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Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:28:26 GMT
Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:28:26 GMT
What are CPAs thinking? Insights from our 2012 Town Hall Meetings
<div class="pageIcon"><img
=crop" /></div><p>As 2012 comes to a close, we've finished our fall rounds with our members. We
wrapped up seven town hall meetings all over the state in a chance to connect and collaborate.</p>
<p>Town halls by the numbers: 1,123, 95 percent, 93 percent, 90 percent and 9.3. </p> <p>That
is, of 1,123 attendees:</p> <ul> <li>95 percent say our advocacy is for CPAs is very effective.</li>
<li>93 percent say our strategic initiatives are on track.</li> <li>90 percent say the CPA image and
brand are stronger than ever.</li> <li>Our Net Promoter Score is 9.3. Put another way, more than nine
out of 10 would recommend the MACPA to their friends and colleagues.</li> </ul> <p>Here are the
major highlights on the feedback forms, with some links from CPA Sucess:</p> <ul> <li>Technology
trends: The new Big Four are social, mobile, the cloud, and Big Data.</li> <li>New opportunities as
<a href="" target="_blank">"Digital
CPAs"</a> and outsourcing CFO and client accounting services.</li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">Private Company
Standards developments</a> -- the new <a
undation%2FFAFContent_C%2FFAFNewsPage&cid=1176160556462" target="_blank">Private
Company Council</a> and <a
s/aicpa-ocboa-project-fact-sheet.pdf" target="_blank">AICPA FRF - SME</a>.</li> <li>XBRL and
the Data Act: <a href="" target="_blank">Radical
transparency for government</a>.</li> <li>Generations in the workforce.</li> <li>MACPA legislative
update -- <a href="" target="_blank">last
year's results</a> and register for <a href=""
target="_blank">CPA Day (Jan 16) here</a>.</li> <li>Delay of IFRS adoption by the SEC.</li>
<li>Videos -- see the entire playlist below.</li> <li>Value pricing by Ron Baker.</li> <li>The Bounce
-- <a href="" target="_blank">competency, careers,
curriculum</a>.</li> </ul> <p>That's <strong>4,423</strong> hours of <a
href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration:
underline;">FREE CPE</span></a> for MACPA members, brought to you by our major strategic
partners from the 2012 Innovation Summit:</p> <ul> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">CCH</a></li> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">CPA2Biz</a></li> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">Avalara</a></li> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">Office Tools Professional</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">BB&T</a> (featured at
almost all of our townhalls!)</li> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">RJP</a></li> <li><a href=""
target="_blank">AON</a></li> </ul> <p>See our playlist of videos from the town halls starting with
"Why" and ending with a "Big Bang (Theory)!" below:</p> <p><iframe
&hl=en_US" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe> </p> <p>Mark your
calendars now for our 2013 Innovation Summit on May 17, 2013. Featuring Ron Baker on value
pricing, the latest on FAF / FASB / XBRL by Financial Accounting Foundation CEO Terri Polley, the
NEW Digital CPA, a healthcare update, and more.</p> <p><span style="text-decoration:
underline;"><strong>Key dates for your 2013 planning:</strong></span></p> <p>MACPA calendar
of all <a href="" target="_blank">upcoming events for 2013</a>.</p> <p>MACPA calendar for all <a
href="" target="_blank">tax
programs</a> (including extra courses ready for "fiscal cliff" developments)</p> <ul> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">1040 Fast Track</a>, Jan. 8-9, Hunt
Valley</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">CPA Day in
Annapolis</a>, Jan. 16</li> <li><a
target="_blank">Insights from the C-Suite</a>, Feb. 28 in Towson</li> <li><a
target="_blank">2013 Business and Industry Conference</a>, April 19</li> <li><a
target="_blank">Government and NFP Conference</a>, April 26</li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">MACPA Leadership
Academy</a>, May 6-8</li> </ul> Hood)
Fri, 14 Dec 2012 00:50:00 GMT
MACPA honors retiring deputy comptroller
<div class="pageIcon"><img
=crop" /></div><p>High above Baltimore's Inner Harbor, Maryland's greatest tax minds gathered on
Dec. 11 for the 30th-plus annual MACPA Comptroller Holiday Luncheon. It is a time to celebrate the
holidays and build relationships and camaraderie among the tax community. It is a
