******************************************************************* INFOSYS Technical Questions in the second round -1. If 1/4 of the time from midnight plus 1/2 of the time from now to midnight is the present time,then what is the present time ? 2. In a 10 digit number, if the 1st digit number is the number of ones,2nd digit number is the number of twos, and ... so on. 10th digit is the number of zeroes,then find the number 3. A train blows a siren one hour after starting from the station. After that it travels at 3/5th of its speed it reaches the next station 2 hours behind schedule. If it had a problem 50 miles farther from the previous case,it would have reached 40 minutes sooner. Find the distance between the two stations . 4. An army 50 miles long marches at a constant rate. A courier standing at the rear moves forward and delivers the message to the first person and then turns back and reaches the rear of the army as the army completes 50 miles. Find the distance travelled by the courier. 5. A person grows cabbage, he uses a larger square this year than previous year and produces cabbages than previous year.what is the no. of cabbages produced this year 6. Olympic race : 4 contestants : Alan,charlie, Darren ,Brain. There are two races and average is taken to decide the winner.one person comes at the same position in both the race. Charlie always come before darren. Brian comes first once. Alan comes third atleast once. Find the positions. Alan never comes last. Charlie & darren comes 2nd atleast once. 8. Problem finding who is husband,wife & son from 4 set of families. 9. Rank the persons from set of conditions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* THIS FILE INCLUDES INFOSYS PAPERS FOR YEAR 2000 HELD AT IISc AND NAGPUR. */ INFOSYS TEST @ IISC - 2000 1:there is a robery and four persons are suspected out of them one is actual thief, these are the senteces said by each one of them! A says D had done B says A had done C says i dddnt done D B lied when he said that i am thief out of these only one man is true remaining are false ans C is thef,D is true! maks 3 2 how many four digit numbers divisible by four can be formed using 1,2,3,4;repetions are not allowed! ans 6; marks 4 3 a vender solds two things at same cost 12 RS with one item at 25%profit and other at 20%loss,by this transaction he made profit or loss by how much ans loss,60paise marks 3 4 two friends A,B are running up hill and then to get down! length if road is 440 yards A on his return journy met B goin up at 20 yards from top,A has finished the rase .5 minuit earlier than B,then how much time A had taken to complete the rase. ans 6.3 minuits marks 4 5 barons question diagnostic test question 8-12,5 men and 5 women went for foot ball match......... marks 8 6 write a five digit number , which will be having two prime numbers, and some two more conditions,like 1st digit greater than 2nd etc its easy(remember one is not a prime number,most people don mistake taking 1 as prime number) ans 71842 5 marks 7 two employs were there employ one says to employ two your work ezxperience twice as me emp2 exactly emp1 but two years before you said that your work experience is thrice as me emp2 yes its also true what are their work experience ans 4,8 marks 3 8 ther are four persons A,B,C,D and for languages english ,french ,german italian, conditions 1 only one language is spoken by more than two men 2 A dont know english 3 a man can speak either french or german but not both 4 all man cannot spek in a group(no common language) 5 A can mediate when B and C want to speak with each other 6 each men can speak two languages ans A french italian B english french C german italian D german italian marks 7 9 there are 3 women ,they having three jewells,named diamond emerald ,ruby 3 women A,B,C 3 thiefs D,E,F each thef had taken one jewel from each of the women following conditions one who had taken diamond is the bachelor and most dangerous D 's brother in law E who is less dangerous than the thief who had -------------------------------------------------------------------stolen emerald -------------(this is the key from this e had stolen ruby) D did nt stolen from B one more condition is there marks 7 10 ther were five persons out of which two persons heir went white and three persons hair is black conditions if A 's hir is white then B'hair is white A,s hair is not blakck if C's hair is not black two more conditions but we can easily solve it from first codition ans is Aand B's hair is white marks 5 essay in this age of super computer computer will repalce man! what is contribution of industry towards humn growth interview questions! 1 two time glases 7,4 how you measure 9 2 four persons have to cross the bridge they are having one torch ligt four persons take 1,2,5,10 minuits respectively , when two persons are going the will take the time of the slowest person whats the time taken to cross allof them ans 17minuits 3 a non uniform rope burns for one hour how you will measure half an hour ans lit it from both sides! BEST OF LUCK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------INFOSYS TEST @ NAGPUR - 2000 questions 1. there were three suspects for a robbery that happend in a bank, tommy, joy and bruceEach of them were saying that I haven't done anything and the other two has done it.police found that tommy was lying .who is the thief. 3M (MARKS). 2. three clocks where set to true time .First run with the exact time ..second slows one minute/day. third gains one minute/day. after how many days they will show true time. 3M. 3. A,B,C,D,E are some numbers.if AB * CD = EEE and CD - A =CC THEN what is AB * D =? IN SAME CODE .5M. 4. Joe started from bombay towards pune and her friend julie in opposite direction.they meet at a point .distance travelled by joe was 1.8 miles more than that of julie.after spending some both started there way.joe reaches in 2 hours while julie in 3.5 hours. Assuming both were travelling with constant speed.Wath is the distance between the two cities. 5M. 5. In a six level building,a person lives .suppose the persons are A,B,C,D,E,F. --- and there were few clues like--A cann't live above third level, B cann't live above A and below C.-- i am recalling each.did u understood the question-u have to find person living at each level. 5M 6. There were some containers of quantity 1,3,4,5,6,12,15,22,24,38 liters.each was filled with some liquid except one.the liquids are milk, water and oil.quantity of each was like this water = 2* milk oil = 2* water find out which container was empty and cantainers filled with milk and oil. 6M 7. there were few diamonds. 1st thief takes half of the diamonds +2 2nd thief takes half of the diamonds +2 3rd thief takes half of the diamonds +2 4th thief takes half of the diamonds +2 when 5 th thief arives there were no diamonds. find total no. of diamonds. (ans 60) 6M. 8. there were five hunters A,B,C,D,E and five animals A,B,C,D,E. Hunter having the same name with the animal didn't kill it. Each hunter has missed some animal. A animal was hunt by the hunter whose name matches with animal hunt by hunter B. C animal was hunt by the hunter whose name matches with animal hunt by hunter D. E has hunt C and missed D .find out animals hunted by A,B,C. 6m. 9. Five students A,B,C,D,E. when conversation started B,C were speaking english.When D join them they shifted to Spanish.A,E knows French .B,E knows Italian.Portoguese was known to there of them.Spanish was the most common language between them. one of them knows five languages. one of them knows four languages. one of them knows there languages. one of them knows two languages. one of them knows only one languages. A knows ? 4 options B knows ? 4 options C knows ? 4 options E knows ? 4 options 8M -----------------------------------------------------------------------WISH U ALL THE BEST......... MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Infosys Technologies ltd Aptitude Test 9th july 2000 1.A boy picks up the phone and asks" who are you?" The voice from the other side answers" I am your mother's mother in law".What is the relation of the boy with the fellow speaking at the other end.(3marks). 2.Imagine a rectangle.Its length=2*width.A square of 1 inch is cut on all corners so that the remaining portion forms a boxwhen folded.the volume of the box is_____ cubic inches.find the original dimensions of the box. (3 marks). 3.2 persons are doing part time job in a company9say a and b). THe company is open for all the 7 days of the week.'A' works every second day.'B' works every 3rd day.If 'A'works on 1st june and 'B' works on 2nd june.Find out the date on which both 'A' and 'B' will work together. (4 marks). 4.Consider a pile of Diamonds on a table.A thief enters and steals 1/2 of th e total quanity and then again 2 extra from the remaining. After some time a second thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. Then 3rd thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2.Then 4th thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2.When the 5th one enters he finds 1 diamond on the table.Find out the total no. of diamonds originally on the table before the 1st thief entered. (4 marks). 5.Imagine 4 persons A,B,C,D.(It is a strength determining game). A found it hard,but could pull 'c' and 'd' to his side. AC and BD pairs on opposite sides found themselves equally balanced. When A and B exchanged thier positions to form pairs AD and BC ,BC pair could win and pull AD to thier side.Order the 4 persons in Ascending order according to thier strengths. (3 marks). 6.Consider a beauty contest.3 persons participate.Their names are Attractive, Delectable,Fascinating.THere 3 tribes Pukkas,Wottas,Summas. Pukkas - Always speak truth. Wottas - Always speak lies. Summas - Speak truth and lies alternatively. Each of the 3 persons make 2 statements. Attractive - (1) (2) Delectable - (1) i don't remember (2) Fascinating- (1) (2)The person who speaks truth is the least beautiful >From the statements they give and the character of the 3 tribal types, find out which person belongs to which tribe.Also find out the persons in the Ascending order of their beauty. (8 marks). 7.There are 5 positions-Clerk,Buyer,Cashier,Manager,Floorwalker. THere are 5 persons- Mrs.Allen,Mrs.CLark,Twain,Ewing,Bernett. Conditions: 1.clerk and cashier lunch time 11.30.to12.30 2.others 12.30 to 1.30 3.Mrs.Allen and Bernett play durind lunch time. 4.clerk and cashier share Bachler rooms. 5.Ewing and Twain are not in good terms because one day when Twain retuned early from lunch he saw Ewing already sitting fro lunch and reported about him to the manager. Find out which person holds which post. (8 marks). 8.There are 8 courses to be handled by faculty in 2 semesters.4 in 1st semester and 4 in 2nd semester THe candiadates hired for the post are k,l,m,n,o.The courses are Malvino,Shakespeare,Joyce,Chauncer........... Some conditions will be given like., 1.L and N handle Shakespeare and malvino. 2.M and O handle Malvino and Joyce. 3. ....... 4. .. .. i don't remember .. 8. ...... Only one author can handle a course in 1 semester. then 3 questions were asked based on these information and 3 options for each question were given (8 marks). 9. I don't remember 10.I don't remember. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is theinfosys paper It may not contain full questions and ans Understand it 1. There are 4 married couples out ofwhich 3 a group isneeded . Butther should not be his of her spouse .How nmany groups are possible ? Ans 32 2.In the 4 digits 1,2,3,4 how many 4 digited numbers are possible which are divisable by 4? Repetetions are allowed Ans 64 3. Twow men are goingalong a trackf rail in the opposite direction. One goods train crossed the first person in 20 sec. After 10 min the train crossed the other person who is commingin opposite direction in 18 sec .Afterthe train haspassed, when thetwo persons will meet? Approx 72min check it once. 4. Theno. of children adults . Theno .of adults the no .of boys . The no.of boys no. of girls .The no.of girls no.of familyi conditions 1.No family is without a child 2 Every girl has atleast one brotherand sister . Ans c a b g f; 9 6 5 4 3 . 6.There are4 boys Anand ,Anandya ,Madan and Murali with nicmnames perich ,zomie ,drummy and madeena not in thesame order Some com=nditons Ans Anand : Perich Anandya: drummy Madan : Zombie murali: Madeena 7.Thereare2diomans ,1 spadeand1 club and 1ace and also 1king ,1 jack and 1 aceare arranged in a straight line 1.The king is at third place 2.Theleft of jack is a heart and itsright is king 3. No two red colours arein consequtive. 4.The queensareseperated by two cards. Write the orderor which suits (hearts ,clubs )and names(jacks queensetc.) 8. Writeeach statementis true or false 8M 1.The sum of the1st three statements and the2nd false statement givesthe true statement. 2.The no.oftrue statements falsestatement 3. The sum of2nd true statement and 1st falsestatement gives the first true statement. 4. Thereareatmost 3 falsestatements 5.There is no two consequtive true statements 6.If this containsonly 1-5 statements ,theanswer of this is sameasthe an answer of the following question 9.Question on Venn diagram. All handsome are also fair skinned Sme musularsare fair skinned Some musculars are also handsome All lean are also muscular Some lean are also fair skinned. All rich man inot fair skinned but all rich manare handsome Some questions follows. 10 There are 3 pileseach containe 10 15 20 stones. There are A,B,C,D,F,G and h persons .One man can catch upto four stones from any pile. The last manwho takeswill win. If first A starts next B. and so on who will win? Ans May be F Essay writing 1 Intrnet revolution 2.Media for youth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFOSIS ------1. A person needs 6 steps to cover a distance of one slab. if he increases his foot length(step length) by 3 inches he needs only 5 steps to cover the slabs length. what is the length of the each slab. (ans 31 inches). 2. There are 19 red balls and one black ball . Ten balls are put in one jar and the remaining 10 are put in another jar. what is the possibility that the black is in the right jar. ( The question is bit of confusing but the answer is 1/2). 3. There is one lily in the pond on 1st june. There are two in the pond on 2nd june . There are four on 3rd june and so on. The pond is full with lilies by the end of the june. (i)On which date the pond is half full. ans. 29th. --the june has 30 days) (ii)if we start with 2 lilies on 1st june when will be the pond be full with lilies. (ans. 29th june) 4.A lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore at 6.00 A.M,7.00am.8.00 am.....10 pm. Similarly one another starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 am,7.00 am, 8.00 am.....10.00pm. A lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice versa. (i) A lorry which has started at 6.00 am will cross how many lorries. (ans. 10 ) (ii)A lorry which had started at 6.00pm will cross how many lorries. (ans. 14) 5 .A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time . One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train. (ans. 60 kmph.)refer--Shakuntala devi book. 7. A theif steals half the total no of loaves of bread plus 1/2 loaf from a backery. A second theif steals half the remaing no of loaves plus 1/2 loaf and so on. After the 5th theif has stolen there are no more loaves left in the backery. What was the total no of loaves did the backery have at the biggining. (ans: 31). 8. A gardener plants 100 meters towards east, next 100 meters towards north,next 100 meters towards west. 98 meters towards east, 96 meters towards north and 96 meters towards west, 94 meters towards south. and 94 meters towards east and so on. If a person walks between the trees what is the total distance travelled by him before he reaches the center. ans: |---------------| || || ||| --------|- | ---------------------| 9. Long division: example: 1089709/12 ? ANALYTICAL 4 question---40 marks; 40 minutes; -----------------------------------1. There are four women and 3 men. They play bridge one nigth. Find widow among them. Rules: (i) wife and husand are never partners ii wife and husand never play more than one game. One nigth they played four games as follows; 1. ------ + ------ vs ------- + --------2. ------ + ------ vs ------- + --------3. ------ + --*--- vs ------- + --------4. ---*-- + ------ vs ------- + --------the woman are marked * above. ans: refer problem 21. mind teasers by Summers. 2. There are 5 peoples; few of them speak true, few of them false. Identify them. 3. & 4.th problems on Venn diagram INFOSIS ------1. A person needs 6 steps to cover a distance of one slab. If he increases his foot length (step length) by 3 inches he needs only 5 steps to cover the slabs length. What is the length of the each slab. (ans 31 inches). 3. There are 19 red balls and one black ball . Ten balls are put in one jar and the remaining 10 are put in another jar. what is the possibility that the black in the right jar. ( The question is bit of confusing but the answer is 1/2). 3. There is one lily in the pond on 1st june. There are two in the pond on 2nd june . There are four on 3rd june and so on. The pond is full with lilies by the end of the june. (i)On which date the pond is half full. (ans. 29th. --the june has 30 days) (ii)if we start with 2 lilies on 1st june when will be the pond be full with lilies. (ans. 29th june) 4.A lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore at 6.00 A.M,7.00am.8.00 am.....10 pm. Similarly one another starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 am,7.00 am, 8.00 am.....10.00pm. A lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice versa. (i) A lorry which has started at 6.00 am will cross how many lorries. (ans. 10 ) (ii)Alorry which had started at 6.00pm will cross how many lorries. (ans. 14) 5 .A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time . One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train. (ans. 60 kmph.)refer--Shakuntala devi book. 7. A theif steals half the total no of loaves of bread plus 1/2 loaf from a backery. A second theif steals half the remaing no of loaves plus 1/2 loaf and so on. After the 5th theif has stolen there are no more loaves left in the backery. What was the total no of loaves did the backery have at the biggining. (ans: 31). 