БУКЛЕТ ДВГУ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ИЗДАНИЕ 2009 Г. Отв. редактор английской версии: Фалалеев А.Г. Редакторы: Крум Д.М., Польшина Ю.А., Прошина З.Г. Нумерация страниц – по русскоязычному апрельскому изданию буклета 2009 г. Сквозные решения: В всех подписях к фотографиям точка в конце ставится только в том случае, если подпись является законченным предложением окончания перечислительных пунктов, не являющихся законченными предложениями (перечни специальностей, университетов-партнеров и т.п.) – без знаков препинания поскольку английский язык лаконичнее, и сама стилистика иллюстрированного зарубежного буклета предполагает краткость и легкость чтения, предлагается увеличить размер шрифта при сохранении тех же фото и такого же размещения разделов, что в русскоязычном исходнике во всех диаграммах запятые, отделяющие дробную часть, заменяются точками; последние три знака целых чисел отделяются запятой (например 1000 -> 1,000) Лицевая обложка: Far Eastern National University 110th Anniversary Russian Island of the Pacific Rim Надписи на циферблате: XIX Century Institute for Oriental Studies XX Century Far Eastern State University XXI Century Far Eastern National University Надпись при логотипе Премии РФ: Premium for Quality of the Russian Federation Government Надпись при логотипе ПНП «Образование» “Innovative Universities” Federal Grant Award C1 Far Eastern National University Russian Island of the Pacific Rim For the FENU’s 110th Anniversary 1899-2009 Vladivostok 1 Far Eastern National University Press 2009 C2 УДК и др. выходные данные в верхнем левом углу оставить без изменений на русском, если они вообще нужны. Chief Editor: V.I. Kurilov Editors: B.L. Reznik, V.N. Antonov, V.P. Dikarev, S.V. Dubovitskiy, Y.A. Kutuzov, I.V. Soppa, A.N. Shushin, A.G. Falaleev, and T.V. Prudkogliad Breadboard model and imposition: L. A. Kharitonova Authors: N.N. Anoshkina, L.P. Bondarenko, V.P. Dikarev, S.V. Dubovitskiy, O.P. Elantseva, S.N. Goncharova, B.N. Grudin, A.Y. Kaidanovich, A.I. Kolmakova, L.E. Kornilova, V.V. Korochentsev, E.A. Kotova, N.V. Kuznetsova, V.I. Kurilov, K.A. Kurilova, G.N. Lovtsevich, N.S. Moreva, A.M. Nikolaev, V.S. Plotnikov, G.G. Popova, Z.G. Proshina, T.V. Prudkogliad, B.L. Reznik, N.N. Savchuk, R.M. Samigulin, A. Ia. Sokolovskiy, I.V. Soppa, L.A. Stankevich, A.Y. Starichkov, B.K. Starostin, A.G. Falaleev, A.A. Khamatova, A.A. Shnyrko, and A.N. Shushin English Version Authors, Translators, and Editors: E.M. Butenina, J.M. Croom, A.G. Falaleev, S.S. Ilyina, Y.A. Polshina, Z.G. Proshina, and V.L. Zavyalova Far Eastern National University: Russian Island of the Pacific Rim. For the FENU’s 110th Anniversary, 1899-2009 // Far Eastern National University Press, Vladivostok, 2009. 180 pages © Far Eastern National University, 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. (аннотацию и коды внизу, частично повторяющие коды вверху, можно убрать) С3 CONTENTS President’s Message FENU Mission Statement FENU in 2009: Brief Facts and Structure 6 8 9 FENU Quality Control System 14 FENU Quality Control Policy Principles and Components of the FENU Quality Control System Information and Methodical Support Student Performance Rating Academic Performance Monitoring Interactive Teaching System 14 15 16 16 16 17 2 Document Management 17 University Student and Alumnus Employment System 18 Feedback 18 External Expert Assessment 19 Federal Accreditation and License 19 Public Accreditation 20 Expert Assessment by International Professional Organizations 21 Large Scale Federal and Foreign Non-Competitive Funding Based on Overall External Quality Assessment 21 Competitive National and International Grant Awards Based on Expert Quality Assessment of Education and Research 22 Evaluation by Prominent Specialists in Education and Research 23 Expert Evaluation in Quality Awards Competitions 24 Expert Assessment of International Professional Organizations FENU History 26 1899-1989 1990-2009 FENU Honorary Doctors FENU Research and Academic Museum 26 36 40 44 Research is a Foundation for Qualitative University Education 46 FENU Major Research Areas 50 Federal Innovative Universities Program 52 (следующий пункт, «результаты реализации Инновационной образовательной программы», предлагается убрать из содержания как избыточный) Marine Biota Research & Educational Center 54 Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education 56 Primorsky (Vladivostok) Aquarium Research and Education Center 57 Primorsky Quality Control and Testing Center 57 Satellite Geodesic Research and Education Center 57 Research and Education Centers of the FENU Institute of Physics and Information Technologies 58 World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development 60 Education 62 FENU Education District 62 Professional Development Programs 64 FENU Postgraduate Studies 66 (следующий пункт, «научные специальности аспирантуры и докторантуры», предлагается убрать из содержания как избыточный) Internationalization of Education and Research 68 Export of Russian Higher Education and Research via FENU: a Two-Way Highway FENU International Students Institute of International Education Far Eastern Branch of the “Russkiy Mir” Foundation FENU Students Abroad 70 76 78 80 84 C4 3 Countries cooperating with FENU: People’s Republic of China Republic of Korea Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Japan Socialist Republic of Vietnam Thailand Indonesia Mongolia India Australia Great Britain Germany France Spain USA Multinational institutions International distance and blended mode programs 86 96 97 98 104 105 105 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 110 114 118 Informatization of FENU Education and Research 120 Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library Telecommunication Resources FENU Press 122 128 129 Students 130 Job Placement and Internships United Student Council Student Research Physical Education and Sports Student Performance Center and Choreography School 132 134 137 138 142 FENU’s Future 149 Russian Federal Universities System and Its Integration into the Global Top Tier of Research Universities 150 FENU Strategic Development Program for 2009-2025 Chronology of Activities Strategic Areas of Research and Education Development FENU’s Place in the National Development Strategy and the Federal Universities System Program Activities Phases of FENU Development as a Federal University Target Indicators FENU’s R&D Park Innovation and Technology Centers of FENU as a Federal University Impact of FENU as a Federal University Infrastructure of the FENU’s Russian Island Campus, Phase 1, 2009-2012 Nanotechnologies Innovation and Technology Center 160 163 168 169 170 171 171 172 172 173 173 174 4 World Ocean Innovation and Technology Center Center of Oriental Studies and Pacific Rim Social and Political Technologies Center of Russian Language and Culture International Business School Infrastructure of the FENU’s Russian Island Campus, Phase 2, 2009-2025 FENU Administration Profile and Contact Data 174 175 175 175 176 178 C5 FENU Shield of Arms and Symbols Steller's sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagius) Chinese magnolia-vine (Schizandra chinensis) Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) C6-7 President’s Message Справка о ректоре: Dr. Vladimir I. Kurilov, SJD, LL.M. President, Far Eastern National University Dr. Vladimir I. Kurilov is the 20th, the longest serving President of Far Eastern National University during its 110 year history. He is the first FENU President appointed to this position in the result of alternative elections by secret ballot of the FENU Electoral Conference – the supreme university body composed of about 200 delegates, representing all FENU’s academic, research, and administrative units. Dr. Kurilov was elected to the President’s position four times in chain (in 1990, 1997, 2002, and 2007), after 18 years of work at FENU as faculty member (since 1972), Chair of Labor Law Department (since 1983), Dean of Law School (1982-90). Under his leadership, FENU became one of the few top tier Russian research universities, the 3rd university nominated by Russian Federal Government for the status of federal university. Dr. Kurilov is a member of Federal Attestation Committee (VAK), supervising the quality of education and doctoral research at the national level; a member of the Presiding Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch, a Deputy of Primorsky State Legislative Committee, a member of General Council of the “The United Russia” Party. Dr. Kurilov is a member of Steering Committees of many national and international educational organizations, including such famous as the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and the International Association of University Presidents. Dr. Kurilov received his S.J.D. and LL.M. degrees from St. Petersburg State University, and his J.D. degree from FENU. Dr. Kurilov’s contribution to FENU development, promotion of Russian education, research and culture in the Pacific Rim has been recognized by many exceptional national and international awards, including the Russian Federation Order of Recognition (2003); the Russian Federation Order of Merit, 4th degree (2008); 7 honorary degrees of foreign universities, 3 honorary citizenships, and other awards from UNESCO, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and several multinational organizations ((P. 178). Основной текст: 5 In Russian literature there’s a short line which sounds like deep ancient Oriental wisdom and a western theorem: “great things are viewed from afar.” As in the Theory of Relativity, this line is equally true both for distances and time; it is also true for Far Eastern National University (FENU). The day it was established, October 21 1899, all its first students could easily get together at the entrance of the only building, the Institute of Oriental Studies. In 2009 there’s only one’s imagination that gives a well turned picture of 131 university buildings, almost 100,000 recent graduates, students, professors, and scientists, and hundreds of FENU partners around the world. This perspective is quite a distant view from outer space of that part of the planet called the AsiaPacific Rim. But the view of this hemisphere is not enough to get a true picture of the university’s scope – our partnership programs and alumni are closely connected with Europe and many other countries of the world. Yet, this impressive picture of the modern university is far from being enough to provide a total understanding of what FENU is and will be for Russia if facts of its history and present day plans are omitted. Now that 110 years had elapsed since FENU was founded, we realize the significance of this event like only the most sagacious and talented statesmen and professors of that time. We bring together fractions of the long ago shattered mosaic of the fates and deeds of the Institute of Oriental Studies’ alumni who established hundreds of new institutions of higher educations, institutes, and chairs all over the Far East and who participated in forming the system of high education and science not only in our region but also neighboring countries. Now we know more about them than they did about each other being separated with national conflicts and historical cataclysms. We are aware of only a few follow-ups of their activity they were not to know themselves. We fully appreciate their impact on developing the Russian Far East and building an outstanding reputation of Russian higher education in neighboring countries. Even now that we have the inexhaustible information resources of the 21st century, we are far from giving true appraisal and understanding of all the gains of friendship, sympathy, interest, respect, and mutual understanding cultivated by our predecessors in this ancient region of the planet where people have always had different reactions to strong European power approaching the Pacific coasts. Through the time shroud we are getting not only the past of our university – we can see its future, distant and close. Lately, particularly these last months, we have built an integrated comprehensive model of the university we would like to have by the years of 2012 and 2020. We have minutely devised the plan for this model’s realization; by long-term efforts and real accomplishments we persuaded the leaders of the Russian Federation that FENU will accomplish its goals. Now we can speak of the future university in as much detail as we can about the modern one – there’s already much information about each building, school and its centers. With modern information technologies our university of the future can be viewed in a 3-dimentional image; flying over campus, one can see precisely its interior design and every single building plan. We can watch these pictures becoming more exact, attractive and focused. Not all 3D images will turn into reality – but it is up to us in collaboration with the leading planning and research teams of Russia and all over the world to decide which of the variants will best meet the requirements of the university to be constructed. In a 110year-long university history there have been two unique periods of its close cooperation with supreme organs of the government. The first is the period of establishment and development of the Institute of Oriental Studies under control and initiative of the last Russian Emperor Nikolai II, Finance Minister Count Sergey Y. Vitte, and Prime-Minister Pyetr A. Stolypin. The second period is the one we are living now. Of course, FENU faculty and staff consider establishment of the Federal University their own idea and service, but for the President of Russian Federation and his predecessor, establishment of the Federal Universityin the Russian Far East is also their action and their project. The names of Vladimir V. Putin, Dmitry A. Medvedev, Boris V. Gryzlov, Igor I. Shuvalov, Andrey A. Fursenko, Nikolai I. Bulaev, and many other statesmen of Russia are as 6 closely connected with the Federal University establishment now as the names of the most outstanding statesmen of the end of the 19th century are associated with the history of establishment and successful development of the School of Oriental Studies. The word “dream” is not appropriate for such official documents as the program for establishment and development of FENU in the new status of the Federal University. This is a rather dry, business text, rich in tables and charts, occupying hundreds of pages with appendices included. Yet, I would like to say that if a dream is based on foreseeing the future in the collective mind of the most outstanding scientists and spokesmen of Russia, adequate financial resources and systems approach, and if this dream’s realization is part of the entire strategic profile of Russia – such a dream will turn into realty that we truly wish for all of us and our descendants. C8 FENU Mission Statement Far Eastern National University, accredited as a federal university and research institution of Russia; recognized as a leading comprehensive university of Russia and Pacific Rim, the only legal successor of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the first higher educational institution in the Russian Far East; fulfilling the high mission to be the major representative of Russian education, science, and culture in the Pacific Rim; pursuing interests of Russian Federation people, state, and society; sharing the historical mission of Russia in the dialog and amalgamation of the great Eastern and Western cultures; basing its activities on the humanitarian principles and the values common to all mankind as declared by the United Nations; acting with key aims in mind, following long term priorities at the edge of human capabilities and creativity; determines the following key aims and values: 1. Vision of human civilization development perspectives, advancement ahead of today in the University's activities; 2. Ensuring quality of education corresponding to the highest international standards; 3. Permanent development of fundamental and applied sciences as a vital prerequisite of quality education; 4. Internationalization of education, research, and culture, integration into the worldwide educational, research, and cultural environment; 5. Constant development and implementation of advanced information technologies into education, research, and various areas of world community's activities; 6. Protection and development of moral and cultural values of human society; 7. Forming moral, highly intellectual and physically healthy individuals with honor, abilities and will to lead, win and promote prosperity of humankind. 7 C9 FENU in 2009 FENU, being one of the oldest, best and largest Russian universities, is the leading Russian higher education institution in relations with the Asia Pacific Rim countries. Its key parameters are unique for the Eastern Russia: History Founded in 1899 by Emperor Nicolas II as the 1st higher education institution of the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia Educational programs 600+ educational programs in total, including 49 bachelor specialties 79 post-bachelor ("specialist") specialties 14 master specialties 64 post-graduate (Ph.D. research) specialties 171 pre-university and professional development programs Academic and Research Units 27 institutes and 47 schools 159 academic departments (chairs) 400+ research and education centers and labs; many of them are unique in the Russian Far East or in Russia (more information in relevant sections of the booklet) Students 41,000+ students in total 25,000+ students enrolled to higher education degree programs Faculty and Staff 1,515 faculty members 1058 faculty members holding Ph.D. level degrees (Russian candidate or doctor of science) 5,000 faculty and staff in total Research 13 doctoral specialties 7 doctoral dissertation councils in 14 specialties and 1 LL.M. Dissertation Council in 3 specialties 600+ doctoral students 52% of the total FENU research budget is international competitive grant awards and international contracts on FENU research FENU contributes 64% of all publications of Russian Far East universities and colleges in worldwide peer reviewed scientific journals (the Science Citation Index data) International Cooperation 8 Academic and research partnerships with more than 200 international institutions, about 100 of the partnerships are based on president-level institutional agreements and contracts 30+ international faculty members teaching on campus in Vladivostok 40+ international faculty members teaching FENU students online annually in dual degree programs 800+ international students 400+ students of international dual degree programs 6500+ international alumni of FENU programs since 1990 Infrastructure 131 university buildings and facilities The largest and most advanced university library in the Eastern Russia; the new library building, completed in 2008, provides access to 1.5 million hardcopy units and various online resources Federal Scholarships In 2008/2009 academic year, federal scholarships cover 100% tuition fees for over 11,696 higher education students Alumni 4,425 higher education graduates in 2008/2009 academic year Over 90% of specialists in Oriental Studies of the Russian Far East are FENU alumni Over 40% of researchers of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are FENU alumni About 90% of members of Primorsky Krai Supreme Court and Primorsky Krai Bar Association are FENU alumni New Russian Island Campus Construction 5,000 workers by September 2009 14,000 workers are planned by Summer 2010 Foundations of academic, research and dormitory buildings of Phase I campus (420,000 square meters for 6,500 students) are to be completed by December 2009; the whole Phase I campus construction will be completed by March 2012 to accommodate up to 10,500 students The University Bridge, connecting the Vladivostok on the mainland with the new island campus, will become one of the largest cable-stayed bridges of the world (3,150 meters in total length with above water spans of 1,920 meters, the center span of 1,104 meters, and the top of the pylons 320 meters above sea level); construction started in September 2008 and will be completed by July 2012 with federal funding Russian and International Recognition Nominated by Federal Government for the status of the 3rd Russian federal university, 2008 Ranked 1st in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia in all overall ratings of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science One of 42 members of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) uniting the leading comprehensive research universities of the Pacific Rim; FENU President Kurilov is a member of APRU Steering Committee since 2006 9 The only Russian university having a branch campus in Japan; FENU's Hakodate Brach is recognized and licensed by Japanese Government The only university representing Russia in the G8 University Summit 2008 and the G8 University Students' Summit 2009; the only Russian university invited to the G8 University Summit 2009 8 international dual degree programs with universities located in USA, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Australia, and Spain One of the largest exporters of Russian higher education in terms of the number of academic credits transferred into degree programs of foreign partner universities (over 6,000 academic credits in 2008/2009 academic year), as well as the number of FENU academic credits earned by foreign students (over 12,000 academic credits in 2008/2009 academic year) C10-C13 FENU Structure Major Academic and Research Units Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology Division of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Biochemistry and Biotechnology Chair Division of Biology Botany Chair Cell Biology Chair Genetics and Selection Chair Marine Biology and Aquaculture Chair Zoology Chair Division of Ecology General Ecology Chair UNESCO Marine Ecology Chair Division of Soil Science Soil Science and Soil Ecology Chair Institute of Chemistry and Applied Ecology School of Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Analysis Chair Bioorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology Chair Chemical Technologies Chair Inorganic and Element Organic Chemistry Chair Organic Chemistry Chair Physical Chemistry and Ecological Physical Chemistry Chair School of Applied Ecology and Life Safety Applied Ecology and Management Chair Ecological Technologies and Physical Chemical Modeling Chair Fire Security Chair Life Safety and Catastrophe Medicine Chair 10 Institute of Environmental Sciences School of Geography Pacific Rim Geography Chair Physical Geography Chair Recreational Geography Chair Regional Analysis and Sustainable Development Chair School of Geophysics Astronomy and Geodesy Chair Chair of Geo-Information Systems Land Hydrology and Water Resource Protection Chair Marine Studies Chair Meteorology, Climatology and Air Pollution Prevention Chair Institute of Foreign Languages School of German Languages English Grammar Chair English Language History Chair English Phonetics Chair German Language Chair Lexicology, Stylistics and Methods of Teaching Chair Theory and Practice of Translation Chair School of Romance Languages Foreign Literatures History Chair Romance Languages Chair Foreign Languages Chair Institute of History and Philosophy School of History Archaeology, Ethnography, and History of World Culture Chair Political History Chair Russian History Chair World History Chair School of Philosophy, Theology, and Comparative Religions Culture Studies Chair Philosophy Chair Theology and Comparative Religions Chair Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality Management Innovation Management Chair Quality Control Chair Institute of International Tourism and Hospitality School of International Tourism International Tourism Chair Hotel and Restaurant Business Chair 11 School of Social Management Business Administration in International Tourism and Hospitality Chair Social Management Chair Foreign Languages Chair Institute of Law School of Business Law School of Distance Learning School of International Law School of Jurisprudence School of Justice and Prosecution School of State and Law Civil Law Chair Criminal Law Chair Criminalistics Chair Financial and Business Law Chair Foreign Languages Chair International Law Chair Justice and Prosecution Chair Labor Law Chair State (Constitutional) and Administrative Law Chair Theory and History of State and Law Chair Lawyers Division International Maritime Law Division Institute of Management and Business Russian-American School of International Economic Relations and Management English Language Chair International Management Chair School of Economics Economic Theory Chair Foreign Languages Chair Russian Economics and Economic Policy Chair World Economics Chair School of Finance Accounting and Auditing Chair Finance and Credit Chair State and Corporate Finance Chair Taxes and Taxation Chair School of Management and Business Economics and Human Resource Management Chair Informational Systems in Economics Management Chair Marketing Chair 12 Institute of Mass Media School of Journalism Periodic Press Chair Public Relations Chair Russian Language and Stylistics Chair TV and Radio Broadcasting Chair School of Publishing and Computer Design Computer Design Chair Publishing and Printing Industry Chair Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Algebra and Logic Chair Computer Software Chair Computer Technologies Chair Control Processes Chair Function Theory and Functional Analysis Chair Information Sciences Chair Mathematical Analysis Chair Mathematical Models in Economics Chair Mathematical Physics and Computer Modeling Chair Institute of Oriental Studies Economics and Finance of Pacific Rim Countries Chair English Language Chair Oriental Languages Chair School of Japanese Studies Japanese Philology Chair Regional Studies Chair School of South Asian and South East Asian Studies Indian Studies Chair South Asian and South East Asian Philology Chair School of Sinology Chinese Philology Chair Foreign Policy and International Relations in East Asia Chair History of Chinese Civilization Chair School of Korean Studies Korean History, Economics and Culture Chair Korean Philology Chair Institute of Physics and Information Technologies School of Physics General Physics Chair Hydrological Physics Chair Medical Physics Chair Physics of Atoms and Molecules Chair Planet Physics Chair Theoretical and Nuclear Physics Chair 13 School of Physics and Engineering Physical Fundamentals of Information Technologies Chair Physics and Technology of Materials for Semi-conducting Microelectronics Chair School of Information Technologies Computer Systems Chair Electronics Chair Information Security Chair Underwater Robot Technologies Chair School of Geology Dynamical Geology Chair Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences School of Psychology Applied Psychology Chair General and Social Psychology Chair School of Human Sciences Social Anthropology Chair Social Welfare Chair Institute of Pedagogy and Education School of Pedagogy Developmental Pedagogy Chair Developmental Psychology Chair Social Pedagogy and Education Management Chair School of Educators Professional Development Theory and Practice of Professional Development Chair Institute of Russian Language and Literature General Linguistics and History of Language Chair Modern Russian Language Chair Russian as a Foreign Language Chair Russian Literature Chair Russian Literature History Chair Institute of Physical Education and Sports Martial Arts Theory and Methods Chair Medical, and Biological Foundations of Sports Chair Sports Chair Theoretical Foundations of Sports Chair Track-and-Field Athletics Theory, Methods and Management Chair Vladivostok Institute of International Studies of the Pacific Rim Region School of Political Science and Public Administration Advertizing and Public Relations Chair Social and Political Anthropology Chair Sociology Chair State and Municipal Management Chair 14 Theory and History of Politics Chair School of International Relations Comparative Region Studies Chair Foreign Languages Chair International Business Administration Chair International Economic Relations Chair International Relations Chair Russian and International Law Chair C12 (разворот «Другие подразделения»): OTHER MAJOR UNITS Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library FENU Open University Pacific Institute of Distance Learning and Technologies International Educational Programs Division Primorsky Center of Advanced Information Technologies Open Education Technologies Chair 11 resource centers in the Russian Far East Institute of International Education Regional Russian Language Testing Center for Foreign Citizens Institute of Local Lore Research Aquatic Biology Center Oriental-Russian Analytical Center Shore Research Center Research and Academic Museum Department of Archeological Expertise Institute of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs Office of Graduate Programs Office of Doctoral (Candidate of Science Degree) Programs Office of Post-Doctoral (Doctor of Science Degree) Programs Institute of Pre-University Training FENU College No. 1 Gymnasium – College University Complex School of Choreography IT Lyceum ((university-based high school) FENU Educational District Office of Pre-University Training Programs Primary School and Kindergarten Institute of Professional Development Center for Higher Education Center for Professional Training Municipal Administration Profession Development Center (initiated by the Russian Federation Ministry of Regional Development) 15 International Department Office of International Educational Programs and Academic Mobility Office of International Projects Office of International Diploma Evaluation FENU BRANCH CAMPUSES IN RUSSIA Artyom Branch Campus Economics and IT Chair State and Municipal Government and Law Chair Arsieniev Branch Campus Social Sciences and Economics Chair Mikhailovka Branch Campus Economics and Business Management Chair Nakhodka Branch Campus Law and Politics Chair Economics and Management Chair Lyceum (university-based high school) Partizansk Branch Campus Finance and Accounting Chair Applied Information Sciences and Management Chair Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Branch Campus History and Theory of State and Law Chair State and Civil Law Chair Criminal and Administrative Law Chair Spassk-Dalniy Branch Campus Institutional Economics Chair Law Chair Ussuriisk Branch Campus Humanities Chair Economics Chair Law Chair JOINT SUBDIVISIONS OF FENU AND THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (for internal structure of institutes and schools please ref. P.) Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology Institute of Environmental Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Russian Language and Literature Division of Biochemistry and Biotechnology School of Physics and Engineering School of Geology Planet Physics Chair Underwater Robot Technologies Chair 16 Research and Education Centers Established within the Federal Innovative Education Program Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies Center IT and Optical Electronics Center Physics of Earth Center Medical Physics Center Primorsky (Vladivostok) Aquarium Research and Education Center Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies Research, Technological, and Educational Center Other Units Physical Methods of Environment Research Center Research and Educational Center in Economics Supercomputer Center JOINT SUBDIVISIONS OF FENU WITH OTHER RUSSIAN INSTITUTIONS Far Eastern Center of Russian-Korean Cooperation (jointly with the Office of Russian Federation President Representative in the Russian Far East Federal Region) Joint Educational Center of FENU and the Primorsky Department of the Federal Control Agency Law Education Council of the Russian Far East Federal Region Far Eastern Branch of “Russkiy Mir” Foundation in FENU Main Campus, Vladivostok Russian Center of “Russkiy Mir” Foundation in FENU Hakodate Branch Campus Pre-University Education Center, jointly with Soviet District Administration, Vladivostok RESEARCH UNITS OUTSIDE VLADIVOSTOK “Zapovednoe” Marine Biology Research Campus Biological Field Research Station Academic and Research Fleet Последняя полоса структуры: C13 UNITS ESTABLISHED IN VLADIVOSTOK JOINTLY WITH INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS Institutions Confucius Institute, jointly with Chinese Government and Heilongjiang University, China (P. 91) Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies, jointly with Chinese Government and Heilongjiang University, China (P. 89) Interregional Institute of Social Studies (Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education); its establishment and initial development was funded by a large scale grant award from the Kennan 17 Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (USA), Carnegie Corporation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (USA), and the Moscow Public Scientific Fund (P. 56) Schools and Chairs Russian American School of International Economic Relations and Management, established jointly with the University of Maryland University College, USA (P. 110) School (Higher College) of Korean Studies, established with joint funding from FENU and KOHAP Group, Republic of Korea (P. 96) FENU Chair of Indian Studies, jointly with Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Center of the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation (P. 106 ) UNESCO Chair in Marine Ecology, jointly with UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (P. 114) UNESCO Chair Branch in Human Rights and Democracy, jointly with UNESCO and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (P. 114 ) Centers Far Eastern Center of Russian Korean Cooperation FENU Marine Biota Research and Educational Center, funded by the American Foundation for Civil Research and Development (CRDF) and by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education French Educational and Cultural Center, jointly with French Embassy in Russian Federation German Educational and Cultural Center, jointly with German Embassy in Russian Federation Indian Educational and Cultural Center, jointly with Indian Embassy in Russian Federation Indonesian Educational and Cultural Center, jointly with Indonesian Embassy in Russian Federation Japan Center in Vladivostok, jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Korean Educational Center in Vladivostok, jointly with the Korean Ministry of Education Korean Research Center, jointly with the Korea Foundation Regional Center of the Chinese Language, jointly with Chinese Government Thailand Cultural and Educational Center, established jointly with Thailand Government Vietnamese Educational and Cultural Center, jointly with the Embassy of Vietnam in the Russian Federation Vladivostok Center of Organized Crime Study, jointly with Department of Justice of the United States Government FOREIGN BRANCH CAMPUS AND INTERNATIONAL DUAL DEGREE PROGRAMS FENU Branch Campus at Hakodate, Japan; the first and only branch of a Russian university in Japan licensed by Japanese Government The Russian-American Dual Degree Program in International Economics and Management, jointly with the University of Maryland University College The Russian-American Dual Degree Program in Hospitality Management, jointly with 18 Education Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association The Russian-Australian Dual Degree Program in International Economics and Management, jointly with the University of Southern Queensland The Russian-Chinese Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with the Dalian University of Foreign Languages The Russian-Chinese Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with Heilongjiang University The Russian-Japanese Dual Degree Program in International Relations, jointly with Hokuriku University The Russian-Korean Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with Kyung Hee University The Russian-Spanish Dual Degree Program in Philology, jointly with University of Alcalá MAJOR CENTERS Business Incubator Comparative Law Research Center for Russia and Pacific Rim Countries Computer Technologies Educational Center Consulting Center in Management and Business Destructive Addictions Prevention Center Ecological Analytical Center Far Eastern Center of Professional Development for Specialists in Innovation and Quality Control Far Eastern Center of USA and Canada Studies Information and Marketing Center Internet Center "Istok" Student Internship Pedagogy Camp Physical Methods for Environment Research Center Primorskiy Boxing Sports Development Center Primorskiy Center of Advanced Information Technologies Production Quality Testing Center Regional University Alumni Employment Monitoring Center Research and Education Center of Information Protection University Testing Center for Secondary and High School Students Vladivostok Education Quality Monitoring Center Youth Center C14-25 FENU Education Quality System Подписи к наградам на с.14, отсутствуют в русскоязычном варианте, поскольку названия различимы на фото; в английском варианте нуждаются в пояснении: Excellent Quality Services Provider Award Premium for Quality and Effective Methods of Quality Management from the Russian Federation Government 100 Best Products of Russia Award The Best Products of Primorsky Krai Award 19 В зеленой рамке: FENU regards quality of education as a basis for long term and steady development of the university. As a result, FENU sets the following main goals: maintain and strengthen the status of one of the leading Russian higher education institutions, retain the leading position in the educational services market in the Far East, promote Russian higher education in Pacific Rim countries, and provide each FENU graduate with high quality professional education. Основной текст: FENU Quality Control Policy includes: Supplying consumers with educational services that satisfy their needs and desires Ensuring training of broad-minded specialists with creative thinking, extensive knowledge, and high moral principles Enlarging the number of educational programs and improving them based on labor market and customer satisfaction analyses Improving FENU infrastructure, maintaining favorable psychological conditions that give every member of the university body an opportunity for improvement, guaranteeing quality of education that fits student qualifications, experience, initiatives and attain goals of the university; Guaranteeing continuous development and improvement of the university system Improving professional skills of the faculty, developing new methods and means of teaching, and introducing innovative teaching technologies Assisting students and graduates with employment Following Russian laws and standards of education while developing and improving a system that provides education quality at FENU according to demands and recommendations of the international standards of ISO:9000. С15 Principles and Major Components of the FENU Education Quality System The FENU Education quality system is based on the following principles: Building a “pyramid of quality management functions” with thorough study of the processes for attaining university targets, planning for quality, and setting strategic, tactical and operative “horizons” of management; Providing education quality assessment through the following principles: unification of quality processes and results; aligning quality of university function with quality of university development, and assuring quality during periods of change Introducing innovative methods of teaching Introducing leading information technologies Maintaining strong corporate culture Quality monitoring through processes of self-examination and self-analysis; sociological monitoring in principal groups of education services users – university applicants, students, graduates, and employers; and quantitative and qualitative analyses of graduate job placement as one of the major criteria for education quality provided by FENU. 20 В зеленой рамке: FENU’s education quality system is based on the university’s mission principles: there can be no high quality higher education without science that meets world standards, without internationalization, without active use of leading information technologies and without forming creatively thinking personalities capable of self-development. FENU combines prior directions of its development with an in-depth systematic approach to achieve measurable results in these directions. FENU’s education quality system is an inseparable part of this strategy, an acting and developing mechanism that has made Far Eastern National University one of the best universities in Russia. К диаграмме «Процессный ландшафт…»: Process Scenery of Education Quality Monitoring System Сверху вниз: Information about quality management system results Quality management system process Suggestions for quality management system improvement Education quality management process Administrative documents Marketing and student enrollment Educational program planning Providing informational assistance Providing training aids Providing specialists in research and education Infrastructure and education management methods – Quality of education evaluation and control Documentation – Documentation management – Documentation Changes in student body Study process Graduation and employment Слева направо: University applicants – secondary schools – Nation Requirements Satisfaction Enterprises and organizations Certified specialists Nation Arrows: Basic documentation Information on the process results Resources C16-17, диаграммы: Подписи к диаграмме на с.16: Academic Performance Monitoring System 21 слева направо и сверху вниз Instructor – course structure Introductory lectures Information Printed texts Electronic texts Internet resources Intranet resources Home assignments Self-training Knowledge Training and testing systems Training books Self-control Knowledge Instructor Multimedia Equipment Practical knowledge Skills Test control FENU WEBTEST Instructor’s control Initial Midterm Final Knowledge Abilities Practical skills Rating control FENU WEBRATE Подписи к диаграмме на с.17: Integrated informational system for education quality monitoring University structure Automated documentation management – e-archives Administrative orders on students – Student body – Student body changes Academic process planning – Academic process – Academic performance monitoring FENU WEBTEST Issuing diplomas and other administrative documents FENU WEBRATE Study aids, Educational programs National educational standards – Students and alumni employment E-catalog – Regulatory documents С16-18 основной текст дробится между страницами произвольно 22 C16 FENU’s education quality system embraces the following processes: marketing and student enrollment; education program planning; supplying information and study materials; training aids supply; enrolling specialists in research and education; infrastructure and education management; study process assessment; education quality evaluation and monitoring; graduate and alumni employment assistance; changes in application rates; and document management. The Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality Management is responsible for development, introduction and evaluation of FENU’s system of education quality. В рамке: The FENU quality monitoring system was developed by the Institute from the model of quality management system in ISO 9001:2000. The FENU quality monitoring system covers all the processes of the university. FENU polices in education quality management and tasks of each university sub-division responsible for education quality management are evaluated annually. Analyses of goal attainment and education quality system process improvement are also conducted annually. Information and Methodical Support Supply of the Education Quality Monitoring System with information is realized through the system of planning, funds of the Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library, competition for FENU President’s grant awards on publishing textbooks and other educational materials, and distributing information in the Far Eastern Educational Wed-Portal, designed and supported by FENU. Student Performance Rating An original rating system of student academic progress has been introduced in FENU’s study process. The Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies has developed an algorithm for calculating student academic performance (“FENU WEBRATE” – Russian Patent #2004612031 issued on September 3, 2004). “FENU WEBRATE” gathers and analyzes information about student academic performance which is available to students, faculty, and FENU administration. Academic Performance Monitoring Academic performance quality is monitored through grades of traditional exams, national examinations and through resources of the testing system “FENU WEBTEST” (FENU proprietary design). University professors have developed more than 700 banks of tests for midterm and final exams. Students can be tested in any computer lab or any internet accessed PC including home computers. Test results are interpreted by the professor either manually or automatically and are sent to the student’s index card. The system collects statistics on test results, analyses these data, and draws conclusions about validity and reliability of the teaching grading materials used. Now the university has such tests in 300 disciplines. Valid and reliable grading materials are given certificates of authorship from the Far Eastern Branch of Algorithms and Programs Fund. Interactive Teaching System В рамке с.17: For independent student study FENU has introduced the integrated study program “FENU WEBSTUDY”. The core of this system is an electronic study complex of more than 2000 23 curriculum disciplines. Every student in virtually any study field has their own work place, set of texts, self-preparation and self-control tasks. Increasing the number of curriculum disciplines with a greater share of independent work has resulted from an interactive teaching system. The system divides the discipline study process into modules. Every module is introduced with an introductory lecture where a student is given all the necessary information about the problem of the discipline to be studied, its parts and a formula to master it. With a formula to master a discipline, the student uses the Fundamental Library resources, internet, electronic texts, and analyses any available data. The student then checks his/her progress at the self-control stage using the corresponding test materials and practice test “Deductor” (FENU proprietary design). Application of the student’s knowledge can be demonstrated by a student either in the classroom or in the Internet with multimedia access. Introductory, midterm, and final exams are conducted traditionally or through the informational student knowledge testing system. To improve independent work of the students FENU servers now have electronic texts on different subjects. Texts on CD ROMs are also available and can be used by the students who have home PCs. Document Management Document management, study process planning, organization and control are automated in an integrated information system for education quality monitoring. This information system created on a Lotus Notes platform consists of a number of firmware, more than 30 data management systems, sources and channels for gathering and sending information from many organizational and informational fields. The system provides document registration; control for document redirection among subdivisions; registering the affected documents; document work and term check; document sorting and searching by key properties; report production of performance by discipline and workflow in general; and archiving documents. The study process planning system is presented with three modules: graphics and plans of study process, discipline study programs and study resources and materials. All computer programs have certificates of registration from the Computer Program Register at the Russian Agency of Patents and Trademarks. The information analysis system “Students” tracks student study at FENU. This system can conduct statistical data manipulation and show results on the monitor or printer as tables or bar charts (for example, term study performance results of different categories of students, diploma results, etc.), and automatically make reports (such as ratings of university sub-divisions) and final documents (for example, diploma supplement, student progress record of all academic years, transcripts, etc.) (c.18) University Student and Alumnus Employment System FENU has been assisting its students and alumni with employment since 2001. In 2006 the Student Employment and Internship Unit became the Regional University Alumni Employment and Monitoring Center. The Center coordinates and trains Primorky Krai university subdivisions responsible for giving university alumni assistance with employment. The Center has close ties with local authorities: the Primorsky Krai Department of Education and Science, Vladivostok Administration Labor and Employment of the Population Committee and national services for population employment. 