252 Groups March 2016, Week 3 Large Group, 4

252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Bible Story: The Greatest Story Ever Told (Crucifixion) • John 18-19 (Supporting: Matthew 27;
Luke 23)
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember God is still at work.
Memory Verse: “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle
over the world.” John 16:33b, NIrV
Life App: Hope—believing that something good can come out of something bad.
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways
(Large Group, 35 minutes)
Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a
Large Group setting.
1. Opener/Closer
What You Need:
Lots of different light sources on stage (from previous weeks)
Tape line on the stage floor
2 small tables (TV tray size), marked “A” and “B”
6 large, clear plastic cups with the following liquids: sparkling water, Sprite, apple juice, pickle
juice, chocolate syrup, dark beef gravy
Flameless/battery candle (could be one of the light sources already on stage)
Gift card from a local ice cream shop
Music and Sound Effects Upbeat music to use as kids enter and exit the room
Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):
 Hope Slide
 Bottom Line Slide
What You Do:
Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have
Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.
Download the music from a resource such as iTunes® and have it ready to play.
Pre-set the “A” and “B” tables on stage. Place them at least 10 feet away from the tape line.
2. Bible Story
What You Need:
Book light for Bible
12 identical medium-size moving boxes (you will use these next week too)
24 thin sheets of paper OR 12 sheets of paper and a large piece of thin cloth that can be cut
into 12 squares large enough to fit over the top of a medium-size moving box
6 flashlights
Large, thin white sheet large enough to cover all of the boxes when they’re stacked four high
and three across.
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
Large Group Visuals (downloadable from the website):
 Memory Verse Slide
 Hope Slide
 Crucifixion Story Images 1-6
What You Do:
Download the slides and have them ready to use. If you do not have CG capabilities, you have
Orange’s permission to enlarge and print the slides on paper.
Use six of the sheets of paper to print the six images.
Fold in the top and the bottom flaps of the box so the box is open on both sides (like a tunnel).
Tape the printed image on one of the open sides of the box. Then cover over the open side with
a Story Image with either another sheet of thin paper or the thin cloth you cut and tape the
sides. Repeat for the remaining five images. You will have six more images next week for the
remaining boxes. You can go ahead and prepare those images now as well, or you can just use
blank pages. When all the boxes are stacked, they should appear the same—only when lit up
from behind will you be able to see the images.
Stack the finished boxes four high and three wide on your stage. The boxes with the pre-printed
images should be stacked in the shape of a cross, but not in the order they will be revealed in
the story (so that it’s not apparent it’s a cross until almost the end of the story). The image side
of the boxes should face the audience.
Number the backs of the boxes 1 through 6, so the Storyteller knows the order he or she should
turn on the flashlights.
Place a flashlight in the back of each box. Do a test run, dimming or turning off the lights in your
room and turning on the flashlights in the boxes to make sure the flashlights are bright enough
to light up the image.
Cover the entire stack of boxes with a thin sheet.
The boxes will need to be pre-set on stage before Large Group begins.
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Bible Story: The Greatest Story Ever Told (Crucifixion) • John 18-19 (Supporting: Matthew 27;
Luke 23)
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember God is still at work.
Memory Verse: “In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle
over the world.” John 16:33b, NIrV
Life App: Hope—believing that something good can come out of something bad.
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Story: Communicating God’s Truth in Engaging Ways
(Large Group, 35 minutes)
Engage kids’ hearts through a dynamic and interactive Bible story, worship, and prayer experience in a
Large Group setting.
Note: The boxes for the Bible story should be pre-set on
stage and covered with a large sheet. The “A” and “B”
tables for the Opener should also be pre-set.
Play high-energy music as kids enter.
Host is on stage, welcoming the kids as they enter. The
stage should be lit up with all kinds of different light
HOST: “Hey, everybody! I'm so glad you could join us today. This month, we are talking about HOPE!
CG: Hope Slide
“Hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad. Hope means that you KNOW
God is in control, even when life is looking dark and uncertain. You believe that God sees the bigger
picture. You choose to [Basic Truth] trust Him, no matter what. Hope can light up your path (turn on
one of the lights on stage) and give you the strength you need to carry on.