8. A gardener plants 100 meters towards east, next 100 meters towards north,next 100 meters towards west. 98 meters towards east, 96 meters towards north and 96 meters towards west, 94 meters towards south. and 94 meters towards east and so on. If a person walks between the trees what is the total distance travelled by him before he reaches the center. ans: |---------------| || || ||| --------|- | ---------------------| 9. Long division: example: 1089709/12 ? ANALYTICAL 4 question---40 marks; 40 minutes; -----------------------------------1. There are four women and 3 men. They play bridge one nigth. Find widow among them. Rules: (i) wife and husand are never partners ii wife and husand never play more than one game. One nigth they played four games as follows; 1. ------ + ------ vs ------- + --------2. ------ + ------ vs ------- + --------3. ------ + --*--- vs ------- + --------4. ---*-- + ------ vs ------- + --------the woman are marked * above. ans: refer problem 21. miniagrames. </pre></div> <div><pre> I received your paper.I am sending some of the Psychometric questions. Do not bother much about this test.Be optimistic,While answering the questions.There will be 150 questions in this section.The questions may repeat with slight variation.Answer should be same. 1.You will be interested in social activities. 2.While going upstairs,you will move two steps at a time. 3.You will be making friendship with the same sex or with the opposite sex also. 4.Your friends consider you as a leader in your group. 5.Peole think that you are serious mainded. 6.Sometimes you fell dull without any reason. 7.You are host or hostes for several parties. 8.Relatives come to your home and you will entertain them. (Orey! Don't write your original opinion.You will try to get out them .Isn't it?) 9.You will do work for long time without tireness. 10.In your company,you want to lead the organisation. I have not received any mail from IITM.There is no time for them to give a mail.waste fellows.There is no dynamism in their blood.I have been waiting for the mail since three days. Don't worry about telco.They will conduct interview and select based on the CGPA.Come to the lab regularly.These are crucial days.You know that TCS is visiting our campus on 3rd.That's my first company.Akka had sent a rakhi for me.You might be received the same.What is the news? What else? send mail after receiving all the papers. 1.cv 2.critical reasoning 3.Psychometric I know some 25 questions. The technical comprises of 50 questions on C,Unix and windows. The interview for us is on a later date.If the questions come for you also,then intimate me. 1.const char * char * const What is the differnce between the above tow?. 2.In Unix inter process communication take place using?. 3.What are the files in /etc directory?. 4.About i-node numbers 5.Max relaxable permisssion value with out giving write permission to others?. 6.About ln(linking) 7.A question on until until (who |grep mary) do sleep(60) done 8.Linking across directories?. 9.process id for kernell process 10.very first process created by kernell 11.function to repaint a window immediately?. 12.Function entry for DLL in win3.1 13.win 3.1 is a 14.win 3.1 supports which type of multi tasking?. 15.Message displayed when a window is destroyed 16.About fork()? 17.About send message and post message 18.Message to limit the size of window 19.System call executable binary file intoa process 20.About GDI object?. 21.API used to hide window 22.Initialize contents of a dialog?. </pre></div> <div><pre> CV paper: ***************************************************************** 1-18 General (i) Data sufficiency (ii) Analytical (iii) Mathematics 19-45 C&UNIX 1. |x-a|=a-x Ans: (c) x<=a 2. There is six letter word VGANDA . How many ways you can arrange the letters in the word in such a way that both the A's are together. Ans : 120 (5x4!) 3. If two cards are taken one after another without replacing from a pack of 52 cards what is the probability for the two cards be queen. Ans : (4/52)*(3/51) (1/17)*(1/13) 4. 51 x 53 x ... x 59 ; symbols ! - factorial ^ - power of 2 (a) 99!/49! (b) (c) (d) (99! x 25!)/(2^24 x 49! x 51!) 5. The ratio fo Boys to Girls is 6:4. 60% of the boys and 40% of girls take lunch in the canteen. What % of class takes lunch in canteen. Ans : 52% (60/100)*60 + (40/100)*40 Data Sufficiency : a) only statement A is sufficent , B is not b) only statemnet B c) both are necessary d) both are not sufficient. 6. X is an integer. Is X dvisible by 5? A) 2X is divisible by 5. B) 10X is divisible by 5. Ans : A) 7. (A) Anna is the tallest girl (B) Anna is taller than all boys. (Q) . Is Anna the tallest in the class Ans : c 8. maths question 9, 10 Analytical Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are three persons A,B&C. A met B and says " I am a Zulu or I am Hutu". We don't know what exactly he said. then B meets C and says to c that " A is a Zulu ". Then C replied " No, A is a Hutu ". How many Zulus are there ? Ans 2( check) 10) Who must be a Zulu ? Ans B (check) 11,12.13,14. ----------A father F has 5 sons, p,q,r,s,t. Not necessarly in this order. Two are of same age. The eldest and youngest cannot be twins. T is elder to r and younger to q and s has three older brothers q) who are the twins? s,t q) who is the oldest and youngest? q, (s&t) q) q) 15,16,17,18 ---------There are 7 people who take a test among which M is the worst, R is disqualified, P and S obtain same marks, T scores less than S and Q scores less than P, N scores higher than every one. Ans : N P S T Q R M (may be, just check) or N S P T Q R M C & UNIX -------19. What does chmod 654 stand for. Ans : _rw_r_xr__ 20. Which of following is used for back-up files? (a) compress (b) Tar (c) make (d) all the above Ans : b 21 what does find command do ? Ans : search a file 22. what does " calloc" do? Ans : A memory allocation and initialising to zero. 23 what does exit() do? Ans : come out of executing programme. 24. what is the value of 'i'? i=strlen("Blue")+strlen("People")/strlen("Red")-st rlen("green") Ans : 1 25. i=2 printf("%old %old %old %old ",i, i++,i--,i++); Ans : check the answer. 26. Using pointer, changing A to B and B to A is Swapping the function using two address and one temperory variable. a,b are address, t is temporary variable. How function look like? Ans : swap(int *, int *, int ) 27. In 'o' how are the arguments passed? ans : by value. 28. Find the prototype of sine function. Ans : extern double sin(double) 29. Scope of a global variable which is declared as static? ans : File 30. ASCII problem i=.. ans : 6 31 . 32. what is the o/p printf(" Hello \o is the world "); Ans : Hello is the world. 33. Clarifying the concept addresses used over array ; ie changing the address of a base element produces what error? 34. child process -- fork child shell -- sh 35. Answer are lex 7 yacc & man read these things in UNIX 36. What is int *p(char (*s)[]) Ans : p is a function which is returning a pointer to integer ************************************************************************ ****************** M.B.T:paper pattern only Section-1. Passage (10 min reading ,5 questions) Section-2. English (error finding,15 questions) Section-3. Number series (Letter series also) Section-4. Analytical ability (5 questions) Section-5 Numerical ability (additions,multiplications etc) note: -marking 1:1 Intergraph:paper pattern only ________________________________ Analytical. 1.seating arrangement 2.Inferences (Ref. GRE book) C-language. 48 questions - 45 min. 1. Diff.between inlinefunction((++)-macns(c) 2. 3 to 4 questions on conditional operator :?: 3. Write a macro for sqaring no. 4. Trees -3 noded tree ( 4 to 5 questions fundamentals) Maximum possible no.of arrnging these nodes 5. Arrange the nodes in depth first order breadth first order 6. Linked lists Q) Given two statments 1. Allocating memory dynamiccaly 2. Arrays Tree the above both and find the mistake 7. Pointers (7 to 8 questions) Schaum series Pointer to functions, to arrays 4 statements ->meaning,syntax for another 4 statements 8. Booting-def(When you on the system the process that takes place is -----9. -----Type of global variable can be accessible from any where in the working environment ( external global variable) 10. Which of the following can be accessed randomly Ans. a. one way linked list b. two way " c. Arrays d. Trees 11. Write a class for a cycle purchase(data items req.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MBT-1999-iit-delhi ARTHAMATIC SECTION (1) if a boat is moving in upstream with v1 km/hr and in the down stream it is moving with v2 km/hr then what is the speed of the stream. ans: 13 check the values of v1 and v2 are given to find ans (v+s = v1, v-s = v2 find the boat velocity) (2) 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 -------------------------------0.75*0.75-0.075+0.01 (3) A can work done in 8 days B can work three timesfaster than the A; C can work five times faster asthe A; ans : 8/9 it is correct place blindly. (4) one answer is 200/3 % it is perfectly correct wecannot recollec the prob. so place it blindly. (5) A car is journied a certain distance in 7 hrs in forward journey in the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs. what is the distance ans:210 it is perfect place blindly. (6) instead of multiplying by 7 to a number dividing by 7 what is the percentage of error ans we dont know but he has gived 14 18 25 andsome answers less than (7) x + 4 y ---------- relation between x and y is x/2y = 3/2 ie x = 3y find the x - 2y ratio ans: 7 place it blindly. (8) a man buy a liquid by 12 lts and the mixture is of 20% liquid in water then he makes it in 30% mixture then what is the % of liquid with water. (9) if a man byes 1lt of milk for 12rs and mixes with 20% of water and sels it for rs15 thgen what is percentage of gain (10) A pipe can fill a tank in 30 min B can fill in 28 min then if 3/4 th of tank can be filled by B pipe and after wards both are opened then how much time is required by both the pipes to fill the tank completely. note: the values of A and B may slitely vary be ware. (11) on an item a company gave 25% discount then they get 25% profit if it gives 10% discount then what is the profit. ans: 30% it is correct place blindly. (12) i will send the remaining problems if i get remembered o.k this section contain 29 questions. in fourth section. 1. All chairs laugh. some birds laugh. 2. some green are blue no blue is white. 3 all scientists are fools. all fools are literates. only these questions see rs agarwal reasoning verbal and nonverbal book new edition asthe pagenumbers i already sended to you. ansers he changed slitely see. From two fig 6 questions regarding the swimmers,girls,tennisplayers,tall and second one on politicians,graduates,parliament members, both questions are same given so mugup and go to exam and place blindly i already sended the page numbers in previous mail. series:(1) R,M,(..),F,D,(..) ans: I,C (2) (...),ayw,gec,mki,sqo ans: usq. (3) 1,3,4,8,15,27, ans: 50 (4) 0,2,3,5,8,10,15,17,24,26,.. ans: 35 (5) 2,5,9,19,37,.. ans:75 these are the correct ansers place it blindly. the figure series which i had already send in the earlier paper is same and one extra qestion is their it is this type box type in side the box line and dot. this type see in the new edition rs agerwal a box is their in the answer so try for question in rs agerwal see rs agerwal for statements and assemptions questions. cut off will be around 30 out of 105 Bso place only the known problems so place only correct problems. the above 35 questions aare enough to qualify. remaining questions if know exact answers then place . otherwise simply leave it. 5 mtechs got selected for int.& only one from chem. got the job.Interview is personal.small software technical ques.about language. (This is from IITM) MBT: one to one negative marking is there.it is tough to qualify unless u know the paper.totally there are 105 questions. 70 min. three flow sheets------ 10 min. sections are quantitative(23),analytical(about 20) ,series&venn diagrams,logical(20) questions from a passage (about 10). time span for each section is different.sit at the back so that u can turn pages if u want.different colored papers are used. for flow sheets first one is relatively easy 1.u will be given conditions like if a wins he gets 100 pts,if b wins he gets 50 pts etc 2.there is flow sheet& there are empty cells(4) at "yes' or 'no" decision points. 3.for each cell 4 choices will be given which should be chosen by following through initial conditions &flow sheet logic. 4.rem. -ve marking is there. no verbal questions. rs aggarwals verbal& nonverbal book verbal--pg. 254 pr. 53 to56(almost same) 246 eg.2 pg 104 exer.3a about 5to 6 series qu.are there.so do well pg.354-355 8,13, 6th doubt 4 conclusions r there in all ques. pg.115----qu.36 nonverbal----pg.5 41,54,108,145,158 241 is doubtful --------------ans. to one quant. is 200/3 % anals..... 1.six persons will be there. killer,victim,hangman,judge,police,vitness a,b, c,d,e,f u have to match conditions like,a is the last person to the victim alive,will be given as clues.so we can conclude that a is the killer. this is an easy one .paragraph will be very big .don' worry 5 to 6 ques. 2. 5 persons will be there. cashier, clerk,buyer,manager,floorwalker(check in info. paper for exact ques.) a,b,c,d,e will be their names. conditions will be given&we have to match who is who 3 r women&2 r men in this sample condition, cashier&clerk if get married, b will be wise man mrs.c husband has some business prob with manager manager&cashier(or clerk) r classmates etc. will be given do quantitative qu. from back..... data graphs on turnover,gross profit &net profit will be given& u have to extract data from that &find out few ratios.(easy one) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------mumbai99:--->>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------This I) Distribution of workers in a factory according to the no.of children they have Figure 1. Total no. of workers in the factory. Ans : 200 2. Total no. of children that all the workers that have between them is Ans : 560 3. The total no. of literate workers is Ans : 105 4. The ratio of literate & illiterate is Ans - 1:2 5. The no. of literate workers with atleast 3 children is Ans : 45 6. The no. of illiterate workers with less than 4 children is Ans : 60 7. The rate of literate to illiterate workers who have 3 children is Ans - 3:4 II) Which of the following statement(s) is(are) not true a. Literate workers have small families than illiterate workers. b. Families with 2 or less than 2 children are commoner than families with 3 or more children. c. 2 children families constitute 60% of the families of workers. d. More the no. of children a worker has the more illiterate he is. e. None the above statement is true. Ans : e III) ---- of a mutual instrument vibrate 6,8 & 12 intervals respectively. If all three vibrate together what is the time interval before all vibrate together again? LCM of NR --------- Ans : 1/2 sec HCF of DR 12) Certain no. of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If however there were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally. Ans : 110 men 10) In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years and Rs.1200/- in 5 years. Ans : Rs.800/vi) Sum of money at compound interest amounts of thrice itself in 3 years. In how many years will it take 9 times itself. Ans : 6 vii) Two trains in the same direction at 50 & 32 kmph respectively. A man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completely passes him. What is the length of faster train ? Ans : 75m 16) How many mashes are there in a sq. m of wire gauge. Each mesh being 8mm long X 5mm width Ans : 25000 17) x% of y is y% of ? Ans : x 11) The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % house-wife should reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be same as before Ans : 16.66 ? ) A man spending half of his salary for house hold expenses, 1/4th for rent, 1/5th for travel expenses, a man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthly deposits in the bank amount 50. What is his monthly salary ? Ans : 1000 ? ) The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. That is an additioanl annual increase of 4% of the population due to this influx of job seekers, the % increase in population after 2 years is Ans : ? ) The ratio of no. of boys & girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these ?% the boys & 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who are not scholarship holders.? Ans : ? ) 15 Men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many days of 6 hrs. each would do if 21 women take. If 3 women do as much work of 2 men. Ans : 30 ?) a cylinder ingot 6cms in diameter and 6 cms in height is and spheres all of the same size are made from the material obtained.what is the diameter of each sphere? Ans :3cms 5) rectangular plank of sqrt(2)meters wide can be placed so that it is on either side of the diagonal of a square shown below.what is the area of the plank? Ans :7sqrt(2) fig no7) the difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and the simple interest on a certain sum cont out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25 what is the sum Ans:10,000 8) what is the smallest n0 by which 2880 must be divided in order to make it a perfect square ? Ans : c a)3 b)4 c)5 d) 6 e)8 9)a father is 30 times more than his son however he will be only thrice as old as the son what is father's present age ? Ans : 40 10) An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the c.p & s.p were to be Rs.20/- the profit would be 10% more. What is the c.p of that article? Ans : 1% loss ************************************************************************ ************************ PROBLEM 1: Srini's Web Collections Programming Problems 1) Reversing a linked list. Given a linked list, reverse it. Input must be read from a file, "list.dat". It will just be a list of integers. The total number is not known. The program should create a linked list with the given numbers in the same order. Each node contains the value and a pointer to the next node of the list. Defining just TWO additional node pointers you must inverse the given list and print out the numbers in the list. NO OTHER VARIABLE of any type should be defined. Hence the output will be reverse of the input. eg. Input file reads, 3 1 4 2 Linked list will be, Head -> 3 -> 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> Null the the reversed list must be, Null <- 3 <- 1 <- 4 <- 2 <- Head So the output will be, 2,4,1,3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 1) Reversing a linked list. Simple. Use two new pointer p, q and the head thats already available. Invert the first three nodes and keep iterating along the list. Else use recursion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Koch curve Write a code to generate the (nasent) Koch curve. A (nasent) koch curve is drawn iteratively. At any iteration the curve is a set of straight lines. In every iteration each line from the previous iteration is split into three parts and the middle part is replaced with two sides of the equilateral triangles in which the middle part is the third side. You start with a straight line ______. (0,0)-(90,0) In the next iteration you get four lines __/\__ (0,0)-(30,0), (30,0)-(45,15*sqrt(3)), (45,15*sqrt(3))-(60,0) and (60,0)-(90,0) In the next iteration you apply the same division tecnique to all the four line segemetns (0,0)-(30,0), (30,0)-(45,15*sqrt(3)), (45,15*sqrt(3))-(60,0) and (60,0)-(90,0). And so on... Generate the points after n iterations starting with (0,0)-(x,0) Input: one integer for the number of iterations, n and one float for x. n is typically 6 to 8 Output: All the points of the koch curve after n iterations must be written to a file, "koch.dat" in order from left to right. Use all float values. eg. n=1, x=90 0 0 30 0 45 25.98 60 0 90 0 Note: x and y co-ordinates come alternately. A point occurs on two adjusent lines but is printed only once. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 2) Koch Curve. Sraight forward mathematical calculations gives the intermediate points. Just add them to your data structure and keep iterating. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Enemies and boats. A list of persons represented by numbers 1 to n are given along with their enemies in that list. You must group them into two boats such that no person is in the same boat with his enemy. Assume a solution exists. eg. 1's enemies 2,3 2's enemies 1 3's enemies (none) 4's enemies 3 5's enemies 4,1 The groups will be 1,4 2,3,5 Input: Input should be read from a file, "enemies.dat". First the number of persons in the list is given. Then the enemies for each person is given, terminated by a zero. eg. for the discussed case, input will read 5 2 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 4 0 note: Numbers between third and fourth zeros are four's enemies. Output: Output should be printed on the screen as two lines. First line is the list of people on boat one and the next line is for boat two. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 3) Enemies and boats. Many people gave different algorithms but most didn't work. One way of doing it is to put 1 in boat one, his enemies in boat two. See where 2 can be placed. If you have an inevitable option take it. Else try both option by recursion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Euler's knight tour. Do an Euler knight's tour. A knight starts at one of the squares of the chessboard and visits ALL the squares EXACTLY ONCE. Number the chessboard from 1 to 64 starting from one corner and traversing row wise. Start at square one and visit all the squares. Beware!! The brute force algorithm will burst out of memory! Output: Print out the number of the squares the knight visits in the order they are visited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 4) Euler's knight tour. The algorithm we had in mind was back tracking when you hit a dead end. But we got a much better algo. Start a one corner. At every step try to go to a corner if not possible try to go to a edge, otherwise goto some point. More generally goto the sqaure with the minimum number of squares leading to it. This algo works terrifically and gives instantaneous results. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Cows and bulls. Write a program that plays "Cows and bulls". The user thinks of a number less than 10000, with no two digits identical (like 1234. numbers like 0875 are allowed. But 5456 and 3922 are not because it contains 2 indentical digits). The program starts by guessing a number. The user gives the number of hits and misses. A hit is a number in the right place and a miss is a number in the wrong place. e.g If the the number you thought is 4273 the feedback for 2135 is 0 hit 2 miss 0913 is 1 hit 0 miss 4217 is 2 hit 1 miss Your program should use the feedback provided by the user for the next guess and keep guessing after every feedback till it gets the right number. A good program will get the number in about 7 guesses (on an average). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 5) Cows and bulls. This requires some explaining because nobody got it. But actually its not that difficult. You create an array of all possible numbers. Guess one randomly from that list. Based on the feedback reduce your list eliminating the numbers that can't satisfy the feedback. Guess again from the new list. You will hit the right number in 5 to 7 trys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Knapsack problem. A Sack is given with a specified volume. And a set of bags are given, each with a specified mass and volume. You have to fill the sack using some of bags such that the total volume of chosen bags is less than or equal to the volume of the sack and their total mass is maximum. Input: Input will be read from a file called "bags.dat". It will contain the number of bags, the volume of the sack, followed by the volume and the mass of the bags. eg. 6 100 10 2 50 10 20 5 40 9 30 5 35 8 Output: Output should be printed on the screen. It will be the number of all the bags to be used. For the given example it will be, 3,4,6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 6) Knapsack problem. This is a straight forward algorithm. Try all possible combinations that satisfy the given volume constraint and choose the one with the maximum mass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7) Zigzag An n by m matrix with all its elements between 1 to 4 is given. The left top element(1,1) is 1 and right bottom element(m,n) is 4. You have to find out a continuous zigzag path connecting these two elements, such that, 1)small parts of the zigzag are lines connecting two elements. 2)The numbers in the zigzag path should read 1-2-3-4-1-2-34... 3)The zigzag must touch all squares. Assume a solution exists. Example : Given: Solution should be: ;1 3 1 2 ;1 3 1-2 |/ \| | 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 / \ / 2 3 4 3 2-3 4 3 / /| 4 1 2 4; 41-2 4; Input: input should be read from a file called "matrix.dat". The file contains, row no. column no. elements. eg. 4 4 1 3 1 2........ Output: Output should be printed on the screen. Program should print out the row and column numbers of the elements in the order they are visited. eg. (1,1) (2,1) (1,2) (2,3) ..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 7) Zigzag. Many people used brute force algorithms. Their code didn't work for a matrix of order 8. One way to do this is to maintain a list of all possible ins and outs for every square. Using the ins of the neigbouring nodes decrease the possible outs for every square. Then use the neighbouring outs to decrease the ins of every square. Do this a few times and you will get very near the solution. Then do a few check and you can get it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8) Partitioning You have "n" numbers having values from 1 to n. You have to write a code to partition it into "m" groups such that sum of numbers in each group is equal to n*(n+1)/(2*m). Assume that numbers n and m are such that n*(n+1)/(2*m) is an integer. Your program should print out the numbers in each group. Or if it is not possible to partition the numbers into m groups, then print out that its not possible. Example : n=20 and m=3 Group 1 : 1,8,11,13,18,19 Group 2 : 2,5,12,14,17,20 Group 3 : 3,4,6,7,9,10,15,16 Input: Two integers n,m. Output: Print out to the screen the numbers in each group in a differnt line. Testing: We will run atleast 5 test cases for this problem. So if you cannot write a generalised code which will take care of all n and m, you can try to write codes based on specific conditions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Algo : 8) Partition. An algo which worked very well, was to start by adding the number n(the largest number) to group 1. Then add the next largest number ( n-1 in this case) , and check whether your sum in that group is greater than n(n+1)/(2m). If it is greater, than take out the number and then add the next greatest number and so on till you get the sum equal to n(n+1)/(2m). For the next group, start out similarly, add the largest of the remaining numbers to the group, and keep adding the next largest, till you get the sum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ********************* PROBLEM 2: C-on-test - Intra-IIT Round Brought to you by CSEA, IITB in association with VERITAS software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 1. ~~~~~~~~~~ With Election fever on its high and politicians running short on time you have write an program which they can use to call junta to come forward and vote... The program should print Come-Sure-Come on a line by itself just once. No leading or trailing spaces. The output is case sensitive i.e. come-sure-come would be regarded as incorrect. As an concerned citizen of this country you should do your bit towards it. Ask yourself, Do you want an elected government or are you apathetic ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 2. ~~~~~~~~~~ Elections over, mps' elected, the auction house set and the horse-trading is on. All the mp's are seated in a circle. Each belongs to either the H front or the T front of the regional faction of the secular group of the leftist liberal democratic anti-communalist pro-poor progressive party of India. In the center of the circle is THE ONE of the current polity Akal Bechari Bhaggayi (ABB). His aim is to convert all the mp's to either H or T group. But mps' being mps', having had years of experience are not so easy. They always go in pairs (so they can use each other as excuse later). In each step ABB can ask any 2 adjacent mp's to toggle their loyalty. Time however is of the essence. Everyone wants a piece of the action and if ABB doesnot convert fast he will be out of center stage. This is where you come into the picture. You being the brilliant students from IITB can surely use your skills to help him out. Help ABB figure out the minimum number of steps required to achieve his aim. You will be given a string consisting of H's and T's as input on a single line. The size of the input is bounded above by 1600. Consider the input string to be the Circle listed out clockwise from some point. You have to output the number of steps it will take ABB to convert all mp's to one type. The number is to be printed on a line by itself. No leading or trailing data. If it is not possible to do the conversion then output -1. Sample Input: HTTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sample Output: 1 (for above example. Either pair of T's or H's ************************************************************************ ********************* PROBLEM 3: | Problem 0: Helloworld | `-----------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ (Freebie) Write a program to print the sentence, Hello world on the screen. There is one space between the two words, and a newline after World. The program should then input an integer, add 10 to it and print the sum on the screen, followed by a newline. Note: You need to submit this program first to register yourself. .. 2 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ int main() { int x; printf("Hello world\n"); scanf("%d", &x); printf("%d\n", x+10); } Comments ~~~~~~~~ This program tests the editor, compiler, submission script, mail, printf, scanf, +, and just about everything else. In addition, it registers the person by creating his program and score directories. Some smart IITian tried out int *x; scanf("%d", x); printf("%d\n", *x+10); which promptly crashed, leaving him wondering why. Someone else (actually, me) did "Hello World" (caps W) and got incorrect. My fault, actually. I forgot to lowercase it before checking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,-----------------------. | Problem 1: Monontonic | `-----------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ An IITian student, having forgotten to attend his last Physics lab, has to now cook up a graph for the lab report. He has a moth-eaten journal from ten years ago of the same lab, in which the readings are there, but not in the same order that they were taken down from the experiments. Each reading has an x-value which runs from 1 from to the number of readings, and a y-value, which may be any positive integer. However, only the latter is visible for each reading, in the old report. The student knows that the final graph is a sine wave. With a couple of hours left for submission, he decides that the closest he can get to that is to plot a ``zigzag graph''. He will rearrange the readings in such a way that when a line is drawn between successive readings on the graph, a zigzag pattern is obtained, with every point being at a local maxima or minima of the graph. There may be more than one reading with the same y-value, but if they are placed adjacent, the lab instructor will spot the student's ploy immediately and have him repeat the experiment. Hence, he wants to avoid an arrangement in which this happens. Write a program that given a sequence of readings, determines whether they suit the student's requirements or not. The input consists of n+1 lines, with a single integer on each, when there are n readings. The first number is the number of readings, i.e. n, and the remaining numbers are the y-values of the readings, given in no particular order. The output should be the word ``no'' in lowercase letters, if the readings can't help the hapless student, or the required sequence, if they can. In the latter case, the readings, in the correct order, should be output as a single integer on each line. Hence, for an n-reading problem, for which a ``good'' rearrangement exists, the answer will consist of n lines. There will be at most 500 readings, with y-values in [0,10]. ... 15 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ We define a monontonic sequence as one which strictly increases and decreases alternately, starting with either increase or decrease. Given a sequence of numbers, find a monontonic permutation if you can, or print "no" if you can't. My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ If the number with the maximum number of occurrences occurs more than N/2 times, then it's not possible to find a sequence. Otherwise alternately output numbers on either side of this most frequent number. The problem would become more interesting if we insist that the final sequence has to have increasing magnitude. Alternatively, (due to sami), one might use divide and conquer, knowing that an odd length sequence may *have* to start with an increase or a decrease, but an even length sequence, on reversing, starts with the other kind of change. Therefore we can have a merge sort like algo with the merging step optionally reversing one or both the even-length (power of 2) sequences and concatenating. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (GREEDY) Sort the numbers in decreasing order and split the sequence in half. Now, construct the final sequence by taking alternate elements from the two halves. There will be 4 possible ways of doing this. Consider all of them. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort the list in increasing order . Let this be b1,b2,....,bn Form two lists as follows. b1,b4,b2,b5,b3,b6 and b4,b1,b5,b2,b6,b3 for even n ( here n=6) b1,b5,b2,b6,b3,b7,b4 and b4,b1,b5,b2,b6,b3,b7 for odd n ( here n=7) If in both lists there are consecutive equals then solution not possible else print that list in which no equal consecutive are present. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort Even 2n nos if a(n)=a(2n) no else pick a(n) a(2n) a(n-1) a(2n-1) ..... Odd 2n+1 nos : if a(n)=a(n+1) no else pick a(n) a(2n+1) a(n-1) a(2n) .... and place a(n+1) appropriately if it fits (End beginning or centre) Test cases ~~~~~~~~~~ yes: 1 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 3 yes: 3 2 2 1 yes: 2 1 3 2 yes: 2 3 1 2 yes: 2 2 1 3 yes: 1 3 2 2 no : 1 2 2 2 3 yes: 3 2 2 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 2 1 yes: 3 3 3 6 6 6 yes: 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 yes: 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 7 no : 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 yes: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 yes: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 55555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 yes: 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444444444444 44444444333334444333 33333444433333333333 33333333333333333333 33334333444444444444 44444444444444444444 44444444334444333333 34443333333333443333 3333333333333333333 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,-------------------------. | Problem 2: Setsplitting | `-------------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bheeshma looked grimly at Krishna and said, ``You must decide, O Yadava, whom you will give your armies to. They cannot remain neutral in the great war that will take place.'' ``But I love both the Pandavas and Kauravas. If I give, I give equally, or I do not give at all.'', replied Krishna, petulantly. Bhishma beamed. ``That is as easily done as winning a game of Snakes and Ladders with Shakuni at your side. Just give Yudhistira half your men, and Duryodhana the other half.'', he said. ``Not so, Pitamaha! My army is comprised of many akshauhinis and the men of an akshauhini fight together. So, I have to give an entire akshauhini to either brother, and not parts of it. Unfortunately, each akshauhini has a different number of soldiers, and the math I learnt at my Gurukul is inadequate to help me figure out how to distribute the akshauhinis. What do I do?'', wailed Krishna. Bheeshma looked on, nonplussed. This was going to be a tougher nut to crack than that fisherman chap so many years ago.... Write a program that given the number of soldiers in each of Krishna's akshauhinis determines whether he will send his soldiers to war or not. The input consists of n+1 lines, for n akshauhinis, the first line containing a single integer which is the number of akshauhinis and every other line containing a single integer which is the number of soldiers in the corresponding akshauhini. The output should be the word ``no'' on a line, if there is no equitable distribution possible. If there is, then output the distribution in the following manner: for each akshauhini that goes to the Pandavas, print a +, followed by a space, and the number of soldiers in that akshauhini. For the Kauravas, substitute the + with a -. Each number (with its appropriate sign) should appear on a line by itself. There are at most 100 akshauhinis, with 0 to 100 soldiers in each, inclusive. ... 