errata list



Page 47, Last Paragraph, Remove () around text that reads: to store the result in the…

Page 58, 4 th sentence in last paragraph has “to set” written twice.

Page 60, Modify! #3 cout .setf() should read cout.setf() Remove the space.

Page 61, Second cout statement in main, remove space so operator << aligns with the operator above.

Page 89, Amino Acid Molecular Weights. Second sentence should read: The atomic weights…

Chapter 3:

Page 137, delete sentence that reads: These problems relate to program chapter3_2 developed in this

section to generate a truth table. Replace with following sentence:

A logical expression is said to be a tautology if the expression is true for all valuations of the variables that form the expression. A logical expression is said to be a contradiction it the expression is false for all valuations of the variable that form the expression. A logical expression is said to be a contingency if the truth value of the expression depends on the valuation of the variables that form the expression.

Page 137, correct wording for: 36. Write a C++ program to generate a truth table for the expression

A||!A && B. Determine if this expression is a tautology, a contradiction or a contingency.

Page 137, correct wording for: 37. Write a C++ program to generate a truth table for the expression

A&& B&&!B. Determine if this expression is a tautology, a contradiction or a contingency.

Page 137, correct wording for: 38. . Write a C++ program to generate a truth table for the expression

A||B|!A. Determine if this expression is a tautology, a contradiction or a contingency.

Chapter 4:

Page 178: Problem number 19 should reference problem number 18, not 7.

Page 179: Problem number 22 should reference problem 21, not 10

Page 179: Problem number 25 should reference problem 24, not 13

Page 180: Problem numbers 28 and 29 should reference problem 27, not 16

Page 181: Problem numbers 31 and 31 should reference problem 30, not 19


Page 208: First line of program should read Program chapter5_4 (not 5_3).

Page 211: First line of program should read Program chapter5_5 (not 5_4).

Page 213: First line of program should read Program chapter5_6 (not 5_5)

Page 219: First line of program, mid page, should read Program chapter5_7 (not 5_6)

Page 231: First line of program should read Program chapter5_8 (not 5_7)

Chapter 6:

Page 277: First line of program, mid page, should read Program chapter6_5 (not 6_3)

Page 288: First line of program, mid page, should read Program chapter6_6 (not 6_5)

Page 291: First line of program should read Program 6_7(not 6_6)

Page 293: First line of program, bottom of page, should read Program chapter6_8 (not 6_7)

Chapter 7:

Page 340: Multiple Choice Questions on page340 and 341, numbered 26-31, should be moved to page

336, following problem 4, and should be numbered 5-10. Problems 5-25 should be re-numbered 11-31

Chapter 8:

Page 390, mid page: Add the line /* Program chapter8_6 */

Above the line that reads /* This program calculates the rate of migration of particles. */

Chapter 9:

Page 417, First line of program should read Program chapter9_8 (not 9_2)

Chapter 10:

Page 472, First line of program should read Program chapter10_2 (not 10_1)

Page 474, Modify! section. Change chapter10_1 to chapter10_2 (twice)

Page 498, top of page, following // Parameterized constructor

Rectangle(double w, double p, double x, double y); should read

Rectangle(double w, Point p, double x, double y);

Page 483, First line of program should read Program chapter10_4(not 10_3)

Page 503, First line of program, bottom of page, should read Program chapter10_6 (not 10_7)

Page 504, change Program chapter 10_7 to chapter10_6

Page 503, mid page, change Program chapter 10_7 to Program chapter 10_6

Page 512, insert, above #include “player.h”, the line: //Program chapter10_7

Page 516, Modify! section. Problems 1-3, change 10_2 to 10_7
