Request for Proposal Enterprise Resource Planning System: Student Services Student Financial Aid Financial Services Human Resources NOTICE REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR AN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ERP SYSTEM PROPOSAL NO: 1 LAST DATE/TIME FOR SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSAL: 2:30 P.M. PST August 1, 2003 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT: Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Phone: (925) 287-0275 Fax: (925) 287-0358 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE AT: Purchasing Office Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 BUYER CONTACT: Patrick Tyrell-Smith ERP Projects Director Foundation for California Community Colleges 19419 N 110th Lane Sun City, AZ 85373-4302 Phone: (623) 825-0204 Cell: (480) 495-2020 Fax: (602) 532-7555 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Foundation for California Community Colleges (“Foundation”), acting on behalf of the four California community college districts (“Districts”) named herein, will receive up to, but not later than the above-stated date and time, sealed Proposals for the Contract for the above-mentioned Enterprise Resource Planning System generally described as “ERP System”. FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 1 Introduction and Purpose ........................................................................................ 9 1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................. 9 1.2 The Foundation .................................................................................................... 9 1.3 Foundation Programs ........................................................................................... 9 1.4 The ERP Project ................................................................................................. 10 1.5 Scope of the Project ........................................................................................... 10 1.6 Participating Institutions .................................................................................... 11 1.7 Organization of the Request for Proposal .......................................................... 12 2 Rules Governing Proposals .................................................................................. 12 2.1 General Information Including Minimum Requirements .................................. 12 2.2 Proposal/Vendor Selection Timetable ............................................................... 14 2.3 Submission of Intent to Bid ............................................................................... 14 2.4 Submission of Proposal...................................................................................... 14 2.5 Proposal Address and Delivery-Public Bid Opening......................................... 16 2.6 Questions/Amendments ..................................................................................... 17 2.7 Responses........................................................................................................... 17 2.8 Substitution/Deviations/Alternate/Multiple Proposals ...................................... 18 2.9 Bonds (Bid and Performance) ............................................................................ 19 2.10 Late Proposals .................................................................................................... 19 2.11 Pricing, Discounts & Best and Final Offers....................................................... 19 2.12 Duration of Offer ............................................................................................... 20 2.13 Presentations/Discussions .................................................................................. 20 2.14 Reserved ............................................................................................................. 20 2.15 District Review Rights ....................................................................................... 20 2.16 Proposal Evaluation ........................................................................................... 20 2.17 Reserved ............................................................................................................. 21 2.18 Award of Contract.............................................................................................. 21 2.19 Public Release of Information ........................................................................... 21 2.20 Contacts for Information .................................................................................... 21 2.21 Liability for Costs .............................................................................................. 21 2.22 Insurance ............................................................................................................ 22 2.23 Subcontractors.................................................................................................... 23 2.24 Right to Accept, Reject, Modify or Waive Technicalities/Irregularities ........... 23 2.25 Taxes, Patents .................................................................................................... 23 2.26 Right to Distribute the Vendor Responses to Implementation Partners ............ 23 3 Procedural Requirements and Amendments ..................................................... 23 3.1 RFP Inclusion in Contracts ................................................................................ 23 3.2 Professional Services Expectations.................................................................... 23 3.3 Reserved ............................................................................................................. 25 3.4 Training Expectations ........................................................................................ 25 3.5 Contract Changes ............................................................................................... 25 3.6 Meetings ............................................................................................................. 25 3.7 Vendor Compliance ........................................................................................... 25 3.8 Funding Out Clause ........................................................................................... 25 3.9 Quotations .......................................................................................................... 25 3.10 Cancellation ....................................................................................................... 25 Page 3 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 3.11 Reserved ............................................................................................................. 26 3.12 Payment.............................................................................................................. 26 3.12.1 Licensed software products....................................................................... 26 3.12.2 Professional Services (Implementation, Training, Etc.) ........................... 26 3.12.3 Support and Product Upgrade ................................................................... 26 3.12.4 Invoice Instructions ................................................................................... 26 3.12.5 Delinquency for Child Support ................................................................. 26 3.12.6 Prepayments .............................................................................................. 26 3.13 Claims ................................................................................................................ 26 3.14 Termination for Convenience ............................................................................ 27 3.15 Termination for Non-Performance .................................................................... 27 3.16 Vendor Assignments .......................................................................................... 27 3.17 Installation Definition ........................................................................................ 27 3.18 Software Product Licensing Expectations ...................................................... 27 3.18.1 Warranty of software product ................................................................... 27 3.18.2 Acceptance of software products .............................................................. 28 3.18.3 Warranty of continued support and ownership by the respondent ........... 28 3.18.4 General software product licensing expectations ..................................... 28 3.18.5 Support and Enhancement Licensing Expectations .................................. 29 4 Vendor Information ................................................................................................ 29 4.1 Organization Chart of Key Personnel ................................................................ 30 4.2 Disclosure of Ownership.................................................................................... 30 4.3 Vendor Demographics ....................................................................................... 30 4.4 Vendor's Statement of Contractual Disputes and Legal Risk ............................ 30 4.5 Corporate Financial Information and Strategy .................................................. 30 4.5.1 Annual reports/financial statements .......................................................... 30 4.5.2 Higher Education Strategy ........................................................................ 30 4.5.3 Software Partnership Status ...................................................................... 31 4.5.4 System enhancement strategy ................................................................... 31 4.6 Documentation capability assessment ............................................................... 31 4.7 Installation capability assessment ...................................................................... 31 4.8 Product versions and references......................................................................... 31 4.9 Third party software ........................................................................................... 32 5 Functional and Technical Requirements ............................................................ 32 6 Hardware, Database, Software and Sample Configuration ............................ 32 6.1 Database Platform .............................................................................................. 32 6.2 Hardware Platform and Operating Systems ....................................................... 32 7 Remote Hosting Capabilities ................................................................................ 33 7.1 Solution Configuration....................................................................................... 33 7.2 Staffing Considerations ...................................................................................... 33 7.3 Licensing Model ................................................................................................ 34 7.4 Operations .......................................................................................................... 34 7.5 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 34 8 Pricing ...................................................................................................................... 34 8.1 Pricing expectations (Place Results in Appendix Z).......................................... 35 8.2 Extension of software licenses due to increased usage ...................................... 35 Page 4 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 8.3 Support and product upgrade pricing ................................................................. 35 8.4 Professional Services for Implementation, Installation and Training ................ 35 8.4.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule-Rates (Place Results in Appendix Z) .............................................................................................................. 36 8.4.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs (Place Results in Appendix Z). 36 9 Implementation General Requirements, Terms and Conditions .................... 37 9.1 Primary Contractor............................................................................................. 37 9.1.1 Relationship with Subcontractors ............................................................. 37 9.1.2 Experienced Personnel .............................................................................. 37 9.2 Demonstrated Experience with Similar Institutions .......................................... 37 9.2.1 Database Platform Experience .................................................................. 37 9.2.2 Hardware Platform Experience ................................................................. 38 9.2.3 Integration Experience .............................................................................. 38 9.2.4 Data Mapping............................................................................................ 38 9.2.5 Customization Experience ........................................................................ 38 9.2.6 Comprehensive Methodology ................................................................... 38 9.2.7 Change Control ......................................................................................... 38 9.2.8 Self-service Experience ............................................................................ 38 9.2.9 Workflow Experience ............................................................................... 39 9.2.10 Development Toolkit Experience ............................................................. 39 9.2.11 Knowledge Transfer.................................................................................. 39 9.2.12 Portal Experience ...................................................................................... 39 9.3 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 39 9.3.1 Project Organization Chart ....................................................................... 39 9.3.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes .................................................... 39 9.3.3 Consultant Preapproval ............................................................................. 39 9.3.4 Recommended District Resources ............................................................ 39 9.3.5 Project Staff Training ................................................................................ 39 9.3.6 Statements of Work................................................................................... 40 9.4 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 40 9.5 Post Implementation Support............................................................................. 40 10 Professional Services Definitions and Expectations for Installation, Training and Implementation ........................................................................................ 40 11 Professional Services Assessment ................................................................. 41 11.1 Professional Services References ...................................................................... 41 11.2 Professional Services Warranty ......................................................................... 41 11.3 Project Management .......................................................................................... 42 11.4 Software Product Family Sequencing ................................................................ 42 11.5 Implementation Plan .......................................................................................... 42 11.6 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 42 11.7 Alternative Work Arrangements ........................................................................ 43 11.8 Contractor Resource Requirements ................................................................... 43 11.9 Software Extensions........................................................................................... 43 11.10 Software Module Promotion .............................................................................. 43 11.11 Training/Documentation Capability Assessment .............................................. 43 11.12 Consulting Service Agreement .......................................................................... 43 Page 5 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 12 RESERVED......................................................................................................... 44 13 Student System .................................................................................................. 44 13.1 Current Software Projects .................................................................................. 44 13.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 44 13.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 44 13.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 44 13.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 44 13.6 Project Staff Training ......................................................................................... 45 13.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services ....................................................... 45 14 Student Financial Aid ......................................................................................... 45 14.1 Current Software Projects .................................................................................. 45 14.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 45 14.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 45 14.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 45 14.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 45 15 Financial Management System Implementation ........................................... 46 15.1 Current Software Projects .................................................................................. 46 15.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 46 15.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 46 15.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 46 15.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 46 15.6 Project Staff Training ......................................................................................... 47 15.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services ....................................................... 47 16 Human Resource System Implementation..................................................... 47 16.1 Current Software Projects .................................................................................. 47 16.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 47 16.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 47 16.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 48 16.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 48 16.6 Project Staff Training ......................................................................................... 48 16.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services ....................................................... 48 17 Campus Portal Implementation........................................................................ 48 17.1 Current Software Projects .................................................................................. 48 17.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 49 17.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 49 17.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 49 17.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 49 17.6 Project Staff Training ......................................................................................... 49 17.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services ....................................................... 49 18 Technical Installation, Training and Implementation .................................... 50 18.1 Current Projects ................................................................................................. 50 18.2 Tools & Utilities ................................................................................................ 50 18.3 Post implementation support.............................................................................. 50 18.4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................ 50 18.5 Project Staffing .................................................................................................. 50 18.6 Project Staff Training ......................................................................................... 50 Page 6 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 18.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services ....................................................... 51 List of Appendices .......................................................................................................... 52 Appendix 1....................................................................................................................... 53 Technical and Functional RequirementsAppendix A-1 ................................................ 53 Appendix A-1................................................................................................................ 54 Intent to Bid .................................................................................................................. 54 Appendix A-2................................................................................................................... 56 Bid Cover Form & Proposer’s Certifications ............................................................... 56 Appendix A-3................................................................................................................... 58 Amendment Acknowledgement Form .......................................................................... 58 Appendix A-4................................................................................................................... 59 Disclosure of Ownership............................................................................................... 59 Appendix A-5................................................................................................................... 60 Non-Collusion Affidavit ............................................................................................... 60 Appendix A-6................................................................................................................ 61 Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Certificate ............................................. 61 Appendix A-7................................................................................................................ 62 Software License, Maintenance, Consulting Services and Third Party Agreements ... 62 Appendix B ...................................................................................................................... 63 Feather River Community College District .................................................................. 63 CURRENT SYSTEMS ................................................................................................... 63 Current Computing Environment ................................................................................. 63 I. Computing Platforms ........................................................................................ 63 II. Current Systems Computing Environment ....................................................... 63 Appendix C ................................................................................................................... 65 San Luis Obispo County Community College District................................................. 65 Appendix D ...................................................................................................................... 75 Sierra Joint Community College District ...................................................................... 75 Computing Platforms ................................................................................................ 75 Current Systems Computing Environment ............................................................... 77 Appendix E ...................................................................................................................... 80 Sonoma County Community College District (Santa Rosa)......................................... 80 Current Computing Environment ............................................................................. 80 Computing Platforms ................................................................................................ 80 Current Application System ...................................................................................... 82 History/Evolution of Systems........................................................................................ 82 Exceptions to Terms and Conditions ............................................................................ 84 Statement of Work – Student Administration System Implementation........................ 85 Appendix H ...................................................................................................................... 86 Statement of Work – Student Financial Aid System Implementation .......................... 86 Appendix I........................................................................................................................ 87 Statement of Work – Financial Management Implementation ..................................... 87 Appendix J ....................................................................................................................... 88 Statement of Work – Human Resource Management Implementation ....................... 88 Appendix K ...................................................................................................................... 89 Statement of Work – Campus Portal Implementation .................................................. 89 Page 7 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix L....................................................................................................................... 90 Statement of Work – Technical Installation, Training and Implementation ................ 90 Appendix M ..................................................................................................................... 91 Subcontractor Qualifications ........................................................................................ 91 Appendix N ...................................................................................................................... 92 Resumes ........................................................................................................................ 92 Appendix O...................................................................................................................... 93 Annual Reports/Financial Statements ........................................................................... 93 Appendix P ...................................................................................................................... 94 Vendor Demographics .................................................................................................. 94 Appendix Q...................................................................................................................... 95 Vendor Essential Information Not Specified In RFPAppendices –R-X....................... 95 Appendices –R-X .......................................................................................................... 96 For Vendor Use ............................................................................................................. 96 Appendix Y-1 Feather River CCD ............................................................................... 97 Recommended ConfigurationAppendix Y-2 San Luis Obispo CCD ........................... 97 Appendix Y-2 San Luis Obispo CCD .......................................................................... 98 Recommended Configuration Appendix Y-3 Sierra Joint Community College District ........................................................................................................................................... 98 Appendix Y-3 Sierra Joint Community College District ............................................ 99 Recommended Configuration Appendix Y-4 Sonoma County CCD .......................... 99 Appendix Y-4 Sonoma County CCD ......................................................................... 100 Appendix Z-1 Feather River CCD .............................................................................. 101 Pricing Schedules ........................................................................................................ 