MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) When motion is confined to one independent degree-of-freedom, the linearized equation that governs the motion is mx cx kx f (4 – 1) In this section, we analyze Eq. (4 – 1) is more detail than in Chapter 1. The system’s free motion (f = 0) is analyzed first and then its forced motion. The analysis performed for the free motion is called a transient analysis. The transient analysis is independent of the non-homogeneous term that appears on the right side of the differential equation. The non-homogeneous term is often a force but it can also arise as a result of prescribing the displacement at a point in the system. The right side of the differential equation is generally called the excitation. After analyzing the free system, this section turns to the forced system. It is shown how the time dependence of an excitation affects a system’s time response. We start with the constant excitation. Static loads, weight forces, and prescribed displacements are the most frequent examples. The constant excitation change’s a system’s equilibrium position. Next, we consider the harmonic excitation. Systems that contain unbalanced rotating elements, like a washing machine, milling machines, and rotating shafts, are systems that are acted on by harmonic excitations. The harmonic excitation causes a system to undergo harmonic motion. 1. Free Undamped Motion Fig. 4- 1 The mass-spring-damper system CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) First consider the free undamped system (See Fig. 4 – 1). Letting f = 0 and c = 0 in Eq. (4 – 1) yields (4 – 2) mx kx 0 Equation (4 – 2) is a homogeneous constant-coefficient linear differential equation. As with any constant-coefficient linear differential equation, the solution is a combination of complex exponential functions. We start by looking at the single complex exponential function (4 – 3) x e st where s is a complex number that needs to be determined. Substitute Eq. (4 – 3) and its second time derivative into Eq. (4 – 2) to get m( s 2 e st ) ke st 0 Dividing by e st (4 – 3) ms 2 k 0 The values of s for which x = e st satisfies the differential equation are k (4 – 4a, b) s i n , n m where i 1. The two solutions are (4 – 5) x1 e int x 2 e int These two solutions may seem a bit odd; after all they’re complex. The complex solutions are actually just building blocks from which the real solution is constructed. Recall that e i n t and e i n t in Eq. (4 – 5) are complex harmonic functions of the form (See Fig. 4 – 2) (4 – 6) e int cos n t i sin n t e int cos n t i sin n t Fig. 4 -2 CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) The real solution is a linear combination of the two complex solutions. From Eq. (4 – 5) and Eq. (4 – 6) (4 – 7) x A1 x1 A2 x 2 A1 (cos n t i sin n t ) A2 (cos n t i sin n t ) where A1 and A2 are constants. By rearranging terms, the real solution is written as (4 – 8) x B cos n t C sin n t in which B = A1 + A2 and C = i(A1 – A2). Equation (4 – 8) is called the transient solution or the homogeneous solution of Eq. (4 – 1). The constants B and C depend on whether the system was initially displaced, was initial moving, or both. The constants B and C can also be written as (4 – 9) B A cos C A sin Substituting Eq. (4 – 9) into Eq. (4 – 8) (4 – 10) x A cos( n t ) Fig. 4 - 3 using the trigonometric identity cos cos n t sin sin n t cos( n t ). We see in Eq. (4 – 10) that the transient solution of an free undamped system is a harmonic function. It’s amplitude is A, its natural frequency is n, and its phase angle is . (See Fig. 4 – 3). The natural frequency is found from Eq. (4 – 4b). Its standard units are rad/s. The natural frequency is also sometimes expressed in terms of cycles per seconds which is the same as a Hertz, abbreviated Hz. Since 1 cycle is 2 radians it follows that 1 Hz 2 rad/s and so 1 Hz is about six times larger than 1 rad/s. The system’s natural period is CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) Tn (4 – 11) 2 n m k 2 2. Free Damped Motion Now consider the free damped system (See again Fig. 4 – 1). Letting f = 0 in Eq. (4 – 1) yields (4 – 12) mx cx kx 0 The procedure for solving Eq. (4 – 12) is the same as the procedure followed for solving Eq. (4 – 2). Start by assuming a solution in the form of a complex exponential function. Substitute Eq. (4 – 3) into Eq. (4 – 12) to get m(s 2 e st ) c( se st ) ke st 0 Dividing by e st yields the quadratic equation (4 – 13) ms 2 cs k 0 Its roots are 2 (4 – 14) 1 c k c s c c 2 4mk 2m m 2m 2m Let’s now distinguish between three levels of damping depending on whether the quantity under the square root is positive, zero, or negative. The roots are i 2 2 d d n (4 – 15) s 2 2 n in which k n m n n underdamped critically damped n overdamped c 2m Fig. 4 – 4 CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) The three levels of damping are referred to as under-damped, critically damped, and over-damped. The function x e st is complex in under-damped systems and real otherwise. Figure 4 – 4 shows x e st in the complex plane for under-damped systems. A. Under-damped In under-damped motion the two solutions to Eq. (4 – 12) are (4 – 16) x1 e ( id )t e t e id t e t (cos d t i sin d t ) x 2 e ( id )t e t e id t e t (cos d t i sin d t ) The general solution is a linear combination of these complex solutions. x A1 x1 A2 x 2 A1e t (cos d t i sin d t ) A2 e t (cos d t i sin d t ) Regrouping terms, (4 – 17) x e t ( B cos d t C sin d t ) in which B and C are constants. We see in Eq. (4 – 17) that the transient solution of a free under-damped system is a damped harmonic function. Its natural damping rate is and its damped natural frequency is d (See Fig. 4 – 5). The damped natural period is (4 – 18) Td 2 d 2 k c m 2m 2 Fig. 4 – 5 CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) B. Critically damped In critically damped vibration, the two solutions to Eq. (4 – 2) are1 x1 e t (4 – 19) x 2 te t The general transient solution is a linear combination of the two complex solutions. From Eq. (4 – 19) x e t ( B Ct ) (4 – 20) in which B and C are constants (See Fig. 4 – 6). C. Over-damped In over-damped vibration the two solutions to Eq. (4 – 12) are (13.2 – 21) x1 e 1t 1 2 n2 x 2 e 2t 2 2 n2 The general transient solution is (See Fig. 4 – 7) x Be 1t Ce 2t (4 – 22) Fig. 4 – 6 Fig. 4 – 7 1 The critically damped solutions are obtained through a limiting process from the under-damped solutions by letting d tend to zero. CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) 3. Free Time Response The transient time response of an undamped system and the transient time response of a damped system were given in Eq. (4 – 8), Eq. (4 – 17), Eq. (4 – 20), and Eq. (4 – 22). In each case, the response was expressed in terms of two unknown constants B and C. The two constants are determined from the system’s two initial conditions; it’s initial displacement x0 = x(0) and its initial velocity v 0 x (0). First, consider the undamped response. From Eq. (4 – 8) x 0 B cos( n 0) C sin( n 0) B v 0 n B sin( n 0) n C cos( n 0) n C so the constants are (4 – 23) B x0 v C 0 n The transient time response of an undamped system is (4 – 24) v x x0 cos n t 0 sin n t n Following the same steps, the transient time responses of the damped systems are v x 0 x e t ( x0 cos d t 0 sin d t ) d (4 – 25) x e t [ x0 (v0 x0 )t ] v 2 x 0 1 t v 0 1 x 0 2 t x 0 e e 2 1 1 2 under - damped critically damped over - damped The general forms of the responses were shown in Figs. 4 – 3, 5, 6, and 7. 4. Comparison of Limiting Cases The under-damped, critically damped and over-damped responses given in Eq. (4 – 25) are identical to each other in limiting cases. When the natural rate of decay tends to zero, the damped cases become the undamped case given in Eq. (4 – 8). When the natural frequency of oscillation tends to zero, the over-damped and under-damped cases become critically damped. When the natural rate of decay and the natural frequency of oscillation tend to zero, the cases all converge to x(t) = x0+v0t. These limits utilize the identities CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) (4 – 26) lim sin( t ) 0 lim 0 et e t t cos(t ) t 0 1 lim tet te t lim 2t 1 0 5. Constant Excitation Fig. 4 – 8 Let a damped system be acted on by the constant excitation f = F0 (See Fig. 4 – 8). From Eq. (4 – 1) (4 – 27) mx cx kx F0 A solution to Eq. (4 – 27) is (4 – 28) F x 0 k Substitute x and its derivatives into the left side of Eq. (4 – 27) to verify that Eq. (4 – 28) satisfies Eq. (4 – 27). A solution that satisfies Eq. (4 – 27) is called a steadystate solution to the differential equation. It is just one of the many solutions that satisfy the non-homogeneous differential equation. Therefore, it is also called a particular solution. The general form of the solutions