24 Demand for graduates directly depends on the quality of practical training they have gotten at DVGU. To regulate this process FENU has developed Internship Regulations. By the end of 2008 the university data base contained 5000 internship contracts. Employers have strong interest in cooperating with students. During the 2007/2008 academic year FENU conducted such traditional events as company presentations, Career Days, seminars, business games and trainings. In spring 2008 for the seventh time, FENU conducted its career orientation event “Young Specialist”, and a contest “FENU Best Graduate”. University graduates traditionally are on top of the Primorsky Krai competition “Primorsky Krai Best University Graduate”. В первой рамке на с.18 Since 2002 FENU has been a host for annual vacancy fairs. Employers also have local meetings with students of selected specialties. In 2007 the University Alumni Employment and Monitoring Center initiated the First Open Vacancy Fair for Higher Education Institutes. FENU information system “Employment” (http://rabota.wl.dvgu.ru), designed and supported by the students of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science since 2001, has been an alternative to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Distributed Information System. Employers themselves send this system information on vacancies. Information on vacancies from mass media, Internet and national services for population employment is also added to this data base. Demand for graduates is analyzed annually. Undergraduates supply information on feedback forms whose analysis shows an increasing number of the university 5th year students getting jobs before graduation; 80% of them work in their specialties. Feedback Во второй рамке на с.18: The Social Projection and Forecasting Laboratory of the Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality Control have introduced a system for monitoring quality of professional training. The project “Sociological Monitoring of Education Services Consumers” has been completed. Annual polls of the university applicants and students, university professors and staff members, employers and regional education control members provide data on the quality of professional training. Monitoring results are annually announced to the FENU Academic Council and university administration. These results are one basis for improvements to the university education process. The Academic Affairs Division internet site provides ‘hot line’ access for consumer problems and questions through its Reference and Information System “Question-Response” program. Any student or university employee can access this service and ask any question about a university study process, dormitory procedures, scholarship application and enrollment, changing majors or leaving the university. They can also criticize any university process. To attract highly qualified applicants, FENU cooperates closely with primary, secondary and high schools and pays special attention to their educational processes. The Primorsky Krai Department of Education and FENU have established the FENU Educational District for more than 40 schools of Primorsky Krai. About 90 FENU advanced level secondary school programs are conducted in different cities and regions of Primorsky Krai. Now FENU is developing an Education Quality System for schools of the FENU Educational District. The system defines professional training of secondary school principals and teachers, 25 school quality system policies and the educational section “Life Quality” for teaching school children including the preparation of teaching aids. В третьей рамке на с.18: FENU’s education quality system is continually analyzed, modified and internally audited. This system has been submitted for certification at Russian Register, quality system certification agency. C19 External Expert Assessment of FENU’s Quality of Education and Research The FENU education quality system focuses attention on both internal and external quality control. The most important external quality assessments for FENU are: Governmental accreditation and licensing Public accreditation Expert assessment of international professional organizations FENU’s competitive ability to get educational and research national and international grants Expert assessment by receipt of education quality contests awards. FENU is in the top tier of Russian higher education for all of these categories. Governmental Accreditation and Licensing Подписи к с19: 1. Every five years FENU goes through governmental accreditation and licensing for education program quality in which scientific and administrative activity of the university is thoroughly reviewed. 2. Federal license certifying sufficient quality of education programs according to the federal standards, issued on … by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Research (заменить фото свидетельства о гос. аккредитации и лицензии на новые, от 2009 г.) 3. FENU is one of the first 10 universities of Russia that have been accredited as a research institution. FENU accreditation results of November 1, 2008 in comparison to standard norms of the Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science are: C20 Заголовок «Государственная аккредитация и лицензирование» убирается, поскольку дублирует заголовок с. 19. Вместо него ставится подзаголовок: Results of the Last Federal Accreditation (November, 2008) Пояснение под этим подзаголовком: Average results for the last five previous years were analyzed 26 Тексты диаграммы («ромашки»): Вводный заголовок: FENU accreditation parameters measuring the academic and research performance in relation to the standard norms of the Federal Service of Supervision in Education and Science are the following ones: Пояснение внизу диаграммы: 14.0 5.0 FENU’s parameter The standard norm of federal accreditation Надписи «ромашки» от левого нижнего края по часовой стрелке: The number of specialties The number of science fields in which research is conducted The number of science fields offering doctoral study programs Annual number of new doctoral degrees per 100 faculty members The percentage of full-time faculty members The number of doctoral (Dr.Sc. and Cand.Sc.) students per 100 students (full time equivalent) R&D revenue index per 1 faculty member Overall R&D revenue index Annual overall enrollment index The number of monographs (per 100 faculty members) Proportion of doctoral students who earned their Ph.D. degrees within a year after finishing their doctoral programs Proportion of faculty members with academic and/or research degrees Proportion of Full Professors and Doctors of Science (Russian upper-doctoral degree) in the overall number of faculty members В зеленой рамке выше диаграммы: Average annual volume of FENU research financing is 10 times higher than the accreditation requirement of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. More than 95% of FENU research funding is earned in national and international open competitions with other research institutions. Public Accreditation The goal of public accreditation is to evaluate FENU graduate professional training quality and their education relative to practical application in the work place. All FENU specialties go through public accreditation. В рамке: In 2008 FENU went under this process and received certification that the level of education, continuing education and graduate skills and abilities are sufficient for registration by the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce. Public accreditation is a new trend in Russian high education. The first to go through this kind of accreditation at FENU was the Institute of Law. From the Institute of Law, 177 students, 99 graduates and 27 experts-specialists under went public accreditation in the specialty “jurisprudence”. Evaluating experts were from the Primorsky Krai Administration, Primorsky Krai Legislative Assembly, Primorsky Krai Court, Primorsky Krai Arbitration Court, Primorsky Krai 27 Office of Public Prosecutors, “Far Eastern Shipping Company” and other organizations. The experts evaluated the knowledge and skills of the graduates as professionally high (70.4%). Public accreditation considers academic performance, internship programs, and National graduation examination scores. C21 Expert Assessment by International Professional Organizations В рамке: The leading professional international organization that unites the best research universities in the Pacific Rim based on comprehensive expert assessment of a number of different characteristics is the Association of the Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). APRU does not set any quantitative restrictions in requirements for university candidacy for APRU membership. Membership is given to the university whose data demonstrates it is the best among all candidates. As a rule, only one university is given membership every two years. The main requirements are firm leadership positions in the native country or in a large region, a solid potential for world class research, and active international cooperation. Other characteristics used in membership evaluation are: number of Master’s and PhD programs, number of students in these programs, number and quality of research centers and institutes, number of doctoral students, a strong reputation in international university and research communities, and level of the university education and science financing. В рамке: Annual budgets of APRU members are typically within 1-2 billion dollars. FENU, with a much lower annual budget, for many years manages to hold the position of one of the 42 best Pacific Rim universities and meet all other APRU requirements. FENU was invited to APRU as one of its founding members in 1997; FENU President Vladimir Kurilov has been elected a Steering Committee member of APRU twice for two year terms (20062008 and 2008-2010). FENU President Kurilov is also a member of Steering Committees of other international university organizations, including the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) with more than 700 university members. В зеленой рамке: FENU diplomas are recognized in more than 200 partner programs with foreign universities, national organizations, and research institutions. For example, FENU’ degree in Law is recognized to sufficient for admission to LL.M. programs of three American HEIs on the base of their partnership agreements with FENU: the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Seattle University, and Thomas Jefferson Law School. More than 20 USA law schools and the American Evaluation Association have given expert recognition to FENU’s law degree. В бежевой рамке: Thousands of students and alumni transferred their FENU academic credits to foreign universities, or used their FENU diplomas to get a job abroad, or got admitted to graduate 28 and doctoral programs in other countries. This means that FENU’s education is de jure and de facto recognized in most counties of the world. (таблица в правом нижнем углу с.21): Large Scale Federal and Foreign Non-Competitive Funding Based on Overall External Quality Assessment 1991 Russian Federal Government recognized FENU’s Russian American School of International Economic Relations and Management as the head educational institution in this field within the Russian Far East. The University of Maryland University College supported the dual degree of this School with scholarships and academic credit transfer counting over 16 million dollars in 1991-2009 1994 Japanese Government invested considerable funds into the buildings and equipment of FENU Hakodate Branch 1995 The new building for the FENU’s Higher College of Korean Studies was constructed with joint investments by FENU and the Kohap Group, a South Korean financial and manufacturing company. With a budget in 1995 of more than $ 2,000,000, this project still remains the largest all-time Korean investment into Russian higher education. The Republic of Korea Ministry of Education rated the Higher College of Korean Studies as the best school of Korean studies outside of the Republic of Korea. 19941995 Japanese Government invested considerable funds to reconstruction of FENU building hosting the Japan Center in Vladivostok 20072008 With large scale federal funding, the new building of FENU Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library was constructed 2008 Considerable funds were invested by the “Russkiy Mir” Foundation to establishment of the FENU-based Far Eastern Branch of this Foundation 2008 “Russkiy Mir” Foundation made a large scale investment into establishment of Russian Center of this Foundation in FENU Hakodate Branch Campus, Japan C22 Competitive National and International Grant Awards Based on Expert Quality Assessment of Education and Research Фото с. 22 FENU is the prize-winner of the first contest of the Innovative Universities Program within National Priority Project “Education”, one of the 17 winners of the contest in 2006. В рамке: Large scale grant competitions to finance scientific and educational centers and innovative educational programs play a special role in external expert assessment of university education and science quality. Hundreds of the strongest Russian and foreign universities participate in these competitions. Their applications are reviewed by many anonymous experts analyzing the quality of education and research of universities applying for grant support. Awards from such contests bring not only recognition but also financing to implement the best projects, to purchase the latest 29 scientific equipment and to support professional training of the faculty members and researchers. FENU has received exceptional awards of the major national and international grant contests. 1996 FENU in collaboration with the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences won the 4th largest financial award of the Russian Federal Program named “National support of integration of higher education and fundamental science during 1997-2000” and “Integration of science and higher education in Russia during 2002-2006”. 1999 FENU in competition with 89 strongest Russian universities became one of three winners of the grant program funding establishment of research and education centers in natural sciences. This grant competition was organized and funded by the American Foundation for Civil Research and Development (CRDF) and the Russian Ministry of Education. The FENU Marine Biota Research and Educational Center, established with this grant support, in the next years received much more funds from other grant programs and became one of the leading national centers in this field. 2001 FENU received a grant from the program “National support of the regional technical research politics in higher education institutions and its scientific potential development” from the Russian Ministry of Education, Kennan Institute, and Moscow Public Foundation for Research supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York, as well as by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Competing with more than 40 Russian universities, FENU became one of the 5 winners. Within this funding, FENU established the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (the Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education, P. 56), which soon will become the foundation of the Center of Public Political Technologies in Pacific Rim and Asian Studies, one of the five strategies of FENU development. 2006 FENU became the only university of the Far East and Eastern Siberia to win the Innovative Universities Program Award of the National Project “Education”, organized and funded by Russian Government. 197 top Russian universities competed for grant awards of this federal grant program, the largest one in the history of Russian education. Several hundred anonymous independent experts from business, government, research and education institutions rated their applications and selected 17 winners. FENU was awarded the 3rd largest grant of that program next only to Moscow State University and Saint Petersburg State University. The project has been recognized by Federal Government to be successfully completed by December 2007. All grant funds were spent for purchase of high tech research equipment. C23 Evaluation by Prominent Specialists in Education and Research FENU is highly acclaimed by many outstanding Russian and foreign figures in education and research. Dr. Victor A. Sadovnichy, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, President of Russian Rectors’ Union, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “By our national tradition, when a first university appears in a region, it becomes a research, cultural, and educational center of this region. I see that FENU follows this tradition very successfully during all its long history …” 30 Dr. Liudmila A. Verbitskaya, President of Saint Petersburg State University: “Today, having overcome all hardships on the road of its development, FENU has become an educational, cultural, and research institution of global importance, an intellectual outpost of Russia in the Pacific Rim …” Dr. Kennett J. McGillivray, General Secretary of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities: “FENU is highly involved in international activities and promotion of its programs far beyond the limits of Russia. The Pacific Rim Universities Association highly appreciates FENU for taking active part in APRU activities, including hosting the “Distant Education and the Internet” conference in 2005, and the APRU Doctoral student conference in 2008.”. Dr. Susan C. Aldridge, President of the University of Maryland University College: “University of Maryland is especially proud of our unique cooperation with the Far Eastern National University that began in 1990 and over the years since has succeeded in becoming one the most innovative and successful collaborations between the USA and Russia.” C24 Expert Evaluation in Quality Awards Competitions Major National Awards (сверху вниз, колонки слева-направо): 1. Russian Federal Government Premium for Quality and Effective Methods of Quality Management, 2007 (on the achievements of the year 2006) 2. Medal and Diploma from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Research for the best student research 3. Diploma of the Russian Federation President “For a Great Contribution in Development of Higher Education and Training of High Qualified Specialists”, 1999 4. The Russian Federation Government Diploma for Quality and Effective Methods of Quality Management, 2006 (on the achievements of the year 2005) 5. Gold Medals from the Far Eastern Federal District Exhibition, 2005 6. “100 Best Products of Russia” Award, issued by the Council of Awards for Quality of the Russian Federation Government, 2005 7. Gold Medal and Diploma of All-Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow, 2005. C25 Major International Awards 1. European Grand Prix for Quality, 2007 2. Global Education Award, 2007 3. The Gold Medal of the French Society for Industry Encouragement, founded by Napoleon I (Societe d' Encouragement pour l' Industrie Nationale), “In recognition of FENU’s highquality educational services, dynamics and innovation”, 2006 В зеленой рамке: 31 The combination of top level awards for quality and innovation, received by FENU both in national and international competition, is unique for Russian higher education. C26-35 History of Far Eastern National University 1899–1989 The oldest higher educational institution in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East Подписи к фото: C26 Под потретом Николая II: Nikolay II, Russian Emperor (1894-1917), founder of Far Eastern National University, and his official approval of the Russian Empire State Council application to establish the Institute of Oriental Studies in Vladivostok Под потртетом Витте: Count Sergey Y. Vitte, the first Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russian Empire (19051906), Minister of Finance (1892-1906); one of the main initiators of creating the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1899. Под фото здания Суханова 8: The main Administrative Building of FENU. At the beginning of the last century it housed the Vladivostok Commercial College and is a historical and architectural monument. C27 The first building of FENU (1899-1930). It passed into possession of Far Eastern Technical Institute in 1930. Alexey Matveyevich Pozdneyev (1850-1920). The first Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies from 1899-1903. He graduated from the Department of the Oriental Languages of Saint Petersburg University in 1876 and defended his doctoral dissertation in 1883. C28 The first graduates of the Institute of Oriental Studies The first uniform of the Institute of Oriental Studies students, approved by Russian Emperor Nikolay II in August 1899. C29 N.V. Kiuner, one of the first Professors of the University К сканированным обложкам трудов Восточного института: The first publications of the Institute of Oriental Studies faculty members 32 C30 One of the first Diplomas of the Institute of Oriental Studies, issued for Pavel V. Shkurkin, July 12, 1903 A.V. Rudakov, Professor in Chinese Philology, Institute of Oriental Studies C31 G.V. Podstavin, Professor in Korean Philology, Institute of Oriental Studies E.G. Spal’vin, Professor in Japanese Philology, Institute of Oriental Studies N. A. Agronomov, Professor in Mathematics, Far Eastern State University C32 – диаграмму с годами открытия-закрытия убрать Под Постановлением Совмина о восстановлении ДВГУ: The USSR Council of Ministers Order of August 29, 1956 on reestablishment of the University under the new name, Far Eastern National University. C33 Alexander G. Sukhanov, Professor of General Physics Chair, Institute of Physics and Information Technologies, Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, one of FENU’s oldest acting faculty members (born in 1921) C34 Nikolay I. Ovchinnikov, the first Dean of the School of Law, Chairperson of Civil Law Chair, FENU, and Olimpiad S. Yoffe, Professor of Civil Law Chair, Leningrad University (1962) Victor G. Livshits, the first Dean of the FENU School of Physics and Engineering, a founder of the FENU’s research and academic team specialized in semi-conducting materials for microelectronics (конец списка подписей к фото) С26-35 основной текст, дробление между страницами произвольно: В рамке: The Institute of Oriental Studies (as FENU was originally named) was established on October 21, 1899, the day commemorating the fifth anniversary of the reigning Emperor’s accession to the throne. The telegram from Emperor Nikolay II which arrived the following day read: “Happy the Institute of Oriental Studies has been established. Sincerely wish it to be successful and prosperous for the benefit of not only the Far East, but Russia as a whole”. Above Golden Horn Bay, Russia’s major Pacific harbor, on the steep slope of the Orlinoye Gnezdo (Eagle’s Nest) Hill, there is a building of unique architecture overlooking the Bay, and crowning the picturesque historical and cultural complex of Vladivostok’s downtown, the main building of Far Eastern National University. 33 The building was made to last; even the century-old facing ceramics covering interior walls and floor is still a feast to visitors’ eyes, though the people who had performed this excellent job live no more. Also long deceased are the founders of the University – the distinguished statesmen of Russia, brilliant professors and scholars of Saint-Petersburg University. They did excellently indeed. The University libraries of many neighboring countries, as well as the FENU Rare Book Museum, take pride in holding copies of scholarly works of the Institute of Oriental Studies; though written in the currently lost language of pre-revolutionary educated Russia, they still command profound respect and arouse deep interest. However, the most important heritage left to us is not these – despite all the historic cataclysms that swept over the city and Russia as a whole, the Institute created by these people has become one of the best universities of Russia. At present the voices of its students and teachers are heard inside 131 University buildings and dozens of partner-university buildings; they also flood lecture halls of the best universities of the world through hundreds of videoconferences, and are heard in research laboratories and at political forums. FENU is vitally important to the successful future of Russia in a most dynamically developing region of contemporary civilization. We remember those who were at the beginnings of this University. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century the Russian Empire, bending every effort and resorting to every possible means, in amazingly short time, accomplished a weighty matter of state which can be called the first national project in our history – the development of the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia. The most complicated issues of settling the remote land, creating a system of communication, as well as its industrial and agricultural base, defense, education, economic and cultural integration in the Pacific Rim, were tackled simultaneously, comprehensively, in a scientifically founded manner with unprecedented state financing, under all-round state control and with a strategy of long-term development. This strategy included several very large-scale projects: Moscow-Vladivostok and KVZhD (Chinese Eastern Railway) trunk-railways were built along with ports and military fortresses and preparations were made for the coming west to east population shift. Vladivostok occupied a special position in this strategy. Gaining access to the sea as a continental power was not a new task in the history of Russia; the foundation of Saint Petersburg served an example for those who were engaged in planning the development of the Russian Far East. Russian Island and Peter the Great Bay are both symbolic names. Our ancestors distinctly understood what they wanted to construct in this place, namely the eastern sea gates of Russia, the economic, commercial, military, and educational capital of the vast Russian Far East. This city was in great need of specialists who knew languages, cultures, histories and economies of Asia countries, and who were capable of ensuring the integration of Russia into this region. There were no such specialists in the Russian Far East, since no educational institution of the country trained them. In Russia, orientalists were trained only at St. Petersburg University, but with respect to the countries of the Far East, this educational activity was totally academic. For example, at the end of the 19th century, when there was a sharp increase in contacts with Japan, neither professors nor graduates of Petersburg University majoring in Japanese Studies, could speak Japanese. They had gradually lost skills of colloquial Japanese because of the long absence of native Japanese speakers at the University. The establishment of the Institute of Oriental Studies in Vladivostok, the first higher educational institution in the huge territory east of Lake Baikal, was to solve this problem. Sergey Vitte, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russian Empire, was a vigorous supporter for creating the Institute of Oriental Studies. He can be rightfully called not only a founder of Far Eastern National University, but also the main author and senior executive of the entire “national project”, which resulted in Russia’s consolidating its position in the Far East. 34 On April 21, 1899 the State Council of the Russian Empire adopted the resolution on the establishment of the Institute of Oriental Studies in Vladivostok, and on May 24, 1899 Emperor Nikolay II affirmed “A Clause on the Institute of Oriental Studies”. The ceremonial opening of the Institute took place on October 21, 1899, the day commemorating the five-year anniversary of the reigning Emperor’s accession to the throne. The significance of this event went far beyond the limits of the region and became truly historical. Creating the Institute of Oriental Studies was judged a major landmark in the cultural and public life of Russia, and this was noted in the congratulations of Emperor Nikolay II and other distinguished statesmen of the country — Great Prince Konstantin, Ministers of: National Education — Bogolepov, Finance — Vitte, Agriculture and State Property — Yermolov, Communication — Hilkov, and governors, diplomats, scholars, clerics and rectors and faculty members of over 40 domestic and foreign higher educational institutions. Professor Alexey M. Pozdneyev was appointed director of the Institute. He was one of the foremost experts in Mongolian Studies of that time, Professor of the Mongolian and Kalmyk Literature at the Chair of Oriental Languages of Petersburg University and Incumbent Councilor of State. On July 28, 1899 Professor Pozdneyev met with Nikolay II who expressed hopes for the future important role of the Institute of Oriental Studies. The Institute was born as a kind of unique institution in the system of national education of Russia. On the edge of Russian land, in conditions of the remote Far Eastern, it was supposed to train highly qualified orientalists-practitioners capable of serving in administrative and military establishments of the East Asian part of Russia and its neighboring states as well as in business and industry. This challenging task was quickly accomplished by the Institute in many respects thanks to “the landing” of the orientalist teachers and scholars of Petersburg University who had left comfortable lives in the capital of the Empire to create the new centre of Oriental Studies next door to countries they studied. Among the first professors of the Institute were world famous and talented scientists: the foremost expert in Manchurian Studies in the country - A.M. Pozdneyev, the founder of Scientific Korean Studies in Russia - G.V.Podstavin, Sinologist A.V.Rudakov, a specialist in Japanese Studies - E.G.Spal’vin, a specialist in Mongolian Studies - G.T.Tsybikov, a young specialist in Country Research - N.V.Kyuner, who spoke 17 languages (seven Oriental and ten European) and others. They made a considerable contribution to the development and distribution of advanced educational and scientific knowledge and traditions. By their efforts the Institute of Oriental Studies became Russia’s first center of practical Oriental Studies in a short space of time. The Institute of Oriental Studies trained specialists in four departments: Chinese - Japanese, Chinese - Korean, Chinese - Mongolian and Chinese - Manchurian. Any young person, who had completed courses of studies at secondary educational institutions of all types and agencies, was admitted without entrance tests. In addition to regular students, all or separately, subjects of the Institute were also open to outside persons having a certain social standing or occupation. It was a matter of great importance for the Russian Far East. The educational level in the region was low at that time: the average radius of operation of a single educational institution reached 3.5 km, 15 times greater than in central Russia. By the command of PriAmursky Governor General, army and navy officers were enrolled as students of the Institute, and their number increased annually. Attendance of General Kuropatkin, Defense Minister of Russia, at the first graduation ceremony of the Institute of Oriental Studies on May 15, 1903 highlighted its national significance as well as that of the first Far Eastern higher educational institution. The original educational and professional programs developed at the Institute had combined fundamental university study and special practicality. The Institute’s own unique manuals, along with effective training techniques and programs of foreign internships of students in their country of study, gained wide popularity nationwide and abroad. “Textbooks by A. M. Pozdneyev, P. P. Schmidt, and E. G. Spal’vina have already been accepted as manuals at the 35 Chair of Oriental Languages of Petersburg University, and now the Chair requests the Korean Grammar book by G.V. Podstavin” was stated in the annual report of the Institute of Oriental Studies of 1903. Each student studying any Oriental language was trained by two teachers. The Russian professor provided the student with theoretical knowledge, while a native speaker, Japanese – Chinese – Korean – Mongol, helped him/her master foreign speech. Mastering the English language was obligatory for every student. From the first day of its publication in 1900, the scientific journal of the Institute, “Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies”, whose content was defined as “Reporting practical information about the East, which no one in Russia has previously dealt with,” was highly esteemed by European and American orientalists. Proceedings and manuals prepared by professors and teachers and published at the Institute’s own printer were unique in Russia in that they contained works written in seven languages: Manchurian, Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, Kalmyk, Tibetan and Japanese. In its first ten years the library of the Institute accumulated over 60,000 volumes and was the largest collection of books of Oriental studies not only in Russia but also in the world. Excellent professors, teaching facilities unique in many ways, plus introduction of advanced educational, scientific and pedagogical thought, all made possible the preparation of specialists of the highest level at the time. Its first graduates (1903) completely satisfied the need for staffing Port Arthur, Dal’niy, and the Chinese Eastern Railway which had opened the same year. Institute alumni served as interpreters for the army during the Russo-Japanese war as well as ethnic experts and analysts in the headquarters of Russian troops; forty were honored with complimentary references and state awards. Though cut off from leading Russian and European training and scientific centers until 1918, the Institute of Oriental Studies remained the only higher learning institution in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, an oasis of university knowledge, hub of education and culture, efficient in sustaining social and economic progress in the region, strengthening international relations and ensuring national security in the Russian East. In 1918, with the aid and support of the Institute of Oriental Studies, a private History and Philology Department and a Higher Polytechnic Institute were established in Vladivostok, followed in 1919 by a private Law Department. On February 12, 1920 the Academic Council of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Committee of History and Philology and Law Departments petitioned the government to create a national university in Vladivostok. Their report read, “Without a university, cultural development and prosperity of the rich and promising region destined for a good future, seems impossible”. On April 17, 1920 the Provisional Government of the Russian Far East, the Primorsky Regional Land Municipal Council, passed Resolution № 220 establishing Far Eastern National University (GDU in Russian abbreviation at the time) in Vladivostok. FENU arose from the reorganization (involving both its capital and property) of the Institute of Oriental Studies, which became the Oriental Department and FENU’s direct legal successor. Additionally the new university assimilated the private History and Philology Department and Law Department, as well as the Economic Department of the private Polytechnic Institute giving them the status and authority of public departments. G .V. Podstavin, a famous scientist and expert in Oriental Studies, was elected University Rector. During the harsh conditions following the destructive Civil War and the intervention, the Far Eastern Revolutionary Committee (DalRevKom) acted to increase the viability of higher education. In early 1923 it adopted a resolution to join the Polytechnic Institute and Ushinsky Pedagogical Institute (established in 1921) to the university now with four departments: Oriental Studies, Social Sciences, Polytechnic and the new ‘Workers’ Department. In September 1923 Chita University joined FENU adding two new departments: Agriculture and Pedagogy. 36 The 1920’s became a major landmark in the University development. New teachers were recruited and new educational programs designed with the number of students steadily increasing. University scientists conducted extensive studies of the region’s productivity and applied research of interests of the national economy such as forest management, agriculture, mining, etc. The USSR's first laboratory of electric arc welding was created at FENU. Later within the university structure developed the Research Institute for Regional Studies that later grew into the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Scientific contacts with higher education institutions of Japan and China, Charles University (Prague) and Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Halle, Germany) were established. During the 1925-1926 academic year instructors of the University published 136 scientific works (12 outside the USSR), carried out 17 expeditions and missions and participated in 22 Congresses. During 1924-1925, six thousand copies of 44 textbooks and manuals were published. The Commission of People’s Commissariat of Public Education (NarKomPros) of the USSR inspected FENU in 1927 and noted in its report, “The great role of the University in the economic and cultural life of the region is obvious”. However, in July 1929 NarKomPros of the RSFSR issued a decree “On Reorganizing the Higher Education Network in the Russian Far East” that required creation of a number of independent higher learning institutions in the region. FENU entered a new stage of its development. In 1930 FENU was reorganized to create five independent institutes. The mistake of closing the University was obvious and soon, on October 1, 1931, by resolution of RSFSR SNK (Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR), the University bearing the name of Far Eastern National University resumed operation and consisted of Oriental Studies, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics Departments. During the 1930’s though with difficulty, FENU, still the only university in the Russian Far East, continued its development and increased enrollment and the number of graduates. During 1937 and 1938 the University suffered under Stalin’s regime. A large number of its professors became victims of repressions and many were executed. In 1939 the University was closed. Abandoned were forty years of extensive work of creating a system of higher education in the enormous and the most distant region of Russia to provide highly-qualified staff for all branches of its economy and develop its science and culture. Some of the University’s achievements had become world famous such as its Oriental Studies Department, experience of building all-welded vessels and studies of natural resources of the Far East. But after closure the University’s ideas continued to live and its potential was still needed. The University’s accumulated experience and achievements, part of its surviving scientific and pedagogical personnel and the library were of great help in creating the Teaching Institute (1939) and later the Pedagogical Institute (1943) in Vladivostok. On August 29, 1956 the USSR Council of Ministers adopted a resolution to reestablish the university under the new name, Far Eastern State (National) University. It grew out of the Vladivostok State Pedagogical Institute. The 1956 FENU had five schools: School of Physics and Mathematics School of History and Philology School of Biology School of Medicine School of Romance and Germanic Philology. FENU’s 13 Chairs employed 81 faculty members in 1956. The reestablishment of still the only classical university in the Russian Far East began intensively the very first day. During the first decade, its training and laboratory areas tripled, facilities modernized, two dormitories accommodating 1200 people built, and new schools and specialties opened: Law, Journalism, Soil Science, Oceanography, Meteorology, Astronomy and Geodesy, and others. 37 Professor Grigory S. Kutsiy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, became the first rector of the reestablished university. His priorities were formation of its organizational structure, its faculty and students and facilities. Many other institutions of higher education, Leningrad, Moscow, Tomsk, and Kazan Universities, contributed to FENU’s reformation. Rector Kutsiy announced teacher vacancies throughout Russia. In the first four years after reopening, 50 teachers holding scientific degrees and titles joined the FENU faculty. In 1957, the Artificial Earth Satellite Observatory, headed by A. G. Sukhanov, senior instructor of the Theoretical Physics Chair, began supplying high quality observations to the Astronomical Council of the USSR. In 1958 the Graduate School and Correspondence Department were opened, and in 1959 the first students were admitted to its Evening Department. Also in 1959 the University got its first training and expeditionary vessel, “Sputnik,” to carry out oceanographic and biological expeditions. Throughout its first decade the structure of the university schools changed repeatedly; new schools and departments were opened and others became independent. In 1958, FENU granted independence to its School of Medicine, which later grew into Vladivostok State Medical University. In 1957 FENU opened the School of Chemistry, and the Departments of Land Hydrology and Meteorology were transferred from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute to the School of Physics, which later grew into School of Geophysics. In September 1958, the decision was made to open a “Jurisprudence” specialty at the FENU School of History and Philology. Later in June 1959, Departments of History and Jurisprudence were withdrawn from the School of History and Philology and formed into FENU’s School of History and Law. The School of Philology became multifaceted in the 1960’s; besides the Department of the Russian Language and Literature, Departments of Journalism (1961) and Oriental Languages (1962) were opened within it. Graduates of the 1920’s and 1930’s from the Department of Oriental Studies reopened it with its same excellent traditions. This was affirmed by special resolution of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1978, “On the Development of School of Oriental Studies at Far Eastern National University”. At the beginning of the 1970’s the School of Romance and Germanic Philology was closed, and the Department of the English Language joined the School of Philology. Ten years after reopening, FENU now comprised six schools: Physics and Mathematics, Biology and Soil, Chemistry, Geophysics, History and Law, and Philology; the number of Chairs increased from 13 to 36 and enrollment grew almost five times – from 1,143 to 5,644 students. Also in those 10 years, FENU graduated 2,796 philologists, physicists, mathematicians, historians, chemists, and jurists. Graduates went to all regions of the Russian Far East to work in businesses, research Institutes and as instructors at other higher educational institutions and high schools. In the 1970’s and 1980’s FENU increased its material resources, improved its structure, opened new schools and departments and consultation and training facilities in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In 1969 FENU Preparatory School opened. The 1970’s saw creations of three new schools: the School of Oriental Studies that separated from the School of Philology in 1970, the School of Physics and Mathematics split into Schools of Physics and Mathematics in 1972, and the School of History and Law split into Schools of History and Law in 1975. In 1975 FENU embraced 10 Schools: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geophysics, Biology and Soil, History, Philology, Law, Oriental Studies, and Preparatory. In 1970 the number of Chairs had grown to 40, and in 1975 to 50. 38 From the end of the 1960’s –to the beginning of the 1980’s, department heads were occupied by “men of the sixties,” graduates of the 1960’s and 1970’s; none were older than 35. The Rector was not afraid to advance young instructors to the posts of deans either. The School of Physics was headed by V. V. Gorchakov, the School of Oriental Studies by A.A. Khamatova, the School of Mathematics by V.B. Osipov, V.A. Shlyk, and R.P. Shepeleva, the School of History by R.M. Samigulin, the School of Law by V.I. Kurilov, the School of Chemistry by V.J. Glushchenko, the School of Biology and Soil by V.I. Kudryashov and the School of Geophysics by V.I. Tarasov. They were vigorous, energetic and self-organized, spending days and nights with their Schools. For 9 years dean’s posts were occupied by A.A. Khamatova, R.M. Samigulin and R. P. Shepeleva, for 8 years by V.I. Kurilov and for 6 years by V.I. Kudryashov. For many years following, these young deans have been the backbone of FENU’s administration and have held high positions outside the university as well. In the 1970’s and 80’s FENU expanded its research potential especially in the fundamental sciences. Almost all outstanding scientific and pedagogical schools in biology, mathematics, physics, geophysics, chemistry, jurisprudence, oriental studies and many other fields that the contemporary university boasts were formed during those years. FENU rapidly developed daily cooperation with scientists from the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Those years were crucial for laying the foundation for the future network of joint scientific and educational centers of FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEBRAS). The establishment of the Research Institute of Applied Physics, the first research institute in the University in 1987, became a major landmark in FENU’ life. It was a key factor in FENU’s later status of a research university where science forms the basis of high quality education. This special status directed the dynamic development and quality growth of FENU in the following decades when Vladivostok became open to international contacts. C36-39 FENU Modern History Подписи к фото на Modern History: C36 Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russian Federation, opens the 2008/2009 Russian Academic Year in Far Eastern National University, September 1, 2008 Andrey Fursenko, Russian Federation Minister of Education and Science, at FENU Nikolay Bulaev, the Director of Russian Federation Educational Agency, visits the site of FENU’s future Russian Island campus, 2008 C37 Boris Gryzlov, Chairman of the State Duma, Chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia, at FENU Oleg Safonov, Plenipotentiary Representative of Russian President in the Far Eastern Federal District, at FENU C38 Alexiy II, Patriarch of Moscow and the Whole Russia FENU President Vladimir Kurilov opens the ceremony for establishment of the School (Higher College) of Korean Studies, October 1995 39 Li Peng, then Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, during his visit to FENU in September 2000 C39 Yoriko Kawaguchi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan, visiting FENU in June 2003 Kim Jong Il, Chairman, National Defense Commission, DPRK, at the ceremony of awarding him with FENU’s Honorary Doctor degree, 2005 Se Ung Lee, Chairman of Russian-Korean Friendship Society, Vladimir Kurilov, FENU President, and Gennady Eliakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Вводный текст с. 36: The modern history of Far Eastern National University (FENU) has a natural starting point, 1990, when democratic reforms in Russia began and Dr. V.I. Kurilov was elected FENU President by the FENU faculty and staff. Since then, FENU followed a long term development strategy that launched it into the class with the few Russian leading universities. Major priorities of this strategy remain the same: opening innovative educational programs based on a vision for civilization’s future development; strong support of fundamental and applied science as the basis of high quality education; special attention to research and education in natural sciences; internationalization with top tier universities and research institutions of the world; active promotion of Russian education, research, and culture; development of cutting edge IT-based resources; and protection of moral and cultural values. В зеленой рамке: In the 1990’s the FENU’s network of research and education centers was created by establishing several institutes that united academic schools with leading research centers and labs. Implementation of this strategy would have been impossible without the great “internal energy” of the faculty and staff of the University. During the hard time of the 1990’s reforms, FENU successfully used many opportunities which became available when Vladivostok was opened for international relations and Russian universities got considerable autonomy. This autonomy allowed FENU to undertake various international initiatives and attract foreign investments to large scale educational and research projects. The results of these projects were decisive for further development of FENU. In the 1990’s FENU’s network of research and education centers was created by establishing several institutes that united academic schools with leading research centers and labs. This approach required close cooperation with the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (с37) During the difficult times of Russian economical reforms, when many natural sciences schools and labs were closed, FENU kept opening joint subdivisions with the Russian Academy of Sciences such as the School of Physics and Technology, the Geological School, the Division of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology, and many other interactive centers of education and research. These centers brought to FENU exceptional international and national grant support essential for further successful development of the University. FENU regularly establishes new institutes, combining education and research in various fields of human knowledge. 