handbook_text - Grandlake Volleyball Club

Grandlake Volleyball
Club Handbook
General Information
The USA Volleyball national office is located in Colorado
Springs, Colo. USA Volleyball is the national governing body
for the sport of volleyball in the United States and is
recognized by the Federation International de Volleyball
(FIVB) and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC).
The vision of USA Volleyball is to be acknowledged as the
world leader in volleyball. USA Volleyball is committed to
and works toward opportunity for all to participate. It is an
advocate for all Americans - endeavoring to assure universal
access to opportunities at all levels of the game.
The OVR provides opportunities for our members to
participate at local, regional, zonal, and national
competitions. Our large and active membership (12,550+ for
the 2002 season) grants us the flexibility to offer exceptional
opportunities such as holding both Adult and Junior Regional
Championships in a metropolitan convention center. We also
sponsor High Performance teams for elite juniors and
coaches who wish to excel and to challenge their abilities at
a highly competitive level of play. The OVR offers many
educational avenues to our members who wish to become
more effective club directors, coaches, officials, and
clinicians. Beyond those immediately tangible benefits, we
cannot ignore the physical fitness, health, and social
opportunities that our lifetime sport provides.
Ohio High School Athletic Association
The Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) has
specific rules that athletes and coaches must obey. One
stipulation is that no more than three players from the same
school where there is interscholastic volleyball competition
may compete on the same Junior Olympic team. If a school
does not have interscholastic competition, than this rule is
exempt. An example would be an elementary school.
Coaches may not coach athletes who played volleyball for
the same school program in which they coached during the
previous season. High School coaches are permitted to
coach jr. high athletes from their program. Jr. High coaches
are permitted to coach athletes from their high school
program. Additional rules can be found at www.ohsaa.org
Grandlake History
In 1999, Team Atlantis-Minster Volleyball Club was started
with one twelve and under team, which was coached by Rick
Carter. In 2000, Team Atlantis-Minster Volleyball Club had
one twelve and under team, coached by Jen Van Gundy.
They also had two thirteen and under teams, coached by
Dave Adams and Rick Carter. In 2001, Rick Carter and
Nikki Taylor established Grandlake Volleyball Club. The
club was expanded to seven teams. Currently, in 2oo2 the
club will continue to grow into eighteen Junior Olympic
Purpose of Grandlake Volleyball Club
The Mission of Grand Lake Volleyball Club is to provide
quality coaching and the best possible learning environment
to teach our community of athletes the basic fundamentals of
the game, the desire to compete at each age level, the
discipline it takes to be an athlete, along with the importance
of sportsmanship.
Coaching Staff
Grandlake Volleyball Club is directed by Rick Carter and
assisted by Nikki Taylor and Todd Henkle.
Rick Carter
Nikki Taylor
Todd Henkle
Lisa Thobe
Mandy Pequignot
Molly Wendel
Susan Riesen
Jeff Marbaugh
Angie Albers
Dave Adams
Jen Van Gundy
Vickie Smith
Jacque Stoner
Jodi Zehringer
JoAnne Brademeyer
Jill Westerheide
Ashley Woehrmyer
Ashley Dieringer
Minster Varsity Coach
Celina Varsity Coach
Parkway Varsity Coach
New Bremen Varsity Coach
Indian Lake Varsity Coach
Coldwater Varsity Coach
Celina Varsity Assistant Coach
Parkway Freshman Coach
Minster Junior Varsity Coach
Former Minster J.V. Coach
Former Minster Freshman Coach
Former Parkway Varsity Coach
Minster Jr. High Coach
Minster Jr. High Coach
Indian Lake Freshman Coach
Former Minster Player
Former New Bremen Player
Former Celina Player
Grandlake Volleyball Practices
Practices will be held at various sites throughout the local
area. Some schools are very generous in providing the club
with free gym use. A few schools require a modest fee to
rent the gym. Regardless of which gym, all practices sites
will be left clean and trash free. All players and coaches will
treat the facilities with respect. There will be zero tolerances
towards any destruction within or outside of the premises.
Rules for practices:
1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled practice
time. This will allow for a warm-up time for the athlete.
2. It is recommended that each athlete bring her own water
or drink to practice. Glass containers are positively not
allowed! Players are asked to bring their own towels.
3. Athletes are required to call their coach if they are unable
to attend a practice or if they will be tardy. THIS
MANDATORY. The player must give the reason. Each
player will be given a phone chain and are expected to
use it. Practices will usually only be once or twice a week
so plan on attending them. They are very limited.
4. All athletes are required to set-up nets, poles and
accessories prior to their practice. Each athlete is
required to assist in putting away all equipment. Players
are not allowed to leave the premises until their coach
releases them.
