tanker weighing 2 pounds s ounces and threequarters of an ounce.
The particulars above Received from Mr John Bowdler.
One large Silver tanker weighing 19 ounces with the Towne arms.
One Guilt Silver boule with a cover the guift of John Roberts 12 ounces 3 quarters.
Two silver boules weighinge 29 ounces Towne Arms, Ludlow inscribed.
Two cupps with Eare, weighinge 6 ounces and a half.
One Silver Salt weighing 14 ounces and a half
Nineteen Silver Spoones weighing 2 pounds 4 ounces
The particular plate next above mentioned was delivered this day to Mr Mayor from Mr
George Houghton by Richard Cam.
One Silver Candlesticke one Silver payre of Snuffers and Silver Snuffe pan and one
silver plate.
Ordered upon the Petition of Humfrey Cornwall Esq that he have Licence to build part
of a Summer house upon the Townewall adjoyneing to his Garden belonging to his
house in the Brand Lane he paying one penny per annum rent to the Corporation for
the same if demanded and that he have a Lease granted to him and his assignes of
the same for xxxi yeares.
Upon the unanimous vote of the Chamber Thomas Jones gent is elected Towne
Clerke of Common Clerke of this Towne and alsoe Steward of the Courts Leete to be
held within the said Towne.
Ordered by the unanimous consent of the Chamber that noe Lands belongeing to this
Corporation be from henceforth sett or lett for any longer Terme than one and twenty
yeares and noe longer And that halfe ye yearly value of such lands be a rent reserved
to the Corporation for the same And that the Lessers shall ffine for the other half after
the rate eight years puchase at the least upon an improved Rent.
School and Schoolmaster to be reported upon and Mr Marston have warning to depart
and leave the said School at Michaelmass next.
Sir Josiah Child elected Burgess in Parliament in place of William Charlton deceased
lately elected.
Ordered that Mr Mayor doe discharge and pay the Charges of reneweing the Charter
of this Corporation.
John Donne appointed Town Preacher. Salary 40 marks and all ancient perquisites.
Mathias Whittle the Assistant minister have an allowance for supplying the place of
Towne Preacher since the death of Ralph Fenton the late Rector.
That John Jones M.A. (Baliol) appointed head Schoolmaster of the publick free School
in the place of Thomas Marston. Salary 40 marks. House and other perquisites.
Ordered that a lease be granted to John Acton Junior for 31 years of the porttage,
pontage and tolls of all the Gates and Bridges belonginge to this Corporation And
allsoe the keeping of the toll book in the beast market. Fifty five pounds ffyne and
twenty pounds per annum Rent to the use of the Corporation………to keepe a toll
booke every markett and ffayre day between the hours of 10 in the morneinge and till
sun settinge.
Sir Job Charlton, one of the Justices of the Court of Common pleas was sworne
Recorder, Justice of the Peace and Alderman.
Thomas Jones sworn as Towne Clerk, Steward of the Court Leet and view of frank
John Beeston sworn Deputy Steward and Deputy Towne Clerke.
Isabel Dedicot to be removed from the Almshouse. To have 40/- p annum from the
Renter for her service and attendance upon this chamber.
Ordered by the unanimous Consent of this Chamber that Mr David Lockard the present
underschool-master of the free schoole of this Towne (by reason of his great Age and
want of hearing) be removed from the said Imployment and that he quitt the said
Schoole and leave and deliver up the Schoole house wherein he dwells at Christmasse
Mem. Mr Mayor gave a Guiney and Humfrey Cornwall Esq, John Bright, John Sharret,
Samuel Jordan, Bernard Hammond, John Beeston, Edmund Cornwall, Edward
Winston, Thomas Haughton, Samuel Raynolds, Edmund Edwards, David Jones,
Thomas Sabery, Richard Wigley and Richard Whitney gents have this day given ten
shillings apiece and have payd the same to the hands of the said Bernard Hammond
towards buying a piece of Plate for the use of this Corporation more given by Mr
Thomas Jones 10s.
Ordered that the Towne Clarke within 2 monthes goe over to Sir Edward Harley with
Mr Walters Will and tender him a deed to seale whereby he may convey the lands left
by Mr Walter to the uses in the said will mentioned according to his trust.
That Mr Cam and Mr Raynolds inspect all the leases and Grannts belonging to this
Corporation and enter upp the heades of them in a booke and transmit a coppy of
them to the Corporation.
All the houses in the town belonging to the Corporation to be surveyed and report
made of whose houses are in sufficient repair and whose are not.
Burgage rents in arrear to be paid or legally recovered. No future leases to be granted
by the Corporation to those refusing to pay such arrears.
Serjeants at Mace, Crier and Beadles to have usual allowances and clothes.
Sir Edward Lutwych, Chief Justice of Chester, elected Burgess in Parliament in place
of Sir Edward Herbert, now Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench.
The orders and degrees for the keeping of Swine from the streets etc (Dec 1st VI
Elizabeth) to be imposed and kept being thought very necessary to be continued.
Ordered by unanimous Consent of this Chamber that Mr Richard Oakeley of
Brasenose College Oxon be admitted and constituted Underschole Master or Usher of
the ffree Schole of this Towne with the antcient and accustomed Salary during the
pleasure of this Corporation.
Upon the Petition of Mr John Donne afternoon Preacher to have his house Repayred.
Ordered that the Chamberlines repaire the Towne Preachers house with all convenient
Lease of two shops and cellars under the New House.
Ordered that five pounds being left in the hands of Mr Mayor by Mr Justice Lutwych to
be disposed of to charitable uses be bestowed in placing out tow children of one
William Davies to be apprenticed, which children have beene lately mainteteyned by
the parish.
John Jones, cheife Scholemaster …….have the salary of thirty pounds. The Chamber
will further consider the inlargeing of the said Salary.
It is likewise ordered that the Bill now remaineing in the Almshouse of this towne be
removed to the Scholehouse and that the petition of William Palmer touching his
making of a Clock for the said schole be referred to ye Surveyors to Report.
Ordered that the Chamberlins Raise the roofe of ye upper Schole and make lodging
Roomes there as they shall see convenient.
Petitions from Corporation tenants for their houses to be surveyed. [ Presumably
many were in poor condition.]
Lease of ‘tenement erected upon ye wast belongeing to this Towne near the Sandpitts
for 31 years at ye yearly [rent] of vis viiid without any fine.
William Palmer of this Towne, Gunsmith, be admitted and constituted Sexton of this
Parish Church in the place and stead of John Warton lately deceased.
Lease of tenement in Butchers Row.
Lease to Thomas Hughes, Perukemaker.
Upon Readeing of an Instrument purporting a Graunt to be made by the Lord Bishop of
Hereford to the Mayor Aldermen and Common Councell of this Towne togeather with
the Rector of this Parish for the better ordering and setting of the Seates in this Church
as they shall thinke fit. It is ordered that the Towne Clerke doe with all convenient
speed attend the said Lord Bishop in Order to obteyne his Lordships graunt under his
Episcopal Seale for the purpose aforesaid.
Ordered that the severall houses wherein Margerett Beatoe and the Widdow Waldron
lived in as also the fore part of the Bull be left oute by the Chamberlines
[Churchwardens’ erased] the tenants being ejected by the Corporation.
Ordered that ………or any 3 of them doe meete every Tuesday at the New House by
tenn of the Clock and cause such tenants as are in Arrears of Rent to the Corporation
to come before them to show cause etc. And that the Town Clerke draw 2 schedules
of the Arreares one to be delivered to the Renter and an other to the Six men
Ordered that an Addresse fro this Corporation be made under the Common Seale to
his Grace the Duke of Beaufort Lord President of his Majesties Councell in the
Marches of Wales on the behalf of Mr Richard Bulkley Rector of this Parish for the
obteyneinge of the Chaplaines place at the Castle here for the said Mr Bulkley in the
stead of Bryan Ambler Councillor deceased.
This day Mr William Archer is satisfied to serve upon Juryes for the time to come And
the said Mr Archer doth acknowledge the speaking of some words att the late Quarter
Sessions Relating to Mr Mayor to be an error in him and tobe unadvisedly spoken and
desires pardon for the same.
Ordered that the fifteen shillings lately disbursed by Mr Bulkley Minister of the Towne
of Ludlow (for the Instrument lately obteyned from the Lord Bishop of Hereford) shall
be reimbursed to Mr Bulkley And Alsoe that two quinneyes be given to Mr Griffith
Raynolds Regr as a recompense for his paynes touching the said Instrument and that
both the xvs and the 2 ginneys be payd by the Mayor of this Corporation for the time
Ordered that Mr Mayor ………. and the Churchwardens meete in the New House by
one a Clock on fryday next to consider aboute chuseing oute a convenient place in the
Church for the Corporation Seates.
Ordered that five pounds be payd by Mr Mayor to Mr Samuel Reynolds of this
Chamber for his payment in sorting of the leases and making a Rent roll of the Rents
belongeinge to this Corporation.
Roger Powys of this Chamber and Mr Rowland Earsley be paid money ‘beinge arrears
due to them from ye late Corporation.
This day Mr John Stead has engaged to have the streets and lands within the walles
cleared of all heaps of much and dirt weekely for the yeare ensueing from the date
hereof for which it is ordered that the Rentor pay him forty shillings att the yeares ende.
Ordered that Mr Mayor have liberty to make a little roome by divideing the upper end of
the outer Gallery with waynscote.
Ordered that Mr Coroner have 2s allowed him for the paying the Executioner for
Executing Rowland Griffiths.
Thomas Meredith bound apprentice, the Renter to pay his master 10/- each year end
for the first two years.
£1.2.9 to be paid by Renter to Common Serjeant for the keeping of one prisoner for 26
Upon threatened opposition to the appointment of Churchwardens by Mayor
etc.‘Ordered that the Churchwardens of the said parish be for the time to come (as
formerly) nominated elected and appointed by the Mayor Aldermen and Common
Councell of this towne for the time beinge. And that if any person or persons
whatsoever within the said Towne or Parish shall presume to alter insert or disturb the
said useage or goe about or endeavour to promote any other nomination or election of
Churchwardens of the said parish that then such person and persons and their
assignes shall be utterly incapable of takeing or renewing any lease of any of the
houses lands or hereditaments of this Corporation or of being Tenant or Tenants
thereof to this Corporation.
Ordered the goods and chattels late of Rowland Griffiths (who was lately convicted and
executed for the murder of Anne his late wife) and which are now in the custody of the
Chamberlaines of this Towne be forthwith apprised by two or more indifferent apprisers
not of this Chamber to value and apprise the same and that the same be sold
Ordered that William Doughty doe pay thirty pounds in full of his forfeiture upon the
manslaughter whereof he was lately convicted unto the hands of Mr John Beeston to
be disposed of as this Chamber shall think fit, which xxxli the said John Beeston is
ordered to receive.
Vincent Owen Clerke to succeed Mr John Donne on his resignation as Lecturer
(‘Afternoon Preacher’ erased). Salary and house as for Mr Donne.
Water to be let into the conduit in Upper Galford as formerly at the charge of
inhabitants there ‘But if the said Inhabitants shall not take care that the said water do
not run to wast that then the said water be again taken thence’
Ordered that the chamberlains of the Towne doe forthwith cause the Conduit in the
Castle Streete to be sufficiently covered and ye windowes to be latticed or fenced soe
that noe carryon or other noisome thing be throwne therein as of late hath been
Placing out of apprentice, Annie Hughes, daughter of John Hughes, Paddmaker, 40/to be layed out.
That an addresse be made to his Majesty and that Mr Underhill, Mr Bright, Mr Archer,
Mr Cam, Mr Beeston and Mr Towne Clerke doe consider of ye draweing up the same
against the next meeting of this Chamber.
Ordered that 50 Guyneyes be presented to his Majesty as a present from this
Corporation upon his arrival here in his Progresse.
Ordered that Mr Rowland Earsley have a new lease graunted to him of the tolls of the
market of this Towne for 31 years at the old Rent of xiiili vis viiid yearly and he paying 50
guyneys ffine.
Ordered that the paper purporting an Addresse to his Majestie upon his arrival at ye
gates of this Towne the Present of ffiefty Guineyes before mentioned and the Keyes of
the Gates and the Maces of the Towne and that he also deliver to his Majestie the
Addresse now sealed ye same to be read by Mr Thomas Jones the Towne Clerke
unlesse his Grace the Duke of Beaufort shall advise to ye contrary.
Two tradesmen lent £25 each of Turners money.
Ordered that Mr Renter give Tenn shillings to the Constables for their truble in
providing Carts for the Kinges Carriages.
Serjeants and Cryer to have their Sallerys paid by the mayor as is accustomed and
that the Beedles have their cloths provided.
Ordered that Mr Mayor ……… attend the Recorder to have his advice concerning the
Payment of Homage fees to his Majesties servants and that they report the same to
the Chambers next meeting.
Wheras Martin Cropper hath for neare twenty years past dwelled in this Towne with his
wife and children during which time the said Martin hath worked as a Pewterer and
brasier but he not having his Indentures to produce could not be made free of the
Company of Hammermen in this Towne by reason whereof the pewterers of this
Towne have given the said Martin frequent disburbancies by suits at Law and
otherwise hindering him to follow ye said Trade. It is therefore ordered that the said
Martin doe for the time to come freely use and exercise the said Trade of a Pewterer
and Brasier in this Towne for the maintenance of his wife and children notwithstanding
ye pretended use or composition of the said Company to ye contrary.
Ordered that Humphrey Cornewall and Francis Lloyd Esq have leave to erect a horse
block against the wall of the house of the said Mr Lloyd soe that ye same doe not
prejudice the passage in the streete (‘for Carts’ erased).
Ordered that Mr Hide of Hopton doe by sufficient assurance in Law settle a Rent
charge of iiis xd per annum to be yearly issueing out of his lands in Hopton with power
of distresse and that he pay one Guiney in lieu of arrears of the said Rent and that he
pay alsoe iiis xd for the last year.
Ordered that Mayor Humfrey Cornewall have a lease of part of the Towne Ditch now in
his possession togather with a stable newly erected therein and the standing of a
Summer house on the Towne wall for 31 years at 40s fine and the Old Rent of fower
shillings per annum…..
Ordered that Sir Job Charlton Knight and Barronet Recorder of this Towne have
Licence to Alien the Castle Mills and Bylett held by lease from this Corporation to his
sonne ffrancis Charlton Esq paying 1s fine
Ordered that ye xxs formerly ordered by this Chamber to be payd to Mr John Sharrett
late Coroner for the Execution of Rowland Griffiths be paid to him by ye Renter.
Ordered that Mr Mayor pay 20li to Mr John Beeston towards the charges expended in
the suite in Chancery wherein Thomas Smalman Esq is pt against the Corporation
and Richard Cole and Rowland Earsley gen. Defendants.
Ordered that Thomas Lewys Tanner have a lease of a Meadow Block in Warritree field
…… Rent to be payd to the Mayor for the time being.
Ordered that Mr Edmund Cornwall one of the Chamberlines of this Towne erect such
new Benches and formes in the free schoole as shall be convenient and by him
thought fitt.
Leases not taken up within one month shall be offered to any other petitioner.
Ordered that the money in the hands of Mr William Griffiths being xxxli and alsoe xxli in
the hands of Mr. Richard Pigge be called in to be payd to Mr Mayor and that this
Corporation doe under their Common Seale secure ye interest of the said severall
sommes after the rate of 6li per cent.
Lease of small parcell of meadow in Upper Galford. The rent xiiis ivd to be payd to Mr
Mayor for the time being.
Similar lease and conditions of x acres ‘neare ye Sandpit.’
Ordered that a lease be granted to William Palmer the Sexton of ye house over the
Broadgate for 31 yeares he having made a Clocke of the schole according to a former
order as a fine for ye same he paying ye old Rent of xiis yearly for the said house and
putting ye said house in repayre.
Ordered that Mr John Sallaway have a lease of 39 acres of Arable land in the severall
fields belonging to this Towne as also of a Barne and Close in Galford for 21 yeares he
paying Sixty fower pounds fine and twenty shillings a yeare Rent with usual
convenants. This Corporation having an urgent occasion for rayesing money at this
Ordered that Mr Thomas Jones (Town Clerk) have a lease of five acres of arrable Land
……..formerly Granted with other lands to Jane Hall then widdow now the wife of Mr
John Sallaway And…….. at five pounds fine and sixteene shillings yearely Rent and a
cupple of capons yearely at Christmas to the Mayor.
Ordered that Mr Mayor tender the hundred pounds togather with the Interest therof to
Major Smalman or his assignes the sixth day of this instant June it being due to him
from this Corporation and that what money Mr Alderman Cole and Mr Rowland Earsley
shall deposit towards the compleating of the aforesaid summe shall be reimbursed
them by this Corporation which will be aboute the summe of thirty pounds.
Ordered that Mr Mayor and the Six men doe order what they shall think fit to be
expended on Sunday next being the day appointed for public Thanksgiving for the Birth
of the Prince.
This Day Mr Richard Cam one of the Common Councellors of this towne was Elected
Alderman in the Roome of H. Cornwall deceased.
Memo. Richard Dymock and Henry Hunt were then sworne Serifs at Mace for the
Ordered that John Underhill Esq be a Justice of ye Peace within this Corporation
according to ye power in the Charter in ye place of Humfrey Conrwall Esq deceased.
Upon ye readeing of an Instrument this day for ye Saveing of John Sallwey Esq and
Jane his wife (she being ye Executrix of William Griffiths gent. deceased) harmelesse
from ye summe of thirty pounds lately payd into this Chamber by the said William
Griffiths which thirty pounds was formerly bequeathed by Awdrey Hughes, Richard Hall
and Mary Hall for the benefit of certaine poore of this Towne, Be sealed under ye
Comon Seale of this Towne. And that upon delivery thereof to the said Mr Sallwey he
produce the wills of the said Richard & Mary Hall to the end that soe much thereof may
be transcribed for ye use of this Chamber as concernes the said Bequests and
Ordered that the ffowerscore and two pounds and ye odd money demanded by
Thomas Salman Esq for his costs of ye suite lately depending in ye high Court of
Chancery be payd to him or his order he giveing such Release for ye same to be payd
out of the money remaining in the hands of Mr Justice Bright late Mayor.
Ordered that ye Chamberlaines of this Towne for ye time to come doe not undertake
any public worke for this Towne of above ye expence of xxs without ye consent of the
Mayor and Six men for the time being.
Whereas certaine persons of this Towne have lately gone about with a Petition wherein
they have traduced the Government of this Towne as now established and which (as is
given out) presented to ye Lord high Chancellor of England and Mr Attorney Generall
in order to alteration of the Present Government here. It is therefore ordered that there
be an Instrument drawne up by Mr Mayor Mr Justice Underhill Mr Justice Bright and Mr
Towne Clerke in vindication of the present Government of this Towne and that Mr
Recorder be attended with it and consulted about the same for his direction therein.
And that ye Instrument be prepared by too morrow at eight of the clocke in ye morning.
Ordered that the Petition now read being drawne in pursuance of an order of the last
meeting be sealed and sent and presented to the high Chancellor or England by Mr
Thomas Jones Towne Clerke in this Corporation And that Mr Justice Bright doe order
the said Mr Towne Clerke to receive five pounds in London towards the defraying of
his present charge and that whatever he shall reasonably expend further be imediatly
repayd to him by the Receiver of the Rents of this Corporation upon his the said Mr
Towne Clerke retorne.
Ordered that all persons that have received any money for the use of this Corporation
and have given in their Accompts touching their disbursements and payment thereof
according to ye usual adjusting of Accompts touching the same shall by an Acquittance
and Release under the Comon Seale of this Corporation be discharged of what they
shall have soe payd and disbursed And likewise that all Summes of money that have
been disbursed and due to any person or persons for the use and service of this
Corporation by payd to the respective persons as the same shall appeare to be due
the same to be secured under the Common Seale of this Corporation. Such release
to be sealed in ye presence of ye Mayor for ye time being and six more of the
Aldermen or Common Councell of this Town.
Ordered also that all and every person and persons who from time to time hereafter
shall receive any money for which they are and shall be accomptable to this
Corporation shall at their request upon their respective clearing of their accompts have
a generall Release and discharge for ye same under the Common Seale of this
Ordered that ye members of this Corporation attend upon the Right Honorable the Lord
Herbert Baron of Chirbury in their gownes and that they present him with one dozen
Bottles of Canary and two dozen Bottles of Clarret ye same to be provided by ye
Renter and he to be allowed on his accompt for the same. [Note: The heading of this
meeting is dated Dec.19the and in the 4th year of James II – who abdicated Dec 11th]
Daniel Owen to be appointed Assistant Minister of this Parish in place of Vincent
Upon ye humble Petition and submission of Charles ffox he is readmitted to be public
Cryer of this Towne with ye usual fees and Salary.
First meeting in the reign of William and Mary.
Whereas John Jones Mercer was at last meeting of this Chamber elected one of the
Common Councellors of this Towne in the roome of Roger Powys Alderman. And the
said John Jones haveing had due notice of his said Election and being required to
attend at this meeting to take his Oath accordingly which he had neglected or refused
to doe. It is therefore by the unanimous consent of this Chamber ordered that William
Gower esq be sworn or Burgess and Common Councellor of this Towne in place of the
said Roger Powis and that the former order relateing to the Election of the said John
Jones by voyd and of none effect.
Memorandum that Richard Cole gent late Mayor hath the custody of the Plate of this
Corporation till the present Mayor (Francis Charlton) require it out of his hands
Lease of land in Upper Galford to fine 20/- rent and couple of capons
Lease of house called Ye ffox in Upper Galford.
Lease of 17 acres of Field land ‘usually belongeing to the Mayor he paying five
shillings and six pence per acre yearly. Rent to the Mayor for the time being he being
allowed all taxes except to Church and poore, ye said land lyeing in ye 3 common
fields and now in his possession.
Fee for Burgess ‘being a Burger borne’ 1s 4d 2 others 10/- each.
Lease of tenement and close in Corve Street next above the Bank House.
Lease of tenement garden and close in Corve Street called the Sign of the Harpe.
That such members as now are in the present Corporation and have not yet been
sworen and taken out theire Burgess Coppies doe imediatley performe the same.
Lease of land in the Warretree field 5/6 per acre Rent to the Mayor. If any brick be
made on the premises to pay 10s per annum more to the Mayor.
Lease of 2 Barns and a parcel of garden ground, 31 yrs. 10/- fine old rent. Lessee ‘to
build a faire dwelling house upon the premises within 3 yeares.’
Ordered that Mr Thomas Jones Towne Clerke attend the high Shiriffe of this County
with a letter from this Corporation under the Common Seale in order to have his
mandate for Electing Burgesses for this Towne to sitt in next Parliament directed to the
Mayor of this present Corporation.
Ordered that John Brampton shoemaker be Sexton to this Parish In the place of
William Palmer – usual salary.
This day the persons undernamed take the Oaths of Alegiance to Our Sovereigne Lord
and Lady Kinge William and Queen Mary directed by a late Acte of Parliament
Entituled and Act for the Abrogateing of the Oaths of Alegiance and Supremacy and
apoynting other oaths and did subscribe the following declaration.
I do declare that I hould there lies noe obligation upon me or any other person from the
Oath commonly called the Solemne league and Covenant and that the same was in it
selfe an unlawfull oath and imposed upon the subjects of this Realme contrary to the
knowne laws of this Kingdom. – John Pearce, William Gower, Thomas Davies, George
Larkyn, Benjamin Carver.
Ordered that John Child of Ashford Carbonell immediately pay unto the present Mayor
the summe of fifty shillings in lieu of an Herriott due upon the death of his late mother
Joane Child deceased or the best beaste upon the premises at her decease/already
Ordered by the consent of this Corporation that they will stand by and defend this
present constituted Corporation till otherwise altered by Act of Parliament. And that
what charges shall be reasonably expended in the defence therof by the said
Corporation reimbursed. And that the present Rent shall pay unto such person such
summe or summes of money as the said Corporation shall order and appoint.
That a Coate and Breeches be given to George Fox and Zachariah Evans being the
beedles of the Towne as formerly.
Ordered that the said Zachariah Evans be admitted into ye Chamber in ye Almeshouse
in ye roome of Adam Dedicott deceased wit the usual allowance.
Ordered that leave be given to Mr John Stead to make a Comon shore (sewer) in the
Broad Street and leading throw and under ye Brand Lane he keeping the grate of ye
shore from being noysom or offensive.
George Larkin is by Mr Mayor admitted to be sworne and Attorney of this Towne Court
during the pleasure of the Mayor for the time being.
Ordered that the suite now Revived in ye Exchequer Chamber against this Corporation
by Thomas Powell gent concerning ye Mills in this Corporation be defended and ye
costs therein defrayed at the Charge of this Corporation.
Ordered that the receiver of the Corporation Rents doe transmitt ten pounds to William
Cooke of Lincolns Inn Esq towards defending the suit commenced by Thomas Powell
gent against this Corporation and Sir Job Charlton.
Corporation lands at Leominster and Morton in Herefordshire and at Brooke Hampton
and Long Stanton be surveyed.
Ordered that the receiver of the Rents pay to Thomas Wellings and Richard Langford
20s for theire charge and truble in goeing to Salop with theire Teems to convey the
Baggage belonging to a Dutch Troope lately quartered in this Towne.
Two tradesmen have loan for 3 years of £25 each free of interest of Tournours money.
Lease of Barne and Close in Corve Street for 31 years. To give a bond of £100 on
sealing of lease to build a substantial dwelling house on the land within three years.
Lease of Tenement in Leominster and xli fine Old Rent of 13s and a couple of Capons.
Lease of a close in Fishpool Lane.
A Bill of Indictment in the Crown Office against Edward Smalman for breaking up the
pavement and building a ‘Bogghouse’ in Mill Street without consent.
Ordered that the Smaler Silver Tankard, Mr Baldwins great Cupp and one Smale Cupp
and twelve silver spoones be delivered in to the Custody of Mr Mayor Powys and that
Coll. Ffox his Tankard, one silver Candlestick and a silver payre of Snuffers and snuffe
pan and silver plate to be delivered to Mr Thomas Jones, And that all the rest of the
Corporation plate be delivered to Mr Alderman Davies to be kept to the use of the
Ordered that the Leiger booke together wit such Charters Bookes or papers as
Thomas Hanmore and William Gower Esqs or present Members of Parliament shall
have occasion for to defend the tythe of the Corporation and theire owne Election be
forthwith delivered to Mr Gower or his Order and that a note of such Charters bookes
or papers as shall be delivered be kept in the presse till they are redelivered into the
Then Delivered to William Gower Esq. one of Burgesses of Parliament one Charter of
Richard the 3rd one of Queene Eliz. One of Charles the Second and one of James the
Second together with an Exchequer Examplification touching the Burgesse right.
Corporation of Ludlow Minute Book – December 1690 – October 7th 1712
Extracts 12.1939
The first page is loose. The fifth sheet is No 6; the corners of the 4 preceding sheets
are rubbed off. There may be a sheet missing.
Page 1 has a list of the Council and records the taking of oaths by them.
The bottom entry reads ‘Charles Fox then continued his place of cryer’.
18 new Burgesses were ‘made’ and signed their names under the oath ‘we whose
names are hereunto subscribed doe declare that we doe beleeve that there is not any
transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in the elements bread and
wyne at or after the Consecration thereof by any person whatsoever’.
Sheet 2 & 3? The new Mansion House. December 26th
‘Then the members of the old Corporation reassumed their places and acted as
A list of names follows and a number of other persons were elected to the common
council and signed under the oath as given on Sheet 1.
Four burgesses ‘made’.
Then John Acton was then alsoe elected one of the common Councell of this towne in
the roome of Mr George Haughton whose place is become vacant by him not takinge
the oaths of fidelity etc by or before the first daye of August 1689 accordinge to the Act
of Parliament in that case made and provided. And the said Mr Acton now took the
severall oaths and subscribed the declaration by lawe appoynted together with the
oath of office’.
‘And then the chamber adjourned till to morrowe at nine of the clock in the morneinge.
December 27th
Bernard Hammond and Phillip Cole of the Common Council not having taken the oaths
were reelected, took the oathes and subscribed the declaration
3 new burgesses made.
‘Then ordered that the Bayliffes of this towne for the time being shall forever have all
the Ammercients and nonsuites in the corporation courts without making accompt for
the same towards theire chardges in kepeinge Jury Daye Dinners.’
‘Resolved then that all those that pretend to be burgesses of this towne by or under
that late Charter graunted by the late King James are noe Burgesses nor have any
right as burgess (to) give a voate for electinge burgesses to serve in Pliant for thes
Bur[ough]nor ought to enjoye any other the [said] privilledges of this town as burgess.’
‘Then Charles earle of Macklesfeild Lord President of Wales was elected a free
burgesse of this Corporation gratis’. (Five signatures under the oath.)
Ordered that the chamberlaynes of this towne doe forthwith demand from Mr Gower
the Charters, Leiger bookes and other writings he hath in his custody bellongeinge to
this corporation and also the key of the chest where the seale and charters of this
towne are kept from Mr Bright.’
Oath of transubstantiation – page full of signatures.
‘Then ordered that Mr Bayliffes at the election of burgesses for Parliament to morrowe
doe tender the oathes of fidelity to the present Government to such of the electors as
they shall see cause.
Ordered that Mr Beeston be desired to demand the key of the chest from Mr Bright and
the keye of the Towne Clerks office of Mr Jones.
Her majesties gratious answer to the petition preferred on the behaulfe of this
corporation for a new charter of confirmation and restouration of the anntient libertyes
and Mr Atturney generall report thereupon made and the draught of the new charter
thereupon graunted beinge reade. It is ordered that the chardges in obteyneinge and
givinge forth of the said charter be defrayed by the corporation And that neither Mr
Bayliffe officer or member be questioned or impleaded for this action. If so to be
indemnified by the corporation.
Ordered that Mr Chamberlaynes give notice to Mr Daniell Owens in his prayer before
his sermon to praye for the Kinge and Queenes majesties and the Bayliffes of this
towne as [was] formerly usuall.
‘Richard Cole the elder late one of the Aldermen of this towne haveinge without the
assent or privity of this corporation caused the late surrender of the libertyes of this
towne tobe involved whereby this corporation hath beene and is like to be putt to very
greate expence and haveinge also committed severall other enormityes to the greate
detriment of this towne and now refusinge to take the oathes by lawe appoynted, it is
ordered that the said Richard Cole be disfranchesed and displaced of his said place of
Alderman the said Mr Richard Cole haveinge first beene heard to the severall
accusations layde to his chardge and require to take the said oathes.’
Lease to Jane Coney, garden upper gaolford ‘seaven nobles fine. Rent on
Another lease to John Salway (Alderman) his house in Broad Street – with covenant
to renew.
One on land, to J Saly in Portmans Meadow.
Lease to Edward Robinson (Alderman) for 31 years, house in Shoemakers Row, £3
fine, old rent. Covenant to renew at same fine and rent. Also, under like covenant
house in Drapers Row.
Edward Smallman appointed Town Attorney in place of Mr Kettleby.
Lease granted to Edward Smallman, land at Hucklemarsh for 20 years. Covenant to
renew at end of term, same fine and rent.
Then granted the house and garden in Mill Streete now in the possession of the Usher
of the Free Schoole to the use of the said Usher and his successors forever. And
ordered that the renter of the parish of Ludlowe for the time beinge be a trustee in the
deedes to be made thereof.
Ordered that unlesse Mr Daniell Owens beinge admonished to praye for their
Majesties in the prayer before his sermon by the title of defender of the faith etc
accordinge to the cannon and also praye for the Bayliffes of this towne and the rest of
this corporation as the former assistant preachers usually did betweene this time and
midsummer next, his salary for the future be stopt in the hands of the receiver of the
revenues of this towne till further order.
Ordered that those persons that have any share of Sir Timothy Tournours (Turners)
money doe renewe theire security in the name of the Bayliffes Burgesses and
commonalty and upon giveing such security theire former Bonds be delivered up.
Then graunted to Richard Cam a lease of his house and garden in the Church yard for
31 years upon surrendringe 29 years at 13s 4d old rent and the future fine to be 5li.
Lease to Edward Lea Junior land in the Common Fields 2/- rent ‘and a couple of
Ordered that Mr Bayliffs doe buye the two Bill men new coats.
Mr B Hammond, receiver of rents be discharged for delinquencies ‘having under
collour of being received of the said rents wrongly extorted severall summes of money
to his owne use from severall of the town tennants’.
Chamberlain ordered to receive rents till further notice.
Mr Low Bailiff to pay what money may be needed to defend the corporation concerning
the same.
‘Then graunted to Richard Woodall a lease of the garden behinde Dynham Chappell ..’
Then ordered and agreed that the severall pews and seates erected for the late Justice
In the Marches and theire servants and the severall pewes and seates formerly
graunted to Mr Cupper, Mr Rowland Earsley and Dr Atkinson and his wife be reduced
into one intire pew for the use of the Bayliffes Aldermen and common councell of this
towne at the corporation chardges; Mr Cupper, Mr Earsley and Mr Atkinson haveinge
some other convenient seates assigned the in leuwe of theire severall seates.
Then graunted to William Batch as trustee for Mrs Tyler licence to alien the chappell in
Dynham to Richard Wooddall. He reparinge the same….
Ordered that unless Roger Gough doe upon notice of this order repair to the Bayliffs
and give them satisfaction for the severall Tunns of coles in arreare to this corporation,
this chamber at theire next meetinge will graunt a lease in revertion of the messuages
and lands he holdeth under this corporation.
Upon the petition of William Batch gen. Ordered that the Chappell called Dynham
Chappell be taken into the hands of the corporation and that the 8s per annum rent
reserved be from henceforth deducted and abated.
Money received by Edward Smallman and B. Hammonds for shrouds for people dying
in the Almshouse (4/- each shroud) be paid by them to the bailiffs.
Lease of ‘the Round about House’. Corporation at liberty to take down the house ‘and
place the same on some other of the corporation land’.
Licence to transfer lease of the Castle Mills from Francis Charlton to William
Then ordered that all those of this chamber that have not gownes doe before next
Faire procure the same on payne of 10s each person offending.
Ordered also that all those of this chamber that have not paid theire 10/- accordinge to
the anntient custom doe forthwith paye in the same to the chamberlaynes who are to
laye out the same for common prayer bookes to be used in the new seates in St
Lawrence Church.
Ordered that it be referred to Mr Bayliffes to place out apprentices with the six pounds
interest of Mr Lambs money as formerly.
Ordered that all such that subscribed the petition to the Queene and counsel against
this corporation doe before they be admitted into this chamber owne theire fault and
declare they are sorry for the same in the councell chamber.
List of town plate. /Comp with present plate/
This daye Mr Charles Fenton is unanimously invited to supply the Lecturers place in
the roome of Mr Daniell Owen until Michaelmas next upon triall and then to be
confirmed if this corporation doe approve of him.
Then ordered that the Ushers of the Grammar Schoole salary be from Michaelmas
next augmented to xvli per annum.
Then ordered that the xxiili of Mr Salweys money remaining in Mr Low Bailiffes hands
be paid towards the new mace.
Then ordered that the severall members of this corporation doe on Sundayes and
other festival dayes repair to the parish Church of St Lawrence in theire gownes and
there sitt in the new seates lately for them erected and also at faires, sessions, Leetes
and at such other publick meetinges as Mr Bayliffes shall particularly apoynt attend Mr
Bayliffes in theire gownes alsoe.
Ordered that Mr Bayliffes at such tyme as they Lord President resides at the castle
shall sitt in the seate erected in the parish Church for the Justices to the end the Lord
President maye if he please sitt in the seate or pewe where the new bayliffes sitt and
that the church wardens be desired to enter the substance of this order in the church
[The court was dissolved in 1689. After that time governors, usually retired
officers occupied a few rooms in the castle. (Wright’s Ludlow)].
Lease to John Sharrett of the Castle Mill, stable, bylett and meadow with liberty to build
a new wheate mill.
Then ordered that Mr Daniell Owens leaveinge the lecturers place which he of his
owne accord without the Assent of this corporation assumed be by Mr Low Bayliffe out
of Buryes fine [a lease granted at the same meeting] when received paid the salary
due to the lecturer till Michaelmas next, he out of the same satisfyeinge Mr Fenton for
such tyme as he supplied or shall betweene this and Michaelmas supply the same.
And that Mr Renter out of next Michaelmas rents when received doe repaye the same
to Mr Low Bayliffe.
Then ordered that Mrs Francis Bowdler be paid out of the rents of this towne after
sallarys paid the summe of xli in part the moneys Mr John Bowdler her late husband
deceased expended before he was so basely and unworthily putt out of his place of
Head Bayliffe by the late usurped mayor corporation.
Charles Fenton was confirmed Lecturer at 40 marks a year.
Mr Benjamin Karver’s [new alderman] fine for beinge a burgesse is mitigated from xs to
five shillings he haveinge marryed an Aldermans widow.
That Mr Bayliffe Lea paye to Mr Richard Davies to the use of Humphrey Morely and
Charles Vale the residue of the money due to them for theire worke in the Church
[making the seats for the Bayliffes and corporation]
Resolved that this corporation will at the publick chardge defend the suite brought
against Mr Colbatch, Mr Smallman, the late churchwardens and the workmen
touchinge the new seates erected in the church.
Ordered that Mr Towne Clr be impowered as he shall by Councell be advised at the
chardges of this corporation to bring and prosecute a writt of prohibition for remouvall
of the said suite out of the ecclesiasticall court.
Whereas at this time there is an occasion to return the sum of fifty pounds to London
for the sueing out [issuing] of the Charter under the great Seale and that Mr Benjamin
Karver doth lend the said sum of ffifty pounds upon the security of Mr Bayliffe Sharrett,
Mr John Stead, Mr Samuel Bowdler, Mr Edward Robinson Junior and Mr William Price
to be bound for the same, it is this day ordred that the said Mr Bayliffe Sharrett etc,
etc,and every of the shalbee Indemnified from the bond above by this Corporation and
the same tobe repayed to the said Mr Karver out of the ffirst money that shalbee raised
by ffines or any other waye as the like sum may be raised. [not written by E. Smallman]
Theire Majesties most Royall charter of confirmation to this corporation of all theire
anntient ffranchises beinge read and Mr Thomas Lea thereby beinge nominated one of
the Bayliffes and Justices of the peace for the time beinge, And Mr Lea haveinge by
his deed in wrightinge dated this present daye freely surrendred the said severall
offices into the hands of this corporation. The same is by this chamber accepted.
The same done by the Low Bailiff and other officers. Then all former orders and
elections by this chamber at any time made since the 25th day of December 1690 and
not by any subsequent order of this chamber heretofore abrogated or otherwise altered
are and every of them is hereby rattifyed and to all intents and purposes absolutely
All the officers were reelected and took the oaths under the new Charter of Phillip and
Mr Thomas Jones haveinge submitted to the corporation whether he should redelliver
the plate in his possession or noe. It is unanimously resolved that he delliver the same
to Mr Bayliffes and theire receipt shall be his sufficient dischardge.
Graunted to William Palmer licence to alien his rooms over ye Broad gate to Mr John
Stead paying 6d fine.
Lease granted to John Stead of these premises ‘and also of the dungeon the meese
place before the doore on the east side together with the 2 cottages and gardens….’
Walter Lea, Alderman ‘by reason of his age’ surrenderes his place as Alderman,
Accepted. His son Thomas Lea to take his place.
That all herriotts payable to this corporation be for the tyme to come appropriated to
the use of the Bayliffes of this towne for the time beinge without makeinge accompt for
the same.
Ordered that Mr Chamberlyne doe demand of Mr William Gower the Charters, Leiger
booke and other wrightings in his hands bellongeinge to this corporation and report his
answer to this chamber at the next meeteinge.
[*In margin ‘A graunt to Thomas Davies of the Readers House.’]
Graunted then to Thomas Davies [one of the 25] the chamber formerly bellonginge to
the reader duringe the pleasure of this corporation.
The water corn mills in possession of Thomas Powell, 3 mills at lower end of Mill
Street, 2 mills and 1 treble mill at end of Old Street to be purchased for £400.
Chamberlains to carry out repairs to the mills.
Lease to Edward Colbatch of ‘the corner house at the upper end of Broad Street’ now
in possession of Mr Longe. The latter to be paid for wainscot partitions, shelves and
board he put up [probably Bodenhams shop]
Ordered that Thomas Taylor, Clothier, John Brown, Glover, Thomas Peach, carviser
(?) and John Hooper, Glover; upon the severall securities by them proposed have 25li
apiece of Timothy Turners (Tourneurs) money for 3 years for carrying on theire
respective trades.
Ordered that none of this chamber for the future be admitted suretyes for any part of
the aforesaid moneys and that there be a clause in theire respective bonds that the
whole moneyes be applied as a stocke in management of theire trades and noe parte
thereof be deposited and left in theire suretyes hands for theire indempnity. But if it be
soe proved before Mr Bayliffes or that any of them dureinge the time the moneyes
remeynes in theire hands by themselves or other in trust for them sell Ale, Beare,
Sidere or other licquors contrary to the donors intention by will that then the bond or
bonds of such person or persons soe acting contrary be immediately putt in suite.
Ordered that all deodands happening to accrue within this towne for the time to come
be paid to the Bayliffes for the time beinge and that the deodand now due from Doctor
Bulkley be to the present Bayliffes paid accordingly.
To Thomas Hitchcott ‘a lease of the Inne called the Beare and house and garden in
Taylors Yard.’
Ordered that every member of this chamber that hereafter shall make default of
appearance at a chamber meetinge by the tyme appointed or within halfe one houre
then after beinge first duely summoned without a reasonable excuse first made
and allowed by the Bayliffes for the time beinge or one of them, or depart from such
meeteinge till it be over without reason shall for every default forfeit xiid tobe by the
chamberlaynes leavyed by distress and sale of the offenders goods rendringe the
overplus to be applied to the use of the poore by the directions of the Bayliffes.
The like order for any member that shall hereafter appear at any publick meeteinge
without his gowne in this chamber to forfeit vid to be leavyed and disposed as in the
precedent order.
Graunted then licence to Mr Nicholas Fothergill to rayse claye upon the towne lands in
his possession in Gaolford to be imployed onley in buildinge and repairing the houses
and buildings bellongeinge to this corporation in his possession and not elsewhere
provided it be noe nusance to the towne and make good and soyle when finished.
[Edge note: to take claye to make bricke.]
Ordered that Mr Roger Powis, Mr Thomas Vernall, Mr John Senex and Mr Samuel
Jordan haveinge due notice of this order doe on the xth of August next severally shewe
cause before Mr Bayliffes and such of this chamber as shall be then present why they
have so longe neglected the service of this corporation in not appearinge at theire
publick meeteinges as they aught to have donne and why they should not severally
surrender theire places to the end this corporation for the future maye be better served.
Liberty to John Acton to erect a small Tollshop at the upper end of Edward Winstons
shopp under the Tollsey, to determine with the lease by which Mr Acton hold the Toll.
Yearly rent 12d.
Then Caleb Powell is admitted a free Burgesse of this towne, he first giveinge security
to paye all Tolls bellongeinge to the corporation and payeinge five guinneas fine.
Then Mr Thomas Hughe, Perriwig maker was admitted a free burgesse, paying two
guinneas fine.
That Mr Bayliffes bringing with them six of the supervisors inspect the Almeshouses
and have power to turne out all the children and younge people there and report to this
chamber next meeteinge what other persons are in the Almeshouse that are not fit
objects of charity.
Ordered that if Mr Gower doe not upon request delliver up to the Bayliffes such
charters, leidger books and wrightinges which bellonge to this corporation, that then
the Town Clerk proceede in the suite against him and others already commenced in
Chauncery for reccovery thereof.
Lease for 31 years of the Shambles to Edward Smallman at £2.14.4 p.a. rent ‘with a
covenant in respect of the greate chardges he hath beene at in building the Shambles
an inclosinge the land to have a new lease at the expiration of his terme for 31 years
longer at the like yearly rent he haveinge now surrendred – yeares in the shambles
with the like covenant’.
Whereas the Sherriffe of the county of Salop hath lately infringed the libertyes of this
towne by arrestinge severall persons within this towne without ever directinge any
mandate to the Bayliffes of this towne, it is therefore unanimously ordered and agreed
that an action at lawe be forthwith at the common chardge of this corporation
presented against the sayd sherriffe for such his intrusion.
Timothy Rawlings Burgess ‘payeing five guinneas fine.’
Repairs to Mill Street wears last winter £26 to workmen.
