TABLE OF CONTENTS 2013-2014 School Calendar Forward Fully Accredited School Mission Statement Code of Conduct Core Ethical Values Nondiscrimination Student Fees Nutrition Services Care of Textbooks School Supplies School Behavior and Discipline Attendance Reporting of Student Progress Health Needs Birth Certificate Immunization Records Medicine Accidents and Emergencies Head Lice Schedules Transportation Emergencies Guidelines for Student Dress Internet/Computer Usage Parent Communication Withdrawal Participation in Physical Activities Building Regulations Lincoln Elementary Staff Board of Education/Board of Education Staff - - 2 LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FORWARD We extend to you and your children a warm welcome to Lincoln Elementary School! Our staff looks forward to working with you to provide the best possible education for your child. It is hoped that this handbook will help to answer questions you might have concerning the school life of your student. The emphasis of this elementary school is on learning for each child. Every effort possible is made to provide the best opportunity for learning through updated facilities, materials, and personnel. Our staff is caring, knowledgeable, and responsive to the needs of students. We encourage open communications so that children may be most successful. Many activities are planned throughout the school year to exhibit our students’ efforts and achievements. We look forward to seeing you! Please read this handbook carefully and keep for further reference. Aaron Chard, Principal Lincoln Elementary School Phone 378-4138 ALL VISITORS MUST CHECK IN AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL. SCHOOL TAKES UP AT 7:55 A.M. AND DISMISSES AT 3:10 P.M., (we will dismiss at 2:10 p.m. each Wednesday). ALL STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE OR LEAVING PRIOR TO THE CLOSE OF THE SCHOOL DAY MUST BE CHECKED IN OR OUT THROUGH THE OFFICE. PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE BY 9:00 A.M. EACH DAY YOUR STUDENT IS ABSENT. CALL 378-4543 - - - - GIVE IT A TRY! The Fredonia Board of Education has installed a multi-line announcer that will make information more accessible to patrons regarding school activities and events, early dismissal, school closings, etc. 3 Please call for information regarding weekly calendar activities and events for all buildings, and during bad weather the message will contain early dismissal information and school cancellations. The number to call is 378-4543. FULLY ACCREDITED SCHOOL Lincoln Elementary School is a fully accredited elementary school. The district is preparing for re-accreditation as outlined by the Kansas State Department of Education and the North Central Association. MISSION STATEMENT WE ARE HERE to learn to love to grow to care to share TOGETHER CODE OF CONDUCT We take the road less traveled at Lincoln School. We genuinely care for our school, each other, and ourselves. We show and receive respect by using kind words and actions. We listen thoughtfully, we stand up for others and ourselves, and we take responsibility for our own behavior and learning. This is who we are even when no one is watching. CORE ETHICAL VALUES WE ARE A: RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE Team Encouraging Accountable, and practice good Manners HERE AT LINCOLN EQUITY STATEMENT Equity at Lincoln Elementary School is the use of all resources in quality instruction to ensure that each student learns to his/her capability regardless of background. - - 4 NONDISCRIMINATION Fredonia Unified School District #484 is committed to the concept of equal opportunity for all students and employees. For that reason, the school district will not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or handicap in its employment procedures nor in its operation of educational programs and activities. STUDENT FEES Textbook Textbook Rental: Grades K-5 $14.00 Workbook Fees: Grades K-5 $10.00 Lunch Fees: Regular Lunch Extra Milk $1.85 .35 Breakfast Fees: $1.30 Adult Breakfast/Lunch: $1.70/$3.10 Textbook and workbook fees are set by the Board of Education and are to be paid when a student enrolls. NUTRITION SERVICES The breakfast, hot lunch, and milk charges are set by the Board of Education and are payable by the week, month, semester, or school year. All payments will be made in advance. Any student whose charge exceeds $15.00 will be asked to bring a cold lunch until payment is made. Applications for free and reduced price meals may be obtained from the principal’s office. Cold lunches may not include pop as the drink, candy, or food to be warmed. Students with special health needs related to food should contact the principal for assistance. Extra milk for students in grades kindergarten through fifth is available for a small charge and must be paid by the week or more. Students losing or mutilating their lunch card will be sent to the end of the lunch line for the day. CARE OF TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are assigned to the student for the year. Students are responsible for the care and safe keeping of the books. If textbooks assigned to a student are lost, destroyed, or mutilated in any way they must be paid for by the parents. SCHOOL SUPPLIES A list of school supplies may be obtained from the school office and can be purchased at most area stores carrying office/school supplies. 5 SCHOOL BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE An effective school includes a safe and positive environment in which students may learn. Lincoln Elementary School rules are: 1. Be polite at all times. 