ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT FINAL REPORT, 1 MAY 2008 Document Filename: TO 30 APRIL 2010 Activity: BGII-DNA1.5-KTH-Activity-and-Management-Report-Y1v0.1 NA1 Partner(s): KTH Lead Partner: KTH Document classification: PUBLIC Abstract: Activity and management report for the BalticGrid-II project. The report covers the full project duration, 24 months, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 1 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Document review and moderation Name Partner Date Signature Released for moderation to PMB All 14/04/2009 Approved for delivery by PMB All 30/04/2009 Document Log Version Date Summary of changes Author 0.4 29/04/2009 Merge of document with Activity and Management Report, to form the DNA1.5 document Åke Edlund 0.5 29/04/2009 Update of VU data, and BNTU presentations at EGEE UF. Algimantas Juozapavicius, Ihar Miklashevich 0.6 30/04/2009 Added project metric in NA1, harmonizing the text. Åke Edlund, All 0.7 30/04/2009 Financial data added, typos and general info added. All 1.0 30/04/2009 Final released version. Åke Edlund 1.1 28/05/2009 Added Publishable Summary Åke Edlund BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 2 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Contents 1. PUBLISHABLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – YEAR ONE ......................................................................... 4 2. ACTIVITIES PROGRESS DURING THE FIRST TWELVE MONTHS .................................................. 8 2.1. NA1 – MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................8 2.2. NA2 – EDUCATION, TRAINING, DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH ................................................................ 11 2.3. NA3 – APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION AND SUPPORT ..................................................................................... 19 2.4. NA4 – POLICY AND STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................. 22 2.5. SA1 – GRID OPERATIONS...................................................................................................................................... 23 2.6. SA2 – NETWORK RESOURCE PROVISIONING ..................................................................................................... 27 2.7. SA3 – APPLICATION INTEGRATION AND SUPPORT .......................................................................................... 33 2.8. JRA1 – ENHANCED APPLICATION SERVICES ON SUSTAINABLE EINFRASTRUCTURE.................................. 37 3. JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES ......................................................... 47 3.1. WORK PERFORMED BY EACH PARTNER DURING THE PERIOD ......................................................................... 47 3.1.1. KTH....................................................................................................................................................................... 47 3.1.2. EENET .................................................................................................................................................................. 48 3.1.3. KBFI...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 3.1.4. IMCS UL............................................................................................................................................................... 50 3.1.5. IFJ PAN ................................................................................................................................................................ 51 3.1.6. PSNC..................................................................................................................................................................... 52 3.1.7. VU.......................................................................................................................................................................... 53 3.1.8. RTU ....................................................................................................................................................................... 54 3.1.9. ITPA...................................................................................................................................................................... 55 3.1.10. CERN ................................................................................................................................................................. 57 3.1.11. NICH BNTU ..................................................................................................................................................... 58 3.1.12. UIIP .................................................................................................................................................................... 59 3.1.13. VGTU ................................................................................................................................................................. 60 3.2. BUDGETED COSTS AND ACTUAL COSTS .............................................................................................................. 62 3.2.1. BUDGETED PERSON MONTHS AND ACTUAL PERSON MONTHS .................................................................. 63 3.3. REBUDGETING ......................................................................................................................................................... 65 4. ANNEX ........................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.1. USE OF FOREGROUND AND DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF THE PROJECT ....... 66 4.2. REBUDGETING ......................................................................................................................................................... 73 4.3. LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................. 74 BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 3 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 1. PUBLISHABLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – YEAR ONE The Baltic Grid Second Phase (BalticGrid-II) project is designed to increase the impact, adoption and reach, and to further improve the support of services and users of the BalticGrid-I created Baltic States e-Infrastructure. This has been achieved through an extension of the Baltic Grid infrastructure to Belarus; initiated efforts on interoperation of the gLite-based infrastructure with UNICORE and ARC based Grid resources in the region; identifying and addressing the specific needs of new scientific communities such as nano-science and engineering sciences; and by establishing new Grid services for linguistic research, Baltic Sea environmental research, data mining tools for communication modeling and bioinformatics. Goal with the second phase is to ensure that the Baltic States e-Infrastructure will be fully interoperable with the pan-European e-Infrastructures established by EGEE, EGEE associated projects, and the planned EGI, with the goal of a sustained e-Infrastructure in the Baltic Region. The present Baltic Grid e-Infrastructure of 26 clusters in five countries has more than doubled after ending of BalticGrid-I, and is envisaged to grow, both in capacity and capability of its computing resources. The consortium is composed of 13 leading institutions in seven countries, with 7 institutions in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2 in Belarus, 2 in Poland, and one each in Sweden and Switzerland. The overall vision is to support and stimulate scientists and services used in the Baltic region to conveniently access critical networked resources both within Europe and beyond, and thereby enable the formation of effective research collaborations. Table 1 – BalticGrid Partners Partner Name (Organisation, city, country) Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, Sweden (Coordinator) Partner Short name Short description KTH The Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan), KTH, is responsible for one-third of Sweden’s capacity for engineering studies and technical research at post-secondary level. The acting partner from KTH in this project is PDC – Centre for Parallel Computers. As coordinator KTH is leading the NA1 activity and contributes to NA2, NA4, SA1, SA2 and SA3. Estonian Educational and EENet Research Network, Tartu, Estonia BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc EENet is the Estonian NREN. The mission of EENet is to provide a high quality national network infrastructure for the Estonian research and educational communities. EENet is leading the SA3 activity and contributes to NA2, NA3, NA4, SA1, and SA2. INTERNAL Page 4 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Partner Name (Organisation, city, country) Partner Short name Short description Keemilise ja Bioloogilse KBFI Füüsika Instituut, Tallinn, Estonia KBFI (named NICPB in BG-I) is an autonomous public research institution with about 140 employees. Main research areas are in chemical physics, biology and biotechnology, particle and nuclear physics, computational physics and chemistry. KBFI is a collaborator of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at CERN. KBFI is leading the SA1 activity and contributes to NA2, NA3 and SA2, and SA3. Institute of Mathematics IMCS UL and Computer Science, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia IMCS UL is leading research institution of mathematics and computer science in Latvia. The institute also operates the national research and education network LATNET IMCS UL is leading the SA2 activity and contributes to NA2, NA3, NA4, SA1, and SA3. Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej, IFJPAN im. Henryka Niewodniczanskiego, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Kraków, Poland The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences is one of the largest research institutions of Poland. It employees about 200 researchers, mainly working on high energy and elementary particle physics, physics of the structure of the nucleus and of nuclear reaction mechanisms, studies of the structure, interactions and properties of condensed matter, as well as on applications of nuclear methods in geophysics, radiochemistry, medicine, biology, environmental physics and material engineering. IFJ PAN is leader of activity NA2 and contributes to SA1 and SA3. Poznan Supercomputing PSNC and Networking Center, Poznan, Poland PSNC is a leading HPC Center in Poland, and a Systems and Network Security Center as well as a R&D Center for New Generation Networks, Grids and Portals. PSNC is the operator of the Polish National Research and Education Network PIONIER, operator of the optical city network POZMAN. PSNC is leading the JRA1 activity and contributes to NA2 and SA3 activities. VU Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania (http://www.v Vilnius University (, the leading university in Lithuania, is involved in fundamental and applied research in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and many other fields. The Faculties of Vilnius University involved in this project, are: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Physics, and Institute of Material and Applied Sciences. VU is leading the NA3 activity and contributes to NA2, NA4, SA2, SA3 and JRA1 activities. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 5 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Partner Name (Organisation, city, country) Partner Short name Short description RTU Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia Riga Technical University (RTU) is the oldest and at present the second largest institution of higher education in Latvia, offering advanced study programs in Engineering, Technology, Natural Sciences, Architecture, and Business Administration. RTU is leading the NA4 activity and contributes to NA2, NA3, SA2 and SA3. ITPA Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Lithuania ITPA is engaged in fundamental physics and astronomy research such as theoretical particle physics calculations, high precision spectroscopy of complex atoms and ions involving several open electron shells, the structure of, and processes within, molecules and their complexes, the modelling of processes in stars. ITPA contributes to activities NA2, NA3, NA4, SA2 and SA3. CERN The European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, funded by 20 European nations, is currently engaged in constructing a new particle accelerator the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will be the most powerful machine of its type in the world, providing research facilities for several thousand High Energy Physics (HEP) researchers. CERN contributes to activities SA1 and SA3. Research Division of Belarusian National Technical University NICH BNTU The Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) is leading institution in higher technical education of the Republic of Belarus, offering advanced educational programs in Engineering, Technology, Natural Sciences, Architecture, and Business Administration. United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus UIIP NASB The UIIP NASB is the leading Belarusian institution for carrying out fundamental and applied research in the fields of information technology, computer science, applied mathematics, computer aided design and some other attached fields in Belarus. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University VGTU VGTU is one of the biggest (the 3rd) universities in Lithuania. It includes 8 faculties, Aviation Institute, 10 research institutes and 19 research laboratories. VGTU was the first university in Lithuania who started working with HPC: IBM SP in 1998, Beowulf cluster in 2002, the Lithuanian record of the best parallel performance on cluster “Vilkas” in 2005, GRID cluster in 2006. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 6 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 During the last half of the first year a focused effort on involving industry was made, resulting in the Baltic Grid Innovation Lab (BGi), aiming at educating early stage startups in the use of Baltic Grid resources, mainly through a cloud interface – the Baltic Cloud. Baltic Cloud and BGi are subprojects within Baltic Grid. Specialized courses on cloud computing, using Baltic Grid resources, and startup know-how, was initiated during the first year. Goal is to increase the competiveness of SMEs in the region, and to build a network of early stage startups in the Baltic and Belarus region. A series of events has been held introducing Grid technologies and its usage to the scientific community in the Baltic states and Belarus; Grid Open Days to attract a general audience, tutorials giving scientists and students a hands-on experience, seminar series to stimulate the interest for Grids. Coordinator of Baltic Grid is Åke Edlund (KTH), Phone. 0046 8 790 6312, BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 7 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 2. ACTIVITIES PROGRESS DURING THE FIRST TWELVE MONTHS 2.1. NA1 – MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT Objectives of the Activity The objectives of the NA1 activity are the overall project management and reporting to the EU, including: daily management of the project activities; resource allocation; monitoring; conflict resolutions and corrective actions. Progress Towards Objectives Deliverables in the first year of the project were all on time and the activities are evolving according to plan. Initiation of cross national groups aiming at NGI and Cloud Computing have successfully evolved. Two all-hands meeting have taken place during the reporting period, first, kick-off, in Vilnius in May, followed by the first BalticGrid meeting ever in Belarus, in Minsk in late October and Riga in May 2009. Introduction of the new activity, SA3 and its collaboration with NA3, and the new partners, UIIP, BNTU and VGTU, all went without complications. During the first year the BG-II have strengthen its collaboration with EGEE, formalizing a MoU with specific tasks and deadlines. In parallel the project have signed MoUs with UNICORE and Nordugrid (ARC) to ensure a close collaboration with these middlewares. In addition the Memorandum of Usage between the BalticGrid-II and BELIEF-II project was signed by Ake Edlund and the BELIEF-II project coordinator in October 2008; the document defined the ways of cooperation between the both projects. New industry engagement initiative – the Baltic Grid Innovation Lab (BGi) Background The need to engage industry in using the BG-II resources, to better learn how to build a competitive business has been pointed out a number of times both internally in the project as well as from outside, e.g. at the last two reviews. This is a common challenge for all grid related projects, and something we have not (so far) seen much progress in. In late 2008 NA1 initiated discussions on participation in EU SME project call, deadline mid December, but after a low interest from industry decision was made not to pursue this, and to look at alternatives. The Initiative A specific initiative to engage industry in the region was launched in the very beginning of January 2009 - the BalticGrid Innovation Lab (BGi). The BGi was established to build a network of BG-II aware smaller companies, as a bottom-up approach. The top-down approach have not shown any success as today, i.e. trying to engage larger, or mid-size companies to use grid technology. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 8 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Figure 1, BGi in relation to BG-II The driving motor of the BGi initiative is a number of courses for last year students and early stage startups in the region. These courses teach the users how to use cloud computing to migrate their current or ongoing IT infrastructure, and how to use cloud computing to create new services for their users and customers. The course is bundled with a basic innovation management knowledge. Alumni of these courses will form a network of SMEs in the region. A network of companies that know the value of cloud computing for their business. To support this course, and its users usage of the BG-II resources a BalticCloud is being established. The Baltic Cloud is a resource interface for the BGi users and for research groups in the region, who prefer to access the BG-II resources through cloud interfaces rather than grid. The BalticCloud is built on top of the BG-II using open source software. During the first three months cloud instances were rolled out in all Baltic states as well as Belarus. A number of presentations were given on this effort (see NA2) and the first version of the course was prepared, to be given at Tartu University in May 2009. The BGi and Baltic Cloud initiative has caught good attention from other grid initiatives, e.g. EGEE-III. Deviations from Plan The national support of NGI is uneven in the region. On one hand we have LitGrid, the well established NGI in Lithuania. LitGrid was one of the bidders on hosting the very, a good sign of maturity. On the other hand we have Estonia and Latvia, where there is no decision on the political level to support NGIs. Especially in the Estonian case this is remarkable, considering the strong repeated support from our External Advisory Committee, lead by Professor Eike Jessen. Also for the Belarus it is not clear as today if there will be an NGI in place for the launch of EGI, a launch that coincides with the ending of BG-II. BG-II is in collaboration with EGEE and related projects, to find ways to mitigate the transition from EGEE and BG-II to EGI. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 9 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Project metric The below project metric monitor the progress of the project towards achieving the BalticGrid-II objectives. *Deliverables acceptance by the EU, reported in the Quarterly Reports’ NA1 section. Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Number of due deliverables 6 8 6 9 3 6 4 9 Indicator, PMB approved, and sent to EC on time 6 8 6 9 Acceptance Acceptance known after the first review, the Q1-Q4 by the EU Commission Acceptance known after the final review, the Q5-Q8 * Milestones acceptance by the Project Management Board (PMB), reported in the Quarterly Reports’ NA1 section. Milestones Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Number of due milestones 0 3 4 3 1 2 3 2 Indicator, PMB approved on time 0 3 4 3 Acceptance Acceptance known after the first review, the Q1-Q4 by the PMB Id DNA1.1 Deliverable / Milestone title Quality and gender action plan Lead partner Original Delivery date(*)1 Revised delivery date(*) Status (**) KTH 3 3 PMB approved 1 (*) Dates are expressed in project month (1 to 24). (**) Status = Not started – In preparation – Pending internal review – PMB approved (***) Nature = R = Report P = Prototype D = Demonstrator O = Other, Deliverable id: for Milestone attached to a deliverable BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 10 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Id Deliverable / Milestone title Lead partner Original Delivery date(*)1 Revised delivery date(*) Status (**) DNA1.2 Quarterly progress report KTH 3 3 PMB approved DNA1.3 Quarterly progress report KTH 6 6 PMB approved DNA1.4 Quarterly progress report KTH 9 9 PMB approved DNA1.5 Yearly activity (progress) and management (financial) reports. KTH 12 12 PMB approved 2.2. NA2 – EDUCATION, TRAINING, DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH Objectives of the Activity The NA2 team has acquired the significant experience in performing various tasks in the field of ETDO (Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach) activities during the work in BalticGrid project. Therefore it has been possible to continue these activities in the BalticGrid-II with greater knowledge and more capabilities. The main objective of NA2 is to ensure expertise sharing and active dissemination of the benefits of Grid-empowered e-Infrastructures (especially of BalticGrid-II) and to carry out the necessary education to build active and successful user communities in the Baltic States and Belarus. Therefore an important task in the BalticGrid-II is extending the list of audiences - at which the ETDO activities have been targeted - on potential users and researchers from new scientific communities of Baltic States and Belarus. This will allow unifying the distribution of information on the Project and spreading knowledge about the Grid technology in all Partners’ countries. In the same time the dissemination of the Project results and achievements has been continued to a greater extent outside Baltic States - in Europe and at other events, whenever possible and wherever the Project representatives have had such a possibility. NA2 collaborated with other Grid projects (mainly for the development of education and training material) and with existing national and regional organisations (especially with National Grid Initiatives in Partners’ countries) to have a broader scope of dissemination activities. NA2 also disseminated the achievements of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) already started in the BalticGrid project and developed in the framework of BalticGrid-II. The goal of the collaborations was to ensure effective development of a broad range of materials and that potential users in all relevant disciplines were properly informed about, and assisted in, using BalticGrid-II and resources available through it. Through the conferences, summer school and other events organized by BalticGrid-II (or planned in the second year of the Project), the application users and developers will have opportunities to familiarize with the Grid technologies’ issues and achievements of BalticGrid-II. It will also be possible for these users to establish some initial contacts with Grid experts, as some face-to-face meetings with them (e.g. developers of gLite, Gridcom, MD) will be possible during above-mentioned events. The activities of NA2 are structured to; i) Propagate Grid services and application success stories to new research communities in academia and industry, BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 11 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 ii) iii) Provide training for the formation of staff skilled in Grids (Grid administrators), Provide training for users at various levels – for beginners (especially for users from new communities), and more advanced – mostly for application developers. The dissemination efforts carried out cooperatively among all partners under IFJ PAN leadership will result in the delivery of rich and high-quality information. The NA2 activity is split into two tasks: “Dissemination and Outreach” and “Education and Training”. Each task focuses on a different aspect of the activities, which are being done in close cooperation with all Project partners, and especially with the Project management. Task 1: Dissemination and Outreach The primary aim of this task is sharing information on the benefits of Grids, especially the BalticGrid-II project, to broad communities of potential users in academia and the public sector with special emphasis on communities in the Baltic States and Belarus. This task is also assuring communication of Project progress among partners. The dissemination is being managed coherently with the deployment and operation of the Project infrastructure (SA1) to assure that dissemination and education properly address current and near term offerings of BalticGrid-II. The dissemination activity presents the BalticGrid-II offer to particular user groups and research disciplines. The requirements and interests of said groups will be identified through specially elaborated forms, available from the BalticGrid-II website and also sent to any interested parties. Task 2: Education and Training This task handles all affairs related to imparting general knowledge of - and practical skills in - Grid technologies on users to assure their success. The task also ensures expertise sharing between partners to improve skills and comprehension of teams that work with BalticGrid-II infrastructure. The objectives of this task are being achieved through organisation of seminars, tutorials and Grid summer school covering various topics of Grid computing and e-science. The events are conducted by the more experienced Project partners or by some invited “external” speakers. Progress Towards Objectives The all Project events organized and deliverables completed during the first 12 months of the Project are described below. Conferences BalticGrid-II Grid Open Day, Vilnius, Lithuania, 13 May 2008 The Grid Open Day in Vilnius was organized for the wide academic audience to show the benefits of grid usage. The speakers from the BalticGrid-II project introduced the grid infrastructure, shared experience of deploying the grid and presented the future of grid technologies. The presentations about HPC solutions have been given by the representatives of IBM, Sun Microsystems and Lithuanian IT company - BGM. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 12 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 BalticGrid-II Kick-off Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, 14 – 15 May 2008 The BalticGrid-II Kick-off meeting was held in Vilnius in premises of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. It was organized by VGTU. The aim of the meeting was to bring together all Partners for the first time and to explore the new Project activities for broadening and improving BalticGrid-II infrastructure. Participants from three Baltic States, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden and Belarus attended the meeting. Mainly they were partners of BalticGrid-II project but people from different Lithuanian academic institutions participated in the event as well. The Kick-off meeting took two days (14 - 15 May). The first day started with the presentations of the Activity Leaders (ALs). All of them introduced the main tasks, milestones, deliverables and responsibilities of the Partners. Parallel sessions (for working in the small groups) were organized on the second day. The Second International Conference "Supercomputer systems and applications" (SSA’2008), Minsk, Belarus, 27 – 29 October 2008 The aim of the SSA`2008 conference was to exchange experience in the field of fundamental and applied research on supercomputer systems development, grid-technologies, contemporary technologies of parallel computations, new technologies of computation resources allocation. The conference reports (proceedings) contained 61 papers by authors from around the world, and 23 of them were authored or coauthored by UIIP NASB scientists. Major part of SSA`2008 papers were devoted to problems of implementation of main components of high information technologies, such as: access to supercomputer computational resources using grid-technology, selection and application of technologies providing security; as well as scientific and practical results obtained within RussiaBelarus program "SKIF-GRID". BalticGrid-II Grid Open Day, Minsk, Belarus, 29 October 2008 The Grid Open Day was a free entrance event and mainly targeted to: all interested in information technologies and data distributed processing, users in all scientific and technological areas and general public. The grid professionals from Baltic States, Belarus, Finland, Poland, Russia and Sweden demonstrated to the wide audience: what is grid computing, grid and HPC computing initiatives in EU, Russia and Belarus, state of the art, middleware and tools and grid applications. 1st BalticGrid All-Hands Meeting, Minsk, Belarus, 29 – 30 October 2008 The aim of the meeting was to estimate and discuss together with all Partners the BalticGrid-II project’s results achieved in the first two quarters and to detail the further Project activities. Totally 75 participants from 7 countries (Baltic States, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Belarus) participated in the meeting. 67th conference of the University of Latvia, ICT section, Riga, Latvia, 16 February 2009 In the framework of the annual conference of the University of Latvia, the ICT section was organized by IMCS UL. It featured 8 presentations, including one about the BalticGrid-II project achievements and the other about XEN virtualization. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 13 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Workshops The Eight Cracow Grid Workshop (CGW’08), Cracow, Poland, 13 – 15 October 2008 CGW'08, as the Central European Grid Consortium event, was an opportunity for overview of research in the main European and national grid projects. This year Workshop especially addressed the issues of National and European Grid Initiatives. At the first day of the Workshop presentations of several NGI's, as well as EGI-DS were given. The speakers included: P. Aerts, N. Geddes, J. Gomes, J. Kitowski, D. Kranzlmueller, J. Marco, M. Mazzucato, A. Read, U. Schwiegelshohn, and G. Wormser. The keynote speakers of the event included: Mário Campolargo (EU IST Brussels, Belgium), Denis Caromel (University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, INRIA, CNRS, IUF, France), Ewa Deelman, (Information Sciences Institute and Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, USA), Fabrizio Gagliardi (Microsoft Research, Switzerland). The invited speaker was Krzysztof Góźdź (Hewlett Packard). About 70 contributed papers on the above topics have been presented during the 3 day event. The workshop also involved the tutorial organized by Institute of Computer Science AGH and ACC Cyfronet AGH, titled: “Environment for Collaborative e-Science Applications”. Three posters concerning the BG-II topics were presented at this event by Alexander Nedzved from UIIP NASB: “Belarusian National Grid-Initiative”, “Setting up SKIF-UNICORE Experimental Grid Section” and “Establishing SKIF-gLite Grid Infrastructure”. Z. Mosurska, M. Turala and H. Palka from IFJ PAN were heavily involved in the preparation of the event, in particular in the organization of "EGI-NGI day" (Monday, 13 October 2008) and related discussions. They also participated in the remaining two days of the workshop (14 - 15 October 2008). SKIF-Grid Program Workshop, Minsk, Belarus, 28 October 2008 The aim of the SKIF-Grid Program Workshop was to share experience in the field of: applied research on supercomputer systems development, grid-technologies, contemporary technologies of parallel computations, new technologies of computation resources allocation, providing efficient access to supercomputer computational resources using grid-technology, selection and application of technologies providing security, scientific and practical results obtained within Russia-Belarus program "SKIF-GRID". BG-II infrastructure for computational meteorology workshop, Tallinn, Estonia, 3 December 2008 Modern scientific and applied meteorology is getting to consume more and more computational power, more complicated data storage and distribution models. There are two main purposes behind the need: (i) more accurate numerical modeling of weather for scientific and prediction bases and (ii) data flow from satellites and terrestrial monitors are growing exponentially and it needs CPU-intensive automated processing and storage. In Estonia, EMHI is the responsible organization for official weather forecast, applied meteorology and hydrology in national level. Also, EMHI is carrying on the scientific research program in collaboration with the local universities. In the workshop, the BG-II partner KBFI (represented by Mario Kadastik and Ilja Livenson) introduced the BG-II computational BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 14 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 and data storage infrastructure to the scientists from EMHI. The usability of the BG-II infrastructure for some concrete applications at EMHI was discussed. Tutorials BG-II tutorial for Grid beginners, Minsk, Belarus, 31 October – 1 November 2008 The purpose of the tutorial was to introduce grid beginners to: principles of grid computing, principles and practices concerning Grid security and exercises on application grid-enabling. The tutorial required a rudimentary knowledge of Linux and administration of Linux systems, networking, and basic programming principles. During the first day the following topics were covered: introduction to grid computing, effective application enabling on gLite-based grid and MPI in BalticGrid-II environment. During the second day the following topics were presented: principles of Grid computing, exercises on application gridenabling and grid security: principles and practices. The tutorial has been conducted by lecturers and trainers from BG-II Partners' institutions (Bartek Palak - PSNC, Rolandas Naujikas - VU, Tomasz Szepieniec - IFJ PAN, Oleg Tchij, Siarhei Salamianka and Yury Ziamtsou - UIIP NASB) Tutorial – How to start using Grid, Riga, Latvia, 12 November 2008 Guntis Barzdins from IMCS UL gave a tutorial for the students of the 1st semester Computer Science Master program on how to start using Grid. These students later obtained certificates and were using grids for their homework. Tutorial for new grid users at VU, Vilnius, Lithuania, 12 November 2008 The following topics were presented during this tutorial: introduction - principles of grid computing, g-lite tutorial, Java tutorial at Grid, Gridcom, and g-Eclipse. The tutorial has been conducted by lecturers and trainers from VU: Rolandas Naujikas, Eduardas Kutka, Linas Butenas and Danila Piatov. Tutorial: Parallel calculation in the network of Grid, Panevezys, Lithuania, 11 December 2008 It was an event organized for grid users at Panevezio College of Higher Education. The tutorial was performed by Eduardas Kutka from VU and consisted of two parts: “How to use the LitGrid network?” and “Calculation in the LitGrid network”. Grid tutorial for beginners, Riga, Latvia, 22 December 2008 The tutorial was dedicated to the prime practical training of Grid and gLite middleware basics to beginners that weren’t previously much familiar with grid technology. The participants of the tutorial were introduced to basic gLite commands for grid proxy certificate creation, use of grid information services, computational job submission to the Grid and acquisition of its output from the Grid. Trainees were also instructed how to submit to the Grid the computational jobs which were written in Matlab programming language. The tutorial was conducted by Janis Kulins and Lauris Cikovskis. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 15 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Seminars Title Date and place Complex Systems Simulation of HIV 15.05.2008, Krakow, Poland Grid technologies in Latvia 23.05.2008, Riga, Latvia “GRID Systems” seminar course May – June 2008, Tartu, Estonia “Basics of Cluster and Grid Computing” seminar course May – June 2008, Tartu, Estonia Principles of HIV Drug Resistance 5.06.2008, Krakow, Poland Latvian Grid seminar “Grid network and its usage” Malleability, Migration and Replication for Adaptive Distributed Computing over Dynamic Environments 13.06.2008, Riga, Latvia 19.06.2008, Krakow, Poland 28.08.2008, Riga, Latvia Parallel computing with MATLAB Advanced Data Mining and Integration on the Grid: Models and Languages LitGrid and BalticGrid projects: infrastructure, services, applications LitGrid and BalticGrid projects: infrastructure, services, applications Massive Non Natural Proteins Structure Prediction Using Grid Technologies Grid infrastructure in Europe – EGI (EENET's weekly seminar) Seminar for potential grid users from VGTU 9.10.2008, Krakow, Poland 15.10.2008, Vilnius, Lithuania 20.10.2008, Vilnius, Lithuania 30.10.2008, Krakow, Poland 20.11.2008, Tartu, Estonia 21.11.2008, Vilnius, Lithuania Introduction about IMCS UL activities 24.11.2008, Riga, Latvia On development of e-Infrastructures in European Union 28.11.2008, Vilnius, Lithuania ETICS - Software Engineering Infrastructure and Quality Process 11.12.2008, Krakow, Poland BalticGrid-II project overview (EENET's winter seminar 2008) 11.12.2008, Tartu, Estonia Seminar on GÉANT2/3 and BG-II potential collaboration 21.01.2009, Riga, Latvia Basics of Cluster and Grid Computing course February – June 2009, Tartu, Estonia OGF25/EGEE User Forum in Catania summary 11.03.2009, Riga, Latvia Grid application for science 19.03.2009, Riga, Latvia BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 16 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Grid application in medicine 8.04.2009, Riga, Latvia The Principles and Semantics of Transactional Memory 16.04.2009, Krakow, Poland Cloud Computing - pay-as-you-go computing explained 21.04.2009, Stockholm, Sweden Exhibitions EGEE’08 Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-26 September 2008 Zofia Mosurska and Robert Pajak, Bartek Palak and Dana Ludviga were managing the BalticGrid-II booth during the EGEE’08. The following materials were presented at the booth: BG-II movie introducing the Project and its Partners as well as the pilot applications and other which were of interest of the Project, demos with examples of the BG-II applications running in the framework of the Migrating Desktop, the set of brochures, a poster and pens. Bartek and Dana were also managing the Project demo stand (titled “Using the BalticGrid-II infrastructure: SemTi-Kamols - a linguistic analyzer of Latvian language”) on 22-23 September 2008. ICT’08 conference, Lyon, France, 25-27 November 2008 The BELIEF-II project members were managing the common “BELIEF-II: Global e-Infrastructure” booth during the ICT’08 conference, where a. o. the BalticGrid-II materials (including the movie) were presented. EGEE User Forum and OGF25, Catania, Italy, 2-6 March 2009 The general Project stand at the conference exhibition was managed by Zofia Mosurska and Robert Pajak; the following materials were presented at the stand: a general poster, the set of technical brochures, pens, small calendars as well as the BG-II movie - introducing the Project objectives, partners and several applications being gridified in the framework of the Project. The demo stand “The Synthetic spectra modeling under GRIDCOM interface” was maintained by Grazina Tautvaisiene and Sarunas Mikolaitis, who explained the visitors the importance of the SYNSTPEC application - gridified and integrated with GRIDCOM interface as well as the application results. The demo stand “CoPS - The Complex Comparison of Protein Structures supported by grid” was managed by Bartek Palak and Edgars Znots, who demonstrated the CoPS application - gridified and integrated with Migrating Desktop graphical portal. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 17 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Description of all NA2 activities done in the first year of the Project life is available in the DNA2.3 Dissemination Report (P12). Table 2 – Deliverables List for NA2 Del. No. Deliverable Title Date Due Accepted for release by PMB Lead contractor DNA2.1 Project website 30/06/2008 30/06/2008 IFJ PAN DNA2.2 Dissemination Roadmap 31/08/2008 31/08/2008 IFJ PAN DNA2.3 Dissemination Report 30/04/2009 IFJ PAN 30/04/2009 Table 3 – Milestones List for NA2 Milestone No. Milestone Title Comment Date Due Actual/ Forecast delivery date Lead Contractor MNA2.1 Dissemination Roadmap ready The deliverable has been prepared on time 31/08/2008 31/08/2008 IFJ PAN Deviations from Plan Planned deliverables for the first year are completed, a milestone is met and expected result achieved. