SureMath® Problem Solving Practice

AP Calculus and Statistics
College Board website includes past exams, teacher resources (links to lesson
plans, explorations, homework activities, project ideas, teaching tips, and test prep
materials), and professional development opportunities for all AP courses,
including Statistics and Calculus. There’s also a “Pre-AP” section with
information and tips for the pre-AP years. (NOTE: You must register, but it’s free
and only takes a minute.)
AP Calculus Exam Prep
Alvirne's AP Calculus Class invites you to join them in their preparation for the
AP exam. In addition to their own Problem of the Week and a Guest Problem of
the Week, these students maintain links to teacher and student calculus resources
on the Internet.
Calculus Links
“I Love Calculus” contains countless Calculus links, including Problems of the
Week from Kentridge High School.
Calculus Graphics
“Graphics for the Calculus Classroom” includes animated demonstrations of
calculus topics and activities, including: Differentials and differences, Computing
the volume of water in a tipped glass, Archimedes’ calculation of π, How the ball
bounces, Secants and tangents, Zooming in on a tangent line, and Trigonometric
Calculus Resources by Topic
This site provides links by topic to websites offering calculus practice and
Algebra Support
Purplemath contains practical algebra lessons demonstrating useful techniques
and pointing out common errors. Lessons are written with the struggling student
in mind, and stress the practicalites ... Purplemath – Your Algebra Resource. For
Purplemath on CD. for your home computer, ...
Algebra Resources
Virginia Algebra Resource Center (ARC) is a web-site designed for Algebra I
teachers and students across the Commonwealth. ARC is intended to provide easy
access to resources that address Virginia's SOL. Our emphasis is on locating and
cataloging web-based information that can be used to enrich and reinforce the
curriculum, while also helping to make algebra fun and relevant. Check out the
Weekly Highlights each week to see what's new at ARC. If you have questions
or comments please contact us, or use the Online Forum to initiate discussion
with other algebra teachers across the state.
Algebra Worksheets
Generate customized algebra worksheets.
Algebra Worksheets
Generate customized algebra worksheets.
Algebraic Expressions and Word Problems
This free website is designed to assist students in writing algebraic expressions
and solving word problems. Program can also be downloaded.
Math Rubrics
This link within CPS Instructional Intranet website contains several examples of
math scoring rubrics that have been used by schools, districts and state
departments of education throughout the country.
Math Rubrics
RubiStar is a free tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics but does not
have the time to develop them from scratch.
Non-English Math Resources
Mathematics and math education resources available online in Spanish, French,
and German. Also includes links to math resources in Italian, Portuguese, and
Japanese. (from Drexel University Math Forum website)
English-Spanish Resources
Online English-Spanish math dictionary, as well as English and Spanish math
reference tables. ( website)
ELL (English Language Learners) - General Resources and Research
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language
Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA) collects, analyzes, synthesizes and
disseminates information about language instruction educational programs for
English language learners and related programs. It is funded by the U.S.
Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement & Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students
(OELA) under Title III of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001.
(NOTE: This looks like a good website for those looking for general ELL
resources or research, but not specifically for math instruction)
Teaching Math & Science to English Language Learners (ELL)
Northwest Regional Educational Library report examines the educational needs of
language minority students and offers teachers strategies for meeting their
learning needs. The report reviews the differences between social and academic
language proficiency as well as the specialized languages of mathematics and
science. It highlights strategies that link second-language acquisition techniques
with content instruction through techniques such as integrating vocabulary and
language learning into thematic instruction, cooperative learning, inquiry,
problem solving, and assessment.
ELL Research and Teaching Tips
NCREL (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory) article titled,
“Mastering the Mosaic—Framing Impact Factors to Aid Limited-EnglishProficient Students in Mathematics and Science.” Scroll down to “Curriculum”
and “Instruction” sections for classroom implications and teaching tips.