“Now, sometimes things go your way, and sometimes they don’t. In fact, in today’s story, we’re going to
talk about Jesus’ friends, the disciples, and how things didn’t really go down the way they had in mind.
But whether they knew it or not, there was always hope!
“Today I’d like to kick things off with a little game where things may—or may not—go according to plan.
I am going to face off against one (air quotes) ‘lucky’ contestant. I’m looking for someone with no fear
and no allergies … and a strong stomach. Any competitors up for the challenge?
Bring up one kid (or Small Group Leader).
“All right! [Contestant’s name], thanks for playing. This game is very simple. You and I are going to
taste-test three different pairs of drinks. With every two drinks, one is extremely delicious. One is
extremely disgusting. But they LOOK the same … so the choice is up to you! You will get to decide
which one you want, and I get the other one. You’ve got to stand behind this line (point to the tape line
on the floor) so you can’t use your sense of smell to make your decision. Make sense? (To audience)
Audience, are you ready? (Pause.) All right! Let the taste test begin!
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
Helpers bring out the cups with sparkling water and with
Sprite. They set one on the “A” table and one on the “B”
table, far away from Host and contestant.
“Taste test number one. Sparkling water … or Sprite. [Contestant’s name], when you’re ready, choose
either A or B.
Contestant chooses one and Worship Leaders bring the
“Okay, [contestant’s name], you have chosen drink [A or B], which means I get [A or B]. Let’s take a big
gulp and see who’s the lucky Sprite drinker.
Host and contestant take a drink. Have some fun with the
“Amazing! And now for taste test number two.
Helpers bring out the cups of apple juice and pickle juice
and set them on the tables.
“Apple juice … or pickle juice. [Contestant’s name], when you’re ready, choose either A or B.
Contestant chooses one and Worship Leaders bring the
“Okay, [contestant’s name], let’s take a big drink and see which one is apple-licious or pickle-licious!
Host and contestant take a drink. Have some fun with the
“All right! This is really disgusting. And now for the grand finale … taste test number three!
Helpers bring out the cups of chocolate syrup and dark
beef gravy and set them on the tables.
“Will it be chocolate syrup … or beef gravy? [Contestant’s name], when you’re ready, choose either A
or B.
Contestant chooses one.
“All right, [contestant’s name], who has chocolate and who has the liquid meat?
Host and contestant take a drink. Have some fun with the
“Ahhhhh! That was crazy! How about a big hand for our contestant, [contestant’s name]? (Give him the
ice cream gift card.) You deserve some ice cream! See, something good CAN come out of something
“Now all of you guys go ahead and stand up, because we’re about to sing to our God and thank Him for
giving us HOPE!”
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
Host exits / Storyteller enters
STORYTELLER: “Hey, guys! I have something amazing to tell you about today. It’s something that
Jesus did for us that has the potential to change your life … forever! One of the things I love about
following Jesus is that I know I can always have HOPE. (Turn on one of the lights on stage.)
CG: Hope Slide
“If hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad, then Jesus gave us the very
best example of hope that the world has ever known!
“If you’ve been here the past couple of weeks, we talked about how Jesus raised His friend Lazarus
from the dead, and everyone could see how amazingly powerful Jesus was. And we also talked about
the last meal Jesus shared with His friends, the disciples. Jesus told them He was going away, but He
promised them some really important things—that He was preparing a place for them in heaven AND
that He was sending them His Spirit to guide them. Even though there were dark times ahead, He
wanted His friends to know that [Basic Truth] they could trust Him no matter what and that God was
still at work. And their world was about to become really, really dark.
LIGHTS: Dim lights in the room to 20 percent brightness (not pitch black, but just light enough for the
kids to see Storyteller)
Note: If it’s not possible to dim your lights, turn them off
and then turn on a lamp or other small light so that it’s not
pitch black in the room. You just want it to be dark enough
to get the effect from the images.