That the chamberlaynes for the time beinge and all other Bayliffes of this towne since
the last restauration thereof [1689-90] paye to the use of the chamber four pounds
apiece in leiwe of theire dinner which accordinge to the auntient custome they aught to
have donne. And that all others that shall beare these offices within this towne of the
tyme to come shall either keepe theire dinners as formerly or paye the like summe of
iiiili to the like use at theire respective elections.
Humphrey Morely elected a Burgess ‘payinge thirteen shillings and fower pounds fine
to the corporation.’
Than an humble address be made and presented to his Majestie from this corporation
condolinge the death of her Majestie.
Alienation of garden and tenement in Dynham from Mr R. Porter to John Morgan,
‘fishhook maker’.
That for the ensueinge yeare there be onely 3 dinners kept at the corporation chardge,
two whereof to be at the two leetes and the other upon the nomination daye of
By consent of Mr John Acton it is ordered that in consideration of 50li to be advanced
by Mr Acton for the use of this corporation towards the dischardginge the purchase
money for the mills there be dellivered to him by Mr Bayliffes soe much of the Towne
plate as will secure him the repayment thereof with interest at twelve monethes end.
A lease to Rowland Earsley of the Pigeon House close.
Lease to J Sharrett for the Tollshop at the end of the Market House.
Mr Samuel Jordan leandinge to this corporation 50li at interest is to have a bill of sale
under the towne seale of soe much Towne plate as shall be worth 65li for his security
of the repayment thereof with interest at the end of two yeares and that the Bayliffes
have the like power to take up 50li more upon the residue of the plate upon the like bill
of sale. The 100li soe to be raysed to be paid to Mr Leighton, Mr Thomas Powells
executor in dischardge of one bond due to him from this corporation.
Several persons, sons of mayors during the Charters of James II were re-elected
Burgesses and sworn.
Ordered that five and twenty pounds of Sir Timothy Tourneurs money be lent to
Edward ----, John Vaughan, William Crow, and Edmund King for three years next
ensueing ……upon the security by them proposed.
Then dellivered to Mr Philip Cole head Bayliffe all the silver plate in this book formerly
mentioned to be in the possession of Mr Richard Davies.
And then also dellivered to Mr Bayliffe Sabery all the plate formerly in the possession
of Mr Samuel Bowdler.
A petition from this corporation to the Honourable house of Commons for remeding the
coyne was reade and ordered to be sealed.
Lease to Thomas Martin, Weaver, of house in Corve Street.
Ralph Harris, Glover, to have £25 of Turners money in place of John Vaughan.
Then ordered that the chamberlaynes for the time beinge forthwith repair the
Almeshouse and take care that the doore of the springe head and the leades
conveyeinge the water to the severall conduitts of this towne be repaired.
Then ordered that all charters and other wrightinges bellongeinge to this corporation be
before the next meeting of this chamber brought in and locked up in the chest and that
the Chamberlaynes for the tyme beinge give them that have any such in (their)
possession notice of this order.
Edward Miles, Taylor, admitted a burgess paying xxs fine ‘he beinge already a freeman
of this town’.
Then graunted to Mr Edward Nettleby liberty to erect posts and rayles before his doore
from the rayles before the White Lion to the castle ditch and then alsoe gave him the
like liberty to place a gate in the towne wall at the end of this garden to passe behinde
the castle he making up the same at his owne chardges when thereunto required by
this corporation. [Gate still there, also rails. The White Lion when rebuilt brought to
frontage level of the former ‘rayles’. Now the Girls High School. The former White
Lion made into cloakrooms etc 1938-9.]
[Warytree field or Wary Bank often occurs in leases – Wayfairing Tree?]
Then ordered that the Charter of Edward the 6th be delivered to the Towne Clerk to
produce to George Walker Esq to manifest this corporations right to the land in
Marlborough. [Charter restored and put in chest Oct 6th 1696 note.]
Then also graunted to Mr Sam Bowdler a lease of the house at the church scallenge….
Then ordered that Mr Jon Acton and Mr Thomas Davies late chamberlaynes be
reimbursed the 43s they expended in conveyeinge prisoners to Worcester.
Then graunted to Mary Chirme widow a lease of the Guildhall and weights for 31
Five members of council fined 2/6d each for not attending the meeting.
Then the charters of Charles the 2nd and the exchequer exemplification were
Redellivered to Mr Bayliff Lea by Mr Gower.
Then Mr Edward Smallman Town Clerk delivered backe fower leiger bookes and the
book of orders called the red booke, the first charter of Edward the fourth and the
Exemplification of the Exchequer decree which were heretofore delivered to Mr Town
Clerk touching the tryall at the elections and priviledges betwene Mr Newport and Mr
Edward Payne admitted Burgess, fine xs. Elijah Rogers admitted without fine he ‘at his
owne chardges bringeinge downe the two engines for fire from London to this towne.’
That what money is or shall be received towarde the buyeinge of two water engines for
fire be paid in to Mr Low Bailiffe in order for buyeinge the same.
Then graunted to John Davies, apothecary, upon the petition of his mother and his
brother Richard Davies, a lease of the house and shoppe late Mr Samuell Bowdlers
Apothecarye Deceased, called Kingston House in Drapers Row…..
Then graunted to Edward Taylor, Dyer, Jon Griffiths, Corviger, William Woodall,
Carpenter and Nathan Wellings, Slaughterman, xxvli of Turners money.
Then ordered that Mr Town Clerk doe in the name of this corporation impleade Mr
Caleb Powell at lawe for the five guinneas by him owing upon his beinge made a
burgesse of this towne.
Ordered that Mr Bayliffes, Mr Aldermen, Cam, Lea, Davies, Cole etc, etc or any 3 of
them together with such others of this corporation as Mr Bayliffes shall thincke fit
meete in the councell chamber on Wednesday next precisely at one of the clocke and
inspect all such charters as are in the chest of presse and report at the next meeteinge
what charters are there and what charters are wanting.
Then ordered that the interest of the xxxli bellongeinge to the poor of this corporation
formerly paid by Alderman Griffithes deceased to the late mayor corporation be for the
future paid by the receiver of the revenue of this towne by half yearly payments at
Candlemas and Lamas the ist payment to be at Candlemas next. The said xxxli beinge
the guifte of Awdry Hughes widow, Richard Hall and Mary Hall deceased.
Ordered that the surveyors doe forthwith survey the land bellowe the Old Gate on
which Elijah Rogers petitioneth to erect a barne and if on the survey it shall appear to
be in caldwalls lease then Captaine Jones out of the subscription money for the fire
engine remaining in his hands paye to Elijah Rogers iiiili for carryeinge downe the
engine and Capt. Jones is also out the the said subscription money to cause the
wheeles of the said engine to be iron bound. [Note: Captain Jones was in command of
soldiers at the castle. In 1708 he compiled for the castle Governor a catalogue of
goods and furniture remaining in the castle (see Wrights ‘Ludlow’). On the plan of the
castle is a room near the Castle Street entrance ‘where the Fire Engines were kept’.]
Then graunted to Robert Cornwall Esq licence to take downe that parte of the town
wall that adjoyneth to his garden in Maryvale soe that he leaves the same full foure
feete above the earth of his garden and make up the breach in the said wall at his
owne chardges.
Then graunted liberty to Mr Richard Davies the elder to take downe his decayed house
at the Sand Pitts puttinge the same up againe upon some other of the corporation land
at his owne chardges.
Lease to Edward Smallman, Town Clerk, of Messuage and Tenement called ye
‘Elephant and Castle’
Licence to alien shop next door to the Three Tuns in the upper end of Broad Street
payinge a quart of Sack.
Then ordered that the daye for nomination of Bayliffes and other officers for this
corporation be adjourned over till Tuesday morneinge and that the election dinner and
the session dynner be then kept together at Mr Oakeleys by waye of an ordinary and
that each member of this corporation paye 1s 6d whether present or absent and that
the ordinary of the minister and other strangers there invited by payed by the low
Bailiffe at the publick chardge.
Mr Gower haveinge formerly dellivered to Mr Thomas Lea when head Bayliffe the
charter of Kinge Charles 2nd and an exemplification of a decree in the court of
Exchequer and now having dellivered to the present Bayliffes one charter of Richard
the 3rd one charter of the 8°(?) Elizabeth, and another charter of the late Kinge James
the 2nd, all dellivered him the 25th November 1690. He is now by order of this
corporation dischardged of the said severall charters and exemplification.
Then William Gower esq. at a publicke meeteinge of this Corporation Redellivered to
Mr Bayliff Sharrett and Mr Bayliff Hinton the charters of Richard the 3rd Queene
Elizabeth and the late King James the 2nd above mentioned and he is by this
Corporation thereof dischardged.
*Charter of Richard, Duke of York, 28t. Henry VI 1450
Mem. On front fly-sheet of minute book 1680-1690
Endorsed on fly-leaf of Minute Book 1680-1690
Ludlowe – A newe Booke for the entringe of all such orders and decrees as are agreed
and concluded uppon by the Bailiffes xiie and xxve, Alldermen and Commen
Counsellors of this Towne of Ludlowe beginninge at the Ellection and first entringe of
Walter Steade and William Bottrell gent Bailiffes Anno Regni Regis Caroli nune Anglie
etc.xxiiiie Anno dei 1648.
Lease to W. Waring of the ‘messuage under the Prentice in Broad Street’.
Then ordered that the xiili viis iid longe since reported to be due to Mr Thomas
Haughton be paid him by the Receiver of the Revenue of this corporation out of the
first money can be spared after all sallary etc paid.
Then Sir Francis Charlton Baronett one of the Aldermen of this corporation voluntarily
paid to Mr Low Bailiffe the summe of five pounds to the use of this chamber for not
acceptinge the office of Head Bailiffe of this towne last election accordinge to an
auntient order of this corporation dated the 28th of October 3: Edward 6th which is by
this corporation received in full of the penalty of the said order the residue of the said
penalty beinge by this corporation remitted.
Then unanimously agreed upon and ordered that the petition now reade for the
settlinge the manner of electinge Burgess to serve in Parliament for this burrough be
ingrossed and the common seale of this corporation thereto affised and afterwards
presented to Sir Thomas Powis one of out present representatives in parliament to be
by him presented to the Honorable the House of Commons.
Then ordered that the Bayliffes lands formerly sett to thirds be sett at the yearely rent
of 5s 6d per acre for the future. And that the Bailiffes for the tye beinge have powere
to graunt leases thereof for 21 years to such person they thincke fit. But the present
occupiers of the said lands to have the 1st refusal thereof and the tenants to be freed
from (blank)?
The moneyes remaining in Captaine Jones hands collected on the accompt of
buyeinge engines is ordered to be paid to Mr Low Bailiffe with the remainder of his
accompt due to the corporation as he was low Bailiffe. Mr Edward Lea one of the
tenants of the Bayliffes lands formerly sett to thirds declareing his willingness to take a
lease of soe much of the said lands as is in his and his father in lawes possession on
the termes in the former order mentioned. It is ordered that he have a lease
accordingly but to commence from Michaelmas last.
Then ordered that the severall compositions graunted to the severall fraternities of this
corporation be by the respective six men governors wardens and stewards of each
fraternity brought in and dellivered to Mr Bayliffes or one of them by or before the 5th
day of August next to be by the Bayliffes, Aldermen and Common Councell of this
towne or the major number of them at theire next assembly inspected inlarged
corrected and amended and then ratified and confirmed as they or the major number of
them in theire discretion shall thincke fitt.
Lease of house in Butchers Row to Samuel Waring. Mr Thomas Sabery, then one of
the tennants of the Bayliffes lands held at thirds declarelinge his willingness to take the
same at the yearly rent of 4li 6s 8d for the future in liew of the Thirds. It is ordered that
he have a lease therof for 21 yeares paying the same rent accordingly to be held in
common and not in severalty.
Then ordered that Charles Mansfield be admitted assistant to the parson of this parish
in the roome or place of Mathias Whittle Clre,deceased, duringe the pleasure of this
corporation but in trust for Charles Fenton Clre the present towne preacher and for soe
longe only as the said Mr Fenton shall soe continue town preacher (same salary and
An addresse against the pretended prince of Wales to his Majestie beinge now reade
is unanimously ordered to be sealed and sent up by Mr Bayliffes to Sir Thomas Powis
one of our late representatives in parliament to be by him presented to his Majestie.
Edward Smallman Town Clerk elected receiver and gatherer of the rents belonging to
this corporation.
Roger Richardson elected Reader or Assistant to the rector (same salary and
Then graunted licence to Mr Bayliffes to take downe soe much of the Old Market
House as they can make new with the 100li given for that purpose by Sir Thomas
Powis, Knight, and that soe much of the materiall of the said old Markett house soe to
be taken downe be by Mr Bayliffes applied towards the new buildinge.
Rowland Earsley having taken down his Trevice in Gaolford is acquitted a years rent.
The like order for Jacob Davies for the cobblers stall against his house at the Bull
Leave to B. Hammond to alien his shop under the Cross.
Ordered that the thanks of this Corporation be returned to Sir Thomas Powis and
Francis Herbert Esq for the 100li apiece by them severally given to this corporation
towards the erectinge the new Market House and that the 59li 14s 6d remaining of Sir
Thomas Powis 100li be lodged in the hands of Mr Karver to be disposed towards the
said buildeinge and that Mr Herberts 100li be deposited in Mr Whitneys hands to the
like use.
Thomas Hughes periwigg maker, Shoemaker Row.
Ordered that Edward Bond have 40s paid him this yeares sallary ending at Christmas
next for looking to the leades that convey the water to Castle Conduit and have 3li per
annum for the future for the like service but if through his neglect water be wanting at
that conduit then after notice to him given and not amended 2s 6d for each daye water
shall be wantinge by his neglect to be defaulted out of his paye.
Ordered that the inhabitants of the Rocks Lane and all others that have built on any of
wast bellongeinge to this corporation haveinge notice of this order shew cause next
meetinge of this chamber why they should not take leises of theire respective houses
or in default therof that they be severally ejected.
Then ordered that Mr Bayliffes together with the surveyors or any six of them have
power to take downe that parte of the Old Markett house that is now standinge and that
Mr Cole, Mr Bowdler, Mr Robinson, Mr Waring and Mr Whitney or any (3) of them
inspect what timberinge be had at Hopton Wafers or any other of this corporation land
and if they finde any that then they have power to cutt fall and sell the same the said
corporation untill the commencement of the lease and afterwards 20li per annum free
from all taxation by halfe yearly payments for 7 yeares.
Then graunted unto Somersett Davies a lease of his stable called the Crabbe Mills…..
Mr Pearce to have liberty given him to remove the conduit (at the Tollsey) there to the
place the stayres now stand at his owne chardges if he thincke good soe to doe.
Then ordered that the Bayliffes for the time being on Sundaye next and from time to
time hereafter sitt for heareinge devine service and serving and performing theire other
devotions in the seate or pew called the Lord Presidents pew and for that purpose that
the churchwardens on Sundaye morninge next putt the present Bayliffes in possession
accordingly and that such members of the corporation as shall not then attend the said
Bayliffes to church in theire gownes without a reasonable excuse forfeit 3s 4d to the
use of the poore.
Then ordered that unlesse Humphrey Morley give Mr Robinson satisfaction for the
damage by him committed in his land or neare Lymney by making bricks thereon
before the next chamber meeting haveinge notice of this order Mr Robinson hath leave
at his owne chardges to bring such action or actions as he shall be advised in the
name of this corporation, he indemnifyinge the corporation for all damage and costs
that maye happen by reason thereof.
Then ordered that that clause in the Tanners composition relateinge to restreyneinge
foreigne Tanners from buyeinge hides and skinns within this towne or the libertyes
thereof be vacated and made Null and that the common cryer of this towne doe next
market daye make publicke proclamation that it shall be lawfull for any foreigne Tanner
to buye hide and skinns within the libertyes of this towne the said composition or any
usuage or custom to the contrary not withstandinge.
Charles Baldwin Esq elected Recorder of this corporation in place of Francis Lloyd,
William Pearce to have liberty to erect his stone wall under the Tolsey next Richard
Pricketts house soe far as the Getty doth extend and that he be allowed 5li out of his
xxxli fine soe that he, upon removeinge the conduit there do make the cisterne and
other the workes there to the satisfaction of the surveyors and bring a certificate
thereto to Mr Low Bayliffe.
The petition of Thomas Perkins Glasier being read is recommended to the fraternity of
Hammermen at theire next meetinge and in the meane time he is at liberty to follow his
The petition of the Governors and others of the fraternity of Hammermen being read, it
is ordered that the playsterers, masons, bricklayers, carpenters and tylers in the said
petition named upon notice of this order shewe cause next meetinge of this chamber
why they should not be disfranchised and exempted out of the composition graunted
by this corporation auntiently to the said fraternity.
By consent of the major number of the six men and Fraternity of Hammermen now
present, it is ordered that theire composition be brought in and dellivered to Mr
Bayliffes by or before [the] next meeteinge of this chamber to be by the members of
this corporation inspected corrected altered or amended as this corporation shall
thincke meete.
Henry Hall the younger elected Organist in place of Benjamin Moone, Deceased.
Salary £16 payable quarterly to determine on 2 quarters notice.
In lease of messuage at Dinham at £2. 3 fine and 8s rent ‘the other shillinge per annum
beinge remitted for the roome over Dinham gate which is to be omitted in the lease.
Then ordered that soe much of the order of the 28th October in the 3rd yeare of King
Edward the Sixth for election of Bayliffes and other officers to serve for this corporation
that restreyn the common councell to elect an Alderman to serve the office of head
Bayliffe unlesse he had beene an Alderman for the space of one whole yeare and the
severall penalties in the said order mentioned be repealed and that henceforth it shall
be lawfull for the said common councell of the major number of them to elect the High
Bayliffe out of the said number of Aldermen accordinge to the said former order though
such person soe elected were not an Alderman for the space of one yeare before
such election and that the fine of such head Bayliffe soe elected and refuseing to serve
be tenn pounds and that the fine of the low Bayliffe beinge elected accordinge to the
said former order and refuseinge to serve by twenty nobles and that the fine of the
chamberlayne when elected and refuseinge to serve the said office be three pounds
six shillinges eight pence. They moytey of which said severall fines to be to the
respective person who succeeded in the said severall office, the other moytey to the
use of this corporation. And in all other thinges the said order of the third of Kinge
Edward the Sixth to stand.
Ordered that such of the Almeshouse that doe not actually come and reside in theire
respective chambers by Michaelmas next have noe paye for the future.
The fraternity of Hammermen not haveinge brought in and dellivered theire
composition accordinge to the last order made by theire owne assent, it is ordered that
the order of May 9th last be made absolute and that the Town Clerk drawe up an
Instrument against the next meeteinge of this chamber to under the common seale of
this towne for that purpose.
Then ordered that Dr Baylye be paid 6li 15d 6d by him layde out at the white conduit out
of William Peirces fine when paid to the low Bayliffe.
Then unanimously agreed that soe much of the Towne plate as Mr Bayliffes and the
six men or the major number of them shall thinck fit be exchanged for such fashionable
plate as they see convenient but the names of the benefactors of the plate soe to be
exchanged to be Ingraven upon the new plate.
Then alsoe ordered that Mr Low Bayliffe doe this present day of Thanksgiveinge for
and on behaulfe of this corporation bestow on Captain Jones souldiers halfe a
hogshead of Ale and a quantity of gunpowder to be shott at the bonfire and also xs to
the company of Hammermen and xs to the company of Taylors etc and 5s to each
company of shoemakers, Baker and Millers. All which together with his other
disbursements for the solemnizing this day is to be allowed him upon his accompts.
Ordered that the addresse now reade be ingrossed and the common seale thereunto
fixed and then presented to her Majesties by Sir Thomas Powis one of our
representatives in Parliament.
Then graunted licence to Edward Colbach to alien his moytey of the messuage called
the (3) Tunn Tavern to John Longe.
Mr John Jones late head schoolemaster of the free grammer schole of this towne
haveinge resigned the said place, Mr Edward Rogers batcheller of Arts is elected to
succeed him.
Ordered that Mr Bayliffe Beestow have liberty to make Alderman Cam his deputy
during his absence. [This is the earliest record of a deputy.]
Then graunted to Charles Kinge and Catherine his wife a lease of his messuage over
upper Corve Gate…………..
The six men and stewards of the fraternity of Hammermen beinge pursuant to an order
of the ninth of June last made by theire owne assent served with an order under the
hand of the said Bayliffes bringeinge in and delliveringe to the Bayliffes or one of them
the composition formed by grauntes by this corporation to the said fraternity and it
appearing that the said composition remeynes in the hands of Thomas Hemus cowp
box keeper of the said fraternity. It is ordered that the said Thomas Hemus forthwith
bring in and delliver the said composition to the Mr Bayliffes or one of them to be at this
present assembly inspected by the members of this corporation and this order or a true
copy thereof to be a sufficient warrant to the said Thomas Hemus for his bringeinge in
and delliveringe the said composition accordingly.
Ordered that the receiver of rents of this corporation paye unto Mr Bishop 26s
bestowed upon the thancks givinge day for the late victory at Hochstadt (Blenheim).
[see 7.10.1704]
Justice Turners money Peter Crowe, Ben Careless, Walter Taylor, Glover, Richard
Nethwaye to have £25 each.
The Bailiffs and others given power to agree with a plumber to bring water to the
Castle conduit and to keep the same and other conduits in repair.
Ordered that the six men of the fraternity of Hammer men attend this chamber to shew
cause why John Davies should not be admitted a freeman of the Trades of Tyler and
plasterer they first haveinge notice of this order and in the meane time he is admitted
to follow the same without interruption.
Frederick Cornwall M.A. elected Towne preacher in place of Roger Richard
deceased. Same terms.
Then unanimously agreed that an instrument be drawne up by Mr Town Clerk against
next meeteinge of this chamber for subscriptions in order to convey river water to the
severall houses of the subscribers.
A couple of Capons and 6s 8d in liew of Herriott in lease of a meadow in Priors Halton.
List of Town Plate in detail.
That Edward Wilding have liberty to plucke downe the little old house near Lower
Galford by him held as tenant of this corporation, the materialls whereof are to be
disposed of to ye use of the corporation and ye money thereby ariseing to be payd to
the hands of Mr Bayliffe Karver for ye corporations use. [‘Pluck downe’ suggests half
timber house.]
Lease to John Arnold for 31 years of the (3) Crownes in Ludford. [The Three Crowns
was the Bell.]
Then graunted John Farmer licence to alien the fore parte of the Bull.
Ordered that Mr Bayliffes takeinge with the the Towne Clerk and Mr Somersett Davies
repair to North Cleobury with all convenient speed and view what cordwood may be
spared of Taylors estate and have power to dispose thereof to the use of the
Members not having gowns to provide the same before next fair day or forfeit 3/4d
each so defaulting.
Then alsoe ordered that severall Tressells and boards for makeinge of standinges over
the new market house be provided at the publicke chardge of this corporation. And the
benefits of this such standinges to be to the Bayliffes of this towne for the time beinge
they makeinge good at theire owne chardges such tressells and boards as in theire
respective times of Baylywicke shall happen to be either broake or lost. And for that
purpose that the said respective Bayliffes at theire goinge out of office delliver up the
said boards and Tressells to the succeedinge bayliffes (see 13.10.08)
Then Thomas Lewis of Acton Scott, Glover, was elected a free burgess of this
corporation payeinge 3li 10s 0d fine beinge reccomended by the present High Sherriff of
this county which fine is paid to Mr Bayliffe Karver.
Resolved that this corporation will stand by the Bayliffes of this towne in prosecuteinge
the actions by them brought in the name of this corporation against Sherif Ball Hinches
upon the bond by them executed to Samuel Bowdler who was lately convicted of
severall felonies at the gaol dellivered holden for this towne by whose conviction the
moneyes due by the said bond is forfeited to this corporation.
An address to her Majestie beinge reade is ordered to be sealed and sent to the
representative in Parliament to be presented to her Majestie. (Probably Marlborough’s
victory at Ramillies.)
Then ordered that Captain Jones paye to Mr Bayliffe Karver the moneyes in his hands
collected for buyeinge engines for extingiushinge fier and Mr Bayliffes Karver is desired
to collect the residue of the money from the subscribers.
Then graunted to Abell Kettleby Esq liberty to take downe soe much of the Towne wall
at the end of his garden as he thincks convenient to erect two summer houses.
Then unanimously resolved that a new triall be had next assizes against Ball and
others upon the bond forfeit to this corporation upon the conviction of Samuell Bowdler
of Pulverbach but to be tryed by a speciall jury and if it maye be to be tryed in one of
the adjacent countyes.
Ordered that the (2) severall addresses now produced be sent to Sir Thomas Powis to
present which of them the Parliament Burgess thincks fit to her Majestie.
Then Meredith Arthurs was elected Bill man Hogg sergeant and one of the beedles of
this corporation duringe pleasure.
Then ordered that the 25li given to the use of 10 poore people in Castle ward by
Madam Handsford now remaining in the hands of Mr Bayliffe Karver be paid to Mr
Acton in parte of the money due to him by bond from this corporation and that the 25li
be secured to the use of the poore and in the meane time the interest be paid by the
receiver of rents.
Then ordered that the bill men and Beedles have new clothes provided the by the Low
Bayliffe accordinge to custome but the same to all Blew lined with White.
Ordered that the 25li given by Madam Handsford, late deceased, to the use of ten
poore widdows of Castleward be secured by bond under the common seale of this
corporation. The bond to be taken in the name of Dr Williams Clerk executor of the
said Madam Handsfords nice. The rector, churchwardens and overseers of the poore
of the parish of Ludlowe for the time beinge and the interest to be paid and distributed
yearely on Good Fridaye accordinge to the will of the said Madam Handsford.
Then ordered that Mr Whitney with the assistance of the chamberlayne be desired to
take council with the plumber to repair the leades conveyinge the water from the
conduit under the vallett to the conduit in Mr Kerryes lands at the chardge of this
corporation and that Captain Jones be also desired to delliver to them the wast lead
and pipes in his hands towards the doeinge thereof.
Then ordered that Mr Bernard Hammond one of the 25 common councell of this towne
shewe cause next publicke meeteinge of this corporation after notice of this order why
he shall not be sequestered from this chamber for not attendinge the service of this
corporation for severall yeares last and that Mr Chamberlayne give him the notice
Sir Thomas Powis elected Recorder.
Then Arthur Ecclesea Senior, Arthur Ecclesea Junior and William Lloyd were elected
Waytes or Towne Musick they provideinge themselves of blew cloakes at theire owne
An address to her Majestie upon the union betweene England and Scotland beinge
reade was unanimously agreed to ordered to be sealed and sent to our representative
in Parliament to be by them presented to her Majestie.
Then graunted to John Harries a new lease of his moytey of a messuage and garden
neare Gaolford Gate and of the bake-house and roome over the same. (Does this
mean over the gate?)
Then William Hine was by ye unanimous consent of this corporation elected Organist
dureinge ye pleasure of ye said corporation in ye room of Mr Henry Hall lately removed
to Hereford he having ye same sallary ye said Mr Hall had allowed him. (Not in
Smallmans hand)
Graunted then to Millesent Moon widdow a lease of the Guild Hall with the weights
thereunto belongeing in as ample manner as Mary Cherm lately deceased held ye
same for ye terme of 21 years …………(see above note)
Lease to Nicholas Fothergill of The Old Pheasant and the ground bellowe Gaolfords
gate with theire appurtanences for 31 yeares.
Then Thomas Hemus (see 25.5.1705) who served the office of Church warden and all
other offices of this parish be admitted a free Burgess of this corporation payeinge a
guinnea fine.
Henry Mytton, Barrister, appointed Deputy to Sir Thomas Powis Recorder.
Lease of Tenement in Upper Gaolford ‘commonly called Ye Fox’.
Josias Preist appointed Organist in place of Mr Hinde.
Ordered that Mr Karver pay to Mr Whitney the summe of five pounds eights shillings
and five pence remaining in his hands of subscriptions for ye engine and ye said Mr
Whitney’s receipt shall be his discharge and likewise that Mr Somerset Davies,
Thomas Meyrick and Richard Bowen doe state and examine ye said Mr Whitney’s
account and reporte ye same by ye chamber next meeting.
Upon the petition of John Peach leave is given him to erect a compass window at his
house in Narrow Lane not incroachinge on the streete above two foote in Breadth from
his house. (May the Compasses Inn have first got its name from the shape of its
Licence to alien a house ‘at the church scallions.
Then ordered that the Bayliffes to be this daye nointed and theire successors Bayliffes
of this towne shall forever hereafter paye unto the Chamberlayne for the time then
beinge on every faire to be holden for this towne xxs out of the profits by them received
out of the standinges over the Markett house to be by the Chamberlayne yearely layde
out in keepeinge the Markett house (see 9.2.06.)
Money in the hands of Mr Payne to the use of the poore (left by Mr Pingle) to be used
in paying various debts. The interest to be paid by the corporation to the poor ‘untill
the same (the £20) shall be otherwise layde out and secured.
Then graunted to John Salwey Esq a lease of his little meadow in greene Linny
adjoyneinge to the pidgeon house.
Then graunted to Thomas Davies mercer, a deed in fee of the severall incroachments
at his house and shop joyninge to the New House for iiiili consideration.
Then unanimously ordered that Mr Bayliffe Davies out of the 16li fine payable by John
Salwey esq paye forthwith to Mr Richard Whitney xxli towards the makeinge the foot
bridge at the end of the stone bridge over Corve a stone bridge alsoe. And that the
Bayliffes, Justices, Coronor and chamberlayne for the time beinge together with Mr
Samuel Bowdler, Mr John Davies, Mr Meyrick and Mr Wyke or any three of them to be
surveyors and directors in the buildinge of the said bridge and in disposeinge the
timber and materialls comeinge from the wooden bridge.
Pitt the plumbers bill ordered to be inspected by Mr Bayliffes Mr Robinson, Mr Whitney,
Mr Payne and Mr Somerset Davies or 3 of them. And they to report to the next
Mr Preist the organist guiveinge such sufficient security as Mr Bayliffes shall approve
for this performeinge his duty of organist and for refunding his quarters sallary in case
he depart his said place without guiveinge a quarters warninge is ordered to have his
first quarters sallary remain in the receiver of rents hands for that purpose.
Mr Bernard Hammond not haveinge quallifyed himself as a councellor of this towne
and haveinge for severall yeares last past neglected to appear at any publicke
meetinges of this corporation, it is ordered that the said Mr Hammond be removed out
of the said place of one of the 25 councellors of this towne.
Robert Wards part of the Castle Mills alienment of lease to Edward Peach.
Then graunted to the said Mrs Cornwall licence to alien that parte of the Towne Ditch
and the stable or Barne thereon erected and the Doore or passage through the Towne
wall into the said ditch late in the possession of Mr Papworth unto Mr Richard Knight
payeinge 12d ffine. Then graunted the said Mr Knight a lease of the same premisses
ffor 31 yeares at one guinnea ffine old rent with usual covenants he haveing
surrendered (5) yeares.
Then graunted to Mrs Bridgett Cornwall a new lease of the house and shop and that
parte of the Towne Ditch and summer house thereon erected now in the possession of
Mr Richard Whitney for 31 yeares. Xli ffine old rent with usuall covenants she haveinge
surrendered 12 yeares in the house and shopp and 9 yeares in the other premisses.
The last mentioned ffine beinge eleven pounds three shillings six pence was then
ordered to be paid Mr Whitney towards what is due to him from this corporation.
Richard Hurdman, William Cooke and Barbara his wife haveinge severally refused to
renew theire respective leases by which they hold theire severall estates in the
Parishes of Hopton Wafers and Ashford Carbonell under this corporation beinge
severally offered them, it is unanimously ordered that there shall be noe other lease or
leases or graunts made of the said processes or either of them to any persons
whatsoever But that the same and either of them after the expiration or other
determination of the severall estates the said Hurdman, Cooke and his wife or any
other under them or either of them have or clayme therein shall be sett at the utmost
yearly rent that can be had for the same to such charitable uses as this corporation or
theire successors shall then order and thinck fit.
Ordered that the addresse now reade be ingrossed and passe the common seale and
then dellivered to our representatives in Parliament to be by the presented to her
Majestie. (Probably on the victory at Malplaquet.)
Thomas Murchall elected a beedle in room of Zacharias Evans, who had died in the
Almshouse. – Smith to have his chamber and pay from time to time of Z’s death.
Thomas Jones Clre one of the cannons of St. Assaphs elected Assistant to the Rector
of the parish of St. Lawrence in the room of Bryan Cole. Salary and terms the same.
Then gave the present chamberlayne leave to make Linny gate soe that carts or such
like carriadges shall not passe through the same. And for his soe doeinge the
Chamberlayne to be allowed his disbursements therein and to be indempnifyed by this
Lease of the Mill Street and Old Street Mills for 21 years to Robert Ward, Miller.
Then ordered that there be noe dinners at the chardge of the corporation for the future
except at the daye of the nomination of the Bayliffes without speciall order of the
chamber. And if any such be without such order the same not to be allowed on
passinge the Bayliffes accompts. And this to be a standing rule.
Old Street and Mill Street mills granted to Robert Ward (now tenant) as security for
loan to the Corporation of £100. Principal to be repayed by seven deductions of £20
from his rent. (See similar arrangement with Hanah Jennings to whom the mills were
leased 8.10.1703)
Lease to Catherine King, Widdow, of her messuage over Corve Gate for 31 years at 4
nobles fine. Old rent. Future fine to continue as settled.
John Childe appointed Organist in place of Josias Preist. Same salary and conditions.
The difference betweene the fraternity of Hammer men touchinge the late election of
the six men or governors lately elected for the two ensueinge years cominge to be
heard before the members of this corporation present and heareinge the testimony of
severall of the said fraternity upon oath. This chamber are of opinion the election as to
the said six men was not a fayre election.
Ordered that the surveryors veiw the incroachment made by Mr Richard Cole at his
house and shopp by the Church scallions and report theire opinions thereon next
chamber meeteinge and that Mr Cole have notice then to attend.
Turners money granted for 3 years to Thomas Meredith Blacksmith, Richard Ellis
Felmaker, William Griffiths, Butcher, William Halton Glover - £25 each. (Young
Then graunted to Margaret and Mary Stanney a new lease of theire mees place
garden and Hempleth (ropewalk) under the towne wall and theire small close of
meadow or pasture ground all in Linney for 21 years.
Licence to alien land called the Joos (goose?) acre and their four ridges in the
List of Town Plate. Part High and part Low Bayliffes.
Then ordered that all and every tenant or tenants which hold any estate or estates in
the country by lease or leases under this corporation for life or lives or yeares
determinable upon one or more life or lives or yeares only upon notice of this order to
him in the meanetime severally given doe or shall on or before the 1st daye of March
next delliver or cause to be dellivered under theire respective hands to Mr Bayliffes or
one of them a full and true Terrier of all such messuages buildings lands and closes in
theire respective holdings or any other under him or them in which shall be conteyned
the severall names descriptions quantity quallity and number of acres of each
individual close or parcel of ground and how bounded and what exchanges have
beene made of theire respective lands and when and by and with whom.
Ordered that Mr Bayliffes and Justices for the time beinge be forever named Trustees
for the poore in the deed to be executed by Mr Philip Cole surviveinge trustees of Mr
Evan Phillips charity that a deed be for that purpose prepared accordingly.
Reverend James Lane elected Town Reader in place of Reverend Thomas Jones
Lease to Thomas Meyrick ‘of all that little house or stable meese place garden or close
in Linney ….and also of all ye messuage or tenement called the Colledge and also of
all the messuage or tenement called Crab Mill….’
Mrs Isabell Earsley, licenced to transfer ‘a certain close in Green Linney called the
pigeon close.’
Then Mr J. Dipple was unanimously elected Low Bayliffe in the room of Mr Charles
Pearce Deceased, but Mr Pearce’s children to have the half yeares proffitt past and for
the future proffitt the chamber referr the same to Mr Dipple’s kindnesse to the children.
Then ordered that Mr Thomas Meyrick be allowed 22li 5s 0d due to hi on his
chamberlaynes accompt out of the fines he is to paye for the severall leases to him
graunted last meeteinge and 25li more thereof be paid to Mr Karver for the like summe
by him paid for the purchase of the house in the Church yard for the use of the
assistant to the rector of this towne and that the said house be for that purpose
appropriated accordingly reserving the Auntient rent theron and the assistant to keepe
the same in repair.
The draught of the Hammer mens new composition beinge now reade is by this
corporation approved and ordered to be ingrossed and then to passe the common
seale of this towne and that the Bayliffes of this towne takeinge (6) or ore of the
members of this chamber to their assistance have power to seale the same.
Then John Salter was unanimously electetd organist in the room of John Childe late
organist here who left the said place of his owne accord. The said Salter to have the
same sallary and under the same conditions as Childe had. And for the said Salters
better incouragement the said Mr Salter is to have the 4li due to the organist for his
lady daye sallary towards his expenses in comeinge here from London.
The end of the book is a loose paper:
To all Christian people whom this may concern
These are to informe you that Nathaniell Grubb is my meniall servant And that you are
to forbeare to arrest or attach him During my Attendance att Parliament Given under
my hand and seale the nineth day of October in the Nineteenth yeare of the Reigne of
our Sovereign Lord King Charles the second 1667.
Tymothy Littleton.
(Tymothy Littleton was recorder for the town of Ludlow.)
Then graunted unto Mr Bayliffe Sharrett liberty to make use of the roome under the
stayres on the west end of the Markett house dureinge the pleasure of this corporation
payeinge 2s per annum.
Severall orders of the 7th Aprill 1663 made for the well Government of this Corporation
beinge now reade are revived and so many of them as are not by any subsequent
order altered or annulled are hereby confirmed and ordered to be performed on the
severall penaltyes therein conteyned.
Then ordered that Mr Lowe Baylife provide cloathes for the Beedles and Bill men and
paye the serjeants and cryer theire yearly sallaryes as usuall.
Lease to Humphrey Mayo of his tenement in Leominster and two acres of tillable
ground in the common field.
Lease of a small close in Upper Gaolford ‘where the towne barne formerly stood.’
Bailiffs, Justices, Town Clerk and others ‘are ordered to inspect the severall charityes
given to the poore of this towne and to report how the same maye be best applied and
secured for the future.’
Ordered that the 100li given to the use of the poore of the Almes houses by the last will
and testament of Mr Vyall of Windsor be by Madam Gaye his relict and executrix and
paid to Mr Thomas Mason at the Black Horse in Broad Street for the use of this
corporation. And that a receipt for the same under the Corporation seale be sent to Mr
Mason to be dellivered Mrs Gage on his receipt thereof And that the interest of the
100li be secured Mrs Gage for her life by Hurdmans estate at Hopton Wafers and
likewise sent to her with the receipt so to be sent to Mr Mason.
Ordered that the Addresse now reade by Ingrossed and passe the common seale and
sent to our representatives in Parliament to be by the presented to her Majestie and
that they in the name of this corporation desire the right Honorable the Lorde High
Treasurer of greate Brittain to Introduce them (Probably Treaty of Utrecht)
Lease of a parcel of land at the lower end of Corve Street known as the Harpe.
The Towne Clerke to make coppy of the seven severall deeds relateinge to Mr
Tomlyn’s charity to be sent up with all convenient speed by Abel Kettleby esq and
dellivered to Sir Thomas Powys Recorder of this towne for his opinion thereon.
Minute referring to allocation of Hurdman’s estate (see 19.4.1713) Marginal note in B.
Baugh’s writing that this was repealed 23.2.1716.
Then Ben Sharrett was unanimously elected organist in place of --- Salter who
voluntarily left the place at the like salary from the Corporation this graunt to determine
on (3) monethes notice by either party to the other of them.
Richard Salwey and Phe Hutley esqs the present church wardens elect haveinge
severally agreed to paye three pounds apiece as a fine to be dischardged of the said
office, it is ordered that upon payment thereof to Mr Thomas Meyricke to the use of the
intended charity schoole they are dischardged from the said office accordingly and Mr
Cornwall Whitney and Mr Wredenhall Pearce unanimously elected to serve the said
office for the next ensueinge yeare in theire place.
The former orders for every member of this corporation to provideing himselfe with a
fashionable gowne and that have none allready and for such as have not brought a
common prayer booke to be used in the seates in the parish church or gave a piece of
plate to the use of the corporation are revived and are severally to be performed by or
before midsommer on penalty of 6s 8d to be paid to the use of the corporation and
those that have brought books in the seates and after have or shall hereafter take or
cause the same to be removed elsewhere doe forthwith returne and leave the same in
the corporation seats to be there used and not elsewhere upon like penaltyes.
The Poors close in Linney leased a previous like lease.
Mr Page Newborrough Clre unanimously elected Assistant to the Rector in place of Mr
James Lane resigned. Same salary. No mention of house. Quarters notice either
Then ordered that the surviving Trustees of the poores close in Linney of the guift of Mr
Evan Phes graunt unto William Pryce woollstapler a lease of the same for 21 yeares at
32s 6d per annum with usuall covenants.
Then unanimously agreed and ordered that a Bill or in the High Court of Chancery at
the list and chardges of this corporation be forthwith preferred and presented in the
Attorney Generalls name against Sir Francis Charlton Barronet and the Heires of Mr
Thomas Lane Deceased and such others as councell shall advise about settleinge and
confirmeinge the work house or house of correction in this Towne and the
lands,Hereditaments and other estate by Mr Lanes will devised or designed to be given
to or to the use thereof or either to settle the same soe as the charity may be more
advantageous to the poore of this Towne and that Mr Towne Clerke doe prepare the
said Bill and prosecute the said suite accordingly but Sir Francis Charlton have first
notice thereof.
Ordered that Mr Lowe Bayliffe expend xxs at the proclaim(ing) the peace and ….?....
….?...... her Majestie and the Kinge of Spayne and be allowed the same in the
Deputies appointed by the High and Low Bayliffs and other officers from about this
Then graunted ---- Fidoe licence to alien is articles relateinge to the river waterworks
unto Francis Dee, chirurgeon for rayseinge moneys to goe and compleate the said
worke. Mr Dee performinge all the Agreements therein on Fidoes’ parte to be
performed payeinge 1s fine. But the licence to beare equall date with the agreement.
Then William Hattam, corvier, was elected sexton in the roome or place of Jon
Brompton resigned. To hold unto the said Hattam with all sallaryes and perquisites
thereunto belongeinge dureinge the pleasure of this corporation.
Grant of meadow ground and garden to river Teme at lower end of Holdgate Fee.
Lease of messuage and shopps at the upper end of the Shoemaker Row being the
corner house and shop next the market house, late Thomas Hackluits.
Lease of Tenament garden and orchard in Corve Street below the gate called the
Humphrey Walcott esq one of our present representatives in Parliament having agreed
to flagge and pave the Markett house at his own chardge this corporation giveinge him
theire Assistance in contributing towards the chardge. It is ordered that Mr Low bayliffe
out of the fines for leases graunted this daye paye any summe not exceedinge xiili
towards the same and which shall be allowed him on his accompts.
Bailiffs and Justices of Peace took Oath to King George II and afterwards all the
Lease of land ‘at a place called the Sandpitts within the liberties of this towne.’
£25 of Sir Timothy Turners £100 allowed to Edward Lea, glover; Richard Taylor,
butcher; Luke Clutterbuck, searge weaver; and Edward Griffiths, corviger; respectively
on securities.
Whereas on the 12th of October 1706 it was unanimously resolved that noe lease
should for the future be made of the messuages and lands in Overton late Roger
Gough deceased but what should be at the improved vallue thereof and ye Rent to be
applied to the use of the poor in such proportion as this corporation should direct now
upon the petition of Roger Gough Child the present Tennant in possession of the said
premisses and who hath a remainder of a term of 99 yeares therein. If he and Joane
the late wife of the deceased Roger Gough or either of them soe long live thereby
amongst other things settinge forth that he at the time of the makeinge the said order
and for severall yeares thereafter being an infant and unmarried and noe wayes
capable of raising moneys for renewing his said lease was the grounds of the said
order. But now beinge attained to his full age and having a wife called Anne and a
sonne by her named John whose lives he would have inserted in a new lease to
commence after the expiration or other sooner determination of the lease now in
beinge at such reasonable fine as this corporation should think fitt. This corporation
upon hearing the said resolve of the 12th October 1706 and the said Roger Gough child
petition being openly read and a long debate ariseinge thereupon, it is ordered that soe
much of the said Resolve or order which restrained this corporation for granting any
future leases of the premises other then upon the Rack be repealed and the same
stands repealed accordingly and the said premises in order to grant a new lease
thereof is forthwith to be surveyed and ye surveyors to report the true valuation thereof
at the next meeting of this chamber so that a moderate fine may be ascertained which
said fine and all other future fine and fines to be from time to time and at all times
hereafter had made and raised by granting such lease or leases are hereby declared
to be to the use of the poor as by the said order and resolve of the 12th October 1706
was directed. [Marginal note: Repealed as farr as declares the fines to the use of the
poor 23 Feb.1716. [In B. Baugh’s writing.]