101 Z1.2 Ongoing Support Costs .................................................................................... 101 Appendix Z-2 San Luis Obispo CCD ........................................................................ 104 Pricing Schedules ........................................................................................................ 104 Z1.2 Ongoing Support Costs .................................................................................... 104 Appendix Z-3Sierra Joint Community College District ........................................... 107 Pricing Schedules ........................................................................................................ 107 Z1.2 Ongoing Support Costs .................................................................................... 107 Appendix Z-4 Sonoma County CCD ......................................................................... 110 Pricing Schedules ........................................................................................................ 110 Z1.2 Ongoing Support Costs .................................................................................... 110 Page 8 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 1 Introduction and Purpose 1.1 Purpose The Foundation intends to secure a contract to purchase software and implementation services to replace legacy systems in community college district members’ sites. The Foundation is issuing this single RFP on behalf of four California community colleges. The California Community Colleges participating in this procurement are: Feather River Community College District, San Luis Obispo County Community College District (Cuesta), Sierra Joint Community College District and Sonoma County Community College District (Santa Rosa). Vendors are encouraged to respond to this one RFP with many potential customers in mind. Functional areas include Course and Curriculum, Student Services, Financial Aid, Financial Services and Human Resources. The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process is to define minimum requirements, solicit proposals and gain adequate information by which the Foundation can evaluate the software and services offered by Proposers. The RFP provides directions and details necessary for Proposers to complete a comprehensive and competitive proposal for meeting the participating college’s Student, Financial and Human Resource information needs. Proposers must reference the functions defined in Appendix 1 x to determine if their products meet the requirements of the Districts. The RFP is part of a competitive procurement process that helps serve the best interests of the Foundation’s member colleges. It also provides Proposers with a fair opportunity for their products and services to be considered. The process of competitive negotiation being used in this case should not be confused with the process of competitive sealed bidding. The latter process is usually used where the goods and services being procured can be precisely described and price is generally the determining factor. With competitive negotiation, however, price is not required to be the determining factor, although it may be, and the Foundation has the flexibility to negotiate with multiple Proposers to arrive at a mutually agreeable relationship. 1.2 The Foundation The Foundation is a private, nonprofit corporation with I.R.S. 501 (c)(3) status. The Foundation is the only official auxiliary for the California Community Colleges (“CCC”) system, recognized by the Board of Governors under the provisions of the California Education Code section 72670.5. The CCC is the largest system of higher education in the world, with 108 colleges and nearly 3 million students attending annually. 1.3 Foundation Programs The Foundation for California Community Colleges has developed, manages and maintains a number of programs, including: A program to address the increasing need for educational institutions to choose and implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) administrative software systems – such systems typically include financial, human resources, financial aid, and student modules. The ERP program uses a web-based decision tool by Advantiv, Inc. to assist the decision-making process and uses the leverage of the national purchasing consortium to negotiate discounted ERP system pricing. This Request for Proposal is part of that endeavor. The purchasing program is the largest higher education purchasing consortium in the United States. The Foundation also maintains the K-12 purchasing program. The Foundation is the lead entity for the largest Microsoft Campus Agreement software license in which 102 of the 108 California community colleges participate. The Foundation provides Microsoft media to faculty and staff for work-at-home use and provides support services to an additional 200 colleges and universities in 22 states. The Foundation also developed a Microsoft Academic Select license for all California Community Colleges. Page 9 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal The program includes facility condition assessment and discounted volume purchasing agreements The Foundation hires student assistants who work at California State agencies. The Early College High School Initiative is creating 15 high schools on CCC campuses, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Foundation provides cash awards and other support to system-wide awards and scholarships for the California community colleges. 1.4 The ERP Project The Foundation has instigated a project that involves the California community colleges noted below with several objectives in mind: Apply best practices from successful ERP implementations to a rigorous and disciplined process Use an effective decision tool to maximize collaborative participation within and among the colleges and to minimize wasted or duplicative effort Insure clear task responsibility on the part of vendors and colleges alike Use the leverage and influence of the FCCC with software and hardware vendors to bring about the successful, timely and least cost implementations of ERP systems. Adopt a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model that clearly identifies all the costs associated with the purchase and operation of a modern ERP system. Invoke the principles of Business Process Engineering (BPR) in the planning for and implementation of ERP systems so college districts can maximize the benefits of their new capabilities. Seven of the top ERP vendors in the world have joined the project and will use the collaborative web based tool, DecisionDirector, which the Foundation has licensed from Advantiv, Inc. Those vendors are SCT, Jenzabar, SAP, PeopleSoft, Protocol, Oracle and Datatel. As the requirements are developed in DecisionDirector, using the Higher Education KnowledgePack as a starting point, the ERP vendors are given the opportunity to craft their responses even before the RFP is issued. Final modifications can be made before the final response date. 1.5 Scope of the Project The four California community college districts seek to purchase and install an ERP System to meet their information needs. Functional areas to be covered by the proposed software include, but are not limited to Student, Financial Aid, Finance and Human Resources. This request for proposal (RFP) is for an integrated system to meet the immediate and long-range needs of the Districts as outlined in the general and detailed system requirements that follow. By integrated software package, we mean that all software delivered from a vendor should be facilitated from a common organization-wide database permitting the total sharing of information within and across functions and other systems. This integration should include data access products, spreadsheets, and word processors. In meeting the needs in these areas, the Districts realize that these systems can be procured from: a) a single vendor; b) a group of vendors offering a joint proposal; or c) multiple vendors each responsible Page 10 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal for a portion of the system and integration of their product/application. The Districts prefer to procure an integrated central administrative database and ERP System from a single vendor to meet the total needs of the organization. However, software firms may bid to provide only subsystems (student, financial aid, finance and/or human resources) of the software requested in this RFP. In considering options for this software the Districts are most interested in exploring web based options and will be focusing on the functional capabilities of the software. At the same time, integration and flexibility are key considerations, as the Districts continue to evaluate new options and redesigning processes in order to provide high-quality service to students, faculty and staff as efficiently as possible. The software must work in support of, not as a hindrance to, innovation, and must serve the needs of the Districts both now, and in the future. All hardware, software, operating system and related software required to run, maintain, access, and modify the proposed system must be Year 2000 compliant. It is further recognized that firms engaged in implementation of various software systems which may be bid beyond the software firm itself may have qualifications and capabilities that could benefit the Districts. Firms are invited to bid only the implementation portion of the RFP specifying the software system to be implemented. The RFP is purposely detailed so the various proposals can be measured against the stated requirements. To meet each and every one of these needs in a comprehensive package would no doubt require development of a custom software program. However, the Districts realize that such development would likely be beyond the time and dollar resources available. They expect to purchase a package system, with minimal customization, to best meet the requirements outlined. The detail furnished is intended to provide every vendor the opportunity to fully describe how their software will fulfill district needs and where it falls short, and assist the Districts in making an informed choice. 1.6 Participating Institutions The Foundation for California Community Colleges, on behalf of the four community college districts noted below is soliciting proposals from vendors. Feather River Community College District 570 Golden Eagle Avenue (530) 283-0202 Quincy CA 95971-9124 San Luis Obispo County Community College District (Cuesta) PO Box 8106 (805) 546-3100 San Luis Obispo CA 93403-8106 Sierra Joint Community College District 5000 Rocklin Road Rocklin CA 95677-3397 (916) 781-0430 Sonoma County Community College District (Santa Rosa) 1501 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95401-4395 Page 11 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal (707) 527-4011 Appendices B through E contain specific background statements about each of the participating college districts and an overview of their current systems. 1.7 Organization of the Request for Proposal Many of the ERP vendors have opted to participate in the web based response system guided by DecisionDirector, the decision tool licensed from Advantiv, Inc. They will receive the RFP in the first form described below. They will be able to respond to requirement statements through the Internet but must furnish a hard copy reply to the rest of the RFP. The RFP has two separate versions: A hybrid version in which the business and technical requirements are accessible through DecisionDirector (by the seven ERP vendors), and the legal and administrative terms and conditions are provided in hard copy A hard copy version that includes both requirements and terms and conditions. Please note that electronic versions of the RFP may be emailed to vendors so they can print a copy at their own leisure and workplace. 2 Rules Governing Proposals 2.1 General Information Including Minimum Requirements The successful Proposer must meet the minimum requirements set forth in the body of this document and attached appendices. The requirements are related to and define how members’ student, business and administrative functions are managed. 2.1.1 General Requirements This Request for Proposal (RFP) invites qualified ERP Proposers to submit proposals for providing the following products and services to the member districts of the Foundation: Comprehensive computer software to support the districts’ Student, Financial Aid, Financial and Human Resource Management Systems; Appropriate and complimentary data warehousing, query, reporting, On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) decision support software and decision support tools; Integrated system administration facilities including navigation, security, workflow processing, auditing and job scheduling; Comprehensive user and technical training on these systems, tools and facilities; Comprehensive installation and implementation services including project management to successful implement the features of these systems, tools and facilities. Ongoing technical support for these systems, tools and facilities; Ongoing software maintenance of these systems, tools and facilities; Comprehensive and complete documentation for these systems, tools and facilities; and, Page 12 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Optionally, database management system server software, application development and administrative tools adequate for the support of these systems in an environment of the size, complexity and user base of the member districts of the Foundation. Additional requirements and specifications for these products and services are provided below. 2.1.2 Minimum Qualifications and Requirements Eligibility to respond to this RFP is based on the Proposer's ability to meet the minimum qualifications and requirements listed below. Proposals that are received and do not meet these qualifications and requirements will not be given further consideration. The Foundation reserves the sole right to decide whether proposals meet these minimum eligibility standards: Proposers must be ERP software companies able to propose a complete software solution to the Foundation requirements as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Proposal. Where All proposals must be received on, or before, the time and date specified in the Notice of Proposal. The original copies must be signed and dated by an individual authorized to enter into a binding agreement in the name of the Proposer and all third party vendors, if any, incorporated in the proposal. Proposers must be responsive in their submission by completely submitting all appropriate information designated and requested. Proposals will be presented in a logical and precise manner. Anything the Proposer deems essential to the successful implementation of the proposed application software and services for which no provision is made in the specifications should be stated in the proposal. Appendix ( N ) is reserved for that purpose. Failure to provide all requested information might eliminate the proposal from further consideration. Proposers must agree to participate in a scripted demonstration of their software product offerings at a date and time mutually agreeable to the Districts and the Proposer. The Districts will provide the processing scenarios to be demonstrated by the Proposer before the agreed upon demonstration date. Negative or unfavorable references or site visits may be used as grounds for rejection of a proposal. The Proposer must be a going business concern and must have provided similar products and services to other educational institutions, government agencies or organizations of comparable size and complexity to the Foundation member districts. The Proposer will provide a history of financial stability and strength that would lead the Districts to expect the Proposer to remain a viable business during the contract and service period. If third party software and/or third party services are included in a proposal to meet the requirements, the Proposer must assume contractual responsibility for the products or services provided by the third party(s). Further, full pricing detail is to be provided in the pricing sections. The Proposer bidding the software component of this Proposal must be primarily a provider of computing software and supporting implementation and training services on the software requirements of this RFP proposed The Proposer bidding the implementation services only portion of the RFP must specify the software system they intend to implement and be primarily an implementation firm with experience supporting the software. Page 13 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 2.2 “The vendors who propose the application systems software, facilities or software tools (the system) must have a presence in California community colleges and their system must be compatible with the planned computing infrastructure of the Foundation’s member districts. Appendix 1 provides a list of requirements Proposers must meet.” Proposal/Vendor Selection Timetable Release of RFP Publication Notice to Bidders Deadline to Submit Intent to Bid Deadline to Submit RFP Questions Bidder’s Conference Expected FCCC Response Date to RFP Questions Proposal Due Bid Opening Meeting Proposal Evaluation Period Vendor Presentations Develop Master Schedule Vendor Award Proposed Contract Start Date <Buyer> Expects Production with Phase 1 Implementation of Remaining Systems should be Completed By 2.3 June 20, 2003 June 20, 2003 June 30, 2003 June 30, 2003 July 7, 2003 July 14, 2003 August 1, 2003 August 1, 2003 August 1, 2003- Submission of Intent to Bid Firms are required to notify the Foundation of their intent to submit a proposal response by submission of the Intent to Bid Form in Appendix A1 by mail or facsimile by June 30, 2003 to the Buyer Contact listed in this RFP. This will ensure that future communications related to this RFP will reach the party responsible for preparation of the Proposal response. There is no obligation to bid based on submission of this intent. 2.4 Submission of Proposal 2.4.1 Proposals must be submitted in one of two forms: 2.4.2 Those vendors who have participated in the DecisionDirector electronic setting of requirements (“Electronic Proposal”) will utilize the web-based system to provide responses to requirements that are referenced in Appendix 1. A report of their requirement response submission will be provided each vendor for inclusion in Appendix 1 of the hardcopy RFP response and an Adobe pdf file will be provided for inclusion with the electronic CD copy. All RFP response deadlines and submission requirements apply to participating vendors. Those vendors who opted not to participate in the DecisionDirector electronic setting of requirements shall provide both hard copy responses on forms in Appendix 1 prior to the last time for submission of Proposals. (“Hard Copy Proposal”) as well as electronic submission with the full RFP electronic submission requirement. Hard Copy Response Respondents will be provided this RFP electronically via email as a ZIP file from the Foundation. The complete RFP consists of one (1) MS Word document, forms identified in the Appendices and MS Excel forms as outlined in the Appendix. Certain sections of the RFP (as identified in Section 2.7) require responses. These responses must be embedded in the document after the corresponding question or discussion point or included in the Appendices, as instructed. All embedded responses to the RFP questions themselves must be provided in (BOLD) italics in order to make the responses obvious to the Foundation Page 14 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal and participating institutions in evaluation of the document. Respondents are encouraged to provide complete but concise responses within the RFP. Respondents are welcome to submit supporting collateral material as desired; these would be appended to the proposal. Vendors who are unable to work with the electronic version provided should contact the Buyers Contact, Patrick Tyrell-Smith. The response to this RFP must be delivered in the following formats including the response for each software and implementation service for which professional services are proposed: Seven [7] bound copies in 3-ring binders (with Original Signature by an authorized officer of the company to be affixed to the Bid Cover Form included in Appendix (A-2) of this RFP including the respondent’s responses to the RFP, and any attachments containing vendor information. Proposals must be arranged to be directly and organizationally responsive to this RFP. The format of the response must conform exactly to the format of this document. To facilitate this requirement, electronic copies of this RFP are available via email or CD. Further, page size shall be 8-1/2” x 11” and each copy of the entire proposal response, including all associated literature, must be presented in a single 3 ring binder. If response size exceeds binder capacity, multiple binders may be used but each must have an officially signed Bid Cover Form, must be sequentially identified on the bid cover, e.g. 1of X, 2 of X, etc. Preprinted material such as Annual Reports that are mass-produced in sizes greater than 81/2” x 11” will be accepted. See documents accompanying proposal below. Proposals are to be sealed in a box or multiple boxes as needed and mailed or otherwise delivered to the address on the Bid Cover Form (Appendix A-2). Vendors must identify themselves with a full return address on the outside of each package delivered. If multiple boxes are used, please number the boxes on the outside front 1 of X., 2 of X, etc. The Box(s) is to be sealed and marked in the lower left-hand corner with the following statement: 2.4.3 Proposals on FCCC ERP System Documents Accompanying Proposal Other collateral material that has been requested by the RFP or that the respondent feels will be worth consideration by the Districts that cannot be inserted into the Word document (e.g., annual reports, white papers, methodology documentation, sample project plans, sample training materials, etc.) may be submitted. It is preferred that they be submitted both electronically and embedded in the electronic copy of the RFP in the appropriate referenced section or Appendix. This collateral material must also be provided in hard copy with each proposal copy. Where this collateral material is in response to a particular section of the RFP, indicate the section number for which it is being provided and include it in the Appendices. 2.4.4 Appendices that are not reserved are available for Respondent use. Telephone or facsimile proposal submission of the RFP is not acceptable. See Sections 2, 3 and 9 for other Bid Requirements and carefully review all sections. Proprietary Information The Foundation and the Districts recognize that in responding to this request for proposals, the vendor may desire to provide proprietary information in order to clarify and enhance their proposal. To the extent permitted by law, the Foundation and the Districts will keep confidential such proprietary information provided the conditions as described in the following Page 15 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal paragraphs are met: a) proprietary information is submitted in a separate book; b) the separate book must be clearly identified as containing proprietary information. The reference to the proprietary information must be clearly made in the detailed response, and conversely the section in the proprietary information book shall be clearly labeled as to what in the detailed response it references. Vendors are cautioned to label as "proprietary" only that information which can be clearly demonstrated as being proprietary and not in common use or common knowledge. Labeling as proprietary, a complete proposal or information, which is general in nature, may be cause for rejection of a proposal. 2.4.5 Shipping, Delivery, Installation Quotation to be F.O.B. each participating district, freight allowed, including installation. Each package shipped under any order resulting from this purchase shall carry the purchase order number, and the application or system of which the package is a component. The ability to meet the Foundation’s project timetable will be a factor in the award. If the vendor is unable to meet the schedule listed, an alternate schedule must be submitted with the proposal for evaluation. If no alternate is submitted, then it shall be assumed that the vendor is able to meet the proposed schedule in its entirety. 2.4.6 Warranties Complete warranties applying to any system purchased as a result of this proposal request must be clearly specified. The location or agent responsible for servicing this account must be clearly stated. In addition, the vendor must provide complete information and pricing on maintenance agreements available and recommended for this system after the warranty period. The vendor’s policy on software upgrades, enhancements, and on-going software support shall also be addressed. Warranty and maintenance terms and costs will be taken into consideration in the award. 2.4.7 Taxes, Patents It is understood that all proposals received shall be exclusive of any Use or Sales Tax, Federal, State, or local. The Districts are organizations qualified for exemption from customary taxes, and exemption certificates will be furnished upon request. The Foundation and the Districts shall be saved harmless by the vendor from payment of any and all claims arising out of any infringement, alleged infringement, or use of any patent or patented device, article system, arrangement, materials, or process used by them in the execution of this contract. 2.5 Proposal Address and Delivery-Public Bid Opening Address: All vendors are required to address and deliver all seven [7] copies of the complete proposal as stipulated in Section 2.4 to the following department to be received not later than 2:30 P.M. PST on August 1, 2003. Proposals must be time stamped at the Foundation on or before the hour and date specified for the public bid opening. Patrick Tyrell-Smith ERP Projects Director Page 16 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Any proposal may be withdrawn in writing prior to the date and time set for receipt of proposals. Any proposal not so withdrawn shall constitute an irrevocable offer, for a period of one hundred eighty days (180) from the Proposal due date and one hundred twenty (120) days from either submission of a Best and Final Offer or contract negotiation, whichever is later, to provide the commodity or service set forth in the attached specifications, or until a selection has been made by the Districts 2.5.1 Bid Opening: Bids will be opened during the bid-opening meeting which will begin at 2:30 PM PST on August 1, 2003, in the following location: Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Vendors may attend this opening. During the bid opening, each Proposer will be announced, and the Products and/or Services bid as identified on the Bid Cover Form. No other information will be announced at that time. Proposals cannot be altered or amended after opening time. Alterations made before opening time must be initialed by bidder or his authorized agent. No proposal can be withdrawn after opening time without approval by the Foundation based on an acceptable written reason. Purchases made for the District’s use are exempt from the State Sales tax and Federal Excise tax. Do not include tax in bid. Excise Tax Exemption Certificates are available upon request. 2.6 Questions/Amendments If any information is needed to assist in replying to this RFP, contact the Foundation’s ERP Projects Director, Patrick Tyrell-Smith via E-Mail ( The respondent is not to contact anyone else at the Foundation or the participating districts regarding this RFP. The name or partner association for any question submitted will not be disclosed to other respondents; however answers to questions submitted will be disclosed to all firms via email who have submitted an Intent to Bid form in Appendix A-2. The Foundation will only accept written questions from respondents until June 30, 2003. Additional questions may be raised at the bidder’s conference and unofficially answered orally. Written answers will be posted as soon as possible, but expected by no later July 14, 2003. Therefore, vendors are encouraged to pose their questions as quickly as possible so that answers can be developed and announced as early as possible. 