“When we left off last week, Jesus and His friends had left the Passover meal and had gone to the
Garden of Gethsemane. Along the way, Jesus had promised that even though things were about to get
dark, God would make everything right in the end.
“He said, …
CG: Memory Verse Slide
“‘In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world,’ John
16:33.” (NIrV)
STORYTELLER: “Jesus and His friends had gone to the garden to pray. But pretty soon, some soldiers
arrived. They had been sent by the Jewish religious leaders to arrest Jesus!
Turn on the flashlight behind box 1 (very bottom center), so
the audience can see the image of the hands tied up with
“Jesus was tied up and taken to the high priest. His friends scattered, though Peter and another disciple
snuck along behind until they got into the courtyard. Three times, bystanders accused Peter of being
Jesus' friend. But three times, Peter denied it.
“Even one of Jesus’ closest friends had pretended not to know Him. Nearly everyone had abandoned
Him. Then, Jesus was put on trial by the high priest and religious leaders. Witnesses spoke lies about
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
Him and the religious leaders twisted His words. Jesus’ trial was completely unfair, but the high priest
sent Him to be condemned by the Roman governor, Pilate.
Turn on the flashlight behind box 2 (left), so the audience
can see the image of Jesus (view from the back) facing
Pilate (sitting on a chair with steps and columns).
“Pilate asked what charges they were bringing against Jesus. The people said He had committed
crimes even though He really hadn’t. Pilate asked Jesus directly: ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ (John
18:33, NIrV) And Jesus said (read John 18:36-37 from the Bible), ‘My kingdom is not from this world. …
I was born and came into the world to be a witness to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of truth
listens to me.’ (NIrV)
“Pilate could find nothing that Jesus had done wrong. He had soldiers whip Jesus …
Turn on the flashlight behind box 3 (right), so the audience
can see the image of the whip and crown of thorns.
“… and then he went out to address the religious leaders. He told them that he didn’t find Jesus guilty
of anything. He brought Jesus out before them once again, now dressed in a purple robe with a crown
of thorns pressed down on His head.
“We read in John 19:6 that the crowd was shouting, ‘Crucify him! Crucify him!’ And Pilate didn’t want to
make the crowd angry or get in trouble with his Roman bosses, either. So he went along with what they
wanted. He sentenced Jesus to die and handed him over to the soldiers.”
STORYTELLER: “Jesus had to carry His own cross.
Turn on the flashlight behind box 4 (bottom center), so the
audience can see the image of Jesus carrying the cross
(wide view).
“And the soldiers led Him to a hill outside the city called Golgotha. A few of Jesus’ friends straggled
along behind, including His mother Mary, several other women, and John. The soldiers nailed Jesus’
hands and feet to the cross and lifted it high into place.
Turn on the flashlight behind box 5 (top center), so the
audience can see the image of the three crosses (wide
“Jesus had done nothing wrong. But they were crucifying Him along with two other men—real
lawbreakers. They put a sign over His head that said, ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.’ (John
19:19, NIrV) The religious leaders shouted at Jesus and made fun of Him. They said, ‘He saved others.
Let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.’ (Luke 23:35, NIrV) Of course, Jesus
could have saved Himself in a heartbeat. But He didn’t. Because He knew that God was still at work.
“Even one of the lawbreakers, hanging on his own cross, gathered enough breath to laugh at Jesus.
‘Aren’t you the Messiah?’ he said. ‘Save yourself! Save us!’ (Luke 23:39, NIrV)
“But listen to what the second lawbreaker called out to the first. (Read Luke 23:40-43.) ‘“Don’t you have
any respect for God? … We are being punished fairly. … But this man hasn’t done anything wrong.”
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, …
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
“Today you will be with me in paradise.”’” (NIrV)
STORYTELLER: “When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took His clothes. They started gambling to
see who would get to keep them.
“Jesus saw His mother Mary and His friend John. He told Mary, ‘Dear woman, here is your son.’ Then
He turned His gaze to John and said, ‘Here is your mother.’ (John 19:26, 27, NIrV) He wanted John to
take care of His mother after He died.
