passage 1

answer sheet.
Read the following passages and mark the letter of the best answer on your
Primum Perseus ad Graeas, sorores Medusae, pervenit. Ab his dolo talaria et galeam magicam
accepit. Postquam galeam magicam induit, videri non poterat. Praeterea, Apollo ei falcem et
Minerva speculum dederunt. Tum, postquam talaria pedibus induit, in aera ascendit. Diu per aera
volavit; tandem tamen ad eum locum venit ubi Medusa cum ceteris Gorgonibus habitabat.
Gorgones autem monstra erant specie horribili; capita enim earum anguibus omnino contecta 5
erant. Res difficillima erat caput Gorgonis abscidere; eius enim conspectu homines in saxum
vertebantur. Propter hanc causam Minerva Perseo speculum dederat. Ille igitur tergum vertit et in
speculum spectabat; hoc modo ad locum venit ubi Medusa dormiebat. Tum falce sua caput eius
uno ictu abscidit. Ceterae Gorgones statim e somno excitatae sunt; re visa, ira commotae sunt.
Armis captis, Perseum occidere conatae sunt. Ille statim fugiens, galeam magicam induit; hoc
facto, e conspectu earum evasit.
dolus, - i - trick
talaria - winged shoes
galea magica - magic helmet
falx, falcis - sickle, curved sword
speculum, -i - mirror
anguis, anguis - snake
ictus, -us - blow
1 What were the Graeae?
A. islands in the Aegean Sea
B. patronesses of the arts
C. Medusa’s sisters
D. whirlpools that drowned sailors
2 After Perseus put on the shoes , he _________________.
A. flew through the air
B. became invisible
C. walked for a long time
D. descended to Hades
3. Why was he able to attack Medusa?
A. He could fly.
B. She had a bad hair day.
C. He was not afraid of snakes.
D. She was asleep.
4. Minerva had given Perseus a _________.
A. mirror
B. a curved sword
C. pair of winged shoes
D. a magic breastplate
5. How did Perseus use the mirror?
A. to trick her into falling in love with her own image
B. to refract the rays of the sun
C. to avoid looking at her directly
D. to check for the rest of the Gorgons sneaking up from the rear
6. What would have happened if he had not had the mirror ?
A. Minerva would have been offended.
B. Medusa would have been killed.
C. He would have been turned into a monster .
D. He would have been turned to stone.
7. Which is the best translation of armis captis, Perseum occidere conatae sunt.?
A.Having seized their weapons, Perseus tried to kill them
B. His weapons being seized, they tried to kill Perseus
C. The armies having been captured, they were killed by Perseus.
D. You seized the arms and tried to kill Perseus.
8. An example of an ablative absolute in this passage is ______________.
A. hoc facto
C. e somno excitatae
B. conspectu homines
D. omnino contecta
9. What happened to the Gorgons in the last three lines?
A. They became beautiful.
C. They praised Minerva.
B. They became angry.
D. They became invisible.
10. What happened in the end?
A. Perseus was killed.
B. Perseus fled.
C. He killed the other Gorgons.
D. He flew away on the winged horse.
Claudius mirabili casu quinquagesimo anno imperium accepit. Cum Gaius imperator interfectus
esset, Claudius rumore caedis perterritus, in cubiculum suum confugit, ubi post vela se celavit.
Miles quidam, qui omnia cubicula inspiciebat, animadversis pedibus, eum extraxit. Claudius, qui
de vita sua desperabat, ad genua procubuit, se miles eum imperatorem salutavit. Deinde ad alios
milites lectica vectus est. Postridie, populus romanus unum rectorem poscebat et Claudium 5
nominatim rogabat, ille se imperatorem creari passus est, promisitque militibus se quina dena
sestertia singulis daturum esse. Ita primus caesarum est, qui fidem militum emerit.
casus, -ūs - accident
caedes, -is - murder
velum, -ī - curtain
rector, -is - ruler
nominatim - by name
quina dena sestertia - 15,000
singulīs - each man
11. Who was emperor right before the beginning of this story?
A. Tiberius
B. Gaius
C. Claudius
D. not given
12. Claudius became emperor ____________
A. 500 A.U.C.
B. immediately after Julius Caesar
C. when he was 15
D. when he was 50
13. How did Claudius feel at first?
A. terrified
B. proud
D. ashamed
14. Claudius’ first action is to _________________. for the killer of the emperor
B. lunge at the soldier
C.flee the country
D. hide in his bedroom
15. How did the soldier find him?
A. the sound of weeping
B. the sound of coins jingling
C.the sight of his feet
D. the prophecy of the Sibyl
16. The people demanded _______________.
A. Claudius as emperor
B. the death of Claudius
C. the death of the soldier
D. a payment of 15,000 sesterces
17. ille se imperatorem creari passus est includes _______________.