2.7 Responses The sections of the RFP requiring responses are as listed below. Vendors may wish to respond with comments to other sections and must note any exceptions in Appendix F: 1 – Introduction and Purpose (No Response Required) 2 – Rules Governing Proposals (No Response Required) 3 - Procedural Requirements and Amendments (No Response Required) 4 - Vendor information 5 - Business and Technical Requirements 6 – Hardware, Database, Software and Sample Configuration 7 - Remote Hosting Capabilities (Optional) 8 – Pricing (No Response Required) Response Required in Appendix Z Page 17 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 9 – Implementation General Requirements, Terms and Conditions 10- Professional Services Definitions and Expectations for Installation, Training and Implementation 11–Professional Services Assessment 12- Reserved 13-Student Administration System Implementation 14- Student Financial Aid System Implementation 15 Financial Management System Implementation 16 Human Resource System Implementation 17 Campus Portal Implementation 18 Technical Installation, Training and Implementation Appendices 2.8 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 Intent to Bid (complete and submit by September 18, 2002) Bid Cover Form Disclosure of Ownership Non-Collusion Affidavit Amendment Acknowledgement Form Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Certificate A-7 Software License, Maintenance, Services and Third-Party Agreements B Feather River Community College District-Background (No Response Required) C San Luis Obispo County Community College District-Background (No Response Required) D Sierra Joint Community College District (Santa Rosa) Background (No Response Required) E Sonoma County Community College District-Background (No Response Required) F Exceptions to Terms and Conditions G H I J Statement of Work - Student Administration System Implementation Statement of Work - Student Financial Aid Implementation Statement of Work – Financial Management System Implementation Statement of Work – Human Resource Management Implementation Financial Management Database and Tools Upgrade (if appropriate) K Statement of Work – Campus Portal Implementation L Statement of Work – Technical Installation, Training and Implementation M Subcontractor Qualifications (if appropriate) N Resumes O Annual Reports/Financial Statements P Vendor Demographics Q Vendor Essential Items Not in RFP R-X Reserved for Vendor Use Y Recommended Configurations Z Pricing Schedules Substitution/Deviations/Alternate/Multiple Proposals Vendors may submit alternate and/or multiple proposals. Substitutions, deviations, or alternate bids must be listed and explained in detail. All such proposals must be in direct compliance with the format of this RFP. In all cases, to be considered responsive, proposals must clearly meet the mandatory requirements as to the overall objectives of the RFP. Failure to do so may cause rejection of the bid. Any exceptions to the specifications, or any other special considerations of conditions requested or required by the vendor shall be enumerated and clearly identified by the vendor and submitted as a part of the bid proposal in Appendix F. The vendor shall be required and expected to meet the specifications in their entirety, unless any exceptions are duly noted in the bid submission and accepted by the Foundation. In the interests of economy, identical information, literature, etc., need not be provided when additional proposals are submitted. The Foundation would prefer to identify a qualified firm(s) with the demonstrated qualifications to perform all aspects of the RFP in utilizing the most advantageous Page 18 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal methods and pricing/terms available. The districts are particularly interested in proposals utilizing methodologies that reduce time and overall costs. These might include, but not be limited to, use of vendor laboratories for initial implementation and/or upgrade services, and alternative service deliveries such as remote hosting. Vendors are encouraged to be creative, yet use methodologies that will ensure successful projects. 2.9 Bonds (Bid and Performance) QUESTION, DO THE DISTRICTS WISH TO REQUIRE BID OR PERFORMANCE BONDS? 2.10 Late Proposals Proposals or unsolicited amendments to proposals arriving after the deadline listed above will be rejected as not meeting the mandatory requirements of this RFP. Vendors should consider delivering their response prior to the submission deadline. 2.11 Pricing, Discounts & Best and Final Offers Per California Education Code Section 81645, The governing board of any community college district may contract with a party who has submitted one of the three lowest responsible competitive proposals or competitive bids, for acquisition, procurement, or maintenance of electronic data-processing systems and equipment electronic telecommunication equipment, supporting software, and related materials, goods, and services, in accordance with procedures and criteria established by the governing board. The Foundation process, which is representing four California Community Colleges, is asking Proposers to be creative in their approach to software licensing, support services and implementation. In recognition that this joint procurement activity is an opportunity to pass on to participating Districts substantial discounts beyond those normally applied due to multiple buyers, a reduced sales process and associated costs due to this single procurement and opportunity for selection by multiple Districts, pricing and associated discounts will be carefully evaluated by the Foundation and districts. In the event that information or pricing submitted by the vendor is unclear, the Foundation and/or the Districts may request additional explanation and/or pricing breakdowns from the vendor for the purpose of evaluation and decisions. The vendor shall answer requests for additional information or clarification in writing, and these responses will become part of the vendor's proposal. Vendors failing to provide adequate information or detail on any issue in a timely manner to allow a comprehensive evaluation by the Foundation and the Districts shall be considered unresponsive, and their proposal subject to rejection. The Foundation may negotiate with vendors responding to the Request for Proposals, within the requirements of the request, to serve the best interests of the Districts. In the event the District is unsuccessful in negotiating a contract with the apparent best vendor within a reasonable time frame, the District may begin negotiations with another vendor. Vendors are cautioned, however, to submit proposals initially on a most favorable basis, since an award decision may be made without any negotiation or request for Best and Final Offer, based on price and terms of the original proposal The Foundation reserves the right to request best and final offers after reviewing the proposals. However, Foundation may elect not to request best and final offers. Therefore, respondents are strongly urged to provide their best bid in response to this RFP. Pricing is discussed in more detail in Section 8 and pricing schedules to be completed are in Appendix Z. Page 19 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 2.12 Duration of Offer Proposals shall not be withdrawn by any Vendor for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the last date for the submission of Proposals. Failure to hold prices for the period specified may result in its suspension or disqualification. During this time, all Vendors shall guarantee (or beat) prices quoted in their Proposals. If Best and Final Offers are requested, Vendors are required to hold prices for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date Best and Final Offers are submitted or contracts negotiated, whichever is later. 2.13 Presentations/Discussions After the proposals have been received and studied, one or more potential vendors may be requested to make a formal presentation/demonstration to the Foundation and the Districts. All information supplied by the vendor in such a presentation, either as general information or in answer to a specific question by the Foundation and/or the Districts, shall be considered binding on the vendor; and will be summarized in writing and made part of the vendor’s proposal, and any resultant contract. Neither the Foundation nor the Districts will be responsible for any costs incurred by the vendor in making such a presentation. The Foundation and the Districts reserve the right to visit a location or locations where the proposed system is installed and operating. Such visit shall be at the expense of the Foundation or the Districts. 2.14 Reserved 2.15 District Review Rights Proposals submitted may be reviewed and evaluated by any person(s) considered necessary to the decision-making process at the Districts. 2.16 Proposal Evaluation Lowest proposal cost will not be the sole determining factor in award of contract, but rather any award made will be made to the vendors whose proposal, in the opinion of the Districts, represents the best proposal considering but not limited to the following: vendor’s comprehension of the specifications and requirements for the system; overall quality of the proposal and responses; judged operational and performance characteristics of the proposed system and its ability to meet stated requirements; system architecture and design, including: hardware and software, networking, flexibility, utilization of industry standards, system integration, ability to interface with other manufacturers and systems, proprietary nature of system, expansion capabilities, etc.; overall initial and long range costs of the system to include purchase price, installation, expansion, operational, and maintenance costs; quality of implementation and training plans, availability of on-going support; warranty and maintenance stipulations; overall value in terms of level of system proposed versus fees expected; the ability of the proposed system to integrate with District’s business services and availability of additional applications and ease/cost of implementation; Page 20 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal any guaranteed price stability; judged reliability and reputation of the system; the vendor's experience and record of service with other accounts; the company's financial condition. 2.17 Reserved 2.18 Award of Contract The Contract for the Project, if awarded, will be by action of the Board of Trustees of each of the named California community college districts to one of the three lowest, responsible Contractors submitting a responsive Proposal pursuant to Education Code Section 81645. This decision is at the sole discretion of the district. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Proposal or in the proposal process. A response to this RFP is an offer to contract based upon the terms, conditions and specifications contained herein. Proposals do not become binding until they are accepted through a signed contract. The contract shall be governed, construed, and interpreted under the laws of the State of California as the same may be amended from time to time. Any legal actions must be filed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. The Districts reserve the right to award the entire contract to a single Proposer or to award different components to different Proposers, whichever each individual district determines to be in its overall best interest, as solely determined by the responsible parties of the Districts. In conjunction with this RFP, the District reserves the right to negotiate specific items, offers, terms and stipulations with individual respondents. Due to the anticipated complexity of the proposals, no results or tabulation will be divulged at the time proposals are opened and acknowledged. The Districts will proceed with all due haste to evaluate the proposals and notify vendors of the determinations made. 2.19 Public Release of Information News releases, articles, brochures, advertisements, prepared speeches, and other information releases concerning this RFP, or any subsequent contract or activity related thereto, may not be issued without the prior written approval of the Foundation or participating Districts. 2.20 Contacts for Information All inquiries concerning this RFP must be directed by email to: Patrick Tyrell-Smith ERP Projects Director Foundation for California Community Colleges Email: 2.21 Liability for Costs Neither the Foundation nor the Districts will be liable for any costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the bid proposal. All proposals and materials submitted in conjunction with the proposals shall become the property of the Foundation and the Districts Page 21 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 2.22 Insurance With respect to the performance of work under any contract resulting from this solicitation, Proposer shall maintain and shall require all of its subcontractors to maintain insurance as described below: Worker’s compensation insurance with statutory limits as required by the Labor Code or the State of California. Said policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language: “This policy shall not be canceled or materially changed without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the District.” Commercial or Comprehensive General Liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage utilizing an occurrence policy form, in an amount no less that $1,000,000 combined single limit for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate. Said insurance shall include, but not be limited to: premises and operations liability, independent contractor’s liability, and personal injury liability. Automobile liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage in an amount no less that $1,000,000 combined single limit for each occurrence. Said insurance shall include coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. Each said comprehensive or commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language: District, its officers and employees, is named as additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured in the performance of any contract resulting form this solicitation. The inclusion of more than one insured shall not operate to impair the rights of one insured against another insured, and the coverage afforded shall apply as though separate policies had been issued to each insured, but the inclusion of more than one insured shall not operate to increase the limits of the company’s liability. The insurance provided herein is primary coverage to District with respect to any insurance of selfinsurance programs maintained by District and no insurance held or owned by District shall be called upon to contribute to a loss. This policy shall not be canceled or materially changed without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to District. Professional liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance for all activities of the Offeror arising out of or in connection with any contract resulting from this solicitation is an amount no less that $500,000 combined single limit for each occurrence endorsed with the following specific language: “This policy shall not be canceled or materially changed without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the District.” The following documentation shall be submitted by the successful Proposer to the District with the completed contract: Properly executed Certificates of Insurance clearly evidencing all coverages, limits and endorsements required above. Said certificates shall be submitted by the successful Proposer with the completed contract resulting from this solicitation. Signed copies of the specified endorsements for each policy. Said endorsements copies shall be submitted by the successful Proposer within thirty (30) days of execution of any contract resulting from this solicitation. Upon District’s written request, certified copies of insurance policies. Said policy copies shall be submitted by the successful Proposer within thirty (30) days of District’s request. Proposer’s indemnity and other obligations shall not be limited by the foregoing insurance requirements. Material Breach: If Proposer, for any reason, fails to maintain insurance coverage that is required pursuant to any contract resulting form this solicitation, the same shall be deemed a material breach of contract. District, at its sole option, may terminate any contract resulting from this solicitation or obtain damages from the Proposer resulting from said reach. Alternatively, District may purchase such Page 22 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal required insurance coverage, and without further notice to Proposer, District may deduct from sums due to Proposer any premium costs advance by District for such insurance. These remedies shall be in addition to any other remedies available to District. 2.23 Subcontractors The use of subcontractors is prohibited unless approved in writing by the appropriate District personnel or otherwise disclosed in this RFP response. If subcontractors are needed to meet the requirements of responding to this RFP, they are to be included in the Proposal response. 2.24 Right to Accept, Reject, Modify or Waive Technicalities/Irregularities The Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts of proposals, to waive any technicalities or irregularities, and to accept that proposal(s) which is (are) in the best interest of the Districts. 2.25 Taxes, Patents It is understood that all proposals received shall be exclusive of any Use or Sales Tax, Federal, State, or local. The Districts are organizations qualified for exemption from customary taxes, and exemption certificates will be furnished upon request. The Foundation and the Districts shall be saved harmless by the vendor from payment of any and all claims arising out of any infringement, alleged infringement, or use of any patent or patented device, article system, arrangement, materials, or process used by them in the execution of this contract. 2.26 Right to Distribute the Vendor Responses to Implementation Partners Foundation reserves the right to provide the software vendor’s responses to the functional and technical requirements (Appendix 1) to any potential professional service partner that may implement the software licensed under any agreement including this RFP. 3 Procedural Requirements and Amendments 3.1 RFP Inclusion in Contracts The RFP and responses shall be incorporated into any resulting contract. The RFP, the response and respondent’s best and final offer, if any, will become part of the final agreement with the selected vendor(s). 3.2 Professional Services Expectations 3.2.1 Review of professional service personnel Contractor(s) will provide the Districts with the qualifications and experience of all personnel (employees as well as subcontractors) that will be working at or for the Districts for the District’s review and approval prior to the commencement of work at or for a District by such employees and/or subcontractors. 3.2.2 Professional Services Staff Quality Contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) will render all services under this Agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner. The Contractor(s) must provide experienced employees and subcontractors for each District’s ERP project. The Contractor(s) must recognize that the Districts are relying on the Contractor(s)’ expertise to assist in realizing the project objectives and, therefore, must warrant that Page 23 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal each resource assigned to this project is an expert in the tasks and functions to be performed. Additionally, Contractor(s) will promptly replace any personnel that are rendering services to the District upon notification from the District that the District considers the personnel to be unacceptable. 3.2.3 Use of Subcontractors The Contractor(s) as primary contractor(s) may engage sub-contractors to provide the resources or expertise required or to satisfy the District’s expectations. However, the Contractor(s) will remain solely responsible for both the financial obligations to any subcontractors and for the successful completion of the project. The primary contractor(s) must obtain the District’s approval prior to assigning any subcontracting organizations to this project. 3.2.4 Time Reporting Contractor(s) and/or subcontractor staff must keep accurate and complete records of time spent and work performed to support reconciliation of services invoices and to monitor progress on assigned tasks. Time sheets will be submitted by consultants prior to leaving their District work site each and signed off by designated District officials. These records on an individual consultant basis will be maintained by the District and used to reconcile invoices submitted by the Contractor. Where work is performed off-site, Contractor will report all time on a weekly basis to District personnel by employee identifying hours worked and nature of work performed. 3.2.5 Ownership of Intellectual Property All copyrights, patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights associated with any ideas, concepts, techniques, methods, or processes developed by Contractor(s) or their personnel or subcontractors during the course of performing the contracted for services (“Developmental Techniques”) shall remain exclusively with Contractor(s) or their personnel or subcontractors. The District agrees and acknowledges that it has no right, title or interest in the Developmental Techniques that Contractor(s) or their personnel or subcontractors may create, develop or use in providing the District with the Work Product that is the subject of this RFP (“Final Work Product”). However, Contractor(s) shall provide the District with a perpetual non-exclusive license for the further use of any such Developmental Techniques in conjunction with the Final Work Product to be provided to the District. Additionally, Contractor(s) will obtain any written agreements that may be necessary from Contractor(s) personnel or subcontractors to give full effect to such license. All copyrights, patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights associated with any works of authorship or other Final Work Product that is developed or created by Contractor(s) or their personnel or subcontractor(s) for the District shall belong to the District. Contractor(s) automatically assign, at the creation of the Final Work Product, without any requirement of further consideration, any right, title, or interest it or they may have in such Final Work Product, including any copyrights or other intellectual property rights pertaining thereto. Upon request of the District, Contractor(s) shall take all other reasonable steps to assist in giving full and proper effect to such assignment. 3.2.6 Access to Contractor Work Product The Contractor agrees to furnish to the District a current copy of any work product developed for the District on demand at any time during the period of the contract resulting from this RFP. This requirement includes but is not limited to documents, manuals, source code, tables, business rules and computer files. 3.2.7 District Property The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any of the District’s owned property furnished for Contractor's use in connection with the performance of this contract. Contractor(s) will reimburse the District for its loss or damage, normal wear and tear excepted. 3.2.8 Confidentiality Unless otherwise required by law, Contractor(s) shall comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and instruct its employees to use the same degree of care as it uses with its own data to keep confidential information concerning client data, the business of the Page 24 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal District, its financial affairs, its relations with its students and its employees, as well as any other information which may be specifically classified as confidential by the District in writing to the Contractor. All Federal and State regulations and statutes related to confidentiality shall be applicable to Contractor(s). Contractor(s) shall have an appropriate agreement with its employees to that effect, provided, however, that the foregoing will not apply to: Information, which the District has released in writing from being maintained in confidence. Information, which at the time of disclosure is in the public domain by having been printed and published and available to the public in libraries or other public places where such data is usually collected. Information, which, after disclosure, becomes part of the public domain as defined above, through no act of Contractor(s). 3.3 Reserved 3.4 Training Expectations Respondents agree that the District shall be able to reproduce any associated training materials, which are provided as part of the training offered to the District staff. The District will reserve its option to record any training sessions for subsequent replay and broadcast to its faculty and staff. 3.5 Contract Changes During the period of contract, no change is permitted in any of its conditions and specifications unless the vendor receives written approval from the participating district. If the vendor finds at any time that existing conditions make modification in contract requirements desirable, s/he shall promptly report such matter to the District for its consideration and decision. 3.6 Meetings The vendor or authorized representatives shall meet periodically with the Districts to discuss the services, and make amendments or changes in procedure and operations as may be found necessary. There will be a meeting with the successful vendor and the Districts prior to the start of the contract. 3.7 Vendor Compliance The vendor shall comply with all federal, state or local laws, now in effect or hereafter promulgated which apply to the operation herein specified. 3.8 Funding Out Clause The [ } prohibits obligations beyond the current appropriations, which the California Community College Districts apply annually. Any order resultant of this RFP may be canceled at any time without penalty if legislative or district funds are not appropriated for goods or services obligated beyond the current fiscal year (July 01 through June 30 of any given year). 3.9 Quotations Any quotation number referenced on a proposal is for pricing purposes only, and the Foundation's terms and conditions shall apply. Any terms and conditions not accepted through the Foundation's Procurement Department in writing are not binding on either party. 3.10 Cancellation Items or orders may be canceled without the consent of the vendor due to failure to fulfill their contractual obligations. If cancellation is requested by the Districts for some other reason through no fault of the vendor, the vendor will be contacted. Page 25 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 3.11 Reserved 3.12 Payment 3.12.1 Licensed software products Thirty per cent (30%) of the license fee for each product licensed by District will be payable upon execution of the contract. Forty per cent (40%) of the license fee for each product licensed by District will be payable upon installation (Section 8.4) of the software product on any hardware at the district site or at a remote site specifically designated as supporting the district’s ERP system.. Twenty per cent (20%) of the license fee for each product licensed by each District will be payable upon the use of the software product in a production environment for any District component. Ten per cent (10%) of the license fee for each product licensed by District will be payable upon successful use of the software product in a production environment and acceptance (Section 8.5.2) of the software product by District. 3.12.2 Professional Services (Implementation, Training, Etc.) Professional service payments will be paid monthly upon presentation of documentation of the services provided by the respondent, approval by the District, and receipt of an invoice. The documentation of services must be presented to the District for review and approval prior to invoicing. The invoices must be presented in a manner that can be matched to the documentation of services initially presented to the District prior to invoicing. 3.12.3 Support and Product Upgrade Support and upgrade payments will be made annually. Support and upgrade support for the licensed software products cannot be withdrawn for non-payment by the respondent without thirty (30) days written notice to District. 3.12.4 Invoice Instructions Vendor shall submit one copy of an itemized invoice showing District purchase order number on all copies of invoice(s), packing list(s), correspondence, etc. Invoices must coincide to prices quoted either on a unit, hourly, etc. basis. Districts will incur no penalty for late payment if payment is made in thirty (30) or fewer days from receipt of goods or services and an uncontested invoice. 