ILLINOIS ARTICULATION INITIATIVE GECC COURSE SUBMISSION FORM Note: Requests to review courses must be submitted to the relevant panel by the institution's official institutional contact person. Although course submissions are accepted on a continuing basis, complete materials should be received no later than October 1st for Fall review and March 1st for Spring review. This course is being submitted for the first time or as the result of substantial changes. This course is being re-submitted for clarification at the panel’s request. This course is being submitted as part of the 5-year review process. Institution Name: IAI Course Number: Institution’s Course Prefix and Number: Institution’s Course Title: Midstate College F1 900 FA 120 Music Appreciation Number of Credit Hours: Indicate semester or quarter credit. Prerequisite: 4 Quarter Hours none Institutional title, prefix and number (IAI # if applicable) Panel-specific criteria have been consulted and any panel-specific checklists have been completed and attached (see Panel-Specific Criteria). ATTACH COMPLETE CURRENT COURSE INFORMATION Please verify (Check ) that the course submission materials provide evidence of the following: Course prefix/number and title, number of credit hours and contact hours, and studio or laboratory hours if applicable, must be included on syllabi and course outlines. Catalog description including any prerequisites Course goals and expected student learning outcomes Weekly or Daily topical outline Method(s) of evaluating student performance (including the number, length and type of assignments) Text(s) used and required reading lists, if applicable Date the syllabus and any supportive materials were prepared All delivery modes are identified (traditional and non-traditional) Transfer Coordinator/IAI Contact _____________Judith Bell_____________________ Person compiling submission if not IAI Contact _________________________________________________ Contact Number (309__) _692_ -__4092_ ext. _____ Date __9___/_25____/_08____ Contact Email___________jbell@midstate.edu_____________ For IAI course submissions to IAI panels, send to: Preferred submission format is as PDF or Word Document June 2008 MIDSTATE COLLEGE 411 W. NORTHMOOR RD. PEORIA, IL 61614 (309) 692-4092 (800) 251-4299 Fall 2008 Course Number and Name: FA120 Music Appreciation Credit Hours: 4 Quarter Hours Method of Delivery: Classroom Course Description: This course introduces the student to representative music masterpieces through perceptive listening. Emphasis is on the elements of music, various musical forms and periods, and great composers and performers. Prerequisite: none Text: Music, An Appreciation, Sixth, Brief Edition, 2008 ISBN-13 978-0-07-340134-8 Author: Kamien, Roger Publisher: McGraw Hill Topics: Elements of music (pitch, rhythm, harmony, etc.), music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic Periods, Twentieth Century music, and non-Western music Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. identify the basic elements of music. 2. demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of Western Art Music and its parallel development in the visual arts and literature as relevant in understanding musical styles 3. classify major composers and their representative works 4. identify musical forms and styles through attentive listening and increased perception 5. demonstrate an increased knowledge and, therefore, appreciation of diverse kinds of music Midstate Plagiarism Policy: Matters related to academic honesty or contrary action such as cheating, plagiarism, or giving unauthorized help on examinations or assignments may result in an instructor giving a student a failing grade for that academic effort and also recommending the student be given a failing grade for the course and/or be subject to dismissal. Plagiarism is using another person’s words without giving credit to the author. Original speeches, publications, and artistic creations are sources for research. If you use the author’s words in your papers or assignments, you must acknowledge the source. Plagiarism is strictly against the academic policy of the college and is grounds for failing the course. If repeated, plagiarism may result in suspension from the college. 9/08 LG FA120 Music Appreciation Instructor: -2- Lydia Gilmour, (309) 692-4092 Policies and Procedures: 1) Writing Assignments: Written assignments turned in with your name, date, and the name of the assignment at the top. 2) Tests: Tests must be taken on the date scheduled. Under special circumstances a test may be rescheduled within the week. 3) Exam: The final exam is comprehensive 4) Attendance: It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor when a class will be missed. If you know of a conflict ahead of time, you are welcome to submit assignments early. 