PCP Integrated Health Promotion - Case study template

Attachment Seven
PCP Integrated Health Promotion Case Study –
Gippsland Women’s Forum
Details of PCP contact
Name of PCP
Contact Person
Phone No.
Email Address
Wellington Primary Care Partnership
Rachael Dooley
Health Promotion Coordinator
(03) 51438868
Details of Project contact
Name of organisation
Contact Person
Phone No.
Email Address
Wellington Primary Care Partnership
Jenny Feist
Health Promotion Officer – Yarram & District Health Service
(03) 51820233
Identified Partners
Partner Organisation
Roles and responsibilities with
regard to the project
Contact person details
(name, position)
Relationships Australia
Sponsor + Committee
Bianca Pezzutto
VicRelief Foodbank
Sponsor + Committee
Tammy McGhee
Wellington Shire Council
Sponsor + Committee
Mary Salce
Latrobe Community Health
Committee Member
Stephanie Cowen
West Gippsland Catchment
Steve Evans - CEO
Yarram Lions Club
Red Cross – Yarram Branch
Committee Member +
Registration Management
Catering + Committee member
Kay Belcher
Yarram & District Health Service
Chair Steering Committee
Jenny Feist
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Gippsland Women’s Health
Workshop Presentation
Department of Primary Industry
Committee Member
GPA South Gippsland
Sponsor + Committee Member
Liz Craig
Gippsland East LLEN
Committee Member
Lynda Taylor
Department of Sustainability &
Committee Member
Tania Jobling
Case Study Title
Alma Reis
Gippsland Women’s Forum
Over the past two years, in conjunction with a number of service providers, Yarram & District Health
Services has conducted an annual forum for rural women. The Women’s Resilience Forum aims to
assist in reducing and preventing negative impacts on the health of families, such as stress, family
breakdown, isolation and suicide. Confronting the immediate impact of drought and climate change for
rural individuals and their communities as well as the issue of social isolation in remote communities,
this forum seeks to celebrate the bonds between rural women, strengthen their support networks and
provide current resources and information.
The model for the forum includes: interactive workshops in small groups conducted by industry
specialists; Presentations from a variety of professionals on issues impacting on rural women and their
families; Focus groups discussing presentation issues with access to professional presenters; and an
Expo focusing on service providers accessible to rural women.
Name of Project
Gippsland Women’s Forum
Priority goal
Further develop the capacity for small, remote and those most at
need in the Wellington Shire to be strong, inclusive, resilient and
Priority issue(s)
To promote mental health and wellbeing in women and their families
through community leadership, and development of skills
Target group
Women and families
DHS IHP expectations
Promotion of Mental Health and Wellbeing
The Gippsland Health Services Partnership is a regional level
partnership of agencies from the health sector and local government.
The Partnership has agreed to work toward catchment level health
promotion plans for the 2009-12 period, and to focus on the
priorities of physical activity, healthy eating, mental health
promotion and sexual and reproductive health.
1. To provide opportunities for people living in small and remote
communities to access information and programs that will enhance
their mental wellbeing and connection with their community.
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2. Build the capacity of organisations and the community to
promote respectful relationships and individuals rights.
Project participants
Women living in rural areas of Gippsland.
Service Providers
Methodology and approach
Resources for Implementation
Participating organizations provided own resources and presenters.
Method of Impact/Evaluation Tools
(See Results - Evaluation Women’s Forum 2009) Attached
(See Results – Evaluation Women’s Forum 2010) Attached
The Steering Committee has representation from health professionals, community organizations, local
government, community members and local service providers. The role of the Steering Committee
includes review of evaluations, development of themes and program for forum, project management of
aspects of forum, sourcing funds to conduct forum, seeking sponsorship, providing specialized support
to workshop leaders and management of forum.
