Next Meeting - The Cloudy Town Brewers

The Official Newsletter of the Cloudy Town Brewers
October 2001
Next Meeting
Wednesday October 3, 2001
7:00 P.M.
Gluek Brewery
Cold Spring, MN
Meeting Minutes
Tom Zupanc had mug
information and pricing. We discussed
either getting a stamp which had less
detail and could be continuously reused
and decals which has more detail but we
would have to place minimum order of
50. We voted on getting the decal for the
at least the first 50, which would be
$7.30 for each mug.
Tom Zupanc was in contact with
Collegeville Apple orchard on setting up
a tour and chance to purchase apples.
They do not sell cider that is not
pasteurized but we use their press.
We also discussed Granite City’s
possibility of a van going down to the
Autumn Beer Review.
Tommy Z Award
In previous Clarifiers I had listed
that final month to bring for the award is
November but the twelfth month would
be October. I realized that the first
month that we started the Tommy Z
award was November of last year. I am
sorry for the mistake. This is the last
month to bring in for the award.
Here are the point totals through
Tommy Z’s
Erik Nelson
Darin Dorholt
Tom Zupanc
James & Jean
Phil Thomas
Jerry & Deb
Mike Esplan
Larry Nusbaum
Bruce & Kim
Jeff Gavin
Troy Rogers
Dean Severson
11 Points
10 Points
7 Points
7 Points
5 Points
4 Points
4 Points
4 Points
2 Point
1 Point
1 Point
1 Point
1 Point
Joe Straley
1 Point
Gluek Tour/October
Submitted by Deb Dusich
I talked to Alex Vigil from
Gluek's today & he said a tour of Gluek's
for our Oct. 3rd meeting would be just
fine. That will be at 7PM, rather than
our usual 8PM start time. We can hold
our meeting in their hospitality room &
it is ok to bring a few bottles of our own
homebrew for our usual
sampling/critiquing. If for some reason
things change & we don't plan to tour
there, we are to let them know as soon as
we can because Alex will be in Denver
the week before at the Great American
Beer Festival.
Alex Vigil also suggested
bringing some snacks to munch on
during the meeting and enjoy with the
sampling. Jean and James Michael will
be bringing goldfish crackers.
November Meeting
Submitted by Tom Zupanc
November meeting is at The
Garden (Greg's old place on St.
Germain) 7:00.
We can bring our own brew sampling.
Let's be nice guests and buy some
appetizers and stuff.
The Prairie Homebrewing
Companions is once again having their
Hoppy Halloween Competition on
Saturday October 27th 2001. Entries are
due between September 22nd and
October 5th. It is $7.50 per entry for the
first four entries and $5 for each entry
after that. Categories 1 to 27 will be
accepted. Category 27 is a special
Halloween theme beer category.
3 bottles per entry and medals will be
awarded. The Hoppy Halloween
Competition web site is at
2001 Water Tower Brewing Beer,
Mead, and Cider Competition
This is also known as the 7th
annual Minnesota Renaissance Festival
competition. They had 119 entries this
year consisting of 7 ciders, 25 meads,
and 87 beers and had five categories.
Congratulations to Erik Nelson
for taking two first places out of the
three categories. He won with a
Munchner Helles and a Doppelbock.
Club Only
We had no California Commom
to send into the October Competetion. If
anyone has any Milds going, we will be
judging these at the November meeting.
The new schedule for the Club
Only Competitions is out and available
on our website and the AHA site. The
new schedule is for the next two years.
Rochester Timberworts, Minnesota
Homebrewer Association, and The
Prairie Homebrewing Companions are
all hosting Club Only Competitions in
the next two years. To save space I will
only list the next four competitions in
the Clarifier.
Early December 2001 - Mild
Hosted by Alison Skeel and Brewers
United for Real Potables (BURP)
Entries due November 29, 2001
through December 7, 2001
Category 10A. Mild
January/February 2002 - Scottish
Ales Competition
Hosted by Peter Zien and Quality
Ales & Fermentation Fraternity
(QUAFF) of San Diego, CA
Category 5 Scottish Ales
March 30, 2002 – Porter
Hosted by Phil Clarke and the New
York City Homebrewers Guild
Category 15 Porter
May 2002 - India Pale Ale
Hosted by Jeff Smith and the South
Gasconade Brewing Society of
Owensville, MO
Category 7 India Pale Ale
Community Ed Class
Submitted by Tim Fuerstenberg
Well the Community Ed classes are
close at hand and we still have a little
preparation to do. We are still looking
for volunteers to help out with the
classes. Remember, you don't have to be
a great brewer to help out, you to just
have to be there.
There will be a planning meeting on
Tuesday October 2nd to help finalize our
classes, handouts, supplies and
equipment. All input is welcome, so
please stop on by. The meeting will be
held at "The Ground Round" from 7:00
until around 9:00.
The classes will be held at North Jr. H.S.
from 6:30-9:30 in the Home Ec. Room
(same as last year).
Class Schedule:
-Tues. Oct. 23, 6:30-9:30 Intro to
Homebrewing (Brew a extract batch)
-Tues. Oct. 30, 6:30-9:30 Brewing "3"
partial batches
-Tues. Nov. 6, 6:30-9:30 Tour at
-Tues. Nov. 13, 6:30-9:30 Sanitize &
This is a great opportunity for our club
and will only work if people are willing
to help out. So come show your support
and volunteer. If you can't make the
Oct. 2nd meeting but would still like to
help out, please let me know. As of 9/25
we have 4 people that have already
signed up for the class.
Community Ed Class lists.
