2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades Questions Page 2 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades Regionals Questions Page 3 of 186 Page 4 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades Regionals – Pronunciation Guide Game # 1 Ques.# 2-B 5-T 8-T 8-B 9-T 9-B TB-1 2 3-T 3-B 7-T 7-B 8-T 8-B 10-B TB-1 3 1-T 2-T 6-T 6-B 8-T 8-B 4 1-B 2-B 3-T 3-B 6-T 6-B 7-B 8-B Pronunciation permeable (PURR me uh bl) Offenbach’s (AHF en BAHKS) gaiety (GAY ih tee) Patagonia (PAT uh GO nee uh) Iberian (eye BEER ee un) encephalitis (en SEFF uh LIGHT iss) hydrophobia (HYDE ruh FO bee uh) hemophilia (HE mo FEEL ee uh) isthmus (ISSTH muss) enclave (AHN klayv) San Marino (SANN muh REEN oh) Liechtenstein (LEEK ten shtine) Luxembourg (LUCKS im burg) estuary (EST yoo ware ee) ophthalmologist (AHF thal MAHL uh jist) glaucoma (glaw KO muh) astigmatism (ass STIG muh tizz um) monocotyledon (MAHN uh KAHT uh LEED un) dicotyledon (DYE KAHT uh LEED un) angiosperms (ANN jee oh SPERMZ) Namibia (nam IBB ee uh) Bangladesh (BANG luh DESH) basalt (BAY salt) commutative (KAHM you tay tiv) Roald Dahl (RO uld DOLL) emphysema (IMM fuh ZEEM uh) diaphragm (DYE uh fram) alveoli (al VEE oh lie) Niger (NYE jur) Limpopo (lim PO po) Orinoco (ore ih NOCK oh) Irrawaddy (EAR uh WAHD ee) podiatrist (po DYE uh trisst) bauxite (BAWK site) Maghreb (MAH greb) apartheid (uh PAR tide) Saskatchewan (sass SKATCH ih wahn) Khartoum (KAR TOOM) Jacques (JAKES) decrescendo (DEE kruh SHEN doe) diminuendo (dih MEN you WIN doe) pizzicato (PEET see KAH toe) Page 5 of 186 Game # 4 Ques.# 9-B TB-1 Pronunciation ichthyologist (ICKTH ee AHL uh jist) Mindanao (MEN duh NOW) 5 1-T 3-B 6-B piccolo (PICK uh lo) Bedouin (BED ooh win) parathyroid (PAIR uh THIGH royd) 6 2-T 2-B metamorphic (MET uh MORF ick) pumice (PUMM iss) obsidian (ubb SIDD ee un) igneous (IGG nee us) Cormier (KOR mee yay) para-amino benzoic (PAIR uh uh MEEN oh ben ZO ick) bronchi (BRAHN kye) Pyongyang (PYAWNG yang) Titicaca (TEE tee COCK uh) vertices (VURR tih seez) Tiber (TYE bur) 3-B 6-B 9-B 10-B TB-1 TB-2 7 1-T 7-B 8-T 8-B 9-B TB-1 8 2-B 5-T 5-B 6-T 6-B 8-T 8-B 9 10 4-T precocious (pree KO shuss) tuber (TUBE ur) geotropism (JEE oh TROPE izzum) Koran (CORE ann) sura (SOOR uh) Siddhartha Gautama (sidd AR thuh gaw TAHM uh) Buddhism (BOO dizzum) Hispaniola (HISS span YO luh) crevasse (kruh VASS) Odysseus (oh DISS us) Odyssey (AHD ih see) Ithaca (ITH uh kuh) Janjaweed (JANN juh weed) Darfur (DAHR fur) Beringia (bear ENN jee uh) Machu Picchu (MAH choo PEE choo) Chichen Itza (CHEE chen EET suh) Mayan (MY un) 4-B 8-B zygote (ZYE goat) diatom (DYE uh TAHM) diploid (DIP loyd) Sardinia (sahr DEEN ee uh) 8-T TB-1 Kilimanjaro (KILL ih mun JAHR oh) deoxyribonucleic (dee OX see RYE bo noo KLEE ick) Page 6 of 186 Game # 11 Ques.# 2-T 4-B 9-B 10-B 12 1-T 3-B 7-T TB-1 13 2-B 4-B 8-T 8-B 14 3-T 5-T 5-B 8-B 15 1-T 1-B Pronunciation Cartesian (car TEASE yun) Aswan (AZZ wahn) Auckland (AWK lund) Gobi (GO bee) Kalahari (KAHL uh HAHR ee) Atacama (AT uh KAHM uh) Carlo Collodi (KAHR loe kuh LOAD ee) Yalta (YAWL tuh) Pervez Musharraf (per VASE moo SHURR RUFF) Vladimir Putin (VLAD uh meer POO teen) Frankwieler (FRANK wile ur) onomatopoeia (AHN uh MAHT uh PEE uh) Tuskeegee (tuss KEEG ee) Tchaikovsky (chy KAHF skee) Stravinsky (struh VINN skee) Prometheus (pro MEETH ee us) Medusa (meh DOO suh) Minotaur (MEN uh tahr) Labyrinth (LAB ih rinth) Narcissus (nahr SISS us) Linnaeus (lin NAY us) Baum (BAHM) Spyri (SPEAR eye) Wyss (VEESE) Hamm (HAM) 8-B 10-T Degas (DAY GAH) Gauguin (GO GANN) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (AHN REE day too LOOSE-luh TRECK) Tigris (TYE griss) Danube (DAN YOOB) Brahmaputra (BRAH muh POO truh) symbiosis (simm by OH siss) bon appetite (bone APP uh TEET) TB-1 4-B 6-T 6-B tineo pedis (tin EE uh PEDD iss) Pedro Alvarez Cabral (PAID ro AL vuh rezz kah BRAHL) Mahatam Gandhi (muh HAT muh GAHN dee) TB-2 2-B Antietam (ann TEET um) Shiloh (SHY lo) hegira (huh JYRE uh) hyperbole (high PIRR buh lee) oxymoron (OX see MORE ahn) simile (SIMM ih lee) 7-B 6-B 10-B Page 7 of 186 Game # TB-3 Ques.# 2-B 4-B 6-T 6-B 7-T 7-B 9-T 9-B Pronunciation Boers (BORES) Maori (rhymes with flowery) Aborigine (ABB uh RIDGE ih nee) Lemieux (lee MYOO) Giambi (jee AHM bee) Emeka Okafor (ih MEEK uh AHK uh for) concertos (kun CHAIR toes) Mozart (MOATS art) Amadeus (AM uh DAY us) Bathsheba (bath SHE buh) Potiphar’s (POT ih furz) yamacraw (YAM uh kraw) Apalachee (APP uh latch ee) Kolomoki (KO lo MO kee) Etowah (ETT uh wah) Page 8 of 186 Game 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Bunker Hill was an important battle in the Revolutionary War. In which state did this occur? A. Massachusetts Bonus (20) Q. In which state did each of these Revolutionary War battles occur? 1. Cowpens 2. Valley Forge 3. Guilford Courthouse 4. Saratoga A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) South Carolina Pennsylvania North Carolina New York Q. What is the usually colorless, transparent, crystalline mineral that is used in pressure gauges, timing devices, and gemstones? Its name begins with the letter Q and ends with a Z. A. quartz Bonus (20) Q. 1. What do we call dead trees and similar organic material that have been turned into stone over many years when minerals from ground water are allowed to replace organic materials? 2. What word do we use to describe rock or soil that has connecting pores that allow water to pass through easily? A. 1. petrified 2. permeable (PURR me uh bl) Page 9 of 186 3. Tossup (10) Q. The TI-83 calculator and similar calculators can store and recall numbers to and from memory. What will be the result following these entries: 9 STO x ENTER, 8 STO y ENTER, 5 STO z ENTER, x + y — z ENTER? A. 12 Bonus (20) Q. 1. Suppose a number like 9 is stored in the x location and then later it is recalled by the RCL command and displayed by the calculator. What is now in the x storage location? 2. Suppose 9 is stored in the x location, next 4 is stored in the x location, then RCL x is entered. What will be displayed? A. 1. 9 (it remains unchanged after a RCL) 2. 4 (the 4 overwrites the 9) 4. Tossup (10) Q. By what name is a whole number that has exactly two positive factors known? A. prime number Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Which two of the following numbers are prime: 57, 97, 117, 197? A. 97 and 197 5. Tossup (10) Q. Spell the last word in the following sentence: Offenbach’s (AHF en BAHKS) music is filled with the sounds of Parisian gaiety (GAY ih tee). A. g a i e t y Bonus (20) Q. Spell each of the following words: 1. azalea 2. porcelain 3. monastery 4. inaugurate A. 1. 2. 3. 4. azalea porcelain monastery inaugurate CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 10 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the literary term for the development and presentation of the personality of a character, usually through actions, speech, reputation, appearance, and the author’s attitude toward this person? A. characterization Bonus (20) Q. What C-words are the terms for the following: 1. writing that exaggerates certain individual qualities of a person and produces a burlesque, ridiculous effect 2. a piece of literature that by common consent has achieved a recognized superior status in literary history 3. a literary work, usually a play, which ends happily and which often includes humor and laughter 4. a pair of consecutive rhymed lines in verse A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Tossup (10) caricature classic comedy couplet Q. What integer is one-half divided by one-eighth? A. 4 Bonus (20) Q. Jim and Steve are brothers. Steve’s age is 35. The least common multiple of Jim and Steve’s ages is 315 and the greatest common factor of their ages is 5. How old is Jim? A. 45 8. Tossup (10) Q. On which continent is Patagonia (PAT uh GO nee uh)? A. South America Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is associated with which continent? 1. Hudson Bay 2. Sierra Nevada 3. Great Barrier Reef 4. Iberian (eye BEER ee un) Peninsula A. 1. 2. 3. 4. North America North America Australia Europe Page 11 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. What is the common vector for yellow fever, malaria, and encephalitis? A. mosquito Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the main vector for hydrophobia (HYDE ruh FO bee uh)? 2. Is hemophilia (HE mo FEEL ee uh) more likely contracted from insects, polluted water, or inherited from one’s parents? A. 1. the saliva of rabid animals (accept bites from rabid animals or the like) 2. inherited from one’s parents 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the tough elastic tissue that is found in the nose, throat, and ear as well as other parts of the body? This tissue forms most of the body skeleton during infancy before changing to bone during growth. A. cartilage Bonus (20) Q. What is the connecting tissue … 1. … holding bones in place? 2. … holding muscles together? A. 1. ligaments 2. tendons TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What word beginning with the letter I is a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas? A. isthmus (ISSTH muss) 2. Q. What is the square root of the square root of sixteen? A. 2 Page 12 of 186 Game 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. What is the grammatical term for a word that tells for or to whom something is done? “Stan,” in the sentence “I lent Stan my car,” is an example. A. indirect object Bonus (20) Q. Tell what kind of object the word “her” is in each of the following sentences: 1. I gave her a new book. 2. Father offered to give her a trip to New York. 3. Mother went with her to a fancy dress shop. 4. The birthday party afforded her an opportunity to celebrate. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) indirect object object of an infinitive object of a preposition indirect object Q. The quotient of two numbers with opposite signs is always what kind of number? A. negative Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is least common multiple of 12 and 18? 2. What is the greatest common factor of 126 and 198? A. 1. 36 2. 18 3. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following is an enclave (AHN klayv): San Marino (SANN muh REEN oh), Andorra, Liechtenstein (LEEK ten shtine), or Luxembourg (LUCKS im burg)? A. San Marino Bonus (20) Q. 1. Would you more likely find an estuary (EST yoo ware ee) in Tibet, Brazil, Bolivia, or Austria? 2. Would you more likely find an erg in France, Indonesia, Honduras, or Egypt? A. 1. Brazil 2. Egypt Page 13 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the rate of change of an object’s velocity with respect to time? It is referred to by a word beginning with the letter A. A. acceleration Bonus (20) Q. 1. In feet per second, what is the acceleration of an object on the earth’s surface due to the gravitational force of the earth? 2. Is the acceleration due the moon’s gravitational force about 1/2, 1/4, or 1/6 that of the earth’s? A. 1. 32 2. 1/6 5. Tossup (10) Q. In art, what is the term for a decorative border around a picture to serve as a frame or to provide contrast between the picture and the frame? A. mat Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the Parthenon: 1. What is the name of the hill it stands on? 2. It was built for the worship of what deity? 3. It is a fine example of which one of the three orders of Greek architecture? 4. Many of its original marble sculptures are now housed in what museum in a distant city? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. the Acropolis Athena Doric British Museum (London, England) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Between what two consecutive integers does the square root of four hundred eleven lie? A. 20 and 21 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is three raised to the fourth power plus four raised to the third power? 2. What is the fourth root of sixteen times the seventh root of negative one? A. 1. 145 2. –2 (negative two) Page 14 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Which type of medical doctor is certified to diagnose and treat diseases of the eye with drugs, surgery, and corrective measures? A. ophthalmologist (AHF thal MAHL uh jist) (Not optometrist) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the disease of the eye characterized by a buildup of fluid inside the eye resulting in excessive pressure that can lead to damage of the optic nerve, impaired vision, and possibly blindness? 2. What is the term for blurred vision caused when either the cornea or the lens is curved unevenly? This can be adjusted with corrective lenses. A. 1. glaucoma (glaw KO muh) 2. astigmatism (ass STIG muh tizz um) 8. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call flowering plants with one seed leaf? Answer with a term beginning with the letter M. A. monocot (also accept monocotyledon) (MAHN uh KAHT uh LEED un) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is a flowering plant with two seed leaves called? 2. What are flowering vascular plants that produce fruit containing one or more seeds? More than half the known plant species belong to this division. A. 1. dicot (also accept dicotyledon) (DYE KAHT uh LEED un) 2. angiosperms (ANN jee oo SPERMZ) 9. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote the classic novel entitled Kidnapped? A. (Robert Louis) Stevenson Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of the following children’s classics: 1. Alice in Wonderland 2. The Wind in the Willows 3. A Child’s Garden of Verses 4. The Secret Garden A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Lewis) Carroll (Kenneth) Grahame (Robert Louis) Stevenson (Frances Hodgson) Burnett Page 15 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. The earth has how many oceans? A. 4 Bonus (20) Q. Which ocean does each of the following countries border? 1. Uruguay 2. Namibia (nam IBB ee uh) 3. Bangladesh (BANG luh DESH) 4. Ecuador A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Atlantic Atlantic Indian Pacific TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Stone Mountain in North Georgia is a large outcropping of which of the following: basalt, sandstone, marble, or granite? A. granite 2. Q. What is the hundredths digit when one-seventh is expressed in decimal form? A. 4 Page 16 of 186 Game 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Which property of the real numbers is illustrated by the following: five times ten equals ten times five. A. commutative (KAHM you tay tiv) property of multiplication Bonus (20) Q. Andy, Bill, Carl, and Dan participated in a bicycle race. Andy beat Bill by 9.25 seconds. Carl beat Dan. Andy finished 6.38 seconds ahead of Dan but 2.31 seconds behind Carl. 1. Which bicyclist won the race? 2. Which bicyclist came in last? A. 1. Carl 2. Bill 2. Tossup (10) Q. Complete this title of a book by Roald Dahl (RO uod DOLL): James and the . . . A. . . . Giant Peach Bonus (20) Q. Complete each of these titles: 1. The Summer of My . . . (Greene) 2. Roll of Thunder, . . . (Taylor) 3. . . . to the Center of the Earth (Verne) 4. Where the Red . . . (Rawls) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) . . . German Soldier . . . Hear My Cry A Journey . . . . . . Fern Grows Q. What is a dark brown or black rock that is formed by the decomposition of plant material? A. coal Bonus (20) Q. 1. Coal is which basic type of rock? 2. What is the elemental pollutant found in coal deposits that can leach into streams and lakes if proper care is not exercised? A. 1. sedimentary 2. sulfur Page 17 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following states does not lie west of Minnesota: Wisconsin, Montana, or North Dakota? A. Wisconsin Bonus (20) Q. Which one of the following states . . . 1. does not lie east of Colorado: Missouri, Kansas, or Utah? 2. does not lie west of Iowa: Nebraska, Illinois, or Wyoming? A. 1. Utah 2. Illinois 5. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the main page of a Web site? Typically, it serves as an index or table of contents to other documents stored at the site. A. home page Bonus (20) Q. 1. For what do the computer-related initials HTML stand? 2. For what do the computer-related initials IP stand? A. 1. Hypertext Markup Language 2. Internet Protocol CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the cause of most cases of emphysema (IMM fuh ZEEM uh) in humans? A. smoking (accept cigarettes) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the muscle beneath your lungs that helps move air in and out of your body? 2. What are the numerous, tiny thin-walled sacs within your lungs that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide? A. 1. diaphragm (DYE uh fram) 2. alveoli (al VEE oh lie) (accept the singular: alveolus) Page 18 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following words is closest in meaning to the word impudent: 1. imprudent 2. imperative 3. impure 4. impolite A. 4. impolite Bonus (20) Q. What is the objective case form of each of the following pronouns: 1. I 2. she 3. they 4. it A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) me her them it Q. The Niger (NYE jur) River is on which continent? A. Africa Bonus (20) Q. On which continent is each of the following rivers? 1. Limpopo (lim PO po) 2. Volga 3. Orinoco (ore in NOCK oh) 4. Irawaddy (EAR uh WAHD ee) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Africa Europe South America Asia Q. What is the sum of three-fourths of twenty-eight and three-fifths of fifteen? A. 30 Bonus (20) Q. 1. 120 hours is the equivalent of how many days? 2. How many pints is three and one-half gallons? A. 1. 5 2. 28 Page 19 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. This organization is the United Nations’ specialized agency for health. Its objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. What is this organization that is commonly known as WHO? A. World Health Organization Bonus (20) Q. 1. What agency, known as the IRS, collects the nations taxes and administers the Internal Revenue Code that has been enacted by Congress? 2. What agency, known at the FAA, provides a safe, secure, and efficient global aerospace system that contributes to national security and the promotion of US aerospace safety? A. 1. Internal Revenue Service 2. Federal Aviation Administration TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. If f of x equals x divided by four, what is f of eight? A. 2 2. Q. On which continent is the Arabian Desert? A. Asia Page 20 of 186 Game 4 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Which type of doctor treats problems of the skin? A. dermatologist Bonus (20) Q. Which type of doctor treats … 1. … problems and diseases of the feet? 2. … diseases of children and cares for their general health? A. 1. podiatrist (po DYE uh trisst) 2. pediatrician 2. Tossup (10) Q. What is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust? A. aluminum Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the ore from which much of our aluminum comes? 2. Which statement about aluminum is false? “It is a good conductor of electricity.” “It can be magnetized easily.” “It is a good conductor of heat?” A. 1. bauxite (BAWK site) 2. The second one is false: “It can be magnetized easily.” 3. Tossup (10) Q. On which continent is the Maghreb (MAH greb)? A. Africa Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is most closely associated with which country? 1. canton 2. Outback 3. caste system 4. apartheid (uh PAR tide) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Switzerland Australia India South Africa Page 21 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Steve earned $23 picking up pecans. He earned $3 more than 4 times what Latoya earned. How much money did Latoya earn? A. $5 Bonus (20) Q. What is the age of the younger of two children, the product of whose ages is 48, and the sum of whose ages is 14? A. 6 5. Tossup (10) Q. Spell the last word in the following sentence: The manager’s decision is not likely to prove beneficial. A. b e n e f i c i a l Bonus (20) Q. Spell each of the following words: 1. ecstasy 2. devise 3. weird 4. hideous A. 1. 2. 3. 4. ecstasy devise weird hideous CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the capital of the country of which Saskatchewan (sass SKATCH ih wahn) is a province? A. Ottawa Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of each of the following countries? 1. Hungary 2. Syria 3. Sudan 4. Guatemala A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Budapest Damascus Khartoum (KAR TOOM) Guatemala City Page 22 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Name the author of the animal fantasy book entitled Babe: The Gallant Pig. A. (Dick) King-Smith Bonus (20) Q. Name the authors of these other animal fantasy books: 1. Stuart Little 2. A Bear Called Paddington 3. Watership Down 4. Redwall A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) (E. B.) White (Michael) Bond (Richard) Adams (Brian) Jaques (JAKES) Q. What is the name of the musical sign that looks like a tic-tac-toe-grid? A. sharp Bonus (20) Q. What musical term is defined by each of the following: 1. in a slow, solemn manner 2. fast (or cheerful) tempo 3. a gradual decrease in volume 4. plucking the strings by using the fingers (rather than the bow) A. 1. largo (also accept lento) 2. allegro 3. decrescendo (DEE kruh SHEN doe), or diminuendo (dih MEN you WIN doe) 4. pizzicato (PEET see KAH toe) 9. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call a marked abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal following birth, such as the four stages which most insects undergo during their life cycle? A. metamorphosis (NOT metamorphism, which refers to rocks) Bonus (20) Q. What do we call a scientist who specifically studies … 1. … insects? 2. … fish? A. 1. entomologist 2. ichthyologist (ICKTH ee AHL uh jist) Page 23 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the numerator of a fraction equivalent to four-sevenths whose denominator is twenty-eight? A. 16 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the square root of six plus the square root of twenty- four in simplified form? 2. What is the cube root of sixty-four quantity cubed? A. 1. three square roots of six 2. sixty-four TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which one of the following is not an Australian State: Mindanao, Tasmania, Victoria, or Queensland? A. Mindanao (MEN duh NOW) 2. Q. Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania? A. William Penn Page 24 of 186 Game 5 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. The piccolo (PICK uh lo) is a member of what family of musical instruments? A. woodwind Bonus (20) Q. To which family of musical instruments does each of these belong: 1. lute? 2. English horn? 3. French horn? 4. recorder? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) string woodwind brass woodwind Q. How many hours is it from 11:00 p.m. on March 3, 2004 until 2:00 a.m. on March 5, 2004? A. 27 Bonus (20) Q. Round five, six, one, seven, point, three, eight, two to the nearest . . . 1. ten. 2. tenth. 3. thousand. 4. hundredth. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) 5,620 5,617.4 6,000 5617.38 Q. Would you more likely experience a monsoon in Switzerland, Chad, Paraguay, or India? A. India Bonus (20) Q. 1. Would you more likely find a Bedouin (BED ooh win) in Italy, India, Peru, or Saudi Arabia? 2. Would you more likely find an Inuit in Spain, Canada, Niger, or New Zealand? A. 1. Saudi Arabia 2. Canada Page 25 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the word to which a pronoun refers? A. the antecedent of the pronoun Bonus (20) Q. What is the possessive case form of each of the following pronouns: 1. they 2. she 3. we 4. it A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) their / theirs (accept either) her / hers (accept either) our / ours (accept either) its Q. What is the element that gives limestone its silver-white color? A. calcium Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the compound containing calcium that is derived from skeletons and shells or marine organisms? 2. What is the name for depressions or holes in the earth’s surface, common in North Florida, that form when underground limestone caverns collapse? A. 1. calcium carbonate (CaCO-3) 2. lime sinks (for “sink holes” request more specific information) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of your body’s systems comprises your ductless glands? A. endocrine Bonus (20) Q. Which of your glands controls … 1. … the level of calcium in your blood and bones? You have four of them. 2. … your blood sugar? A. 1. parathyroid (PAIR uh THIGH royd) (Not thyroid) 2. pancreas Page 26 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Steve is n years old. Tory is five years younger than Steve and George is six years older than Steve. What is the sum of their ages? A. three n plus one (or one plus three n) Bonus (20) Q. Crawford Middle School scored 20 points in the first quarter of their last basketball game. They scored half as many points in the second quarter, three-fourths as many in the third quarter, and one-fourth as many points in the fourth quarter as they did in the first quarter. How many points did Crawford score in the game? A. 50 8. Tossup (10) Q. On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered to what Union General officially ending the Civil War? A. (Ulysses) Grant Bonus (20) Q. In which state did these Civil War battles occur? 