40 Chronology of establishing FENU institutes: 1994 Institute of Oriental Studies Institute of Local Lore Research 1995 Institute of Business and Management Law Institute 1996 Vladivostok Institute of International Studies of the Pacific Rim Region Institute of Professional Development 1997 Institute of Pre-University Training Institute of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs Institute of Physics and Information Technologies 1999 Institute of International Tourism and Hospitality Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology Institute of Chemistry and Applied Ecology Institute of Foreign Languages Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Environmental Sciences 2000 Institute of History, Philosophy, and Culture Institute of Mass Media Institute of Russian Language and Literature 2001 FENU Open University Interregional Institute of Social Studies (Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education) 2005 Institute of Pedagogy and Education Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies 2006 Confucius Institute Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality Management 2008 Institute of International Education and Institute of Physical Education and Sports В рамке под благодарностью Ельцина: In 1999 when FENU celebrated its 100 year anniversary, it was awarded a Diploma of Recognition from the President of Russian Federation. C38-39 Among many schools, centers and programs established during this period of time, the following are the most notable: 1991 Russian-American School of International Economic Relations and Management, jointly with the University of Maryland University College; the first international dual degree 41 program in the Russian Far East was established in this school 1994 FENU Branch Campus at Hakodate, Japan; the first and only branch of a Russian university in Japan licensed by Japanese Government; established jointly with Japanese Government 1994 Korean Educational Center in Vladivostok, established jointly with the Korean Ministry of Education 1995 Japan Center in Vladivostok, established jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 1995 School (Higher College) of Korean Studies, established with matching funding from KOHAP Group, Republic of Korea, and FENU; one of the largest foreign investments in the history of Russian higher education was involved into construction of the new School’s building 1997 Vladivostok Center of Organized Crime Study, established jointly with Department of Justice of the United States Government 1998 UNESCO Chair in Marine Ecology, established jointly with UNESCO Headquarters in Paris 1998 School of Physical Education and Sports; many students and alumni of this School have won gold and silver medals in various national and international sport competitions 1999 FENU’s research and educational project in Political Science was awarded a large credit by the Word Bank 1999 Russian-Chinese dual degree programs in Philology and Regional Studies, established jointly with the Dalian University of Foreign Languages and Heilongjiang University 1999 FENU Marine Biota Research and Educational Project, funded by the American Foundation for Civil Research and Development (CRDF) and by the RF Ministry of Education 1999 Educational and Research Museum Capital Reconstruction Project was completed; Russian Federation Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko named the FENU Educational and Research Museum as the best university museum in Russia 1999 FENU Korean Research Institute, established jointly with the Korea Foundation 2000 Educational and Cultural Centers of Vietnam, India, Germany and France established jointly with Embassies and General Consulates of these countries 2000 FENU Interregional Institute of Social Studies (Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education); its establishment was funded by a large grant from the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (USA), Carnegie Corporation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (USA), and the Moscow Public Scientific Fund 2001 FENU Chair of Indian Studies, established jointly with Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Center of the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation 2001 Regional Center of the Chinese Language, established jointly with Chinese Government 2002 Russian-Australian Dual Degree Program in International Economics and Management, established jointly with the University of Southern Queensland 2002 Joint videoconferencing project with Waseda University, Japan; over 1,200 videoconference lessons of Russian and Japanese languages, cross-cultural communications and other subjects have been conducted in this and follow up projects 2004 Russian-Japanese Dual Degree Program in International Relations, established jointly with Hokuriku University 42 2006 Innovative Educational Program, the largest federal investment in the history of FENU; federal and matching funds of this program were used to renovate of FENU’s research equipment in Natural Sciences, establish five large educational and research centers and open educational programs unique for the Eastern Russia 2006 Confucius Institute, established jointly with Chinese Government and Heilongjiang University, China; the first Confucius Institute in Russia 2006 Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies, established jointly with the Chinese Government and Heilongjiang University, China. Only two institutes of this kind were opened in Russia according to a governmental agreement of October 2005 between Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. The second Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies was opened jointly by Moscow State University and Peking University 2007 Indonesian Educational and Cultural Center, established jointly with Indonesian Embassy in the Russian Federation 2008 The Far Eastern Branch of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, one of two branches of this Foundation along with Saint-Petersburg Branch was opened on FENU’s main campus in Vladivostok 2008 The first Russian Center of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in Japan at FENU Branch Campus at Hakodate, opened by the Russian Minister of International Affairs with support of Hokkaido Government and Hakodate Mayor’s Office В рамке: This is only a brief list of major centers and programs opened during the last 18 years. Besides FENU’s own subdivisions, the University helped to establish or develop over 40 schools and departments of Russian Studies abroad; additionally, dozens of schools and centers of Oriental Studies have been opened by FENU alumni in the Russian Far East. The scale and level of FENU’s educational programs have changed considerably since 1990: the number of higher educational degree specialties grew by 5 times, the number of students 6 times, the number of doctoral research specialties 3 times and the number of doctoral students 20 times. According to national and international ratings of grant competition results, FENU is one of the best Russian universities and the best in select fields. International activities of FENU changed even more dramatically since 1990. In 1990 FENU was practically isolated from the international educational society; but now FENU is the main or one of the main educational partners for China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, India and many countries of South East Asia. FENU is the only Russian member of the most prestigious university association of the Pacific Rim, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), that unites 42 leading research universities of the region; FENU one of the founders of this association. Among FENU’s qualitative characteristics of successful university development during these years are many exceptional national and international awards (P. 24-25). В заключительной рамке: FENU makes an exceptional contribution to developing competitiveness and openness of Russian economy and promotion of Russian education, research and culture in the Pacific Rim. In 2008, the Russian Federal Government has allocated large scale funding for the alldimensional development of FENU as the 3rd federal university (P. 149-177). 43 44 C40-43 FENU Honorary Doctors Listed Chronologically from Earliest Date of Award Se Ung Lee, Chairman, Shin-Il Corporation; Board Chairman, Shin Il Educational Foundation; President, Korea National Red Cross, Republic of Korea (1993) In Kon Kim, Founder of Kwangju University; Chairman, Board of Directors, Kwangju University; Member of the 14th National Assembly, Republic of Korea (1994) Chong Kuk Son, President, Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea (1994) Ha Joseph M., Vice-President of “Nike” Company, USA (1994) Ryuichi Kidoura, Mayor of Hakodate, Japan (1994) Masateru Matsudaira, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Kanto International High School, Japan (1994) Benjamin Massey, President, University of Maryland University College, USA (1995) Vida Bandis, Executive Vice-President, University of Maryland University College, USA (1996) Daisaku Ikeda, Founder of Soka University; President, Soka Gakkai International, Japan (1996) Kwang-Ja Yang, President, the Margaret Pritchard College of Nursing, Republic of Korea (1996) Jae Kyu Park, President, Kyungnam University, Republic of Korea (1997) Hsu Hsin-liang, Chairman, Chinese Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan (1997) Samuel Smith, President, Washington State University, USA (1997) Hoi-Chang Lee, Chairman, New Korea Party, Republic of Korea (1997) Tatsuro Matsumae, President, Tokai University Educational System, Japan (1997) Eugene Garfield, Founder and Chairman, Institute of Scientific Information, USA (1997) Chang Chul Soo, Researcher, Marine XXI Century Institute, Republic of Korea (1998) Choi Yong Sam, Consul General, Consulate General of Republic of Korea in Vladivostok, Republic of Korea (1998) Bae Hea Kyung, Founder and Chairman, International Artistic & Cultural Foundation, Republic of Korea (1998) Chi-Hyeok Chang, Chairman, KOHAP Group, Republic of Korea (1999) Cha Ilsuk, President, the Korea Daily News Maeil Sinmun Co Ltd., Republic of Korea (1999) Alexy II, Patriarch of The Russian Orthodox Church (2000) 45 Hiroshi Inoue, Mayor of Hakodate, Japan (2000) Young Seek Choue, Founder & Chancellor, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea (2000) Li Peng, Chairman, Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress of China, Peoples Republic of China (2000) Takayasu Okushima, President, Waseda University, Japan (2000) Choong-Sik Chang, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dankook University Foundation, Republic of Korea (2000) Ki Woo Lee, Vice President, National Association of High School Advancement Fund, Republic of Korea (2002) Francisco J. Ayala, Director, Bren Fellows Program, University of California, Irvine, USA (2002) Li Tieying, Chairman, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peoples Republic of China (2002) Rudolph C. Hasl, Dean, School of Law, Seattle University, USA (2003) Rhee Q Taek, Congressman, the Korean National Assembly; Member, Hannara Party, Republic of Korea (2003) Daidoji Kosaburo, Chairman, the Michinoku Bank, Japan (2003) Un-Chan Chung, President, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea (2004) Kwon In Hyuk, President, Korea Foundation, Republic of Korea (2004) Kim Jong Il, Chairman, National Defense Commission, DPRK (2005) Yi Junqing, President, Heilongjiang University, People’s Republic of China (2005) Zhang Xinsheng, Deputy Minister of Education, People's Republic of China (2006) Gexi Kesai-Cizhimu, The founder and chairman of the inheritance and research center for Tibet Ten sciences, the founder and chairman of the Kecai Сenter (2007) Zhores I. Alferov, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics (2008) Valentin I. Sergienko, Chairman of the Far Eastern Branch, the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008) Charles R. Irish, Director, East Asian Legal Studies Center and Volkman-Bascom Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin, Law School, USA (2008) Добавился новый почетный доктор: Dr. Nicholas Heath Allen, Provost Emeritus, the University of Maryland University College (2009) 46 C44-45 FENU Research and Academic Museum С44 Фото: Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrey A. Fursenko visited FENU’s Museum of Science in 2006 and proclaimed it to be the best university museum in Russia. В зеленой рамке: FENU’s Museum of Science contains over 8 thousand exhibits including the Museums of History, Zoology, Archeology and Ethnography, Rare Book, and botanical collections. The FENU History Museum displays cover the centennial history of the Far Eastern National University dating back to the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1899. С45 The Rare Book Museum contains books published in the 16th - 18th centuries in Russian Orthodox Church Slavonic, Latin, Italian, Greek, French, German and other languages. Its collections include works by French philosophers Voltaire, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, Montesquieu (Prince M.S. Vorontsov’s collection), pre-revolutionary books about China, Japan, and Korea, and rare lifetime editions of Russian classical authors Denis Fonvizin, Gavrila Derzhavin, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Karamzin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Gerzen, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov. The Museum of Archeology and Ethnography has collections of Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) tools, ceramics and bone-made crafts of New Stone Age (Neolithic), various artifacts of Bronze Age and Middle Ages showing the unique history of the peoples that lived in the Far East long ago. Ethnography halls also present cultural exhibits of Primorsky Krai natives as well as cultural exhibits from China, Korea, and Japan. Unique exhibits of Zoology Museum display a variety of fauna: corals, shellfish, insects, mammals, and birds. Museum personnel are actively involved in research and participate in Russian and international scientific conferences. In the immediate future the Museum will complete electronic cataloging and reformatting of all rare book copies on to electronic media. 47 C46-47 Research is a Foundation for Qualitative University Education FENU Major Research Areas Federal Innovative Universities Program Research, Educational, and Technological Centers C48-49 Research is a Foundation for Qualitative University Education Рамка слева: More than 95% of resources for FENU’s numerous research programs are acquired on a competitive basis. Подпись к фото Сергиенко: Valentine I. Sergienko, Chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch, a member of Russian Academy of Sciences, FENU Honorary Doctor: “It is not easy to become a real researcher… I am very pleased by the fact that Far Eastern National University provides so many talented, young, highly motivated researchers to the research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences” Подпись к фото справа вверху: Cell Biology Lab of the Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology Подпись к фото на стр. 49 справа вверху: Thin Films Technologies Lab of the Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies Research and Education Center, FENU Institute of Physics and Information Technologies Основной текст c48-49: For historical reasons, university education and fundamental science in Russia are institutionally separated. Nevertheless, 250 years of the development of the first university in this country, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and other universities, have been accompanied by the establishment of different scientific schools on the base of these universities. It is quite evident that top-quality education can not exist without fundamental science, and science can not develop without an inflow of young researchers. This is the basic principle of the development of science and education at FENU. Strengthening, developing and securing continuity of 34 leading research schools of FENU receive constant and careful attention. Establishing and developing new scientific schools, primarily those that are considered priorities and are included in the list of critical technologies of Russian Federation, get effective support. FENU conducts research in 27 specialties of sciences and 25 specialties of arts and humanities. Research potential and efficiency has allowed FENU, among the first seven institutions of higher education of Russia, to be accredited as a research institution. 48 FENU research programs are supervised by its Academic Council, Office of Research Programs, Office of Information Technologies, Institute of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs, directors, deans and chairs. В рамке: The research programs of FENU conform to “Priorities in the Development of Science, Technology and Engineering in The Russian Federation” and “List of Critical Technologies of the Russian Federation” as ratified by President of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2006. In accordance with the list, FENU selected several research areas for priority funding and administrative support. At FENU, introduction of innovative approaches towards research programs, along with traditional forms, receives close attention. This allows integration of scientific research and educational programs to a new level, as well as luring investment into certain scientific projects. These approaches develop with respect to current scientific traditions of cooperation. For example, FENU’s cooperation with different institutes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science within the framework of Federal Program “Integration” and other programs provided achievement of a new level of joint research and educational programs at FENU. As a result, FENU, with the support of different institutes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, established the following units: Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology, and Biotechnology, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Physics and Information Technologies, Institute of Russian Language and Literature, and others (p.12). This practice allows cooperation of scholars of the highest ranks and leads to higher levels of integration. Joint resolutions of FENU’s Academic Council and Presidium of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science govern these structures and regulate the establishment of new units. 34 leading research schools, composing the basis of FENU higher education: Selected problems of theoretical and applied mathematics Simulation, management and optimization in economic mathematics Software design Physics of sub-monolayer microstructures on silicon (development of new semiconductor devices and materials based on ultrahigh vacuum technology) Mathematical simulation (methods of computing and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in different fields, e.g., image processing and pattern recognition, information processing in systems and networks, condensed matter physics) Streamlined synthesis, composition and texture of surface structures and nano-sized materials interrelated with the studies of mechanisms of interfacial charge transfer Study of magnetic and magnetoresistive characteristics of layered structures Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear reaction Rock magnetism and paleomagnetism Electronic structure of chemical compounds Organic chemistry Chemistry of organoelemental compounds Biochemistry and biotechnologies Invertebrate zoology Ecology and marine biology Soil science Geomorphology and evolutional geography (complex study of coastlines) Oceanography Social and political history of Pacific Rim countries 49 Studies in history of the Far East Far-Eastern school of archaeology Studies in syntax of the modern Russian language Studies in theory and history of Russian literature Studies in labor law Studies in criminal law and criminology International law and European law National law of foreign countries Social-psychological aspects of deviant behavior Linguistic studies (World Englishes Paradigm) Cognitive linguistics Chinese linguistics, history and literature of China Japanese linguistics, history and literature of Japan Languages and cultures of South and Southeast Asia C50-51 FENU Major Research Areas MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Mathematical analysis (theory of functions) Theory and applications of optimal management (optimization methods) Mathematical simulation, methods of computing and applied mathematics Information and telecommunication systems Image processing and pattern recognition Information processes in systems and networks Theoretical and experimental physics of elementary particles and the atomic nucleus Medical physics Industry of nanosystems and materials Physical and chemical nature of processes deep in the earth Development of the condensed environment theory Physics of magnetic phenomena, magnetic materials and structures Semiconductors and semiconductor structures Physics of solid-state nanostructures and mesoscopics Physics of low-dimensional systems, surfaces and interfaces physics Hydrophysics and hydroacoustics Spectral analysis and computer simulation in the study of atomic molecular systems CHEMICAL SCIENCES Development of fine organic synthesis (search for new physiologically active, practically relevant substances) Synthesis and study of heterorganic polymers and coordination compounds Study of sorption processes in carbon sorbents and zeolites of the Russian Far East Environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, and marine chemistry Chemical resistance of materials, corrosion prevention in metals, chemical sources of current??? Extraction and study of low-molecular and high-molecular bioregulators Chemical technology of organic and non-organic substances and materials Catalysis and electrocatalysis Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials Theoretical and experimental methods in the study of electronic structure and the nature of chemical binding in complexes EARTH SCIENCES 50 Study and monitoring of the environment and resources of the seas of Russia and of the World Ocean, including forecasts of their changes Study of coastal and shelf zones of the seas of the Far East Study, monitoring and forecast of modern climate changes and characteristics of atmospheric processes in the Far East and the Pacific Rim Land Hydrology, water resources and hydrochemistry Physical geography, geophysics and landscape geochemistry Deep structure of continents and oceans (geodynamics and stress conditions deep in the earth) Geology Geoinformatics BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Biochemistry (structure and functions of biological membranes) Biomedical technologies of human life support and protection Developmental biology (cytology and histology) Ecology of invertebrates, evolutional morphology, faunistics and systematics of free-living nematodes Ecology: ecological study of flora and fauna, bio-testing, bio-indication and bio-monitoring of the environment Assessment and problems of preserving biodiversity (monitoring) Design of new methods of genetics and selection Cell technologies (genome and post genome technologies in development of medicines) Genesis and structure of soil mantle, and biospheric functions of soils ECOLOGY AND SUSTANABLE MANAGEMENT OF NATURE Sustainable management of nature Monitoring and forecasting technologies of the atmosphere and hydrosphere Monitoring technologies of the natural-technogenicsphere Technologies of forecasting changes of climate, ecosystem, geology and resources Development of theoretical background and tools for ecological monitoring and ecological auditing (ecological examination and ecological audit) Chemical, physical-chemical and mechanical analysis of environmental objects Complex processing of secondary resources and natural materials FUELS AND POWER ENGINEERING Study of the Earth’s interior (technologies of predicting, exploration, prospecting for deposits of fossil fuels and uranium) Technologies of continental shelf hydrocarbons development Technologies for development of non-traditional renewable sources of energy - solar, wind, biomass, etc. - and secondary energy resources) Hydrogen power engineering Non-traditional technologies of extraction and processing of solid and liquid fuel HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENES Humans as subject of socials changes (social, humanitarian and psychological problems) Social changes and alternative ways of development of modern society International relations Political science Security and counter-terrorism (criminal and criminological aspects) Civil law, family law, civil process, private international law, labor law and social security law as elements of international law and order in the XXI century 51 Legal and judicial reform in Russia (criminal procedure and civil procedure aspects) Management of the national economy Finances, currency and credit World economy and international economic relations Information systems in economics Historiography of national history Archeology of the Far East History of Asia and Africa Processes of civilization in the Far East from 1700 to mid-1900’s General world history Languages of peoples of Asia and Africa and aboriginal languages of America and Australia World Englishes Paradigm and speech technologies Synchronic and diachronic cognitive analysis of interaction of language and culture (problems of intercultural communication, foreign literature and the history of foreign literature of Western Europe and the USA) Literature of Asia and Africa Russian literature of the XX century (poetics and genre structure) Theory and methods of literary criticism and linguistics Russian language (history, current state and sociological aspects) Fundamental studies in theory, structure and development of world languages Political relations in Russian society (power, democracy and individual) Legal reform in Russia Problems of collective consciousness Problems of reorganization of economic relations, patterns of ownership and establishing new social types of management Mass media and formation of the political culture in modern society Reforming the basics of the modern system of world security Concept of national security of Russia under new historical conditions Position and role of Russia in the world economy (characteristics of Russia’s integration into the world economic community) World power centers (USA, Europe, Japan, China, and newly industrialized countries) and Russia’s strategies in world development Scientific principles of financial, monetary and price policies (formulation of a modern monetary system) Economic-mathematical simulation of the shift to market economy mechanisms and its functioning Problems of interaction of human society and nature (concept of sustainable development and its fulfillment in Russia) Technologies of open education and distant learning MAJOR FENU RESEARCH PROJECTS Federal Research and Faculty Development Program funded by the Federal Agency for Education of Russian Federation: Relativistic dynamics and structure of nucleuses and hadrons Organic and elemental organic synthesis on the base of dicarbonyl and active methylene compounds Organic and elemental organic synthesis based on dicarbonyl and active methylene compounds Interaction of natural and anthropogenic processes in coastal zones Study of anisotropy of electric and magnetic characteristics of submonolayer microstructures on silicon Study of adsorptive, electrochemical and catalytic processes on sorbents unknown word?? and electrodes, and oxide catalysts 52 Magnetic states as sources of information of global changes of existing conditions of natural and amorphous ferromagnets Dynamics of marine ecosystems and reproduction of invertebrates and fish in off-shore waters of the Sea of Japan Study of the microstructure of amorphous metal alloys and its dynamics in the processes of relaxation and crystallization Archeological and palaeoecological investigations of ancient monuments in the south of the Far East Experimental and theoretical spectroscopy, electronic structure and linkage in new classes of chemical compounds Condensed indole alkaloids of marine origin (syntheses, characteristics and a database) Lipids of marine poikilothermic animal Adaptation and processes of induced mutagenesis in marine microbial communities of coastal ecosystems affected by different pollutants Migration and metacultural heritage in the Russia-China border zone Development of fundamental mathematical methods and tools for analysis of economic systems The potential of museums as institutions of higher education in the Russian Far East Strategy and methods of monitoring marine biodiversity in marine sanctuaries Interaction of languages in the context of intercultural communication in the Pacific Rim countries Complex biological and chemical study of biological resources of the Pacific Ocean at the FENU Marine Biota Research and Education Center Russia and Pacific Rim countries - global security, conflicts and cooperation in the XXI century (FENU’s Interregional Institute of Social Science) The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation: Marine Biota Research and Education Center New methods of complex analysis and monitoring of marine biodiversity in marine sanctuaries Development of immunostimulating complexes on glycolipids and saponins from marine hydrocoles Corporation of New York, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Moscow Public Scientific Fund, Soros Foundation, ISE-Center: FENU’s Interregional Institute of Social Sciences Foundation for Russian American Economic Cooperation Project for improvement of municipal management practice and public leadership in the Russian Far East Active partnership of the USA in the Russian Far East Integrated promotion of entrepreneurship development in the Far East Japan Foundation Foreign institutions support program Korea Foundation Program for promotion of research and teaching actibities in Korean Studies FENU Open University «Teleport of open education system at FENU» «Mediacenter of open education system at FENU», joint project of Open University and Institute of Oriental Studies of FENU «Telepedagogics» – joint project of Open University and Institute of Pedagogy in distant retraining program 53 (конец C51) C52 FENU Innovational Education Program Подписи к фото: Laboratory equipment in the Informational Technologies and Optoelectronics Research and Education Center Top administrators of FENU and Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science at the meeting on Research and Education Centers within the FENU Innovational Education Program Рамка на с. 52: The FENU Innovational Educational Program of 2006-2008 was federally financed through the competitive grant program Priority National Project “Education”. FENU was among 17 out of 197 Russian institutions of higher education to receive a grant from this program. FENU received the third highest funding award after Moscow State University and SaintPetersburg State University). FENU’s award from the Innovational Educational Program was 1198 mln rubles: 856 mln rubles from the federal budget and 342 mln rubles from extrabudgetary funds of FENU. The majority of the grant was use to purchase of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Основной текст стр. 52: The long-term objective of the FENU Innovational Educational Program is to raise the standard of living of people in the Russian Far East ( RUSSIAN FAR EAST). This objective will be achieved through investment in human resources by development of an innovative educational environment for training scientific and technical personnel in technologies that will raise the standard of living. FENU Innovational Education Program Objectives: 1. Sustainable development of the regional educational system based on the integration of fundamental science, education, and industry; 2. FENU innovative development; 3. Export of educational programs and R&D products, promotion of Russian culture in the Pacific Rim countries, and increase in the investment attractiveness of the Russian Far East; 4. Developing new information infrastructure by blending information resources of FENU, its branches, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, and FENU’s partners abroad. The FENU Innovational Educational Program is closely connected with one of the priority geopolitical challenges facing Russia: development of the Russian Far East and its integration into Russia’s internal and external political and economic processes. Countries nearest the RUSSIAN FAR EAST are Japan, Republic of Korea, and China which along with other Pacific Rim countries are gaining an increasing share of the world’s high-tech production. FENU’s Innovational Educational Program will contribute to integration of the RUSSIAN FAR EAST into the high-tech sectors that are rapidly developing in the Pacific Rim. 54 Living standards are an integrated index including characteristics such as labor demand, population safety, development and accessibility to information resources, health, diet, and environmental conditions. Raising living standards is impossible without the development of the economy, social infrastructure, legal system, intercultural communication and mobility, and strengthening of world security. Development of biotechnology and medicine, new information technologies, nanotechnologies, socio-cultural technologies, development of many other areas of research and education are necessary. The Russian Far East needs highly qualified personnel who are capable of ensuring dynamic development of the region through development and application of innovative technologies in all spheres of human activities. Therefore, one of the most important objectives will be achieved through investment in human resources by development of an innovative educational environment for training scientific and technical personnel in technologies that will raise the standard of living. Rapid economic, social and political development of the Pacific Rim countries will be impossible without the highly qualified personnel whose training will be concentrated in only several dozen of the leading universities of the Pacific Rim. These universities have the extensive state-of-the-art research, education and information capabilities which ensure the necessary quality of training. FENU is the only university in the RUSSIAN FAR EAST with this capability. Priority financing within the FENU Innovational Educational Program to purchase of state-of-the-art laboratory and research equipment will ensure comparability of FENU standards with standards of leading research centers of the Pacific Rim. The FENU Innovative Education Program provided funds to set up a unique resource center, facilitating development of high-tech industries clusters in the RUSSIAN FAR EAST and the whole of Russia, and raising competitiveness of educational services and R&D of the Russian Far East in the world market which contributes to improved demographics, migration and naturalization patterns in the RUSSIAN FAR EAST. В рамке с. 53: The most important result of the FENU Innovative Education Program is developing an innovative education and scientific environment that in a leading university will contribute to the successful development of the RUSSIAN FAR EAST standard of living. FENU Innovational Education Program Outcomes: The following research, education, and technologiocal centers were jointly established by FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science: Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies Research and Education Center Informational Technologies and Optoelectronics Research and Education Center Earth Physics Research and Education Center Medical Physics Research and Education Center Primorsky (Vladivostok) Aquarium Research and Education Center Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies Research, Technological, and Educational Center World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development Innovative programs of higher education in 53 new specialties and majors have been opened on the base of new and existing FENU units. Many of these programs are unique for the Russian Far Eastern and Eastern Siberia, some of them – for the whole country. State-of-the-art high-tech equipment for research and developments in nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, biotechnologies, medical and information technologies, petroleum chemistry, fuel 55 and carbonic materials technologies, and technologies in marine studies will contribute to training highly qualified personnel. New laboratories and remodeled and reequipped research and education facilities are among the latest developments at FENU. A number of new technologies in distance learning and academic performance assessment were installed; and intra-network of satellite broadcasting projects “FENU-Teleport” and “FENUMediacenter” for representatives and branches of FENU are being launched. FENU has also established local resource centers at representative offices and a number of international educational and research projects. Finalization of agreement between FENU, Ministry of Education of Chinese Peoples' Republic and Heilongjiang University marked the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies and the Confucius Institute which will greatly contribute to the educational, research and business collaboration between Russia and China (detailed information about these institutes on p. 89 and 91). C54-55 Подписи к фото: 1. English camp of Marine Biota REC. 2. Selection of research material. 3. Winners of student research papers competition. 4. In the Laboratory of Microbiology Marine Biota Research and Education Center (REC) В зеленой рамке: Research at FENU’s Marine Biota REC is facilitated by the unique geographical location of Vladivostok which is often referred to as the sea gates of Russia in the Pacific Rim. Off-shore waters of the RFE and seas of the Pacific Rim are habitats to millions of marine animal and plant species. Many of them have commercial value and are used in research to develop biologically active substances and medicines. Other species are endemic and some are threaten with extinction. Investigations by the Marine Biota REC will foster preservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems both vitally important for future generations. В бежевой рамке: The Marine Biota REC established in 1999 is the oldest Research and Education Center of FENU. It served as a model for six other FENU RECs (p. 32). Dozens of grants won by the Marine Biota REC provided outside financing of more than $3,000,000. Achievements of the Marine Biota REC and its effective interaction with different research and education units of FENU within the framework of Marine Biota REC projects served as a basic concept of the FENU Innovative Education Program. These achievements contributed greatly to FENU’s winning a federal grant for innovative institutions of higher education of 2006; the Marine Biota REC demonstrated FENU’s desire and ability to implement such a concept. The Marine Biota REC is affiliated with the Division of Biology (Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology and Biotechnology) and School of Chemistry (Institute of Chemistry and Applied Ecology) and is supported by the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. Marine Biota REC projects won national grants in REC network project competition with initial grant financing of more than $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 more in subsequent competitions. These grants funded purchase of research equipment that made the Marine Biota REC one of the best research centers of the Pacific Rim. 56 Cooperation with research and educational programs of other research institutions contributes to the success of Marine Biota REC. The basic tasks of the center are the high-quality training of specialists in marine biota research, investigations in priority marine research and development of equipment/instrument and information bases. Marine Biota research projects incorporate traditionally strong FENU fundamental research in three related disciplines: biology, chemistry and biotechnology. The Marine Biota REC has 12 research and education program laboratories. Marine Biota’s research underlies the development of numerous textbooks and other educational materials. Marine Biota REC sponsors annual student conferences and regional schools for young scientists investigating priority problems in chemistry and biology. The center organizes English language courses to facilitate acquisition of terminology in chemistry and biology and to enhance English for communication with the foreign counterparts. Marine Biota also sponsors an English club where undergraduates, graduates and young scientists can practice English. The Marine Biota REC collaborates with FEBRAS both in joint research projects and educational programs. Marine Biota, together with other units of FENU and three institutes of FEBRAS– Institute of Marine Biology, Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Institute of Chemistry started the Far-Eastern Center for Structural Research and Analysis whose unique equipment is used by researchers from different institutions allowing solution of research, applied analytical and ecological problems. Every year FENU’s undergraduate and graduate students go on expeditions and field trips to the Zapovednoe Marine Biology Research Station (FENU), Vostok Station (Institute of Marine Biology,FEBRAS) and Marine Research Station of Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, FEBRAS. http://marbio-www.dvgu.ru rec@marbio.dvgu.ru (4232)42-95-10 Areas of research: Laboratory of Cell Biology of marine organisms: propagation of polyploid cells in tissues of mollusks; probable causes of dependence of polyploid histogeneses on ontogenetic, ecological and phylogenetic factors; properties of polyploid cells and their role in the development of tissues Laboratory of Marine Biology and Aquaculture: population organization, intraspecific differentiation, evolution of fishes and invertebrates; composition, structure and dynamics of marine coastal ecosystems; population, evolutionary and ecological genetics, and reproductive biology of water animals; organization of gametes and kin relations of organisms. Laboratory of Marine Ecology: analysis of organismal habitat conditions; response of organisms to changes in environmental factors; composition of benthic and pelagic communities in different bodies of water; characterizing environmental quality and ecosystem health Laboratory of Zoology of marine organisms: morphology, ultrastructure, embryonic growth and systematics of representatives of rare and poorly studied taxons of marine invertebrates (Cephalorhyncha, Sipunculoidea, echiuroid worms, nemertean worms, and nematodes) with scanning and transmission methods of electronic microscopy Laboratory of studies in genomes of marine organisms: genetic variability of marine organisms, formation of species, phylogenetics, evolution of genomes; genetic studies in preserving commercially important species using contemporary methods of molecular genetics 57 Laboratory of Marine Microbiology: role of microorganisms in transformation of allochthonous substances brought into the off-shore marine ecosystems; simulation of microbiological transfer and transformation processes of excess substances of foreign genesis Laboratory of Biochemistry: molecular mechanisms of thermo-adaptation of marine organisms; correlation between change in the physical state and molecular reconstructions of membrane forming lipids of marine poikilotermal organisms of great environmental and commercial value Laboratory of synthesis of natural substances: retrosynthetic analysis and targeted synthesis of lowmolecular compounds of marine origin; synthesis of new polynuclear nitrogen bases related to natural marine alkaloid Laboratory of Bio-organic Chemistry: search for new biologically active substances of marine macro- and microorganisms, including low-molecular bioregulators (steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenol compounds) and biopolymers (proteins, ferments, nucleic acids, bioglycanes), and determination of their biological activity and other properties Laboratory of Biotechnology: cryoprotective properties of the most promising cryopreservatives from marine organisms; development of new immunostimulating complexes with glycoglycerolipids and saponin extracted from marine hydrobionts for new generations of vaccines Laboratory of Uunderwater Robot Technology and video-monitoring of underwater landscapes: monitoring underwater landscapes; study of marine biodiversity; prospecting mineral deposits at great depths); study of undescribed and poorly described species of marine organisms Laboratory of Chemistry and Physics of aquasoils: cartographical classification and estimation of productivity of marine aquasoils; development of a system of standards for estimation of the damage to highly productive aquasoils under different anthropogenic influences arising from active use of natural resources, construction of hydro-technical facilities and oil extraction in the FarEastern shelf. Конец C55 C56 FENU's Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (IISS) FENU's Interregional Institute of Social Sciences, plus other units of FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (FEBRAS), will soon form the FENU Humanitarian Technological Park (HTP) modeled on the organization of the FENU Innovational Educational Program. The IISS, also known as the Far East Center for Advanced Studies and Education; was created in 2001 after FENU won a grant in the All-Russian competition in the Interregional Studies in Social Sciences program. The grant competition was organized in 2000 by the Moscow ISE Center with financing from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The main objectives of the program were mobilizing intellectual and professional potential of the Russian scientific community, strengthening and developing research networks, giving institutional and individual support to Russian social scientists, promoting integration of Russian scientists into the world 58 scientific community and introducing the Russian scientific community as an integral part of civil society. With another grant of $1,000,000 from the program “Russia and Asia-Pacific Rim Countries: Global Security, Conflicts and Cooperation in the 21st Century”, FENU became one of nine leading Russian universities forming a network of interregional institutes of social sciences. Priority areas of research: -Pacific Rim -Pacific Rim countries: political problems of international relations and global development sia-Pacific Rim integration processes; and ways of promoting ethno-cultural and interfaith tolerance and global security in the Pacific Rim -Pacific Rim: problems and competitive advantages Eventually the FENU IISS became a place where “people and ideas meet”. It serves as a creativecommunication facility for the international community of experts and researchers and as innovational “testing ground” in Asia-Pacific Rim studies. Some of the events which contributed greatly to such status are the international conference “Role of the Trans-Siberian Railroad in Cooperation Between Asia -Pacific Rim Countries: the Prospect of Connecting the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Korean Railroads” held in collaboration with the Korean Research Foundation (KRF); the international conference “Asian-Pacific Rim Realities, Prospects, and Projects of the 21st Century”; the international symposium “Dialogue of Arts - Art of Dialogue”; the round table “Challenges to Security in Northeastern Asia: New Realities and Approaches”; the Third Pacific Forum of Neighboring Countries “Migrations and Ethnic Communities: the Potential of Development of Pacific Russia” and many other events with participation of prominent scholars from Russia and abroad. The FENU IISS works closely with noted research centers in Russia and abroad. In 2003, the IISS and the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (Honolulu, USA) signed a memorandum of cooperation which brought many tangible results: joint conferences, scientific exchanges, and the monograph “Russia, America and Security in the Asia-Pacific Rim” published in 2007 in Russian and English. In 2008-2009, ISS research has focused on trans-border migrations, Russian-Chinese relations, and problems of integrating the Russian Far East in the Asia-Pacific Rim. Today the Interregional Institute of Social Sciences is actively engaged in developing the concept of the FENU Humanitarian Technological Park (HTP) by analyzing world experience in establishing such institutions. Подпись к фото: Recent publications of the FENU's Interregional Institute of Social Science C57 Primorsky (Vladivostok) Aquarium Research and Education Center (established jointly by FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science) The Primorsky Aquarium in Vladivostok is a federal project initiated by the President of Russian Federation and one of the key elements of the national strategy to develop Vladivostok as a major tourist and scientific center. Aquarium maintenance, development of its ecosystems, replenishment of its scientific collections of flora and fauna and its various research programs will require many skilled personnel. Educational resources of the Primorsky Aquarium will add greatly to the quality of training of thousands of specialists – biologists, ecologists, designers, and other professionals. 