Bahaudin Zakariya Universit y Submitted to: “Mam Munaza Javaid” Submitted by: “Group C” Department: “Commerce” Sr.No. Name Roll No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Masooma Danish Mohammad Ali Akhbar Mubashir Shakoor Anam Naeem Muhammad Rashid Rehan Anjum Saba Farooq 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Interview An oral examination of an applicant for a job, college, place, etc... Or Interviews are the extension of what human beings naturally do in every day practice in a discussion in detail. It is a type of talk. Person involve in interview There are two person involve in interview. Interviewer The person who ask the question during an interview. Interviewee The who answers the question during an interview. What is the Purpose of an Interview? The Interviewer wants to determine: • Can the candidate do the job? • Will the candidate fit in? • Is this the best candidate for the position? The Interviewee wants to determine: • Do I want this job? • Can I do this job? • Does this job offer me the opportunities I want for advancement or experience? Characteristics of an interview Goal driven Interview have a clear purpose, a goal to be achieved . Information may be desired, a problem may need to be resolved an employer may ‘’seeking the best person for a job’’. Question answer Another characteristic of interview is question answer. The majority of interview consists of one person (some time more then one) asking question and an other person answering those questions. Every day communication includes occasional question and answers. Especially if people gathering to know one another. Structured interview must be structured then other types of communication where as a causal interaction between two people happen spontaneously and have no clear focus interview, involve planning preparation and also tend to have a clear sequence . Controlled Interview is generally controlled by an interviewer, who is responsible for moving the interview toward intended goal. The amount of control exerted during an interview depend on this goal, which is achieved in part by question ask and communication environment established Unbalanced A final characteristics of interview is a that time spent talking by an interviewer and interviewee is usually unbalanced .typically an interviewers speaks for 30 % of the time and interviewee will speak for 70 % of the time. The interviewee take more time then interviewer. Process of interview How to plan interview? Planning an interview Pre-interview stage Analysis the job by identifying all the tasks, activities, skill and personal attributes it requires. Job Description Written synopsis of the nature and requirement of a job Job specification Description of the competency, educational, experience and qualification the incumbent must possess to perform the job. Style and structure of interview Directive style of interview Directive interview are controlled and organized by the interviewer. Non directive style of interview Non directive interview involve a cooperative efforts by the participant and the organization in setting its goal and process. Prepare the questions An interviewer should ask a rang of questions to evaluate the extent of the interviewee knowledge Question may cover topics such as communication skills ,energy and motivation levels, creativity ,ability to handle stress ,career ambitions, persuasiveness ,initiative ,planning, controlling skills and analytical skills. Four type of question are particularly important. Open questions Open question encourages interviewees to speak freely and talk about themselves, while the interviewer listens, observes and make notes. The interviewee’s trust and confidence determine how much information and opinion they offer. In open question should be used carefully and sparingly as they can elicit time consuming answer and irrelevant information their success depend on the interviewee’s communication skills and on the interviewer’s skills at analyzing the response Closed questions. Closed question are designed to limit interviewee’s responses and to establish familiar facts such as their address, previous employment and qualifications. The main advantage of closed question is that they clicit very little information and discourage further explanation by the applicant Mirror questions Mirror question restore the interviewee’s previous answers and invite them to add further information e.g. Interviewee’s answer: ‘I thought the team I worked with on the project was great’. Mirror question: ‘the team was great?’ Interviewee: ‘yes. We shared ideas and I liked the support of working in a team. Probing questions Probing questions follow on from the interviewee’s last response. This type of question is spontaneous rather then planned. It aims to probe the basis for the interviewee’s response e.g. Interviewee’s response: ‘my present job requires me to manage my time’. Interviewer’s probing question: ‘how do you manage your time?’ Conducting an interview Open the interview Create a friendly environment to put the interviewee at ease. People who feel at ease are better able to answer questions. Some interview like to talk about general topics such as local events or sport to make the applicant feel at ease; however, take care not to stray too far from the interview’s purpose. Body of the interview In the body of interview, begin with simple questions to help the applicant build confidence. Progress with question on work experience, education and personal details. Keep these clear and purposeful. Open question encourage the interviewee to speak freely whereas close questions limit their response. Close the interview Close the interview courteously. Summarize and highlight the main points and facts presented during the interview to avoid any misunderstanding. Then indicate any further action that must be completed. Indicate clearly that the interview is over and thanks applicant for their application and for attending the interview. Post-interview stage Immediately after the interview, record or complete