that satisfy the homogeneous differential equation (letting f = 0) was found in the previous section. For example, CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) recall when a system is under-damped, from Eq. (4 – 17), that the general form of the transient solution is (4 – 29) xt e t ( B cos d t C sin d t ) Let’s now construct a general form of a solution that satisfies the nonhomogeneous differential equation. The general form is constructed by adding together the general form of the transient solution and one steady-state solution, written (4 – 30) x xt x s In an under-damped system it follows from Eq. (4 – 28) and Eq. (4 – 29) that the general form of the solution is F (4 – 31) x xt x s e t ( B cos d t C sin d t ) 0 k Notice as time goes on that the transient part of the solution damps out leaving the steady-state solution, and hence the name steady-state. Also, notice that the steadystate solution is eventually independent of the constants B and C, which in turn depend on the system’s initial conditions. Hence the steady-state solution, after the transient motion has damped out, is unique. In the case of a constant excitation, the steady-state solutions tends to the constant F0 . k The effect of the constant excitation is to change the equilibrium position of a system. The Linear Superposition Principle The procedure followed above to find the general form of the solution of a differential equation employs the linear superposition principle, and we used it earlier in the book. Let’s now define the linear superposition principle precisely. Toward this end, we consider two problems. First, we consider a system that is acted on by an excitation f1 and then we consider the same system acted on by the excitation f2. The corresponding steady-state solutions are x1 and x2. The differential equations for each problem are (4 – 32) mx1 cx1 kx1 f1 mx2 cx 2 kx2 f 2 The linear superposition principle states that a steady-state solution for the same system acted on by the excitation f = a1f1 + a2f2 is x = a1x1 + a2x2, in which a1 and a2 are constants. The linear superposition principle is represented below symbolically. (4 – 33) f x1 If 1 then a1 f1 a 2 f 2 a1 x1 a 2 x 2 f 2 x2 CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) The linear superposition principle is proven as follows: mx cx kx m(a1 x1 a 2 x2 ) c(a1 x1 a 2 x 2 ) k (a1 x1 a 2 x 2 ) a1 (mx1 cx1 kx1 ) a 2 (mx2 cx 2 kx2 ) a1 f1 a 2 f 2 The general form of the solution obtained in Eq. (4 – 30) uses the linear superposition principle; it’s a special case of it. By letting a1 = a2 = 1, f1 = 0 and f2 = F0 in Eq. (4 – 33), we get Eq. (4 – 30). The linear superposition principle is behind the procedures that are followed when solving linear differential equations and it’s called upon again in the following. 6. Harmonic Excitation Fig. 4 – 9 A damped system is acted on by the harmonic excitation (4 – 34) f F0 cos t in which F0 is a constant and is excitation frequency (See Fig. 4 – 11). To find a steady-state solution, we start out by considering a different problem. We assume that the system is acted on by the complex excitation (4 – 35) f C F0 e it Since e it cos t i sin t , the real and imaginary parts of fC are f R F0 cos t f I F0 sin t. CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) Notice that the real part of fC is the same as the original excitation in Eq. (4 – 34). In Eq. (4 – 1) we have mx cx kx f C (4 – 36) in which x denotes the associated complex response. By the principle of linear superposition, if the response to fR is denoted by xR and the response to fI is denoted by xI then the complex response x to the complex excitation fC = fR + ifI is x = xR + ixI. This follows from Eq. (4 – 33) by letting a1 = 1, a2 = i, f1 = fR and f2 = fI.. Thus, to find the steady-state solution to the system acted on by the original excitation given in Eq. (4 – 34) we can first find the complex response to the excitation given in Eq. (4 – 35) and then extract from x its real part. Begin by trying a steady-state solution in the form x X 0 e it (4 – 37) where X0 is a complex constant that needs to be determined. Substituting Eq. (4 – 37) into Eq. (4 – 36) (4 – 38) m[(i ) 2 X 0 e it ] c[(i ) X 0 e it ] k[ X 0 e it ] [m 2 ci k ] X 0 e it F0 e it Dividing by e it and solving for X0 yields (4 – 39) X0 F0 F 0 k k m 2 ic 1 1 n 2 i 2 n is called the damping factor and n is the system’s natural