3.12.5 Delinquency for Child Support ANY party indebted to the State of California or any party who is more than thirty (30) days delinquent for Child Support is not entitled to payment on any contract. 3.12.6 Prepayments Such terms and conditions may result in disqualification of the offer. (e.g., offers with the laws of a State other than California, requirements for prepayment not defined in or allowed for this RFP, limitations on remedies, etc.) 3.13 Claims The vendor agrees to protect the Foundation and the Districts from claims involving infringement of patents or copyrights. Page 26 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 3.14 Termination for Convenience The Districts reserve the right to terminate any resulting software or professional services contract without cause with a thirty (30) day written notice. After mailing to the Contractor(s) of “notice of termination”, the Contractor(s) shall discontinue all services with respect to the applicable contract. The Districts will also be responsible for the cost of reasonable documented services provided by the Contractor prior to receipt of “notice of termination”. The Districts will not be liable or responsible for any other costs. 3.15 Termination for Non-Performance The Districts may terminate any contract for software or professional services arising from this RFP for non-performance, as determined by the Districts for such causes as: Failure to provide satisfactory quality of service, including, but not limited to, failure to maintain adequate personnel, any substantial change in ownership or proprietorship of the Contractor(s), which in the opinion of the Districts is not in its best interest, or failure to comply with the terms of this contract Failure to keep or perform, within the time period set forth herein, or violation of, any of the covenants, conditions, provisions or agreements herein contained. Adjudication as a voluntary bankruptcy, making a transfer in fraud of its creditors, filing a petition under any section from time to time, or under any similar law or statute of the United States or any state thereof, or if an order for relief shall be entered against the Contractor(s) in any proceeding filed by or against Contractor(s) hereunder. In the event of any such involuntary bankruptcy proceeding being instituted against the Contractor(s), the fact of such an involuntary petition being filed shall not be considered an event of default until sixty (60) days after filing of said petition in order that Contractor(s) might during that sixty (60) days period have the opportunity to seek dismissal of the involuntary petition or otherwise cure said potential default. Making a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or taking the benefit of any insolvency act, or if a permanent receiver or trustee in bankruptcy shall be appointed for the Contractor(s). The Districts will provide ten (10) calendar days written notice of default. Unless arrangements are made to correct the non-performance issues to the District’s satisfaction within ten (10) calendar days, the Districts may terminate the contract by giving forty-five (45) days notice, by registered or certified mail, of District’s intent to cancel the contract. 3.16 Vendor Assignments Vendor hereby assigns to Foundation or Districts any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract arising under the antitrust laws of the United States 15 U.S.C.A. Section 1, et seq. (1973. Inquiries pertaining to RFPs must give requisition number, codes, and opening date. 3.17 Installation Definition Software products will be installed at District at the discretion of District. A software product will be installed at District when District is ready to begin implementation of that software product. Delivery of media to District or transfer of programs or data onto District storage devices does not constitute installation. Installation must include a District approved acceptance demonstration of the software product using model institution data and must be the latest version of the software product requested by District with all patches, fixes and upgrades to bring that release to its most current version installed at vendor expense. 3.18 Software Product Licensing Expectations 3.18.1 Warranty of software product A warranty period begins at the time each software product is installed at District and continues until the software product is used in production and accepted by District (acceptance is defined in Section 8.5.2). During this warranty period, respondent warrants that the software product will function in accordance with the respondent’s responses to this RFP and in accordance with the documentation provided by the respondent for the software product. This warranty is contingent on installation of all Page 27 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal patches and upgrades provided by the respondent. In the event that the software product does not perform as warranted, the respondent shall make the software perform as warranted at no cost to District within a reasonable period but no later than forty-five (45) days after the date of written notification to the respondent by District. If the respondent does not make the software perform as warranted, District has the sole right to do any of the following: Reject any software product, return same, and receive a full refund for license fees paid, less a reasonable cost of consulting and delivery support. In no event will District be liable for more than the contract amount paid to date. Accept software as is and negotiate an adjusted price settlement. While in the warranty period, District will have full access to the respondent’s support and any enhancements or releases that become available. These remedies are cumulative and District reserves any and all other rights and remedies to which District is entitled under the law. 3.18.2 Acceptance of software products A software product will be deemed accepted by District when it has been used in production at District for six (6) months and there are no unresolved warranty issues that have been reported to the vendor. 3.18.3 Warranty of continued support and ownership by the respondent The Vendor warrants that it will not cease support of the licensed software products or upgrades to the products, nor transfer this agreement or the rights under this agreement within five (5) years of the proposal date without the prior written permission of District. If Vendor breaches this section, District has the sole right to do any of the following: Reject any software product, return same, and receive a full refund for license fees paid, less a reasonable cost of consulting and delivery support. In no event will District be liable for more than the contract amount paid to date. District reserves all other legal rights. Obtain full rights to the product for the contract amount paid to date on that software product. These remedies are cumulative and District reserves any and all other rights and remedies to which District is entitled under the law. 3.18.4 General software product licensing expectations District has the right to move the software procured by or developed for the District to any location at any time as long as it is used for District components. District has the right to install software, at no additional license or maintenance fees, on additional systems for non-production purposes, e.g., training, evaluation, etc. In the event of a disaster or any unforeseeable event that would cause service to be interrupted, District has the right to run software on any other CPU as may be required to continue normal business operations. The license fee will include the installation and activation of the software products at District for a model institution (a model institution instance with sample data must be provided by the software vendor). District will have a perpetual, non-exclusive license to the software, which will survive any sale or transfer of the Vendor's ownership rights. Page 28 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal District has the right to install and operate the software suite on multiple hardware platforms at no additional license or maintenance fee. District will not be required to relicense any software product or technology procured as part of this RFP regardless of whether Vendor redevelops this product in a different or newer technology and/or delivers it under a different product name as long as District is current with Vendor’s maintenance, enhancement and support programs. District will request the software product version for the initial installation of any software product at the time District is ready for the installation of that product. Vendor must incorporate all published patches, updates and fixes in that version of the software product at the Vendor’s expense before delivering that software product to District. Where 3rd party software is used to satisfy a response to a bid requirement, the vendor will provide such software as part of its contract to District and price it into the schedule. In addition, all other terms in this section apply to District’s license for the use of the third party software. Vendor agrees to deliver a currently released copy of the source code for the proposed application software products upon installation and upon each new release of the products. Vendor agrees to keep and maintain the currently released copy of the source code for all software purchased by District in escrow with an escrow agent. Vendor will pay all costs of providing and maintaining the source code in escrow, including the fee of the escrow agent. Prior to final system acceptance the Vendor will provide District with a copy of the agreement between the Vendor and the escrow agent to verify the source code has been placed in escrow. The agreement between the Vendor and the escrow agent will authorize the escrow agent to release the source code to District in the event that one or more of these events occur: Vendor becomes the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding; Vendor, or its successor company, fails or refuses to support the software installed at the district; Vendor, or Successor Company, is unable to support the District as specified in this agreement district and Vendor. 3.18.5 Support and Enhancement Licensing Expectations District will be entitled to support and upgrades for a particular software product when that software product is installed at District. Product support and enhancement charges for a software product will not commence until one year after installation of that product at District. Vendor will offer 24x7 maintenance and help-line coverage to District. This obligation must be binding on all successors and assigns of the Selected Vendor. Vendor will not charge District for services, maintenance, travel, food, lodging or other expenses incurred during the warranty period for warranty work. District may customize the application source code without affecting coverage under Vendor's maintenance agreement or warranty on unchanged components of the software. 4 Vendor Information The vendor must provide all the information in Section 4 about their firm or corporation. The vendor information must also be provided for each subcontractor that will be providing services in the respondent’s proposal. Attach the subcontractor’s information, if any, as an attachment to the response to this RFP in Appendix M rather than duplicating Section 4 in the response itself. Page 29 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 4.1 Organization Chart of Key Personnel Provide an organization chart that includes the portion of the respondent’s corporate organizational structure of management and other officers involved in the decision making process with respect to this bid and the implementation of a contract. The respondent must include the names, titles, E-Mail addresses, and phone numbers of these individuals. 4.2 Disclosure of Ownership Respondents must complete the Disclosure of Ownership form included as Appendix A-3. 4.3 Vendor Demographics Respondents must complete the Vendor Demographics form included as Appendix Q 4.4 Vendor's Statement of Contractual Disputes and Legal Risk Please answer the questions below. If any answer is affirmative, respondent must describe the reasons, its current status and its outlook for the future in sufficient detail for the Foundation and the Districts to independently verify these statements. Vague statements in the judgment of the Foundation or the Districts will be considered non-responsive and may disqualify the vendor’s response. 4.5 Has the respondent or any of its officers, directors, or principal shareholders ever defaulted on or been alleged to have defaulted on any contract in the past three (3) years? Has the respondent forfeited any payment of performance bond issued by a surety company on any contract? Has the respondent or any of its officers, directors, or principal shareholders returned funds to any client to resolve contractual disagreements in the past three (3) years? Has the respondent, or any of its officers, directors or principal shareholders, been subject to any regulatory agency review with negative findings in the current and past three (3) years? Within the past three (3) years, has the respondent filed for reorganization, protection from creditors or dissolution under bankruptcy statues? Within the past three (3) years, has the respondent been acquired or otherwise changed its ownership status? Within the past three (3) years, has the respondent lost any contracts for cause? If so, please list each contract and the reason(s) for such action. Failure to disclose this information shall justify termination of this contract by the Districts. Is the respondent, or any of its officers, directors or principal shareholders, now the subject of any litigation in which an adverse decision might result in a material change in the firm's financial position or future viability? Has the respondent or any of its officers, directors or principal shareholders been convicted of any criminal violation or been the subject of any criminal investigation? Corporate Financial Information and Strategy 4.5.1 Annual reports/financial statements Provide the two most recent annual reports and the two most recent complete sets of audited financial statements for each Proposal copy. Place in Appendix O. 4.5.2 Higher Education Strategy Describe the respondent’s corporate strategy for providing products and services to the Higher Education market. The response may include corporate long-term development and business strategy, and should address the organization's vision and strategies for future delivery of products and service to the Higher Education market. Particular discussion of the firms service strategies, in each of the product areas including Student Administration, Financial Aid, Human Resource Management and Financial Management are of particular interest to the Districts. Specifically discuss your firm’s strategy Page 30 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal and current level of participation in the Community College market in general and in California specifically. 4.5.3 Software Partnership Status Describe the respondent’s history and current corporate status with your firms for which you are providing software system implementation services. Include information on your participation in their testing program or any development projects in which your firm participated with the software firm’s latest versions. What specific advantages and benefits would this relationship bring to the Districts? Please provide evidence of this relationship as well as evidence of any special certifications, etc. What percentage of the respondent’s business is currently related to implementing the software system firm bid? What percentage of the respondent’s clients is in higher education? How many clients of the software system is respondent firm implementing currently? How many total past and present clients does the respondent have for the software system you are proposing to implement? 4.5.4 System enhancement strategy Describe the process by which client requests for system enhancements are considered and prioritized by the firm as it formulates its future product development and enhancement plans. Describe the timing for enhancements to higher education or government modules being available in relation to commercial versions of the software products (if the vendor has multiple versions that are different by sector). If they are not available at the same time, provide the lag time for the last release in months by software product. Describe the timing for software products and required infrastructure being available on various supported operating systems. If they are not generally available at the same time, provide the lag time for the last release in months by operating system (e.g., Sun Solaris, HPUX, and AIX) and by software product. 4.6 Documentation capability assessment Describe the full range of documentation materials made available to District as part of this proposal, including the media in which the documentation is available and the access methodology. Provide samples of the documentation that would be made available to DISTRICT under this proposal. 4.7 Installation capability assessment Describe the methodology for installing and activating software products at a customer site. 4.8 Product versions and references For each software product bid in response to this document, provide the following information (where applicable): Software product name Current commercial release number Current commercial release date Next planned commercial release date Current higher ed/government release number Current higher ed/government release date Next planned higher ed/government release date Release bid for this proposal Date the release bid was/will be generally released Number of prior releases supported Date first released Page 31 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 4.9 Number sold to higher ed customers Number in production with higher ed customers Three higher education references with the product (in production at the reference if available) Third party software Where third party software is used to satisfy a bid requirement, the respondent must explain how the third party vendor coordinates with the responding software product vendor to integrate and maintain integration with new product releases from both parties. Pricing for third-party software used to satisfy requirements must be included in the pricing section. Additionally, describe any restrictions on the use of the third party software (e.g., the application server may only be used to support the respondent’s applications and not for any District developed applications without incurring additional license fees). Districts required warranty and other provisions as outlined in the RFP governing installation and acceptance of primary vendor software will apply to the third party software. 5 Functional and Technical Requirements Functional and technical detailed requirements were developed using DecisionDirector from Advantiv, Inc. The Foundation and participating Districts have selected existing requirements developed by Advantiv contained in their Knowledge Pack database, developed additional requirements to meet the needs of California Community College Districts and reviewed these requirements over an extended period. A complete list of functional and technical requirements is included in Appendix 1 for response purposes. Only Vendors who formally joined with FCCC to utilize the Advantiv DecisionDirector web based system will enter their results directly into DecisionDirector via the web. Advantiv will provide Vendors a file of their results in Adobe pdf format to print off a copy to include in Appendix 1 of each Proposal copy and to include in the electronic CD format copy to accompany each Proposal copy. Participating Vendors should have received, under separate cover, information and instructions for using DecisionDirector to provide the response information. Contact Advantiv at 602.808.0618 if you have questions relating to this update process. Vendors who have not chosen to participate through Advantiv will fully complete the functional and technical requirements in Appendix 1 by providing their responses in hard copy and electronic versions. An Excel formatted spreadsheet is available in the electronic Zip file from FCCC with this RFP for that purpose. Responses will be submitted in Appendix 1 of Proposal Responses in both hardcopy and electronic form. 6 Hardware, Database, Software and Sample Configuration 6.1 Database Platform Discuss the database environments the version of the software being proposed runs on and which database your firm recommends. Provide a full explanation and your firm’s recommendations. Please describe your database implementation for the application software, e.g. all applications on a shared data base or applications split among two or more databases. 6.2 Hardware Platform and Operating Systems Describe in full the hardware and operating system options supporting the Software being proposed. Provide a full explanation of options and your firm’s recommendations. Include information on your web presentation layers, N-tier architecture and supporting requirements. Based on the respondent’s experience with other institutions, its knowledge of the four community college districts and the products to be implemented in response to this RFP, provide a recommended sample hardware, network, and desktop configuration that would be appropriate for each District. This configuration should assume an implementation at each individual District or District locations. If Page 32 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Remote Hosting services are also available, these may be described in this section; however, full details will be requested in Section 7. Place results of these configurations in Appendix Y-1 through Y4 as appropriate for each District. Discuss the scalability of this configuration. 7 Remote Hosting Capabilities This document contains the remote hosting section for the RFP to be issued in June 2003 on behalf of the participating community colleges of California. The questions are organized under the following heading, though this is subject to change and is only for internal reference at this time. 7.1 System Configurations Staffing Licensing Model Operations Miscellaneous Solution Configuration Describe the recommended solution configuration for a college, or third-party, to remotely host the solution for an institution. Describe how the recommended configuration will affect the hardware, operating system, middleware, network, and any other technology component for the institution hosting the solution for another institution. Please clearly identify any required software components that are not provided for within your response. Assuming a college, or third-party, is hosting the solution remotely, what hardware, connectivity tools, middleware, network or internet connections, or any other affected technology is required for the hosted institutions to access the solution? Describe the database options if one institution hosts your solution for another institution. Is a single instance of the database an option, or are multiple instances of the database required? If multiple instances are required, or recommended, how does this affect the database licensing, pricing and support? If only one instance of the database, describe how the database security is setup to ensure each college can only view their data. Describe the solution options if one institution hosts the application software for another institution. Is a single instance of the application software an option, or are multiple instances of the application software required? If multiple instances are required, or recommended, how does this affect the application software licensing, pricing and support? Assuming a college customizes or adapts the solution for a specific institutional requirement, how will this be handled if the institutions have deployed just one instance of the database and application software? 7.2 Staffing Considerations In a remote hosting arrangement, please provide the following staffing requirements on a FTE basis for the following skill sets for the hosting institution: DBA Network Admin. Page 33 of 112 Hosting 1 College (example: 1 FTE) Hosting 3 Colleges (example: 1.5 FTE) Hosting 6 Colleges (example: 2 FTE) 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Project Manager Student Analyst Financial Analyst FinAid Analyst HR Analyst Describe any shared-staffing models between the company and an institution, or group of institutions, that could be use for the institutions to acquire the skill sets on an as-used basis. Clearly identify the related costs, how they are billed (hourly, daily, monthly, yearly). 7.3 Licensing Model Describe how the licenses for the application software, database and other third-party tools provided under this proposal would be affected in a remote hosting model? Clearly identify how the license costs are affected if only one instance of the software is deployed, or if multiple instances are deployed for each institution. What, if any, pricing incentives are available if more institutions join the hosting consortium? 7.4 Operations Describe limitations, if any, on what applications software and database operations can be supported locally vs. remotely. Describe any application software features that could be limited or unavailable, if any, in a remote hosting configuration. 7.5 Miscellaneous Does the company offer remote hosting services directly? If so, please provide reference institutions. If the company has partnered with a third-party to offer remote hosting services, provide a list of the partners that could provide hosting services. Are the third-party services contracted for under a separate agreement? If known, please identify the costs for the third-party remote hosting services broken-down by the different type of service-level-agreements (SLAs). 8 Pricing Vendor proposals are being requested for software products and professional services to meet the requirements of Districts and five (5) years of product support and upgrades. Each of these items must be priced individually and bid by software system, e.g. student, financial aid, finance, human resource, portal, imaging, and/or other products which require a license and services agreement. In no case will a software product and its associated support and upgrade component be awarded to more than one vendor per District. Foundation does reserve the right to award each of the software products (and its associated support and upgrade component) to a different vendor or to not award some products at all based on Foundation’s evaluation of the proposals. In addition, the respondent may also bid the proposal as a whole or in other than required combinations if such bids will create pricing reductions for the Foundation. The vendor is expected to provide sufficient pricing details to permit Foundation to understand the basis for the quotation. At a minimum, the vendor must provide the relative cost of the various application modules and tools comprising the proposal, any discounts that are applied, and all assumptions or requirements upon which prices are contingent. The vendor's cost proposed must be responsive to the requirements contained in this RFP. However, in the event that additional software is required to achieve the vendor's proposed solutions, these additional software products must be cited, described and priced. Further, each vendor must describe and identify the costs associated with product "add-ons" that are not required to satisfy the stated RFP requirements but are available (from the vendor or from a third party) to extend product and hardware functionality and efficiency. Page 34 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Each respondent must complete the accompanying Software, Support and Services Pricing Schedule included in Appendix Z, and in the process, provide any additional information or explanation that is necessary to clarify the firm's pricing structure. This schedule must also be completed for any third party software that is bid as part of the response. Pricing is an important component of the respondent's proposal, and as such, it will receive significant weighting in vendor evaluation and final selection. 