word resume - webula -> josh

Joshua James Lee > Web Developer / Software Engineer
Contact >
Email : jo5hez@yahoo.com
Phone : (253) 576-5243
Location : Seattle, WA
Education >
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Major: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Graduated in Fall 2006 : GPA 3.0
Minor: Mathematics
Green River Community College, Auburn, WA
Associate of Arts Degree
Experience >
Language Experience:
C, C++, Java, C#, ASP.NET, PHP, Perl, Python, Ada, Assembly (x86), VB, Scheme, XML,
HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS
Framework Experience:
Django, Drupal, CakePHP, Wordpress, Newsborder (self written PHP framework)
Web development:
Website Designer/Developer of Webula (Webula currently has 3544 members), Chiropractor
Pages (iMatrix project)
Web 2.0 technology experience is solid (AJAX, advanced CSS design, backend OOP
framework design)
LAMP developer (Linux/Apache/MySQL/(PHP/PERL))
10 years experience with PHP
6 years experience with CSS
API experience:
APR (amazon portable runtime); facebook APIs : FBML, FBJS; Google APIS : google maps,
yahoo APIs,
AWS (amazon web services), various others. Wrote API for MiniBar (WWU) project.
Notable Software Projects >
Designed unix shell in C (WWU)
Designed message board system in PHP (webula.net) (self emplyoment)
Morphing curves graphics app in C# (WWU)
Text-based RPG in C++ (WWU)
File system API in C (WWU)
MiniBar Mobile (Senior Project) (WWU)
iCalendar (iMatrix)
iCard (iMatrix)
Chiropractor Pages (iMatrix)
Advanced Data Mining Algorithms (What Now)
Artificial Intelligence Design (What Now)
Clustering Collective Data (What Now)
Facebook Applications (self projects)
Newsborder CMS : http://www.newsborder.com (self project)
Baseball franchise simulation game : Franchise Ball (self project)
Cell communication programming interface (CTT)
Frans Chocolates Ordering System (Engine Interactive)
Microsoft Dreamspark (Engine Interactive)
Work Experience >
Eben Design : Lead Developer : April 2011 - Current : www.ebendesign.com (bio :
- Director of interactive programmatic designs and related projects
- Web Architecture of interactive web developer for internal and external projects
(frameworks : front and backend design)
- Technologies including but not limited to : Common PHP frameworks (focus on
Wordpress), HTML5, JQuery, CSS, AJAX technologies, etc.
Stripes 39 (contract) : PHP Developer : January 2011 - March 2011 : www.stripes39.com
- Internal Framework development
- CMS site conversion to Wordpress sites
- E-commerce related support. API integration with 3rd party content providers
- Worked with a team of web developers for monetization projects. Mostly PHP projects.
Lead PHP Developer (contract) : Engine Interactive : May 2010 - January 2011 :
(206) 709-1955
- Lamp Development. Backend framework integration & interface design for Fran's
Chocolates site
- Major projects : Fran's Chocolates site, Microsoft Dreamspark, Microsoft Bing
- Technolgies : LAMP, javascript, jquery, Xcart, Candle, Smarty templating, bTemplate
- Worked with internal team and client for interface & feature design for
Senior UI Developer : DeepIntel : September 2010 - December 2010 : (425) 350-1977
- Built templates and programming controls for web start-up financial web application
- Led team of developers upon UI control completion for back-end programmatic
- Built out templates and wrote ASP.NET user controls, utilized CSS & HTML
PHP Lead Developer : Papayahead Inc. : June 2009 - Current : (360) 561-6137 [ internet
startup ]
- PHP, CSS, Javascript (with ajax), (LAMP solutions) for nutrition oriented social
network site
- Implementation of 3rd party, and development of new services throughout site
- network admin and director of code solutions and maintenance
Programmer (contract) : LT-creative : May 2009 - June 2009 : (206) 612-3534
Adding features to social network site
Transfer to new server, system administration
fixing bugs, developing new features requested by client
C Programmer (contract) : AdAppSolutions : March 2009 - April 2009 : (206) 508-1318
- Python scripting for white-label affiliate management system
- Apache Module Development
Python Programmer/Analyst : San Diego Union Tribune : August 2008 – March 2009 : (858)
- Python developer with Django framework. Backend and frontend programming.
- Employee Data administration. Internal technical support agent, programming issues.
- Framework Services documentation manager
- PHP programming and support for intrnal projects
Link : http://www.signonsandiego.com
Lead PHP Developer / AI Design : What Now Inc. : January 2008 – June 2008 : (858) 6780425
- OSX, apache, php, mysql, javascript, ajax : LAMP web 2.0
- Collective Intelligence Algorithm design and implementation .
- data mining, AI for interpretation of collected data
- Mathematical Analysis on collected and interpreted data . clustering, linear
algebraic operations
- Interface design for backend data collection system + backend code development
examples and code unavailable, signed nondisclosure agreement
Lead PHP Programmer / Network Admin : Internet Matrix Inc. (iMatrix) : March 2007 –
November 2007 : (800) 462-8749
- Lead Developer : linux, apache, php, mysql, javascript, ajax : LAMP web 2.0
- Network Administrator : linux administration. windows server administration
- Framework developer of services for iControl Client Administration System :
http://icontrol.chiromatrixdemo.com/login.php and wrote backend base modules
- managed code supporting companies business model
+ services : iCalendar, iCard, iFax
- Wrote Chiropractor pages backend code (directory for company clients) :
+ used AJAX technologies, javascript, CSS, PHP, mysql db etc : Web 2.0 technologies
to develop site
links : http://www.chiromatrixdemo.com, http://www.chiropractor-pages.com
Self Employment (contractor for Google and Amazon) : Webula Networks :
2003-06 : (253) 576-5243
Web Developer : PowerCo Venture Group : 2001 : (253) 926-6347
Sales Representative : MPC Business Center : 2000-01 : (253) 826-7940
References >
Dr. Martin Granier : Western WA Univ. Comp Sci Professor
(360) 650-6879 : granier@wwu.edu
Dr. James Hearne : Western WA Univ. Comp Sci Professor
(360) 650-3792 : James.Hearne@wwu.edu
Casey Halverson : Friend : InfoSpace Employee
(253) 468-5891 : spaceneedle@gmail.com
[ html version : http://www.webula.net/josh/resume.php ]