A Dedication in Verse - Hillsdale Public Schools

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.
~Robert Frost
Create a booklet of poetry dedicated to ONE special person in your life. Use both collected poems and
original poetry. You will present this poetry booklet to that special person. Due Date: _____________
Decide to whom the booklet will be dedicated.
Create a cover page that must include the title of this project (A Dedication in Verse), as well as the
name of the person you are dedicating the booklet to. Artwork must be included.
Collect a total of six (6) poems written and published by professional poets that you will use as a
dedication to your selected person. You will also be interpreting and responding to these six
poems. (See guidelines)
***You may use your literature text as a resource for professional poetry. In addition, you may use
various web sites like poetry.org or famouspoetsandpoetry.com. Of course, you may use poetry books
found in the media center and public library.
Write six (6) original poems in various formats that you will also use as a dedication to your selected
person. These six poems will entail your own ideas and writing. (See guidelines)
Be sure all text is computer generated; all art work and graphics must
be neatly done and in color. It is highly recommended that all illustrations are also computer generated.
Your booklet must be compiled in this sequence.
 COVER PAGE: Your booklet must contain a cover page that includes the title of this project, the
name of the person you are dedicating the booklet to (This book is dedicated to_____________),
as well as artwork/illustrations to convey the sentiment.
 DEDICATION PAGE: This page will include a “Bio-Poem” and act as the dedication to your
selected person. Using the attached “Bio-Poem” format, you will write a dedication to the
selected person by filling in all appropriate criteria. Make certain that you clearly indicate the
significance of this person to your life within the poem. (This poem DOES NOT count as one of
the six poems you will write)
SIX PUBLISHED POEMS: For each of the published poem pages you must include the following:
 Title of the poem, author, copy of poem
 You must write a 1 paragraph INTERPRETATION of the poem (What is the poem about?
What is the meaning of the poem? Does it include metaphors, symbolism, rhyme scheme or
other types of figurative language?) and a 1 paragraph PERSONAL RESPONSE to the poem
(Why did you choose this poem? How does this poem connect to the person you are
dedicating the booklet to?)
 Artwork/Illustrations that convey the sentiment
SIX ORIGINAL POEMS: For each of your original poem pages you must include the following:
 Title of the poem (Make one up depending on the content of your poem)
 Your originally written poem in the correct format
 Artwork/Illustrations that convey the sentiment
Options for your original poems:)
 Haiku (a minimum of 3 must appear on the page)
 Free verse
 Concrete poetry (a poem which is written in a shape of the object it is describing)
 Sonnet (this one is a requirement)
 Quatrain
 Couplet poem (a minimum of 4 couplets must appear of the page)
 Extended metaphors
 Cinquain
 Limerick
**You MUST incorporate figurative language and poetic conventions into your original poems.
Examples: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery, alliteration, end rhyme, internal rhyme,
Bio-Poem FormatUse this format for your DEDICATION PAGE by filling in the appropriate information. You should write as
many words as possible to complete each line. The more information you provide, the better your poem
will be.
Line 1: First Name
Line 2: Four descriptive personality traits…
Line 3: Sibling of...
Line 4: Lover of… (what does this person love to do most?)
Line 5: Who fears...
Line 6: Who needs...
Line 7: Who gives...
Line 8: Who would like to see...
Line 9: Resident of...
Line 10: Last Name