Brief of Work Assignment under Service Category 1 – Feasibility and

Annex I
Consultancy Services for a Study on the Customer Care and Billing System
for the Water Supplies Department
Outline of Consultancy Brief
The Water Supplies Department (WSD) of The Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region (Government) plans to engage a suitably qualified
consulting firm (Consultant) to conduct a study on its Customer Care and Billing
System (CCBS Study).
WSD is responsible for water supplies in the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region. The functions of WSD are set out as follows:
To plan water resources and to design, construct, maintain and operate
water supply systems in order to provide a full supply to meet the
demands of the territory;
To control the quality of water supply to customers in accordance with
international and WSD standards; and
To provide customer services and to enforce the Waterworks Ordinance
and Regulations
Based on the Information Systems Strategy Study completed in 1999, WSD has
completed the implementation of the Customer Care and Billing System (CCBS)
in phases by June 2006. The CCBS is an integrated, mid-range, mission-critical
information technology (IT) system to deliver a one-stop shop customer and
billing services for its 2.7 million customers in the territory. In addition, the
CCBS serves the Drainage Services Department (DSD) by providing functions
related to sewage charges (SC) and Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES). The
approved project cost was at $253.1 millions.
The CCBS has been implemented and maintained by a contractor (hereinafter
referred to as the “CCBS Contractor”) under the administration and supervision of
Information Technology Project Management and Review Unit (ITPMRU) of
WSD in accordance with the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “CCBS
Contract”) awarded by the Government Logistics Department (GLD) for an initial
period of 10 years after system acceptance from 30 June 2006 to 29 June 2016.
The CCBS mainly comprises a core subsystem of packaged proprietary product
from Oracle’s Utilities Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) bundled with other
peripheral subsystems of (i) Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
with packaged proprietary product from IBM FileNET’s Panagon product family,
(ii) Workforce Management (WFM) with customised programs from the CCBS
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Annex I
Contractor, and (iii) Data Warehouse with packaged proprietary product from
SAS’s Business Intelligence solution, together with multiple system interfacing
with other WSD and external IT systems and hundreds of customisations on top
of packaged proprietary products, as duly designed, developed, integrated and
implemented by the CCBS Contractor in order to meet the ever-increasing and
ever-demanding daily business and operational needs of the CCBS end-users.
The objectives of this consultancy assignment are briefly listed out below:
To explore, identify, evaluate and compare various options available and
then recommend the most suitable strategic plan and maintenance plan for
the CCBS to meet the operational and management needs of WSD to
deliver its business objectives described in paragraph 2.1 above and the
needs of DSD to deliver its business functions related to SC and TES
mentioned in paragraph 2.2 above; and
To provide the implementation plan for the recommended strategic plan
and maintenance plan for the CCBS.
The scope of this consultancy services includes the following aspects:
Study and identify improvement areas for the current business operations,
environments and functions of the CCBS, the existing CCBS maintenance
services provided by the CCBS Contractor, the prevailing CCBS Contract
and the CCBS-related IT infrastructure, and staff resources.
CCBS Strategic Plan Options
(a) Continue to run on the existing CCBS with necessary hardware and
software replacement, enhancement, and/or upgrade;
(b) Develop a new CCBS (packaged-based or tailor-made) to replace the
existing one with necessary business process reengineering (BPR)
and other changes; and
(c) Any other available options to be proposed by the Consultant.
CCBS Maintenance Plan Options
(a) Renew the existing maintenance contract to be expired in June 2016
with necessary modifications to the specifications, terms and
(b) Open up the service provider of the maintenance of the existing
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Annex I
CCBS or new CCBS with necessary modifications to the
specifications, terms and conditions;
(c) Undertake the maintenance of the existing CCBS or new CCBS by
WSD in-house IT team with or without assistance of other third
parties; and
(d) Any other available options to be proposed by the Consultant.
Key Deliverables
The final report of the CCBS Study should cover:
The findings of the CCBS Study, evaluation of options, cost and benefits
analysis, risk and impact analysis, and recommendations with
justifications; and
The implementation approach and plan of the recommendations with
financial implications.
Duration of the Consultancy
This consultancy assignment is expected to start in around January 2013 for a
study period of 26 weeks.
Type of Consulting Firm
The consulting firm for this consultancy services must have fulfilled the following
Relevant experience of both management and IT consultancy services in
the last 5 years;
Proven track records in conducting IT system studies and shall have
completed at least one (1) project on IT system study with total value of
the study not less than HK$2 millions or equivalent in the past 5 years;
Proven track records to show involvement and experience in BPR,
implementation and maintenance of IT systems for billing or customer
services, and network infrastructure.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) closing date is the cut-off date for counting the
years of experience of the consulting firm.