2. Respect individual, private, and school property. 3. Do not interfere with a student's right to learn or a teacher’s right to teach. 4 Obey rules and procedures established for the classroom, playground, and school events/situations. Students in an elementary school are provided several opportunities in learning rules and regulations. At the beginning of each year rules and regulations are taught, practiced, and reviewed. Students are provided with a warning when not following a rule or regulation. Students may be asked to move to a different place or removed from the setting if misconduct continues. If necessary, verbal or written contact will be made with the child’s parents if the misbehavior continues with a possibility of a request for a parent-teacher conference. Consultation with any of the following: the parents, teacher, student, and principal may be warranted if behavior does not improve. The following behavior code has been approved by the Board of Education and will be followed to insure the safety and learning for all students. DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL A student shall not by use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct intentionally cause the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school. Neither shall a student engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school if such a disruption or obstruction is reasonably certain to result. Neither shall a student urge other students to engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school if a substantial and material disruption or obstruction is reasonably certain to result from his urging. While this list is not intended to be exclusive, the following acts when done for the purpose of causing a substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school illustrate the kinds of offenses encompassed here: (A) Occupying any school building, school grounds, or part thereof with intent to deprive others of its use; - - 6 (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) Blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or corridor or room therein with intent to deprive others of lawful access to or from or use of the building, corridor, or room; Setting fire to or substantially damaging any school building or property; Firing, displaying, or threatening use of firearms, explosives, or other weapons on the school premises for any unlawful purpose; Prevention of or attempting to prevent by physical act the convening or continued functioning of any school, class, or activity or of any lawful meeting or assembly on the school campus; Preventing students from attending a class or school activity; Except under the direct instruction of the principal, blocking normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on a school campus; Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the teacher’s ability to conduct his class; Appearing in the nude, either on the school grounds, in any attendance center, or at any school-sponsored activity in the presence of members of the opposite sex. CELL PHONES Cell phones may be in the building but must be turned off from 7:55 until the end of the school day. Any breaking of this rule will result in the confiscation of the cell phone and a 30minute detention assignment. The detention must be served before the cell phone will be turned over to a parent or guardian. Cell phones may be taken on trips and used as allowed by sponsors. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause substantial damage to valuable school property or steal or attempt to steal school property of substantial value. Reported damage or theft involving private property of small value also shall be a basis for long-term suspension or expulsion from school. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY A student shall not intentionally cause substantial damage to valuable private property or steal or attempt to steal valuable private property either on the school grounds or during a school activity, function, or event off school grounds. Repeated damage or theft involving private property of small value also shall be a basis for long-term suspension or expulsion from school. 7 ASSAULT OF A SCHOOL EMPLOYEE A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a manner as could reasonably cause physical injury to a school employee: (A) On the school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours; (B) On the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; (C) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event. PHYSICAL ABUSE OF A STUDENT OR OTHER PERSON NOT EMPLOYED BY THE SCHOOL A student shall not intentionally do serious bodily injury to any person: (A) On the school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours; (B) On the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; (C) Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event. Neither self-defense nor action undertaken on the reasonable belief that it was necessary to protect some other person is to be considered an intentional act under this rule. WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS A student shall not knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon (A) On the school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours; (B) On the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; (C) Off the school grounds at any school activity, function or event. This rule does not apply to normal school supplies like pencils or compasses but