20 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ You're given a sequence of numbers, you're supposed to insert +'s and -'s in between so that it evaluates to zero. i.e. find a subset of sum S/2, where S is the sum of all numbers (assumed positive). The numbers are given to be N in number and bounded by M. For example ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1234:+1-2-3+4 1 2 3 10 : no or - 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 My approach O(MN^2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have an array of size M*N which marks all the sums that can be made out of the N numbers. For example, 0 can be formed by taking no number in a set. x1 can be formed. x2 and x1+x2 can be formed. i.e. for each number xi, go through the array sj and mark xi+sj as formable. In the end, check if the S/2'th element of the array is marked. For finding the sequence, the entire sequence need not be stored for each array element, a pointer is sufficient. For example, s[0] = 0, s[x1] = 0, s[x2] = 0, s[x1+x2] = x1, ... so that by following s[S/2] down to 0, the set can be obtained. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (BRANCH AND BOUND) Recursively enumerate all the subsets of {1,..,N}, where N=#inputs. Whenever the running sum of a subset exceeds half the total sum, abandon that path. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We used Brute force. Let the list be a1,a2,..,ai,...,an. Initially i=1 and av[1]=(a1+a2+.....+an)/2. Prob: pick some numbers in ai to an such that total is equal to av[i]. step: If we can include ai solve the prob with av[i+1]=av[i]-ai and i=i+1. If we can't include ai solve prob with av[i+1]= av[i] and i=i+1. If i>end : Solution not possible for that combination. If at any stage num[i] is -ve : Sol not possible for that combination. If at any stage num[i]=0 : Sol found. If solution is not found for a1 then solution not possible. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greedy: Sort Pick the largest as long as feasable Feasable when fits and required no > least no. Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~ yes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 no : 6 5 4 1 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 3 no : 2 4 6 10 no : 4 1 16 2 7 yes: 0 no : 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 yes: 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 yes: 1 1 1 1 1 1 yes: 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111 yes: 11 19 33 48 7 8 yes: 50 40 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 yes: 40 27 91 54 67 9 36 40 61 92 30 11 61 0 34 8 32 84 39 73 37 52 71 86 48 35 72 4 31 8 49 47 56 95 48 20 87 72 31 10 30 83 77 5 89 34 68 36 19 10 96 95 43 49 22 95 12 60 11 93 15 72 72 69 73 26 90 96 24 78 1 0 95 0 60 23 88 69 52 34 37 16 45 14 93 41 90 5 52 51 56 69 46 29 28 90 12 5 81 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,------------------. | Problem 3: Areas | `------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Date 6876.21. The known Universe is under the control of Earth. To facilitate easy patrolling, all of Earth's dominion has been mapped onto a two-dimensional grid of squares. The grid is described by equidistant points, with each pair of adjacent points being joined by lines. Each square in the grid is a colony of Earth, and any spaceship must travel only along the lines of the grid. Recently, a renegade band of Klatchians have been making furtive raids on our colonies. A Klatchian ship materialises at some point on the grid and drops its crew there. The crew travels from point to point in some random order, and after some time returns to the point where they started so that the ship can pick them up again. During this journey, they may revisit points and travel lines they have already gone through. All the colonies circumscribed by the travel line of the Klatchians are laid to waste. Earth Patrol has managed to capture an abandoned ship used in such a raid that contains only a log mentioning the details of the crew's trip along the grid lines. Each line of the log contains a letter, ( n, s, w, e), which gives the direction of travel (north, south, west, east) and a number that denotes the number of lines travelled in that direction. For example, the log, ( s 1 w 1 n 1 e 1 ) is a trip that destroys exactly one square, while ( s 2 w 2 n 2 e 2 ) destroys 4. A longer sequence, with a diagram describing the travel is attached at the end. Write a program that given the details of a Klatchian trip finds out how many colonies have been destroyed. The input is as specified above in the example, and the output should be an integer with no spaces before or after it, and succeeded by a newline, that gives the number of colonies. There are at most 200 lines of input, with the number on any line not exceeding 200. ... 25 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ A particle moves on a grid in an arbitrary manner, but finishing at the starting point. What's the area of the boundary of the region it encloses? My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ Find a point outside and floodfill, by doing a DFS on the outside region. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (O(M^3) ALGO) The alien travels along some M lines, say. Extend all these lines in both directions. This gives rise to some grid of rectangles. For every rectangle in this grid, find out if it is bounded on all 4 sides by line segments from the alien's path (standard test for point inclusion in a convex figure). If yes, add this rectangle's area to the current area. Others have not submitted algos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~ 1) 4, e 1, n 1, w 1, s 1 . -- . Area = 1 | | . -- . 2) 4, n 1, w 1, e 1, s 1 . -- . Area = 0 | . 3) . -- . | | . . -- . | | . -- . -- . 4) . -- . -- . | | . . -- . | | . . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . 5) . -- . | | . -- . -- . | | . -- . 6) . -- . -- . | | . . -- . -- . | | | | . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . . | | . -- . -- . -- . 7) . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . . -- . -- . | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | | | . -- . -- . . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . 8) . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . . . | | | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | | | . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | . . . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . Basic pattern: . | . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | . . | | . . | | . -- . -- . -- . 9) . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . | | | . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . 10) . -- . over and over the same square still area = 1 . -- . | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,------------------------. | Problem 4: Superstring | `------------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ A scientist working the swampy, mosquito-infested jungles of Sumatra has made an interesting find. She has recovered fragments of the gene code of a long-extinct animal, the Blarky, each fragment consisting of a string of molecules. The Blarky's genetic code is much like ours, with each molecule represented by a letter, except that all 26 letters are used, unlike our code that uses only the four letters, A, T, C and G to code the molecules in the gene. Unfortunately, no single sample is guaranteed to be the entire genetic code of the Blarky, though it is known that every sample contains a string of consecutive molecules in the actual code. To reconstruct the final genetic code, our scientist relies on a well-known principle in genetics that states that the best approximation of a genetic code from its fragments is obtained by finding the shortest sequence of molecules that contains all the known fragments. For example, if the fragments gyy, segyy and puse are available, then the best guess at the code is pusegyy. Write a program that, given gene fragments, obtains the best approximation. The input consists of n+1 lines when there are n gene fragments. The first line has a single integer, which is the number of fragments. All other lines have a single sequence of letters, there being no space between letters. The sequence on each line represents a different gene fragment obtained by the scientist. The output should be the genetic code as guessed from these fragments. Each fragment is at most 20 molecules long, and there are at most 100 fragments with the scientist. ... 38 marks In short ~~~~~~~~ You are given some strings, and you are expected to find the shortest string that contains all the other given strings, i.e. the shortest superstring. My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ NP-hard, and can be mapped to finding the Hamiltonian path. Hence approximate solutions (within 91% of my exact ones) are given full credit. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (GREEDY) At any stage, find the pair of strings giving the maximum overlap on merging in the best possible manner. Merge them, and proceed. At the end, the string left is the approximate answer. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort the strings in descending order of length. Pick the longest and copy it in the final string. Take the next one.Insert it as follows. If the final string is "abcdef" and the string to be inserted is a. "pqr" . Final becomes "abcdefpqr". 2. "def". Final remains the same. 3. "defd". Final becomes "abcdefd" 4. "fabc". Form two strings "fabcdef" and "abcdefabc" and Final becomes the shorter of two. Keep on inserting strings in the descending order. Its a NP hard problem. No polynomial time algo exists for it. Our algorithm works for fairly large number of cases. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just removed strings that were already present Test cases ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. all overlaps are zot : any algo will work 2. aaaaa aaabbb aaabbb bbbccc : two strings identical 3. aaaaa aaaab aabac baaab aabaab : general arbit 4. cdefghi abcdef hijklm efghij : two possibilities exist, which do you choose ? 5. raman mantra uma : greedy does not work: greedy takes raman+mantra = ramantra, and then uma: ramantrauma you should take mantra+raman = mantraman, and then umantraman 6. abcd abef cdab efab 7. hello hell llama lotus shell ellot : one string is a substring of another 8. finger oafing german muffin codger 9. life feels silli 10. with all the might of the earth rama lifted his bow and in just one stroke fired twenty types of arrows which made all around him stop to think about his powers : to check exhaustive searches 11. who holds the hell torch is none other than the guy who lives here or there and doth not know fear 12. abcdef defab fababc babc labcd gabcde gfab bcdfab ababef cdlab gbcd bcdg 13. csea prog contest is the worst thing that took place ever 14. sc re w t he gu y w ho do es an ex ha us ti ve se ar ch so th at he lo ok s fo r be tt er so lu ti on s 15. abab abbc bbcad dacca aabdba abdbabd abadbabdbdbabad adbdbdabadba abdbab adbbad adbabdad adbadb adbadb adbbdaba dabdbad dbadbadabb dbadab dba : general arbit ************************************************************************ ************************ PROBLEM 4: The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ (Freebie) Write a program to print the sentence, Hello world on the screen. There is one space between the two words, and a newline after World. The program should then input an integer, add 10 to it and print the sum on the screen, followed by a newline. Note: You need to submit this program first to register yourself. .. 2 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ int main() { int x; printf("Hello world\n"); scanf("%d", &x); printf("%d\n", x+10); } Comments ~~~~~~~~ This program tests the editor, compiler, submission script, mail, printf, scanf, +, and just about everything else. In addition, it registers the person by creating his program and score directories. Some smart IITian tried out int *x; scanf("%d", x); printf("%d\n", *x+10); which promptly crashed, leaving him wondering why. Someone else (actually, me) did "Hello World" (caps W) and got incorrect. My fault, actually. I forgot to lowercase it before checking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,-----------------------. | Problem 1: Monontonic | `-----------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ An IITian student, having forgotten to attend his last Physics lab, has to now cook up a graph for the lab report. He has a moth-eaten journal from ten years ago of the same lab, in which the readings are there, but not in the same order that they were taken down from the experiments. Each reading has an x-value which runs from 1 from to the number of readings, and a y-value, which may be any positive integer. However, only the latter is visible for each reading, in the old report. The student knows that the final graph is a sine wave. With a couple of hours left for submission, he decides that the closest he can get to that is to plot a ``zigzag graph''. He will rearrange the readings in such a way that when a line is drawn between successive readings on the graph, a zigzag pattern is obtained, with every point being at a local maxima or minima of the graph. There may be more than one reading with the same y-value, but if they are placed adjacent, the lab instructor will spot the student's ploy immediately and have him repeat the experiment. Hence, he wants to avoid an arrangement in which this happens. Write a program that given a sequence of readings, determines whether they suit the student's requirements or not. The input consists of n+1 lines, with a single integer on each, when there are n readings. The first number is the number of readings, i.e. n, and the remaining numbers are the y-values of the readings, given in no particular order. The output should be the word ``no'' in lowercase letters, if the readings can't help the hapless student, or the required sequence, if they can. In the latter case, the readings, in the correct order, should be output as a single integer on each line. Hence, for an n-reading problem, for which a ``good'' rearrangement exists, the answer will consist of n lines. There will be at most 500 readings, with y-values in [0,10]. ... 15 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ We define a monontonic sequence as one which strictly increases and decreases alternately, starting with either increase or decrease. Given a sequence of numbers, find a monontonic permutation if you can, or print "no" if you can't. My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ If the number with the maximum number of occurrences occurs more than N/2 times, then it's not possible to find a sequence. Otherwise alternately output numbers on either side of this most frequent number. The problem would become more interesting if we insist that the final sequence has to have increasing magnitude. Alternatively, (due to sami), one might use divide and conquer, knowing that an odd length sequence may *have* to start with an increase or a decrease, but an even length sequence, on reversing, starts with the other kind of change. Therefore we can have a merge sort like algo with the merging step optionally reversing one or both the even-length (power of 2) sequences and concatenating. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (GREEDY) Sort the numbers in decreasing order and split the sequence in half. Now, construct the final sequence by taking alternate elements from the two halves. There will be 4 possible ways of doing this. Consider all of them. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort the list in increasing order . Let this be b1,b2,....,bn Form two lists as follows. b1,b4,b2,b5,b3,b6 and b4,b1,b5,b2,b6,b3 for even n ( here n=6) b1,b5,b2,b6,b3,b7,b4 and b4,b1,b5,b2,b6,b3,b7 for odd n ( here n=7) If in both lists there are consecutive equals then solution not possible else print that list in which no equal consecutive are present. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort Even 2n nos if a(n)=a(2n) no else pick a(n) a(2n) a(n-1) a(2n-1) ..... Odd 2n+1 nos : if a(n)=a(n+1) no else pick a(n) a(2n+1) a(n-1) a(2n) .... and place a(n+1) appropriately if it fits (End beginning or centre) Test cases ~~~~~~~~~~ yes: 1 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 3 yes: 3 2 2 1 yes: 2 1 3 2 yes: 2 3 1 2 yes: 2 2 1 3 yes: 1 3 2 2 no : 1 2 2 2 3 yes: 3 2 2 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 2 1 yes: 3 3 3 6 6 6 yes: 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 yes: 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 7 no : 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 yes: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 yes: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 55555555555555555555 555555555555555555555 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 no : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 12341234123412341234 333333333333333333333 yes: 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444444444444444 44444444333334444333 33333444433333333333 33333333333333333333 33334333444444444444 44444444444444444444 44444444334444333333 34443333333333443333 3333333333333333333 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,-------------------------. | Problem 2: Setsplitting | `-------------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bheeshma looked grimly at Krishna and said, ``You must decide, O Yadava, whom you will give your armies to. They cannot remain neutral in the great war that will take place.'' ``But I love both the Pandavas and Kauravas. If I give, I give equally, or I do not give at all.'', replied Krishna, petulantly. Bhishma beamed. ``That is as easily done as winning a game of Snakes and Ladders with Shakuni at your side. Just give Yudhistira half your men, and Duryodhana the other half.'', he said. ``Not so, Pitamaha! My army is comprised of many akshauhinis and the men of an akshauhini fight together. So, I have to give an entire akshauhini to either brother, and not parts of it. Unfortunately, each akshauhini has a different number of soldiers, and the math I learnt at my Gurukul is inadequate to help me figure out how to distribute the akshauhinis. What do I do?'', wailed Krishna. Bheeshma looked on, nonplussed. This was going to be a tougher nut to crack than that fisherman chap so many years ago.... Write a program that given the number of soldiers in each of Krishna's akshauhinis determines whether he will send his soldiers to war or not. The input consists of n+1 lines, for n akshauhinis, the first line containing a single integer which is the number of akshauhinis and every other line containing a single integer which is the number of soldiers in the corresponding akshauhini. The output should be the word ``no'' on a line, if there is no equitable distribution possible. If there is, then output the distribution in the following manner: for each akshauhini that goes to the Pandavas, print a +, followed by a space, and the number of soldiers in that akshauhini. For the Kauravas, substitute the + with a -. Each number (with its appropriate sign) should appear on a line by itself. There are at most 100 akshauhinis, with 0 to 100 soldiers in each, inclusive. ... 