Corporation take the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and subscribed the
declaration against Transubstantiation and also took and subscribed the abjuration
Then ordered that Francis Dee be allowed six pounds per annum during the pleasure
of this Corporation towards the charge of repairing the pipes and conduits of this town
to be paid half yearly payments, the first payment being made at Lady day next. This
order not be prejudice ye articles made between the Corporation and John Fidoe.
Then also ordered that the Chamberlain do pay William Pitt four pounds in full of all
demands and also to pay four pounds towards pitching the street leading from ye
bullring to Gaolford Gate.
Letter of Attorney to Thomas Tillison receiver of rents, to recover arrears of rents from
Corporation tenants.
Then ordered that the late Low Bayliffs Mr Pearces accentts be reinspected by the
same auditors and they doe consider the former order for the payment of the five
pounds yearly out the profitts of the fayres and doe report the whole at the next
meeting and in particular who have payd at the same and who not since the making of
the same order.
Upon the request of Francis Dee the 6li per annum formerly ordered him for repayringe
the pipes for conveyinge water from the severall fountains to the respective conduits in
this towne be for the future taken of and that the Corporation be at liberty to Imploye
who they thincke fit to look to after the same duringe their pleasure.
Mr Sam Bowdler to shew cause next meetingeof this chamber why he doth not paye
the moneye remeyneinge in his hands on his last accompt as he was Receiver of the
Rents of this towne.
Then ordered that Mr Salwey, Mr Towne Clerke, Mr Karver inspect and approve the
Instrument by the weaver of this towne petitioned to be under the common seale of this
towne before the same be sealed.
On the petition of Mr Oakeley the usher of the free schoole, It is ordered that the towne
be at the chardge of a pipe to convey water to his house from the mayne pipe. But Mr
Oakeley to pay the Annuall Rent for the sae and to leave the pipes in good repair when
he leaves the said house.
Then ordered that the present chamberlayne call to? and receive from the severall
Bayliffes who have not paid or accompted for the 5li per annum by the said Bayliffes
payable out of the profittts by them received at the fayres in the time of their respective
Bayliffewickes and that the said chamberlaynes forthwith laye out the same in
repayreinge of the roof of the said Markett house.
Mention in lease of ‘James Loyde glover and of his shop under the Tollsey now in
possession of ------------ peruke maker.’
Severall cases where tenants were allowed to alien their premises, as security, to
others, not always resident in the town. A fine of 1/- was imposed.
Licence to William Colbatch to alien to his brother Benjamin Colbatch stationer his little
meadow in Lynney and is close called the Hill or Saunders close near the sandpits
payeinge 2s 6d fine.
Licence of a small tenement in Upper Gaolford ‘within the gate adjoyneinge to the
Tenement of Mr W. Corfield mercer there and opposite to the Pheasant. [The
Pheasant was at the corner of Old Street. Indicated Tower Street a modern name]
Alien to Luke Harris of his moytey of a Tenement and garden in Old Streete to Thomas
Raynolds of Bewdley, Maltster.
The said Thomas Raynolds haveinge then petitioned for a new lease of the premisses
in his owne name but it appearinge that Mr George Walcott one of the members of this
corporation had privately without any licence for that purpose some grant or other
instrument in wrightinge from the said Luke Harries or Alice Harries his mother
whereby they or one had graunted or taken upon them or one of them to sell or
dispose of the said garden or the greatest parte thereof and the draw well bellonginge
to the said premisses to him the said Mr Walcott without reserveinge any rent or future
fine to this Corporation whereby in process of time the said premisses will be or maye
be lost from the Corporation and be claymed as the freehold of the said Mr Walcott and
such clandestine graunts if permitted ay prove very pernitious to this corporation
therefore this corporation upon heareinge what the said Mr Walcott alleaged in defence
of his said graunt doe declare the same to be not onely illegall and against the Antient
and usuall manner of makeinge grants of the lands of this Corporation and an Artifice
to Defeate honest purchases of Towne lands and therefore doe respite the grauntinge
of the said new lease untill the next meetinge of this Corporation. To the end the said
Mr Walcott may in the meane tyme have the said matters rectified otherwise this
corporation will then grant a new lease of the said moytey of the messuage garden and
other premisses aforesaid to the said Thomas Raynolds the pretended grant to the
said Mr Walcott notwithstanding.
Then graunted to Katherine Page widow, a lease of the messuage or Inne called the
Portcullis in Millstreet - also of the house etc next the Guildhall – also of the Swan
below the Broadgate.
The further debate about Mr Walcott’s grant is adjourned till next meeting of this
Then Mr Gilbert Whittell was elected usher of the free Schoole in the room of Mr
Richard Oakeley deceased.
Then Mr David Langton was elected Organist in the room of Mr Ben Sharret deceased.
That at the next Chamber meeting the state of the Charity School and the severall
orders that have been made for the support or maintenance thereof be taken into
consideration preferable to all other business whatsoever.
Mr Tillison, Town renter, to produce his accounts and money in hand for inspection by
the supervisors. Unless this order is obeyed he is to receive no more town rents.
Whereas by an order of the 4th August 1715 Mr Samuel Bowdler was to shew cause at
the then next Chamber meeting why he did not pay the money remaininge in his hands
as he was receiver of the rents of this town. And whereas the said Mr Bowdler did not
at this present meeting shew cause according to the said order, it is therefore this day
ordered that the said Mr Bowdler do pay the said money to the present Low Bailiff.
Long minute re: Charity School finances. Marginal note by B.B. ‘Repealed and
vacated 23.2.16(17)
Then ordered that Richard Salwey Esq, George Walcot Esq, Doctor Bayley, Mr
Thomas Meyricke …… appointed a committee to find out wayes and meanes for
secureing the payment of the interest of the bonds and other debts oweing by this
Corporation and to inspect and to report at the next Chamber meeting with persons
now are in arrear for the 5li per annum payable out of the tolls of the fair pursuant to a
former order for the repairinge of the market house.
Then Mr John Wolley was unanimously nominated and elected Town renter for Three
years next ensueing to commence ye fifteenth of March next giving such security as ye
Corporation shall approve of.
23.2. 1717
Then revived an order of the fourth of August 1715 and then ordered that the money
then and since due from the respective bailiffs be paid to the present Chamberlain at or
before the next Chamber meeting to be laid out upon the repair of the Market house.
Ordered that upon Mrs Earsley’s surrendering her lease of the tolls of the market, the
Corporation do give her sufficient Security for Six pounds per annum to be paid
quarterly during her life, the said security to commence from Lady day next.
Resolved that an order of the twelfth of February Instant and that part of an order of the
21st August 1714 which declared that the fine and all future fines arising out of Roger
Gough Child’s leased estate at Overton should be to the use of the poor and all orders
concerning the rents of Sproseley (as far as they relate to the Charity School) are
hereby repealed and vacated. And it is now ordered that upon Mr Meyricke the
present treasurer of the Charity School paying one hundred pounds into the hands of
the present Bailiffs this Corporation do enter into a bond with Bartholomew Beal Esq,
Philip Lulley Esq, Thomas James Esq. and Mr John Baldwin of Dinham for securing
the said Summe of one hundred pounds and Interest for the use of the Charity School.
And it is also ordered that this Corporation do by good Conveyance in Law secure the
summe of twenty pounds per annum clear of all deductions to be paid half yearly to the
said trustees for the said Charity School out of the tolls of the market. Which said
summe of one hundred pounds is to be by the Bailiffs applied for payment of such
debts of the Corporation as they shall think fit. And it is hereby declared that the
summe of twenty pounds per annum above mentioned together with the yearly summe
of eighteen pounds and twelve shillings lately appropriated and now paid by the town
renter to the use of the Almshouse is in full satisfaction of Mr Tomlin’s Charity.
Then unanimously ordered that no person (not having right to vote for burgesses to
serve in parliament for this Borrough) be for the future admitted and sworn a burgess
of this town under the summe of five pounds.
Then granted to John Harris the Tolls of Gaolford gate for one year and as he held the
same under Mrs Acton paying 24li per annum rent quarterly (the Corporation allowing
land tax only) to commence from Lady day next.
Then granted to Edward Harris the tolls of Broadstreet gate for three years paying 10li
per annum quarterly, the Corporation allowing land tax only to commence from Lady
day next.
Then granted to Samuel Pountney the tolls of Corve bridge and gate for three years to
commence from Lady day next paying 20li per annum quarterly the Corporation to
allow land tax only.
Mr Perks having received ten pounds from the Low Bailiff, it is ordered that Mr Perks
his bill of 8li 8s for businesse done for this Corporation upon account of the Cause
relating to Mr Lane’s Charity be allowed and that he do proceed to take out the originall
wills of Mr Lane and Sir Job Charlton (if necessary) and that the 1li 12s remaining in
his hands be allowed him towards that charge and the remainder to be paid by the
Corporation and if not done the 1li 12s to be repaid to the Low Bailiff.
Ordered that Mr Low Bailiff do pay to Mr Smalman fifteen pounds to enable him to
carry on the cause relating to Mr Lanes Charity and that Mr Smalman do use his
utmost endeavours to speed the cause to hearing.
Whereas the right honourable the Lord Craven, Sir Falwar Skipwith Bart and Corbet
Kinaston Esq were elected and sworn burgesses of this Corporation on the first day of
November last and there being an omission of proper entryes thereof on that day, it is
ordered that it be now entered (See order of 22.3.17?)
Then granted a lease for nine years of the tolls of the market to John Corne at 40li per
annum payable quarterly. Mr Corne to pay all tenants taxes.
Ordered that ye Surveyors do survey and Inspect ye highway leading to ye Conduit
field neare ye Sand pitts and also ye Little house or building in dispute between ye
Reader and Mr Bernard Hammond lately taken into possession by ye said Mr
Hammond and report ye same to ye Chamber at next meeting in order that the
greivancies relating thereto may be redressed.
Then ordered and agreed that effectuall methods as Councell shall advise be
Immediately taken for Establishing Mr Richard Greaves Charity given by his will to
Exhibitioners to be chosen out of the free school of Ludlow in Concurrence with Baliol
Colledge Oxon and that the master and fellows of ye said Colledge be made aquainted
with this order and theire resolution be thereupon desired forthwith.
Then granted to Mary Rice a new lease of a shop under ye New House for one and
thirty years under ye old rent usual covenants with a proviso that in case this
Corporation shall think fit to rebuild ye New House or to alter ye said shop that it shall
be lawfull for this Corporation to enter on ye said shop and take ye same into theire
owne hands making her satisfaction for ye same and under a future fine of five pounds.
Order that a Committee of this Chamber to view the markett house in order to make ye
Arches uniforme and regular and ye roof -------- and report ye same at ye next
Ordered that this Chamber do take up at Interest of Madam Powell the summe of 200li
and give their bond for the same with Interest and that the Low Bailiff elect do keep the
summe in his hands till the further orders of this Chamber.
Plate delivered to Mr Bayliffe Karver:
One large Silver Tankard the gift of Somersett Fox Esq.
One large Silver Cup the gift of Charles Baldwin Esq.
Six Apostle Spoons and five with round heads and Eight plaine Spoones.
One Silver bowl Gilt with a Cover and pinnacle the gift of Jon Roberts
Two other Silver Bowls with the Town Arms thereon.
One Silver Salt. 3 little Cups with the Town Arms
One Silver Candlestick one snuff dish and Snuffers.
One large Silver plate with the Town Arms on.
Plate delivered to Thomas Meyricke gen, Low Bailiffe:
One Large Tankard with the Town Arms on.
1 Apostle Silver Spoon, 13 Silver Spoons with round heads. 5 plaine ones.
1 Silver Bowl with a cover and pinnacle all gilt.
1 large Bowl Guilt with the Town Arms on.
1 other large Bowl unguilt with the Town Arms.
1 Silver Salt with the Town Arms Ludlow.
2 Little Silver Cups with the Town Arms.
Ordered that John the son of the Reverend Charles Fenton Rector of Ludlow in the
County of Salop and William the Son of Edward Twyford of the said Town be
recommended under the Common Seal of the said town to the master and fellowes of
Baliol Colledge Oxon as fit persons (being bred up at the free School of Ludlow) to be
exhibitioners in the Benefaction of Richard Greaves late fellow of the said Colledge,
deceased, given in and by his last will and testament.
Note on costs payed to Edward Smalman and Mr Baldwin in case of Mr Lane’s Charity.
Ordered that the Sergeants at Mace belonging to this town do buy new gowns all of a
sort and that they do clean that part of the streets whereof they receive the pitching or
that Mr Bailiffs have power to put out the Offender of Offenders and to place others in
his and their room.
That Mr Chamberlain do pay to Mrs Earsley so much of her annuity as was due at
Christmas day last out of the tolls of the market and that it be allowed him in his
Ordered that the matter of Mr Tillison’s petition be referred to the two Bailiffs (and 4
others) and to be reported on at the next Chamber meeting.
Then Mr Hugh Orlton was unanimously elected a free Burgess of this town upon his
payment of five pounds which was remitted in consideration of his taking a boy out of
the Charity School of this town and for other services done for this Corporation and
cloathing him which is upwards of the value of five pounds mentioned in a former
Ordered that Mr Bernard Hamond do at the next meeting of this Corporation shew
cause why encroachment by him made in incloseing the Boghouse belonging to the
house formerly in the possession of Mr Parefoy should not be removed or that he be
sued for the making the same having first notice of this order.
Ordered that the Chamberlain do cause lead pipes to be layed for bringing water into
the head School masters house at the charge of the corporation, the head
Schoolmaster for the time being paying the annual rent for the water at his own charge.
Ordered that Sir Francis Charlton Barrt have liberty to make palisades before his
house in the Broad Street, the outside of the palisade not extending above 3 quarters
of a yard from the wall of the house.
Ordered that Thomas Hattam have leave to build a kiln to burn and make brick in the
piece of ground which he holds of this Corporation in Upper Gaolford he making the
ground level again.
Then ordered that Mr Thomas Tillison be paid 20s in full of all his demands from this
Corporation to be paid by the Low Bailiff.
Ordered that John Griffiths Glover be sued in the Town Court for hindering the Toll
gatherer Mr Corn to collect his Toll of grain according to his lease.
Ordered that Mr Low Bailiff do lay out five pounds upon the Readers house in the
Church Yard, Keysell do engage to keep and deliver up the said house in as good
repair as the same shall be put into when the said five pounds is laid out thereupon.
Then all the Corporation plate was delivered by Mr Bayliffs to the Corporation and it is
ordered that the same except the Two tankards be delivered to Mr Humfrey Payne to
be converted into two Tankards of the value of twenty pounds each and two Salvers of
the value of fifteen pounds each.
Then also ordered that the doors of the seates in the parish Church of Ludlow
belonging to the Corporation be kept locked every Sunday and at other Solemn
festivalls till the Bayliffs or Corporation go to Church and then be opened and not
Ordered that the Chamberlain do cause all cocks fixed to the pipes that convey the
spring water to the Conduits to be forthwith cut off.
Ordered that Francis Dee do within a month pout in StopCocks and fire plugs
according to his articles and do immediately repair the streets which he hath broken up
for repairing his pipes or pay the arrears of his rent.
Ordered that the Bayliffs do cause the River within the Libertyes to be fished.
John Wolley elected Steward of the Court Leet in place of Edward Smallman
Richard Brown elected Town Attorney in place of Edward Smalman.
Richard Perks elected Town Clerk in place of Edward Smalman.
Abel Kettleby elected Town Clerk in place of Sir Thomas Powys Knt. deceased.
Whereas the Bishop of London’s Lady bequeathed the summe of one hundred pounds
to the poor of this town which said 100li has been applyed towards dischargeing a debt
of 200li due to Mrs Anne Powell from this Corporation and to her paid by Mr Thomas
Meyrick. It is ordered that this Corporation do give bond for the said 100li to Charles
Baldwyn Esq, Philip Lulley Esq, Bartholomew Beal Esq, Thomas James Esq and John
Baldwin Gent and that the said bond do bear date upon St John the Evangelists day
last past and that the Interest of the said one hundred pounds be yearly applyed as
followeth – viz Fifty shillings thereof to the Charity School and the other fifty shillings to
and amongst twenty poor house keepers (to be named by the Bailiffs and Rector of the
said town for the time being or the major number of them) share and share alike upon
every St John the Evangelists day for ever.
Ordered that Mr John Baldwyn Attorney at Law do at the expense of the Corporation
manage and Sollicit the Chancery Cause begun by the Corporation in relation to Mr
Lane’s Charity.
Then granted to Edward Taylor and Anne his wife a new Lease of a messuage or
tenement and garden in Castle Street the Rose and Crown………fine £8.
Then granted to Mr Richard Knight licence to alien a piece or parcel of ground lyeing in
the town ditch between the old gate and Broadgate and a stable or barn thereon
erected to Sir Francis Charlton Barrt paying one shilling fine.
Lease to Samuel Pountney for 3 years of the tolls of Corve Bridge and Gate. Old rents
and covenants.
Then ordered that Mr Wredenhall Pearce Chamberlain in case Mr Francis Dee consent
thereto do alter the Castle Cisterne at ye charge of this Corporation by ….. that parte
of ye said Cisterne in quantity for ye use of this Corporation that heretofore was
designed for ye use of ye said Mr Dee.
Then granted to Edward Winston a new Lease of a messuage or Tenement between
the preachers house and Elisha Rogers backside and garden situate in the Old Street
for a fine of forty five shillings and the future fine of forty shillings for 31 years.
Whereas some Inn Keepers and Victuallers of this Town with an intent to excuse
themselves from bearing their just proportion of entertaineing Soldiers who at this time
are quartered here and billetted upon them, have declared their intentions to lay down
their publick business of Selling Ale and Inn Keeping and thereby impose an
unreasonable burthen upon the other Inn Keepers in hopes of obtaining new Licences
for selling ale when ever his majestie shall please to remove the soldiers hence. It is
hereby resolved and declared by the Bayliffes, Burgesses and Comonalty in Common
Councell assembled that whatsoever Inn Keeper or Victualler of this town shall think fit
to lay down his publick business of Inn Keeping or Selling Ale dureing the time the
Souldiers now Quartered or that shall be hereafter quartered in this Town shall
continue here. Such Innkeepers or Victuallers shall have noe publick licence for selling
ale within the Libertyes of this Town for the Space of Three Yeares from the time of his
so laying down and that the Bayliffs and Justices of the peace for the time being and all
future Bailiffs and Justices for this town shall and will strictly Observe this order and
that this Order be publickly proclaimed and copyes thereof affixed at the Cross, the
Market house and Guild hall the next market day.
Then ordered that the humble thanks of this Corporation be given to his Grace the
Duke of Chandos for his generous benefaction towards the repairing and adorning the
Church of this Town and all other his Grace’s services and favours done for us.
That the new members of parliament for this Corporation be desired to waite upon his
Grace and present the thanks of this Corporation accordingly.
Somerset Davies alien the ‘Elephant & Castle’ to Richard Rickards, Joyner.
Ordered that for the future there be a reservation of timber made in all Leases for the
use of the Corporation and with full power from time to time during such demises to fall
cutt work up and dispose thereof allowing sufficient (?)
‘Couple of Capons’ included in rent of messuage lands at Eye, Herefordshire.
Ordered that the writings belonging to the Mills be delivered to Mr George Walcott to
deliver to Mr Recorder and that he do attend Mr Recorder to Sir Robert Raymond to
procure a new Lease thereof for which writings Mr Walcott hath given a receipt and
that Mr Walcott do waite upon Sir Robert Raymond with the Recorder to request him to
settle a Town clerk and returne him humble thanks for his kind letter to this
Ordered that the spare timber in the Guildhall be applyed to the repayres of the
Ordered that Mr Wolley do write to Mr Walcott to desire him to send the Corporation a
forme of a petition to the Lords of the Treasury for a new Lease of the Crowne Mills
and that a petition be drawne to the Prince Representing the ill repaires of the Church
and that the Common Seale be affixed thereto and then sent to Mr Walcott to request
his delivery thereof to the Prince.
Ordered that leave be given to Sir Francis Charlton to pull off the topp of the Towne
wall in Mr John Lane his tenants garden to repair the foundation thereof he coping the
Ordered that palisades be erected before Mr Shepherds house in the Broad Street at
Mr Shepherds expense not exceeding three quarters of a yard from the house.
That notwithstanding an order ye 2nd January 1719(20) Thomas Hunt being since
denyed a licence by ye Bayliffs and Justices of ye Peace for selling ale the said Hunt
having submitted himself to this Corporation and petitioned for a license and having
four Soldiers now billetted upon him ye present Bayliffes and Justices may grant him
ye said Hunt a Licence upon his submission and behaviour in that Case.
Ordered that the Serjants of this Towne do Collect ye pitching for (Hides?) within this
Corporation as usual.
Granted liberty to John Corn to make use of a small place under the markett house
staires for keeping of Baggs and other things in relation to the gathering of the Tolls
during the terme he hath in ye said Tolls by Lease from this Corporation.
Ordered that the Chamblerlaine do lay out so much money for ye necessary repayres
of the Dwelling house of Gilbert Whittle, under Schoole master, as he shall think fit not
exceeding five pounds and that the Chamberlain do find or provide no more Candle
nor coals for ye Guard Roomes for ye future there being no provision for ye same by
Act of Parliament.
A lease to Francis Price includes ‘A messuage or Tenement or Inn situate in Mill
Streete aforesaid formerly (inserted) called or knowne by ye sign of ye Portcullis.’
Then granted a new lease of a stable and Garden as ye sayd Garden is new-walled in
and lyeing below ye Church yard wall and ye stable lyeing near and adjoining to Linney
Lease of property in Brand or Burnt Lane.
Lease to John Hattam, messuage etc ‘adjoining to Broad Gate ……‘Liberty for ye
Inhabitants of ye towne to throw their dust, ashes, slops, stooles and other matters as
usual at all times during ye said lease over the back yard wall into ye said Garden and
a restriction for ye said John Hattam and Anne his wife or their assigns erecting or
building any new additional buildings without ye consent of ye Corporation.’
Lease of a parcel of ground adjoining to Goalfords Tower called ye Town Ditch.
Thomas Hunt named Cryer in room of his late father Henry Hunt.
Then gave leave to Thomas Wynde Schoolmaster to teach Schoole in ye Markett
house during ye pleasure of this Chamber, except at Fayres.
Then William Cowley Citizen of London was unanimously admitted Burgess of this
Corporation the fine of five pounds being remitted to him having given Two Silver
Tobacco boxes of ye value of Twelve pounds or upwards for ye use of ye Bayliffs of
this Towne for the time being and at theire successors and that his admission and
other fees be remitted and stayed to this Corporation.
Page Newborough elected Assistant to the Rector (marginal note ‘Mr P.N. elected
Reader) to have same salary and perquisites as Mr Nicholas Keysall, deceased. 1/4s
Lease to Mr John Bowdler of a shop near the Cross ‘with a Special Covenant to be
therein Inserted that ye said John Bowdler his assigns nor tenants shall keepe straw or
other Combustible matter within ye cellor under ye said shop whereby to endanger ye
towne by fire.
Ordered that all fines for ye future to be made by ye Justices of ye peace of this
Corporation at theire quarter sessions be accounted by ye Low Bayliffe for ye time
being with this Corporation and paid for theire use.
Ordered that five pounds be payd by ye Low Bailiffe towards ye repayre of the
Lecturers house to Frederick Cornwall ye present Lecturer of this Towne.
Then granted Licence to Mrs Bridgett Cornwall to alien all that messuage or Tenement
and shop in ye possession of George Vaughan and others as under tenants thereto
and all that parte of ye towne ditch now used as a garden with ye Summer house
thereon erected (in ye possession of Mr Newborough) to Thomas Harris, she payeing
two shillings and six pence fine.
In an order to the surveyors mention of ‘a watercourse leading from ye Readers house
‘They are to view the wyer and ye river Corve as to ye diversion of ye course of ye said
Ordered that Mr James Marsh have leave to teach school in the Market house at ye
East end thereof for ye Summer season during pleasure of this Corporation not doeing
any damage to ye fayres.
Ordered that ye Standard for a signe set up by Thomas Jones in ye Broad Streete
before his doore called ye Angell being erected pursuant to a Survey of this
Corporation shall stand without paying anything for ye same.
Tolls of Corve Bridge for 9 years to Mr James Wyke, same covenants.
Granted to Richard Knight Esq the wast ground near Dynham Gate which was formerly
of Mr Edward Smalman for ye terme of 31 years at ye yearly rent of Twelve pence
usual covenants, he leaving ye way on ye west parte of ye said wast ground sufficient
as ye Surveyors shall direct, ye same to be Comprised in ye lease lately granted to ye
said Richard Knight of a stable Barn and Garden and paying 1s 8d fine.
Lease of the mill and waterworks to Francis Dee and John Hunt pursuant to ye Articles
made between this Chamber and John Fido, they paying ye rents and being obleiged
in Covenants as in ye said Articles are Expressed.
Then granted License to Francis Dee to alien his parte of ye waterworks to Thomas
Page paying a fine of one shilling.
New Trustees appointed ‘in relation to Mr Lane’s Charity as to ye meadow at St.
Ordered that the Address to his Majestye now read be Ingrosed and that the seale of
this Corporation be affixed thereto and that the facts contained therein be Certifyed to
ye Recorder under seale of this Corporation.
Then Mr Knight and Mr Lully being proposed one to be elected as a member of this
Chamber and ye votes being Seventeen and Seventeen, ye high Bayliff insisted on
and gave ye casting vote for Mr Knight according to ye usage of ye Chamber (First
instance in records of Casting Vote.)
Granted at ye Request of ye present officers belonging to his Majestyes Regiment of
foote under Collonel Montague, an allowance of three shillings per weeke during the
pleasure of this Corporation for buying Coals and Candles for ye use of ye Guard
roome here.
Granted a new lease of ye fulling Mill, Mill house and Mill Wheele there and
waterworks under ye rent Covenants and agreements as in Mr Fidoe’s Articles to
Francis Dee and John Hunt as tenants in Common and for ye like terme in ye said
Articles mentioned, only ye Castle Cisterne and ye pipes belonging to ye Spring water
and ye repayring thereof the said tenants to be exempted therefrom.
Ordered that ye covenant in ye lease to be granted to Francis Dee and John Hunt of ye
waterworks in relation to keeping ye Spring pipes Conduits and Cisternes in order be
omitted and left out of ye said lease.
Ordered ye Surveyors survey ate building, making and now erecting into ye towne wall
between Mr Walcott’s Garden and ye Garden of Thomas Harris and also to Survey
where Mr John Hattam intends to build at his house in Corve Streete and report ye
matter at next meeting.
Lease alienated by Richard Dewpell to Walter Young of Ludford, pipemaker.
Ordered that the Chamber take up at Interest under theire Common Seale the Summe
of Fifty pounds of Richard Rickards and Give a bond for ye same and that the Sayd
moneys be payd to Mrs Powell and that the present Low Bayliff Mr Woolly pay her fifty
pounds more with all Interest due to her and take up the bond to her from this
Ordered that Mr John Baldwyn pay to Mr Benjamin Karver the Summe of Four pounds
for ye Costs of Course for Mr Paine and Mr Jennings answer to ye bill of Accompt of ye
Attorney Generall against Sir Francis Charlton in relation to Mr Lane’s Charity out of ye
money Mr Baldwin has received out of ye rents by him received by order of ye High
Court of Chancery.
Granted Leave to Mr William New to set Walnutts in ye market house for three weeks
to commence from this day. Doeing as Little prejudice to ye boards as possible.
Then granted a new lease to Dr Stead of his Dwelling house over and adjoining to ye
broade Gate and ye Carte (Court) before ye same and a Garden, Stable and Backside
on ye west and a Meeceplace and Garden in Mervall and also a Messuage or
Tenement and Garden with ye appurtenances and also a backside and Garden below
ye broad Gate in ye town ditch in Consideration of a Surrender for about 2 years and
five pounds fine, ye Interest being remitted him by reason of ye house being burnt
down and rebuilt by him, for one and thirty years five pounds future fine old rent and
usual Covenants.
Granted a new Lease to Edward Peach of Two Water Corne Grist Mills commonly
called ye upper Castle Mills with the appurtenances for ye terme of 31 years 30s
present fine old rent and usual covenants.
New lease of Tolls of Goalfords Gate and Old Gate. 3 years £24 per annum.
New lease to Edward Harris of the portage of Ludford and New Bridge and Tolls of
Broad Gate and Dynham Gate for three years. Rent tenn pounds, land tax only to be
allowed by ye Corporation and usual Covenants. A Covenant from him not to take less
than ye usual tolls.
Ordered that upon readeing the petition of Mr Benjamin Newty about the water works
that William Pitt that now Looks after ye water works in relation to ye Spring water do
Attend this Chamber at next meeting tot show cause why he should not Surrender up
ye said works and to give an account in relation to ye same.
License to Thomas Rickards, Thatcher, to alien.
Granted license to John Stead Dr, to Alien to Joyce Sprott, widow, all ye messuage
and dwelling house with all other ye premises comprised in ye lease to the said John
Stead lately granted for ye fine of 2s 6d.
Then ordered that the Corporation Tennants that do not pay theire rent be sued by
action of Debt Ejectment or otherwise or Distresse made which shall be most
Ordered Leave be given to Henry Arthur Herbert Esq to Ceile the Markett house, now
lay ye boards of ye same and Glaze ye windows thereof at his own Costs and Charges
and in such manner as he shall think propper and that Mr Winder ye present
Schoolemaster be ordered within 2 or three dayes time to leave ye same
notwithstanding the former order for his teaching therein.
Ordered a survey of ye Mill Streete Gate to see whether any and what parte of it be not
fit to (be) pulled downe and report ye same at next meeting.
Granted licence to Mr Francis Dee and John Hunt to alien theire right and title of in and
to ye Waterworks of this Towne to Francis Herbert Esq paying a fine 2s.
Upon the Representation of Mr Jon Wolley the Town renter that Several of ye
Corporation Lands in the parish of Hopton Wafers in the position of one Parton are
intermixed with other Freehold Lands in ye said parish so that the Towne Lands are
Endangered of being lost unless timely Looked after ti[s] therefore ordered that a
Survey be made thereof and ye Surveyors report ye same as soone as may be.
Ordered that the present Bayliffs pay to Mr Henry Jordon the present Chamberlaine
the Summe of Twenty Shillings for the last fayre and that the summe of Twenty
Shillings be Continued towards ye repayre of ye Markett house for every fayre for ye
future as Long as this Chamber shall thinke fit to Continue ye Scotchmen and Clothiers
to stand in ye Markett house below Staires on fayre dayes there.
Then ordered that Mr Jon Smalman and Mr Joseph Perks Go immediately and Give
Notice to the Coroner of the County of Hereford and the Constable of Ludford that the
body Corporate having met and Considered that the place where ye body of John
Powell lately Drowned in the River Teame was found and is now lyeing is within the
jurisdiction of this Towne and Liberty and therefore to forewarne the said Coroner and
Constable or other officers of ye County of Hereford not to sit on ye said body or if they
do that ye Corporation are resolved to insist on theire right and to bring one or more
Action or actions against the to Try the same: the body being unanimously of opinion
on perusal of theire Charters this day and due Consideration of precedents that ye
right is within ye Towne.
Ordered that Mr Low Bayliffe the Towne Clerke and Coroner do Attend Sir Francis
Charlton and acquainte him to ye same effect and that they shew him or read ye
Clause in King Charles ye first Charter in relation to this matter and then Adjourned till
five of ye Clock in the afternoone.
Ordered and Resolved that upon the Report of the persons above named in ye order
above on theire Attending Sir Francis Charlton at Ludford, Mr Henry Jenks an Attorney
at Law being in the Hall of the said Sir Francis Charlton at Ludford aforesaid and Sir
Francis being in his parlour, the said Mr Jenks sayd that he had orders from the said
Sir Francis Charlton to tell the persons aforesaid that Sir Francis was resolved to stand
by his writeing and ye towne might stand by theire Charter which was by ye ordered
aforesaid offered to be showed to ye said Sir Francis in an Amiable way that the matter
be taken into Consideration and that the Recorder be Advised with in order to Assert
the right of this Corporation in ye best manner as shall be most Advisable And that
notice be given in writeing to ye Coroner of Hereford shire that the Corporation of
Ludlow is resolved to assert theire rights in relation to ye boundarys Extending into
Hereford Shire to Informe them of the Negative Clauses in the Charters in relation to
ye Libertys of ye Towne.
Ordered a Booke be bought by Mr Browne, Low Bayliffe, to enter ye accounts of ye
Bailiffs and Chamberlains in yearly.
Bailiffs to have power to suspend Sergeants and Cryer for neglect of duty or
Then ordered that two Several Summes of money mentioned in the will of Mr Thomas
Meyrick one of ye late Aldermen of the said Towne and by him thereby bequeathed to
Several Charitable uses therein Specifyed making in all Fourscore pounds be by Mr
Adam Meyrick Executor of ye said Thomas Meyrick payd into ye hands of Mr Richard
Brown the present Low Bayliffe Forty pounds parte therof to be Lent to four Tradesmen
viz. 10li a piece pursuant to ye said will and forty Shillings per annum to be paid yearly
on St Thomas’s day by the Corporation to the Treasurers of the Charity School. Ye
first payment to be made on St Thomas’s day in ye year of our Lord God One
thousand Seven hundred Twenty and Six pursuant to ye said will.
Then ordered that Richard Fewtrell Baker a young Tradesman of this Town have Tenn
pounds for 3 years without Interests. (Same conditions as for Judge Turners Charity)
Ordered that ye Beedle do from Twelfth day next ensueing Impound all ye piggs they
find about ye Streetes and in the Church yard of this towne and take for each pigg so
Impounded four pence and for Defalt of Impounding or refusal made they give
Information of ye Owners to ye Constables or Grand Jury in order to have ye same
Ordered that the Chamberlaine for the time being shall effectually repaire the
Brewhouse belonging to Mr Whittle the Free Schoolmasters house and putt a new
roofe with Brick tile thereon.
Lease of ‘a Little house situate upon the wall of the said Towne near Goalford Gate’.
Many cases of tenants having Cut done timber on Corporation lands reported and
proceedings taken in relation thereto, about the time.
Town renter to sue for arrears of rent.
Ordered that a new lease of all that Watercorne Mill next adjoining to the River of
Teame called the Castle Mills together with a Malt Mill formerly erected and a stable
adjoining to the Said Mill togeather with a Bilett or parcel of Land belonging to the Said
Mill and a meadow called the Mill meadow lying neare the highway leading from
Ludlow towards Halton be granted to Henry Davies and Elizabeth his wife. 31 years
Fine £25. Covenants as in lease of 1720.
Ordered that the present Surveyors shall view the Severall incroachments on the
Streets belonging to this towne and report them respectively at the next meeting for the
Consideration of the Chamber.
Upon Reading Mrs Mohun’s petition complaineing of ye Shopkeepers Weighing Goods
in Fayres and marketts within this Towne to the prejudice of the publick weights of the
Said Towne insomuch that she ye said Mrs Mohun as tennant is not able to pay ye rent
for ye Said weights she has Contracted for with this Corporation unless restraint be put
to this practise. It is therefore this day ordered that if any person Inhabitant of ye said
Towne shall at any time hereafter in any fayre or Markett within this Towne Weigh any
Goods in his her or theire Shoppes to the prejudice of ye Towne Weights that an action
be brought against such person or persons so weighing Goods as aforesaid In ye
name stile and title of this Corporation and at theire expense in order to recover
Damages against such person or persons so weighing Goods as aforesaid in prejudice
to ye Towne weights and that the Cryer make proclamation of this Order against next
fayre and that Coppyes of this Order be sett up at ye Markett house and New House.
Then the Reverend John Fenton Cleric was unanimously elected Reader or Assistant
of this Towne and Parish in the place and stead of the Reverend Page Newborough
who resigns the said place….
Lease to Thomas Acton of the Tolls of Corn and grain for 30 years. Yearly rent £40 in
quarterly paymentsd. Corporation to pay Land Tax and Poor Levies only. Same
covenants as John Cornes lease now expired.
Ordered that the present Bayliffs and Town Clerke do Attend Mr Justice Powys at
Henley and in the name of ye whole Corporation return him thanks for all his favours to
this Corporation.
Ordered that what Interest shall justly appeare to be due from this Corporation by bond
to ye Charity Schoole be payd by the present Low Bayliffe.
Then Abraham Lane for the Neglect of Duty was removed from his place of Bill man
and Edward Weaver was admitted into the Said place.
Ordered that the Towne Clerke demand of Mr James Long as Executor to his brother
Jonathan Long the Summe of Twenty pounds Legacy left by the Said Jonathan Long
to be laid out in purchasing Lands ye rents and profits whereof and ye Interest of ye
money in ye meane time to be payd to such poore and impotent people as ye Bayliffs
and Justices of this Towne shall order and appoint and it appearing that ye Interest of
ye said Twenty pounds was only payd to ye 24th June 1714 and that he the said Towne
Clerke demand ye Interest of ye money in ye meane time and that the said Mr James
Long shew Cause if he can why he aught not to pay ye said principall and Interest at
six pounds per cent per annum at next meeting of this Corporation.
License to alien ‘all ye messuage or Tenement and Dwelling house in a place Called
the Shambles in ye Mill Streete with a Slaughter house and out buildings there.’
Granted and ordered that ye Doore and staires and way made by Mr Knight through ye
Towne wall into ye Walke behind ye Castle be inserted and Expressed in his lease of
his Garden and Stable for ye Continuance thereof into ye same rent.
Lease for 31 years to Nathaniel Pryce of one half of the Shambles other half to Mary
and Richard Alchley.
Granted a new Lease to Jon Corne of the Toll of Graine coming to this towne to be
sold or Exposed to Sale for nine years. Same rent and Covenants as last lease.
Ordered the Low Bayliffe new Cloth Edward Weaver one of ye Beedles with a Coate
and Breeches for the yeare ensueing he behaving himself as he ought to do in all
respects as Hogg Sergeant and taking Care that persons Going with Waggons loaded
through this Towne do not Lock theire Wheeles to damage and Teare up ye Streetes.
Then Mr Gilbert Whittle was unanimously Elected head Schoolemaster in the Roome
of Mr John Beeston and to succeed him in the Schoole of this Towne at Michaelmas
next or sooner if Mr Beeston quitts the possession of the Sayd Schoole.
Then Mr Herbert Wilde was by a majority of the Chamber elected to succeed Mr
Gilbert Whittle upon his entry into the head Schoolemasters place according to ye said
Granted License to John Dyer to come out with his new intended building in ye old
Schoole even with Benjamin Tiptons new building and that a lease be granted for 1000
years or other terme or other conveyance for ye yearly rent of 6d payable to this
Corporation on Michaelmas day of ye wast Ground.
Granted licence to William and Richard Griffiths to alien all ye small parcell of Land in
Upper Goalford to William Back of ye Said Towne, Brickmaker.
Granted a new lease to Milescent Mohun (M. Moon in margin) of ye Guildhall and
Weights etc for ye terme of one and Twenty yearsof She so long Live, under ye old
rent and Covenants.
Granted a Lease to Henry Arthur Herbert Esq of the Mill house, Engine, Mill Wheele,
Three Watercourse pipes and all other priviledges as to ye said Waterworks of this
Towne in such sort under such rent and subject to Such Clauses and Agreements as
in the articles Executed by this Corporation to Jonathan Fidoe and other ye
assignments thereof are Expressed with a Covenant from this Corporation where the
Lease of the Mill Streete Mills are reserved the said Lease with other priviledges may
Subsist for one and Twenty years and that ye Mill house and Threw (?) may Continue
in ye meane time for ye terme this Corporation have therein and ye rest of ye
priviledges for one and twenty years.
Granted licence to William Pearce to alien to Arthur Herbert Esq all ye messuage
called ye Tolsey.
Windows made in Town Wall near Corve Gate to be surveyed and reported on.
Ordered that Mr Alderman Lea and Thomas Hattam shew cause next meeteing why
they do not build next to ye Streete in Corve Streete according to ye Covenants and
agreements in theire Leases. Severally and that notice be given to them Respectively
by ye Town Clerk forthwith of this order.
Ordered that Mr Karver enquire after and into the papers relating to the Charity Cause
and to proceed therein to Decree in Order to Setle and Establish the Charity.
(Marginal note: Mr Karver to proceed in the Worke house cause – apparently Lanes
This Corporation consents as farr as in the lye that the hands in Mr Leas and Mr
Joseph Pearces, Inclosures in Hucklemarch field be put out for making a public
Highway at ye Charge of the parish of Stanton Lacy.
New lease to Joane Arnold, Widow ……. Called ye Bell in Ludford in ye County of
Granted Licence to John Harris and Mary his wife to Alien to James Morch all that
parcell of Ground Called ye Town Ditch at Goalford Gate and all that parte of a
messuage or Tenement and roomes at Goalfords Gate aforesaid……..
Then agreed or ordered that not less than Seven years vallue of ye rent income of all
Lands belonging to this Corporation be taken and fixed as a fine to every Lease now or
herafter to be renewed and that every tennant renewing a lease pay at Least Such fine
for ye future. The Town rent only to be deducted.
‘Pigeon House Close’ mentioned in a Lease.
Lease of ‘ye Brick Close in Upper Goalford’.
Then granted a new lease to Benjamin Winwood of the office of keeping ye Guildhall
and ye Weights thereunto belonging to be particularly mentioned in the sayd Lease to
hold for nine yeares at and under the yearly rent of Seven Pounds with ye Same
Covenants in ye Lease lately granted to Milescent Mohun and to swepe the Streete
next to ye said Guildhall cleane to ye Midle Streete.
Then Herbert Wild Clerke, having voluntary resigned the Place of Usher or under
Schoolemaster of this Towne and this Corporation haveing agreed to and accepted his
Resignation do Order that ye Boyes in the Lower Schoole be Immediately Committed
to the Care of Gilbert Whittle, Clerke Upper Schoolemaster of ye Sayd Schoole till a
proper person be elected and chosen in ye place of ye said Herbert Wild and that the
Sallary be payd to ye Said Mr –-- to and for Lady Day next.
Ordered that ….. Ward tenant to ye Mills In ye old Streete do forthwith repayre y said
Mills upon Notice Given to him by ye Towne Clerke or that an action be brought
against him at ye Suite of ye Bayliffs Burgesses and Coialty of this Corporation upon
ye Covenants in his Lease.
Then Foulke Morris was duly elected into the place of Bellman …… with ye usual
Sallary of Forty Shillings and also was Admitted into the apartment in ye Almshouse
wherein Meredith Arthurs (late Bellman) Lived and Inhabited……
Then David Leintall Clc, Organist having neglected his duty is unanimously ordered to
be removed from his Sayd place of Organist and that the Key of the Organ loft be
immediately delivered up to the present Church Wardens Mr Richard Plumer or Mr
Benjamin Horton.
Then David Valentine who was this day Elected a Burgess of this Corporation was
Likewise Elected into the Sayd Place of Organist with ye usual Sallary thereto which
he is to enjoy during the pleasure of this Corporation.
Licence to Alien ‘all that messuage Tenament Garden and Orchard in Corve Street
called ye Harp’.
Then Onslow Barrett Gent was elected and unanimously Admitted Usher in the Free
Schoole of this Towne in the place and stead of Mr Herbert Wilde during the pleasure
of this Corporation and the usuall Sallary ordered to him since Lady day last..
Then ordered that this Corporation will Stand by theire Elections and Nomination of
Churchwardens Organist and Sexton and other officers belonging to this Chamber and
Constitution as has been usual and that whoever goes about to Alter any Election or
other Custome relateing to this Constitution Shall not have any Lease or any beneficial
place under this Corporation.
Then Mr Anthony Onions Clerke was by a Majority elected Reader and Assistant to the
Rector of ye parish of St Lawrence Ludlow in ye room of Mr John Fenton deceased
with the Usuall Salary from Midsummer next. Mr Richard Wilding to officiate and to
receive ye Salary and the rent of the house to that time.
Ordered that Mr Low Bayliffe, or the Town Renter, due with the first money that comes
to their hands pay ye interest due to ye Charity Schoole by bond.