“Soon, deep darkness covered the land, even though it was the middle of the day. Jesus knew that God
was still at work, but He must have felt completely alone. He said, ‘My God, my God, why have you
deserted me?’ (Matthew 27:46, NIrV)
“Then He said, ‘I am thirsty.’ (John 19:28, NIrV) One of the soldiers hoisted up a sponge dipped in
vinegar on the end of a stick, and Jesus drank it. And listen to what Jesus said next in John 19:30, ‘It is
finished.’ He knew that everything He had come to do was complete. Then He lowered His head … and
He died.”
Turn on the flashlight behind box 6 (center of the cross), so
the audience can see the image of Jesus on the cross
LIGHTS: Wait a few seconds, then bring lights back up a bit
STORYTELLER: “Jesus could have saved himself. But He didn’t. And His friends must have felt so
alone. They must have felt like all was lost.
“But we know that Jesus HAD to die. It was God’s plan all along. The Bible says (read John 3:16), ‘God
so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will
have eternal life.’ (NIrV)
Salvation Message:
“We sin. We do wrong things that go against what God wants us to do. And God is perfect, so
unfortunately, our sin separates us from Him. BUT God loves us so much that He sent us Jesus to die
on the cross and take the punishment for our sin. And if we believe—or trust—that Jesus did that for us
personally, then He forgives all of our sins and washes them all away. We’re perfectly clean! And once
our sins have been wiped clean, we can come close to God and have a relationship with Him that will
never end. That’s REALLY good news, guys. It’s the best news ever!
“And we also know the end of the story. We know that Jesus didn’t STAY dead, and that’s what we get
to celebrate at Easter! But at the time, the disciples didn’t know any of that. All they knew was that
Jesus, the Man who they believed had come from God, was dead.
They needed to remember the truth of our Bottom Line for today.
CG: Bottom Line Slide
[Bottom Line] “Whatever happens, remember God is still at work.
“They couldn’t see the bigger story that God was writing. They just saw the darkness that was in front of
them. But the light of hope was about to break through. God was still at work!
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).
252 Groups
March 2016, Week 3
Large Group, 4-5
“Let’s pray.”
STORYTELLER: “God, thank You for loving us so much that You sent Jesus to die on the cross for us.
We know that He gave up His life to take care of our sin problem, so that we could have a relationship
with You forever, and we are so thankful! It must have been so dark and scary for Jesus’ friends to see
Him suffer and die. And it must have been awful for Jesus to die too. But thank You for this great
reminder that You were still at work even then, just like You’re still at work in our lives today. Help us to
always find our hope in You. We love You and we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.”
Storyteller exits / Host enters
HOST: “So listen up. This was such an intense and amazing story that we heard today. When Jesus
got arrested, put on trial, and then sentenced to die, that had to be a really dark time. Most of His
friends deserted Him. He was alone.
“And the disciples, too, had to be feeling pretty bummed. Things definitely did not go the way they
wanted. They were scared. They were ashamed. If they had any hope left, it was only a flicker.
Hold up the (flameless/battery) candle.
“Maybe there’s been a time when YOU felt like all hope was lost. Maybe you’ve wondered why things
weren’t going the way you wanted. Maybe you were having trouble making friends. Or maybe your
family had to move to a new city just when you were starting to fit in. When you’re in the middle of a
situation like that, it feels like things aren’t going to get any better.
“Well, here’s something you can hope for. God is still at work. He was still working when Jesus was
arrested. He was still working when Jesus was put on trial. He was still working when Jesus was nailed
to a cross. And He’s still working in your life today, no matter how hopeless it might seem to you and
CG: Bottom Line Slide
“The one thing to remember today is this: [Bottom Line] Whatever happens, remember God is still
at work. God is bigger than us. He’s smarter than us. He can see the end of the story when we can
only see the part we’re in right now. And you can trust that He’s still working in your life, through good
times and bad times, no matter what happens.
“Now it’s time for you guys to head back to your Small Groups to talk about that some more.”
Dismiss children to their Small Groups.
©2016 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. • www.ThinkOrange.com
If you change the content of this document, please add to the copyright: Adapted by (your name/organization name/date).