1. Vicksburg 2. Chickamauga 3. Chancellorsville 4. Gettysburg A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Mississippi Georgia Virginia Pennsylvania Q. What is the two-word phrase that refers to a collection of picture files that are stored on a disk or other storage medium that can be accessed and moved into the current open document? A. clip art Bonus (20) Q. 1. What do we call the person who is responsible for managing a Web site, creating and updating Web pages, replying to user feedback, and monitoring traffic through the site? 2. What is a small Java program that is embedded in an HTML page? It can be transferred over the Internet and executed by the recipient’s computer. A. 1. Webmaster 2. applet Page 27 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the literary term for a character who sets off or intensifies the qualities of another character through a marked contrast. (Dr. Watson fills this function in his relation to Sherlock Holmes.) A. foil (also accept dramatic foil) Bonus (20) Q. Identify these other literary terms, all of which begin with the letter F: 1. a brief tale, in either prose or verse, told to point a moral 2. a song of unknown authorship preserved and transmitted by oral tradition 3. a break in the chronological presentation of a story to return to the past or to an earlier episode 4. narration using I or we A. 1. 2. 3. 4. fable folk song flashback first person (point of view) TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which musician is known as Satchmo? A. Louis Armstrong 2. Q. For what does the Roman Numeral LV stand? A. 55 Page 28 of 186 Game 6 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. What is the capital of the Hoosier State? A. Indianapolis Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of each of the following states? 1. Wyoming 2. New Mexico 3. Missouri 4. New York A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) Cheyenne Santa Fe Jefferson City Albany Q. Which basic type of rock is formed by heat and pressure? A. metamorphic (MET uh MORF ick) Bonus (20) Q. 1. Pumice (PUMM iss) and obsidian (ubb SIDD ee un) are classified as which type of rock? 2. Shale and sandstone are which type of rock? A. 1. igneous (IGG nee us) 2. sedimentary 3. Tossup (10) Q. Many young people have enjoyed a novel entitled The Outsider. Who wrote The Outsider? A. (S. E.) Hinton Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of these other books that you may have read: 1. The People Could Fly 2. The Chocolate War 3. The Red Pony 4. Island of the Blue Dolphins A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Virginia) Hamilton (Robert) Cormier (KOR mee yay) (John) Steinbeck (Scott) O’Dell Page 29 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is quantity two-fifths plus three-sevenths all raised to the zero power? A. 1 Bonus (20) Q. What is 4 raised to the x power when x is … 1. three? 2. negative one? 3. negative one-half? 4. three-halves? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) sixty four one-fourth one-half eight Q. What is the nickname of the athletic teams of North Carolina State? A. Wolfpack Bonus (20) Q 1. Shorter College is a member of the N.A.I.A. For what does N.A.I.A. stand? 2. Georgia State is a member of the N.C.A.A. For what does N.C.A.A. stand? A. 1. National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics 2. National Collegiate Athletic Association CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Which rays from the sun are harmful in that overexposure to them can lead to skin cancer? A. ultraviolet (accept UV) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the form of amino benzoic acid that is used in sunscreen to absorb UV rays? Its full-form name is para-amino benzoic (PAIR uh-uh MEEN oh ben ZO ick). Give the 4-letter abbreviation that will be printed on sunscreen containers. 2. To what does SPF refer? 1. PABA 2. sun protection factor Page 30 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the part of speech of the word farm in the following sentence: Behind the farm buildings is a large pond. A. adjective Bonus (20) Q. Identify the part of speech of the indicated word in each of these sentences: 1. (alumni) Each spring the college honors its alumni. 2. (velvet) The green velvet chair is handsome but impractical. 3. (Either) Either of those routes is recommended by AAA. 4. (camping) My son and grandson went on a camping trip. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) noun adjective pronoun adjective Q. What number added to negative twelve gives thirteen? A. 25 Bonus (20) Q. Solve for x in each of the following equations. 1. Three x minus five equals negative x plus seven. 2. Negative five x equals seven x. 3. Two times quantity three x minus four equals four. 4 x divided by two equals x divided by four plus one. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) 3 0 2 4 Q. Which term beginning with the letter H refers to the iron-rich protein found in red blood cells? A. hemoglobin Bonus (20) Q. What is carried in the body by … 1. … bronchi (BRAHN kye)? 2. … neurons? A. 1. air (into the lungs) 2. nerve impulses Page 31 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the largest nation in the West Indies? A. Cuba Bonus (20) Q. 1. On which peninsula are you if you are in the city of Pyongyang (PYAWNG yang)? 2. Lake Titicaca (TEE tee COCK uh) is one of the largest lakes on which continent? A. 1. Korean 2. South America TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the name of the three points of intersection of the three sides of a triangle? A. vertices (VURR tih seez) 2. Q. In which country is the Tiber (TYE bur) River? A. Italy Page 32 of 186 Game 7 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Spell the second word in the following sentence: The precocious (pree KO shuss) child could spell her name by her second birthday. A. p r e c o c i o u s Bonus (20) Q. Spell the second word in each of the following sentences: 1. Your compliment is indeed most welcome praise. 2. The complement in this sentence is a predicate noun. 3. The heroin confiscated in the police raid had been smuggled into town. 4. The heroine of this novel eventually marries the handsome rancher. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) compliment complement heroin heroine Q. What Georgia city was at one time named Marthasville? A. Atlanta Bonus (20) Q. Near which neighboring state is each of the following Georgia towns? 1. Blairsville 2. Waynesboro 3. Cartersville 4. Folkston A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) North Carolina South Carolina Alabama Florida Q. What is the result when 40 is multiplied by 10 cubed and the product is divided by 100? A. 400 Bonus (20) Q. Steve is 4 years younger than Bill. Bill is 7 years older than Rick. Steve will be 18 years old 3 years from now. How old is Rick? A. 12 Page 33 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is the file format developed by Adobe that displays documents identically on any computer system? Its advantage over HTML is that it allows publishers to design complicated layouts using any typefaces and graphics, confident that the end user will view the same layout that the publisher has created. A. pdf (also accept portable document format) Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which company introduced the Pentium chip in 1993? 2. Which company makes and sells the Dimension XPS computer? A. 1. Intel (Corporation) 2. Dell (Inc.) 5. Tossup (10) Q. Which chemical element has atomic number 18? It is considered inert. It is a gas that is used in welding and for filling light bulbs. Its symbol is Ar. A. argon Bonus (20) Q. 1. How many electrons does each atom of argon have in its third, or outer shell? 2. Which of these statements is false about the element argon? “It is a pale pink in color.” “It is odorless.” “It is present in earth’s atmosphere.” A. 1. 8 2. The first statement is false. Actually argon is colorless. CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. If x is divisible by 5 and y is divisible by 7, the product of x and y must be divisible by what composite number? A. 35 Bonus (20) Q. What is the sum of the prime factors of 231? A. 21 Page 34 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Some plants have fine threadlike roots called fibrous roots. Other plants, like carrots, have one long, strong root for anchoring the plant and for absorbing water deep within the soil. What do we call this prominent, large plant root? A. taproot (accept tap) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What do we call a fleshy, swollen part of a root, like a potato, that stores food over the winter and produces new growth in the spring? 2. What is the property of some roots to grow toward the gravitational pull of the earth? A. 1. tuber (TUBE ur) 2. geotropism (JEE oh TROPE izzum) 8. Tossup (10) Q. Islam is much in the news. What is the title of the book that Muslims revere as their Scriptures? A. The Koran (CORE ann) Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the Koran: 1. It purports to be a revelation from what deity? 2. To what prophet was this revelation made? 3. The Koran is written in what language? 4. Rather than chapter or verse, the basic small unit of the Koran is called what? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Allah Mohammed Arabic sura (SOOR uh) Q. What is the name of the seasonal winds that dominate the climate of India? A. monsoon Bonus (20) Q. Which world religion … 1. was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (sidd AR thuh gaw TAHM uh)? 2. has “Four Noble Truths”? A. 1. Hinduism 2. Buddhism (BOO dizzum) Page 35 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q Pale colors or tints are sometimes known by what P-word? A. pastels Bonus (20) Q. 1. By what name is the American primitive painter Anna Mary Robertson universally known? 2. What is the term for a heavy, decorated, textile fabric used as a wall hanging? 3. What is the term for the top part, or head, of a pillar or column? 4. Who painted the famous painting entitled American Gothic? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Grandma Moses tapestry capital (Grant) Wood TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. How many countries lie on the island of Hispaniola (HISS span YO luh)? A. 2 2. Q. From what country was Marco Polo? A. Italy Page 36 of 186 Game 8 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. You bought seven and one-half gallons of gasoline to fill your 24-gallon tank. How many gallons did you have before you filled the tank? A. sixteen and one-half Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the sum of two and five-ninths and three and seven-ninths when written as a mixed fraction in lowest terms? 2. What is the product of one and one-half and two and one-third when written as a mixed fraction in lowest terms? A. 1. six and one-third 2. three and one-half 2. Tossup (10) Q. What word beginning with the letter E refers to the process by which soil washes down the slopes of hills when it rains or blows away in the wind? A. erosion Bonus (20) Q. What geographical term beginning with the letter C refers to each of the following? 1. a deep crack in a glacier 2. lines on a map that connect points that have the same elevation on a land surface 3. a person who buys and uses many types of goods 4. the place where two or more rivers or streams meet A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) crevasse (kruh VASS) contour (lines) consumer confluence Q. What is the process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell? Answer with a term beginning with the letter M. A. mitosis (meye TOH sihs) Bonus (20) Q. Name any 4 of the 5 phases of mitosis. A. interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase Page 37 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Correct the error in the following sentence: Rebecca has often laid out in the sun. A. “laid” should be “lain”—the correct past participle form of “lie” Bonus (20) Q. Identify the function (such as subject of the verb, direct object, etc.) of the indicated word in each of these sentences: 1. (pictures) This year’s class pictures are better than last year’s. 2. (pictures) I really like the pictures of my Spanish Club. 3. (teacher) They were taken by my favorite teacher. 4. (teacher) This teacher is in her first year at our school. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) subject of the sentence (or subject of the verb) direct object (or object of the verb) object of a preposition subject of the sentence (or subject of the verb) Q. The movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? is based loosely on the adventures of what ancient Greek hero? A. Odysseus (oh DISS us) Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about Odysseus: 1. What is the title of the Greek epic poem about him? 2. What is the name of the poet who is presumed to have written this work? 3. Odysseus is the king of what city or land? 4. What is his wife’s name? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Odyssey (AHD ih see) Homer Ithaca (ITH uh kuh) Penelope CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. In which African country did a government-backed militia known as Janjaweed (JANN juh weed) engage in campaigns to displace and wipe out communities of African tribal farmers? A. Sudan Bonus (20) Q. 1. In which area of Sudan did this occur? 2. In which of the following countries did over 200,000 refuges go to escape the violence: Chad, Egypt, Uganda, or Ethiopia? A. 1. Darfur (DAHR fur) 2. Chad Page 38 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Which mineral is important for the proper functioning of your thyroid gland? It is added to table salt and found in a variety of sea foods. A. iodine Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which mineral is a major component of red blood cells? It is obtainable from eating liver, lean meats, green leafy vegetables, or molasses. 2. Which mineral helps keep fluids balanced within cells in the body? It is obtainable through consumption of fruits, milk, meat, cereals, vegetables, and sports drinks. A. 1. iron 2. potassium 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the name of the land bridge that the ancestors of present-day North America Indians crossed from Asia? A. Beringia (bear ENN jee uh) Bonus (20) Q. Of what Indian civilization was each of the following cities? 1. Machu Picchu (MAH choo PEE choo) 2. Chichen Itza (CHEE chen EET suh) A. 1. Incan 2. Mayan (MY un) 9. Tossup (10) Q. What subject involves the study of the earth, its matter, and the processes that form and change the earth. Please answer with a term that begins with the letter G. A. geology Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the study of objects in space including stars, planets, and comets? 2. What is the study of weather and the forces and processes that cause it? A. 1. astronomy 2. meteorology Page 39 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the least common denominator of three fractions whose denominators are 5, 10, and 15? A. 30 Bonus (20) Q. If thirty six million is expressed in scientific notational form a times 10 raised to the nth power, what is … 1. a? 2. n? A. 1. 3.6 (three, point, six) 2. 7 TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the sum of the solutions of the equation the absolute value of quantity x minus one equals two? A. 2 2. Q. What country was formerly called Persia? A. Iran Page 40 of 186 Game 9 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Who was the dictator who came to power in Germany in 1933? A. (Adolph) Hitler Bonus (20) Q. Hitler created a powerful alliance called the Axis. It was made up of Germany and which two countries? A. Japan and Italy 2. Tossup Q. Most modern calculators use arithmetic (AR ith MET ik) logic to complete arithmetic calculations in the absence of parentheses. What would such a calculator return following key presses of 6 plus 4 times 13? A. 58 (not 130) Bonus (20) Q. What would a calculator using arithmetic logic return following key presses of … 1. … 8 minus 14 divided by 7? 2. … 8 minus 4 minus 2 minus 1? 3. … 8 divided by 4 divided by 2 plus 1? 4. … 8 plus 5 times 6 minus 9 divided by 3? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) 6 1 2 35 Q. What is 25% of sixteen twenty-fifths? A. four-twenty-fifths (also accept 0.16) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is x cubed divided by x squared? 2. What is the degree of three x squared plus two x minus five? A. 1. x 2. second (two) Page 41 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. In the sexual reproduction of plants, nuclei of two different cells join together to form a new cell. This new cell is called which of the following: sperm, egg, zygote, or diatom (DYE uh TAHM)? A. zygote (ZYE goat) Bonus (20) Q. Your body has two types of cells with reference to the number of chromosomes contained in each. 1. Which type has 46 chromosomes and are sometimes called body cells? 2. Which type has 23 chromosomes and are sometimes called sex cells? A. 1. diploid (DIP loyd) 2. haploid 5. Tossup (10) Q. Who is the Greek mythological hero associated with the ship named the Argo? A. Jason Bonus (20) Q. 1. By what term are Jason and his sailors known? 2. What object did they search for? 3. What is the name of the woman whom Jason fell in love with on this voyage? 4. What is the present-day name of the body of water that Jason sailed across? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Argonauts the Golden Fleece Medea (muh DEE uh) the Black Sea CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. If n cubed times n squared is expressed in the form n raised to the x power, what is x? A. 5 Bonus (20) Q. What is quantity two x plus four y divided by quantity x minus y, when x is 3 and y is negative one, and the answer is expressed in lowest terms? A. one-half Page 42 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What blockbuster Broadway musical of the latter half of the 20th century is based on a series of poems by the British-American poet T. S. Eliot? A. Cats Bonus (20) Q. During their “golden age” (1940s and 1950s), most Broadway musicals had a “novelty,” or comic, song. Give the title of the shows which included these songs: 1. “Brush Up Your Shakespeare” 2. “Honey Bun” 3. “Get Me to the Church on Time” 4. “(Everything’s Up-to-Date in) Kansas City” A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Kiss Me, Kate South Pacific My Fair Lady Oklahoma! Q. Greenland is a possession of what country? A. Denmark Bonus (20) Q. The following islands are in the Mediterranean Sea. They are possessions of what country? 1. Sardinia (sahr DEEN ee uh) 2. Crete 3. Corsica 4. Sicily A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Italy Greece France Italy Q. What is a very light metallic element? It is used in glass making and in paper making, but it is better known for the compound it forms when it chemically combines with chlorine to produce a condiment to add to popcorn. Its atomic number is 11. A. sodium Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the chemical symbol for sodium? 2. Is sodium an alkali, an alkaline earth, or a rare earth metal? A. 1. Na 2. an alkali (metal) Page 43 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. A comma that is used by itself to join two independent clauses creates a sentence structure error called a what? A. comma splice Bonus (20) Q. Spell the possessive form of each of these nouns: 1. wife 2. children 3. churches 4. book A. 1. 2. 3. 4. wife’s children’s churches’ book’s TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the British crown colony at the southern tip of Spain? A. Gibraltar 2. Q. What is the capital of Arkansas? A. Little Rock Page 44 of 186 Game 10 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Abi rode her bicycle 5 times in one week over the same route. She rode 42.5 miles altogether. How many miles long is her route? A. 8.5 Bonus (20) Q. The sum of three consecutive even integers is 48. What is three times the smallest integer? A. 42 2. Tossup (10) Q. What is the imaginary line on the earth at zero degrees latitude? A. equator Bonus (20) Q. Tell whether each of the following countries is above the equator, on the equator, or below the equator. 1. Angola 2. Philippines 3. Algeria 4. Colombia A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) below above above on Q. “AARP hits Perdue on care cuts” was a recent newspaper headline. For what does AARP stand? A. American Association of Retired Persons Bonus (20) Q. Answer the following questions about recent newspaper headlines. 1. “2 women dead, 3 hurt after SUV flips near Fort Pierce.” For what does SUV stand? 2. “EPA: 10% of toxic sites not yet ‘clean.’ ” For what does EPA stand? A. 1. Sports Utility Vehicle 2. Environmental Protection Agency Page 45 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. To help navigate their way around the earth, mariners and explorers once relied upon a balanced needle inside a glass case that pointed in a northerly direction. What is this device called? A. compass Bonus (20) Q. 1. Today navigation is much easier with a GPS device. For what does GPS stand? 2. If you were in Atlanta, Georgia would your location be 33 North, 84 West; 34 North, 118 West; or 42 North, 87 West? A. 1. Global Positioning Satellite 2. 34N, 84W (34N, 118W is Los Angeles and 42N, 87W is Chicago) 5. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following words should not normally be capitalized: Thursday I Allah Dakota democracy Mexican July A. democracy Bonus (20) Q. Which four words in the following sentence should be capitalized, according to common usage? On the Fourth of July we celebrate our independence from Britain. A. On Fourth July Britain CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Jackson traveled 189 miles in three and one-half hours. How many miles per hour did he average? A. 54 Bonus (20) Q. Use the clues that follow to find the cost of a dress. 1. The dress costs more than $80 but less than $100. 2. It can be bought with the same number of $1 bills, $5 bills, and $10 bills. A. $96 Page 46 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. The Romans generally adopted the Greek religion but changed the names of most of the deities. What was the Roman name of the deity who corresponded to the Greek god named Hades? A. Pluto Bonus (20) Q. Give the Roman names of these gods and goddesses: 1. the one associated with the sun and with medical healing 2. the one who corresponded to the Greek deity named Artemis 3. the one who was the wife of the chief god 4. the one who was the god of the sea A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Phoebus Apollo (also accept Apollo by itself) (Phoebus: FEE bus) Diana Juno Neptune Q. What is the highest mountain on the African Continent? A. Mt. Kilimanjaro (KILL ih mun JAHR oh) Bonus (20) Q. On which continent is each of these mountain chains? 1. Alps 2. Himalayas 3. Rocky 4. Andes A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Europe Asia North America South America Q. Who is considered to be the father of genetics? He was an observant gardener in an Austrian monastery. A. (Gregor) Mendel Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which plant is he famous for studying? 2. He found that when tall plants were crossed with short plants the resulting plants were all tall. What did he call traits or factors like tallness that prevailed in the next generation? A. 1. pea 2. dominant Page 47 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. We hear a lot these days about the benefits of eating a “low-carb” diet. “Carb” is a shortened form of a word for which class of foods? A. carbohydrates Bonus (20) Q. 1. Carbohydrates can further be sub-classified with two terms beginning with the letter S. What are these two sub classes? 