Ordered that this Leger Booke be by ye Baylliffs kept locked up.
‘Lease of Tenement and Meadow Ground called Quiseley’ (in the margin ‘under the
Ordered leave by given to Ann Newman or Margery Wellings her tenant to set up a
post (stone) at ye Corner of ye house now in ye possession of ye said Margery Willings
in order to keepe or Throw off wheeles and Carryages from Damnifyeing y buildings
belonging to ye said Dwelling house in turning at ye said Corner without paying
anything as Consideration for so doeing coming out a Foote from ye Corner part
including the post to be Set up.
Then ordered that Richard Taylor the younger Butcher have Leave and do build his
new house being parte of ye Round about house at the Bull Ring according to his
petition viz. Three feete and tenn Inches as an encroachment on ye Streete or Wast in
breadth and in length thirty feet he paying for ye Same in Gross the summe of one
guinea and that his Corporation do Confirme ye Same to him at his Costs and Charges
as he shall be Advised.
Long list of Honorary Burgesses, many of Title, none from Ludlow.
Then ordered that two Guineas and a halfe payd by Mr James Wild to William Fisher of
Hereford for painting ye princes armes for ye use of the Council Chamber be allowed
him in his account as renter.
Lease to John Davies ‘of all that Capital Messuage or Tenement Called Kingstone
place with all Shopps, Stables, Buildings, Backsides and Gardens thereto belonging’.
(Present and future fine £12.)
An annuity of £5 to be paid to Mrs Sulley out of the Weare meadows – apparently to
recover possession.
Then ordered that in case Mr Wredenhall Pearce or any other person shall contest the
matter as to ye Herriott due to the Bayliffs on ye Death of Mr Hall Esq deceased and
for which the Bayliffs have seized a horse being ye best Beast of the Sayd Mr Hall
deceased, that a case be drawn up and the facts Stated and Councils opinion taken
which is the best way to obtain and get the Sayd Herriott and that proceedings be
thereupon had according to ye Councils opinion and that this Corporation be at ye
Expense of Such proceedings out of theire revenues and that the Attorney General Mr
Serjeant Chappel or Mr Reace be the gentlemen Attended for an Opinion thereupon.
Lease of Messuage in Goalford ‘called ye Fox’.
Action of cutting down timber on Corporation lands at Ashford.
Order for person to appear (Brickmen) for breaking up soil and committing waste on
Corporation land.
Then ordered that a Committee be appointed to inspect in to the Debts due to and from
this Corporation and what Leases are already expired and what will expire within five
years to come and what money may be raised therefrom, after the Rate of seven years
purchase and that such Committee consist of the Two Bailiffs and Justices for the time
being (and 8 others) …….. to meet so many days each week within
Three Weeks
time as they shall think fit and then Report the whole of their Enquiries to the Chamber
at their next meeting and that all Leases be Entred Alphabettically in the Book for that
Ordered a Survey of ye wall and Signe post Erected by Mr Francis Price in Goalford,
how far it encroaches on ye Highway and Circumstances thereof and report ye Same
as Soone as may be.
Ordered that Morgan Lloyd having petitioned this Corporation to have Leave to make
Brick in his Lands at the Sandpitts that he have leave accordingly he levelling and
making ye Ground Good and that Such Leave continue only dureing the pleasure of
this Corporation.
William Back, who had made Brick on his lands in Goalford with (out?) ye license of
the Corporation be forgiven the offence and has liberty to make brick there under the
above conditions.
The Hedges and Trees near Teme Side to be surveyed.
Ordered that in all Leases to be granted of Meadow or Pasture ground by this
Chamber for ye time to come a Covenant be inserted to restraine the Lessees fro
plowing or breakeing up ye Sae without License of this Corporation on penalty of five
pounds per acre for each acre so plowed or broken up as aforesaid.
Then ordered that Mr Cesar Hawkins pay to Mr Benjamin Karver towards his fees and
Disbursements in ye Charity Cause about ye house of Correction out of the first
moneys as he receives – Seventy pounds.
Ordered that notice be forthwith given to John Harley by ye Town Renter that unless
he removes ye nusance of his Mill and Wyre (wear)
Corve within a months
time he will be Sued and presented for ye same at ye Corporation Expense.
New Lease to John Harris and William Bowen of ye Tolls of Goalfords and Old Streete
Gate for Three years. £24 per annum.
New Lease to Edward Harris Portership or Toll Gatherer and Portage over Ludford and
New Bridge for nine years. £10 per annum.
Ordered that ye Surveyors view ye State of ye Almshouse in this Towne both as to ye
repayres thereof ad also as to fitness of those persons that are within ye Same and
whether any there without ye order of ye Chamber and that they report ye whole to
this Chamber at a Subsequent Meeting.
Lease of ye Mill Street Mills to William Gilson. Rent £17 per annum. Tennant to keep
same in repair, to pay all taxes except Land Tax. Allowed 30/- or timber to that value
for repairs.
21 Honorary Burgesses elected. Nearly all not Ludlovians.
Ordered a Survey upon Mr Barrett ye under Schoolmasters house as to ye repayres
thereof and report made of ye same to ye Corporation as soone as may be.
And also a Survey of ye Chimney petitioned for by Richard Monger and reported as
Then ordered that the Surveyors do survey ye Old Mills by themselves and some
propper workeman and report ye vallue of Such repayres as soon as may be to the
Then the Report of ye Surveyors in relation to ye repayres of Mr Barretts house the
under School masters being this day Reade ‘tis ordered that Mr Edward Baugh the
Chamberlaine do repayre the house wherein he now lives in Such manner as will make
it Tennantable and that ye whole after be kept by him in repayre during ye time of his
Continuance of the Said Schoole as usher thereof.
Licence to Mr Powford to alien a Malt House in Corve Street.
The report in relation to ye Chimney petitioned to be built by Richard Monger at his
owne Charge in ye New House being reade ordered that the same my be done without
prejudice it is ordered accordingly with this proviso or Condition that whenever the
Buildings Called the New house be taken or pulled down or otherwise Disposed of that
the sayd Richard Monger as to such Chimney Shall be Subject to such order as this
Chamber Shall make concerning ye Same.
Then ordered that upon Consideration of the Debts and other Exigencies of this
Corporation and upon a vote put whether the Lands to be granted for ye future by
Lease and whereof no Lease is Granted Shall be granted at Eight Years purchase one
halfe rent and one halfe fine or not and the Same being by a greate Majority for ye
Eight years purchase as aforesaid Carryed therefore no Lease to be for ye future
Granted to any person whatsoever for less than Eight years purchase for halfe ye rent
and ye other halfe reserved to the Corporation as a yearly rent and the Lease granted
for one and Twenty years only.
Lease of premises ‘neare ye Cross Keyes’.
Then agreed and ordered that the Sallary to William Pitt (Spring Water works) be
advanced from Seven to tenn pounds a yeare to be paid halfe yearely the first payment
at Lady day next by ye Chamberlaine e the Said William Pitt and Robert his sone or
one of them finding and providing all new Lead Cocks and all other matteres belonging
to ye water works from ye Springs to this Towne from time to time and to mend ye
Streetes as he shall breake up about the Same from time to time at their own Expense
and in failure thereof the Chamberlaine to perform ye worke and stop ye money out the
Sallary and they to article at theire own Charge. 21 years to enjoy if performed.
New Lease of ‘Pidgeon house Close’.
The accounts as to rebuilding the New bridge were also reported and there appeared
due to the accountant the Sume of Two hundred and two pounds Eight shillings and
one penny.
Then ordered that on Thomas Wind or father pulling down the house at the Cross filling
up the Cellars and making good the pitching, the Low Bayliffe Mr Wild pay the Summe
of Twenty pounds to one of them and they to take off and have ye old materials the
whole to be perfected by Lady day next.
Then ordered that Mr Tarbuck the present Chamberlaine repayre ye ushers house by
bricking the front to ye Streete up to ye roofe and little house and also new Cope or
repayre the wall between the Barnabey house Garden and ye freeschoole Garden.
Ordered Thomas Cleeton his share of ye forty shillings fine of ye Sessions for a Riot as
ordered by ye Recorder as a Satisfaction for ye Battery for which they the Riotters
were presented or Indicted being thirteen shillings and four yeares (pence?)
New Lease for 21 yeares of a dwelling house in Broad Street called the Tavern.
Then ordered that the place of Reader or assistant upon the death of Anthony
Seymore Onions Clerke as to the choice of another person to supply that place be by a
Greate Majority of this Chamber respited till the next Meeteing.
Licence to Alien the White Lyon.
Lease of all the Messuage Garden and Stable in Lower Goalford formerly a Barne and
Garden but lately rebuilt ……. and called by ye Signe of the Mitre.
Then Twas unanimously agreed that tis ye opinion of this Corporation that process
shall issue against Burgesses sworne where the debt is above forty shillings as well as
against other persons without distinction.
Lease ‘of all that parcell of meadow or pasture ground Called ye Harpe near Saint
Mary Lane’.
Order against the diversion of a watercourse to the detriment of a Corporation tennant.
Then Twas unanimously agreed and ordered that this Corporation will from time to
time and all times hereafter Stand by at the Common Charge and Expense of the
Same Defend all Magistrates Justices of the Peace and other Judicial officers as also
all Constables and other Subordinate officers of this Town and Corporation in the Legal
Executive of theire respective officers in all respects whatsoever.
Survey of the poores Close in Linney.
Then ordered that a Booke by bought by ye Low Bailiffe and that ye Accounts of the
Bayliffs Chamberlaine and Town Renter be Entered therein with all Itemes in relation to
every of ye Said accounts and that ye Town Clerke enter ye same being paid and
reasonable allowed for ye same.
Then Luke Clutterbuck was unanimously elected Cryer of the said Town during the
pleasure of this Corporation.
Then ordered and agreed that Dr Steade as Surviving Trustee in the Poores Close in
Linney do set the said Close by and with ye Consent of ye Bailiffs Burgesses and
Commonalty of the said Town and ye Consent and approbation of Charles Fenton
Rector of the Town of Ludlow for ye terme of one and twenty years at and under the
yearly rent of one pound Twelve Shillings and six pence usual covenants Excepting all
the poplar Oake and Elm growing thereupon and in ye hedges thereto belonging and
not to break up under ye penalty of five pounds an acre.
Then Richard Adney was Elected and unanimously Admitted Usher in the Free
Schoole in this towne in the place of Mr Onslow Bennett with the usual Sallary during
the pleasure of this Corporation.
Lease of premises adjoining ‘to the said Goalfords Tower and the Garden or part of the
Town ditch behind the said Tower’.
Order that the Lease Granted to Mr William Deakin be altered as to the proviso that the
Lease to be void in Case no Distress to be found on the premises and it be a standing
Then ordered the Town Renter do pay to the present Bayliffs Mr Waring and Br Baugh
the Summe of thirteen Shillings and four pence and DO for ye time to come pay to the
Succeeding Bayliffs yearly the same summe being in lieu and recompence for several
summes for Capons and for Coale out of the respective Estate of William Deateing,
Francis Child, Richard Crudgington, Robert Meirick and Joseph Beddoes and that the
same respective Summes yearely be allowed out of and in his accounts.
Action to be taken against sureties by bond to the tradesmen defaulters having had ten
pounds of Thomas Meyrick’smoney.
Lease of a messuage ‘now in the possession of Rowland Wyman Tobacconist lately
used in Local shopps and roomes.’
In reference to an exchange of lands the following occur:
The Warritree field or Open Field
Crossall Field
Corporation land near No Mans Lands
The Harpe enclosure near the Gallows
Then ordered that Mr Thomas Vernon Alderman make a New Clock for the Free
Ralph Botterell, Corve Street, Tanner
Ordered that an application be made to Henry Arthur Herbert Esq to renew the Leases
of the Kings Mills in the propper office for the purpose and Mr Recorder Ketelbey be
Likewise assistant therein.
Then agreed with Thomas Meirick of Stow Mills neare Knighton in ye County of Radnor
Millner to let and demise to him the Old Streete Mills for one year Commencing at Lady
day next at Twenty pounds a yeare. Tennant to pay all taxes and charges save Land
Then the Address now read upon the nuptialls of is Royal Highness the Price of Wales
to the Illustrious Princess of Saxe Gotha was unanimously agreed to and approved of
by this Corporation and ordered the dame be sent up to the Honourable Henry Arthur
Herbert Esq to be presented to his Majesty as soone as he has an opportunity of so
doeing and the sayd Mr Herbert shall think it Adviseable to present ye same.
In the Town Renter account ‘the arrears returned are three hundred thirteen pounds
tenn shillings and Two pence.
Then ordered that John Parker do pay the widow Taylor Fourteen Groates due to her
for pontage with his Cart coming over the bridge and that he pay as a Common Carrier
for ye time to Come.
Then ordered a Letter of Attorney under the Common Seal of the Said Town for Mr
Karver to receive the Costs awarded by the masters Ordered in the Charity Cause for
ye use of this Corporation due from the Lady Charlton and for him to Give a receipt or
other discharge for ye same.
Lease to John Powys, glover, of the Tolls of Corve Bridge. £30 per annum.
Then ordered the Town renter Imploy a person to fall one of the large poplar Trees
Growing upon ye wast belonging to ye Corporation by Teame Side and the freehold of
Josiah Shelton and that the Town renter and the person falling the said Tree be
indempnified by this Corporation for so doeing.
Ordered a Survey of ye Ushers house as to repaires thereof and reported as soone as
may be.
Ordered that publick notice be Given that the Tolls of the Market will be set to the best
bidder at the Expiration of the Lease to John Corne which ends at Christmas next and
that proposals be brought to the Bayliffes or one of them on Tuesday next or as soone
after as may be before Christmas.
New lease to John Corne of the Tolls of the Market for Twelve years. £50 yearly rent.
(Marginal note ‘not taken’).
New Lease of premises in Mill Street ‘with liberty for the occupyer of the Ushers house
adjoining to the other premises to rear Ladders and otherwise to repayre the Ushers
house as occasion shall require doeing as little dammage as may be’.
Ordered that Publick notice be Given and fixed up at the Publick Places that what ever
person or persons refuse or obstruct the payment of the Toll of Graine in or Comeing
to this Market or Town this Corporation will Stand by theire Toll Gatherer and will order
such persons Sued at the Corporation Expense where Toll is justly due.
New Lease of house in Broad Street. Liberty to fetch water from a well in adjacent
Tenement and to set up palisades before the house, not to project ore than 2ft into the
Then Mr Vernon having produced a bill for ye Schoole Clock, Burnishing ye Maces
Varnishing ye black staves and making a beame amounting to Sixteen Pounds is
ordered to be paid by Mr Wilde the Town renter.
Then ordered a Survey of the Tileing of the Readers house in the Church Yard.
Necessary repayres and the Supervisors report the same at next meeting.
Then ordered that the Town clerk Give Notice to William Jeffryes, Samuel Powys,
William Phillips and Several other persons obstructing and refuseing to pay the Tolls to
Mr John Corne the tennant thereof that Actions will be ordered to be brought against
them severally and that the Chamber will stand by at theire Toll Gatherer and Justifye
him in his just demands.
Then ordered that the Company of Millners and Bakers bring in their Composition and
lodge the same with the Bayliffs on or before the fifth day of July next ensueing upon
forfeiture of theire priviledges in case of refusal and notice of this order.
New Lease of Tolls of Gaolford and old Street gates for 9 years to John Harris. £24
yearly rent.
New Lease of Market Tolls for 9 years to William Jeffryes, Maltster £50 yearly rent.
(Apparently John Corne was dead.)
New lease of Messuage or Tenement Garden and Garden in Corve Street called
formerly the Harp.
New lease of farm etc at Ashford Carbonell, rent 16/6 to the Corporation and one
couple of fat Capons to ye Bayliffs at Christmas or two shillings in lieu thereof (see
28.10.1735) and best beast as a herriott or forty shillings in lieu both Summes to be at
ye Election of Bayliffs the Herriott on ye death of every party with propper and usual
Lease to William Garston of ground in Upper Goalford for brick making, prices of bricks
fixed. Stock Bricks 12/- per 1000, Clamp Bricks 10/-, Tyle 18s.
Ordered a Survey be taken of e Lecturers house in Old Streete and a report made
thereof next meeting and the Surveyors Survey this and Mr Whittle the Schoolmasters
and Mr Whittingtons at ye Same time.
Then Granted a New Lease to Mr Robert Meyrick of all that messuage Called the
Colledge with the appurtenances and one Garden and a place where a house stood
Called the Colledge Garden and all that Tenement called Crabbe Mill now used as a
Stable with ye Garden thereunto belonging together with a Garden or orchard adjoining
to the Colledge Garden ……. the Draine belonging to the Almshouse to be by him kept
open and in due repaire.
Licence to Alien all that messuage or Tenement formerly called the three Crowns now
Called the Bell.
Ditto to premises called the Rose and Crown.
Ordered that Mr James Wild and Mr Henry Karver’s agreement about Mr Karvers
purchasing the material of ye buildings belonging to the Shambles be confirmed and
that Mr Karver have liberty to takedown and convert the said materials to his own use
on or before Michaelmas day next and that he the said Mr Karver at this own Charge
pitch the streete in good and workemanlike manner and the Corporation afterwards
keep and maintaine ye Same in repaire at theire own Charge for ye future and that ye
remainder of ye terme Granted to Mr Wilde after such buildings and materials reserved
to Cease and Determine with a Covenant from ye Corporation not to erect any other
buildings on ye Said Streete after ye present buildings taken down.
New lease of Tolls of Corve Bridge to John Powys for 12 years, Rent £30.
Ordered that the Town clerke deliver in an Exact list at ye next Chamber meeteing of
all such persons as have been Elected Burgesses of this Corporation Since the years
1726. Distinguishing those that are already sworne from those that are not yet
Then James Volant Vashon upon ye Resignation of Frederick Cornwall, Clerk, was
unanimously elected Lecturer of the Parish and Parish Church of St Lawrence Ludlow
in ye place and stead of the Said Frederick Cornwall during the pleasure of this
Then ordered that a Committee of the Chamber in General or such persons as Shall
appear to the number of Seven at ye Least whereof Two of them to be the High Bailiff
and Mr Edward Baugh one of the Justices to inspect into all writings relating to
Tomlinson Charity in order for the same to be laid before the body Corporation at a full
meeteing and that such Comitee meete on Saturday next by nine of ye Clock n ye
morning and that they Adjourne themselves as oft as occation Shall require before next
meeteing for ye purpose aforesaid.
Ordered that the matters relateing to Mr Lanes Charity be likewise taken into
Consideration by the Committee appointed to inspect into Tomlins Charity and that
they report theire Opinion to the Corporate body at next meeteing as to all matters
Contained in Lord Chancellors late order.
Several Corporation tenants, being insolvent, to be struck off the rental. Waterworks
£20.10. Others £68.17, £3.12.0., £3.9.0, £9.0.0., £1.6.8., £2.5.0., £15.6.10.
Ordered that all accounts to this Corporation be by the several persons Accountants
Delivered to ye Bayliffs for ye time being. Three weeks at least for ye perusal of ye
members of ye Chamber that are minded to inspect the same before ye passing
Alien of house in Broad Street to Rev. James Volant Vashon, the Lecturer.
Then William Pitt was by the unanimous order of this Chamber Removed from his
place of Keeper and lookeing after the waterworks of this Town and his Sallary be
stopt for the future and the arrears be kept in the Chamberlaines hands till further
Then ordered that all and every person or persons already or hereafter to be Admitted
into any Roome or Roomes in the Almshouse shall Continue to live and reside in the
same Roomes or theire Sallary and pay shall Cease and theire Orders void.
Then Granted a Lease of the Little house or Tenement on Ludfords Bridge formerly in
the possession of Sybill Higgins being on ye west side the Said bridg3 to John Leech
in Consideration of his putting and keeping the said premises in repaire for the Term of
ninety and nine yeares if the Said John Leech, Frances his wife and Thomas theire
sonne so long live at and under the yearly rent of five shillings, payable on Michaelmas
and Lady dayes with usual Covenants and provisoe.
Then ordered tat it be referred to Mr Recorder to make Such Application either to ye
Crown or to the Exchequer as shall be propper and to obtaine a New Lease of the
Moity of the Several Mills to the Bayliffs Burgesses and Commonalty as they hold
under the Crown upon the easiest and best termes and as soon as possible.
Then ordered that the Chamberlaine to take Down Such part of ye Millstreete Milhouse
as is or shall be in danger of falling and to propp and keep up the rest in the best
manner as may be.
Ten ordered that the Chamberlaine for ye future shall not lay out or Expend in
repayreing the publik building, and pitching the Streete of this Town or otherwise any
larger summe then the yearly income appropriated and to be received and accounted
for by him unless by order of ye Chamber and that no other officer or Member of the
Corporation shall lay out or Expend any Summe in Buildings or repayres or otherwise
belonging to this Corporation unless there be an Express order of ye Chamber first
made of that purpose.
Then ordered that all Leases Licenses etc to be Sealed for ye future be Sealed with
the New Seale presented to this Corporation by Richard Baldwyn Esq one of his
Majesties Bayliffe of the Said Town and that thanks be Given to him for ye Same by
this Corporation and that the o9ld Seale be Defaced and Disposed of to the use of this
Then ordered that Mr Wilde the Town renter pay to Mr Richard Plumer the Summe of
tenn Guineas to be Imployd towards the finishing the Road Leading from the Town
towards the Old field according as ye same has been carried on it being a Greate
assistance to the poore workeman and Inhabitants of this Town.
Committee appointed to proceed against tenants in arrears for rent.
Then ordered that the petition Directed to the Lords of the Treasury touching a moity of
the Corne Mills belonging to the Crowne be Ingrossed and be sent up to the Members
of Parliament for this Town in order to be by them presented to the Said Lords of the
Treasury if they think fit and that the Town Clerke write to Mr Herbert at ye same time
when the petition is sent up and represent the state of the case as to the Repaires and
as to the vallue and that Mr Herbert use his Endeavours to get the Lease renewed
according to the prayer of the petition.
Then granted a new lease to John Colerick of the Tolls of Ludford and New bridge and
the broad Gate and Dynham for the Terme of nine yeares for the yearely rent of Tenn
pounds and Tenn shillings.
Then ordered that Mr Brown as Town Attorney cause Ejectment to be Delivered to E.
Pritchard and tenant in order to Recover possession of part of ye Malthouse at ye
lower end of ye Old Streete.
Then William Mire was Admitted into the Almshouse in the Roome of widow Wight who
refuses to live in ye Roome with the usual pay.
Then Hannah Betoe widow was also Admitted into the Roome in the Almshouse
vacant by reason Ellinor Davies does not live the said Roome with the usual pay.
Terms procured by Hon. H. A. Herbert re the Crowne Mills approved.
Then ordered a Survey of ye Readers house as to ye repaires thereof and the Same
be reported to this Corporation.
Then twas ordered that the Twenty pounds payable yearly to the Charity Schoole
Cease at Midsummer day next and that the said moneyes be afterwards annually
applyed to the use of the Workhouse lately established in the Town and that notice be
by ye Towne Clerke be given to the trustees of the Charity Schoole of this order.
Ordered that Abel Ketelbey Esq have libertye to build out into ye Streete eight feete
which will make ye Extent of the Corporation Land from ye Streete Northward Sixty two
feete being at ye house Called ye White Lyon he paying an Additional rent of six pence
to ye reserved rent of Tenn Shillings in the present Lease. [This was A Ketelbey’s
house, the present Girls High School.]
Ordered that the Surveyors or any other Members of the Corporation go about the
Town and view all porches, palisades and rails and other Encroachments erected and
set up at the houses in Town and report the Same to the Corporation and that they
have liberty to Search ye Legir bookes in order to find out Encroachments and what
rents have been formerly paid for ye same and that any Members to ye Number off
Five do Act from time to time and make theire Reports in writeing to ye Corporation.
Then ordered that Mr Wynn as Chamberlaine lay out and Expend any summe of
moneyes not exceeding the sume of three pounds and tenn shillings for ye repaires of
syleing and windows in the Readers house of this Town according to his petition.
Town renter pays £88.5.6. to the Treasurers of the Charity School.
Then ordered that the present Chamberlaine do not Employ any workman in his time
without the Consent of the Bayliffs for ye time being and that the moneyes ariseing
from the Tolls be paid into the hands of the Low Bayliffe of which notice to be Given to
the Tennants severally.
Then ordered that the Surveyors view ye walls and buildings [of the Free School]
petitioned by Gilbert Whittell Clerke as to the repaires and report the same as soone as
Conveniently may be.
Then ordered that Erasmus Watkins do appeare shew cause at next Meeteing why an
Action should not be brought against him for breaking the wall at Corve Bridge and
making a Door through ye same and that he be Served with a Copy of this Order.
Licence to Alien to Henry Jordon, Saddler, all that Messuage and Tenement and
Dwelling house in Old Street in a place Called Drapers Row and also that house or
building and garden at Glovers Pitts being the Town ditch………
Ordered that a Draine made at or near the house of Peter Griffin in Corve Streete be
by the Chamberlaine ordered to be stopt up the same being made without ye Consent
of the Corporation.
Then ordered that the Cloaths for the Beadles be provided as usual.
The order of 10.4.1742 re £20 being paid to the Almshouse instead of the Charity
School rescinded ‘since this Corporation is of Opinion that the Said Schoole is now
Setled upon such Regulations will render it more beneficial to the Town.
Then Thomas Baxter Clerk was unanimously elected as Usher or under Schoole
Master in the Free Schoole in the place and Stead of Richard Adney Clerk (who
resigned the said place) with the usual Sallary during the pleasure of this Corporation.
Then the thanks of this Corporation were unanimously Given to the Right honourable
Lord Herbert, Sir William Corbet Barronet and Richard Herbert Esq our
Representatives for theire Generous Benefaction to this town, His Lordship having
Given one hundred Guineas and the other Two Gentlemen, Fifty Guineas Each
towards building a Cross in this Town and it is ordered that an Entry be now3 made in
perpetual Remembrance of their Generosity.
The Town renter to pay to Mr Gilbert Whittell as he officiated as Usher or under
Schoole Master halfe a yeares Sallary due at Lady day next to be paid to the
Chamberlaine to be applied towards the repaires of the under Schoolemasters house.
Then ordered that the Town renter pay to Mr Sydnal the summe of Two Guineas for his
trouble in Drawing a plan and making an Estimate of the Charge of pulling down and
rebuilding the Cross in this Town and to Mr Pritchard for is trouble one Guinea about
ye same.
Then ordered that Mr Baker be Employed be this Corporation in pulling Down the
present Cross in this Town and Rebuilding the same according to the plan and
particulars by him Given into this Corporation Except the Vault and that he be payd
Eight hundred and sixty pounds for the same and that articles be Executed between
this Corporation in relation to ye same.
Then the order Entered on ye 28th of October last for Electing of Thomas Baxter Clerk
into the place of Usher of the Free Schoole in this Town he not accepting of the said
place be and it is hereby vacated.
Then Edward Whittell Gentleman was unanimously Elected as Usher or Under Master
In the Said Schoole in the place of Richard Adney (who has resigned the said place)
with the usual Sallary during the pleasure of this Corporation.
Then ordered that the Address now read have the Common Seale affixt to it and that
the same be sent up to the Right honourable the Lord Herbert who with Sir William
Corbett Barronet and Richard Herbert Esq the present Representatives in Parliament,
Abel Ketelbey Esq Recorder are desired to Attend on his Majesty to present ye same.
Then the Draft of the Articles read between this Corporation and William Baker Builder
in relation to pulling down and Rebuilding the Cross in this Town being approved of
with ye Addition of two chimneyes to be made in the Council Chamber and Town
clerks office with plaine stone chimney pieces the Said Articles are ordered to be
ingrost and the Common Seale be affixt to the one part to remain in the hands of the
said Baker and he to Seale and Execute a Counterpart to remaine with the
Then ordered the one hundred pounds already paid by Mr James Wild as Town renter
to William Baker towards building the Cross be entered in his account and he pay
another hundred pounds to him the said Baker on ye same account and that Mr Pryce
Tarbuck to pay another hundred pounds on ye sane account and that they be severally
allowed the Several Summes in theire respective accounts.
Then ordered that Mr Somerset Davies as Chamberlaine lay out in repaireing the
Lecturers house a Sume not Exceeding five pounds.
Then ordered that the Chamberlaine Do pay the Summe of Six pounds and one shilling
for retakeing the prisoners that lately broock his Majesties Goale of this Town and
made theire Escape out of ye same the said prisoners being named in and
Advertisement ordered for that purpose which moneyes be paid to such persons and in
such proportions as Bayliffs and Justices of this Town shall direct and appoint.
Then also order that the Town Renter pay such moneyes as shall be Contracted by the
Two Justices Mr Plumer and Mr Botterell for ye Transportation of Evan Bodenham
according to the Sentence lately passed upon him in this Town and that such moneyes
shall be allowed in the Town Renter accounts.
Then Granted Leave to John Griffiths Baker to make a Trapp Doore at the Dwelling
house of Richard Davies tennant to ye said Jon Griffith in Mill Streete sufficient for
Letting Down a Common hogshead into his Cellar not Exceeding Five feete into the
Streete from ye wall of ye said Dwelling house paying the yearly rent of Six pence from
Michaelmas last [marginal note ‘his freehold House’]
Then ordered that the Town Attorney bring an Action against Erasmus Watkins for
making a Doore case through ye wall of Corve Bridge unless the Said Watkins stop up
the Said Doore case and make good the said wall within a fortnights time and that
notice be forthwith Given to the Said Watkins of this order.
Then Richard Knight Esq was unanimously Elected Recorder of the said Town in the
Roome of Abel Kettelbey Esquire Deceased and the Certificate of the Said Election
being read was ordered that ye Common Seale of the Said Town be put to ye same in
order to be presented to his Majestie for this Royal approbation and ye same sealed
Then ordered that any person findeing any Pigg or Piggs in the Street of the
Inhabitants of ye said Town after the fist day of January next and taking up and
impounding the same and giving information thereof shall be Entitled to one shillinge
for each pigg to be paid by ye Chamberlaine of ye said Town.
Then ordered that the present Bayliffs of this Town do appoint a propper place for a
Publick Fish Bench and that all Fish brought to this Town be Exposed to Sale
thereupon and not Elsewhere and whoever shall Give information of any Fish
Forestalled of Sold at any other place then the Said Fish bench from and after ye First
day of January shall be Entitled to a reward of two Shillings and Six Pence for every
such offence to be paid by the Chamberlaine and also ordered that these two last
orders be by proclamation or otherwise forthwith made Publick.
Then ordered the present Chamberlaine pay to William Bach Two pounds Two
Shillings and three pence halfe penny for Bricks etc mentioned in a bill Delivered for
the use of the Corporation.
Ordered that the Lands belonging to this Corporation in the Common Fields Called
Leas Land, Joseph Pearce’s Lands and Whitmans Land etc now in James Wilde’s
possession and those Lands Called Dr Davies’s, Mr Coles Weymans Ellis’s and four
acres in Alderman Lea’s possession And all those Lands called Bayliffs shall be
surveyed as soon as Conveniently may be In order that the same may be inclosed and
made the best of by Setting Leases of ye Same and that for ye future a certaine
summe (to be agreed upon) Shall be yearly paid and Allowed to the Bayliffs for the
time being in Lieu of those Lands Called Bayliffs Lands.
Ordered that in Consideration of the Great Poverty of Edward Phillips who is Indebted
to this Corporation by Note of Hand one and Twenty pounds Mr James Wilde do
accept of Tenn pounds and Ten shillings in lieu of theire Demands and deliver up the
said note.
Then ordered that the Alteration proposed by Mr Baker as to the Staire case at ye
Cross be accepted and agreed to and that the Charge of such Alterations be referred
to the Bayliffs and Justices of this Corporation to agree with Mr Baker in ye best
manner they can.
Then Mr Reverend Thomas Devey, Clerk was unanimously elected Head
Schoolmaster in the Roome or place of Gilbert Whittell Clerk, Deceased, with the usual
Sallary and perquisites.
Ordered that the Chamberlaine do make all necessary reparations as to ye buildings of
the Schoole and head Schoolmasters house.
Then William Gardner was unanimously Elected Sexton of this Town and Parish in the
Roome of William Hattam Deceased, to hold to him with all Sallaries and perquisites
thereunto belonging dureing the pleasure of this Corporation.
Ordered that Thomas Flack pay the Toll Gatherer the Toll for Six Piggs Sold to a
Chapman in the said T.Flacks yard or an Action be brought against him for ye same.
Then ordered that the Town Renter pay to Edward Perks and James Pyfinch one
pound and Sixteen Shillings as by bill Also to Jonas Knowles the summe of Fourteen
Shillings and Eight pence due by bill Likewise…… for theire Expenses and horses to
Shrewsbury on ye Tryal of Ellinor Davies for Felony. [First case noted in minutes of
Transfer of Felons to Shrewsbury.]
Ordered that Richard Baldwyn and Somerset Davies Esquire Bayliffs Do subscribe one
hundred pounds to the voluntary Subscription begun at Salop the Eighth day of this
month for the payment of Forces to be raised for the Support and Defence of his
Majesties Person and Government and our Religion Laws and liberties and that the
said one Hundred pounds when Called for Shall be paid to them by ye Town renter to
enable them to performe the Subscription.
[Richard Knight appears to have declined the office of Recorder and proposed Lord
Herbert of Chirbury for the office – rather vague!]
That ye Town Renter put up an Advertisement that the Lands Granted by Leases to
Alderman Lea and he refusing to Renew the said Leases pursuant to an order made
by this Corporation that the said Lands are to be Let to ye best bidder or bidders for ye
Ordered that the Deed of Trust in relation to Mr Lanes Charity as to ye Meadow at St
Johns be Renewed to other Trustees (To wit) Job Charlton and Edward Baldwyn
Esquire the present Bayliffs Richard Baldwyn, Francis Herbert, Cesar Hawkins and
Richard Plumer Esquire, Mr William Bright and Somerset Davies, Dr Caleb Hill and Mr
Henry Herbert and that a new deed be drawn and Executed pursuant to the Trust in
the will of the Said Mr Lane and ye former Deed for that purpose.
Then ordered unanimously that money be paid by the Town renter to Mr Somerset
Davies to be by him Distributed today and tomorrow unto and amongst the Shropshire
Fuzileers (raised for ye publick Service by ye Right Honourable the Lord Herbert) now
on theire March towards Bristoll (vizt) to every Serjeant, Corporal, Drummer and
private. Six pence Each to pay for theire Quarters in this Town.
Then Nicholas Payre was unanimously elected Bellman …… with the usual Sallary of
Forty Shillings and likewise was Admitted into the Apartment in ye Almshouse……
Then ordered that Mr Somerset Davies pay to Mr William Baker the Summe of Two
Hundred and six pounds and Tenn Shillings being the Ballance of ye moneyes due to
him from the Corporation for Building the Cross on or before the one and Twentieth
day of Aprill next and tat whatever moneyes the said Mr Davies payes over and above
the moneyes he received of the Corporation for theire use the Corporation to pay him
the Said Mr Davies the principal and five per cent Interest in the meane time till paid.
Then granted Lease to Mr Alexander Stuart of all that parte of the Town ditch as lyes
under his Garden as farr as his Garden Extends for one and Twenty yeares at Eight
Shillings yearely rent.
Then ordered that the Records papers and writeings belonging to the Corporation now
in ye possession of Joseph Weyman for which ye Corporation payes an annual rent be
Removed into ye large Roome over ye Cross on or before Lady day next and that ye
Said rent at that time Cease and that the Town Clerks office be fitted up by the
Chamberlaine by ye Direction of Mr Richard Baldwyn and Mr Somerset Davies at ye
Expense of this Corporation.
Lease to Job Charlton of Park Hall, Salop of part of Town Ditch which ‘lyes under the
orchard and Garden in ye possession of Roger Gough Child’ 21 years, yearly rent 12/-.
New lease of the tolls of Old Street and Gaolford Gate to John Harris, 9 years. £24
yearly rent. Same covenants.
Order for ejectment from house and garden ‘there being arrears of Several years rent
due to this Corporation.’
£10.2.4 ‘received for old materials belonging to ye Cross’.
Ordered that an action be brought against Thomas Wellings Carrier for a Gate Stile
and posts taken from of ye Lands in Maynards Ditch which were lately Granted by
Lease to Mr Alderman Wilde that he ye said Wellings be served with a copy of this
Then Granted License to Mr Robert Meirick to Alien to Mrs Elizabeth Baugh widow all
that messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances Called the Colledge and all that
Garden Called the Colledge Garden and all that Stable and Backside Called the Crab
Mill Adjoining to ye Colledge he paying a fine of five Shillings which was paid to Mr
Bayliffe Baldwyn and paying all arrears of rent due to this Corporation.
Then ordered that Eleven pounds and Two Shillings being a bill due to George Paine
for ye watch part of ye Clock over ye new Cross by paid by Mr James Wilde the Town
Fly leaf at beginning of Minute Book:
The Plate belonging to the Corporation of Ludlow delivered to Mr Bayliffe Payne and
Mr Bowen the 28th October 1719 are as follows:
To the high Bayliffe:
One large Silver Tankard, One Large Silver Salver with the Town Arms and one Small
Silver Tankard the Guift of Somerset Fox Esq.
To the Low Bayliffe
One large Silver Tankards, one large Silver Salver with the Town Arms and one Small
28th October 1721
Then the above mentioned plate mentioned to be delivered to Mr High Bayliffe Payne
were together with one large Silver Tobacco box with the Town and the Princes Arms
delivered Mr High Bayliffe Bayley.
And then the plate above mentioned to be delivered to Mr Low Bayliffe Bowen were
together with one large Silver Tobacco Box with the Town and the princes Arms
delivered to Mr Low Bayliffe Walcott.
The same plate delivered by the High and High Low Baliffs respectively to their
successors Oct 28th 1723 and Oct 28th 1724.
No further mention of the plate in the minute book.
OCTOBER 28TH 1746 – OCTOBER 30TH 1787
Then ordered that the Chamberlaine provide and Set up in a Convenient place at the
Cross one Glass Lamp and find necessary Oiles and Materials to Supply the Same.
Then ordered the present Bayliffs, Mr Town clerke and Mr Richards Browne Town
Attorney inspect the Recordes belonging to This Town now over the Cross and Setle
the Same in order.
That notice be given to the respective Tennants in the Two Houses on Ludford’s
Bridge to quit the possession thereof and the said Houses be taken down and the
Bridge made good.
Then ordered that Mr Benjamin Baughe bring an Action against Erasmus Watkins for
making a Door through the Wall at Corve Bridge in order to defraud the Toll gatherer of
his Rights.
Many new Burgesses sworn.
Lease of Market Tolls, 3 years, £40 yearly rent to Thomas Farmer of Bishops Castle,
Ordered that a Survey of the Readers House as to the Repaires thereof.
Adam Owens elected Bellman, usual salary and perquisites and a room in the
Almshouse belonging to the late Bellman Nicholas Payne, deceased, with the usual
Low Bailiff to cloathe the Beedles as usual.
Then ordered that the Chamberlaine For the time being Take care of the Walke in
Dynham as to the Repaires and ornaments thereof at an Expense of an annual Sume
not Exceeding one Guinea.
That the Chamberlain Purchase the Bell of Thomas Morris for the use of the Bellman
for the time being. [a hand bell for the crier?]
Lease of Cox’s Close, Lower Gaolford.
Ordered that the Roofe of the Readers House in the Church yard be Repaired.
Ordered Tennant of the Tolls of Ludford Bridge to collect tolls on Timber and Flag
Lease to Dr Samuel Sprott of the Broad Gate, Garden etc.
Ordered Leave be given to Mr Thomas Whittington to Flagg eight Feet in Breadth from
his Palliasades at his House on the West side of Broad Streete along the Front of his
House. To pay 1/- per annum rent.
Ordered that Mr Richard Baldwyn have a lease for 31 years at 1/- per annum with
liberty to Flagg Before his House on the East side of Mill Street and also Before his
House he lives in on the West side of Broad streete paying 1/- yearly rent for that.
Then ordered that the Thanks of this Corporation Be given to Sir William Corbet for his
present of one Dozen of Lamps for the use of the Corporation and the same Be given
by Henry Herbert Esq one of the members of this Coporation and ordered that the
Surveyors appoint Propper places for Fixing up the same.
Then twas the opinion of this Corporation That all persons that are not sworne
Burgessess ought to Pay Tolls and that Barley Exchanged for Malt Ought to Pay Tolls
in the same manner as persons Buying Graine in this Town and Market.
Lease to William Jones Papermaker.
Lease Tenement East side Broadstreete to Humphrey Payne, London, Goldsmith.
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde Town Renter, Pay to George Payne Clock and
Watch maker the Sum of one Guinea for Winding up the Clock at the Cross two years
and that the said Town Renter pay the said George |Payne the Sume of ten Shillings
and Six pence a year for the future for winding up Cleaning and keeping the said Clock
in Repair which is agreed to be accepted of by the said George Payne.
Then ordered that the Chamberlain cause a Wall to be erected across the watring
Place below Ludford’s Bridge and fill up the Cavity there In order for making a
Sufficient Road for wheel Carriages to pass by there and go up the Olde Street instead
of the Broad Street.
Then ordered a Survey of the Lecturers House Petitioned By Mr Vashon to be repaired
and that the Surveyors report at next meeting.
Many new Burgesses admitted.
Lease of a Close in Linney Called the Poor’s Close.
Licence to Mr Thomas Whittington to continue the pallasades at his houses I Bell Lane
now rented by Mr John Tasker and Edward Bright for the term of ninety nine years for
the yearly rent of 6d.
Then ordered that the order made on the 28th October 1735 in relation to thirteen
shillings and four pence payable to the Bayliffs in Lieu of Capon money be vacated.
Lease of Tenement near the Bull Ring ‘formerly called the Bear Inn’.
True Statement of Corporation affairs, Debts etc to be place before them.
Alienment by Richard Plumer of Malt house etc East side of Old Street.
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde the Town Renter do pay to Mr Somerset Davies the
Sum of thirty pounds toward defraying the Expence of erecting a new Gallery for the
free School.
Then ordered that the Chamberlain allow to John Harris the sum of two pounds and
two shillings out of the next Rent he pays for Toll in Consideration of the fairs that were
put down by order of Council.
Then ordered that John Leech hold a small house at the top of Frog Lane as tenant at
will the same being built with materials given by the Corporation he paying yearly for
the same one Shilling.
Then ordered that the Corporation impower the Bayliffs ……. To subscribe the sum of
Two hundred pounds too morrow being the 31st instant at the general Meeting of
Gentlemen Clergy and others to be lent according to a scheme offered for a Turnpike
to e erected from Ludlow to Monks Bridge in the County of Worcester and from Ludlow
to the maiden head at Orlton in the County of Hereford.
Survey of piece of ground in Linney next the Pidgeon House Close.
Ordered that the present Chamberlain pay to Mr Herbert Cole one guinea and a half
for his journey to Shrewsbury and for the Cure of a person that was ill in gaol.
Benjamin Baugh appointed Steward of the Leet.
Then ordered that Mr Low Bayliff pay the Sum of five guineas to the Trustees of the
Galleries for the gained ground where on the old pulpit and Desk stood in the parish
Church of Saint Lawrence and that the same be repaired and set up in as proper a
manner for the use of the Corporation at their Expense.
Lease of piece of ground called the Townditch on S.E. side of Gaolford Gate.
Lease to Dr Samuel Sprott of the Broadgate etc, 31 years.
Malthouse below Corve Gate aliened by Edward Hicks, Malster.
Then ordered that all the Corporation Seats in the Church be kept lock’t till the
Members of the Corporation come into Church. And that no persons shall sit therein
without the Consent of the Bayliffs except the embers of the Corporation and that
Adam Owen, Bellman, attend with the Keys.
Then ordered that a Reward of half a guinea be paid to any person or persons who will
give information upon Oath against the person or persons concerned in pulling down
the wall and Fence belonging to Corvemeadow so that such person or persons can be
lawfully convicted thereof.
Lease to Mary Powis widow of the Tolls of Corve Bridge, Corve Gate and Linney Gate.
12 years. £30 yearly rent. ‘Things carried for the Corporation use Toll free’. (New
Elisha Plumer, Barber and Peruke-maker, Gaolford.
Ordered that the Sergeants attend the Deputy Bayliff with the Maces to Church on
Sundays and other publick Days in the Absence of the Bayliffs.
Benjamin Baugh elected Town Clerk in place of Richard Perks, deceased.
