KIOCL LIMITED (Formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited) (A Government of India Enterprise) KUDREMUKH – 577142 KUDREMUKH C&C DEPARTMENT / Contracts Section An ISO-9001:2000 Dist : Chikmagalur(Karnataka) ISO – 14001:2004 & Telegram: KUDREORE OHSAS – 18001:2007 Tele Fax: 08263-254117/Ph: 08263 254598 COMPANY Website : _______________________________________________________________________________ No: KIOCL/S/Tender/3617/207 Date: 23-08-2011 LIMITED TENDER NOTICE ENQUIRY Sealed tenders are invited from the experienced contractors who have carried out similar type of work and also having P F Code Number issued by PF Authorities for the below mentioned work at Kudremukh, Chickmgalaur District, Karnataka- 577 142. Tenders will be received up to 3.00 PM on the date indicated below and opened in the presence of tenderers who wish to be present on the same day in the Office of the undersigned. The contractors have to submit Technical Bid and Price Bid in separate sealed covers super scribing on the envelope “TECHNICAL BID/ PRICE BID” as the case may be. Tender papers can be had from the Office of the Asst. Manager / Contracts Section, C&C Department, KIOCL Limited, Kudremukh, Karnataka – 577 142, on all working days during Office hours. The tender notification details can also be downloaded from the web site However, bidders who downloaded the details from the Web site and submit the offer have to enclose a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/= towards documents fee drawn in favour of KIOCL limited, Kudremukh, payable at Kudremukh. Name of the Work Duration of Contract Removal of Grass, Three Months weeds and thorny from the date bushes in MSDS and of issue of other areas at W. O. Kudremukh. EMD Rs. Last Date for receipt of tenders Up to 3.00 PM Rs. 1000/- on 29.08.2011 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section, DISTRIBUTION: C & C Department 1. DGM (P&S) - for information pl. 2. Tender & Claims - Notice Board, Kudremukh 3 Administrative Offices – Notice Boards, K’mukh, B’lore, M’lore 4. Town Admn. - Notice Board 5. Stores & Shops - Notice Board 4 .DM (E) /D&M } : for information and with a request to arrange to send one of the representative 5. AM (F&A) } : from your depts. to attend Tender Opening on the above mentioned date & time. ENVELOPE NO. 1 - TECHNICAL BID FOR TENDER NO. 3617 KIOCL Limited (FORMERLY KUDREMUKH IRON ORE COMPANY LTD) (A Government of India Enterprise) KUDREMUKH – 577142 KUDREMUKH C&C DEPARTMENT/ Contracts Section Dist : Telegram: Tele Fax: Website : An ISO-9001: 2000 ISO – 14001:2004 & OHSAS – 18001:2007 COMPANY Chikmagalur(Karnataka) KUDREORE 08263-254117 ________________________________________________________________ -1No.S/Tender/3617/207 Date:23.08.2011 Tender for: Removal of Grass, weeds and thorny bushes in MSDS and other areas at Kudremukh. A.INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS:1. Tender should accompany EMD of Rs. 1000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of KIOCL Limited, KUDREMUKH PAYABLE AT KUDREMUKH (MALLESWARA). The last date for receipt of tenders is up to 3.00 PM on 29.08.2011. 2. The work shall be governed by KIOCL's General Conditions of contract, which is available for inspection by the tenderers in the Office of the Asst. Manager /Contracts Section, C&C Department, KIOCL Limited, Kudremukh.577 142. 3. Tenderers shall furnish their quotations in the schedule enclosed. RATES SHOULD BE WRITTEN BOTH IN WORDS AND FIGURES. Tenderers shall submit the bids in sealed cover, addressed to Asst. Manager /Contracts Section, C&C Department KIOCL Limited, Kudremukh-577 142 clearly indicating tender reference etc on the envelope. 4. The separate BID/PRICE technical bid. Contractors have to submit Technical Bid and price bid in sealed covers superscripting on the envelope "TECHNICAL BID" as the case may be. The EMD is to be enclosed along with Bid. The agency should not write any conditions in the price 5. Bidder shall sign all the pages of the Bid document, the signature in the “Form of Bid” alone shall be deemed to be taken as acceptance of other documents. 6. Employer reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 7. Tender received late are liable for rejection. 8. Employer reserves the right to award part of the work or the whole, as may be considered necessary. 9. Tenders submitted without EMD will not be considered. Signature of the Tenderer Pages: 01/06 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section Contd…..02/- -2B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Scope of work shall include all “Schedule of Items” as described in the enclosed schedule covering all the items required for completing the work. 2. The work is complete labour contract with all leads and lifts transport etc., needed for execution of works. The quantities given in the schedule of items are approximate and may vary. Some of the items may not be executed. But no claim by the contractor on account of such omission or modifications shall be entertained. Payment for the work done shall be made at quoted rates for scheduled items only. Escalation in rates shall not be allowed on any account. 