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Annex II
General Management Consultancy List of Efficiency Unit
(as of 11 May 2012)
1. A-World Consulting
2. A.T.Kearney (Hong Kong) Limited
3. Academy of Management Consultancy Limited
4. Accenture Company Limited
5. Advance Management Consultants Limited
6. AECOM Asia Company Limited
7. Ahead Business Consultants Limited
8. Alchimie Asia Limited
10. Aon Hong Kong Limited
11. APCO Worldwide Limited
12. Asia Consulting Group Limited
13. Asia Economics
14. Asia Intellectual Capital Alliance Limited
15. Asia Pacific Intellectual Capital Centre Limited
16. AT Associates Hong Kong Limited
17. Atelier ALICE ltd
18. Atkins China Limited
19. Azeus Systems Limited
20. BMT Asia Pacific Ltd
21. Booz & Company (H.K.) LLC
22. Boyden Management Consulting Asia Limited
23. Business Strategies Group Limited
24. Cartland Consulting Limited
25. CBRE HK Limited
26. China Business Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
27. Choy's Human Resource Consultancy Ltd
28. City University of Hong Kong - Outside Practice Administrative Unit
29. Clarion Learning Pty Ltd
30. Consultancy Associates Limited
31. Customer input Ltd
32. Davos & Co.
33. Dell Hong Kong Limited
34. Deloitte Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited
35. DHL Supply Chain (Hong Kong) Limited
36. DLS Management Limited
37. effective solutions
38. ERM-Hong Kong Ltd.
39. Ernst & Young
40. Evans & Peck (Hong Kong) Company Limited
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41. Executive Counsel Limited
42. Expense Reduction Analysts
43. First Link Consultants Company
44. Frost & Sullivan (Singapore) Pte Ltd
45. GHK (Hong Kong) Limited
46. Golden Aroma
47. Gov3 limited
48. Havering Radcliffe Ltd.
49. Hay Group Limited
50. HBC Limited
51. Headstrong (Hong Kong) Limited
52. Heathwallace Hong Kong Ltd
53. High Impact Management Consulting Limited
54. HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Consultants Limited
55. HMI Consulting Limited
56. Hong Kong Foresight Centre Limited
57. Hong Kong Productivity Council
58. Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
59. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology R and D Corporation Limited
60. iASPEC Services Limited
61. IBM China/Hong Kong Limited
62. Information Resource Management (IRM) Strategies
63. InnoFoco Limited
64. Inslo Limited
65. JCP Consultancy International Limited
66. Jumbo Consulting Co. Ltd.
67. K K Yeung Management Consultants Limited
68. KPMG Consulting
69. Learning Resources & Technologies Limited
70. Leonard Research and Consulting Limited
71. Lighthouse Consultant Limited
72. LMM Limited
73. Management and Executive Development Centre, Institute for Enterprise, The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University
74. Marsh (HK) Limited
75. McKinney Rogers International Ltd
76. McKinsey & Company, Inc. Hong Kong
77. Mercer (Hong Kong) Limited
78. mhm Asia Limited
79. MINT Asia Ltd
80. Monitor Group Hong Kong Limited
81. MTR Corporation Limited
82. Nihilism Ltd
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83. Nomura Research Institute Hong Kong Ltd.
84. ORC International Holdings, Inc.
85. Organisational Learning Consultancy Limited
86. Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd
87. Policy 21 Limited
88. PolyU Technology and Consultancy Co. Ltd
89. Poon Kam Kai Institute of Management
90. Powersoft Consultancy Limited
91. PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
92. Protiviti Hong Kong Co. Limited
93. PSI Consulting (Asia) Pty Limited
94. Public Policy Research Institute of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
95. PVC Strategic Consultants Limited
96. Qualitech Consultancy Ltd.
97. Razorfish (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
98. Red Hill Limited
99. Resources Global Professionals
100. Russell Reynolds Associates (HK) Ltd.
101. Scott Wilson Ltd
102. Scotwork
103. SEE Network Limited
104. Shift Limited
105. SMS Management & Technology Asia Pty Ltd
106. Spectrum Strategy Consultants Limited
107. SQW China Limited
108. Strategic Access Limited
109. Studio for Design Research
110. SustainAsia Ltd
111. The Boston Consulting Group International GMBH
112. The Economist Group (Asia/Pacific) Limited (Trading name: The Economist
Intelligence Unit)
113. The Gallup Organization (Hong Kong) Limited
114. The International Securities Consultancy Limited
115. The RFP Company
116. Third Horizon Consulting Partners Limited
117. Tiptop Consultants Limited
118. Towers Watson
119. TQM Consultants Co. Ltd.
120. Tricor Consulting Limited
121. VanceInfo Technologies Limited
122. Zensiblo Consulting Limited
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