Physics 471 Final Exam Instructor: John Colton Winter 2008 Name: ________________________ I promise I do not have any “illegal” constants/formulas stored in my calculator: (signed) ________________________ Instructions: Closed book. 3 hour time limit, 1% penalty per minute over. Calculators permitted. Show your work. Include units where appropriate. If additional space is needed, you may use the backs of pages. Formulas: p Nq 2 m 0 Lorentz model: ro /4: cos 2 i sin 2 sin cos i sin cos sin cos i sin cos sin 2 i cos 2 cos 2 sin 2 /2: sin 2 cos 2 qe Eo and 2 me o 2 i p2 0 2 2 i 2 2 2 uy u u 1 2 x 2 2 2 z 2 2 2 n n nx n ny n nz p 2 i cos 2 n Fresnel Eqns: , 2 n1 cos 1 2 (p-polarization) r ,t 2 1 (s-polarization) r ,t 1 1 Jones vectors A general, standard form: i Be 2 Metals: Uniaxial, optic axis to surface: no n e n no , 2 2 no sin 2 2 ne cos 2 2 n sin 1 (p-polar) tan 2 e no n 2 sin 2 e tan no ne 1 sin 1 ne sin 2 1 2 (p-polar) Two interfaces: t13 1 RCP: 1 i ( 90) 2 e 1 1 LCP: i ( 90) 2 e T13 e ik2 d cos 2 t12t 23 r21r23e ik2d cos 2 n3 cos 3 2 t13 n1 cos 1 Tmax 1 F sin 2 Jones matrices cos 2 linear pol: sin cos 2 sin cos sin 2 Tmax 1 2 2 n cos 3 t12 t 23 T12T23 3 2 n1 cos 1 1 r21 r23 1 R21 R23 2 F 1 n 2n 0 2c Gaussian wavepacket, through thickness z: 4 r21 r23 1 r 21 r23 2 2z T 1 2 2k 2 d cos 2 21 23 4 FW MH F 2 FW MH n2 d cos 2 F FSR E t , z 2n2 d cos 2 2 1/ 4 ( ) cos j Mj in cos sin j j j n 0 cos 0 n 0 cos 0 I e 1 z t 2T 2 vg 0 d vg Re( k ) d 0 I ( )e i d ( )dt 2 0 1 Re ( ) I det ( ) 2 I 1 Re ( ) FT NormSig 2 0 I I 2 Young: i sin j n j cos j cos j 1 N 1 M j 1 j 1 n cos N 1 N 1 det 1 kyh I det (h) 2 I 0 1 cos (pt source) D Extended source: 0 0 0 I ( y )dy Linear dispersion: 1 e ikyh D ikhy R 0 I det (h) 2 I oneslit 1 Re (h) Rays: R(r ) n(r ) sˆ(r ) ABCD Matrices: ( h) d Re( k ) r d 0 I e s-polar: 2 kimag (0 )r 2 i sin j cos j cos j nj Mj in j sin j cos j cos j cos N 1 0 n0 cos 0 N 1 M j A 0 2n0 cos 0 n0 cos 0 j 1 n N 1 t e 0 I ( )d t13 = 1/a11 r = a21/a11 j = kjljcosj p-polar: 1 2n 0 cos 0 1 i i z tan 1 t 2 2 T 2 vg Michelson: I det ( ) 2I 0 (1 cos ) (single ) Band of ’s: 2 Multilayers: A E0 e i kz 0t 2 E(t t , r0 ) I ( y)e dy 1 d Translation 0 1 Quadratic dispersion: 1 2 k k0 0 0 vg 1 Flat surface refraction 0 1 1 n n 0 vg c 0 n1 n2 1 0 Curved surface refraction 1 n1 n1 1 R n 2 n2 2 2 2 J1 k a k a R = positive for convex, negative for concave 1 1 f Spherical mirror/thin lens Top hat: a 2 0 1 1 f lens n 1 1 2 1 , R = positive for curving n1 R1 R2 Spectrometer: away; negative for curving towards R f mirror , R = positive for concave 2 p1 = (1–D)/C, p2 = (1–A)/C min Gaussian Beams: Diffraction formulas Fresnel-Kirchoff: E ( x, y , z d ) i E ( x , y , z 0) e ikR dx dy R aperture Fresnel: E ( x, y, d ) k 2 2 i x y ikd 2 d ie e d i k E( x, y,0)e 2d x 2 y2 e i Plank: f k xx yy d E ( x, y, d ) i aperture k 2 2 x y 2d d E( x, y ,0)e i k xx yy d e dx dy aperture z 8hf 3 i ( t t 0 ) d 2 (t t 0 ) Fourier Transforms: (without factors of sqrt(2) ) Comb function (N total deltas): 1 c 3 e hf k B T 1 = 5.669610-8 W/m2K4 Integrals: dxdy Fraunhofer: ie ikd e ik 2 2 ikz i tan w 2 2R z0 E x , y , z E0 0 e w e w 2 2 2 kw0 z0 with z 0 , R z , w w0 1 z 2 2 z z0 Aq B ; q = z + iz0 q2 1 Cq1 D A D 1 2 Cavity stability: 1 1.22 l xh , mN md e N t 0 sin 2 t sin 0 2 Single slit: asinc(kxa/2) 3 Ax 2 Bx C dx A e B2 C 4A , Re( A) 0 Final Exam – 110 total points possible True/False. Please circle the correct answer. (2 pts each) 1. T or F: T or F: When light is incident upon a material interface at Brewster’s angle, only one polarization can transmit. 2. T or F: Aside from a constant factor, the Fourier transform of a convolution is the convolution of the Fourier transforms of the individual functions. 3. T or F: Spherical waves of the form A coskr t are exact solutions to Maxwell’s r equations. 4. T or F: The resolving power of a spectrometer used in a particular diffraction order depends on the number of lines illuminated, but not on the wavelength or grating period. 5. T or F: The central peak of the Fraunhofer diffraction from two narrow slits separated by a (a >> slit width) has the same width as the central diffraction peak from a single slit of width a (width of the central peak being measured from first zero on left to first zero on right). 6. T or F: The function J1(x) crosses zero at 0, , , 3, etc. Multiple Choice. Please circle the letter of the correct answer for full credit (2 pts each). 