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 18 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 2.3. NA3 – APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION AND SUPPORT Objectives of the Activity The NA3 activity “Application Identification and Collaboration” in BG-II project has an important task to validate and prospect the efficient usage of BG-II infrastructure, to adjust and validate this infrastructure to Baltic States and Belarus research ecosystem, to develop ways for collaboration of applications within BalticGrid-II infrastructure, as well as in the infrastructure of European Grid ecosystem. According to these tasks the roadmap is produced given primary analysis of suitable applications suggested by partners. The content of applications as well as the corresponding software used for applications’ implementation is introduced. In order to achieve objectives, defined for Project application identification process and application collaboration one are detailed and clarified. Application identification process is done by creating supportive environment for applications synchronized with SA3 activity, by creating testbeds for launching applications together with SA1 activity, by establishing parameters for analysis of jobs running in test and in production modes, by establishing SIG portals, Gridcom and Migrating Desktop interfaces for applications. The time schedule for such activities tre foreseen. The application collaboration is another important task of the NA3 activity. It is planned to fulfill the objectives of BG-II such as to develop infrastructure and cases for interdisciplinary research, to address specific needs for scientific communities, to design and develop suitable grid-based services. The global and most essential requirement for such infrastructure and services is a capability to attract new users. The description and the timed list of activities and processes planned for application collaboration are presented. The results of activities foreseen will be presented mainly in analytical summaries as well as in the DNA3.2-6 deliverables. The content of summaries will address needs of research communities and key research groups of Baltic States and Belarus, evaluate BalticGrid-II infrastructure from applications and users point of view, summarize interaction with the pan-European e-Infrastructures established by EGEE and EGEE associated projects, summarize the effective utilization of grid, resources enabling users to share large quantities of data and computing results, make suggestions for further development of the Grid infrastructure for applications. Progress Towards Objectives Measures ands metrics of applications Measures and metrics for application identification cover various aspects of applications: a) the matching of the content of application (job) to a research area, b) the level of compliance of supportive environment (provided by SA3 activity) to the application run, c) need of testbed to launch application and to test it, together with technical parameters, d) technical attributes rfor production mode. Numerous pilot and advanced applications are analysed, to evaluate them on the basis of measures BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 19 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 amd metrics suggested. The applications are from research areas, considered among the most important and dynamic research areas in the Baltic States and Belarus. The supportive environment for applications is developed by SA3 and performed by people of support: support specialists, pilot application contacts, activity leaders. Their functions cover gridenabling of applications, grid-specific support (helping to run batch jobs, MPI jobs, create workflows, help visualize the output, manage the data), integration of scientific applications into grid infrastructure, provision of users with variety of helper tools like batch job managers, GUIs, VO management software and the likes. Applications are provided by testbed (if needed), which also can be created dynamically (on the fly). The special emphasis is given to the management of VOs and their tags for publication. The application under analysis cover all research areas, foreseen in the BG-II project but two (High Energy Physics and Operational Baltic Sea Ecosystem Modeling). The HEP research area is very well integrated internationally, uniting thousands of scientists all over the world, and the Baltic sea modelling is now under design study, involving advanced models like HIRLAM and HIROMB. The results of analysis of applications presented constitute the well establishment of design and deployment of applications. They represent the content of research areas at a confident level and make a good basis for the evaluation of BG-II infrastructure, from applications and users point of view. They give also a solid background for development of mutual collaboration for scientists of the Baltic States and Belarus. Gridcom and SIG portals The important processes, measures and tools in the context of identification of applications within BalticGrid-II project are the tools and efforts for application development, deployment and support. Among those measures are SIG portals, high quality user interfaces, with the most fitted functionality for application choosen, testbeds. The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are well designed to meet various demands of applications and the researcher groups to bring together people working on the design, evaluation, and implementation of jobs in their areas of research. SIGs provide an international, interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and distribute the research tasks, like computing, data exchange, communication services. Gridcom is a simple grid interface for complex applications. It automatically splits input data into intervals, generates and submits as many jobs as needed, collects, merges and visualizes the results. It is able to upload large files to a storage element. Gridcom is web-based and can be accessed from any computer, even from a cell phone. The Migrating Desktop is a matured software, which has been developed for a number of years. Now it ensures compatibility with BalticGrid testbed (in terms of jobs submission, running and monitoring processes’ state) and has been enhanced to follow the development of grid standards. It is installed as one of the BalticGrid-II core services ( and successfully used by applications, implemented or “gridified” within BG-II project that are progressively deployed within BalticGrid infrastructure. Testbeds for applications are needed to test and migrate them to production mode, as well as to fit to newest middleware versions. The testbed may be defined dynamically: a) by using GOCDB the nodes can be moved from site to site, new nodes added, b) installation of components will required CE installation or/and site BDII installation, WN installation, the entire reconfiguration. Next steps in the BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 20 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 managing testbeds for application may include migration from testbed to production mode, as well as MPI-start installation and configuration. Research sectors and collaboration of applications There is a need for BG-II project to high quality grid-related research-oriented applications, to the knowledge and software. BG-II also has to be envisaged as a e-Science channel, as well as to join the European Marketplace for Grid technologies and e-Science. The set of perspectives, parameters and attributes, needed for applications’ collaboration identification are presented and these parameters and attributes form suitable basis for the development of collaboration framework, which is presented also there. Also the potential functionality for application collaboration is described and structured, this functionality includes research activities of grid users in programs of National academies of science, science funding agencies, in international research programs or other internationally spanned research activities. In addition it include organizational and technical means for the promotion of scientific collaborations, technical/material facilities, various software packages, used in applications mentioned above, and also perspective ones. The functionality will be granted by suitable VOs and their sophisticated management in different Grids, by grid communities in the external high-level scientific events (participation in international scientific conferences, in EGEE User Forums, etc.), by analytical summaries, arranged in suitable workshops. Id Deliverable name Acti vity No Lead partner DNA3.1 Application Identification and Collaboration Roadmap NA3 VU DNA3.2 Analysis, supportive environment and testing of applications NA3 VU DNA3.3 Design and deployment of SIG portals, Migrating Desktop, testbeds for application tests and launching DNA3.4 Collaboration structure and functionality for scientific/academic communities in Baltic States and Belarus NA3 NA3 Original Delivery date(*)2 Revised delivery date(*) Status (**) 3 3 PMB approved 9 9 PMB approved 10 10 PMB approved 12 12 PMB approved VU VU Deviations from Plan 2 (*) Dates are expressed in project month (1 to 24). (**) Status = Not started – In preparation – Pending internal review – PMB approved (***) Nature = R = Report P = Prototype D = Demonstrator O = Other, Deliverable id: for Milestone attached to a deliverable BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 21 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Planned deliverables for reporting period are completed and expected result achieved. 2.4. NA4 – POLICY AND STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT Objectives of the Activity The overall aim of the Policy and Standards activity is to provide a sustainable and coordinated development of Grid infrastructure in the Baltic States and Belarus. The activity will continue efforts started in the Baltic Grid project on coherent policy and standard development to foster further development of e-Infrastructure in the region, strengthen cooperation and human networking activities and providing interoperability and effective functioning of Baltic Grid infrastructure within European Grid infrastructure. Baltic Grid II project must also concentrate on the development of infrastructure for applications that are important for Baltic Grid. Develop long term strategy for coherent e-Infrastructure development in Baltic States and Belarus. Develop and implement standards and standardized procedures for grid operation. Participate in development of technology and operation standards to maintain interoperability and user friendly interfaces for Grid users. Develop awareness rising and user support policy for spreading of Grid usage and efficient exploitation of e-Infrastructures. Provide analysis on an existing good practice and develop policy and action plan for fostering cooperation, human networking and coordination of efforts in development of worldwide e-Infrastructures. Develop e-Science policy principles to provide effective involvement of the scientists of Baltic States into European Research Area. Foster cooperation between BalticGrid-II and the rest of the world Grid activities. Contribute actively in policy and standards development and implementation through participation in OGF, EGEE, Concertation Meetings, EU GridPMA, e-IRG etc. PSCN participated in OGF with research group RISGE (Remote Instrumentation Services in Grid Environment). Progress Towards Objectives Policy and Standards activity coordination team is formed from 8 participants who represent all involved countries. During the reporting period the team has actively participated in OGF, EGEE, FP Concertation Workshops, EGEE User Forum, e-IRG and EU GridPMA. Outcome of participation is described in the NA4 activity Quaterly Reports and deliverables DNA4.1 and DNA4.2. Supported BalticCloud subproject development. Deliverables list for NA4 for reporting period Del. No. Deliverable Title Date Due Accepted for release by PMB Lead contractor DNA4.1 Analysis Document on Cooperation and Good Practice 30/11/2008 28/11/2008 RTU DNA4.2 Progress Report on Awareness Raising 30/04/2009 30/04/2009 RTU Deviations from Plan BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 22 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Planned deliverables for reporting period are completed and expected result achieved. 2.5. SA1 – GRID OPERATIONS Objectives of the Activity The main objective of the Grid operations activity is to maintain and expand the Grid infrastructure in the Baltic States and extend the current infrastructure also to Belarus. In addition the objective of SA1 is to migrate from a project based management and support of the infrastructure towards a sustainable infrastructure, which is funded, managed and supported by National Grid Initiatives (NGI-s). To support the infrastructure and the user community behind it the activity can be seen as a combination of four major tasks of “Central services”, “Maintenance of support systems”, “Testbed” and “Additional middleware support and interoperability”. We now give the first year objectives and actions for these separate tasks. Progress Towards Objectives Task 1 – Central Grid services The objective of this task is to provide the user base as well as the participating computing centers with the necessary central services that are needed to operate a Grid. Such services include the Certification Authority (CA) management as well as the actual Grid services like workload management server, information system, centralised testing facilities etc. During the first year the project continued to manage the central services, which were in place already at the end of the previous project as well as add new services to make sure that each country in the region would in the worst-case scenario be self-sustaining in terms of networked services. This way a disruption in the national network connection would not immediately hamper the datacenters inside that country and would allow users to still continue to submit jobs as well as retrieve results. In addition to the existing framework in Baltics the first year also saw us expanding to the Belarus, which at the start of the project did not have any Grid related services. By the end of the first year all central services are present in all member countries and functioning at production quality. This work has been summarised in deliverable DSA1.2 “Central services in operation in all countries”. The Certificate Authority service needed a new CA in Belarus as the BalticGrid CA policy only allowed handing out certificates to members from Baltic States. The process of creating a new CA is difficult and requires a lot of time as every CA used in Grids has to be authorized and endorsed by the EUGridPMA body. By the end of the first year the Belarus CA has gotten the endorsement and is now officially accredited. Task 2 – Maintenance of user and site support system Part of operating a Grid is always also the support of site administrators and users. In co-operation with SA3 activity SA1 activity is maintaining a trouble ticketing system to allow both users and administrators to contact the support personnel no matter what the problem is. The system was taken over from the previous project and expanded as was needed. To provide prompt support to any trouble-ticket opened the support organization was re-designed to implement First Line Support (FLS) personnel from each member institute. In addition the FLS is BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 23 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 sectioned into countries to further facilitate migration to NGI-s and EGI at the end of the project. The task of FLS personnel is to solve the tickets that are relevant to their country/site and to bring any nonstandard issue to the operations meeting. The Operations Director (OD), who resides at NICPB is chairing the operations meetings on a weekly basis using the EVO ( electronic videoconferencing system. During the meetings both the project targets as well as current situation in the Grid support are discussed and decisions made. Task 3 – Testbed operations In order to keep the Grid at production quality and yet still provide the latest versions of both Grid tools and services as well as operating systems and to allow testing of new major releases of user software the Testbed was conceived. As updates to any layer in the complex framework of the Grid can cause unexpected problems then any major upgrade should be tested in the local region before it is introduced to most of the sites. To do this a separate testing infrastructure has to be in place, however such an infrastructure would not have constant usage as major upgrades only come once or twice per year. In that spirit the activity management decided to instead create a framework of being able to migrate one or two sites from the production state to a testbed state with possibilities to both test them and allow users to submit jobs to these sites even though they were not in production. This way a site can migrate to testbed, perform the upgrade or new software installation and be tested thoroughly before it is migrated back to production. At the same time common Grid jobs would not accidentally be submitted to his site allowing the rest of the Grid infrastructure to remain at production quality. This infrastructure has yet to be tested for a major upgrade as none have been released during the first year of the project, however it is foreseen that a major upgrade will happen during the next stage as a generic migration from Scientific Linux 4 to Scientific Linux 5 is foreseen in the next half-year. Task 4 – Interoperability with other middlewares The Baltic region is dominated by gLite usage due to BalticGrid and BalticGrid-II project having chosen that middleware as the main middleware. However there are user communities using both ARC and Unicore based computing centers for various reasons. Part of the BalticGrid-II project is to try to find a way to unify these resource centers in such a way that users from all communities could benefit from additional resources without having to migrate to another middleware for that. During the first year an investigation was made into the current and upcoming situation in the world with special regard to these three middlewares and it was found that a number of technologies either already exist or are coming in the next few releases that should make it easier for Grid jobs to cross middlware boundaries and hence allow each user to use his or her favorite tools while making full use of all of the resources in the region. This work has been summarised in the deliverable DSA1.4 “Report on additional Grid middleware support”. Deviations from Plan A deviation from original plans was found to be necessary as the original objectives included setting up central services for SLA guarantee technologies, which at the time of the project start foresaw the installation of Tycoon central services. However during the very early stage of the project it was found out that Tycoon as a product would no longer be sustainable in the framework that it had been in mind during the writing of the proposal and the subsequent contract. To that end a new method was searched to provide SLA based scheduling inside BalticGrid-II project and the findings are described in DSA1.3 “SLA mechanism central services operational”. Usage targets BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 24 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 The measurables for for SA1 are: Normalized CPU hours usage increases by 25% per six month period. The baseline will be set by the first six months. The usage in the first six months was 1,561,250 normalized hours. To meet the 25% increase the second six-month period (until end of year one) needs to be higher than 1,951,563 normalized hours. During the second six-month period the BalticGrid infrastructure was used for 2,104,488 (as of April 27, this number may increase, but not much), this is an increase of 34.7% almost a full 10% more than originally expected. This result is even more important considering that the original six month period computed hours were an increase of 123% over the six month period previous to the project start. Number of active certificates in BalticGrid CA increases by 10% every year. The amount of active certificates in BalticGrid CA at the start of the project was 329 and at the time of writing of this report the active number of certificates was 393 which is an increase of 19.5% Contacts established with ARC middleware maintainers and users by the end of year 1. Good contacts have been established and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed by representatives from BalticGrid-II and KnowARC projects. Contacts established with Unicore middleware maintainers and users by the end of year 1. As with ARC the contacts have been established and an MoU has been signed between BalticGrid-II and Unicore projects. After the first year of BalticGrid-II project the SA1 activity has reached all the targets that were set and has actually exceeded expectations in terms of computing hours utilized even though the first six month period was an increase of 123% over the last six months of the previous BalticGrid project and as can be seen from the second quarterly report that tremendous increase made it very difficult to reach the set target of 25% increase for the second period. Table 10 – Deliverables list for SA1 Del. No. Deliverable Title Date Due Accepted for release by PMB Lead contractor DSA1.1 Setup of Belarusian CA 1/08/2008 30/07/2008 KBFI DSA1.2 Central services in operation in all countries 1/11/2008 31/10/2008 KBFI DSA1.3 SLA mechanism central services operational 1/1/2009 19/12/2008 KBFI DSA1.4 Report on additional Grid middleware 1/5/2009 support 29/04/2009 KBFI BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 25 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Table 11 – Milestones list for SA1 Milestone No. Milestone Title Comment MSA1.1 Central services in all countries running All countries have at 1/11/2008 least one instance of every central service September 2008 KBFI MSA1.2 Tycoon central services operational Tycoon replaced 1/2/2009 with other tools, for details see DSA1.3 Services in place end of 2008 KBFI MSA1.3 Interoperability options of middlewares understood Summarised in DSA1.4 1/5/2009 KBFI BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Date Due 1/5/2009 Actual/ Lead Contractor Forecast delivery date Page 26 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 2.6. SA2 – NETWORK RESOURCE PROVISIONING Objectives of the Activity The objectives of SA2 activity are: Establish production level Central Network Coordination Centre as a coordinating body, as well as National Network Coordination Centres for effective network monitoring, user support and notification in respect of network resource provisioning; Expand network established by the BalticGrid project to new partners in Belarus; update existing Service Level Agreements, as well as conclude a new agreement with network operators in new Partnering countries; Carry out extended Risk analysis, establish the BalticGrid Incident Response groups within each National Network Coordination Centre, develop security and Incident report and response procedure; Co-operate with EGEE and GEANT monitoring and networking activities; To fully utilise high speed Gigabit and light-path networks, test and deploy ‘high-speed’ TCP and scalable TCP technology in order to improve network resource utilisation; Provide security incident response regarding incidents occurring in the BalticGrid network or related to the Grid clusters, solve security incidents informing involved parties and maintaining confidentiality, and publish publicly available statistics on incident response The overall strategy of SA2 is to ensure reliable network connectivity for Grid infrastructure in the Baltic countries and Belarus, as well as to ensure optimal network performance for large file transfers and interactive traffic associated with Grid. In order to reach the objectives, during the first year of the project the work on the following tasks had been performed: Task 1 Expanding BalticGrid infrastructure to new partners Task 2 Establishing and operation of CNCC, NNCCs, and BG-IRTs Task 3 - Policy development Task 4 - Network monitoring and cooperation with other projects Task 5 - Deployment of high-speed TCP and scalable TCP. Progress Towards Objectives In order to understand and formalise network requirements for new partners in Belarus, the status of their network connectivity was discussed and captured, as well as helping to gather information about applications and their demands for the network resources has been distributed. During the second reporting period Belarusian Grid network scheme had been added to the BalticGrid network monitoring portal Belarusian application requirements collected by NA3 activity were studied and conclusions regarding network requirements for these applications were made. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 27 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Demarcation points were identified and Service Level agreement between the BalticGrid-II project and Belarusian research and education network BASNET was drafted, negotiated, and signed. Service Level Agreements with EENet, SigmaNet and LITNET were signed for the period of the BalticGrid-II project as well. The work performed in Task 1 is described in the deliverable DSA2.3. The work to establish Central Network Coordination centre (CNCC) as a coordination body and National Network Coordination centres (NNCC) with the main objective to provide network resource support for local clusters and users has been carried out. The CNCC in the IMCS UL has been established. NNCCs in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus were founded and incident handling and response team BG-IRT in each NNCC was appointed. DSA2.1 describes the establishment of CNCC and NNCC in more detail. Changes in Lithuanian Grid map were negotiated. The installation of Ganglia monitoring tool on a dedicated server was completed by CNCC. Other updates of the monitoring portal were done to ensure actuality of data. A procedure of incident handling and response was developed and described in DSA2.5. Sample security incidents were used to test the procedure of incident handling and response. In order to facilitate the collaboration between BG-IRT teams, AIRT software to track security incidents had been installed and procedure of incident handling and response was tested. Authentication data (username, password) for each member of BG-IRTs is created and short instruction on AIRT usage had been elaborated. Extended risk analysis for BalticGrid network to identify possible ways and sources of attacks had been performed. Internal and external risks that could jeopardize BalticGrid network performance were evaluated and the risks were classified into four categories: Network continuity risks, Grid/Cluster risks, Network incidents, and Potential risks of data centers. On the basis of risk analysis the BalticGrid-II Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), Security Policy (SP) and Incident Handling and Response policy (IHP) were developed. All these policies should be considered as a part of more global eco-system. Grid is built on the GÈANT2 network. GÈANT2 has strict rules and policies that may not be violated. Upon these rules NRENs build their AUPs. Therefore BalticGrid-II policies are taking into account provisions defined in the policies that form the basis of the grid infrastructure in Europe in general and the Baltic countries and Belarus in particular (see the image below). BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 28 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 BalticGrid IHP BalticGrid SP EGEE AUP BalticGrid AUP SLA NREN’s AUP GÈANT2 policy The first tests of perfSONAR monitoring software and its application to BalticGrid network monitoring were started. IMCS UL has started collaboration with DANTE as a representative of the GÉANT2 project on testing commercial solutions for Anomaly Detection to identify which tool is more suitable for setting up a "Network Security Service" in the GÉANT2 network. Information acquired from DANTE has been analysed and compared with data collected from the local network sensors. Possibilities of cooperation were discussed between BalticGrid-II and DANTE representative during a security meeting in Riga. GN3 project had started in April 2009 and it opens several opportunities for collaboration between both projects, including further testing of PerfSONAR software, anomaly detection solutions, etc. BalticGrid-II representatives met also with the EGEE security people to discuss development of Grid Sec collaboration team and collaboration between projects, NRENs and CERTs from various countries. Negotiations with network and security related GN3 activity leaders are continued in order to plan and foster cooperation between SA2 of the BalticGrid-II and GN3. BalticGrid-II SA2 group shares the opinion of CERN experts that there should be no problem among appropriately configured systems to reach close to a full 1 Gbps throughput on a 1 Gbps link with rather short RTTs like 35 msec. It is necessary to check the profile of each server, e.g., the network interface model and parameters, the disk model, firmware rev. and RAID controller if any, the TCP stack parameters, etc. It is planned to install MonALISA service on the end-nodes to monitor the TCP configuration, traffic, lost, retransmissions, etc. Testing methodology includes establishment of testing laboratory to simulate a real life environment. During the first year of the project there have been three “breakthroughs”, which already at this stage allow confidently state that the project team has identified the cause of low TCP performance, as well as proposed a solution to this problem. The three breakthroughs are the following: Creation of reliable gigabit test-lab for TCP performance measurement at variable RTT delays. This turned out to be a non-trivial task, because many off-the-self delay simulation techniques either produce results not consistent with real networks or not capable of delaying gigabit traffic flows without distortion. Example of non-conforming approach is use of Linux BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 29 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 transmission control ('tc') tools, which were attempted initially. A working gigabit traffic delaying solution (breakthrough) has been found to be FreeBSD firewall ('ipfw') configured as Layer 2 bridge rather than Layer3 router (Linux approach). The test results achieved with this solution have been compared and positively matched with real international gigabit network tests. This achievement provided possibility to reliably test large number of TCP implementations and configurations in lab environment. the thorough tests in the test-lab linked the TCP performance variations to different versions of Linux kernels installed on different BalticGrid-II clusters. By changing only Linux kernel version it was possible to re-create in the lab both the low TCP performance characteristic to most of the BalticGrid-II clusters, as well as the high TCP performance observed in some BalticGrid-II nodes. it was discovered that default TCP stack for Scientific Linux has very small RX/TX buffer sizes, which plays crucial role in TCP performance. It was traced down that as few as 4 configuration lines for TCP stack inserted in system configuration file resolves the TCP performance bottleneck up to gigabit speeds. Later it was positively confirmed that KTH clusters, which despite using low-performing Linux kernel version achieved exceptionally good TCP performance, also have almost identical lines for improved TCP performance. KTH clusters had these lines inserted a while back, and largely forgotten by the general community. The following 4 lines increase must be put in /etc/sysctl.conf file to improve TCP performance: net/core/rmem_max = 8738000 net/core/wmem_max = 8738000 net/ipv4/tcp_rmem = 8192 4369000 8738000 net/ipv4/tcp_wmem = 8192 4369000 8738000 These lines relate to TCP RX/TX buffer sizes, and the following tests on other BGII nodes with various Linux kernel versions have confirmed that the same 4 TCP configuration lines indeed resolve the TCP performance bottleneck up to gigabit speeds. The graph below shows TCP bandwidth for various Linux kernels and distributions depending on network latency (RTT) and TCP send/receive buffer sizes. As it can be seen, default Scientific Linux 4 installation underperforms as soon as network latency becomes greater than 1-2ms. Typical network latency between sites in BalticGrid is 8-35ms. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 30 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Deviations from Plan There are no deviations from the plan in the first 12 months of the project. However, it is anticipated that economical crisis may have a large impact on the international network connectivity in partnering countries. For example, the future of GÉANT connectivity in Latvia during of the writing of this document still is unclear. If the needed funding will not be obtained, there will be no possibilities to use GÉANT for accessing Grid resources. In this case alternative solutions, such as commercial services, will be adapted. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 31 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Table 12 – Deliverables list for SA2 Del. No. Deliverable Title Date Due Accepted for release by Lead contractor PMB DSA2.1 Report on the establishment and operation of CNCC and NNCCs, and BalticGrid IRT. 19/08/2008 25/08/2008 IMCS UL DSA2.2 Grid Acceptable Use Policy 16/09/2008 19/09/2008 IMCS UL DSA2.3 Report on the expansion of BalticGrid infrastructure 24/10/2008 26/10/2008 IMCS UL DSA2.4 Security Policy 16/12/2008 17/12/2008 IMCS UL DSA2.5 Incident Handling and Response Policy 19/01/2009 02/02/2009 IMCS UL DSA2.6 Interim report on network performance 24/04/2009 IMCS UL Table 13 – Milestones list for SA2 Milestone No. Milestone Title Comment MSA2.1 Incident handling and security policies developed 31/01/2009 DSA2.4 and DSA2.5 ready and submitted 31/01/2009 IMCS UL MSA2.2 First deployment of high-speed TCP DSA2.8 ready and submitted 31/01/2010 IMCS UL BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Date Due 31/01/2010 Actual/ Lead Contractor Forecast delivery date Page 32 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 2.7. SA3 – APPLICATION INTEGRATION AND SUPPORT Objectives of the Activity The main objective of this activity is to support scientists using the BalticGrid infrastructure and to foster the use of Grid by new research communities. The applications needed and used by the scientific communities in Baltic States and Belarus are going to be integrated with the BalticGrid infrastructure. It is of great help to the BalticGrid users, if advanced tools developed by JRA1 and by other projects are deployed on BalticGrid infrastructure. In parallel to providing the support, scientific applications integration and tools, the documentation in form of user guides, usage manuals and Frequently Asked Questions will be created. In comparison to the BalticGrid project, this activity was added due to an identified need for more attention to user support. The objectives of this activity are to: Provide Grid-specific support for the scientists in Baltic States and Belarus e.g. helping to run batch jobs, MPI jobs, create workflows, help visualize the output, data management Integrate scientific applications needed by users in Baltic States and Belarus to BalticGrid infrastructure. Provide BalticGrid-II users with variety of helper tools like batch job managers, GUIs, VO management software The main objective of SA3 during the first project year was to kick start this new activity in the project. Every BalticGrid-II partner was part of this activity, which involved identifying individual partners’ SA3 personnel and planning for their trainings, if needed. It was also significant to build up the grid users support and application support system so it can be sustainable after BalticGrid-II project and help the NGIs Progress Towards Objectives There are three major tasks in SA3 activity. The main work has been done by tasks: Task 1 – Support for scientists on using the Grid The most important part of this task was inspect the BG-I user support procedures and improve the support service quality for Grid users. All BG-II partners from Baltic Sates and Belarus had to appoint their support specialists and the specialist had opportunity to participate on the trainings to be prepared for solving users problems.. In close cooperation with SA1 activity the BalticGrid-II First Line Support Policy was worked out. The SA3 supporters are actively supporting their local grid users. Several channels like e-mails, instant messengers and face-to-face meetings are used to help scientists with their grid problems. More complicated problems are traced with the BalticGrid-II Trouble Tickets system (Request Tracker) BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 33 of 74 Figure 2 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Fig. 1 Diagram of support for researchers within BalticGrid-II Users’ Forum – A simple and easy to use users’ documentation portal ( has been published. Contributing and reviewing manuals are work in progress. EENet is hosting this portal. It already contains a number of user guides and texts about BaltiGrid specific information valuable for grid users. The Forum is based on MediaWiki software and is a significant group work facility for BalticGrid-II supporters. It contains also internal information for SA3 people and provides environment for writing, contributing and reviewing the user guides and documents. Task 2 – Application integration Similarly for task 1 the BG-II partners had to appoint their application support persons and in many cases the persons coincide with user support persons. As it was difficult to find good trainings about application porting during the first project year the supporters had to work more with real appoications and there will be organized an Application grid enabling workshop during BaltigGrid-II 2nd AllHands-Meeting in Riga. Pilot application for integrating BalticGrid infrastructure has, together with SA3, been chosen by NA3 activity NWChem - by BNTU Sem Ti-Kamols - by IMCSUL CORPLT - by VU Application supporters has been working with the pilot applications and also with several other applications pointed by BG users. The applications are already installed to some BaltigGrid sites and BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 34 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 the users who was involved to the integration process are testing their applications. More detailed information about applications support will be available with DSA3.2 “1st report on Gridification of applications” Collaboration has initiated with EGEE Application Porting group for sharing knowhow and experiences. Task 3 – General helper tools for users A BalticGrid central gLite user interface service was installed. This is important for Baltic Grid users who’s home institute is not providing user interface service for them. It solves the gLite user interface problem for new users from new institutions. It was planned to extend the functionality of the BalticgGrid central gLite user interface service ( with some tools like GridWay Metascheduler or Ganga but right now there have been problems with conflicts in software packages. The research has dome and the tools can be added as soon the conflicts will be solved. Providing Baltic grid users also a graphical grid user interface the Migrating Desktop and Grid Commander, developed by BG-II JRA activity, has been deployed. At the report writing this report the the services are in SA3 internal testing phase. Deviations from Plan There is a delay with application supporters “application porting training”. There were problems with finding a suitable trainings or workshops for SA3 supporters about “application porting to grid”. The workshop had to be organized by SA3 and to economize on the event cost the workshop will be organized in conjunction with BalticGrid-II 2nt All-Hands-Meeting because most of the supporters are participating on the event. Usage targets Measures of foreseen application integration and support activity have met on time: Support personnel trained for milestone MSA3.1: at least 2 per Baltic State and Belarus, total at least 8. Application codes integrated: P12 at least 3 Table 10 – Deliverables list for SA3 Del. No. Deliverable Title Date Due Accepted for Lead contractor release by PMB DSA3.1 Report on support specialist employment and training 30/04/2009 30/04/2009 EENET DSA3.2 1st report on Gridification of applications 01/05/2009 31/05/2009 EENET Note: DSA3.3 was moved to PM13, communicated and approved with Project Officer. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 35 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Table 11 – Milestones list for SA3 Mileston e No. Milestone Title Comment MSA3.1 Support specialist employed and trained The milestone 31/03/2009 described in DSA3.1; All partners from Baltic States and Belarus have nominated the support persons and the supporters attended on trainings BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Date Due Actual/ Lead Forecast Contractor delivery date EENET Page 36 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 2.8. JRA1 – ENHANCED APPLICATION SERVICES ON SUSTAINABLE EINFRASTRUCTURE Objectives of the Activity The JRA aims at development of advanced services that help grid users in their everyday work, tools that supports users cooperation as well as visualization of computing results in grid environment. The main objectives of activity are as follows: Extending the e-Infrastructure with advanced services necessary from the user, application and administrator point of view - the GUI level User-level support for Grid advanced data management Adaptation of mechanisms used for definition and management of task flow Ensuring a proper way of further developments by following the existing interface and service standards Support of the education process organized by NA2 Providing graphical data visualization tools for scientific computing in Grid Development of Gridcom - a web-based innovative groupware for grid technology The activity works focus on enhancements of three main components: Migrating Desktop Platform, Gridcom and visualization tools to support everyday work of BalticGrid-II users: Migrating Desktop Platform - this intuitive interface to project resources is enhanced support for advanced data and complex application management as well as features enabling interoperations between various computing infrastructures Gridcom - mechanisms for cooperation of user groups and applications of this webbased innovative groupware for grid technology are extended Tools for visualization of specific computing results - development of special mechanisms for visualization of application results in distributed grid environment Progress Towards Objectives At the beginning of the project, very important task was to establish efficient activity team, defining effective internal collaborations and communications rules. The implementation work in the first period focused on improvements of components deployed within BalticGrid (first phase) to follow development of the Grid standards. Deployment of the existing visualisation tools was a base for a performance analysis of their execution in grid environment. An outcome of the studies was described in deliverable “Performance analysis of sequential and parallel visualization in GRID environment” (DJRA1.1) Discussions on works planned within activity and relations to other project activities were base for the next report: “Design phase, interoperability and definition of cooperation with other activities: SA1, NA3, SA3 and plan for education trainings in co-operation with NA2” (DJRA1.2) Document, based on experiences gained during BalticGrid-I project as well as discussions (internal and with BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 37 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 representatives of other activities), designed required directions of development as well as plans for interoperability and cooperation between other project activities. Implementation works resulted in preparation of two releases: “First prototype - system integration, includes Migrating Desktop Framework extensions, user-level access to Grid data structures services for user-level support for Grid data management released, existing visualization tools and Gridcom”. (DJRA1.3) and “Second prototype – including includes mechanisms used for definition of task flow, developed visualization tools and Gridcom enhancements” (DJRA1.4). The last stage of the activity works was devoted to preparation of the final release focusing also on preparation of documentation, user guides and other materials essential for support of BalticGrid-II users. Development of Migrating Desktop Advanced data management To provide user with support for advanced data management Migrating Desktop graphical file manager (Grid Commander) was delivered as an independent network application. Providing this tool as independent, lightweight application that could be loaded from any location is useful for the users which don’t required other functionality of MD but need intuitive graphical file manager. Necessary changes included: restructuring of the Migrating Desktop architecture (application was divided into several cooperating and independent components constituting Migrating Desktop and Grid Commander lower layers), implementation of mechanism for easy integration of various file systems, Fig. 1 Grid Commander – intuitive file manager support for data access mechanisms and protocols used within Grid infrastructure as well as deployment of Grid Commander as a web application, accessible from any network location. Support of advanced job types Possibility of simultaneous submission of jobs differing only by values of input parameters (so called “parametric job”) and compound applications (based on flow of results between separate jobs) was recognized as one of the essential features required by users during BalticGrid-I works. Implementation of gLite parametric jobs handling required significant changes in job definition, submission and tracking mechanisms. Development of workflow mechanism “from scratch” significantly exceeds JRA activity resources. Keeping in mind requirements of BalticGrid project, after detailed evaluation of existing tools, the Kepler workflow orchestration was chosen. Kepler is claimed to be one of the most robust and flexible tools used for designing, executing, evolving, archiving, and sharing scientific workflows. Especially important from BalticGrid users point of view are Kepler extensions developed within EU Euforia project, that integrated this platform with gLite and UNICORE and provides Kepler as alternative client of Migrating Desktop server. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 38 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Fig. 2. Kepler – scientific workflows orchestration system Integration of Migrating Desktop and visualization tools VizLitG visualization system was integrated within Migrating Desktop platform. This tool could be used for visualization of HDF5 files directly from Migrating Desktop graphical client Evaluation of Migrating Desktop Framework Assessment of components developed within activity was a very important task at the last stage of the project: to increase the stability JRA tools were evaluated and bugs found were corrected. Review of codes and their optimization led to performance improvements. Deployment The production version of the Migrating Desktop (and Grid Commander which is just a specialized GUI to RAS file management services) has been installed as one of the BalticGrid core services on host in early stage of the project. The Migrating Desktop is widely used by users to run BalticGrid applications. Development of visualization tools Grid visualization tool VisPartDEM Developed VisPartDEM software is specialized for distributed visualization of large particle systems simulated by the Discrete Element Method. Advanced algorithms based on surface extraction and generation of Voronoi diagrams were developed in order to obtain geometric representation of propagating cracks (Fig. 3). Advanced filters for visualization of propagating cracks were implemented in the VisPartDEM software. The simplest algorithm maps initial defects to generated triangles (tetrahedras). Spatial representation of cracks can be visualized as cell attributes. Advanced algorithms employ global or local Voronoi diagrams in order to obtain contact surfaces of neighbouring particles. Fig. 3 Visualization of propagating cracks BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 39 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Assessment of VisPartDEM flexibility revealed that the architecture of e-service was not very convenient for tool users as well as for site administrators. Light version of VisPartDEM was developed in order to reduce installation efforts and to designed software as grid visualization tool (Fig. 4). Client software including GUI and Remote Viewer is downloaded by using Java Web Start technology. Simplified GUI covers from user unnecessary details of heterogeneous grid infrastructure. VisPartDEM client implemented as Java application connects to any UI by means of JSCH library. Traditional gLite commands for user Fig. 4 Architecture of VisPartDEM Light authentication and authorization, job submission and monitoring are enwrapped by Java programming language. Considered visualization pipelines, JDL files and shell scripts for running visualization engine are generated automatically in order to submit job to grid. Finally, parallel visualization engine of VisPartDEM runs on working nodes of any computing element while the compressed video stream is efficiently transferred through the network and displayed on the client by Remote Viewer. XML interface for remote data is developed in order to provide for grid users automatic data management and interactive dataset selection. Usually, large HDF5 file containing data is located in remote storage element, while small XML file containing metadata on the data structure can be stored in any convenient location. GLSL shaders supported by VTK are implemented in VisPartDEM in order to improve performance of visualization and to exploit the increasing parallelism provided by graphics processors. Grid visualization e-service VizLitG Grid visualization e-service VizLitG is designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located in Storage Elements. VizLitG was adapted to needs of BalticGrid users and employed for visualization of scientific results (Fig. 5) computed in BalticGrid. Fig. 5. Visualization of breaking wave phenomena in the dam break problem The client-server architecture of e-service VizLitG is based on widely recognized web standards implemented in GlassFish application server and Java EE 6. The visualization server runs on special User Interface for Graphics (UIG). Thus, natural access to grid resources is available. The lightweighted client implemented as Java application consists of GUI and Viewer. Metadata, visualization BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 40 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 network and its parameters are transferred by JAX-WS runtime. Remote user has full interactivity level provided by VTK widgets and GVid software. Data files located in SE can be accessed by using traditional means like LFC (LCG) or GridFTP available in gLite distribution. The additional application server runs on the experimental SE in order to provide special data services able processing and transferring the selected parts of datasets. Performance analysis revealed that the initial client-server architecture of VizLitG delivering geometry to client for local rendering is not suitable for the pilot application of poly-dispersed particle systems. In order to be employed for visualization of pilot applications VizLitG was redesigned for image delivery support. High interactivity level was provided for remote users by implementing GVid software as video-streaming module. The interactivity of e-service was enchanted by implementing VTK widgets. The Message Authentication over SSL mechanism of GlassFish is employed for security reasons. Visualization software ParaView ParaView is very popular open source software for visualization of large datasets. It was adapted to the deployment in BalticGrid-II in order to provide for grid users enhanced application services aimed for distributed visualization of large datasets. ParaView is very useful for BalticGrid users performing large distributed computations of actual industrial problems like oil filters (Fig. 6), sediment transport, compacting and hopper discharge. Fully interactive user communication mode was implemented, tested and deployed on BalticGrid. Grid user can start interactive visualization session employing full power of GUI and highly interactive widgets. Interactive GUI was implemented in grid environment by using client-server communication mode named reverse connection. Fig. 6 Velocity field in industrial oil filter 6HP26 Special purpose parallel reader is developed for unstructured datasets stored in predefined HDF5 format. It is adapted for the nature of pilot applications that decompose the solution domain into sub-domains, each being assigned to a processor, and ensure load balancing. The developed reader for partitioned unstructured HDF5 files demonstrated good parallel performance in real grid environment based on distributed or shared home systems. GPU or direct rendering was enabled for visualization of large datasets on multi-core architectures. It is worth to note, that gLite JDL abilities are not enough flexible for running parallel MPI jobs on multi-core nodes equipped by a single GPU. ParaView server was configured in order to obtain right image and avoid artefacts. GPU rendering on multi-core architectures significantly reduced visualization time. Performed speed-up analysis revealed that deployed ParaView software is well designed for distributed visualization of considered datasets. Development of Gridcom Gridcom is a simple grid interface for complex applications. It splits input data into intervals; generates and submits as many jobs as needed; scatters parametric jobs into simple jobs (Fig. 7); resubmits aborted jobs; and collects, merges and visualizes the results. All these functions are performed automatically, including transparent upload of large files to storage elements. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 41 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Fig. 7. Parametric application execution via Gridcom User access control and user management interface Now every Gridcom instance can have many read-only users. They can read application and grid log files, study and download application results but can not launch applications on the grid. This is useful for sharing the results and for troubleshooting, as administrators can look for any required log file themselves. The new user management interface allows managing Gridcom users, changing passwords. So Gridcom now does not violate BalticGrid certificate policies beacuse only certificate owner has access to the grid resources, other users have only access to the results which are stored locally in Gridcom server. HTTPS support Gridcom security has been improved by supporting HTTPS protocol for all communication between user and Gridcom. Also, BalticGrid SSL certificate for server has been gotten and installed. Gridcom recovering after system restart Now every running Gridcom application stores its state in files. Gridcom, on the other hand, now automatically relaunches all applications after system restart. As a result all system restarts (due to security updates or due to failure for instance) are unnoticeable to users. Gridcom optimization Internal Gridcom optimization includes many improvement since the first phase of the project. Gridcom administrative command have been developed to simplify mainteinance of Girdcom server. The system load of hardware resources has been significantly decreased. Cooperation with project activities BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 42 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 The Joint Research Activity works were strictly related to tasks performed within other activities of the project so the interoperability and cooperation between activities is the key issue. JRA closely cooperated with the SA3 providing necessary user support regarding JRA components, and actively participate in NA2 educational and disseminative activities. JRA supported also NA3 activities (tools developed within JRA are commonly used in everyday work of application users). NA2 “Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach” JRA activity was heavily involved in dissemination and the education process organised by NA2 activity. A number of tutorials during summer schools and local workshops prepared by NA2 were the good opportunity for the application users and developers to familiarize with functionality (services) delivered for the research community by JRA. Several demos shown and talks presented during various meetings and conferences allow widely disseminate the results in scientific community and show the usefulness from the user point of view With a greater detail, the actions taken consisted of: - Live demo "Using the BalticGrid-II infrastructure: SemTi-Kamols - a linguistic analyser of Latvian language" was prepared in strict cooperation with NA2 activity and NA3 activity (SemtiKamols application developer team). The demo of application integrated within Migrating Desktop framework was shown on demo sessions of EGEE’08 conference. (Istanbul, 2008) - Demo “CoPS - The Complex Comparison of Protein Structures supported by grid” prepared and shown during EGEE UF’09 conference (Catania, 2009) - The Migrating Desktop as a framework for grid applications” presented at EGEE UF’09 conference (Catania, 2009) - On-line and recorded demo "Migrating Desktop - Intuitive Interface to Grid Resources” presenting functionality of Migrating Desktop prepared and shown during EGEE’09, Barcelona. - BalticGrid-II Summer School (Moletai LT) - activity representative gave to Summer School students a lecture “Enhanced Application Services on Sustainable e-Infrastructure“ describing activity works and components developed. - JRA representative was invited as a lecturer to the Summer School organized by EU project DORII in St Stefan, Austria. Conducted tutorial “Migrating Desktop - intuitive graphical interface to Grid resources” presents the BalticGrid project together with “hands-on” Migrating Desktop exercises. - Preparation local web pages describing components developed within activity - Dissemination of knowledge about the BalticGrid-II project during local seminars - Interactive demonstration “Visualization e-services and tools for grid build by gLite” has been prepared and presented in EGEE’09, Barcelona. - Visualization tools were promoted within grid users from different application areas during the All Hands Meetings of BalticGrid project. Interactive demonstrations and show cases have been prepared and presented for the users. - Technical brochure “Grid visualization tool VisPartDEM” has been prepared, placed on the web and distributed among potential users. - Demonstration “VisPartDEM: distributed visualization tool for particle systems simulated by the Discrete Element Method” on software features and usage has been prepared. Video material of demonstration can be downloaded from the web page of VisPartDEM. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 43 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 - - - Technical brochure “Grid visualization e-service VizLitG” has been prepared, placed on the web and distributed. The poster “Grid Visualization e-Service VizLitG” has been prepared and presented in BalticGrid stand during EGEE’09, Barcelona. Technical brochure “ParaView on BalticGrid” concerning usage of open-source visualization software ParaView in BalticGrid-II has been prepared and placed on the web. The poster “ParaView on BalticGrid-II” has been prepared and presented in BalticGrid stand during EGEE’09, Barcelona. Presentation “Grid visualization e-service VizLitG” in the 13th International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech: Nano Design, Technology, Computer Simulations, Vilnius, 22–26 June 2009. Presentation “Computation and Visualization of Poly-Dispersed Particle Systems on gLite Grid” in 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering, Pécs, Hungary, 6-8 April, 2009. Invited presentation “Scientific computations, graphical environments and visualization in grid environment“ in XVIIth seminar of Lithuanian Association of Computational Mechanics, 15 April, 2009. NA3 “Application Identification and Collaboration” Tools, developed within JRA support the everyday work of NA3 application users providing intuitive graphical interface to project resources and enabling effective collaboration between scientists. From the other side the user expectations and requirements gave the driving forces to JRA works. Pilot applications for developed visualization software have been considered within close collaboration with NA3 activity. The attention has been focused on applications that had not integrated visualization software and produce large result files located in remote storage elements. Thus, visualization tool VisPaertDEM has been developed for the particle technology applications that belong to the BalticGrid-II application group named Engineering Modelling Tasks. The visualized examples including large number of particles are compacting, hopper discharge and crack propagation. ParaView software is well designed for parallel visualization of large datasets that are common in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Visualized applications of dam break flows, sediment and pollution transport also belong to the BalticGrid-II application group named Engineering Modelling Tasks. SA3 “Application Integration and Support” The services developed within JRA foster the new research communities supported by SA3 Works done in cooperation with SA3 activity include: Support for integration of BG-II applications with components developed within JRA; Preparation of manuals concerning JRA tools. The JRA tools documentation, user guides, demos and other materials essential for support of BalticGrid-II users have been continuously prepared and updated. Publishing of training materials on BalticGrid as well as local web-pages Preparation of JRA technical brochure to let potential users to get familiar with JRA Migrating Desktop a tutorial showing basics of practical Migrating Fig. 8. The JRA Brochure BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 44 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Desktop usage and user guide were prepared and published on Migrating Desktop wiki Presentations and publications R. Kačianauskas, A. Maknickas, A. Kačeniauskas, D. Markauskas, R. Balevičius. Parallel discrete element simulation of poly-dispersed granular material. Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier SCI LTD: England, ISSN 0965-9978, 41(1), 2010, 52–63. A. Kaceniauskas, R. Kacianauskas, A. Maknickas and D. Markauskas. Computation and Visualization of Poly-Dispersed Particle Systems on gLite Grid // Proc. of 1st International Conference on parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering (Eds. B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi), ISBN 978-1-905088-28-7, Civil-Comp Press, 2009, p. 1-18. A Kačeniauskas, R. Pacevič, T. Katkevičius, A. Bugajev. Grid visualization e-service VizLitG. CDROM Proc. of 13th International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech: Nano Design, Technology, Computer Simulations (Eds. A. Melker, V. Nelayev, J. Tamuliene), Vilnius, Vol. 13, 2009, 92-98. A Kačeniauskas, R. Pacevič, T. Katkevičius. Dam break flow simulation on grid. CDROM Proc. of 13th International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech: Nano Design, Technology, Computer Simulations (Eds. A. Melker, V. Nelayev, J. Tamuliene), Vilnius, Vol. 13, 2009, 85-91. A. Kačeniauskas. Mass conservation issues of moving interface flows modelled by the interface capturing approach. Mechanika, ISSN 1392-1207, 2008, 69(1), p. 35-41. Deviations from Plan No significant issues or deviations from plan were encountered. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 45 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Table 14 – Deliverables for JRA1 Del. No. Deliverable Title DJRA1.1 Date Due Accepted for release by PMB Lead contractor Performance analysis of sequential and 31/08/2008 parallel visualization in GRID environment 31/08/2008 VGTU DJRA1.2 30/10/2008 Design phase, interoperability and definition of cooperation with other activities: SA1, NA3, SA3 and plan for education trainings in co-operation with NA2 30/10/2008 PSNC DJRA1.3 First prototype - system integration, 30/01/2009 includes Migrating Desktop Framework extensions, user-level access to Grid data structures services for user-level support for Grid data management released, existing visualization tools and Gridcom 30/01/2009 PSNC DJRA1.4 Second prototype – including includes 31.10.09 mechanisms used for definition of task flow, developed visualization tools and Gridcom enhancements 31.10.09 PSNC DJRA1.5 Final report 31.03.10 PSNC Comment Date Due Actual/ Lead Contractor Forecast delivery date MJRA1.1 Design phase closed The milestone described in DJRA1.2 30/10/2008 30/10/2008 PSNC MJRA1.2 First prototype ready The milestone described in DJRA1.3 30/01/2009 30/01/2009 PSNC 31.10.09 31.10.09 PSNC MJRA1.3 Second prototype ready The milestone described in DJRA1.4 30.04.10 30.04.10 PSNC MJRA1.4 Final version of services The milestone described in DJRA1.5 31.03.10 Table 15 – Milestones for JRA1 Milestone No. Milestone Title BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 46 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 3. JUSTIFICATION OF MAJOR COST ITEMS AND RESOURCES 3.1. WORK PERFORMED BY EACH PARTNER DURING THE PERIOD The work performed is summarised and shown for each partner and activity. Generic tasks like participation in recurrent activities and management meetings are not mentioned as well as self- and partner related administration. Key personnel and activity leaders have all actively participated in the work and responsibilities of the Project Management Board. This includes duties such as participation in weekly meetings, reviewing of deliverables and other produced material and participation in organisation of events. Partner representatives have all participated in the Executive Board meetings and work, taking responsibility for the overall steering of the project. The work performed is summarised and shown for each partner and activity. Generic tasks like participation in recurrent activities and management meetings are not mentioned as well as self- and partner related administration. Key personnel and activity leaders have all actively participated in the work and responsibilities of the Project Management Board. This includes duties such as participation in weekly meetings, reviewing of deliverables and other produced material and participation in organisation of events. Partner representatives have all participated in the Executive Board meetings and work, taking responsibility for the overall steering of the project. 