does apply to any firearm, any explosive including firecrackers, any knife other than a small penknife, and other dangerous objects of no reasonable use to the pupil at school. - - 8 NARCOTICS, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, AND STIMULANT DRUGS A student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind: (A) On school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours; (B) On school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by any school group; (C) Off the school grounds at any school activity, function or event. Use of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be considered a violation of this rule. Violation of any provision of this behavior code may result in suspension and/or expulsion. REPEATED SCHOOL VIOLATIONS A student shall not repeatedly fail to comply with directions of teachers, student teachers, substitute teachers, teachers aides, principals, or other authorized school personnel during any period of time when he/she is properly under the authority of school personnel. Violation of any provision of this behavior code may result in suspension and/or expulsion. HARASSMENT Lincoln School is committed to providing a positive and productive learning and working environment, free from discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of color, national origin, race, or sex. Discrimination or harassment of this nature shall not be tolerated in Lincoln School. Harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certified or support personnel, students, vendors and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, or third party, (visitor, vendor, etc.) to harass any student, employee, or other individual associated with the school. It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy. Lincoln School encourages all victims of harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately. Lincoln School will promptly investigate all complaints of harassment and take prompt corrective action to end the harassment. 9 Any student who believes he or she has been subjected to harassment or has witnessed an act of alleged harassment should discuss it with the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member. Any school employee who receives a complaint of harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal. If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the complaint shall be reported to the district compliance coordinator. The building principal shall discuss the complaint with the student to determine if it can be resolved. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in this meeting, the student may initiate a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure. Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes harassment. Unacceptable student conduct may or may not constitute harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness, and/or persistence. Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may provide grounds for discipline under the code of student conduct. The discipline of a student for violation of any provision of the code of student conduct may be enhanced if the conduct is harassing. False or malicious complaints of harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant. This policy in full may be reviewed at the U.S.D. 484 Board of Education Office located at 300 N. 6th Street, Fredonia, Kansas. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is a vital factor in school achievement. School District #484 has provided facilities, equipment, materials, and staff so that all students may be provided proper educational opportunities. Mandatory school attendance is state law, as is our responsibility to notify the office of Social and Rehabilitative Services when student attendance drops below an acceptable level. Three consecutive unexcused absences, or five unexcused absences in a semester, are considered a truancy situation in Kansas as per Kansas Compulsory Attendance Law (K.S.A. 72-111). Tardies are recorded when a student arrives in class following the 7:55 morning bell. Tardies are not excused, and an accumulation of three tardies will count as one day’s unexcused absence. - - 10 MINOR ILLNESS Parents should call to notify the school of a student’s absence on the day of illness. A note from the parent explaining the child’s absence needs to be sent with him on the day he returns to school. The principal may request a doctor’s permit for any illness. CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS All students who have been absent from school because of a contagious health problem must have a permit signed by the family doctor indicating that the student is in the proper state of health to return to school. Any question concerning this may be directed to the school nurse or principal. INJURIES - HOSPITALIZATION Any student who has been hospitalized for any reason, or received an injury requiring medical attention must have a doctor’s permit stating what activities the student may participate in, and what the days of limitations are. OTHER ABSENCES Advance notice of absences should be directed to the principal. Parents are expected to make arrangements for homework due to an extended absence by contacting both the principal and teacher. REPORTING OF STUDENT PROGRESS Reporting of student progress to parents is completed throughout the year with progress reports and grade cards. Progress is to be interpreted in terms of a pupil’s ability only and cannot be used as a basis for comparison with the achievement of other pupils. Student