59 The end result of this project will be the establishment of the Interdepartmental REC in State-ofthe-art Marine Technologies (Primorsky Aquarium REC) with participation of FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (FEBRAS). Goals of the Primorsky Aquarium REC are: Training of specialists in: marine biology and ecology, hydrobiology, mariculture and marine bio-resources, information technologies, marine flora landscape design and theriology, ecological tourism and environmental protection Development of joint FENU- FEBRAS research and educational projects at Primorsky Aquarium laboratories and educational facilities Popular education programs Primorsky Center for Product Quality Testing With13 years of testing experience, the Primorsky Center in Product Quality Testing is accredited by the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) for its professionalism and independence in certification, arbitration and research tests of products. Annually it tests thousands of samples of domestic and imported products. The Primorsky Center for Product Quality Testing consists of five laboratories: Bacteriology, Toxicology, Radiology, Physical and Chemical Analysis and Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis (PCA); the latter analyzes quality and quantity of gene-modified content in plant raw material and foods. The Primorsky Center for Product Quality Testing plans to acquire licensing to provide medical services in bacteriology soon. The Primorsky Center for Product Quality Testing serves as the facility for internships of FENU students and specialists in related fields. Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies Research, Technological, and Educational Center (RTEC) The Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies RTEC was established in 2007 with Astronomy and Geodesy Chairs of FENU's Institute of Environmental Sciences. Its research focuses on application of state-of-the-art technologies of global satellite positioning (GPS&GLONASS) in academic instruction, research and technology development. The Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies RTEC is staffed with professors and members of Astronomy and Geodesy Chairs of FENU’s Institute of Environmental Sciences. Scholars from the Institute of Applied Mathematics, the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Yu. Kosygin of the Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics of FEBRAS and others from the Institute of Seismology and Volcanology of Hokkaido University participate in center projects. Satellite Geodesic (GPS&GLONASS) Technologies RTEC research focuses on: International research programs in geodynamic activity in the West-Pacific Ocean, the Russian Far East and Primorsky Krai Optimal design of GPS&GLONASS networks Development of algorithms to fix coordinate systems from data of satellite geodesy (VLBI, SLR, GPS, DORIS) Applied research in GPS&GLONASS technologies for designing geodetic networks defined by purpose plus engineering and topographic surveys and other works. Подпись к фото: State-of-the-art geodetic equipment purchased with funding of the FENU Innovational Educational Program 60 C58-59 В зеленой рамке: In 2006, implementation of the FENU Innovational Educational Program established a number of research and education centers (REC) modeled on the FENU Institute of Physics and Information Technologies (IPhIT) and institutes of the Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Science (FEBRAS). RECs include those in Earth Physics, Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies, Medical Physics, and Informational Technologies and Optoelectronics. The centers provide close connection between the academic process, research and discoveries in cutting-edge fields of science and technology, as well as of labor market demand in the field of high tech. Focuses of these educational programs and research projects align with the most dynamically developing scientific and technological fields (левый верхний угол с. 58, НОЦ «Физика Земли): Earth Physics Research and Education Center (левая колонка, ДВГУ): FENU Theoretical and Nuclear Physics Department Dynamic Geology Department Earth and Physics Department Hydrophysics Department Paleo-magnetology Laboratory Laser Physics Center Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory of Marine Electro-dynamics Hydroacoustics Laboratory Последний на этой диаграмме Учебно-производственный … центр ДВГУ-ДВГИ является совместным подразделением подразделением ДВГУ и ДВО РАН, поэтому его желательно растянуть по горизонтали, чтобы он находился и под колонкой ДВГУ, и под колонкой ДВо РАН: Academic and Production Analytical Center, a joint subdivision of FENU and FEGI (правая колонка, ДВО РАН): Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Cainozoe Stratigraphy (Far East Geological Institute, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FEGI) Laboratory of Precious Metal Analysis (FEGI) Laboratory of Stable Isotope Geochemistry (FEGI) Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry (FEGI) Laboratory of X-ray Methods (FEGI) Laboratory of Seismoacoustics (Pacific Oceanological Institute, POI) Laboratory of Instrumental Methods in Hydrophysics (POI) (конец 1 диаграммы) Specialties: 61 Physics Geology Majors: Geophysics Hydrophysics Physical metrology and experiment automation Physical ecology (environment physics) Ecological geochemistry Search and exploration for minerals Research Areas: Geology and dynamics of the lithosphere of the continent-ocean transference zone Research of formation of the continent-ocean transference zone by paleomagnetology Studies of regularities of forming non-uniformly scaled fields in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean Developing new methods, technologies, and technical means of the ocean research Developing technology of natural disaster presage monitoring and protection Relativistic dynamics and structure of nuclei and androns Environment geochemistry Natural ferrimagnetic physics Диаграмма «НОЦ Нанофизика…» Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies Research and Education Center FENU Department of Physics and Technologies of Materials for Semiconducting Microelectronics Department of Physical Bases of Infomedia Technologies Laboratory of Electronic Microscopy Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory of Physical Methods of Analysis Laboratory of Computer Modeling Laboratory of Film Technologies Laboratory of Semiconductor and Dielectric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Two-Dimensional Microelectronic Technologies (Institute of Automation and Control Processes, IACP) Laboratory of Homoepitaxy Technologies (IAPC) Laboratory of Optics and Electrophysics (IAPC) Laboratory of Semiconductor and Dielectrics (IAPC) Laboratory of Technologies of Metal Semiconducting Systems (IAPC) (конец 2 диаграммы) Specialties: Physics Microelectronics and semi conducting devices Majors: Molecular physics 62 Integral Schemes Physics and Technology Nanoelectronics Research Areas: Surface phases and nanostructures on silicon surfaces Electric and magnetic properties of low-sized structures and nanomaterials Informodynamic methods of research in meso-scaled discontinuities Unknown word Atomic and molecular physics Диаграмма «НОЦ инф технологии…» Information Technologies and Optoelectronics Research and Education Center FENU Department of Electronics Department of Computer Systems Department of Information Security Department of Computer Net Design Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of Images Laser Physics Center Laboratory of Computer Methods in Education Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Precision Optical Methods of Measurement (IACP) Laboratory of Knowledge Management (IACP) Center of Collective Usage (IACP) Laboratory of Supercomputer and Distributed Information Technologies (IACP) Computer Sector (Institute of Applied Mathematics, IAM) (конец 3 диаграммы) Specialties: Information systems and technologies Computer security Applied information science (in economics) Physics Majors: Information systems and technologies in communication Information systems and technologies in computer nets Mathematical methods in computer security Applied mathematics in design Physical information science Computer methods in physics Laser physics and non-linear optics Research Areas: Automation in physical experiments Research in interaction of radiation channeled in optic fiber with external physical fields and factors; Technology of production of lumped and distributed physical value sensors Development and production of distributed fiber optic data measuring networks 63 Modeling, processing, and analyzing images and signals Parallel computations, GRID-technologies Artificial intellect technologies for modeling traffic in complex systems Statistical methods of modeling and decision-making in developing systems with incomplete information Software and hardware methods and means of information security Диаграмма «НОЦ Медицинская физика…» Medical Physics Research and Education Center FENU Medical Physics Department Laboratory of Medical Physics Medical Physics Workshop Laser Physics Center Russian Academy of Sciences Medical Department "Arktika" International Scientific Center (конец 4 диаграммы) Specialties: Medical physics Physics Majors: • Laser technologies in medicine • Computer methods in medicine • Acoustic medicine • Non-ionizing radiation in medicine; • Information technologies and mathematic modeling in medicine* • Medical physics Research directions: • Laser technologies in medicine • Electrophysiological methods of research • Information and communication technologies in medicine • Medical biophysics • Acoustic methods of research in medicine • Non-invasive radio frequency diagnostics of biological bodies • Hardware and software complexes in medicine. C60 World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development In March 2008, the FENU Academic Council and the FEBRAS Presidium made a joint decision to establish the World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development. Its goals include: (1) development of research technologies and exploitation of resources of open water of the World Ocean based on the research and technology potential accumulated at FENU and FEBRAS; (2) implementation of research outcomes; and (3) research staff and faculty development in the field of 64 marine resources. Exploitation of the world ocean resources is one of the most complicated and challenging tasks faced in the third millennium. National interests of the Russian Federation in this field enhance the role of world ocean research and research and manufacturing. Additionally, research and educational organizations must establish innovative programs for developing technologies for exploitation of world ocean resources, as well as for training highly-qualified personnel to implement Russian Federal Targeted Programs and other Russian and international projects of world ocean exploitation. In the process of creating “The Research and Education Resource Center for Improving Life Quality Technologies in the Russian Far East,” FENU and FEBRAS have amassed a wealth of experience in creation of research and educational innovative programs, including those for exploring and exploiting marine resources. In the World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development, FENU is represented by the Institute of Physics and Information Technologies, the Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology, and Biotechnology, the Institute of Chemistry and Applied Ecology, the Institute of Environmental Sciences, the Institute of Law, the Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality, the Local Studies Research Institute, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Research and Education Center in Marine Biota, and the Office of Maintenance Engineering Support of Marine Research and Ship Operation. The FEBRAS is represented by the Pacific Oceanological Institute, the Institute of Marine Technology Problems, the Institute of Automation and Control Processes, the Institute of Marine Biology, the Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the Institute of Chemistry, the Far Eastern Geological Institute, the Institute of Archeology, History and Ethnography, the Medical Department, and the Department of Marine Research Fleet. Today the FEBRAS and FENU are capable of implementing large-scale research projects of federal targeted programs, as well as orders of national and commercial organizations and enterprises needed to locate regions of potential mineral resources, map seas and oceans, predict dangerous and disastrous phenomena, provide navigational safety, evaluate biological resources and develop modern technical methods of marine research and exploitation. The Department of Submarine Robotic Facilities of the Institute of Physics and Information Technologies was established with FEBRAS participation to train highly qualified personnel for managing unmanned submarine vehicles and processing telemetric information. A.F. Scherbatyuk, Chairman of the Department of Submarine Robotic Facilities, led a team of Vladivostok students who participated in the world championship of submarine robotic engineering in the summer of 2008. Graduates of the Institute of Physics and Information Technologies became the first certified pilots of the remote controlled submarine vehicle “COMANCHE-6000”. They were trained by the Sub-Atlantic Company in Great Britain and in Gelendzhik. In September 2008, the remote controlled submarine vehicle “COMANCHE-6000” acquired through to the FENU Innovative Program of the National Priority Project “Education,” underwent sea trials. Boris L. Reznik, FENU First Vice-President, led the expedition on board the research ship Professor Bogorov. The expedition included personnel from FENU, FEBRAS Institute of Marine Biology, and the Institute of Marine Technology Problems, the Divetechnoservice Company, and the Sub-Atlantic Company, COMANCHE-6000’s builder. During the tests, COMANCHE-6000 dived several times in Peter-the Great Bay, to depths of 40 and 75 meters. There are only 9 vehicles of the Comanche class in the world. FENU’s COMANCHE-6000 is unique in its configuration of scientific equipment. It also has video capabilities and hydrolocation equipment as well as standard industrial manipulators. Циановая рамка в нижнем левом углу с. 60: The main goals of the FENU-FEBRAS World Ocean Center for Innovations and Technology Development are identified in compliance with the priority directions of science, technology, and engineering development in the Russian Federation; the 2008-2012 “World Ocean” 65 Federal Priority Program; and the Year 2021 Conception of the Russian Federation DeepWater Facilities Development. Among these goals, there are the following ones: identifying regions with potential for developing mineral, hydrocarbon, and biological resources of the shelf, continental vault and ocean floor high resolution mapping and evaluation of the ocean floor surveying dangerous and disastrous ocean phenomena in order to reliably forecast, and effectively warn to minimize risks at sea providing geophysical and aerogeophysical research, and developing hydroacoustic methods of ocean research developing methods of remote exploration of the ocean engineering-geology preliminary to construction of coastal, above-water, and underwater structures in the shelf; monitoring submarine structures developing methods of marine construction protection from biofouling and biodestruction developing and creating computerized information systems and software for data processing and interpretation; developing methods of conveying information and security of information systems and communication channels examining hydrometeorological environment in order to provide economic and transportation activities assessing the influence of marine environment changes of the dynamics of Russia’s marine biological resources and measures for their protection; exploring ecosystems; inventorying marine biodiversity and providing ecological monitoring; developing and creating technical facilities for exploring ocean resources; deep-water research by autonomous unmanned vehicles; historic and ethnographic research of the Russian Far Eastern seas; designing projects for coastal zone complex management; analysis of and recommendations for legal marine navigation in the Russian Federation regarding risks and challenges of globalization and the geopolitical position of the Russian Far East. Посвященная Команчу врезка внизу с. 61: Remote controlled submarine vehicle “Comanche-6000” Maximum diving depth is 6000 meters. Size: 13.25 m high, 1.30 m wide, 2.30 m long. Maximum weight in the air: 1500 kg. (Equipment) payload: 250 kg. Producer: Sub-Atlantic Co., Great Britain. “Comanche-6000” is connected with surface control by thermoplastic cable with kevlar sheathing . Five modules made of synthetic) foam provides buoyance. Vertical and horizontal thrust is provided by seven, direct current, brushless electrical motors SPE250 of 4 kWt each. Mechanical manipulators were produced by the Schilling Co. (USA). Automatic controls provide 5 degree course precision, 0.5 m depth precision and 0.5 m bottom orientation precision. Simultaneous control by four operators. “Comanche-6000” is a very versatile research platform providing mineralogical exploration, ocean floor mapping, and direct observation and filming of biota in their natural habitat. 66 C62-63 FENU Educational District В рамке: The FENU Educational District is the joint project of the Education and Science Department of Primorsky Krai Administration and Far Eastern National University (FENU). Among its principal goals are development of a continuous education system and uniting creative students all over the region. The FENU Educational District was created in October, 1999 by decision of the National Education Administration Board (Primorsky Krai) and FENU’s Academic Council. The district unites more than 50 municipal educational institutions of Primorsky Krai. The FENU Educational District unites both FENU institutes and other structural units, and municipal and private institutions of secondary education. Its programs focus on improvement of educational level, overcoming the gap between secondary school and university, and bringing FENU resources into general education. Each year more than 4500 students, from kindergarten children to high school graduates, enroll in different pre-tertiary programs of FENU. More than 50% of new students admitted to FENU have taken preparatory courses within the framework of the FENU Educational District. The key element of pre-tertiary educational programs is that students can choose vocational training programs or advanced level courses in a particular field. Thus, FENU meets individual needs of its prospective students and introduces them to the tertiary education environment. FENU Educational District Objectives Providing students with facilities for continuous education Betterment of pre-tertiary programs and spotting children with high potential as FENU prospective students Support and development of novel curricula at secondary educational institutions Research in methods of teaching and psychological approaches to foster intellectual growth in gifted children Social support of educational services Implementation of the most efficient and innovative teaching methods and education technologies Creation of experimental educational sites В рамке: Development of the FENU Educational district is ensured, in the first place, by FENU’s great potential and accessibility of its facilities such as libraries, laboratories, information centers, and faculty. FENU Educational District Activities Implementation of the principles of continuity and openness in education into educational practices of the FENU Educational District’s institutions Involvement of FENU faculty into design and implementation of advanced level curricula Vocational assessment and guidance services for prospective students Implementation of an assessment system for monitoring education quality at secondary educational institutions Organization of regional, all-Russian and international Olympiads and contests Using FENU professors and scholars of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in educational programs for students and secondary school teachers of Primorsky Krai Admission of secondary school teachers into FENU graduate and post-graduate programs Design of unified curricula and educational manuals in academic fields relevant for FENU Advanced-level training in general academic disciplines 67 Ensure favorable terms of admissions for school graduates who complete FENU pre-tertiary programs Organization of seminars for secondary school teachers Implementation and development of distance learning technologies The FENU Educational District’s Special Features An open educational environment integrated with a higher education system that provides workshops, use of research laboratories, and special courses Diversified curricula Muli-level curricular in general academic disciplines (John, I am not sure this makes sense but I think they mean that the same academic discipline can be taught at different levels, for example, from intermediate to advanced, depending on what students can do) Design of individualized curricula under supervision of innovative teachers, FENU faculty members and scholars of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Raise self-fulfillment and develop leadership skills and creativity in secondary school children through their involvement in research, social, artistic and business projects Tutoring, provided by FENU faculty members Provide conferences for secondary school students and teachers in urgent issues of today’s education В рамке: The FENU Educational District contributes significantly both to pre-tertiary training of prospective students and to development of secondary education and higher education cooperation. The increase in the number pre-tertiary programs and new educational technologies require further development of the FENU Educational District and search for new approaches to attain the assigned missions. C. 64-67 FENU Degree and Certificate Programs В рамке: FENU offers an extensive system of continuous education, education through the entire lifetime. This system includes all levels of education starting with university kindergarten and finishing with doctoral and professional development programs. The content and teaching methods at the different levels are inter-coordinated. Students are constantly involved in research and other activities providing for their professional growth. This integrated system meets the needs of the community and allows to establish ties between educational programs and professional qualifications required in practice. Pre-School Education “School-2100” Program “Team” Program Secondary Education Primary School Middle School High School Supplementary Electives 68 Art Choreography Classic Ballet Creativity English Environment Music Sports Theater Pre-University Secondary Professionally Oriented Courses Commerce Computer Software Legal Secretary Secretary – Referent Vocational Training Programs Computer Software Design in Art and Culture Economics and Accounting (in several specializations) Hotel Management Information Systems in Management Jurisprudence Kindergarten Teaching Social and Cultural Activities; Folk Art Social Pedagogy Bachelor Degrees Applied Information Sciences Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Applied Mechanics Biology Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Chemistry Computer Science Cultural Studies Design Ecology and Natural Resources Utilization Economics Environmental Protection Geodesy Geography Geology History Hydrometeorology Information Systems Innovative Activities International Relations 69 Journalism Law Linguistics Management Mathematics Metrology, Standards, and Certification Nanotechnologies Natural Sciences Oriental and African Studies Pedagogy Philological Education Philology (зеленый квадрат) Philosophy Physical Education Physics Physics and Mathematics Political Science Printing Industry Psychology Publishing Radio Physics Regional Studies (зеленый квадрат) Religious Studies Social Science Social Work Social-Economics Education Soil Science Theology Tourism В рамке с. 65 FENU opened 21 new graduate programs, 21 post-bachelor programs, and 12 undergraduate programs within the Federal Innovative Education Program (2006-2007). Specialist Degrees Accounting, Analysis and Audit Advertisement Applied Computer and Information Sciences in Economics Applied Computer Science and Information Sciences in Geography Applied Geodesy Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Biochemistry (зеленый квадрат) Biology Chemical Processes in Industry and Chemical Cybernetics Chemistry Commerce and Trade Computer Security Computer Software Cultural Studies Design Ecology 70 Economic Theory Environmental Protection and Sustained Use of Natural Resources Finances and Credit Fire Safety Folk Art Geography Geology Governmental and Municipal Management History Home Management and Economics Human Resource Management Hydrology Information Systems and Technologies Institutional Management International Economics (зеленый квадрат) International Relations (зеленый квадрат) Journalism Labor Market Economics Law (зеленый квадрат) Logopedics Management of Innovations Marine Science Marketing Mathematical Methods in Economics (зеленый квадрат) Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems (зеленый квадрат) Mathematics Mechatronics Medical Physics Meteorology Microbiology Microelectronics and Semiconductor Devices Nanomaterials Oriental and African Studies (зеленый квадрат) Pedagogy and Methods of Pre-School Education Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education Pedagogy and Psychology (зеленый квадрат) Pedagogy in Education for Mentally Challenged Philology (зеленый квадрат) Philosophy Physical Education and Sports Physical Education for Physically Challenged Physics Political Science Psychology Public Relations Publishing and Editing Quality Management and Control Records Management Regional Studies (зеленый квадрат) Religious Studies Russian Economics Safety of Technological Processes and Industry 71 Social and Cultural Activities Social and Cultural Service and Tourism Social Anthropology (зеленый квадрат) Social Pedagogy Social Science Social Work Soil Science Taxes and Taxation Technology of Polygraph Production Theology Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (зеленый квадрат) Tourism Translation Studies and Practice Master Degrees Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Biology Chemistry Cultural Studies Ecology and Natural Resources Utilization Economics Environment Protection Law Management Oriental and African Studies Pedagogy (зеленый квадрат) Philology Physics Political Science (зеленый квадрат) Примечание в конце страницы к зеленым квадратам: Foreign students are enrolled in higher educational programs on the marked specialties C. 66 FENU Post-Graduate Programs В рамке: FENU's Doctoral Councils in Ecology, Physics, Russian Language and Literature, as well as the LL.M. (Candidate of Science in Law) Council in Civil, Labor, and Constitutional Law are the only ones in the Russian Far East. About 500 postgraduate students study in 64 majors. (из оригинала выброшен абзац про воссоздание в 1956 г.) В рамке: 72 In 2009 FENU has 7 Doctoral Dissertation Councils in 14 specialties (Russian “Doctor of Science” degree) and 1 LL.M. Dissertation Council in 3 specialties. В рамке: FENU Doctoral Dissertation Councils annually award candidate and doctoral degrees to about 100 researchers and faculty members of other institutions from the Russian Far East and other countries. Основной текст: FENU postgraduate programs are well known in Russian and abroad. They are coordinated by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies. FENU postgraduate studies play an important role in preparing highly qualified researchers for the region. The majority of FENU postgraduate students are FENU alumni, but a considerable number are alumni of other institutions located primarily in the Russian Far East and Pacific Rim countries. Besides, FENU's Institute of Postgraduate Studies prepares specialists for research institutes of the Russian Far East and other regions of Russia, for municipal and federal institutions and other national and international institutions. Most foreign postgraduate students are from Japan, Republic of Korea, China, and Vietnam. Among research supervisors of FENU postgraduate students, there are 182 FENU faculty membes including 93 Doctors of Science. In recent years the number of Russian postgraduate students has been stable while the number of foreign postgraduate students has grown rapidly. For Chinese postgraduate students, the RussianChinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies was established in 2006 jointly with Chinese Government and Heilongjiang University. Подпись к фото: International postgraduate students meeting with FENU President Vladimir Kurilov and Heilongjiang University President Yi Junqing FENU Doctoral Dissertation Councils (Russian “Doctor of Science” Degree) BIOLOGY Ecology (biological aspects) POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Institutions and Processes, Ethno-Political Conflict, National and Political Processes and Technologies Theory of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science PHILOLOGY Russian Language Russian Literature CHEMISTRY Chemistry of Element-Organic Compounds Ecology (chemical aspects) LAW Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Process Law Criminal Process; Crime Detection and Judicial Expertise; Operative-Investigation Activity Constitutional Law; Municipal Law* Civil Law; Business Law; Family Law; International Private Law* 73 Labor Law; Social Security Law* PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS (Two doctoral dissertation councils) Differential Equations Mathematical Analysis Physics of Condensed Conditions System Analysis, Management, and Data Processing in Physics and Mathematics Theoretical Physics В сноске внизу страницы: * LL.M., Candidate of Science in Law degree C. 66 FENU Postgraduate (Cand.Sc. and Dr.Sc.) Specialties Biology Biochemistry Botany Ecology Histology, Cytology, and Cell Biology Hydrobiology Ichthyology Soil Science Zoology (зеленый квадрат) Chemistry Analytic Chemistry Bioorganic Chemistry Chemistry of Element-Organic Compounds Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Earth Sciences Economic, Social and Political Geography Geological Ecology Geomorphology and Evolution Geography Geophysics, Geophysical Methods of Mineral Resources Relocation Land Hydrology, Water Resources, and Hydrochemistry Marine Science Meteorology, Climate, and Agricultural Meteorology Physical Geography and Biogeography, Soil Geography and Landscape Geochemistry (зеленый квадрат) Economics Economic Theory Economics and National Economy Management: Theory of Economic Systems Management; Macro-Economics; Economics, Founding and Management of Enterprises, Corporations, Governmental Institutions, etc 74 Finance, Money Circulation and Credit World Economy History Archeology Russian History World History (зеленый квадрат) Law Administrative Law, Finance Law Civil Law; Business Law; Family Law; International Private Law Civil Processes; Arbitration Processes Constitutional Law; Municipal Law International Law; European Law Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Process Law (зеленый квадрат) Criminal Process; Crime Detection and Judicial Expertise; Operative-Investigation Activity (зеленый квадрат) Labor Law; Social Security Law Pedagogy Theory and Methodology of Education (in Physics) (зеленый квадрат) Theory and Methodology of Professional Development Philology Germanic Languages Journalism Literature of Foreign Countries Literature of Russian Federation Nationalities Russian Language (зеленый квадрат) Russian Literature Comparative Historical Language Study Foreign Languages of Europe and Asia Philosophy History of Philosophy Physics and Mathematics Acoustics Calculus Chemical Physics, Including Physics of Combustion and Explosion Differential Equations Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Cybernetics Mathematical Analysis (зеленый квадрат) Physics of Atomic Nuclei Physics of Condensed Conditions Theoretical Physics Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Physics Political Science 75 Political Institutes and Processes, Ethno-Political Conflict Resolution, National and Political Processes and Technologies (зеленый квадрат) Political Science Theory, History and Methodology of Political Science (зеленый квадрат) Social Science Management Sociology Social Structure; Social Institutes and Processes (зеленый квадрат) Technique Mathematical Modeling, Calculus Methods and Program Complexes Mathematics and Software of Computers, Complexes and Computer Networks System Analysis, Management, and Data Processing (several Majors) Примечание в конце страницы к зеленым квадратам: Foreign doctoral students perform research in the marked specialties 76 C68-69 Internationalization of Education and Research (на полях): Export of Russian Higher Education and Research via FENU FENU International Students Institute of International Education Far Eastern Branch of the “Russkiy Mir” Foundation FENU Students Abroad People’s Republic of China Republic of Korea Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Japan Socialist Republic of Vietnam Thailand Indonesia Mongolia India Australia Great Britain Germany France Spain USA Multinational institutions International distance and blended mode programs C70-77 в работе zz C78-79 FENU Institute of International Education (FENU IIE) The Russian School, the first educational institution for foreign students at FENU, was established in 1989 as part of the FENU International Department. On June 19, 2008 the Academic Council of FENU granted it the status of institute. Today the Institute of International Education teaches courses of Russian language and Russian Studies to foreign students from many countries. FENU IIE is a unique educational institution both in number of foreign graduates from European and Asia-Pacific Rim countries (more than 5,000) and in quality of instruction. IIE professors have long-standing work experience with foreign students; they are authors of more than 20 textbooks and other teaching materials published at FENU and Zlatoust Publishing House, St. Petersburg. All professors of FENU IIE have certificates of testers of the Russian State System in Testing Russian as a Foreign Language. Certificates of the Institute of International Education have been awarded to students from Japan, Republic of Korea, People's Democratic Republic of Korea, USA, Chinese Peoples' Republic, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Finland, Nigeria, Canada, Bulgaria, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Peru, Brazil, New Zealand, Austria, Mongolia and many other countries. Among those who enroll in the IIE’s programs are undergraduate and graduate students, professors of foreign universities, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and officers of companies and consulates located in Vladivostok. 77 Many foreign students of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs enroll in different Russian language courses or take such courses prior to their full-time programs. All foreign students of FENU, one way or another, are involved with the IIE. In 1998 the Russian School obtained the status of Regional Russian Language Testing Center for Foreign Citizens. In 2003 it joined the system of Russian educational institutions which offer testing services in Russian as a foreign language to those applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation. The students of the IIE not only master the Russian language but also are involved in a wide range of extracurricular activities. They take part in sports competitions, excursions around Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, go on sea trips, go to theaters and museums, and participate in different festivals and contests. Additionally, the IIE has created many unique traditions, such as the Golden Fall sports competition, held every October in which teams of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, American and British students compete with each other. Another is the Day of Cultures, a student festival celebrated every November, where students dress in their national folk costumes, perform traditional dances and songs, hold tea ceremonies and treat each other to dishs of national cuisines. Students of the IIE establish strong ties with FENU students through the Tolerance Center. Together they hold festivals where they learn about Russian culture and discuss problems facing young people. Still another tradition, started in the Russian School and continuing at the IIE, is the annual Festival of Foreign Students of the Russian Far East which has become a true celebration of Russian language, uniting young people from European and Asia-Pacific Rim countries. It is attended by foreign student teams from higher educational institutions of Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchenk, and Ussuriisk, Vladivostok and many other cities. The Fifth Festival of Foreign Students of the Russian Far East in December 2008 drew 11 teams, 270 participants and more than 400 fans. Раздел «Деятельность Институтв…» в рамке на с. 79: FENU's Institute of International Education of FENU is involved in various important activities: -campus basic and special courses in Russian as a foreign language, taught in groups and individually -school and school age children of foreign citizens and children of Russian parents, raised in foreign countries or mixed families n as a Foreign Language and stateless persons wanting to apply for the citizenship of the Russian Federation Department of Professional Development of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University and the Institute of Russian Language and Literature of FENU) Literature; achievement of goals of the presidential program “The Russian Language”; ure and culture; modern culture of Russia -Pacific Rim countries and other regions of the world. 78 C80-83 Фонд «Русский мир» C81 Russkiy Mir Foundation, Far Eastern Branch Подпись к фото: Opening of the Russian Centers of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh National University) and the University of Foreign Languages in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is in progress. В рамке: On December 17, 2007, by decision of the Board of Trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation the Far Eastern Branch (FEB) of the Russkiy Mir Foundation was established. Its goal is to promote Russian language and culture in the Far East and support Russian language teaching programs abroad. Основной текст: FEB is a regional unit of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, a non-profit organization. The FEB office is located in the new building of the FENU Fundamental Library – Institute of Research Information. The FEB mission is promotion of Russian language and culture in the Far Eastern Federal District and Pacific Rim countries. В рамке: Establishing Russian Centers of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in the Pacific Rim is one of the priority objectives of the FEB. November 4, 2008, saw the formal opening of the first Russian Center in Japan in facilities of the Far Eastern National University Branch in Hakodate. The opening of the Russian Center of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in Vietnam is in progress at Ho Chi Minh National University. Russian Centers are also planned in China at Changchun Normal University and Dalian University of Foreign Languages and in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) at the University of Foreign Languages in Pyongyang. Russkiy Mir Foundation works to preserve the Russian language and promote the Russian language and literature in Russia and abroad. With support of its City Administration, Vladivostok is decorated with posters containing citations of great Russian authors and poets about the Russian language, its richness and beauty. These posters are meant to attract attention of Vladivostok residents and guests to the native language and culture. Russkiy Mir’s FEB participates in events held by the Asian Pacific Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers, especially in research and events related to training and teaching such as conferences, seminars and literature contests. It works with secondary school students, Russian and foreign university students and residents of the Russian Far East. Events are held not only in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai but also in Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and Birobijan. C81 Подпись к фото: 79 Russkiy Mir’s FEB staff participates in the 2nd Assembly of the Russkiy Mir Foundation В рамке: On November 1, 2008, the Russkiy Mir Foundation launched the 4th International Contest for Foreign Citizens “The Russian Language As A Way To Success”. The contest has two stages and will finish in March 2009. In early December 2008, the Russkiy Mir Foundation FEB also participated in the 5th Festival of Foreign Students Studying in the Russian Far East sponsored by Far Eastern National University and the Asian Pacific Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers. In 2009, the Far Eastern Branch is planning to host the international conference “Russian Studies and Diasporas in the North Pacific” with participation of the University of California, Berkeley (USA). The conference is designed for people interested in the “Russian world”, Russian culture and language in Asian Pacific countries. The conference theme will attract not only people who are fond of Russian culture but also researchers from various fields. The conference is planned to be two-staged. The first stage will be held at FENU: The Russian World in China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and DPRK. The second stage will be at the University of California, Berkeley: Russian Communities in San-Francisco, Los-Angeles and Seattle. The conference is intended for both Russians living abroad and foreign guests who are fond of the Russian culture and who speak Russian. The conference will facilitate sharing experiences of preserving the “Russian world” in other countries. No doubt, Russian people living in Russia who care to preserve the Russian language in this country and strengthen its status around the world will also be interested in the conference. This conference will facilitate cooperation in promoting the Russian language and culture in the Asian Pacific Region. C82 Подписи к фото: 1. The Educational and Methodological Office of the Foundation. 2. The Far Eastern Branch of the Foundation opened Children’s Corners in the Medical Rehabilitation Department, for children of 6-14 years old and in the Medical Social Department for orphaned children of 1 month to 4 years old of the Vladivostok 4th Child Hospital. A similar Corner is planned for the Child Oncology Center. Основной текст: As part of another Russkiy Mir Foundation project “Establishing Library Corners in Children’s Medical and Educational Institutions,” the FEB opened its first Children’s Corner in the Medical Rehabilitation Department for children 6 to 14 years old and the Medical Social Department for orphans 1 month to 4 years old (the 4th Child Hospital in Vladivostok) on November 7, 2008. В рамке: The Russkiy Mir Foundation presented the hospital with books, videos of Russian movies and cartoons and related furniture and equipment. Books and videos were collected by the non-profit Foundation of Supporting Book Publishers, Education, and New Information Technologies (Pushkin Library), Moscow. These Children’s Corners will make it possible for children of different ages to know more about the Russian language, be familiar with classical and modern works of Russian literature and arts, and learn about Russian culture. Its second Children’s Corner will be opened in the Child Oncology Center next winter. 