ELL-friendly Math Curriculum
The FAST Math curriculum was developed by teachers in Fairfax County (VA)
Public Schools. It is a compacted mathematics curriculum designed for nonnative speakers of English. The curriculum contains lessons, activity sheets, and
extension activities for teaching literacy skills and mathematical concepts to
limited English proficient (LEP) students in grades 4-12 who are performing two
or more years below grade level in mathematics. The curriculum has two
components: 1) an elementary level that covers objectives for grades 1-6, and 2)
a pre-algebra level that covers objectives for grades 7 and 8. The curriculum
integrates the study of mathematics and English vocabulary and relies heavily on
hands-on and collaborative activities using mathematics manipulatives. To order
FAST Math on CD for $5, call National Clearinghouse for English Language
Acquisition (NCELA), 800-321-6223.
ESL Materials
International Book Centre carries an outstanding selection of English as a second
language books, video tapes, audio cassettes and CD's as well as a large collection
of dictionaries in many languages, including Spanish, Italian, Russian, Korean,
Japanese, Chinese, Polish, German, French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Arabic-English Mathematics Dictionary
Compiled by a committee of experts from the Ministry of Education in Jordan,
this dictionary includes mathematics, statistics, mechanics and computer
technology. All terms are fully defined and frequent use is made of illustrative
diagrams. Hardbound, 300 pages. $29.95
Brain Boosters
Brainteasers divided into several categories including lateral thinking, logic,
number & math play, reasoning, and word & letter play.
Set Game
Set is a visual perception game that involves both “right” and “left” brains. Card
or overhead transparency versions of game. Daily puzzle can be played online,
individually or by entire class if beamed onto overhead. PDF Set Game Math
workbook can be downloaded.
24 Game
The 24® game is an innovative tool that reinforces mental mathematics, problem
solving, pattern sensing, concentration and critical thinking—but kids love it
because it’s so much fun to play! Want to know how to play every edition of the
24 game? Need some information about the 24 Challenge® Math Program or
the First In Math® online math program? Looking for math assessment tools or
just the original Single Digits edition? Then you've come to the right place. We've
also got lesson plan ideas for teachers, Mathematics Club Classroom kits and
more, including For Kids Only—with a link to an interactive, internet version of
the 24 Game Mathematics Club and a "Math is Cool" attitude.
Mathematical Puzzles
Logicville is a website collection of mathematical games, puzzles, and brain
teasers, including anagrams, cryptograms, cryptarithms or alphametics, word
puzzles, logic games, doublets, tangrams, etc.
Math Games & Puzzles
"Mathematics is more than something that you learn, mathematics is something
that you do." At this site you'll find a great many puzzles , activities and games. If
you already enjoy math as a recreation you may find some new ideas to explore;
if you (used to) "hate math", be prepared to change your mind!
Crossword Puzzles
Interactive crossword puzzles for following topics: circles, integers, number
theory, percents, polygons, pre-algebra, probability, and statistics.
Paper Folding
A fun site to learn about origami, the art of paperfolding! Learn to fold, see the
origami insects and dinosaurs, learn about origami history and origami and math,
and much more! A fun site to learn about origami, the art of paperfolding! Learn
to fold, see the origami insects and dinosaurs, learn about origami history and
origami and math, and much more!
Geometry Resources
On these pages you will find activities for middle or high school geometry.
“Dave’s Short Trig Review Course”
Math-Science Exploration Activities
ExploreLearning offers a catalog of modular, interactive simulations in math and
science for teachers and students in grades 6-12. We call these simulations
Gizmos. Gizmos are fun, easy to use, and flexible enough to support many
different teaching styles and contexts. Our Gizmos are designed as supplemental
curriculum materials that support state and national curriculum standards; in
addition, Gizmos help teachers bring research-proven instructional strategies to
their classrooms. (NOTE: subscription required, but there is a 30-day free trial.)
Mathematics Lessons
Explore a wide variety of topics, including No Matter What Shape Your Fractions
are In and play online with the interactive Pattern Blocks program developed by
Jacobo Bulaevsky. Then check out the activities in the Geometry Online section
and see if you can determine why these Impossible Triangles ARE impossible...
(instant feedback is provided).