evaluation shall be based on assignments, activities, projects, test results, attendance, and daily classroom participation. Progress reports will be issued for exceptional, improved, and unsatisfactory work at the end of five weeks in each nine-week period. Grading is reported in grades K-3 as satisfactory, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory. Students in grades 4-5 receive letter grades. The grading scale is as follows: S+ or A 90 to 100 Exceeding the Requirements of the Instructor S or B 80 to 89 Above the Average S- or C 70 to 79 Average NI or D 60 to 69 Below Average U or F Below 60 Unsatisfactory 11 A student will be given a reasonable length of time to make up work missed during excused absences. Parents will be notified if makeup work has not been completed and grades given accordingly. Homework will be available, upon parent’s request, in the office after 12:00 P.M. for those students who are absent that day. HEALTH NEEDS BIRTH CERTIFICATES and IMMUNIZATION RECORDS Kansas Education Statute #72-53, 106 requires all children entering a Kansas school for the first time, prior to admission, must present to the appropriate school authorities proof of identity. For a child enrolling in pre-school, kindergarten, or first grade this means a certified copy of their birth certificate or, as an alternative, for a child who is in the custody of the secretary of DCF, a certified copy of the court order placing the child in the custody of DCF, and in the case of a child enrolling in any of the grades two through twelve, a certified transcript or other similar pupil records or data. K.S.A. 72-5208-09 requires all students enrolling or enrolled in any Kansas school for the first time, prior to admission to and attendance at school, shall present to the appropriate school authorities certification from a physician or local health department that the pupil has ben appropriately vaccinated. Students who have had at least one of each required series may enroll or remain enrolled while completing the required inoculations if a physician or local health department certifies that the pupil has received the most recent appropriate inoculations in all required series. Failure to timely complete all required series shall be deemed non-compliance. There are two legal alternatives to the vaccination requirements for school attendance. You may contact the school nurse for more information. MEDICINE AT SCHOOL The registered school nurse is responsible for the administration and delegation of all medications given at school. If you have questions, you may contact the nurse at 378-4138. USD #484 Medication Policy Requires: A completed “Request to Administer Medication” form must accompany all medication brought to school. This form must be completed and signed for prescription and non-prescription medication. For prescription medication, the ordering health-care provider must sign the form as well as the parent. Prescription medication will not be given without a physician’s order. All medication must be brought to school in its original container. Prescription medication must be properly labeled by the pharmacy or physician, stating the name of - - 12 the student, name of the physician, name of the medication, dosage, date it was filled, and how often it is to be given, (two containers may be requested from the pharmacy-one for home and one for school). Over the counter (OTC) medication must be in its original container with the student’s name clearly visible on the container. A three-time per day medication will not be given at school unless the healthcare provider specifically orders it must be given during school hours. The medication should be given before school, after school upon arriving home, and at bedtime. Any medication, (i.e. pills), sent to school in an envelope, baggie, or something other than its original container will not be given. The first dose of any medication must be given at home. Medication will not be sent home with Lincoln Elementary students. MEDICATIONS PROVIDED BY USD #484 Health room stock of acetaminophen, (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, triple antibiotic cream, Caladryl lotion, (for poison ivy, bug bites, etc.), and menthol cough drops are available and will be administered by the school nurse and delegated medication personnel upon annual parent written authorization. Parents must complete and sign the Consent for Administration of Overthe-Counter Medication Form before health room stock medication will be given. This form will be provided at enrollment and, once completed and signed, will be in effect for the entire school year unless revoked by the parent. Parents of students who frequently have need of the health room stock will be notified and asked to provide medication for their child. STUDENT SELF-ADMINISTRATION of MEDICATION The self-administration of medication is allowed for students who meet policy guidelines in grades K-12. As used in the USD #484 self-administration of medication policy, medication means a medicine for the treatment of anaphylaxis or asthma. This includes, but is not limited to, any medicine defined in current federal regulation as an inhaled bronchodilator or auto-injectable epinephrine (EpiPen). A completed and signed Authorization for SelfAdministration of Medication form is required before any student may carry or self-administer this type of medication. School personnel will assist children with their medications. Parents are welcome to assist with administration of any prescribed medications during school hours. All medications shall be administered to students in either the health room or school office, and in the presence of school staff. 