AL AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MGT 3303 – Operations Management Syllabus / Spring ‘10 General Information CLASS: Building 4, Room 105 Section 1: Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM (1/25/2010 - 5/19/2010) Section 2: Tue-Thu, 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM (1/25/2010 - 5/19/2010) PROFESSOR: Dr. Jawad Abrache OFFICE HOURS: MW 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM; TR 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Other hours may be arranged by appointment. OFFICE LOCATION: Building 11, Room 006 PHONE: #2310 E-MAIL: HOME PAGE: Course Description Producing/delivering quality products or services is the ultimate goal of most, if not all, organizations. Generally, this involves dealing a complex chain of value that includes the transformation of inputs (raw materials, human resources, capital, etc.) into (hopefully more valuable) outputs that are finished products and services. Operations management focuses on the systematic study of the design, planning, and operations of such value chains. It spans all the value-adding activities of a production/service organization, such as product and process design, facility design and location, transportation and storage of goods, inventory management, material requirement planning, project management, quality management, design of queuing systems, etc. This introductory operation management course will cover these topics and will demonstrate how a successful implementation of the methods and techniques featured will help the organization achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. The course will additionally introduce supporting quantitative techniques such as linear programming and decision making under uncertainty that are essential to many of the chapters covered in the course. Course Objectives Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe operations in terms of inputs, processes, flows, outputs, suppliers and customers, and give examples of how operations can be used as a competitive weapon by the organization. 2. Explain the role of operations strategy as a pattern of decisions oriented towards the achievement of competitive priorities. 3. Use decision analysis techniques (payoff tables, sequential decision trees) to make optimal supply chain planning decisions. 4. Analyze processes in terms of efficiency, the presence of bottlenecks, etc, using supporting tools such as flow diagrams and process charts. 5. Design efficient process layouts and locate facilities using location analysis techniques (e.g., center-of-gravity and load-distance techniques). 6. Manage project processes by diagramming the network of interrelated activities in a project, identifying the sequence of critical activities, evaluating the probability of completing projects on time, and crashing activities in a project. 7. Describe the principles of Total Quality Management and the different quality standards (e.g., ISO 9000, etc.); develop and use control charts to determine whether a process is statistically out of control. 8. Describe the components of a supply chain and its important performance measures. 9. Explain the role of inventory in supply chains; distinguish between continuous and periodic inventory systems; use the ABC classification system; compute measures associated with the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model and its variants. 10. Describe aggregate plans and their role in the supply chain; Use linear programming and the transportation method as quantitative techniques for solving aggregate planning problems. Course Prerequisite MGT 3301 (Principles of Management) AND GBU 3401 (Advanced Quantitative Methods), or equivalent. Textbook and Other Teaching Material This course has the following required textbook: Operations Management along the Supply Chain, 6th edition, Russell and Taylor, Wiley, 2009. In addition to the required textbook, other teaching material (readings, papers, book chapters, etc.) will be made available to the students during the semester, following the course progress. Instructional Methodology The course will be taught through lectures, review exercises, discussions of case studies, and assignments (homework, quizzes, readings, etc.) given to students and intended to strengthen the learning process. The professor will make the slides of the in-class lectures available on his website at the following address: The purpose of these lecture notes is to help the students summarize the material presented in class only, and cannot by any means substitute for regular attendance, active participation, and in-class note taking by the students. Students should come prepared to the class, by reading in advance the sections of the textbook that will be covered in the session, as well as any other material handed by the instructor. The latter would verify that the students have done their readings by asking questions during class periods (which answers will strongly affect the participation grade) and conducting (potentially unannounced) quizzes. In all cases, the