PBS TeacherSource
Lesson plans and activities for: Data Analysis, Geometry, Measurement, Numbers
& Operations, Patterns/Functions/Algebra, Problem Solving & Reasoning,
Statistics & Probability
Lesson Plans linked to Illinois Standards
The Illinois School Improvement site has lesson plans linked to the Illinois
Learning Standards (click on the standard or benchmark to get to the lesson
plans.) These lesson plans often include assessments aligned to the Illinois
Learning Standards.
Lesson Plans
Columbia Education Center math lesson plans, grades k-12.
Worksheet Generator
Create customized worksheets for Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and
Geometry. Complete access available only to subscribers, but some items
available free.
A community library of technology tools, lessons, activities, and support
materials for teaching and learning mathematics. (from Drexel University Math
Forum website)
Math History
Famous problems in the history of mathematics, including “The Value of Pi,”
“Puzzling Primes,” and “A Proof that e is Irrational.” (from Drexel University
Math Forum website)
Math History
The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive offers a wide variety of topics
related to math history: articles, explanations of math areas, biographies of
mathematicians, information on Math societies, famous math quotations, and
Math Humor
The suggested collection of mathematical folklore might be enjoyable for
mathematicians and for students because every joke contains a portion of truth or
lie about our profession. The selected jokes and sayings contain something
essential about mathematics, the mathematical way of thinking, or mathematical
Mathematics Archives
This award winning University of Tennessee-Knoxville site provides an
astounding variety of math resources and information: Software, Abstracts,
Reviews; Teaching Materials, etc. Includes a "What's New" section and an on-site
search to make locating materials less daunting!! Table of Contents in table format
Science Fair Projects
Math project ideas for science fairs. (from Drexel University Math Forum
ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
The purposes of ICTM are to encourage an active interest in all areas of
mathematics and mathematics education, to enhance the teaching and learning of
mathematics and the role of mathematics in other disciplines, to promote research
in the teaching and learning of mathematics, and to provide opportunities for
exchange of views regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics.
ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education)
Teacher Resource page of ISBE website. Click on Illinois Learning Standards to
download Math goals/standards, and math assessments/performance descriptors.
NCSM (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
A resource site for those interested in leadership in mathematics education.
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
NCTM is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership,
and professional development to support teachers in ensuring mathematics
learning of the highest quality for all students.
OMS (CPS Office of Math and Science)
Welcome to the Chicago Public Schools Chicago Math and Science Initiative
(CMSI) site. Our goal is to provide leadership in assuring that high-quality,
standards-based mathematics and science instruction is available to every student
in every CPS school. We invite you to contact us. If you have questions, please
call the Office of Math & Science at 773-553-6230. (NOTE: Also here you can
enternter your e-mail to receive periodic announcements and news from OMS, or
join our discussion lists.
Problems of the Week
The Math Forum's Problems of the Week (PoWs) for Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and
Geometry are designed to provide creative, non-routine challenges for students in
grades three through twelve. Problem-solving and mathematical communication
are key elements of every problem. (from Drexel University Math Forum website)
SureMath® Problem Solving Practice
Concept-based problem solving practice is provided with this extensive sequence
of problems. Answers can be obtained by a variety of effective problem-solving
methods such as looking for patterns, guess and check, creating tables, using
manipulatives, acting out the situation, etc. An interactive step-by-step solution to
each problem is provided using SureMath®.
Virtual Interactive Manipulatives
This is an NSF supported project to develop a library of uniquely interactive,
web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java
applets, for mathematics instruction. Lots of great activities, grades K-12.
Japanese Math Challenge
These logic-based story problems are translated from the math placement test
given to Junior High students in Japan; they provide excellent problem solving
practice and illustrate the range of problem-solving skills required to successfully
compete in today's global market. Problems include hints, explanations and sound
Pacific Software Publishing
Real World Mathematics
Nicely annotated links to math resources demonstrating that there is a place for
mathematics in the real world.
Jim Shaver
Word Problems
These word problems are classified by grade level (5 to 12), but ALL could be
challenging to adult learners as well. Each question has been carefully selected to
help improve problem solving skills; helpful hints (and answers) are provided.