13 ILLNESS Students with the following health condition(s) shall be excluded from school: *Oral temperature of 100 degrees F or higher *Elevated, (or possibly normal), temperature combined with any of the following: *Severe cold with yellow/green nasal discharge *Excessive coughing *Swollen glands *Skin rash *Eyes inflamed with purulent discharge *Drainage from ear(s) *Skin lesions (i.e. impetigo, ringworm, scabies) until treated by a physician *Vomiting *Diarrhea (two or more loose stools) *Fainting, seizure, or general signs of listlessness *Communicable disease *Head lice Students may return to school after being fever free, or symptom free, for twenty-four hours after the last dose of medication. Students with some conditions may return to school after being treated for twenty-four hours with an antibiotic. Call the school nurse or principal for specific guidelines. MANDATED SCHOOL SCREENINGS *Dental Screenings: are done every October by the CHCSEK hygienists. All students will be screened unless a parent provides written verification from a legally qualified dentist stating that an examination has been done within the three months prior to screenings. Flouride varnish, dental cleaning, and sealants are also provided for those who sign up. These are free for those who do not have dental insurance. Sign up forms are handed out during enrollment. *Hearing Screenings: to identify hearing loss and to make appropriate audiological, medical, and/or educational referral to maximize hearing and learning potential. Students to be screened annually are: -All preschoolers -Kindergarten through third graders, and fifth graders - - 14 -Students with previously identified hearing loss -Students new to the district -By parent or teacher request *Vision Screenings: for early identification of students with potential visual problems. Students to be screened annually are: -All preschoolers -Kindergarten, first, third, and fifth graders -Students new to the district -By parent or teacher request HEAD LICE If a student is found to have head lice during school hours, he/she will be sent home. Any student leaving the building during school hours must be dismissed through the office where the dismissal will be recorded. A parent, (or their adult designee), must accompany their student upon their return to school. Students will be checked by the school nurse or person assigned by the building principal before being allowed to return to class. Students are not allowed to ride on district transportation until they have been cleared for class attendance. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES Upon enrollment parents will complete information regarding their preference for procedures to be followed by the school in case of illness, accident, or other emergency. It is recommended that a person in addition to the parent be listed for contacting in case of need. No student will be released to an individual without prior notification from the student’s parent(s). SCHEDULES KINDERGARTEN - FIFTH GRADE MORNING TAKE UP TIME -------------7:55 A.M. AFTERNOON DISMISSAL TIME-------3:10 P.M. Bus students who do not eat breakfast at school will exit onto the south playground upon arrival. Bus students eating school breakfast will exit at the gym entrance and go directly into the gym. 15 All remaining students should not arrive on the school grounds prior to 7:30 A.M. Kindergarten and first grade students should enter through the east primary wing doors and go directly to the Paulen Lobby and be seated. Second-fifth grade students are required to wait outside on the south playground until 7:50 A.M. Students may ride bicycles to school and park them in the racks provided at the south side of the playground. Students are not to ride bicycles on the sidewalks. TRANSPORTATION The transportation supervisor should be contacted for information concerning bus routes and regulations at 378-3521. A list of school bus regulations will be provided to all bus students and parents, and will be posted in the bus. These regulations will be strictly enforced. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. THE BUS DRIVER WILL ASSIGN SEATS. BE COURTEOUS. NO PROFANITY. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ON BUS. KEEP THE BUS CLEAN. VIOLENCE IS PROHIBITED. REMAIN SEATED AT ALL TIMES. 8. NO USE OF TOBACCO OR DRUGS AT ANY TIME. 9. DO NOT DEFACE OR DESTROY SCHOOL OR OTHER’S PROPERTY. 10. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, AND THE SAFETY OF OTHERS, DO NOT DISTRACT THE DRIVER. When riding a school bus, whether on route or school activity, classroom conduct is to be observed. The driver is in charge of the bus and students are expected to obey the driver’s instructions promptly. School bus routes are set up for students residing in rural areas with maximum passenger loads established. Occasionally, it may be necessary for a student to ride a bus other than their regular route bus. In such cases, permission must be secured from the school office in advance and a permission form will be issued. EMERGENCIES In accordance with the Kansas School Code, fire drills will be conducted at least once each month and tornado drills will be conducted at least three times during the school year. All drills are to be taken seriously to insure appropriate handling in the case of a real emergency. - - 16 Procedures are also on file in the case of personal or