3. The contractor shall visit the work site and conditions prevailing before submission of tender. acquaint himself of the 4. No extra items shall be executed by the contractor without prior consent of the Engineer-in charge of the work in writing. The rates for such items shall be agreed upon before commencement of such items of work. However, the rates shall be derived from the quoted rates, if this is not possible, then on the basis of market rates analysis, the rate shall be finalised. 5. Rates quoted against schedule items shall include all materials, labour, machinery expense and hire charges, all taxes, royalties, transport, maintenance, incidentals, enabling works etc., based on the conditions mentioned herein. Unless otherwise specified in the tender schedule the rates for all items will be deemed to include all leads, lifts and descents involved in the work. 6. There is no maintenance period for this work. 7. During the execution of the work, on account payment will normally be arranged once in a month, but no claim on this account will be entertained, if for any reason payments are not so made. 8. Initial security deposit of 3% of the tendered value shall be deposited immediately after placement of order. EMD shall be adjusted against the initial security deposit. The balance 7% shall be recovered from each running bill. The Security Deposit shall be refunded after successful completion of work. 9. Any damage to the Company's property caused by the contractor during the execution/maintenance of work, shall be recovered from the contractor at the discretion of the Engineer-in charge. 10. Statutory deductions towards income tax will be made as per rules. 11. The contractor shall abide by all contracts Labour Regulation Abolition Act, Minimum Wages Act, Workmen's Compensation Act, Provident Fund Act and Security Regulation Promulgated from time to time by the employer. The contractor should obtain Insurance Policy to cover the risk of all the labourers under Workmen's Compensation Act for the full period. Work order will not be issued without valid insurance. 12. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the payment of wages Act, 1936 and Rules made there under in respect of all labourers employed by him in carrying out this Contract. 13. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Equal Remuneration Act 1976 and central Rules. 14. Contractor shall not employ children below the age stipulated under Law. Contractor shall comply the Child labour (P&R) Act 1988 and Central Rules. Signature of the Tenderer Page Nos. 02/06 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section Contd..03 -0315. The contractor has to ensure payment of minimum wages not only as existing at the time of award of contract but also should ensure payment of minimum wages as notified by the Government of India from time to time. While indicating their bids the contractor should keep this in mind and accordingly submit the same. 16. The Contractor shall certify that the labourers they carry in to the Plant are well acquainted by them and they bear very good character and they are the Indian and not involved in any of the Criminal activities and in case of any involvement in Criminal activities, they will personally be held responsible. 17 Our Mines/Company come under the statue of Mines Act, Rules, Metalliferous Mines Regulations, byelaws and orders made there under. Hence, the Contractors must abide by the same. i) No persons shall be employed without Initial Training on Safety as per Vocational Training Rules. The new workmen of the agency (if being inducted for the first time) are to undergo an Orientation Training Programme in our Training and Safety Department for a minimum period of three days, in general shift before they are deployed for performing actual work by the agency. The user Department shall ensure this. ii) Contractor must immediately after deploying the Contract Workers, get their Initial Medical Examination done at Company Hospital. The initial/periodical Medical Examination of Contract Workers at our project will be carried out on free of cost at Kudremukh Hospital. iii) A supervisor with experience should be deployed to ensure that the contract workers work safely and in accordance with all the provisions of Mines Act, Rules, Regulations, Byelaws and orders made there under. 18. The Contractor shall be responsible for all the safety measures as per the rules in the interest of Safety of all the labourers working under him. Necessary safety appliances shall be provided to all the labourers at your cost. Wherever it is observed that the contractor has not provided safety appliances to any of the workers engaged by him, the management reserves the right to issue the necessary safety appliances to his workers on cost recovery basis. 