Alpha Pi Mu Oklahoma State University 2005-2006 Oklahoma State University Chapter Table of Contents Cover Letter .................................................................................................................................... 1 National Office General Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 2 Chapter Financial Statement ........................................................................................................... 3 Income Worksheet ...................................................................................................................... 3 Expense Worksheet ..................................................................................................................... 4 Balance Worksheet ..................................................................................................................... 5 Tax Form..................................................................................................................................... 6 Chapter By-laws.............................................................................................................................. 7 Officers and Elections ................................................................................................................... 17 Officer Application Form ......................................................................................................... 18 Officer Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 19 Officer Election Process ........................................................................................................... 24 Fall 2004 Officers ..................................................................................................................... 24 Spring 2005 Officers ................................................................................................................. 24 Chapter Activities ......................................................................................................................... 25 Fall 2005 First Officer’s Meeting ............................................................................................. 25 Fall 2005 Calendar of Events .................................................................................................... 26 Fall 2005 Nomination Meeting ................................................................................................. 28 Fall 2005 Initiation Process ...................................................................................................... 29 Pledge List ............................................................................................................................ 29 Initiation Letter ..................................................................................................................... 30 Pledge Mixer ......................................................................................................................... 32 Pledge Packet ........................................................................................................................ 35 Signing Party......................................................................................................................... 49 Initiation Ceremony .............................................................................................................. 50 Initiation Reception ............................................................................................................... 52 Spring 2006 First Officer’s Meeting ......................................................................................... 53 Spring 2006 Calendar of Events ............................................................................................... 54 Spring 2006 Nomination Meeting ............................................................................................ 55 Spring 2006 Initiation Process .................................................................................................. 56 Pledge List ............................................................................................................................ 56 Initiation Letter ..................................................................................................................... 56 Pledge Mixer ......................................................................................................................... 56 Pledge Packet ........................................................................................................................ 57 Ideas for Future Events and Activities .......................................................................................... 60 Social Events ............................................................................................................................. 60 Service Events ........................................................................................................................... 61 Betterment of Industrial Engineering............................................................................................ 62 Industrial Advisory Board Luncheon........................................................................................ 62 IIE Regional Conference........................................................................................................... 63 Betterment of the National Society ............................................................................................... 64 Institute of Industrial Engineers ................................................................................................ 64 INFORMS ................................................................................................................................. 65 American Society for Quality ................................................................................................... 66 ii MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Oklahoma Industrial Assessment Center .................................................................................. 67 CEAT Student Council ............................................................................................................. 68 Tau Beta Pi ................................................................................................................................ 69 OSU Chapter Website ............................................................................................................... 70 APM Honor Stoles .................................................................................................................... 71 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 72 iii MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Cover Letter Arlington, TX 76019-0017 ALPHA PI MU PRESIDENT Gary D. Herrin, Ph.D. Industrial & Operations Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2117 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY FOUNDED 1949 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHAPTER FOUNDED 1951 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Robert D. Dryden, Ph.D. Alpha Pi Mu National Office P. O. Box 773 Portland, OR 97207-0773 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Abu S. M. Masud, Ph.D. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260-0035 TREASURER April 12, 2006 C. Patrick Koelling, Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, VA 24061-0118 AWARDS CHAIRMAN Allen C. Schuermann, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering & Management Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-5018 REGION VICE PRESIDENTS Charles J. Malmborg, Ph.D. Decision Sciences & Engineering Systems Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180-3590 Wolter J. Fabrycky, Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, VA 24061-0118 Tarek M. Khalil, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124-0623 S. Balachandran, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering University of Wisconsin – Platteville Platteville, WI 53818-3099 Michael W. Riley, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0518 James L. Smith, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3061 Marla Hacker, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Oregon State University OSU Cascades Bend, OR 97701 ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Robert D. Dryden Executive Director P.O. Box 773 Portland, OR 97207-0773 Dear Bob, I have enclosed the Chapter Development Report of the Oklahoma State University Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu. The report is an accurate representation of the chapter’s activities for the 2005-2006 year under the able leadership of Presidents Steven Welch in the Fall, Erin Keller in the Spring and the other officers and members of the Chapter. We are confident that our documentation of this year’s activities will allow us to aggressively compete for the Outstanding Chapter award. I am pleased to approve this report for the Chapter Development Program. Sincerely, Paul E. Givens, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620-0001 Michael W. Riley, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0518 Donald H. Liles, Ph.D. Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering University of Texas at Arlington 1 Allen C. Schuermann, Ph.D. Faculty Advisor MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter National Office General Questionnaire NATIONAL OFFICE GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE OF ALPHA PI MU ASSOCIATION Date 3/25/06 On-Hand Inventory Response i. Number of blank membership cards. electronic ii. Number of initiation report forms. electronic iii. Number of semi-annual report forms. electronic iv. Number of the constitution and procedures manual. electronic v. Number of rituals. 