2. Which two of the following are considered low-carb foods? Choose from potatoes, peanuts, pancakes, poultry, pastry, or pasta. A. 1. sugars and starches (5 pts. each) 2. peanuts and poultry (5 pts. each) TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. To what am I referring? “It is a polymer with a uniform, repeating backbone and side groups called ‘bases’ projecting at regular intervals. There are four kinds of these bases and genetic information is conveyed by their precise order. Incidentally, the total length of the message for man is not short; it is probably more than a thousand million letters long.” A. DNA (deoxyribonucleic (dee OX see RYE bo noo KLEE ick) acid) 2. Q. What is the numerical value of five factorial? A. 120 Page 48 of 186 Game 11 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Scientists are working on making hydrogen-powered cars and trucks cost efficient. What is the environmentally friendly byproduct of the combustion of hydrogen? A. water Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the most dangerous poisonous gas emitted from incomplete combustion? It has killed people who were heating their homes with unvented gas and wood stoves. 2 Which gas will also kill people who are forced to breathe in a confined space, like a plastic bag over their heads? A. 1. carbon monoxide 2. carbon dioxide 2. Tossup (10) Q. What term is used to describe the lines that separate the quadrants of the Cartesian (car TEASE yun) Coordinate Plane? A. axes Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Through which quadrants of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane does the graph of three y plus twelve x equals nine pass? A. I, II, and IV (one, two, and four) 3. Tossup (10) Q. All prepositional phrases function as either one or the other of what two parts of speech? A. adjective and adverb Bonus (20) (Both answers required.) Q. 1. You may be rather upset if you find yourself in a quandary. What is a quandary? 2. The house you live in may be mortgaged. What is a mortgage? A. 1. a state of uncertainty or perplexity 2. a temporary pledge of property as security for repayment of a debt Page 49 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Barcelona is a major city in which country? A. Spain Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is a major city of which country? 1. Aswan (AZZ wahn) 2. Auckland (AWK lund) 3. Bangkok 4. Antwerp A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Egypt New Zealand Thailand Belgium Q. What 20th-century painter became famous for dripping his paint on his canvas? A. (Jackson) Pollock Bonus (20) Q. 1. What 20th-century American artist became famous for his images of Campbell Soup cans and of Marilyn Monroe? 2. What 20th-century American painter is famous for her paintings of giant flower blooms and of cattle skulls and other images of the desert Southwest? A. 1. (Andy) Warhol 2. (Georgia) O’Keefe CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. The carat button on a calculator is used to raise numbers to certain powers. For example, key presses of 5 carat 4 would yield 625 because 5 raised to the fourth power equals 625. What is the result of 6 carat 3? A. 216 Bonus (20) Q. What is the result following these key presses: 1. 12 carat 2? 2. 1 carat 400? 3. negative 1 carat 20? 4. 0.25 carat open parentheses, negative 3, close parentheses? A. 1. 144 2. 1 3. -1 (some may insist that the answer is positive 1, but it is -1 because exponentiation precedes negation in the absence of parentheses) 4. 64 Page 50 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. From 85 to 90% of the people in the US have positive blood with the rest having negative blood. What do we call this factor of blood that can be either positive or negative? A. Rh (or rhesus) factor Bonus (20) Q. What are the four basic types of blood? A. A, B, AB, and O (5 points apiece) 8. Tossup (10) Q. (Note to reader: Read slowly.) What is six plus four times two minus three times two? A. 8 Bonus (20) Q. Which year has the following characteristics? 1. The year rounded to the nearest ten is 1930. 2. the sum of its digits is 20. A. 1928 9. Tossup (10) Q. In which of the following countries would you more likely find an oasis: Vietnam, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or Indonesia? A. Saudi Arabia Bonus (20) Q. On which continent is each of the following deserts? 1. Gobi (GO bee) 2. Great Sandy 3. Kalahari (KAHL uh HAHR ee) 4. Atacama (AT uh KAHM uh) A. 1. 2. 3. 3. Asia Australia Africa South America Page 51 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the title of the book that includes stories with such titles as “How the Camel Got His Hump,” “How the Whale Got His Throat,” “How the Leopard Got His Spots,” and “How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin”? A. Just So Stories Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote … 1. Just So Stories? 2. Little Women? 3. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? 4. The Adventures of Pinocchio? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Rudyard) Kipling (Louisa May) Alcott (Mark) Twain (also accept Samuel L. Clemens) (Carlo) Collodi (KAHR loe kuh LOAD ee) TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. “Ride a cock horse” and “Little Nanny Etticoat” originally appeared in a collection of verse attributed to whom? A. Mother Goose 2. Q. What is the capital of Montana? A. Helena Page 52 of 186 Game 12 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Toward the end of World War II, where did the “Big Three” meet to discuss how to end the war in Japan and Germany? A. Yalta Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Name the “Big Three.” A. F.D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin 2. Tossup (10) Q. What are the two, bean-shaped organs in your body which filter blood and collect wastes from cells? A. kidneys Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the muscular organ below your kidneys that holds liquid wastes until they leave your body? 2. What is the exit tube carrying the liquid wastes from your body? A. 1. bladder 2. urethra (not ureter) 3. Tossup (10) Q. Fidel Castro is the leader of which country? A. Cuba Bonus (20) Q. From which country is each of the following world leaders? 1. Paul Martin 2. Pervez Musharraf (per VASE moo SHURR RUFF) 3. Vladimir Putin (VLAD uh meer POO teen) 4. Tony Blair A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Canada Pakistan Russia Great Britain Page 53 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What property of the real numbers is illustrated by the following: twelve plus seven equals seven plus twelve? A. commutative property of addition Bonus (20) Q. Tell whether each of the following is always true, never true, or sometimes true, sometimes false, if x and y are integers and x is not equal to y. 1. quantity x plus y is divisible by x. 2. x times y is divisible by x. 3. quantity x plus y is divisible by quantity negative x minus y. 4. quantity x minus y is divisible by y A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) sometimes true, sometimes false always true always true sometimes true, sometimes false Q. How many officials are hired to referee a college basketball game? A. 3 Bonus (20) Q. 1. How many teams are invited to participate in the NCAA men’s basketball National Championship Tournament? 2. How many minutes are played in a regulation college basketball contest? 3. The home team should always wear what color jersey in college basketball? 4. How many personal fouls must a player commit to foul out of a college basketball game? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 65 (not 64) 40 white 5 CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Who gave his “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963? A. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bonus (20) Q. Who became the first black (African American) … 1. player in a major professional sport when he was signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers? 2. to sing at the Metropolitan Opera? A. 1. Jackie Robinson 2. Marian Anderson Page 54 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. In the novel entitled The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (FRANK wile ur) two children, a girl and her younger brother, run away from home. To what famous art institution do the children escape? A. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the girl’s name? 2. What is her brother’s name? 3. Why does the girl decide to run away? 4. What is the name of the author of this book? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Claudia Kincaid Jamie Kincaid she finds herself bored with suburban life (or words to that effect) (E. L.) Konigsburg Q. What is the function (for example, subject of the sentence or direct object) of the word “escalator” in the following sentence: My grandmother and I went up the escalator. A. object of a preposition Bonus (20) Q. Identify the four words in the following sentence that function as adjectives: Traveling to my ancestral home, I drove along a farm road with a dear friend in the car with me. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Traveling ancestral farm dear Q. How many zeros are there in the product of 500 and 2,000? A. 6 Bonus (20) Q. A lemon and an orange cost 31 cents. An orange and a grapefruit cost 42 cents. A grapefruit and a lemon cost 35 cents. How much does a lemon, an orange, and a grapefruit cost? A. 54 cents Page 55 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is a wondrous sight. Was it formed by wind erosion, water erosion, or has it been there since the beginning of time? A. water erosion Bonus (20) Q. 1. Is the average depth of the Grand Canyon about 1000, 3000, 5000, or 10,000 feet? 2. Is its average width about 1 mile, 3 miles, 5 miles, or 10 miles? A. 1. 5000 ft 2. 10 mi TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Words like “splash,” “hiss,” and “buzz” are examples of what literary device? A. onomatopoeia (AHN uh MAHT uh PEE uh) 2. Q. What is the largest two-digit prime number? A. 97 Page 56 of 186 Game 13 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Sherrie is five feet seven inches tall. How many inches tall is she? A. 67 Bonus (20) Q. 1. A cake recipe calls for one and three-fourths cups of sugar. How much sugar would you use to make three cakes? 2. What number increased by one and three-fifths is four and twothirds? A. 1. five and one-fourth cups 2. three and one-fifteenth 2. Tossup (10) Q. Henry Stanley was hired to find what man in Africa in the 1860’s? A. (David) Livingstone Bonus (20) Q. 1. Who, in 1927, accomplished the first recorded nonstop transatlantic flight when he flew from New York to Paris? 2. Who was instrumental in the founding of Tuskegee (tuss KEEG ee) Institute? A. 1. (Charles) Lindbergh 2. Booker T. Washington 3. Tossup (10) Q. Which type of chemical feels slippery and tastes bitter? Its pH would measure in the upper half of the pH scale. A. base Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the pH of pure water? 2. What is the pH range for acids? A. 1. 7.0 (simply ‘seven’ is acceptable) 2. 0.0 to 7.0 (or from zero to seven, or less than 7) Page 57 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is the term for a piece of music written, originally, to accompany an often spectacular, sometimes lengthy, dance performed by highly skilled dancers? Excerpts from such works are frequently popular concert pieces. A. a ballet Bonus (20) Q. 1. Name the composer of three great and frequently performed ballets entitled Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker. 2. Name the composer of the famous ballet entitled The Rite of Spring. Its dissonant music was so “modern” that it caused a near-riot in the theater at its premier in 1913. A. 1. (Peter I.) Tchaikovsky (chy KAHF skee) 2. (Igor) Stravinsky (struh VINN skee) 5. Tossup (10) Q. Modern calculators will convert decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals. What will be the result if 0.42 is converted to a fraction on a calculator like the TI-73? A. 21/50 (twenty one-fiftieths) Bonus (20) Q. What will be the result if … 1. …2.55 is converted to fractional form? 2. … 0.16 is converted to fractional form? A. 1. 2 -11/20 (two and eleven twentieths) 2. 4/25 (four twenty-fifths) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the nature of the structural error in this sentence: No matter how much time Carter spent on repairing his motorcycle and making sure that all of his equipment was in perfect condition. A. sentence fragment Bonus (20) Q. Identify the part of speech of the indicated word in each of these sentences: 1. (meeting) Either the full committee or its chairman is sure to be at the meeting of the district commission. 2. (Perched) Perched on the wall in front of the library, Olivia and her brother greeted all passersby. 3. (last) At last, every piece of the jigsaw puzzle was in place. 4. (those) Jana is one of those women who feel confident in their skills. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. noun adjective noun adjective Page 58 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the quotient when twenty-four x raised to the sixth power is divided by twelve x raised to the third power? A. two x raised to the third power (also accept two x cubed) Bonus (20) Q. What is x raised to the power of x, if x is … 1. three 2. four 3. negative two 4. one-half A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) 27 256 one-fourth the square root of one-half (or one divided by the square root of two or the square root of two divided by two) Q. What is the name of the mythological Greek hero who stole fire from the gods and gave it to human beings? A. Prometheus (pro MEETH ee us) Bonus (20) Q. Identify these other Greek mythological figures: 1. the one who slew the Gorgon named Medusa (meh DOO suh) and rescued the girl named Andromeda 2. the one who, as an infant, strangled two snakes who entered his crib 3. the one who slew the Minotaur (MEN uh tahr) in the Labyrinth (LAB ih rinth) 4. the one who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Perseus (PER see us) Hercules Theseus (either THE see us or THE soos) Narcissus (nahr SISS us) Q. What is the official state reptile of Georgia? A. gopher tortoise Bonus (20) Q. What is Georgia’s official state . . . 1. insect? 2. fish? 3. bird? 4. game bird? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. honey bee largemouth bass brown thrasher bobwhite quail (accept either bobwhite or quail) Page 59 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the working unit of the nervous system, the nerve cell? A. neuron Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which part of the neuron receives messages and forwards them to the cell body? 2. Which part of the neuron carries messages away from the cell body? A. 1. dendrite 2. axon TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the name of the woman whose beauty is reputed to have been the cause of the Trojan War? A. Helen 2. Q. Which Greek, who lived around 300 B.C., organized and recorded most of the plane geometry that we study today? A. Euclid Page 60 of 186 Game 14 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. What punctuation mark normally follows a sentence like this one: Don’t you have a beagle as I do? A. question mark Bonus (20) Q. 1. What punctuation mark can be used to separate (or join) two independent clauses in a compound sentence? 2. What punctuation mark is used to separate the items in a series? 3. What punctuation mark is formed by a vertical line above a dot? 4. What punctuation mark normally follows a declarative sentence? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) semicolon comma exclamation mark period Q. What is the capital of the country on the Iberian Peninsula that borders only one country? A. Lisbon (Portugal) Bonus (20) Q. Using east, west, north, and south, in which basic direction would you go if you go the shortest route from 1. Poland to Chad? 2. Chile to Colombia 3. Angola to Brazil 4. Iraq to Afghanistan A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) south north west east Q. Living things have been classified into seven categories from kingdom to species. Who is credited with developing this classification system in the late eighteenth century? A. (Carolus) Linnaeus (lin NAY us) Bonus (20) Q. Linnaeus proposed a two-word naming scheme for naming all organisms. Which 2 categories are used in this scheme to identify a specific organism? A. genus and species Page 61 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is the sum of the numerator and denominator when twenty-four thirty-sixths is written as a fraction in lowest terms? A. 5 Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Arrange the following in increasing order if x equals negative one-third: negative x, x, x squared, x cubed. A. x, x cubed, x squared, negative x 5. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote the famous children’s story entitled The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? A. (L. Frank) Baum (BAHM) Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of these classic children’s books: 1. Heidi 2. The Swiss Family Robinson 3. The Jungle Book 4. Peter Pan A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Johanna) Spyri (SPEAR eye) (J. D.) Wyss (VEESE) (Rudyard) Kipling (J. M.) Barrie CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is an infection caused by a type of bacterium called a spirochete (pronounced spy-ro-keet) that is carried by deer ticks. An infected tick can transmit the spirochete to the humans and animals it bites. Untreated, the bacterium travels through the bloodstream, establishes itself in various body tissues, and can cause a number of symptoms, some of which are severe. A. Lyme disease Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which type of drug will be effective in the treatment of Lyme disease if used soon after its contraction? 2. Does the spot of the infected tick bite look more like a red bull’s eye, a yellowish oval-shaped rash, or a purplish bruise? A. 1. antibiotics 2. red bull’s eye Page 62 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call one-celled protists that can be found in numbers of up to 300,000 in one gram of soil? Their name means “first animals.” A. protozoa Bonus (20) Q. 1. What do we call a form of asexual reproduction in which an outgrowth of the parent separates to form a new individual? This is a method of reproduction of yeasts. 2. What is the gas emitted from yeast that causes bread to rise in the baking process? A. 1. budding 2. carbon dioxide 8. Tossup (10) Q. Which event of international importance began August 13, 2004, and ended August 29, 2004? A. Olympics (or Summer Olympic Games) Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the 2004 summer Olympic games. 1. Who won the men’s all-around gymnastics gold medal because of a judging error? 2. From what country was the competitor who won the bronze medal because of the judging error? A. 1. Paul Hamm (HAM) 2. South Korea 9. Tossup (10) Q. On July 22, 1587, the English established a colony in what is now North Carolina. Where was this colony established? A. Roanoke Island Bonus (20) Q. 1. By what name is this colony called today? 2. Who was Governor of the colony? A. 1. Lost Colony 2. John White Page 63 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. If you divide Ashley’s age by four and then add two, you get ten. What is Ashley’s age? A. 32 Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Grapes cost $1.30 per pound. If you purchase 2.6 pounds of grapes, pay with a $5 bill and receive 1 bill and four coins in change, what must the four coins be? A. 1 half dollar 1 dime 2 pennies TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What biblical character struck his staff against a rock in order to obtain water? A. Moses 2. Q. What governmental agency is in charge of space exploration? A. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration} Page 64 of 186 Game 15 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Identify the 19th-century French painter who is especially noted for his paintings of ballet dancers and race horses? A. (Edgar) Degas (DAY GAH) Bonus (20) Q. 1. Identify the artist who painted the work entitled “Starry Night.” 2. Identify the 20th-century Spanish-French artist who is famous for having experienced a “Blue Period.” 3. Identify the 19th-century French painter who abandoned his family and moved to the South Pacific island of Tahiti. 4. Identify the 19th-century French artist who is well known for his pastel paintings on brown paper of dancers and other entertainers in the cabarets of Paris. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) (Vincent) Van Gogh (Pablo) Picasso (Paul) Gauguin (GO GANN) (Henri de) Toulouse-Lautrec (AHN REE day too LOOSE-luh TRECK) Q. What area of Georgia is known as the “land of the trembling earth?” A. Okefenokee Swamp Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following lakes lies in Georgia and which other state? 1. Walter F. George 2. Seminole 3. West Point 4. Strom Thurmond A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) Alabama Florida Alabama South Carolina Q. What is the sum of quantity negative x plus eleven and quantity three x minus six? A. two x plus five (or five plus two x) Bonus (20) Q. What is the larger of two numbers whose sum is negative eleven and whose product is twenty-eight? A. negative four Page 65 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is the measure of how hard it is to stop a moving object? It involves both the object’s mass and its velocity? A. momentum Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the momentum of a 15 kg bicycle traveling in a straight path at 3 meters/second? Answer in kilograms meters per second. 2. Large, massive objects are difficult to move and once these objects are set in motion it is hard to change their speed or direction. What is this stubborn tendency of objects to resist changes in their motion called? A. 1. 45 2. inertia 5. Tossup (10) Q. Who is the reputed author of short moral tales with titles such as “The Crow and the Pitcher,” “The Frog and the Ox,” and “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”? A. Aesop Bonus (20) Q. Identify the fairy tale indicated by each of these hypothetical supermarket tabloid headlines: 1. “Kids Incinerate Eccentric Dame” 2. “Meddlesome Girl Invades Home of Parents and Child” 3. “Shoe Fits; Gorgeous Beauty Wears It” 4. “Nubile Girl Keeps House for Gang of Deformed Miners” A. 1. 2. 3. 4. “Hansel and Gretel” “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” “Cinderella” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the least common denominator of one-half, one-third, and onefourth? A. 12 Bonus (20) Q. Express each of the following as a fraction in lowest terms. 1. What is the product of twenty-one sixteenths and twentyfour fourteenths? 2. What is the quotient when four-fifths is divided by sixteen twentyfifths? A. 1. nine-fourths (also accept two and one-fourth) 2. five-fourths Page 66 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the salty sea between Jordan and Israel? A. Dead Sea Bonus (20) Q. On which continent is each of the following rivers? 1. Tigris (TYE griss) River 2. Danube (DAN YOOB)River 3. Columbia River 4. Brahmaputra (BRAH muh POO truh) River A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Asia Europe North America Asia Q. What do we call an alga that lives together with a fungus as one plant? A. lichen (LIE-kin) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the term for the close association of two different species living together for mutual benefit? 2. What is the term for two organisms living together and causing harm to one? A. 1. symbiosis (simm by OH siss) (accept mutualism) 2. parasitism (parasitic) 9. Tossup (10) Q. John Kerry served as a U.S. Senator from which state? A. Massachusetts Bonus (20) Q. From which state is each of the following Senators? 1. Hillary Clinton 2. Saxby Chambliss 3. Elizabeth Dole 4. Edward Kennedy A. 1. 2. 3. 4. New York Georgia North Carolina Massachusetts Page 67 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. We often hear the phrase bon appétit (bone APP uh TEET), meaning “Eat well!” or “Enjoy your meal!” From what language does this phrase come? A. French Bonus (20) Q. Identify the four words in the following sentence that function as adjectives: Emerging from the inferno with the child, the courageous fireman brought the cheering onlookers to the very zenith of excitement. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Emerging courageous cheering very TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Who wrote the famous novel about a horse named Black Beauty? A. (Anna) Sewell 2. Q. What is the reciprocal of the multiplicative inverse of 4? A. 4 Page 68 of 186 Tie Breaker 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. Tariffs are taxes on what kind of goods? A. imported items Bonus (20) Q. 1. A river or lake that is wide and deep enough to be traveled by boats is said to be what word which begins with an N? 2. When land is not cultivated or planted for a season or more it is said to be what word which begins with the letter F? A. 1. navigable 2. fallow 2. Tossup (10) Q. When x is divided by 3, the quotient is 23 and the remainder is 2. What is x? A. 71 Bonus (20) Q. Tell whether each of the following is always true, never true, or sometimes true, sometimes false. 