your notes on all important points. You must now try to form an objective opinion of each applicant from the information they have provided and from any other information available. At this stage, interview evaluation sheets or rating scales are very helpful. Some organizations require you to complete a report on the interview. Apart from that, keep all notes, document and results confidential. Type of an interview Job interview An interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment. There are three main type of job interview. The single interview The single interview is conducted by a single interviewer responsible for interviewing all applicants and selection the new staff member. it can be affected by the interviewer’s bias. The series interview The series interview is conducted by several interviewer in turn . each one evaluate each applicant on a specific area of expertise ,after the series of interview the interviewers Consult each other to make a group selection. The panel interview The panel interview is conducted by a group of interviewers all together each member of the panel asks specific question relevant to their special experience and expertise . this rang of experience allows for a winder selection of question and answer s and help to minimize personal bias. The panel works together to assess the applicant. Performance interview The interviews in which an individual activities and work are discussed. These interviews are most often conducted between employees and supervisors and you may also experience them in educational and other setting. A student discuss about his degree with an advisor. In both cases, a person’s strengths and weaknesses are discussed with ultimate goal being to improve his or her performance. Information Gaining Information gaining are those interviews in which a person solicits information from another person. You conduct information gaining interviews when preparing speeches and papers for school and work these sorts of interviews are also frequently seen on web cast and included in newspapers, magazines and blogs. Persuasive interview Persuasive interview are those interview that have influence as the ultimate goal the interviewer may appear to be gaining information butt is actually attempting to influence the thoughts and actions of interviewee. Problem-solving interviews When experiencing difficulties or facing an unknown challenge, people may engage in problem solving interviews, those in which a problem is isolated and solutions are generated .For example ,student may be questioned by their professor in order to determine why they may be experiencing difficulties in class. Responsibilities of interviewer The work of an interviewer is one of the most important for the conduct of a survey project because the interviewer is responsible for collecting the information in a truthful, reliable,and appropriate way. Moreover, the success of the project is dependent to a great degree on the interviewer’s conscientiousness, effort, and cooperation. Some other responsibilities of interviewer Identify the chosen location and the person who meets the necessary characteristics to be included in the sample. Solicit the interviewee for information courteously. Read the “Letter of Informed Consent” to each interviewee and only interview those that accept to be interviewed. Fill out the entire questionnaire. Complete the demographic and sample information required on the form. Review each form and questionnaire to ensure that all of the questions were asked and that all of the solicited data has been recorded. Furthermore, ensure that any relevant comments were duly registered or noted. Correct or complete information by returning to interview the respondent again. Complete the interviews during personal visits by correctly following the questionnaire. Give sufficient time to complete the survey at the time chosen by the interviewees; that is to say, the interviewer must be free and available to devote whatever time is necessary to complete the survey. Maintain appropriate conduct during all field work, especially during interviews. Remember, an interviewer is the public representative of a specific institution. Always carry identifying documents and badges during field work so that people can readily identify an accredited interviewer. Take care of any materials received to do the work. Maintain respectful relations with the project team – supervisors, interviewers, and coordinators. Attend and actively participate in the training course. Common mistake of interviewer There are several common mistakes which interviewer make. Each mistake places someone in the interview process at a disadvantage or at an advantage. The aim of a selection interview is to chosen the best person for the job. By avoiding these mistakes an interviewer is better to choose the best person. Some of the mistake made by interviewers are make Relying on first impression By relying on first impression, interviewers often miss important information or the opportunity to judge it fairly. The first impression could come from the application file, the way interviewee dress or how they perform in the opening stages of the interview. If favorable information is presented first, less favorable answers given letter in the interview may slip past without being noticed. Rating towards the average When interviewers rate towards the average, it is harder to distinguish between applicants. If 15 people are interviewed and they are all clustered around the average rating, it is much harder to make the final decision. Relying on overall impression: the ‘halo’ effect The ‘halo’ effect describes a decision based on an overall impression gained from general characteristics rather then from these criteria. Making a rushed decision A rushed decision based on first impressions can miss important information given by applicants. It is better to take time to discusses and evaluate each interviewer’s impression of each applicant. A considered decision is more likely to produce the best choice of applicant.