10 vi. Approximate amount of chapter stationery. electronic vii. Number of ‘Alpha Pi Mu’ brochures. electronic i. Does your chapter have a file for membership cards? Yes ii. Where are your chapter files stored? APM cabinet iii. Where are your rituals stored? APM cabinet iv. Does your chapter have shadow boxes for initiation? v. What other equipment for the initiation does your chapter have? General Yes APM Cog symbol vi. What is your total initiation fee? vii. To whom and what address should mail be sent during the summer? $50.00 Dr. Allen Schuermann 322 Engineering North; Stillwater, OK 74078 viii. When does the academic year end? May 5, 2006 ix. When does the fall term begin? x. What is the permanent chapter mailing address (this address must be c/o I.E. Department or a permanent box number at the university post office)? August 21, 2006 OSU Alpha Pi Mu; 322 Engineering North; Stillwater, OK 74078 2 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Chapter Financial Statement Income Worksheet Spring Income from 04/01/05 to 06/30/05 ITEM INCOME Graduation Honor Stoles $205.00 TOTAL $ 205.00 Fall Income from 7/1/05 to 12/31/05 ITEM INCOME Student Activity Fee National Dues Graduation Honor Stoles $187.50 $800.00 $40.00 TOTAL $ 1027.50 Spring Income from 01/01/06 to 03/31/05 ITEM INCOME Student Activity Fee National Dues $187.50 $400.00 TOTAL 3 $ 587.50 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Expense Worksheet Spring Expenses from 04/01/05 to 06/30/05 ITEM EXPENSE Pledge Mixer Refreshments Officer Plaque Engraving Signing Party Refreshments Initiation Reception Food Graduation Honor Stoles $36.23 $7.50 $19.05 $116.64 $200.00 TOTAL $ 379.42 Fall Expenses from 7/1/05 to 12/31/05 ITEM EXPENSE National Dues Pledge Packets Pledge Mixer Refreshments Signing Party Refreshments Initiation Ceremony Chapel Rental Initiation Reception Food $608.00 $7.89 $25.00 $34.98 $30.00 $84.78 TOTAL $ 790.65 ` ITEM EXPENSE National Dues $360.00 TOTAL 4 $ 360.00 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Balance Worksheet CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE (04/01/2006) Income Spring 2005 Income Fall 2005 Income Spring 2006 Total (Income) Expense Spring 2005 Expense Fall 2005 Expense Spring 2006 Total (Expense) ENDING BALANCE (3/31/2006) 5 $1256.30 205.00 1027.50 587.50 $1820.00 379.42 790.65 360.00 $1530.07 $1546.23 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Tax Form ALPHA Pl MU ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY FOUNDED 1949 Alpha Pi Mu Association P.O. Box 773 Portland, OR 97207-0773 This notice is to authorize Alpha Pi Mu Association (central organization) to include the subordinate organization (chapter) Department: Chapter: University: Address: Industrial Engineering and Management Oklahoma State Oklahoma State University 322 Engineering North Stillwater, OK 74078 IRS EIN: 73-6102790 in the IRS 990 Group Exemption Filing of Alpha Pi Mu Association for the year January 1, through December 31, . The subordinate organization (chapter) is not required to file a 990 form using this procedure. Our total chapter revenue was less than $25,000 for the fiscal year; and our tax exemption continues to be in effect under the IRS Group Exemption Letter dated September 15, 1993. Signed by Erin Keller Signature of Chapter President Signed by Josh Hallman Signature of Chapter Treasurer Signed by Allen Schuermann Signature of Chapter Faculty Advisor Date: Date: Date: Note: Send any correspondence your chapter receives from the IRS to the association at the above address. Please include this form with the chapter annual report (due April 15). MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES 6 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Chapter By-laws Alpha Pi Mu Oklahoma State University Chapter Chapter By-Laws Section I BY-LAWS 1. By-laws can be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of all active members in the society. 2. Notice of proposed amendment to the By-laws must be made to each active member at least one week in advance of balloting. 3. The amendment must then be submitted to the National Executive Council for approval before becoming effective. Section II POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. Polices and procedures shall be established as needed to assure continuity to chapter functions, and to serve as guides for performing chapter activities. 2. A Policy Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, and a third member appointed by the President, shall be formed at the first meeting of each semester. 3. It shall be the duty of the Policy Committee to: a. Review the Chapter By-laws and present any recommended amendments to the chapter for approval. b. Formulate new policies and/or revise present policies as deemed necessary and present these to the chapter for approval. c. Formulate procedures as necessary to implement Chapter Policies. d. Revise the Chapter Officers Guidebook, whenever there is a change in any of its sections. e. The Chapter Officers Guidebook shall contain at least the following sections: i) The National Constitution ii) OSU By-laws iii) Chapter Policies and Procedures iv) Chapter Officer’s Job Descriptions and Checklists 4. Chapter Policies must be approved by a majority vote of those members present. Section III OFFICERS 1. The OSU Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu shall be governed by six elected officers consisting of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. 2. All officers shall be elected at the last regular meeting held during the semester. 3. Ballots shall be closed. 4. A maximum of two nominating speeches for each candidate will be allowed. 5. Candidates need only a simple majority of a quorum to be elected. 6. The President-Elect must have two semesters left of eligible participation. 7. Outgoing President will turn over his chair to his successor at the conclusion of the last meeting held during the semester. 7 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Section IV DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. The duties of the chapter officers shall be listed in the Job Description section of the Chapter Officers Guidebook. Section V COUNCIL 1. An Expediting Council composed of all five officers of Alpha Pi Mu shall be formed each semester for the formulation of term projects. 2. This council shall meet as a body once a month before scheduled meetings whenever practicable. 3. This council shall be advisory only, without power to enact measures not expressly granted to the individual officers. Section VI MEMBERS 1. All non-undergraduates who have met the requirements as set forth by the National Constitution of Alpha Pi Mu shall be eligible for membership. All undergraduates who have met the requirements set forth by the National Constitution and have also met the following requirements will be eligible for membership. a) Juniors must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3. b) Seniors must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. 2. No person shall be denied membership in Alpha Pi Mu for reasons other than scholarship, personality, or attitude detrimental to raise the ideas of the society. 3. The OSU Chapter reserves the right to raise requirements for eligibility above those required by the National Constitution of Alpha Pi Mu. 4. A member attending the Oklahoma State University will be deemed an active member and is afforded all rights and privileges of active membership in Alpha Pi Mu as specified by the National Constitution. Section VII OBLIGATIONS AND DUTIES OF ACTIVE MEMBERS 1. It shall be the duty of all members to participate actively in the functions of the society. 2. It shall be the duty of a member to serve on any committee as appointed by the president. 3. If a member is unable to accept an appointment, he shall submit his resignation from the committee in writing to the president and will continue to serve to the best of his ability until replaced. 4. Attendance at meetings is required, unless specifically excused for cause beforehand by the president. 5. Expulsion of members from Alpha Pi Mu if deemed necessary, will be in accordance with the rules of the National Constitution. 8 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Section VIII MEETINGS 1. Meetings can be called at any time for business reasons by the president, vice-president, or any committee specifically possessing the power to do so. 2. Notice of business meetings shall be posted at least two days prior to the meeting on the Alpha Pi Mu bulletin board and elsewhere. 3. Notice of banquets, elections, and policy making meetings shall be made to each active member and must be posted 7 days in advance of said meeting and shall indicate time and place of such meeting. 4. Meetings shall be called to order by the president or vice-president or by any specific agent so delegated by the president to conduct that meeting. 5. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used as a guide for parliamentary procedure. 6. Two meetings per month will usually be held. 7. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the recording secretary and will include all pertinent statements made at the meeting. 8. Business meetings will be conducted at the most appropriate hour during the school day as determined by the authorized officer calling the meeting. 9. Members shall be informed at meetings of all committee reports on activities to date, and of any action taken or contemplated for the immediate future. 10. Minutes of meetings will be permanently filed at the end of the semester. Section IX COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENTS 1. The president shall have the power to create and dissolve committees for specific purposes. 2. Reports of a committee shall be made available at any called meeting, and progress of the committee’s activities described upon request. 9 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Section X PLEDGING ACTIVITIES 1. The vice president shall be the pledgemaster and shall head a pledge committee, if available. 2. If a pledgemaster must be selected from the members, a majority of the members present shall be required to elect him. 3. The pledgemaster has the option of choosing a pledge committee of three members to administer pledge activities. 