Widening of road in Upper Gaolford.
Ordered that Mr Wilde the Town Renter do apply the sum of Forty pounds in repairing
the Roads about Ludlow as a Free Gift of the Corporation.
James Wilde and Dr Hill, lately bailiffs to ‘deliver a particular account of the several
poplar Trees they ordered to be fell off the Corporation lands during the time they were
Lease to John Colerick of the pontage over Team for 12 years at the yearly Rent of
Twelve pounds.
Then Benjamin elected usher with the usual sallary and perquisites from this time and
House and ordered that the Representative of Adam Owens deliver over the
Corporation things to him.
Ordered that publick Notice be given that the Lands usually set by the bailiffs will be
set out to the Best Bidders by the Corporation for terms of 21 years.
Lease to Thomas Farmer of the Tolls of Corn and Graine. 21 years. £40 per annum.
To pay £20 at execution of lease as security.
Lease of that messuage formerly called the Three Crowns and now the Bell in Ludford.
Almshouse inmates pay increased from 8d to 1/- weekly.
Ordered that an action of Trespass be brought against Townsend of the Foxs for
building on the pound wall.
Ordered that the Old Gate be repaired by the Chamberlains.
Ordered that Mr Jones have notice to take away the Door [he] hath lately made thro’
the Town Wall and that he rebuild the same. And also that he take the Rails and other
things he hath put on Dinham Gate away or agree with this Corporation for the same.
Ordered that Mr Debitot, Mr Chips and Mr Whittington have notice to remove the
several Incroachments by them made or that the same will be cut down unl4ss agreed
for with this Corporation.
Richard Perks elected Town attorney in place of Richard Brown, Deceased.
Mr Back, Brickmaker, given notice to make land good in Gaolford or be sued for the
waste committed.
Granted to Somerset Davies leave to erect palisades before the Dwelling house late of
Mr Perks in Corve Street not extending further into the street than Mr Hammonds.
Granted to Henry Jones leave to continue his Door thro’ the Town Wall and the Seats
over Dinham Gate, paying Six pence yearly for the same.
Ordered that the Supervisors do constantly Survey and take care that no
Incroachments be made in the Streets without presenting them to the Bayliffs who shall
order their officers to remove the same.
Granted to Paul Hand a lease for 21 years of a close behind the yards now help by
Walter Hattam to be used in making Bricks ….. fine £28. Rent £3.10.0 per annum …..
to make good the ground as he goes And to work the Same with his own proper
Servants and stock. Lease to covenant to deliver and sell the Best hard Stock Bricks
at Twelve Shillings a thousand to the Corporation for their own use.
Lease on New erected houses in Cockham Row and Shoemaker Row.
Then granted to the Reverend Dr Salwey All that Scite of the Mill Street Mills for the
Term of 41 years at the yearly Rent of 6s 8d Subject to a provisoe that if the Crown
should bring any Suite for to oblige the Corporation to make it Water Corn Mills That
then the said Term shall be Surrendred on payment of a proportionable Share of the
money that shall have been laid out therein. The Corporation to repair the Wear and
Floodgates and keep them in repair and to indempnify the Lessee from the Crown and
Crown Rent. The Lessee to Covenant to leave the Building in Repair only to have the
Liberty to carry away any Machine or Engine he shall Erect there.
Then ordered that a publick Entertainment be made at the charge of this Corporation
on Account of the Birth of Lord Ludlow Son and Heir apparent of the right honourable
the Earl of Powis and that the management of this same be referred to the Bayliffs and
Justices and the Expence defrayed by the Town Renter.
Then ordered that Mr Town Clerk write to Mr Richard Davies to acquaint him that the
House and premises called the Seven Stars are very ruinous and desire to know what
he intends to do as this Corporation have a power to seize ruinous Houses in this
Ordered that Mr Bayliffs advertise that this Corporation will pay the sume of Twenty
pounds (above any reward allowed by Act of Parliament) to any person or persons
who shall apprehend and convict any person or persons of a Burglary within this Town
or of a Highway Robbery within five measured miles thereof since the first of
November last and before the first of May next and will on the said prosecution if
applied to by any person or persons who shall so apprehend.
£200 to be returned to Mr R Pardoe, Lincolns Inn, towards cost of intended Turnpike
round this Town. To be repaid from the first money to be borrowed on the said Act.
Then ordered that Mr Somerset Davies do as soon as possible he can procure an
Estimate and plan in order f9or the rebuilding of the Almshouse on the same spot of
ground it now Stands scituate near the Parish Church of St Lawrence in this Town.
The address now read and sealed be presented to his Majesty and that Mr Town Clerk
transmit the same to the right honourable Earl of Powis for that purpose.
Ordered that Timothy Bluck, Miller (of Ludford m:note) be wrote to that he will be sued
if he brings any flower into the Town to the Bakers or other persons.
Ordered that Mr Marsh be wrote to to pull down the Encroachment made by him in the
Broad Street by Enlarging what was formerly only a Bow Window.
Ordered that Mr Dunn be wrote to that unless he directly remove the Rubbish he hath
laid in the Street and make satisfaction for the damage done thereby to the Street he
will be sued.
Then Edwdard Robinson was chosen Common Cryer in the place of Luke Clutterbuck
who by age and Infirmityes is incapable of doing the duty of that office.
Then ordered that Mr Wilde the Renter pay the £20 promised by an advertisement of
this Corporation to such person or persons as the Bayliffs shall direct and who were
concerned in apprehending and convicting Edward Edwards for a Highway Robbery
near the Oldfield.
Messuage adjoining a Tenement formerly called the ‘Salutation’ mentioned in Lease.
Then granted to Elizabeth Cottrell messuage near and on the Westside of the Church
Leases granted of the Castle Mills £45 & £45 for the two.
Then ordered that the Gaol be repaired and altered according to the plann now
produced and that Mr Bayliffs contract with workmen for4 that purpose And see the
same will executed that they may allow Twelve pence in the pound to some master
workman to Survey.
Then ordered that the water be brought in a Lead pipe from the Spring water pipe at
the Castle conduit up into the Comon Room over the Market House.
Then ordered that a Subscription of Five Guinneas a year be paid by the Town Renter
to the Salop Infirmary in the name of this Corporation and that the Bayliffs for the time
being have the right of recommending patients according to the Rules of the said
Infirmary the first payment to be made as at Midsummer last.
Ordered that the Lecturers house be surveyed and the repairs estimated and reported
at next meeting.
Then ordered that unless Thomas Cook and John Wilks pay the Tolls for the potatoes
brought by them into the Town or shew an Exemption be sued directly for the same.
Ordered that Thomas Farmer do constantly collect the Toll of Grain of Mrs Pearce and
Mr Hall of Downton and of all other persons except Sworn Burgesses and from places
Toll free.
Committee appointed ‘to consider and agree upon taking down and rebuilding the
Almshouse in a proper strong and convenient manner and that they advise with Mr
Pritchard of Shrewsbury about the same or such other experienced workman as they
think fit.
Then ordered that unless Mr Richard Plumer and Mr Charles Plumer compleat their
agreements with the Chamber that a Bill be filed against them to compell them thereto
and shew the Deeds relating to Mr Voyle’s Charity
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde and Mr Samuel Monger fall such Timber off any of
the Lands of this Corporation as shall be necessary to be employed in rebuilding the
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde Town Renter pay to Mr Benjamin Giles the Sume of
Five pounds eight shillings and six pence for lime delivered for Building the Bridge near
the Silk Works.
Then the Reverend Mr Thomas Devey Schoolmaster of the Free school appeared and
behaved in a very insolent and contemptuous manner upon being informed that He
had misbehaved himself as Schoolmaster and refused to conform himself to Rules and
Orders made by this Corporation and said he should not obey them and that they had
nothing to do with him nor would he have attended had he known they sent for him in
relation to the School or words to that effect. And he being a Person of ill Fame and
having often corrected Scholars in a cruel and unusual manner and otherwise
misbehaving himself as Master of the Free school, He the said Thomas Devey is
displaced and removed from the Office of Master of the Free School and it is hereby
declared to be the pleasure of this Corporation that he no longer continue School
Master and that he do directly quit the School and House belonging to this Corporation
on being served with Notice hereof.
Then leave was given to Charles Plumer to fall one of the Elm Trees in the Close lately
leased by him for the repairing the Roof of the Hovell.
Ordered that the Committee appointed for the Almshouse contract with a workman to
put up a Bedstead and Three or Four Shelves in each room in the Almshouse.
Then the Reverend Mr Thomas Devey Schoolmaster having been duly summoned to
attend this Meeting to Answer several Articles and Charges against him and shew
cause why he should not be removed for the same from being Schoolmaster and
having neglected and refused to attend or to shew anything in excuse, He the said
Thomas Devey is therefore removed and displaced fro the Office of Schoolmaster And
the said Bayliffs Burgesses and Comonalty do hereby remove and displace him from
the said office and place of Schoolmaster and it is ordered that an ejectment be
forthwith brought to recover the possession of the House and School if Mr Devey
should refuse to deliver up the same.
Ordered that the Corporation give Bond under their Common Seal to Somerset Davies
Esq to secure the sume of Three Hundred pounds advanced for the Building the
Almshouse with Interest at £4 per Cent per Annum.
Then the Late Bayliffs having forgot to bring the plate (to deliver over according to
custom) said they would send the same to Mr Bayliffs. [It seems from this that the
plate was in the private custody of the Bailiffs.]
Then ordered that no other Liquors but Vessel Ale or Cyder be drank on any rejoiceing
Night over the Markett House at the Expence of the Corporation.
Then granted to Mr Thomas Jones a Lease for 24 years ……. Of a piece of land called
the Harp adjoining to St Mary Lane at the Rent of 15s and fine of £6.
[Present Tower Street referred to in Lease as ‘the Street leading to Gaolford’s Gate’.
In margin ‘within Gaolfords Gate’.
Then the Reverend Mr Robert Edwards was duly nominated and elected Reader or
Assistant to the Rector of the Parish Church of St Lawrence Ludlow on the Resignation
of the Reverend Mr Herbert Wilde with the usual Sallary and the use of the House from
the 5th April next.
Then ordered that John Powell be indicted for inclosing part of the Highway at the
Then ordered that Thomas Farmer distrain for the Tolls of Grain which shall be due
from the Sheet Farm if Richard Bishop Tenant thereof shall refuse to pay the same and
that proper proceedings be taken against the said Richard Bishop for the Recovery of
what is now due or ought to have been paid.
Then ordered that Mr Town Clerk serve Timothy Bluck and Thomas Bach with copies
of the Decree in the Exchequer against Forreign Millers grinding for Ludlow and that
further proceedings be had as shall be necessary to restrain them.
Ordered that the Thanks of this Corporation be returned to Lord Powis for is obligeing
Letter and handsome present of an Organ by Mr Town Clerk in the name of the
Then set the Fishery of the Mannor of Ludlow to Richard Boulker for one year for the
Sume of One and twenty Shillings to be paid in hand Except to the Bayliffs the Liberty
of Fishing as usual and also that he shall not draw the Gates by the Silk Mills without
the Bailiffs Leave.
Ordered that an Action be brought against Mr Samuel Sayce for the Toll of 100
Bushells of Barley delivered by Mr Plaisters of Wooferton.
Then the Answers of this Corporation to Mr Devey’s Bill in Chancery to be established
in the Free School contrary to the former Orders of this Corporation was taken by Mr
William Toldervy (Attorney) and Mr Samuel Dipple under the Corporation Common
Lease of premises ‘in Taylors Yard the Back Lane or Fish Street’.
Then the Reverend Mr Devey appeared and agreed to surrender and resign the Office
of Schoolmaster together with the school and House on the Fifth day of July next and
on such Resignation It is ordered that Mr Wilde shall pay him sixty pounds in full of his
Sallary and Costs He dismissing his Bill in Equity.
Then the Reverend Mr Thomas Proctor was admitted Schoolmaster of the Grammar
School in this Town with the usual Sallary and perquisites from the 5th day of July next
during the pleasure of the Corporation.
Ordered that Mr Town Clerk do fix up Notices offering a Reward of Five Shillings to any
person who shall inform and give evidence against any person or persons laying
Rubbish in the New Walk or defacing any of the public Buildings of this Town.
William Jackson of the Silk Mills to look after the Spring Water and keep the Conduits
and pipes and cocks belonging to the same in repair and that he be paid the yearly
sume of Ten pounds by Quarterly payments for the same.
Then ordered that proper proceedings at Law or in Equity be taken by Mr Baugh Town
Clerk in order to restrain Forreign Millers from entring the Town and grinding the grain
commonly used therein.
Then granted a lease of the Water Engine at the bottom of the Mill Street to the Right
honourable Earl of Powis for 40 years, if he so long live, at the yearly rent of £4.6.8.
being the Old Rent with reasonable costs.
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde Town Renter pay to Lord James Beauclerk Bishop
of Hereford Ten Guineas as the voluntary Gift of the Corporation towards providing the
Musick Room at Hereford.
In the Council Chamber this 10th August A.D. 1762 present: Edward Baldwyn and
William Bishop Esqs, Bayliffs James Wilde and Somerset Davies Esqs, Capital
Masters Richard Baldwyn Esq and William Bright Gent, Samuel Monger Gent,
Benjamin Baugh Gent, Robert Jones Gent, Thomas Wootton Hill Gent, Edward Wood
Gent, Thomas Knight Esq, William Baldwyn Gent, Ralph Thomas Gent,
Then it was unanimously agreed that the Gentlemen and principal Inhabitants of the
Town Shall be invited to meet over the Market House this Evening at 7 o’Clock to
rejoice together for the happy Birth of a Prince of Wales and that Mr Bayliffs do at the
Common Expence of the Corporation provide Liquor for that purpose.
Also that there shall be three Bonfires in the usual places lighted up a 7o’Clock in the
evening and Twenty Gallons of Ale allowed to be drank at Each Bonfire by the
Also that the Rooms over the Markett house and Cross shall be illuminated in a
Handsome manner and that the publick proclamation be made that it is expected that
the whole Town be illuminated at 8 o’clock.
Also that Mr Bayliffs give the Ringers Half a Guinea Extra-ordinary if they ring well their
day and also that they give Half a Crown apiece to Two persons in Town to attend with
a Trumpet and French Horn.
Then Granted to William Winwood a lease for ? years [21 in later minutes] of the Toll of
Hopps at the yearly Rent of £7 payable as mentioned in his petition.
Then the Reverend Mr Henry Proctor was elected Reader and Assistant with the usual
Sallary and perquisites during pleasure.
Ordered that the Readers Sallary be encreased Ten pounds a year during the pleasure
of the Corporation, to commence the Tenth day of October next He keeping and
leaveing the House in repair.
Then elected Richard Wood in the office of Sexton in the place of William Gardner
deceased, with the usual Sallary, perquisites, profits – He permitting the Widow
Gardner to have the profits till Christmas and the Box then.
Ordered that Mr Benjamin Baugh Town Clerk do immediately bring an Action against
Thomas Watkins for entring the Readers House and fastening the Reader out of the
Lease ‘of all that messuage called the Tavern at the Top of the Broad Street’.
Then Mr Joseph Harris was elected Organist in the Parish Church of St Lawrence
Ludlow during Pleasure with a Salary of Thirty Pounds a year and that he shall receive
an Account of the Times he is to play in writing.
Edward Perks elected Town Clerk in place of Benjamin Baugh Deceased. Also
appointed Steward of the Leet. George Pardoe to pay to Edward Colerick the Tolls due
for Pontage in carrying wood over Ludford Bridge according to the Number taken on
Account of by the said Edward Colerick
Mr William Bishop, Mr Wilde, Mr Henry Davies and other members of the Corporation
do examine into the Damage done to Elisha Plumer by taking down the Old Tower and
direct the same may be made good.
That the Renter pay to David Valentine late Organist the Sum of Eight Pounds a year
during the pleasure of this Corporation to commence from Michaelmas last and to be
paid quarterly.
That the Bayliffs and Justices inquire into the Demand of Edward Harley late Serjeant
and regulate and discharge the same for keeping Prisoners in his House whilst the
Gaol was rebuilding.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay to the Organ Blower the Sum of twenty Shillings a
year to commence at Michaelmas and that he be paid the sum of Seven Shilings by
the Town Renter for the time he has blowed the Organs up to Michaelmas last.
Ordered that the Sum of £50 be paid to the Reverend Mr Vashon Lecturer by Mr
James Wilde Town Renter to be laid out by the said r Vashon for the necessary and
usefull Repairs of the House appropriated for the Lecturer the Account of Expending
Such Sum being first allowed and approved of by the Bayliffs and Auditors of the
Corporation For the time being or any Three of them, one of the Bayliffs to be One of
the Three.
Ordered that a Petition of this Corporation be made to the Representatives in
Parliament for this Borough to use their endeavours to Supress the working of all
Ordered that a Sum not Exceeding £100 be laid out to buy Grain to be sold to the Poor
inhabitants of this Town after the rate of 4/6 per Bushell Shrucken (?) Measure to be
delivered out by Pecks and half Bushells according to their Families. A committee
appointed to Act. Town Renter to pay the £100.
Ordered that a case be drawn up and be sent to Mr Robert Pardoe of Lincolns Inn for
him to lay before Council Setting forth the many Nuisances committed in the Town by
Thomas Cross by keeping great numbers of Piggs within the said Town and what
method will be proper to be taken to proceed against hi and that such Case be drawn
up by the Bayliffs and Justices of the peace of this Town.
Ordered that Thomas Hill Esq late low Bayliff pay to Mr Thomas Farnold Pritchard Two
Pounds Two Shillings for giving Directions about the Gaol.
That Mr Pritchard be employed to Survey the Guild Hall and deliver in an Estimate of
the Expence of Repairing the same according to the present Form of the Building.
Agreed that in Case a mandamus should be issued out to compell the Corporation to
make any person or Persons a Sworn Burgess of this Town that the same be defended
at the Expence of this Corporation.
Then Thomas Jones Deputy Low Bayliff produced his Accounts for £100 received of
Mr James Wilde Town Renter to be paid out in Corn. Examined and approved.
Ordered that the following members of this Corporation be appointed a Committee to
agree upon a plan for Repairing or Rebuilding the Guildhall vizt the Bayliffs Robert
Jones Esq, Richard Baldwyn Esq, Somerset Davies Esq, Thomas Jones, Mr Henry
Davies, Mr Thomas Wooton Hill or any other member of the Corporation and that they
make a report thereof as soon as possible.
Ordered that notice be given by the Town Clerk to Thomas Cross and James his son
or one of them to stop up the obstruction made to the water Course at the lower end of
the Mill Street by turning it across the Street before the next Sessions. Otherwise they
will be Indicted for the same And that if the Said Thomas Cross and James his son or
either of them Do keep Piggs in the same place they or either of them usually have
done Such offender will be also indicted at the next Sessions as shall happen next
after such offence is Committed.
Ordered that the Town Clerk give notice that a Reward of One Guinea will be given by
Mr Low Bayliff to any person that will [give] Information of any person or persons taking
off or Throwing down the Coping Stones or doing any other Damage to any of the
Bridges belonging to this Town the same to be paid of Conviction of the party
Ordered that the Town Renter pay to Francis Walker and Thomas Knight Esq late
Bayliffs £14.3.2 being the Loss Sustained upon the Sale of Three hundred Bushell of
Wheat Sold out att 7/- per Bush for the poor Inhabitants during the High price of Grain.
Then the Reverend Mr Edward Baldwyn was Elected Reader of this Town and parish
with the Usual Income upon the Resignation of the Revered Proctor to commence from
Michalmas last.
Then the Reverend Mr Thomas Proctor resigned the office of Head School Master of
this Town to take place at Midsummer next.
Then the Reverend Mr Charles Bate was admitted Head School Master of the Free
School in this Town in the Room of the Reverend Mr Thomas Proctor who has
resigned to Commence at Midsummer next.
Then ordered that Mr James Wilde pay into the Hands of Mr Thomas Jones (Town
Renter elect) £200, to be laid out att the Guild Hall.
Ordered that Mr Robert Pardoe’s Bill of £81.12.3 be paid and that Mr Pardoe provide a
Book of Stamps for the Entry of Admissions of Burgessses.
Ordered that the Common Seal of the said Town be affixed and set to one parte of a
certain Indenture bearing date the 10th day of April 1769 made between James Fox of
Gerrards Bromley in the County of Stafford, Gent. Brother and heir of Henry Fox Esq
deceased therein named of the one parte and Bayliffs, Burgesses and Commonalty of
the Town or Borough of Ludlow in the Country of Salop of the other parte and
purporting as Grant and Conveyance from the said James Fox to the said Bayliffs,
Burgesses and Comonalty and their Successors of Several Messuages Lands and
Tenements with the Appurtenances in Corve Street in Ludlow lying near the Chappel
of St Leonards And Also the said Chappel of St Leonards and the premises and of
Several Houses and premises lying in City of Worcester upon the Charitable Trusts
and uses therein mentioned. And it is further ordered that the said Bailiffs, Burgesses
and Commonalty and their Successors Do Accept and take the said Grant and Trusts
according to the Intent purpose and meaning of the same Indenture and all other the
Rents and profits payable to the said Charity.
£3.3.0 paid to Thomas F Pritchard for drawing a plan of the Guild Hall and Attendance.
Lease to Mrs Jane Skyrme of ‘all that Messuage and Dwelling house College Garden
and the Garden adjoining and Crab Mill. Fine £16.5.0
Then the Reverend Mr John Lewis was admitted Head Master of the Free School in
the [Town] with the Usual perquisites and advantages thereof and that his Salary
commences from the 25th March last.
Benjamin Baugh admitted Town Attorney at Usual Salary.
Ordered that a Bond under the Common Seal of the said Town be given to Somerset
Davies Esq for the sum of One hundred pounds by him advanced and paid to Mr
Robert Pardoe with Interest at four pounds per cent from the 29th November 1769.
Application to the Trustees of Ludlow 1st Turnpike for the £200 lent by the Corporation
and interest thereon.
Lease of Land ‘Commonly called the Garden Piece.’
Ordered the Mr Thomas Jones Town Renter pay to William Hodges Gent late
Chamberlain £29.0.0. upon the Corporation Account relating to the Guild Hall and also
pay to Thomas Watkis and Thomas Sheward, Masons, their Bills for work done at the
Guild Hall.
Then ordered that William Bishop Esq pay to Walter Hattam Carpenter, his Bill for work
done at the Guild Hall.
Benjamin Baugh elected Town Clerk in place of Edward Perks, deceased, and
Steward of the Leet.
Then Myles Coyle was elected Organist. Salary £30 a year ‘to have an Account of the
times he is to play in writing’.
Lease of the ‘White Lyon’ in Castle Street to Robert Pardoe Executor of A.J. Kettleby
[Possibly R. P. lived in Kettleby’s house]
Ordered that an addition of Ten pounds a Year be added to the present Salary payable
to the Reverend Mr Lewis Head School Master of the Free School in this Town.
Ordered that an Addition of Five Pounds a year be added to the present Salary
payable to Mr Edward Whittell Usher of the Free School.
Action to be taken against Mr Samuel Downes for non payment of Tolls to Mary
Ordered that the Town Clerk write to the Reverend Mr Baldwyn to know when he
returns to Execute the Office of Reader and that in case he dot not return soon,
another Reader will be chosen in his Room.
Power of Attorney given to Edward Wellings of Worcester to act regarding the Fox
Charity and releasing James Fox from the conditions of the Trust. See 19.4.1769
Last entry of Churchwardens in the list of officers for the ensueing year. John Edwards
and Walter Hattam.
[No intervening minutes from 28.10.1771]
Ordered that notice be given to Mrs Colericks, Widow to Quitt the Tolls, Portage of
Ludfords Bridge and also to pay the Rent now due to the Chamberlain immediately and
in Case of Refusal the Town Clerk is Ordered to bring an Action against the said Mrs
Colerick in Order to Recover the Rent.
Ordered that an Addition of four Pence a Week be added to the allowance of one
Shilling a week to each poor Person in the Almshouse to be paid on Saturday next.
Ordered that a Waistcoat and Hat be added to the Livery of the Cryer Bellman and
Three Beedles and that the Bailiffs for the Time being provide the same.
Sir Francis Charlton elected Recorder in place of Earl Powis, Deceased. Took the
Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy ‘and that he took the same in Trust for the Earl of
Powis, a minor, until he arrives at Age’.
Ordered that Will Thatcher be allowed what money he has Expended in Sinking a Coal
Pit at Hopton Wafers.
Ordered that the Horse Block lately erected at the New Inn in Mill Street in this Town
be taken down.
Ordered that the Tolls of Corve Bridge and Ludford’s Bridge be advertised to be Set up
to the Best Bidder on Tuesday next. Tolls (market?) let for 7 years at £33 a year.
Then Granted a Lease to Duncan Campbell of all that Chappell in Dynham with part of
the Garden adjoining for 31 years Present and future Fine of 2 guineas and yearly rent
of £1.1.0. The said Duncan Campbell to Covenant to Build a Dwelling House or
Houses on the part where the Chappell now stands.
Ordered that the Bailiffs pay unto Somerset Davies the Sum of £100 now due to him
on bond from this Corporation together with all Interest for the same.
Ordered that the Publick Rooms belonging to this Corporation be not granted to
Servants upon private Dancing or any other Account whatsoever.
Ordered that the 18th of January the Queen’s Birthday, the 4th June, the King’s
Birthday, the 12th August the Prince of Wales’ Birthday and the fifth of November be
kept as Rejoiceing Nights and that no other Publick Nights be kept And that a Sum not
exceeding 20 guineas be expended on the Four Nights.
Ordered that the Bayliffs and Justices for the time being and all the Officers for the tim3
being do inspect into he Repairs of the Almshouse in Corve Street
Will Thatcher to bring in his account of the Coal Works at Hopton Wafers to the 24th
July Instant.
Ordered that an Estimate and design for fitting up the Guildhall and finishing the same
for holding a Court be delivered to the Bailiffs.
Ordered that Action be brought against Mr Lokier of Stanton Lacy and several other
Persons who refuse to pay their Tolls and Pontages of Corve Bridge.
Then granted to Thomas Johnes Esq leave to inclose Fifteen Feet of Ground at the
end of the new walk adjoining to his house.
Mrs Jan Skynne to Alien the College, Garden etc to Edward Davies of Standford
Bishop, Hereford.
Pontage of Corve Bridge due to Corporation for year £19.17.3½.
That the Trees now growing on Sprosely Estate to be marked and numbered.
Ordered that Thomas Owen’s Bills for painting the Guild Hall and Organ amount to
£6.8.9 be paid by the Town Renter.
Ordered that Lady Powis be offered a Lease of the Water Works for 21 years in this
Town for £10.10.0 with the usual Covenants in the late Lease granted to Lord Powis.
Ordered that a survey be made of the Castle Conduit and that the same be put in
proper repair.
Ordered that the Bayliffs advertize for an Usher for the free School with the following
Qualifications (that is to say) a Person that understand Grammar and can teach to
write and accompts.
30.11.17174 Ordered that the Chamberlain repair the Roof of the Lecturers House and pay for the
Ordered that Mr Ralph Thomas provide three Chandiliers for the long Room over the
Market House, the one to have twelve Sconces and the other two eight each and that r
Ralph Thomas take the Old Sconces round the Rooms.
Ordered that George Payne fix a striking part to the clock at the Cross and that the late
Bayliffs pay for the same.
Lease of meadow ground ‘behind the gardens in Corve Street’ to William Hand,
Brickmaker. 99 years on 3 lives. Fine £88.4.0 Rent £6.6.0 He to find the Corporation
best front Brick at 15/- per thousand and best common hard brick at 12/-. And not to
work the said Ground for the making of Bricks and Tiles longer than the first Seven
years of the said Term and at the end of the first Seven Years to level and lay down
the same with Clover or Grass seeds under the Penalty of £10 an acre.
Lease of tenement ‘formerly know as the Cross Keys’.
Ordered that the Bayliffs pay to Mr Ralph Thomas the sum of £47.5.0 being his Bill for
Three Elegant Chandiliers for the Market House.
Ordered that the Town Clerk write to Edward Price of Ludlow, Baker, that if he don’t
immediately remove the nusance lately erected by him at his House in the Broad
Street in this Town that he will be proceeded against as the Law directs.
Salary of new town Renter, Ralph Thomas £20 a year.
Ordered that an Address to his Majesty on the American Affairs be prepared to be laid
before the Corporation on the 28th October instant.
Proceedings to be taken against persons who refuse to pay the Tolls of Grain.
Ordered that the Court from the Market House be removed to the Guild Hall.
Then John Hosier was admitted in the Almshouse with the usual perquisites.
Ordered that Thomas F Pritchard do on the behalf of the Corporation inspect into the
Workmen’s Bills and work done at the Guildhall and deliver in an account thereof to Mr
Ordered that Job W Baugh Esq late Low Bayliff pay unto Walter Hattam one Hundred
pounds and to Thomas Watkiss, Peter Roberts, William Whittle and William Hand
eighty pounds in proportion to Mens Bills on account of the work done at the Guildhall.
Ordered that John Meredith who has the Care of the Springs be continued in the same
for 7 years at the present Salary of £10 a year. He laying new pipes and keeping and
leaving the same in good repair and taking care to supply the Town with water.
The Right Honourable George Edward Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis was sworn a
Burgess and Elected to the Common Council.
Then Sir Francis Charlton,Barronet, Recorder of the Corporation resigned.
Then Earl Powis was elected Recorder
Then Granted Lease for 7 years of the Tolls Pontage and Portage of Corve Bridge,
Corve Gate, and St Mary’s Lane at yearly rent of £27 to William Holland.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay Mr Robert Pardoe Sixteen Pounds for Settling and
Inrolling the Deeds relating to Foxes Charity and £9.10.0 for drawing Cases and Fees
to Mr Wallance for his oppinion relative to the Claim of Green and others to be
Ordered that a Weighing Engine be erected at the Expence of the Corporation near to
the Foxe in Goalford in this Town. And that Supervisors Survey the Place and agree
for the Erecting of the same.
Ordered that the Chamberlain Allow unto William Woodward out of his Rent Five
pounds towards his Costs for taking and detaining a Pig of Thomas Hoon on Account
of the Tolls the Corporation refusing to allow him the whole Costs on Account of the
said William Woodward proceeding irregularly in taking the said Pig out of the Yard of
a Publick House in this Town and not stopping him in the Street as he ought to have
done and doing the same without the advice and Consent of the Corporation.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Walter Hattam £133.17.6 in full for his bill for
work done at the Guildhall and £12.15.9 to Thomas Watkins in full for his Bill for Work
at the said place.
Ordered that the Thanks of this Corporation be returned to Lord Powis for his Kind
Present of the Statutes, by the Town Clerk in the name of the Corporation.
Ordered that Edward Acton be Appointed under Master of the Free Grammer School (if
upon Examination he shall be found Properly Qualified for the sae) at the Salary of £40
a year and to teach the Free Boys Writing and Mathematicks at 4s a Quarter and that
the Supervisors do agree about Altering and Putting the School House in Proper
Ordered that John Meredith be Removed fro his Employment in looking after the Water
at the Several Conduits.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay Mr Thomas Farnoll Pritchard his Bill Amounting to
£4.4.0 for Attendance and Measuring the Work at the Guildhall.
Licence to Alien Messuage and Garden in Dinham called by the name of the Hole in
the Wall.
Ordered that the Town Renter for the future receive the Corporation Rents and Tolls
Usually received by the Chamberlain and that he be paid 6d in the Pound for Collecting
the same.
Ordered that the Town Clerk bring an Action against Mr Deakin of Ashford Carbonell
for Refusing paying the Pontage of Ludford’s Bridge.
Town Renter to pay John Edwards £9.11.2 the balance for goods delivered to the
Then John Edwards Clerk was Elected Lecturer of the Parish and Parish Church of St
Lawrence Ludlow in the Room of the Revered Jas Volant Vashon Deceased during
Then Mr Edward Tristram was Elected master of the Lower Free School with a Salary
of £40 a year …… to teach the free Boys that attend the free School to Write and
Mathematics at 4s a quarter and the boys that are not free at 7s a quarter.
All entries concerned with Leases and Alienations.
John Payne of the City of London, Goldsmith, son of Humphrey Payne, Deceased,
who was a sworn Burgess, elected a Burgess. H. Payne supplied Two Tankards and
Two Salvers when the old corporation plate was disposed of. These minutes are
concerned solely with the admission of Burgesses.
Minutes consist of Leases and admission of Burgesses.
The order made on Oct. 13th 1778 for the Town Renter to receive the Corporation
Rents and Tolls Received by the Chamberlain be repealed and that the Town Renter
pay the £500 a year to Thomas Watkis for Repairing the Streets and the Chamberlain
for the future to Receive the Rents and Tolls and inspect into the Repairs of the Streets
and Bridges as Usual and that the Chamberlain shall not exceed the income without an
Order from the Bailiffs and Surveyors.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto the Reverend Mr Edwards Lecturer the sum of
Twenty pounds and Eighteen Shillings being money laid out by hi in Repairing the
Lecturers House.
Ordered that Town Renter pay unto Edward Smith Organ Blower an Additional Salary
of Twenty Shillings a year.
Lease of Castle Mills aliened to Mr William Beddoes of Diddlebury, yeoman.
The Bailiffs and others ‘were appointed a Committee to Inspect into the State of the
Charity School and that they have recourse to the papers relating to the same for that
purpose and make a Report to the Corporation,
Remainder of minutes deal with nomination of officers Leases and Burgess
Then Mr Edward Sheriff was Admitted Master of the Lower Free School in this Town
with a Salary of £40 a year …… And the said Edward Sheriff Agreed to Teach the Free
Boys that Attend the School to write and Mathematics at 4s a Quarter and the Boys
that are not Free of the School at 7s a Quarter.
Then the Bailiffs and Justices for the time being and such other of the Corporation that
will attend were Appointed a Committee to Inspect into the Several Tolls of this Town
and to fix a Table of the same to be Printed and delivered to every Toll gatherer and
fixed up about the Town.
Resolutions respecting the Admissions of Burgesses Agreed on this day and Ordered
to be entered as follows.
1. That hitherto there had been great Irregularity and Uncertainty in the Wording of
Admissions of Burgesses and that the same requires a Remedy in future.
2. That the Mode of Petitioning to be Admitted a Burgess when any Person has a right
of Burgesship is and ought to be according to the Bye Law of 1663 by Petition to the
Bailiffs and Corporation.
3. That no Person can be Admitted Burgess except by his taking the Burgess Oath in
the due Course and Usual Manner and paying the Usual Fine and Fees.
That in order to Remove the Inconveniences that have happened in some Instances or
may happen by Contrary Proceedings the Corporation have passed the following Bye
That when any person is Admitted a Burgess the entry shall run Specially and shall
always be so made in the Corporation Books by the Town Clerk. Vizt: If he has a right
to be Admitted as the Son of a Sworn Burgess the Entry shall be:
A.B. of etc Admitted a Burgess by taking the Burgess Oath he havinge a right thereto
being the son of C.D. a Sworn Burgess paying the usual Fine and Fees.
If the petitioner has a right by Marrying the Daughter of a Sworn Burgess the Entry
shall be:
A.B. of etc Admitted a Burgess by taking the Burgess Oath he having a right thereto by
having Married E the Daughter of F.G. a Sworn Burgess paying the Usual Fine and
If the petitioner is not present the Entry shall be A.B. of etc is Allowed on his Petition to
have a right to be admitted a Burgess being the Son of C.D. a sworn Burgess or
Marrying E the Daughter of F.G. a Sworn Burgess and is Ordered to be Sworn
accordingly paying the usual Fine and Fees.
That before any Person shall be Admitted a Burgess by taking the Burgesses Oath as
having Married the Daughter of a Sworn Burgess he shall produce a Copy of the
Register of his own Marriage.
That all Petitions be duly Filed by the Town Clerk, that the Usual Fine to be paid on the
Son of a Sworn Burgess being Sworn in a Burgess is 1s 4d and that the Usual Fine to
be paid on the Admission of a person by being Sworn in a Burgess who has Married
the Daughter of a Sworn Burgess is 6s 8d.
If the Petition of any Person is Disallowed the Town Clerk shall enter on the back of the
Petition ‘Rejected’.
New Lease to Mrs Dorothy Ashwood of Broad Gate, house, gardens etc for 31 years.
Fine £5.0.0 Rent £1.12.0
Report of the Committee re Charity School. Sums amounting to £629 due to the
School from the Corporation on 28.10.82. Committee to consider putting to Charity
School on a regular and lasting foundation.
Ordered that in Consideration of the Sum of £10 to be repayed by the Commissioners
of Ludlow 2nd Turnpike to the Corporation for the Old Road in St Mary’s Lane and half
n acre of Inclosure called the harp near to the Warritree Field and now in lease to John
Bowen and given by the Rector to the Corporation in Exchange the Corporation Agree
to give in Exchange for the said Old Road and the half Acre of Glebe Land unto the
Rector of Ludlow All that piece of Land called the Little Field Situate near the Sandpits
Turnpike and leased by the Corporation to Roger Williams with other land And that the
Town Renter pay unto the said Roger Williams the sum of £2.2.0 yearly for the same
during the Remainder of the Term of his Lease And also to pay unto the Revered Mr
Rocke Rector of Ludlow All arrears of Rent due for the half Acre of Land called the
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Sir Francis Charlton Baronet, the sum of 2s 6d
as an acknowlegement for the Clay taken from Whitliff for the use of the Mill Street
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Mr Robert Pardoe his Bill Amounting to
£132.19.6 in the Several Mandamus Causes for the Admission of Burgesses, also the
Town Clerks and other Bills Relating to the same.
Town Clerk to proceed against persons refusing to pay Tolls.
Ordered that the Chamberlain examine the Walk over Whitliff and put the same in
Repair And also fix up posts and Rails and make good the Steps leading up Whitliff
near to Ludford.
Great number of Burgesses admitted under new Fines.
Town Renter to pay Town Clerk £49.14.8 being his Bill in the several Mandamus
The Town Renter to pay £629 belonging to the Charity School to Somerset Davies for
the purchase of £1000 Stock in the £3 per cent Consolidated Annuities in the names of
Trustees (named). The dividends to be used for the Charity School.
Town Renter to pay £3.3.0 to Mr Samuel Sayce to be used by him towards repairing
the road leading from the Sandpits Turnpike Gate to the Riddings.
Remainder of minutes concerned with Leases and Admittance of Burgess3s.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto the Reverend Mr Rocke, Rector of Ludlow the
Sum of Five Pounds and Five Shillings for the Inspection of the Registers for the Births
of Persons Admitted Burgesses and taking Extracts therefrom.
Ordered (upon Mr Sheriff Master of the Lower Free School having this day given notice
to the Corporation to Quit the School at Christmas next) that the Town Clerk Advertise
in the Shrewsbury and Birmingham papers for a Master at the Salary of Thirty pounds
a year.
Then the Reverend Mr Thomas Gwynne was appointed Schoolmaster of the Lower
Free Grammer School in this Town with a Salary of Thirty Pounds a year.
Then the Reverend Mr Abraham Rudd was elected Reader of the Parish Church in
Ludlow on the Resignation of the Revered Mr Baldwyn with the usual Salary of £30 a
year and also with an annual Gratuity of £10 a year.
Then the Revered Mr Thomas Wellings was elected Lecturer of the Parish Church of
Saint Lawrence in Ludlow in the Room of the Reverend Mr John Edwards deceased,
with the usual Salary (upon his understanding to do the Duty himself).
Most of the minutes refer to Leases and Burgesses.
Corporation to borrow from Thomas Knight of Henley Esq the sum of £130 and of Ann
Hodges of Bromfield the sum of £170. To be used by the Bailiffs to pay the several
Workmens Bills for removing the Castle Conduit to the Market House and Building a
Room over the same.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto the present Bailiffs the sum of £10 being Ten
Years Arrears for the Interest of £20 Alderman Longs Charity due the 5th day July last
and that they distribute the same to the poor of this Town and that the Town Renter for
the future pay yearly on the 5th July to the Bailiffs for the time being the Sum of Twenty
Shillings (the Interest of the said £20) to be by them distributed to the Poor of this
Then Granted to Richard Wainwright a lease of the Tolls of Old Street and Goalford for
3years from the 25th March past at the yearly rent of £33.
Lease of all that New Erected House adjoining to Linney Gate with a small Garden
thereto belonging and adjoining. (Probably Linney House)
Ordered that no Person or Persons for the future be suffered to erect any
encroachments to their Houses or Buildings adjoining to the Public Streets without
leave of the Corporation at a Chamber meeting.
Ordered that such of the Members of this Corporation as will attend be a Committee to
Inspect the Corporation Books and Papers relating to the several Bequests to the
Charity School and to make the Report at a Chamber meeting.
Ordered that no person for the future be admitted into a Room in the Almshouse
without first Petitioning the Corporation and being approved of by a Chamber meeting.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay to Thomas Watkies the sum of Fifty p9ounds being
a years Salary due to hi for repairing the Streets and Bridges at Michelmas 1785 and in
full of all demands on the Corporation.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Mr Edward Meyrick the sum of Ten Guineas
on Account of his Rebuilding one side of Dinham Gate adjoining to his Garden.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Thomas Knight Esq the sum of Fifty Pounds to
be laid out by hi Altering and fitting up the Upper Room in the Market House agreeable
to the Estimate now produced by the said Thomas Knight And that the Chamberlain
put Four new Sash Windows on the South side the Long Room in the Market House.
Ordered that such of the embers of the corporation as will Attend (but not less than five
of the Quorum) be a Committee for Regulating the Initiations and Entertainments given
by the Bailiffs during their year of Office and to make their Report at the next meeting.
Then the Committee for Regulating the Invitations and Entertainments given by the
Bailiffs during their Year of Office made their Report of the same which is ordered to be
entered as follows:
That the Supper on the day of the Election of the Bailiffs be discontinued
The Feasts on the Sunday Evenings be discontinued.
The Supper on the Bailiffs Feast Day to be discontinued.
That no Person be admitted to the Balls without a Tickett.
That no Servants be admitted into the Ball Room and that Rooms be provided for them
by the Bailiffs at the Publick Houses near the Markett House.
Ordered that the Town Renter Pay unto Thomas Watkies Esq £3.1s.3d being his
account for repairing the Drains in Broad Street.
Then the Committee for inspecting into the several Bequests to the Charity School
Reported that the sum of £20 payable out of the Tolls of the Markett and the Interest of
£150 due from the Corporation on Several Bonds as appear by an Order in the Ledger
Book dated 28th October 1762 amounting together to the sum of £118 to this day which
the Committee recommended to be appropriated towards encreasing the Weekly pay
to the Almshouse.
Ordered that an Addition of Twopence a week be added to the present allowance of
One shilling and Four pence a week to each poor person in the Almshouse to be paid
this day.
Ordered that the Town Clerk bring an Action against Thomas Tomkins of Ludlow
Carrier for Refusing to pay the Pontage at the several Bridges and Gates in this Town.
Corve Bridge Surveyed. So dangerous that a Contract was made by the Surveyors
with William Atkins, Stonemason, Ludlow, to erect a new bridge with Three arches at a
cost of £350, the Corporation to find and carry to the site all necessary materials.
Lease of Tolls of Grain to John Jennings for 3 years yearly rent of £40.
Ordered that Mr Owen, low Bailiff pay unto the Reverend Mr Willings Five Guineas on
Account of the Lighting of the Lamps for the last Year.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay unto Mr Thomas Symonds Three Guineas for
Drawing Plans for the Alteration of the Markett House and Corve Bridge.
Then Granted unto Edward Acton a Lease of all that Garden Ground adjoining to the
Gardens belonging to Corve Street Almshouse for the term of 99 years at the yearly
Rent of £1.15s 0d which is to be applyed towards the encrease of the pay of the said
Almshouse and to commence at Lady day next.
Then Mr Richard Anthoney was elected Usher and Bellman (in the Room of Benjamin
Careless who resigned) with the Usual Salary and Perquisites.
Ordered that the Town renter pay unto the said Benjamin Careless Eight Pounds a
year for his Life to be paid Quarterly.
Many leases granted of lands adjoining the new turnpike from Sandpits to Rocks
Green. All ‘Bailiffs land’.
Lease of Castle Water Corn Mill for 21 years to Phillip Lovett. Fine £160. Rent £20.
Town Renter to pay Charles Green £18.8.10 for repairs to Weighing machine at
The £160 fine for Castle Mills to be used towards rebuilding Corve Bridge.