Illinois State School Report Cards
This website allows you to get a school’s Illinois State Report Card which has lots
of useful information about an individual school.
ISAT and PSAE Results
This web site allows you to look at a school’s ISAT or PSAE results and
disaggregate it in numerous ways. Follow the links to the “Analysis” section and
then “How can ISAT or PSAE data be analyzed?” Go to for an example for one specific school.
Interactive Illinois Report Cards
This web site is great for looking at basic school information (e.g., ISAT scores,
demographics, teacher characteristics) for any school in the state. It includes info
on AYP and a school’s status in Illinois’ NCLB Accountability System. It allows
for comparisons between schools and is very user-friendly. It is based on state
report card data. This should be your first stop when looking for data about a
school. Note that 2004 data has yet to be officially finalized by the Illinois State
Board of Education.
Teaching Math & Science to Gifted Students
Northwest Regional Educational Library report provides strategies for addressing
the learning needs of gifted students in heterogeneous classrooms. The
highlighted approaches are grounded in the belief that opportunities for highlevels mathematics and science learning must be available to all students.
Math & Science Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
Northwest Regional Educational Library report explores the unique educational
needs of students with learning disabilities and provides strategies for
meaningfully engaging all students in mathematics and science curriculum.
Drawing on key principles of inclusion, special education, multicultural
education, and standards-based reform, the book guides K-12 teachers in creating
optimal learning environments where diverse learners can thrive.
Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities in the area of mathematics are explored here. Often referred
to as dyscalculia, math-related learning disabilities are complex and require
intervention by skillful teachers to help students achieve success. We've gathered
informative articles and direction to the latest teaching research to provide
understanding and assistance to both parents and educators.
Learning Disabilities
Research and resources pertaining to mathematical learning disabilities, or
SAT Registration & Prep
SAT registration and preparation, including problem of the day.
ACT Registration & Prep
Student site for ACT test takers
Explore, Plan, ACT, and WorkKeys Information for Teachers
Download Standards for Transition and other EPAS (Educational Planning &
Assessment System) documents.
ACT and SAT Prep
Free ACT and SAT test preparation
Agile Mind
Support services and free demonstrations for Algebra and Geometry programs
that are on the CPS Office of Math and Science approved materials list (to be
used in conjunction with Glencoe textbooks)
BoxerMath is a multimedia math tutorial software that increases student
achievement in math using interactive instruction and real-world applications..
Demos, product information, order information, and technical support are
available on the site.
Carnegie Learning: Cognitive Tutor
The Cognitive Tutor from Carnegie Learning includes full curricula in Algebra I ,
Geometry , Algebra II , Integrated Math Series and Quantitative Literacy Through
Algebra . Each curriculum combines software-based, individualized computer
lessons with collaborative, real-world problem-solving activities. Students spend
about 40% of their class time using the software, and the balance of their time
engaged in classroom problem-solving activities.
Glencoe: Geometry
This site supports Glencoe Geometry text users with printable lesson notes,
support materials, helpful links, practice quizzes, a weekly math challenge
problem (PoW), and lots more.
Glencoe: MathScape Curriculum Center
The MathScape Curriculum Center is a national center whose mission is to
support schools and districts using MathScape. The Center offers the following:
in-depth information about the curriculum
workshops, institutes, and user's conferences for teachers and district
leaders using MathScape
on-line support for teachers and district leaders using the curriculum
implementation and teacher preparation materials
consultations with district leaders
Glencoe: MathScape, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, etc.
Supplementary materials for Illinois editions of all Glencoe mathematics texts,
including online student editions, study tools, lesson resources, chapter resources,
and self-check quizzes.
Holt, Rinehart, & Winston
Supplementary materials for Holt, Rinehart, & Winston math textbooks.
Key Curriculum Press: Discovering Algebra
This resource center is for teachers who are using, or who are considering using,
Discovering Algebra: An Investigative Approach. This site provides detailed
information about the complete Teaching Resources package and a host of other
valuable resources for algebra teachers. You'll find a correlation to the NCTM
standards, and you can learn about professional-development opportunities
available to support Discovering Algebra teachers.