19. As security for ensuring that you will abide by all safety and precautionary rules and provision of proper safety appliances to your workmen by you, a safety deposit of 1% of the contract value will be deducted from your running bills and the same will be refunded in full along with the final bill. 20. The workmen of contractors at Kudremukh would be offered free medical treatment at Kudremukh Hospital in all cases of injuries arising out of and in the course of their employment relating to works awarded by KIOCL. 21. If the agency fails to complete the job within the stipulated period, the work may be awarded to some other agency at his risk and cost. The extra expenditure, if any shall be recovered from the agency. 22. Time allotted for the job is THREE MONTHS from the date specified in the Work Order. 23. The contract will be operated DM (E)/D&M or his Authorised Representative. Signature of the Tenderer Page No. 03/06 Asst. Manager / Contracts Section Contd…04/- -04- SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Removed grass should be transported and put into grass dumping area on day to day basis. 2. The agency has to deploy male labourers only to work inside the sub-stations. 3. The Agency should have proper supervisor for supervising the work and he has to take proper work permit before starting the work. 4. All tools and tackles required for the work has to be arranged by the agency. 5. For transportation of removed grass, weeds, etc., departmental truck will be provided on free of cost basis. 6. The agency is fully responsible for the safety of his personnel. The agency should ensure that his workers take adequate safety while on the job. 7. Speed is the essence of work. The work shall be done as fast as possible to complete the same well within the stipulated time. 8. Agency should physically see the site and assess the exact bushes and shrubs to be removed from the proposed area before quoting. 9. Grass below the cables is to be removed with spade only. Signature of the Tenderer Pages: 04/06 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section Contd…05/- -5- ENVELOPE NO. 2 : PRICE BID – TENDER NO.3617 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS: Name of the work: Removal of grass, weeds and thorny bushes in MSDS & other areas at Kudremukh. Sl. DESCRIPTION/ITEM UNIT No. 1 Removal of grass, weeds, tiny shrubs along with roots in aggregate spread areas at MSDS , Township S/s, RWPH S/s, TT3 S/s C&C, BRPH etc Sq. as per the directions of Mtrs. Engineer-in-charge.(As per Annexure enclosed) 2 3 Cutting of grass, weeds and tiny shrubs and bushes immediately outside the Sq. fence of MSDS, Township Mtrs. S/s, starting gantries, TT3 S/s, around Township S/s, material yard east side of MSDS and below the over head lines as per the directions of the Engineerin- Charge(As per Annexure enclosed) Cutting of grass, weeds, tiny shrubs and bushes below and around the cable with spade. (As per Sq. Annexure enclosed) Mtrs. QTY RATE Rs. Ps. AMOUNT Rs. Ps. 12080.43 56282.18 700.00 Grand Total: (In Words: Rupees ______________________________________________________ Only) Signature of the Tenderer Pages: 05/06 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section Contd…06/- -06- GRASS REMOVAL AREAS { ANNXURE TO PRICE BID (TENDER NO. 3617) } Item no.1 LOCATION AREA,Sq.Meter 1 MSDS yard 9000.00 2 Township S/s 450.00 3 RWPH S/s 499.00 4 RWPH cable gantry 120.73 5 TT-3 S/S feeders 32&36 gantries 600.70 6 TT3 Substation Sl.No. 1410.00 TOTAL. 12080.43 Item no.2 Sl.No. LOCATION AREA,Sq.Meter 1 Just outside the fence of MSDS. 1980.00 2 Just outside the fence of Township S/s. 3 Outside the fence of F-39 gantry. 52.60 4 Outside the fence of 36&32 gantry and its road crossing gantry 72.80 5 Around the T/S substation control room & outside the fence 690.28 6 Outside the fence of TT3 Substation 300.00 7 MSDS control room side(right side) 1131.50 8 Material yard,East side of MSDS. 8402.00 9 Around Township Substation 2293.00 150.00 10 Around Lakya substation 40.00 11 Around 4-Pole in RWPH. 25.00 12 Around JP transformer shed. 25.00 13 Outside the fence of RWPH substation 14 Feeder-32 over head line ( 950 X 5 ) 4750.00 15 Feeder-36 over head line ( 1100 X 5 ) 5500.00 16 OG-1 O/h line up to Janatha market road crossing ( 1050 X 3 ) 3150.00 17 OG-4 over head line up to the Co. compound (70x3). 18 OG-3 over head line ( 4500 X 3 ) 19 TT-3 to Ware house over head line ( 1230 X 5 ) 20 TT-4 to SW/H-4 over head line ( 120 X 3 ) 21 Over head line from CR-111 to MSS (1000 X 3 ) 3000.00 22 F-40 over head line from MSDS to 56 units ( 600 X 3 ) 1800.00 23 TT-3 stock yard ( 20 X 40 ) 800.00 24 Dispatch Substation ( 20 X 30 ) 600.00 25 C&C transformers TR 11, 12, 13,14,15,16,17,18,21, 22, 100.00 210.00 13500.00 6150.00 360.00 23,111,112,113,114,116,117,118,121,122,123,211,213, 1200.00 TOTAL. 56282.18 Item no.3 SL.No. LOCATION AREA,Sq.Meter 1 TT3 to TT4 cable (75 meter X 4 meter). 300.00 2 Dam-1 area near ware house to ware house substation (200x2) 400.00 TOTAL. Signature of the tenderer Pages : 06/06 700.00 Asst. Manager /Contracts Section