8.1 Pricing expectations (Place Results in Appendix Z) It is the Foundation’s expectation that the prices quoted in this proposal will remain valid and in effect for one hundred eighty (180) days after the proposal openings. If Foundation chooses to request a best and final offer, the prices in the responses to those best and final offers will be in effect for one hundred twenty (120) days after the opening of those best and final offers. In the event contract negotiations begin in good faith before either of the deadlines has expired one hundred eighty days (180) days after proposal openings or one hundred twenty (120) days after best and final offer openings, if any), the prices will be fixed until conclusion of those negotiations and then held firm for one hundred twenty (120) days. Final negotiated prices for software, maintenance and services are maximal for the period of the contract. In the event of a general price decline, or should VENDOR sell the same materials and/or services under similar quantity and delivery conditions to the State of California, or any county, municipality, political subdivision, or legal entity of the State of California at prices below those specified in the Contract, such lower prices are to be immediately extended to Districts procuring through the Foundation. 8.2 Extension of software licenses due to increased usage There will be no increase in license fees for any product licensed based on metrics (e.g., number of students, number of employees, number of purchase order lines, university budget, contributions) for the first five years after execution of the contract. District software license unit prices on any software products licensed must be valid for five (5) years from the date a contract is signed. District software license unit prices are determined by dividing the net cost of the software product to District (after all discounts have been applied) by the units used in determining that price. Respondent must provide the unit basis for the price (e.g., dollars, UPU, named users). Yearly price increases to the DISTRICT software license unit prices after the first five (5) years may not exceed an increase proportionate to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for the prior calendar year. 8.3 Support and product upgrade pricing Product support and upgrade prices on any software products licensed must be valid for five (5) years from the date a contract is signed. Respondent must provide the basis for the price (e.g., enrollment, budget, employees, percent of net, CPU, named users). Yearly price increases after the five (5) years may not exceed an increase proportionate to the increase in the CPI for the prior calendar year. 8.4 Professional Services for Implementation, Installation and Training Proposals are being requested for professional services for the project planning and implementation of the District’s ERP projects to meet the requirements of the District. The District does not anticipate that professional services for each system of specific software project will be awarded to more than one vendor. However, it is possible that different vendors could be awarded individual systems within a system suite, e.g. student, financial aid, finance and human resources. Therefore, Proposers are encouraged to propose pricing structures that are most advantageous to Foundation Districts. Page 35 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal The respondent is expected to provide sufficient pricing details to permit the District to understand the basis for the quotation. At a minimum, the respondent must provide the relative cost of the various resources and training classes, any discount that are applied, and all assumptions or requirements upon which prices are contingent. The Foundation is open to reviewing Fixed Bid Pricing as well as projects based on time and materials with a “not to exceed cost” or both, whichever the vendor believes creates the best overall strategy for the District. Each respondent must complete the two professional Services Pricing Schedules contained in Appendix Z based on instructions included in Section 8, and in the process, provide any additional information or explanation that is necessary to clarify the firm's pricing structure. Pricing is an important component of the respondent's proposal, and as such, it will receive significant consideration in vendor evaluation and final selection. Professional services should be priced at the lowest cost available to the District. All professional services must be bid by Software project component, e.g. Student, Financial Aid, Finance, Human Resources. Hours spent working at the District or at other locations for the District will be billable. Travel time is not billable to the District. Professional services are to be priced including and excluding expenses. Vendors are to state in detail all assumptions used to derive pricing. Where prices exclude expenses, Vendors are to show the number of trips needed to implement each system and the average cost per trip they will use to give a firm estimate on expenses for District consideration. In all cases, vendors must submit a detailed description of their travel policies including how expenses are determined and charged per trip including time charged against hours contracted. The District is open to alternative work arrangements that will allow the Contractor(s) to provide services from other locations where appropriate and acceptable to the District. As the District expects its acceptance of such arrangements to reduce the expenses of the Contractor(s), it expects those savings to benefit the District in the form of lower rates. Documentation of time charged in this arrangement must be submitted weekly to the District with sufficient detail to reconcile against invoices. The professional services pricing schedules that are include as Appendix Z must be completed with a row for each Product Project bid in response to this RFP. 8.4.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule-Rates (Place Results in Appendix Z) Respondents are asked to provide rates for the ERP product family for respondent and subcontractor resources that are expected to work on the implementation of the ERP system project at the District as described in Sections 13-18. Place results in Appendix Z.2. Respondents should use their working titles. These titles must correspond to the working titles referenced in the resource estimates and project organizations requested in Sections 13 through 18. 8.4.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs (Place Results in Appendix Z) Respondents are asked to provide an estimate, based on their firm’s experience in similar projects, for the professional services outlined in Sections 13 through 18 by the product family for Implementation Cost activity. Place results in Appendix Z.3. Include sufficient supporting detail so that the District can determine how pricing was determined and any relevant assumptions. Note: respondents may wish to create two proposals, a Fixed Price Bid and a Time and Materials, Not to Exceed bid. Districts are most interested in implementation projects that will ensure success while taking advantage of the common procurement process offered by the Foundation. Page 36 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 9 Implementation General Requirements, Terms and Conditions The items in this section represent the District’s general expectations that will apply to the primary contractor(s) selected to implement the software applications. However, regardless of whether these items are addressed more specifically, these general requirements will be major themes used in evaluating the responses. As such, the evaluation of these items for each service provider will be a significant consideration in the initial evaluation of responses to this RFP. Each respondent must provide an assessment of how its proposal meets each general requirement. The following are the general requirements for the primary contractor(s) for the District’s ERP systems 9.1 Primary Contractor The respondent must have demonstrated experience acting as a primary contractor for the implementation of the bid software. This must include project management and management of subcontractors, if included in the RFP, in addition to providing experienced consulting resources. Describe your experience as a Primary Contractor in software implementation projects. What specific advantages and benefits would this relationship bring to the Districts? 9.1.1 Relationship with Subcontractors Describe in detail the respondent’s relationship with any subcontractors that are included in the respondent’s proposal. What specific advantages and benefits would this relationship bring to the Districts? How long has the respondent had this relationship with the subcontractor? Describe engagements in which the respondent served as the primary contractor where the respondent used the services of the subcontractor. Describe the tasks where the subcontractor will be deployed during the implementation project(s). 9.1.2 Experienced Personnel The Districts will be moving from a mix of computing environments including a mainframe based, legacy systems and client server based systems to new technology. Describe your firm's direct experience in migrating the proposed system from the respective institution’s system. Will consultants who performed this work be available on the Districts project? Although the participating school’s staff is very capable in their existing environment, there is a strong commitment to transitioning the staff to the new environment as quickly as is appropriate. The Districts needs to acquire professional services with knowledge of this new environment and the specific application and technical issues that will arise. Therefore, it is critical that the professional service contractor is able to provide senior level personnel and subcontractors if bid, with experience that is appropriate for the software selected and tasks required. Describe your firm’s commitment to training and certification in the software you are bidding and in assigning highly trained personnel to the Districts project. 9.2 Demonstrated Experience with Similar Institutions The respondent must have demonstrated experience in implementing the bid administrative software at comparable, public institutions or agencies. Specific experience with implementations of the software company’s latest versions in similar institutions is expected. 9.2.1 Database Platform Experience The applications will be deployed using a relational database. The respondent must have demonstrated experience in the deployment of and use these databases in support of ERP package implementations. Page 37 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 9.2.2 Hardware Platform Experience Describe your knowledge and experience in implementing the administrative systems on the hardware platforms supported by the administrative system vendor you are proposing to implement. 9.2.3 Integration Experience Respondents must have demonstrable experience integrating other software products with software products that are not part of the software product family for which they are providing a response. Please describe your experience in this regard. 9.2.4 Data Mapping Describe the methods, tools, and processes for mapping the legacy data to the software product family and performing the conversion. If the Districts must acquire additional software to support this effort, please specify and specify costs in Appendix Z. 9.2.5 Customization Experience Although the Districts intends to implement the best practices of the purchased components wherever possible, there will be instances where state and local policies and laws require variances from those best practices. For this reason, the respondent must have experience modifying software through configuration parameters, tables, business rules, and source code. Please describe. 9.2.6 Comprehensive Methodology The respondent must have a demonstrated and documented methodology for implementation including initial implementation and upgrades of the bid administrative software products specified in this RFP. This methodology must provide for the development of appropriate systems documentation. Describe the methodology used by your firm to achieve successful implementation, conversion, and process redesign in higher education environments similar to those of the Districts within a restricted timeframe and budget. Provide sufficient detail for the Districts to understand how this methodology works and why it is well suited to the District’s needs. Include a discussion of the use of templates, default tables and other approaches that might reduce the complexity of or time required for the implementation. 9.2.7 Change Control The respondent must describe its methodology and procedures for minimizing and prioritizing modifications to the administrative system product. The District wants to exploit the capabilities of the software as it is designed and to encourage the District community to rethink and reengineer work processes and flow around ‘best practices’ as implemented by software. The District is especially interested in how the Respondent will address situations where a business area at the District may perceive that its specific business functionality requirements cannot be met by the base software. Please describe. The District is particularly concerned about controlling project ‘scope creep’. Respondents must propose strategies in their responses as to how project scope can be successfully managed and changes minimized. Please describe. 9.2.8 Self-service Experience A benefit driving the ERP systems implementations is to provide for the needs of a District that is growing in size and complexity. This involves not only the projected growth in the number of students but also the growth in the complexity of the system. Effective self-service applications will allow the District to manage this growth without commensurate increases in administrative staff. These selfservice applications must be available for prospective students, students, faculty, staff and alumni on a 24x7 basis. Experience implementing self-service functions is required. Page 38 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 9.2.9 Workflow Experience The applications will be workflow enabled using the toolsets provided by the software vendor. Experience implementing workflow using the workflow toolkit that is delivered with the application software proposed by the respondent is required. Please describe. 9.2.10 Development Toolkit Experience The toolkits used to develop and maintain the applications vary by software product. The respondent must have experience providing online, Web-based applications as well as batch and reporting oriented processes. 9.2.11 Knowledge Transfer The District expects to become increasingly self sufficient as the ERP project progresses and the software products move into production. The professional services respondent must have a history of transferring knowledge about the functional and technical aspects of the software products to the information technology and functional staffs. Describe your methods for ensuring a complete “knowledge transfer” such that the District will become fully capable of managing the system while it is being implemented and beyond. 9.2.12 Portal Experience Some ERP products incorporate portal frameworks that work with the applications software products. Experience with the portal associated with any software product for which they are providing a response is preferred but not required. Please describe your firm’s experience. 9.3 Project Staffing 9.3.1 Project Organization Chart Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 and Appendix Z. 9.3.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at the District in Appendix O with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. Indicate their current certification status with the software company you are proposing to implement, if certification is available, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by the District, if requested. 9.3.3 Consultant Preapproval Describe how the respondent will implement the District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.2.1). 9.3.4 Recommended District Resources Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that the District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all the District employees recommended for this project. 9.3.5 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend training classes that the District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. Page 39 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 9.3.6 Statements of Work Draft detailed Statements of Work for each System related project activity and deliverable related to the implementation of the ERP systems that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendices G-L, as appropriate. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. 9.4 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides and indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional cost, identify these costs in the Pricing section, Appendix Z. 9.5 Post Implementation Support What support do you provide post implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 10 Professional Services Definitions and Expectations for Installation, Training and Implementation The District is requesting professional services to include but not be limited to software installation, training and implementation. In order to understand the scope of each project, the respondent must have a thorough understanding of this RFP, as well as the products to be implemented Vendors are asked to describe in detail their recommended services to successful implement the proposed software solution they support in the California Community College District environment. Examples of services may include but not be limited to: Creating a Project Charter Implementation scoping or fit gap analysis – The selected vendors(s) may perform a gap analysis comparing the baseline functionality of the software with the requirements of the District. The “gaps” and proposed customizations to address them must be identified. Project plans – The selected vendors(s) will assist the District in determining the requirements for the “initial production use version” as well as the complete implementation. The respondent will develop detailed project plans for both of these implementations at the level required to specify and schedule resources and monitor the progress of the project at a task level. Staff resource requirements – The selected vendors(s) will identify the District and respondent resources needed for the project by resource category Other requirements – The selected vendors(s) will identify other resources that need to be put in place for the implementation (for example, hardware, software, network resources, etc). Costs - The selected vendors(s) will provide projected costs for the implementation. The costs must be presented as an itemization of the incremental (i.e., without regard for the District resources that are already in place) cost of the software implementation including but not limited to the costs of contractors, training, additional hardware, additional software, and additional District staff for backfilling in functional and technical areas. See Appendix Z. Executive summary - The selected vendors(s) will develop an executive summary of the plan for distribution at the District. Management presentations - The selected vendors(s) will participate in the development and presentation of the plan to the Information Technology Steering Committee, Campus Information Systems Task Force, and other District audiences. Training plan – The selected vendors(s) will provide a training plan for functional and technical staff that will be involved in configuring and implementing the product. Staff identification – The selected vendors(s) will identify the specific staff of the professional services primary contractor and the subcontractors that will be assigned to the project. Implementation assistance and guidance for the following tasks: o Table Setup/table loading Page 40 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal o Data mapping/conversion/migration o Prototyping o Building interfaces to external /legacy systems o Integration between software product modules and sub-modules o System testing o Customization of source code to meet the District’s requirements o Documentation of customizations Supplying functional expertise: o Instructing functional/technical project team members in software product functionality o Assistance and guidance in applying the District's business rules to the software Mentoring technical staff in: o Application programming concepts using the tools associated with the software product o Database Administration during the initial stages of implementation and subsequent performance tuning o System /version upgrades o Standards and documentation creation Training Services o Knowledge transfer to the technical and functional staff who will be responsible for training those who will operate and maintain the software products for which the respondent is proposing professional Collaboration with the District's project management for: o Development of a comprehensive implementation plan o Task identification, management, and tracking Management of subcontractors employed by the primary contractor. 11 Professional Services Assessment 11.1 Professional Services References The size, type, nature, mission, and technological status of the institutions that the professional services respondent counts among its client base has an effect upon the expertise, direction, knowledge of best practices, and technical/functional support and expertise available to the District. The District will review each respondent’s client base for demonstrable experience with implementing the selected software in comparable institutions. At its discretion, the District may reject proposals from respondent’s that cannot show successful experience in implementing this software at a number of comparable institutions. For engagements in the last five (5) years, the respondent must submit a complete list of comparable clients and the systems and versions of the software they contracted to implement, including dates of engagement. Indicate software modules contracted for and status, i.e. implementation in progress or software in production. Any of these clients may be contacted for reference. Respondents should also note any experience they have had with other community college districts, colleges, universities, state agencies in California. Respondents must provide references of three (3) clients at which the software products proposed have been implemented or are being implemented if none are in production from the list referenced above. Respondents must have acted as the primary contractor at those sites. Provide contact information, as references will be called. Contact information must include both technical and senior functional area personnel. Further, at least two (2) of these clients should be willing to host site visits within the two (2) months following proposal due date. 11.2 Professional Services Warranty Typically, the professional service organization provides continued implementation assistance beyond defined target completion dates at no additional cost if the failure to meet the defined target dates is due to the consultant’s inability to adequately complete assigned responsibilities. Document your company’s policy regarding this practice. Page 41 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 11.3 Project Management Describe the proposed project management tools and techniques to be used for developing and managing the implementation schedule and associated resources. Describe how these project management tools and approaches will be used to track the status and communicate the status to the District. If the District must acquire additional software to support this effort, please specify. Describe the services and resources that your firm would provide in assisting in the implementation of the software products proposed. This description should include your perceived role in project management support, planning, technical services, functional expertise, and product expertise. Describe the appropriate working relationships among the software vendor’s account manager, the professional services provider, the functional team leaders and the District’s project managers. Based on past experience, give examples of how the professional services partner should promote those relationships for the success of the project. The respondent is responsible for alerting the District’s management of any situation or condition that could jeopardize major target completion dates or costs. Document your company’s standard practice with respect to such notification. 11.4 Software Product Family Sequencing Respondents must propose a recommended sequence for implementing the projects. Describe sequences that have been used successfully at other sites. The Districts understand that the implementation of these systems is a complex project requiring the execution of a number of parallel activities. It is also understood that sequencing is necessary based on a number of factors, including operational calendars and product dependencies. 11.5 Implementation Plan Describe the methodology, staffing (both yours and the District’s), and other resource requirements to implement your systems as proposed. Provide an example from a previous similar implementation project. Provide a representative Gantt chart for implementation of each software product family for which the respondent is proposing implementation services with estimated time frames representing key milestones, project activities, and deliverables. 11.6 Project Staffing For each product family for which the respondent is proposing implementation services, provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and the District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 and Appendix Z. If needs vary due to Vendor understood differences within the four (4) participating Districts, then specify by District those differences. Describe how appropriate staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent and subcontractors that are likely to be deployed at the District (Appendix N). Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by the District, if requested. Describe how the respondent will implement the District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that the District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all the District employees recommended for this project. Page 42 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 11.7 Alternative Work Arrangements The Districts are receptive to the idea of alternative work arrangements such as telecommuting or video conferencing where beneficial to the District. Describe tools and approaches for such arrangements that might be employed for the District implementation. Describe how employees working under such arrangements would be managed, time reported and reconciled by the District, interact with District staff, time reported, etc. How would these work arrangement benefit the District? What physical resources would the District need to provide in order to support these alternative working arrangements? 11.8 Contractor Resource Requirements The District is committed to providing a productive environment for the resources working on these implementations. What are the physical requirements (office accommodations, furniture, equipment, phones, etc.) for the respondent’s staff and subcontractors for working on-site at the District? 11.9 Software Extensions Describe any customizations or interfaces the respondent has developed, or may have access to, at other comparable institutions that would likely be applicable to the District. Indicate how the customizations or interfaces could be acquired by the District. 11.10 Software Module Promotion Describe the approaches and tools used for managing and controlling the promotion of software modules from development to production status. 11.11 Training/Documentation Capability Assessment The respondent must indicate its ability to provide technical and functional training services on site in the operation, functional use, and maintenance of the application software, specifically: Describe the training plan that would be produced, including the approach to developing a training needs assessment. Provide samples from previously trained comparable institutions. Provide course descriptions, prerequisites, costs and durations for each course. Describe and provide samples of the training materials that would be provided for use during the technical and functional training. The respondent must recommend appropriate training plans as part of its offer to implement the proposed software. Technical training consists of the skills necessary to run, modify and maintain the system (required for programmers, system administrators, schedulers, database administrators, programmers, and central maintenance personnel). Functional training is the training required for the functional and business users of the systems involved in the implementation project (conceptual as well as hands on). Describe the types of training (CBT, etc.) that would be provided and the content, class size, and requirements of the various sessions. Based on the respondent’s experience at other sites, how have you helped your clients develop internal documentation including programming standards, system documentation, and end user documentation? Provide sample, recommended curriculum for technical and functional staff involved in the implementation for each software product family for which the respondent has proposed professional services. 