1. The sum of two prime numbers is a composite number. 2. The sum of a prime number and a composite number is a prime number. A. 1. sometimes true, sometimes false 2. sometimes true, sometimes false 3. Tossup (10) Q. As tectonic forces cause rock beneath the earth’s surface to move, it will bend, compress, or stretch. If these forces are great enough the rocks will break and pass vibrations through the earth’s crust. Some of these vibrations are mild while others can cause catastrophic damage. What are these vibrations called? Answer with a term beginning with the letter E. A. earthquakes Bonus (20) Q. 1. What are the lines in the earth’s crust where rocks break and move in different directions? Earthquakes are frequent along these lines. 2. What is the point on the earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus? A. 1. faults 2. epicenter Page 69 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. If someone tells you that you have halitosis, they are not paying you a compliment. Perhaps you need to clean your mouth and teeth. What are they saying? A. that you have bad breath Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is common name for tinea pedis (tin EE uh PEDD iss)? It is a contagious fungal infection experienced by many involved in sports. 2. What is a small, benign, rough lump that usually grows on the hands or feet and is caused by a virus? A. 1. athlete’s foot 2. wart 5. Tossup (10) Q. One of the truly classic novels for young people is Mary Poppins, which was published in 1934. Who wrote Mary Poppins? A. (P. L.) Travers Bonus (20) Q. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Mary Poppins’s profession? What is the last name of the family for whom she works? This family lives at Number 17 on what street? Mary Poppins’s famous umbrella has what figure carved at the end of its handle? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. nanny Banks Cherry Tree Lane the head of a parrot CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Pedro Alvares Cabral (PAID ro AL vuh rezz kah BRAHL) claimed what South American country for Portugal? A. Brazil Bonus (20) Q. From what country was each of the following? 1. Mahatma Gandhi (muh HAT muh GAHN dee) 2. Confucius A. 1. India 2. China Page 70 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. After writing a check for $37, your bank balance was $285. What was your balance before you wrote the check? A. $322 Bonus (20) Q. Round eight, three, seven, point, four, nine, two, six to the nearest … 1. hundredth. 2. ten. 3. hundred. 4. tenth. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) 837.49 840 800 837.5 Q. Spell correctly the third and the next to last words in the following sentence: From the plane we could see the great expanse of the plain below. A. p l a n e and p l a i n (Both answers are required in order.) Bonus (20) Q. Spell each of the following words: 1. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled collar 2. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled sealing 3. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled tense 4. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled crewel A. 1. 2. 3. 4. choler ceiling tents cruel Page 71 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. Which university’s athletic teams are known as the Hoyas? A. Georgetown Bonus (20) Q. What is the nickname of each of the following universities? 1. Florida State 2. Oklahoma 3. Arizona State 4. Penn State A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) Seminoles Sooners Sun Devils Nittany Lions Q. What is a block of glass with a triangular cross-section that will separate white light into a full spectrum of colors? A. prism Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which color in the spectrum has the longest wavelength? 2. Which color is in the middle of the spectrum? A. 1. red 2. green TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the term for a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses? A. compound sentence 2. Q. Who was the second President of the United States? A. (John) Adams Page 72 of 186 Tie Breaker 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. What is the type of system that allows us to lift heavy objects using Pascal’s principle? It is used in lifting a human in a dentist’s chair or an automobile to have its oil changed. It involves two pistons and a connecting tube. A. hydraulic Bonus (20) Q. In a hydraulic system if the smaller piston has a one square foot area and the larger piston has a 9 square foot area, how much force should be applied to the smaller piston to lift … 1. … a 270 pound person? 2. … a 4500 pound automobile? A. 1. 30 lbs 2. 500 lbs 2. Tossup (10) Q. How many states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America? A. 11 Bonus (20) Q. In which state did these Civil War battles occur? 1. Bull Run 2. Antietam (ann TEET um) 3. Shiloh (SHY lo) 4. Pea Ridge A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) Virginia Maryland Tennessee Arkansas Q. 5.7 kilometers is how many meters? A. 5,700 Bonus (20) Q. 1. 5,000 millimeters is how many meters? 2. 6.2 meters is how many centimeters? A. 1. 5 2. 620 Page 73 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the error in the following sentence: Everyone in the room left their belongings behind during the fire drill. A. “their” should be “his or her”—to agree with the singular antecedent “everyone” Bonus (20) Q. Identify the function (such as predicate noun, object of a verb, etc.) of the word telescope in each of these sentences: 1. I could clearly see both Mars and Venus through my telescope. 2. In astronomy, which is my hobby, a telescope is essential. A. 1. object of a preposition 2. subject of the sentence (or subject of the verb) 5. Tossup (10) Q. The TI-73 calculator will compute the reciprocal of a number if the “x raised to the negative first power” button is used. What will be returned by the calculator after entering 0.25 then “x raised to the negative first power”? A. 4 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What will be returned in decimal mode by the calculator after entering 1.25 then “x raised to the negative first power”? 2. What will be returned in decimal mode by the calculator after entering 3 then “x raised to the negative first power”? A. 1. .8 (or 0.8) 2. .3333333333 (Accept “a decimal point followed by a string of threes” they don’t need to say how many threes. Some calculators show 8 threes, most show 10 threes; theoretically there are infinitely many threes after the decimal point. ) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the Arabic word for God? A. Allah Bonus (20) Q. 1. What religion did Muhammad found? 2. What is the Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Medina called? A. 1. Islam 2. Hegira (huh JYRE uh) Page 74 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. From midnight Dec. 31, 2004 until midnight Dec. 31, 2005 is slightly more than 365 days in duration. Is this extra amount of time closer to 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4 of a day? A. 1/4 of a day (about 5 hrs and 49 min) Bonus (20) Q. So a year is really 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and not exactly 365-1/4 days. 1. What frequent calendar adjustment corrects for the 5-hour, 49minute overage? 2. What less frequent calendar adjustment corrects for the slight error created in the first adjustment? A. 1. a day is added to most years which are divisible by 4 (we observe leap years or Feb 29th is added every 4 years or words to this effect) 2. only century years divisible by 400 are leap years (years like 1900, 2100, 2200, etc. are not leap years. 8. Tossup (10) Q. Name either of the two universities that became active members of the Atlantic Coast Conference this year? A. Virginia Tech and Miami (FL) Bonus (20) Q. In which athletic conference is each of the following universities? 1. Duke 2. Syracuse 3. Penn State 4. Kansas A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Atlantic Coast (ACC) Big East Big 10 Big 12 Q. If the sum of the two acute angles of a parallelogram is 50, what is the degree measure of either of the obtuse angles? A. 155 Bonus (20) Q. Which polygon … 1. has four sides with exactly two sides parallel? 2. has four equal sides, 2 obtuse angles, and 2 acute angles? A. 1. trapezoid 2. rhombus Page 75 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the term for language containing images that are not to be understood literally? A. figurative language (accept figures of speech) Bonus (20) Q. Give the term for these kinds of figurative language: 1. figurative language that uses exaggeration for effect 2. figurative language that uses an implied comparison between two distinctly different things; one term is defined in relationship to another term 3. figurative language that joins two words with contradictory meaning 4. figurative language that compares two distinctly different things using the words as or like A. 1. 2. 3. 4. hyperbole (high PIRR buh lee) metaphor oxymoron (OX see MORE ahn) simile (SIMM ih lee) TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which is the largest of the Great Lakes? A. Superior 2. Q. In which city is the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library? A. Atlanta (Georgia) Page 76 of 186 Tie Breaker 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 Regionals Q. What is three and three-fourths when expressed as an improper fraction? A. fifteen-fourths Bonus (20) Q. Steve bought 5 lbs. of potatoes for $2.24 and a 12 lb. watermelon. He spent a total of $5.60. How much per pound did the watermelon cost? A. 28 cents 2. Tossup (10) Q. In which of the following would you more likely find a polder: Netherlands, Nigeria, Chile, or Japan? A. Netherlands Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is most closely associated with which country? 1. Boers (BORES) 2. autobahn 3. Maori (rhymes with flowery) 4. aborigine (ABB uh RIDGE ih nee) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) South Africa Germany New Zealand Australia Q. Which was the first country to place an artificial satellite into orbit about the earth? A. the former Soviet Union (accept USSR or Russia) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What was this satellite’s name? 2. What is the name of the mission that landed on the surface of the moon and brought back to Earth over 2000 samples of moon rock for study? A. 1. Sputnik I (accept Sputnik) 2. Apollo 11 (accept Apollo) Page 77 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Dusty Baker is the manager of which professional baseball team? A. Cubs (Chicago) Bonus (20) Q. With which sport is each of the following most closely associated? 1. Karen Stupples 2. Mario Lemieux (leh MYOO) 3. Jason Giambi (jee AHM bee) 4. Emeka Okafor (ih MEEK uh AHK uh for) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) golf hockey baseball basketball Q. What word beginning with the letter C refers to the association called up by a word, beyond its dictionary definition? A. connotation Bonus (20) Q. What words or phrases beginning with the letter D are indicated by the following: 1. a modifier that does not sensibly modify anything in its sentence 2. the main or dictionary definition of a word 3. a variety of language used by a specific group or in a specific region 4. a nonstandard form consisting of two negative words used in the same construction so that they effectively cancel each other A. 1. 2. 3. 4. dangling modifier denotation dialect double negative CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 78 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. I was born in Salzburg, Austria, the son of an esteemed composerviolinist. I began my career as the most extraordinarily gifted child in the history of art. I began composing music when I was five, and I performed at the Imperial court when I was six. By the time I was thirteen I had composed sonatas, concertos (kun CHAIR toes), symphonies, religious works, and an opera. Among my works are five violin concertos, twenty-seven piano concertos, and the opera The Magic Flute. Who am I? A. (Wolfgang Amadeus) Mozart (MOATS art) Bonus (20) Q. 1. A stage play about Mozart’s life, later made into a critically acclaimed film, dramatized an old rumor that Mozart had been murdered by a jealous, rival composer. What is the title shared by this play and film? 2. What is the name of the composer who, presumably, was so jealous of Mozart’s genius that he poisoned him? A. 1. Amadeus (AM uh DAY us) 2. (Antonio) Salieri (SAL ee AIR ee) 7. Tossup (10) Q. Name the woman in the Old Testament who became the mother of King Solomon. A. Bathsheba (bath SHE buh) Bonus (20) Q Identify these other biblical women: 1. the one in Genesis who accused Joseph of sexually assaulting her 2. the wife of King Ahab and an adversary of Elijah 3. the mother of John the Baptist 4. Abraham’s wife A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Potiphar’s (POT ih furz) wife Jezebel Elizabeth Sarah Page 79 of 186 8. Tossup (10) Q. If x is divisible by two and y is divisible by six, the sum of x and y must be divisible by what prime number? A. 2 Bonus (20) Q. How many distinct prime factors does each of the following have? 1. 225 2. 128 3. 147 4. 210 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) 2 1 2 4 Q. The Oconee, Ocmulgee, Yamacraw (YAM uh kraw), and Apalachee (APP uh latch ee) were tribes that were part of what Indian confederacy or nation? A. Creek (or Muscogee) Bonus (20) Q. Kolomoki (KO lo MO kee), Etowah (ETT uh wah), Rock Eagle, and Ocmulgee are important Indian sites in Georgia. Which one is located close to … 1. Eatonton? 2. Blakely? 3. Macon? 4. Cartersville? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rock Eagle Kolomoki Ocmulgee Etowah Page 80 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the broad, somewhat flat valley floor carved by a stream or river that is covered by water whenever the stream or river overflows? A. floodplain Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is a curve in a stream or river that was formed over years of friction from fast-moving currents? 2. What do we call a layer of permeable rock, sand, or gravel that transmits water freely and stores enough water to supply wells and springs? A. 1. meander 2. aquifer TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the sum of five raised to the power of zero plus zero raised to the power of five? A. 1 2. Q. What is the capital of South Korea? A. Seoul Page 81 of 186 Page 82 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades Semi-finals Questions Page 83 of 186 Page 84 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Semi-finals – Pronunciation Guide Game # 1 Ques.# 2-B 8-B 9-T 9-B 2 4-T 4-B 9-B 10-B 3 4-T 5-T 7-T 7-B 9-B 4 1-B 10-T 10-B Pronunciation Kobe (KO bee) Vesuvius (vuh SOO vee us) Kosciusko (KAHSS ee US ko) Avi (AH vee) NIMH (NIMM) Antoine de Saint-Exupery (ANN twann day saw(n) teg zoo pay REE) Ariel Sharon (are ee ELL shuh ROAN) Gerhard Schroeder (GAIR hart SHRUR durr) Saud al-Faisal (sah OOD al FYE sahl) Hosni Mubarak (HAHZ nee moo BAHR ick) tsetse (SEET see) Belize (bay LEEZ) cartographer (kar TAHG ruh fur) atherosclerosis (ATH ur oh skluh RO siss) Polynesia (PAHL ih NEEZ yuh) Hokkaido (ho KYE doe) Luzon (LOO ZAHN) Belarus (BELL uh russ) Serengeti (SAIR en GET ee) Deccan (DECK un) Adelaide (ADD uh laid) Caracas (kuh ROCK us) Amman (ah MAHN) Kampala (kahm PAHL uh) 5 1-T 3-T 6-B 8-T 10-B ribosome (RYE bo SOAM) palindrome (PAL in DROHM) staurolite (STAWR oh light) myocardial infarction (MY oh KAHR dee ul in FARK shun) Eeyore (EE YORE) Tigger (TIGG ur) Milne (MILN) 6 4-T 4-B protium (PRO dee um) deuterium (DYOO teer ee um) tritium (TRIDD ee um) Albus (AL buss) Mesopotamia (MESS oh puh TAME ee uh) mosques (MAHSKS) 5-B 6-T 6-B Page 85 of 186 Game # 7 Ques.# 1-B 6-T 6-B 8-B 10-B TB-2 Pronunciation Pyrenees (PEER ih neez) adrenal (ad DREEN ul) anaerobic (ANN ur ROBE ick) silhouette (SILL uh wet) angina (ann JYNE uh) phlebitis (fleh BITE iss) Pythagorean (pih THAGG ur EE un) 8 2-T 3-B 7-T 7-B Timbuktu (TIM buck TOO) bauxite (BAWK site) Pampas (PAHM puz) Rio do la Plata (REE oh day lah PLAH tuh) Malay (muh LAY [or MAY LAY]) Okeechobee (OH kee CHOBE ee) 9 3-B 5-T isotonic (EYE so TAHN ick) Jehan (JAY hahn) Taj Mahal (TODGE muh HALL) conquistador (kun KEESE tuh door) Czars (ZARZ) Al-Quaeda (AL KYE duh) Barroso (bahr OH so) sphagnum (SFAGG num) LeGuin (luh GWINN) 5-B 8-B 9-B 10-B 10 1-T 2-B 6-T 7-B 9-T TB-1 1-B 2-B 3-T 3-B 8-T 10-B Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (mus STAHF uh kih MAHL AT uh turk) caldera (kahl DARE uh) viscous (VISS kuss) opaque (oh PAYK) Montpelier (mahnt PEEL ee ur) non-collinear (NAHN ko LINN ee ur) commutative (KAHM you tay tiv) hajj (HAHDJ) Muammar Qahdafi (MOO uh mahr kuh DAHF ee) Barack Obama (buh ROCK oh BAHM uh) Jacques Chirac (ZHOCK shee ROCK) Hamid Karzai (hah MIDD KARZ EYE) epistolary (ee PISS tuh LAIR ee) hygienist (high JEEN ist) Page 86 of 186 Game # TB-2 Ques.# 3-T 4-T 5-T 7-B 9-T 9-B TB-1 TB-3 2-T 10-T TB-2 Pronunciation centrifuge (SEN trih fyooge) Brer (BRAIR) parabola (pur RABB oh luh) Asuncion (uh SOON see ohn [long o]) Kiev (KEY EVV) Kuala Lumpur (koo AHL uh lum POOR) inefficacy (in EFF ih kuh see) malfeasance (mal FEEZ unts) incredulity (IN cred YOO lih tee) Sonoran (suh NOR un) hydrochloric (HYDE ro KLOR ick) Muriatic (myoor ee AT ick) acronym (ACK ro nimm) Polyphemus (polly FEE muss) Page 87 of 186 Game 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. Jim’s average in geography is 90. If his scores on his first two tests are 80 and 90, what did he score on the third test? A. 100 Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about this data: 2, 2, 4, 6, 7, 15. 1. What is its mean? 2. What is its range? 3. What is its mode? 4. What is its median? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) 6 13 2 5 Q. Christchurch is a major city of which country? A. New Zealand Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is a major city in which country? 1. Johannesburg 2. Kobe (KO bee) 3. Hamburg 4. Jidda A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) South Africa Japan Germany Saudi Arabia Q. There are 109 in all and 90 occur in nature. They are the building blocks for all matter. Silicon, iron, and oxygen are examples. To what am I referring? A. elements Bonus (20) Q. What are the 4 states of matter? A. solid, liquid, gas, plasma Page 88 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What part of speech is the word during in this sentence: I lost my sweater during the trip to the natural history museum. A. preposition Bonus (20) Q. Identify the parts of speech represented by the word “stop” in each of the following sentences: 1. A period is sometimes called a full stop. 2. You simply must stop calling me “Bootsie.” 3. Stop! I have a stone in my shoe! 4. Go down to the stop sign at the end of this street. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) noun verb interjection adjective Q. What is missing or greatly lacking in your diet if you suffer from scurvy? A. vitamin C (foods containing vitamin C) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is missing in your body if skin cuts fail to clot readily? 2. Which vitamin can be absorbed by exposing your skin to sunlight? A. 1. vitamin K 2. vitamin D CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What do computer people call the process of starting up a computer by loading the operating system into memory? It makes one think of kicking the computer. A. booting (accept boot or bootstrapping) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name for information that a Web site sends to your computer's hard drive so that it can remember something about you at a later time? It sounds like a snack food. 2. What is a program that can be included with email or software that can destroy valuable information on your computer and make it malfunction? It sounds like a human illness. A. 1. cookie 2. virus (NOT bug or worm) Page 89 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Let y equal five x. If x is divisible by three, y must be divisible by what composite number? A. 15 Bonus (20) Q. 1. Ashley and Bernard spent a total of eight hours and 20 minutes working on the project for their history class. If Ashley spent four hours and 50 minutes working on the project, how long did Bernard spend? 2. Stephanie scored 24 points in the first quarter of the first basketball game this year. In the remaining quarters, she scored half as many points as in the preceding quarter. How many points did she score in the fourth quarter? A. 1. 3 hours 30 minutes (three and one-half hours) 2. 3 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the highest mountain peak in the world? A. Mount Everest Bonus (20) Q. In which country is each of these mountain peaks? 1. Mount Vesuvius (vuh SOO vee us) 2. Mount Kosciusko (KAHSS ee US ko) 3. Mount McKinley 4. Mount Fuji A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Italy Australia United States of America Japan Q. Who wrote books entitled Crispin and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle? A. Avi (AH vee) (the only name he goes by) Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of these books: 1. The Witch of Blackbird Pond 2. The Cricket in Times Square 3. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (NIMM) 4. The Little Prince A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Elizabeth George) Speare (George) Selden (Robert C.) O’Brien (Antoine de) Saint-Exupéry (ANN twann day saw(n) teg zoo pay REE) Page 90 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. Which part of your eye is the tissue in the back that is sensitive to light energy? A. retina Bonus (20) Q. Which eye part … 1. … responds specifically to bright light and color? 2. … responds specifically to dim light? 3. … is the convex membrane at the front of the eye which is the first to bend light rays? 4. … is the colored part surrounding the pupil that regulates light entering the eye? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. cones rods cornea iris TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Name the inventor of the telephone and the electrical expert who assisted him with his invention? A. (Alexander Graham) Bell (inventor) AND (Thomas A.) Watson (assistant) 2. Q. For what value of x does two x plus three equal negative x? A. negative one Page 91 of 186 Game 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. Who of national importance was assassinated November 22, 1963? A. (John F.) Kennedy Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the assassination. 1. In which city did it occur? 2. Who became President when Kennedy died? A. 1. Dallas (Texas) 2. (Lyndon B.) Johnson 2. Tossup (10) Q. What is the karat rating for pure gold? A. 24 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the physical characteristic of pure gold that makes it unacceptable for use in jewelry? 2. What is the chemical symbol for pure gold? A. 1. it is too soft and malleable and thus easily dented and deformed 2. Au 3. Tossup (10) Q. What is the numerical value of four factorial? A. 24 Bonus (20) Q. What is the remainder when … 1. 623 is divided by 114? 2. 341 is divided by 27? 3. 719 is divided by 245? 4. 828 is divided by 367? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 53 17 229 94 Page 92 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Ariel Sharon (are ee ELL shuh ROAN) is Prime Minister of which country? A. Israel Bonus (20) Q. From which country is each of the following world leaders? 1. Gerhard Schroeder (GAIR hart SHRUR durr) 2. Saud al-Faisel (sah OOD al FYE sahl) 3. Hosni Mubarak (HAHZ nee moo BAHR ick) 4. Dianne Feinstein A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Germany Saudi Arabia Egypt United States Q. In musical notation, what is the name of the elaborate sign that vaguely resembles the letter S and that indicates the relative pitch range of the notes that are on its staff? A. treble clef Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name of a black note that has a straight stem? 2. What is the name of an open, or white, note that has no stem? 3. What is the name of the musical ornament consisting of the rapid alternation of two tones that are a whole or half step apart? 4. What is the term for the band of gut or metal that is stretched across the lower skin of some drums and that produces a rattling sound when the drum is struck? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. quarter note whole note trill snare CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. (Note to reader: Read slowly.) What is twelve plus fifteen divided by three minus two times four? A. 9 Bonus (20) Q. The sum of two integers is negative six and their product is eight. What is the smallest of the integers? A. negative four Page 93 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the literary term for a long, narrative poem written in a dignified style on a majestic theme, relating the exploits of a national hero? A. epic Bonus (20) Q. What literary terms are defined by the following: 1. an object, person, or action which suggests something else, usually a feeling or abstract quality 2. a fixed or traditional conception of a person, group, or idea held by a number of people without allowing for individuality 3. an imaginative narrative such as a short story or novel 4. an expression, idea, or saying that loses its effectiveness through overuse; a trite remark A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) symbol stereotype fiction cliché Q. Spell correctly, in their proper sequence, the first and last words in the following sentence: Except for the last item, your suggestions are ones that I am willing to accept. A. e x c e p t and a c c e p t (Both answers are required.) Bonus (20) Q. Spell each of the following words: 1. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled straight 2. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled waste 3. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled false 4. the word that is pronounced the same as the word that is spelled assent A. 1. 2. 3. 4. strait waist faults ascent Page 94 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. Whose website can be found at www.cdc.gov? Be careful and include the recently expanded 6-word name. A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (accept Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the main vector for the spread of sleeping sickness? 2. What is the main vector for the spread of West Nile virus? A. 1. tsetse (SEET see) fly 2. mosquito 10. Tossup (10) Q. Is the number of countries that make up Central America 5, 7, or 9? A. 7 Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about Central America. 1. Which country borders South America? 2. How many Central American countries border Mexico? 3. Which country borders both Honduras and Costa Rica? 4. Which country borders both Belize (bay LEEZ) and El Salvador? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Panama 2 Nicaragua Guatemala TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which state has the largest area? A. Alaska 2. Q. If y equals three x minus seven, what is x when y is negative one? A. two Page 95 of 186 Game 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What snowfall depth is the equivalent to a one-inch rainfall? Is it closer to 5 inches, 10 inches, or 15 inches? A. 10 inches Bonus (20) Q. 1. Is precipitation more likely to occur with barometric pressures closer to 29 inches, 30 inches or 31 inches of mercury? 2. Is heavier snowfall more likely at negative 40 degrees, negative 20 degrees, or 0 degrees Celsius? A. 1. 29 in 2. 0°C 2. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call a group of words in a parallel row—such as “stories, poems, and plays” in the sentence “My class is studying stories, poems, and plays”? A. a series Bonus (20) Q. Identify the part of speech of the indicated word in each of the following sentences: 1. (Last) Last July we toured the Black Hills region. 2. (along) Our daughter Victoria came along with us. 3. (Seeing) Seeing Mt. Rushmore was the highlight of our trip. 4. (ranch) South Dakota has vast expanses of ranch land. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) adjective adverb noun adjective Q. Oranges cost 85 cents per pound. How many pounds of oranges can you buy for $10.20? A. 12 Bonus (20) Q. 1. If the sides of a rectangle are doubled, by what factor is the area increased? 2. What is the radius of the base of a right circular cylinder if its height is 10 and its volume is 160 pi cubic units? A. 1. 4 2. 4 Page 96 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What does a cartographer (kar TAHG ruh fur) make? A. maps Bonus (20) Q. What geographical term beginning with the letter A is each of the following? 1. a large snowslide that occurs when too much snow builds up in steep mountain areas 2. a type of building material that is a sun-dried mixture of mud and straw 3. a layer of gravel, rock, or sand that can absorb or collect water 4. a book of maps A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) avalanche adobe aquifer atlas Q. What term, beginning with the letter A, refers to a condition in the body commonly called hardening of the arteries? A. atherosclerosis (ATH ur oh skluh RO siss) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the substance in the body that is believed to contribute to fatty deposits in the arteries? It is a steroid alcohol that is found in animal tissue, eggs, and fats, and we refer to it with a term that begins with the letter C? 2. What over-the-counter medicine is taken by mostly older adults to help thin the blood and reduce the chance of a heart attack? Its chemical formula is C-9 H-8 O-4. A. 1. cholesterol 2. aspirin CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 97 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. Many young people enjoy stories about dogs. Who wrote the book entitled Old Yeller? A. (Fred) Gipson Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote these other books about dogs: 1. The Call of the Wild 2. Sounder 3. The Incredible Journey 4. Where the Red Fern Grows A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Tossup (10) (Jack) London (William) Armstrong (Sheila) Burnford (Wilson) Rawls Q. Polynesia (PAHL ih NEEZ yuh) is found in which ocean? A. Pacific Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following islands is part of which country? 1. Sumatra 2. North 3. Hokkaido (ho KYE doe) 4. Luzon (LOO ZAHN) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Indonesia New Zealand Japan Philippines Q. What is the addictive stimulant found in tobacco smoke? A. nicotine Bonus (20) Q. There are several types of alcohol known to chemists. Which type is … 1. … found in beer, wine, and hard liquor? Its chemical symbol is C-2, H-5, OH. 2. … used as a solvent and in antifreeze solutions? It is poisonous and it is also called wood alcohol. Its chemical symbol is CH-5, OH. A. 1. ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) 2. methanol (or methyl alcohol) Page 98 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. What American tied a record by winning eight swimming medals in the 2004 Summer Olympics? A. (Michael) Phelps Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions concerning the 2004 Summer Olympics. 1. Yulia Nesterenko won the gold medal in the women’s 100 meters, breaking a 20-year American lock on the event. Was she from Germany, Belarus (BELL uh roos), Sweden, or Afghanistan? 2. Justin Gatlin won the gold medal in the men’s 100-meter. Was he from Jamaica, Great Britain, United States, or Australia? A. 1. Belarus (BELL uh roos) 2. United States 10. Tossup (10) Q. What does quantity two x plus six divided by two equal when expressed in lowest terms? A. x plus three (or three plus x) Bonus (20) Q. What is the sum of the two factors of x squared minus sixteen? A. two x TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the sum of six and the absolute value of negative six? A. 12 2. Q. When Alice makes her transition to Wonderland, what specific animal is she following? A. a white rabbit Page 99 of 186 Game 4 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. The Jutland Peninsula is on which continent? A. Europe Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is on which continent? 1. Serengeti (SAIR en GET ee) Plain 2. Balkan Peninsula 3. Deccan (DECK un) Plateau 4. Cape of Good Hope A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) Africa Europe Asia Africa Q. What do we call the green, light-trapping pigment in plants that is important in photosynthesis? A. chlorophyll Bonus (20) Q. What are the 4 inputs required in the photosynthesis process in plants? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) light energy (or sunlight) chlorophyll water (accept hydrogen) carbon dioxide Q. 25% of 444 is what number? A. 111 Bonus (20) Q. 1. 54 is what percent of 360? 2. 38% of what number is 171? A. 1. 15 2. 450 Page 100 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the force that eventually brings almost all moving objects to a stop? It is the resistance created by two objects in contact with each other. A. friction Bonus (20) Q. 1. Even if there were no air friction, a baseball thrown vertically upwards would still fall back to the earth. What force is at play here? 2. Which mode of transportation overcomes friction better and is thus the more economical method for moving heavy items? Is it railcars on steel tracks, barges on bodies of water, or trucks with rubber tires on interstate highways? A. 1. gravity 2. railcars on steel tracks 5. Tossup (10) Q. In painting and sculpture, what is the term—an adjective—that is used to describe representations of men and women on horseback? A. equestrian Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name of the American painter of the late 18th- and early 19th-centuries who is famous for his portraits and whose well-known image of George Washington appears on the one-dollar bill? 2. What is the name of the American painter of the early 19th-century whose famous paintings of native birds appeared in his book The Birds of America? A. 1. (Gilbert) Stuart 2. (John James) Audubon CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Which type of computer printer produces very clear, sharp images in much the same way that a photocopier does? It uses toner and can print a page at once. A. laser Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which type of printer shoots tiny pins against a ribbon to form characters and images? 2. Which type of printer shoots tiny droplets of ink onto the paper from a cartridge? A. 1. dot matrix 2. inkjet (or deskjet) Page 101 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. In what place is the last digit of point, one, two, three, four? A. ten-thousandths Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. Order these fractions from smallest to largest: foursevenths, seven-thirteenths, and six-elevenths. A. seven-thirteenths, six-elevenths, four-sevenths 8. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote Where the Wild Things Are? A. (Maurice) Sendak Bonus (20) Q. 1. 2. 3. 4. Who illustrated this book? What is the name of the hero? How does he find the land where the wild things live? When he returns from his adventure, what is waiting for him at home? A. 1. the author, Maurice Sendak 2. Max 3. He wills his bedroom to change into a forest, where the wild things live (or words to that effect). 4. his supper 9. Tossup (10) Q. A group of words that are grammatically related to each other but that do not have a subject and verb is called a what? A. phrase Bonus (20) Q. 1. A phrase containing a preposition and its object together with any modifiers is called a what? 2. A phrase containing a verb form ending in –ing that functions as a noun is called a what? A. 1. prepositional phrase 2. gerund phrase Page 102 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the capital of the country of which Adelaide (ADD uh laid) is a major city? A. Canberra Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of each of the following countries? 1. Venezuela 2. Jordan 3. Uganda 4. Cuba A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Caracas (kuh ROCK us) Amman (ah MAHN) Kampala (kahm PAHL uh) Havana TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which of the following integers is a multiple of three: 79, 111, 347? A. 111 2. Q. Name either of the states in which Lake Mead is located? A. California or Nevada Page 103 of 186 Game 5 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What is the biological term that refers to a cell organelle on which protein is made? A. ribosome (RYE bo SOAM) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the gel-like part of a cell that is a mixture of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts, water, and other chemicals that contain structures that carry out life processes? 2. Who is credited with the discovery of cells. He looked at thin slices of cork under a microscope in 1665, and noticed a structure similar to that of little empty boxes. A. 1. cytoplasm 2. (Robert) Hooke 2. Tossup (10) Q. Who won the 2004 Tour de France? A. (Lance) Armstrong Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the 2004 Tour de France. 1. Through how many countries did it pass? 2. Is the number of stages of the tour 8, 12, 21, or 30 3. What color jersey does a stage winner wear during the next stage? 4. What disease almost killed Lance Armstrong? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 21 yellow cancer (testicular) Page 104 of 186 3. Tossup (10) Q. The sentence “Madam, I’m Adam” is an example of which one of these: 1. rebus 2. acrostic 3. anagram 4. palindrome (PAL in DROHM) A. 4. palindrome (PAL in DROHM) Bonus (20) Q. Which one of these four words—rebus, acrostic, anagram, palindrome—is defined by each of the following: 1. a word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, as in “Mary” and “army” 2. a puzzle composed of words or syllables that appear in the form of pictures 3. a word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward 4. a poem in which the first letters of each line form a name or message when read in sequence A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Tossup (10) anagram rebus palindrome acrostic Q. What is the slope of the line passing through the points two, three, and four, eleven? A. four Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the line two y minus six x equals twelve. 1. What is its slope? 2. What is its x-intercept? 3. What is its y-intercept? 4. What is y when x equals two? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. three negative two (or negative two, zero) six (or zero, six) twelve Page 105 of 186 5. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following is not a polygon: pentagon, cube, trapezoid, or rectangle? A. cube Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon of side length 10? 2. What is the length of a side of a regular pentagon whose perimeter is 100? A. 1. 60 2. 20 CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the official state tree of Georgia? A. live oak Bonus (20) Q. What is Georgia’s official state … 1. … flower? 2. … motto? 3. … mineral? 4. … gem? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Tossup (10) Cherokee rose Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation staurolite (STAWR oh light) (or Fairy Crosses) quartz Q. When flying a commercial airline from Atlanta to Denver, would you more likely travel at an altitude of 4000, 40,000, or 400,000 feet above sea level? A. 40,000 feet Bonus (20) Q. 1. Your return trip from Denver to Atlanta usually requires less flying time. Is this due primarily because Denver is higher in altitude than Atlanta, the earth’s rotation, or that the jet stream blows from west to east? 2. During your flight the doors and windows are sealed. Is this to protect passengers from the warmer temperatures, the richer oxygen content of the air, or the lower atmospheric pressures? A. 1. the jet stream 2. the lower atmospheric pressures Page 106 of 186 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the more common term for the life-threatening condition known as a myocardial infarction (MY oh KAHR dee ul in FARK shun)? A. heart attack Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the common term for a sudden blockage of a blood vessel in the brain? 2. What do we call a visual record of the heart’s electrical activity? A. 1. stroke 2. electrocardiogram (accept EKG) 9. Tossup (10) Q. In which year was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? A. 1865 Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 1. In which theatre did it occur? 2. What play was he watching? 3. Who shot him? 4. Who succeeded him as President? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) Ford’s Our American Cousin John Wilkes Booth Andrew Johnson Q. What is the name of the little boy whose bear is Winnie-the-Pooh? A. Christopher Robin Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name of the forest Christopher Robin and his friends live in? 2. What is the name of the donkey? 3. What is the name of the tiger? 4. Who wrote the books about these characters? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. the Hundred Acre Wood Eeyore (EE YORE) Tigger (TIGG ur) (A. A.) Milne (MILN) Page 107 of 186 TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. If one-half of one-third of one-fourth of a number is 2, what is the number? A. 48 2. Q. Who discovered Florida in 1513 while looking for the Fountain of Youth? A. (Juan) Ponce de Leon Page 108 of 186 Game 6 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. In how many different ways can 4 people line up to buy tickets to a concert? A. 24 Bonus (20) Q. The probability that any event occurs must be … 1. … greater than or equal to what number? 2. … less than or equal to what number? A. 1. 0 2. 1 2. Tossup (10) Q. Which of the following is a bilingual country: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, or Canada? A. Canada Bonus (20) Q. 1. In which country is Ayers Rock? 2. In which country would you find the Gulf of California? A. 1. Australia 2. Mexico 3. Tossup (10) Q. What is the act of connecting with a computer system or Web site by entering your user number and password? A. logging on (or logging in) Bonus (20) Q. For what does the computer acronym … 1. … W-O-R-M stand? 2. … A-S-C-I-I stand? A. 1. Write Once Read Many 2. American Standard Code for Information Interchange Page 109 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. The most abundant isotope of hydrogen is protium (PRO dee um). How many neutrons are present in protium atoms? Is it zero, one, or two? A. zero Bonus (20) Q. What are the other two known isotopes of hydrogen? One has one neutron; the other has two. A. 1. deuterium (DYOO teer ee um) (one neutron) 2. tritium (TRIDD ee um) (two neutrons) 5. Tossup (10) Q. What is the full name of the school that Harry Potter attends? A. The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Bonus (20) Q. In the Harry Potter books, … 1. … who are Muggles? 2. … what game combines flying, goalkeeping, and broomsticks? 3. … what is the headmaster’s name? 4. … who are Hermione (her MINE ee) Granger and Ron Weasley? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. nonmagic people quidditch Albus (AL buss) Dumbledore two of Harry’s friends CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia (MESS oh puh TAME ee uh) was located in which of the following present-day countries: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, or Saudi Arabia? A. Iraq Bonus (20) Q. 1. What city was the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad? 2. Muslims worship in buildings called what? A. 1. Mecca (Saudi Arabia) 2. mosques (MAHSKS) Page 110 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the diameter of the largest circle that can be inscribed in a 10 by 20 rectangle? A. 10 (units) Bonus (20) Q. What is the area inside a square of side length 4 that is outside the largest circle that can be inscribed in the square? A. sixteen minus four pi (square units) 8. Tossup (10) Q. There are nine organ systems in the human body. Which one is composed of your heart and blood vessels? A. cardiovascular system (accept circulatory system) Bonus (20) Q. Which organ system… 1. … provides for body movement? 2. … provides framework and support? 3. … breaks down food into a usable form? 4. … regulates and controls life processes? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) muscular system skeletal system digestive system endocrine system Q. Our word verb comes from a Latin word meaning what? A. word Bonus (20) Q. One way of classifying sentences is according to their structure. Name the four basic sentence structures in English usage. A. {in any order} 1. simple 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound-complex Page 111 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. “Tyson Foods CFO retires” was a recent newspaper headline. For what does CFO stand? A. Chief Financial Officer Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following was a headline in the business section of a newspaper last summer. 1. “CEO says ruling likely to go against Southern.” For what does CEO stand? 2. “SEC eyes Interstate Bakeries.” For what does SEC stand? A. 1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Securities and Exchange Commission TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the product of 12 and 21? A. 252 2. Q. Who was the first American woman in space? A. (Sally) Ride Page 112 of 186 Game 7 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What is the narrow passageway that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea? A. Strait of Gibraltar Bonus (20) Q. 1. What mountains help to form the boundary between Europe and Asia? 2. What mountains lie along the border of France and Spain? A. 1. Ural Mountains 2. Pyrenees (PEER ih neez) 2. Tossup (10) Q. A whole number that is not divisible by 2 is called a what? A. odd (number) Bonus (20) Q. How many different prime factors does each of the following have? 1. 130 2. 231 3. 303 4. 512 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) 3 3 2 1 Q. Three tissues usually make up the vascular system in a seed plant. Which of these three transports dissolved sugar throughout the plant? A. phloem (FLOH em) Bonus (20) Q. Which of the three tissues … 1. … transports water and dissolved substances other than sugar throughout the plant? 2. … produces new cells of phloem and the answer to the first part of this Bonus question? A. 1. xylem (ZI lum) 2. cambium (KAM bee um) Page 113 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Spell the last word in the following sentence: One of America’s newest social and medical problems is obesity. A. o b e s i t y Bonus (20) Q. Spell the last word in each of the following sentences: 1. We all dressed up to attend the masquerade. 2. The solemn music lent the occasion a dignified grandeur. 3. The math teacher asked us to place a circle around the quotient. 4. The outfielder easily caught the ball since he had accurately calculated its trajectory. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) masquerade grandeur quotient trajectory Q. Many young people enjoy stories about horses and other animals. Who wrote the Black Stallion series of books? A. (Walter) Farley Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote these books about horses and other animals: 1. Smoky, the Cowhorse 2. My Friend Flicka 3. Rascal 4. The Yearling A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Will) James (Mary) O’Hara (Sterling) North (Marjorie Kinnan) Rawlings CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Which gland causes your liver to release sugar into your bloodstream providing your body with quick energy to help in stressful situations? Its name begins with the letter A. A. adrenal (ad DREEN ul) Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which type of exercise occurs faster than the body can replenish the oxygen consumed? It means ‘without air’. 2. Which type of exercise replenishes oxygen at the same rate as it is being used? A. 1. anaerobic (ANN ur ROBE ick) 2. aerobic Page 114 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the degree measure of an angle which is complementary to an angle which is supplementary to an angle whose degree measure is 110 degrees? A. 20 degrees Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the degree measure of any angle of a triangle whose sides are seven, seven, and seven? 2. What is the degree measure of the largest angle of a triangle whose sides are four, five, and three? A. 1. 60 2. 90 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the art term for the side view of an object? A. profile Bonus (20) Q. 1. In pictures constructed according to the principles of linear perspective, what is the term for the point or points of convergence for all lines forming an angle with the picture plane? 2. What is the term for a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object, uniformly filled in with black? 