The half years rents from tenants of ‘Bailiffs lands’ be received by the Town Clerk and
used by the Town Renter ‘for continuing the wall from Corve Bridge to the end of Corve
Ordered that no Bonfires be made in the Publick Streets on Rejoicing Nights without a
Special Order from the Bailiffs.
Tolls or Pontage of Corve Bridge with the Toll House adjoining leased for 7 years.
Rent £33 per annum.
£10 paid to John Watkins for repairing the well at Gaolford.
John Clarke elected Organist. Salary £30 per annum.
Edward Acton appointed assistant to the Chamberlain. Salary £10 per annum. To see
to repairs of public buildings and Streets.
Then the Reverend Mr Abraham Rudd, Reader of the Parish Church of Saint Lawrence
in Ludlow was (on account of many complaints being made by the Churchwardens and
several of the Parishioners of the said Parish to the Corporation that he the said
Abraham Rudd had very frequently neglected the duty of Reader and otherwise
misbehaved himself in doing the said duty) Removed and displaced from the said
Office of Reader. And it is Ordered that his Salary be continued till Christmas next if
his Friends shall take care to have the Duty properly done during that time.
Then the Revered Mr Thomas Hodges was duly elected Reader of the said Parish
Church of St. Lawrence with the usual Salary of £40 per annum.
Corporation Borrows £300 @ 4½% from B. Baugh, Town Clerk.
Ordered that the Rejoicing Nights usually kept over the Market House on the 5th
November the Queen and Prince of Wales’ Birthdays be discontinued for the future.
Leave to Mr William Hodges to erect palisades before his house in Old Street. Not to
extend more than four feet in the street. To pay 6d per annum.
Reverend Roger Owen elected Reader £40 per annum. ‘the said Roger Own agreeing
to attend and do duty on every Sacrament Sunday’.
Exchange of Lands at Moreton for lands in Burford.
Then agreed to allow Richard Anthony, Bellman, Twenty Shillings a Year in Lieu of the
Spare Coat which he used to have at the Bonfires on Publick Rejoicing Nights.
Ordered that the Town Clerk write to the Reverend Mr Owen to inform him that unless
he returns by Christmas day next to do his duty as Reader in Ludlow Church that the
Corporation will on the next day choose another Person as Reader in his room.
Ordered that the Bailiffs pay unto Edward Collier the sum of Fifty Pounds towards the
expense he was put unto in carrying on the Prosecution against James Knight Esq and
others for Assaulting him in the Execution of his Office as one of the Constables for the
Town of Ludlow.
Then the Reverend Mr Gwynn Usher of the lower Free School Agreed to quit the
School and deliver up the School House to the Corporation at Michalmass next, and in
case the Corporation should appoint another Master in his room at Lady day next or
sooner to deliver up to the School to such Master on being paid his Salary to
Michalmass next and to live in the School House to that time.
Ordered that the Bailiffs pay unto the Serjeants the sum of 20s at the Quarter Sessions
Dinners over and above the two Shillings now paid by the Corporation for each Person.
The £300 loaned by Mr Baugh, Town Clerk (13.10.1790) repayed.
Agreed to allow the Reverend Mr Owen, Reader, to go abroad as Chaplin in the
Suffolk Man of War. Reverend Mr Rudd appointed to do duty in his absence, with his
Lease to Richard Wainwright a Lease for 3 years of the Tolls of Ludford Bridge and
New Bridge [Dinham]. Rent £10 per annum.
Lease to James George for 3 years of the Tolls of Corve Bridge and Saint Marys Lane
and Toll House. Rent £35.5.0 per annum.
Lease of The College (now divided into six several Tenements) Fine £6.12.0. Rent
12/3d per annum. Names of the six occupiers given.
Committee reported re the New Bridge. ‘Mr Telford of Shrewsbury Architect had
reported and furnished a plan for widening the sae and for building an arch over the
Fleam (?) into Mr Burltons Ground. To be carried out. Bailiffs to pay £170 towards the
The Bailiffs reported the Reverend Mr Rudd (deputy Reader) had neglected the duty
and left the town. They had appointed the Reverend Mr Pryce in his stead and salary
as from August 14th last.
Then Mr John Hughes was appointed Usher of the Lower free School on the
Resignation of the Reverend Mr Gwynn with the usual Salary of £30 per year ……. the
said Mr Gwynn to continue in the School till Lady day next and on his delivering up the
possession of the House at that time to be paid a quarter Salary by the Town Renter.
New weighing machine to be erected in place of the old one in Gaolford by Mr
Whitmore of Birmingham.
Town Clerk to apply to Nicholas Lechmere Charlton Esq for the payment of the arrears
of Chief rent of £1 a year payable out of Steventon Estate to the Poor of the lower
Almshouse in Ludlow. If not immediately paid, legal proceedings to be taken for same.
Engine and Waterworks leased for 3 years to Mr Charles Wollaston at £14 per annum
under the same covenants as in case of Countess of Powis.
The Town Renter to pay into the hands of the Chamberlain £100 to be applied towards
the Repairs of the Streets.
Then it was unanimously agreed to subscribe the Sum of five hundred pounds as a
voluntary Contribution for the Support of the Constitution at this alarming period and
that the same be procured on Bond or Bonds under their common Seal and paid into
the Ludlow Bank and they are hereby requested to transmit the same to the Bank of
England as the voluntary donation of the Corporation.
The Town Clerk reported that Elizabeth Bettinson late of Ludlow Spinster had
bequeathed to the Bailiffs for the time being the sum of £100 in the following words ‘I
give and bequeath to the Bailiffs of the Town of Ludlow being so at the time of my
decease and their successors for the time being the sum of one hundred pounds In
Trust to be by them or their successors placed out at the highest Interest that can be
got for the same upon such Security as shall seem to them meet and pay and equally
divide the Interest thereof half yearly unto and between the poor people who shall
inhabit or dwell in the Almshouse facing the Church of Saint Lawrence aforesaid.’
£100 to be spent on repairs to streets.
The Corporation agree to the proposals of the Lord of the Manor of Aston for the
enclosure and division of Acton Common.
In consideration of the diminution of the fees of the office of Town Clerk and the zeal of
the holder, the Salary of Mr Benjamin Baugh be increased by fifty guineas.
Then the Petition of Charles Rogers was taken into Consideration and granted
conditionally – that the said Charles Rogers remove the Engine House, Toll House etc
to the North side of the Approach to the Castle, leave having been given by Earl Powis
Governer for that purpose and rebuild the same at his own Expense in such a manner
with stone (leave having been likewise given by the said Earl Powis, in the absence of
Lord Clive, to raise the stone wanted upon Whitcliffe) according to a plan to be
delivered to the said Charles Rogers …… Charles Rogers to have the materials of the
old Engine House.
Ordered that the Reverend Mr Sneyd pay 6d yearly …… for erecting Three Buttresses
in the Corporation Gardens now in the possession of John Evans Governor of the
John Evans to pay 6d per annum for the Corporation Garden in his possession as
Governor of the Workhouse.
£100 towards repair of streets. This voted each year.
£200 to be paid to the Chamberlain for repairs to streets and public buildings.
Reverend Mr James Baines elected Reader, in place of Reverend Thomas Hodges,
resigned. Salary £40per annum.
Tolls of Grain pitched in the market to be abolished ‘for a limited time’ and ‘the Mill
Street Mills [to be taken] into the Hands of the Corporation at Lady Day next or sooner
if to be had to be used as a Mill for grinding for the Inhabitants and Poor of the Town of
Ludlow on such Terms as the Committee or the majority thereof shall agree on.
£170 to be applied in Repairing the streets.
Then Charles Taylor of Balliol College in the University of Oxford, Bachelor of Arts,
was appointed Schoolmaster of the Head free Grammer School in this Town, in the
Room of the Reverend Mr John Thomas who resigned, with a Salary of Sixty pounds a
year during the pleasure of the Corporation to commence at Christmas next
Then the Right Honorable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson of Burnham Thorpe in the
County of Norfolk, Duke of Bronte, Vice Admiral of the Blue Knight of the Bath, etc,
etc, etc, was unanimously Elected an Honorary Burgess of the Corporation.
Then the Reverend Dr William Nelson who was admitted a Burgess of this Corporation
on the 28th August 1795 was sworn. [The minute under date 28th October 1795 reads
‘William Nelson, Rector of Hillsborough in the County of Norfolk, who married Sarah,
Daughter of Henry Tonge of Great Torrington in the County of Devon, Clerk, deceased,
a sworn Burgess’ was allowed to have a right to be admitted a Burgess paying a fine of
£10 6s 8d and the usual fees and was ordered to be sworn.]
Then Mr John Callowhill of Jesus College Oxford, A.B. on the Recommendation of the
Reverend Charles Taylor Headmaster of the Free Grammer School, was appointed
under Master of the lower Free Grammer School with a Salary of Forty Pounds a year
during the pleasure of the Corporation.
Ordered that a bond ……. be given to Samuel Monger for £400 paid by him to the
Town Renter towards the Building of the School House.
£300 to be applied to repairing streets and public buildings.
Exchange of lands at Ashford Carbonell.
Then Charles Wollaston, John Foxton ……. the Committee appointed for purchasing
two Houses of Mrs Purslow adjoining the School house and for making an addition to
the Schoolhouse reported that they had purchased of Mrs Purslow the said two
Houses for the sum of £200 and agreed to grant her a Lease for life of the School
House and Garden belonging to the Usher of the lower Free School at the Rent of six
pence and had also agreed to pull down the said two Houses and to Build in addition to
the School House agreeable to a plan produced and appointed Mr Acton to
superintend the Building and provide materials for the same all which proceedings
were approved of by the Chamber and confirmed.
Lease to Charles Wollaston for 3 years of the Engine and Waterworks. Rent £14 per
annum. Same covenants as in the lease of the Countess Powis ‘and not to advance
the Inhabitants that take the water more than the Sum they now pay.’
Then the Corporation agreed to Subscribe the Sum of one hundred pounds towards
the clothing etc of the Ludlow Volunteer Corps and ordered that the Town Renter pay
the same.
Then the Corporation agreed to subscribe Annually the Sum of Two Guineas to the
Fund for the use of the Clergymen, their Widows and Children and that the Town
Renter pay the same.
£150 for repairs of public buildings and streets.
Thomas Edwards, Schoolmaster, lessee of the ‘Rose and Crown’.
Then the Corporation agreed to subscribe the Sum of Fifty Pounds towards Clothing
etc the Ludlow 2nd Troop of Cavalry and ordered that the Town Renter pay the same.
Lease to Richard Hodson of two nail shops near Linney Gate.
An addition of 1/- a week to the pay of the poor in the Upper Almshouse from this day.
Salary of Richard Anthony, Usher and Bellman, augmented to Five Guineas a year.
£150 for repairs of streets and public buildings.
Then Mr Thomas Williams as will on the recommendation of the Reverend Mr Taylor,
Head master of the Upper Free Grammar School, as from the Testimonials produced
of his ability and character was appointed Usher or under master of the Lower Free
Grammar School with the House and Garden on the west side of Mill Street and a
Salary of Forty pounds a year, but during the will and pleasure of the Corporation.
Ordered that the above appointment of Usher or Undermaster be made out in writing
and Ingrossed on a proper stamp and the Seal of the Corporation affixed thereto.
Tolls of Corve Bridge let for 3 years by public auction at £30 per annum.
Tolls of Corn and grain let by public auction for 3 years at £63 per annum.
Town Renter to pay £20 to the Charity School instead of the subscription of ten
Lease of the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Lower Broad Street, ‘Dungeon’ reserved.
The Reverend Mr Lutener appointed Reader in place of Mr Baines (resigned).
Readers salary be increased £20. To be allowed Ten guineas towards the travelling
Expenses of himself and family from Bolton on le Moor in Lancashire to Ludlow.
A vacancy at the Almshouse reported. Ordered that the Bailiffs, Justices and Town
Renter for the time being be a Committee to dispose of the present and all future
vacancys of such indigent Persons, Parishioners of Ludlow, as they shall think most fit.
An action to be brought against Jacob Felton of Mill Street for weighing hops in his own
premises and charging a fee. It had been the immemorial right and custome of the
Corporation to let the Bickage of Hops in the Mill Street hop market. The usage and
custom to be investigated by the Justices and Renter.
A committee appointed to inspect the books and papers of the Blue Coat Charity
By the Corporation.
£60 to be applied in repairs to Buildings and streets.
Committee reported re Charity School. The sum of £4548 due from the Corporation.
Committee appointed to purchase a house and premises in the town for the School
and residence of master and mistress. To be paid for out of the debt of £458. Also to
pay £20 and £9.10.0. the interest on certain bonds, yearly.
Property agent to be appointed, to survey Corporation estates and report
Incroachments, etc.
Complaints from inhabitants of the inadequate supply of water. Ordered that Mr
Hazledine of Shrewsbury inspect and report on the waterworks and that repairs be
carried out accordingly.
It having been reported that since the last meeting the School had become vacant by
the resignation of the Masters and that the Revered Darcey Haggitt had applied for the
situation of Head Master and that application had been made to the Reverend Doctor
Landon of Worcester College Oxford to recommend a fit person but unsuccessfully and
that Mr Haggitt had delivered Testimonials of his qualifications for the situation under
the Seal of Saint Peter’s College Cambridge and the Hands of several of the Heads of
that College. Ordered that all matters relative to the appointment of Mr Haggitt to the
place of Head aster to the above School be taken into consideration on Tuesday the
tenth day of November next and that Mr Haggitt do then attend.
Town Renters salary increased £20 per annum.
A bond to be given to the Trustees of the Charity School for£458 and interest on same
paid yearly by the Town Renter.
The purchase of premises for the Charity School (28.1-.1807) to be postponed.
Committee re Waterworks report on repairs and suggest the appointment of a person,
with pay, to take charge,
£50 given by Miss Smith of Ludlow. The interest to be paid to the poor in the
The deficiency in Rents from property at Worcester belonging to Lower Alms House
ordered to be paid by the Renter.
Thomas Colerick, of Hucks Barn, appointed property agent.
Reported that James Miles, one of the Serjeants at Mace, had been detected in
embezzling the Wine of the Bailiffs at the last feast ---- Dismissed.
Reported that Evan Davies, one of the Beadles, had been detected stealing
Candlesticks out of the Market House belonging to the Corporation ----- Dismissed.
Edward Gardner appointed Usher to the Corporation. (Probably keeper of the Market
House etc.)
James Mantle of Ludlow, Yeoman, was appointed Water Beadle ‘to undertake the
turning of the water to the different Houses in the town. Salary of 10/- weekly.
Bill of £5.4.8. for repairing the head part of Lecturer (Mr Wellings’s) Windows in Old
Street be paid by the Town Renter …… as a present to the Lecturer of that sum in
consideration of his having been such Lecturer upwards of 20 years.
Ordered that Mr Benjamin Baugh, Mr James Collier and the Town Clerk be a
Committee to accept the Resignation which Mr Haggitt has through Mr Edward Rogers
made of the Office of Head Master of Ludlow Free Grammar School and to make Mr
Hackett such allowances for the Expences incurred by him a taking possession and
quitting the said School as they in their discretion shall think fit and then Mr Haggitt
appeared and agreed to resign the School on the 24th day of January next.
Ordered that the Town Clerk advertize in the Cambridge Oxford and Country Papers
for proper persons to fill the office of Head and Lower Masters of the Free Grammar
School and that each Master in future enjoy his House and receive his Salary and
other Perquisites thereto belonging independent of each other.
Then the Reverend John Taylor was elected chosen and appointed Head Master of the
Free Grammar School with House and Garden on the East side of Mill Street and the
usual Salary and Emoluments appertaining, but during the will and pleasure of the
Corporation, and it was ordered that the appointment be made out in Writing and
Ingrossed on a proper Stamp and the Corporation seal affixed thereto and a Copy
delivered to Mr Taylor and it was further ordered that the Town Renter pay Mr Taylor
the sum of Fifteen Guineas towards defraying the expenses of himself and Family from
Wiltshire to Ludlow and also at the instance and recommendation of the Town
Members that Mr Taylor be allowed a further Annual Sum of £20 for the three first
years, he taking care of the School, in aid of the Taxes payable for the School House
and School and that the same be paid by the Town Renter.
Then the Reverend George Braithwaite a candidate for the department of Usher or
Under Master of the Free Grammar School and who had undertaken that Office since
the resignation of the Reverend Mr Haggitt, signified his intention of relinquishing at
Christmas next, and that in consequence of Mr Braithwaite’s having discharged the
duty of Head Master since Mr Haggitt’s resignation, till Mr Taylor’s entering on the
School viz: from the 24th day of January to Midsummer last. Ordered that he be paid
by the Town Renter such proportion of the usual Salary payable to the Head Master
during that Period as shall be a fair and equitable compensation for his trouble.
Then the Reverend Mr Lutener, Reader of Ludlow. Petitioned for an Increase of Salary
which was rejected.
Town Renter to give him a donation of £21 to be paid by the Town Renter but hat the
same should not be repeated and any further petitions on that subject not be attended
Corporation to subscribe the Sum of Five Guineas towards the support of the
Charitable Society for the relief of lying in woman in Ludlow and the same be paid by
the Town Renter.
Ordered that the Gross sum of £5.0.0 be paid by the Town Renter to Mary Anthony on
Account of her being very indigent and distressed Circumstances and the Widow of
Richard Anthony who had diligently and faithfully served the Corporation as Bellman
and Usher 22 years.
Then the Reverend George Braithwaite was elected, chosen and appointed Under
Master of the Free Grammar School with the House and Garden on the West side of
Mill Street and the usual Salary and Emoluments appertaining but during the will and
pleasure of the Corporation.
Then Thomas Bowen of Ludlow, Yeoman, was elected, chosen and appointed one of
the Serjeants at Mace for this Town, in the room of James Pugh, deceased, during the
will and pleasure of the Corporation, with the usual Salary and fees, but under a
stipulation and promise that the Widow of the late James Pugh shall provide a receive
the Profits of all such public entertainments which either the Bailiffs or Corporation
might give until the said Thomas Bowen be provided with a House fit and proper for the
accommodation of the Corporation on their public days (Does this mean that James
Pugh had an Inn?)
Ordered that no Bailiff, Capital Master or other member of the Corporation on any
account whatsoever, lend, permit or assent to the lending of the use of the Market
House or any Room or Furniture therein to any person, use or on any occasion
whatsoever, except for the use of the Corporation, the Dancing Assembly, Dancing
School, Bailiffs’ Feast and any other Festivities which the Bailiffs for the Time being or
either of them or their deputies might chose to give in their Corporate Capacity, and
any Serjeant at Mace, Usher or Beadle disobeying this order shall thereupon be
The Honourable Samuel Hood of Wimpole Street, London, who intermarried with Lady
Charlotte Nelson, Daughter of the Right Honourable William Earl Nelson (elder brother
of Horatio Nelson) a Sworn Burgess of this Town was allowed to have a right to be
admitted a Burgess of the same paying a fine of 6/8 and was ordered to be sworn.
Ordered that the sum of £1000 be borrowed on the Credit of one or more of the
Corporation Bonds at five per cent and paid to the Town Renter to be by him applied in
the purchase of the Moiety of Mill Street and Old Street Mills of Government which they
have proposed to sell to the Corporation and that the Surplus, if any, be by him
Accounted for.
Ordered that an Account sated to be due from Ludlow late Volunteers be investigated
by the Town Members or suchof them as shall choose to attend thereon at Guildhall
and report at next Chamber meeting.
Ordered that the Reader’s Salary of Ludlow Church be Augmented £25 making the
same £58 and that the same be paid by the Renter.
Ordered that the petition of the Reverend Taylor Head Master of the free Grammer
School for a remuneration in officiating as Usher or Low Master during the vacancy of
that situation and also for a donation …….on his quitting the School on 24th June or
sooner be referred to a Committee of the Town Members of such of them as shall
assemble at Guildhall and that they report their Opinion thereon at the next Chamber
Ordered that an Action be brought against the representative of the late John Coleman
to recover the expence of putting in repair a House in Linney held by him by Lease
under the Corporation.
The Committee appointed to investigate the account of the debt due from Ludlow late
Volunteers to Messrs Coleman and Wellings reported that the Sum of £303 was due.
The Right Honourable the Earl of Powis proposed to lend the Corporation on their
Bond for 3 years the sum of £300 to discharge so much of the above debt and without
any Interest payable for te sae in the meantime which was accepted And ordered that
the remaining £3 be paid by the Town Renter.
Then ordered that the further Sum of £58.5.0 due to several Tradesmen in Ludlow on
Account of the same Volunteers by paid by the Town Renter.
Then the Committee appointed to consider the Petition of the Reverend John Taylor
Head Schoolmaster of Ludlow Grammer School reported that they were of Opinion the
Sum of £20 should be allowed him for his pains and trouble in Officiating as Under
Master during the vacancy of that Office, and the further Sum of Fifty Guineas for any
loss he might sustain in the Sale of his Furniture and travelling expenses of himself
and his family from Ludlow on condition of his quitting the School House on the 24th
day of June next or earlier and that the same be paid by the Town Renter.
Ordered that the Sum of three Guineas be Annually paid by the Town Renter to the Aid
of the fund for the relief of lying in Women.
Ordered that the Sum of ten Guineas be paid Mrs Lutener, the widow of the late
Reverend John Lutener, late Reader of Ludlow, by the Town Renter.
Then the Reverend George Braithwaite was appointed to the situation of Head Master
of the Grammar School to take place from the 24th day of June next with the House
and Garden appurtenant thereto. Ordered that the Salary of the Head Master be
continued at £80 and that he recommend to the Corporation an Usher who, when
approved of, shall have the usual Salary of £60 with the House and Garden
Appurtenant to that situation but to be under the Control of the Head Master.
Ordered that the Sum of ten pounds be paid to Mrs Evans the wife of Charles Evans,
Organist of Ludlow, by the Town Renter at such times and in such proportions as he
shall think most proper.
Then the petition of the Reverend Thomas Alban as Secretary to the Society for the
promoting the Education of the poor in the principles of the established Church
touching the application of the Interest of £1000 3 per cent Consolidated Bank
Annuities in Clothing poor Boys and Girls in the Blue Coat Charity School was read
and for disposing of the same in other ways mentioned in the said petition Ordered that
the Town Clerk search the Records and papers of the Corporation to see what power
the Corporation have to very the application of the same Interest and report the result
of such search.
£458 to be borrowed on Corporation bonds to meet the debt due to the Charity School.
The money to be used to buy or rent premises for the Education of the children. (see
Gaoler. Then the Serjeants at Mace petitioned for an Allowance for the trouble of
being Gaoler, when it was ordered that the Bailiffs and Justices should take the same
into Consideration and make the Gaoler for the time being such Allowances as they
shall think fit, not exceeding Ten pounds.
Committee appointed re: Charity School reported having purchased a house in Brand
Lane from William Jolly for £350 and spend £250.13.0 in repairs and fitting up the
Reported that the Claim of the Corporation to the Tolls of Corn and Grain was greatly
abridged by a late Decision of the Judges whereby the Interest and value of a Lease
Granted to John Harding for a Term of 3 years was diminished to the Extent of
£122.6.0 Ordered that that Sum be paid to him by the Town Renter in full satisfaction
of all demands on the Corporation in respect of the said Lease. [In 1812 in the County
Exchequer (Hill v Smith) it was held that sales in an open market by sample were
illegal. Toll could not be taken on grain sold unless limited to the actual amount
brought to the market and exposed for sale. This is probably the ‘late decision’ of the
Judges, referred to.]
Then the Town Clerk reported that the Corporation were Trustees of Foxe’s Charity for
the purposes set forth in Mr Fox’s Will and certain Articles made by the Trustees of
such Will. And that the Parishes of Ludlow and Bromfield had Commenced a Suit in
Chancery*, claiming a small piece of Ground in Corve Street as a Burial Ground for the
Parish of Ludlow which appeared contrary to the Intention of the said Will and Articles.
Ordered that the said Suit be defended at the expence of the Corporation.
* Fox’s Charity – Full account of ‘Proceedings in the Court of Chancery against the
Corporation of Ludlow as Trustees of Mr Foxe’s Charity for pulling down St Leonard’s
Chapel, Corve Street, Ludlow and Converting the Burial Ground thereof to unhallowed
uses. Wherein the Court discharged the Corporation from their Trust and ordered
them to pay the Expense of Rebuilding the said Chapel. To which are added
Observations on the Corporate Rights and Parliamentary Representation of the
Inhabitants of Ludlow and also An Essay on Borough Influence, Ludlow, Printed and
sold by W. Felton. Sold also by Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, Paternoster Row, London.
Title page. Undated –probably 1820
Apparently written by W. Felton. F.W. on page 114 ‘Seventeen Charters and Grants of
Kings and Queens to the Town of Ludlow, together with other very scarce and valuable
Documents relating to the Town are in the Editor’s possession.’
From a copy in the County Library, Shrewsbury purchased at the sale of the late Mr H.
Weyman’s effects 23.4.41
Then it was reported that the Reverend Mr Braithwaite had resigned the situation of
Head Master and was recommended to be appointed to that of Usher, to which no one
Then the Reverend Mr Hinde was proposed Head Master in the room of the Reverend
Mr Braithwaite, when it was Ordered that he should forthwith send Testimonials of his
Ability for the situation as well as his correct mode of Life and that the same be taken
into Consideration and reported at the next General Meeting.
Then the Reverend Thomas Mr Hinde was appointed Head Master of the Free
Grammar School in the Room of The Reverend Mr Braithwaite who had resigned the
same and accepted the Appointment of Usher or Under Master.
Fox’s Charity: Then it was Ordered That the Appeal from the Decree of the Vice
Chancellor to the Judgement of the Lord Chancellor should be prosecuted. [Appeal
Nothing of special interest until :–
Reported that the Gaol was inconvenient and incommodious for Prisoners And that it
would be Adviseable to purchase some adjoining Houses, Yard and Garden belonging
to Mr Samuel Dayus, Butcher, for the purpose of making proper Outlets for the Health
and Convenience of the Prisoners – Ordered that the same premises be purchased
Rules and management, together with the pay of inmates of the Almshouse to be
Ordered that the Town Renter be directed to furnish a List of such of the Corporation
Tenants as are in Arrears to Lady Day last to the present Bailiffs on or before the first
day of December next, who with the Bailiffs ad Coroner elect, be a Committee to
inspect the same and give such Orders and directions as they or the major part of
them shall think proper and necessary to enforce the payment. And that out of such
Rents and any other Funds belonging to the Corporation they do, on or before the first
day of January next give Orders for the payment or Liquidation of any Debts due from
this Corporation as they shall think proper. And also subscribe, not exceeding £100,
towards keeping in Repair the paving of the said Town, if the Funds of the Corporation
will admit thereof.
Then it was Reported that Henry Clive, Esq, one of his Majesty’s Under Secretary’s of
State for the Home department, late one of the Representatives in Parliament for this
Town and Borough, and one of the Common Council of the Corporation had deposited
with the Corporation the principal Sum of One Hundred Guineas upon Trust to be by
them and their Successors Lent from Three Years to three years for ever hereafter to
three young Tradesmen residing in Ludlow aforesaid during the said Term by three
equal portions of £35 each without Interest (none of them being Alehouse Keepers).
Three grants made immediately 1)Watchmaker 2)Painter 3)Mason.
Then the Salary of the Reverend John Hinde was Ordered to be increased Twenty
pounds per annum.
Then the Reverend Mr Dyer was elected chosen and appointed Usher in the room of
the Reverend George Braithwaite deceased with the House, Garden and Salary
occupied and received by his predecessor.
Then the Reverend Doctor Symons was elected chosen and appointed Reader or
Assistant to the Rector of Ludlow with the House, Garden and Salary enjoyed by his
predecessor the Reverend George Braithwaite and it was Ordered that his
Appointment be made out in writing and the Corporation Seal attached thereto.
Proposals to increase the Salary of the Lecturer.
A Committee to adopt the best means of obtaining an attested Translation of the
Original Charters of Ludlow.
Committee appointed to inspect the accounts of the Town Renter and report their
proceedings at the next Meeting.
The Committee’s report on Town Renter Accounts. Some recommendations towards
improved methods and hopes that some surplus might be used to pay of debts.
Nothing drastic. A new committee of five elected.
Ordered that all the resident members, or any three of them, be a Committee to
enquire into Mr Hindes request for Improvements to his house and to effect them, or
not, consistent with the Funds of the Corporation.
Then it was Reported that the Reverend John Dyer had resigned the office of Under
Schoolmaster and that the Reverend Mr Morgan had been proposed.
Ordered that the said Mr Morgan Undertake that office for one year, by way of
approbation, with the House and Salary.
Then the Committee appointed to take the Petition of the Lecturer into Consideration
Reported that they were of Opinion the same ought to be increased £21 a year to
commence the 28th day of October last which was ordered accordingly.
Persons refusing to pay Tolls of Corve Bridge to be sued.
New Bridge
Then it was Reported that the Bridge behind the Castle wanted repairing. Ordered that
the Resident Members with the Honorable Robert Henry Clive and Edmund Lechmere
Charlton Esq or any three of them be a Committee to inspect the State thereof and to
effect such Repairs as they should think necessary consistent with the Funds of the
Report of the Committee re renters Accounts. Not much in criticism. New Committee
appointed. Edward Lechmere Charlton, Mr Rogers, Edward Prodgers (Banker) and
William Russell.
Then it was Reported that The Reverend Mr Morgan had resigned the office of Under
Schoolmaster and that the Reverend Mr Dyer had been proposed.
Ordered that the said Mr Dyer be Appointed to that Office with the House and salary on
Condition that he resides in the House.
Ordered that the Town Renter pay the Treasurer (Mr James Davies) to the
Commissioners of the Ludlow paving Act the sum of One hundred pounds towards
defraying the expences incurred in preparing an intended New Act for the more
effectually Lighting Paving and watching the Town.
Committee re New Bridge had taken opinion of Mr Straphen of Shrewsbury ‘an
Architect Eminence’. Report read.
Ordered that the repairs should be carried out. Committee could lay out any sum not
exceeding £400.
‘Chapel Cause’. A chancery suit where the damages awarded against the Corporation
were £1220.
‘Burial Ground’. That the Reverend Richard Baugh High Bailiff and Rector be
requested to confer with the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish of St.
Lawrence and inform them. That the Corporation of Ludlow having ascertained That
the parish are anxious to have an additional piece of Burial Ground, are desirous of
complying with their wishes and will endeavour to procure for them any piece of Land
which the Rector, Churchwardens and Overseers may point out as suitable for such
purpose and will be acceptable to the parish and Report thereon to the Corporation.
House called Tollsey in the Bull Ring. Then the Viscount Clive who was an Annual
Tennant of the above premises resigned his Interest therein, when the same was
Agreed to be Let to one John Coates from year to year ……. at such Rent as Mr
Thomas Colerick shall adjudge to be the value thereof.
Report of a special Committee re accounts
£450 in bonds and interest repaid. Suggest that the Bailiffs accounts be kept by the
Town Renter. These amount to over £650. £481.14.7 arrears in Rent by Corporation
Much more vigorous review of the financial position.
Then it was reported that the Reverend Mr Dyer had resigned the office of Under
Schoolmaster and that Mr Thomas Williams had been recommended and proposed.
Ordered that the said Mr Williams be appointed to that office with the House and
Salary on Condition that he reside in the House.
New Bridge Mr Thomas Cook had offered to build a new bridge (at Dinham), to plans
drawn by Mr Straphen, for £600. Ordered that this be agreed to. The Committee not to
spend over the £400 authorised, the further £200 to be raised by subscription.
Chapel Cause Committee had been advised by Counsel to appeal to the House of
Lords on the Chancellor’s Decree of £1220 damages, The money had been borrowed
from Edward Prodgers, Banker and member of the Corporation, on its Bond, with
interest until the final decision of the Cause.
Burial Ground Similar resolution to that passed 28.10.1822.
Lease to Edward Powell of Ludlow, Plumber, for a piece of land near Sand pitts for 21
years at Rack Rent.
[A marginal note ‘Gas’ suggests this was the site of Roberts Foundry, Gravel Hill,
marked on early maps of the town ‘Gas Works’.
Report of special committee re accounts. £680.10.1 debts been paid off. New
committee appointed.
£200 been paid to Mr Cook on account of work done ‘at the Bridge under the Castle’.
Burial Ground Reported that a piece of land on the West side of Corve Street had been
procured and Consecrated by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese for that purpose. [An
inscribed stone tablet over the entrance gate records that the above was the gift of
Lord Clive and R.H. Clive. 27th August 1824.]
The Reverend Robert Meyrick elected Reader with the house, garden and Salary
enjoyed by his predecessor, the Reverend Doctor Symonds.
Saint Leonards Chapel. Ordered That the Bill of Messrs Wharton and Ford be laid
before the Committee of Accounts for their perusal and that they order payment of the
full amount or such part thereof as they shall think proper and the then funds of the
Corporation will admit of.
Committee re accounts met October 19th and reported. Extensive and critical.
A sum not exceeding £60 be given by the Corporation towards erecting a Turnpike
House in the place of one standing at the Ludlow side of the Castle Bridge and an
additional £40 for improving the approaches towards that said Bridge.
Tolls, Pontage and Public Streets Committee appointed to enquire into these and to
consider ‘the McAdamnizing and repairing of the streets’ and how far the parish was
liable to the same.
Ordered that the Town Clerk’s accounts be in future discharged Annually within one
month after the 28th day of October and that a Committee be appointed for a Revision
of the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation to Report upon their present state and
recommend an Increase or Diminution accordingly.
A committee appointed ‘for the examination of a Window in Ludlow Church and that
£50 be set aside for the repair of the Window for the ensuing year.’
The Earl of Powis proposed that he have leave to cause the Organ in Ludlow Church
to be repaired, to which no one dissented.
The Town Clerk read a letter he had received from the Reverend Thomas Wellings
containing his resignation of the Office of Lecturer in the parish Church of Saint
Lawrence, Ludlow.
The Reverend Mr Wellings proposed That the Reverend John Hinde, Head Master of
Ludlow free Grammar School, be Elected and Chosen Lecturer in the Parish Church of
Saint Lawrence, Ludlow, with the House Garden and premises appertaining to that
office and that the Salary be fixed by a Committee for that purpose.
The Readers House to be repaired.
Several minutes concern contentious proposals by Mr Edmund Lechmere Charlton, all
of which were ‘rejected’.
Mr Charlton objects to any non-resident (i.e. outside a 10 mile radius) being sworn into
the Council.
Reported That all the Trustees in whom the sum of £1000 except two were dead and
that it was fit to appoint additional ones – Ordered that the Bailiffs Justices and Town
Renter be a Committee for that purpose and for carrying the same into effect by
affixing the Common Seal of the Corporation to a Deed appointing such new Trustees.
Ordered that Mr Adams and Mr Baxter Agree upon the facts respecting a cheque
delivered by Mr Adams to Mr Acton for £500 on the firm of Wellings and Coleman and
take an opinion whether Mr Acton ought, or not, to have presented the cheque to Mr
Adams and informed hi of the stoppage at the Bank.
Tolls That in consequence of Representations from the Neighbourhood to the Body
Corporate of the vexation attending the Collection of Tolls – Ordered – that the
consideration of this Subject be referred to the Committee and that they be directed to
Report such preliminary Information as they may think fit, to lay before the Body
Corporate at their next meeting.
Widening of Ludford Bridge: A Committee to communicate with the Commissioners of
the first Turnpike Trust and Magistrates of the County of Hereford with reference to the
improving and widening of Ludford Bridge. Mr Charlton considered that the Hereford
magistrates had nothing to do with Ludford Bridge.
Resolved that a sum not exceeding £50 be advanced towards the repairs of the
Eastern Window of the Church of Saint Lawrence.
Broad Street – That the same course be adopted in the Repairs to Broad Street as had
been pursued in Corve Street, either in pitching or McAdamizing the said Street.
Free Grammar School: Ordered that the Boarded floor and Desks be repaired under
the inspection of a Committee composing the following persons: The Bailiffs, Mr Clive,
Mr Beale ad Mr John Acton.
Whitcliffe Common: Then the Memorial of Mr Humphrey Smith, Mr William Gough
Massey and Mr William Huxley respecting certain Inclosures on the above Common
was Ordered to be returned to them.
Corporation Estates: Ordered that a Map and Survey of All the Corporation Estates be
made by Mr Charles Evans.
New Bridge: Ordered that the Town Renter send for Mr Gething of Kingsland the
Surveyor of the County of Hereford, and direct him to take Mr Thomas Cook’s petition
into consideration and report thereon.
Committee re public Accounts Report. Suggest that a public Accountant should
inspect the accounts and that the Corporation should authorize the Committee of
Accounts to appoint one.
Toll of Hops: Reported that Samuel Baldwin, Maltster, had taken and weighed various
Quantities of Hops into his yard in Mill Street and received the Tolls for so doing to the
Injury of the Tenant of the Corporation. Ordered that an Action be brought against him
for so doing unless he submits.
Mr Charlton objected to the Bailiffs as illegally elected.
Ordered that a Paper stating the Debts of the Corporation at £2944.10.3½ be entered
as read.
Ordered that a Committee be appointed to consider 4 reports on the best mode of
liquidating the Debts of the Corporation.
That it is the Opinion of the Corporation that the Dinner and Ball heretofore given by
the Officers of the Corporation do cease for the present.
Ordered that the Rents of certain Lands called Bailiffs Lands be received by the Town
Renter and form part of the Corporation General Fund. That the sum of one hundred
Pounds only be paid each Bailiff yearly on his going out of Office by the Town Renter
in Lieu of those Rents as a remuneration for his services And that a Committee be
appointed to examine the Revenue of the Estates and report their Opinion upon the
best mode of disposing thereof. On the motion of Thomas Andrew Knight Esq the
following Committee appointed – The Bailiffs for the present and those for the ensuing
year and the coroner.
Ordered that Ten pounds be paid Thomas Bowen [Gaoler] for his Attendance as Night
Constable and on the Town Watchmen.
Ordered hat the Broad Gate way be paved with Flag Stones, called Scotch Pavement.
A further £20 to be paid to the Commissioners of Ludlow Turnpike for building the new
Toll house near New Bridge. The Corporation to have the materials from the old
Letter from Mr Gething re New Bridge. Considers it is fairly worth £1100, less the
materials of the old Bridge.
Steps to be taken to settle the dispute between the Corporation and the Herefordshire
magistrates on the repairing of Ludford Bridge on the Herefordshire side..
Ordered that the Town Clerk write to Curties and Robarts to request them to send
down immediately a proper Accountant to examine the public Accounts with the
Committee and Report thereon.
Mr Charlton objected to the Town Clerk addressing Lord Powis as Recorder, and it
was proposed by Thomas Andrew Knight Esq that the Bailiffs should in future be
addressed, provided there was a Bye law to that effect, and it was agreed to.
Mr Charlton objected to the meeting as illegally constituted.
Report of the Committee public Accounts. A lengthy and critical review Lechmere
Charlton sings as Chairman. Ordered that it be adopted.
Letter from Sir William Curties & Co re inspection of Corporation accounts.
Proposed by Mr Charlton and seconded by Thomas Andrew Knight Esq, that Mr
Groom be sent for to inspect the Accounts.
Ordered that the statement of Mr Acton be referred to the Finance Committee to report
what allowance the Corporation should allow him after the final dividend of Messrs
Coleman and Welling’s Bank has been received regarding the sum of £340 deposited
in their hands.
Tolls: Ordered that Hand Bills be printed and affixed to the different Turnpike Gates
and the public places in the Town for the purpose of giving Notice to the Neighbouring
parishes and Townships that the Corporation are willing to relinquish the Tolls to which
they are now entitled from Murage, Pontage, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs, provided
an adequate subscription be entered into for their redemption.
Quo Warranto’s: Then the following Resolution and Mr Charlton’s dissent were
Ordered to be entered.
That it appears to this Corporation that the proceedings by Quo Warranto against Mr
Andrew Knight and Mr Salwey are to be considered as attacks upon the Corporate
Body having exercised their ancient Rights and Customs, rather than directed against
Mr Knight and Mr Salwey personally. That it consequently appears just that their costs
for defending their seats be defrayed by the Corporation. That this Resolution be an
authority to the Town Renter for paying Messrs Wharton and Ford’s Bill on those
proceedings when that Bill shall have been Taxed before a Master in Chancery.
Mr Charlton dissented from Mr Tauntons data and from Lord Clive’s proposal and
stated that he would file a Criminal Information against the Body if it was adopted.
New Bridge: That the Report of the Committee be complied with viz: that £200 be paid
to Mr Thomas Cook.
Blue Coat Charity Funds: Reported that the Trustees of various sums of money left by
the Late Thomas Knight Esq, his Sister and Mr Henry Davies, were dead and that it
was necessary that others should be appointed.
Ordered that the Bailiffs, Justices and Town Renter be a Committee for that purpose
and carrying the same into effect.
Races: That the Sum of Fifty pounds be given in aid of the Races and that Mr Gifford
and the Steward elect decide as to the Stakes to which it is added, to which Thomas
Andrew Knight the Elder Esq, objected unless the Horses carry Twelve Stone and the
Race be of Four Miles.
Ordered that no Meat be sold under the Market House or Bills or papers stuck on the
public Buildings.
Church Window: Ordered that a Sum not exceeding Fifty pounds be advanced
towards repairing the East Window of Saint Lawrence Church by the Town Renter
when called upon, two Sums of Fifty pounds having been directed by the corporation
already for such Object, the Estimate Amounting to Two hundred and fifty pounds and
that a Subscription be entered into to raise the remaining sum of One hundred pounds
and that the Committee originally appointed be continued.
Fox’s Charity: Ordered that Thomas Andrew Knight the Elder Esq be added to the
Committee who are authorized to proceed in Saint Leonards Case and to the recovery
of Costs paid Messrs Adams and Anderson the Solicitors for the Respondents.
Ordered that the Decrees previously given against this Corporation have been
reversed, be paid by the Town Renter …… and that the said Bill be taxed.
Quarter Sessions: Ordered that the Sum of Ten pounds be paid to the Chairman of
each Quarter Sessions and that the Dinners be held over the Market House in future.
Whitcliffe Common: Ordered that two Barristers be appointed with power to appoint a
third as Umpire for the purpose of deciding if any, and, if any, what steps are
necessary to be taken to protect the right of the Burgesses and Inhabitants of Ludlow
on Whitcliffe in the Counties of Salop and Hereford, which are said to be infringed by
the Honorable Robert Henry Clive and Edmund Lechmere Charlton Esq.
Broad Street: Ordered that a Committee …… be empowered to make arrangements
for altering the Broad Street, with the Inhabitants of that Street, and, if necessary,
empowered to borrow money for compleating the same.
Watch and Ward: Ordered that £50 be put at the disposal of the high and Low Bailiffs
and their Deputies to be expended in Aid of the Committee to watch and Ward the
Ordered that a Sum of £8.13.4 being a Demand made by Mrs Esther Morgan, late of
the Bower, for One hundred and thirty Apple Trees planted on the Estate be allowed.
Organist: Then a Letter from Mr Rea to Thomas Andrew Knight the Elder, Esq, was
read purporting to be his resignation of the Office of Organist in the parish Church of
Saint Lawrence, Ludlow.
Mr Charlton opposed nominations of persons to serve on the Council who were nonresident.
Ludlow Streets: The former Committee reappointed, with power to direct the making of
a sewer down Broad Street and to employ Mr Telford to furnish a plan for the
improvement of the Town.
Alms House, Corve Street: Weekly pay of inmates increased to 2/6.
Tolls: Ordered that any further inquiry into this matter be fore the present deferred.
Free Grammar School: Ordered that the memorial of the Reverend John Hinde
requesting the Allowance of Five hundred and Thirty Six Pounds towards the expence
of rebuilding the Addition to the School House and other matters thereinstated be
allowed And that the Town Renter pay the same. Also that the memorial of Mr
Thomas Williams the Under Master or Usher for an allowance of Eighty Pounds and
Sixteen Shillings the expence of building a Brewhouse be also allowed and paid by the
Town Renter.
Ordered that the Assignees of Messrs Wellings and Coleman be allowed to bring
Actions in the name of this Corporation to recover the Arrears of certain Rents due
from …………….. as the Occupiers of divers Lands called Bailiffs Lands during the
time Mr Wellings in conjunction with Mr Prodgers were Bailiffs, they the said Assignees
giving Bonds or Indemnification against all cost, expences and charges incident
thereto. (Wellings and Coleman Bank had stopped payment.)