A. an indirect statement
C. a passive infinitive
B. a deponent
D. all of the above
18. How was Claudius presented to the crowd?
A. in chains
B. on a couch
C. as a deified emperor
D. hidden in a curtain
19. To what does daturum refer?
A. Claudius himself
B. Caesar
C. loyalty
D. money
20. What does this passage say Claudius was notable for?
A. colonizing Britain
B. refusing to be named emperor
C. buying the loyalty of the military
D. the death of several family members
Pliny erat Miseni classemque imperio praesens regebat. Nonum kal. Septembres hora fere
septima mater mea indicat ei apparere nubem inusitata et magnitudine et specie. Avunculus
meus iubet liburnicam aptari; rogavit mihi si venire una vellem; respondi studere me malle.
Egrediebatur domo; accipit epistulas Rectinae imminenti periculo exterritae (nam villa eius
subiacebat montem, nec ulla fuga nisi navibus), orabat ut se tanto periculo eriperet. Deducit 5
quadriremes, ascendit ipse non Rectinae modo se multis aliis laturus auxilium. Properat illuc
unde alii fugiunt, rectumque cursum recta gubernacula in periculum tenet. Iam navibus cinis
incidebat, quo propius accederent, calidior et densior; iam pumices etiam nigrique et ambusti et
fracti igne lapides. Cunctatus paulum an retro flecteret, mox gubernatori “Fortes” inquit “fortuna
iuvat: Pomponianum pete!”
Misenum - a town
classis, -is - fleet
inusitatus - unusual
avunculus, -i - uncle
liburnica, -ae - a boat
aptari - to be gotten ready
Rectina - a woman
subiacere - to lie underneath
quadriremis, -is - a ship
gubernaculum, -i - helm
cinis, -is - ash
ambustus - burnt
lapis, lapidis - stone
gubernator, -is - helmsman
Pomponianus - a man
21.What was the relationship between Pliny and the author of this passage?
A. father-son
B. mother-son
D. uncle- nephew
22.What was Pliny’s job at this time?
A. a ship’s helmsman.
B. commander of the fleet
C. venalicius
D. paedagogus
23.What was the mother’s role in this passage?
A. she mentions an unsual cloud
B. she begs her son not to go
C. she has asked for help in escaping
D. she packs a lunch
24. Why did the writer refuse to go to with his uncle?
A. a desire to study
B. fear
Pliny boarded the ship because _______.
A. he wanted to study
B. he was afraid of the eruption
C. lack of intellectual curiosity
D. illness
C. a friend asked for help
D. the fleet was sailing
26. Laturus auxilium is best translated as ____________
A. he helped on the shore
B. to bring help
C. help far and wide
D. ought to be helped
27. What adjective describes Rectina?
A. imminenti
B. fuga
C. ambustus
D. exterritae
28. Which best describes Pliny’s personality?
A. timidus
B. stultissimus
C. inusitata
D. curiosus
29. What happened as they sailed closer?
A. stones and ash fell on them
B. the crew mutinied
C. Pliny was overcome by smoke
D. they could see Pomponianus
30. Pliny’s words to the helmsman are best translated as _________________
A. Fortune will help Pomponianus
B. Help the fortunate.
C. Fortune helps the brave
D. God helps those who help themselves
in castra militibus Romanis haec verba Agricola dixit:
"vos milites Romani, multos labores passi, tandem in ultimas partes Caledoniae
pervenistis. vos sæpe, cum per silvas, per flumina, per montes mecum iter faceretis, finem
laborum videre non poteratis. saepe dubitabatis num di Romanis faverent. hodie tamen
tota Britannia est nostra. vincite et barbaros in mare pellite."
haec locutus Agricola milites impetum facere iussit. Romani fortiter pugnabant, et 5
hostes ferocius resistebant. multi perierunt. Agricola ipse ex equo descendit ut ante
vexilla cum militibus staret. Romani, cum hoc vidissent, hostes fortissime oppugnaverunt
et fugere coegerunt. tum equites, ab Agricola iussi, multos barbaros fugientes
interfecerunt. alii domos suas incenderunt; alii uxores liberosque necaverunt, quod
nolebant eos esse servos Romanorum. postridie Romani nullos barbaros invenire
poterant nisi mortuos.