tradition started by our State Tax Committee years ago and includes department heads from the
Comptroller's Office, members of the Maryland Bar's State Tax Committee, and our MACPA State
Tax Committee members.</p> <p>The talk of the meeting was the breaking news that Comptroller
Peter Franchot was going to seek re-election for comptroller in 2014 and not pursue the governor's seat
(read his speech <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>). He made that statement to
applause from the luncheon crowd, including his staff that were present.</p> <p>Peter gave some brief
remarks and talked about his four planks as comptroller, including continuing his role as a government
watchdog on the powerful <a href="" target="_blank">Board of Public
Works</a>:</p> <ol> <li>True balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility.</li> <li>Two-year timeout
from Maryland legislature for no new taxes. (Applause!)</li> <li>Customer service -- government as a
junior partner to the private sector.</li> <li>Financial literacy, an initiative we have worked on and
will continue to work on with him and his office.</li> </ol> <p>This year was extra special and
bittersweet as former State Tax Chair and tireless member of the committee, Karen Syrylo, recognized
retiring Deputy Comptroller Linda Tanton for her years of service to the citizens of Maryland. Linda
will be succeeded by our new deputy comptroller, David Roose, after she retires on Dec. 31, 2012.</p>
<p>Linda was the first woman deputy comptroller in the history of the state. Her work managing the
Comptroller's Office workforce to her numerous trips down I-97 to answer the call of Maryland's
legislature in Annapolis to tax settlements and judiciary appearances were all handled in a professional
manner with a focus on fairness and genuine caring for others. Karen described her as a "nonadversarial adversary." Make no mistake, she worked to collect every dollar due the state, but in a
manner that can only be described as a consummate professional and in a style that is a hallmark of
this Comptroller's "customer service" culture.</p> <p>Karen concluded the luncheon by presenting
Linda with an engraved bowl signifiying our appreciation and recognition of her years of service to the
tax community and all of the citizens of Maryland. </p> <p>We wish Linda all the best in her
retirement and will miss her. Congratulations to new incoming Deputy Comptroller David Roose.</p>
<p>See photos from the event <a
=1&l=3c517188d1" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p>Speaking of tax, did you know MACPA
has lots of top-quality tax training for all of your needs? <a href="" target="_blank">See the calendar here</a>.</p> <p>And don't miss CPA Day in
Annapolis on Jan. 16. Register <a href=""
target="_blank">here</a>.</p> Hood)
Wed, 12 Dec 2012 12:31:00 GMT
Four more years … so what's next?
<div class="pageIcon"><img
=crop" /></div><p>The election's over. Have we <a href="" target="_blank">gotten all of that out of our systems</a> yet?</p>
<p>Yes? Good. Now let's take a look at the important stuff.</p> <p>I'm talking about what comes
next … and there's been no shortage of opinions about what President Obama's re-election means
for … well, for just about everything.</p> <p>For the sake of our own sanity, we'll try to stick to
the accounting world here. Even <em>that</em> leaves us with a lot to chew on.</p> <ul> <li><a
target="_blank">CCH issues post-election tax briefing examining issues, deadlines, tough tax policy
negotiations</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Congressional leaders call for unity, tax reform</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">The 2012 elections: What they mean for accountants</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">Fiscal cliff emerges as No. 1 risk in wake of election</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">Post-election tax policy direction remains unclear</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">Small businesses urge
lawmakers to get to work</a></li> <li><a
href="" target="_blank">Employers out of reason to resist Obamacare, experts say</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Economic unease looms after Obama win</a></li> <li><a
ist_smartbrief" target="_blank">Obama's re-election brings certainty for small firms in key
areas</a></li> </ul>…-so-whats-next Sheridan)
Fri, 09 Nov 2012 06:21:00 GMT…-so-whats-next
People will save us. Politics will kill us.