3.1.1. KTH NA1: Coordinator. Initiating and leading the project organisation. Collecting and compiling monthly time reports. Collecting and compiling of quarterly partner internal cost statements. Organising weekly Project Management Board meetings. Supporting partners concerning financial and organisational issues. Organising the External advisory Committee and its first project assessment. Coordinated the Gender Action Plan (DNA1.1). Initiated and coordinating the BalticGrid Innovation Lab as well as the BalticCloud. NA2: Co-organising BalticGrid events. Contributing to the BalticGrid website. Presenting BalticGrid at international seminars, workshops and conferences. Reviewing the deliverable documents. NA3: BalticGrid Innovation Lab work, developing a course specifically aiming at SMEs. NA4: Participating in OGF, ECRI, eIRG , EU concertation events. Reviewing the deliverable documents. SA1: Assessing sites and certifying sites to become part of the EGEE grid. Continued analysis of resource allocation, deprecation of Tycoon, analysis of existing (but un-configured) advancedreservation, preemptable, systems. Running ROC and ROD operations including escalation of tickets to SA1 managment. theAssessing sites and certifying sites to become part of the EGEE grid. Planning the transition of operations to the EGI. SA2: Applications support synchronising with initial and production SA3 Users' Forum. Reviewing documents and network plans. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 47 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 SA3: Initial deployment of BalticGrid Users' Forum. Imported, fixed and modernised historical documents. Organised contributors per section. Introduced first-line support sequence. Continuing work on re-deployed, production Forum. 3.1.2. EENET NA2: Contributing to the “Dissemination Report” and to NA2 deliverables DNA2.2. Reviewing Balticagrid-II project poster. Development of the website informing users about the BalticGrid-II project on Esronian Grid web page. Participation in kick-off meeting in Vilnius and 1st All-Hands Meeting in Minsk. Representing the project in EGEE'08 Conference and EGEE User Forum. Contributing to the BaltucGrid users brochure. NA3: Contributing and reviewing DNA3.1, DNA 3.2, DNA3, DNA3.4. Filling an application description form for NA3 about DALTON, MOSES and OpenFOAM applications and porting the application to grid in collaboration with the scientists from Tartu University. Participation on NA3 sessions on BalticGrid-II kick-off meeting at Vilnius. Meetings with several scientific groups at University of Tartu: Linguists, Material Scientists, Distributed systems group. Participate on NA3 sessions at Minsk BaltiGrid-II 1th All-Hands-Meeting and Kalle Keskrand also made a short presentation. NA4: Participating in EUGridPMA meetings and representing Baltic Grid CA, reviewing Latvian Grid Certification Authority and Belarusian Grid Certification Authority and the policy documents. Participating in OGF25 meeting at Catania, Italy. Reading and commenting on OGF Certificate Authority Operations work group documents. Contributing to the reports DNA4.1. SA1: The work with operation of core grid services, e.g. VOMS, BDII, WMS and MyProxy. Operating BalticGrid Certification Authority (CA). Updating and fixing bugs in grid CA management software package Camager. Updating and fixing bugs in BalticGrid resource monitor ( Supporting BalticGrid resource centres with gLite installations. Contributing to deliverable DSA1.1, DSA1.2, DSA1.3 SA2: Monitoring, testing and configuring grid central services' network. Attending at the network performance tests. Creating mailing list for Incident Response Team of BalticGrid. Participating on "Technical Network Liaison Committee" sessions at EGEE'08. Building network for new hardware for BalticGrid central services. Contributing and reviewing DSA2.1 and DSA2.5 SA3: Activity leader. Planning and coordinating of SA3 team work, organizing the weekly SA3 EVO-meetings and participating in the weekly PMB EVO-meetings. Supporting grid users. Participation on BalticGrid-II kick-off meeting at Vilnius and on BaltiGrid-II 1th AllHands-Meeting at Minsk: general SA3 presentation and chairing SA3 sessions. Choosing and preparing training for SA3 support specialists. Participation in EGEE "Training the Trainers" event at CERN. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 48 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Applications support – working with MOSES, OpenFoam and Dalton packages for integrating them on grid. Compiling parallel version of Dalton package. Testing OpenFoam package after installation. Initiating and contributing Baltic Grid Users' Forum web page ( and a central gLite user interface machine for BalticGrid users. Testing applications for BalticGrid central gLite user interface service (Ganga and GridWay). The documentation web page for Grid CA management software (Camager) was updated. Writing users support system procedures and reconfiguring RT ticketing system. Testing Migrating Desktop and Grid Commander installations for BalticGrid users. 3.1.3. KBFI NA2: During the first year of the BGII project, KBFI had: 14 presentations at the different conferences and AHMs, 3 lectures, 4 PhD defenses related to the project, 11 scientific and general public publications and 2 workshops. KBFI prepared the technical brochure "BalticGrid Infrastructure" and a special web site for a spin-off of the BGII project, the BalticCloud project. NA3: Provided support and coordinated CMS activities. Supported also general BalticGrid users with resources and support. Contributed to deliverables DNA3.1, DNA3.2 and DNA3.4. Operations Director resides in KBFI. Leading work on operational support and users helpdesk. Took part in rotational support watch. Operated the testbed. Supported other sites with gLite middleware installations and maintenance. Arranged SA1 meetings and presented SA1 and operations results at BalticGrid meetings. Worked as Registration Authority. Coordinated the communication with other middlewares projects. Created the first cloud-computing instance in Northern Europe to initiate the BalticCloud initiative. Active contribution to the BGi lab and courses to be taught in TU. Contributed in all SA1 deliverables and performed internal reviews of most SA2 deliverables. Performed work on network throughput tests and consulted on the testing environment. One for the first sites to join central monitoring of Ganglia. Perfomed internal reviews for SA2 deliverables. SA1: SA2: SA3: Provided expert level user support. Helped a number of scientific groups with possible future Gridification of their applications. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 49 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 3.1.4. IMCS UL NA2: Contributing to NA2 deliverables and BalticGrid-II brochure. Development of the website informing users about the BalticGrid-II project in the Latvian language. Participation in kick-off meeting in Vilnius and 1st All-Hands Meeting in Minsk. Representing the project in EGEE User Forum in September 2008. 2nd All-Hands meeting in cooperation with RTU organised in Riga. Participation in Grid sections during the conference of the University of Latvia in 2009. Discussing collaboration between BalticGrid-II and GN2/GN3. NA3: Preparation of a publication about applications on the BalticGrid-II, preparation for the EGEE08 conference, development of presentation of BG-II linguistic application SemTiKamols, studying possibility of grid computing usage for computer science students during their laboratory works. Presentation of applications during 1st AHM and in the project stand at the EGEE User Forum. Organising meetings with users and user groups from various research institutions of Latvia. Evaluation of possibilities to grid-enable NS-2 network simulation software. Identification and contacting with OpenFOAM users, . NA4: Condor for submitting and managing grid jobs, as well as its interoperability with gLite was studied. JSDL job description language was studied. Grid CA policy documents were studied, presentation prepared, participation in EUGridPMA. Introduction to de-facto standard for grid interoperability (Globus Toolkit) and various grid middlewares (gLite, UNICORE, VDT), participation in EGEE UF and NGI meeting. SA1: Maintenance of IMCSUL and IMCSUL-INF sites, deployment of 64-bit SLC 4.6 WNs, following the SA1 mailing list, user support, BalticGrid CA RA functions. SA2: Activity leader. Producing the reports “Report on the establishment and operation of CNCC and NNCCs, and BalticGrid IRT” (DSA2.1), “Grid Acceptable Use Policy” (DSA2.2), “Report on the expansion of BalticGrid infrastructure” (DSA2.3), “Security Policy” (DSA2.4), “Incident Handling and Response Policy” (DSA2.5), “Interim report on network performance” (DSA2.6). Periodic updates of the BalticGrid network monitoring system, installation and support of Ganglia monitoring software. TCP performance testing laboratory set up and tests with various configuration parameters run. The reasons behind the poor network performance identified. SA3: Support of ANSYS, protein analysis and Mathlab users. ESSM (CoPS) application gridenabled and calculations performed. Work with other potential user groups initiated. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 50 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 3.1.5. IFJ PAN NA2: Planning and coordinating of NA2 team work, participating in the weekly PMB video-meetings, maintenance of the BG-II web site and web usage statistics. Help in organizing the kick-off meeting in Vilnius and 1st All-Hands Meeting in Minsk, coorganizing two Grid Open Days (in Vilnius and Minsk). Elaborating of NA2 yearly dissemination reports, the Project Website, Dissemination Roadmap and Dissemination Report deliverables. Participation in relevant exhibitions with Project stands (EGEE conference in Istanbul, EGEE UF in Catania, ICT’08 in Lyon), participation in workshops and conferences like Cracow Grid Workshop in 2008 (coorganized) and OGF. Organization of grid seminars (7) and help in organization of one tutorial as well as support in organization of the BalticGrid-II Summer School (in Vilnius) and preparation of the program of the event. Elaborating of the Project disseminative materials like: general brochure (two issues), general poster, project movie (two issues), NA2 presentations given at BG-II kick-off meeting and the 1st AHM; elaborating feedback and event evaluation forms, BG-II pens, calendars and business cards. Gathering information on Activities' progress and their achievements; contacts with application developers, gathering materials on BG-II applications for the BG-II movie. Cooperation with the BELIEF project w r t inclusion of the BG-II materials into the BELIEF’s Digital Library. SA1: IFJ-PAN continued providing infrastructure support for hands-on tutorials in the Project, the resources monitoring was improved which facilitated to have a successfull tutorial during AHM meeting in Minsk. IFJ-PAN SA1 staff contributed to development of support structures in SA1 activity which led to establishment of relevant procedures and so called "1st line support" group. IFJ-PAN also has provided manpower for Polish team of 1st line support. We took part in internal review of DSA1.3 deliverable and continued on operational support for IFJ-PAN-BG site. SA3: IFJPAN is responsible for coordination of application support activity in SA3 as well as for provision of 2nd level support (support for supporters) on that field. Responsible person is Tomasz Szepieniec, who was actively involved in all Project meetings, SA3 phone conferences and in organization of special SA3 workshop on application adaptation. Work done includes following activity: - selecting pilot applications for highest priority on grid enabling, - work towards collection of best practices, - direct support on grid enabling of NWChem package (which was documented on a poster presented at 3rd EGEE User Forum). BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 51 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 3.1.6. PSNC NA2: Preparing materials and conducting BalticGrid-II (as well as local and external) workshops and tutorials. - A gLite tutorial at The First BalticGrid-II All-Hands Meeting (Minsk, Belarus, 2008) - A lecture and tutorial at BalticGrid-II Summer School (Moletai, Lithuania, 2009) - Invited talk and tutorial at the DORII project Summer School (St Stefan, Austria, 2009) - Organisation of local workshops and tutorials Presentation of demos shown at several conferences: EGEE’08 (Istanbul, 2008), EGEE UF’09 (Catania, 2009), EGEE’09 (Barcelona, Spain, 2009). Talk “The Migrating Desktop as a framework for grid applications” presented at EGEE UF’09 conference (Catania, Italy, 2009) Participation in NA2 internal meetings. Update of local BalticGrid-II web pages. Contributing to the BalticGrid-II brochure. Dissemination of knowledge about the BalticGrid-II project during local seminars. Organisation and hosting of The Third BalticGrid-II All-Hands Meeting (Poznan, Poland, 2009). SA1: Cluster configuration and maintenance (work performed continuously during the reported period). Maintaining of plgrid Certificate Authority. Participation to activity internal meetings. Describing procedures of "SA1 First line support". Setting up and monitoring gLite facilities for tutorial “gLite for beginners” (Minsk). Active support of BalticCloud initiative. Preparation of Site Contact list. Review of DJRA1.3 deliverable. User support for Polish users of BalticGrid-II. Configuration of test machines for JRA purposes. SA3: Participation to activity teleconferences. Installation of Migrating Desktop as BalticGrid-II core service. Supporting MD users. Integration of pilot applications. Contribution to SA3 brochure. Evaluation of Migrating Desktop and Grid Commander. NA3: Contributing to the deliverable: “Design and deployment of SIG portals, Migrating Desktop, testbeds for application tests and launching” (DNA2.3), JRA1: Coordination of the activity. Enhancement of project components deployed within BalticGrid (first phase) NA3 activity to be compatible with Grid standards of the project testbed. Participation in preparation of report “Performance analysis of sequential and parallel visualization in GRID environment” (DJRA1.1) Preparation of demos presenting Migrating Desktop: - "Using the BalticGrid-II infrastructure: SemTi-Kamols - a linguistic analyser of Latvian language" – presented at the EGEE’08. (Istanbul, Turkey, 2008) - “CoPS - The Complex Comparison of Protein Structures supported by grid” - shown at the EGEE UF’09 conference (Catania, Italy, 2009) - "Migrating Desktop - Intuitive Interface to Grid Resources” presented at EGEE’09, (Barcelona, Spain, 2009). Formulation of descriptions of works planned within activity and relations to other project activities delivered as report: “Design phase, interoperability and definition of cooperation BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 52 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 with other activities: SA1, NA3, SA3 and plan for education trainings in co-operation with NA2” (DJRA1.2) Development of the Migrating Desktop Framework following conclusions described in DJRA1.2 (see chapter 2.8 for more detailed description). The most important features include: - Providing an user-level support for Grid advanced data management - Adaptation of mechanisms used for definition and management of task flow Preparation of the Migrating Desktop releases and reports describing activity products prototypes: - The first prototype: “System integration, includes Migrating Desktop Framework extensions, user-level access to Grid data structures - services for user-level support for Grid data management released, existing visualization tools and Gridcom” (DJRA1.3) - “Second prototype – including includes mechanisms used for definition of task flow, developed visualization tools and Gridcom enhancements” (DJRA1.4) Preparation of the final release, and report showing activity works and achievements: “Final report” (DJRA1.5). Creation of the local web pages describing components developed within activity. Contribution to the article “BalticGrid-II on the Way to Interoperability” submitted to Journal of Grid Computing. Creation of the JRA technical brochure. Participation in project AHM meetings: Vilnius (May 2008), Minsk (October 2008), Riga (May 2009), Poznan (December 2009). Taking part in PMB teleconferences and face to face meetings. 3.1.7. VU NA2: Preparation of BG-II kick-off meeting in Vilnius, participation in it. Preparation for AHM in Minsk, participation in it. Various internal meetings and local seminars to discuss problems and tasks of BG-II. Participation in EGEE 08. Development and implementation of NA3 questionnaires. Negotiations with new Grid users. VU BG web page updating. Report on monthly events. NA3: Development and gridification of NEURO applications, installatiopn and testing of Octave for NEURO applications. Analysis of applications foreseen in BG-II project, as well as checking their status, gridification and tracking of deployment of applications of many partners. New potential user identification. Preparation of DNA3.1, DNA3.2, DNA3.3, DNA3.4 deliverables. NA4: NA4 participants team meeting in Vilnius AHM. BG PMB EVO meetings. Prepared article on Analysis of grid interoperability, participation in grid interoperability and policy events in EGEE-08. Participation of preparation in DNA4.1. SA1: Testing memory intensive grid jobs with shared resources, especially in cluster and in Weekly SA1 EVO meetings. Weekly reports to CIC portal. Participation in EGEE-08 in Istanbul. Cluster software upgrade. Central grid services support. Management of myProxy service. Nagios monitoring tool deployment and using in BG infrastructure. WMS and BDII upgrading to new SLC and gLite versions. Participation in BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 53 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 CloudGrid meeting in Tallin. Hardware and virtual environment preparation for BG CloudGrid first instance installation on RTU site. SA2: WMS data recovery from broken RAID. Participation in AHM, Minsk. Grid cluster testing. Network intrusion detecting system testing. central service maintenance problem solving. New kernel compilation and installation in worker nodes. CERN/CERT security recommendations preparing for installation. SA3: Support of applications. MATLAB integration scenarios in Balticgrid infrastructure. Participation in GridKa summer school. Ganglia monitoring system installation. Job submittion script preparation for NAMD application. Grid presentation in many local seminars, at Lithuanian Academy of Science, other institutions. New users applications compatibility with Grid analysing. JRA: Enhancement of project components deployed within BalticGrid (first phase) NA3 activity to be compatible with Grid standards of the project testbed. Descriptions of works planned for Gridcom, within activity and relations to other project activities presented as report: “Design phase, interoperability and definition of cooperation with other activities: SA1, NA3, SA3 and plan for education trainings in co-operation with NA2” (DJRA1.1, DJRA1.2) Development of advanced job management support within Gridcom: restructuring of the Gridcom architecture as an more universal grid user application. Implementation of support for SFTP protocol and Unicore data access mechanisms. 3.1.8. RTU NA2: Participation in BG-II kick-off meeting in Vilnius. RTU BG internal meeting. Participate in IMCS seminar. Summarize RTU bachelors and master works concerning Grid. Prepared DNA2.2 review. Participation in EGEE 08. Held internal meetings on EGEE-08 results. Report to NA2 questionaire. Negotiations with new Grid users. RTU BG web page updating. Report on montly events. NA3: Optimal Matlab application choice for signal processing tasks. Solving Matlab gridification problems. New potential user identification. New user community from molecular chemistry involvement and their requirement indentification. Negotiations with Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center. NA4: NA4 participants team meeting in Vilnius AHM. Participated in OGF 23 and FP5 Concertation Meeting in Barcelona. Prepared Q1-Q4 reports. BG PMB EVO meetings. Prepared article on Grid interoperability to The Journal of Grid Computing. Participation in Grid interoperability and policy events in EGEE-08 and OGF/EGEE events in Sardinia. Prepared DNA4.1.- Analysis Document on Cooperation and Good Practice. Participation in Cloudscape workshop in Brussels. Participation in eIRG workshop in Paris. Prepared DNA4.2. and 1st year report on NA4. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 54 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 SA1: Testing memory intensive Grid jobs with shared resources. GGUS ticket solving. VUS software problem solving. Weekly SA1 EVO meetings. Weekly reports to CIC portal. Participation in EGEE-08 in Istanbul. Cluster software upgrade. Central grid services support. Add MYPROXY service. EGEE Nagios monitoring tool testing in BG infrastructure. WMS and BDII upgrading to new SLC and gLite versions. BD-II project presentation on INGRID conference in Sardinia. Participation in CloudGrid meeting in Tallin. Hardware and virtual environment preparation for BG CloudGrid first instance installation on RTU site. SA2: Bandwidth testing between RTU and IMCS UL clusters. WMS data recovery from broken RAID. Participation in AHM and Informatics Conference in Minsk. Stability and bandwidth of interconnection between RTU and LUMII Grid cluster testing. Network intrusion detecting system testing. New network monitoring system (ZABBIKS) installation. Central service maintenance problem solving. . New kernel compilation and installation in worker nodes. CERNCERT security recommendations preparing for installation. SA3: Negotiations with Mathworks about Matlab purchase. MATLAB integration scenarios in Balticgrid infrastructure analysing. Suitable licensing model agreement signing. Matlab integration in Grid environmet and testing on RTU site. OPNET testing in Grid environment. Participation in GridKa summer school. Ganglia monitoring system installation. Job submittion script preparation for NAMD application. Grid prezentation in seminar at Latvian Biomedical and Study Center. New users application compatibility with Grid analysing. 