Call to Order
Mayor Collum called the meeting to order at 7:04PM.
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Mayor led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mary Boss gave the Invocation.
Roll Call
Present and forming a quorum were Mayor Collum and Alderwomen Mary Boss, Pamela Romer, Sondra Leigh
Aldermen Robert Perez, and Carlos Solis. Also present was Town Secretary Idalia Vega and Chief John
Citizen Comments
Michael Bratschi- Commented that he would like to see Proposition 13 passed to help out Town of Indian Lake residents. He also commented that he is against any garbage increase and that the Council Members need to continue to work on other cutbacks such as the Police Department.
Discuss and Consider approval of 2010 Audit presented by city auditor Juan Rivera
Mr. Juan Rivera presented his report on the Town Audit 2010. Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve
Town of Indian Lake audit, seconded by Mary Boss. Carlos Solis abstained. All approved; motion carried.
Discuss and Consider Approval of the July 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve July 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes, seconded by Mary Boss.
Carlos Solis abstained. All approved; motion carried.
Discuss and Consider Approval of the July 22, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve July 2011 Special Meeting Minutes, seconded by Mary Boss.
Carlos Solis abstained. All approved; motion carried.
Discuss and Consider Approval of the July 2011 Financial Statements
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve the July 2011 Financial Statements, seconded by Sondra Leigh.
Carlos Solis abstained. All approved; motion carried.
Police Department July 2011 Report
Police Chief John Chambers presented his July 2011 report. Chief Chambers discussed how the department was able to help other departments investigate and prosecute persons relating to Medicaid fraud and other criminal activities. Chief Chambers briefly discussed a week long mandatory Chief School that he attended out of town. Chief Chambers reminded the public that there is an officer on call 24 hours a day, who can be reached at (956) 233-8559 or 911 for Emergencies.
Public Works Report July 2011 Report
Mayor Collum presented the Public Works Report for July 2011.
Municipal Court Report July 2011
Mayor Barbara Collum presented the Municipal Court Report for July 2011.
Discuss and Consider Approval of Ordinance 0075-F, adjusting the garbage rate.
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve Ordinance 0075-F, increasing the garbage rate to $21.48 per month per cart, and $12.50 for each additional cart per month effective September 1, 2011, seconded by Carlos
Solis. Sondra Leigh opposed approval. All approved. Motion Carried.
Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution No. 2011-01, Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and Setting the 2011-2012 Property Tax Rate
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve Resolution No. 2011-01, adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal
Year 2011-2012 and setting the 2011-2012 Tax Rate, seconded by Mary Boss. All approved; motion carried.
Pamela Romer-Yes
Mary Boss-Yes
Sondra Leigh-Yes
Robert Perez-Yes
Carlos Solis-Yes
Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution No. 2011-02, Proposition 13, the ad valorem tax freeze on residence homesteads of the disabled and of the elderly and their spouses
Motion was made by Pamela Romer to approve Resolution No. 2011-02, Proposition 13, the ad valorem tax freeze on residence homesteads of the disabled and of the elderly and their spouses, seconded by Mary Boss.
All approved; motion carried.
Alderman Robert Perez commented on Chief John Chambers, stating that he is doing a great job in the community. Mr. Perez also commented on Maintenance man Alberto Munoz using his private vehicle for 2 weeks at no cost to the Town while the work truck was not working.
Alderwoman Pamela Romer announced the birthday of her mother Anita Haire, and also asked residents to sign a birthday card. She also commented on Jake Collum being hospitalized and anyone wishing to sign a get well card as well.
Adjournment- Motion was made by Pamela Romer to adjourn meeting, seconded by Sondra Leigh. All approved; motion carried.