n frequency. The complex constant X0 can be written in polar form as in which (4 – 40) X 0 X 0 e i in which CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) F (4 – 41) X 0 0 k 1 1 n 2 2 [2 ] 2 n 2 n tan 1 2 1 n Substituting Eq. (4 – 40) into Eq. (4 – 37) we get (4 – 42) x X 0 e i e it X 0 e i(t ) X 0 [cos(t ) i sin( t )] Equation (4 – 42) is the steady-state solution to the system acted on by the complex force fC. The steady-state solution to the system acted on by the original force given in Eq. (4 – 34) is its real part, (4 – 43) x R X 0 cos(t ) The steady-state solution to the system acted on by fI is (4 – 44) x I X 0 sin(t ) We see in Eq. (4 – 43) and Eq. (4 – 44) that the time response of a damped system acted on by a harmonic excitation of frequency is harmonic, having the same frequency as the excitation (See Fig. 4 – 10). The amplitude of the time response is X 0 and the phase angle is Next we look closer at the amplitude and phase angle of the vibration. Fig. 4 – 10 CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) Amplitude and Phase The question arises how the amplitude and phase of the time response change with excitation frequency for a given system. To answer this question, we examine Eq. (4 – 42). The amplitude | X0 | / F0 and the phase are graphed as functions of the relative frequency in Fig. 4 – 11 for different damping factors . The n amplitude | X0 | is also called the frequency response of the system. Notice that the frequency response, regardless of the damping factor, is always equal to F0/k when the excitation frequency is zero. An excitation frequency of zero corresponds to a constant excitation and hence its solution is the same as Eq. (4 – 28). At very high frequencies, the harmonic excitation doesn’t excite the system. Notice when the excitation frequency is equal to the natural frequency that the amplitude becomes very large (or infinite when there is no damping). This is called resonance. Fig. 4 – 11 Next, consider the phase angle. The phase angle represents a lag in the displacement behind the force. Notice when there is no damping that the phase angle is zero; the displacement and the force are in phase. The non-zero phase angle is a result of damping; the damping causes the displacement to lag behind the force when the excitation frequency is less than the natural frequency and to lead in front of the force when the excitation frequency is greater than the natural frequency. CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH MOTION IN A STABILITY REGION (PART I) PROBLEM STATEMENTS The problems in this chapter consider systems 1 – 1 through 1- 7. Problem 4 – 1: Simplified Free-Body Diagrams (a) Redraw the free body diagram of the system. This time let the angle of the bar in the diagram be small. You will now make a small-angle assumption. In the diagram you will treat sin() as and cos( ) as 1. This means that small arcs become right angles. Therefore, when rotating an arc of length a by a small angle , the diagonal length is still a and the side length is a . (b) Using this free body diagram, find the linear differential equation that describes the motion of the system about the equilibrium. You should find that this linear differential equation is the same as the one found in Problem 1 – 3. Problem 4 – 2: Impulse Response The system is now acted on by an applied load M or F. We’ll denote it my M. Two loads M are compared: 1) a finite pulse M1 and an instantaneous impulse M2. When the time of the pulse is “short” enough, the response of the system acted on by the finite pulse should look like the response of the system acted on by the impulse. The question arises what do we mean by “short.” The short-time pulse M1 and the impulse M2 are given by: 0 t T0 T0 t A , M1 0 0, M 2 A0T0 (t ) where T0 is the period of the pulse (not to be confused with step size or period). Let T0 = Tf/10 and A0 = 1 lb (or 1 N depending on the units used). Notice for both functions that the integral over time of the load is the same, that is T0 0 T0 M 1 (t )dt M 2 (t )dt A0T0 0 (a) Find the response (t) of the system subject to each of the two loads assuming that the system is initially at rest. Using MATLAB, plot each response for about 6 oscillations. (b) Look at the two responses and comment on the nature of the approximation. CONTROL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: AN INTRODUCTORY APPROACH