11.12 Consulting Service Agreement Once selected, the District intends to enter contract negotiations to culminate an agreement with the selected partner(s) to enable the project to commence at the earliest possible date. Therefore, please provide with the RFP response your Consulting Services Agreement, which will be the basis for our review and discussions. The document must be placed in Appendix A-7 Page 43 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 12 RESERVED 13 Student System 13.1 Current Software Projects Describe in detail the Proposed Software Student Administration projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing Student Administration systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. 13.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 13.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 13.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your Student Administration implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Student Administration system. 13.5 Project Staffing 13.5.1 Project Organization Chart. Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 as delineated in Appendix Z.2. 13.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix N, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 13.5.3 Consultant Preapproval Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Sections 9.3.3). 13.5.4 Recommended District Resources Page 44 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 13.6 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after Student Administration project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. 13.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activity and deliverable related to the implementation of the proposed Student Administration System that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix G. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. 14 Student Financial Aid 14.1 Current Software Projects Describe in detail the Proposed Software Student Financial Aid System projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing Student Financial Aid systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. 14.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 14.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 14.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your Student Financial Aid implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Student Financial Aid System. 14.5 Project Staffing 14.5.1 Project Organization Chart Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 as reported in Appendix Z.2. 14.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix N, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support Page 45 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 14.5.3 Consultant Preapproval. Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.3.3). 14.5.4 Recommended District Resources. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 14.5.5 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after Student Administration project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. 14.5.6 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activities and deliverables related to the implementation of the proposed Student Financial Aid System that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix H. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. 15 Financial Management System Implementation 15.1 Current Software Projects Describe in detail the Proposed Software Financial Administration projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing Financial Administration systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. 15.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 15.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-upgrade implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 15.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your Financial Administration implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Student Administration system. 15.5 Project Staffing 15.5.1 Project Organization Chart. Page 46 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 as delineated in Appendix Z.2 15.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes. Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix N, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 15.5.3 Consultant Preapproval. Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.3.3). 15.5.4 Recommended District Resources. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 15.6 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after Financial Administration project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. 15.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activities and deliverables related to the implementation of the proposed Financial Administration System that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix I. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. 16 Human Resource System Implementation 16.1 Current Software Projects Describe in detail the Proposed Software Human Resource System projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing Human Resource systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. 16.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 16.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-implementation as part of your consulting engagement? Page 47 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 16.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your Human Resource implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Student Administration system. 16.5 Project Staffing 16.5.1 Project Organization Chart. Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 16.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes. Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix J, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 16.5.3 Consultant Preapproval Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.3.3. 16.5.4 Recommended District Resources. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 16.6 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after Human Resource project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. 16.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activities and deliverables related to the implementation of the proposed Human Resource System that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix J. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. 17 Campus Portal Implementation 17.1 Current Software Projects Describe in detail the Proposed Software Portal projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing Portal systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. Page 48 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 17.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 17.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 17.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your Portal implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Portal system. 17.5 Project Staffing 17.5.1 Project Organization Chart. Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in 8.4.1 and delineated in Appendix Z.2. 17.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes. Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix N, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 17.5.3 Consultant Preapproval. Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.3.3). 17.5.4 Recommended District Resources. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 17.6 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after Portal project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. 17.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activities and deliverables related to the implementation of the proposed Portal System that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix K. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. Page 49 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 18 Technical Installation, Training and Implementation 18.1 Current Projects Describe in detail the Proposed technical projects in which you are currently involved with the version of the software as bid in this proposal. Include information on when the projects commenced, indicate how long before each will be completed and the modules involved. You may also provide information on your project experience in implementing systems for earlier versions if needed to demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with the Proposed Software. Specifically highlight any implementations in California, particularly in a California Community College. 18.2 Tools & Utilities Describe any tools and/or utilities your firm provides when working on an implementation project. Indicate whether these tools come at an additional cost to the District or are provided “free of charge” as part of your consulting services. If it is at additional costs, identify these costs in the Pricing section. 18.3 Post implementation support What support do you provide post-implementation as part of your consulting engagement? 18.4 Implementation Methodology Describe in detail your technical implementation methodology and the steps you would perform to accomplish Districts implementation to the Proposed Portal system. 18.5 Project Staffing 18.5.1 Project Organization Chart. Provide a representative project organization chart showing both respondent and District staff. The working titles of the respondent’s staff must be indicated so that they can be linked with the rates requested in Section 8.4.1 and delineated in Appendix Z.2. 18.5.2 Consultant Identification and Resumes. Describe how appropriate consultant staff will be identified and assigned to the District engagement(s). Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at District in Appendix N, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. If respondent is not the Software Company, but is an implementation firm who supports the proposed Software bid in this Proposal, indicate consultants current training and certification status if any, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. If the Software vendor does not support external consultant certification, so indicate. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the District engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by District, if requested. 18.5.3 Consultant Preapproval. Describe how the respondent will implement District’s expectations for review of staff prior to assignment to the project and for removal of unacceptable staff (Section 9.3.3). 18.5.4 Recommended District Resources. Identify additional recommended in-house resources (in both technical and functional areas) that District should consider for the successful completion of this project. Include representative job titles, numbers and percentages of dedication for all District employees recommended for this project. 18.6 Project Staff Training Describe all recommend software training classes that District project staff (by position) should take prior to, during or after project initiation. Include functional and technical classes for all team members. Differentiate recommended vs. required if your bid pricing is dependent upon completion of any required classes. Page 50 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal 18.7 Statements of Work for Proposed Services Draft detailed Statements of Work for each activities and deliverables related to the implementation of the proposed Systems that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Place the results in Appendix L. Costs associated with these projects and deliverables will be indicated in Appendix Z. Page 51 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal List of Appendices 1 DecisionDirector Technical and Functional Requirements A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 Intent to Bid Bid Cover Form & Proposer Certifications Disclosure of Ownership Non-Collusion Affidavit Amendment Acknowledgement Form Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Certificate Software License, Maintenance, Services and Third-Party Agreements B Feather River Community College District-Background C San Luis Obispo County Community College District-Background D Sierra Joint Community College District-Background E Sonoma County Community College District (Santa Rosa)Background F Exceptions to Terms and Conditions G Statement of Work - Student Administration System Implementation H Statement of Work - Student Financial Aid System Implementation I Statement of Work - Financial Management Implementation J Statement of Work - Human Resource Management Implementation K Statement of Work - K Statement of Work - Campus Portal Implementation L Statement of Work - Technical Installation, Training and Implementation M Subcontractor Qualifications N Resumes O Annual Reports/Financial Statements P Vendor Demographics Q Vendor Essential Items Not In RFP R-X Reserved For Vendor Use Y-1 Feather River CCD-Recommended Configuration Y-2 San Luis Obispo CCD-Recommended Configuration Y-3 Sierra Joint CCD-Recommended Configuration Y-4 Sonoma County CCD-Recommended Configuration Z Pricing Schedules Page 52 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix 1 Technical and Functional Requirements Page 53 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-1 Intent to Bid Your firm is invited to submit a Proposal for one or more ERP Systems identified below. The Foundation requests that you notify us of your intention to submit a response to the Request for Proposal (RFP). By submission of this “Intent”, your firm is not required to submit a Proposal response. However, The Foundation will use the Firm contact information herein provided to communicate official information regarding this RFP. The official Foundation representative contact for this RFP is: Patrick Tyrell-Smith ERP Projects Director Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hills, CA 945523 FAX: (925) 287-0358 Please return this Intent to Bid Form by mail or fax to the individual above by 06/30/03. Bidder Affirmation: We intend to submit responses to The Foundation for your consideration in the following areas (Please check all areas applicable below): ___ Student Services Software ___ Financial Aid Software ___ Financial Services Software ___ Human Resource Software ___ Student Services Software Training & Implementation ___ Financial Aid Software Training & Implementation ___ Financial Services Software Training & Implementation ___ Human Resource Software Training & Implementation ___ Other: Please Specify: ___________________________________________ Certifications I represent that the Individual named below is authorized to represent said Firm and is the official contact for purposes of this Firm’s RFP response: Name: __________________________________Title: _____________________________________ Firm: ____________________________________________________________________________ Street: ___________________________________City: _______________State: ______Zip: ______ Phone: _________________ FAX: ________________Email: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________Date:__________________ I represent that the Individual named below is authorized to represent said Firm and is the official contact for purposes of this Firm’s RFP response: Page 54 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Name: __________________________________Title: _____________________________________ Firm: ____________________________________________________________________________ Street: ___________________________________City: _______________State: ______Zip: ______ Phone: _________________ FAX: ________________Email: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________Date:__________________ Page 55 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-2 Bid Cover Form & Proposer’s Certifications REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # BID OPENING DATE: August 1, 2003 BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. PST BID OPENING PLACE: Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 SEALED PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS ON OR BEFORE 2:30 P.M. ON August 1, 2003; NO PROPOSAL WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE/TIME: Patrick Tyrell-Smith ERP Projects Director Foundation for California Community Colleges 140 Mayhew Way, Suite 401 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 BID COVER FORM MUST BE SIGNED by the authorized agent with authority to contractually commit the Firm by submission of this Proposal response and ALL attached files must be returned with bid package. Show RFP opening date, RFP number, and return address of Firm on sealed bid envelope. AUTHORIZED AGENT MUST FILL IN AND SIGN BELOW (FAILURE TO SIGN WILL DISQUALIFY BID) By signing this Proposal, Proposer certifies that: We are submitting responses to FOUNDATION for your consideration in the following areas (Please check all areas applicable below): ___ Student Services Software ___ Financial Aid Software ___ Financial Services Software ___ Human Resource Software ___ Student Services Software Training & Implementation ___ Financial Aid Software Training & Implementation ___ Financial Services Software Training & Implementation ___ Human Resource Software Training & Implementation ___ Other: Please Specify: ___________________________________________ Page 56 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal PROPOSER’S REPRESENTATION AND CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby affirms that: The Proposer certifies that statements in the RFP response are factual, she/he has satisfied, from her/his own investigation of the conditions to be met, that she/he fully understands her/his obligation and that she/he will not make any claim for, or have right to cancellation or relief. The Proposer certifies that responses to the functional requirements provided to DecisionDirector in support of this RFP are true, accurate and complete and that she/he will not make any claim for, or have right to cancellation or relief. .He/she is authorized to represent said Firm and is authorized to sign contracts and proposals in the Firm’s behalf. The Proposer will accept any awards made to it as a result of this solicitation if the acceptance is made within 180 calendar days after the proposal due date or 120 days from a Best and Final Offer or negotiated contract, whichever is longer. COMPANY NAME: ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ___________________________________________________ AUTHORIZED AGENT: _______________________________________________ (Print or Type Name) AGENT TITLE: ______________________________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: ___________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________ FAX NUMBER: ______________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________ Page 57 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-3 Amendment Acknowledgement Form Each Proposer shall acknowledge all amendments to the Proposal, and complete the following information with submission of the Proposal. Amendment No: ____________ Date Received: ____________ COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: _____________________________________________________ AUTHORIZED AGENT: ________________________________________________ (Print or Type Name) AGENT TITLE: ________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE” ______________________________________ DATE: ___________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________ FAX NUMBER: ______________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________ Page 58 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-4 Disclosure of Ownership In compliance with [Does California Law Require a Disclosure of Ownership Statement], the following declaration is submitted: ___________ Bidder is a sole proprietor ___________ No Stockholder or partner of the corporation or partnership holds 10% or more ownership. ___________ Stockholder or Partner Disclosure Statement is provided herein (below) with name(s) of shareholder(s) or partner(s) owning 10% or greater Interest: Name Address % Interest _____________________ _______________________ __________ _____________________ _______________________ __________ _____________________ _______________________ __________ _____________________ _______________________ __________ _____________________ _______________________ __________ Dated: __________________ Firm Name: ________________________________________________ By: ________________________________________________ Name (printed):________________________________________________ Title: Telephone # _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Attention Bidder: Incomplete or incorrect completion of this Proposal Form may result in rejection of your Bid. Page 59 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-5 Non-Collusion Affidavit (NEED A COPY IN WORD TO INSERT) Page 60 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-6 Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Certificate (NEED A COPY IN WORD TO INSERT) Page 61 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix A-7 Software License, Maintenance, Consulting Services and Third Party Agreements Insert your firm’s software license, maintenance and services agreements covering the products and services as bid in this Proposal Response. Include any Third Party products that have been bid to satisfy the requirements of this Proposal Response. Page 62 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix B Feather River Community College District DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS Feather River College is a California Community College. We have a single campus with 28 faculty members, 52 classified staff and 10 administrators. There are also 75 +/- associate faculty of which around 2/3 are active in any given semester. We serve approximately 450 full time and 1,200 part time students per semester. Our annual operating budget is $12,000,000. CURRENT SYSTEMS By providing prospective vendors with this information they can factor in existing investments in infrastructure and develop plans and pricing that may not require total replacement. Current Computing Environment I. Computing Platforms 1. Network Inventory Quantity Equipment 1 HP3000 1 Outsourced Description Computing Options Company Student Management System BiTech Financial Management System 2. Desktop Systems All desktops are Intel Pentium-based running Windows 2000. Standard software includes Microsoft Office 2000, MS Internet Explorer 6 and MS Outlook. The MIS specialist uses Crystal Reports for ad hoc reporting. 3. Network Infrastructure FRC’s network consists of a 100Mbps fiber backbone installed between buildings with 10Mbps category 5 cable to the desktop within buildings. TCP/IP is delivered via Hewlett-Packard hubs. Remote access is not supported, except via the Internet to our web site. Network management is performed by an outside vendor utilizing SNMP tools. Our connection to the Internet is currently being upgraded from a T1 line to a DS3 line. Network security is provided with a Watchguard firewall. Each user authenticates to the network when they log in. II. Current Systems Computing Environment 1. Current Application Systems The current Computing Options Company student management system is housed on a 937LX HP3000 running MPE/iX. It is delivered to approximately 60 users via Minisoft MS92 terminal emulation Page 63 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal software. Of the 60 users who have access to the software, approximately 20 are regular users. There are 10 laser printers and one line printer being used by the student management system which are accessed using Minisoft Netprint software. The 937LX currently has 128 mb of memory and a raid system/2X15gb storage drive. The MPE/iX operating system has a 32 concurrent user license. The database is HP Image/SQL. The BiTech financial management system is accessed via the internet. The software is housed remotely on a UNIX system owned by BiTech. Our contract is with the local school district that contracts with BiTech. There are 8 college staff accessing this system. Our institution serves approximately 450 full time and 1200 part time students per term. There are approximately 50 classified staff, 10 administrators and 28 faculty at our institution. 2. Miscellaneous Subsystems DSPS has an Access based program to track their student contacts. There are programs used to track SSS/Trio students. EOPS has their own recordkeeping system, either using Excel or Access. Recruiting has developed their own tracking system for prospects, although there is functionality built into our current SMS which was originally being used. I’m sure there are others, but am not personally aware of them. Page 64 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix C San Luis Obispo County Community College District Background on the Institution San Luis Obispo Community College District (Cuesta College) is a comprehensive public community college open to all adults and high school graduates who can benefit from its programs and services. The College's primary mission is to prepare students for successful transfer to four-year colleges and universities or for successful placement or advancement in rewarding careers. The mission of the College is also to serve the surrounding community through adult non-credit education and community services courses and programs. Cuesta College is one of 108 community colleges in 72 community colleges districts throughout California and is one of about 40 districts that are single campus operations for credit programs. Cuesta consists of 2 campus sites, San Luis Obispo and North County and 2 South County Centers (located at Arroyo Grande High School and Nipomo High School). Cuesta College has a college-credit enrollment of about 8800 Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) with a head count of over 11,000. Cuesta’s enrollment has increased over the years. Approximately 475 faculty, both full time and adjunct, and over 250 support staff, both classified and management, and over 350 hourly and student employees provide for the instruction and support of these students. Approximately 1/3 of Cuesta’s students are from out of the area. The median age of the student body is 27.5. Approximately 45% of the students attend classes only in the day; another 22% are evening only and the remainder is a combination of the two. Approximately 70% of the student population is white, 14% is Hispanic, with the remaining ethnic minorities making up the remaining percentages. Statement of Business Problem Cuesta is currently using software from different vendors to support the required functionality. Student Records software is the product of a consortium of California Community Colleges, Fiscal Services and Personnel software is licensed and supported from a 3rd party vendor. Financial Aid software is a combination of programs written by Cuesta programming staff and software from the Department of Education. The Web applications to access the Student Records system were written by Cuesta programming staff. The current systems do not seamlessly “talk” to each other. For some critical business processes, custom programming has been done in order to provide the necessary information to the users. In November of 2001 Hewlett Packard announced the end of the product life cycle of the HP3000. As of December 31, 2006 Hewlett Packard will not longer support this platform. This announcement requires Cuesta to determine a replacement solution. There are currently 3 FTE on the programming staff and 1 System administrator for the Administrative software systems. We depend on the contributions of other colleges in the consortium in order to meet the needs. Cuesta has been a leader in the CCs in providing information from the Student Records system to its students. Computer Services is not the only department that has limited staffing. Most of the functional areas (Student Services, Fiscal Services, Human Resources and Instructional Services) staff is at a very minimal level. This creates a challenge for the college to continue serving students while implementing a new enterprise-wide software system. Page 65 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Extensive customization of purchased Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is out of the question. The level of effort required for such an implementation is beyond the scope of our staff thus requiring outside support at great expense that would be repeated with each new upgrade of the system. Fortunately, current ERP systems incorporate built-in customization through business rules and workflow engines. Ultimately it is expected that the new ERP system will transform the way the College is managed. We also expect the system to make the College more efficient, enabling the staff to process and monitor all our operations more effectively and thus making Cuesta a stronger institution. Statement of Scope and Objectives The primary objective of this project is the implementation of four major modules, Student, Student Financial Aid, Financial and Human Resources, in an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning system. The business processes that are the weakest in Cuesta’s current system are: Financial Aid Integration of HR data with Instructional Services data as it pertains to instructor load and payroll Student Accounts Capacity Planning and Room Use Efficiency Keeping the existing functionality in other areas while increasing in these areas is one of the goals of the project. Over the last few years, Cuesta has moved many student records applications to the web so students can “self serve”. Cuesta is not willing to give up this functionality. Background on the Project Yet to be done! Current Computing Environment Infrastructure Fiber between all buildings Cat 5 cable to all offices and classrooms South County centers connected via Citrix technology over existing Internet connection San Luis Obispo and North County campuses connected via 2 – T1 connections. 