students need to understand that reading the class material in advance is in their best interest, as it streamlines and enhances their in-class leaning experience. In addition to the regular assignments, the students will be assigned case studies that are application of the course concepts to real-world situation, and which would generally require more extensive work. The students will also realize a term project, which will be devoted to the study of the supply chain and logistical operations of a Moroccan company of their choice. The project is meant to put into practice some of the topics studied in this course and will require a significant analysis effort. Being a team-oriented task, the project should be realized by teams of preferably four students. Deliverables of the project are: 1. An in-depth report (paper) presenting the background of the company, describing in detail its current supply chain, identifying quantitatively and qualitatively strengths and weaknesses of the chain and the logistics operations of the company, identifying and justifying valid alternatives, and making final recommendations. 2. A portfolio of activities related to the project, containing the minutes of the meetings that the project required and a report written individually by the members of the group assessing its own and the teammate’s contribution. 3. A presentation by the team during the last week of class. Evaluation and Grading Assessment of the students’ performance in the course is done through homework, case studies, quizzes, the term paper, the mid-term exam, a final exam, and the quality of their participation in the course. The grading scale is as follows: Mid-term Exam Final Exam Final Project Paper and Portfolio Presentation Assignments and Quizzes Case Studies Attendance and Participation 25% 30% 25% 15% 10% Letter grades are awarded on the basis of the traditional system: 90% and up earns an A; 80% to 89.99% earns a B; 70% to 79.99% earns a C; 60% to 69.99% earns a D; Less than 60% earns an F (Failing Grade). Course Policies 5% 5% 10% You are responsible of knowing the course policy, summarized in the following points. “I did not know” is not a valid excuse. Regular attendance is essential. Students who miss a class are responsible of all the work, notes, handouts, and assignments they miss. Please refer to the attendance policy section below. In order not to disturb the lecture, the students should always arrive on time and avoid leaving the class early. Arriving late to the class 3 times will account for one unexcused absence. Furthermore, everybody is asked to keep cell phones off during class sessions and abstain from unnecessary and unauthorized conversation. This course puts a strong emphasis on collaborative and teamwork-oriented work. Hence, you are supposed to work all your assignments and the course project in groups of three to four students. Groups that have less than three students and more than four will not be accepted. One copy of each assignment and of the project deliverables will need to be turned by each group. I would strongly appreciate if any multiple-page assignment is stapled and typed if the hand writing is not reasonably clear and readable. The professor reserves the right not to evaluate any assignment returned late. If such assignment is ever graded, a penalty will be applied to the grade. I will be rigorously following the University’s policy on plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty. In accordance to this policy, assignments and homework should be considered individual work. Though healthy collaboration and constructive exchange of ideas is encouraged for homework, an assignment done by way of copy/past will be identified and the authors held responsible. All forms of collaboration and cheating during quizzes and exams will not be tolerated. A student who misses the mid-term exam is eligible to a makeup examination only if he submits written documentation of the reason for missing the scheduled examination (serious illness, family reasons, etc.) before the exam, and has the approval of the professor. Missing the mid-term exam without valid excuse will result in a zero grade for the exam. The professor reserves the right to decide on the type of the makeup examination. There is no makeup for the final exam, which missing is not allowed. Attendance Policy Attendance has been shown to be a key factor in academic success. Any absence, regardless of the reason, will prevent the student from getting the full benefit of the course. Therefore, students should recognize the advantages of regular and punctual class attendance, accept it as a personal responsibility, and apprise themselves of the consequences of poor attendance. Policy: Absences are controlled by faculty members. The number of absences for whatever reason (except as indicated in points 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3) is taken into account in the final grade. 