community concerns which will affect some or all of the students. Questions or concerns should be directed to the building principal or guidance counselor. GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT DRESS Student dress should be decided upon for comfort, safety, and appropriateness for the weather. Elementary classrooms maintain a temperature of approximately 70-72 degrees the year round. Shoes should be appropriate for activities in physical education and on the playground. Shoes will be tied at all times for safety reasons. Winter coats will not be worn in the classroom. A light sweater or jacket may be needed for comfort on days with variable weather. No hats or sunglasses will be worn in the building without prior approval of the principal. Students will be expected to wear only clothing suitable for school attire. Certain types of clothing advertising alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or containing questionable language, statements, or designs are considered in poor taste and will not be worn at school. Fads that might create safety hazards will not be permitted. Special event days which permit unusual dress styles will be announced to students and parents by written notice. INTERNET/COMPUTER USAGE The use of computers and/or the internet is a privilege, not a right. The inappropriate use or transmission of any material in violation of any United States or state regulation is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: copyrighting material; threatening or obscene material; or material protected by a trade secret. Inappropriate student usage, including any violation of these conditions and rules, may result in cancellation of student use privileges. The building principal or his/her designee is delegated the authority to determine appropriate use and may deny, revoke, or suspend the use of computers by any student(s) who violate this policy. The principal shall have the authority to impose any additional disciplinary action as he/she deems necessary. PARENT COMMUNICATION When you as a parent or guardian work and support your child, he or she is more likely to be successful in school. Although you may have a limited amount of time to spend, you can make a difference by listening and talking with your child, your child’s teacher, and your child’s 17 school. Spending time with your child, no matter what the age, is extremely important. Research suggests it is the quality of the time spent with children, not the quantity of time, that is important. The following suggestions help to reinforce the importance of school in the home. 1. Be positive and supportive. 2. Review the activities and papers of each day. 3. Provide a study time that is uninterrupted. 4. Limit the time of TV viewing to 10-15 hours per week. 5. Read together each day. 6. Assign activities that your child will be responsible to do on his/her own. 7. Develop goal setting strategies 8. Contact the teacher at school for any questions or concerns. If not resolved contact the building principal. PARENT - TEACHER CONFERENCES Two formal parent-teacher conferences will be held to ensure two-way discussion of your child’s progress in school. Additional conferences may be requested by parents, teachers, or the principal as deemed necessary. Parents will be notified ahead of time if students are to be kept after school for work or disciplinary reasons. GUIDANCE PROGRAM Lincoln Elementary’s guidance counselor is available to assist students and parents with individual challenges and/or to help a student with adjustments to the school situation. A complete testing program will be given to each student. The guidance counselor is responsible for our testing program and the interpretation of results. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST To supplement and support the work of our counselor we have the services of a school psychologist available two days each week. Appointments for conferences with the psychologist may be made either with the counselor or building principal. WITHDRAWAL Parents of students who are moving should contact the office for proper withdrawal procedures. Students’ records will be forwarded to the new school upon request of that school. Parents will be required to complete the request upon entering a new school. - - 18 PARTICIPATION IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES Students are expected to go to the playground during recesses unless a written request with a valid reason is received from the parents, or the teacher requires the student to remain in the classroom. Students will participate in physical education classes to the best of their ability. A permit from a physician will be required for students who are unable to participate due to illness or injury. Students should also provide a physician’s notice of when the student may return to physical activities as directed by their doctor following an injury, serious illness, hospitalization, surgery, or other health related concern. The health and safety of all students is of top priority. Your cooperation is appreciated in following these guidelines. Questions may be directed to our School Nurse or the building principal. BUILDING REGULATIONS All visitors to our school must check-in with the building office staff. Preschool or school age children not currently enrolled in U.S.D. #484 may visit school only when accompanied by an adult. Students will not be called out of class to receive phone messages. In case of emergencies personal contact will be made with the student through the