5. Practices are the time to learn and improve on skills.
There will be no horseplay or goofing off during the
scheduled practices. It is the responsibility of each player
to work hard, work with teammates and to be coachable.
6. It is the coach’s discretion as to whether or not to allow
chewing gum during practices.
7. Coaches will have the right to have closed practices.
8. Practice shirts will be tucked in. T-shirts are mandatory.
No sport tops or halter-tops will be permitted. Sleeveless
t-shirts are permitted.
Court shoes are required; shoes that a player wears to the
gym are not considered court shoes.
9. It is the responsibility of the parents to have the players
arrive at the appropriate time and to pick-up the players
up at the stated time. Parents please be on TIME.
Coaches will not leave until all players have left.
10. Coaches will use the phone chain to notify the players if
a practice needs to be canceled.
Most tournaments will be held within a 2-hour drive. Open
teams may be required to stay over at a couple of
tournaments. At a stay over Parents will be required to be
chaperones. Coaches are not required to. 12’s will play in 5
tournaments and all other teams will do 6 tournaments and
open teams may do 6 - 7 or more. Most directions to playing
sites are available at the Ohio Region Volleyball website
Rules for the tournaments:
1.Arrive on time. Usually 30 mins. Prior to the first match.
Your coach will tell you when you need to be there.
Coaches will usually receive tournament information 1 to 2
weeks ahead the playing date.
2.Parents are responsible for transportation to and from
each tournament.
The coach and parents will need to arrange hotels for the
stay over
Tournaments. The cost of the hotels and transportation are
not included
In the players fees.
3.Players are encouraged to bring water, drinks, snacks, and
food to tournaments. Most sites have concessions
available, but some do not.
4.Bring shoes, both uniform tops, and all proper attire that’s
5.Call your coach if you will be late or unable to attend a
6. All players are responsible for cleaning up their area
before leaving!
Players will not leave until their coach excuses them.
7.All athletes are required to be score keepers , line-judges,
and down
Officials during tournaments. Players are not permitted to
leave until all
Officiating duties are fulfilled. Your coach will responsible
for excusing all team players. Players will be permitted to
leave only when special permission is granted.
1. Practice and work with your daughter. This creates quality
time for both parent and player. This will help your
daughter improve and the better she can play the better
she will like sports.
2. Get involved with the program. Help volunteer with the
field prep, scheduling, scorekeeping, umpiring, and fund
raising, clean up at tournaments, etc. Everyone can find a
place to help.
3. Show up for the games and practices. The most irritating
are the parents who never watch a practice or attend
meetings and (therefore never understand a coaches
philosophy) but will be the first to question (yell) a coaches
decision during a game.
4. Don’t create pressure. Just about every father dreams of
his son becoming a major league star, but they are only
young and deserve to enjoy the game as youngsters.
Don’t expect more than they can deliver, give positive
encouragement. Be there for them when they will need
5. Respect the rules. This is one of the most important things
the players should be learning. If you don’t agree with
officials, keep it to yourself. Honor your coach’s discipline
6. Have fun. This should be a positive experience for
everyone. Winning is nice, but losing is inevitable. Being a
star is fun, but being a bench player is just as important.
7. Losing is a normal result of competition. No one likes to
lose, but the nature of a team sport is that one team
always loses. Teach your daughter that she didn’t lose,
but the team lost. They lost to a better team that day. Next
time may be different.
8. Different coaches have different philosophies. Some
believe in having players play every position, some
believe to play just one position to become good at that
one position. Some coaches place more emphasis on
winning (which is by far more fun to be winning). Some
coaches will play everyone and some just a certain
amount of time. Remember your coach is working for the
love of the game and the players, so let him coach. Don’t
argue in front of the players and criticize in the
background if you think your daughter is being treated
unfairly. As parents, it is natural to be protective, but most
coaches are not discriminating. The important thing is not
to make an issue in front of the players, they are learning
to work as a team and to respect authority and experience
a team concept.
9. The program only gets better if you volunteer. One of the
biggest irritants we see is those who will not give their
time, but are quick to criticize. If you can’t be part of the
solution, don’t be part of the problem.
Grandlake Club Policies
The following guidelines must be read and followed by all
players, coaches and parents who are associated with the
Grandlake Volleyball club. Any questions or comments
should be directed to Rick Carter.
1. Playing time: Our philosophy is “ if you pay, you should
play”. The amount of playing time is positively NOT
GUARANTEED at all. Each coach should make every
attempt to play every player during pool play in all
tournaments. Equal amount of playing time will never
happen and it’s the coaches decision who plays when and
how much. During the tournament play-offs coaches are
playing to win as many matches as possible therefore some
players may be limited for playing time. Factors that may
decide playing time: the players skill level, attending practice
regularly, attitude, the players positions, notifying coaches of
absenteeism, late payment of fees, not being a team player.