20 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ You're given a sequence of numbers, you're supposed to insert +'s and -'s in between so that it evaluates to zero. i.e. find a subset of sum S/2, where S is the sum of all numbers (assumed positive). The numbers are given to be N in number and bounded by M. For example ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1234:+1-2-3+4 1 2 3 10 : no My approach O(MN^2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or - 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 Have an array of size M*N which marks all the sums that can be made out of the N numbers. For example, 0 can be formed by taking no number in a set. x1 can be formed. x2 and x1+x2 can be formed. i.e. for each number xi, go through the array sj and mark xi+sj as formable. In the end, check if the S/2'th element of the array is marked. For finding the sequence, the entire sequence need not be stored for each array element, a pointer is sufficient. For example, s[0] = 0, s[x1] = 0, s[x2] = 0, s[x1+x2] = x1, ... so that by following s[S/2] down to 0, the set can be obtained. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (BRANCH AND BOUND) Recursively enumerate all the subsets of {1,..,N}, where N=#inputs. Whenever the running sum of a subset exceeds half the total sum, abandon that path. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We used Brute force. Let the list be a1,a2,..,ai,...,an. Initially i=1 and av[1]=(a1+a2+.....+an)/2. Prob: pick some numbers in ai to an such that total is equal to av[i]. step: If we can include ai solve the prob with av[i+1]=av[i]-ai and i=i+1. If we can't include ai solve prob with av[i+1]= av[i] and i=i+1. If i>end : Solution not possible for that combination. If at any stage num[i] is -ve : Sol not possible for that combination. If at any stage num[i]=0 : Sol found. If solution is not found for a1 then solution not possible. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greedy: Sort Pick the largest as long as feasable Feasable when fits and required no > least no. Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~ yes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 no : 6 5 4 1 2 3 yes: 1 2 2 3 no : 2 4 6 10 no : 4 1 16 2 7 yes: 0 no : 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 yes: 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 yes: 1 1 1 1 1 1 yes: 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111 yes: 11 19 33 48 7 8 yes: 50 40 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 yes: 40 27 91 54 67 9 36 40 61 92 30 11 61 0 34 8 32 84 39 73 37 52 71 86 48 35 72 4 31 8 49 47 56 95 48 20 87 72 31 10 30 83 77 5 89 34 68 36 19 10 96 95 43 49 22 95 12 60 11 93 15 72 72 69 73 26 90 96 24 78 1 0 95 0 60 23 88 69 52 34 37 16 45 14 93 41 90 5 52 51 56 69 46 29 28 90 12 5 81 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,------------------. | Problem 3: Areas | `------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Date 6876.21. The known Universe is under the control of Earth. To facilitate easy patrolling, all of Earth's dominion has been mapped onto a two-dimensional grid of squares. The grid is described by equidistant points, with each pair of adjacent points being joined by lines. Each square in the grid is a colony of Earth, and any spaceship must travel only along the lines of the grid. Recently, a renegade band of Klatchians have been making furtive raids on our colonies. A Klatchian ship materialises at some point on the grid and drops its crew there. The crew travels from point to point in some random order, and after some time returns to the point where they started so that the ship can pick them up again. During this journey, they may revisit points and travel lines they have already gone through. All the colonies circumscribed by the travel line of the Klatchians are laid to waste. Earth Patrol has managed to capture an abandoned ship used in such a raid that contains only a log mentioning the details of the crew's trip along the grid lines. Each line of the log contains a letter, ( n, s, w, e), which gives the direction of travel (north, south, west, east) and a number that denotes the number of lines travelled in that direction. For example, the log, ( s 1 w 1 n 1 e 1 ) is a trip that destroys exactly one square, while ( s 2 w 2 n 2 e 2 ) destroys 4. A longer sequence, with a diagram describing the travel is attached at the end. Write a program that given the details of a Klatchian trip finds out how many colonies have been destroyed. The input is as specified above in the example, and the output should be an integer with no spaces before or after it, and succeeded by a newline, that gives the number of colonies. There are at most 200 lines of input, with the number on any line not exceeding 200. ... 25 marks In Short ~~~~~~~~ A particle moves on a grid in an arbitrary manner, but finishing at the starting point. What's the area of the boundary of the region it encloses? My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ Find a point outside and floodfill, by doing a DFS on the outside region. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (O(M^3) ALGO) The alien travels along some M lines, say. Extend all these lines in both directions. This gives rise to some grid of rectangles. For every rectangle in this grid, find out if it is bounded on all 4 sides by line segments from the alien's path (standard test for point inclusion in a convex figure). If yes, add this rectangle's area to the current area. Others have not submitted algos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Cases ~~~~~~~~~~ 1) 4, e 1, n 1, w 1, s 1 . -- . Area = 1 | | . -- . 2) 4, n 1, w 1, e 1, s 1 . -- . Area = 0 | . 3) . -- . | | . . -- . | | . -- . -- . 4) . -- . -- . | | . . -- . | | . . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . 5) . -- . | | . -- . -- . | | . -- . 6) . -- . -- . | | . . -- . -- . | | | | . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . . | | . -- . -- . -- . 7) . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . . -- . -- . | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | | | . -- . -- . . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . 8) . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . . | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . . . | | | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | | | . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | | | | | . . . -- . -- . -- . | | | | . . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . Basic pattern: . | . -- . -- . -- . -- . | | . . | | . . | | . -- . -- . -- . 9) . -- . | | . -- . -- . -- . | | | . -- . -- . -- . | | . -- . 10) . -- . over and over the same square still area = 1 . -- . | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ,------------------------. | Problem 4: Superstring | `------------------------' The Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~ A scientist working the swampy, mosquito-infested jungles of Sumatra has made an interesting find. She has recovered fragments of the gene code of a long-extinct animal, the Blarky, each fragment consisting of a string of molecules. The Blarky's genetic code is much like ours, with each molecule represented by a letter, except that all 26 letters are used, unlike our code that uses only the four letters, A, T, C and G to code the molecules in the gene. Unfortunately, no single sample is guaranteed to be the entire genetic code of the Blarky, though it is known that every sample contains a string of consecutive molecules in the actual code. To reconstruct the final genetic code, our scientist relies on a well-known principle in genetics that states that the best approximation of a genetic code from its fragments is obtained by finding the shortest sequence of molecules that contains all the known fragments. For example, if the fragments gyy, segyy and puse are available, then the best guess at the code is pusegyy. Write a program that, given gene fragments, obtains the best approximation. The input consists of n+1 lines when there are n gene fragments. The first line has a single integer, which is the number of fragments. All other lines have a single sequence of letters, there being no space between letters. The sequence on each line represents a different gene fragment obtained by the scientist. The output should be the genetic code as guessed from these fragments. Each fragment is at most 20 molecules long, and there are at most 100 fragments with the scientist. ... 38 marks In short ~~~~~~~~ You are given some strings, and you are expected to find the shortest string that contains all the other given strings, i.e. the shortest superstring. My approach ~~~~~~~~~~~ NP-hard, and can be mapped to finding the Hamiltonian path. Hence approximate solutions (within 91% of my exact ones) are given full credit. Winner1 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (GREEDY) At any stage, find the pair of strings giving the maximum overlap on merging in the best possible manner. Merge them, and proceed. At the end, the string left is the approximate answer. Winner2 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort the strings in descending order of length. Pick the longest and copy it in the final string. Take the next one.Insert it as follows. If the final string is "abcdef" and the string to be inserted is a. "pqr" . Final becomes "abcdefpqr". 2. "def". Final remains the same. 3. "defd". Final becomes "abcdefd" 4. "fabc". Form two strings "fabcdef" and "abcdefabc" and Final becomes the shorter of two. Keep on inserting strings in the descending order. Its a NP hard problem. No polynomial time algo exists for it. Our algorithm works for fairly large number of cases. Winner3 algo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just removed strings that were already present Test cases ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. all overlaps are zot : any algo will work 2. aaaaa aaabbb aaabbb bbbccc : two strings identical 3. aaaaa aaaab aabac baaab aabaab : general arbit 4. cdefghi abcdef hijklm efghij : two possibilities exist, which do you choose ? 5. raman mantra uma : greedy does not work: greedy takes raman+mantra = ramantra, and then uma: ramantrauma you should take mantra+raman = mantraman, and then umantraman 6. abcd abef cdab efab 7. hello hell llama lotus shell ellot : one string is a substring of another 8. finger oafing german muffin codger 9. life feels silli 10. with all the might of the earth rama lifted his bow and in just one stroke fired twenty types of arrows which made all around him stop to think about his powers : to check exhaustive searches 11. who holds the hell torch is none other than the guy who lives here or there and doth not know fear 12. abcdef defab fababc babc labcd gabcde gfab bcdfab ababef cdlab gbcd bcdg 13. csea prog contest is the worst thing that took place ever 14. sc re w t he gu y w ho do es an ex ha us ti ve se ar ch so th at he lo ok s fo r be tt er so lu ti on s 15. abab abbc bbcad dacca aabdba abdbabd abadbabdbdbabad adbdbdabadba abdbab adbbad adbabdad adbadb adbadb adbbdaba dabdbad dbadbadabb dbadab dba : general arbit ************************************************************************ ************************ PROBLEM 5: 1. You are given an array of positive integers. you want to check whether there is a triplet(a,b,c) such that a + b = c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.Given a number n & a prime p(< n) consider the binomial coefficients C(n,0) , C(n,1) , C(n,2), ... ,C(n,n) one wants to find out how many coefficients are not divisible by p. (try for a log(n) algo.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.A chess board (NxN) is given. you want to place knights such that no attack each other & no 2 control the same position. |--|--|--|--|--|--|--| | A| | | | | | B| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--| | | |a | | *| | | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--| | | | | | | | b| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--| in the above grid the 2 knights(position marked A & a) are attacking each other & the 2 knights (position marked B & b ) control the same position( marked Bp addresses baahar bo chummi header iitians mail mankars sendits.sh slocat.sh time xaa xab xac xad xae xaf xag xah xai xaj xak xal xam xan ); you have to give the maximum no. of knights that u can place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Given a string one wants to find out the shortest even palindrome starting from the first index. e.g 1.aabbaa now there are 2 even palindromes(starting from the 1st index) aa & aabbaa. thus the answer is aa. 2.abb although bb is a palindrome but it doesn't start from 1st index thus answer -1. ************************************************************************ ************************ PROBLEM 6: C-on-test ~~~~~~~~~ Brought to you by CSEA, IITB in association with VERITAS software. =============================================================== === You are Dunce E. Dumdum, freshie at IIT Bombay, Powai - 400076. Having cracked a cool 3567 rank in IIT JEE after 5 years of concentrated mugging, you think that the future is bright and a gentle smile plays on your lips as you look around at the verdant green campus and the hallowed halls of learning. Little do you know what a dark, gloomy future awaits you. So here's already PROBLEM 1: Credits: 10 ~~~~~~~~~~ Filled with the enthusiasm and excitement of hostel life, you are exploring your new home when suddenly you bump into what appears to be a wall. Closer examination reveals the "wall" to be actually a gigantic, disgruntled and unshaven SENIOR. You politely say "Hi!". SENIOR just grunts in reply. You are about to continue when suddenly SENIOR booms out "Hey FRESHIE!". The plaster is still falling off the ceiling as you turn back with trembling legs. So starts a nice interactive session with SENIOR. One-way intros over, SENIOR starts asking more technical questions. Your slowly losing that gentle smile on your lips as the questions get livelier. But here comes a question which puts the g.s. back where it belongs: SENIOR says, " I will give you a number (N). Find positive integers `x' and `y' so that x^y + y^x = N, and the sum (x + y) is maximum." So your job is to find such x and y. Input: The integer N in a line by itself. Output: The values of x and y in the format x y on a line by themselves, separated by a blank. Any order of x and y is ok. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM 2: Credits: 20 ~~~~~~~~~~ After many such encounters of the SENIOR kind, finally you feel that things are in order and the gentle smile, though mellowed with bitter experience, is still there. But a week's over, and so is your stock of undies, which number 7 (seven). You have realised that now you need to wash them! (Becoz Mommy insists that you wear a clean pair of undies every day.) But now you have had a taste of an IITian's life: too many things to do, too less time. So following Mommy's advice, you decide to plan out things. You know your routine now, so you know exactly what days you will be able to do the washing and what days you won't. You decide 2 things: 1> Since the number of undies is 7 (seven), the washing dates can atmost be separated by 7. Thus, if you wash on the 15th, you have to wash on or before the 22nd. 2> Since basically you are a lethargic bum, you decide that you will wash only if you have atleast 2 dirty undies to wash. Thus the dates must be separated by atleast 3. (So you have to wash on or after 18th, if you wash on the 15th) Since, as mentioned above, you are a lethargic bum, you want to find out the MINIMUM number of days you need to have a fresh undie every day to wear. You also know the number of days you have to spend, and the possible washing days. Input: The total number of days(N) on the first line. The total number of washing days(M) on the second line. The dates of the washing days, M of them, one on each line. NOTE: The dates are numbered from 0 to (N-1). Assume that you start out with a fresh set of undies BEFORE 0th day, (i.e the -1th day), so you need to wash on or before 6th, but but not before the 2nd day. Output: The minimum number of days you need to do the washing. Just the number, on a line by itself. Output -1 if it is impossible to schedule washing days subject to the conditions. Sample Input: 10 4 0 3 6 9 Sample Output: 1 (Since you can wash on the 6th This was an error earlier). length of input > strings? could be at max 100000. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM 3: Credits: 30 ~~~~~~~~~~ Now you have finally drained the bitter cup: you have realised that life in IITB is not all that rosy, and only by mutual co-operation and work-sharing (read cogging) can help you thru the troubled times. Particularly when you are trying to crack math problems. You have a long list of math problems.You and other fellow sufferers decide to handle it together. Each math problem takes you or your friends 1 man-hour to crack. But there's a catch: there are some problems that can be done only if some previous problems are done. You decide (as Mommy advices) to prioratize the problems. For problems A and B, for which A appears in the list before B, there are two possibilities: 1> If A has lower or equal priority than B, then 2 students can simultaneously work on problems A and B, to decrease the number of man-hours. 