<div class="pageIcon"><img
=crop" /></div><p>I had the privilege of sitting in on Rick Solomon's session on firm culture at the
2012 CCH User Conference in San Diego this week. At one point, he offered up this gem:</p>
<p>"We tell ourselves we're accountants, but we're not. We're human beings. Accounting is just what
we do."</p> <p>As I watched the election results pour in last night, that quote struck a chord. Allow
me to paraphrase:</p> <p>We tell ourselves we are Democrats or Republicans, but we're not. We're
Americans.</p> <p>With increasing discomfort over the past few years, I've watched friends,
neighbors, family members and colleagues spew vitriol and hatred in the name of their politics. It
sickens me.</p> <p>Can't we disagree without division? Can't we agree that, no matter who occupies
the White House, he or she is doing so with our best interests at heart? Can't we embrace our political
differences without pushing away one another?</p> <p>Politics isn't life and death, friends.</p>
<p>Don't get me wrong: It's plenty important, and we'll see evidence of that over the next few months
as the "fiscal cliff" draws near.</p> <p>But it's not life and death.</p> <p>In an increasingly social
and networked world, what matters are people, not policies. Our ability to solve problems depends not
on our weaknesses and differences, but on our ability to collaborate, to draw on our strengths and
similarities and set aside the things that divide us.</p> <p>What matters most of all, though, are our
relationships. Political discord threatens to undermine them. In our hyper-connected world, we can't
allow that.</p> <p>I hope you voted. And no matter who you voted for, I hope you will demand that
our elected officials work together to solve our great problems.</p> <p>Given the issues we face,
that's never been more important.</p> Sheridan)
Wed, 07 Nov 2012 07:43:00 GMT
The world without CPAs
<p><span>What would the world be like without <span>CPAs</span>? </span></p>
<p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480"
height="265"></iframe></p> <p>About ten years ago we produced another video with the <a
href="" target="_blank">AICPA</a>, <a
href="" target="_blank">Defining Americas
CPAs: Maryland </a><span> which featured <span>CPAs</span> all across Maryland in
all types of business, public practice, government and not-for-profits. Both of these videos highlight
the breadth and depth of <span>CPAs</span>, who like our infrastructure, are often hidden from view
until major problems arise. Like our infrastructure, they provide a strong foundation for our free
market as they "account" for businesses and other organizations so people can "make sense" of how
their organizations are working. </span></p> <p><span>In fact, the federal government is a great
example of what happens when there is a lack of financial discipline and accountability, watch this
brief video from the AICPA, titled </span><a
href="" target="_blank"><span>"What's at
Stake" to see a <span>CPAs</span>'s insights into the Federal Government's Finances</span></a>.
Another example is the lack of real accouting exemplified in this video from the Data Transparency
Coalition about the <a href="" target="_blank">Data
Act</a>. Both of these show a world (our government) without (enough) CPAs.</p>
<p><span>Which brings me back to our (MACPA's) "Why". We are in our 111th year advocating for
<span>CPAs</span>. </span></p> <p><span>Why? Because we believe in <span>CPAs</span>.
Period.</span></p> <p><span>We believe <span>CPAs</span> play an increasingly important role
in the fast changing and increasingly complex global financial world we all live in.</span></p>
<p><span>We believe in <span>CPAs</span> with our core values of integrity, objectivity,
excellence, and expertise in the <a href=""
target="_blank"><span>lingua</span> <span>franca</span></a> of business.</span></p> <p>Our
purpose is to help <span>CPAs</span> thrive in this complex and rapidly changing world. View
MACPA's Vision and Strategy on a page <a
target="_blank">here</a> and the CPA Profession's vision <a
target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p><a
target="_blank">Tonight</a> we will welcome a group of newly licensed <span>CPAs</span> into
our <a href=""
target="_blank">Profession</a> as they take an oath by the <a
href="" target="_blank">Commissioner of Occupational &
Professional Licensing</a> of the DLLR pledging their commitment to serve and protect the public
interest first. It will be transformational to these "new" professionals.</p> <p><span>To all of our
newly licensed <span>CPAs</span>, we salute you and welcome you to our Profession.</span></p>
<p><span>To all <span>CPAs</span> already in the Profession, this is chance to reflect on
what it means to be a CPA and your why?</span></p> <p>And remember, we believe in
you! </p> Hood)
Thu, 01 Nov 2012 09:35:00 GMT