Players may be required to play a new position for your
team, example: setters may play Libero, middles may play
OH. LF may play RF. Players need to be flexible with new
options. All coaches will have the final decision on playing
time, team composition, player positions, line-ups, etc. This
issue will never be discussed.
2.Practices: Each player is paying for instruction and the
opportunity to improve their volleyball skills. Club level teams
will practice once or twice a week and open teams two to
three times a week. Each missed practice is costing the
player valuable instruction time and hurting the team concept
as a whole. Open team players are required to attend
practices and all tournaments. All open players will need to
make a personal commitment to their team, the club and
their coach. A few exceptions for missed practices are
grades and school functions, family issues, medical reasons.
Hair appointments, shopping, nap time, “dates” are all
unexcused. All players will have a practice schedule at least
a month in advance to make adjustments. Any player that
persists in missing practices will have limited playing time
during tournaments and will not play next year! Practices
are where the individual skills, fundamentals, team playing
are learned!
3.The use of any illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products
is strictly prohibited for any player of Grandlake Volleyball
Any player found to use any of these items would be
dismissed from the club. We have zero tolerance on this
issue!! Any player that is dismissed will receive a refund after
a replacement player is found.
4. Team selections: Try-outs will decide what players will be
on which team. Players that have coaches on the Grandlake
staff will get priority over an equal player from outside of the
staff. Example: a coach from Parkway has 2 players and
there are 2 players from Indiana and they are equal in skill,
we will keep the Parkway players over the Indiana players
since they have no coaches on the Grandlake Staff. Our
coaches are coaching to help improve their own volleyball
program. All players are welcome to try-out and are eligible
to play in our club. It is recommended that players attend
both try-outs. The coaches will decide which players are to
be put on which team. Open coaches will get 1st choice of
the players in their age division and then the 1st club team
and then the 2nd club team and so on. We will try to make
adjustments for players from the same school to be on the
same team if possible. For car pooling purposes, players
must notify the coaches at the try-outs if this is an issue.
5. Phone Chain: All teams will have a phone chain. Each
player is responsible to call their coach if they are going to
be tardy or unable to attend a practice or a tournament. This
is mandatory! Coaches need to know how
many players are attending a practice. Players need to call
as soon as possible or at least 1 ½ hours prior to their
scheduled time. Practices may be unproductive if only 3 or 4
players attend.
6.Players, Coaches and Parents are to act in a
sportsmanship manner to all opponents, coaches, other
parents and officials. Players and Parents should show
respect to their coaches. All are representing your high
school, community, family and our club.
7. Lines of communications:
1. Any problems or issues or questions on improvement
about yourself or team should be addressed with the
athlete and the coach first. Open communication
between the coach and the player is top priority.
2. If a problem still exists, then the player, parent and
coach should
schedule an appointment to discuss the matter.
3. If the problem cannot be resolved, then the athlete and
parent should
schedule an appointment with the director. (Rick Carter)
All parents and coaches will discuss issues in an adult
respectable manner. Under no circumstances will any verbal
abuse be allowed. Club ball should be an enjoyable
experience for the players and coaches. If any parent feels
they know more than a coach, you are welcome to become a
coach. If any parent verbally or physically attacks a coach,
their daughter will be immediately dismissed without a refund
and will not be eligible to play next year.
Grandlake Volleyball Contract 2003 season
Dear Volleyball Player and Parents,
__________________________________ has qualified to play on a Junior
Volleyball Team for the GRANDLAKE VOLLEYBALL CLUB. Players that
are interested in playing must return this form signed by a parent or
the medical form and a check with the 1st payment or whole payment by
December 15th. Make check payable to Grandlake Volleyball and send to:
Rick Carter
8375 Davis
Celina, OH
Payment must be received by Dec. 15th or this contract will be void. The 2nd
installment is due on or before Feb. 1st. A grace period of 7 days will be
allowed if
accepted by the director. Players will be suspended from the team
after the grace period. 1st payment will not be refunded if delinquent on 2nd
payment. Fees will only be refunded for medical and unusual situations
registration fees, uniform costs) and the remainder will only be issued if
we can
find a replacement. After December 16th team rosters and the 1st practice
be available on the web site at:
I _____________________________________ (parent or guardian) agree to
above terms for my daughter __________________________________ to
Junior Olympic Volleyball for the Grandlake Volleyball Club during the 2003
Director, Rick Carter _____________________________
Questions contact www.grandlake.net/vbc or rickcarter77@hotmail.com
Age Division: ________ Must be returned within 10 days of your last tryout!!!