3.1.9. ITPA NA2: Preparation of BG-II kick-off meeting in Vilnius, participation in it. Preparations for AHM in Minsk and Riga. Preparation of brochures (ITER and SYNTSPEC). Preparation of demo on SYNTSPEC application. Various internal meetings and local seminars to discuss problems and tasks of BG-II. Participation in EGEE 09 User Forum. Development and implementation of NA3 questionnaires. Negotiations with new Grid users. ITPA VU BG web page updating. Report on monthly activities. NA3: Development and gridification of ITER and other applications. Analysis of applications foreseen in BG-II project, as well as checking their status, gridification and tracking of deployment of applications of many partners. New potential user identification. Preparation of deliverables. NA4: NA4 participants team meeting in Vilnius AHM. Participation in the deliverable preparation. Prepared suggestions for European grid interoperability, participation in grid interoperability and policy event in Lyon. SA1: Testing memory intensive grid jobs with shared resources on clusters Dangus, Spekras and Atom. Weekly SA1 EVO meetings. Weekly reports to CIC portal. Cluster software upgrade. Central grid services support. Management of myProxy service. Nagios monitoring tool deployment and using in BG infrastructure. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 55 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 SA2: WMS data recovery from broken RAID. Participation in AHM, Minsk. Grid cluster testing. Network intrusion detecting system testing. central service maintenance problem solving. New kernel compilation and installation in worker nodes. CERN/CERT security recommendations preparing for installation. SA3: Support of applications. MATLAB integration scenarios in Balticgrid infrastructure. Participation in training events. GridCom interface implementation. Grid presentation in many local seminars, at Lithuanian Academy of Science, other institutions. New users applications compatibility with Grid analysing. Support of Virtual Organisations. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 56 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 3.1.10. CERN SA1: Provide administrator support to the BalticGrid-II grid sites o Participate in ticket watch rota o Ongoing site monitoring and service updates Provide administrator support to the VGTU cluster (EGEE production certified site) o Provide support for the new on-site cluster administrator o Quattor setup o Services installed and monitored: lcg-CE / BDII / MON / APEL / GRIDICE / SRM SE / WMS / Top-BDII Nagios ~100 cores, 100GB storage o Ongoing site monitoring and service updates Participation in regular SA1 EVO meetings, typically once per week Contribution and review of the following SA1 documents: o DSA1.2 Central Services in Operation in All Countries o DSA1.4 Report on Additional Grid Middleware Support Other documents: contribution and review of: o Deliverables DNA1.1 Quality and Gender Action Plan DNA2.2 Dissemination Roadmap o MoU MoU with EGEE-III MoU with ARC o Other documents Impact assessment case study document BalticGrid-II Users Forum Brochure Other CERN-related activities declared under SA1: o Provide CERN input to EC and internal reports: 3 Quarterly Reports (Q1: May-June-July08; Q2: Aug-Sep-Oct08; Q3:Nov-DecJan09) 4 Internal Cost Claims (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4:Feb-Mar-Apr09) 1 Annual report (DNA1.5 Yearly Activity and Management Reports) Monthly timesheets o Liaison activities between BalticGrid-II and EGEE, and with other similar e-Infrastructure projects o Participation in the discussion of project sustainability after BalticGrid-II o CERN-wide dissemination of BalticGrid-II activities o Participation in the following BalticGrid-II events: BalticGrid-II Kickoff, Vilnius, 13-15 May 08 BalticGrid-II All Hands Meeting, Minsk, 29-30 Oct 08 Preparation for the BalticGrid-II All Hands Meeting, Riga, May 09 Regular PMB meetings (EVO, face-to-face) EB meetings (co-located with Vilnius and Minsk All Hands Meetings) o Participation in other relevant events BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 57 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 o 6th e-Infrastructure Concertation Meeting, Lyon, Nov 08 Oversee CERN technical and administrative activities in BalticGrid-II that are not mentioned above Hiring of personnel Handling of official documents: Grant Agreement, Consortium Agreement Internal review of spending; monitor/forecast spending SA3: Participation in regular SA3 EVO meetings, typically once per week Provide administrator support to the users of the VGTU cluster o Support installation of VGTU users’ applications o Support / monitor job submission o MPI support o g-Eclipse testing o VOs supported: BalticGrid / Litgrid / CMS / GAMESS Review and input to the BalticGrid-II Users’ Forum 3.1.11. NICH BNTU NA2: Participation in BG-II kick-off meeting in Vilnius. Participate in 1st BalticGrid-II All Hands Meeting in Minsk. Make presentations in EGEE conferences in Istanbul and Catania. Filling out NA2 questionnaires every month describing following disseminative activities performed: 14 scientific papers published; 5 scientific presentations given; 1 web site created. NA3: Identification of quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics software (NWChem and NAMD) and testing it in grid environment together with Krakow. Negotiations with research institutes in Minsk (Institute of Physics, Scientific-production center on material sciences, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarusian State University) about using this software in grid environment. Negotiation of Technological Centre (MIEET) (Zelenograd, Russia) about possibility of quantum computation of applied problem on the base of NWChem in grid environment. Join investigation (BNTU – ITPA VU) of carbon nanostructures in NWChem package. Identification of engineering software packages (ANSYS и LS-DYNA, OpenFOAM). Negotiotion about implementation of the grid into educational processes with department of “Micro- and Nanotechnics” “Intelligent Technics” of BNTU, “Theoretical and applied mechanics” of Belarusian State University. Identifucation of linguistic application (Corpus Albarutenicum). The preparatory work for filling semantic data base. At pesent the base consist approximately 150000 semantic objects. Identification the geophysics (analysis of seismic signals) as prospective area of development applied grid package in condition of Belarus. Contributing to all delivery reports during the project. NA4: Participation in EGEE Policy board meetings. Regular participation in EGEE Discussion List on policy issues for grid prospectives and evolution. Participation in development of EGEE Blueprint and EGI establishment. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 58 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 SA1: Obtaining full registration of BNTU unit in GRID2-FR. The g-lite services were deployed in testing regime for single nod in local net of BNTU. SA2: Develop and re-configure the e-infrastructure of BNTU to integration into Balticgrid. Transition from 100Mbps to 1Gbps between working node of grid-segment and users. Optimization and expansion of throughput guaranteed capacity of the connection to backbone segment of BASNET is realised with up to 100mbps. The possibility connection the local net of BNTU to backbone segment of BASNET with throughput capacity up to 1-2Gbps on the apparaus level is realised. Installed and configured software for local net monitoring (Cisco network management). The net monitoring realised in real time with restore time by the net setback during 1min. The reserve network connection for the working node realised. SA3: Support of functionality of NWChem in grid for CYFRONET clustere. Expanding grid abilities and practices to agents of industrial and scientific establishments and involving them into the BalticGrid infrastructure. Negotiation with Belarusian HEP community about possibility to use Baltic Grid infrastructure for the LHC data calculation. Communication with Dubna (JINR) about collaboration in HEP. Negotiation with LSDYNA representatve in Russia/Belarus about problem of grid license. Participation in SA3 weekly EVO meetings. Contributing to all delivery reports during the project. 3.1.12. UIIP NA2: Participation in BG-II kick-off meeting in Vilnius. Organizing 1st BalticGrid-II All Hands Meeting in Minsk. Filling out NA2 questionnaires every month describing following disseminative activities performed: 1 brochure and 10 posters elaborated; 2 conferences, 2 workshops and 1 tutorial organized; 31 scientific papers published; 9 newspaper articles published; 1 radio interview and 3 TV programs performed; 1 press conference arranged; 36 presentations given; 1 web site created. Contributing to DNA2.2 "Dissemination Roadmap" and DNA2.3 "Dissemination Report". NA3: Identification of bioinformatics software (molecular dynamics packages GROMACS and AMBER) and testing it in grid environment. Negotiations with research institutes in Minsk (Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry, Belarusian State University) about using this software in grid environment. Identification of engineering software packages (UGS NX, ANSYS и LS-DYNA) and testing it in grid. Involvement and requirement identification of new user community from the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. Contributing to DNA3.1 "Application Identification and Collaboration Roadmap", DNA3.2 "Analysis, supportive environment and testing of applications", DNA3.3 "Design and deployment of SIG portals, Migrating Desktop, testbeds for application tests and launching", and DNA3.4 "Collaboration structure and functionality for scientific/academic communities in Baltic States and Belarus". NA4: Participation in 14th EUGridPMA Meeting in Lisbon, PT. Regular participation in EUGridPMA Discussion List on policy issues for grid certification authorities. Participation in NA4 team meeting in Minsk at the 1st BalticGrid-II AHM. Contributing to DNA4.1 "Analysis BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 59 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 document on cooperation and good practice" and DNA4.2 "Progress report on awareness raising". SA1: Central services VOMS, TopBDII, LFC, WMS are running in Belarus. GLite site BY-UIIP is in the production since May 2008. Provision of computing and storage resources to BalticGrid infrastructure. BY-UIIP site computing power has doubled since the start of the project. BYUIIP site storage capacity has increased to 7 TB. OS upgrade to SL4.7 and regular gLite updates. GLite bug reports to developers. Running functional software repository for Scientific Linux and gLite. GGUS ticket solving. Wiki content accumulation at for gLite deployers and site administrators in Belarus. Setting up Belarusian Grid CA and preparation of DSA1.1 “Setup of Belarusian CA”. Obtaining full accreditation for the CA from EUGridPMA. Contributing to DSA1.2 "Central services in operation in all countries" and DSA1.3 "SLA mechanism central services operational". Participation in weekly SA1 EVO meetings and CE ROC meetings. Installation of Eucalyptus-driven BalticCloud instance. SA2: Creating and operating the National Network Control Center and the Incident Response Team. Negotiations with Polish PTTs and Belarussian PTT Beltelecom regarding the expansion of the channel to GEANT up to 622 Mbps - 1 Gbps. Integration of the grid-cluster component into existing BASNET network infrastructure with the speed 1 Gbps. Optimization and expansion of throughput capacity of the backbone segment of BASNET up to 1 Gbps. Installation and configuration of monitoring software (Nagios, Cacti). Designing graphic presentation of the grid segment within the structure of BASNET for the Gridimon network monitoring portal. Risk analysis for BASNET network to identify possible threats and types of attacks. Participation in the development of Grid AUP, Security Policy and Incident Handling and Response Policy. Contributing to all SA2 deliverables (DSA2.1–2.6.) SA3: Testing support portal and reviewing articles on user forum at the support portal. Preparing and giving lessons for local grid users during BalticGrid-II Autumn Tutorial for Grid Beginners. Expounding gLite abilities and practices to agents of industrial and scientific establishments and involving them into the BalticGrid infrastructure. Establishing and supporting common applications for gLite testbed in virtual environment as part of national grid infrastructure. Participation in SA3 weekly EVO meetings. Contributing to DSA3.1 "Report on support specialist employment and training". 3.1.13. VGTU NA2: Organized BalticGrid II Kick-off meeting and Grid Open day in Vilnius with invited speakers from CSC (Finland) IBM, SUN and Intel. Participation in 1st BalticGrid AllHands Meeting in Minsk. Participation in EGEE-08 User Forum in Istanbul and EGEE09/OFG-25 meeting in Catania. Contribution in preparing materials for BalticGrid II movie and JRA1 brochure. Published one scientific paper and one popular scientific paper, prepared and defended MSc thesis, gave 7 presentations at different locations about BalticGrid II poject and applications, organized seminar for new grid users from VGTU. Participation in EGI PB meetings in Praque and Catania. VGTU local BG II web site updating. Report on monthly events. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 60 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 NA3: Gridification and deployment of the following engineering software: CFD package FEMTOOL (developed at VGTU), particle dynamics software DEM_MAT (developed at VGTU), ANSYS (commercial software). Identification and analysis of distributes computing possibilities of optimization problem solver of structural mechanics based on genetic algorithms Provided support for engineering application as a resource contributor and personalized support. Contributing to deliverables DNA3.1 and DNA3.2. SA1: Installation of central BG II services i.e. WMS and top BDII servers, installation CREAM CE grid cluster and testbed for engineering applications and visualization tools. Installing UI for testing visualization tools and UI for grid users. Upgrading VGTU grid cluster Nagios monitoring tool deployment and using in BG infrastructure. GGUS ticket solving. Participation in BalticCloud and BGi meeting in Tallinn. Installing and testing cloud instances (IaaS) features based on Eucalyptus, Enomalism, OpenNebula. Deploying cloud service (PaaS) based on AppScale. Participation in weekly SA1 EVO meetings. SA3: Preparing of job submission scripts, SGM deployment scripts preparation for FEMTOOL, DEM_MAT, applications. New VO ANSYS was established for ANSYS software users, preparing job submission scripts for ANSYS. Preparing HDF5 format output of FEMTOOL and DEM_MAT applications for visualization tools testing. Participation in weekly SA3 EVO meetings. 3.2. JRA1: INVESTIGATION OF EXISTING VISUALIZATION SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW VISUALIZATION TOOLS AS ENHANCED APPLICATION SERVICES ACCORDING TO LOCAL USER NEEDS IS THE MAIN GOAL OF THE JRA1 ACTIVITY IN VGTU. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT VISUALIZATION TOOLS BASED ON THE VISUALISATION TOOLKIT (VTK) WAS ACCOMPLISHED. SEQUENTIAL AND PARALLEL VISUALIZATION OF ACTUAL BENCHMARKS BASED ON PILOT APPLICATIONS WAS PERFORMED. THE RESULTS FORMED THE BASIS FOR THE DJRA1.1. SPECIALIZED GRID VISUALIZATION TOOL VISPARTDEM WAS DEVELOPED FOR DISTRIBUTED VISUALIZATION OF LARGE PARTICLE SYSTEMS SIMULATED BY THE DISCRETE ELEMENT METHOD. ADVANCED ALGORITHMS BASED ON SURFACE EXTRACTION AND GENERATION OF VORONOI DIAGRAMS WERE IMPLEMENTED IN ORDER TO OBTAIN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION OF PROPAGATING CRACKS. GRID VISUALIZATION E-SERVICE VIZLITG, DESIGNED FOR CONVENIENT ACCESS AND INTERACTIVE VISUALIZATION OF REMOTE DATA FILES LOCATED IN STORAGE ELEMENTS, WAS ADAPTED TO NEEDS OF PILOT APPLICATIONS AND EMPLOYED FOR VISUALIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC RESULTS COMPUTED IN BALTICGRID. POPULAR OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE PARAVIEW WAS ADAPTED TO THE DEPLOYMENT IN BALTICGRID-II IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR LOCAL GRID USERS ENHANCED APPLICATION SERVICES AIMED FOR DISTRIBUTED VISUALIZATION OF LARGE DATASETS. DEVELOPED SOFTWARE WAS DEPLOYED ON BALTICGRID-II INFRASTRUCTURE. THE RESULTS FORMED THE BASIS FOR THE DJRA1.2, DJRA1.3 AND DJRA1.4. FLEXIBILITY ASSESSMENT AND EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPED AND BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 61 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 DEPLOYED SOFTWARE WAS PERFORMED. RESULTS WERE CONTRIBUTED TO DJRA1.5.BUDGETED COSTS AND ACTUAL COSTS The budget cost and actual cost for all partners are presented in Table 1. The numbers only covers Q1-Q3, i.e. up till January 31, 2009. Some of these numbers might still be due to minor changes. Note: when comparing % of budget, please notice the differences in total contribution from partners. Org.short name KTH Estimated eligible costs Direct Cost Q1+Q2+Q3 of wich subcontarcting EENET Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting KBFI Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting IMCS UL Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting IFJ PAN Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting PSNC Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting VU Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting RTU Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting ITPA Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting CERN Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL 108866.93 0 54768.78 163635.71 75999.61 0 19713.8286 95713.4386 75588.98 0 38042.86 113631.84 35515.54 0 16517.7121 52033.2521 50607.43 0 16033.47 66640.9 42292.555 0 24588.74 66881.295 83085.625 0 26806.0175 109891.6425 45623.16256 0 6414.886767 52038.04933 55156.46 0 20961.4108 76117.8708 43976.65 0 % of budget 106.16% 0.00% 102.03% 104.74% 83.85% 0.00% 92.63% 85.52% 100.43% 0.00% 99.19% 100.01% 50.45% 0.00% 50.59% 50.50% 85.75% 0.00% 94.77% 87.76% 73.03% 0.00% 73.26% 88.14% 123.97% 0.00% 91.55% 117.83% 80.19% 0.00% 29.34% 66.07% 99.90% 0.00% 100.52% 100.07% 101.40% 0.00% Page 62 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 NICH BNTU Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost 26385.99 70362.64 43431.89 0 13854.2695 57286.1595 43136.88 0 19807.8616 62944.7416 36823.605 0 20193.175 57016.78 of wich subcontarcting UIIP NASB Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost of wich subcontarcting Indirect costs Total EU contribution Direct Cost VGTU of wich subcontarcting Indirect costs Total EU contribution 101.40% 101.40% 119.18% 0.00% 103.40% 114.94% 100.83% 0.00% 104.20% 101.87% 84.85% 0.00% 105.54% 97.50% 3.2.1. BUDGETED PERSON MONTHS AND ACTUAL PERSON MONTHS Budgeted person months and actual person months for the period 1 May 2008 to 31 March 2009 are presented in table below. Note: when comparing % of budget, please notice the differences in total contribution from partners. Used and planned PMs for the period 1 May 2008 to 31 March 2009. NA1 KTH EENet KBFI IMCS UL IFJ PAN PSNC VU Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM NA2 NA3 NA4 SA1 SA2 SA3 JRA % of Planned Total 7.2 1.1 2.8 8.2 2.9 1.4 23.5 9.2 1.4 1.4 4.6 1.8 0.9 19.3 Used BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc 0.8 2.4 1 7.8 1.5 8.2 21.6 1.8 3.2 1.4 6.4 1.8 8.7 23.4 0.7 2.7 13.8 1.6 1.6 20.3 1.1 2.8 13.8 1.4 1.8 20.9 1.3 3 0.8 5.6 7.1 2.8 20.6 1.1 2.8 0.9 5.5 6 2.8 19 0 4.2 0 2.9 8.5 0 2.8 3.2 0.3 4.1 1.1 7.6 13 0.5 1.8 2.3 9.6 14.2 8.4 2.2 30.1 9.5 0.9 3.7 INTERNAL 2.5 92 97 108 15.6 7.8 2.8 122 13.8 113 92 Page 63 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 PM RTU ITPA CERN NICH BNTU UIIP NASB VGTU TOTAL Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used PM Planned PM Used as % of planned 0.5 4.6 0.5 4.6 1.4 4.6 2.1 2.5 1.2 1.5 3.2 1.5 2.1 12 1.6 2.3 2.3 4.6 1.4 3.2 15.4 1.6 4.1 0.5 4.1 1.4 3.1 14.9 1.6 4.1 0.5 4.1 1.4 3.2 14.9 10.4 3.1 13 7 1.5 8 18.1 1.5 4.1 1.4 2.7 1.2 3.5 14.4 1.1 5 1.1 4.6 1.4 3.7 17 1.3 4.1 0.9 7.8 4.7 3.7 22.6 1.1 3.7 0.9 6.9 4.1 3.2 19.9 1 0.2 4.3 2.2 3.3 11.8 0.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 12.5 7.2 23.4 31.3 9.8 79.3 24.4 43.9 13.1 233.4 9.2 20.3 31.3 9 68.9 20.7 41.8 14.5 216.4 78 115 100 109 115 118 105 90 108 NA1 BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc NA2 NA3 NA4 SA1 INTERNAL SA2 SA3 JRA Total 166 78 100 163 85 114 94 108 % of Planned Page 64 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 Total Used PM vs Planned PM, first year of project up till March (PM11). Note: when comparing % of budget, please notice the differences in total contribution from partners. 3.3. REBUDGETING One of the partners in the consortium (RTU) had used the wrong cost model in their calculations, resulting in a surplus of funding, a total of 35,990 EUR. This surplus was re-budgeted within the consortium – prepared by PMB and accepted by all partners through the project Executive Board (EB). See appendix 3.2 for more details. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 65 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 4. ANNEX 4.1. USE OF FOREGROUND AND DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF THE PROJECT The text below is an update of the initial plan in Annex I for use and dissemination of foreground. The knowledge of the Partners, information gathered and experiences gained during the BalticGrid project have been used to support performing dissemination and outreach tasks in BalticGrid-II project. A number of Project activities aim at disseminating of Project results. The following actions have been taken by NA2 to achieve this goal during the first 12 months of the Project: Promoting Project results, achievements and other information aimed at the general public through the main Project web site, o The BG-II web site was prepared just after the Project start; information on Project results and achievements is placed a.o. in ‘News’, ‘Deliverables’ and ‘Related’ sections of this web site Spreading information on upcoming and past events – organized in the framework of the Project and other related: o through the BG-II main web site and Partner local ones o through the presentations at various Grid events o during local meetings and discussions (Co-) organizing public events such as scientific Grid conference and workshops, Grid Open Days (accompanying Project conferences organized in the Partners’ countries), etc. o Grid Open Days in Vilnius and Minsk o Kick-off meeting in Vilnius and 1st BG-II AHM in Minsk o The SSA`2008 conference in Minsk o SKIF-Grid Program Workshop in Minsk, o Cracow Grid Workshop o workshop in the BG-II infrastructure for computational meteorology in Tallinn o 67th conference of the University of Latvia in Riga Organizing training events - to exploit the knowledge to a wide community from Baltic States and Belarus: o in October-November 2008 – in Minsk (with 30 participants) o in November 2008 – in Riga (20) and in Vilnius (16) o in December 2008 – in Panevezys (20) and in Riga (2) Organizing seminars on Grid research, intended for groups of researchers from various fields. Examples of Grid seminars delivered in the Baltic Countries: BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 66 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 o lectures (courses) for MSc students concerning various aspects of Grid computing o seminars presenting Grid computing Cloud computing as well as the BalticGrid-II project to academic communities as well as to potential users of BG-II products (together with advices on how to get a certificate and start using the Grid) o seminars for teachers of secondary schools with information on HPC systems, BalticGrid-II and LitGrid projects as well as on how to become a Grid user o seminars for pupils on Grid clusters and IT activities Partner institutions Publishing disseminative materials, such as presentations, posters and brochures - a number of promotional materials was published and/or distributed: o at various Grid events (Grid Open Days, workshops, conferences), o at Project exhibition stand and demo booths during EGEE’08 conference, EGEE UF and ICT’08 events, o online - most of these materials is available in the ‘Downloads’ section of the BG-II main web site. These materials included: o BG-II fact sheet, general Project brochure (two issues) and several technical ones o general Project poster and several technical ones o customer feedback form o event evaluation form o three demos of BG-II applications o BG-II movie (two issues) o promos: a pen, a calendar and a business card Publishing scientific papers on results of using BalticGrid-II infrastructure o Many papers were published in conference proceedings and scientific journals – information on them is available in the ‘Scientific Articles’ section of the BG-II main web site and below (Event date / journal publication date, Name of conference / workshop / journal of submission, Authors, Title): May 2008, Proceedings of the Scientific-practical Conference “Sea and coast research-2008”, Klaipeda, 2008: p. 26-27., I. Dailidiene, P. Zemlys, Modeling of pollution drifts in the Baltic Sea near Lithuanian seacoast 13.05.2008, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Complex Information Protection, Yaroslavl (Russia), pp. 10–13, 2008, S. Ablameyko, S. Abramov, U. Anishchanka, A. Krishtofik, A. Moskovskiy, O. Tchij, Building the Belarusian-Russian Grid-network pilot segment 13.05.2008, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Complex Information Protection, Yaroslavl (Russia), pp. 14–23, 2008, S. Ablameyko, S. Abramov, U. Anishchanka, A. Krishtofik, Integration of Resources for the “SKIF-Grid” Program 13.05.2008, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Complex Information Protection, Yaroslavl (Russia), pp. 27–30, 2008, U. Anishchanka, A. Krishtofik, O. Tchij, Building grid infrastructure “SKIF” in the Republic of Belarus BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 67 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 13.05.2008, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Complex Information Protection, Yaroslavl (Russia), pp. 114–116, 2008, A. Krishtofik, U. Anishchanka, Security Provision of the National Grid-network 4.06.2008, Computer Physics Communications, A. Deveikis, A. Juodagalvis, A computer program for two-particle generalized coefficients of fractional parentage 23.06.2008, Proceedings of International workshop NDTCS'2008, J. Tamulienė, G. Badenes, R. Vaišnoras, M. Leonas Balevičius, L. Rasteniene, Study of the Single Con (n=6, 8, 10, 12, 14) nanoparticles July 2008, Rīgas Tehniskās Universitātes Zinātniskie Raksti, Būvzinātne, Sērija 2, Sējums 9. Rīga, RTU 2008, 13 lpp., K. Kalniņš, G. Jēkabsons, R. Beitlers, O. Ozoliņš, Optimal design of fiberglass panels with physical validation July 2008, Proceedings of the 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, K. Kalnins, C. Bisagni, R. Rikards, E. Eglitis, P. Cordisco, A. Chate, Metamodels for the optimization of damage-tolerant composite structures September 2008, Lithuanian Journal Physics, A. Kynienė, V. Jonauskas, S. Kučas, R. Karazija, On the existence of dipole satellites in the region of M2,3L2,3 non-dipole emission lines for transition elements September 2008, 1st international scientific conference “Nanostructured materials – 2008: Belarus-Ukraine-Russia” NANO-2008, 22-25 April 2008 – additional volume, V. V. Barkaline, A. S. Krasko, P. A. Zhuchek, A. S. Chashynski, S. V. Grigorjev and P. Goranov, Receiving the solution of the carbon nanotubes by pulsed electrical discharge in the water and the problem of his chemical fictionalization 27.09.2008, Scientific services in Internet: solution of big problem. Proceedings of all-Russia conference, (22-27 September 2008), Novorossiysk.- М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2008. - 468 с. с.101-105, V. V. Barkaline, S. V. Medvedev, V. V. Nelayev, P. A. Sluchak, S. N. Yurkevich, Hierarchical system of the physical processes and material properties on the base of supercomputer configuration K1000 October 2008, Proceedings of the 3 rd International workshop “Intelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics systems”, J. Tamulienė, R. Vaišnoras, G. Badenes, L. M. Balevičius, Co6Om (m = 1 ... 7) Nanoparticles Geometric and Electronic Structure Changes Within Increasing of Oxygen Number 15-17.10.2008, VIII International seminar “Methodological aspects of scanning microscopy–2008”, V. V. Barkaline, A. S. Chashynski, P. A. Zhuchek, S. A. Chizhik, MD modeling of sounder on the base of CNT 27.10.2008, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, V. Jonauskas, S. Kučas, and R. Karazija, The essential role of many-electron Auger transitions in the cascades following the photoionization of 3p and 3d shells of Kr 3-5.11.2008, II Congress of Belarusian physicists, Ihar A. Miklashevich, Development of GRID technologies in borders of BalticGRID II project BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 68 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 5.11.2008, Proceedings of the VII International conference “Development of informatization and systematization of scientific and technical information”, S. V. Ablameyko, U. V. Anishchanka, A. M. Krishtofik, Creation of gridinfrastructure in the Republic of Belarus 5.11.2008, Proceedings of the VII International conference “Development of informatization and systematization of scientific and technical information”, S. V. Ablameyko, U. V. Anishchanka, A. M. Krishtofik , Development of grid experimental zone 5.11.2008, Proceedings of the VII International conference “Development of informatization and systematization of scientific and technical information”. S. V. Ablameyko, S. M. Abramov, U. V. Anishchanka, A. M. Krishtofik, A. A. Moscovskiy, “SKIF- Polygon” – the first step on a way to creation of a uniform information field of Union state 5.11.2008, Proceedings of the VII International conference “Development of informatization and systematization of scientific and technical information”, U. V. Anishchanka, S. A. Aneichyk, Status and development prospects of the academic network BASNET 6.11.2008, Proceedings of (12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry) ECSOC-12, A. Vektariene, G. Vektaris, J. Svoboda, Theoretical study of the mechanism of thieno[3,2-b]benzofuran bromination 3-5.12.2008 RUSNANOTECH 2008, International forum for nanotechnology 3-5 December 2008, A. S. Basaev, V. A. Labunov, V. V. Barkaline, I. A. Taratyn, A. M. Tagachenkov, Carbon nanotubes ordered arrays based nanoelectromechanical systems for ultra high frequency and sensor devices 16.01.2009, Dynamic and Technological Problems of Mechanics of Continuum amd Structure XV International Symposium dedicated to Anatoly G. Gorshkov Yaropolets, Moscow, February 16-20, 2009, V. Barkaline, P. Zhutchak, Hierarchical approximation to the mechanical properties of the avia-parts modelling 20.01.2009, Seventh International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, January 20 – 22, 2009. I. A. Miklashevich, Discrete Crack Propagation and Composites Delamination 6-7.02.2009, Application the computational mechanics methods to engineering, science, education. XXXIX Republic seminar, Minsk, Belarus, I. A. Miklashevich, A. S. Chashynski, Ya.V. Douhaya, Grid technology in resource-intensive computational problems 6-7.02.2009, Application the computational mechanics methods to engineering, science, education. XXXIX Republic seminar, Minsk, Belarus, V. V. Barkaline, P. A. Zhuchak, and I. A. Miklashevich, Modeling of the aviation components by the help LS-DYNA package on the SKIF-K1000 cluster. March 2009, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES/CISIS 2009), Fukuoka, Japan, March 2009, M. Ahsant, E. Tavalera Gonzalez, J. Basney, Security Credential Mapping in Grids BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 69 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 March 2009, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES/CISIS 2009), Fukuoka, Japan, March 2009, M. Ahsant, J. Basney, Workflows in Dynamic and Restricted Delegation April 2009, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering (Eds. B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi), ISBN 978-1-905088-28-7, Civil-Comp Press, 2009, p. 1-18, A. Kačeniauskas, R. Kačianauskas, A. Maknickas and D. Markauskas, Computation and Visualization of Poly-Dispersed Particle Systems on gLite Grid Attracting attention of the local media in the Partners’ countries by announcing Project achievements and highlights o Several newspaper articles, radio interviews and TV programs concerning BalticGridII were prepared and published – information on them is available in the ‘Press and Media’ section of the BG-II main web site and below: “Belarus – in Grid-society”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), May 2008, “BASNET is accepted for TERENA”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), June 2008, “VGTU – BalticGrid-II projekto partneris”, newspaper “Gedimino Universitetas”, July 2008, “SKIF spreads its nets”, newspaper “Union assembly”, July 2008, “A <grid> for supercomputer”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), August 2008, “Science is becoming more and more international…”, a part of the “European Grid Initiative: towards a sustainable long-term European grid infrastructure” – a September 2008 issue of the “Grid Talk, Grid Briefings” brochure, "Virtual tour: BalticGrid-II" – a video interview with Ake Edlund (PD), Grid Talk web site, September 2008, “Achieving Global Science: Grid-powered solutions from EGEE and Collaborating Projects” (the joint publication of EGEE and Collaborating Projects), EGEE booklet (distributed online and during the EGEE’08 conference, Istanbul, Turkey), September 2008, “Academic networks and digital divide”, magazine “Sakaru pasaule” (“Connection world”), October 2008, “Pasaulis – tai superkompiuteris” (“World – supercomputer”), journal “Naujoji komunikacija” (“New communication”), October 2008, “An interview on BalticGrid-II” (a radio interview with Ake Edlund, in English), Radio Belarus, October 2008, “An interview on BalticGrid-II” (a radio interview with Robert Pajak - NA2 leader, in Polish), Radio Belarus (Polish division), October 2008, “Supercomputer technologies will be available to users of the regional centres of Belarus”, “BELTA” - National Mass Media Information Agency electronic newspaper, November 2008, “A step into the future of IT”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), November 2008, BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 70 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 “BELIEF at ICT2008 International Village Global e-Infrastructure" - a press release prepared by the BELIEF-II project members to promote the joint stand of BG-II and several other EU e-Infrastructure projects at the International Village at ICT 2008 in Lyon, published on the BELIEF-II and BG-II web sites, November 2008, “Supercomputer technologies for the masses”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), November 2008, “Internet is gridifying” ("Interneti tulevik on voreline"), a popular science magazine "Tarkade Klubi", December 2008, “First two quarters of BalticGrid-II project”, EENET's newsletter No 7, December 2008, “Negali būti!” (“It can’t be true!”) – a TV program shown in “LTR” – Lithuanian national radio and television channel, December 2008, “Union” – a TV-Magazine shown in “ONT” - Belarusian TV channel, January 2009, “BalticGrid-II” (an interview with Henryk Palka from IFJ PAN), “Sukcesy Małopolski w 7. Programie Ramowym” (“The achievements of Malopolska voivodeship in 7th FP”) – a publication elaborated by the Technology Transfer Centre of the Krakow University, January 2009, “An interview on grid computing” (a radio interview with Anatoliy Krishtofik from UIIP NASB), Belarusian Radio, February 2009, “An interview on grid technologies in Belarus for national weekly news broadcast” (a TV interview with Anatoliy Krishtofik from UIIP NASB), “ONT” - Belarusian TV channel, February 2009, “Comparing protein structure using a computer grid" – a video interview with Edgars Znots (IMCS UL), Grid Talk web site, March 2009, "See inside the stars" – a video interview with Sarunas Mikolaitis (ITPA VU), Grid Talk web site, March 2009, “A section about signing of MoU between BG-II and EGEE projects”, a part of the March 2009 edition of the EGEE director’s letter (distributed to the EGEE all members' mailing list), March 2009, “How can the computer be a cloud? ( “Kaip gali kompiuteris būti debesyse”?), Journal of Vilnius University “SPECTRUM” , Vol. 10, March 2009, “An interview about RTU participation in BalticGrid-II” (a TV interview with Ilmars Slaidins and Lauris Cikovskis), “LTV7” - Latvian TV channel, March 2009, “TV reportage on supercomputer and grid technologies in Belarus” (a TV program with participation of Viktor Evtuhov, Sergey Abramov, Uladzimir Anishchanka, Anatoly Krishtofik), “ONT” - Belarusian TV channel, March 2009, The press conference organized to cover the state and the prospects of grid and supercomputer technologies in Belarus and abroad. The following media representatives participated in this event: newspaper “Vedy”, newspaper “7 Days”, "BelTA” Agency, TV-magazine “Soyuz”, Radio station “Belarus”, newspaper “Republic”, ONT TV channel, National TV channel and Metropolitan TV channel, March 2009. BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 71 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 “Integration makes leaders”, newspaper “Vedu” (“Knowledge”), April 2009, “To create something unbuyable”, newspaper “Republic”, April 2009. o The audiences were also contacted through: seminars and tutorials, presentations, brochures, posters and movies, All-Hands meetings, Grid Open Days, workshops and other meetings and discussions. To help in searching the Project’s target audiences and to support the NA2 team in achieving the dissemination objectives, the dissemination efforts shall be somehow evaluated. To do that, the following measures are being used to evaluate the dissemination efforts: Measure name Value achieved in the first year of the Project number of events organized by the Project (Grid Open Days, conferences and workshops) 9 number of participants in events organized within the framework of the Project 630 number of presentations on the Project results given at various Grid events 66 number of page views of the Project web site 218 852 (June 2008 – April 2009 period) number of published articles 20 number of scientific papers 29 Description of all NA2 activities performed in the first year of the Project life is available in the DNA2.3 Dissemination Report (P12). BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 72 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 4.2. REBUDGETING One of the partners in the consortium (RTU) had used the wrong cost model in their calculations, resulting in a surplus of funding. This surplus was re-budgeted within the consortium – prepared by PMB and accepted by all partners through the project Executive Board (EB). A more detailed distribution on activity level is being made. The motivation for the rebudgeting is attached below. Re-budgeting of BG-II March 23, 2009 Aake Edlund PD of BG-II, on behalf of the project partners Background As discussed in the AHM meeting in Minsk, October, 2008, a re-budgeting of BG-II was to be decided. The PD was to give a suggestion to the EB chair, for further approval by the partners. The total amount for redistribution is 35,990 EUR, and is mainly aiming at an additional task, something that will be of use also after the end of the BG-II project. Additional task – the BalticGrid Innovation Lab (BGi), including the establishment of the Baltic Cloud. The BalticGrid Innovation Lab (BGi) is a program for early stage companies in our region, based on a hands-on course in grid and cloud computing. This course is prepared and run by BG-II, on BG-II resources (through the Baltic Cloud) as well as on donated resources from other parties. The aim with the course is to help early stage high-tech Internet based companies to try their services on new platforms, resulting in early proof of concepts and later exploitation of grid and cloud in the region. On top of the course we'll build a network of innovative companies in the region. We will also pursue the usage of the Baltic Cloud by researchers in our BalticGrid network. The budget for the establishment of the BGi is: i) 30,000 Euro to establish and run the BG Innovation Lab (BGi). This will involve all partners and activities in the long run (in the short run mostly SA3 and NA3). 1,000 EUR of this amount will be used by NA2 for marketing BGi and Baltic Cloud. In addition we propose to use ii) 5,000 Euro to NA2, and iii) 990 Euro to NA1 in support of EAB travel expenses. Country Partner Task Amount (EUR) EST KBFI BGi [1] 6000 EST KBFI BGi coordination [2] 5000 LT VGTU BGi [3] 6000 LV RTU BGi [4] 6000 BY UIIP NASB BGi [5] 6000 SE KTH NA1, EAC costs 990 PL IFJ PAN NA2 [6] 6000 BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 73 of 74 ACTIVITY AND MANAGEMENT REPORT Final Report, 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 SUM 35990 AVAILABLE 35990 [1, 3, 4 and 5] Setting up a cloud instance, connecting with the Baltic Cloud, preparing and running the 2 day BGi course. [2] Creating the BGi course. Pioneering on cloud installations, sharing with all partners. Coordinating the Baltic Cloud during the BG-II. This coordination is then shared in a rotating fashion between the Baltic States and Belarus. [6] Thanks to this additional money BG-II, through NA2, will be able to participate (2 persons) with a BG-II stand at least in one additional EGEE event, probably the last one (EGEE UF) in spring next year. 1,000 EUR of this amount will be used by NA2 for marketing BGi and Baltic Cloud. 4.3. LIST OF ACRONYMS AHM BG EENet EGEE HEP ICFA IMCS UL IFJPAN ITPA KTH LHC LHCb NA1 NA2 NA3 NA4 NICPB NREN PMB PSNC RTU SA1 SA2 SICS VU WLCG All-Hands Meeting BalticGrid Estonian Educational and Research Network, Tartu, Estonia Enabling Grids for E-sciencE, EU project High-Energy Physics International Committee for Future Accelerators Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland Vilnius University Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Lithuania Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Large Hadron Collider Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment Networking Activity 1: Management of I3 Networking Activity 2: Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach Networking Activity 3: Application Identification and Support Networking Activity 4: Policy and Standards Development National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia National Research and Education Network Project Management Board Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poznan, Poland Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia Specific Service Activity 1: Grid Operations Specific Service Activity 2: Network Resource Provisioning Swedish Institute of Computer Science Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania World LHC Computing Grid BGII-DNA1.9-KTH-Activity-andManagement-Report-FINALv0.1.doc INTERNAL Page 74 of 74