2 - T1 lines connect SLO campus to 4CNet (Internet). Bandwidth scheduled to be increased by the end of 2003 (DS3) Switched 10mbps/100mbps Ethernet to the Desktop Every 24 Switched Desktop 10mbps Ports share a Switched 100mbps connection to backbone switch. Or every 80 switched 100mpbs port shares 1gigabit switched connection to the backbone switch. Server OS; Migrating to Windows 2000 or Unix Administrative software runs on HP3000 running MPE OS Desktop Systems Due to the lack of appropriate funding, the Cuesta has to rely on some older computers in employee offices. Cuesta has determined that Windows is the OS platform that needs to be supported by all Page 66 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Administrative software systems. As of March 2002, here are the age of computers currently in use by staff, management and faculty. Faculty < 1 year old: 61 1-2 years old: 16 2-3 years old: 36 3-4 years old: 67 Staff and Management <1 year old: 56 1-2 years old: 34 2-3 years old: 59 3-4 years old: 45 The goal of the college is to support only 2 Operating systems at a time. Due to the age of currently installed computers, the current supported OS is Windows 98 and Windows 2000. Campus standard software installed on all office computers is: Office, IE 6, Outlook Acrobat Reader, Front Page Publisher Administrative Software The following is a picture of our current Administrative computing environment. The applications are identified with the application name on a database icon. All the applications enclosed in the box labeled HP3000 run on the HP3000. All the applications enclosed in the box in the bottom right-hand corner run on different servers. They do not necessarily run on the same server. Following the picture are two lists, one the list of all the applications found on the picture. The second is the list of the functions found within the major applications; Student Records, Financial Aid and QSS that currently reside on the HP3000. Page 67 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Applications found in the Current Environment Application Student Records System Curriculum Development/Management Schedule Development Room Scheduling Faculty Load management Student Registration Credit Card Authorization Student Challenges/Petitions/Holds Post Grades Award Degree/Certificate Page 68 of 112 Primary User Platform/Technology Division / IS HP3000 IS Facilities, Comm. Ed, IS IS A&R A&R, Pub Safety A&R A&R A&R HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 / Internet HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Produce/send Transcripts Student Probation/Dismissal process Student Application A&R A&R A&R CCCApply First Day Priority System PAWS Open Class Finder Schedule Download for printing Catalog Download for printing Class Rosters Early Alert Management Reports Student Fees Refund Processing Process Parking Permits Fee Waiver from Financial Aid Non-credit lab hour collection Assessment Placement/Equivalencies Create/maintain student SEP Record Counseling Sessions EOPS data collection DSPS data collection CalWorks data collection Pre-requisite approval/equivalencies/rules Define Facilities Calendar Setup Veterans Certification INS – Visa Manager College Source Program Review A&R A&R Student Services A&R Public Info Public Info A&R, Faculty Matriculation Managers Cashier Cashier/Fiscal/CS Public Safety Financial Aid IS Assessment HP3000 / EDI HP3000 HP3000 / Web via XAP XAP HP3000 / Web HP3000 / Web HP3000/Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Counseling Counseling EOPS DSPS CalWorks IS/Counseling/A&R HP3000 HP3000 Stand alone HP3000 Stand Alone HP3000 VP Admin Services IS, A&R A&R A&R A&R/Counseling Division HP3000 HP3000 Stand Alone Stand Alone Web HP3000 Required Reports MIS Semester MIS Financial Aid MIS Calendar MIS Employee MIS Program Award MIS Assessment Cal Grant GPA/Enrollment Verification 320 Report Clearinghouse (tax and student loan) 311 Report Page 69 of 112 IS, A&R, EOPS, DSPS, VATEA Fin Aid IS Personnel, IS A&R Assessment Fin Aid Fiscal Fin Aid, A&R Fiscal HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Misc Instructor Evaluations Parking Permits SARS/Grid ATI Filer DonerPerfect INS reporting Survey software Scores student tests Research from MIS data Community Ed Registration system Distance Ed software (WebCT) Library system Air Conditioning Control Fire Alarms Security/Surveillance Criminal Records (?) Email Workorder system Orientation ASCC Photo ID system Assessment Testing Appointments Assessment Testing Employee Validation Quickbooks ASSIST SPSS for MIS data analysis Employee Evaluation Tracking COTOP Flex Contract Computer Inventory IS Public Safety Counseling, DSPS Student Services Foundation A&R Research Library Research Comm Ed Library, Faculty Library Physical Plant Physical Plant Public Safety Public Safety Campus Comp Serv Counseling ASCC Assessment Assessment Intranet Fiscal Services Counseling Research HR Fin Aid Staff Dev, Faculty Computer Services HP3000 HP3000 Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand Alone Stand Alone Stand alone Stand alone Stand alone Web Stand Alone Stand Alone Stand alone HP3000/Web Stand Alone Web Stand Alone Stand Alone Stand Alone Web HP3000 Financial Aid Produce Financial Aid Checks FAFSA download Document Tracking Award/Payments FISAP reports Packaging Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid HP3000 Stand alone HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Stand alone Personnel Create/maintain Salary Schedules Personnel Tracking Employee Placement Personnel Personnel Personnel HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Page 70 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Position Control Letters of Agreement Personnel Personnel HP3000 HP3000 / PC HP3000 / PC Accounts Receivable/Payable Warrant Tracking A/R Module Deposit Tracking Payroll General Ledger/ Activity Purchasing Asset Inventory Fiscal, Management Fiscal, General Fiscal Services Fiscal Services Fiscal Services Fiscal Fiscal General General Bookstore Accounts Receivable/payable Ordering / Sales/ e-commerce Bookstore Bookstore Stand alone Stand alone Business Services Budget Development/Management Web Development Faculty Web Page Builder Intranet Logon Security E- Directory Committee Agendas/Minutes Access to Library Database Faculty Employees HR, CS, Switchboard Committees Employees/Students HP3000 Upload to HP3000 HP3000 / PC HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Web Web Web Web Web Breakdown of Applications currently residing on HP3000 Application/Function Student Records System Curriculum Development/Management Schedule Development Room Scheduling Faculty Load management Student Registration Credit Card Authorization Student Challenges/Petitions/Holds Post Grades Award Degree/Certificate Produce/send Transcripts Student Probation/Dismissal process Page 71 of 112 Primary User Platform Division / IS IS Facilities, Comm Ed, IS IS A&R A&R, Pub Safety A&R A&R A&R A&R A&R HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 / Internet HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / EDI HP3000 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Student Application A&R First Day Priority System PAWS Open Class Finder Schedule Download for printing Catalog Download for printing Class Rosters Early Alert Management Reports Student Fees Refund Processing Process Parking Permits Fee Waiver from Financial Aid Non-credit lab hour collection Assessment Placement/Equivalencies Create/maintain student SEP Record Counseling Sessions DSPS data collection Pre-requisite approval/equivalencies/rules Define Facilities Calendar Setup Program Review MIS Semester A&R Student Services A&R Public Info Public Info A&R, Faculty Matriculation Managers Cashier Cashier/Fiscal/CS Public Safety Financial Aid IS Assessment Counseling Counseling DSPS IS/Counseling/A&R MIS Financial Aid MIS Calendar MIS Employee MIS Program Award MIS Assessment Cal Grant GPA/Enrollment Verification 320 Report Clearinghouse (tax and student loan) 311 Report VP Admin Services IS, A&R Division IS, A&R, EOPS, DSPS, VATEA Fin Aid IS Personnel, IS A&R Assessment Fin Aid Fiscal Fin Aid, A&R Fiscal HP3000 / Web via XAP HP3000 / Web HP3000 / Web HP3000 / Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Financial Aid Produce Financial Aid Checks Document Tracking Award/Payments FISAP reports Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid Fin Aid HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 QSS - Personnel Create/maintain Salary Schedules Personnel Tracking Employee Placement Position Control Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Page 72 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Letters of Agreement QSS - Business Services Budget Development/Management Accounts Receivable/Payable A/R Module Deposit Tracking Payroll General Ledger/ Activity Purchasing Asset Inventory Misc Parking Permits Employee Validation Computer Inventory Personnel HP3000 / PC Fiscal, Management Fiscal, General Fiscal Services Fiscal Services Fiscal Fiscal General General HP3000 / PC Public Safety Intranet Computer Services HP3000 HP3000/Web HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 / PC HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 HP3000 Current Users There are currently 855 users with logins to the HP3000. 80 logins to QSS, which includes Fiscal Services and Human Resources. The following logins are to the Student Records account by the following departments: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Page 73 of 112 16 – Fiscal Services 7 - Bookstore 4 - Calworks 11 - Community Programs 35 - Counseling 5 - Deans 36 – Department Assistants 11 - EOPS 11 - Financial Aid 3 - Foundation 3 – Health Center 23 – Labs for non-credit FTES collection 7 - Library 25 - DSPS 2 - Maintenance 9 - Computer Services 4 – Matriculation/Assessment 4 – Media Production 11 - Nursing 3 - PE 4 - Human Resources 3 - Physical Plant 1 - Research 45 – Admissions and Records 1 - President's Office 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal o o o o 9 - Scheduling/Dean's Assistants 18 - Security 4 - Student Development 2 – Vice President Changes in Technical Environment - Potential Future The College anticipates that in the future, in addition to Intel based clients, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Web Enabled Cell Phones, and wireless devices will become pervasive. Applications will be Web Based/Browser Based, as well as Thin Client or Terminal Server based. The network will be a giga-bit Ethernet switched backbone college-wide, IP Multicasting, Video and Audio Streaming. The network and server platforms will be designed to provide 24/7 service and uptime reliability. The software environment that the vendors will use will be object oriented and standards based. Page 74 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix D Sierra Joint Community College District DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS Sierra Community College District is a multi-campus district which serves Placer and Nevada counties and parts of El Dorado and Sacramento counties. The main campus is located in Rocklin, Ca. The other satellite campuses are the Nevada County Campus, located in Grass Valley, Ca; Roseville Gateway Campus, located in Roseville Ca; Tahoe/Truckee Campus located in Truckee, Ca. Classes are offered at other off-campus locations in Auburn, Lincoln and Newcastle. The district continues to experience growth and change as Placer County is currently the fastest growing county in California. Sierra College District enrollment currently stands at a headcount of 20,000 per term with full time equivalent students (FTES) of 13,000. Sierra College employs approximately 844 faculty which includes full time and adjunct. Sierra College currently employs approximately 281 full time employees which include administrative and classified staff. The Sierra College district annual operating budget currently stands at approximately $70 million. CURRENT SYSTEMS Computing Platforms 1. HOST SYSTEM HARDWARE Hardware Host Systems: Main Memory: Disk: Tape: Printer: Programming Terminals: Production HP AlphaServer 2000 5/250 (2), clustered 2 gigabytes (both systems) 81.3 gigabytes over 10 dual access drives HP TZ877 cartridge loader (7 tape capacity) 2 HP LP11 impact printers 10 (Gateway PC’s using WRQ’s Reflection terminal emulation software) 200 1 of each, UARCO User Terminals: Burster and decollator: Scanner: 7 Scantron, Model 5200 Communication: 100 megabit Ethernet card (1 each) 2- 9600 baud dial-in modems. Development HP AlphaServer 2000 4/275 500 megabytes 47.1 gigabytes over 11 drives (same) None (same) n/a n/a n/a 10 megabit Ethernet card 1- 9600 baud dial-in modem 2. DESKTOP SYSTEMS The current PC distribution is roughly 90% Windows/Intel and 10% Apple Macintosh. Windows/Intel systems range from Pentium-based 133MHz systems running Windows 95 or 98 to Pentium 4-based Page 75 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal systems running Windows XP. Typical Windows/Intel systems consist of various Gateway brand PCs including E3110s, E3400s, E4200s, E4000s, etc. The majority of the systems on campus run either Windows 98 SE or Windows XP Professional. Typical default system loads include Microsoft Office (97, 2000, or XP), Mcafee Virus Shield anti-virus, Microsoft Internet Explorer. Apple Macintosh system models range from PowerMac 6500 to PowerMac G4 running Mac OS 8 to OS X. Typical default system loads consist of Microsoft Office (98 or X) and Virex anti-virus. Crystal Reports version 8.5 3. NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Rocklin Campus The core of the network at the Rocklin campus consists of an HP Procurve 9304 routing switch. All buildings on campus (except E building) are interconnected via 62.5/125µ fiber. The following buildings are connected to the core via Gigabit Ethernet feeds from the Data Center (core switch): A Building (Gigabit Ethernet to IDFs) I Building L Building LRC (Gigabit Ethernet to IDFs) M Building (100Mbps full-duplex Ethernet to IDFs) S Building (100Mbps full-duplex Ethernet to IDFs) W Building (Gigabit Ethernet to IDFs) The following buildings have 100Mbps full-duplex Ethernet feeds: B Building (feed from M Building) C Building (feed from M Building) D Building (feed from Data Center) E Building (feed from F Building) F Building (feed from Data Center) Ft Building (feed from F Building) G Building (feed from M Building) H Building (feed from M Building) J Building (feed from Data Center) K Building (feed from J Building) Mt Building (feed from M Building) N Building (feed from I Building) P Building (feed from G Building) PST (feed from X Building) T Building (feed from Data Center) U Building (feed from Data Center) X Building (feed from Data Center) Z building (feed from Data Center) Typical workstation connections are 10/100 Ethernet utilizing 10Base-T or 100Base-T. Typical network edge devices consist of HP Procurve 2524 and 4000M switches. Some areas are still connected using 10Base-T Hubs (HP Procurve J3301/J3303). Virtually every office and classroom at each location is wired for network connectivity. The typical workstation outlet consists of 2 data (Cat5 or Cat5e) and one voice (Cat5 or Cat5e) connections. The Rocklin campus is connected to the internet via a DS-3 connection to 4CNET. Network management tools include: HP Top Tools, Packateer, Solar Winds, and Microsoft ISA Firewall. Other Campuses Page 76 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal The Roseville Gateway, Nevada County Center (NCC), and Truckee sites are connected to the Rocklin Campus via point-to-point T1s. Each of these locations has a 100Fdx Ethernet backbone using HP Procurve 4000m switches as core switches and HP Procurve 2524 and 4000M switches as edge devices. Current Systems Computing Environment 1. CURRENT OPERATING/APPLICATION SYSTEMS Operating system: Programming language: Forms development: Utilities: Data base: File access: HP OpenVMS COBOL HP DECforms HP Code Management System (CMS) HP Module Management System (MMS) HP Language Sensitive Editor (LSE) Oracle Rdb HP Record Management System (RMS) The District has also developed applications system support software written in COBOL The data base management system (DBMS) that Sierra College uses is Oracle’s Rdb. It is a relational database which also allows data tables to be explicitly defined in the data base definition language. The database definition is used to compile, among other components, the access routines which are responsible for accessing and manipulating the database. The database is accessed via hostlanguage interface statements which are compiled with the application programs. The language used is COBOL. Each Rdb statement in the application program invokes a portion of the access routines which in turn performs all of the data manipulation and definition functions that are required of the Rdb statement. Sierra College uses a terminal emulation package for our Microsoft Windows compatible PC's from Walker Richter Quinn (WRQ) Corporation, which provides full VT terminal emulation to our Alpha systems. This emulation is accomplished by a combination of both hardware and software. The hardware configuration used is an Ethernet card which provides a direct connection to Sierra’s network. Other parameters Student enrollment (Spring 2003) Rocklin campus NCC campus NCC off-campus Roseville Gateway Tahoe/Truckee Other Employees (PT & FT) Network connections # of batch programs # of on-line programs # of screens Data Base (gigabytes) 19,682 14,801 1,598 512 1,520 401 850 1,200 2,000 505 77 206 6.6 Workload Data: Production Page 77 of 112 Low Average High 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Daily DB update transactions Message length in characters Response time in seconds Daily print lines Daily batch jobs Daily concurrent batch jobs Daily CPU minutes Daily execution elapsed hours Daily disk IO’s 20,000 1,920 90 214,020 316 20 1520 1850 6,176,818 1,200 800 1 0 5 0 78 215 293,122 8,100 N/A 2 68,803 143 12 623 1012 2,289,801 Current Systems Supported: Student Services Systems: Each system is designed using integrated data base techniques, primarily supporting online systems (both update and inquiry) but also batch processing capability. The systems include: Assessment Admissions Registration Appointment Scheduling Registration Student Program Adjustments-Add/Drops Grade Reporting Archival & Retrieval of Inactive Students Attendance Reporting Academic History Enrollment Data/Contact Hours Financial Aid Award Processing Vocational Education Reporting State Reporting Fee Collection & Reporting Research Reporting Course Catalog System Class Schedule Generation Instruction Reporting Facilities Data & Room Utilization Special Program (EOPS, Handicapped Services, Veteran) Reporting Health Services Updating and Reporting Business and Financial Systems: The accounting system is a typical double-entry, modified accrual basis, fund accounting with 8 funds and approximately 8,000 accounts. All updates are done online. Some production jobs are batch. Major systems include: Financial Accounting System: Accounts payable/encumbrances Accounts receivable Budget preparation Chargeback Online management financial summary Grant accounting Purchasing Page 78 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Financial statements Warrant production Payroll System: Salary and benefit administration Payroll, distribution & adjustments Vacation & sick leave accounting Interface with County payroll system Personnel Systems: Personnel data Faculty load information State Staff Data Reporting MISCELLANEOUS SUBSYSTEMS Third Party Software: SARS Hershey PFAIDS Medpro QSS – Placer County Office of Ed. LRC Patron, Endeavor ASSC Student Body Card Quark JT Database Software for FTES Collection EPOS – eReg and Phone Reg Exchange 2000 External Reporting: Chancellor’s Office MIS Reporting – Staff, Student, IPEDS CSAC – State Reporting NSLCH – National Student Loan Clearing House Hope Scholarship – Admissions and Records – Credentials Inc. Page 79 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix E Sonoma County Community College District (Santa Rosa) DISTRICT ORGANIZATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS District Overview Santa Rosa Junior College, a publicly funded California Community College founded in 1918, is one of the largest single college districts in the country. The college attracts more than 37,000 students each semester and offers classes at a variety of locations throughout Sonoma County. The District encompasses more than 1,600 square miles, stretching from the southern portion of Mendocino County in the north to the northern tip of Marin County in the south. It is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the east by Napa and Lake Counties. Offering a comprehensive educational program in both general and vocational education, Santa Rosa Junior College has two campuses, one in Petaluma and one in Santa Rosa, located 35 and 52 miles north of San Francisco, respectively; a 365-acre self-sustaining college farm; a new Technology Academy in Sonoma County's Telecom Valley; and a state of the art Public Safety Training Center in Windsor. The staff at Santa Rosa Junior College is composed of over 300 full-time faculty, 1200 adjunct faculty, 450 classified staff and 80+ administrators. The annual budget exceeds 90 million dollars and in March 2002 the voters of the district approved a 251 million dollar general obligation bond that will support projects from the following areas: Renovation and Modernization College-wide Safety and Security Improvements College-Wide Energy Efficiency College-Wide Wiring and Technology for Computers, Internet Access and an Effective Learning Environment Facilities Replacement, Expansion and New Construction Land and Building Acquisitions College-wide Parking and Traffic Abatement One unique feature of the college is the Doyle Trust Fund. In 1948 Frank P. Doyle, founder of the local Exchange Bank, established a trust fund for scholarships for SRJC students. In academic year 200203, 5,105 students were awarded more than $5 million in scholarships and grants from the Doyle Trust Fund. In the same year, the SRJC Foundation awarded nearly $500,000 in endowed scholarships to over 600 students. More than 50 percent of full-time students at the college receive support from the Doyle Trust. CURRENT SYSTEMS Current Computing Environment Computing Platforms Servers: HP 3000 server - The server used for the administrative functions (Student Records, Business and Human Resources) is an HPe3000 model 979KS/400 running the MPE/iX operating system. For most of the year, the system performance is excellent with the exception of the first week of "Open Page 80 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Registration" and the first week of the semester. During these times, the server is severely impacted by thousands of students attempting to register at the same time causing the server to be noticeably sluggish. On November 14, 2001, HP announced the retirement of the HPe3000 platform and they will stop selling new HPe3000 servers or upgrades after October 31, 2003 and they will end of support of all HPe3000 servers on December 31, 2006. NT/Linux Servers - The College has in excess of 50 different servers using the Windows 2000, NT, Linux, and Unix operating system. The most important servers are those used for our College Wide Information System (main web server), Domain Controllers, E-Mail, Shared File Resources, SRJC Foundation, Medical records (Medicat), Dental Office Training (Dentrix), Financial Aid, Purchasing, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server) and Student Services (Autobahn). DESKTOP SYSTEMS The philosophy of the district has been to provide all those who could benefit with the appropriate desktop or portable computers. This philosophy has in large part been successfully implemented within the boundaries of limited funds. The most recent data submitted to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office indicate that 91% of permanent faculty and 90% of full-time administrators and classified staff have personal computers assigned to them. Those without an assigned computer have access through open labs or shared computer resources. Of the 675 computers (50% Windows 50% Apple) assigned to our employees, 19.6% are less than one year old, 9.3% are one to two years old, and 71.1% are over two years old. Software for these computers includes the standard Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook), virus protection software, PageMaker (by request), PhotoShop (by request), Windows operation systems (3.1, 95, 98, NT, 2000), Macintosh operating system (8 and above) and various specialty applications. We are currently in a four year refresh cycle and have plans to purchase about 250 new systems each year. We prefer that administrative software run on Windows 2000 and Mac OS X computer systems. Software for our computers includes the standard Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook), virus protection software, PageMaker (by request), PhotoShop (by request), Windows operation systems (3.1, 95, 98, NT, 2000), Macintosh operating system (8 and above), Explorer (version 4 and above), Netscape (version 4 and above) and various specialty applications. Most of the support/report writing tools currently used are developed in house with web based online reports and Excel spreadsheets. In addition we have a few users using Brio and Crystal. NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE The Current Environment has the Santa Rosa Campus and Petaluma Campus connected with two 100 MB fiber links. The Santa Rosa Campus links to the Public Safety Training Center and Shone Farm at 44 MB and 10 MB using wireless links. The Technology Academy is connected with a single T1 data line. The Fast Ethernet, wireless and T1 lines terminate at routers which act as traffic cops to control incoming and outbound information. Within each site a core switch (Cisco 6500, Cisco 5500, Cisco 6000, Cisco 4000) collects and distributes data to the remote rooms and building at Gigabit, Fast Ethernet, or Ethernet speeds. Collectively there are over 90 Cisco switches and 30+ assorted hubs connecting all segments of the college. Buildings typically are connected with fiber or Category 5 copper wire and have a Gigabit or Fast Ethernet switch which serves as a collection point for other switches in the building. The users are connected to these switches by copper cable at speeds of 10 megabits per second or 100 megabits per second. Most of the users have Category 5 cable connected to Cisco switches but a substantial number are still using old Category 3 cable (slow connectivity) and shared hubs. Internet connectivity is provided from 4CNet by a fractional DS3 line (10 MB) at Santa Rosa Campus and an alternate T1 line at the Technology Academy in Petaluma provided by SBC/Pacific Bell. The long-term goal is to support only TCP/IP. The general