4. The pledgemaster shall have the power to enact any measure necessary and allowable by policy to enable pledge activities to function. 5. Special activities for pledge activities, such as smokers, etc., shall be recommended by the pledge committee. 6. Eligibility of prospective initiates shall be determined as soon as possible after the semester starts. 7. Election of pledges shall be held within two weeks after eligibility is determined. 8. An accurate listing of all prospective pledges shall be kept by the pledge committee. 9. Honorary members will be selected at the pledge election committee. These selections must be referred to the Executive Council as set forth in the National Constitution before active solicitation may take place. 10. The vote on pledges may be by secret or open ballot as the chapter sees fit at the time of selection. 11. Pledges will be notified of their election to the society by letter mailed to their university address. 12. An informal initiation shall be held at the end of pledge week and all applicants will undergo an intensive examination as determined by the pledge committee. 13. A formal installation shall be held as soon as possible after the informal initiation. Section XI ASSESSMENTS Special assessments will be allowed by a majority vote of a quorum. Assessments for banquets, smokers, or other social functions will not be considered special assessments and can be levied as needed by the membership with a majority vote. Active members who have graduated shall be assessed for such costs as deemed necessary for banquets and other functions that include their participation. Special assessments may be levied upon each active member of the society as determined by a majority vote. The amount necessary for semester dues shall be determined by the membership at the first meeting of each semester. The amount necessary shall be placed in the form of a motion and passed by a majority vote. New members shall be assessed only the initiation fee required by the National Society plus $12.00 to cover the cost of their initiation. 10 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter IV. Semi-Annual Report ALPHA PI MU FALL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Chapter: Oklahoma State University OFFICERS: Date: October 27, 2005 Term of office begins: ends: Name Address July 1, 2005 December 31, 2005 Phone President: Steven Welch, 1807 N. Perkins, Stillwater OK 74075, (405) 822-8535 Vice President: Regan Hamby, 127 N. Duck, Stillwater, OK 74075, (405) 412-3748 Secretary: Hillary Bramlett, 146 Redwood, Stillwater, OK 74074, (405) 880-5657 Treasurer: Aaron Fralish, 1807 N. Perkins, Stillwater, OK 74075, (405) 570-3413 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Allen Schuermann, 322 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK 74078, (405) 744-6055 Other Officers: (President-Elect) (Student Council Rep) Erin Keller, 3700 W. 19th Apt.A7, Stillwater, OK 74074, (918) 645-9114 Randy Clark, 229 N. Knoblock, Stillwater, OK 74075, (918) 277-6262 MEMBERS (in School) Active: 1.Onkar Vijay Ambiye 2. Karthik Ayodhiramanujan 3. Manoj Bachhav 4. Yatin Bhamare 5. Hillary Bramlett 6. Randy Clark 7. Shankar Earni 8. Aaron Fralish 9. Scott Frazier 10. Komal Gadgil 11. Karthik Sanjeevi Chetty Gopal 12. Josh Hallman 13. Regan Hamby 14. Michael Hays 15. Erin Keller 16. Akshay Khanna 17. Bhuvnaesh Khuller 18. Deepu Koshy 19. Ashley Knust 11 24. Yen Ping Leow 25. Atilio Moran 26. Vipul Navale 27. Daniel Navaresse 28. Cara Noltensmeyer 29. Praveen Oberai 30. Steven Pais 31. Sriram Parthasarathi 32.Vishal Patel 33. Crystal Porter 34. Prahalada Rao 35. Micah Robinson 36. Abhijit Sadhu 37. Loay Sehwail 38. Pooja Seth 39. Eric Sobanski 40. Joyce Taylor 41. Tana Thavaranant 42. Rajesh Veliyanallore MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter 20. Anath Krishnamoorthy 21. Rajesh Krishnamurthy 22. Wisit Kumphai 23. Gerardo Myrin 12 43. Steven Welch 44. Matthew Williams 45. Haiyan Zhao MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (continued) Honorary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Members Graduated Since Last Report: 1. Stephanie Bargas 2. Michelle Bliss 3. Kaveta Chelliah 4. Mario Alberto Cornejo 5. Amanda Crain 6. Jodie Davis 7. Ryan Desellier 8. Claudia Elizabeth Escobar 9. Jeby Sam George 10. Ganesh Naik Kindaicar 11. Pui Ling Loo 12. Eshan Anil Mogne 13. Susan Moore 14. Vivek Pandey 15. Mukul Patki 16. Jeswin Philip 17. Cody Roth 18. Senthilkumaran Sampath 19. Amit Shah 20. Girisha Sevaraman 21. Sabarish Sreemulanathan 22. Nandan Sudarsanam 23. Nikhil Thaker 24. Erin Wendling 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Remarks: 13 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter ALPHA PI MU SPRING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Chapter: Oklahoma State University OFFICERS: Date: April 3, 2006 Term of office begins: ends: Name Address January 1, 2006 June 31, 2006 Phone President: Erin Keller, 3700 W. 19th Apt.A7, Stillwater, OK 74074, (918) 645-9114 Vice President: Matthew Williams, 611 N Ramsey, Stillwater,OK 74074, (405)209-2124 Secretary: Hillary Bramlett, 146 Redwood, Stillwater, OK 74074, (405) 880-5657 Treasurer: Josh Hallman, 2540 N. Keller Dr., Stillwater, OK 74075, (405)269-4790 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Allen Schuermann, 322 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK 74078, (405) 744-6055 Other Officers: (President-Elect) Cara Noltensmeyer, 1822 N Perkins, Stillwater,OK 74075, (316)250-5324 MEMBERS (in School) Active: 1. Karthik Ayodhiramanujan 2. Manoj Bachhav 3. Hillary Bramlett 4. Shankar Earni 5. Scott Frazier 6. Komal Gadgil 7. Karthik Sanjeevi Chetty Gopal 8. Josh Hallman 9. Regan Hamby 10. Michael Hays 11. Erin Keller 12. Akshay Khanna 13. Ashley Knust 14. Anath Krishnamoorthy 15. Rajesh Krishnamurthy 16. Wisit Kumphai 17. Gerardo Myrin 18. Yen Ping Leow 19. Atilio Moran 20. Vipul Navale 21. Daniel Navaresse 14 23. Praveen Oberai 24. Prahalada Rao 25. Abhijit Sadhu 26. Loay Sehwail 27. Pooja Seth 28. Eric Sobanski 29. Joyce Taylor 30. Rajesh Veliyanallore 31. Matthew Williams 32. Haiyan Zhao 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter 22. Cara Noltensmeyer 15 45. MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (continued) Honorary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Members Graduated Since Last Report: 1. Onkar Vijay Ambiye 2. Yatin Bhamare 3. Randy Clark 4. Bhuvnaesh Khuller 5. Deepu Koshy 6. Steven Pais 7. Sriram Parthasarathi 8. Vishal Patel 9. Crystal Porter 10. Micah Robinson 11. Tana Thavaranant 12. Steven Welch 13. Aaron Fralish 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Remarks: 16 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Officers and Elections Since the officers are responsible for the coordination of all activities sponsored by Alpha Pi Mu and assuring that the organization is operating in a way that accurately reflects the values and mission of the organization, it is imperative that they fully understand and are committed to the positions for which they apply. An example of an officer application is shown on the next page: 17 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Officer Application Form Oklahoma State University Chapter Officer Application Form Name:_______________________________ Classification: (check one) ___Junior ___Senior ___M.S. ___Ph.D. Phone Number:____________ Email Address:____________ Office for which you are applying: (check one) ___President-Elect ___Vice-President ___Treasurer ___Secretary I have read the Officer Responsibilities document and will make every effort to professionally perform my duties if elected. Signature:____________________________________ 18 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Officer Responsibilities President Fall Semester Conduct the officer and member meetings and ensure the timely completion of all society business. Update the APM organizational information on the CampusLife website (second week). Schedule the Fall Semester Officer’s meeting and reserve the IEM Conference Room (second week). Obtain the list of eligible pledges from the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directors (second week). Reserve 316 EN for the Fall Semester Nomination of New Members Meeting (second week). Prepare and submit the Chapter Agenda to the National Office by October 31. Solicit officer nominations for the Spring Semester. Spring Semester Conduct the officer and member meetings and ensure the timely completion of all society business. Update the APM organizational information on the CampusLife website (second week). Schedule the Spring Semester Officer’s meeting and reserve the IEM Conference Room (second week). Obtain the list of eligible pledges from the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directors (second week). Reserve 316 EN for the Spring Semester Nomination of New Members Meeting (second week). Work with the President-Elect to prepare and submit the Chapter Development Report to the National Office (April 15). Solicit officer nominations for the Fall Semester. 19 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter President-Elect Fall Semester Work with the President and prepare for the responsibilities of the office of President. Collect information for the Chapter Development Report from the Chapter Officers and provide in electronic form to the Faculty Advisor (to be stored on the APM website). Reserve Bennett Chapel at 060 SU for the Initiation and make arrangements for the pizza party after the Initiation (second week). Post and email an announcement for members to apply for the National Award of Excellence (middle of October). Pick up the applications at the front counter in 322 EN and submit to the Faculty Advisor (first of November). Solicit officer nominations for the Spring Semester. Spring Semester Work with the President and prepare for the responsibilities of the office of President. Collect information for the Chapter Development Report from the Chapter Officers and provide in electronic form to the Faculty Advisor (to be stored on the APM website). Reserve Bennett Chapel at 060 SU for the Initiation and make arrangements for the pizza party after the Initiation (second week). Work with the President to prepare and submit the Chapter Development Report to the National Office (April 15). Solicit officer nominations for the Fall Semester. 