Ordered that three-fourths of a debt of £320, due from the Estate of Messrs Wellings
and Coleman Bankers and Co-partners, to Mr Samuel Acton be taken as Corporation
money, he having placed the same in their hands for safe custody in the character of
Town Renter or Treasurer of this Corporation and the Corporation to have the
Dividends heretofore due and to accrue thereon.
Then the Petition of William Edwards, Ann Buffay and John Lockitt of Wellington, Gass
Proprietors, praying for apiece of Land belonging to the body Corporate in such a
manner as the Corporation thinks proper, was read, when the same was referred to the
Bailiffs Justices and Coroner. [‘The district was formerly supplied with Gas by the
Oakengates Gas Company, established in 1849 by William Edwards, Engineer, of
Wellington’…. (Oakengates – Rev. J. E. Gordon Cartlidge 193-)]
Ludlow Streets: Then it was reported that Joshua Slack was a fit and proper person to
undertake the Improvement of the Streets and he was appointed accordingly with a
Salary of Ten pounds per annum, Provided the Commissioners of the Ludlow Turnpike
Roads, whose Surveyor he is, will consent.
Public Accounts – Mr Groom’s Report: The account consists of:
1st: The Bailifffs Public Accounts from October 28th to same date following year.
They contain, Fines received on renewals and granting of Leases, fees on Alienation of
Leases, Swearing in of Burgesses etc. The disbursements comprise Law Bills,
Sessions Charges, Clothing the Beadles etc, Expences of Prisoners, Gaol etc.
2nd: The Chamberlains accounts commence and end on October 28th each year. They
comprise Receipts from Bridge Tolls, Scales, Weights etc. Disbursements are for
keeping in repair the houses of the School Master, Reader and Lecturer, The Market
House, Guildhall, Cross, Gaol, Almshouses, Water Engines, Pipes, cisterns and
3rd: The Town Renters, commencing and ending on April 5t yearly. All sums received
for rents, sale of timber from the Corporation estates. Rent of Weighing machine,
Waterworks etc with the dividends hitherto received on £1000 3% stock belonging to
the National School. Disbursements are for salaries to the School Masters, Reader,
Lecturer, Town Clerk, Town Renter, Serjeants at Mace, Bellman etc. Weekly pay to
the poor in the Alms Houses, Interest on borrowed money. Allowances to tenants for
repairs. Payment of £20 each year to the National School and all other charges
against the Corporation.
It has been the custom from a very remote period for the Bailiffs to collect Rents from
lands belonging to the Corporation termed ‘Bailiffs Lands’ of which no account has
been rendered. How long this has been the practice does not appear. They were
taken by the Bailiffs to defray the expences incurred by them for the public Ball, Supper
and other customary entertainments given to the Residents in the Town and
neighbourhood during the year they filled the office. As they are for the future to be
collected by the Town Renter for the use of the Corporation a description of them is
given in Appendix A.
The Accounts of the B.C & T.R. are audited by members of the Corporation. A memo
of their report and the result of the Audit is afterwards entered in the minute book by
the Town Clerk.
Gives an abstract of all the accounts for the past 20 years in Appendices B, C & D and
a consolidatin of the whole in Appendix E. The debts at end of last year - £2954 are
shown in Appendix G.
Suggests how these debts might be liquidated. £600 will come from the ‘Bailiffs Land’
allowing for the £200 which is to be paid them on leaving office.
Makes a large number of suggestions, illustrated by specimen pages, for the better
classification and keeping of accounts and all should be collected and paid by one
officer, the Town Renter.
The rentals from the Bailiffs Lands are £817 per annum.
Appendix H gives the Town Renters accounts improper form for 1826 – 27. Salaries
are Headmaster £100, the Under Master £60, Town Clerk £5.8.4 and £52 additional,
Town Renter £40, Beadles £1 each, Serjeants £12 each.
Report of the Committee re public Accounts for the year. Deals with many and varied
Whitcliffe: Ordered that a Committee be appointed to ascertain what damages the
Burgesses and Inhabitants of the Town sustain and rights are interfered with by the
Inclosures and Plantations on Whitcliffe.
Ludford Bridge: That the Town Clerk be directed to write to the Clerk of the Peace for
the county of Hereford that Ludford Bridge will be indicted at the next Assizes
inconsequence of the dangerous state in which that Bridge now is. He is to ascertain if
the Magistrates of the County of Hereford will take steps to repair that part of it 3which
is in Hereford, before proceedings are commenced.
The petition of Samuel Grubb, Clerk of the Market, praying for a salary was read and
referred to the Bailiffs and Magistrates.
Then the Petition of Elizabeth Gardner p[raying for an allowance inconsequence of
having been deprived of certain perquisites by the Bailiffs Feast and Ball being no
longer continued was read when the sum of One Guinea was allowed her.
Much opposition by Mr Charlton to proposals by the Recorder of new members of
council and Burgesses. He objected to those who were ‘non-resident’.
‘King Street’ mentioned in Lease granted.
Ludlow Streets: Joshua Slack, surveyor to the Turnpike Roads declined the offer to
superintend the Street repairs.
That the former Committee be reappointed and directed to obtain a report for
amending the Ludford Bridge and employ Mr Stead according to the advice contained
in Mr Telford’s report.
Ordered that Ludford Bridge be repaired by this Corporation and also the road for One
hundred yards on the South end thereof and that no further Law proceedings be taken.
That one hundred yards on each side of New Bridge and Corve Bridge be repaired at
the expence of the Corporation without delay.
Ordered that the Lands called ‘Bailiffs Lands’ be in future set at Rack and half fine
upon the terms usually adopted with regard to Lands and estates called Corporation
Ordered that the Town Magistrates issue their Warrants and other process to the
Extent of their Liberties and that they be indemnified by this Corporation and that they
exclude Officers not belonging to this Jurisdiction.
Then it was ordered that the Organist be allowed £30 per annum from this time to be
paid by the Town Renter.
Gas Works: Application having been made in favour of a Lease to Messrs Edwards
(28.10.28) for the Scite of the Gas Works, the Corporation expressed their disposition
to grant the same when arrangements were made with Mr Powell to enable them
legally to do so and every reasonable indulgence would be granted to Messrs
The Town Renter empowered to pay Messrs Wharton and Fords Bills in the Saint
Leonards Suit when the Court of Chancery gives its opinion on its second taxation of
The opinion of Sir James Scarlet on the Quo Warranto cause against Messrs Knight
and Salwey to be sought on the points:1st Are the Corporation to defray the costs of both parties.
2nd Are the Corporation to defray the costs of Mr Charlton solely.
3rd Are the Corporation to defray the costs of Messrs Knight and Salwey
4th Are the Corporation to defray the costs of neither party
An account to be opened in the name of the Corporation at Eyton’s Bank.
Petition of Commissioners of the Paving Act. Consideration deferred. They to be
informed that the Corporation will pay for an Act of Parliament if they will obtain one for
the general improvement of the Borough.
Ordered that the Serjeants at Mace or any other officer shall not in future derive any
profit from any Stands or Hustings but that their Salaries shall be made up from other
The petition of the Overseers and Churchwardens to procure of Tread Mill or some
other Instrument for the Punishment of Refractory Paupers was referred to a
Committee of six of the Council.
Mr Telford’s Report – the Ludlow Improvements.
‘In reporting upon necessary Improvements in the Town Ludlow, I shall arrange them
under the following heads.
1. Making the Bridge sufficiently commodious.
2. Rendering the principal Street more accessible.
3. Constructing a Common Sewer.
First: In regard to the Bridge, The Piers and Abutments being founded upon Rock, the
Masonry being generally substantial and the Pier Points having a great projection
beyond the Body of the Bridge, I am of opinion there may safely be an addition made
on each side so as to admit of a Carriage way being 17 feet in width, besides having a
foot path of three feet and a parapet of 16 inches in Thickness on each side. The
outside headers of the Arches and Coping g of the Parapets and the String Course
under ditto should be dressed square. All the rest of the work may be hammer
dressed and laid in regular Courses.
The new should be well binded with the old work and to bear at least 18 inches upon it.
The carriage way of 17 feet should be formed with broken stones to at least one foot in
depth, to have a curvature of 4 inches. the Footpaths to have an outside Curb Stone
squared to be 15 inches in depth and at least 4 inches in thickness, set on edge and
the remaining 2 feet 8 inches to consist of a squared Flag 4 inches in thickness. The
Surface to be in a line with the middle of the Roadway. The parapets to be 3 feet 6
inches in height above the footpath including the Coping. The Parapets and Wings to
have curvatures agreeable to the drawing.
The expense of performing this in a perfect manner I estimate at |£487.17.6
2: Improving Broad Street.
In order to render this Street as uniformly easy as possible, I propose to excavate the
Convexity above the Archway 2 feet at the deepest part gradually diminishing to
nothing both upwards and downwards. This excavated Ground to be carried to and
deposited on the lowest part between the Gateway and the Bridge which will probably
raise it bout 4 feet and enable its surface to be unite with that of the Bridge in an easy
The street above the Archway to be finished with a coating of well broken stone 12
inches thickness with proper side drainage down which the water will run and fall
through Cast Iron Gratings into cross drains and be conveyed into the common
sewers. The Brand and Bell Lanes to be properly sloped and finished in the same
manner as the Main Street.
Below the Archway there must be a retaining Wall on each side of the Carriage way at
least 2 feet in thickness at the level of the Road, increasing downwards at the rate of
1½ in a foot built in proper lime mortar to preserve a passage along the houses – Upon
these walls ther must be a Parapet, 2 feet 6 inches in height above the finished
roadway and 16 inches in Thickness including a rounded hammer Dressed Coping.
The whole laid in regular courses in good lime Mortar. there must be two flights of
Steps on the West and one flight on the East side as a communication with the
The Carriage way must be made with well broken Stones at least One foot in
The Contractor to have the use of the old paving stones.
The expense of this Improvement I estimate at £681.10.6
3. Common Sewers.
During the time the Broad Street Improvement is carrying on, a good Common Sewer
should be constructed; it should be made in the middle of the Street for the whole of
the way until it approaches the River when it must of course be made to pass under
one the Wing Walls.
Under the whole of the Sewer the Ground should be well pounded. The Bottom should
be made with good substantial Flag Stones well jointed and laid upon a Bed of Puddle
at least One foot in Thickness which Puddle should also pass under the side walls.
The side walls and Arch may be of Flat bedded rubble stone laid in lime mortar.
The dimensions of all to be as represented in the annexed Sketch, along the sides on
over the Arch there must be a puddle at lease One foot in Thickness. There must be
at least 4 cross drains on each side to receive the water of the side drains and convey
it into the main Sewer with Eight Cast Iron Grates to protect the Mouths of them. the
expense of the Sewer and connecting Drains here described i8 estimate at £459.17.0
If the before mentioned Improvements were effected the Access in that Quarter would
be much more safe and commodious than for Wheel Carriages than at present. The
Old Archway which divides the Upper from the Lower Broad Street from various local
Circumstances cannot at present be altered but I am informed that Accidents very
seldom occur at this place and that little Inconvenience is experienced.
Thomas Telford.
24th November 1829
After reading the Report of Mr Telford, It was resolved that the Improvement suggested
by the Report of the road Street and the Construction of a Sewer as specified in the
Sketch accompanying The Report be proceeded with as soon as the assents of the4
Parties interested can be procured.
The sum of £1141.7.6 to be borrowed.
That the unanimous Thanks of this Corporation be given to Mr Telford for the very
handsome manner in which he has favoured this Corporation with his advice.
The cases respecting the Seats in the Chamber of Mr Vashon, Mr Baugh and Mr Henry
Clive as Aldermen and also that of Mr Adams as a Common Council man should be
referred to Mr Attorney General.
The case on the part of those Gentlemen to be argued by Mr Taunton and on the part
of Mr Charlton by such Council as he may appoint and that Mr Attorney General be
requested to point out if his Decision be unfavourable to those Gentlemen, the course
proper to be adopted in their giving and the Corporation receiving their Resignation.
That the Committee appointed to superintend that repair of the Church Window be
authorised to entrust Mr Evans with the repair of the Mullions of the Window and that
the Additional Expense thereby incurred be paid. On the motion of Mr Clive and
seconded by Mr Knight.
1830 -1835
Resolved that the Corporation deeply regret the loss they have sustained by the death
of their Town Clerk James Fleming Baxter Esq and desire at this meeting to record
their high sense of his private worth and public integrity.
Then John Williams was elected Town Clerk.
Then the Town Clerk was directed to receive the Evidence mentioned in the petition of
Mr Felton and others respecting the Standings in the market Hall and the streets and
that he advise with Mr Lloyd thereon and if they shall see occasion submit a case for
the opinion of Council to be laid before the Corporation at their next meeting.
[Day Book] Account of J. Williams (Town Clerk) to Henry Lloyd Esq, Solicitor, Ludlow
on being elected an honorary Burgess:
Town Clerk & Deputy’s fee
1. 6. 0
3 Serjeants
7. 6
Bellman & Cryer
5. 0
3 Beadles
4. 6
Fine to the Corporation
13. 4
Stamps on Parchment
3. 0. 6
On being sworn a Member of the Corporation
Town Clerk and Deputy
3 Serjeants
Bellman & Cryer
3 Beadles
Prayer Book for the Corporation Seat
Moiety of money given to the Ringers including
£1 given in Ale to the Corporation Stewards and them
as agreed upon between Mr Lloyd & myself
1. 6. 0
15. 0
10. 0
2.10. 0
2.10. 0
Similar particulars are included in accounts submitted to Honourable Burgesses
and/or new members of the Common Council during the years 1830-1835 inclusive.
All the latter were charged £2.10.0 for a Prayer Book.
[Day Book] John Stevenson, Steventon. Information and complaint against the
Steward of the Bull Inn Society and Summons thereon.
[Day Book] Drawing out order of Readmission of you into the Bull Inn Society.
[Day Book] Clerk serving John Jolley and John Carlton the Steward with copies.
[Day Book] Thomas Steenton, Bricklayer, Information of h him a Member of the
Ludlow Union Benefit Society before two magistrates. Summonses against Francis
Steenton, Treasurer, John Russell and Gorge Downes, stewards and copies 6/For writing re non-payment of Poor Rates
3/For writing re Rents due to Corporation
[Day Book] Apprenticeship Indentures of Thomas Lowe a poor child of Ludlow to
John Sawyer of St Nicholas Parish, Worcester, Bootmaker, Obtaining consent of
Worcester magistrate
Auditors report. Balance of £219.4.11 in the hands of the Town Renter. Gross
receipts £3499.11.6½. Payments £3280.6.7½. Rent arrears for the year £1143.2.2
Accumulated arrears £2419.6.1
All accounts against the Corporation to be in the hands of the Town Renter on or
before Michaelmas day (September 29). The Town Renters account to be ready for
inspection by the Auditing Committee on October 13th.
Ordered that Mr Prichard be paid Fifty Pounds for his trouble in making out the
accounts on Mr Grooms plan.
Then a Petition from Joseph Inshaw for compensation for Injury alleged to have
been done him in the House he rents of the Lecturer in Old Street by the Erection of
the New Chapel there and also for an allowance towards monies expended by him
in the repairs of the said House was read and ordered to be referred to the
Supervisors to report thereon.
Claim by Thomas Cooke re ‘the New Bridge near the Castle’ referred to the
Supervisors for report.
Petition from Elizabeth Gardner for an allowance on account of reductions which
have at different times been made in the Fees and perquisites (Feast etc at Market
House) was read. Town Renter to pay her £5 ‘but she was not to ask the
Corporation for any further compensation either for the past or in the future.
Ordered that the penalties incurred by Mr Hinde and others in breaking up Pasture
land (leased to them) be enforced.
That the further sum of One hundred Pounds be appropriated to the repairs of the
Church Window in addition to the Town hundred Pounds already granted and that a
sum not exceeding £1250 be applied to the repairs of the Stone work to receive that
Window and that the committee appointed at former meetings be now reappointed
to make whatever arrangements may be necessary for the completion of the
Resolved that the present state of Ludford Bridge is incommodious and dangerous
and that the plan suggested by the persons who propose to widen the upper part
without widening the Arches in not approved of.
Resolved desirable to build a New Bridge over Team at Ludford in lieu of the
existing bridge. Lord Clive, Honourable r. H. Clive, Bailiffs etc, be a Committee to
consider the best mode of furthering this object.
Town Clerk to take stops towards obtaining an Act of Parliament to obtain powers.
Resolved it is the determination of the Corporation to effect various improvements in
the Streets and approaches of the Town and the better to enable them to do so. It
was resolved that the £50 which has of late been given annually to the Fund for
Watching the Town be discontinued.
It was then proposed that the £50 which has of late been given to the Races be
discontinued but on a division there was a majority for its being continued.
It was then resolved that the 350 to the Watch be continued for the approaching
Winter only.
Resolved in consequence of an application for Mr Clive that Mr Powell be directed to
ascertain whether any damage can be caused to the Pipe conveying the water from
Whitcliffe by applying a small Pipe to carry Water to the Bowling Green on Whitcliffe
and that if not injurious permission be granted subject to any consideration of the
question should any mischief appear to arise.
Supervisors Book – Firsts page minutes begin ‘First Meeting of the Supervisors’ 1st
November 1830. Entries extracted are market [Supervisors Book] Most items are
concerned with items such as condition of Leases, recovery of rentals, Repairs,
Exchange of Lands etc.
Gasworks and Powells Lease – The Meeting of Supervisors.
‘That this Committee recommend to the Corporation to grant Mr Powell a new Lease
commencing the 28th October last (Allowing him for the land taken by the Gas
Company after the rate he now pays and in the like terms and conditions. That the
lease be paid for by the Corporation but that he must look to Mr Edwards to be
reimbursed the Expense of making the New Road. That Messrs Edwards pay Mr
Powell Rent for the Land taken by them from the time of his entering upon the
occupation of it, to the date of the new Lease to Mr Powell.
[Day Book] Objection by Mr Evans, Lower Broad Street. Arbitrators award Mr Evans
£40 damages.
(Day Book extracts are from the Day Book of Mr J. Williams, Town Clerk of Ludlow.
He acted also as clerk to the Overseers of the Poor, Clerk to the Ludlow Turnpike
Trust, Election agent and private solicitor.
Many of the entries are Bastardy Cases, the examination of vagrants as to settlement
on their own parish for poor law assistance.
Plenty of interesting matter as to legal costs, travel charge and Turnpike tolls.)
[Day Book] John Brookes Veterinary Surgeon, Ludlow ‘Drawing Petition to the
Corporation for £35 part of Judge Tourneur and Mr Meyrickes money. Drawing and
Ingrossing Bond from you and Mr Francis
And Mr Baxter, Attending Execution and Stamp
£ 1.0.2
Demand for Poor Rate from John Jackson occupier of a house and garden within the
Castle. Summons refused not being within the Liberties of Ludlow.
Plan of proposed new road deposited with the Clerks of the Peace at Hereford and
That Mr Grosvenor value the Timber growing on the Corporation estates previous to
the next meeting of the Bridge Committee.
The Town Clerk to furnish the Bridge Committee with an account of the Income of the
Corporation, its debts and probable expenditure.
The Bridge Committee presented a report.
‘That a good and sufficient Plan for attaining that object has been [presented by Mr
Stead which accompanies this Report.
Cost of Bridge and approaches
Cost of Act of Parliament
Land and houses to be acquired
To take down and rebuild the Factory
And dwelling house of Mr Evans
To make a new road from the Bridge to the Bottom
Of Old Street
10% to cover contingencies
Schedules of Corporation Income debts and outgoings given.
Extra expenses 1831-1832 are:Sewer: £1200. Water Pipes: £300. Wharton (law costs): £1200. Church window:
Suggested that £10 be given towards repairing the Foot ways (Flag Stones) in the
town – Deferred.
That an estimate be given for putting in repair the pipe conveying the water fro the top
of Broad Street to the top of Corve Street and further if necessary.
That £25 be given towards a subscription for purchasing additional Fire Engines.
That a return of the Expense of the Sessions Dinners be made to the next meeting.
That £500 be paid in part discharge of the Law Bills.
[Day Book] Order of Two magistrates for binding Richard Whitney, a poor boy,
apprentice to Mr Richards Jackson. Indenture and copy
Indenture of Apprenticeship of George Morris, a poor child of Ludlow, to Edward Taylor
of Ludlow, Shoemaker, and copy
[Day Book] Ludlow 2nd Turnpike. Charges re advertisement of Tolls, Letting of Toll
Houses etc
[Day Book] Parliamentary Election, Rt. Hon. Edward Herbert, Viscount Clive and Hon.
Robert Henry Clive.
Account for legal expenses etc (details)
[Surveyors Book] Orchard at Gallows Bank let to Mr Adams 21 years. Rent £6.10.0
half fine.
[Day Book] Indenture of Apprenticeship William Pope of Stanton Long to Miss Burlton
of Ludlow and copy
[Day Book] Ludlow 1st Turnpike. Charges re certain lands and roads being made
[Day Book] Drawing Notice that 3 several sums of £35 each (part of Judge Tourneur
and Mr Alderman Meyrickes money) would be ready to be advanced to young
Tradesmen of Ludlow on 28th October next and 4 fair copies
[Day Book] The Secretary of State for the Home Department having called for a return
of expenses incurred in building repairing and fitting up the Gaol and House of
Correction for this Borough since the year 1800 etc etc
[Day Book] The Earl of Powis’ account. Mr Williams journey and holding Munslow
Court (Mr Lerwick the steward {Mr J.W.’s partner} being in France) Usual fee. Jury’s
[Day Book] Usual allowance towards Court Leet Dinner
Bill of £2.2.0 to Three Tradesmen’s petition for D.B.6.9.1831 and drawing Bond.
Auditors report for year ending Michaelmas 1831. Suggest there be two rent days of
which Corporation tenants shall have notice ‘similar to the Plan generally acted upon in
collecting the Rents of Individuals.’ Falling off of Rentals £231. Income £2166 plus
fines on Leases £1666 of which £1096 has been received. Out of this the Bank has
advanced £1180 for the Improvements in Broad Street and £130 is due to the
contractor (Mr Stead).
The Auditors (R H Clive and E L Charlton) urge economy.
A Petition from several Inhabitants of Ludlow for Land on which to build a Workhouse
having been read the same was referred to the Supervisors who were to be guided by
any Plan and Estimate the Townsmen provide them with a report the sae to the
The Town Renter to pay ‘as soon as he had the means’ the Lawyers bills re: the
Chapel and the Quo Warrantos.
The Supervisors to procure some acknowledgement from Mr Jones and Mr Meyricke
that the building erected by Mr Jones on the property of the Corporation now belonging
to Mr Meyricke as Reader. That an entry of the same be made in the Corporation
Book and Rental in order to prevent a repitition of such proceedings without first asking
permission of the Corporation.
A Petition from the Inhabitants of High Street for alterations and repairs to the Common
Sewer was read. The petitioners were ordered to lay an estimate and plan before the
That £50 be paid to the Commissioners of the Paving and Lighting Act on the 1st
December to be by them applied in lighting the Town for the ensuing year provided the
debt which they have incurred in lighting be previously discharged by subscription of
the Inhabitants.
[Surveyors Book] Trees on Castle Walk to be examined and the dead ones removed
and young ones of the same kind planted
Land for New Workhouse, Pitt agrees to give up land.
St Johns Close to be allotted and let by the Town Members.
[Day Book] Account Mr John Dalby. Information of your having had Fowls, Geese,
Ducks and Roasting Pigs stolen from your Buildings in the parish of Bromfield and
Warrant to Search the Houses of Francis Knell, Glazier, and Richard Weaver,
Coachman, for same and swearing Thomas Bowen, Special Constable, but nothing
was found.
[Day Book] Account to Richard Steenton, Mason (as Treasurer of Ludlow Union
Benefit Society)
That timber to the amount of £1000 be sold from the Corporation estates.
Resolved that no money whatever shall henceforth be allowed over and above the
Sums already voted for Annual distribution till the Corporation have paid off their debts.
Ordered that the Town Clerk write to The Reverend Richard Baugh and inform him that
the Corporation have been put to considerable inconvenience by his non attendance
on this and other occasions and at the same time to request he will inform him whether
he has come to the resolution of not attending the meetings of the Corporation in future
and in that case to suggest to hi the propriety of resigning.
Mr Pritchard to be paid £20 for making out the Accounts of the Corporation
Mr Acton resigns office of Town Renter.
Resolved that when the estimate for the proposed Workhouse is given in and the
Parish at large have signified their concurrence to raise by Rates the monies required
for this object according to the Act of Parliament that so much of the Land in the
occupation of (Blank) as suggested for the erection of such building shall be granted at
a small Rent and that any additional quantity of the Land in the occup0arion of (Blank)
which they may require shall be let to them at a fair valuation.
[Day Book] Indenture of Apprenticeship of George Smith, a poor child of Ludlow, to
Edward Eccleston of the same, Town Chimney Sweep 7/6
[Day Book] Indenture of Apprenticeship of William Goodwin, a poor child of Ludlow, to
Richard Goodwin, Yarpole, Hereford, Mason and copy
[Day Book] Account Commissioner of Ludlow Paving Act.
Information against Robert Page, Richard Palmer and John Judge on Suspicion of
Breaking Lamps and 3 copies. Summons for above and witnesses
[Surveyors Book] Widow Blayney to have 3s 9d part of Richard Davies’ charity.
Town Renter to furnish some account of the Charities of Thomas Lane, Richard
Davies, John Long, John Robinson, John and James (?)]
The charities of Thomas Candland, William Archer, Evan Phillips be in future received
and accounted for by the Town Renter.
[Surveyors Book] That the Town Renter procure a book to enter all the charities in
and the names of the persons on whom bestowed.
That the arrears due from Archers Charity to the Almshouse be paid by the
[Day Book] Indentures of Apprenticeship of John Williams, a poor child of Ludlow, to
Edward Davies of Ludlow, Tailor and Copy
[Surveyors Book] That Ann Evans has the late Alderman Davies’ charity…..
[Day Book] James Miller, a prisoner in Ludlow Gaol, having made his escape by
forcing two locks. Taking description to insert in Hue & Cry.
Fair copy to Editor and writing
Fair copy and letter to Police Officer – Worcester
Fair copy and letter to Police Officer – Hereford
Fair copy and letter to Police Officer – Shrewsbury
Fair copy and letter to Police Officer – Birmingham
11 Hon. Burgesses Fees
That the Supervisors take the necessary Steps for having a Wire Protection prefixed to
the Church Window having first made and approved of an estimate for the same.
Petition presented by Mr Charlton on behalf of certain inhabitants of Old Street for
improving Frog Lane ad Old Street - referred to Supervisors.
Resolved that £100 a year allowed to each of the Bailiffs be not paid in future until the
Corporation give an order for its payment and approve the propriety of the
Resolved that the Corporation feeling that the Market Hall belongs solely to this Body
direct that the same be given to any party whatever without the consent of the majority
of the Supervisors obtained in writing.
Resolved that the vacancies in the Alms Houses as they occur be made known to the
Town Clerk and through the Town Clerk to the Supervisors, the majority of whom shall
fill them up.
A motion having been made and seconded to do away with the Sessions Dinners in
consequence of the improper conduct that has occurred at the Session Dinners –
Ordered that the same be taken into consideration.
[Supervisors Book] That the gutter on Westside Corve Street be relaid from Mrs
Croppers house to the end of the street and that a reservoir be made at the bottom of
Corve Street similar to the one in Broad Street..
That Mr Hinde (Lecturer) be allowed £20 for repairs, improvements and addition to the
Lecturers house. Let to Mr Inshaw.
£3.4.10 each
[Surveyors Book] That the Loaves be increased to 20 arising from St Johns Close and
that ……. (10 women) receive the same.
[Surveyors Book] Proceedings to be taken against Mr Bluck (late of Wooferton) for
refusing to pay the Toll for Hops in the fair yesterday.
A person named Mapp reported to be sleeping the same room with his mother in the
Almshouse. To be turned out.
Mr Charlton’s Election to the Office of Low Bailiff out of the usual rotation arose from
the misunderstanding between Mr Charlton and the late Mr Baxter and in future, until
the Corporation shall decide otherwise, the accustomed rotation in the Election of
Member to serve the Offices of High and Low Bailiffs etc will be preserved in -.
Office of Town Renter to be abolished as from December 1st next.
Mr Pritchard appointed Accountant at £25 per annum for the present periods.
Mr Sheppard appointed Steward at £50 per annum for the present period.
The Accountant to pay all funds arising from Corporation Property to the credit of the
Trustees of the Ludlow Corporation in the Bank of Messrs Eyton & Co.
The Trustees to be the Bailiffs for their time being and the Honourable R H Clive.
It shall be the duty of the accountant to receive the Rents and keep a Debtor and
Creditor Statement of the Corporation Accounts.
It shall be the duty of the Steward to attend to the practical part of the Business and
Report to the Bailiffs or Supervisors anything which appears to him to be beneficial or
prejudicial to the Corporation Property.
That quarterly meetings be held for the receipt and payment of Bills and outgoings.
The meetings to be held in the Eastern room of the Market Hall.
Gas Company: Then a Petition from William Edwards, Ann Buffery and John Lockitt
for an exchange of the Land on which they have erected their Gas works for Land of
equal value and utility to the Corporation as soon as they the said W E, A B & J L can
provide themselves was presented and allowed.
Corve Street Chapel: Ordered that the Town Clerk proceed immediately for the
recovery of the Costs in the Suit respecting Corve Street Chapel in conformity with the
Order of the House of Lords.
A Committee appointed to confer with some of the principal Tradesmen of the Town re
the Amending of the present Act of Parliament for paving lighting and watching the
Town and that £50 be allowed towards these services for the present year on the
understanding that no further allowances be asked for by any member of this
Corporation for any succeeding years.
The timber growing on Corporation estates to be again advertized for sale.
Ordered that the Town Clerk prepare a Case for the opinion of Mr Campbell as to the
right of the Sheriffs of Shropshire and Herefordshire to execute Process within the
Liberties of Ludlow.
Visit of the Princess Victoria: Resolved that the Address to her Royal Highness now
read to be adopted and that a Copy be emblazoned on Parchment and the Corporation
Seal affixed to it for Presentation and that six copies be printed on Satin. That the High
Bailiff procure two pairs of Gloves to be presented to their Royal Highnesses by the
The three Beadles to quit their rooms in the Almshouse. In future to have 12 guineas
each, inclusive.
Ludlow Corporation Richard Nicholas Sankey and Edmund Lechmere Charlton
Drawing and Ingrossing High Bailiffs Deputation to William Russell £1.1.0
The like Low Bailiffs Deputation to Mr Samuel Acton
The like 3 Sergeants Bond with Sureties for Indemnity of the Bailiffs £3.3.0
The like Gaolers Bond with Sureties to Indemnify said Bailiffs
Note: These Stamps and paper to be charged to Mr Prichard the Accomptant to the
This account occurs each year.
[Surveyors Book] That the Charities of Judge Tourneur, Mr Meyrick and Mr Clive shall
be lent in future, free of all expense to the young Tradesmen who borrow it.
That this Committee recommend to the Corporation to withdraw their Subscription of
£50 from the Races.
Ludlow Election. Ingrossing Return of Members
Paid Stamps and Parchment
Attending Members Fee Dec. 10/11/12/13 Lord Clive and Mr Edward Romilly returned.
[Surveyors Book] That Mr Shepherd give directions to have the Stocks removed from
where they are at present to the North side of the market House, opposite the Sun Inn.
[Surveyors Book] Certain trees on Powell’s land ‘and one by the Roadside leading to
Powell’s Brick Yard’ to be sold. (This may be the Powell who had land taken by
Edwards for the first Gas Co.)
[Surveyors Book] Mr Stead to prepare plans for repairs to Market Hall.
[Surveyors Book] That £5 be expended in altering and improving the Path leading from
Ludford over Whitcliff.
[Surveyors Book] Account to Revered Robert Meyrick.
Drawing Petition to the Corporation of Ludlow to Renew Lease of a Chapel and a
stable and garden in or near Dinham.
[Surveyors Book] Mr Shepherd instructed to say that the Corporation will not pay
Cook’s charges for the Wine for the Judges treat.
[Surveyors Book] Letter, signed by R.N. Sankey. Offer to purchase fixtures in Weavers
mill. Propose to discontinue premises.
[Surveyors Book] Permission given to Mr Armstrong to inclose for garden ground so
much of the Old Street opposite Lanes Asylum in lieu of an Old Tower and other
premises according to a plan, a copy of which is given.
[Surveyors Book] Instructions and advertising Ludlow Water Works to be let on June
4th; attending on 4.6.1833 ‘but same were not let.’
[Surveyors Book] Affiliation order on the Revered George Morgan.
[Surveyors Book] Ordered that John Weaver be arrested for the arrears of Rent due to
the Corporation for the Mill.
Ordered that Samuel Stead, Samuel Powell, John Wood and John Robinson attend
before that Bailiffs on Tuesday next at Guildhall respecting their Sons’ appointment to
the Black Gown (at the Grammar School).
[Surveyors Book] That a Gas Lamp be placed on the South side of Ludford Bridge at
the expense of the Corporation.
At the request of Messrs Eyton’s Bank, the Trustees were altered to Mr Clive, Mr
Charlton and Mr Sankey.
Lord Powis’s agent applies for payment of £580.15.7 on Bond for loan and Interest.
Corporation thanks the retiring Bailiffs. The usual allowance of £100 each to be paid to
their order immediately.
A report having been made to the Corporation respecting the Longfordian Scholars, it
was resolved that the whole matter be referred to the Supervisors and that they take
such Order therein as to them shall seem meet.
[Surveyors Book] Summons against eleven men for riotously assembling, making
bonfires, throwing fireworks, firing a pistol, throwing a Fire Ball breaking one of the
lamps and Assault on the 5th. Conviction. To pay £5. Fine not paid. Committed to
Salop gaol for six weeks.
[Surveyors Book] That the allowance of the Corporation for Bell Ringing on the 5th
November be discontinued.
Summons against 13 persons for disorderly conduct in Ludlow streets on the night of
November 18th (Monday).
[Surveyors Book] That a wall be built in continuation of the Parapet at the North End of
Ludford Bridge.
[Surveyors Book] That the Arms at the Tower be painted.
[Surveyors Book] That Mr Charlton make application for a Police Officer to serve the
office of Gaoler.
[Surveyors Book] Application granted for the use of the Market House for a Dinner to
be given to Edward Romilly Esq one of the members for the Borough. Same granted.
[Surveyors Book] That in future the Sexton be paid a Sovereign annually for cleaning
the Corporation seats in the Church.
That the Watchmen Partridge and Wilkes be paid Five shilling a Piece for their
attendance on the Magistrates in consequence of the Riots on the 5th November last
and other affairs about that time.
[Day Book] Bastard child sworn on Edmund Lechmere Charlton.
Committal to House of Correction for a month with hard labour of a Rogue and
[Surveyors Book] Mr Charlton gave the substance of correspondence between him and
Sir Frederick Roe. TI was resolved a London Policeman at a Salary of Eighty pounds
a year in addition to the Gaoler’s House is desirable and Mr Charlton communicate
further with Sir Frederick Roe on the subject.
[Surveyors Book] Tenant allowed to break up about 4 perches near Rock Lane to
destroy the nettles and weeds on condition that he lays it down again at the expiration
of 2 years.
[Day Book] Summonses against John Price, Beer house, Old Street and James
Harding of the John Bull, Corve Street for permitting Tippling on Sunday last during the
time of Divine Service.
[Day Book] Account to Mr Lutterell. Examination, Conviction and Commitment of
Theophilus Charlton to Ludlow Gaol for Breaking your windows.
[Day Book] Indentures of Apprenticeship Edward Halton, a poor child of Ludlow, to
Thomas Morris, Tailor. 7/6
Two Magistrates signing Parish Book, registering same 2/-
[Surveyors Book] Mr Shepherd to ascertain what will be the sixpence of building a Wall
from Ludford Bridge towards Thompsons Mill on the River side for the space of 100
yards in length as the same belongs to the corporation.
Proposal to raise the wall of the New Bridge in order to make it less dangerous.
Ordered that Mr Richard Cook be appointed Serjeant at Mace.
[Day Book] Information and Warrant against James Powell of Ludlow, Labourer, for
stealing a Large Cheese out of the Bull back kitchen, the property of Mr Jones of
Shrewsbury, Cheese factor.
[Surveyors Book] £20 allowed to Mr Walker towards cost of a Cider Mill. Never to be
removed or any more allowed for it.
Lord Clive withdrew his name as a Candidate for the office of High Bailiff in deference
to doubts in the Chamber as to his legal eligibility. The next in rotation, Mr Rogers,
declined the office so Richard Nicholas Sankey was elected and Humphrey Smith,
having stated that he was a resident, was chosen Low Bailiff.
Ordered that Supervisors consider as to cutting a new road to facilitate the drawing of
Stone from the Cockshoot Quarry to the present and new Turnpike Road.
Resolved that the County Surveyor be requested to survey and report upon the best
means of remedying the inconvenience of the approach into this Town near Ludford
Bridge whether by erecting a New Bridge or altering the existing one. That the Plans
and Reports in Possession of the Corporation be referred to the County Surveyor.
That the County Surveyor be desired to examine and report by what means and at
what cost a Sewer may be provided for the District as designated in a {Petition
presented this day by Mr Whittall.
That the County Surveyor be desired to examine and report upon the state of the Town
Hall and what means are necessary for making it secure.
Bailiffs thanked for their services and the £100 allowance be given to each.
Then Mr John Williams was elected Under-master of the Free Grammar School in the
place of his late Father by a majority of twelve to five, five of the members present
declining to vote.
Then it was ordered that Mr Hinde be directed forthwith to furnish the Bailiffs with a
Statement of the Boys on the Foundation within the last ten years and likewise of the
Longfordian Scholars which ought to have been done before and that his salary be still
suspended till he does.
[Surveyors Book] That Lucy Collier be paid 1/- a week for taking care of Ann Williams,
an inmate of the Almshouse, she being so weak and feeble as to require attendance.
That the case respecting the residence of the Bailiffs (in the town) be submitted to Mr
Lee with a Fee of Five Guineas.
[Surveyors Book] Ordered that the Reverend R Meyricke, Mr J. Thomas and Mr
Sankey be added to Mr Acton as the Trustees of the late Mr J Knight’s Legacy.
[Surveyors Book] Probable cost to be ascertained of enlarging the Pipes so as to
supply the Inhabitants of the Bullring, Corve Street and Old Street with a sufficient
quantity of River Water, what quantity of new piping will be wanting etc.
That the pipes lately put on the main for supplying the Poor House with water be
removed etc, etc.
[Day Book] Account Mr Matthews, Corve Street. Information of his servant against the
Driver of Mr Thomas Woods cart of Ludlow for riding on the cart in Ludlow. Summons
and Copy 3/-.
That this Corporation Petition the House of Lords to be hears by Council against the
deprivation of the existing Bodies of their vested rights and the other objectionable
clauses in the Municipal Bill and that Mr Sankey, Mr Russell, Mr Acton, Dr Lewis, Mr
Garrett, Dr Lloyd and Mr Baxter be a Committee to draw up a Petition and affix the
Corporation Seal to the same and that £20 be subscribed from the Funds of the
Corporation to the Committee of Delegates sitting in London.
[Day Book] Ludlow Election. Attending the election these days Lord Clive and Edmund
Lechmere Charlton returned.
Ingrossing Return and duplicate to be signed by Sheriff
Paid Stamps and Parchment £3.17.0
[Surveyors Book] Mrs Jones, the Washerwoman, to have the Bread which Mrs Roberts
has lately received.
[Day Book] Attending Mr Felton, Printer, receiving his notice to keep a Printing Press
etc, making copy for Secretary of State and Drawing Certificate and Copy to keep and
examining same,. Felton paid 1/-.
[Surveyors Book] Ordered that the Dwelling House and Farm Buildings on the Foal
Gate Farm be put in Tenantable Repair.
Ordered that Mr Shepherd put the roadway under the B road Gate in good repair.
A Claim by Mr Meyrick on behalf of Ludlow Charity School to certain Funds referred to
a Committee to report at next meeting.
Resolved that Mr Hinde’s claim for a sum expended in taking down a Wall at the
School be referred to the Supervisors.
That Mr Rees’ Petition to be paid arrears of Salary as Organist be taken into
Committee appointed for the purpose of enquiring into he cause and nature of the
Riots which took place at Ludford in the Spring and the reason why no Proceedings
were taken against the Rioters and report to the next meeting.
[Surveyors Book] Support of Quarter Sessions re: immediate repairs of Ludford Bridge
for the safety of the public.
The 38th section Cap 76 of the 5th and 6th William IV having been read.
It was Resolved to proceed with the current business.
The Committee appointed to consider the petition on behalf of the blue Coat Charity
School reported.
Arrears on monies due from the Corporation were £733.10.0 from which is to be
deducted £600.13.0 for the purchase and fitting up of the School house and £19.0.10
to Mr Baxter for the Law Expenses thereon, leaving a balance due to the School of
£113.16.2 in addition to the bond for £100 given by the Corporation in 1716. Resolved
that £4.10.0 (the year’s interest) be paid and a bond given to the Trustees for the
remaining £209.6.2
The Treasurer to pay Mr Rees, Organist, 2½ years arrears of Salary.
The Committee appointed to enquire into the riots at Ludford reported:‘that they had met and instituted the necessary enquiries and they were of Opinion that
no sufficient reasons were assigned for not proceeding against the Rioters.’
Resolved that £500 be paid to Mr Charlton to alter the Charlton Arms according to the
Plan produced by Mr Atkins, if he will give his consent to the Alteration. Mr Charlton
said he had no objection to the Alteration of the Charlton Arms on receiving £50 to alter
the present road to the stables.
Ordered that 2 additional Lamps be placed at Ludford Bridge and 2 at Corve Bridge for
the protection of the public and that the Expense be defrayed out of the Corporate
Mr Hinde’s claim to a Sum expended by him in rebuilding a Wall, not included in the
Estimate for repairing the House, was allowed.
Upon reading Clause 71 Cap 76 of the 5th and 6th William IV. It was resolved that the
Town Clerk be desired to prepare of Case containing a succinct detail of the
Corporation Property, and append to the same such Queries as may enable the
Corporation to ascertain for their guidance how they may without the least delay after
the 26th December place into the hands of those Gentlemen who are to be their
successors the Property at present in their possession and fulfil the intentions of the
Legislature as embodied in the Act of 5th and 6th William IV Cap 76. That the Case be
submitted to Mr Sergeant Mereweather with a request that he will favour the
Corporation by giving his consideration to the same at this earliest convenience.
Ordered that all arrears due to the Corporation shall be exclusively applied in
discharge of such Debts or Expenses of any kind as have been ordered by the
Corporation on and since the 28th October last.
Resolved that an open Committee for the purpose of considering Mr Serjeant
Merewether’s Opinion and the effect if it meet at Mr Williams’ and that the first meeting
be held at 12 o’clock on Saturday next.
That the Mill bought by Mr Sankey for the Corporation be resold by him as soon as he
can effect a sale of the same.
Ordered that Mr White’s Bill for painting the Guildhall be paid by the Charity Trustees
out of the Rents of the Charity Estates.
Ordered that the Town Clerk prepare a List of the Debts owing by the Corporation.
That the Watchman (Wilkes) have a gratuity of Two Pounds and that the same sum be
paid to the Widow Partridge and also the Gittens the Watchman and Rawlings.
*Manuscripts among paper referring (partly) to the Charlton family, Ludford, withdrawn
from sale of H. Weymans effects by Messrs Weyman, Estyn Jones & Co. Nothing to
indicate who drafted it or its possible application. Date shortly before 1835 Act:*We complain of the Close Elections, of self Election of their Body and the Election for
Also of the non residence of Corporation Burgesses etc.
That Sergeants at Mace are not elected annually.
Of £300 being spent by the Corporation in the Chapel Cause and also of Breach of
That Mr E. Acton should be privately granted a long Lease of the Land belonging to St
Leonards Chapel at a mere nominal rent instead of [it] being offered to public
Of the pocketing of £400 a year by the Bailiffs for 18 years gone by.
Of £100 a year being given to the Bailiffs for the time being for services.
That a stranger and agent of Mr Charlton should be appointed Town Renter, he not
being a Burgess etc.
That the County Magistrates should be allowed to interfere with affairs in the Borough
on Court Days, contrary to the Charter.
That the Magistrates hold their Courts in private and that the Inhabitants have been
excluded until very recently.
That hitherto all vacant offices have been filled up by the Corporation for political
That the Corporation did allow one of their Body to take away from them a garden
appertaining to the late workhouse, after having set the same to the Parish for 6d a
year Rent.