Key Features Include:
 Small Interactive Workshops which include sharing of knowledge covering issues such as:
Wellbeing & Relaxation Techniques
Resilience & Coping Skills
Financial Awareness
Knowing Your Legal Rights
Nutrition and a Healthy Lifestyle
Communication skills
 Keynote Speaker – Local presenter
Open Forum with presentations from industry specialists in issues impacting on rural women
Keynote speaker – International Stage
Panel discussions on selected topical issues
Focus groups – providing an opportunity for participants to interact with panel presenters and
discuss individual concerns
To improve the mental wellbeing of Women and their families in Yarram & District.
Time: 2 ½ days
Provided by partnership agencies and individual presenters
Yarram Women’s Forum - 2009
Impacts and outcomes
Women aged between
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Older than 65
Who lived in town
On a farm
Born in Australia
Indigenous/Torres Strait Islander
Workshops rated as most beneficial:
‘Effective Communication Strategies with Adolescents
‘Keeping the Mind & Body Healthy’
‘How to keep the Bond & Respect Solid in Your
‘Myth Busting Women’s Health Issues’
Rated the workshops generally as ‘great to very useful’ (88.7%)
The forum was a benefit to attendees because of
‘information sharing’
The Keynote Speaker was rated 94.6% ‘very good to great’
The lunchtime Service Provider Expo was rated 90% ‘good to great’
What could be done differently?
‘noisy in café’
‘more time spent in workshops’
‘streamline registration process’
From 27 responses- 59.2% were employed in the health sector.
93.6% answered ‘maybe to yes’ if their organisation would consider
participating in future community events / projects that promote
community capacity and sustainability.
Women’s Forum – New Me, New World – 2010
The success of the forum was evidenced by an increase in
attendance of 25% on previous year. The forum has increased in
time from 1 day to 2 ½ days in response to 2009 evaluation of
attendees. The 2009 bushfires impacted on residents of Yarram &
District and the forum provided an opportunity to reflect and move
forward. Evaluations indicated workshops and activities were very
strongly supported and met objectives.
Strong Points:
Presentation Dinner provided an opportunity for working
women to attend, with speaker providing an excellent
presentation on Mental Health
A wider range of ages attended
Provided an opportunity for women to work together
Provided an opportunity for women to hear and discuss
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issues related to climate change and our changing
Contributed toe the economic benefit of the district
Development leadership skills in committee members
Weak Points:
Brochure needed to be more descriptive of the aims and
objectives of the event.
More transport support
Need to encourage access for all abilities further
Main venue had limited disabled access and noise was an
issue when conducting workshops
Planning for event needed to have a longer lead up time
Increased attendance
Increase in number of funding organizations
Increase in number of organizations that wish to
participate in future events
Improved variety of workshops and professional
Larger attendance from those with a disability
Status and sustainability
Suggested Changes:
Commence planning and fundraising earlier in previous
Involve young women in planning
Formalise partnerships
Develop a sustainable plan to ensure program meets
changing needs of participants whilst maintaining the aim
of the program.
Include representation on committee from Access for all
Abilities – Wellington Shire
Leadership skills were further enhanced by participation from
members of community on Steering Committee. Media skills
workshop was provided to committee members, along with project
leadership. Attendees representing organizations indicated interest
in supporting future women’s forums, with 93.6% responding with
‘maybe or yes’ if their organisation would consider participating in
future programs. 83.3% of attendees indicated that the forum was
of benefit for ‘information sharing’ and skill development.
This annual forum has been conducted for 2 years, with planning underway for the upcoming 2011
forum. Evaluations indicated that rural women appreciated the opportunity to take time out to attend
a forum which provided an opportunity to learn about issues which impact on local rural communities as
well as the wider community to the world stage. Whilst at the same time learning new skills in areas
such as financial planning, succession planning and legal issues affecting women.
This forum also provided an opportunity for participants to discuss issues which impact on their health
and the health of their family and how to access services supporting rural communities. Women were
able to provide feedback on issues which have affected their local communities, including support to
those impacted by the 2009 bushfires.
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