20 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Vice President Fall Semester Prepare and distribute the pledge packets to the new pledges at the Mixer (second week). Collect the yellow pledge signature cards at the front counter in 316 EN, prepare the Initiation Report and submit the Initiation Report to the Chapter Treasurer (immediately after the pledge fees are due). Store the yellow pledge cards in the APM cabinet in 317 EN. Collect the pledge packets at the front counter in 322 EN, certify the contents and notify the President and Faculty Advisor of the results (immediately after Pledge Week). Solicit officer nominations for the Spring Semester. Collect the officer applications at the front counter in 322 EN, email the slate of officers for the Spring Semester to the membership, collect and tabulate the votes and notify the faculty and members of the results of the Spring election. Spring Semester Prepare and distribute the pledge packets to the new pledges at the Mixer. Collect the yellow pledge signature cards at the front counter in 316 EN, prepare the Initiation Report and submit the Initiation Report to the Chapter Treasurer (immediately after the pledge fees are due). Store the yellow pledge cards in the APM cabinet in 317 EN. Collect the pledge packets at the front counter in 322 EN, certify the contents and notify the President and Faculty Advisor of the results (immediately after Pledge Week). Solicit officer nominations for the Fall Semester. Collect the officer applications at the front counter in 322 EN, email the slate of officers for the Fall Semester to the membership, collect and tabulate the votes and notify the faculty and members of the results of the Fall election. 21 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Secretary Fall Semester Ensure that there is an adequate inventory in the APM cabinet in 317 EN of white and yellow signature cards, Rituals and chapter stationery. Prepare the minutes of all meetings. Prepare and post meeting and activity announcements and email announcements to members and faculty. Prepare and distribute the invitation letters for the Pledge Mixer (second week). Order an updated Officer plaque from Engraving Excellence (second week). Prepare and submit the Semi-Annual Report to the National Office (October 31). Solicit officer nominations for the Spring Semester. Spring Semester Ensure that there is an adequate inventory in the APM cabinet in 317 EN of white and yellow signature cards, Rituals and chapter stationery. Prepare the minutes of all meetings. Prepare and post meeting and activity announcements and email announcements to members and faculty. Prepare and distribute the invitation letters for the Pledge Mixer (second week). Order an updated Officer plaque from Engraving Excellence (second week). Prepare and submit the Semi-Annual Report to the President-Elect for inclusion in the Chapter Development Report (April 8). Solicit officer nominations for the Fall Semester. 22 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Treasurer Fall Semester Pay the bills of the society and maintain the financial records. Obtain the financial signature cards from 060 SU and fill out and submit to the university (second week). Collect the white signature cards and pledge fees at the front counter in 322 EN and deposit the fees in the APM account. Prepare an invoice and request a check for the National Office (immediately after the pledge fees are due). Obtain the Initiation Report from the Chapter Vice President and submit the Initiation Report, white signature cards and the check to the National Office (within one week after the pledge fees are due). The Initiation Report requires the signatures of the Secretary, Faculty Advisor and School Head. Post and email an announcement about ordering Honor Stoles for Fall Graduation (first of November). Collect the fees at the front counter in 322 EN and deposit the fees in the APM account. Prepare an invoice and request a check for the National Office. Submit the order and check for Honor Stoles to the National Office (middle of November). Solicit officer nominations for the Spring Semester. Spring Semester Pay the bills of the society and maintain the financial records. Obtain the financial signature cards from 060 SU and fill out and submit to the university (second week). Collect the white signature cards and pledge fees at the front counter in 322 EN, deposit the fees in the APM account. Prepare an invoice and request a check for the National Office (immediately after the pledge fees are due). Obtain the Initiation Report from the Chapter Vice President and submit the Initiation Report, white signature cards and the check to the National Office (within one week after the pledge fees are due). The Initiation Report requires the signatures of the Secretary, Faculty Advisor and School Head. Prepare and submit the Income Tax Report to the President-Elect (March 31). Post and email an announcement about ordering Honor Stoles for Spring/Summer Graduation (first of April). Collect the fees at the front counter in 322 EN and deposit the fees in the APM account. Prepare an invoice and request a check for the National Office. Submit the order and check for Honor Stoles to the National Office (middle of April). Solicit officer nominations for the Fall Semester. 23 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Officer Election Process After all the application forms have been turned in by those interested in running for an office, the election process begins. This process involves the distribution and return of ballots through e-mail. The president distributes the ballots for each officer position, and each member replies by voting on the person they want to fulfill the position. This process allows each member to vote on their own time, and has proven to be very successful and time efficient. Fall 2004 Officers President: Steven Welch, (405) 822-8535 President-Elect: Erin Keller, (918) 645-9114 Vice-President: Regan Hamby, (713) 435-9660 Secretary: Hillary Bramlett, (405) 880-5657 Treasurer: Aaron Fralish, (405) 707-0124 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Allen Schuermann , (405) 372-7951 Spring 2005 Officers President: Erin Keller, (918) 645-9114-0085 President-Elect: Cara Noltensmeyer, (316) 250-5324 Vice-President: Matthew Williams, (405) 209-2124 Secretary: Hillary Bramlett, (405) 880-5657 Treasurer: Joshua Hallman, (405) 269-4790 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Allen Schuermann , (405) 372-7951 24 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Chapter Activities The Oklahoma State University chapter of Alpha Pi Mu sponsors several different activities throughout the academic year, many of which directly relates to the initiation process. This section of the report explains the activities and meetings that were held during the 2004-2005 school year. Fall 2005 First Officer’s Meeting At the beginning of each semester, Alpha Pi Mu holds the first officer’s meeting to discuss and plan all the events for the upcoming semester. This meeting is considered very important because it allows each member to express their opinion towards the upcoming events and activities. The following is the minutes from the 2004 fall semester: Officer Meeting Minutes 29 August 2005 25 Welcome Review officer responsibilities Discuss TA Awards o Meet with other organizations to possibly restructure the process Send INFORMS the APM schedule to avoid conflicts Review last year’s calendar Prepare schedule for Fall 2005 Semester o New member nomination meeting – September 1 Get eligibility list o Pledge Mixer – September 12 o New member fee and signature cards due – September 19 o IAB luncheon – TBA o Pledge Week – November 7-11 o Signing party – November 8 o Pledge packets due – November 11 o APM Award applications due – November 15 Must be filled out and submitted to office by November 8 o Honor stoll order due – November 18 o Initiation – November 14 o Spring officer nominations due – November 18 o Spring officer voting begins – November 28 Dismissal MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Fall 2005 Calendar of Events First Officer's Meeting: Thursday, September 8 at 3:30 p.m. in IEM Conference Room. Nomination of New Members: Thursday, September 15 at 11:45 a.m. in EN 316. Pledge Mixer: Monday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Dr. Schuermann's home, 2723 N. Husband. A map and signup for a ride will be available in EN 322. New Initiate Membership Cards and $50 Fee Due: Monday, October 3 at 5:00 p.m. in EN 322. Industrial Advisory Board Luncheon: Friday, November 4 at 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. in the Vogt Room. Deadline for Submitting National Award of Excellence Application: November 4 at 5:00 p.m. in EN 322. Pledge Week: November 7 - 11. A Signing Party will be held on Tuesday, November 8 at 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in EN 322. Initiation: Tuesday, November 15 at 5:30 p.m. at Bennett Chapel (south of the Student Union). Initiates should arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. A pizza party will be held immediately after the initiation. Deadline for Ordering Honor Stoles for Fall Graduation: Friday, November 18 at 5:00 p.m. in EN 322, $25.00. Deadline for Submitting Spring 2005 Officer Applications: Friday, November 18 at 5:00 p.m. in EN 322. Election of Spring 2005 Officers: A series of email ballots will be distributed to all members beginning on Monday, November 28. The results of the election will be announced on Saturday, December 6. Finals Week: December 12 - 16. Graduate College Hooding: Friday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. in Gallagher/Iba Arena. OSU/CEAT Commencement: Saturday, December 17, in Gallagher/Iba Arena. Luncheon for Fall IEM Graduates: Saturday, December 17, in 316 Engineering North. NOTE: All official Alpha Pi Mu announcements will be posted on the bulletin board that we share with the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and The Institute for Operations Research 26 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The bulletin board is located on the 3rd floor of Engineering North. 