PRT 376 Syllabus

PRT 376 – Spring 2011
Office Hrs:
T & TH (10:15 am – 11:30 am) Professor: Dr. Kimberly A. Bush
Biltmore 02010
Office: 4012 F Biltmore Hall
T & TH 11:30 – 12:30 or by apt. Office Tel: (919) 515-3688
Prerequisites for PRT 376:
Course Prerequisites: PRT 266
Course Restrictions: Sport Management and PRTM Majors only
Course Description:
The course of Sport Administration is designed to provide current or future sport and/or
exercise program administrators with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in
management principles and techniques, managerial responsibilities, and issues
confronting professionals in exercise and sport science programs today. Through quality
knowledge dissemination (lectures), active class participation (discussions and
presentations), and professional inquiry (human resource assignments/activities), a
variety of administrative theories for sport and exercise programs are introduced. Course
emphasis is made upon the basic principles of exercise and sport program administration
in relationship to the professional mission and practical application of sport managers. A
philosophy of learning by participation is carried on throughout the course.
Course Objectives:
A student who successfully completes this course will be able to:
1. Develop a sound philosophy of administration related to sport organizations and a
leadership philosophy in order to benefit his/her profession.
2. Identify the major theories related to managerial theories and styles, organizational
structures, administrative elements/functions, utilization of human resources, and
resolving managerial issues through effective communication.
3. Identify crucial problematic areas involved in the administration of sport programs
including diversity, motivation, evaluation, and technology.
4. Communicate human resource dynamics of a specific sport organization and sport
leaders through an oral presentation.
Course readings/materials are available on E-Reserve on the NCSU Library Website.
Students in small groups will be required to purchase one poster board per group.
Student response systems aka “Clickers” are required for this course.
ISBN # 9780840003782
Please purchase at the University Bookstore and bring with you to all class meetings,
including the first day of classes. Please visit the following website for
Additional Resources (Not required but suggested)
Bridges, F. J., & Roquemore, L. L. (2004). Management for athletic/sport administration:
Theory and practice (4th ed.). Decatur, GA: Educational Services for Management,
Bucher, C. A., & Krotee, M. L. (2002). Management of physical education and sport (12th
ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Horine, L., & Stotlar, D. (2004). Administration of physical education and sport programs (5th
ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Parkhouse, B. L. (2005). The management of sport: Its foundation and application (4th ed.).
Boston: McGraw Hill.
Roser, S. R., & Shropshire, K. L. (2004). The business of sports. Boston: Jones and Bartlett
Stier, W. F. (1999). Managing sport, fitness, and recreation programs: Concepts and
practices. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal.
Course news, information, syllabus, and class assignment/project information can be
found online at Each student will need to use his/her Unity ID to log
into the class link. Please check your Moodle account often (i.e., at least each day before
GRADING SYSTEM (point breakdown and grading):
****PRT 376 is a C-wall class, such that students must earn a C- or better in the course to
get credit and move on to other courses for which it is a prerequisite.****
The final grade of a student is based upon his/her overall performance in the following areas:
Attendance/Participation including pop quizzes & in-class assignments (10%), Poster
(group assignment) (10%), Interview of Professional (5%), Group Oral Presentation
(15%), Exams (60%).
Grade Determination:
Poster – Group Project
Interview of Professional
Group Oral Presentation
Exam #1
Exam #2
Exam #3
Grading Scale (%):
Grade Range
Grade Range
Less than 60%
Class Attendance & Participation:
Class attendance is expected and required. Students are also expected to show up a
few minutes before class begins. Clickers will be used to take attendance. It is the
STUDENT’S responsibility to bring the clicker to class every day. Do not email the professor
stating that you forgot to bring your clicker and asking to be added for that day. Students are
allowed 3 unexcused absences without penalty. Student final grades will be deducted 5% for
every absence beyond the 3 allowed, no exceptions. If a student has 6 unexcused absences,
he/she will receive an F for the course. Every 2 times that students are late to class will result
in an unexcused absence.