80 In 2009 the Russkiy Mir’s FEB opened an Educational and Methodological Office where visitors have access to a great number of academic and research literature to learn more about the Russian culture and literature, study Russian, read the latest works of scholars in various fields of the humanities and see the best Russian feature and animated movies. C83 Подзаголовок (отсутствующий в русскоязычном варианте, но целесообразный, поскольку вся стр. 83 посвящена Русскому центру в Хакодатэ): The Far Eastern Branch of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Подпись к фото: Russkiy Mir Foundation presented about 1300 books on various topics to the Russian Center in Hakodate. В зеленой вводной рамке: On November 4, 2008, the Russian Center of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Far Eastern Branch opened at the FENU Hakodate Branch. Sergei Lavrov, Russian Federation Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Vladimir Kurilov, FENU President, participated in the opening ceremony. Основной текст: The Russkiy Mir Foundation and Far Eastern National University closely cooperate in their activities on promotion of Russian language and culture, establishing Russian Centers in other countries of the Pacific Rim. FENU is the main partner of the Russkiy Mir’s FEB, the main base for its work and development. Russkiy Mir Foundation presented about 1300 books of different subjects to the Hakodate Russian Center. They are classical and modern fiction, reference-books, encyclopedias, textbooks in various disciplines, children and teenager literature, as well much material on teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and many others. In addition to printed material, the Foundation also gave more than 300 videos and CD/DVDs including video-courses of Russian language study and masterpieces of Soviet and Russian film. Russkiy Mir Foundation has agreed to give the Hakodate Russian Center more than 500 additional library items each year. Russkiy Mir Foundation also plans to send linguists and specialists in culture and history from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University and other Russian universities to Hakodate to give conferences, round tables, and seminars. The Foundation FEB plans events in the Russian Center with the help of professionals from different institutions of higher education of the Russian Far East. C84-85 FENU Students Abroad Подпись к фото: FENU students in Ulsan, Republic of Korea В рамке: The International Department of FENU gives its students support in enrolling in different courses and internship programs of hundreds of foreign institutions of higher education. FENU has established stable, long-standing relationships, backed up by agreements of cooperation. FENU has about 100 foreign university partners. Students with interest in 81 foreign institutions of higher education usually turn to FENU’s International Department where they can find an educational program which, while meeting their individual requirements and preferences, is affordable for them. Every FENU student can choose a country, a city, an educational institution, educational program, duration study and many other parameters. Основной текст: The Office of International Educational Programs and Academic Mobility of FENU International Department provides support with the process of visa application and supports interests of every student for the duration of a course or educational program abroad. The high international standing of FENU, energetic support of its partnership programs from foreign universities, and abundant information and adequate description of FENU academic programs in English make FENU students attractive to foreign universities. These factors make it possible for foreign educational institutions to accept academic credits granted by FENU, ensure high academic performance of FENU students studying in different majors and Bachelor Degree programs, and allow FENU graduates admission to Master Degree programs of foreign universities. The experience of FENU in solving numerous visa, organizational and everyday problems facing FENU students abroad, allows FENU to successfully support interests of its students. The most popular educational programs among FENU students are different language courses in English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, and languages of Southeast Asia. Demand in educational programs of higher education not connected with the study of languages is also growing with each year. Through the Office of International Educational Programs and Academic Mobility it is possible for FENU students to study in Bachelor and Master Degree programs at many leading universities of the world. В рамке: Most academic credits, granted to FENU students abroad, are accepted by FENU’s institutes when the students come back and resume their education at FENU. Синий заголовок с. 84: Academic exchange programs and favorable terms for FENU students В рамке: Among numerous foreign institutions of higher education where FENU students study, there is a special group that agrees to admit FENU students on favorable terms with tuition charges considerably lower than for other categories of students. In return, FENU provides favorable terms for their students or creates other favorable conditions for cooperation. Favorable terms of educational programs attract students in both directions. That is why the list of FENU’s partners is truly an exchange program list; the list of universities accepting FENU students is nearly the same as the list of universities sending students to FENU. The list of FENU’s partners in exchange programs includes these institutions: China: Guandong University of Foreign Studies, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University, Heilongjiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing Language and Culture University, and Yanbian University; Republic of Korea: Chonbuk National University, Yonsei University, Dankook University, Kyonggi University, Kyung Hee University, University of Ulsan, Kangnung National University, 82 Youngsan University, Dong-A University, Hallym University, Kyungnam University, Cheju National University, and Chanbuk National University; Japan: Waseda University, Tokai University, Soka University, Hokuriku University, Otaru University of Commerce, Momoyama Gakuin University, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Budo University, and Hokkaido University. International Dual Degree Programs В рамке: FENU students have the opportunity to study in international dual degree programs with integrated curriculums and favorable terms provided by FENU’s foreign partners. In these programs tuition paid to foreign institutions is two to five times lower than standard tuition. FENU’s international dual degree programs are of two types – on-campus programs and mixed programs. In on-campus programs, FENU students enroll in distant learning courses at foreign institutions without having to leave Vladivostok, or they can go to the corresponding foreign school for one or two semesters. These programs include: -American Dual Degree Program in International Economics and Management, jointly with the University of Maryland University College (P. 110) Russian-American Dual Degree Program in Hospitality Management, jointly with Education Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (P. 113) -Australian Dual Degree Program in International Economics and Management, jointly with the University of Southern Queensland (P. 107) Mixed programs usually require that FENU students study in Vladivostok for the first two years, go abroad for two more years of study, then return to Vladivostok for the fifth year of the program at FENU. These programs include: -Chinese Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with Heilongjiang University at Harbin and the Russian-Chinese Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with the Dalian University of Foreign Languages; -Japanese Dual Degree Program in International Relations and Law with the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Department of FENU, jointly with Hokuriku University; -Korean Dual Degree Program in Philology and Regional Studies, jointly with Kyung Hee University, Seoul Russian-Spanish Dual Degree Program in Philology, jointly with University of Alcalá Over 300 FENU students are enrolled in international dual degree programs. Заголовок «Другие популярные…» на с. 85: Other Foreign Schools Attractive for FENU Students There are several foreign schools have no formal partnerships with FENU but admit FENU students on a regular basis: 83 China: Fudan University, Beijing Materials Institute, Beijing Normal University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Xiamen University, Tianjin University, Zhejiang University, Jilin University, Qingdao University, Shenzhen University; Japan: International Christian University, and Senshu University. FENU students regularly go to English Schools of Kaplan-Aspect EF in London, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Sydney, Oakland, Vancouver and other cities. Other language schools popular among FENU students are Enforex Spanish language schools in Marbeli and Valencia, and the DID German language school in Frankfurt. Additional information about different international educational programs can be found in the sections of this booklet dedicated to the related countries. Additional information about different international distance learning programs can be found on P. 118-119. C86-87 People’s Republic of China Подписи к фото: During his visit to FENU in June 2005, Li Zhaoxing, Minister of Foreign Affairs, discusses PRC support for establishing the Confucius Institute at FENU. Ceremony of awarding the degree of FENU Honorary Doctor to Li Tieying, Chairman, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, People’s Republic of China. Vladimir I. Kurilov, FENU President, and Li Peng, Honorary Doctor of FENU, a high-ranking PRC state official. Zhang Xinsheng, Deputy Minister of Education, PRC, Honorary Doctor of FENU, at a meeting with Russian-Chinese cooperation project leaders in the FENU President Kurilov's office. В рамке: In many aspects FENU is the major university partner of China in Russia. Today China is often referred to as “a rising giant”: the combination of dynamically developing economy, ancient culture and about 1.5 billion people makes it one of the main poles of today’s multipolar world. FENU is the largest Russian university near China. Chinese studies have been one of the key directions of FENU’s educational and research policy since the Oriental Institute, the predecessor of Far Eastern National University, was established in 1899. Cooperation with the PRC is not limited to studying the Chinese language, economy, history, and culture. Many Chinese students study in FENU tertiary education programs in science, regional studies, international relations, and other disciplines. The range of research fields where Chinese post-graduate students are involved in FENU is rapidly growing. В рамке: Development of FENU relations with China is supported by high ranking political leaders of People’s Republic of China (PRC). Among those who have visited the university and contributed to Russian-Chinese cooperation with FENU are Li Peng, Chairman, Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress of China (Honorary Doctor of FENU); Li Tieying, Deputy Prime Minister, State Council (Honorary Doctor of FENU); Chen Zhili, Minister of Education; Li Zhaoxing, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Zhang Xinsheng, Deputy 84 Minister of Education (Honorary Doctor of FENU), and many others. Other Honorary Doctors of FENU include Yi Junqing, President, Heilongjiang University, PRC. With the cooperation of these leaders, FENU established institutions and centers unique in Russia or units existing only in two or three other leading Russian universities. These institutions and centers play important roles not only in academic and research cooperation between Russia and China but also in creating a favorable political climate between the two great nations. FENU closely cooperates with the PRC Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Chinese Language Council International (“Hanban”), and Confucious Institute Headquarters. The PRC Consul General in Khabarovsk and the Consulate employees who actively support the university in developing Russian-Chinese cooperation are frequent guests at FENU. В рамке: FENU has dual degree programs with Heilongjiang University (Harbin) and Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Chinese graduates of these programs receive a FENU tertiary education diploma in “Regional Studies,” together with a Chinese Bachelor Degree while Russian graduates are awarded a Chinese diploma of Bachelor in Philology or Foreign Trade. FENU also cooperates with Beijing Language and Culture University, Wuhan University plus many others. As a member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), FENU cooperates with leading PRC universities in tertiary education – Fudan University (Shanghai), the Peking University, and Tsinghua University (Beijing) – in student internships and other programs. FENU cooperation with the PRC's Chinese Academy of Social Sciences includes joint research projects, conferences, publishing books, and joint research publications. FENU scholars of the Chinese Department are awarded Academy grants for research in several areas of natural science. The Chinese Association of International Academic Exchanges is active in student exchanges with FENU and educational service exhibitions. FENU cooperates with PRC's Sport Federation of Asian Universities to send track-and-field, football and tennis sport teams to China every year. Students of the FENU Institute of International Tourism and Hospitality regularly have internships in the hotels “Sinoway”, “Longmen”, “Plaza” (Harbin) and many others. C88-89 Educational programs Подписи к фото: 1. P.P. Schmidt, Professor of Chinese Grammar 2. A.V. Rudakov, Professor of Chinese Philology 3. In the beginning of the 20th century several outstanding orientalists from St. Petersburg University moved to Vladivostok to become the first professors of the Institute of Oriental Studies. 4. Official meeting of the FENU Academic Council to award a degree of Honorary Doctor of FENU to Yi Junqing, President, Heilongjiang University, PRC, and open the Russian-Chinese Institute of Post-Graduate Studies in December2006 5. In 2004, FENU and Heilongjiang University finished a large-scale project of designing textbooks, workbooks and teacher’s manuals for teaching and studying Chinese. In the picture are textbooks of the children’s series “The Chinese Language: New Start.” The textbooks are promoted by the Confucius Institute of FENU. 85 В рамке: In the first half of the XX century faculty members and alumni of the Institute of Oriental Studies – FENU contributed to establishment of several Chinese higher educational institutes and to development of the higher education system of the Northern China. Approximately 350 students are enrolled in the tertiary education programs of the FENU School of Sinology in 2 specialties, 4 majors, and 2 minors. Additionally, approximately 600 students, enrolled in other FENU higher education programs, study Chinese language, culture and economics in FENU. Three levels of higher education are available: undergraduate study (4 years), 5 year study (post-bachelor level, old Russian standard of higher education), and 2 year graduate study. Within the “Oriental and African Studies” specialty, FENU School of Sinology provides degree programs in three majors: “Languages and Literature of Asian and African Countries”, “History of Asian and African Countries”, and “Social and Economic Development of Asian and African Countries”. Within the “Regional Studies” specialty, the major in Sinology is split into two minors: “Regional Management and Intercultural Communication” and “Foreign Policy of China”. Regardless of their major, all graduates of the programs earn certificates of “Chinese language translators in the sphere of professional communication” and “English language translator”. Graduates of post-bachelor programs are also certified as translators from English. Most students take one-year internship courses in the Chinese language at one of the Chinese universities. Honor students receive grants from the Office of the Chinese Language Council International (“Hanban”). Research programs Teaching the Chinese language is closely connected with research conducted by faculty and students of the FENU School of Sinology. Its major research areas are: Chinese linguistics, Chinese literature, history of China, economy of China and Russian-Chinese relations. Results of research are regularly published in numerous books and articles. “New Start” and “New Objective,” educational materials written by faculty members of FENU and Heilongjiang University in 20012004 and intended for Russian students studying Chinese, are the most complete and systematic in the field, including primary, secondary, and higher education. These educational materials include teacher’s manuals, textbooks, and workbooks for college students, textbooks and workbooks for school students, and audio cassettes for all categories of students. В рамке: The major educational and research units of FENU which cooperate with China are the School of Sinology of Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian-Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies, the Confucius Institute, the Regional Center of the Chinese Language, Institute of the Russian Language and Literature, and Institute of International Education. Russian-Chinese Institute for Post-Graduate Studies The Russian-Chinese Institute for Post-Graduate Studies was jointly established in 2005 by FENU, Heilongjiang University and the Ministry of Education, PRC. Heilongjiang University is responsible for enrolling students from all over China in graduate and post-graduate programs of this Institute. In September 2005, the first Chinese post-graduate students enrolled in programs in sciences, regional studies, legal studies and other fields at FENU. 86 Alumni of the School of Sinology In the first decades of the 20th century, graduates of the Oriental Institute contributed greatly to establishing a number of Chinese universities such as Harbin Normal University’s School of Law, Harbin Institute of Asian Studies and Commerce and Harbin College of Commerce, thus promoting the development of the system of tertiary education of China. Oriental Institute graduates taught there as well as in Peking University, Shanghai International Studies University, Harbin NorthManchurian University, Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Railway Technical College. Among them were such prominent scholars and educators as I.G. Baranov, Chair of the Chinese Language at Harbin Institute of Technology, who published more than 150 works on China; A.P. Khionin, founder and first Director of the Harbin Institute of Asian Studies and Commerce; P.V. Shkurkin, author of about 100 works on China who was awarded the Chinese Double Dragon Order; A.V. Spitsin and I.A. Dobrovolsky who were awarded Chinese government’s orders “For outstanding achievements in developing cultural and economic relations between Russia and China.” Prof. M.I. Sladkovsky, Corresponding Fellow of the Russian Academy of Science, became one of the founders and the first Director of the Institute of the Far East, Moscow. For nearly 100 years, until the 1990s, FENU was the only university in the Russian Far East to train specialists in Chinese studies. Since the early 1990s, more than 15 Siberian and Far Eastern universities have opened similar educational programs, many with the help of FENU. Most teachers in these programs are FENU graduates who constitute more than 90 % of Sinologists in the Russian Far East. В рамке: Approximately 2000 sinologists have graduated from FENU since Asian studies programs were recommenced in1962. They work in many cities of the Russian Far East, in Moscow and St. Petersburg and abroad. The Institute of Sinology’s alumni pursue many different careers; some have become Doctors of Sc., professors, and government employees; others are in military service and tax agencies while some have chosen business or pursued diplomatic careers and work in representative offices in Russia, China and other countries. C90 Подписи к фото с.90: 1. From left to right: Nikolai M. Dmitriyev, Head, Department of International Cooperation, RF Federal Education Agency, Zhang Xinsheng, Deputy Minister of Education, PRC, and Vladimir I. Kurilov, President, FENU. 2. G.A. Balykhin, Head, RF Federal Education Agency В рамке: FENU is the only Russian university listed in all three key categories of Russian-Chinese education cooperation: centers of the Chinese language, institutes of post-graduate studies and Confucius Institutes in the Intergovernmental protocol on education cooperation, signed by G.A. Balykhin, Head of the Federal Education Agency, and Zhang Xinsheng, Deputy Minister of Education, PRC, in October 2005. By that time, FENU Regional Center of the Chinese Language had been successfully working during 5 years, FENU Confucius Institute and Russian Chinese Institute of Postgraduate Studies were planned by the Intergovernmental protocol of 2005. FENU Regional Center of the Chinese Language 87 В рамке: The FENU Regional Center of the Chinese Language is the oldest in Russia, founded jointly with the Ministry of Education, PRC, in 2000. Two other centers are the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University founded by the PRC Ministry of Education and Ministry of Education of Russia. In 2008, a branch of the FENU Regional Center of the Chinese Language was opened in the Far Eastern State University of the Humanities (Khabarovsk). The Center’s main objective is promoting friendship, cooperation, and mutual understanding between peoples of Russia and PRC, supporting and developing quality of teaching and research in the Chinese language, culture, history, politics, economics, philosophy, and providing opportunities for faculty and student contacts of both countries’. Before the Confucius Institute opened in December 2006, the Center of the Chinese Language was responsible for holding regional contests in Chinese among the Russian Far East and the transBaikal region students, student festivals in Vladivostok and exhibitions of “Chinese Tertiary Education Institutions”. The Center distributed sets of Chinese language teaching materials developed by FENU and Heilongjiang University in the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye. The Center invited volunteer Chinese teachers from PRC to work at secondary schools and universities, participated in the development of the Russian-Chinese Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and started a contest in calligraphy among schoolchildren and college students from Primorsky Krai. Today the Center is a unit of the Confucius Institute. C91 Confucius Institute, FENU Подписи к фото с.91: 1. Signing an agreement on opening the Confucius Institute at FENU 2. The World Conference of Confucius Institutes was held in Beijing in December 2008. 20 best Confucius Institutes and their Directors were announced at the conference. FENU’s Confucius Institute was among the top 20 and Konkordia A. Kurilova, its Director, was named among the best directors. FENU’s Confucius Institute was established on December 21, 2006 by international agreement between Russia and PRC signed on October 14, 2004, and additional agreements between FENU, the Office of the Chinese Language Council International (“Hanban”), and Heilongjiang University. It was one of the first Confucius Institutes in Russia founded within the international educational project “Confucius Institute” initiated by the Chinese Language Council “Hanban”, People’s Republic of China. FENU’s Confucius Institute is a center for developing innovative educational projects. Its goal is to facilitate friendship, cooperation, and mutual understanding between peoples of Russia and PRC through high-quality Chinese language instruction and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. On the last annual World Conference of Confucius Institutes, that was held in Beijing in on 9-11 December 2008, FENU’s Confucius Institute provided an exhibition and a special presentation on its activities. By the end of the Conference, Dr. Zhou Ji, PRC Minister of Education, announced 20 best Confucius Institutes and 20 personalities awarded by special diplomas for their achievements. FENU’s Confucius Institute was recognized as one of the top 20 and Konkordia A. Kurilova, its Director, was named among the best directors. 88 В рамке: At the end of 2008, the International Educational Project “Confucius Institute” comprised 249 Institutes and 56 Confucius classes in 78 countries and regions of the world with 130 thousand students enrolled. The project made it possible to hold numerous educational and cultural events with 1.4 million participants. (приблизительный конец с91 – возможны подвижки основного текста) C92 Подпись к фото: Evgenia Nadezhkina, one of the winners of the 11th Regional Contest in the Chinese Language among the college students in the Russian Far East and Transbaikal (2008) and the prize-winner of the 7th World Chinese Language Contest “The Chinese Language Is a Bridge”, at the meeting with Vladimir V. Putin, Russian Prime Minister. September 2008. Основной текст (можно продолжить текст на с. 91 с разрывом текста абзаца между страницами, как и далее по всему разделу ИК): FENU’s Confucius Institute offers many Chinese language courses, such as “Chinese Praxis” (basic, elementary, intermediary, and advanced levels), “Preparation for HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) exam,” and “Preparation for YCT (Young Learners Chinese Test) exam”. The courses last from 1 to 16 months. There are courses in calligraphy where the ancient art of writing hieroglyphs is taught, and courses in traditional Chinese exercises, taijiquan and wushu. Courses are taught by highly qualified faculty, many of whom are native speakers of Chinese, certified as teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language and awarded with diplomas of Putonghua Pronunciation of the 1st and 2nd categories. Taijiquan and wushu classes are given by Professor Liu Guanglai, a well-known Chen Master, and wushu teacher Liu Zhenguo. In 2007-2008 academic year 259 students took courses at the Confucius Institute. В рамке: The Testing Center in HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test), initiated by the Chinese Language Council “Hanban”, opened at FENU in 2000 to administer tests for Chinese language students of basic, elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. In 2007 the Testing Center joined the Confucius Institute. In May 2008, a branch of the Testing Center opened at Far Eastern State University of the Humanities (Khabarovsk) where the first exams were administered on May 18, 2008. Those who pass the exam are awarded certificates from the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 2008, 237 students passed HSK and YCT tests at the FENU Confucius Institute. These students acquired new opportunities for business and self-fulfillment, because HSK certificate is required for admission to Chinese higher education institutions, including the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. This certificate attests the applicant’s Chinese language skill when presented to personnel departments of institutions, companies, and organizations needing specialists with an excellent command of Chinese. Students passing HSK and YCT exams get opportunities to receive scholarships for one semester study in Chinese universities, short term summer and winter study programs, supported by the HSK Foundation. In May 2008, FENU’s Confucius Institute was the first in Russia and second in the world (after the Confucius Institute in Seoul, Republic of Korea) to administer YCT examinations (Young Learners Chinese Test). Many students of Vladivostok secondary schools # 9 and # 63, where Chinese is taught as a foreign language, successfully passed the test. This test certificate serves not only for 89 assessment of the effectiveness of teaching Chinese at secondary schools, but also can be used to confirm a student’s level of Chinese when transferring to another school or to study abroad. The Confucius Institute holds contests in the Chinese language, calligraphy and acting technique. Evgenia Nadezhkina, a FENU student, won the 11th regional Chinese contest among college students from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal on May 4, 2008. She then became a prizewinner in the world-wide student contest in the Chinese language “The Chinese Language Is a Bridge” in China where 110 students from 55 countries participated. FENU’s Confucius Institute also focuses on improving Chinese Language teaching methods and professional development of secondary school and college teachers of Chinese in the Russian Far East and Transbaikal. During 3 last years, 99 teachers from these regions studied in China with Hanban financial support. In 2008, the Institute held a seminar and round table on teaching Chinese with many teachers of Primorsky Krai secondary and tertiary schools participating. C93 Подпись к фото: The official closing ceremony of the 11th Regional Contest in the Chinese Language among college students in the Russian Far East and Transbaikal, organized by the Confucius Instiute, FENU, in May 2008. In 2008 FENU’s Confucius Institute successfully completed many educational, methodological, and cultural programs and events, including the following: Methodology seminar “Topical Issues of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language” was held on January28-30 with 39 participants from 7 universities and colleges and 6 high schools Students were enrolled to the “Chinese Praxis” courses (212 students), “Preparation for HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) exam” (55 students), “Preparation for YCT (Young Learners Chinese Test) exam (98 students), “Introduction to Calligraphy” (19 students), “Traditional Exercises of Taijiquan” (39 students), and Advising Course (24 students) Celebration of Chinese New Year, organized by the Institute on February 7, was attended by over 50 representatives of regional and city educational administration, higher education institutions and high schools Olympiad in the Chinese Language among secondary school students was conducted in February jointly with the Chinese Philology Chair of the FENU Institute of Oriental Studies; 29 students participated in this contest HSK test was proctored in March for 164 students from 6 higher education institutions and representatives of many other institutions Round Table “On the Status, Development, and Perspectives of Teaching Chinese in Primorsky Krai” was held in April with 39 participants from 7 higher education institutions and 6 high schools In April, work group was formed to prepare establishment of the Association of Teachers of Chinese in Primorsky Krai and the Russian Far East ) In April-may, a branch of the Testing Center in HSK at Far Eastern State University of the Humanities (Khabarovsk) was opened In May, the HSK test at Far Eastern State University of the Humanities (Khabarovsk) was proctored for 52 students 90 In May, the YCT test (“HSK for children”) was proctored for 24 students of Vladivostok secondary school # 9, specialized in the intensive program of Chinese language In February-June, the Institute organized a grant competition for one-month internship trips to China for teachers of Chinese from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal region; 73 teachers from 21 institutions applied and 31 were selected as winners The Institute organized a scholarship competition for one-year study in China for students of Chinese from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal region enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs; 39 students from 13 universities and colleges applied for this scholarship, 21 of them received it. 62 applications from 9 higher education institutions were received for scholarships covering the whole period of study at undergraduate (30 applications), graduate (13 applications), and postgraduate (19 applications) level. Seven students were selected for one semester scholarship programs in PRC based on results of the 2008 HSK test C94 Подпись к фото: 1. Teachers of the Chinese language from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal on the internship trip, organized by the Confucius Institute, FENU, and the Chinese Language Council “Hanban”, People’s Republic of China. July 2008. 2. Taijiquan class for schoolchildren is conducted by Professor Liu Guanglai, the Confucius Institute, FENU. September 30, 2008. Продолжение основного текста: The Institute organized the 11th Regional Contest in the Chinese Language among college students from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal and the 7th selection round of the international contest in the Chinese Language; 37 students from 12 universities participated, the first 3 places were won by FENU students The Institute prepared 2 winners of the 11th Regional Contest in the Chinese Language among college students from the Russian Far East and Transbaikal to participate in the 7th International Contest in the Chinese Language in PRC. Ms. Evgenia Nadezhkina, a 4th-year student of the FENU Institute of Oriental Studies and winner of the Regional Contest, participated in the 7th International Contest in the Chinese Language; she was the only Russian of 110 participants from 55 countries of the world. Evgenia Nadezhkina took the 3rd prize and brought home the cup In May-June, the Institute organized fund rising for survivals from the earthquake in China together with the Association of Foreign Students in Primorsky Krai and the Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Primorsky Krai Jointly with the Association of Foreign Students in Primorsky Krai, the Institute organized a concert of gratitude for funds, raised for the earthquake survivors. Many secondary and high school students, university students from 9 educational institutions of Primorsky krai participated in this event The Institute prepared for publication a collection of 60 short stories by Chinese authors “Chinese Kaleidoscope” in Russian translation, a collection of advice from well-known Chinese acupuncturists, and a textbook “Theory and Practice of the Chinese Taijiquan Exercises of Chen Style” In September, the Institute organized a “Day of the Chinese Language” for high school students dedicated to Confucius’s birthday, with workshops, contests and an Arts Festival; about 300 people participated in this event 91 In October, the Institute participated in the Pechatny Dvor-2008 (Publishing Yard-2008), book fair/exhibition and won an award for the development and enhancement of cultural bonds between Russia and China, and promotion of the Chinese Language abroad In October, the Institute hosted a Hanban supervising delegation and provided a public report about the Institute’s activities and achievement In October, the Institute organized the Primorsky Russian and Chinese Student Festival with over 600 participants In November, the Institute participated in the Primorsky Forum of Educational Initiatives “Innovative Practice of Education: Using New Technology in Education”. In the conclusion of the Forum, FENU Confucius Institute was announced as a laureate of the contest “Technologies of Promoting Educational Initiatives”; 42 faculty members participated in master classes of the Institute In January-December, the Institute began the next stage of testing the textbooks “Chinese Language. New Start” and “Chinese Language. New Objective” C95 Подпись к фото: 1 фото – Mr. Zhou Jianjun, Consul of the Vladivostok Branch of the PRC Consulate General in Khabarovsk, at the work group meeting on proctoring the HSK exam 2. Seminar “Topical Issues of Teaching Chinese.” January 28-30, 2008. 3. Proctoring HSK exam in the FENU Confucius Institute, March 2008 The institute assigned Chinese volunteer teachers to educational institutions of the Russian Far East and Transbaikal (12 teachers of the Chinese language for 8 educational institutions) In November-December, the Institute participated in the All-Russian Forum of the Ministry of Education and Science for leaders of the Russian innovative movement “Modernization of Education” and presented results to the FENU faculty and city educators In December, the Institute organized a press conference on the results of the World Conference of Confucius Institutes In December, the Institute Held the Primorsky Contest in Calligraphy; 862 secondary school students and university students from 16 educational institutions participated in this event The Institute organized a two-week winter holiday field trip for 16 students with the best results in the 2008 HSK test to develop their language skills. The trip was a part of a Hanban special program designed to motivate study of Chinese The Institute established the Professional Development Center for Teachers of the Chinese Language; 237 teachers participated in faculty development courses organized by the Institute in 2008 In total, over 3,000 people attended the events organized by the FENU Confucius Institute in 2008. C96-97 Cooperation with Countries of the Korean Peninsula Подписи к фото: c.96: 92 This photograph was published by dozens of Korean newspapers in which Presidents of two leading universities of North and South Korea met at FENU for the first time in more than half a century since the separation of Korea. From left to right: Un-Chan Chung, President, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, Vladimir Kurilov, President, FENU, Son Ja Rib, Rector, Kim Il Sung University, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea c.97: 1. From left to right: Gennady Opanasenko, the First Deputy of the Office of Russian Federation President Representative in the Russian Far East Federal Region and the founders of FENU Higher College of Korean Studies: Vladimir I. Kurilov, President of FENU and Chi-Hyeok Chang, Honorary Doctor of FENU, at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Higher College of Korean Studies. 2. The Order of Friendship of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Основной текст со с.96: Cooperation with the countries of the Korean peninsula is one of the important directions in the FENU’s policy of internationalization. Historically the Korean Peninsula is divided into two separate states, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Republic of Korea (South Korea), which have strained relations. FENU has established fruitful relations with universities, educational and research institutions of both states. The foundation for this successful development is the Higher College of Korean Studies of FENU. Joint trilateral educational and research programs between FENU and different institutions of North and South Korea make a great contribution to improvement of inter-Korean relations and promotion of peace and security in Northeast Asia. In Russia, the Korean language and Korean studies as academic disciplines were introduced in 1900 with the establishment of the Korean Language Chair at the Institute of Oriental Studies. The Korean Language Chair of the Institute of Oriental Studies (FENU now) was the first chair of the kind in the world. Its head was Grigory V. Podstavin, M.S. of Petersburg University. Unfortunately, the academic history of the Korean language and Korean studies was interrupted in 1939 when the university was closed. Korean language training and Korean studies recommenced in 1975 at FENU. In 1995 the Higher College of Korean Studies opened and marked a new stage in the history Korean language and Koran studies at FENU. Today approximately 250 students are enrolled in its programs making it the largest institution of its kind outside the Korean peninsula. Students at the Higher College of Korean Studies specialize in Oriental studies in the Korean economy, Korean philology/linguistics and Korean Studies. Professors of the Higher College of Korean Studies conduct research in Korean linguistics, history, economy and culture, and study political and economic aspects of inter-Korean relations. The Center for Korean Studies/Korean Research Center, established in 2000 by FENU and the Korea Foundation, plays a significant role in their research. The Higher College of Korean Studies is the founder of two professional associations: the Russian Association of College Korean Studies and the Russian Association of Korean Scholars. The Far Eastern Center of Russian-Korean Cooperation was established in 2005 by FENU and the Office of Russian Federation President Representative in the Russian Far East Federal Region. It is well known not only in Russia but also in North and South Korea, Japan, USA, and China. Among its main objectives are search for and implementation of economic and scientific projects in twosided and multi-sided formats. The Far Eastern Center of Russian-Korean Cooperation is an official representative of the Russian-Korean Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Scientific Cooperation; FENU’s President Vladimir Kurilov is one of its official representatives in Russia. Cooperation with Republic of Korea 93 The Higher College of Korean Studies actively cooperates with many universities of the Republic of Korea, for example Seoul National University, Koryo University, Yonsei University, Dongguk University, Kyung Hee University, Kyonggi University, Hallym University, Chonbuk National University, Youngsan University, Dong-A University, the University of Ulsan, Kangnung National University, Kyungnam University and others in such areas as student and faculty exchange programs, joint research programs and conferences. These academic and research activities are supported by the Korea Foundation, the Korea Research Foundation, Doosan Foundation and other foundations. The establishment of the Higher College of Korean Studies resulted from joint investments by FENU and the Kohap Group, a South Korean financial and manufacturing company. With a budget in 1995 of more than $ 2,000,000, it still remains the largest foreign investment into fixed capital of any Russian educational institution. The Korean Educational Center in Vladivostok was established in 1994 by FENU and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development of the Republic of Korea. This Center promotes programs of Korean language and culture, organizes festivals of Korean folk culture and administers tests in the Korean language. It is one of 33 Korean centers established in 13 countries of the world. Cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea In May 2007, FENU President Vladimir I. Kurilov was awarded the Order of Friendship of the I Degree, the highest government decoration of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for foreign citizens. The Order was bestowed upon FENU and its President for their significant contribution to development of Russian-Korean cooperation in education, science, culture and communication between the Russian Far East and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. For several years there was little interaction between Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. But initiatives by FENU President Vladimir I. Kurilov, FENU became a leader in the process that not only regained previous levels of contact but achieved a new higher level. The most important partner of FENU in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is Kim Il Sung University, the largest North Korean institution of higher education. The agreement of cooperation signed between the two universities in 2003, provides for student and faculty exchange programs, joint research programs and conferences to be held at FENU in which scholars from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and other countries participate. Graduate and postgraduate students and interns from Kim Il Sung University enroll in various educational programs at FENU. Intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea allows FENU to admit each year 10-12 North Korean graduate students for research in arts and sciences in Vladivostok. In 2004-2005 more than forty members of the editorial staff of the Foreign Office of State TeleRadio Broadcasting Committee of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea attended year-long language courses at FENU. Every year more than ten scientists from North Korea do fieldwork at different institutes of FENU. In addition, FENU gives assistance in developing Russian language programs at Pyongyang universities. In recent years FENU has regularly participated in Pyongyang international exhibitions of scientific and technical literature. FENU has donated more than 7,000 volumes of research and educational materials to libraries of Kim Il Sung University and the People’s Palace of Education. The Orthodox Church opened in Pyongyang in 2006 is also supported by FENU. C98-99 94 Cooperation with Japan: Educational and Research Programs Подпись к фото: 1. FESU is the first Russian institution of higher education in history to be awarded a Japan Foundation Special Prize and Grant. 2. Visit of the research vessel Bossay Maru led by Mr. Tatsuro Matsumae, President of Tokai University educational system. June 2005. В рамке: FENU’s School of Japanese Studies has the largest enrollment of any similar institution of higher education in Russia and is also the best in regards to: language practice, partnerships with Japanese universities and government agencies, areas of research, and recognition of the quality of its educational programs by the Japanese government. Основной текст: Historically, the study of the Japanese language and culture in the Russian Far East began in 1899 at Institute of Oriental Studies, the fore runner of Far Eastern National University (FENU). FENU’s School of Japanese Studies was opened in 1994 and has current enrollment of about 400 studying the Japanese language: 250 students study Japanese as their major in undergraduate and post-bachelor programs along with Japanese economy and history while about 150 study Japanese in addition to their majors in other undergraduate programs. (первая бежевая рамка русскоязычного исходника удаляется) Japanese native speakers teach in the Japanese Philology Department regularly and provide great support to students in mastering the language. All students study both Japanese and English regardless of their specialty. Majors include Philology, Regional Studies (history, culture, current events, politics, and economy) and Economy of Japan. Additionally, philologists study bungo, the ancient literary form of the Japanese language. Many students of the School take language courses in Japanese universities, at other FENU partner universities, and in the International Center of the Japanese Language. The School is noted for its high quality language education. Often its students win awards in Japanese language student competitions in Russia and other countries. Graduates get jobs both in Russia and abroad in foreign branch offices, local administrations, diplomatic and consular missions, joint stock companies and commercial organizations, and other enterprises. В рамке: The FENU Russian-Japanese Dual Degree Program in International Relations began in 2004 in cooperation with Hokuriku University. On successfully completing the first two years, students of Japanese Studies may choose to continue their education in Hokuriku University majoring in International Relations, where after two more successful years of study, they receive a Bachelor of Arts in Philology and a degree of Bachelor of Law with the specialty Business Law and Practice. Within the framework of the Association of the Pacific Rim Universities (see APRU p. 115) FENU cooperates with the five best universities of Japan – University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Waseda University, Keio University and Osaka University. The partnership between FENU and Waseda University has a long history and includes student exchange programs, educational video conferences for students studying Russian and Japanese languages and intercultural communication. 