27 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Fall 2005 Nomination Meeting A nomination meeting is held each semester to present students who have met the academic requirements and have become eligible candidates for acceptance into Alpha Pi Mu. The members of Alpha Pi Mu then hold discussions for each individual and vote for each on the basis of leadership, ethicality, sociability, and widespread interest. If at least three quarters of the membership does think that an individual meets these requirements, then he or she will be invited into the Alpha Pi Mu pledge class. The following was used to remind all Alpha Pi Mu members of the upcoming nomination meeting, which was held in room 316 Engineering North: Fall 2005 Nomination Meeting Nomination Meeting September 1, 2005 11:45 pm EN 316 SEE YOU THERE!!! 28 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Fall 2005 Initiation Process The initiation process accounts for many of the events that occur within the OSU Alpha Pi Mu chapter. It is important to note that the initiation process is considered a very valuable and important aspect within our chapter. Our primary goal is to transform each pledge into an exceptional and involved member by providing a fun and worthwhile experience. Further information relating to the Fall 2005 initiation process is provided in the following sub-sections. Pledge List The following list contains the names of those candidates who were nominated to become members of Alpha Pi Mu during the Fall 2005 nomination meeting: 29 Manoj Bachhav Komal Gadgil Joshua Hallman Micheal Hays Akshay Khanna Gerardo Myrin Praveen Oberai Steven Pais Abhijit Sadhu Pooja Seth Tanon Thavaranant Matthew Williams MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Initiation Letter An initiation email is sent to the students who were selected in the nomination meeting as candidates for membership into Alpha Pi Mu. This email invites them to the pledge mixer, which will be discussed in the next sub-section. A sample initiation email can be found on the next page: 30 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Oklahoma State University Chapter Arlington, TX 76019-0017 ALPHA PI MU INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY FOUNDED 1949 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY CHAPTER FOUNDED 1951 PRESIDENT Gary D. Herrin, Ph.D. Industrial & Operations Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2117 September 2, 2005 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Robert D. Dryden, Ph.D. Alpha Pi Mu National Office P. O. Box 773 Portland, OR 97207-0773 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Abu S. M. Masud, Ph.D. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260-0035 TREASURER C. Patrick Koelling, Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Blacksburg, VA 24061-0118 Dear Joshua Hallman, Congratulations! You are invited to join Alpha Pi Mu, the National Industrial Engineering Honor Society. Alpha Pi Mu extends an invitation only to those students who have met the highest academic standards. You are to be commended for your achievements that place you in this elite group. AWARDS COORDINATOR Allen C. Schuermann, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering & Management Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-5018 REGION VICE PRESIDENTS Charles J. Malmborg, Ph.D. Decision Sciences & Engineering Systems Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180-3590 Wolter J. Fabrycky, Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Blacksburg, VA 24061-0118 Tarek M. Khalil, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124-0623 S. Balachandran, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering University of Wisconsin – Platteville Platteville, WI 53818-3099 Michael W. Riley, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0518 Please attend a mixer at Dr. Schuermann’s home (2723 North Husband) on Monday, September 12th at 7:30 pm. Light snacks and drinks will be served. Notify Steven Welch ( if you cannot attend but would still like to become a member. The current members of Alpha Pi Mu look forward to meeting you and telling you about becoming a member of our society. I look forward to seeing you there and, again, congratulations! Sincerely, James L. Smith, Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3061 H. JoAnne Freeman, Ph.D. Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0001 Hillary Bramlett ADVISORY BOARD Paul E. Givens, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620-0001 enclosure Michael W. Riley, Ph.D. Industrial & Management Systems Engineering University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0518 Donald H. Liles, Ph.D. Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering University of Texas at Arlington 31 MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETIES Pledge Mixer The pledge mixer was held at Dr. Schuermann’s household to provide an opportunity to inform new Alpha Pi Mu candidates about the organization and the initiation process. The mixer also provides an opportunity for fellowship between APM members and the OSU Industrial Engineering faculty. The following map was provided to the new Alpha Pi Mu candidates to help them find Dr. Schuermann’s house: Oklahoma State University Chapter 33 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following pictures were taken during the pledge mixer at Dr. Schuermann’s house. As mentioned earlier this was a great time for members, pledges, and faculty to interact outside of the classroom setting. 34 Oklahoma State University Chapter Pledge Packet Towards the end of the pledge mixer, the president makes a speech and thanks everyone for coming. The pledges are then gathered into a single room to discuss the next stages of the initiations process. Each student nominated for membership into Alpha Pi Mu must complete a pledge packet. The packet contains as agenda for the rest of the semester, important due dates, and spaces for APM member signatures. A copy of the fall 2004 pledge packet is shown on the following pages. 35 Oklahoma State University Chapter Name: 36 Oklahoma State University Chapter Alpha Pi Mu Pledge Information Fall 2005 Officers President President Elect Vice-President Secretary Treasurer STUCO Representative Steven Welch Erin Keller Regan Hamby Hillary Bramlett Aaron Fralish Randy Clark Agenda Pledge Mixer at Dr. Schuermann’s home Monday, September 12 at 7:30 p.m. A ride sign-up sheet and map are available in EN 322 Membership Fees and Pledge Cards Due Monday, September 19 by 5:00 p.m. Submit $50 membership fee and the two pledge cards in EN 322 Pledge Week November 7 thru November 11 Signing Party in EN 322 Tuesday, November 8, 11:45 a.m.–12:20 p.m. Pledge Folders Due in EN 322 Friday, November 11 by 5:00 p.m. Initiation at Bennett Chapel Monday, November 14 at 5:30 p.m. Pledges arrive by 5:15 p.m. Pizza party immediately after the initiation. Pledge Folders The Pledge Folders must have the ‘A Little Something about You’ section on page 2 completed before obtaining the signatures. The number of signatures specified below and the pledge test on pages 7 and 8 must be completed before being turned in to EN 322. 1. The pledges must obtain a. a minimum of two-thirds (18/27) of the member’s signatures b. a minimum of three-fourths (9/13) of the faculty’s signatures c. all (6/6) of the officer’s signatures. 2. To access the pledge cards, go to the Alpha Pi Mu website (, click on the following links on the left-hand side of the page: ‘Chapter Forms’ ‘Membership Cards’ and save the document to your computer. TYPE in the required information (type your name as you want it to appear on your certificate) and PRINT TWO COPIES. Both copies must be turned in with your membership fees. An example pledge card is available at the front counter in EN 322. 3. The answers for the test are either contained in this folder or posted on the OSU Alpha Pi Mu website ( and the National Alpha Pi Mu website ( Announcements All Alpha Pi Mu announcements are posted on the bulletin board that we share with the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS). The bulletin board is located on the 3rd floor of Engineering North outside room 318. 