building principal or guidance counselor. Invitations to home birthday parties are not to be handed out at school. Balloons and flowers are not to be delivered to school for students. Exchange of gift(s) at school will not be allowed unless it is a class activity and approved by the principal. School pictures are taken each year in the fall and spring. Parents will be notified in advance of when pictures will be taken. Class pictures will be taken at the end of the school year. Payment must be made prior to pictures being taken in the fall, and after previewing pictures in the spring. Students will be responsible for rules and regulations as set forth by the classroom teacher and building principal. Calendar events and school activities will be announced in a monthly newsletter. An update of any building regulations will also be included. Students attending a field trip must be in good standing in all classes and be in school the day prior to the field trip. 19 HOTLINE NUMBER A statewide school safety hotline staffed by the Kansas Highway Patrol has been established. The number is 1-877-626-8203. The hotline allows parents or students to anonymously report possible impending violent acts in schools. The number is effective after July 1, 1999. The hotline, enacted by House Bill 2489 connects to the Kansas Highway Patrol central dispatch center. From there, information is transferred to local law enforcement and relayed to the local school administrator. LINCOLN ELEMENTARY STAFF Classroom Teachers Joan Hawkins .................................................................................... Kindergarten Kathy McVey ..................................................................................... Kindergarten Susan Welton .................................................................................... Kindergarten Elaine Alexander ............................................................................... First Grade Kristin Shields ................................................................................... First Grade Betty Wambsganss ............................................................................ First Grade Kim Nienstedt ................................................................................... Second Grade Sara Saddler ...................................................................................... Second Grade Twila Schoolcraft .............................................................................. Second Grade Deborah Myers..……………………………………………………. Third Grade Helen Phillips .................................................................................... Third Grade Gennette Robinson ............................................................................. Third Grade Myra Barnett ..................................................................................... Fourth Grade Bob Fulghum .................................................................................... Fourth Grade Jalaynna Beers ................................................................................... Fifth Grade Tasha Markham ................................................................................ Fifth Grade Sheri Moya ........................................................................................ Fifth Grade SPECIAL AREA TEACHERS Amy Brown ....................................................................................... EMH / LD Tanya Carson ………………………………………………………. PT Therapist Kim Figgins ...................................................................................... EMH / LD Level 1-11 Matthew Fischer ................................................................................ Instr. Band/Vocal Music Theresa Fischer ……………………………………………………..Vocal Music - - 20 Leanne Githens ................................................................................. Librarian Carie Hurford ..................................................................................... School Psychologist Janet Leis .......................................................................................... OT Therapist Jannette Luthi ……………………………………………………... Extended Learning Sherry Maxwell ................................................................................. Title I Reading Michael Myers .................................................................................. Counselor Marshall Nienstedt ………………………………………………… Assistant Principal Rex Pope ........................................................................................... Physical Education Tiffany Piatt ……………………………………………………….. Technology Jeanne Rankin .................................................................................... Speech Pathologist Gerald Scott ...................................................................................... Reading Recovery Susan Sommer .................................................................................. Title I Mathematics BOARD OF EDUCATION Feyn Baker Linda John-Collins Bill Freeman John Humphrey Carl Shay Pat Shay Deb Wells Jim Porter ...................................................... Superintendent of Schools Diana Bredehoft ............................................ Board Clerk/Business Manager Denice Guthrie .............................................. Board/Superintendent Secretary Teresa Apollo ................................................ Accounts Payable Clerk/Bookkeeper Charletta Gustin ............................................ District Treasurer/Bookkeeper 21 - - 22