95 В рамке: During the past 5 years FENU has held more than 1200 educational, research and administrative internet-video conferences with Waseda University, Hokuriku University, Tokai University, Nagoya University, and the National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME). FENU is a leader among Russian higher education institutions in using video conferences for Japanese Studies students. One of the oldest partners of FENU is Tokai University (educational system of Tokai University). During the past several years, hundreds of students from Tokai University visited FENU aboard the research vessel Bossay Maru and many Japanese Studies students from FENU studied on exchange program at its Tokyo campuses. Other FENU partners in Japan are Soka University, Osaka University, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Otaru University of Commerce, Momoyama Gakuin University, Niigata University, Niigata University of International & Information Studies, Nagoya University and many others. FENU has partners other than universities. For example, starting in 2006 the FENU School of International Tourism began an internship program with the Unokava Grand Hoteru Hotel. В рамке: The Japan Center in Vladivostok was founded in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1995. The Center operates in closely with the School of Japanese Studies. It also offers Japanese language training to Vladivostok residents, provides numerous seminars on management in several areas of business, methods of teaching Japanese plus many others. The Japan Center is home to the Fan Club of Japanese Culture which is popular both with university students and Vladivostok residents. В рамке: Since 1990, 6,000 foreign students have studied at FENU and more than 30% have been citizens of Japan despite difficult political relations between Russia and Japan. Thanks in part to Russian language skills and knowledge of Russian culture and economy gained at FENU, many Japanese graduates make successful careers as political leaders and businessmen, chairs of Russian language departments, translators and public figures. No other university has made as many friends in Japan as FENU. Cooperation with the Japan Foundation Cooperation between the School of Japanese Studies and the Japan Foundation, supported by the Consulate General of Japan, greatly enhances its educational and research programs. Japanese teachers, assigned by the Association of Assistance to Japanese diplomacy, work at the Department of Japanese Philology. The School participates in annual Foundation programs for educational institutions teaching the Japanese language, culture, history and economy of Japan. The School participates in a specifically designed program: Integrated study of humanitarian and economic relations in the Sea of Japan and the role of language and culture. FENU Japanese language teachers go on research trips to the International Center of the Japanese Language in Kitaurava (Tokyo). Japanese textbooks and books for research are given to the School each year. Japanese professors are invited to deliver lectures and conduct seminars for students of the School. 96 But the most important cooperation with the Japan Foundation is a joint program: Integrated study of humanitarian and economic relations in the Sea of Japan and the role of language and culture. This program, started in 1996, provides funds for two yearly research trips in Russia, two yearly research trips in Japan, education and research publications, a special issue of Izvestiya Vostochnogo Instituta (FENU Institute of Oriental Studies Proceedings) dedicated to Japan, and library exchanges. Within this program faculty and students of the School of Japanese Studies engage in research in languages, literature and history of Asia-Pacific Rim countries. C100-101 FENU’s Hakodate Branch Подписи к фото: 1. FENU President Dr. V. Kurilov awards Bachelor Degrees (Russian diplomas of higher education) to graduates of the Branch 2. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II addresses FENU’s Hakodate Branch faculty and students: “I was looking forward to visiting this school. Your activity contributes to friendship between Russia and Japan В рамке: FENU is the only Russian Institution of higher education to have a branch in Japan. Recently the Government of Japan officially recognized university degrees granted only by branches of 5 foreign universities in Japan: 3 American, 1 Chinese and 1 Russian university, FENU. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan recognizes the quality of instruction in Russian language training at FENU’s Hakodate Branch as the best in Japan. Основной текст: FENU’s Hakodate Branch was established in 1994 by President V. I. Kurilov’s initiative with support of Masateru Matsudaira, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Kanto International High School, Japan and by Ryuichi Kidoura, Mayor of Hakodate, Japan, who became the first Honorary Doctors of FENU for their contribution to the Branch. For his great contribution to its development, Hiroshi Inoue, the next Mayor of Hakodate was also awarded a title of Honorary Doctor of FENU in 2000. В рамке: A long history of cooperation preceded the opening of FENU’s Hakodate Branch. Hakodate is a special city for Russia. The history of diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan began in 1855 with the signing of the Simodskiy Treatise where it was agreed to open the first consulate of the Russian Empire in Japan in Hakodate in 1858. В рамке: The first Orthodox Church in Japan, the Church of Christ's Resurrection, was built in 1859. In the 1860’s, when Vladivostok started to develop, the Russian fleet was supplied with fuel and provisions in Hakodate which contributed to the growth of both cities and to the development of their relations. Under auspices of the Russian Consulate in Hakodate, for the first time in Japan, Russian language instruction began when the first Russian school was opened and the first textbook of the Russian language for Japanese students was published. Despite many difficulties for the Orthodox community in Hakodate, the tradition of teaching Russian has continued for more than for a century and a half. For many years this relatively 97 small city has remained the most significant center of the Russian language and Russian culture in Japan. The opening of Vladivostok for international commerce in early 1990’s increased Russian-Japanese cooperation. In 1992 Vladivostok and Hakodate became sister-cities; two years later the FENU branch was opened. Several years before Japanese students had begun to study Russian at the Russian school established in 1989. FENU provided great support to establish a Russian Department at the Kanto International School and the International Senior High School in Tokyo. These efforts demonstrated FENU’s ability to provide Japanese citizens with high quality instruction of Russian both in and away from Vladivostok. The Hakodate Branch was established to develop cooperation between Russia and Japan, and provide the citizens of Japan with an opportunity to receive a Russian university degree that combines study at FENU’s branch in Japan and FENU’s campus in Vladivostok. Currently at FENU’s Hakodate Branch, about 70 Japanese students study in undergraduate programs of Russian Studies and Translation (Russian Language). Major departments of the Branch are the Department of Russian Studies (four-year program) and Department of the Russian Language (two-year program). В рамке: While Russian is taught in many higher educational institutions of Japan, the specialty Russian Studies is taught only at the Hakodate Branch. At the Hakodate Branch students get fundamental training not only in the Russian language, but also in Russian economy, history, ethnography, literature and other courses. Since practically all graduates of the Branch deal with translation to some extent, students also study subjects such as Theory and Practice of Translation and Business Russian. C102-103 Подпись к фото: 1. Certificate of Honor awarded to FENU’s Hakodate Branch by the Customs Committee of Japan. FENU’s Hakodate Branch became the first Russian higher educational institution in history to have received a Certificate of Honor from the Committee 2. Hakodate citizens at a Russian festival held at FENU’s Hakodate Branch 3. Official opening of FENU’s Hakodate Branch on April 11, 1994 4. Ryuichi Kidoura, Mayor of Hakodate, Japan, speaking at the official opening of FENU’s Hakodate Branch 5. Official freshman initiation ceremony 6. Graduates of Russian language courses for customs officers (2005) В зеленой рамке: Not only is FENU’s Hakodate Branch important as an educational institution for both countries, but also as a center of Russian culture and spirituality in Japan. It is hard to underestimate its contribution to the development of mutual understanding and friendship between the Russian and Japanese peoples, inspiring interest and respect in Russia. The Branch promotes many Russian cultural events such as festivals of Russian culture, evenings of Russian literature, Russian club Beryozka (birch tree) parties and many others that have become very popular with Hakodate citizens. В бежевой рамке: 98 FENU ‘s Hakodate Branch faculty members are experts both in Japanese Studies and the Japanese language. They designed their own syllabuses and developed teaching materials for the Japanese students. In March 1998, the first graduates received Bachelor’s degrees from the Branch; the total number of graduates to date who received FENU degrees in Russian Studies at the Branch is approximately 160. Additionally, the Branch offers Russian language evening courses for Hakodate citizens. Classes are conducted weekly throughout the academic year. More than 300 Japanese citizens have completed these courses. These courses are becoming more popular each year. Assistance in organizing similar courses was requested by institutions from different parts of Hakodate Island and beyond. More than 100 Japanese citizens completed courses of the Russian language with Branch teachers conducting classes for the Eurasia Society and the University of Hakodate. The Branch has also conducted summer courses for students of Toyama Higher College of the Commercial Fleet and special intensive Russian language courses for Keydanren, the Federation of Economic Organizations of Japan. Each year since 1998, the faculty of the Branch has conducted three-month courses of the Russian language, Russian culture, and economy of the Russian Far East for Japanese Customs officers. During the first three years only Customs officers of Hokkaido Island received this training, but now these courses attract Customs services students from the entire country. To encourage it officers, Japanese Customs has held Russian language competitions for many years in Hakodate. Branch graduates are constantly among the winners of the competition. В рамке: Of 300 Hokkaido Customs officers, 170 officers speak Russian language and 70 of these finished FENU Hakodate Branch courses. FENU’s Hakodate Branch has cooperated with government agencies of Japan throughout its history. On requests of international departments of Hokkaido’s government and Aomori prefecture administration, officers dealing with Russia take Russian language courses at the FENU Branch. Businesses also employ the Branch to conduct language training; special language courses are offered to bank officers of large banks such as Michinoku Bank and Hokuyo Bank regularly. В рамке: In 2001 for the first time in Japan, a certification examination in the Russian language was administered at FENU’s Hakodate Branch; now this examination is administered every year. In 2002 the Hokkaido Education committee commissioned FENU’s Hakodate Branch to offer 11month training courses for Russian language teachers of Japanese secondary schools. FENU Branch graduates work in industrial enterprises, trading companies, and in public offices of Japan as well. In accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Education of Japan in 2006, FENU’s Hakodate Branch graduates in Region Studies have the right to continue their education in graduate schools of Japanese institutions of higher education. FENU’s Hakodate Branch has status equal to that of Japanese institutions of higher education by such recognition by the Japanese government. Конец с. 103 C104 Vietnam В рамке: 99 The Vietnam Center of Culture and Education was founded in 2000 under auspices of the Embassy of Vietnam in the Russian Federation. The School of South Asian and South East Asian Studies coordinates the Center’s activities whose main goal is to show the unique Vietnamese culture to the Russian public. The Center cooperates with the Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Primorsky Society of Friendship with Vietnam and the Association of Vietnamese Businesspeople and Entrepreneurs. For more than 25 years FENU has been graduating specialists in Vietnam Studies; many courses are taught by invited professors from Vietnam. The FENU’s Vietnam Studies Program offers two specialties: Oriental Studies and Regional Studies. The School of South Asian and South East Asian Studies sends groups of students each year for language training to Hanoi National University, Vietnam; this program operates on an intergovernmental agreement and is federally financed. Commercial programs enable all students to also study in other universities of Vietnam including Haiphong University and University of Da Nang. In addition to language studies, students are involved in scholarly activities and some present papers, co-authored with FENU professors, at Russian and international conferences. Professors of Vietnam Studies have published unique textbooks, dictionaries, and multiple scholarly editions. Students in Vietnam Studies also celebrate Vietnamese national and public holidays, for example, Tết, the Vietnamese New Year based on the lunar calendar. They organize exhibitions, concerts, Days of Vietnam (an annual event) in Vladivostok and other events to broaden friendship between Russia and Vietnam. FENU graduates of the Vietnam Studies Program are employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Vladivostok, large Russian-Vietnamese joint ventures such as “Vietsopetro” and “Roszarubezhneft” and other enterprises. C105 Thailand Подписи к фото с.105 1. Thai student, Samapatana Mimanas, and Anya Shakhova, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Thailand in Vladivostok, follow the Thai New Year tradition of throwing water. 2. Professor Artron Chetsumon and teacher of Thai language, A.V. Simonyonok, talk about Thai cuisine. 3. FENU Thai majors on a language program in Thailand. Since 1997 FENU’s School of South Asian and South East Asian Studies trains specialists in Thailand Studies; many courses are taught by invited faculty members from Thailand’s Ramkhamhaeng University (Bangkok) on the base of a long term partnership agreement. В рамке: FENU – Thai cooperation includes opportunities for FENU students to participate in Thailand-based free summer programs to study the Thai language and culture. FENU students also have language training in major Russian and Thai tourists companies. 100 FENU graduates of the Thailand Studies Program work for the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Thailand in Vladivostok and local tourist companies; many are also involved in scholarly work, translation and business. (рамка убирается у следующего фрагмента): FENU Thai majors organize soirees of Thai cuisine, celebrate Thai New Year, Songkran, and launch small “Krathong boats” on the water – a ritual to bring luck. В желтой рамке, которой выделяются зарубежные образовательные и культурные центры, соотв. текст отсутствует в русскоязычном исходнике: In September 2009, Thailand Cultural and Educational Center was jointly established by FENU President, Dr. Vladimir Kurilov, ThaiRus Development Company General Director, Mr. Bunraset, and Thailand Honorary Consul, Ms. V.G. Kupyushina. At the first meeting of the Center, FENU students talked about their recent experience of summer internship in ThaiRus Development Company on Phuket Island. Indonesia В рамке: First enrollment in the Indonesian program of the School of South Asian and South East Asian Studies began in 2005. FENU successfully develops partnership with Indonesia’s leading higher education institution, University of Indonesia (Jakarta). As a result of this partnership, FENU’s first Indonesian majors completed a one-year language program at top tier Indonesian universities. The first Indonesian native joined the FENU faculty in 2007. Конец с.105 С106 в работе zz C107 Great Britain Educational programs: The information on many language educational programs provided by FENU is sorted out to sections of this booklet related to the corresponding countries. In relation to English language study, this information is related to Great Britain only conditionally, since English is the major language of international communication. However, it is a proper place to mention that over 38,000 FENU students currently study English, including 3000 students in tertiary education programs graduating translators from English language. The major FENU units related to English language programs: Theory and Practice of Translation Chair; English Phonetics Chair; English Grammar Chair; Lexicology, Stylistics, and Methods of Teaching English Chair; History of the English Language Chair; Foreign Languages Chair with the Institute of Foreign Languages; English Language Chair, Institute of Oriental Studies; English Language Chair, Russian-American School; Foreign 101 Languages Chair, Vladivostok Institute of International Studies; Foreign Languages Chair, Institute of International Tourism and Hospitality; Foreign Languages Chair, Institute of Law; and Foreign Languages Chair, Institute of Management and Business. В рамке: The FENU Research and Education Center of Intercultural Communication and Speech Technology focuses on the challenges of non-native English speakers in cross-cultural communication, description of world Englishes and their linguistic features, and indirect translation from Asian Englishes into Russian. В рамке: FENU enrolls the largest number of students studying English language in the Russian Far East, both in terms of higher education degrees in this area and credit courses for students studying other specialties. FENU is Russia’s leading university in teaching and researching English as a lingua franca between East Asian and Russian communicators; one of the research schools of FENU's Institute of Foreign Languages is active in this area. FENU President, Vladimir I. Kurilov, was granted a high international award, the Global Advocacy Recognition Award, by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL, Inc.) for developing high quality system of English language teaching in the Russian Far East (P. 117). В рамке: FENU was one of the five Russian universities which won the competition of 2006 for Russian Oxford Foundation scholarships for students with the best knowledge of English. Since 2006, FENU keeps winning annual national competitions for these scholarships in 2007-2009. In 2008/2009 academic year, 375 scholarships were awarded for FENU students within this program. C108 Germany Подпись к фото: Peter Schwarz, Lecturer, Robert Bosch Foundation, giving a seminar at FENU. В рамке: FENU is the leading university in Primorsky Krai for the number of student winners of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the major German institution providing competitive international scholarships. FENU ranks also first in Primorsky Krai for the number of student winners of Olympiads in the German Language. Educational programs The FENU Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) trains translators of German and English (either may be the primary foreign language and the other secondary) in the tertiary education program for majors in Translation and Translation Studies. IFL also trains teachers of German and English (again either may be the primary foreign language and the other secondary) majoring in Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Linguistics and Intercultural 102 Communication). Students majoring in English Philology also study German as their second foreign language. More than 180 students study German at the FENU's IFL plus about 70 more at other FENU institutes. The German Language Chair is the main academic unit in this area of education and research. В рамке: The German Educational and Cultural Center, based in the FENU Institute of Foreign Languages, was established in 1999 jointly with the German Embassy in the Russian Federation. The Center aims to foster interest in Russian-German cultural and their historic links and to provide methodological help to German teachers in the city and region. The Center cooperates with DAAD and Robert Bosch Foundation. Students and faculty of the Institute of Foreign Languages have annually won scholarships for semester and summer seminar studies provided by these organizations. The Primorye Society of Friendship with Germany, based in the German Educational and Cultural Center, was established in 2001. The Society organizes meetings with German native speakers on a regular basis and has a video club. The FENU German Educational and Cultural Center, together with the Society of Friendship with Germany, has initiated and organized 'Days of German Culture' which is traditionally held in Vladivostok in October. In joint effort with Goethe Reading Hall, the Center organizes musical and literary parties devoted to German poets, authors, and composers and holds festivals according to German customs and traditions. The Center invites DAAD lecturers and gives exams in German as a foreign language so students can compete for scholarships to study in German universities. The FENU IFL hosts the Goethe Institute Center for Educational Materials, the only one in Primorsky Krai, which was opened in 1999. It is one of 50 centers established in Russia by the Goethe Institute. Every year the Center receives many new educational materials from Germany. В рамке: FENU German language students organized a Vladivostok project of the Netzwerk FernosT to spread the German language and culture in the region by implementing projects with the support of Robert Bosch Foundation and invited lecturers. The German Language Chair of FENU' IFL collaborates with the Academy of Science and Education (Leipzig) which provides grants for department faculty for 3 and 4 month professional development courses in Germany. France Educational programs French is taught as the primary or secondary foreign language in 5-year tertiary education programs for majors in Translation and Translation Studies, the Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Linguistics and Intercultural Communication), and also to majors in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (New Informational Technologies). These programs provide a certified qualification of translators of French and English (either as the primary language with the other secondary) as well as for teachers of French and English or English and French. French as the second foreign language may be taught to students majoring in English Philology. About 170 students are involved in these programs at the FENU IFL. Many students choose courses of French as an additional foreign language. 103 The French Division of the Romance Languages Chair is the major FENU’s academic and research unit in providing classes in French. C109 (раздел между страницами 108 и 109 приблизителен) Подписи к фото: Jean Cadet, Former Ambassador of France to the Russian Federation, before his visit to the French Educational and Cultural Center Celebrating Christmas together with a “Spanish queen” – Alicia Gonsalo Lopes, professor of Spanish, FENU Institute of Foreign Languages. Продолжение основного текста: FENU is the leading university in Primorsky Krai in the number of students who receive French national grants to participate in summer language seminars at French universities and enrollment of students in French courses in the tertiary education programs. FENU cooperates with the French Embassy to provide seminars for French teachers of the Russian Far East. In 2006, FENU and its President V. I. Kurilov became gold medal laureates and were awarded the Quality Certificate by the French Society for Industry Encouragement. В рамке: The French Educational and Cultural Center was established in 1999 with support of the French Embassy in the Russian Federation. The Center has a rich library of fiction and educational books. It organizes French courses, seminars and cultural events such as the Francophone Week. FENU's main French partners are the University of Rouen (collaboration in research and academic life plus teacher and student exchange), the Center for Studying French in Grenoble and Perpignan (summer courses in French for students supported by French Government grants), and Institute Vatel (hotel internships for students of the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality) . FENU also cooperates with Grenoble Academy in the TEMPUS program. FENU is a university partner of the French Embassy in the Russian Federation. Collaboration includes organizing cultural, educational, and methodological events, especially regional seminars for French teachers in which French experts participate. В рамке: Thanks to professors of French from the FENU IFL, the Center of Aliance Francaise was established in Vladivostok with the goal to spread the French language and provide knowledge about French culture in this region. Students of the French Department, FENU IFL, are active in Aliance Francaise and many senior students visit France and work as interpreters. Aliance Francaise helps FENU students prepare for the DELF and DALF international certificate exams which are required for study in France and other French-language countries. Also, students can use its library and multimedia resources. Through Aliance Francaise students can enter contests to win trips to France. 104 Spain Educational programs Spanish is taught as the primary or secondary foreign language (along with English) in the tertiary educational programs for majors in Translation and Translation Studies, and the Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Linguistics and Intercultural Communication). On completing the major, students are certified as translators or teachers of Spanish and English or English and Spanish. About 70 students are enrolled in these majors. The major FENU academic and research unit in this area is the Spanish Division of the Romance Languages Chair. For the last nine years the Spanish Department of FENU has held Days of Spanish Language and Culture, attracting many citizens of Primorsky Krai. FENU is the only university in the Russian Far East providing Spanish language higher education. В рамке: FENU's major Spanish partner is the University of Alcalá. Since 2008, students studying Spanish have the opportunity to develop their Spanish in Spain at University of Alcalá, one of Europe's oldest universitys. On graduating from a two-year course at the University of Alcalá, FENU IFL students get two diplomas – a Spanish diploma in “Spanish philology” and a Russian diploma in the specialties Philology, Translation and Translation Studies, and the Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures. Конец с. 109 С110-117 в работе zz C114 Подписи к фото: Sergey Lavrov, Russian Federation Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the jubilee of the Far Eastern Branch, UNESCO Commission of the Russian Federation. C117 Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC) of Teachers of English, Far Eastern English Language Teachers Association (FEELTA) Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association (FEELTA) is a member of the Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC) comprising six professional associations of English language teachers in the Pacific Rim countries: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines and Russia. Biennially, PAC holds large international conferences with simultaneous Asian Youth Forums. Many FENU teachers of English are FEELTA members, including FEELTA President Galina N. Lovtsevich. In 2004, FENU hosted a PAC conference that attracted about 700 English language teaching professionals and 80 students from various countries. 105 FEELTA, which unites 500 English language teaching professionals from 7 regions of the Russian Far East, has partnership relations with two major international associations: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), based in the USA, and the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), based in Great Britain. FENU President Professor Vladimir I. Kurilov’s award by TESOL for a great contribution to the development of teaching English and its cultures in the Russian Far East is proof of international recognition of FEELTA and its role in the region. As a rule, this award is presented to heads of countries and governments, ministers, or outstanding public figures of the world. Other linguistic international organizations The Institute of Foreign Languages, FENU, has close connections with the International Association of Intercultural Communication (IAIC) and International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). FENU English professors are on the editorial boars of such international journals as World Englishes (Oxford, Boston), Asian Englishes (Tokyo), Journal of Asia TEFL (Seoul). С118-119 в работе Zz C120-121 Informatization of FENU Education and Research Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library Telecommunication Resources FENU Press C122-127 Institute of Research Information – FENU Fundamental Library (IRI – FENU FL) Подпись к с. 123: Internet in FENU library is easily accessible both by staff and patrons in four computer centers equipped by 100 Sun Fire terminals and two Sun Fire 4200 servers. Patrons can search databases of the VTLS library server and other library websites. Cisco Systems, Inc. provided equipment for the telecommunications of the Institute of Research Information. В зеленой рамке: FENU’s library history dates back to 1899. Initially, it increased its holdings thanks to gifts from other Russian universities, private book collections, scholarly works by professors of Institute of Oriental Studies as well as rare editions brought at international expeditions or ordered from Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo and other cities. В бежевой рамке: FENU’s Fundamental Library has both municipal and regional importance. If students of today are to become specialists of tomorrow, they must have access to excellent library resources for their studies. Основной текст с122-123, разрыв между страницами произвольный: Along with the university, the library suffered hardships of wars and repressions resulting in the loss of many of its unique editions. During the last 50 years FENU has done much to restore its 106 library. Today it holds over 1.5 million volumes in Russian, German, English, French, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Czech, Spanish and many other languages dating from the 16th – 21st centuries. Library patrons can access over 800 titles of newspapers and journals in print and electronic format as well as Russian and international full-text and bibliographical databases JSTOR, IQLB, Spinger, databases of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Science (ISISS RAS), Oxford Foundation electronic books, archives of journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and many other sources. Databases compiled by FENU library personnel and purchased by FENU are general information sources (encyclopedias, bibliographies, etc.) as well as full-text materials in science, social studies, humanities, economics and other fields. FENU was one of the first universities in Russia to provide online access to dissertations in the Russian State Library. This database holds more than 150 thousand dissertations and dissertation abstracts from Candidates of Science and Doctors of Science. В рамке: FENU is one of the few universities of Russia to have installed the automated library system Virtua (VTLS Corporation). This system provides a full range of services from registration to a high-demand online catalog containing more than 240 thousand bibliographic records. The online catalog is one of many resources compiled by library personnel. The Library’s http://lib.dvgu.ru portal provides access to other resources such as the bibliographical index “FENU Scholars’ Personalia” and various materials of FENU’s library website. FENU library is very proud of book collections donated by academician M. N.Tikomirov and many famous researchers and professors of the Russian Far East – A.A. Binevsky, A.P. Derevyanko, N.V. Kocheshkov, G.A. Otaina, L.B. Zus’, E.V. Shavkunov, A.K. Popov and others. The most recently established division of IRI – FENU FL is the library of the Far Eastern Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (IISS). This library cooperates with IISS libraries of Voronezh, Ural, Tomsk, Kaliningrad and other Russian universities which increases the number of readers and expands the library service network. Being a participant in the Oxford Russia Fund project, FENU received more than 2000 foreign published volumes in linguistics, philosophy, theology, history, jurisprudence, literature studies as well as art albums and books of Oxford’s World Classic series. These resources are available to FENU undergraduates, post-graduate students and professors and also to scholars of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science as well as faculty members and students of other local and regional institutions of the Russian and foreign Far East. В рамке: The IRI – FENU FL is a research and methodological center for university libraries of Sakhalin Oblast and Magadan Oblast and Kamchatka and Primorsky Krai. International and regional academic conferences, seminars, trainings and workshops help the library community of the Far East discuss contemporary issues and innovations plus develop modern technologies and methods in library services and book industry. The IRI – FENU FL also plays an important social role. Its staff is actively involved in all major FENU events such as symposiums, conferences, meetings and FENU Academic Council sessions. Each year hundreds of exhibitions are displayed, new works by FENU faculty members presented and student conferences on timely issues organized. The IRI – FENU FL provides information support to the annual Russian National Conference on Education. C124-126 (дробление основного текста по развороту произвольно) 107 В зеленой рамке: FENU President Vladimir I. Kurilov initiated construction of the new library building in 2001. The projecting and construction started with FENU own funds, without any external grant support or investment. Thanks to enthusiastic support by Vladimir M. Philippov, thenMinister of Education of Russia, an agreement was reached for 50% financing of this project from the federal budget. In 2006, Chairman of the United Russia Party Boris V. Gryzlov decided to make the FENU library a project of the United Russia Party, majoring in the Russian Federation Congress, thereby providing federal funds to complete construction. The new FENU library building stands at the core of FENU’s main campus in the cross-section of pedestrian traffics between the Humanities Building, Institute of Law, Higher College of Korean Studies, Science Building, Sport Center and dormitories. Its downtown location makes the FENU library convenient not only for FENU but also for all Vladivostok citizens. The IRI – FENU FL is one of largest university construction projects in today’s Russia. C125 В рамке: Originally and stylishly designed, the new library smoothly blends into the city landscape and has become one of Vladivostok’s landmarks. Unique features characterize the building design; for example, an atrium occupies three stories and provides natural light through a glass roof of the top floor and three triangle windows that create a “well of light”. The multifaceted exterior design of the library resembles an open book. The building overlooks the bay so the top floor provides a magnificent view. Its spacious interior contributes to the overall impression of balance and harmony. The interior design is well-organized. The book issue-desk, online and paper-card catalogs, service area for disabled persons, reference desk and catering facilities occupy the first floor. Reading rooms are located on the second and third floors, while the fourth floor houses conference rooms equipped for DVC, an information/bibliographical department, and rooms for individual work. On the very top, under sunlight pouring through a glass ceiling, is a winter garden and exhibition hall as well as rare book stacks, new book stacks and video room. Library facilities include special rooms for faculty members and graduate students, a media library and rooms for library staff. The Institute of Research Information – FENU Fundamental Library is a multi-functional information and social component of FENU that is equipped with high-tech equipment and software. Many of its projects are already finished and many more will be completed in the nearest future. Конец с127 С128 в работе zz C129 FENU Press The FENU Press is a complex of publishing house, typography, university newspapers and other units. 108 The FENU Publishing House was opened in 1982 and for many years was the only university publisher in the Russian Far East that issued scholarly and academic works by the Far Eastern authors. The House published approximately 50 titles annually which promoted professional development of scholars in the area. In 1995 the Publishing House merged with the university printing office and became the FENU Publishing and Printing Center that also includes the editorial office of FENU’s newspaper, “Far Eastern University”, plus all campus bookstores and bookstalls. Recently Center publications have exceeded 300 titles a year. Overall, FENU has published more than 4, 000 books and brochures with total circulation exceeding 3 million copies. Due to their popularity some textbooks required multiple printings, for example “Manual of Korean Language” by V.V. Verkholyak et al., «We learn English» and «We speak English» by V.P. Kochetkov et al. The Association of Russia’s Publishers awarded “Best Book of the Year” to the English-Russian contact dictionary of East Asian culture, “Crossroads” by Zoya G. Proshina. A gold medal was conferred to A. Khisamutdinov’s “Russian Word in the Land of Hieroglyphs” which FENU Publishing House chose to launch its series “Far Eastern Book Industry”. The FENU Press is famous and recognized all over Russia. Its best books are exhibited in Moscow along with those of other university publishers, and in international book fairs in Leipzig, Frankforton-the-Main, and Pyongyang. The FENU Press customarily receives first rank diplomas and silver and golden medals at the annual Far Eastern Book Fair. It was nominated for “High Culture of Academic Publishing Standards” in the “University Book” contest and received a diploma and a “Crystal Apple”. The FENU Press cooperates with other higher education institutions of the Russian Far East and exchanges books with publishing houses of Moscow, St-Petersburg and Kazan. В рамке: The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recognized the FENU Press as the best publishing and printing university center the Russian Far East. Конец c129 zz C130-131 Students Job Placement and Internships United Student Council Student Research Physical Education and Sports Student Performance Center and Choreography School C132-133 в работе zz C134 University Student Council Подписи к фото: 109 1. September 1, 2008. Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, met with FENU students and answered their questions. Specifically they discussed the development of Russian education and the latest government’s measures to develop Russian science and education. 2. The Diploma of All-Russian Competition for the Best Model of Student Self-Government, issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Research, won by the FENU University Student Council in 2006 В зеленой рамке: People unaware of Student Council activities think of it as of a social group that is of little interest to an ordinary student overloaded with many tasks. Meanwhile, FENU’s administration invests millions of rubles to maintain and renovate dormitories, construct sport facilities, modernize the infrastructure of student life and studies each year. It is the intention of the university administration that tasks be quickly and effectively accomplished. The Student Council, which has a direct access to FENU President, is able to change many aspects of these tasks for the students’ and therefore FENU’s better. В бежевой рамке: The University Student Council (USC) is a body for student self-government, a link between FENU’s administration and a student. The Student Council passes along requests and questions to the President and suggests ideas for changes thus improving of quality of education, student living facilities and leisure. The USC is composed of more than 30 students who represent their Institute Student Councils and many other social organizations. Основной текст с. 134-135, дробление произвольно: The University Student Council has done much; here are only a few examples. Last academic year, the USC has won grants for large projects, “The Academy of Student Trainers,” “Youth Union of Primorsky Krai” and others with total budgets of more than 900,000 rubles. Additionally, the Interregional Public Youth Movement “Students for the Country’s Future Together with the President” was founded; the Legislative Institution “Topical Issues of Youth Policy in Primorsky Krai” was held in which representatives from seven universities and 17 social associations developed a bill “On Youth Policy in Primorsky Krai.” The City Young People Conference “Russia – 21st Century” was held with the support of the Russian-based Oxford Foundation along with many other events. Подпись к фото с135: Inter-regional public youth movement “Students for the Country’s Future Together with the President”, initiated by the FENU Student Council. C136 Подпись к фото с.136: FENU Student Council carries out the charitable program “Sun Rays” for orphan children. В рамке: In 2008 – 2009 academic year, the USC launched these student organizations: Culture Club “Volna (Wave)”, Sport Club “Atlant,” Volunteer Club, and Student Charity Organization “Luchiki solntsa (Sun Rays)”. 