Caledoniae - Scotland
pervenire - to arrive
dubitare - to doubt
perire - to die
vexillum, -i - flag
31. This speech is made in ____________
A. Agricola’s headquarters
B. a Roman camp
C. the senate
D. the barbarian vicus
32. Where is this taking place? A. Scotland B Rome C. Deva D. Aquae Sulis
33. Choose the best translation of “cum per silvas, per flumina, per montes mecum iter
A. With me you made a road through the woods, rivers and mountains
B. When you will have made a road through the woods, through the rivers,
through the mountains
C. When you made the journey with me through the woods, through the rivers,
through the mountains
D. Because over the river, through the woods, to grandmother’s house with me
you made the journey
34. What does the speaker want the army to do?
A. make a long journey
B. kill the barbarian wives and children
C. drive the enemy into the sea
D. favor the gods
35. Who made the first attack?
A. barbarians B. Salvius C. women and children D. Romans
36. What action of Agricola inspired the soldiers?
A. offering them bonuses
B. killing the wives and children
C. driving the enemy into the sea
D. standing by the flag
37. What is the closest translation of " haec locutus Agricola"?
A. these things said by Agricola
B. Agricola having said these things
C. this woman having spoken to Agricola
D. Agricola having been said
38. What is the closest translation of "Romani, cum hoc vidissent..." ?
A. the Romans saw him with this
B. Romans, when you have seen this
C. the Romans because they will see this
D. the Romans, when they had seen this
39. What did some barbarians do after the battle?
A. made the long to the sea journey
B. killed their wives and children
C. drove the enemy into the sea
D. wore argyle socks
40. What did others do?
A. became Roman slaves
B. killed themselves
C. played frightening music on their bagpipes
D. thanked their gods
M. Minucio et P. Cornelio consulibus, bellum Punicum secundum Romanis inlatum est
per Hannibalem, Carthaginiensium ducem, ut oppida Italiae vastaret et Romam tandem
ipsam vinceret.
Ille, annum agens vicesimum aetatis, copias centum quinquaginta milium ad Romanos
superandos congregavit. Primum Saguntum, Hispaniae civitatem Romanis amicam, 5
oppugnare aggressus est. Tantam Saguntinorum caedem fecerunt Carthaginienses, ut Romani
statim legatos ad eum mitterent. Is legatos admittere noluit quod aegrotaret. Romani etiam
Carthaginem legatos miserunt qui pacem peterent. Tam dira responsa a Carthaginiensibus data
sunt, ut bellum ineluctabile videretur.
inferre – to carry on
Saguntum - city in Spain
ineluctabilis – unavoidable
96. Hannibal ___________.
A. attacked the consuls M. Minucius & P. Cornelius.
B. attacked Rome during the consulship of Minucius & Cornelius.
C. was attacked by the consuls Minucius & Cornelius.
D. waged war against the Romans during the consulship of Minucius & Cornelius
97. What two things did Hannibal want to accomplish in the war?
A. to conquer all Italy and to destroy the city of Rome
B. to destroy the towns of Italy and finally to conquer Rome
C. to avenge his father and to enslave the Romans
D. to conquer Italy and to make Rome a Carthaginian city
98. How old was Hannibal?
A. 20
B. 15
C. 25
D. 17
99. The best translation of “ad Romanos superandos” is ___________.
A. to the conquering Romans
B. to overcome the Romans
C. to the Romans having been defeated
D. for the defeated Romans
100. Hannibal __________A. only pretended to agree with the ambassadors
B. was sick and did not see the ambassadors
C. wanted war at any cost
D. insulted the Roman ambassadors