37 Oklahoma State University Chapter A Little Something about You In this section, let us know something about you. Some information you might want to include is your birthplace and any other interesting or unusual facts about yourself. This page must be completed before you obtain any signatures. Why do you want to join Alpha Pi Mu? What qualities do you have that would benefit Alpha Pi Mu? Why did you choose Industrial Engineering and why OSU? 38 Oklahoma State University Chapter Industrial Engineering and Management Faculty Fall 2005 Dr. William J. Kolarik ___________________________ (Professor and Head of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management) Dr. Allen C. Schuermann ___________________________ (Professor Emeritus, Alpha Pi Mu National Executive Council and Alpha Pi Mu Faculty Advisor) Dr. Satish Bukkapatnam ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Camille DeYong ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Ricki G. Ingalls ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Manjunath Kamath ___________________________ (Professor) Dr. Tieming Liu _______________________ (Assistant Professor) Dr. David E. Mandeville ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. John W. Nazemetz ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Carlos Oliveira ___________________________ (Assistant Professor) Dr. David B. Pratt ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Paul E. Rossler ___________________________ (Associate Professor) Dr. Charlene A. Yauch (Assistant Professor) 39 ___________________________ Oklahoma State University Chapter Alpha Pi Mu Officers Fall 2005 Steven Welch, President Erin Keller, President-Elect Regan Hamby, Vice President Hillary Bramlett, Secretary Aaron Fralish, Treasurer Randy Clark, STUCO Representative 40 Oklahoma State University Chapter Alpha Pi Mu Membership List Fall 2005 Onkar Vijay Ambiye Karthik Ayodhiramanujan Yatin Bhamare Shankar Earni Scott Frazier Karthik Sanjeevi Chetty Gopal Bhuvnaesh Khuller Deepu Koshy Ashley Knust Anath Krishnamoorthy Rajesh Krishnamurthy Wisit Kumphai Yen Ping Leow Atilio Moran Vipul Navale Daniel Navaresse Cara Noltensmeyer Sriram Parthasarathi Vishal Patel Crystal Porter Prahalada Rao Micah Robinson Loay Sehwail Eric Sobanski Joyce Taylor Rajesh Veliyanallore Haiyan Zhao 41 Oklahoma State University Chapter Alpha Pi Mu Pledges Fall 2005 Juniors 1. Michael Hays 2. Matthew Williams Seniors 1. Joshua Hallman 2. Gerardo Myrin Graduate Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 42 Manoj Bachhav Komal Gadgil Akshay Khanna Praveen Oberai Steven Stany Pais Abhijit Sadhu Pooja Seth Tanon Thavaranant Oklahoma State University Chapter At the end of the pledge packet is a pledge test that is prepared by the vice-president of the Oklahoma State University APM chapter. The pledge test must be completed by each pledge, along with the remainder of the packet before he or she will be allowed to go through with the initiation ceremony. Alpha Pi Mu Pledge Questions 1. Name the Alpha Pi Mu officers, including the faculty advisor: 2. Which OSU faculty members have served as National President of Alpha Pi Mu in the past? 3. Where and when was Alpha Pi Mu founded? 4. Who is viewed as the founder of Alpha Pi Mu? 5. What past OSU IE&M Department head is currently the National Treasurer? 6. How many regions does Alpha Pi Mu have? 7. In what region is the Oklahoma State University chapter of Alpha Pi Mu located? 8. What is the only nationally recognized industrial engineering honor society? 9. When was the Oklahoma State University chapter chartered? 10. What are the purposes of Alpha Pi Mu? 11. List three of your fellow pledges. 12. What are the membership requirements of Alpha Pi Mu? 13. What are the benefits of Alpha Pi Mu? 14. What is the key of Alpha Pi Mu? 15. Where is the national office currently located? 16. What honor did the Oklahoma State University chapter receive for the year 20032004? 17. 43 What are the characteristics of an Alpha Pi Mu member according to the constitution? Oklahoma State University Chapter Answers to Pledge Test The vice-president of the Oklahoma State University APM chapter grades each pledge test by comparing each student’s answers to the following answer sheet: 1. Name the Alpha Pi Mu officers, including the faculty advisor. President: President-elect: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Faculty advisor: Dr. Allen Schuermann 2. Which OSU faculty members have served as National President of Alpha Pi Mu in the past? Dr. Schuermann is currently a member of the Alpha Pi Mu National Advisory Board and a past National President (1990 - 1994). 3. Where and when was Alpha Pi Mu founded? Georgia Institute of Technology, March 17, 1949(chartered), 1959 (full membership in the Association of College Honor societies) 4. Who is viewed as the founder of Alpha Pi Mu? James T. French, a senior industrial engineering student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, in 1949. 5. What past OSU IE&M Department head is currently the National Treasurer? Patrick Koelling 6. How many regions does Alpha Pi Mu have? Seven 7. In what region is the Oklahoma State University Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu located? Region V. Regions are divided as follows: 44 REGION I. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. REGION II. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Oklahoma State University Chapter REGION III. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee. REGION IV. Illinois, Indiana, Louisville, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. REGION V. Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. REGION Vl. Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas. REGION Vll. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 8. What is the only nationally recognized industrial engineering honor society? Alpha Pi Mu 9. When was the Oklahoma State University chapter chartered? March 10, 1951 10. What are the purposes of Alpha Pi Mu? To bring distinction to individuals who have achieved academic excellence in the field of Industrial Engineering To promote scholarly activities related to Industrial Engineering education To foster an atmosphere for social interaction between students and faculty The society exists both to recognize exceptional Industrial Engineering students and to encourage participation of those students in activities which may be beneficial to the profession of Industrial Engineering. 11. List three of your fellow pledges. 12. What are the membership requirements of Alpha Pi Mu? The Constitution states that only those ranked in the upper one-fifth of the junior class or the upper one-third of the senior class can be considered for membership. Graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly achievement may, upon nomination by the department head, be considered for membership. 13. What are the benefits of Alpha Pi Mu? 45 Professional affiliation within the field of Industrial Engineering Scholarship opportunities Professional career enhancement through demonstrated leadership and excellence in local chapter activities Oklahoma State University Chapter 14. What is the key of Alpha Pi Mu? The key of the Association shall be of gold-type design as follows: A small circular gear upon which is mounted an inverted triangle bearing the three Greek letters "AM," one letter on each side of the triangle. The key shall have a short, extended shank at the foot of the triangle and shall be fitted with a small circular collar at the top of the triangleWhat are the goals of Alpha Pi Mu? Or What are three of the six goals of Alpha Pi Mu? 15. Where is the national office currently located? Portland, Oregon 16. What honor did the Oklahoma State University chapter receive for the year 20032004? 2nd place for the Outstanding Chapter in the Nation 17. What are the characteristics of an Alpha Pi Mu member according to the Constitution? Leadership, ethicality, sociability, and widespread interest 46 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following list shows the pledges that were present during Fall 2005 initiation: 47 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following sign-in sheet was used to record which members were present during the Fall 2005 initiation: 48 Oklahoma State University Chapter Signing Party The signing party marks the beginning of the pledge week activities. Beginning Monday, the pledges are able to begin asking for signatures from both IEM faculty and existing APM members. This process can be as easy as having your friend who is an APM member sign your packet, or as complicated as “chasing down” a graduate student whom you have never met before. The signature process provides a great opportunity for new candidates to meet many new people in the department. Whether it be a faculty member or a fellow student, it is amazing how this process brings everyone together. In order to aid the pledges in the signature acquisition process, a signing party is held on Tuesday of pledge week. It is held for one hour in the IEM office during the lunch break. All members, faculty, and pledges are encouraged to come. Chips, drinks, and snacks are provided to make the signing party more enjoyable for all. 49 Oklahoma State University Chapter Initiation Ceremony It is customary for the Oklahoma State University initiation ceremony to be held at Bennett Chapel on the OSU Campus. The initiation ceremony is taken very seriously by all Alpha Pi Mu officers, as extensive effort is made to strongly adhere to the ritual of Alpha Pi Mu. For the Fall 2005 initiation ceremony, the following members portrayed the parts of Alpha, Pi, Mu, and Gamma: Alpha – Pi Mu Gamma - Steven Welch Erin Keller Regan Hamby Hillary Bramlett The following map was provided to all APM pledges to assist them in easily locating Bennett Chapel for the ceremony. This map helps to eliminate any confusion of the pledges and provides for a timely ceremony. 50 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following pictures were taken during the initiation ceremony and are shown to further visualize this important and valuable chapter activity: Members after initiation Members waiting for initiation to begin 51 Oklahoma State University Chapter Initiation Reception After the initiation ceremony, everyone who attended is invited to celebrate with the new members over dinner. Pizza is provided and it is a great time of fellowship with the new members. APM members socializing and enjoying dinner More socializing and eating 52 Oklahoma State University Chapter Spring 2006 First Officer’s Meeting Alpha Pi Mu Executive Meeting Minutes 18 January 2006 The meeting was called to order by Erin Keller, President at 4:00 pm. Discussed officer responsibilities o Emphasized the importance of communicating with former officers o Use the resources available at the OSU APM website Discussed Dr. Bukkapatnam’s involvement this semester as a faculty coadvisor Developed spring schedule o Nomination of new members – Tuesday, January 31 EN 316, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm o Pledge mixer – Wednesday, February 5 Dr. Schuermann’s home, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm o Pledge week – Monday, March 20 – Friday, March 24 o Signing party – Tuesday, March 21 EN 322, 11:45 am – 12:30 pm o IAB luncheon – TBA o Spring initiation – Monday, April 10 Bennett Chapel, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm o Deadline for ordering honor stoles – Wednesday, April 12 o