1. Excused Absences Students may be authorized by instructors to be absent from class for institutional reasons as specified in 1.1, and 1.2 below. However, the instructor may deny the student permission to be absent if the student’s academic performance is not judged to be adequate. Once approved, these absences should not count in the student’s absence record. Instructors should be informed before the absence to agree with the student on a suitable time and manner for a make up should it be necessary. A maximum of three of these absences per semester could be authorized. 1.1 External Events: student must submit a completed and signed form from the Office of Student Activities to the instructor. Examples of these absences include participation in university-sponsored sports, cultural or other events as a University representative. 1.2 Field Trips as part of a class requirement or as authorized by a Dean: the Dean’s assistant of the school offering or authorizing the trip should sign the absence request form. 1.3 In case of protracted illness or emergency condition necessitating hospitalization, students may exceptionally appeal to the Dean of Student Affairs so as not to be dropped from a course. However, extended illness may lead to the semester not being validated. No other justification will be accepted. Students should be prepared in case they have to be absent for personal or family reasons. 2. Impact of absences on grades Each unauthorized absence shall result in one grade being deducted from the class participation grade up to the limit set in section 3 below when a WF is assigned. 3. Ceilings before a WF is assigned When a student exceeds the ceiling of 5 absences, the instructor may sign an administrative withdrawal form. 4. Pre-authorized absences Notification of planned absences using the Absence Requests Form available at the Student Activities Office must be delivered to the instructor, with permission signed and dated by the instructor. Once notified of planned absence, the instructor should inform the student of the deadline for completion of any missed assignment or examination where applicable. Make-up examinations, if necessary and acceptable to the instructor, shall be at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the instructor and students. 4.1 Each week an email will be generated from the system to all students informing them about their absence record. The Dean of Student Affairs or his representative will monitor the system and call in students with an attendance problem and direct them to the proper assistance service. 4.2 During the Add and drop period, no absence is accepted in a course; add and drop should be done outside class time. 4.3 In case of a late registration, students assume full responsibility for their absences as recorded from the first day of classes. 5. Administrative Withdrawal When a student has exceeded the maximum number of absences according to the mentioned ceiling (except as stated in points 1.1 and 1.2); the instructor has the right to drop a student from a course with a “WF” grade. Special hardship cases as stated in 1.3 above may be referred by the Dean of Student Affairs to the Dean/Director’s appreciation. The “Administrative withdrawal form” must reach the Registrar’s Office at least 5 days prior to the first day of final exams. Tentative Class Schedule (I reserve the right to change it if needed. Changes are announced in class) Week 1 (01/25 – 01/29): Syllabus presentation Topics: Operations and Supply Chain Management Introduction (Chapter 1 of the course’s required textbook) Week 2 (02/01 – 02/05): Topics: Operations and Supply Chain Management Introduction, cont’d (Chapter 1) Topics: Decision Analysis Support Tools and Processes (Supplement 1) Week 3 (02/08 – 02/12): Topics: Decision Analysis, cont’d (Supplement 1) Topics: Process Analysis (Material distributed by the Instructor) Week 4 (02/15 – 02/19): Topics: Process Analysis, cont’d (Material distributed by the Instructor) Week 5 (02/22 – 02/26): Topics: Linear Programming (Supplement 14) Holiday: Eid Al Mawlid Week 6 (03/01 – 03/05): Topics: Linear Programming, cont’d (Supplement 14) Mid-term Exam Week 7 (03/08 – 03/12): Topics: Capacity and Facilities Planning (selected sections of Chapter 7) Week 8 (03/15 – 03/19): Topics: Project Management (Chapter 9) Week 9 (03/22 – 03/26): Mid-semester Break Week 10 (03/29 – 04/02): Topics: Project Management, cont’d (Chapter 9) Topics: Strategic Supply Chain Management and Design (Chapter 10 and parts of Chapter 11) Projects proposals due Week 11 (04/05 – 04/09): Topics: Strategic Supply Chain Management and Design, cont’d (Chapter 10 and parts of Chapter 11) Topics: Location and Transportation Models (Supplements 7 and 11) Week 12 (04/12 – 04/16): Topics: Quality Management (selected sections of Chapter 2) Week 13 (04/19 – 04/23): Topics: Statistical Process Control (selected sections of Chapter 3) Week 14 (04/26 – 04/30): Topics: Inventory Management (Chapter 13) Week 15 (05/03 – 05/07): Topics: Inventory Management, cont’d (Chapter 13) Topics: Aggregate Planning (selected sections of Chapter 14 of the course’s required textbook, if time permits) Project final reports due Week 16 (05/11 – 05/15): Final Exam!