2> If A has higher priority than B, then A has to be completed before B. Now since this is a common cause, you have a huge number of freshies who can work on the problems, so there's no constraint on the number of problems being tackled at the same time, as long as the above two conditions are met. As mentioned above, you are a lethargic bum, and so are your friends, so you want to decide what's the MINIMUM number of man-hours to solve all the problems. Input: The total number of problems (N) on the first line. The priorities you assigned to the problems in the list, one after the other, on separate lines, as they appear in the list. Thus there are N more lines after the first one, each having a priority value, an integer. Output: The minimum number of man-hours needed to solve all the problems in the list. Just the number. Note that a higher priority problem can be done before a lower priority job, even if it comes later in the list. THUS: IF A comes before B in the list and B has higher priority than A, then B can be done before A, or with A simultaneously. BUT if B has lower priority than A, then B HAS to be completed before A. Sample Input: 10 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 1 5 Sample Output: 3 (1,1,2,3,4,5) are done first, (1,1,2) are done next, (1) last. Therefore the answer is 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM 4: Credits: 50 ~~~~~~~~~~ Return of the SENIORS. SENIORS strike back. Now your Hostel elections are round the corner. The SENIOR who's standing for G.Sec is unfortunately your wingmate, and so he wants you to go door to door canvassing for him. But lethargic bum that you are, you crib incessantly, and whine and say that Mommy forbids you from such hard work and to concentrate on your studies. So rather than listen to your whines, the SENIOR relents and gives you a list of `N' room numbers you have to visit in order, and tells you that you can visit any `k' of them. You are ecstatic. But again that lethargic bum in you tells you that you would like to minimize your travelling. So you decide to pick a `k' subsequence of room numbers so the the total consecutive absolute differences in room numbers is minimized. Input: N,k -- on the first line, the two numbers separated by a comma. Then the room numbers, N of them, one on a line. Output: The minimum total sum of consecutive absolute differences, just the number, on a line by itself. Sample Input: 7,3 67 35 89 37 100 36 4 Sample Output: 3 (By choosing 35,37, 36. Thus 3 = |35 - 37| + |37 - 36|). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM 5: Credits: 40 ~~~~~~~~~~ Your roommate is in the Civil engg. dept. His project consists of setting hanging a heavy plane metal sheet from cables attached to the roof. Bad. Theorem 4.7.18 in the Green book says that to minimize tensile strain( DUH...) you have to have 4 (four) points from which the metal sheet is hung. So that means that these 4 points must be coplanar. WORSE. Your roomie, having got JEE rank 4754, is worse than you. Since your JEE is nearly 1000 more than his, he thinks you are GOD, and turns to you for help. He tells you that there are `N' points in 3D space which represent the ends of the cables. He also tells you that all these points have non-negative integer co-ordinates. Since you have a huge ego (rank 3500+ is GREAT, you feel) you have to find 4 coplanar points, given that there ARE 4 coplanar points in the data.The gentle smile replaced by a frown, you set to work. Input: The number of points `N' on the first line. The co-ordinates of the points, in the format x,y,z -- separated by commas, on the next N lines. NOTE: The points are numbered from indices 0 to (N-1), as they appear in the list. Output: The indices of 1 set of 4 points, in the format: i j k l where i, j, k, l represent the indices of the points. Sample Input: 5 2,0,0 0,2,0 1,1,1 1,1,0 0,0,2 Output: 0 1 3 4 (the plane is (x + y + z) = 2). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBLEM 6: Credits: 50 ~~~~~~~~~~ DANIYA time!!! Work time also for you lethargic bum. The gentle smile on your face is conspicuous by its absence. Finally DANDIYA day comes. Out of the small number of girls in IIT, an even smaller number has arrived. SENIORS being SENIORS, get priority and pairs are formed. You, poor sod, don't have a partner, and have to do the dirty work of arranging publix in circles. The (lucky) boys have already formed the outer circle. The girls have formed the inner one. Your newly elected G.Sec (your wingmate, remember?) puts you to work. The girls being ladies, stay where they are. So you have to rotate the outer circle of boys so as to match them with the girls they have paired up with, or decide if it can't be done. To avoid choas, you would like to have the smallest number of movements.To add to your problems, some guys won't mind dancing with some girls apart from their partners. Input: Two strings of characters of equal length, each on a separate line. You have to find the least index of the character in the second line where the 0th character in the first string should go, so that the two strings match. The characters are numbered from 0 to (length - 1). In short: If a(0) a(1) ... a(n-1) b(0) b(1) ... b(n-1) are the two strings, then find the minimum 'k' so that a(i) = b(k + i (mod n)); for all i = 0, 1, 2,.. (n-1); NOTE: Output -1 if such a 'k' does not exist. Output: The index 'k' as specified above, just the number, on a single line. NOTE: Output -1 if such a 'k' does not exist. Sample Input: aabaa abaaa Sample Output: 4 (Since the 0th character of the first string, a, matches with the 4th character of the second string, so that if you take the 0th character to the 4th character the first string matches with the second.) Epilogue: After spending 4 years in IIT Bombay, Powai400076, you permanently lose that gentle smile from your lips forever, but atleast learn the value and importance of hard work, so that you are no longer a lethargic bum. ************************************************************************ *********************** SIEMENS INFO : THIS PAPER CONSISTS 6 PARTS. all are multiple choice q's 1)general 2)c/unix 3)c++/motif 4)database 5)x-windows 6)ms-windows we have written q's not acc. to each part.total 50. q's. time is sufficient. if u have basic idea about all of the u can easily answer the paper. paper -----1)which of following operator can't be overloaded. a)== b)++ c)?! d)<= 2)#include<iostream.h main() { printf("Hello World"); } the program prints Hello World without changing main() the o/p should be intialisation Hello World Desruct the changes should be a)iostream operator<<(iostream os, char*s) os<<'intialisation'<<(Hello World)<<Destruct b) c) d)none of the above 3)CDPATH shell variable is in(c-shell) a) b) c) d) 4) term stickily bit is related to a)kernel b)undeletable file c) d)none 5)semaphore variable is different from ordinary variable by 6)swap(int x,y) { int temp; temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } main() { int x=2;y=3; swap(x,y); } after calling swap ,what are yhe values x&y? 7) static variable will be visible in a)fn. in which they are defined b)module " " " " c)all the program d)none 8)unix system is a)multi processing b)multi processing ,multiuser c)multi processing ,multiuser,multitasking d)multiuser,multitasking 9)x.25 protocol encapsulates the follwing layers a)network b)datalink c)physical d)all of the above e)none of the above 10)TCP/IP can work on a)ethernet b)tokenring c)a&b d)none 11)a node has the ip address and it is transmitting data from node1 to node2only. The reason may be a)a node cannot have more than one address b)class A should have second octet different c)classB " " " " " d)a,b,c 12) the OSI layer from bottom to top 13)for an application which exceeds 64k the memory model should be a)medium b)huge c)large d)none 14)the condition required for dead lock in unix sustem is 15)set-user-id is related to (in unix) 16) bourne shell has a)history record b) c) d) 17)wrong statement about c++ a)code removably b)encapsulation of data and code c)program easy maintenance d)program runs faster 18)struct base {int a,b; base(); int virtual function1(); } struct derv1:base{ int b,c,d; derv1() int virtual function1(); } struct derv2 : base {int a,e; } base::base() { a=2;b=3; } derv1::derv1(){ b=5; c=10;d=11;} base::function1() {return(100); } derv1::function1() { return(200); } main() base ba; derv1 d1,d2; printf("%d %d",d1.a,d1.b) o/p is a)a=2;b=3; b)a=3; b=2; c)a=5; b=10; d)none 19) for the above program answer the following q's main() base da; derv1 d1; derv2 d2; printf("%d %d %d",da.function1(),d1.function1(),d2.function1()); o/p is a)100,200,200; b)200,100,200; c)200,200,100; d)none 20)struct { int x; int y; }abc; you can not access x by the following 1)abc-- x; 2)abc[0]-- x; abc.x; (abc)-- x; a)1,2,3 b)2&3 c)1&2 d)1,3,4 21) automatic variables are destroyed after fn. ends because a)stored in swap b)stored in stack and poped out after fn. returns c)stored in data area d)stored in disk 22) relation between x-application and x-server (x-win) 23)UIL(user interface language) (x-win) 24)which is right in ms-windows a)application has single qvalue system has multiple qvalue b) " multiple " " single " c)" " " multiple " d)none 25)widget in x-windows is 26)gadget in x_windows is 27)variable DESTDIR in make program is accessed as a)$(DESTDIR) b)${DESTDIR} c)DESTDIR d)DESTDIR 28)the keystroke mouse entrie are interpreted in ms windows as a)interrupt b)message c)event d)none of the above 29)link between program and out side world (ms -win) a)device driver and hardware disk b)application and device driver c)application and hardware device d)none 30)ms -windows is a)multitasking b) c) d) 31)dynimic scoping is 32) after logout the process still runs in the background by giving the command a)nohop b) 33)process dies out but still waita a)exit b)wakeup c)zombie d)steep 34)in dynamic memory allocation we use a)doubly linked list b)circularly linked c)B trees d)L trees e)none 35)to find the key of search the data structure is a)hask key b)trees c)linked lists d)records 36)data base --------------------------------------------------------employ_code salary employ_code leave -----------------------------------------------------------from to -------------------------------------1236 1500 1238 --- --1237 2000 1238 --- --1238 2500 1237 ------1237 --- --1237 --- --1237 --- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------select employ_code,employ_data ,leave the number of rows in the o/p a)18 b)6 c)7 d)3 37)DBMS 38)read about SQL,db 39)which is true a)bridge connects dissimiler LANand protocol insensitive b)router " " " " " c)gateway " " " " " d)none of the above 40)read types of tree traversals. 41)42)43) simple programs on pointers in c _____________________________________________________________________ BEST OF LUCK This is sisl paper given in iit kanpur. enjoy this. All are multiple choice questions.60 questions to be answered in 60 mins. Distribution of questions: ---10 questions from data structures and some general topics. -----10 questions from Unix and C. --7Questions from Data base. ----Remaining from Windows(x windows,MS Windows etc..) The distribution is not exact.Only approximate. Totally there are six sections as below: 1.General 2.Unix and c 3.RDBMS 4.C++/object oriented TCP/IP 6not remembered. The questions are as follows: RDBMS----1.What is RDBMS...Def 2.Two tables are given.In 1st table 2 columns are there.one isEmployee no,second is salary.In second table 3 columns are there,one is employee no,second is date,3rd is salary. Select employee no,from table1,table 2. How many records it will contain?.(This is somewhat difficult). 3.What is transaction? TCP/IP: 1.X.25 protocol belongs to which layer. 2,Order all the 7 layers in sequence 3,One node has 2 IP address but data goes through only one link.What is the reason? 4,Router,Bridge,Gateway....Which one of these can not connect two different LANS and is protocol sensitive. 5,Client sends server---reqest or demand or -----Choices are given. Another section... 1.main(argc,argv) { if(argc<1) printf("error"); else exit(0); } If this program is compiled without giving any argument ,what it will print. 2.What are the static variables...def 3.What is Dynamic allocation ? 4.Dead lock condition...What may be the condition for it. 5.Semaphore variable?..def > 6.Most ************************************************************************ ************************ TISL part 1 it consists of number series.In some institutes alphabetical series is given instead of number series.Iam having number series so iam sending that.Please go through tha alphabetical tests also. 1. 19,24,20,25,21,26,? ans:22 2. 11,14,12,15,13,16,? ans: 14 3. 10,2,8,2,6,2,? a:4 4. 8,9,11,14,,18,23,? a:29 5. 25,25,22,22,19,19,? a:16 6. 14,2,12,4,10,6,? a:8 7. 7,16,9,15,11,14,? a:13 8. 40,42,39,44,38,46,? a:37 9. 3,18,4,24,5,30,? a:6 10. 18,20,22,20,28,20,? a:22 11. 18,20,10,12,4,6? a:0 12. 7,6,8,5,3,7,? a:4 13 9,18,21,25,20,? a:30 14 3,3,4,8,10,36,? a:33 15.30,28,25,20,34,28,? a:21 16. 4,8,16,32,64,128,? a:256 17. 8,16,24,32,40,48,? a:56 18. 13,11,14,12,15,13,? a:16 19. 6,18,36,108,216,648,? a:1296 20. 4,4,8,8,16,16,? a:32 21. 2,6,18,54,162,486,? a:1458 22. 4,20,35,49,62,74,? a:85 23. 10,18,15,23,20,28,? a:25 24. 4,10,8,14,12,18,? a:16 25 10,15,12,17,14,10,? a:16 part 2 consists of non-verbel reasoning(figures).So it is impossible for me to send those.(25 questions) part 3 (quantitative) 1.A clerk multiplied a number by ten when it should have been divided by ten.The ans he got was 100.what should the ans have been? a:1 2.If rs20/- is available to pay for typing a research report & typist A produces 42 pages and typist B produces 28 pages.How much should typist A receive? a:rs12 3.The average salary of 3 workers is 95 Rs. per week. If one earns Rs.115 and second earns Rs.65 how much is the salary of the 3rd worker. Ans.105. 4.A 16 stored building has 12000 sq.feet on each floor. Company A rents 7 floors and company B rents 4 floors. What is the number of sq.feet of unrented floor space. Ans.60000 5. During a given week A programer spends 1/4 of his time preparing flow chart, 3/8 of his time coding and the rest of the time in debugging the programs. If he works 48 hours during the week , how many hours did he spend debugging the program. Ans. 18. 6. A company installed 36 machines at the beginning of the year. In March they installed 9 additional machines and then disconnected 18 in August. How many were still installed at the end of the year. Ans .27 7. A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his shares for Rs. 75000. What is the value of Business. Ans.150000 8. If 12 file cabinets require 18 feet of wall space, how many feet of wall space will 30 cabinets require? Ans.45 9.A computer printer produced 176,400 lines in a given day. If the printer was in operation for seven hours during the day, how many lines did it print per minute? Ans.420 10. From its total income, A sales company spent Rs.20,000 for advertising, half of the remainder on commissions and had Rs.6000 left. What was its total income? Ans.32000 11. On Monday a banker processed a batch of cheques, on Tuesday she processed three times as many, and on Wednesday she processed 4000 cheques. In the three days, she processed 16000 cheques. How many did she process on Tuesday? Ans.9000 12. The cost of four dozen proof machine ribbons and five dozen accouting machine ribbons was Rs.160/-. If one dozen accounting machine ribbons cost Rs.20/-, what is the cost of a dozen proof machine ribbons? Ans.Rs.15 13. If a clerk can process 80 cheques in half an hour, how many cheques can she process in a seven and one half hour day? Ans.1200 14. In a library, there are two racks with 40 books per rack. On a given dya, 30 books were issued. What fraction remained in the racks? Ans.5/8 15. The average length of three tapes is 6800 feet. None of the tapes is less than 6400 feet. What is the greatest possible length of one of the other tapes? Ans.7600 16. A company rented a machine for Rs.700/- a month. Five years later the treasurer calculated that if the company had purchased the machine and paid Rs.100/- monthly maintenance charge, the company would have saved Rs.2000/-. What was the purchase price of the machine? Ans.Rs.34000 17. Two computers each produced 48000 public utility bills in a day. One computer printed bills at the rate of 9600 an hour and the other at the rate of 7800 an hour. When the first computer finished its run, how many bills did the other computer still have to print? Ans.9000 18. If a salesman's average is a new order every other week, he will break the office record of the year. However, after 28 weeks, he is six orders behind schedule. In what proportion of the remaining weeks does he have to obtain a new order to break the record? Ans.3/4 19. On a given day, a bank had 16000 cheques returned by customers. Inspection of the first 800 cheques indicated that 100 of those 800 had errors and were therefore the available immediately for data processing. On this basis, hwo many cheques would be available immediately for data processing on that day? Ans.14000 20. A company figured it needed 37.8 sq.feet of carpot for its reception room. To allow for waste, it decided to order 20% more material than needed. Fractional parts of sq.feet cannot be ordered. At Rs.9/- a sq.feet, how much would the carpet cost? Ans. a. Rs.324 b) Rs.405 c) Rs.410 d) Rs.414 e) Rs.685 21. A tape manufacturer reduces the price of his heavy duty tape from Rs.30/- to Rs.28/- a reel and the price of a regular tape from Rs.24/- to Rs.23/- a reel. A computing centre normally spends Rs.1440/- a month for tapes and 3/4 of this is for heavy duty tapes. How much will they save a month under the new prices? Ans.Rs.87 22. In a team of 12 persons, 1/3 are women and 2/3 are men. To obtain a team with 20% women how many men should be hired? Ans.8 23. The dimensions of a certain machine are 48" X 30" X 52". If the size of the machine is increased proportionately until the sum of its dimensions equals 156", what will be the increase in the shortest side? Ans. 6" 24. In a certain company, 20% of the men and 40% of the women attended the annual company picnic. If 35% of all the employees are man, what percent of all the employees went to the picnic? Ans.33% 25. It cost a college Rs.0.70 a copy to produce a Programme for the homecoming football game. If Rs.15,000/- was received for advertisements in the programme, how many copies at Rs.0.50 a copy must be sold to make a profit of Rs.8000/- ? Ans. 35000 Some extra questions other than you send to me are follows. I already send view logic paper yesterday. best of luck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TATA INFOTECH -99 ************* VERBAL 1.Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump 2.Depricate : feel and express disapproval, 3. incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus) 4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility' 5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things 6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting 7. Detrimental: harmful 8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly 9. orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious 10. fallible : liable to error 11. volatile : ever changing 12. manifest: clear and obvious 13.connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression 14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite 15. Agrarian : related to agriculture 16. vacillate : undecided or dilemma 17. expedient : fitting proper, desirable 18. simulate : produce artificially resembling an existing one. 19. access : to approah 20. compensation: salary 21. Truncate : shorten by cutting 22. adherence : stick 23. Heterogenous: non similar things 24. surplus : excessive 25. Assess : determine the amount or value 26.Congnizance : knowledge 27. retrospective : review 28.naive : innocent,rustic 29. equivocate : tallying on both sides, lie, mislead 30. Postulate : frame a theory 31. latent : dormant, secret 32. fluctuation : wavering, 33. eliminate : to reduce 34. Affinity : strong liking 35. expedite : hasten 36. console : to show sympathy 37. adversary : opposition 3. affable : lovable or approachable 39. Decomposition : rotten 40 agregious : apart from the crowd, especially bad 41. conglomaration: group, collection 4. aberration: deviation 43. aurgury : prediction 44. crediability : ability to common belief, quality of being credible 45.coincident: incidentally 46.Constituent : accompanying 47. Differential : having or showing or making use of 48. Litigation : engaging in a law suit 49.Maratorium: legally or offficiallly determined period of dealy before fulfillment of the agreement of paying of debts. 50. negotiate : discuss or bargain 51. preparation : act of preparing 52. Preponderant : superiority of power or quality 53. relevance : quality of being relevant 54. apparatus : applianes 55. Ignorance : blindness, in experience 56. obsession: complex enthusiasm 57. precipitate : speed,active Section III Letter Series These are too tough. Maintain time 26 questions ----- 10min 1. A C BDEFGI - I H K J L ANS: H 2. AIZBEYCIXDI - GENJW ANS;W 3. ADGJMP - RWTS ANS; S 4. ABCEFGIJK - MLONP ANS; M nOTE: MLONP ARE GIVEN OPTIONS 5. ABFGKLPQ - TSVUW ANS;U 6 JWXUVST - QPSET ANS; Q 7. ARHXYTDTWST - NPTKR ANS; P 8.FMBIPZVIEV - IRYOU 9. NZI YCX KWF - JFVMY ANS;V 10. AASASPASPKA - RQTSU ANS;S 11. AECPS - TRUE ANS;U 12. BBPRDDLNFFIK - HQJIK ANS'H 13 AZEXIVMT - RQNSO ANS: Q 14. ABDGKP - LIWUX ANS:U 15. BCDAEGHIFJLMN LKNMO ANS: K 16. XWEFGVUHIJK - PNSRT ANS: T 17. ODJTOPQNOERT - QOUVW ANS;O 18. PRNUUPEJRBB - HVUNE ANS: E 19.LULMGMNFNPS - ONQPS ANS:P QUESTIONS ARE NOT IN SEQUENCE. NUMERICAL 1.420% OF 7.79 = 32.718 2 3427 / 16.53 = 202 3. 10995 /95 = 115.7365 4. 43+557-247 =353 5. 3107*3.082= 9591 6. 48.7 + 24.9 - 8.7 = 64.90 7.525.0/47.8 = 11 8. (135-30-14)*7 - 6 +2 = 3 9.3/8 * 5.04=1.89 10.697 /219 =3.18 11.8/64 +64/16 = 4.14 12.298*312/208 = 453.54 13. 0.33 *1496 /13 = 37.98 14.0.26 + 1/8 = 0.385 15.66.17+1/3= 67.03 16. 2.84+1/4= 3.09 17. 33% OF 450 = 148.5 18. 907.54 / 0,3073= 3002 19.tHERE ARE two categories of persons in ratio A, b i.e.A:B = 2:3 A type earns 2.5 dollars/hr and B type 1 dollar/hr total money earnedby both is 24dollars. then total number of persons Ans: 15 20.Question not clear Slowing running - n hours - A Medium running - B fast running - k hours - c Ans: nA+kC 21. Tottal balls z,red balls N remaining are blak balls,then %of black balls equal to Ans: z-n/z*100 22. Multiplication three digits and two digits number will result the Ans: HInt: four digit number first number must be one. 23. A= C;B=2D what should be do to make the ratio same. i.e.a/b = c/d Ans: multiply A by 2 24. P- Total number of compoentns Q= defective number of compoentns %of non defective equals to p-q/p*100 25. Cost of article x,first discount is y% of cost, seconddiscount is z% of cost . The price of x is Ans: x(1-y/100)(1-z/100) 26.Prime number a) 119 b) 115 c) 127 d) none Ans: C 27. A/B = C;C>D then Ans:A is always greater than D 28..B>Cand AA then which expression will be highest value Ans: AB 37. K,L -- Men ;X, Y -> Ans:kX + Ly 38. If A,B are same number, which one of the following doesnot satisfy this Ans: A*B/B**2 39. X- bulbs'; y - broken; % of non broken bulbs Ans: x-y/x*100 40. Adding X, Y to A equals to Ans: a (large expression) 41.Salary s permonth, tax x% of the salry, r% of salary is deducted what is the income. Ans: s*(1-(x+R)/100 42. Add three digits and two digits numbers the first digit is Ans:1 (four digit number starting with one) 43. 0.512 * large number = ? Ans:divide the given number by 2 44.In 10% balls 5 are defective, % of defective Ans:50% 45.6.29% of 2.8 = 0.18 46.0.398*456=181.49 47.0 < x5 person 3 says 3N>20 person 4 says 3n>10 person 5 says N >Group discussion topics: >Instrctions: 1) There are 7 flow charts & each has 5-6 blank rectangles/diamonds with subquestion no. in rectangle/diamond. you have to fill the blank from the 5 options given against respective question no. 2) You have to understand the logic & then it is very easy to fill the blanks. 3) they had provided some information which you have to use for getting answers. Flow charts: 1) there are 3 boxes of 3 balls each. you have to select the heaviest among all. <select box 1&2> | <is wt.1=wt.2>--No----(is wt1 > wt.2)--No--(select box2) ||| Yes Yes | ||| select box 3 select box 1 | ||| |------------------------|------------------------| | select two balls | is wt.ball.1 = wt.ball.2 --- No -- is wt.ball.1> wt.ball.2 -- No ||| Yes Yes | | | ball.2 ball.3 is ball.1 is is heaviest heaviest heavist so there will be some blank in this flow chart and u have to fill up the blanck with correct option. Q2) there are red and black balls. if ball is red then one point. if ball is black and previous ball is red then two points. For winning u have to get seven points. No point for same color consecutive balls. |----------- select ball || | is ball red --- Yes -- Is previous --No--| | ball red | No p=p+1 | | | No | is previous | | ball black --No----------- p=p+2 --count= count+1 ||| | Yes |---is ball left |||| | No pointQ3) Classify objects in class A, class B and scrap. for classfing u have to do diffrent test such as weight, material etc. and Flow char for this ques. will be there along with some blanks. Q4) There is production process in which action depend on temprature and pressure. and there are temp. and press. controls. Q5) find max. and min. of the 12 nos. there will array and u have to arrange the numbers in assending/ descending order and find out max. and min. Q6) diffrent age group are given and also diffrent salary slabs are given. so depending on the salary group as well as his group u have to fill the person in particular class. (ques. is not in exact form.) >1. Brain drain: i.e. related to why immigration to U.S; I opposed >partially and supported partially > >2. Electronic media effect; Internet, TV ,Email multimedia > > G.D they won't eliminate so many people. but you have participate >with enthusiasm.You talk something. Interview as usual, stereoscopic >questions.like TCS. > > > I went upto interview, afterwards out. COMPUTER VISION (CV) > ==================== > >1. |X-A| ==A-X, Ans. c. x<=a >2. There is six letter word VGANDA. How many ways you can arrange the >letters > in the work in such a way that both the 'A's are together. > ans. 120 >3. It two cards are toked on after other without replacing from a pack >of > 52 cards. What is the probability for the two cards to be queen. > ans. 1/17 * 1/13 >4. 51 X 53 X ..... X 59. > a. 99!/44! b. c. d (99! X 25! )/( 2^2^4 X 49! X 51!) > ans. d. >5. The ratio of boys to girls is 6:4. Sixty percent of the boys and >fourty > percent of the girls lake lunch in the canteen. What percent of the >class > takes lunch in the canteen? > ans. 52% > > >DATA SUFFICIENCY >--------------->a. Only statement A is sufficient, >b. Only statement B is sufficient, >c. Both are necessary, >d. Both are not sufficient. > >6. X is an integer. Is X divisible by 5? > a. 2X is divisible by 5, > b. 10X is divisible by 5. > ans. a >7. Is Anna the tallest in the class > a. Anna is the tallest girl, > b. Anna is taller than all boys. > ans. c ANALYTICAL >---------> Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are >three persons A, B,&C. A met B and says "I am a Zulus as I am a >Hutu". We don't know > what exactly he said. The B meets C and says to C that " A is a >Zulu". > Then C replied " No, A is a Hutu". > >9. How many Zulus are there? > ans. 2 >10. Who must be a Zulu? > ans. B, b (may be) > > > A father F has 5 sins, P,Q,R,S,T not necessarily in this order. Two >are > of same age. The eldest and teh youngest cannot be twins. T is elder >to R > and younger to Q and S has three older brothers. > >questions:. 11, 12, 13, 14. > > Who are the twin? > Who is the oldest/youngest. > >ans. order may be QTRPS > > There are 7 people who take a test, among M is the worst, R is > disqualified. P & S obtain same marks, T scares less than S and Q >scores > less than P, N scores higher than every one. > >questions: 15, 16, 17, 18 > ans. NPSTQRM > > highest marks is to 'N' > least marks is to 'M'. > >UNIX & C >----------> >19. What does chmod 654 stand for > ans. -rw-r-xr->20. Which of following is used for back_up files? > a. compress b. tar c. make d. all the above > ans. d >21. What does find command do? > ans. search a file >22. What does "calloc" do? > ans. A memory allocation & initialising to zero. >23. What does exit() do? > ans. Came out of executing program. >24. What is the value of the 'i'? > i= strlen("Blue") + strlen("Purple")/strlen("Red") - strlen("green") > ans. 1 >25. i = 2; > printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld ", i, i++, i--, i++); > ans. chck out answer is wrong. >26. Using pointers, changeing A to B and B to A i.e., swapping the >function > using two addresses and one temporary variable, How will be the >function > look like? > ans. swap (int *, int *, int) >27. In '^' how are the arguments are passed by befault? > ans. by value. >28. Find the prototype of Sine function > ans. extern double sin(double); >29. Scope of a global variable which is declared as static? > ans. File. >30. ASCII problem, i = '^'-... > ans. 6 >31.What is the output of, > printf("Helow \0 is the world"); > ans. Hello is teh world. >32. Clarifying the concept addresses used ever arrays, i.e., changing >the > address of a ************************************************************************ ******************* SATYAM COMPUTERS (HYDERABAD) ---------------------------Release : 1997 --------ANTONYMS --------1)disregarded A) heed 2) GRE book pg no. 407 q.no. 13-16 para ie:in a certain society.... 3)GRE .............446, 8th quest A) 1 4)GRE..............487, 8th..... 5).................488, 14th...... 6).................513, 4 &8 ..... 7) if A+B+C+D is a +ve no's then a) one must be +ve no's b) two .............. c)three ............. d)all ................ 8) GRE pg no.586 32nd qst. 9)if x+y =3 and y/x=2 then y= a)0 b) 1/2 c)1 d)3/2 e)2 17) how many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 feet long & 6feet wide a)24 b)96 c)3456 d)13824 e)14266 18)GMAT pg.no. 439 passage 1 with question 1to9 on pg.440-441 excluding qst.no.2 GMAT pg.442 passage. 2 excluding q.nos.11, 15. 20) successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of ; a)30% b) 32% c)34% d) 35% e)36% ans) 32% if x/y =4 and y is not '0' what % of 'x' is '2x-y' ans:175% if x=y=2z and xyz =256 then x= ans: 8 23)if 2x-y=4 then 6x-y is ans:12 1-8 q's on bus route. a b c d e a x 8 15 20 7 b 6 x 9 13 21 c 10 12 x 3 11 d 9 1 18 x 5 e 3 4 17 14 x where x is starting point.a&e are first and last stations.and b,c,d are intermediate stations. fig's are no. of passengers.cost of ticket is 0.7Rs /pass. between any successive stations. based on this few q's were given. the fig's are not correct. q's like total no.of pass.in onward journey. Rest of q's are 2 statements were given. u have to answer they are correct or not .littlebit easy. section3 -------simple q's from r.s agarwal_quantitative apt. 1.1/10power18 - 1/10power20 .....value? 2.pipes-leaking-cisterns. paper2 -----------1.general awareness.2. 1.father of computers 2.expand HTML,DMA,FAT,LAN,WAN,FDDetc 3.intel's first micropro...a.pentium b.pentiumproetc 4.1024(dec)convert to hexa&octal 5.first micro.pro.a)8085b)8088etc 6..motorola's processor name? 7.windows_NT expand 8.simple programs on pascal&c 9.diff between 8087,8086 (which is latest vers.) 10.some basic q's on GUI. 11.q's on IBMpc 12.one program on finding factorial --------------------------************************************************************************ *********************** PCS // This is another paper, we don't have this paper as such, I am giving // over all idea of paper with some question... // There r 5 sections; 5 questions in section1, 5 in section 2 // 8 marks in english (section 3); section 4 TRue or False type /********************************************* Section1: 5 questions.. (Mutiple choices) i.e select any one of the following for 5 questions;; A) only 1 is sufficent B) only 2 is sufficent C) both nessary D) both are insufficent E) either is sufficent 1. .......... (Don't know) 2. one composition contains... 5/4 L 6/14 L.... (Ans. both r insufficent) 3. x fabric.... 6.50 per meter , 25% wholesale... (Ans: both r required) 4 & 5 don't know.... /**************************************/ Section 2 (Analitical...) 1. Average 3years 45,000, 1st 1.5 times, 2nd 2.5 times.. (Calculate in this way... (x+1.5x+2.5x)/3 = 45000 i.e 5x/3 = 45000 ) then calculate required value...) 2. Three vehecle speed ratio 1:2:3 & time ratio 3:2:1... Distance ratio ?? (Ans: 3:4:3.. check once) 3. some km/hr problem... (Ans: 150 km/hr) 4 & 5 don't know.... /***********************************/ Section 3 (English - 8 marks.. mutiple choice..) Don't know... /******************************/ Section 4 (True or Flase type..) 1. Square contains all angles , one object does not contain angles; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------///////////////PATNI NEW OVER at jadavpur 99//////////// ____________ 1.what is the angle between teo hands of a clock when time is 8-30 ans:75(appro 2.a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there(similer) 3.a,b,c,d,e,f are arranged in a circle b is to right of c and so on(rs aggrewal) 4.chain rule(work&time) 5.puzzle test.some data is given and he asked three qustions below.based on data we have to answer. 6.six questions on venn diagrams. 7.5 years ago sum of ages of father and son ans:40,10 8.assertion and reasoning 1.clouds 2.capital city of dweloped corentira ans for both is :a 9.man walks east & from turns to right & from to left &then 45degrees to right.in which direction he went ans:north west 10.aa-b-bb-aaa11.96,85,....(a series with diff 11),3,15,45,....,total 3 questions are given on series 12.a student got 70% in one subject,80% in other.to get overall 75% how much he should get in third subject. 12.a news pwper must have a.news b.advertizements 3.editor 4.date 5.paper 13.if clouds are air, air are water and so on where birds fly? 14.press,cinema,tv ans:mass media 15.3 qustions on rs aggrewal relations i.e first few chapters of aggrewal(english) 16.a man showed to a woman sitting in a pack & told to his friend.she is the daughter of my grand mother only son ans:daughter group disscussion topic 1.if you become muncipal corporater what steps you take to develop your area. 2.if you become administrative officer of this university what steps you take to improve standards. 3.tell what are the seven problems in calcutta and solutions to problems? 4.abortion is legal or illegal the following two topics are omportant they asked the same topics to many students by changing the numbers 5.in 2050 a nuclear disaster has ocurred and 50 persons are saved.which are of age above 15.of them 20 know 6 subjects and you have to choose only 3 of six subjects so that resticted resorces can used for future subjects are 1.enggineering 2.medical 3.law 4.social sciences 5.life sciences 6.---6.in space ship 5men are going1.docter,drug asdditive 2.lady lawer has done crime 3.teacher emotinally imbalanced 4.18.18 year old aeruonautical engineer 5. noble lauraut .suddenly some thing happend and oxygen is avaliable to only three people to use which of three you choose interview here they asked only personal.relating to what you have written in sychometric test and some puzzles one puzzle is 10 machines are there only one is defective iteams are coming out how tdo you find out which is defective second: * * * how do you reverse this in two transitions *** * * * *----------------------------------- two transistors are connected Vbe is 0.7volts .this is simple ckt.one transistor is diode equivalent. & asked the o/p across the 2 nd transistor. 2.simple k map ans is Bbar. 3. Emitter ---R-------transistorbase| -| --collector in above capacitor is connected parallel with resistance r.capacitor is not shown in fig.capacitor is used for in this ckt: ans:a.speedupb.active bypass c.decoupling 4. -----R------I----------o/p |___R____ | in above r is resistence.I is cmos inverter. then ckt is used for: a.schmitt trigger b.latch c.inverter d.amplifier 5.simple amplifier ckt openloop gain of amplifier is 4.V in =1v.asked for V x? amplifdier + is connected to base. - is connected to i/p in between 5k is connected. from o/p feedback connected to - of amplifier with 15k.this is ckt. 6.resistence inductot cap are serially connected to ac voltage 5 volts.voltage across inductor is given.R I C values are given & asked for voltages across resistence & capacitor. 7. ___ R_____ || ---R------OPAMP ---------|--R1 R1 is for wjhat i mean what is the purpose of R1. | ground 8.asked for Vo at the o/p.it is like simple cmos realization that is n block is above & p block is below.Vdd is 3 volts at supply.V threshold 5 volts. 9.2 d ffs are connected in asyncro manner .clock 10 MEGAHZ.gate delay is 1 nanosec. A B are the two given D FFs.asked for AB output is: a.updown b.up c. updown glitching like that (take care abt glitching word) 10. ----------------| subtractor|---------o/p |___HPF____| the ckt is LPF ,HPF or APF ? 11.in a queue at the no of elements removed is proportional to no of elements in the queue.then no of elements in the queue: a.increases decreases exp or linearly(so these are the 4 options given choose 1 option) 12.with 2 i/p AND gates u have to form a 8 i/p AND gate.which is the fastest in the following implementations. ans we think ((AB)(CD))((EF)(GH)) 13.with howmany 2:1 MUX u can for 8:1 MUX.answer is 7. 