7. If sunlight is unpolarized coming from the sun, after it reflects off of a smooth surface when the sun is in front of (and above) you, it will probably be: a. more horizontally-polarized b. more vertically -polarized c. still unpolarized 8. In the analysis of a three-layer system, the electric field at the right side of the middle layer was connected to the electric field at the left side of the middle layer via: a. changing polarization b. the Fresnel coefficients c. a phase factor d. a rubber band 9. The approximation made to derive the eikonal equation and hence Fermat’s principle of least time was: a. short wavelengths b. long wavelengths 10. “Optical path length” depends on something besides length. That other thing is: a. index of refraction b. angle of incidence c. frequency 4 11. If you want to focus a laser beam to a tight spot, spherical aberration can be partially corrected by placing a plano-convex lens: a. so the light strikes the flat side b. so the light strikes the curved side 12. Whose law says that the amount of emitted blackbody radiation is proportional to T4? a. Curie & Weiss’s b. Planck’s c. Rayleigh & Jeans’ d. Sommerfeldt’s e. Stefan & Boltzmann’s 13. Which of these processes was not considered in the “Einstein A and B coefficients” analysis? a. spontaneous absorption b. stimulated absorption c. spontaneous emission d. stimulated emission Problems. Please answer the following questions/solve the following problems. 14. (5 pts) At a certain frequency a material has n = 3 and = 4. (a) Find the complex susceptibility . (b) Find the phase of the polarization relative to the phase of the electric field. 5 15. (8 pts) Suppose you have a laser that is vertically polarized. What optical element could you use to turn it into a right circularly polarized laser beam and how should it be arranged? Be as specific as possible. 6 16. (5 pts) The first lens of a telescope has a diameter of 30 cm, which is the only place where light is clipped. You wish to use the telescope to examine two stars in a binary system. The stars are approximately 25 light-years away from Earth. (One light-year is 9.46051015 m.) How far apart need the stars be from each other (in the perpendicular sense) for you to distinguish them in the visible range of = 500 nm? 17. (6 pts) A laser cavity is formed with four flat mirrors and a lens of focal length f (see figure). Let the full path around the cavity be L. a. What is the round-trip ABCD matrix for the cavity? Please start by having the light first go through the lens. b. What are the possible values for L if the cavity is to be stable? Let the focal length of the lens be 1 meter. 7 3a 18. (6 pts) Derive the Fraunhofer intensity pattern for the two identical rectangular apertures as shown at the right, whose centers are separated by 4a. Put your answer in terms of the wavevector k, the distance to the screen d, the x- and ycoordinates on the screen, and the intensity at the center of the pattern I0. Hint: you can start with the FT of a single slit aperture function. a 4a 3a a Extra Credit (3 pts) Use your Fourier transform intuition and/or an analysis of your above answer to sketch what the Fraunhofer pattern would look like. Advice: It’s probably wisest to save this for after you’ve finished the rest of the exam. 8 19. (14 pts) P-polarized light travelling inside a diamond (n = 2.4) strikes a surface going to air (n = 1) at an angle of 50 with respect to the perpendicular. (a) Draw the direction of the light’s oscillating electric field on the picture on the paper. (b) Find the reflection and transmission coefficients, r and t, as well as the reflectance and transmittance, R and T. 9 20. (14 pts) A thin glass film is suspended in air, with index n = 1.8 and thickness w. It has s-polarized 633 nm light incident on it at an angle of 30 from the perpendicular. a. What is the smallest non-zero thickness w that will give a maximum in the transmission? b. Evaluate T13 for w = 0.5 m. 10 21. (14 pts) A telescope is formed with two thin lenses separated by the sum of their focal lengths f1 and f2. Rays from a given far-away point all strike the first lens with essentially the same angle 1. “Angular magnification,” M, is defined as 2/1 and quantifies the telescope’s purpose of enlarging the apparent angle between points in the field of view. Use ABCD-matrix formulation to derive M of this system in terms of f1 and f2. 11 22. (12 pts) Suppose you send a nearly non-diverging laser beam of width w = a into a lens of focal length f. Use the ABCD law to determine the q-parameter and hence the nature of the beam coming out of the lens. Specifically: (a) What will the beamwaist of the new beam be? Write your answer in terms of f, a, and the wavelength of the laser. (b) How far after the lens will the beam hit this waist? Show that if f << the Rayleigh range of the incident beam, this answer becomes exactly what a Physics 123 student would expect for the distance to the focus. Hint: for the incident beam to be “non-diverging”, it must be near its own waist as it strikes the lens. 12