110 Any student of FENU can join the University Student Council and help improve studies and university life. Student Council representatives initiate modernizations and innovations at FENU, solve young people’s problems at Round Tables with the city and university administrations, directly influence the life of FENU and learn the difficulties of complex problems of university development. This is a good way to start a life typical of many successful businessmen, statesmen, and public figures. FENU offers students a wide range of opportunities and rights which can be summarized in one word – self-government. The USC is a real opportunity to create something and see the results, a way to implement one’s projects together with the university administration and helped by the enormous resources of FENU. The slogan of FENU Student Council is “Govern Yourself”. The University Student Council gives a student this unique chance. C137 Student Research Подпись к фото: Students performing research in the FENU Cell Biology Lab В рамке: Involving students in research is one of the main tasks of the FENU’s tertiary education. This makes it possible to prepare highly qualified specialists who have the experience of getting new information in a cutting-edge field of science. FENU provides students with unique opportunities to participate in research. Student research is based in the facilities of over one hundred university laboratories, and extensive information resources including subscribed, online publications. “Days of FENU Science”, held annually, have become a traditional show of students’ research achievements. Collections of the best student presentations are published every year. Youth research conferences are held regularly including some organized jointly with the FEBRAS: Far Eastern conference of young historians Regional conference of graduate and post-graduate students and young scientists in physics Regional conference on topical issues of ecology, marine biology, and biotechnology for students and young scientists in the Russian Far East Far Eastern conference of graduate and post-graduate students in mathematic modeling; International contest “1998-2008 Programmer” Zolotov Far Eastern seminar in mathematics Geographical and geological research in the Russian Far East Problems of ecology, vital safety, and sustainable resource management in the Russian Far East and the Pacific Rim countries Social and economic development of the Russian Far East FENU students participate in All-Russian, International, and Regional Youth Forums. The university has a Student Research Society, numerous schools, seminars and study groups, among which are the following: Student Scientific Seminar “Seacoast” Field Archeological School Club of Military History Fans Round Tables “Regional Management and Intercultural Communication” “Russian-Indian Relations” and “Russian-Vietnamese Relations” School seminar “Problems and Methods of Cell Biology” School seminar “Econometrics of Financial Markets” Business Club Young Philosophers Club 111 English Club of Marine Biota REC Vladivostok project group of German-language students Netzwerk FernosT Student division of “UN Model in the Russian Far East” FENU hosts Regional Student Olympiads in law, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. which are very popular. Regional contests in English, Chinese, and Japanese are popular too. FENU President’s Grant Contest for Student Research is held in six categories twice a year. University students regularly win grants from outside organizations, as well as medals and diplomas of the Russian Academy of Science and of All-Russian Contest for the Student Best Research Work in Science, Technology, and Humanities, all of which testify to the high degree of their creative and intellectual potential. Good academic progress and successful research serve as basis for nominating bright and hardworking young people for individual scholarships. FENU students get Russian Government and Russian President scholarships, scholarships awarded by the FEBRAS that are named for outstanding Far Eastern scholars as well as scholarships of the REC, the philanthropic organization “Oxford Russia Fund” (Great Britain), the Governor of Primorsky Krai, and Vladivostok City Administration. Since 2001, FENU students have participated in the competition for Potanin’s NonProfit Philanthropic Foundation scholarship. Young people’s interest in research activities has grown intensely lately as demonstrated by the increasing number of FENU students who want to continue their research in the post-graduate courses. C138-141 Спорт C138 Physical Education and Sport В зеленой рамке: Formation of a physically healthy person, both mentally and physically, having the honor and the will to win is one part of the FENU Mission. FENU teams in track and field athletics, orienteering, and oriental martial arts regularly win places in All-Russian competitions and also represent Russia in the sport competitions internationally. Основной текст с.138-141 (дробление по страницам произвольно, в соответствии с макетом) В бежевой рамке: FENU attaches great importance to physical education and sport as well as an overall healthy lifestyle for young people. The number of FENU athletes is growing, and their skills and achievements grow as well. Over 20 thousand students, faculty, and staff participate in sports and physical training exercises at FENU regularly. FENU’s sport chronicle includes pages of bright individual and team victories of its students in 32 sports and some are repeat champions of the world, Europe, and Russia. FENU combined teams in track and field, volleyball, freestyle wrestling, karate, shooting, sport orienteering, female SAMBO (unarmed self-defense), basketball, and swimming have been champions and prize-winners in Primorsky Krai competitions and championships of Siberia, the Russian Far East and Russia. FENU sport teams field more than 1,000 students each year. FENU 112 sport programs produced four International Class Masters of Sports and 18 Masters of Sports while 65 more athletes became Candidates of Master of Sports or its first category in 2008. В бежевой рамке: Success accompanied FENU athletes to championships in Primorsky Krai, the Russian Far East, Russia and international competitions both in individual and team events in 2008. At the Summer Championship of Russia for higher educational institutions held in Bryansk in July, 2008, FENU took the first place overall with its teams winning 9 gold, 9 silver, and 2 bronze medals. In September the FENU team was second overall in the First Summer Student Games held in Kazan’ (8 first, 6 second and 5 third place prizes). Therefore, during summer 2008, 39 FENU athletes and teams became champions and prize-winners. FENU’s track and field teams have had great success not only in Primorsky Krai and the Russian Far East, but also in All-Russian and international competitions. Nineteen gold, silver and bronze medals resulted from FENU team performances in the Championship of Asia among Students held in Guanchzhou (Peoples' Republic of China) in November 2005. In 2007 at the World Student Games in Bangkok (Thailand) Elena Voinova was a silver medalist in the 4x400 m relay race. In December 2008 in Toru (Spain), Natalia Vlasova was a silver medalist in the Cross Country Race Championship of Europe in the team competition. In October 2008 in Orenburg, she was the bronze medalist in the Cross Country Race Championship of Russia among young athletes, and she also represented Russia at the Youth Championship of Europe in Belgium in December 2008. Achievements of FENU students in orienteering are also impressive. In September 2006 at the AllRussian Student Universiade in Ivanovo, the FENU team took the first place thereby winning the right to represent Russia at the European Universiade of 2007. In April 2008, the FENU orienteering team participated in the Championship of Russia where Svetlana Toporkova and Sergey Sokolov earned places on the combined team of Russia. FENU swimmers confidently participate in a wide variety of competitions. In December 2006 the FENU team placed fifth out of 40 teams in the Championship of Russia among higher educational institutions. In July 2008, FENU swimmers participated in the Final Competitions of the First Summer Universiade in Kazan’ where Ilya Kogut won a bronze medal. FENU teams in Oriental Martial Arts have also performed successfully. In January 2008, Nikita Dmitriyev took first place at the SKIF Kumite Championship of Russia held in Moscow. In November 2008, FENU’s Islam Aliyev won the golden medal at the IVth Open Championship in Tae Kwon-Do of the Republic of Korea. In 2008 FENU freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling teams were Champions of Primorsky Krai. Maria Tsema, SAMBO athlete, was the bronze medalist at the Championship of Russia in February 2008, and won the Championship of Asia in October 2008. FENU weightlifters also achieved great success in 2008. Maxim Sheiko became Champion of the World among young athletes in Kali (Columbia), and took the bronze medal at the Championship of Russia among adults in November 2008. В рамке с140: Many martial arts competitions held at FENU have become international and All-Russian, and have been included in the All-Russian calendar of sports events. For example, the FENU President Prize freestyle wrestling tournament has been conducted eight times with teams coming from the Republic of Korea, People's Democratic Republic of Korea, Peoples' Republic of China, and the USA. Winner of the first prize in this tournament is normally conferred the title of the Master of Sport of Russia. 113 For 10 years in a row, FENU athletes have won the Krai Sports Contest of higher educational institutions. In 2008 the FENU female basketball team won the Championship of the Russian Far East among the teams of the first league of Russia. FENU’s Tatiana Zhenzhera was unanimously acknowledged the Best Player in the Russian Far East. In 2008 the FENU male basketball team won the titles of Champion and Holder of Primorsky Krai Cup, at the same time winning the Sports Contest of Primorsky Krai among higher educational institutions. FENU’s female volleyball team won the “Freshman 2008” Sports Contest of Primorsky Krai held among higher educational institutions and took second place in the Championship of Primorsky Krai. FENU’s male volleyball team was also winner of the “Freshman 2008” Sports Contest. FENU male table tennis players won gold medals in the Table Tennis Championship of the Russian Far East in 2008 and the female team was second. FENU traditionally sponsors intramural contests between students and faculty members. Development of sport at FENU is vigorously supported by the Administration, the Academic Council, and, above all, by FENU President Vladimir Kurilov, who is a Karate first dan holder, and the Honorary President of the Boxing Federation of Primorsky Krai. Although intensively busy with work, President Kurilov always finds time for staying fit by training in the gymnasium where he sets an excellent example for students. Thanks to his efforts and support, FENU’s Physical Education and Sport School was established and in 2008 grew into the Institute of Physical Education and Sport. In recent years, FENU sport facilities have grown considerably, much sports equipment replaced and added, 125 sport scholarships established and possibilities for student participation in All-Russian and international competitions expanded. Physical education and sport development are regularly discussed at the sessions of the FENU Academic Council. All of these efforts, attention and money enhance development of sport and sport competition among students and the physical and moral enhancement of youth. c142-147 Молодежный центр C142 FENU Student Performance Center В рамке: Profile of FENU Student Performance Center: 16 performance groups in different performing arts and genres Repertoire of more than 600 concert performances Over 100 cultural events and campaigns annually The Best Youth Association Award of Primorsky Krai The Best University Student Performance Center Director Award of Primorsky Krai Three performance groups of Student Performance Center (the FENU Academic Choir, Pokrov folk choir and Legend folk dance troupe) were awarded “PEOPLE’S” honorary titles Staff members of Student Performance Center hold titles of Honored Persons of Russian Federation Education and Honorary Persons of Russian Culture, and have also been awarded Certificates of Honor by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education 9 performance groups hold the titles of Laureates of student festivals at Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, and national levels; four groups hold the title of “MasterPerformance Group”. 114 The mission of FENU’s Student Performance Center is spiritual, cultural and aesthetic development of young people, and creation of an environment that fosters development of creative potential, bright talents and interests of FENU students. The FENU Student Performance Center was established in 1997. That time, there were only 3 student/teacher performance groups at FENU: Lopukh (Burdock) students’ theatre of variety miniatures, Pokrov folk troupe and FENU’s oldest performance group – the Academic Choir. Today the FENU Student Performance Center embraces 16 performance groups in different performing arts and genres which enjoy enormous popularity among students. In many respects, FENU’s performance groups owe their outstanding achievements to their directors – true professionals, talented teachers, and high-class specialists. Many concert programs performed by the Student Performance Center are of professional quality. C143 FENU Student Performance Center Performance Groups 1. The FENU Academic Choir (directed by M. B. Verpeko) It is FENU’s oldest performance group. The repertoire of the Choir comprises more than 100 compositions by Russian and foreign composers. The choir has repeatedly won Krai and city festivals of choral art. The creative director of the choir was awarded the title of Honorary Figure of RF Culture. In 2009 the Choir is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The choir’s accompanying orchestra consists of FENU students. It has a bow group (violins, violoncello), wind group (flute, oboe, trumpet, waldhorn), and rhythm group. 2. Pokrov Folk Choir (directed Svetlana Vasilyevna Vlasova) Beginning as a small amateur folk-ensemble, “Pokrov” grew into a professional vocal group, the FENU Pokrov folk choir. Pokrov has become FENU’s cultural heritage and Russia’s image troupe in the countries of the Pacific Rim. Among Pokrov’s numerous awards are the title of Laureate of various vocal competitions, Grand Prize at “Voskhozhdeniye” (2006) and “Kamerton” (2007) vocal art competitions. Pokrov’s repertoire includes more than fifty Russian folk, Cossack and Ukrainian songs. The choir has repeatedly been invited to perform in cities in Japan and the People’s Republic of China. Its director, Svetlana Vasilyevna Vlasova, has been awarded a Certificate of Honor by RF Ministry of Education and Science. C144 3. Svetozar Russian Folk Orchestra (directed by T. S. Bortnikova). Svetozar is 5 years old. Its director, Tatiana Bortnikova, is a graduate of FENU’s Institute of Pedagogy and Education. Svetozar has won three Laureates of “Metronome” instrumental competition at the annual Student Spring Festival. The group consists of FENU students and FENU College students who are quite professional at playing folk instruments. Svetozar, performing with FENU’s Pokrov folk choir, create the impression of a single musical ensemble of folk genre. There are more than 20 pieces of Russian and foreign composers in the repertoire of this performance group. 4. Legend Folk Dance Troupe (directed by S. P. Kostyukevich). 115 Only special words can describe the Legend folk dance troupe. This renowned performance group of FENU was created in 1997. Its repertoire includes many dances of the peoples of the world. “Russian Dance”, “Studencheskiye Zakovyrki” Russian quadrille, “Yablochko” seamen dance, “Ukrainian Suite”, “Caucasian Coloring”, and “Soldier Ballad” are but a few of the dance compositions performed by this troupe. In 2006, as part of the Russian delegation, Legend represented the Russian Far East at the Chinese Youth Festival “Days of Russia in China”. Legend has performed in Peking, Shanghai, Harbin, Hengchzhou, Shenchzhen, and Tszysi in the People’s Republic of China; and Hakodate, Aomori, Hirosaki and Hatinohe in Japan. Legend’s “Soldier Ballad” dance suite at the Student Spring 2008 Far Eastern Festival in Khabarovsk won the hearts of its strict jury members. For the first time in Festival history, its Grand Prize in “Choreographic Art” was brought to Primorsky Krai. S. P. Kostyukevich, Director of the performance group, has repeatedly been awarded Certificates of Honor by administrations of Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai. C145 5. FENU Studio of Song Variety (directed by Margaret and Vasily Petrovs and Natalia Bekina) The Studio includes Talisman and Alphabet vocal groups plus soloists. Thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of the directors of these groups, a professional studio has been created at FENU which allows these singing performance groups and individual singers achieve a very high professional level of quality. The repertoire of the vocal studio ranges from old “retro” songs to the most popular variety of Russia and foreign songs. From 2003 to 2009, studio members have won Laureates and Grand Prizes at “Voskhozhdeniye” and “Kamerton” vocal art competitions. 6. Confetti Circus Style Team (directed by O. V. Lazutina). The FENU circus style team Confetti was created in 2001. All its 20 members are the graduates of “Vesyolaya Arena” (Merry Arena) circus school from Arsenyev, Primorsky Krai. Confetti truly gives the FENU Student Performance Center a special appeal since it is the only circus team among student groups of Vladivostok’s higher education institutions. Confetti’s repertoire encompasses diverse circus genres, such as: acrobatics, gymnastics, juggling, balancing and clownery. Aerial performances are the most impressive; a graceful gymnast in the ring or a vigorous one on the chorde-de-pareil bring delight to any spectator. Viewers are fascinated by the bright costumes of the team members, their professionalism in performing complex circus feats and the emotion in their performancies. Confetti has repeatedly won Laureates of the following competitions: “Circus of the 3rd Millennium” (Krai Festival in Nakhodka), “Reverans” Open Dancing Competition among the students of higher and secondary educational institutions of Primorsky Krai (2003-2008), First Minor Youth Delphian Games in Primorsky Krai (2007), and “Student Spring” All-Russian Festival (2008). C146 7. Bravissimo Sport Ballet Dance Troupe (directed by I.A. Abaturov). Created in 1997, Bravissimo has won Laureates at “Student Spring” All-Russian festival in Kazan’ and Nizhniy-Novgorod, “Student Ball” Festival in Khabarovsk, and also “MasterPerformance Group” of the “Reverans” Open Dancing Competition among the higher and secondary educational institutions of Primorsky Krai (2003-2009). 116 The inflammatory Latin American dances performed by the Bravissimo dancers leave no one indifferent. The troupe is well-known abroad and audiences in Japan, China, and South Korea have been fascinated by the performances of our students. 8. Nika sport dance troupe (directed by L.I. Khabibullina). Nika consists of Masters and Candidates of Masters of Sport in rhythmic gymnastics. The graceful movements of the slender and fit young women simply fascinate audiences. Nika has won the Laureate of “Student Spring” All-Russian Festival in Kazan’. Nika demonstrates its status of “Master-Performance Group” in the performances at the traditional dancing art competitions Primorsky Krai. 9. Rush Hour and Splash Performance Groups (directed by Ekaterina Kovalchuk and Julia Balakina) These troupes of contemporary variety dance enjoy enormous popularity among students who love the dance fantasies of Break-Dance, Step, Modern, Jazz plus many more that these two troupes perform. Rush Hour and Splash have repeatedly won Laureates at different dancing competitions, and in 2006 and 2008 Rush Hour was awarded an honorary title “MasterPerformance Group”. Other Student Performance Center Groups Samul Nori, the Korean drummers’ troupe trains at The Higher College of Korean Studies. Young men and women who aspire to understand the ancient art of Indian culture, join Dosti, the Indian dance troupe. University, a club of lyricist-singers (directed by Anastasia Ivanchenko) maintains one of FENU’s best student traditions. Forever romantics, these student artists have much to be proud of as they have repeatedly won Laureates at many festivals of original songs and ballads. Special gratitude is expressed to our Volunteer Club of the FENU Student Performance Center whose members are always ready to help a person or cause in need. They create an atmosphere of benevolence and good will in FENU’s Student Performance Center. C147 Подпись к фото: The contest “Miss and Mister FENU” has become traditional. Elena Matsuy and Sergey Lanin, students of the Institute of Mass Media, became Miss and Mister FENU 2008. Основной текст: In 2007 a new FENU Student Performance Center performance group was created – the FENU female drummers troupe (directed by O.V. Lazutina). Its members, graceful girls in hussar jackets, have already become a FENU image troupe. In 2009 they will compete in this rare art with the female drummer troupes of other higher educational institutions. The FENU Student Performance Center is a permanent and active participant in all university holidays, concerts festivals of student creative activities as well as song and dance competitions at local, regional, national and international levels. FENU Student Performance Center performance groups made many tours abroad, for example in Japan (Hakodate, Aomori, Hirosaki, and Hatinohe), in China (Peking, Harbin, Tszisi, Shanghai, and 117 Shenzhen) and Korea. Success accompanies performances of the FENU Student Performance Center students wherever they go. The character of the FENU Student Performance Center is that of one big united family of people sharing the same ideas and ideals: artists, performers, supporters, fans and enthusiasts of their labors of love, all preserving and increasing FENU’s student traditions. C148 FENU’s Choreography School В зеленой рамке: FENU’s Choreography School makes an important contribution to student education and creativity and their integration into world culture. The school’s teams are invited each year to the Pacific Rim countries as regular participants and are often prize-winners at international festivals and competitions. The FENU Choreography School cooperates with the Korean National Ballet Company, Korean Art University, Russian – Korean Cultural Society and Russia’s principal choreography schools. FENU’s Choreography School ballet team is the center of ballet in Primorsky Krai and Vladivostok. Among the principal goals of the team are preservation of Russian ballet traditions and classical heritage and ballet art promotion. “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “Dolls’ Fairy”, “Don Quixote”, “Genzano’s Flower Festival”, and “Naina’s Magic Garden” are part of the repertoire of FENU’s Choreography School ballet team. C149 2009-2025 FENU’s Future C150 Russian Federal Universities System and Its Integration into the Global Top Tier of Research Universities “Fundamental research gains importance as soon as there is willingness in society to accept and transfer it into technologies aimed at rapid social and economic development and improving the quality of human life.” Dr. Vladimir I. Kurilov, Professor, President of Far Eastern National University (FENU) Подписи к фото: C150: The University Bridge over the Bosfor Vostochny (Eastern Bosphorus) strait which connects the new island FENU campus and mainland Vladivostok. It is 3,150 meters long with a cable-stayed portion of 1,920 meters, including 1,104 meters of the central span; the maximum height above water is 70 meters, while the height of supporting pylons is 320 meters. The construction will be completed by July 2012 C159 118 View of the Russian Island Campus, one of the project drawings, December 2008, © GIPROGOR Основной текст: Supporting Leaders Presently in the reform and regenerating the national economy, the Russian Government places modernization of higher education equal in importance to integration of science, business and industry. This reform designates leading Russian universities as the engines of educational development in the future. The first step of the Russian Government was to name the universities to implement innovative educational programs in 2006-2007. The contest selected 17 universities with sufficient human resources and technical expertise to implement large sophisticated projects for innovation of educational programs. The next step of Federal Government was to start creating a system of federal universities – several top tier regional universities, capable to solve problems of national importance. There is much discussion about the strategy for founding this kind of organization: Should the existing leading universities be modified or new university parks created? The first action was to combine several universities into the Southern Federal University and the Siberian Federal University. Far Eastern National University is nominated by the President and by Federal Government to become the third federal university in the near future. At present the Russian Government considers the possibility of creating federal universities based on different concepts. The most likely concepts are: (1) merging universities of the same type, (2) merging a university and an enterprise, and (3) merging a university and scientific research center. There is no common approach for creating a federal university so its concept is still being developed. For definition of the concept of federal university and its strategic development, it is necessary to answer the question: “What is the principal difference between the federal university concept and traditional educational, scientific and technological organizations?” The answer lies in the possibility that social and economic breakthroughs lag behind technological development. Social history proves that utilizing current modern technologies should be combined with creating technologies of the future. Who could have predicted the real effect of the electromagnetic induction phenomenon for humankind in Faraday’s time? But some countries were able to see technological opportunities in this fundamental scientific research. Then, these countries took world leading positions in social and economic development. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without electricity. This example shows that fundamental research gains importance as soon as there is willingness in society to accept it and transfer it into technologies aimed at rapid social and economic development and improving the quality of human life. . The willingness to accept new products and ideas and the ability to benefit from them in manufacture and consumption are the product of an educational system. The formation of an intellectual base in society must become the strategic function of Federal University. The distinguishing feature of modern fundamental research is a high demand for resources. To fulfill its strategic function, the university requires resources which are not available through traditional research and educational activities. Federal support in combination with active international cooperation may bring these resources. 119 For a real success, it would be better to combine three factors: international cooperation, integration of research and education, and federal status. Combination of these factors will enable federal universities to unify human and technical resources of science and higher education, to increase research potential and to provide education needed by the growth requirements of the economy. For us it is obvious that federal universities should be research universities, capable to earn competitive R&D funding along with long term federal support. Experience exists for creating and developing such institutions in the world and it can become a direction for developing the concept of Federal Universities in Russia. About Research Universities At present the term “Research University” is related to universities that unify fundamental research and higher education on a wide range of specialties. In the US, according to information of the Center for Measuring University Performance, there are 50 leading universities which have high scientific research budgets and a large number of dissertation defenses such as Harvard University, Columbia University, Stanford University, the University of Chicago and others. In Europe, 20 leading universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Lund and others) form the League of Research Universities whose membership requires integration of scientific research and education. All these universities educate highly qualified professionals, the intellectual elite of society, who generate strategic direction, and advanced levels of science and technology, thereby insuring national security and competitiveness in the world market. Far Eastern National University has unique channels to cooperate with universities of Pacific Rim countries and to learn their research practices. One of these channels is membership in the prestigious organization of research universities, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). APRU brings together 42 world-famous universities. FENU participation in the Executive Committee of APRU has special value. Leading universities of Pacific Rim countries occupy the top tier of APRU and they have many features in common: history, regional position, and quantity and quality of resources. FENU was founded in 1899 as the Institute of Oriental Studies and became the first higher education institution in the Far East of Russia. About the same time, neighboring countries founded their universities that are APRU partners now: University of Tokyo, Japan (1876), Waseda University, Japan (1882), Peking University, China (1898), Fudan University (1905), Tsinghua University, China (1911). More universities, many future members of APRU, emerged on the Eastern Coast of the Pacific: University of Washington (1862), University of California, Berkeley (1868), University of Southern California (1880), Stanford University (1894). A little earlier the University of Sydney (1850) and University of Melbourne (1850) appeared on the southern coast of Australia. In Europe, leading universities had emerged during 800 years while in the Pacific Rim 60 years provided the foundation for higher education in an area covering almost half of the world. Although different in culture and characters, people made an energetic attempt to acquire the best university practices of 800 years from Europe, to combine fundamentals of university education and practical experience, to develop knowledge and skills. Government provided energetic support to these emerging elite universities. It was a process of the rapidly growing western civilization on territories of great Eastern cultures and outposts of Western nations. It took one century to complete this task with much success; now it’s difficult to define the modern civilization as the Western one. Modern high tech production, 120 scientific and educational institutions spread equally or even more densely in the Pacific Rim than in Europe, the birthplace of the Western civilization. 42 research universities of the Pacific Rim, organized now as APRU, contributed greatly to this process. In spite of cultural differences, APRU universities belong to the same generation and have similar key features. In an APRU university, as a rule, there are tens of thousands of students, several hundred or thousands of post-graduate students, more than 100 chairs (sub-faculties), several thousand teachers and employees, several hundred educational programs in Science, Engineering and Human Science, hundreds of buildings and constructions, large land areas, and a number of international programs. The main feature of these universities is a powerful science base transformed into innovative educational programs. Modern scientific research is multidiscipline; it involves different branches of science and different scientific schools. Leading universities form an excellent platform both for this cooperation and for developing scientific schools by training new researchers in the programs of higher education and post-graduate studies. The pride of these universities is a number of quantitative indicators, which demonstrate the quality level of merging science and education. A summary of practices for creating and developing research universities leads to the following standards: educational services and teaching based on the recent findings and practices that are products of scientific research; scientific research achievements confirmed by frequent citation of publications; post-graduate and graduate programs based on current scientific research of the university. We could suggest five quantitative indicators for evaluating research universities: . Comparative volume of grants for scientific research. Number of publications and citation frequency index for the last five years; these indicators should be relevant to the same indicators of other research organizations. Annual number of scientific degrees, 20 or more PhD defenses, in a wide range of specialties of the University Council. Number of young scientists and PhD’s. Number of graduate and post-graduate programs. These indicators show the level of research university from different perspectives. What is the main qualitative indicator of the university? It is often quoted, “Universities shape the future.” This saying has not been universally true in the past and nor is it in the present. A long history of devastating wars, crimes, epidemics and severe economic crises also used to shape the future. University influence has been very weak. Only during recent decades it is possible to say that scientists start governing the world. Almost all presidents and ministers of developed countries and managers of modern corporations are alumni of the best universities of the world; and they practice the scientific approach. The biggest impacts to the future belong to professionals of high technologies. These are the people who are leaders in definition of our environment, our health, our longevity and development of our talents and abilities. Innovative high-tech industries open jobs for millions for highly qualified professionals. Leading universities that combine quality and mass training have the greatest potential for preparing such specialists. Educational systems of Europe, North America and Eastern Asia use the term “research universities” to define 121 leading universities, and they have a number of criteria and indicators for determining this status. But there are substantial differences in the process of creating a network of research universities. In the US educational system, there is a commission of experts which give the rank of “research university” and the main criterion is the number of grants received for scientific research. In the European system, there is the League of Research universities, an association of research universities the members of which jointly classify a university as a research university. Most members of the League have been leading European Universities for a long time. In the Asian educational system it was government who founded research universities. Different from European and Anglo-American Universities, research universities in Asia were founded as new modern university parks and opened to a great number of students from different layers population. In Russia none of these models can be accepted directly. On one hand, there is no tradition of mass scientific research in its universities. On the other hand, there is an effective system for training specialists. Traditional Russian universities provide world-class, high level of education in traditional fundamentals like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philology, philosophy and others. So, for Russia, it is necessary to develop a new model selecting the best practices of European as well as Asian research universities. During 2000 – 2005 in Russia, there was much discussion about the concept of ‘research university’ involving the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Science, university communities, international funds, and public organizations. As part of the discussion, conferences analyzed the functions of leading universities of the world, features and traditions of Russian education and developed a definition of research university and its status in Russia: “A research university is a special type of university for educating specialists of high qualification; its activity includes research and multi-disciplines and unifies the teaching and scientific research process based on the merger of academic and applied science. It carries out fundamental and applied research in developing branches of science, engineering and technology.” In Russian, experts identified only 20–25 higher education institutions which can be transformed into research universities. The budget for scientific research in Russian universities is much lower than in more developed countries due to the fact that science and education were initially separated, and scientific research in universities has been optional in the educational process. And for that reason, training of worldclass specialists requires rapid financing of research universities. Recently Russian universities received a financing opportunity within the national project “Education”, a federal investment project. Many universities, winners in contests of this “Education” project, used this opportunity to modernize facilities for scientific research. FENU was a winner in the first round of universities launching innovative educational programs. FENU received the third largest grant after Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. After two years of innovative educational programs, financing of scientific research in FENU reached the minimum level of leading research universities in the US. Further investment in development of research universities that practice world-class teaching and scientific research is the most successful way for educating future elite scholars in business, science and higher education. 122 So both world and Russian practices demonstrate that modern research universities concentrating human resources, material resources and facilities can become a strong foundation for a federal university system. FENU: Experience and Achievements towards Research University Status In Russia, it was difficult to accumulate material resources and facilities because of historical and legislative factors. In the beginning 1990's Far Eastern National University decided that integration of fundamental science and education would be the priority for its development and designed an approach to provide resources to scientific research in the university. This approach was based on integration of university divisions and institutions of the Russian Academy of Science, where traditionally all fundamental sciences were concentrated. This approach unified scientific personnel and resources of the Russian Academy of Science and the educational potential of the university. This experience could become a successful model for research universities in Russia. The key step for further development of scientific research at FENU became participation in the principal federal programs “Government support for integration of higher education and fundamental science in 1997-2000” and “Integration of science and higher education of Russia in 2002-2006”. In 1996 the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science and FENU received the 4th (by size) grant from these programs and became the leading winner for rewarded projects (62% of submitted projects). The product of this cooperation is the number of scientific-educational divisions of FENU and academic institutes, such as the Academy of Ecology, Marine Biology, and Biotechnology, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Institute of Environmental Sciences, the School of Physics and Engineering, the Institute of Russian Language and Literature and others. Actually it was a new approach to organize scientific research in the university and the educational process. Leading scientists became involved in activities of unified divisions. From the very beginning of their studies students have an opportunity to plunge into real scientific research; it makes the study more profound and purposeful. The Scientific Council of FENU and the Presidium of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science jointly manage the activities of these divisions. But a traditional university does not become a research university just because students participate in scientific research and scientists participate in the educational process. It is necessary to reorganize its infrastructure to develop modern multidiscipline research. Marine Biota Research and Education Center (REC) is a very successful example for the model of such reorganization. In 1999, the Russian Ministry of Education and United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) announced a $1,000,000 grant for a scientific-educational center in Natural Science. Out of 89 applicants FENU and two more universities won grants. Chemistry and Biology Schools became the foundation for Marine Biota REC. Marine Biota REC is also a demonstration of cooperation between fundamental sciences in overcoming the interdepartmental barrier. The Marine Biota REC experience became a new model for further development. This model was used later to create a system of Research and Education Centers, among them: Earth Physics, Nanophysics and Nanotechnology, Information Technologies and Optoelectronics, and Medical Physics. The model of Research and Education Centers is different from traditional cooperation in fundamental science. REC is independent of school structure; it can bring together different 123 departments and laboratories of different schools and institutes of the university within research projects. Laboratories of the same department may become part of different RECs. Still the university keeps its traditional organization as any REC does not require strict subordination of the divisions involved. This approach became successful and useful for modern technological purposes so FENU used it to create innovative subdivisions. FENU and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (FEBRAS) founded the Innovative Technological Center in Marine Sciences for managing joint projects and developing technologies for exploring the World Ocean. Management of the project is a professional staff of FENU and FEBRAS. In the future such centers will become the foundation for the university R&D parks. Another successful application of this model is the Biology R&D park, a joint project of TINRO Center (Pacific Scientific Research Fishery Center), and two fishing companies, Preobrazheny Fishing Fleet and Preobrazheny Fish Processing Company, with support of administrations of Primorsky Krai and Lazovsky District. The goal of the project is to develop a multi-purpose complex that includes marine and freshwater aquaculture, reproduction of marine resources, fish processing and product supply to the domestic and foreign markets. FENU is developing many branches of science, both natural and social and applying the same model to research in Social Studies. In 2001 the university received a grant from the program “Government Support for ScientificTechnical Politics of Higher School and Development of its Scientific Potential” sponsored by several organizations: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (USA), the Moscow Public Scientific Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. More than forty Russian universities applied and FENU became one of five winners. As a result FENU founded the Far Eastern Interregional Institute of Social Studies. The Institute studies development of intellectual and professional resources of the Russian scientific community, renders individual support to social researchers, and promotes assimilation of Russian scientists into the world scientific community. Projects of these institutes brought together both social studies and natural science divisions and schools. The infrastructural changes involved integration of the Russian Academy of Science into educational process. More than 190 scientists of the Russian Academy of Science teach students and postgraduates of FENU; among them are 6 Academicians, 7 Corresponding Fellows of the Russian Academy of Science, 60 Doctors of Science, and 130 PhD’s. Annually 50 -70 foreign professors and famous scientists of Russia contribute to the educational process. Multiple-use facility centers created by FENU and FEBRAS provide lecture and laboratory space. These changes increased the quality of scientific research of FENU. At present the number of FENU publications in leading scientific journals exceeds the number of publications of all other universities of the Russian Far East. According to the international database Science Citation Index, FENU annually publishes 65% of all the publications of universities of the Russian Far East; it competes with leading scientific institutes of FEBRAS. Additional proof of FENU 's success as a research university is the financing of its scientific research; 95% comes from competitive grants. Independent experts gave high evaluation to the university practice for development of scientific research and integration of science and education. In 2002 FENU was one of the first Russian universities to receive national accreditation as a scientific organization according to the Russian Federal Law “About Science and National Scientific-Technical Politics.” 124 In 2006 FENU was the only university in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia to win a grant for an innovative educational program of the national project “Education”. Among 17 awarded universities, FENU received the third largest grant. The total grant was 1,198.4 million rubles including extra financing. The entire amount was used for modern high technological laboratory equipment. In 2007 the Russian Government rewarded FENU for the quality of its product and service, and effective management of quality. During 2005-2007 FENU received many regional, Russian and international awards. By 2009 FENU has created a professional, infrastructural and equipment foundation for research universities and its research has reached the level of leading research universities. FENU is first in line to be the Far Eastern National Research University. FENU as the Center of Scientific-Innovative Development for Pacific Russia One of the goals of Russian geopolitics is development of Russian territories and their integration into internal and external political and economic processes. In this regard, the Russian Far East, especially Primorsky krai occupies a special place. It is far from mainstream Russia but it is close to Japan, the Republic of Korea, China and other countries of the north Pacific, centers of the world's high technological industry. While Pacific countries develop their economies intensively, the Russian Far East risks becoming only their raw materials supplier. The territory of the Russian Far East is distant from the seat of government, its economic relationship with European Russia is weak, its industry is mainly mining and fishery, its technological lag is growing, the mobility of its population is low and migration of employable population is increasing. Social, cultural and economic development of the Russian Far East mainly depends upon the educational level of specialists able to work independently in fields of innovative technology and innovative activities of universities and the cultural environment formed by universities. In this regard, a federal university as a scientific-educational center will be a key factor for sustained development for Eastern Russia. A federal university is the center for training specialists as well as the center for innovative development and fundamental scientific research as a basis for high technology. Characteristics of the Russian Far East fix priority sciences and directions for fundamental and applied research. The following are four strategic directions of development for the region: 1. Initiation and development of new technologies for exploring and exploitation of marine resources. This will force the development of energy, mining and processing industries, pharmaceutical production and fisheries. The most promising might be geological research and surveys of the ocean, such as exploration for gas-hydrates, seeps of hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide and metal ores; mapping and surveys of the ocean floor; forecast of natural cataclysms and climate change; environmental monitoring; hydraulic engineering, oil platform and pipeline engineering; and evaluation of biodiversity, biological and mineral resources for further processing and mariculture and processing of marine resources. 2. Developing and launching a nanotechnologies industry by training specialists for scientific research and application of nano-materials and nanotechnologies in an innovative economy of the Russian Far East. 125 In nanotechnologies, multidiscipline research has special importance from structure and physicalchemical characteristics of products to the creation of bioorganic substances for nanotechnology use in biochemistry, medicine, chemistry, and material science. It will develop new scientifictechnological directions, such as nano-biotechnology (the branch of nanotechnology with biological and biochemical applications or uses) and nanomedicine (medical application of nanotechnology). 3. Research in Oriental Studies and International Law will turn FENU as a federal university into one of the main elements for protection geopolitical interests of Russia in the Pacific Rim. The strategic directions for social studies are: training specialists for solving legal problems for security of Russia and Pacific countries; research of linguistic and cultural impacts in the development of humanitarian and economic relations between Pacific countries; development of new concepts in social-politic ideas of the Pacific countries; and language interaction within crosscultural communication of the Pacific countries. 4. Promoting Russian language and Russian Culture to Pacific countries. As a federal university FENU will become a regional center of Russian language study for foreigners. Export of educational services, new FENU branches abroad and international on-line programs will expand the Russian language into countries of the region. Promoting Russian culture through FENU activities will strengthen mutual understanding and security in the Pacific countries and increase investment attractiveness in the Russian Far East. For rapid adoption of technologies into industry, FENU plans a research and development park (R&D Park) with a business school. Laboratories and RECs will be offered for joint use with companies and government. These structures will concentrate material and personnel resources for promotion of modern scientific research into high technological industries plus train their future engineers and managers in the Russian Far East. Another goal of FENU as a federal university is development of international scientific research and to provide educational services to the international market. To reach this goal it is necessary to increase academic mobility of students, integrate teachers and scientists into the world’s educational network and obtain international recognition for university programs. For foreign citizens and Russian expatriates, FENU as a federal university will develop international on-line programs, new branches abroad and export educational services and technologies. FENU will also become the center for teaching Russian as a foreign language and exporting Russian culture into Pacific countries. So FENU as a federal university will form an entire scientific-educational and cultural network. For transforming FENU into federal university, the following steps are needed: 1. Acquire scientific and technological equipment for the FENU R&D Park and RECs 2. Accumulate material resources 3. Create social and engineering infrastructure for developing innovative technological centers for nanotechnologies, information technologies, biotechnologies, medicine and social studies merged into RECs 4. Develop experimental productions and high technology business structures. The key part of FENU infrastructure is the construction of a new university campus which includes new faculty and teaching buildings, an International Education Center, dormitories, teacher residences, R&D Park buildings, a Sport and Recreation Center, and a Student Activity Center. A university campus provides character, determines quality of educational and scientific activity of the university and forms a cultural and innovative scientific and educational environment. 