5) Grades: It is the students’ responsibility to keep copies of all assignments until the end of the quarter when a final grade has been earned. If a document is lost and no copy is available, the student will not receive credit. 6) Behavior: Cell phones / beepers are prohibited from use in this course. Also, do NOT use email/messenger programs during class. This is not only rude to your instructor, but also distracts you and others around you from the learning experience. Participation Requirements: Student will be expected to attend class and participate in listening exercises and discussion. The student will also be expected to respond in writing to listening assignments and write a short research paper. The writing assignments grading rubric is at the end of this syllabus. There will be tests over each unit as well as a comprehensive final exam. Grade Determination: Class Attendance and Participation Written Performance Reviews Written Research Paper Chapter Tests Final Exam Midstate Grading Scale 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% FA120 Music Appreciation Course Outline: -3- Week 1 Unit 1 Elements of Music 1.1-1.10 – Pitch, Tone, Dynamics, Voice, Rhythm, Texture, Form, Style, Melody and Harmony Week 2 Unit 1 Test Unit 2 The Middle Ages and Renaissance 2.1-2.2 – Gregorian Chant, Secular Music, and Sacred Music Week 3 Week 4 Written Assignment 1 Due (from Medieval or Renaissance Listening Sample) Unit 2 Test Unit 3 The Baroque Period 3.1-3.8 – Baroque Society, Baroque Characteristics and Forms, and Opera 3.9-3.15 – Purcell, Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel Week 5 Written Assignment 2 Due (from Baroque Listening Sample) Unit 3 Test Unit 4 The Classical Period 4.1-4.6 -- Patronage in the Classical Period, Classical Forms, Chamber Music, and the Symphony Week 6 4.7-4.12 – Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven Week 7 Written Assignment 3 Due (from Classical Listening Sample) Unit 4 Test Unit 5 The Romantic Period 5.1-5.9 – Romanticism, the Art Song, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt, and Mendelssohn Week 8 5.10-5.18 – Program Music, Nationalism, Berlioz, Dvorak, Brahms, Verdi, Puccini, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner Week 9 Written Assignment 4 Due (from Romantic Listening Sample) Unit 5 Test Unit 6 The Twentieth Century and Beyond 6.1-6.15 – Musical Diversity, Impressionism and Expressionism, Debussy, Stravinsky, Gershwin, and Copland Week 10 6.16-6.20 – Music since 1945, Jazz, Movie and Stage Music, Rock Week 11 Written Assignment 5 Due (from Twentieth Century Listening sample) Unit 6 Test Unit 7 Nonwestern Music 7.1-7.3 – Characteristics of Nonwestern Music, African and Indian Music Week 12 Research Paper Due Final Exam 9/08 lg FA120 Music Appreciation -4- Writing Assignment Grading Rubric: Essay: 100 pts Introduction -5 Does not state objectives clearly -2 States objectives clearly, plus includes thesis statement Conclusion Does not summarize objectives clearly Paragraphs are not well developed, not using minimum number of sentences nor complex sentences Plus utilizes clincher statement that finalizes essay Paragraphs are somewhat developed, using simple sentences, and with the minimum number of sentences Parallelism with outline consistent throughout essay, with some exceptions Between 3-5 style errors Only one citation per page Between 3-5 errors Between 3-5 misspelled words Paragraph Development Parallelism Parallelism with outline inconsistent throughout essay MLA style More than 5 style errors No citations used Use of sources Mechanics Spelling More than 5 errors More than 5 misspelled words -0 States objectives clearly, plus includes thesis statement and attention getter Includes thesis statement Paragraphs are, for the most part developed, using multiple, complex and compound sentences +1 Also includes necessary info for reader’s understanding of topic Also includes final opinion that underscores and supports thesis Paragraphs are fully developed, using multiple, complex and compound sentences Parallelism with outline consistent throughout essay, with few exceptions Perfect parallelism between outline and essay’s paragraphs Between 1-3 style errors At least one citation per paragraph. Between 1-3 errors Between 1-3 misspelled words No MLA style errors More than one citation per paragraph. No errors No misspelled words Total Total