14. there are n states then ffs used are log n. 15.cube each side has r units resistance then the resistance across diagonal of cube. 16.op amp connections asked for o/p the answer is (1+1/n)(v2-v1).check it out.practise this type of model. 17. _____________ supply ---|__ ___| Ii >________ |___ Tranistot > _______Vo | | R| | | Io ground. asked for Io/Ii=? transistor gain is beta. a.(1+beta)square b.1+beta c. beta 18.y=kxsquare. this is transfer function of a block with i/p x & o/p y.if i/p is sum of a & b then o/p is :-a. AM b.FM c. PM 19. ------MULTIPLIER--- | || _____R__|__OPAMP______________________Vo --| ground. v in = -Ez then o/p Vo =? answer is squareroot of -Ez.multiplier i/ps are a & b then its o/p is a.b; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 True 1.2 False 1.3 True ************************************************************************ ************************ Lucent Sample Test Paper Aptitude Q1 .6*12*15 is the volume of some material. How many cubes of edge 3 can be inserted into it ? Ans.40 Q2. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours respectively while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours. If all three pipes operate simultaneously, in how many hours the tank will be filled ? Ans.7hours 30 minutes. Q3. Cost of an item is x. It's value increases by p% and decreases by p% Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value ? Ans.(1000)/(1000-p*p). Q4. A right circular cylinder and a cone are there. Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder. What is the ratio of height to slant side if their volume are the same? Q5. Distance between two poles is 50 meters. A train goes by 48 at a speed of kmph. In one minute how many poles will be crossed by the train ? Q6. A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is the height of pole ? Q7. For 15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.For 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18. For 40 people--how much has each to pay ? Q8. If p=2q then q=r*r , if p-odd then q is even, whether r is even or odd ? a) first condition is sufficient b) second condition is sufficient c) both are sufficient d) both are not sufficient Q9. If he sells 40 mangoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is his percentage increase in profit ? Ans. 25% Q10. 100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will get 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise. At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely. Ans. 95 Q11. Q is not equal to zero and k = (Q x n - s)/2 find n? (a) (2 x k + s)/Q (b) (2 x s x k)/Q (c) (2 x k - s)/Q (d) (2 x k + s x Q)/Q (e) (k + s)/Q Q12 - Q16 A causes B or C, but not both F occurs only if B occurs D occurs if B or C occurs E occurs only if C occurs J occurs only if E or F occurs D causes G, H or both H occurs if E occurs G occurs if F occurs Q12. If A occurs which of the following must occurs I. F &amp; G II. E and H III. D (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I, II, III (e) I, II (or) II, III but not both Ans. (e) Q13. If B occurs which must occur (a) D (b) D and G (c) G and H (d) F and G (e) J Ans. (a) Q14. If J occurs which must have occurred (a) E (b) either B or C (c) both E F (d) B (e) both B and C Ans. (b) Q15.Which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned (1) D (2) A (3) F (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 2 (d) 2 and 3 (e) 1,2,3 Ans. (c) Q16. E occurs which one cannot occurs (a) A (b) F (c) D (d) C (e) J Ans. (b) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Technical Q1.Which is the fastest logic ? Ans. ECL Q2. type of IP address belong to which class ? Ans. class B Q3. Mod K ring counter requires how many number of flip flops ? Ans. K Q4. What is the ideal op-amp CMRR ? Ans. infinity. Q5.For a 13-bit DAC the MSB resistance is 2kohms. What is the LSB resistance ? Ans. 2kohms * 2 12 Q6. How many mod 3 counters are required to construct mod 9 counter. Ans.2 Q7. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence c) Acknowledgement d) Retransmission Ans. (c) Q8. The layer in the OST model handles terminal emulation a) session b) application c) presentation d) transport Ans. (b) Q9. Long int size is a) 4 bytes b) 2 bytes c) compiler dependent d) 8 bytes Ans. (c) Q10. Find the output of x=2,y=6,z=6 x=y=z; printf("%d",x); Q11. FTP is carried out in ___________ layer ? Other questions : Problem related to pointers.Refer Page.123 of C Programming, by Kernighan and Ritchie. Few question related to C++ ************************************************************************ ************************ HUGHES There were two papers one was aptitude ( 36 questions) and other was technical(20 questions) 1: given an expression tree and asked us to write the in fix of that expression four choices2: global variables in different files are a:at compiletime b) loading time c) linking time d)execution time 3)size of(int) a) always 2 bytes b) depends on compiler that is being used c) always 32 bits d) can't tell 4)which one will over flow given two programs 2 prog 1: prog2: main() main() {{ int fact; int fact=0 long int x; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) fact=factoral(x); fact=fact*i; } }int factorial(long int x) { if(x>1) return(x*factorial(x-1); } a) program 1; b) program 2; c) both 1 &2 d) none } 5) variables of fuction call are allocated in a) registers and stack b) registers and heap c) stack and heap d) 6) avg and worst case time of sorted binary tree7) data structure used for proority queue a) linked list b) double linkedd list c)array d) tree 8) main(){ char str[5]="hello"; if(str==NULL) printf("string null"); else printf("string not null"); } what is out put of the program? a) string is null b) string is not null c) error in program d) it executes but p rint nothing 9)there are 0ne 5 pipe line and another 12 pipe line sates are there and flushed time taken to execute five instructions a) 10,17 b) 9,16 c)25,144 d)10) for hashing which is best on terms of buckets a)100 b)50 c)21 d)32 ans 32 11)void f(int value){ for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if(value &0x8000>>1) printf("1") else printf("0"); } } what is printed? a) bineray value of argument b)bcd value c) hex value d) octal value 12)void f(int *p){ static val=100; val=&p; } main(){ int a=10; printf("%d ",a); f(&a); printf("%d ",a); } what will be out put? a)10,10 13) struck a{ int x; float y; char c[10]; } union b{ int x; float y; char c[10]; } which is true? a) size of(a)!=sizeof(b); b) c) d) 14)# define f(a,b) a+b #defiune g(c,d) c*d find valueof f(4,g(5,6)) a)26 b)51 c) d) 15) find avg access time of cache a)tc*h+(1-h)*tm b)tcH+tmH c) d) tc is time to access cache tm is time to access when miss occure 16) main() { char a[10]="hello"; strcpy(a,'\0'); printf("%s",a); } out put of the program? a) string is null b) string is not null c) program error d) 17) simplyfy k map 1xx0 1x01 18) int f(int a) { a=+b; //some stuff} main() { x=fn(a); y=&fn; what are x & y types a) x is int y is pointer to afunction which takes integer value 19) char a[5][15]; int b[5][15]; address of a 0x1000 and b is 0x2000 find address of a[3][4] and b[3][4] assume char is 8 bits and int is 32 bits a) b) c) d) there are 20 questions all in techinical paper and 36 questions in appititude te st in appititude thay have given all diagrams and asked to find what comes next thay are quite easy and i hope if u practice r.s aggraval u can do it easily for tecnical thay have given 1 hr for 20 questions and for not technical thay ha ve given only 40 min and 36 questions this is the paper i have right now 1. main() { fork(); fork(); fork(); printf("\n hello"); } How many times print command is executed? 2.main() { int i,*j; i=5; j=&i; printf("\ni= %d",i); f(j); printf("\n i= %d",i); } void f(int*j) { int k=10; j= &k; } output is a 5 10 b 10 5 c55 d none 3. some question on pipeline like you have to findout the total time by which execution is completed for a pipeline of 5 stages. 4. main() { int *s = "\0"; if(strcmp(s,NULL)== 0) printf("\n s is null")p else printf("\n s is not null"); } 5. some syntax which returns a pointer to function 6. size of integer is a. 2 bytes b 4 bytes c. machine dependant d compiler dependent. 7.max and avg. height of sorted binary tree a. logn n b n logn 8. some question. like the number was shifted everytime by one and bitwise and with 10000000. one was supposed to find what the code was doing. I feel the answer was most probably finding decimal value. 9. int a[5][4] int is 2 bytes base address for array is 4000(Hexa) what will be addr for a[3][4]? int is 4 bytes same question. 10. implementation of priority queue a. tree b linked list c doubly linked list. ************************************************************************ ************************ CTS 98 IIT MADRAS analogies --------1. slur : speech ans: smulge : writing (choice is B) 7. cpahlet : shoulder ans: ring : finger (choice is C) 8. vernanlar : place ans: finger print : identical (choice is B) opposite -------9.corphlent ans: emaciated (choice is D) 10. officious ans: pragmate (choice is D) 11. dextrous ans: clumsy (choice is B) 12 -14: each sentense is broke to four sections a,b,c,d.choose which has mistake mark (e) if you find no mistake. 12:a)phylchologists pointout that b)there are human processes c)which does not involve d) the use of words(choice is A) 13:a)jack ordered for b)two plates of chicken c)and a glass d)of water (choice is A) 14:a) politics is b) (choice is A)(are) 16 - 20: each question of group of questions is based on a passage or a setof conditions for each question,select the best answer choice given. (i).if it is fobidden by law if the object of agreement is the doing of an act,that is forbidden by law the agreement is void. (ii). if it is of the nature that,it would defeat the provision of any law is the agreement is void.if the object of agreement is such that thing got directly forbidden by law it would defeat the provision of statuary law. (iii). if the object of agreement is fraddulent it is void. (iv). an object of agreement is void if it involves or implies to the personnal property of another. (v). an object of agreement is void where the constant regards as ignored. (vi). an object of agreement is void where the constant regards is as opposed to public policy. 17. A,B,C enter an agreement for the division a many them of gains acqest or by be acquit by them by them by the argument is void as: ans: ---- (choice is D) 21-25) An algorithem follws a six step process za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf, it is governed by follwing: (i) zd should follw ze (ii) the first may be za,zd or zf (iii) zb and zc have to be performed after zd (iv) zc must be immediately after zb 21) ans:- D22) if za the first set zd must be a) 3rd b)5th c)2nd d)4th ans:- A or D (probably a) 23) zf can be 3rd or 5th------any of the six, first, second or forth only,any of first four only none these: ans:- B 24) if zb must follw za then a)za can only 3rd or fourth b) first or second c) can not be third d) fouth or fifth e)none ans:- A 25) ze is third term the no of diff operations possible is ans:- D (dabad) 26-31) ravi plans six sep-- x,y,z,w,u,v in rows no 1 to 6 ,according to the follwing conditions he must plant x before y and u he must plant y &quot; w the 3rd has to be z 26) which could be in order a) xuywzv b) xvzyuw c)zuyxwv d)zvxuwy e) wyzuvx ans:- B 27) which is true a) z before v b) z before x c) w before u d) y before u e) x before w ans:- D 28) if he plans v first which is second x,y,z,w,u so ans is 'x'. choice is A. 29) which is true a) x,3 b)y,6 c)z,1 d)w,2 e)u,6 ans:- E 30) if he plans b 6th which would be first and second a) x and w b) x and y c)y and x d)w and z e) w and u ans:- B 31) if he plans w before u and after v he should plan w at a) first b)second c)fourth d)fifth e)sixth ans:- D 32)thursday 33)a&amp;d 34)south hit 35) 36)at a certain moment a watch showes 2 min lag althogh it is fast.if it showed a 3 min lag at that moment ,but gain 1/2 min more a day than it does. it would show the true time one day sooner than it usually does .how many mins does the watch gain per day. a).2 b).5 c).6 d).4 e).75 ans : e ----&gt;(discount problem) 20%-&gt;15%then-&gt;32% (ans:32%) 37)in 400m race a gives b a start of 7 sec &amp; beats by 24m.in another race a beats by 10 sec.the speeds are a)8,7 b)7,6 c)10,8 d)6,8 e)12,10 ans:c(10,8) 38)3x+4y=10 x cube+y cube=6 minimum value of 3x+11y=? ans=? 39)0.75 40)41)sink---7.7kms---&gt;fills 2 1/4 t is 5.5 min. 92 tonnes enough.. sink throws out 18 tonnes/hr. avg. speed to a)1.86 b)8.57 c)9.4 d)11.3 e)10.7 42) . ______ / \ 2 2 cms /_a_\ ______ / \ 3 2 cms area of the d=50 cm square /___b___\ ______ what is the area of the b=? / \ 4 2 cms /_____c_____\ ______ / \ 5 2 cms ans=(10.7) /_______d________\ ______ 43)600 tennis players 4% -&gt;wrist band on one wrist of remain 96%-&gt;25%-&gt;on both hands remain no of ---(ans:312) 44)312(doubt) or 432 45)in how many ways 5e,6s,3f be arranged if books of each language are to be kept together 17,64800,90,58400,3110400 ans:e(3!*5!*6!*3!=3110400) 46)--47)three types of the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg&amp;70/kg .how many kg of each be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth Rs.90/kg,gives that the quntities of b&amp;c are equal a)70,15,15 b)50,25,25 c)60,20,20 d)40,30,30 ans:b 48)water milk problem 49)x+y+z=w q)two distinct no's are taken from 1,2,3,4......28 a)probably that the no is 6 --&gt;1/14 b)probably that it exceeds 14 --&gt;1/28 c)both exceed 5 is 3/28 d)less than 13-&gt;25/28 (24/28) e)none ans:d 51)1200 died 6 due to acc 7 55)170% CTS '99 Pondicherry SECTION I - 8 questions. Series. 1. Interchange of letters in a word and the adjacent letters are also to be changed. given letters series like [also few condotions] AAABBB= ABABAB= LET QUESTION IS ABBAAB If we apply 25 on this it means we have to interchange the letters at positions 2 and 5, and we have to change the adjacent letters 2 and 5 from A to B and B to A. That is q's A B B A A B after Step 1 i.e interchange 2 and 5. now change adjacent elements of 2 and 5...finally answer becomes Ans: B A A B B A //Hint: As per question papers 5 questions above like but numbers change. REMAINING 3 QUESTIONS: 6. To get AAABBD from BBBAAA what ot apply:a) 25 b) 34 c)25 & 34 d) noneSECTION II 1. Given the function f(n a b c ) = ac if n=1 f(n a b c) = f( n-1 a b c) + f( 1 a b c) + f( n-1 b a c ) if n > 1 f( 2) = ? Ans: f( 2 a c b ) = ab + ac + bc. 2. similar question in functions. 3. [ based on function in 1.] f( 4 a b c ) the number of terms is...? Ans: f( 4 a b c ) = f( 3 a c b ) + f( 1 a b c ) + f( 3 b a c ) etc. = 5ab + 5ac + 5bc. 4. f( 5 a b c ) = ? SECTION III Permutations and Combinations. 8 questions. 1. r = number of flags; n = number of poles; Any number of flags can be accommodated on any single pole. i) r=5,n=5 The no. of ways the flags can be arranged ? ii) to iv) are based on this. 6. r= 5 n = 3 . If first pole has 2 flags ,third pole has 1 flag how many ways the remaining can be arranged? 7.& 8. same as above. SECTION IV Question consising of figures consist of 4 small squares and every square having an arrow pointing in one Direction. GRE test of reasoning. hint: What is the next sequence if we tilt the figure by 90 degrees like that( clockwise and mirror images ? ). SECTION V In this section first part of compound word is given. Select meaning of the second part from the choice given: 1. Swan 2. Swans 3. Fool 4. Fools 5. Stare 6. Lady For all above 4 choices are given..... Eg. Swan a) category b) music c) --- d) none Ans: Swansong is compound word. But song is not given as option. so b) music is answer. TS 99 PAPER . *This paper contains 40 questions and time is 60mts.*/ CTS -REC'99(TRICHY) SECTION-1: Find the sequence: ( d is always NONE ) 1. BC CE EG GK ? a)KN b)KU c)KM d) 2. AA AB BC CE? a)EG b)EH c)EI d) 3. AB EF JK QR ? a)YZ b)ZA c)AB d) 4.ACD EGL IKT MOB? a)QST b)QSZ c)QSY d) 5.AC CG GO OE? a)EJ b)EI c)EL d) 6.AE BH CM DU? a)EH b)EZ c) EB d) 7. AD DP PL LV a)VS b)VK c)VI d) 8. SE QU EN TI? a)CN b)BM c)AI or AZ d) SECTION-II: FIND THE VALUES FOR FOLLOWING PROBLEM: F(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X NOT EQUAL TO ZERO if f(X=0)=0 9. f(5) VALUE a)15 b)24 c)22 d)NONE 10.f(f(2)) 11.f(16)- f(15) 12.f(16)+f(15)-480 13.f(f(x))=81 THEN VALUE OF X= 14.f(X)=4f(X-1) THEN VALUE OF X= 15.f(X)= f(X-1)+f(X-2) FOR X>1 THEN X= 16.f(X)-f(X-1)=f(X-8) FOR X>5 THEN X= SECTION -III: ###In the follwing questins we r giving 'aword' which may not have any meaning.Find differnet possible words or palandrams for the word as per que. I. for the following find no of distinct words that can be formed. 17. TYGHHTT A).420 B)1540 C)840 D)NONE 18. TYGHHTY 19. TYGHHTT 20. TYGHHTT 21. TYGHASD 22. TYGHHTY II Find NO OF POSSIBLE PALANDRAMS for following 23. TYGHHTY 24. TYHHHTYH. /*dEAR FRIENDS DON,T CONFUSE WITH THE WORDS REPEATED.Iam sure.Words are same.They might have changed the questionsfor20,21,22.Concentrate on that respect*/ 25 to 32 are figures.Uhave to analyse them.He will give five figs.One is not correct SECTION IV: It having complete of figs.(26 -32) SECTION -V: For following first find out the anagram and then note the corresponding meaning. 33.TABLET(anagram means first u arrange the letters in correct order like (TABLET===BATTLE . so ans is FIGHT i.e. B) 34.RUGGED 35.GORE. 36.STASSI. For all above choices are. A) resentment B)Fight c)Help d) Monster 37. ENFOLD 38. LAMB 39. RECEDE. 40. PLEASE. For above 4 choices are same A)cuddle B)sleeping c)proclamination d)ointment. ************************************************************************ ************************ The Naughty `C' For Novice and Intermediate C Programmers To get the answer highlight the answer line ( It may not be there ) Find MAXIMUM of three distinct integers using a single C statement Ans : d= (a>b) ? ((a>c) ? a : c)) : ((b>c) ? b : c )) Swap two variables without using any extra variable Ans : a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b; Construct a doubly linked list using a single pointer in each node Ans : int i=0; while(i=0) printf("%d",++i); Guess the output Ans : The Loop is not executed, since the assignment statement returns the assigned value zero which is equivalent to false in C int i=0; while(i=1) printf("%d",++i); Guess the output Ans : The Loop is executed forever always printing 2, since the assignment statement returns the assigned value one which is equivalent to true in C int x=2, y=6, z=6; x=y==z; printf("%d",x); Guess the output Ans : The == has higher precedance than ************************************************************************ ***********************