Distribute officer applications – Friday, April 14 o Deadline for submitting officer applications – Friday, April 21 o Distribute and tabulate election ballots – Monday, April 24 - Friday, April 28 Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm. Hilliary Bramlett Secretary 53 Oklahoma State University Chapter Spring 2006 Calendar of Events Wednesday, January 18 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 31 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 Nomination of new members in EN 316. p.m. Officer's meeting in EN 323 conference room. Wednesday, February 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 15 p.m. Pledge mixer at Dr. Schuermann's home, 2723 N. Husband. Snacks to be served. A map and signup sheet for a ride will be available in EN 322. Wednesday, February 5:00 p.m. 22 New initiate membership cards and $50 fee due in EN 322. March 20 - March 24 Pledge week. Tuesday, March 21 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 Signing party for pledges in EN 322. Snacks p.m. will be served. Friday, April 7 Noon - 1:00 p.m. Industrial Advisory Board luncheon hosted by APM for all students. Monday, April 10 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Initiation at Bennett Chapel (south of the Student Union at Hester and University). Initiates should arrive no later than 5:15 p.m. A pizza party will be held immediately after the initiation. Wednesday, April 12 5:00 p.m. Deadline for ordering honor stoles for spring/summer graduates in EN 322. Purchase price: $25.00; rental price: $10.00. Friday, April 21 5:00 p.m. Deadline for submitting fall 2006 officer applications in EN 322. April 24 - April 28 Election of fall 2006 officers. A series of email ballots will be distributed to all members. May 1 - May 5 Finals week. Saturday, May 6 TBA Fall commencement in Gallagher/Iba Arena. Saturday, May 6 TBA Luncheon for spring/summer graduates in EN 316. NOTE: All official Alpha Pi Mu announcements will be posted on the bulletin board that we share with the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The bulletin board is located on the 3rd floor of Engineering North. 54 Oklahoma State University Chapter Spring 2006 Nomination Meeting A nomination meeting is held each semester to present students who have met the academic requirements and have become eligible candidates for acceptance into Alpha Pi Mu. The members of Alpha Pi Mu then hold discussions for each individual and vote for each on the basis of leadership, ethicality, sociability, and widespread interest. If at least three quarters of the membership does think that an individual meets these requirements, then he or she will be invited into the Alpha Pi Mu pledge class. The following was used to remind all Alpha Pi Mu members of the upcoming nomination meeting, which was held in room 316 Engineering North: Spring 2006 Nomination Meeting Nomination Meeting January 31, 2006 11:45 pm EN 316 SEE YOU THERE!!! 55 Oklahoma State University Chapter Spring 2006 Initiation Process The initiation process accounts for many of the events that occur within the OSU Alpha Pi Mu chapter. It is important to note that the initiation process is considered a very valuable and important aspect within our chapter. Our primary goal is to transform each pledge into an exceptional and involved member by providing a fun and worthwhile experience. Further information relating to the Spring 2006 initiation process is provided in the following sub-sections. Pledge List The following list contains the names of those candidates who were nominated to become members of Alpha Pi Mu during the Spring 2006 nomination meeting: Tanay Bapat Klayton Bobsein Vijay Ghuge Jayjeet Govradhan Mohamed Idris Soumitra Rayarikar Jamie Reiss Viraj Shah Paul Wright Initiation Letter An initiation email is sent to the students who were selected in the nomination meeting as candidates for membership into Alpha Pi Mu. This email invites them to the pledge mixer, which will be discussed in the next sub-section. A sample initiation email can be found on page 34. Pledge Mixer The pledge mixer was held at Dr. Schuermann’s household to provide an opportunity to inform new Alpha Pi Mu candidates about the organization and the initiation process. The mixer also provides an opportunity for fellowship between APM members and the OSU Industrial Engineering faculty. Refer to page 38 for the map provided to the new Alpha Pi Mu candidates to help them find Dr. Schuermann’s house. 56 Oklahoma State University Chapter Pledge Packet A pledge packet similar to the Fall packet is distributed to the Spring pledges. The dates, officers, members, and faculty are updated. Refer to page 39 to see the full Fall Pledge Packet. 57 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following list shows the pledges that were present during Spring 2006 initiation: 58 Oklahoma State University Chapter The following sign-in sheet was used to record which members were present during the Spring 2006 initiation: 59 Oklahoma State University Chapter Ideas for Future Events and Activities Bases on suggestions from officers, members, and our Chapter Advisor, we have developed several possibilities for future events or activities. Some of these suggestions related to expanding or bettering current activities, whereas others were entirely new events. The following is a list of ideas for future events and activities: Social Events Annual Field Trip - Alpha Pi Mu has a large membership, most of which would be eager to visit applicable IE companies in the surrounding region. A field trip would be an excellent opportunity for our undergraduate members to get to know our graduate members more personally. An annual field trip would allow us to mix both professional development and fun. This field trip could be anything from 4 days to just a weekend, depending on the location and available activities. Football / Cricket Picnic - The OSU Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu and the entire Industrial Engineering department at OSU is made up of a very diverse group of students. Many of those in Alpha Pi Mu enjoy American sporting events; however, there is also a significant population of students who enjoy international games like cricket. We have proposed a picnic where all IE students could come to learn and play both football and cricket. It not only be fun, but also a great cultural experience for our members and the students in our department. Speaker Night - This activity would involve scheduling a talented and knowledgeable speaker to come and share a presentation with the IEM students at OSU. It would be a great opportunity for students to gain some knowledge of a specific technical area or better their understanding of what it’s like to be an IE in today’s workforce. 60 Oklahoma State University Chapter Service Events Resume Clinic - Alpha Pi Mu students are known for their scholarship and sociability. Hosting a resume clinic for IEM students would be a great opportunity for our members to critique resumes and offer helpful information to young underclassmen. This would be a great way to help other students in our department make the proper preparations for a big job interview. “Into the Streets” / “The Big Event” - These two events are sponsored by students at Oklahoma State University and draw enormous campus involvement. This is a great opportunity for students to help out in the Stillwater community. It would be easy for Alpha Pi Mu to get involved in these service projects. Our members would appreciate the opportunity to gain some valuable community involvement. Sponsorship of the Outstanding Senior Award - This was an award that was given out by Alpha Pi Mu in the past and has been lost in recent years. We believe this award should be reinstated and presented to the most outstanding senior in each graduating class. This would be a great mechanism for Alpha Pi Mu and the IEM department to say “job well done” to a special graduating senior. Angel Tree - This is another service event once sponsored by Alpha Pi Mu. Our officers would formulate a list of needy families and children in the Stillwater area and place these names on a Christmas tree in the IEM office. Students were asked to provide toys and other gifts for those names on the tree. This was a great way for our students to give back during the holiday season. 61 Oklahoma State University Chapter Betterment of Industrial Engineering Over the last year, there are several different activities and projects that Alpha Pi Mu members of Oklahoma State University have participated in to promote and better the field of Industrial Engineering. This section focuses on and describes some of these activities. Industrial Advisory Board Luncheon Each semester our department hosts a group called the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB is a wonderful organization of industry professionals who meet on a bi-annual basis to discuss industry trends and curriculum with our faculty. The goal of the IAB is to be the industry “eyes and ears” of our department and faculty in order to keep our program up-to-date and industry focused. They typically meet on a Thursday night, for an event hosted by IIE, to discuss a specific topic relating to student professional development. The following day the IAB meets with a group of IE faculty. The luncheon is held mid-day on Friday and gives students a chance to talk with members of the IAB in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. It is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about Industrial Engineering from professional sources. Students enjoy the chance this luncheon gives them to discuss the Industrial Engineering profession with someone who has first-hand, current experience. The IAB Luncheon is hosted by Alpha Pi Mu. The following picture was taken from the Fall 2005 IAB Luncheon: 62 Oklahoma State University Chapter IIE Regional Conference Each year the OSU Chapter of IIE sends a group of its officers to the IIE Regional Paper Conference. This year Alpha Pi Mu was pleased to have its president, Erin Keller, secretary, Hillary Bramlett, and treasurer, Joshua Hallman, in attendance with the other students. The conference was held in Lubbock, Texas at Texas Tech. The conference was an excellent opportunity for all students to network with IE students from other regional universities. Students were able to exchange ideas and discuss their school’s coursework, professional societies, and activities. Another Alpha Pi Mu member who attended was Ashley Knust. Erin Keller was one of the students to present her technical paper at the conference. 