That the Corporation did not carry a Sewer down High Street when petitioned by the
Inhabitants, pleading inadequacy of their Funds, but at the same time gave £50 for a
Horse Race in the Parish of Bromfield.
That the Meadows left of Halton Lane do belong to the Town generally and not to the
Corporation, as given by a grant of the Abbot of Gloucester which see.
Of the non residence of Recorder, never attending our Courts and not qualified, he
being required to be a Barrister, by the Charter.
We complain of various sums of money being given away in Bellringing and other
rejoicings in Compliment to a particular Family.
Also of 3 or 4 daily newspaper being paid for out of the Corporation funds with the
additional expense of Coals and Candles, amounting to not less than £40 per year.
Of the denial of the Market Hall to the Inhabitants by the Corporation and the
immediate grant of it and other public building to any stranger or exhibition that my
come here.
Complain of the drunken scenes and riot that take place here at Quarter Sessions
Dinners between the Town Clerk, body corporate etc.
We complain of the abuse of Lane’s Charity which amounts to about 16/11 per week to
be given to thirteen poor Widows every Lords Day but there are only 13 loaves given at
8d each which is a deficiency of 8/3 per week or £21.9.0 per year.
We complain that Mr Charlton should be elected Low Bailiff without previously serving
the office of High Constable which is contrary to the Charter.
We complain that the Corporation did allow £20 to an Elector at the last Election to
influence him to vote on their own side of Politics.
We complain that the influence and interference of one Family should guide all the acts
of the Corporation.
Also that the Corporation never renders to the Inhabitants the income and expenditure
of their body.
Of the abuses in the Blue Coat School charity etc.
Questions to be put to Town Clerk when upon Oath:What is the Salary of the Chaplain to the Corporation?
How many Corporators rent under the Corporation?
Is any Corporator behind in arrears of Rent?
What is the present Income of the Corporation?
We complain the £50 should be expended annually by the Corporation to gratify their
vanity in playing for them on their entering into Church.
From a Broadsheet ‘State of the Poll’
‘Ludlow Municipal Election.’
‘The Glorious 26th December 1835!’
In a book of Cuttings – Corporation Collection.
First Municipal Election. Dec 26th 1835
John Egginton
John Smith
James Coates
Edward Foster
Richard Wakefield
George Hooper
Thomas Hodgkiss
William Tinson
Thomas Penny
John Sawyer
Henry Meymott
Thomas Phillips
Wine Merchant
R N Sankey
Francis Massey
Henry Hodges
Henry Whittall
William Lloyd
James Baxter
George H Dansey
Richard Evans
Thomas Griffiths
Henry Harding
Richard Marston
James Baines
(late High Bailiff)
Wine Merchant
(a Corporator)
(a Corporator)
(a Corporator)
Printed by W Felton, Ludlow.
‘On the 31st December 1835 the undermentioned Gentlemen being the first Councillors
elected for the Borough of Ludlow under the Act passed in the 5th & 6th years of the
Reign of His present Majesty entituled ‘An Act for the regulation of Municipal
Corporations in England and Wales’ met and took and subscribed the Declaration
required to be taken in lieu of the Sacramental Test by the 9th of George IV and the
Oath of Allegiance etc:1. Mr James Coates
7. Mr Thomas Penny
2. Mr John Egginton
8. Mr Thomas Phillips
3. Mr Edward Foster
9. Mr John Smith
4. Mr George Hooper
10. Mr John Sawyer
5. Mr Thomas Hodgkiss
11. Mr William Tinson
6. Mr Henry Meymott
12. Mr Richard Wakefield
The following elected Aldermen:1. John Hutchings
Gentleman Broad Street
2. William Edwards
King Street
3. William Harding
King Street
4. John Smith
Ironmonger Corve Street
James Coates, Chairman.
William Edwards elected mayor.
Thomas Pritchard, Corve Street, elected Treasurer.
William Downes, Solicitor, elected Town Clerk.
Resolved that at all meetings of the Council the presence of the Town Clerk be
dispensed with except when he is request to attend.
Letter for Town Clerk to be sent to tradesmen employed by the Old Corporation ‘You
are requested by the Council not to proceed with any repairs alterations or
improvements or in any other way in which you are engaged by the directions of the
late Corporation, until the Council are assured of its propriety and immediate
William Shepperd removed from offices held by him under the Old Corporation.
Richard Jolley and Richard Cooke removed from office as Serjeants at Mace.
Late Town Clerk to deliver up all Charters, Deeds, Muniments, Record Books and
other property in his custody as Town Clerk, with the keys and possession of the
Public Buildings.
Watch Committee appointed (9) pursuant of 76th Section of the Act.
Petition for continuance of a separate Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and
for this Borough.
Nomination of Alderman John Hutchings and Humphrey Smith, Gent as Justices of the
Town Clerk to apply by letter to the late Bailiffs and others who held office under the
late Corporation for the return to the Council of all property whether real or personal
remaining in their possession.
Charles Bosworth, Dyer, Lower Gaolford, elected Serjeant at Mace.
Town Clerk to use the Council Chamber at the Market House as his office until the
Guildhall and Offices there be given up or some other arrangement come to.
William Edwards (Mayor) and Robert added to the other two names sent up as fit and
proper persons to be appointed Justices of the Peace.
Committee appointed to demand of the late Corporators and their officers possession
of all Books, Papers etc and all monies and property whatsoever. To take such
measures as may be needed.
Town Clerk was directed to order a Rope to be given out on Shrove Tuesday
according to annual custom.
David Davies of Upper Gaolford appointed Street Keeper ‘to inspect and repair the
Public Streets or Thoroughfares as far as the Carriageway extends. That his salary be
12/- per week, to find his own wheelbarrows and Tools and to be subject to the orders
and directions of the following Persons who are hereby appointed a Street Committee.
(The Mayor, one Alderman, 3 Councillors.)
Than any burgess be admitted at all future meetings of the Council upon a written
order of one of the Council no one of the Council to admit more than two Burgesses at
each meeting.
Mr Hooper proposed an amendment. That for the present on Stranger whatever be
Amendment carried on a Division.
That Robes be ordered for the use of the Council, to be paid for out of the Corporate
Fund and to be Corporate Property.
Amendment: that Robes be dispensed with – negatived.
Amendment: That the question of Robes be postponed to some future meeting.
Carried without a division.
Plans and estimates for setting up three cells, part of the Gaol for the use of the Police
to lodge offenders in, were inspected. Watch Committee to select one of them and
carry out the work.
Treasurer to apply to tenants of ‘Bailiffs Lands’ for payment of rent and arrears due.
Streets Committee to take over the management letting and regulating of the Water
Finance Committee appointed to enquire into the actual state of the Corporate Funds,
the Annual Expenditure of the late Body Corporate, the Salaries and Functions of their
Officers and to regulate the expenditure of the Council.
Appeal to Messrs Wharton and Ford for further time for payment of the judgement due
to them (St Leonards Church Case?)
Then an application from Mr Samuel Acton to be allowed to take away the Prayer Book
in the Church, paid for by him and marked ‘Ludlow Corporation’ was discussed and it
was resolved to inform him that the Council considered the Book Corporation Property
and that they would not be justified in giving it up.
[Day Book] Making out Inventory of Books and papers to be delivered to Mr Downes –
and before all taken away Mr Downes and Mr Davies his Clerk, Mayricke and
Bosworth took off the table with drawers by force.
[Day Book] Attending when outer Door locked – could not get in – and Staples and
Padlocks put on the outside and the inside Lock had been taken off which must have
been done by obtaining the key from Mr Edwards the Mayor, W.S. (J Williams Clerk)
having the other key in his possession. Delivered the keys of upper offices to Mr
Morris who delivered same to Mr Pyefinch to keep possession on behalf of the
Mr Humphrey Salwey appointed Clerk of the Peace.
Mr William Downes appointed Borough Coroner.
Claim by Richard Jolly, £282.9.11 for loss of office as Sergeant at Mace deferred.
Writ of Mandamus in Kings Bench for recovery of Books, Leases and other property
dismissed with costs (Several minutes referring to this question.)
Reported that a Grant of Quarter Sessions had been granted to the Borough and a
Recorder appointed.
That the Town Clerk do order proper Robes for himself, the Mayor and four Aldermen
and that they be ready for waiting on the Judges next month and to be paid for out of
the Borough Fund and be Corporate Property.
Ordered that the Town Clerk defend the Action of Trespass brought against him by Mr
George Morris and also the Action of Trover brought by the same Individual against his
Worship the Mayor with reference to retaining possession of the Guild Hall.
Richard Jolley’s claim for loss of Office as Serjeant at Mace rejected. Wage to be paid
up to time of discharge. Richard Cook’s claim – of the same nature – rejected. Claim
of William Shepherd for Loss of Office as Surveyor and Steward’s wholly rejected.
That the following names be submitted to the Master of the Court of Chancery as fit
and proper persons to be appointed Charity Trustees pursuant to the petition
presented by the Council, viz:
John Romilly Esq, Recorder and Borough Magistrate.
William Edwards Esq, Mayor, Alderman and Borough Magistrate.
John Hutchings Esq, Alderman and Borough Magistrate.
Mr John Smith, Gentleman, Councillor
Mr William Tinson, Schoolmaster, Councillor
Mr George Hooper, Surgeon, Councillor
Mr John Sawyer, Wine Merchant, Councillor
(See also 22.9.1836)
Resolved that the reply to the request of the Poor Law Guardians for the purchase of a
piece of land deferred to the next meeting.
Council prepared to Lease of Exchange with the Ludlow Union the piece of land
solicited by are not disposed to sell.
Names added to list of Councillors (see 27.8.1836):
Mr William Felton, Printer
Mr William Jennings, Glover
Mr Humphrey Salwey, Gentleman
Town Clerk to take the opinion of Serjeant Talfourd as to the right of the Council to
take proceedings by distress against the Tenants of the Guild Estate for the Rents now
due (15.10.1836 considered necessary.)
Town Clerk directed to take proceedings against Mr George Morris for the Recovery of
the Possession of the Upper Rooms in the Guildhall.
Town Clerk to communicate to the Poor Law Guardians that the Council are Willing to
exchange two acres and 34 perches of Land part of a piece of land near Sandpits
Turnpike under Lease to late Mary Valentine and now occupied by Richard Price
Butcher for two Acres and 34 perches of Land called the Garden piece in the Friars
late belonging to Gilly Pritchett Esq., the land of the Council to be staked out by the
Council or some one on their behalf. The Guardians to bear all expenses of every
Then a discussion took place on the Exchange which had taken place by the late
Corporators with Mr Lechmere Charlton by Deeds dated 10th December 1835, which
were inspected, when it appeared that the lands received from Mr Charlton were in
quantity 41 Acres, 3 rood and 7 perch and were lands held by him as Trustee of Lanes
Charity and that the lands given by the Corporation were in Richards Castle parish
38 Acres, 0 rood and 32 perch and in Ludford 41 Acres, 0 rood and 17 perch (total 79
Acres, 1 rood and 9 perch) and which were conveyed to Mr Charlton his Heirs and
assigns absolutely and not subject to any Charitable Trust.
Then it was resolved to question the legality of this Exchange and to obtain a valuation
of the lands respectively given in Exchange also to obtain Councils opinion thereon.
A proposition from the County’s Justices that the average expense of Prisoners
committed by the Borough Justices to the County Gaol or House of Correction be
taken at the sum of 8d per Head, was agreed to.
Letter from Messrs Wharton and Ford. They had issued a writ of Sci.fa. to compel
payment on Judgement.
Finance Committee to pay interest due and costs.
That a memorial under the Corporate Seal be prepared and forwarded to the Lord High
Chancellor in favour of the Reverend Arthur Owen Johnes of Christ’s College
Cambridge as a fit and proper person to be appointed to the Vacant Rectorship of this
Parish (First meeting of the Council at the Guildhall.)
Town Clerk to advertise for a proper person to undertake and contract for the
management of the Water Engine, Pipes, etc as well from the Reservoir as the Spring
Water to the Conduits and to keep the whole in repair and working condition, finding
Water Bailiff and undertaking to supply every house to which the Water in now laid on.
A Bill in Chancery had been filed by Town Clerk against Mr Lechmere Charlton as to
the exchange of lands by the late Corporators. (10.3.1837)
Ordered that in consequence of the present serious indisposition of His Majesty. The
congratulatory address of the Council to the Princess Victoria on her attaining her legal
majority be deferred.
That a public notice be circulated immediately inviting the Inhabitants to attend the
Proclamation of our most Gracious Queen, at one O’Clock tomorrow at the following
places viz: Guildhall, Market Hall, Butter Cross, Bull Ring, Gaolford and Corve Street.
The Town Clerk reported that he ad given notice of Trial in the action Doe Dem. The
Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses against Morris for overholding Possession of the
Guildhall and tat Town Clerk was directed to proceed to Trial.
Alterations and Improvements in the Gaol, suggested by Dr Blisset Hawkins
Town Clerk to enquire whether the County Magistrates would be disposed to join the
Council either in defraying the Expenses of Enlarging the Borough Gaol or in erecting a
District County Gaol, so as to make the Gaol available for the detention of Prisoners
committed by the County magistrates for offences in this neighbourhood in order that
such Prisoners might be tried at the Borough Sessions Pursuant to the provisions of
the Act 6th and 7th William IV, Cap 105, whereby a considerable saving of Expense
would be effected to the County Rates.
Diet for Prisoners (parts given) substitutes for the present allowance of 6d per day.
That William Davies the Gaoler be no longer Superintendent of the Police. That he be
exclusively Gaoler on recommendation of the Inspector of Prisons.
That a sufficient number of Bibles and Prayer Books be furnished for the use of the
Resident Surgeons and Apothecaries to tender to attend Prisoners in the Borough
Gaol and find Medicine etc at a stipulated Salary.
That an Address of Congratulation to Her Majesty the Queen be prepared and
forwarded to Lieutenant Colonel Salwey, MP, for presentation to Her Majesty.
That John Romilly Esq, Recorder of the Borough be paid by the Treasurer One
hundred pounds being one year’s Salary already over due.
Then the 35th section of the Act 1 Victoria C78, relative to the Petitioning Her Majesty
for a Grant of an Extension of the Jurisdiction of the Borough Court of Record in this
Town, was read and considered and it was ordered that the Town clerk do take such
steps as he may deem necessary on behalf of the Council for obtaining the
concurrence of the Quarter Sessions of Shropshire and Herefordshire to join in the
necessary Petition to Her Majesty for such an extension and in the meantime to
ascertain what Parishes it would be advisable to include in the Jurisdiction.
Fixing of Fees at Inquests pursuant of Act 1 Victoria C68 (Fees given in Schedule.)
That an application of Mr Humphry Salwey, Clerk of the Peace that it be ascertained
whether the Room occupied by Mr John Robinson, part of the Guild Hall, could not be
converted and made available for an Office for the Clerk of the Peace and other Public
Ordered that Richard Bird, Tenant of Premises near Corve Bridge, under the Council
have notice to quit at Lady Day next and that it be let to no Tenant who shall hereafter
use it as a Beer Shop, the Council disapproving of the opening of Beer Shops in the
Town as long as there are so many licensed public Houses.
A code of Bye Laws to be prepared.
Lands and other property falling to the Council at Candlemas or Lady Day next be let
by Public Competition.
Matthew Stead to complete his plans for alteration of the Gaol; to be sent to the
Secretary of State together with a plan for a new Station House.
Ordered that Thomas Pugh be continued Tenant of Premises at Rocks Green provided
he will discontinue his Beer Shop License.
Arrangement with Mr Lechmere Charlton hereby he agrees to cancel the Exchange of
Lands at Overton and Fold Gate made with the late Corporators.
Messrs Wharton & Ford requested to wait till Lady Day next for payment of their debt.
*Meetings from this date till (?) held in the Council Chambers at the Market Hall.
Repairs to the Roof of the School house and the Lower School room be carried out,
paid for by the Corporation, the amount to be refunded by the Charity Trustees as soon
as they are appointed and have the means to do so.
That an additional Alderman’s Robe be Ordered there being at present only three
Aldermen’s Gowns.
That Mr Matthew Stead prepare plans for the Erection of a Gallery and office or Offices
in the Guild Hall and give an estimate of the same.
Weighing machine in Gaolford to be inspected and its condition reported.
Names of Revered A Owen Johnes, Rector and Thomas Amies, Innkeeper,
recommended for vacancies in the List of Charity Trustees.
Market Hall and Guild hall to be insured in the County Fire Office against Fire, loss or
damage in the sum of £500. Furniture in the Market Hall £50 and Printed Books and
Furniture in the Guild Hall £100.
Minutes relate to cause Attorney General versus Ludlow Town Council. Town Council
restrained from receipt of Rents of the Estates of Edward the VI.
Meeting postponed. A meeting of the Charity Trustees being held same day and time.
Deeds of Lands at Overton and Foldgate delivered up by Mr Charlton and cancelled by
the Council.
Resolved that the Building recently occupied as a Hop Warehouse be converted into
offices for the use of the Clerk of the Peace and that Mr Matthew Stead be employed
to report to the Council the best means of carrying the same into effect.
Mr Matthew Stead’s Plan for the Offices for the Clerk of the Peace was inspected and
approved of.
Effort of Mr Charlton to compel the Council to acknowledge Ludford as within the
Borough of Ludlow.
The Mayor to obtain an estimate of the costs of making the Alterations of the Jury
Boxes in Guildhall suggested by the Recorder on the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury.
That a Petition to the House of Commons and also the House of Lords praying for a
reduction of the rate of Postage and in favour of a uniform rate of Postage was ordered
to be prepared……
That the Jury Boxes in Guildhall be enlarged and such other Improvements made in
the Hall as suggested and required by the Recorder.
Renewal of premises in Merry Vale granted to Richard Wakefield.
That the Servants of the Corporation, Twelve in number, be entertained on the day of
Her Majesty’s Coronation with a dinner and Ale and that a Donation of Three Guineas
be given to the Ringers for the labour on that day for the enjoyment of the Public.
A resolution that a sum of £10 from the Borough Fund be given to a subscription now
being raised for entertaining the Poor on the day of Her Majesty’s Coronation instead
of an Illumination. The resolution negatived on a division by Six to three.
Draft of the new Bye Laws submitted.
Charity Trustees require an account of all monies received and paid by the Corporation
in respect of the whole Corporation estates (Except Bailiffs Lands) since December
1835. Decided not to comply, the Council being of the opinion that the Trustees were
only entitled by virtue of the late Order of the Vice Chancellor to a statement showing
the Rental and the present Arrears.
Minutes re Charity Cause.
Ordered that the room in the Market Hall at the top of the Stair Case be appropriated to
the use of Mr Prichard, Treasurer of the Council.
Lease of premises in Drapers Row.
Salary of Town Clerk to be £100 per annum from the time of his election, January 1st
1836. (List of duties given.)
Application from the Board of Surveyors of Highways within the Borough for a
contribution towards cost of Highways for the ensuing year. Refused; Council consider
the Fund should be raised by a Highway rate and no part out of the Borough Fund.
Resolved that the arrears of Salary due to Mr Adam Ree when the New Town Council
was first elected, amounting to £75, be recognised by the Council and treated as other
debts of the late Corporation.
Resolved that the Council cannot recognise Mr Rees claim of £30 a year since the
Election of the Council, considering they have no power to make such a payment out
of the Borough Fund according to the provisions of the Municipal Act.
Late Town Clerk (John Williams) attended and made a sworn statement re his claim for
loss of office. Claims the sum of £2115 in gross, ‘which is about equal to an Annuity of
£155 a year for my life taking my age at 49 and which was my age when I was
removed from office. The total annual average of my profits for the five years set forth
in the statement amounts to £232-14-2 and two thirds of this sum is £155-2-8.’
Resolved that such claim be rejected and in lieu thereof that the Town Clerk on behalf
of the Council do offer to Mr Williams an annuity for his life of £77-11-4 to commence
from the date of his removal.
[The minute book 1838 -1872 is large and very heavy. Thick back-boards, leather
covered. The back hinge is broken but the book is in good condition.
I found this book, with other papers, at Mr Hennessy Cook’s house 1941]
Present: John Smith, Mayor.
Aldermen: John Hutchings, William Harding, John Smith.
Councillors: Thomas Hotchiss, William Tinson, John Sawyer, Richard Wakefield,
Thomas Penny, Thomas Phillips, William Herbert, Edward Foster, Edward Coates,
John Egginton.
Election of Mayor, William Harding and two Aldermen ‘pursuant to the Act as fixed by
the Council on the 31st December 1835.’
Then an application form Mr Samuel Oliver for leave to attend and report the
proceeding was deferred till next meeting.
Resolved that a reported to the Public Press be admitted to the future meetings of the
6 members of a Finance and Watch Committee.
5 members of a Water Works Committee.
Old Street Mill let for 14 year lease. Rent £35 a year.
Salary of future Recorder to be £50 per annum.
Repairs and alterations of Castle Walk to be carried out.
Application of the Lords of the Treasury for £21, charges of revising the Municipal list
of Burgesses in 1835
Thomas Winwood, permission to break up a piece of ground 4 acres 0 roods 32
perches, near the Gas House for a Nursery Ground.
Agreed with the Charity Trustees that £850 be secured to the latter out of the Edward
VI lands as a basis for settling the suit Attorney General versus the Council of Ludlow
and others.
Leaseholders to be enfranchised.
Guardians took over lands for new Workhouse Ladyday 1837.
Ordered that the sum of Nine Shillings and four pence per annum for Three years
claimed to be payable for the use of the Poor in Ludford Almshouse on Account of
Ludford Bridge (a Customary payment) be paid by the Treasurer.
Petition to House of Lords ‘in favour of uniform penny rate of postage’.
Memorial from John Williams, late Town Clerk, for compensation for loss of office.
Application from John Sawyer to make a water course from the Mill Stream at bottom
of Mill Street to work a Cider press.
The Royal Arms now over the fireplace in the Council Chamber, be placed over the
Seat of Justice at the Guildhall.
Opinion of Council to be obtained whether the Council are liable for the repairs to
streets from the Borough Fund.
Improvements to waterworks and laying down a new main of Pipes through the Town.
Cost about £300.
Permission given to open a quarry in Lords Orchard near New Bridge.
£200 to be borrowed for lay8ing new Main Pipes.
Petition to the House of Commons against consolidating the County and Borough
Petition from Inhabitants of Lower Broad Street on the dangerous state of the places
supplying water to the poorer classes there. Petition to stand over.
Butter Cross to be repaired and painted. Leave granted to the Proprietors of the
proposed New Gas Works to fit up at their expense the Clock there for the purpose of
being lighted with Gas on the understanding that the Council do pay for the light
annually when the clock shall be so fitted up.
Addresses to Her Majesty and Prince Consort on their providential escape from an
atrocious attempt on their lives.
£500 to be borrowed for constructing a new water cistern at the Market Hall and laying
down new pipes for better supply of water.
Letter of Resignation: Dr H F Meymott
26th May 1840
Dear Sir,
I beg to inform you that it is not my intention any longer to attend the Meetings of
the Town Council.
My reasons for taking this step are on religious grounds entirely and consequently
out of no respect to the Council.
I consider that as a Christian I am out of place in exercising any worldly authority or
I remain, Dear Sir,
Yours, H F Meymott.
The Watch Committee authorised to provide suitable and necessary clothing for the
Nomination of new Rector to be forwarded to the Lord Chancellor.
Application of Mr Humphrey Salwey, Clerk of the Peace, requiring that a room be
immediately provided for him was referred to the Finance Committee.
Samuel Oliver appointed as Water rate collector and have general management of the
repairs and cleansing of the streets. Salary £25 per annum.
List of Bills ordered to be paid.
Tender for converting the Hop Market Warehouse at Guildhall into offices.
The rooms in the market Hall to be fitted up with Gas.
Memorial to Lords Commissioners for leave to sell part of the estate of Edward the
Fourth ‘commonly called Bailiffs Lands’ to discharge debts of the late Corporation and
which now affected the said Estate.
The sum of £35 having been raised by subscription from the owners of houses towards
the cost of constructing a Main Sewer in High Street, the Corporation to pay any
additional cost and the sewer made.
A new pump to be placed at the bottom of Corve Street. Old pump decayed. Cost not
to exceed £10.
Application from the Committee of the Mechanics Institute for use of a room. The room
at the East end of the Market Hall granted.
The opening of the Literary Association and Mechanics Institute of Ludlow took place
Monday 25th October 1841.
Sir W E Rouse Boughton, Bart. President.
George Cocking and James Heaton, Honorary Secretaries.
Speeches at opening printed in pamphlet, published and printed by R Jones, Broad
Street, Ludlow.
Then a Memorial from the Borough Magistrates requesting that the Lower Rooms now
lately constructed on the ground floor of the Guildhall be appropriated for the Police
Offices of the Borough for conducting the Magisterial business of the Borough in lieu of
the Rooms upstairs at Guildhall now used by the Town Clerk and that the Upper
Rooms be devoted to the use of the Clerk of the Peace in lieu of the Lower Rooms
ordered at a previous meeting, was read and considered. And it was ordered pursuant
to the 100th section of the Municipal Corporation Act that such lower rooms be from
henceforth set apart and appropriated as the Police Offices of the Borough and that the
Upper Room be given up to the Clerk of the Peace.
Communication from the Church Wardens of the Parish of St Lawrence. Highly
desirable that the management of the Parish Fire Engines should be so arranged as to
be in connection with the Borough Police and have their assistance in proving the
several fire plugs, engines and hoses once every quarter. The Parish to continue to
defray the expense of repairing the Engines and also to pay the salary of Five Pounds
to the Engineer to be appointed by the Council as heretofore. That the Council agree
to the offer and suggestions.
Thomas Cooks tender of £21 to act as Turncock or Water Bailiff of the Ludlow Water
Works, to keep the Engine in repair and find all materials (except timber) for one year,
Thomas Cook appointed Engineer of the Parish Fire Engines for one year. Salary £5
to be paid by Churchwardens.
Richard Crew appointed Market Hall Keeper at 1/- a week.
Then an account of the sums paid by the Council for Criminal prosecutions carried on
in the Borough form 1st January 1836 to 31st December 1841 and also an account of
the expenses of conveying convicts to the Hulks during the same period was
Then a bond for payment of the Arrears of Six years Compensation (for loss of office)
to John Williams, late Town Clerk, due January 1st 1842 amounting to £832-18-0 with
interest and for securing the future payment of the Annuity of £138-16-4 was read and
Richard Hammond, Street Keeper, appointed Clerk of the Markets with an addition of
1/- per week to his present Salary.
Petition form Inhabitants that the Bathing place at the bottom of Mill Street be reopened ‘the same having been some time since stopped up.’
An advertisement to be put out for Tenders to be sent in by persons desirous of
cleansing the Streets for the ensuing year.
Tenders invited from persons desirous of contracting with the Council for keeping in
repair the River and Spring Water Pipes throughout the Town including the Spring
Water Cisterns in Gaolford Bull Ring and Corve Street for one year next ensuing.
(Francis Bright’s tender of £52 accepted.)
Reported that the Spring Water Cisterns at the Market Hall and Butter Cross were
much out of repair. It was ordered that the Streets Committee do immediately put the
same in good repair as they may think most beneficial to the Town.
New water cistern to be erected at the Market Hall, to be built of Brick.
Mr Downes, the late Town Clerk, to continue as Solicitor to the Corporation in the suits
in which he has been engaged.
The Mechanics Institute presented the thanks of the Members to the Council for the
accommodation afforded them in the lower rooms of the Market Hall.
Town Clerk to write Mr Humphrey Salwey informing him the Council do not feel
justified in supplying the Clerk of the Peace’s Office with Coals and Candles.
Mr Downes to return the Common Seal and all papers in his custody as Town Clerk; in
case of refusal, legal means to be used for their recovery.
That leave be given for a Sunday School to assemble in the room at the East end of
the Market Hall on the application of Mr Meyricke their Treasurer and Secretary.
Miss Winwood to be allowed to get Gravel to use of exchange for manure, Stone etc
for the improvement of her garden and nursery.
Treasurer to dispose of the Water cart for what he can get for it. Contract for cleansing
streets £40.
Of opinion that the two rooms now occupied by the Clerk of the Peace in Guildhall are
not necessary to enable him to discharge the duties of that office. The next meeting to
consider these or some other rooms being used by the Town Clerk.
That Mr Williams, Town Clerk, be solicitor to the Corporation in place of Mr Downes in
all suits now pending.
The Treasurer to procure a box in which to deposit the Corporation plate.
Coroner 5 votes for Mr J Williams Junior, 3 for Mr Weyman. Mr Williams appointed.
Mr Matthew Stead in rebuilding his Leasehold houses in High Street allowed so much
on the North side as he would give to the public on the South provided he did not
exceed 18 inches on the North side. He was also allowed to excavate on the South
side as far as the curbstone of the flagged footway there but no further. Firm brick
arches to be turned to support the footway.
The Town Clerk to restrain Mr Hutchings the Stage Coach Proprietor from cleaning the
horses belonging to his coach, in the highway in Linney.
That the new beam over the Water Wheel reported to be necessary and other repairs
at the Engine house be done.
Then Mr Alderman Anderson moved ‘That the Town Clerk be directed to submit a
Case for the Opinion of Council whether the Town Council have the power to remove
the Reverend Arthur Willis from the Offices of Master of the Grammar School and also
of Preacher or either and which of those appointments, and that the Town Clerk do
afterwards report such opinion to the Town Council at a Special Meeting to be called
for that purpose.
The projectors of the Railway form Worcester via Tenbury to Ludlow served Town
Clerk with notice of their intention to apply to Parliament for an Act. Consent given.
Printed copy of the agreement in the suit Attorney General versus Ludlow corporation
agreed to and sealed. Moved Alderman Edwards, Seconded Alderman Anderson.
The Claim of Mr Ree, the organist of Ludlow (£75) was submitted. Town Clerk to
insert it in the Schedule of Debts appended to the Act.
Council considered means of raising money directed by the Act lately obtained.
Captain George Wellings appointed Chief Constable of the Borough for the ensuing
That the Council oppose any Scheme which goes to place the Management of the
School or the Charities in the hands of other than the Inhabitants of the Town.
Permission of the Treasury to be sought for the sale of Lands in Schedule A to raise
money which under the Act (Charities) must be paid at Lady Day next.
Council to oppose an application to the Master (of the Rolls) by Mr Willis for ten
governors of the Grammar School, one of whom were resident in Ludlow.
Arrangements for land sales. 1st at the Bull, 2nd Elephant & Castle, 3rd Feather. £7 to
be spent in refreshments at each sale. Sales on 6th, 7th & 8th January next. 31 lots.
Lots unsold to be offered on January 28th at the Angel.
The five lots still unsold to be offered at the Market Hall on ‘Friday week.’
* The minutes from 1837 to 1846 contain the resolutions of the Council re the Suit
Attorney General versus Ludlow Corporation. Those after this date are for some years
concerned with the arrangements made to meet the heavy costs of this suit. They are
of extraordinary interest but too involved to take extracts therefrom.
First records of Deeds of Enfranchisement to Leaseholder and Conveyances on Lands
and property sold.
Notice given to Edwards & Co to quit the land they occupy with their gas works at Lady
Day next provided that appears to be the end of their holding.
Petition of Mr Stead to make a Stone Yard on the side of the Castle Walk was
presented and rejected.
A committee appointed to investigate to Question between the Council and the Old
Gas Co.
New Bye Laws read and adopted (100 copies to be printed)
Messrs Edwards Buffery and Lockett to be charged the Rent of £16 per annum from
the expiration of the lease with Mr Powell.
That the drains and gutters in the in the Borough be repaired and Stench traps put
where necessary.
James Williams Junior appointed Town Clerk in place of his father, resigned. James
Williams Junior to have no salary.
Sale of Potatoes by heaped measure abolished.
Surveyor appointed to meet the Surveyor for the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway
Company to agree on the sum to be paid to the Council for land taken and damage
The Gaoler and Matron given notice to leave. Borough Prisoners to be to be
committed to the County Prison at Salop.
In list of accounts passed for payment is ‘Cross Shrove Tuesday Rope at £2.12.0.’ This
rope pulling was a very ancient custom. It was abolished soon after this dated
Resolved that the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway Co be allowed to take the
necessary quantity of Land for a road through the field adjoining the road to Fishmore,
paying for the same after the rate of £250 per acre. (Presumably for the road under
the bridge.)
Renewable leaseholders to be cut off from persons in one month’s arrears for water
Corporation adopt the Act for Provision and regulation of Lunatic Asylum and for the
maintenance and care of Pauper Lunatics.
Offer from Birmingham Borough Asylum to take Pauper Lunatics from Ludlow at 11/per week.
Mr John French appointed receiver of the Rents of the Corporation Estates.
Memorial from two Owners in High Street for permission to direct and improve a
Channel or Gutter flowing with Street water across a portion of High Street. Allowed at
the expense of the Memorialists.
Proposed to obtain and Act to enable the Corporation to make and provide a Market
for the sale of Cattle, Horses and Pigs. Committee appointed to carry out details.
Steps to be taken to enable the Council to make arrangements with the County
Justices for keeping all prisoners committed for a longer period at the County Gaol at
Shrewsbury except such Prisoners as are committed within 14 days of the Borough
Quarter Sessions.
The Town Clerk to take the necessary steps to obtain back into the custody of the
Corporation the various records and other documents belonging to the Corporation
which were deposited in the office of the Master, Sir George Rose, in the suit of the
Attorney General against the Corporation of Ludlow.
Mr Wyley appointed Engineer to prepare plans and estimates for proposed Cattle
Accounts passed for payment ‘Mrs Cross £2.12.6 probably for Shrove Tuesday Rope.
(see 5.2.1852)
‘Health of Towns Act’ adopted.
More Corporation lands to be sold on September 14th and 15th.
Plans of Mr Wyley for Cattle Market with entrances to Corve Street and Railway
‘Common Lodging Houses Act 1851 and 1853’ adopted.
Memorial to Postmaster General to transmit the North Mail along the Shrewsbury and
Hereford Railway.
Town Clerk to ascertain on what terms the sum of £6000 can be borrowed under the
powers of the Cattle Market Act.
Town Clerk reported proposal from Joshua J Peele, solicitor to the Old Gas Company,
that they would accept £150 out of the money to be realised by Sale of the whole of the
premises and would give possession to the Council at once. Agreed to, provided the
Gas Company relieve the Council from all claims, including any claim to the Gas Pipes.
A further sale of lands to be arranged.
Town Clerk to advertise for £6000 for the Cattle Market.
Town Clerk to advertise for the sum required in sums of £500.
Memorial to be prepared to the Lords of the Treasury for permission to Mortgage the
remaining portion of lands unsold to enable the Council to pay the Scheduled debts.
Report of the Cattle Market Committee – Resolved that as the estimated expense of
the proposed Cattle Market is more than can be raised, it is desirable to ascertain
whether the expense of forming the market on the proposed site can be reduced or
any other less expensive site can be found.
Ordered that a gas lamp be placed in the Butter Cross.
That the necessary notices be given by the Town Clerk of an application to Parliament
for a General Improvement Act for the Borough.
Town’s Meeting to be convened before proceeding with Bill.
Salary of Town Clerk fixed at £50 a year.
That the 4 police and the Town Crier be supplied with a suit of clothes each.
Cattle Market Committee to carry into effect the plans proposed by Mr Cranston and
that Mr Cranston be appointed Engineer.
Long report from Mr James Cranston on repairs needed at the Market Hall and
Guildhall. Total estimated costs £589-10-0. Not to be proceeded with. Ceiling and
gutters only to be repaired.
2” iron water pipe to be laid in Mill Street in place of the 1” lead pipe. (Following
complaints of irregular water supply).
That the attention of the Directors of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway Company
be directed to the Footpath near the Railway Station and that they be called upon to
place a Foot Bridge over the line and make the footpath convenient and safe for the
use of the public.
Application to be made to the Public Works Loan Commissioners for £400 for Cattle
Market Act.
Common Seal to be affixed to a conveyance of Land to the Shrewsbury and Hereford
Railway Company.
Mr Wayn having been re-elected into the Council on the 1st November Instant and
having declined to qualify, the office was declared vacant and it was resolved that a
fresh election take place.
That Castle Street be repaved and not Macadamized.
Mr Edward Francis Clarke appointed Surveyor of Roads, Streets, etc under the control
of the Street Committee. Salary £20 per annum.
The mayor reported having applied to the Government as a trophy of the late war, for a
Russian Gun and that he had received a letter from Lord Pannure acceding to his
Council approve ‘and undertake the due care and preservation of it’.
That the space in the Castle Walk on the South side of the Entrance to the Castle be
placed at the disposal of the Subscribers to the Russian Gun as a site for the same.
A Sewer of 8” flange pipes to be put down Old Street and to put down gutters on each
side with three bricks in the bottom.
A new lease (21 years) granted to Thomas Dunne of the Terrace in front of his houses
in Broad Street (West side above gate) at the old rent of 5/-. He to make certain
(unspecified) alterations in the street and footpath in accordance with a plan submitted.
Committee appointed to superintend the arrangement of the Old Deeds and
Documents over the Butter Cross with a view to their preservation.
That a new Iron Wheel be placed at the Water Works at a cost of £40-15-0 excluding
Masons’ work.
3 Fire engines repaired and painted. 180 feet patent woven hose purchased, the 6
dozen leather buckets repaired. New Fire hooks, Axes and other necessary
implements procured.
‘Your Committee gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from some of the
Insurance offices in aid of the above work. £5 each from the ‘Sun’, ‘Phoenix Union’,
‘Salop’, ‘Shropshire & North Wales’, ‘Norwich Union & Royal Exchange’ and from the
County Fire Office the sum of £10.
Recommend the control should be taken over by the Streets and Water Committee
and that they should form an efficient Fire Brigade.
Room over the Butter Cross let to Mr J C Smith, £10 per annum.
‘Local Government Act’ adopted within the Borough.
In accounts, Cook, Superintendent of Fire Brigade. 1 Year. £5.5.0
Streets and Water Committee to consider the best means of adapting the Market Hall
to the purpose of a Corn Exchange.
That a new Slate Roof be put on the Guildhall.
That a sum not exceeding £150 be laid out on necessary repairs to the Market Hall.
‘Act for regulating measures used in the sale of Gas’ adopted.
A Committee consisting of the whole council to enquire and report as to the
expediency or otherwise of the Council immediately providing a Cattle Market for the
use of the Borough.
That the Pound in Gaolford be taken into the hands of the Town Council and that a
proper Pound Keeper be appointed. (Superintendent of Police.)
That one of the rooms now occupied by Mr Curlay be fitted up the reception of the Old
Documents to enable Mr Weight to inspect them.
That the Surveyor take the charge and superintendence of the Water Works.
That the Weighing machine and Conduit in Gaolford be removed and a shed erected
for the water cart.
That this Council consider it beneficial for this Town and neighbourhood tat the
proposed lease of the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway to the London and North
Western Railway be carried into effect. A petition to the House of Commons to this
Plans for an additional room at the Guildhall referred to a Committee.
Repairs to the Guildhall £115.0.0. New tenders to be invited ‘with reference to the
alteration as to the centre Roof’.
Tender of Mr Russell accepted £125.
That a competent plumber be employed to take the entire superintendence of the
Water Works at a salary not exceeding £15 per year and that no person be supplied
with water unless they have a Ball Tap (Mr Oakes)
The memorial of Mr Herring to erect a Golden Canister in front of his house in High
Street was referred to the General purposes Committee.
Mr E F Clarke elected Surveyor, Salary £10 per annum.
Expressions of sorrow at the atrocious murder of Abraham Lincoln.
Acknowledgement by American Minister of above resolution.
In list of accounts: ‘Tyler, weeding street in front of Guildhall – 2/6d’
J B Jones, Vetinary Surgeon appointed Inspector of Cattle under ‘The Cattle Disease
Prevention Act 1866’ to be empowered to order the Slaughter of all cattle he may find
The powers of the Council relating to the supply of Water under the present system be
transferred to the Local Board.
In list of accounts: Bowen Mr J T, 2 years Rent to Lady Day last for Room in
Churchyard used as Record Office £4.0.0
The Mayor stated he had had some correspondence with Mr Thomas Wright FSA, Vice
President of the British Archaeological Society as to holding the Annual Meeting of the
Society at Ludlow. Resolved that the Society be cordially invited to hold their meeting
at Ludlow and that the Council assist by all means within their power to make the visit
of the Society agreeable to the members. (The Mayor to convey this to the Society
through Mr W.)
That application be made to the Lords of Her Majesty’s Privy Council for permission to
hold Sales of Cattle to include Cattle brought from the Counties of Hereford and
Worcester and that the Members for the Borough be requested to assist in the
That permission be given to J Wright Esq to publish the Book of Churchwardens
Accounts, the property of the Town Council.
Letter from the Department of State, Washington forwarding a volume re:
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (see 4.5.1865).
In accounts: ‘Room in Churchyard to 30th June last £4.0.0 (see 7.6.1866).
Committee appointed to consider the necessity or otherwise of erecting a [new]
Market Hall and Corn Exchange.
Mayor to convene a public meeting to consider the propriety of the Council erecting a
Corn Exchange.
The Surveyor to report on the state of the Butter Cross. That the room over the Butter
Cross be let to the Rector from 25th March last at the yearly rent of £10.
New list of Market Tolls adopted. (Copied in Minute Book).
That the Surveyor report on the extension of the Butter Cross.
In list of accounts: ‘Grosvenor’ New Books etc at Butter Cross £10.2.3
George Brookes (Police Superintendent) appointed Inspector of Weights and
Measures. Salary £10 per annum.
Thanks of Council presented to Frederick Nash Esq for the Swans recently presented
to the Council through his exertions. It was also resolved that notices be put up near
the New Bridge requesting persons to protect the Swans and warning persons not to
molest them.
Mr Bowen 2 years rent of Record Room to Lady Day last £4.0.0
The application of a Town’s meeting that steps should be taken for the formation of a
School Board under the Elementary Education Act 1870 was rejected.
A Flag emblazoned with the arms of the Borough be provided and sent for exhibition
on the outside of the Exhibition Buildings, Albert Hall, 1871 Annual International Art
Exhibition. Choice of the Painter etc to be left to the judgment of the Mayor. £5.16.5
Mr R Tench appointed Borough Treasurer.
Mr Councillor Morris asked the meeting if they would allow Mr Frederick Nash of
Dinham to remove some curious old stones from the Cattle Market to the entrance of
the Museum, which was agreed to.
Full list given in Corporation Minute Book 1889 (checked 1889 list with that of 1849
with Town Clerk, E A Beech Oct 30th ’43). The 1889 list vies other sundry items. Lead,
Solder, Tools, etc; apparently the whole equipment of the Weights and Measures
Department was sold to the Salop County Council for £60.
Inventory of Weights and Measures Belonging to the Town Council of Ludlow:
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Ale Measure
1 Solid Brass Grain Measure
1 Solid Brass Grain Measure
1 Solid Brass Grain Measure
1 Set of Brass Weights from ½ a pound to ½ a Drachm
1 Pair of large Scales
1 Pair of Smaller, to stand.
3 Large Brands
1 Brass Yard Measure
2 Stamps for marking Weights
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 Solid Brass Weight
1 gallon
½ gallon
1 Quart
1 Pint
½ Pint
¼ Pint
½ a ¼ Pint
1 Bushell
½ Bushell
1 Peck
56 lbs
28 lbs
14 lbs
7 lbs
4 lbs
2 lbs
1 lb
The Weights and Measures are in separate Boxes and the Yard Measure in a
Mahogany case. The small weights are also in a case.
August 1849
Ambrose Grounds, Mayor.
County of Salop
15th October 1943
Dear Mr Cartlidge,
With regard to your inquiry as to the Ludlow Measures, I find that except for
four of these which were returned to the Ludlow Town Council at their request in 1922,
the remainder are still in use as the local or fiducial standards of the County, and they
are very much on the ‘active’ list. These measures are dated 1849 and were
purchased by the County Council from the Ludlow Town Council when the later ceased
to be a weights and measures authority after the passing of the Local Government Act
1888, and the powers and duties of the Town Council under the Weights and
Measures Acts were transferred to the County Council.
I understand that to replace these Local Standards at the present time
would cost anything up to £250. In view of this I should think the County Council would
be very loathe to part with them. If however, notwithstanding the above, you desire to
pursue the matter further, perhaps you will drop me a line.
Yours sincerely,
John Whitley, Deputy Clerk.