Explore the site links in the left margin to access comprehensive information
about Discovering Algebra, join our online community by registering for the
Discovering Algebra e-mail list, or contact a teacher who is currently using this
student-centered textbook in their classroom.
Key Curriculum Press: Discovering Advanced Algebra
This resource center is for teachers who are using, or who are considering using,
Discovering Advanced Algebra: An Investigative Approach. This site provides
detailed information about the complete Teaching Resources package and a host
of other valuable resources for algebra teachers. including an updated version of
the test generator. You'll find a correlation to the NCTM standards, and you can
learn about professional-development opportunities available to support
Discovering Advanced Algebra teachers.
Explore the site links in the left margin to access comprehensive information
about Discovering Advanced Algebra, join our online community by registering
for the Discovering Advanced Algebra e-mail list, or contact a teacher who is
currently using this student-centered textbook in their classroom.
Key Curriculum Press: Discovering Geometry
This resource center is for teachers who are using, or who are considering using,
Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach. This site provides detailed
information about the complete Teaching Resources package and a host of other
resources for geometry teachers. You'll find a correlation to the NCTM standards,
and you can learn about professional-development opportunities available to
support Discovering Geometry teachers.
Explore the site links in the left margin to access comprehensive information
about Discovering Geometry, join our online community by registering for the
Discovering Geometry e-mail list, or contact a teacher who is currently using this
student-centered textbook in their classroom.
Key Curriculum Press: Student and Parent Resources
Student and parent resources for Key Curriculum textbooks and software,
including Discovering Algebra, Discovering Geometry, Discovering Advanced
Algebra, Geometer’s Sketchpad, and Fathom
Key Curriculum Press: Fathom Software
Fathom does for data-driven mathematics and statistics what The Geometer's
Sketchpad® did for a geometric approach to mathematical modeling. With
Fathom, you can explore data, plot functions, and create animated simulations.
Fathom allows you to type in your own data, to use the over 300 data files that
come with Fathom, or to import data from text files or directly from the Internet.
Key Curriculum Press: Geometer’s Sketchpad Software
With a scope that spans the mathematics curriculum from middle school to
college, The Geometer's Sketchpad brings a powerful dimension to the study of
mathematics. Sketchpad™ is a dynamic construction and exploration tool that
enables students to explore and understand mathematics in ways that are simply
not possible with traditional tools—or with other mathematics software programs.
Key Curriculum Press: Interactive Math Program (IMP)
Research and resources supporting the Interactive Mathematics Program.
McDougal Littell
Student tools and teacher resources designed for McDougal Littell math texts
including Algebra 1, Algebra 1 Concepts & Skills, Geometry, Geometry Concepts
& Skills, Algebra 2, and Integrated Mathematics
Prentice Hall: Geometry (Tools for a Changing World)
This site supports users of Prentice Hall Geometry: Tools for a Changing World
with printable lesson notes, support materials, helpful links, practice quizzes, a
weekly math challenge problem (PoW), and lots more.
Prentice Hall: UCSMP
Supplementary resources designed for teachers and students using UCSMP
Algebra, Geometry, and/or Algebra 2 textbooks.
Texas Instruments
Education Resources section of TI website includes product information,
conference details, and training opportunities for teachers (both on-site and online)
Homework Help
Provides tutorial explanations for the actual problems in popular math textbooks
for Algebra through Calculus. (NOTE: Subscription required)
Online Math Help
The Internet's premier ask-an-expert math help service. Ask Dr. Math a question
using the Dr. Math Web form, or browse the extensive archive of previous
questions and answers.
Homework Help, etc.
This site contains student resources including homework help and practice
problems for pre-algebra to calculus. Click on “Calculators and Tools” for online
calculators, converters, equation solvers, and graphers.
Calculus Help
Mr. Calculus is set up to give help on one problem, and only one problem
each day. Mr. Calculus does not charge for the service.