126 The world has seen many different approaches to creating a university campus; the approach depends upon the social function of the university. There are two main types of campuses – traditional or collective universities and modern campuses. Collective universities descend from the English system of higher education created for private education. These universities provide profound fundamental education for classic sciences: philosophy, literature, history and natural science. Modern university campuses appeared at the end of the 20th century when industry flourished and required a great number of specialists. Therefore, the main goal of these universities was to attract a lot of students. Modern universities have strong connections to businesses and develop their programs according to demands of business and industry. These universities have short terms of studies and a strong focus of self study. Collective universities have a number of advantages. These universities keep tradition as a foundation for the stable quality of education. They create a special environment for strong personal relationships of alumni of different generations. As a result, the university diploma substantiates the quality of fundamental education; its alumni are devoted to their intellectual community for many years and provide professional support to all its members. This characteristic from the traditional university is so important that many new educational institutions try to create a similar environment. But in our modern age, a traditional university also has some disadvantages. First, location in the central or historical part of a city restricts further development of the university so any change causes organizational difficulties and extra budgeting. Second, scattered university infrastructure in different locations impedes development of multidiscipline activity. Modern university campuses solved these problems by planning where administrative buildings, faculty and teaching buildings, dormitories and residencies are located in one or several campuses close to each other. Campuses might be different by purpose and/or use: education, science, and/or technology. Often university campuses are located in rural areas or in the outskirts of large cities providing easy opportunity for further development of university infrastructure. But these universities do not maintain traditions and their educational programs targets short term studies and a limited number of specialties demanded by local businesses. This reduces the quality of education. FENU considers creating a modern university with advantages from both types. It will be possible if a new university is built on the intellectual foundation of FENU as it exists, the oldest classic university in the Russian Far East. For mass training of highly qualified personnel, FENU’s existing buildings are not enough. Today’s FENU campus will not allow the modern infrastructure development required for integrated education, although it might save money, maintain some traditions and remain close to the historical center of Vladivostok. FENU as a federal university requires the creation of a new campus away from the city. Near Vladivostok there is an excellent location for a modern yet classic university campus - Russian Island not far from the historical center. Finance resources are budgeted for developing infrastructure on the island for the 2012 APEC Summit; later this infrastructure can become part of the federal university. Open lands of Russian Island are a vast field for activities of the Pacific Science and Education Center which includes FENU as a federal university and the institutes of Russian Academy of Science. This complex will harmonize with Russian Island's landscape and nature. 127 Construction of such campus will accelerate the development of a new innovative scientific educational environment. With FENU’s status change to a federal university, it will also become the foundation for intellectual development of society and an environment for creating and adopting technologies of the future. It will create a breakthrough for social economic development of the region and thrust Russia into the group of leaders of the high tech economy in the Pacific Rim. C160-161 FENU Strategic Development Program for 2009-2025 Chronology of Activities Strategic Areas of Research and Education Development FENU’s Place in the National Development Strategy and the Federal Universities System Program Activities Phases of FENU Development as a Federal University Target Indicators FENU’ R&D Park Innovation and Technology Centers Impact of FENU as a Federal University Infrastructure of the FENU’s Russian Island Campus, 2012-2025 C162 FENU Strategic Development Program for 2009-2025 According to request of the Russian Government in May 2008, FENU created a program of its strategic development as a federal university. The aim of this Program is developing comprehensive research university of the top tier world class, closely interacting with economy and social life of the Russian Far East, promoting breakthroughs in innovative development and contributing to new quality of life in the whole region. The Program has the following objectives: Support of the Federal Program of Russian Far East Development Creation of adequate infrastructure for realization of innovative large scale projects, development of new research areas and research-intensive academic programs Integration into high tech sectors of other Pacific Rim economies Support of regional security by means of research and education Development of priority research and education areas FENU President, Vladimir I. Kurilov, initiated preliminary work which received support from prominent statesmen and members of Russian federal government. On September 1, 2008 during a meeting with FENU students, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said: “Far Eastern National University will become the foundation of a federal university with technical resources at a new level, including its modern campus on Russian Island.” “… we will require the highest and the most modern technology for this project” “… we will provide much funding for it. I must say, that earlier, at least in our recent history of Russia, we never spent so much money for such projects, 300 billion rubles” 128 “ … we demand that this university should become more than an educational institution – it should be an intellectually dominant in the Russian Far East. It should be a center of attraction. It should be the engine for development of the Russian Far East. But not only for Russia – it will be a leading educational and scientific center in the Pacific Rim and the entire World.” C163 Диаграмма: Functional Zones of FENU Russian Island Campus Надписи на диаграмме: The project was signed by Vladimir Putin in January 2008. Tourism & Recreation Zone Business and Social Zone Russian (Russkiy) Island The infrastructure of the campus should be adequate to accommodate over 50,000 students and over 7,000 participants of the APEC 2012 Summit. FENU Water Stadium (с указателем на бухту Новик) The bridge to downtown Vladivostok Main academic zone of FENU campus, APEC 2012 location Primorsky Aquarium Research and Education Center (Sea Park), Seashore Wild Life Park (указатель на коммунальную зону убрать) Federal University Status: Chronology of Activities Подпись к фото на стр. 167: First Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Minister for Regional Development Nikolai Ashlapov, and FENU President Vladimir Kurilov at the site of Russian Island Campus, February 2009. Late 1990’s During this period FENU entered the rank of the best Russian universities, founded many schools combining research and education, began to fulfill national tasks for training specialists, promoting Russian education and science in the Pacific Rim. The University considerably contributed to social and economic development of the Russian Far East. The ability of FENU to complete these tasks was limited by rather limited government financing. Nevertheless, the university used its own resources for creating a foundation which later became the main factor in its success. The resulting equipment and facility base became the framework for developing a wide range of scientific and educational research, such as exploring marine biota, oriental studies, international 129 management and other branches of research and education. 2005 FENU President Vladimir I. Kurilov submitted a proposal on creating a federal university on the base of FENU. This proposal was initially submitted to the Governor of Primorsky Krai, Sergey Darkin. The proposal was supported by the Governor and referred to the Government of the Russian Federation. 2005 During his first visit to Russian Island, Vladimir Putin, then President of Russia, offered the idea of transforming the projects of the APEC Summit into federal university property thus providing for a double purpose. 2006-2007 FENU won large budget federal grants proving that FENU is a top candidate for the federal university status. In 2006 FENU received the Quality Award in a contest initiated by the Russian Government. In 2007 the Russian Government awarded FENU again for the quality of its product and service, and effective quality management. In 2007 FENU became a winner of a large scale federal grant program for nanotechnology development. The university received financing for constructing and equipping the building for the Institute of Scientific Information - Fundamental Library, which has become one of the most advanced libraries in Russia. From a grant for its innovative educational program of the “Education” national project, FENU renovated 95% of its laboratory equipment. Within the grant for its innovative educational program, FENU opened 49 new undergraduate and graduate programs and 36 new application-oriented laboratories. The grant project was completed in December 2007 and affected the position of the Federal Government on the FENU federal university status. January, 2008 FENU President V.I. Kurilov, supported by the FEBRAS President V.I. Sergienko, made a presentation of the federal university project to Oleg Safonov, the Presidential Representative fo the Far Eastern Federal District, who provided support and further promoted the project. January 15, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, approved area plans for APEC Summit infrastructure. This 2008 plan defined locations for the scientific-educational complex, including federal university campus, the R&D park of FEBRAS, the Aquarium, the wilderness park and others. March 6, 2008 Oleg Safonov, the Presidential Representative for the Far Eastern Federal District, reported the project of creating a federal university to Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. President Putin assigned the task to Prime Minister of Russia, V. Zubkov with directions “to support and implement.” March According to the Federal Government requests of March 16, 2008 and April 7, 2008, as well as April 2008 to the Russian Federation President’s Order s of December 12, 2007 and March 6, 2008, FENU developed and presented the "Concept of Far Eastern Federal University Development." May 6, 2008 FENU President Kurilov assigned the initial project of technical feasibility for a federal university campus to the Russian Institute of Urban Development and Investment Development (GIPROGOR), project leader for infrastructure construction for the APEC Summit. During the meetings in Moscow on May 6 and May 8, the working group approved the project of technical feasibility for further detailed development. May 7, 2008 On the day of his inauguration, Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia, signed his first five acts, including “Federal Universities Act” № 716. This Act directed the Russian Government to develop a detailed project of Far Eastern Federal University. According to this Act, the Russian 130 Government requested Far Eastern National University to prepare the concept of its strategic development as a federal university. May 8, 2008 In his speech to the State Duma of Russia Vladimir Putin as a candidate for Prime Minister, supported the proposal to construct the APEC Summit infrastructure as a campus of Far Eastern Federal University. May 22, 2008 FENU President Kurilov presented the Concept for FENU Development as a Federal University to the Council of University Presidents of Primorsky Krai. The Council approved the concept. May 28, 2008 The Russian Government held a meeting of the National Project “Education” Interdepartmental Working Group to access the potential of a federal university network and concepts for their foundation. Presidential Aide Arkady Dvorkovich presided at the meeting. Three institutions made presentations: Far Eastern National University (FENU), Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, and Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). FENU President Kurilov presented "The Concept of FENU Development as a Federal University". The Concept was approved by the participants of the meeting. The results of the discussions were used for further development of the FENU Strategic Development Program. May - June On a request of the Russian Government, FENU prepared the FENU Strategic Development 2008 Program as a Federal University (2008 – 2015)". June, 19 2008 The FENU Strategic Development Program as a Federal University (2008 – 2015) was discussed and approved by FENU University Council. Later that day the Program was submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation. June 23 2008 Minister of Science and Education of Russia, A. Fursenko, presented the FENU Strategic Development Program as a Federal University and the Federal Universities Law draft to the Federal Government Presidium. Both documents were approved by the Government. July 3, 2008 The project team for APEC Summit infrastructure reviewed drafts of the new campus developed by six national and international project companies. The group adopted the resolution of developing a master plan combining the best ideas of all six drafts. July 15, 2008 GIPROGOR Director for Russia and Ukraine, D. Mazo, presented the drawings of university campus construction to the project team for APEC Summit infrastructure. The project team made the decision to complete architectural planning for 2012 APEC Summit infrastructure (Campus Phase 1) in short terms. July 23, 2008 The Minister of Science and Education of Russia submitted the Federal Universities Law draft to the State Duma of Russia. July 24, 2008 In Moscow Engineering Physics Institute President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, presided at the meeting for development of a network of Research and Education Centers in Russia. Participants in the meeting were presidents of the universities under consideration to be federal universities; FENU President Kurilov was one of them. In his speech President Medvedev stressed, “Today the decision is made for founding a federal university in the Russian Far East…” August 4, 2008 At Russian Government Presidium meeting, Prime Minister Putin said: “The Federal Program of the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye Region Strategic Development should be amended with planned activities and outcomes related to the APEC Summit in Vladivostok and development of a federal university in the Russian Far East. We plan to create a new educational and research center based on the new infrastructure for the APEC Summit. 131 So we have to implement two large projects at the same time. The APEC Summit infrastructure has to be effectively used for further development of the university and the entire region. I mean region because without creating powerful new intellectual centers it is impossible to reach our goal: development of the Russian Far East and Siberia. Extra federal financing to implement the program is more than 100 billion rubles, I stress “extra”. Forty billion rubles will be spent only for construction of university infrastructure befor 2011. The total budget of the program is more than 200 billion rubles; 203 billion is the exact amount. There should be a new type of university which combines science and education. Construction of several research centers and a modern campus for students and teachers will be its start. This intellectual center will become a dominant factor for the Russian Far East and Siberia as well as for the entire Pacific region. It is not easy, but we can do this. This project will be impossible to implement without a firm material and technical foundation. So those goals must be addressed first. But simultaneously, we must consider the Program for developing the existing university; so the faculty development, educational programs and research equipment renovation should match the construction of new buildings” August 25, Decision № 644 of the Government of the Russian Federation, “ Amendment to the Federal 2008 Program of the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye Region Strategic Development through 2013” was released. This Decision approved construction of the Phase 1 federal university campus at Russian Island with a budget 50 billion rubles. September1, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin opened the Day of Knowledge in 2008 FENU, visited FENU’s exhibition of achievements in Science and Education, and met with students, young teachers and scientists of FENU. During the visit Prime Minister Putin was accompanied by Dmitry Kozak, Russian Regional Development Minister, Andrey Fursenko, Minister of Science and Education of Russia, Oleg Safonov, the Presidential Envoy of the Far Eastern Federal District, Evgeny Butko, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Education, and Sergey Darkin, Governor of Primorsky Krai. FENU President Kurilov hosted Prime Minister Putin during his visit. On September 1, Igor Shuvalov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Andrey Fursenko, Minister of Science and Education of Russia and Elvira Nabiullina, Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation visited the FENU Institute of Law. During their conversation with FENU President Kurilov they confirmed the decision to construct the entire federal university as one project with integrated activities on its Phases. Prime Minister Putin designated Igor Shuvalov, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation, as supervisor for the APEC Summit and university campus construction. September Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation submitted construction 23 – 25, documentation of planning of Saperny Peninsula of Russian Island (the federal university 2008 campus location) to the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia for approval. After its approval on October 1, 2008 construction documentation with the draft of the resolution of Russian Government attached were submitted to Prime Minister Putin for confirmation. October 17, The State Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation held a hearing for the Federal 2008 Universities Law draft (the complete name of this document is the Federal Law №87129 “Amendments to Legislative Documents of Russian Federation about Activities of Federal 132 Universities.”) December 2, FENU President Kurilov presented the final version of the FENU Strategic Development 2008 Program as a Federal University and additional proposals related to this project to the National Project “Education” Interdepartmental Working Group. The Program and the proposals were approved. December 24, 2008 The State Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation held a hearing and adopted at second reading (“for” – 324) the Federal Universities Law draft. January 14, The State Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation adopted at third reading the Federal 2009 Universities Law. This Law provides legislative support for systematic modernization of higher education through integration of science, education and manufacturing to complete strategic tasks of innovative development of economy and strategic industries. According to this Law, federal universities will become a part of Russian higher education system as a special category of higher education institutions, established only by Presidential Edicts. Federal universities will have extended rights in developing their curricula, which may considerably differ from federal standards. Rectors of federal universities will be appointed by the Government for the term of 5 years, provision is made for the positions of university president and boards of trustees. January 28, The Federation Council of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Universities Law. 2009 February 10, Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia, signed the Federal Universities Law. 2009 February 14, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, Presidential Aide Arkady 2009 Dvorkovich, FENU President Vladimir Kurilov and other key participants of the federal university development project held joint meetings in Vladivostok, including the campus construction site. It was decided to speed up the construction works. April 2009 Construction of the federal university campus started; the plan is to complete the foundations of all Phase 1 buildings (capacity for 10,000 students) by December 2009. May 20, 2009 At a meeting of the National Project “Education” Interdepartmental Working Group, FENU President Vladimir Kurilov presented a report on the federal university development progress and budget proposals for the 2009, including allocation of considerable FENU matching funds for this project. This report was approved by the participants of the project. September All construction works at the Russian Island Campus site go according to schedule. Foundations 2009 of most Phase 1 buildings are almost completed, as well as the foundation of the University Bridge, connecting the campus with Vladivostok mainland. Over 5,000 workers are engaged in the construction; by Summer 2010 their number will be increased to 14,000. Strategic Areas of Research and Education Development Development of FENU as a federal university is the largest innovative education and research project in the history of the Russian Far East. It will facilitate solving many of the region’s socialeconomic problems, such as the weak economic relationship with European Russia, domination of raw resources industries, population decline, and increasing migration of employable population. This project creates conditions for developing the economy, attracting investments, and increasing the quality of life for the population of the Russian Far East, and as a result increases national security of Russia. 133 FENU as a federal university will concentrate its efforts on five main interrelated directions of research and education. Each of them has national importance, increases national security and develops human abilities: Development and launching of new technologies and training specialists for exploring resources and area of the World Ocean and their effective use for economic development of the region and strengthening national defense potential. Development of bio and nanotechnology programs, introduction of a nano-industry economy and creation of regional high technology cluster. Implementing federal policy for strengthening the Russian language in the Russian Far East and in Pacific countries. Study of political, economic and social processes in the Pacific countries and training high quality specialists in Oriental Studies. Development of the International Business School of FENU as a federal university for training top and middle level managers for businesses and municipal authorities, developing finance and business systems designed for Russian companies and specific development of the region as part of the Pacific Rim. To reach these economic and social development goals FENU, as a federal university, must: provide high quality specialists and R&D for important investment projects in Russian Far East, including the Oil and Gas Project (oil and gas processing; ecological investigation, construction and maintenance of oil and gas pipe lines; damage control and accident elimination, infrastructure development including technologies of new materials for surfaces of roads, bridges, runways and others); implement Science and Education programs by studying social-economic, ethnic and migration issues of the Russian Far East. FENU’s Place in the National Development Strategy and the Federal Universities System The strategic goal of the Program is to establish a world-class university which will contribute to innovative development of the Russian Far East and the entire country, strengthen its national security and make it more competitive in world markets of education and technologies. Implementing this goal requires the merger of fundamental science, applied science and higher education for training high quality specialists for R&D, industry, business and social organizations as they are the main factor of economic growth in the Russian Far East and its integration into the world’s science and education systems. Highly trained and qualified people are needed to: 1. Implement one of the country’s developmental plans, the Federal Program “Economic and Social Development of the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye to 2013” initiated by Presidential Decree № 801 of November 21, 2007, which includes targets for developmental strategy of the region through 2020. 2. Develop infrastructure required for large projects like APEC Summit in Vladivostok, new research projects, new science and education specialties based on high technology thereby generating rapid development of the region. 134 3. Develop the Russian Far East is a strategic territory for Russia’s economic cooperation with Pacific countries. Highly developed adjacent economies (Japan, Korea, China and others) require rapid involvement of the Russian Far East into the Pacific Rim’s high tech industries. It requires material and human resources for R&D to create technological inventions for prototype production. It also requires innovative education with improved content and methods of teaching. 4. Promote Russian language and culture and create interest in Russian education and science. Export of educational services to the Pacific Rim is necessary for strengthening the national security in the Russian Far East. 5. Develop strategic interests of Russia and long-term involvement with Pacific countries in economy and politics. These will require programs of oriental studies, teaching Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, and other oriental languages, and studies of politics, economy, history and culture of Pacific countries. Oriental studies in Russia must become an important factor for defending geopolitical interests of Russia in its Pacific area. 6. Create conditions in the Russian Far East to attract active and highly educated people required for its economic and technological development. 7. Implement the Federal Program “World Ocean” during 2008-2012. The concept for development of robot submarine vehicles of the Russian Federation up to 2021, and the list of top-priority sciences, technoloies and engineering approved by President of Russian Federation (Decrees № Пр-842 of May 21, 2006 and № Пр-843 of May 21, 2006) make it necessary to explore and exploit marine resources. “World Ocean” is Russia’s main R&D goal of the 21st century and requires highly trained experts in marine technologies. 8. Accomplish the Presidential initiative “Strategy for developing nano-industries” (Decree № Пр-688 of April 24, 2007) and the Federal Program “Developing infrastructure for nanoindustries in the Russian Federation during 2008-2010.” These are approved by President of the Russian Federation and include establishment of high-tech clusters in the region whose focus is development and implementation of new technologies for the nano-industry. 9. Develop the FENU International Business School for graduating managers and businessmen well prepared to interact with the Pacific Rim economies. The graduates will be skilled in oriental languages and knowledgeable in the special characteristics of business, economy and culture of the Pacific Rim. Program Activities The main goal of the Program is innovative development of Russian Far East as part of Russian geopolitics and includes the following inter-related steps. 1. Modernization of the educational process to integrate study and research. Creating a world-class research university based on integration of science, education and production will result in an educational system that will transfer scientific research into technology and insure innovative growth. 2. Modernization of scientific research and innovative practice. This includes scientific research in a wide range of sciences and is a top priority for a high-tech economy, social and cultural development and national security of Russia. Integration of education and science is the foundation for producing highly qualified graduates, applied research for technological breakthroughs, transferring science research into the economy, modernization of educational and research processes, and unification of science, education and production. 135 Establishing strong connections between fundamental research and social well being will create an innovative environment of business incubators, techno parks, venture funds, and engineering companies. 3. Integration into the world's science and education system and export of educational services and R&D. These will be accomplished by joint diploma programs with the leading universities, establishing representative schools abroad, creating international institutes, departments, divisions and international centers through agreements with governments and other universities, and cooperation and student exchange with leading universities . 4. Training for human resources. FENU as a federal university will create conditions for growth of professional and administrative university staff by attracting leading professors and scientists from around the world that will in turn attract the best students into science and education. 5. Developing facilities and equipment. Establishing an entire university infrastructure will require building a world-class university campus for students (centers for international students plus designing and constructing modern and secure dormitories for all students). An R&D Park will include all the facilities and equipment needed for research. Residences for university staff and teachers will also be constructed. 6. Creating an Information Resources Center (IRC) The IRC of FENU as a federal university will include scientific and educational resources for all the branches of the university including a description of sources as well as full text holdings and multimedia sources. Cataloging the sources both alphabetically and by topics insures easy access to the documents for fundamental research, lectures, practice activity or presentation with the use of full text holdings and multimedia sources. 7. Modernization of university structure and management system. This will require creating of an effective management system for designing and filling a new university organization chart; launching strategic quality and budget management, strengthening requirements for selecting and training university staff and development of a corporate culture. Phases of FENU Development as a Federal University 1. Preliminary Phase, 2008 (completed) 1.1. Approval of the Program for establishing and developing FENU as a as a federal university. 1.2. Allocation of land for the Russian Island Campus. 1.3. Development of new university structure and reform of its management system. 1.5. Faculty and staff evaluation to satisfy new educational, research and development requirements. 1.6. Development of construction plans and documents for renovating faculty buildings and laboratories, construction of the R&D park, new campus and social infrastructure on Russian Island. 2. Phase 1, 2009 - 2012 2.1. Transformation of FENU into a federal university. 2.2. Development of new content and resources for education. 2.3. Faculty development and equipment renovation. 2.4. Creation and development of centers combining education, research, and implementation. 2.5. Construction of the new FENU campus and its social infrastructure. 2.7. Construction or purchase of an ocean survey vessel of 8,000 – 10,000 m3 displacement for the “World Ocean” Innovative Technology Center. 136 3. Phase 2, 2013 – 2020 3.1. Completion of the new FENU campus. 3.2. Purchasing modern new equipment for classes and laboratories located in the new FENU campus. 3.3. Purchasing scientific and production equipment for the R&D Park; creating specialize clean zones for R&D Park and nano/bio technologies development. 3.4. Becoming a leading institution in the science and educational market in the Pacific Rim. Program Indicator Target, 2012 Undergraduate specialties Starting, 2008 49 5 year higher education degree specialties 90 110 Graduate specialties 14 21 Postgraduate programs 64 79 Doctoral programs 14 17 Full-time degree students 24 000 32,000 International students 800 1,500 Postgraduate students 500 700 Faculty members 1,440 3,000 60 Share of faculty members with teaching experience in leading universities of the 28% Pacific Rim 70% Total number of articles included into SCI and SНCI for previous year 96 130 On-campus international faculty members and staff involved into education 47 90 Faculty members assigned to work or practice in the universities of the Pacific Rim 38 70 FENU’s R&D Park The Program includes establishing a R&D Park. Federal universities should be surrounded by an innovative environment, such as provided by a R&D Park or techno-polises. This environment can bring together the interests of high-tech companies whose products compete in domestic and international markets, scientific laboratories which create competitive know-how, faculties and divisions of the universities which train human resources for employment in competitive companies, and investment and venture funds which support innovative process. Synergism of participants will provide new high tech products, technology adoption and rapid development of the region and Russia. Such an innovative environment rapidly attracts the world’s best experience. Innovation and Technology Centers of FENU as a Federal University 137 Innovative activities of FENU as a federal university will target practical results that can be used in production of new products or processes. The R&D Park will continue the directions of FENU’s scientific achievements and will include the following Innovation and Technology Centers (ITC): • ITC “World Ocean” will develop and exploit new technologies for exploring and effective use of marine resources and area of the Pacific Ocean. • ITC “Nanotechnologies” will create regional high technological clusters whose focus will be developing and launching high technology nanoindustries. • The Center of Innovative Medical Technologies will develop new technologies for medicine from research in medical physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology and nanotechnologies. • The Center of Social and Political Technologies of the Pacific countries and Oriental Studies will focus on international activities including politics, cross-cultural communication and social adaptation for citizens of contiguous countries. • The International Business School will be a comprehensive system for training business majors and graduate students in investment, finance and management. The graduates of this School will have the best business training in Russia and become leading business people of Russia’s future. •The Russian Language and Culture Center will strengthen the position of the Russian language in Russian Far East, promote Russian language and Russian Culture in the Pacific Rim, establish Russia’s identity in the region, and provide export of Russian education. Impact of FENU as a Federal University The Program for establishing FENU as a federal university is preceded by 110 years of educational experience and great achievements of national importance especially in the last two decades. Its success as a federal university will: • Develop and launch high technological industries into the economy followed by integration of the Russian Far East into the economies of the Pacific Rim • Train highly qualified specialists for the innovative economy of Russia • Transform R&D into useful technology and products • Create new educational technologies based integration of science, education and innovative practices • Improve the quality of life in the Russian Far East by attracting an active and energetic population and stop net migration from the region • Protect national interests of Russia and strengthen Russia’s identity in the Pacific Rim • Export of Russian education to the Pacific Rim and open FENU branches in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) The Phase 1 campus will provide educational services to 6,500-10,500 full time on-campus students including 1,000-1,500 international students in 34 specialties. Infrastructure of the FENU’s Russian Island Campus, Phase 1, 2009-2012 Conference Hall (85,000 m2) Institute of Oriental Studies Institute of Russian Language and Literature Institute of Foreign Languages Institute of History, Philosophy, and Culture Accommodates about 4,200 students Press Center (40,000 m2) Institute of Mass Media Far Eastern Institute of Innovative Technologies and Quality Management Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science 138 Accommodates about 2,300 students International Business Building (75,000 m2) (the proposal of including this building into Phase 1 is being reviewed by Russian Government) Accommodates about 4,000 students Lodging and Accommodation Facility (295,000 m2) 9,000 bed dormitory for students Apartments for teachers, professors, scientists and other university staff (accommodates about 1,000 persons) Innovative Technology Centers of FENU as a Federal University FENU targets innovative practices for transferring R&D results into industry. FENU will continue development in directions where it has scientific achievements and modern equipment and facilities. Nanotechnologies Innovation and Technology Center Objectives: Creating regional high technological clusters whose focus will be developing and launching high technology nanoindustries Projected outcomes: • Creation of new nanoproducts such as pharmaceuticals, vitamins and supplements from regional natural resources • Study of physical and chemical characteristics of the nanomaterials, electric and magnetic features of nanosystems, and nanoscale processes • Use of existing living systems for creating nanosystems • Health and medical implications of nanotechnology (nanoelectronics-based sensors, nanotechbased drugs, medical nanorobots, and advanced drug delivery systems) World Ocean Innovation and Technology Center Objectives: Developing and exploiting new technologies for exploring and the effective use of marine resources and areas of the Pacific Ocean Projected outcomes: • Survey technology for construction and monitoring marine structures • Geo and geophysical survey and exploring gas-hydrate and mineral resources both in continental shelf and in bathyal zones of the World Ocean • Deep sea exploration and monitoring using robot underwater vehicles • Biotechnologies for creating new types of pharmaceuticals and supplements form marine resources • Reproduction technology of marine biota and new methods of marine culture • Icing forecast technology • Systems for forecasting earthquakes and tsunami • New technology for climate survey and forecast • Technology for production of hydro-acoustic transmitters People have explored the Outer Space more than the World Ocean. FENU’s location close to the ocean, and having all the resources for its research, provides excellent research opportunities in physics, chemistry, geology and biology of the World Ocean. 139 Center of Oriental Studies and Pacific Rim Social and Political Technologies Objectives: Protecting Russia’s national interest in the Pacific by focusing on international activities including politics, cross-cultural communication and social adaptation for citizens of contiguous countries Projected outcomes: • Development of leading higher education programs in Oriental Studies: Sinology, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, Indian Studies, Vietnamese Studies and other languages and cultures in the PRC • Development and evaluation programs of training specialists for national security in Russia and the PRC. • Research of social and political developments in the PRC plus cooperation in language training and intercultural exchanges Center of Russian Language and Culture Objectives: Strengthening the position of the Russian language in the Far East, promoting Russian language and Russian Culture in the Pacific Rim, establishing Russia’s identity in the region, and providing export of Russian education. Projected outcome: •Establish a regional center for preserving and developing the Russian language in FENU as a federal university; teaching Russian as a foreign language inside and outside Russia • Promote the Russian language and culture, increase the prestige of Russia in the PRC by establishing Russian Centers • Strengthen international security and mutual understanding between countries, attract international citizens from the PRC and increase investing opportunities for them in the Russian Far East The Language Center is necessary for strengthening national security in the Russian Far East by promoting the Russian language and culture, creating interest in Russian education and science, and exporting education to the Pacific Rim. International Business School Objectives: Creating a comprehensive system for training professionals in finances, business, and management, to promote Russian economy integration with Pacific Rim economies. Projected outcomes: • Meet regional demands for highly qualified specialists for Russian businesses with knowledge of specific features of business in the PRC, Japan, China, South and North Korea, Vietnam and India • Make the region more competitive by training top and middle level managers for businesses and municipal authorities with skills in finance and business development in the PRC. Infrastructure of the new campus of FENU as a federal university on Russian Island, Phase 2, 2012 - 2025 Block A (Northern Block) Institute of Physical Education and Sports (500 students) Schools specialized in Economics and Finance International Business School (9,000 students; the first building for 4,000 students is proposed to be included in Phase 1) 140 Multipurpose educational buildings – Legislative and Law Section (4,000 students) Institute of Research Information – Fundamental Library (20,000 м2) Dormitory A (13,000 beds) Total: 13,500 students Block В (Central Block) Institute of Pedagogy and Education (2,200 students) Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences (2,000 students) Institute of Professional Development, Institute for Professional Training, and Institute for Higher Education (7,000 м2) Institute of Pre-University Training and Lyceum (4,000 students) Dormitory B (6,000 beds) Total: 8,200 students Block С (the Ayaks Bay Block) Institute of International Tourism and Hospitality (3,000 students) Vladivostok Institute of International Relations (3,800 students) Institutes of performing arts, culture, fine arts and design (1,000 students) The Center of Social and Political Technologies of the Pacific Rim Countries and Oriental Studies (2,300 м2) The Center of Russian Language and Culture (2,000 м2) International Education Center (2,000 students) Dormitory C (7,500 beds) Total: 9,800 students Block D (Southern Block) Schools specialized in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2,000 students) Schools specialized in Medicine (4,000 students) Multipurpose educational buildings for Engineering Science and Technology (6,000 students) World Ocean Innovation and Technology Center (21,800 m2) Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering Innovation and Technology Center (11,800 m2) R&D Park (5,400 m2) Business Incubator (4,000 m2) Technical Assistance Center (5,000 m2) Dormitory D (11,400 beds) Total: 12,000 students C178 President, Far Eastern National University Dr. Vladimir I. Kurilov S.J.D., LL.M., Full Professor, Honorary Person of Russian Higher Education (the highest governmental award of the Russian Federation for contribution to the development of higher education). 141 Honorary university degrees: Doctor of Laws, University of Maryland University College, USA (1993); Doctor of Business Administration, Kyonggi University, Korea (1995); Doctor of Human Letters, Armstrong University, USA (1998); Doctor of Laws, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (2002); Doctor of Laws, Tokai University, Japan (2003); Honorary Professor, Wuhan University, China (2003); Honorary Professor, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China (2004) Russian governmental awards: the Russian Federation Order of Recognition (2003), the Russian Federation Order of Merit, 4th degree (2008), and others Russian NGO awards: Saint Prince Daniel of Moscow Order of 3rd Degree, Russian Orthodox Church (2000); Saint Vladimir Order of Russian Orthodox Church (2004); “Diamond Eagle” Honorary Award, All-Russian “Powerful Leaders for Powerful Russia” Conference (2005); “Laureate of All-Russian Exhibition Center” Gold Medal (2005) International governmental awards: Honorary Award, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea (1995); Prime-Minister Diploma of Honor, Republic of Korea (1999); Order of Friendship, 1st Degree, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2007); Order of Friendship, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2008) International NGO awards: “Saint Sophia” Honorary Award (2004); “Leader of the Russian Economy” Honorary Award (2004); UNESCO Diploma and Medal (2005); TESOL Award (2005); Gold Medal, French Society for Industry Encouragement, France (2006) Honorary citizenships: Taichung, Chinese Taipei (1992); Vladivostok, Russia (1997); Pusan, Korea (2005) Other positions in FENU: Director, Institute of Law; Chairman, Chair of Labor Law C179 в работе С180 Far Eastern National University Russian Island of the Pacific Rim For the FENU’s 110th Anniversary 1899-2009 Chief Editor: V.I. Kurilov Editors: B.L. Reznik, V.N. Antonov, V.P. Dikarev, S.V. Dubovitskiy, Y.A. Kutuzov, I.V. Soppa, A.N. Shushin, A.G. Falaleev, and T.V. Prudkogliad Breadboard model and imposition: L. A. Kharitonova Authors: N.N. Anoshkina, L.P. Bondarenko, V.P. Dikarev, S.V. Dubovitskiy, O.P. Elantseva, S.N. Goncharova, B.N. Grudin, A.Y. Kaidanovich, A.I. Kolmakova, L.E. Kornilova, V.V. Korochentsev, E.A. Kotova, N.V. Kuznetsova, V.I. Kurilov, K.A. Kurilova, G.N. Lovtsevich, N.S. Moreva, A.M. Nikolaev, V.S. Plotnikov, G.G. Popova, Z.G. Proshina, T.V. Prudkogliad, B.L. Reznik, N.N. Savchuk, R.M. Samigulin, A. Ia. Sokolovskiy, I.V. Soppa, L.A. Stankevich, A.Y. Starichkov, B.K. Starostin, A.G. Falaleev, A.A. Khamatova, A.A. Shnyrko, and A.N. Shushin 142 English Version Authors, Translators, and Editors: E.M. Butenina, J.M. Croom, A.G. Falaleev, S.S. Ilyina, Y.A. Polshina, Z.G. Proshina, and V.L. Zavyalova Photos: I.S. Gusev, T.V. Prudkogliad, V.A. Chabanyuk, and others Technical Editor: I.S. Osmushko Corrector: Y.N. Teplova Far Eastern National University Press Vladivostok 2009 © Far Eastern National University, 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. 143