Collegeville Orchard
Tom Zupanc, Tim Fuerstenberg,
Erik Nelson and Jean Michael went to
the Collegeville Orchard on Wednesday,
September 26. They selected three kinds
of apples, two were sweet and one tart,
and used a bushel of each to press into
cider. The three bushels produced
approximately 5 and half gallons of
Beer Severance
From All About Beer Magazine
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
Workers laid off in July from a
Guinness packaging plant in Dundalk
have received a severance package that
includes up to 10 years' free supply of
Guinness stout. The workers also
receive one-time payments of up to
$147,000 as well as health insurance and
scholarships for their children. The beer
payment will average about 24 bottles
allotted twice a year based on the length
of employment.
Bud VS. Bud Continues
From All About Beer Magazine
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
In recent legal decisions, Czech
brewer Budejovicky Budvar has won the
right to use the Budweiser trademark in
Germany and Bulgaria. AnheuserBusch has won the right to the trademark
in Russia (and all of the former Soviet
Union), Italy, and Spain. Budvar and
Anheuser-Busch are currently involved
in 40 legal proceedings over the rights to
the Budweiser trademark and over 40
more administrative proceedings. A-B
has full rights to the Budweiser brand
names in most of the world, including
"Budweiser" in 14 European
countries and "Bud" in 15 others.
Grolsch & Miller in
Europe/Heineken in
Germany/Interbrew in
From All About Beer Magazine
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
If you are traveling in Europe
and have a hankering for a Miller
Genuine Draft, you'll be pleased to know
that Holland's Grolsch Brewery will now
brew MGD. In other Dutch beer news,
Heineken has taken a 49.9 percent
ownership in Bayerische BrauHolding
AG, the owners of Munich's Paulaner
A larger German brewery turnover is
the purchase of Beck's by Belgium's
Interbrew, the second largest brewer in
the world, for $1.58 billion. The deal
must meet approval by Beck's
shareholders, as well as German and
European regulatory authorities.
For Sale
From All About Beer Magazine
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
The old Pabst brewing complex
in Milwaukee, 40 buildings totaling 1.3
million square feet on 21 acres, is for
sale. The brewery ceased operations in
Sam Adams Light
From All About Beer Magazine
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
Boston Beer Co., brewers of the Sam
Adams line of beers, has released Sam
Adams Light. In a blind taste test at the
beer's launch in Providence, RI,
Sam Adams Light scored above Amstel
Light, Bud Light, Miller Light, and
Michelob Light. Sam Adams Light is
available in 12 oz. bottles.
'Stone-Age' Beer Uses
Dung for Flavor
From Beer Tools Newsletter
Submitted by Darin Dorholt
L O N D O N, Sept. 3
Even the keenest beer drinker
may hesitate before sampling the latest
beverage on sale in the Orkney Islands
off northern Scotland a "Stone Age" beer
flavored with animal dung.
Historians have recreated the recipe after
uncovering what they claim is a 5,000year-old pub and brewery on the remote
Merryn Dineley, a Manchester
University historian and chief brewer of
the ancient liquor, told the weekly paper
The Observer on Sunday that the brew
was "quite delicious." The ale is brewed
in clay pots with traces of baked animal
Dineley examined stone-lined drains
running under houses in the Neolithic
village of Skara Brae in the Orkneys and
found evidence of a kiln for malting
grain and traces of a cereal-based
fermented alcohol.
Beer Quotes
drink some more beer. – Ernest
Beer is proof that God loves us and
wants us to be happy. – Benjamin
Give me a woman who loves beer and I
will conquer the world. – Kaiser
Beer makes you feel the way you ought
to feel without beer. - Henry Lawson
I would give all my fame for a pot of ale
and safety. – William Shakespeare,
'King Henry V.'
He was a wise man who invented beer. Plato
I would kill everyone in this room for a
drop of sweet beer. – Homer Simpson
The government will fall that raises the
price of beer. - Czech Saying
Religions change, beer and wine remain
- Harvey Allen, 1889-194
I feel sorry for people who don't drink.
When they wake up in the morning,
that's as good as they're going to feel all
day. - Frank Sinatra
I think this would be a good time for a
beer - FDR
Fermentation may have been a greater
discovery than fire. - David Rains
Submitted by Bruce LeBlanc
This beer is good for you. This is draft
beer. Stick with the beer. Let's go and
beat this guy up and come back and
Many battles have been fought and won
by soldiers nourished on beer. Frederick the Great
I recommend bread, meat, vegetables,
and beer. -- Sophocles
From man's sweat and God's love, beer
came into the world. --Saint Arnold of
Metz, The patron Saint of Brewers
Keep your libraries, your penal
institutions, your insane asylums...give
me beer. You think man needs rule he
needs beer. The world does not need
morals it needs beer... The souls of men
have been fed with indigestible, but the
soul could make use of beer. -- Henry
Beer is an improvement on water itself Grant Johnson
Who cares how time advances? I am
drinking ale today. - Edgar Allan Poe
Everyone needs something to believe
in... and I believe I'll have another beer. Steve Phelps
I drink with impunity...or anyone else
who invites me. - W.C. Fields
Here’s to a long life and a merry one; A
quick death and an easy one; A pretty
girl and a true one; A cold beer, and
another one. - Lewis Henry
Would you really call yourself a
Christian if charity cost half as much as
beer? - Jimmy Buffett
You can't drink all day...Unless you start
in the morning. - Gary Larson
Work is the curse of the drinking class Oscar Wilde
We are here to drink beer... and (to) live
our lives so well that Death will tremble
to take us - Charles Bukowski