strategy is to provide Gigabit connectivity between all buildings; within buildings Fast Ethernet to the desktop when appropriate. The majority of the users have Category 5 cable connected to Cisco switches but a substantial number are still using old Category 3 cable (slow connectivity) and shared hubs. Those who have Cat 5 wire Page 81 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal are connecting with RJ45 jacks at Ethernet or Fast Ethernet speeds. Those with Cat 3 cable are using 10Base-T RJ45 jacks. We have a small pool of eight dial in access modems which provide PPP connectivity at 28.8 Kbps at the Santa Rosa Campus. For network monitoring we are using Solarwinds.Net and Big Brother. These tools monitor our network 24 hours a day but are only viewed by our staff from 8 am till 9 pm daily. Internet connectivity is provided from 4CNet by a fractional DS3 line (10 MB) at Santa Rosa Campus and an alternate T1 line at the Technology Academy in Petaluma provided by SBC/Pacific Bell. Santa Rosa Junior College shares a common network infrastructure that provides Local Area and Wide Area network access to instructional and operational users. For those users who come in from off-campus locations we have a Cisco PIX firewall that filters unwanted traffic. In addition, users requiring secure resources must provide a user name and password to gain access to systems. Typically, student data, E-Mail (Outlook users), and restricted data are transported in encrypted packets. On campus users are restricted by the use of Vlans and NT security groups. Current Application System History/Evolution of Systems Over the past two decades the Administrative Software needs of Santa Rosa Junior College have been addressed by purchasing vendor packages and by locally developing custom software. In general, the Business Office and Human Resources needs have been met by purchasing vendor packages and the Student Package has been custom developed. The current Business and Human Resources package was developed by California Educational Computer Consortium (CECC). The locally developed Student Package (California Community College Software Consortium) was first installed in the Spring of 1980 and has been improved by a staff of programmers, operators, and technicians for the past two decades. Student Package (Curriculum & Scheduling; Financial Aid & Scholarship; Admissions and Records) Currently Santa Rosa Junior College is a member of the California Community College Software Consortium (CCCSC). This is an association of eight community colleges (Cuesta, Monterey Peninsula, Mendocino, Pasadena, Napa Valley, Gavilan, Lassen, and Santa Rosa). This association contributes resources and shares in the development of our Student Records system. The majority of the new Student Records enhancements has come from and continues to be developed at the Santa Rosa campus. The custom package that currently services the needs of our students (35,000 to 40,000 per semester) is a complex array of software applications that addresses Admissions, Registration, Student Records, Student Services, Financial Aid/Scholarship, EOPS, Matriculation, and MIS Reporting. The software programs are primarily written in COBOL, RPG and Speedware. More recently, programming staff have been using Visual Basic, HTML/CGI/Autobahn, and other application languages to develop modern applications using relational databases (Microsoft SQL). The current database which contains the majority of the student and financial information runs on the HP 3000. This database (Turbo Image) is hierarchical in nature and will not be supported by HP after 2007. Computing Services, Student Services staff, and the Business Office/Human Resources staff are responsible to insure that the databases are accurate, secure, consistent, and shared among information systems. Page 82 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Financial Aid System - SAFERS The Financial Aid Office began using SAFERS from Computing Options Company (COCO) in Spring of 1985. The package takes care of all Financial Aid Office’s functions and has an interface to the Turbo Image database on the HP 3000 to obtain student information. SAFERS is a comprehensive software product for management of the financial aid function. It allows the user to record and retain virtually unlimited information on student financial aid information including document tracking, awarding, and disbursement data, as well as to prepare letters and mailing labels based on a wide variety of variables. Finance and Human Resources Systems Santa Rosa Junior College is currently dependent on the Sonoma County Office of Education for the production of its payment warrants. In cooperation with the County we are both members of the California Educational Computer Consortium (CECC). This consortium is the vendor that supplies our Financial and Human Resources software. The Financial and Human Resources systems are composed of several subsystems including budget development, budget management, general ledger processing, accounts payable processing, payroll processing, STRS and PERS retirement systems processing, purchasing and MAGIC (Human Resources Management). The Financial system runs on the HP 3000 (Turbo Image database) and process all the Business Office functions necessary to handle an annual budget in excess of 95 million dollars. In the Human Resources area our system keeps payroll and retirement information on over 300 full-time faculty, 1200 adjunct faculty, 450 classified staff, 80+ administrators, and several hundred part-time workers. Miscellaneous Subsystems Raiser’s Edge by Blackbaud is used as our tracking system for Fundraising by our Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation. We use ATI Filer for our imaging and document conversion software. Page 83 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix F Exceptions to Terms and Conditions Page 84 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix G Statement of Work – Student Administration System Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Page 85 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix H Statement of Work – Student Financial Aid System Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Page 86 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix I Statement of Work – Financial Management Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Page 87 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix J Statement of Work – Human Resource Management Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Page 88 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix K Statement of Work – Campus Portal Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. . Page 89 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix L Statement of Work – Technical Installation, Training and Implementation Insert detailed Statements of Work for each project’s activities and deliverables related to this project (as applicable) that would be representative of your Firm’s approach. Page 90 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix M Subcontractor Qualifications Insert detailed information on subcontractor qualifications, as specified. Page 91 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix N Resumes Provide resumes of staff of the respondent, and subcontractors (identified on resume) if any, that are likely to be deployed at FOUNDATION, with an indication of the project on which they will likely work. Indicate their current PeopleSoft 8 certification status, and if not yet certified, date certification is expected. Indicate the working title the individuals would have for the FOUNDATION engagement. These individuals must be available for interviews by FOUNDATION, if requested. Page 92 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix O Annual Reports/Financial Statements Provide the two most recent annual reports and the two most recent complete sets of audited financial statements. Page 93 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix P Vendor Demographics Human Resource Distribution by Function Total Corporation Higher Education Group (if applicable) Total number of employees Number of employees in sales & marketing Number of employees in support Number of employees in consulting services Number of employees in research and development Page 94 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Q Vendor Essential Information Not Specified In RFP Page 95 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendices –R-X For Vendor Use Page 96 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Y-1 Feather River CCD Recommended Configuration Page 97 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Y-2 San Luis Obispo CCD Recommended Configuration Page 98 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Y-3 Sierra Joint Community College District Recommended Configuration Page 99 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Y-4 Sonoma County CCD Recommended Configuration Page 100 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Z-1 Feather River CCD Pricing Schedules Note to Proposers: Appendix Z is to be completed individually for each of the four (4) Districts participating in the Foundation ERP procurement. All statements and instructions included in Section 8 Pricing apply to the results placed in Appendix Z. It is critical that pricing be presented in a straightforward way with all detailed assumptions clearly stated so that the Foundation and the districts can understand how prices were derived and are comparative among all Proposers bidding software, maintenance and/or services. Z.1 Software and Support Pricing Schedule The following software pricing schedule should be completed with a row for each software product bid in response to this RFP. Add rows as needed. Include database management, reporting and query tools, and any other software products that are included in Proposer response to meet the requirements of this Proposal. The Foundation wishes to establish a unit price for each software system based upon whatever metrics the vendor requires and will be pleased to provide vendors with information necessary to compute a unit price. Software Product Software license Software support and upgrades-Year 1 Version proposed Price Basis District Units District Unit price Price Basis Software product 1 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 CPU, etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 CPU, etc. Software product 2 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 Employee s, etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 Employees, etc. Total Z1.1 Discounts Please describe in detail all discounts that have been factored into the pricing schedule or are otherwise proposed. We invite Proposers to be creative with discounts, keeping in mind that multiple institutions are considering each proposal and Proposers may have multiple selections. There is every expectation on the part of the Foundation that substantial price discounts and/or other concessions will be offered through the Foundation’s efforts to streamline the procurement process for Proposers through one competitive procurement process rather than four individual processes. Z1.2 Page 101 of 112 Ongoing Support Costs 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Please sequence the software products in the exact same order as in Z1 above and report price and basis for on-going support costs in years 2-5. Software Product Yr 2 Price Yr 2 Basis Yr 3 Price Yr 3 Basis Yr 4 Price Yr 4 Basis Yr 5 Price Yr 5 Basis Total #1 #2 Total Please provide supplemental information on pricing advantages for periods longer than 5 years, prepayment options that might be advantageous, etc. Z.2 Professional services pricing schedules The following professional services pricing schedules must be completed with a row for each Software Product Project bid in response to this RFP. Z.2.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule Respondents are asked to provide rates by Software product family for respondent and subcontractor resources that are expected to work on the implementation of the Software project at the individual districts as described in Sections 13 through 18. Place results in the table below and add Categories and rows as necessary. Respondents must use their working titles. These titles must correspond to the working titles referenced in the resource estimates and project organizations requested in Sections 13 through 18. Product Family Resource category Hourly rate including expense s Hourly rate excludin g expense s Student Administration System Student Financial Aid System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Working title 1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Human Resources Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Page 102 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Financial Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Z.2.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs Respondents are asked to provide an estimate, based on their Firm’s experience in similar projects, for the professional services outlined in Sections 13 through 18 by Software product family for Implementation Cost activity. Place results in the table below and add categories and rows as necessary. Include sufficient supporting detail so that FOUNDATION can determine how pricing was determined and any relevant assumptions. Identify under each System or Category the components such as installation, training, conversion, project management, report development, etc. that is standard or otherwise proposed as essential to the success of the implementation and therefore bid in the Proposer’s response to the RFP. Software Product Family Price including expenses Price excluding expenses Elapsed time to complete Student Administration System Student Financial Aid Human Resource Management System Financial Management System Other Other Other Page 103 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Z-2 San Luis Obispo CCD Pricing Schedules Note to Proposers: Appendix Z is to be completed individually for each of the four (4) Districts participating in the Foundation ERP procurement. All statements and instructions included in Section 8 Pricing apply to the results placed in Appendix Z. It is critical that pricing be presented in a straightforward way with all detailed assumptions clearly stated so that the Foundation and the districts can understand how prices were derived and are comparative among all Proposers bidding software, maintenance and/or services. Z.1 Software and Support Pricing Schedule The following software pricing schedule should be completed with a row for each software product bid in response to this RFP. Add rows as needed. Include database management, reporting and query tools, and any other software products that are included in Proposer response to meet the requirements of this Proposal. The Foundation wishes to establish a unit price for each software system based upon whatever metrics the vendor requires and will be pleased to provide vendors with information necessary to compute a unit price. Software Product Software license Software support and upgrades-Year 1 Version proposed Price Basis District Units District Unit price Price Basis Software product 1 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 CPU,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 CPU,etc. Software product 2 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 Employee s,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 Employees, etc. Total Z1.1 Discounts Please describe in detail all discounts that have been factored into the pricing schedule or are otherwise proposed. We invite Proposers to be creative with discounts, keeping in mind that multiple institutions are considering each proposal and Proposers may have multiple selections. There is every expectation on the part of the Foundation that substantial price discounts and/or other concessions will be offered through the Foundation’s efforts to streamline the procurement process for Proposers through one competitive procurement process rather than four individual processes. Z1.2 Page 104 of 112 Ongoing Support Costs 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Please sequence the software products in the exact same order as in Z1 above and report price and basis for on-going support costs in years 2-5. Software Product Yr 2 Price Yr 2 Basis Yr 3 Price Yr 3 Basis Yr 4 Price Yr 4 Basis Yr 5 Price Yr 5 Basis Total #1 #2 Total Please provide supplemental information on pricing advantages for periods longer than 5 years, prepayment options that might be advantageous, etc. Z.2 Professional services pricing schedules The following professional services pricing schedules must be completed with a row for each Software Product Project bid in response to this RFP. Z.2.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule Respondents are asked to provide rates by Software product family for respondent and subcontractor resources that are expected to work on the implementation of the Software project at the individual districts as described in Sections 13 through 18 Place results in the table below and add Categories and rows as necessary. Respondents must use their working titles. These titles must correspond to the working titles referenced in the resource estimates and project organizations requested in Sections 13 through 18. Product Family Resource category Hourly rate including expenses Hourly rate excluding expenses Student Administration System Student Financial Aid System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Working title 1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Human Resources Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Financial Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Page 105 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Working title 3 Etc Z.2.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs Respondents are asked to provide an estimate, based on their Firm’s experience in similar projects, for the professional services outlined in Sections 13 through 18 by Software product family for Implementation Cost activity. Place results in the table below and add categories and rows as necessary. Include sufficient supporting detail so that FOUNDATION can determine how pricing was determined and any relevant assumptions. Identify under each System or Category the components such as installation, training, conversion, project management, report development, etc. that is standard or otherwise proposed as essential to the success of the implementation and therefore bid in the Proposer’s response to the RFP. Software Product Family Price including expenses Price excluding expenses Elapsed time to complete Student Administration System Student Financial Aid Human Resource Management System Financial Management System Other Other Other Page 106 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Z-3Sierra Joint Community College District Pricing Schedules Note to Proposers: Appendix Z is to be completed individually for each of the four (4) Districts participating in the Foundation ERP procurement. All statements and instructions included in Section 8 Pricing apply to the results placed in Appendix Z. It is critical that pricing be presented in a straightforward way with all detailed assumptions clearly stated so that the Foundation and the districts can understand how prices were derived and are comparative among all Proposers bidding software, maintenance and/or services. Z.1 Software and Support Pricing Schedule The following software pricing schedule should be completed with a row for each software product bid in response to this RFP. Add rows as needed. Include database management, reporting and query tools, and any other software products that are included in Proposer response to meet the requirements of this Proposal. The Foundation wishes to establish a unit price for each software system based upon whatever metrics the vendor requires and will be pleased to provide vendors with information necessary to compute a unit price. Software Product Software license Software support and upgrades-Year 1 Version proposed Price Basis District Units District Unit price Price Basis Software product 1 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 CPU,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 CPU,etc. Software product 2 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 Employee s,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 Employees, etc. Total Z1.1 Discounts Please describe in detail all discounts that have been factored into the pricing schedule or are otherwise proposed. We invite Proposers to be creative with discounts, keeping in mind that multiple institutions are considering each proposal and Proposers may have multiple selections. There is every expectation on the part of the Foundation that substantial price discounts and/or other concessions will be offered through the Foundation’s efforts to streamline the procurement process for Proposers through one competitive procurement process rather than four individual processes. Z1.2 Page 107 of 112 Ongoing Support Costs 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Please sequence the software products in the exact same order as in Z1 above and report price and basis for on-going support costs in years 2-5. Software Product Yr 2 Price Yr 2 Basis Yr 3 Price Yr 3 Basis Yr 4 Price Yr 4 Basis Yr 5 Price Yr 5 Basis Total #1 #2 Total Please provide supplemental information on pricing advantages for periods longer than 5 years, prepayment options that might be advantageous, etc. Z.2 Professional services pricing schedules The following professional services pricing schedules must be completed with a row for each Software Product Project bid in response to this RFP. Z.2.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule Respondents are asked to provide rates by Software product family for respondent and subcontractor resources that are expected to work on the implementation of the Software project at the individual districts as described in Sections 13 through 18. Place results in the table below and add Categories and rows as necessary. Respondents must use their working titles. These titles must correspond to the working titles referenced in the resource estimates and project organizations requested in Sections 13 through 18. Product Family Resource category Hourly rate including expenses Hourly rate excluding expenses Student Administration System Student Financial Aid System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Working title 1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Human Resources Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Financial Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Page 108 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Working title 3 Etc Z.2.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs Respondents are asked to provide an estimate, based on their Firm’s experience in similar projects, for the professional services outlined in Sections 13 through 18 by Software product family for Implementation Cost activity. Place results in the table below and add categories and rows as necessary. Include sufficient supporting detail so that FOUNDATION can determine how pricing was determined and any relevant assumptions. Identify under each System or Category the components such as installation, training, conversion, project management, report development, etc. that is standard or otherwise proposed as essential to the success of the implementation and therefore bid in the Proposer’s response to the RFP. Software Product Family Price including expenses Price excluding expenses Elapsed time to complete Student Administration System Student Financial Aid Human Resource Management System Financial Management System Other Other Other Page 109 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Appendix Z-4 Sonoma County CCD Pricing Schedules Note to Proposers: Appendix Z is to be completed individually for each of the four (4) Districts participating in the Foundation ERP procurement. All statements and instructions included in Section 8 Pricing apply to the results placed in Appendix Z. It is critical that pricing be presented in a straightforward way with all detailed assumptions clearly stated so that the Foundation and the districts can understand how prices were derived and are comparative among all Proposers bidding software, maintenance and/or services. Z.1 Software and Support Pricing Schedule The following software pricing schedule should be completed with a row for each software product bid in response to this RFP. Add rows as needed. Include database management, reporting and query tools, and any other software products that are included in Proposer response to meet the requirements of this Proposal. The Foundation wishes to establish a unit price for each software system based upon whatever metrics the vendor requires and will be pleased to provide vendors with information necessary to compute a unit price. Software Product Software license Software support and upgrades-Year 1 Version proposed Price Basis District Units District Unit price Price Basis Software product 1 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 CPU,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 CPU,etc. Software product 2 (sample) n.n.n $9,999 Employee s,etc. 9,999 9,999 9,999 Employees, etc. Total Z1.1 Discounts Please describe in detail all discounts that have been factored into the pricing schedule or are otherwise proposed. We invite Proposers to be creative with discounts, keeping in mind that multiple institutions are considering each proposal and Proposers may have multiple selections. There is every expectation on the part of the Foundation that substantial price discounts and/or other concessions will be offered through the Foundation’s efforts to streamline the procurement process for Proposers through one competitive procurement process rather than four individual processes. Z1.2 Page 110 of 112 Ongoing Support Costs 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Please sequence the software products in the exact same order as in Z1 above and report price and basis for on-going support costs in years 2-5. Software Product Yr 2 Price Yr 2 Basis Yr 3 Price Yr 3 Basis Yr 4 Price Yr 4 Basis Yr 5 Price Yr 5 Basis Total #1 #2 Total Please provide supplemental information on pricing advantages for periods longer than 5 years, prepayment options that might be advantageous, etc. Z.2 Professional services pricing schedules The following professional services pricing schedules must be completed with a row for each Software Product Project bid in response to this RFP. Z.2.1 Implementation Services Pricing Schedule Respondents are asked to provide rates by Software product family for respondent and subcontractor resources that are expected to work on the implementation of the Software project at the individual districts as described in Sections 13 through 18. Place results in the table below and add Categories and rows as necessary. Respondents must use their working titles. These titles must correspond to the working titles referenced in the resource estimates and project organizations requested in Sections 13 through 18. Product Family Resource category Hourly rate including expenses Hourly rate excluding expenses Student Administration System Student Financial Aid System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Working title 1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Human Resources Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Working title 3 Etc Financial Management System Working title1 Working title 2 Page 111 of 112 3/8/2016 FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Request for Proposal Working title 3 Etc Z.2.2 Estimated Implementation Project Costs Respondents are asked to provide an estimate, based on their Firm’s experience in similar projects, for the professional services outlined in Sections 13 through 18 by Software product family for Implementation Cost activity. Place results in the table below and add categories and rows as necessary. Include sufficient supporting detail so that FOUNDATION can determine how pricing was determined and any relevant assumptions. Identify under each System or Category the components such as installation, training, conversion, project management, report development, etc. that is standard or otherwise proposed as essential to the success of the implementation and therefore bid in the Proposer’s response to the RFP. Software Product Family Price including expenses Price excluding expenses Elapsed time to complete Student Administration System Student Financial Aid Human Resource Management System Financial Management System Other Other Other Page 112 of 112 3/8/2016