3. What is the term for the likeness of a person, especially of the face? 4. What is the term for a three-dimensional work of art which is a representation of a person or animal? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. vanishing point silhouette (SILL uh wet) portrait statue (not sculpture – sculpture can be of anything not just people or animals) Page 115 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. Who was King of England when Georgia was chartered? A. King George II Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the establishment of the colony of Georgia. 1. Who was the leader of the group of men who went to King George II with plans that promised a fresh start in the New World to “unfortunate but worthy individuals?” 2. How many trustees for the Georgia colony were there? 3. For how many years were the trustees responsible for managing the colony? 4. What Indian tribe lived in the area where the new colony was established? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) (James Edward) Oglethorpe 21 21 Yamacraw Q. What is the body’s disorder that is characterized by increased blood pressure caused by a narrowing of the arteries. Answer with a term that begins with the letter H. A. hypertension Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the medical condition characterized by a reduced amount of blood to the heart, resulting in severe chest pains? 2. What is the condition which means literally an inflammation of the wall of a vein? Restricted blood flow and clotting accompany this condition, which is common in the lower legs. Answer with a word that begins with “ph”. A. 1. angina (ann JYNE uh) 2. phlebitis (fleh BITE iss) TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which continent is sometimes known as the Dark Continent? A. Africa 2. Q. The Pythagorean (pih THAGG ur EE un) Theorem deals with what type of triangle? A. right triangle Page 116 of 186 Game 8 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What is two-thirds divided by one-eighteenth? A. 12 Bonus (20) Q. Answer these mathematical questions. 1. Correct to two decimal places, what is pi? 2. What is the identity element of multiplication? 3. Two lines in a plane that do not intersect are said to be what? 4. What is the reciprocal of five-fourths? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) 3.14 1 parallel four-fifths Q. On which continent was the ancient city of Timbuktu (TIM buck TOO)? A. Africa Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about Africa. 1. The broad, grassy plain that covers more than one-fourth of the African continent is called what? 2. Are the Atlas mountains located in the northern, central, or southern part of Africa? A. 1. savannah 2. northern part 3. Tossup (10) Q. The highest point in Georgia is Brasstown Bald near Hiawassee. Is its altitude nearer to 4800, 5800, or 6800 feet above sea level? A. 4800 ft Bonus (20) Q. 1. Is Mammoth Cave located in Georgia, Florida, West Virginia, or Kentucky? 2. What mineral is mined in central Georgia near Gordon, Macon, and Andersonville, among other sites? Is it marble, granite, or bauxite (BAWK site)? A. 1. Kentucky 2. bauxite (BAWK site) Page 117 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Which major league baseball team played their “home” baseball games in two different countries last year? A. Montreal (Expos) Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about Major League baseball teams. 1. Which two teams play their home games in Chicago? 2. Which two teams play their home games in New York? A. 1. Cubs and White Sox 2. Yankees and Mets 5. Tossup (10) Q. Google is best described as which of the following: an ISP, an Internet search engine, a Web browser, or a Web directory? A. Internet search engine Bonus (20) Q. Of ISP, Internet search engine, Web browser, or Web directory, which best describes … 1. … Yahoo? 2. … Internet Explorer? A. 1. Web directory 2. Web browser CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. How many edges does a cube have? A. 12 Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about a cube of edge length 3. 1. What is its surface area? 2. What is its volume? A. 1. 54 (square units) 2. 27 (cubic units) Page 118 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. The Pampas (PAHM puz) is found on which continent? A. South America Bonus (20) Q. With which continent is each of the following associated? 1. Rio de la Plata (REE oh day lah PLAH tuh) 2. Siberia 3. Malay (muh LAY [or MAY LAY]) Peninsula 4. Lake Okeechobee (OH kee CHOBE ee) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) South America Asia Asia North America Q. What is the grammatical term for a verb form that ends in –ing and that functions as an adjective? A. present participle (accept participle) Bonus (20) Q. Identify the four words in the following sentence that function as adjectives: Mr. Jameson, bored by the tedious lecture, lifted his corpulent frame from the auditorium seat and left the hall. A. bored tedious corpulent auditorium 9. Tossup (10) Q. Which word beginning with the letter M refers to a sudden random change in genes that are passed to the next generation of an organism? This phenomenon is a basis for evolution. A. mutation Bonus (20) Q. Which two scientists were credited with making a model for DNA in 1953? A. 1. (Francis) Crick 2. (James) Watson Page 119 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. One of the most popular books of poems for children is entitled Where the Sidewalk Ends. Identify the poet who wrote this book. A. (Shel) Silverstein Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of these poems that frequently appear in anthologies of poetry for children: 1. “Paul Revere’s Ride” 2. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” 3. “The Swing” 4. “Growltiger’s Last Stand” A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Henry Wadsworth) Longfellow (Robert) Frost (Robert Louis) Stevenson (T. S.) Eliot TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the degree of the polynomial: x cubed plus four x plus nine? A. 3 2. Q. Spell spaghetti. A. s p a g h e t t i Page 120 of 186 Game 9 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons? A. isotopes Bonus (20) Q. 1. Carbon-12 is the most abundant form of carbon. Which isotope of carbon is used as a tracer element in the carbon-dating procedure? 2. What do we call the time it takes for a radioactive substance to lose half of its radioactive atoms through decay into other elements? A. 1. carbon-14 2. half-life 2. Tossup (10) Q. What is point eight when expressed as a fraction in lowest terms? A. four-fifths Bonus (20) Q. What is the decimal form of five-sixteenths? A. 0.3125 (or .3125) 3. Tossup (10) Q. What is bodily exertion for the sake of maintaining physical fitness? It is a common term beginning with the letter E. A. exercise Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which type of exercise tightens and flexes muscles without bodily movement? 2. Which type of exercise contracts muscles with accompanying bodily movement? Both answers are words beginning with the letter I. A. 1. isometric 2. isotonic (EYE so TAHN ick) Page 121 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Spell the last word in the following sentence: The risk James took put him in jeopardy. A. j e o p a r d y Bonus (20) Q. Spell the past tense form of each of the following verbs: 1. blow 2. burst 3. keep 4. steal A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) blew burst kept stole Q. What is the name of the building that Shah Jehan (JAY hahn) built when his wife died? It is called by many “the world’s most beautiful building?” A. Taj Mahal (TODGE muh HALL) Bonus (20) Q. 1. A conquistador (kun KEESE tuh door) was a 16th-century soldier in the Americas from what country? 2. Czars (ZARZ) ruled which country? A. 1. Spain 2. Russia CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. D-Day occurred during which war? A. World War II Bonus (20) Q. 1. The war called “Operation Desert Storm” was successful in freeing what country? 2. Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II? A. 1. Kuwait 2. (Winston) Churchill Page 122 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. In a triangle, the side opposite a right angle is called what? A. hypotenuse Bonus (20) Q. 1. If two-thirds of x is three-fifths, what is x? 2. What is x if quantity five minus x divided by three equals two? A. 1. nine-tenths 2. negative one 8. Tossup (10) Q. “Asbestos deaths up sharply since the 1960s, CDC finds” was a recent newspaper headline. For what does CDC stand? A. Centers for Disease Control (and Prevention) (also accept Center for Disease Control) Bonus (20) Q. 1. “CIA has spies among Al-Qaeda (AL KYE duh)” was a recent newspaper headline. For what does CIA stand? 2. “Barroso (bahr OH so) seals top EU job, hints at closer U.S. ties” was also a recent newspaper headline. For what does EU stand? A. 1. Central Intelligence Agency 2. European Union 9. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call a large leaf divided into many thin sections that is common on plants like ferns and palms? A. frond Bonus (20) Q. 1. What are the small reproductive structures produced by seedless plants that are capable of developing into a new plant? They can be found on the underside of fronds. 2. What do we call the decayed remains of sphagnum (SFAGG num) moss? It is used as a low-cost fuel. A. 1. spores 2. peat Page 123 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. Many young people enjoy fantasy stories. Who is the author of the popular novel entitled Tuck Everlasting? A. (Natalie) Babbitt Bonus (20) Q. Who wrote each of these fantasy novels for young people: 1. Behind the Attic Wall 2. A Wizard of Earthsea 3. The Hobbit 4. Freaky Friday A. 1. 2. 3. 4. (Sylvia) Cassedy (Ursula K.) Le Guin (luh GWINN) (J. R. R.) Tolkien (Mary) Rodgers TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is x raised to the third power times y raised to the fourth power when x is negative three and y is negative one? A. negative twenty-seven 2. Q. Seville is a major city of which country? A. Spain Page 124 of 186 Game 10 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (mus STAHF uh kih MAHL AT uh turk) was instrumental in the establishment of what republic? A. Turkey Bonus (20) Q. With which country is each of the following most closely associated? 1. dynasties 2. caste system A. 1. China (also accept Egypt) 2. India 2. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call a mountain that is formed by layers of lava and volcanic ash? A. volcano Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the large opening at the top of a volcano formed when the crater collapses into the vent following an eruption? 2. What do we call the area around the Pacific tectonic plate where earthquakes and volcanoes are common? A. 1. caldera (kahl DARE uh) 2. (Pacific) Ring of Fire 3. Tossup (10) Q. How many meters of fence are required to enclose a rectangular yard that is 22 meters by 16 meters? A. 76 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is x if x squared plus twelve equals x times quantity x plus four? 2. What is the sum of the solutions of x squared minus twenty-five equals zero? A. 1. 3 2. 0 Page 125 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. If an adult has a complete set of these, then he or she has a total of 32 teeth. What are the last 4 teeth added, usually during the late teenage years? A. wisdom Bonus (20) Q. A tooth has 8 basic parts. Which part is … 1. … the exposed part beyond the gum? 2. … the hidden part connecting to the jawbone? 3. … the very hard outer tissue? 4. … the center containing nerves and blood vessels? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) crown roots enamel pulp Q. Which one of the following words or phrases is not a preposition: beyond, unlike, aside from, concerning, resulting, instead of? A. resulting Bonus (20) Q. Which four of the following words that appear in lists of prepositions can also function as other parts of speech: 1. about 2. since 3. off 4. from 5. without 6. for 7. above 8. between A. 2. 3. 6. 7. since off for above CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 126 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. The chemical formula for water is well known as H-2-O. Add another oxygen atom and you now have H-2-O-2. What do we call this colorless, viscous (VISS kuss), unstable liquid that is used as a first aid antiseptic and as a bleaching agent. It is stored in an opaque (oh PAYK) container because in the presence of light it can readily decompose into water and oxygen. A. hydrogen peroxide Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the flammable, colorless, hydrocarbon gas that is used as a fuel, propellant, and refrigerant? Its chemical formula is C-3-H-8. 2. What is the flammable, colorless, odorless gas that is the main constituent of natural gas and is used as a fuel. Its chemical formula is C-H-4. A. 1. propane 2. methane 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the capital of the state that borders Oregon and Mexico? A. Sacramento Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of each of the following states? 1. Wyoming 2. Vermont 3. North Dakota 4. Nevada A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Cheyenne Montpelier (mahnt PEEL ee ur) Bismark Carson City Q. What is the term for a complete set of printing type or screen characters of the same design and size? A. font (accept typeface or type style) Bonus (20) Q. What do we call characters of the same font … 1. … that are formed with thicker, darker strokes? 2. … that slope or tilt to the right? A. 1. bold (or boldface) 2. italic (or italics) Page 127 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. What is the least number of non-collinear (NAHN ko LINN ee ur) points required to determine a unique circle? A. 3 Bonus (20) Q. Circle M has a radius of 2 and circle N has a radius of 4. What is the ratio of the … 1. area of circle N to the area of circle M? 2. circumference of circle N to the circumference M? A. 1. 4 (or 4 to 1) 2. 2 (or 2 to 1) 10. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote the book entitled The Phantom Tollbooth? A. (Norton) Juster Bonus (20) Q. 1. 2. 3. 4. Who is the hero of this story? To what land is he transported? What is the name of the giant insect he travels with? What is the name of the watchdog whose body contains a large alarm clock? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Milo the Kingdom of Wisdom Humbug Tock TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is the capital of Poland? A. Warsaw 2. Q. What is the numerical coefficient of three x raised to the fifth power? A. 3 Page 128 of 186 Tie-Breaker 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What is the sum of 12, 79, and 88? A. 179 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What property of the real numbers says that changing the order of the factors does not change the product? 2. What property of the real numbers says that changing the grouping of factors does not change the product? A. 1. commutative (KAHM you tay tive) property (of multiplication) 2. associative property (of multiplication) 2. Tossup (10) Q. How many times per day should Muslims pray? A. 5 Bonus (20) Q. Every Muslim must take a pilgrimage at least once in his or her life if they can afford it. 1. What is this pilgrimage called? 2. To what city do these pilgrims travel? A. 1. hajj (or haj or hadj) (HAHDJ) 2. Mecca 3. Tossup (10) Q. Muammar Qahdafi (MOO uh mahr kuh DAHF ee) is the leader of which country? A. Libya Bonus (20) Q. From which country is each of the following world leaders? 1. Vicente Fox 2. Barack Obama (buh ROCK oh BAHM uh) 3. Jacques Chirac (ZHOCK shee ROCK) 4. Hamid Karzai (hah MIDD KARZ EYE) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mexico United States France Afghanistan Page 129 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What is the imaginary line around which a planet rotates? A. axis Bonus (20) Q. 1. What are the two sites where the earth’s surface intersects its axis? 2. What is the name of the latitudinal line at about 23.5 degrees north of the equator? A. 1. poles (north & south) 2. Tropic of Cancer 5. Tossup (10) Q. In the following sentence, what is the antecedent of the pronoun “they”: While most Americans are peaceful, in time of crisis they can be hawkish. A. Americans Bonus (20) Q. Which four of the following pronouns are in the nominative case: 1. our 2. him 3. we 4. you 5. her 6. their 7. I 8. he A. 3. 4. 7. 8. we you I he CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Columbus, Georgia, is the county seat of which county? A. Muscogee Bonus (20) Q. What is the county seat of each of the following Georgia counties? 1. Whitfield 2. Morgan 3. Douglas 4. Houston A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Dalton Madison Douglasville Perry Page 130 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. If f of x equals three x plus four, what is f of negative one? A. 1 Bonus (20) Q. If f of x equals x squared minus seven, what is the product of the values of x for which f of x equals two? A. -9 (negative nine) 8. Tossup (10) Q. What characteristic distinguishes an epistolary (ee PISS tuh LAIR ee) story? A. It is told entirely through letters written by one or more of the characters (or words to this effect). Bonus (20) Q. What literary terms are defined by the following: 1. a comparison of things otherwise thought to be dissimilar 2. hints or clues that help to predict a later event 3. a narrative in which a character undergoes some ordeal that leads to maturity 4. the teller of a story or novel A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) analogy foreshadowing initiation story narrator Q. What is the elementary particle with an electric charge equal to onethird or two-thirds that of an electron? There are six types of this particle: up, down, strange, charmed, top, and bottom. A. quark Bonus (20) Q. Atomic masses in the periodic table of elements were once relative to oxygen-16, but more recently the table is based upon which other common element? Give its name and weight number. A. carbon-12 (based on the most common isotope of carbon) Page 131 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. Your teeth contain the element calcium. Which chemical can be added to your diet so that it can be absorbed by your teeth to harden tooth enamel and to help prevent tooth decay? A. fluoride (also accept fluorine) Bonus (20) Q. What is the professional title of the person who… 1. cleans teeth for people? 2. applies braces to peoples’ mouths to straighten and align teeth? A. 1. dental hygienist (high JEEN ist) 2. orthodontist TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Would you more likely experience a monsoon in Chad, Tibet, Bangladesh, or Switzerland? A. Bangladesh 2. Q. What is the absolute value of quantity negative three minus seven? A. ten Page 132 of 186 Tie-Breaker 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. What is the profession of a person who studies human beings and their cultures? A. anthropologist Bonus (20) Q. 1. In which country would you more likely find a dingo? 2. Would you more likely find a fjord (fyord) in Canada, Panama, South Africa, or Pakistan? A. 1. Australia 2. Canada 2. Tossup (10) Q. On the standard QWERTY keyboard how many vowels, not counting the Y, are on the same horizontal row as the Q? A. 4 (e, u, i, and o) Bonus (20) Q. According to standard typing instructions, on which letter does … 1. … the left-hand ring finger rest when not typing? 2. … the right-hand index finger rest when not typing? A. 1. S 2. K 3. Tossup (10) Q. What is the device found in a chemistry laboratory that rotates test tubes rapidly using centrifugal force to separate substances of different densities? A. centrifuge (SEN trih fyooge) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the two-part tool usually made of porcelain that is used to grind and mix solids. It consists of a bowl-like container to hold the mixture and a hand-held pounding, grinding device to crush the substance against the bowl. 2. What does a chemist call the scale that consists of a pivoted horizontal beam with a pan suspended from each end? A. 1. mortar and pestle (10 points, all or nothing) 2. balance Page 133 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the folk-tale hero who, in perhaps his most famous adventure, has a close encounter with a human figure made of tar. A. Brer (BRAIR) Rabbit (in the Uncle Remus stories) Bonus (20) Q. Identify these other American folk-tale heroes: 1. the one who had a horse named Widow-Maker 2. the one who had a blue ox 3. the one who challenged a machine to lay railroad tracks 4. the one who drove Engine No. 9 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Pecos Bill Paul Bunyon John Henry Casey Jones Q. What is the common name for the shape of the graph of y equals two x squared plus one? A. parabola (pur RABB oh luh) Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing. In which quadrants of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane is the graph of y equals two x squared plus one? A. Quadrants I and II CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the range of radiation that ranges from gamma rays at one end to radio waves at the other? A. electromagnetic spectrum Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which part of this spectrum allows doctors to see through your skin to the outline of your bones? 2. Which part of this spectrum is received and interpreted by the human eye? A. 1. X-rays 2. visible light Page 134 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the capital of the country that is the largest country in Asia? A. Moscow Bonus (20) 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the capital of each of the following countries? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Paraguay Libya Ukraine Malaysia A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Asuncion (uh SOON see ohn [long o]) Tripoli Kiev (KEY EVV) Kuala Lumpur (koo AHL uh lum POOR) Q. The graph of y equals one is perpendicular to the graph of which one of the following: y equals negative one, x equals negative one, y equals three? A. x equals negative one Bonus (20) Q. What is the distance between the two points in the plane: two, negative six and two, three? A. 9 Page 135 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. Which one of the following words does not mean failure: inefficacy (in EFF ih kuh see), malfunction, miscarriage, malfeasance (mal FEEZ unts) A. malfeasance Bonus (20) Q. Which four of the following words are acceptable synonyms for the word impurity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A. 1. 4. 5. 7. 10. Tossup (10) indecency imprecation impediment indelicacy immorality incredulity (IN cred YOO lih tee) immodesty impudence indecency indelicacy immorality immodesty Q. Who is Secretary of Defense for the United States? A. (Donald) Rumsfeld Bonus (20) Q. Who heads or holds the following Cabinet positions? 1. Department of Homeland Security 2. Secretary of State A. 1. (Tom) Ridge 2. (Colin) Powell TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. The Sonoran (suh NOR un) Desert is on which continent? A. North America 2. Q. What is the oldest university in the United States? A. Harvard Page 136 of 186 Tie-Breaker 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Semi-Finals Q. On which river is Washington, D.C.? A. Potomac Bonus (20) Q. On which river is each of the following cities? 1. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2. El Paso, Texas 3. Cincinnati, Ohio 4. Nashville, Tennessee A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) Mississippi Rio Grande Ohio Cumberland Q. What is the primary acid found in the gastric juice in your stomach. A. hydrochloric (HYDE ro KLOR ick) (or muriatic) (myoo ree AT ick) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the chemical symbol for hydrochloric acid? 2. What is the acid in carbonated drinks and given by the formula H2C O-3? A. 1. HCl (HCl, the last symbol is a lowercase ‘l ‘and not the numeral 1) 2. carbonic acid 3. Tossup (10) Q. The TI-73 calculator will compute an integer divide. It will return the quotient and the remainder for a given divisor and dividend. What will be returned after entering 50 INT-DIVIDE 15? A. 3 r 5 (or 3 remainder 5) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What will be returned after entering 91 INT-DIVIDE 7? 2. What will be returned after entering 2457 INT-DIVIDE 50? A. 1. 13 r 0 (or 13 remainder 0, must give both 13 AND the 0) 2. 