Pop Quizzes & In-Class Assignments:
There will be unannounced pop quizzes and in-class assignments within class
periods. There will be NO make-ups for missed quizzes or in-class assignments due to
unexcused absences. If a student is late to class, they will not be able to take the pop
There will be 3 exams for this course, and the Final Exam will be cumulative.
Questions are primarily derived from lecture notes, assignments, presentations, and the
reading materials. Question format will include multiple choice, true-false, definition, short
answer, and/or essay.
Poster Presentation:
Students, in small groups, will present a formal poster presentation around the topic of
diversity in sport administration.
Group Oral Professional Presentations:
Students, in groups of 5, will be responsible for presenting a group presentation (signup list/sheet will be posted on Moodle). This group presentation requires students to discuss
the professionals that were interviewed and develop a presentation discussing the similarities
and differences among the professional. Students will have exactly 10 mins. to examine the
following information pertaining to his/her professional: important facts about the
organizations that the professionals work in, management philosophy & leadership styles of
top executive staff, typical career paths of current employees, and recruitment of future
employees. PowerPoint and professional attire are required. Detailed instructions are
available on Moodle.
1. Read the materials, and any handouts prior to coming to class. Be prepared for Pop
2. Attendance is expected and required. Come to class EARLY. A student is responsible for
being late or absent from a class.
3. If a student has 6 unexcused absences, he/she will receive an F for the course. Every 2
times that a student is late to class will result in an unexcused absence.
4. Cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices must be turned off and placed in
your bag or under your desk until the time that class is dismissed.
5. All assignments must be turned in (typed and stapled/bound or submitted online via
Moodle, listen in class to instructors instructions on how to submit work) at the
beginning of class on the day the assignment is due. Late assignments will receive a 10%
grade deduction if they are turned in the on the same calendar day after class begins.
After the due date, there will be a 10% penalty for each day the assignment is late.
6. Students having extenuating circumstances (i.e., excused absences) that require missing
a scheduled assignment, presentation, or exam must notify the professor and make prior
arrangements for fulfilling that requirement.
7. Excused Absences: Should a student have written proof of an excused absence (e.g., a
documented medical problem, varsity athletic contest) that prevents taking a quiz/exam,
other arrangements will be made on an individual basis. Please look at the following
website for NCSU attendance Regulations (REG 02.20.3 ) for further information It is
the students responsibility to contact the professor to make arrangements for missed
quizzes and exams (due to an excused absence).
8. All assignments, exams, and the final examination are to be taken at the time assigned.
No make-up assignments or examinations will be given for unexcused absences. Any
assignments or exams missed will be recorded as a zero.
9. All examinations must be completed in the assigned time. Therefore, DO NOT BE LATE
TO CLASS ON THE DAY OF ANY EXAM. If a student arrives late for an exam and the
first student finished with the exam has left the room, the late student will not be permitted
to take the exam and will receive a zero for that exam.
10. Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order
to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability
Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For
more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please
see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (REG02.20.1) "
Students with documented disabilities that affect their
ability to participate fully in the course or who require
special accommodations are encouraged to speak with
the instructor so that appropriate accommodations can
be arranged.
11. Academic Dishonesty (including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and
misrepresentation) will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty is the giving, taking, or
presenting of information or material by a student that unethically or fraudulently aids
oneself or another on any work which is to be considered in the determination of a grade
or the completion of academic requirements or the enhancement of that student's record
or academic career.
Any student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade for the course and
will be referred to the Director of the Office of Student Conduct. Please refer to the North
Carolina State University Code of Student Conduct for a complete explanation of the NCSU
Academic Honesty policy. This will be strictly enforced. Please see the following website:
*** The instructor reserves the right to make changes/improvements to the syllabus
and outline as the class progresses and circumstances arise. Students will be given
notice of any changes.***