SSAI AGM 2012 Minutes - The Statistical Society of Australia

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Statistical Society of Australia, Inc., held at the
Adelaide Convention Centre on Tuesday 10th July, 2012. The meeting commenced at
12:40pm, chaired by the President of the Society, Professor Kerrie Mengersen.
1. Attendance, apologies and proxies.
As per the attendance book. 47 members were present.
2. Confirmation of the minutes.
The minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting held on July 14th, 2011, were
tabled. The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
(Alan Branford/Ken Russell)
3. Matters Arising.
There were none.
4. Presentation of Reports.
4.1 Annual Report
The Annual Report (April 2011 – March 2012) was available on the Society’s web
The President noted that it addressed the five key issues that she wished to address.
The Annual Report was accepted.
(Ken Russell/Alan Branford)
4.2 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer referred to the audited Financial Accounts which were available for
inspection at the Society’s booth.
The Treasurer noted that the Society’s finances were good, but a one-year view was
not enough. A new Finance Committee has been formed to provide a more strategic
The Treasurer commented that subscriptions were covering operations, but
membership needed to increase.
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
(Alan Branford/Ken Russell)
5. Conferences
The President reported briefly on the Society’s conferences.
ASC 2012
The conference is underway, and promises to be a success. The Society expresses
its thanks to the organizers.
ASC 2014
The conference will be held in Sydney, jointly with IMS and possibly the
Environmetrics Society.
The President also referred to the upcoming International Year of Statistics and the
Year of Maths of the Planet Earth. The Society is active in both; contributions from
Society members would be most welcome.
6. Election of Section Chairs.
The meeting agreed to appoint the following as Section Chairs:
Scott Sisson – Bayesian Statistics
Michael Martin – Statistical Education
John Preston/Stephen Horn (Co-Chairs) – Survey and Management
Lyle Gurrin – Biostatistics.
Michele Haynes – Social Sciences
Mark Griffin – International Engagement
(Doug Shaw/Tony Pakes)
7. Appointment of account signatories.
Stephen Horn, Eden Brinkley, Michael Adena and Alan Herning were confirmed as
SSAI.account signatories.
(Alan Branford/Frank Yu)
10. Any other business.
There was none.
11. Date and place of next meeting.
To be advised.
The meeting closed at 12:58 pm.