49 r 7 (or 49 remainder 7) Page 137 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What term is used to describe two triangles whose degree measures are the same but whose sides are not the same? A. similar Bonus (20) Q. A six-foot tall man casts an eight-foot shadow. How tall is a vertical flag pole that casts a forty-foot shadow at the same time? A. 30 feet 5. Tossup (10) Q. What is the term for a narrative whose plot involves the solution of a puzzle or crime and usually creates suspense? A. mystery Bonus (20) Q. Identify the literary terms defined by each of these phrases: 1. a person in a work of fiction 2. a story in which the chief figures are animals who act, think, and speak as human beings 3. conversation among two or more of the persons in a narrative 4. a discrepancy or contrast between what is implied and what is real A. 1. 2. 3. 4. character beast fable dialogue irony CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. In which state is Cape Hatteras? A. North Carolina Bonus (20) Q. In which state is each of the following capes? 1. Cape Cod 2. Cape May 3. Cape Fear 4. Cape Canaveral A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Massachusetts New Jersey North Carolina Florida Page 138 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What is the pollutant that, simply put, is low pH precipitation? A. acid rain Bonus (20) Q. What are the two main detrimental components of acid rain? A. sulfuric acid (from coal-burning power plants) nitric acid (from vehicle exhausts) 8. Tossup (10) Q. Two times two times two times four is two raised to what power? A. 5 Bonus (20) Q. How many equally-likely outcomes can result from flipping a coin 3 times? A. 8 9. Tossup (10) Q. In the following sentence, what kind of pronoun is the word herself: Elizabeth herself investigated the cause of the fire. A. intensive Bonus (20) Q. Identify each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex: 1. Those who remained in Charlotte County after the hurricane were able to begin again because the government came to their aid. 2. This morning Mother hurt herself while preparing breakfast. 3. I thought the Rocky Mountains were magnificent, but, although I have traveled widely, I was unprepared for the beauty of Yellowstone. 4. Elaine came across a car on the shoulder this morning, so she stopped to render assistance. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. complex simple compound-complex compound Page 139 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. For what does the acronym (ACK ro nimm) FBI stand? A. Federal Bureau of Investigation Bonus (20) Q. For what do these acronyms stand? 1. FDA 2. FDIC A. 1. Food and Drug Administration 2. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. In which quadrant of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane do the solutions of the inequalities y is greater than six and x is less than negative one lie? A. Quadrant II 2. Q. What is the name of the one-eyed giant who entraps Odysseus and his men in a cave? A. Polyphemus (polly FEE muss) Page 140 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Finals Questions Page 141 of 186 Page 142 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Finals – Pronunciation Guide Game # 1 Ques.# 4-B 10-T 10-B Pronunciation Balearic (BAL ee AIR ick) deciduous (dee SIDD you us) conifers (KAHN ih furz) 2 2-B 5-B ampere (AM PEER) periodontal (PAIR ee oh DAHN tul) gingivitis (JINN jih VYTE iss) Guyana (guy AHN uh) Leeuwenhoek (LAY ven hook) mezzo-soprano (MET so suh PRAN oh) cliché (klee SHAY) 6-B 7-T 9-B 10-T 3 1-B 4-B 6-T 7-B 9-B TB-1 Mogadishu (MO guh DEE shoo) Hispaniola (HISS span YO luh) cello (CHELLO) cache (CASH) Laos (LAH ohss) Io (EYE oh) Europa (yoor OH puh) Ganymede (GANN ih meed) Callisto (kuh LIST oh) 4 1-B 4-B cerebrum (sih REE brum) Pallas Athena (PAL us uh THEEN uh) Lenore (len ORE) altruistic (AL true ISS tick) antioxidant (aunti OX sih dent) 6-B 10-B TB-1 1-T 5-T 5-B 7-B 10-B TB-2 5-B 7-T 8-B 9-B hematite (HE muh tight) Haydn (HYE dn) Beethoven (BAY toe vin) Mendelssohn (MEN dul sahn) Tchaikovsky (shy KAHF skee) Dvorak (duh VORE zhock) Oostanaula (OOH stuh NAW luh) Altamaha (ALL tuh muh HAH) Philistine (FILL ih STEEN) Lusitania (LOOSE ih TANE ee uh) entomology (EN tuh MAHL uh jee) Artemus (AR tih muss) Ares (AIR eez) Poseidon (po SIDE un) Aphrodite (afro DYTE ee) oncology (ahn KAHL uh jee) Page 143 of 186 Game # TB-3 Ques.# 1-T 1-B 4-T 4-B 5-T 5-B 7-T 7-B 8-T 8-B 10-B Championship 7-B 9-B 10-B 12-B 15-B 16-B 17-B Pronunciation homonyms (HAHm uh nimmz) Homophones (HAHM uh phones) kleptomania (KLEPP toe MANE ee uh) Leonardo da Vinci (LAY uh NAHR doe duh VINN chee) mobiles (MO bulls) cubism (KYOO bizzum) Precambrian (pre KAM bree un) Paleozoic (PAY lee oh ZO ick) Cenozoic (SINN oh ZO ick) vena cava (VEEN uh CAVE uh) vena cavae (VEEN uh CAVE ee) leukocytes (LEWK oh sights) Odin (OH DAN) Tyr (TEER) Khyber (KYE burr) cytoplasm (SIGHT oh PLAZZ um) Mitochondria (MIGHT oh KAHN dree uh) Beijing (bay JING) Brisbane (BRIZZ bain) Raphael (RAFF ee el) pituitary (pih TOO ih TAIR ee) Leinart (LEEN art) Guinevere (GWINN uh veer) lactose (LACK tohss) disaccharide (dye SACK ur ride) fructose (FRUCK tohss) saccharose (SACK uh rohss) dextroglucose (DECKS troh GLUE kohss) Page 144 of 186 Game 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. Which space figure am I describing? The collection of all points that are equidistant from a given point. A. sphere Bonus (20) Q. How many faces does each of these space figures have? 1. a square pyramid 2. a triangular prism 3. a triangular pyramid 4. a rectangular prism A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) 5 5 4 6 Q. What is the main brain of the computer? It is the chip that controls all the information movement and numerical computations. It is briefly referred to as the CPU. A. central processing unit Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the computer device that allows computers to exchange information over telephone lines by converting digital information to analog and back again? 2. What is the storage unit that holds information sent to the printer until the printer is ready to print it? A. 1. modem 2. buffer 3. Tossup (10) Q. What is the form of a solid in which the atoms are arranged in repeating patterns? For example, grains of salt are cubic in shape. Other shapes are tetragonal, hexagonal, and orthorhombic. It is a term beginning with the letter C. A. crystal Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the crystalline structure or shape of diamond? 2. What is the crystalline structure or shape of quartz? A. 1. cubic 2. hexagonal (also accept hexagonal prism) Page 145 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Which body of water separates France and Great Britain? A. English Channel Bonus (20) Q. In which ocean or sea is each of the following islands? 1. Fiji 2. Falklands 3. Madagascar 4. Balearic (BAL ee AIR ick) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Pacific Atlantic Indian Mediterranean Q. What part of speech is the word themselves? A. pronoun Bonus (20) Q. Tell whether the pronoun in each of these sentences is personal, relative, intensive, or reflexive: 1. The woman who is wearing the green sweater is a singing teacher. 2. The coach hurt both himself and the team by becoming angry. 3. Mary invited me to a slumber party on Friday evening. 4. The park superintendent herself conducted the tour of the facilities. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. relative reflexive personal intensive CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the remainder when 11 is divided into 256? A. 3 Bonus (20) Q. All or nothing: Arrange the following fractions in increasing order: one-third, four-ninths, two-sevenths, and three-eights. A. two-sevenths, one-third, three-eights, four-ninths Page 146 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. With respect to land area, which state is the largest east of the Mississippi River? A. Georgia Bonus (20) Q. Answer each of these questions about Georgia. 1. How many counties does Georgia have? 2. Where is Georgia’s highest point? 3. With respect to land area, which Georgia county is the smallest? 4. With respect to land area, which Georgia county is the largest? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) 159 Brasstown Bald (in Towns County) Clarke Ware Q. What R-word names a close similarity or identity of terminal sound occupying corresponding positions in two or more lines of verse? A. rhyme Bonus (20) Q. Identify these other R-words found in the study of literature: 1. a rhetorical device reiterating a word or phrase, or rewording the same idea, to secure emphasis 2. in poetry, the carrying over of sense and grammatical structure from one line to a succeeding one for completion 3. This word, which means “rebirth,” is commonly applied to the period marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world in Western Europe. 4. a group of words forming a phrase or sentence and consisting of one or more lines repeated at intervals in a poem, usually at the end of a stanza A. 1. 2. 3. 4. repetition run-on lines Renaissance refrain Page 147 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. “USOC releases Athens roster” was a newspaper headline last summer. For what does USOC stand? A. United States Olympic Committee Bonus (20) Q. With which sport is each of the following most closely associated? 1. Andy Roddick 2. Rasheed Wallace 3. Steve McNair 4. Greg Maddux A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) tennis basketball football baseball Q. What is the botanical term for trees that shed their leaves in the fall and replace them with a new set in the spring? A. deciduous (dee SIDD you us) Bonus (20) Q. What is the botanical term for … 1. … trees with thin needle-like leaves and producing cones? 2. … plants that last for more than two growing seasons and do not have to be reseeded? A. 1. conifers (KAHN ih furz) 2. perennials TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What is x if negative two x is less than negative ten? A. x is larger (bigger) than five (or five is less (smaller) than x) 2. Q. On which continent is the Cape York Peninsula? A. Australia Page 148 of 186 Game 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. In which year did World War II begin? A. 1939 Bonus (20) 2. Tossup (10) Q. 1. 2. 3. 4. World War II began with the invasion of what country by Germany? Who was President of the U.S. when World War II began? In what year did the U.S. enter World War II? The attack by what country led to the U.S. entering the war? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Poland (Franklin D.) Roosevelt (accept F.D.R.) 1941 Japan Q. In science class we study the SI, or the International System of Units. What is the basic SI unit of length? A. meter Bonus (20) Q. What is the basic SI unit of … 1. … mass? 2. … time? 3. … electric current? 4. … weight? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) kilogram (NOT gram) second ampere (AM PEER) newton Q. There were no three-point baskets scored in the Candler Middle School versus Stanford Middle School basketball game. The total number of points scored in the game was 99. If there were a total of 13 foul shots hit in the game, how many two-point baskets were scored? A. 43 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the sum of three and one-half and five and one-third when written as a mixed fraction in lowest terms? 2. What is the product of one and three-fourths and one and one-half when written as a mixed fraction in lowest terms? A. 1. eight and five-sixths 2. two and five-eighths Page 149 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote the series of books that begins with Anne of Green Gables? A. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the specific locale of these novels? 2. What phrase does Anne use to refer to her special friends? 3. What is the family name of the older brother and sister with whom Anne comes to live? 4. What color is Anne’s hair? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Prince Edward Island, Canada “kindred spirits” Cuthbert red Q. We brush our teeth daily to remove a sticky substance containing bacteria that can cause tooth decay. What is the term for this substance that begins with the letter P? A. plaque Bonus (20) Q. 1. If the plaque is not removed it becomes hard. What is the term for this hardened form of plaque beginning with the letter C? 2. What is the form of periodontal (PAIR ee oh DAHN tul) disease in which your gums are sore and bleed easily? A. 1. calculus 2. gingivitis (JINN jih VYTE iss) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. Is the number of countries on the South American continent 9, 13, or 18? A. 13 Bonus (20) Q. Which country borders … 1. Venezuela and Panama? 2. Uruguay and Chile 3. Guyana (guy AHN uh) and Argentina? 4. Ecuador and Bolivia? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Colombia Argentina Brazil Peru Page 150 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Which scientific instrument was used by Anton van Leeuwenhoek (LAY ven hook) to observe a multitude of life in a drop of pond water? A. microscope Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which type of microscope was used in the aforementioned process? It lets light pass through an object and then through two or more lenses. 2. Which type of microscope uses a magnetic field to bend beams of very small atomic parts? It can magnify images more than 300,000 times. A. 1. compound light 2. electron 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the sum of the distinct prime factors of 44? A. 13 Bonus (20) Q. Answer the following questions about these numbers: 605; 2,048; 2,401; and 9,825. Which one is divisible by … 1. 3? 2. 4? 3. 7? 4. 11? A. 1. 9,825 2 2,048 3. 2,401 4. 605 9. Tossup (10) Q. In vocal music, what is the term for a piece of music, as in an opera, composed for a soprano, a mezzo-soprano, a tenor, and a bass? A. a quartet Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name of the female voice range that lies between a soprano and a contralto? 2. What is the name of the male voice range that lies between a tenor and a bass? A. 1. mezzo-soprano (MET so suh PRAN oh) 2. baritone Page 151 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. What is the usual term for a phrase that is so stale or trite that it has lost its freshness and vigor? The “ladder of success” is an example. A. cliché (klee SHAY) Bonus (20) Q. Complete the following clichés with their usual wording: 1. looking for a needle . . . 2. face the . . . 3. beyond the shadow . . . 4. hit the nail . . . A. 1. 2. 3. 4. . . . in a haystack . . . music . . . of a doubt . . . on the head TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What punctuation mark normally appears after an expression of strong emotion? A. exclamation mark 2. Q. What is the distance between negative five and negative seven on the number line? A. two Page 152 of 186 Game 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. What is the capital of the long thin country on the west coast of South America? A. Santiago Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of each of the following countries? 1. Dominican Republic 2. Thailand 3. Somalia 4. Finland A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) Santo Domingo Bangkok Mogadishu (MO guh DEE shoo) Helsinki Q. Verbs are generally said to have three principal parts. Two of these are the past tense form and the past participle. What is the third? A. plain form (or present tense) Bonus (20) Q. Spell the past participle forms of these verbs: 1. find 2. shake 3. swim 4. become A. 1. 2. 3. 4. found shaken swum become Page 153 of 186 3. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call an immature, developing organism, plant or animal, which is still dependent on its parent for nutrition? It is usually sheltered within its parent’s body. Answer with a term beginning with the letter E. A. embryo Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is a haploid sex cell that is formed in the female reproductive organs? 2. How old, in months, must a human embryo be before it is called a fetus? A. 1. egg 2. 2 (months) 4. Tossup (10) Q. Who wrote Treasure Island? A. (Robert Louis) Stevenson Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about Treasure Island: 1. What is the name of the narrator? 2. What is the name of the ship he and his two friends sail on? 3. What is the name of the crewman who attempts to lead others to mutiny so that they can get the treasure? 4. What is name of the marooned sailor on the island who helps recover the treasure? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Jim Hawkins (also accept Jim) Hispaniola (HISS span YO luh) Long John Silver Ben Gunn Q. What is the difference when quantity negative two x plus five is subtracted from negative ten x plus six? A. negative eight x plus one Bonus (20) Q. How many factors does each of the following polynomials have over the integers? 1. x squared plus four 2. x squared plus four x 3. x squared plus four x plus three 4. x squared minus four A. 1. 2. 3. 4. one two two two Page 154 of 186 CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. How many strings does the usual orchestral string instrument (violin, cello [CHELLO], etc.) have? A. four Bonus (20) 7. Tossup (10) Q. 1. 2. 3. 4. How many reeds do the oboe and bassoon have? How many reeds do the clarinet and bass clarinet have? What is the term for the round, flared end of a brass instrument? What popular instrument combines the qualities of both reed and brass instruments? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. two one the bell the saxophone Q. What is the maximum amount of data that can travel a communications path in a given time, usually measured in bits per second? If you think of the communications path as a pipe, then this term refers to the size of the pipe that determines how much data can flow through it all at once. A. bandwidth Bonus (20) Q. 1. What do we call an amount of quickly accessible memory for the temporary storage of frequently used data to allow for faster access by your computer? 2. What do we call a combination hardware and software buffer that many companies or organizations have in place between their internal networks and the Internet, which allows only specific kinds of messages from the Internet to flow in and out of the internal network, thus protecting the internal network from intruders or hackers? A. 1. cache (CASH) 2. firewall Page 155 of 186 8. Tossup (10) Q. What word beginning with the letter M refers to hot melted rock? A. magma Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is molten rock that is flowing from a volcano? 2. What are areas in the earth’s mantle where magma rises toward the crust? Are these fissures, crevasses, hot spots, or geysers? A. 1. lava 2. hot spots 9. Tossup (10) Q. The earth has how many continents? A. 7 Bonus (20) Q. On which continent is each of the following countries? 1. Laos (LAH ohss) 2. Belize 3. Chad 4. Paraguay A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) Asia North America Africa South America Q. What is the sum of one-eighth and one-fourth when expressed as a fraction in lowest terms? A. three-eighths Bonus (20) Q. The Braves were leading the Dodgers 7 to 2 after seven complete innings. If the winning team won by 5 runs and only one team scored in the last two innings, how many runs did the Dodgers score in the game? A. 12 TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Io (EYE oh), Europa (yoor OH puh), Ganymede (GANN ih meed), and Callisto (kuh LIST oh) are moons of which planet? A. Jupiter 2. Q. What is the sum of 59 and 47? A. 106 Page 156 of 186 Championship 1. Tossup (10) PAGE - 2005 Q. From what country did the U.S. acquire the Louisiana Purchase? A. France Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about the Louisiana Purchase. 1. Who was President of the U.S. when this occurred? 2. Was the purchase price approximately 1 million, 15 million, or 150 million dollars? 3. Did Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, or Andrew Jackson sign the treaty purchasing it? 4. Did the purchase double, triple, or quadruple the size of the U.S.? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) (Thomas) Jefferson 15 million dollars (Thomas) Jefferson double Q. Some people refer to Earth as the third rock from the sun. What would they mean by the fifth rock from the sun? A. Jupiter Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which planet has the highest average surface temperature? 2. Which is the second largest planet? 3. Titan has a larger radius than Pluto. Titan is a moon of which planet? 4. Which planet, other than our Earth, has the best prospect for containing living organisms? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Venus (470°C) (note, Mercury reaches a maximum of 450°C.) Saturn Saturn Mars Page 157 of 186 3. Tossup (10) Q. Jim plays basketball for his middle school team. In his last game he scored six two-point baskets, three three-point baskets, and five free throws. How many points did he score? A. 26 Bonus (20) Q. Tim and Mike were the high scorers in Campbell Middle School’s last basketball game. Tim scored 7 points more than Mike and together they scored 45 points. How many points did Mike score? A. 19 4. Tossup (10) Q. Spell the last word in the following sentence: At an early age the promising baseball player contracted leukemia. A. l e u k e m i a Bonus (20) Q. Spell the plural forms of these nouns: 1. analysis 2. zoo 3. carnival 4. criterion A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) analyses zoos carnivals criteria Q. Identify the kind of figure of speech illustrated by this sentence: The Central Committee of the college is an umbrella that shelters all other committees. A. metaphor Bonus (20) Q. Identify the kinds of figures of speech illustrated by the following: 1. My little beagle is quite a clown. 2. Mr. Simmons barked at his daughter. 3. The road to Atlanta is like an obstacle course. 4. My uncle raises rabbits; he has at least a billion of them. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. personification metaphor simile hyperbole (accept exaggeration) Page 158 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the highlighted or bright and sometimes blinking line or other mark on a computer screen that shows where the next typed character will appear? A. cursor Bonus (20) Q. For what do these computer-related abbreviations stand? 1. URL 2. RAM 3. ROM 4. ISP A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Tossup (10) Uniform Resource Locator Random Access Memory Read Only Memory Internet Service Provider Q. What is the smallest unit of an organism that carries on the function of life? Answer with a term beginning with the letter “C”. A. cell Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the gelatin-like material inside every cell? 2. What are the energy sources in cells? These are organelles from which energy is released from breaking down food into carbon dioxide and water. A. 1. cytoplasm (SIGHT oh PLAZZ um) 2. mitochondria (MIGHT oh KAHN dree uh) 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is the sum of six times the identity element of multiplication and three times the identity element of addition? A. 6 Bonus (20) Q. Answer each of the following mathematical questions. 1. Is 5 divided by 0 undefined, 0, or 5? 2. What integer is one-fourth raised to the negative one power? 3. What is the cube root of 1,000? 4. Four cubed equals two raised to what power? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. undefined 4 10 sixth Page 159 of 186 9. Tossup (10) Q. Bombay is a major city of what country? A. India Bonus (20) Q. Each of the following is a major city in which country? 1. Bern 2. Calgary 3. Brisbane (BRIZZ bain) 4. Beijing (bay JING) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Tossup (10) Switzerland Canada Australia China Q. What is the standard art term for a representation of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus? A. Madonna and Child (also accept Virgin and Child) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What Renaissance artist painted the interior of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican? 2. What Renaissance artist painted the famous painting usually known as the Mona Lisa? 3. What Renaissance artist is best known for an allegorical painting of Spring and of a painting entitled The Birth of Venus? 4. What Renaissance artist painted the work that includes the two famous angels whose images appear on a U. S. postage stamp? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Michelangelo Leonardo (da Vinci) Botticelli (bot ee CHELL ee) Raphael (RAFF ee el) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 160 of 186 11. Tossup (10) Q. There are various types of energy in the world, like thermal, radiant, chemical, electrical, and nuclear. Which one of these types comes from the food you consume and keeps you moving? A. chemical Bonus (20) Q. There are two more classifications of energy. Which one is the energy an object has … 1. … due to its motion? For example, the faster an object moves, the more of this type of energy it has. 2. … due to its position? For example, a book on the top shelf of a bookcase has more of this type of energy than does the same book on the bottom shelf. A. 1. kinetic 2. potential 12. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call the period of a person’s life in which his or her body changes from that of a child to that of an adult? It usually occurs during the preteen and teenage years. A. adolescence Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the gland that produces the growth hormone that triggers growth during adolescence? 2. What is the gland that controls how fast a body grows and the rate at which the body processes food? A. 1. pituitary (pih TOO ih TAIR ee) 2. thyroid 13. Tossup (10) Q. 20% of 80 equals 10% of what number? A. 160 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the greatest common factor of 126 and 216? 2. What is the least common multiple of 9 and 24? A. 1. 18 2. 72 Page 161 of 186 14. Tossup (10) Q. Who was elected President of the Confederate States of America? A. Jefferson Davis Bonus (20) Q. Which Georgian was elected … 1. Secretary of State of the Confederate States of America? 2. Vice President of the Confederate States of America? A. 1. Robert Toombs 2. Alexander Stephens 15. Tossup (10) Q. Which college football game is known each year as the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party? A. Georgia versus Florida Bonus (20) Q. With which college football team did each of the following play last season? 1. Matt Leinart (LEEN art) 2. Thomas Davis 3. Jason White 4. Carnell Williams A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 16. Tossup (10) Southern California Georgia Oklahoma Auburn Q. Who is the legendary king whom the Britons elevated to the status of an epic hero? He is the subject of innumerable narratives dating from the Middle Ages, and he is still a popular subject for the movies. A. King Arthur Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the name of King Arthur’s castle? 2. What is the name of the old magician who served as a tutor and mentor to Arthur? 3. What is the name of the woman whom Arthur married? 4. With what article of furniture is he most closely associated? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Camelot Merlin Guinevere (GWINN uh veer) a round table Page 162 of 186 17. Tossup (10) Q. Which type of carbohydrate can easily be identified by the suffix ‘ose’? A. sugar(s) Bonus (20) Q. Identify these sugars: 1. milk sugar 2. fruit sugar 3. common sugar from cane and beets 4. a sugar produced during cellular metabolism in plant and animal tissue and found in grapes, honey, and corn syrup A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 18. Tossup (10) lactose (LACT tohss) (also accept disaccharide [dye SACK ur ride]) fructose (FROOK tohss) (also accept levulose) sucrose (also accept saccharose [SACK uh rohss]) dextrose (also accept dextroglucose [DECKS troh GLUE kohss]) Q. Italy does not border which one of the following: France, Austria, or Germany? A. Germany Bonus (20) Q. 1. Mexico does not border which one of the following: Costa Rica, Guatemala, or Belize? 2. Egypt does not border which of the following: Sudan, Ethiopia, or Libya? 3. China does not border which of the following: Vietnam, India, or Cambodia? 4. Sweden does not border which of the following: Belgium, Finland, or Norway? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 19. Tossup (10) Costa Rica Ethiopia Cambodia Belgium Q. If the area of a square is 36 square units, what is the measure of the square’s perimeter? A. 24 (units) Bonus (20) Q. What is the area of an isosceles right triangle whose hypotenuse is four times the square root of two? A. 8 (square units) Page 163 of 186 20. Tossup (10) Q. What is the grammatical term for a verb that does not require an object to receive its action? A. intransitive verb Bonus (20) Q. Identify the function (such as subject of a verb or predicate adjective) in each of the following sentences: 1. (plans) All of us have plans for the spring break. 2. (One) One of my friends is flying to Denver. 3. (trip) My parents surprised me with a trip to New England. 4. (will) We will drive up there. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. object of a verb, or direct object subject of the sentence, or subject of the verb object of a preposition auxiliary (or helping) verb TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Of which element is the mineral graphite composed? A. carbon 2. Q. What is the sum of negative three w and w times quantity two w plus three? A. two w squared 3. Q. What part of speech is the word “weekly” in this sentence: I subscribe to a weekly magazine on architecture. A. adjective Page 164 of 186 Game 4 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. What is the disease in humans that is essentially the failure of nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other? We now know that many neurons in the brains of affected individuals have died. People with the disease suffer from marked memory loss and behave quite differently from when they were younger. Answer with a term beginning with the letter A. A. Alzheimer’s (AHLTS HI merz) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the largest part of your brain? It is at the top and divided into two hemispheres. 2. Which part of the nervous system connects the brain to the spinal cord? A. 1. cerebrum (sih REE brum) 2. brain stem 2 Tossup (10) Q. What is the only county in Georgia named after a woman? A. Hart (Nancy Hart) Bonus (20) Q. Which county in Georgia lies in the … 1. northwest corner? 2. southeast corner? 3. northeast corner? 4. southwest corner? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) Dade Camden Rabun Seminole Q. How many inches are there in 3 yards? A. 108 Bonus (20) Q. 1. How many feet are there in three-fourths of a mile? 2. How many inches are there in three and three-fourths feet? A. 1. 3,960 2. 45 Page 165 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous poem concerns a large black bird. What is the title of this poem? A. “The Raven” Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about “The Raven”: 1. What is apparently the only word the raven can utter? 2. Through what point of access does the raven enter the narrator’s room? 3. The raven perches on a bust of what Greek goddess? 4. What is the name of the woman whose loss the narrator laments? A. 1. “Nevermore” 2. the window 3. Pallas Athena (PAL us uh THEEN uh) (accept either or both of these names) 4. Lenore 5. Tossup (10) Q. What university is in College Station, TX? A. Texas A&M Q. Where is each of the following universities? 1. Michigan 2. Stanford 3. Rice 4. Kentucky A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ann Arbor (MI) Palo Alto (CA) Houston (TX) Lexington (KY) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the meaning of the Latin root in the word fraternity? A. brother Bonus (20) Q. 1. If people think of your father as an altruistic (AL true ISS tick) person, what quality does he presumable possess? 2. If the place where your mother works is in proximity to the courthouse, what do you know about it? A. 1. He is concerned for the welfare of others. 2. Her place of employment is located near the courthouse. Page 166 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. What state capital is known as the Cradle of the Confederacy? A. Montgomery (Alabama) Bonus (20) Q. What is the capital of the state for which each of the following is a major city? 1. Great Falls 2. Huntington 3. Shreveport 4. Eugene A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Tossup (10) Helena (Montana) Charleston (West Virginia) Baton Rouge (Louisiana) Salem (Oregon) Q. Two-fifths is equivalent to what fraction whose denominator is eighty? A. 32 Bonus (20) Q. A box contains 4 red balls, 7 black balls, 8 green balls, and 1 white ball. What percent of the balls in the box are … 1. red? 2. either green or white? 3. not black? 4. neither red nor white? A. 1 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) 20 45 65 75 Q. What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature? A. mercury Bonus (20) Q. 1. Which of these statements about mercury is false? “Mercury is poisonous.”; “Mercury will dissolve gold.”; or “Mercury is referred to as ‘quick aluminum.” 2. When contrasting the weights of equal volumes of water and mercury, is mercury about 7 times, 14 times, or 21 times heavier than water? A. 1. the last one is false: “Mercury is referred to as ‘quick aluminum.” It is really called “quick silver”. 2. 14 (actually it is closer to 13.546) Page 167 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. Which vitamin is required for the normal clotting of blood following an injury like a cut or scrape? A. K Bonus (20) Q. Which vitamin … 1. … is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth and is added to milk? It can also be manufactured by the body following exposure to sunlight. 2. … helps the blood carry oxygen and is a powerful antioxidant (anti OX sih dent)? It is found in wheat germ, almonds, and vegetable oils. A. 1. D 2. E TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. In which war did a blitzkrieg occur? A. World War II 2. Q. What is the tense of the verb in this sentence: I had seen Sandra many times in the city park. A. past perfect Page 168 of 186 Tie-Breaker 1 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. What is the mineral from which iron ore is obtained? A. hematite (HE muh tight) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the elemental composition of diamond? 2. What is common name for the reddish-brown mineral that is the principal source of mercury and is found near areas of volcanic activity? The compound is HgS, or mercury sulfide. A. 1. carbon 2. cinnabar 2. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the nature of the error in this sentence: The class is writing reports of the visit to the zoo. A. subject-verb disagreement (“is” should be “are”; the members of the class are acting as individuals) Bonus (20) Q. Identify the nature of the error in each of these sentences: 1. Neither of the traffic lights on Center Street are working. 2. James told his father that his money had been stolen. 3. Each of the mailboxes in the apartment complex must be labeled with their owner’s name. 4. Some of the movies was suitable for children of any age. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) subject-verb disagreement unclear pronoun reference pronoun-antecedent disagreement subject-verb disagreement Q. If two numbers are reciprocals, what must their product be? A. 1 Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is quantity negative four plus negative two divided by quantity negative four minus negative two? 2. What integer is the product of the square root of five and the square root of one hundred twenty-five? A. 1. three 2. 25 Page 169 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. What two principal languages are spoken in Canada? A. English and French Bonus (20) Q. What principal language is spoken in each of the following countries? 1. Brazil 2. Turkey 3. Egypt 4. El Salvador A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) Portuguese Turkish Arabic Spanish Q. Many symphonies by classical composers have acquired nicknames. Who is the composer of the work usually known as the “Surprise Symphony”? A. Haydn (HYE dn) Bonus (20) Q. Identify the composers of the following symphonies that have nicknames: 1. “Pastoral” 2. “Scottish” 3. “Pathetique” (path uh TEEK) 4. “From the New World” A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Beethoven (BAY toe vin) Mendelssohn (MEN dul sohn) Tchaikovsky (shy KAHF skee) Dvorak (duh VORE zhock) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What do we call highlighted words or phrases in a hypertext document that allow you to "jump" to another section of the same document or to another document on the World Wide Web. A. hyperlink (accept link) Bonus (20) Q. 1. For what do the computer-related initials MSN stand? 2. For what do the computer-related initials AOL stand? A. 1. Microsoft Network (sometimes with ‘The’) 2. America Online Page 170 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. The St. Mary’s River forms part of the boundary between Georgia and which state? A. Florida Bonus (20) Q. Which Georgia rivers are formed by the conjoining of 1. the Etowah and Oostanaula (OOH stuh NAW luh) Rivers? 2. the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers? A. 1. Coosa 2. Altamaha (ALL tuh muh HAH) 8. Tossup (10) Q. What is any substance which causes or produces cancer? Answer with a term beginning with the letter C. A. carcinogen Bonus (20) Q. What are the five senses of the human body? (All or nothing.) A. hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling 9. Tossup (10) Q. How many one-sixths is one-half? A. 3 Bonus (20) Q. A shop for women purchased a dress for $26.00 wholesale. The shop sold the dress at a regular price computed by adding the wholesale price to 50% of the wholesale price. Since the dress did not sell in a reasonable time, the shop put it on sale for 25% off of the regular price. What was the sale price of the dress? A. $29.25 Page 171 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. Identify the biblical character who is blinded by a great light as he travels to the city of Damascus. A. Paul (also accept Saul or St. Paul) Bonus (20) Q. Give the names of these other biblical characters: 1. the older sister of Moses and Aaron 2. the young man who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers 3. the first murderer 4. the giant Philistine (FILL ih STEEN) whom David killed A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Miriam Joseph Cain Goliath TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. What island is known as The Emerald Isle? A. Ireland 2. Q. What American was known as Old Blood and Guts? A. (George) Patton Page 172 of 186 Tie-Breaker 2 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. Cedric bought 16 equal-sized packages of baseball cards. How many cards were in each package if he bought a total of 80 cards? A. 5 Bonus (20) Q. Answer each of the following questions about one, three, seven, six, point, two, five, four. 1. What is the sum of its hundredths digit and its thousands digit? 2. What is the difference between its tens digit and its thousandths digit? 3. What is the product of its hundreds digit and its tenths digit? 4. What is the quotient when its hundredths digit is divided into the sum of its tens digit and its hundreds digit. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Tossup (10) 6 3 6 2 Q. What is the term for a system of two pulley blocks, each with at least one pulley with rope or cable threaded through them and used to hoist heavy objects? A. block and tackle Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the mechanical advantage if applying 250 newtons to a pulley system will lift a 750-newton object? 2. How much weight at the north end of a lever 15 feet from the fulcrum will be required to move a 500-pound object 6 feet from the fulcrum at the south end? A. 1. 3 2. 200 pounds Page 173 of 186 3. Tossup (10) Q. In baseball or softball, with how many RBI’s is a batter credited if he or she hits a grand slam? A. 4 Bonus (20) Q. In the baseball box score, for what does the abbreviation … 1. … SB stand? 2. … LOB stand? 3. … E stand? 4. … DP stand? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Tossup (10) stolen base(s) (number) left on base error(s) double play(s) Q. What do we call someone who uses computer expertise to gain unauthorized access to a computer system belonging to another? This term can also have a positive connotation; that is, someone who is very skilled in computer technology and programming. A. hacker Bonus (20) Q. 1. For what do the computer-related initials LAN stand? 2. For what do the computer-related initials WAN stand? A. 1. Local Area Network 2. Wide Area Network (two or more LAN’s) 5. Tossup (10) Q. Which war involving the U.S began while Woodrow Wilson was President? A. World War I Bonus (20) Q. Answer these questions about events that happened just before and during World War I. 1. The Lusitania (LOOSE ih TANE ee uh) was sunk by a submarine of what country? 2. Camp Benning was opened in 1917 to train infantry troops. It is located near which large Georgia city? A. 1. Germany 2. Columbus CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Page 174 of 186 6. Tossup (10) Q. Georgia has 5 major geographic regions. Four of these are the Blue Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and Valley, and Coastal Plain. What is the fifth? A. Piedmont Bonus (20) Q. In which geographic region of Georgia is each of the following towns? 1. Blairsville 2. Dalton 3. Thomasville 4. Monroe A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. Tossup (10) Blue Ridge Ridge and Valley Coastal Plain Piedmont Q. If a course you are taking includes a unit on entomology (EN tuh MAHL uh jee), what will you study? A. insects Bonus (20) Q. Explain the meaning of each of these words: (Note to reader: Both pronounce and spell each word.) 1. capital 2. capitol 3. lessen 4. lesson A. 1. 2. 3. 4. the seat of government the building where a legislature meets to make less something learned Page 175 of 186 8. Tossup (10) Q. What O-word identifies the twelve most important gods and goddesses in Greek mythology? A. Olympians Bonus (20) Q. In Greek mythology, which Olympian god or goddess is associated with 1. the moon? 2. war? 3. the sea? 4. love, beauty, and fertility? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Artemis (AR tih muss) Ares (AIR eez) Poseidon (po SIDE un) Aphrodite (afro DYTE ee) Q. An EMT is trained in the application of CPR. For what do the letters CPR stand? A. Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the study of the heart, its functions, and its diseases? 2. What is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of malignant tumors? A. 1. cardiology 2. oncology (ahn KAHL uh jee) 10. Tossup (10) Q. The temperature in Pulaski rose 43 degrees over a ten-hour period from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. If the temperature in Pulaski at 8:00 a.m. was 35 degrees, what was it at 10:00 p.m.? A. negative eight degrees Bonus (20) Q. What is … 1. negative nine plus negative three? 2. negative nine minus negative three? 3. negative nine times negative three? 4. negative nine divided by negative three? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. negative twelve negative six twenty-seven three Page 176 of 186 TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Which continent is often called “the land down under?” A. Australia 2. Q. Two adjacent sides of a polygon intersect in what point? A. vertex Page 177 of 186 Tie-Breaker 3 1. Tossup (10) PAGE – 2005 State Finals Q. Two words that have the same or nearly the same pronunciation, even though their meanings differ, are called what? A. homonyms (HAHM uh nimmz) or homophones (HAHM uh phones) (accept either) Bonus (20) Q. 1. The Latin root in the words corpse and incorporate means what? 2. The Greek root in the words maniac and kleptomania (KLEPP toe MANE ee uh) means what? A. 1. body 2. madness 2. Tossup (10) Q. What state is known as the Lone Star State? A. Texas Bonus (20) Q. Which state is known by each of the following? 1. Land of Lincoln 2. Show Me State 3. Volunteer State 4. Land of Opportunity A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Tossup (10) Illinois Missouri Tennessee Arkansas Q. The product of two numbers with the same sign is always what kind of number? A. positive Bonus (20) Q. In the past year a share of a particular stock fell from $80 to $68. What percent decrease was this? A. 15 Page 178 of 186 4. Tossup (10) Q. A famous work by what famous artist figures prominently in the plot of The Da Vinci Code, a sensationally popular mystery novel published in 2003? A. Leonardo (Da Vinci) (LAY uh NAHR doe duh VINN chee) Bonus (20) Q. Answer each of these questions about art: 1. Alexander Calder is best known for what form of sculpture? 2. The High Museum of Art is located in what city? 3. Van Gogh mutilated which of his bodily organs? 4. Braque (BROCK) and Picasso developed which form of modern art? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tossup (10) mobiles (MO bulls) Atlanta, GA ear cubism (KYO bizzum) Q. What is the oldest and longest era of geologic time? A. Precambrian (pre KAM bree un) Bonus (20) Q. 1. What is the second oldest geologic era? It began when organisms developed hard parts. 2. What is the most recent era in the earth’s geologic history? A. 1. Paleozoic (PAY lee oh ZO ick) 2. Cenozoic (SINN oh ZO ick) CALL FOR SCORE AND SUBSTITUTIONS 6. Tossup (10) Q. What is the least common denominator of three fractions whose denominators are six, four x, and three x squared? A. twelve x squared Bonus (20) Q. What is x if x is to quantity x plus one as three is to two? A. negative three Page 179 of 186 7. Tossup (10) Q. Blood leaves your heart through a large artery called the aorta. After a trip through your body it returns to the heart through a vein. What is this important returning blood vessel? A. vena cava (VEEN uh CAVE uh) (More precisely it is the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava. So, also accept the vena cavae [VEEN uh CAVE ee] in the plural form.) Bonus (20) Q. Which blood component … 1. … carries oxygen through your arteries? 2. … lacks pigmentation and helps protect against infection? A. 1. red blood cells (also accept red cells, red corpuscles, or erythrocyte) 2. white blood cells (also accept white cells, white corpuscles, or leukocytes [LEWK oh sights]) 8. Tossup (10) Q. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the chief god, who, like Zeus in Greek mythology, was a “sky-father”? Wednesday is named for him. A. Odin Bonus (20) Q. In Norse mythology, … 1. what is the name of the maiden attendants who served Odin? 2. what is the name of the god of thunder? Thursday is named for him. 3. what is the name of the god of war? Tuesday is named for him. 4. what is the name of the goddess of love and beauty? Friday is generally thought to have been named for her. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. Tossup (10) Valkyries (VAL kuh reez) Thor Tyr (TEER) Freya (FRY uh) Q. Georgia Southern University is in which town? A. Statesboro Bonus (20) Q. In which town is each of the following Georgia colleges or universities? 1. Spellman 2. Georgia Southwestern 3. Armstrong Atlantic 4. North Georgia A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Atlanta Americus Savannah Dahlonega Page 180 of 186 10. Tossup (10) Q. In which country is the Deccan Plateau? A. India Bonus (20) Q. The Khyber (KYE burr) Pass is on the border between which two countries? A. Pakistan and Afghanistan TIE-BREAKERS 1. Q. Who is noted for having said, “This administration, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America?” A. (Lyndon B.) Johnson 2. Q. How many members are there in the U.S. Senate? A. 100 Page 181 of 186 Page 182 of 186 2005 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades Replacement Questions Page 183 of 186 Page 184 of 186 PAGE – 2005 1. Tossup (10) Replacement Questions Q. Georgia ratified the Constitution January 2, 1788. Was it the first, fourth, or eighth state to ratify the Constitution? A. fourth Bonus (20) Q. What were the last two states to join the union? A. Hawaii and Alaska 2. Tossup (10) Q. How many faces does a cube have? A. 6 Bonus (20) Q. What is the area of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 2? A. the square root of three (square units) 3. Tossup (10) Q. In which state is the Petrified Forest National Park? A. Arizona Bonus (20) Q. In which state is each of the following national parks? 1. Yosemite 2. Biscayne 3. Mount Rainier 4. Zion A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Tossup (10) California Florida Washington Utah Q. Who is noted for having said, “Give me liberty or give me death”? A. Patrick Henry Bonus (20) Q. Who is noted for having said each of the following? 1. “I have not yet begun to fight” 2. “We must all hang together” A. 1. John Paul Jones 2. Benjamin Franklin Page 185 of 186 5. Tossup (10) Q. What is the county seat of Glynn County, Georgia? A. Brunswick Bonus (20) Q. What is the county seat of each of the following Georgia counties? 1. Carroll 2. Dougherty 3. Clarke 4. Floyd A. 1. 2. 3. 4. Carrollton Albany Athens Rome Page 186 of 186