63 Oklahoma State University Chapter Betterment of the National Society Over the last year, there are several different activities, organizations, and societies that Alpha Pi Mu members at Oklahoma State University have participated in to promote and better Alpha Pi Mu on a national level. This section focuses on and describes some of these involvements. Institute of Industrial Engineers Many of the members of Alpha Pi Mu are also members of IIE. Further information about IIE can be found below. The Institute of Industrial Engineers is a professional society dedicated to serving the professional needs of Industrial Engineers like you. The IIE Chapter at Oklahoma State University is led by 8 officers and 1 advisor. Our objective is to get students involved in IIE activities so they can know each other, the faculty, and more about IE. Joining IIE provides benefits that are priceless in the future, like: - A chance to get valuable management and leadership experience. Peer recognition A chance to network with professionals through IIE events Free online resume listing on National IIE website Opportunities to tour facilities where IE principles are used Discounts on IIE books, conferences, and seminars Several Alpha Pi Mu members are actively involved in the OSU chapter of IIE, and have served as officers for the organization over the past year. These members are listed below: - 64 Hillary Bramlett – President Cara Noltensmeyer – Vice President Erin Keller – Treasurer Joshua Hallman – Activities Coordinator Oklahoma State University Chapter INFORMS In addition to being members of IIE, several members of Alpha Pi Mu are also involved in the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Further information about INFORMS can be found below. The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS professionals and students, as well as the institution they serve, by publishing a variety of journals that describe the latest OR/MS methods and applications and by organizing professional conferences. The institute also serves professionals to communicate with each other and to reach out to other professional societies. PURPOSE 1. To encourage interest in the field of operations research and the management sciences. 2. To encourage discussion and interaction among individuals having interest in the profession of operations research and the management sciences. 3. To provide a means of communication between people having interest in the management sciences and operations research. 4. To provide an informal means of exchanging information about operations research and the management sciences educational programs and opportunities. 5. To provide an informal means of exchanging information about the methods and techniques of the management sciences and operations research. 6. To present a forum of visiting or in-house speakers from both academic and nonacademic environments. 7. To help student members in employment and internship related issues. As with IIE, several Alpha Pi Mu members are also members of INFORMS and are currently serving as officers for the organization. These members are listed below: - Sandeep Srivathsan – President Elect - Manoj Bachhav – Vice President - Praveen Oberai – General Secretary 65 Oklahoma State University Chapter American Society for Quality Several members of Alpha Pi Mu are also involved in the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Erin Keller (current APM president), is the treasurer. Further information about ASQ can be found below. What is ASQ? The American Society for Quality, headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is the world’s leading authority on quality since 1946. The 104,000 member professional association creates better workplaces and communities worldwide by advancing learning, quality improvement, and knowledge exchange to improve business results. Changing the World A world of improvement is available through ASQ, providing information, contacts, and opportunities to make things better in the workplace, in communities, and in people’s lives. An Impartial Resource ASQ makes its officers and member experts available to inform and advise the U.S. Congress, government agencies, state legislatures, and other groups and individuals on quality-related topics. ASQ representatives have provided testimony on issues such as training, healthcare quality, education, transportation safety, quality management in the federal government, licensing for quality professionals and more. 66 Oklahoma State University Chapter Oklahoma Industrial Assessment Center Many IEM students, including an Alpha Pi Mu member, work in the Oklahoma Industrial Assessment Center. Further details about the center are shown below. Oklahoma Industrial Assessment Center The OSU Industrial Assessment Center is funded by the US Department of Energy as a part of a national program to perform no-cost energy audits for small to medium sized industries. What is the purpose and history? - Our goal is to reduce your operating expenses by reducing Energy and Waste costs and Improving Productivity Our survey is provided free of charge We have performed over 577 energy surveys since 1980 with expected energy dollar savings of 5 – 30% and a greater than 50% implementation rate for our recommendations. Who is our sponsor? The OIAC is one of 30 IAC’s and EADC’s located at major universities throughout the country. The IAC program is managed by the University City Science Center in Philadelphia, PA and sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies. Why are we doing this? - To help small to medium sized manufacturing plants reduce energy and waste costs To reduce waste management costs of manufacturing plants To improve energy management education and provide hands-on experience for advanced students studying energy and waste management. - Haiyan Zhao 67 Oklahoma State University Chapter CEAT Student Council A few Alpha Pi Mu members are involved in the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT) Student Council. This group is chosen from an extensive interview process and is responsible for many of the events concerning engineering students at OSU. CEAT Student Council organizes and sponsors a CEAT Career Fair each fall for engineering students to come learn about employment opportunities. Further details about the CEAT Student Council are found below. CEAT Student Council The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Student Council’s primary role is to act as a representative body for the students of CEAT and to enrich the college through its events and activities. The CEAT Student Council is responsible for the allocation of funds to CEAT clubs and societies, as well as putting on major events within the college such as the CEAT Career Fair and CEAT Week. The council interacts with the faculty on the student’s behalf and works with various committees for the interest of our college. Additionally, the CEAT Student Council has been expanding the influence of our college through its subsidiary organizations: the CEAT Freshman Council and the newly chartered CEAT Ambassadors Program. The following Alpha Pi Mu members are representatives on the CEAT Student Council: - 68 Joshua Hallman Cara Noltensmeyer (V.P. of Communications) Randy Clark Aaron Fralish Regan Hamby Steven Welch Oklahoma State University Chapter Tau Beta Pi Tau Beta Pi is the only engineering honor society at Oklahoma State University representing the entire engineering profession. It was founded at Lehigh University in 1885 and is the nation’s second oldest society. Over the past year, several Alpha Pi Mu members have also been involved in Tau Beta Pi. Founded in 1885 to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in the field of engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in the engineering colleges. The following Alpha Pi Mu members are also involved in Tau Beta Pi, which contributes to their credibility as being distinguished APM members at OSU. - 69 Hillary Bramlett Erin Keller Cara Noltensmeyer Steven Welch Regan Hamby Randy Clark Oklahoma State University Chapter OSU Chapter Website The OSU chapter of Alpha Pi Mu continually updates a website, found at, to document and advertise the chapter activities that are occurring throughout the semester. The website also serves as an “online annual report” for the chapter because it allows all records and events to be stored in one specific location for all members to access. The website helps the national society because it publicizes the aims and ideals of Alpha Pi Mu. The following picture is taken from the sites home page. 70 Oklahoma State University Chapter APM Honor Stoles The OSU Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu sold honor stoles to graduating seniors that were members of Alpha Pi Mu. This provided a wonderful opportunity for APM members to be individually recognized for their dedication and participation in the only Industrial Engineering Honor Society in the nation. APM Honor Stoles were sold for $25.00, or they could be rented from the OSU Chapter for only $15.00. 71 Oklahoma State University Chapter Summary This report includes a variety of documents that provide an accurate presentation of the many activities that are sponsored by the OSU Chapter of Alpha Pi Mu. We believe that after reviewing this document, you will more fully understand the activities and business conducted by our organization. We also believe that the documentation of our activities will allow us to aggressively compete for the Outstanding Chapter Award. 72